First of all, thank you for showing interest in contributing to Mantine, all your contributions are extremely valuable to the project!
- Improve documentation: fix incomplete or missing docs, bad wording, examples or explanations
- Give feedback: we are constantly working on making Mantine better, please share how you use Mantine, what features are missing and what is done good via GitHub Discussions or Discord
- Share Mantine: share link to Mantine docs with everyone who can be interested, share Mantine on Twitter
- Contribute to codebase: propose new feature via GitHub Issues or find an existing one that you are interested in and work on it
- Decide what you want to contribute
- If you want to implement new feature discuss it with maintainer (GitHub Discussions or Discord) before jumping into code
- After finalizing issue details work on code, please follow commit convention
- Run tests with
npm test
and submit a PR if everything is fine - Get a code review and fix all issues noticed by maintainer
- If you cannot finish your task or changed your mind – that's totally fine, just let us know in GitHub issue that you've created in first step. Mantine community is friendly – we won't judge or ask any questions if you decide to cancel your submission
- Your PR is merged, you are awesome!
Mantine is a monorepo and it is important to write correct commit messages to keep git history clean. All commits made in this repository are divided in 3 groups:
- package commits related to particular package
- docs commits related to documentation
- core commits only related to repository tooling and not associated with any package
Commit message consists of 3 parts:
[area] Optional title: Message
[core] Fix documentation deployment script
– Change made in repository script, it is not related to documentation or any package[docs] Update report issues link
– Change related to documentation website[@mantine/core] Button: Add theme focus styles
– Change in@mantine/core
package at Button component[@mantine/hooks] use-list-state: Add remove handler
– Change in@mantine/hooks
package at use-list-state hook
- master – current version, patches for current minor version (1.0.x)
- next-minor – contains next minor version (1.x.0), most likely you would want to create a PR to this branch
- Install editorconfig extension for your editor
- Fork repository, clone or download your fork
- Install dependencies with yarn –
- To start storybook –
npm run storybook
- To start docs –
npm run docs
- To rebuild props descriptions –
npm run docs:docgen
All npm scripts are located at main package.json, individual packages do not have dedicated scripts.
– starts storybook development serverdocs
– starts docs development server
– runs syncpacktypecheck
– runs TypeScript typechecking withtsc --noEmit
on all packages and docslint
– runs ESLint on src folderjest
– runs tests with jesttest
– runs all above testing scripts
– generates components types information with docgen scriptdocs:sizes
– generates bundle size information for all packagesdocs:clean
– runsgatsby clean
– runs all above docs scripts and build production docs bundledocs:deploy
– runs all above docs scripts and deploys docs to GitHub Pages