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An encrypted ticketing library, primarily intended for use in cookie based authentication.

Ticket Structure

  • Ticket byte array is Hex encoded as a string
  • HMAC signature is checked in constant time
  • HMAC signing key is generated as a SHA-1 hash of the secret key
  • AES 128 is deemed strong enough for short term encryption


[org.taoclj/ticket "0.2.0"]

Preliminary Setup

(require '[taoclj.ticket :as ticket])
(require '[taoclj.time :as time])

;; generate a key
(def secret-key (ticket/generate-key))
=> "your-randomly-generated-128bit-key-string"

How to Issue Tickets

;; issue a ticket valid for 2 hours with value of "abc".

(ticket/issue "abc"

              (time/now-plus 2 :hours)
              ;; or using java.time directly...
              ;; (.plus (java.time.Instant/now) (java.time.Duration/ofHours 2))


=> "encrypted-signed-and-encoded-ticket-string"

How to Read Tickets

;; create a ticker reader
(def read-ticket (ticket/make-reader conf/cookie-key))

;; read the value out
(read-ticket "encrypted-signed-and-encoded-ticket-string"

=> returns the value stored if ticket is valid
=> returns nil otherwise

How to Issue Ring Cookies

    ;; from generated key above..
    :secret-key    "your-randomly-generated-128bit-key-string"
    :cookie-name   "my-cookie-name"

    ;; :value can be integer or string
    :value         123

    ;; A java.time.Instant after which the ticket should expire
    :expires       (time/now-plus 7 :days)

    :http-only     true
    :secure        false



Copyright © 2016 Michael Ball

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.