Releases: milasudril/anja
Releases · milasudril/anja
- Ask for saving recordings before loading a new waveform
- Fix issues with fade in/out
- Store rendered logo inside blend file, for quicker compilation
You want to download anja.tar.gz
. The other packages does not include the PCG submodule
Preparing for 2.0
A huge rewrite has been in progress. Expect some more features in the future.
Add useful command line options
New command line options:
Also: Include __vertag.dat in git repository.
Automatically fetch and compile wand if needed
Now, Wand is fetched if needed. This removes the requirement of generating makefiles.
Somewhat improved logo
No new functionality. Just tweaks to the logo.
Now, Anja can save recordings as well
release-2 Save recorded clips + support for dark/light mode when launching Anja…
Write relative paths in session files
This release writes relative paths in session file. It also fixes a redrawing bug in XYPlot.
This release adds record support
To compile: run make after installing all dependencies, that is libjack-jackd2-dev, libgtk-3-dev, libsndfile-dev.
Record is implemented by holding down INSERT+ typing area key
First release tag
This is pretty functional on GNU/Linux. Missing features: Loop record and sample rate conversion.