- maybe add the schneier paper "self study block cipher crypta"
- I like its intro
- maybe add definition of a successful crypta (better than brute force)
- maybe a list of "block ciphers" and also a list of what else can encrypt? (stream ciphers, ARX, sponge, ...)
- what this is really is a cryptanalysis of a SPN no? or AES?
mentions? who helped me?
- Daniel Crowley gave me some feedback
- AES is a SPN block-cipher, there exist other constructions like feistel network (DES). But the attacks are mostly the same
- also other ways of constructing ciphers: sponge, stream cipher, mansour something, ARX (chacha20)
add more "info" messages about:
- diffusion
- confusion
introduce it more clearly: "chosen-PT attack that uses a structural property of"
I should mention who found it
"verify a guess"
idea: I could make step 5 and 6 do-able by giving some bits of the key. So you only have to do the attack on a fewer number of them.
- understand and create the linear approximation for the Sbox (program it, then use Sage to verify your result)
- attack 1round-AES ?
- explanation of the principle
- see how that works with OTP (start slow)
- differential characteristic
a differential characteristic is a sequence of input and output differences to the rounds so that the output difference from one round corresponds to the input difference for the next round
- difference distribution table (sage)
- setup() <-
- test one of the delta (4/16) on the simple cipher (1 byte PT -> XOR k_1 -> SBOX -> XOR k_2 -> 1 byte CT)
- ON AES <--
- hard part is finding trails?