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65 lines (64 loc) · 14.4 KB
Sr. No. Rule ID Title Category Enabled CodeFix Description
1 MetaAnalyzer001 Missing diagnostic id Tutorial True True The diagnostic id identifies a particular diagnostic so that the diagnotic can be fixed in CodeFixProvider.cs
2 MetaAnalyzer002 Missing Initialize method Tutorial True True An analyzer requires the Initialize method to register code analysis actions. Actions are registered to call an analysis method when something specific changes in the syntax tree or semantic model. For example, context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(AnalyzeMethod, SyntaxKind.IfStatement) will call AnalyzeMethod every time an if-statement changes in the syntax tree.
3 MetaAnalyzer003 Missing register statement Tutorial True True The Initialize method must register for at least one action so that some analysis can be performed. Otherwise, analysis will not be performed and no diagnostics will be reported. Registering a syntax node action is useful for analyzing the syntax of a piece of code.
4 MetaAnalyzer004 Multiple registered actions Tutorial True True For this tutorial only, the Initialize method should only register one action. More complicated analyzers may need to register multiple actions.
5 MetaAnalyzer005 Incorrect method signature Tutorial True True The Initialize method should override the abstract Initialize class member from the DiagnosticAnalyzer class. It therefore needs to be public, overriden, and return void. It needs to have a single input parameter of type 'AnalysisContext.'
6 MetaAnalyzer006 Incorrect statement Tutorial True True By definition, the purpose of the Initialize method is to register actions for analysis. Therefore, all other statements placed in Initialize are incorrect.
7 MetaAnalyzer007 Missing SupportedDiagnostics property Tutorial True True The SupportedDiagnostics property tells the analyzer which diagnostic ids the analyzer supports, in other words, which DiagnosticDescriptors might be reported by the analyzer. Generally, any DiagnosticDescriptor should be returned by SupportedDiagnostics.
8 MetaAnalyzer008 Incorrect SupportedDiagnostics property Tutorial True True T: The overriden SupportedDiagnostics property should return an Immutable Array of Diagnostic Descriptors
9 MetaAnalyzer009 Missing get-accessor Tutorial True True The SupportedDiagnostics property needs to have a get-accessor to make the ImmutableArray of DiagnosticDescriptors accessible
10 MetaAnalyzer010 Too many accessors Tutorial True True The purpose of the SupportedDiagnostics property is to return a list of all diagnostics that can be reported by a particular analyzer, so it doesn't have a need for any other accessors
11 MetaAnalyzer011 Get accessor missing return value Tutorial True True The purpose of the SupportedDiagnostics property's get-accessor is to return a list of all diagnostics that can be reported by a particular analyzer
12 MetaAnalyzer012 SupportedDiagnostics return value incorrect Tutorial True True The purpose of the SupportedDiagnostics property's get-accessor is to return a list of all diagnostics that can be reported by a particular analyzer
13 MetaAnalyzer013 ImmutableArray incorrect Tutorial True True The purpose of the SupportedDiagnostics property is to return a list of all diagnostics that can be reported by a particular analyzer, so it should include every DiagnosticDescriptor rule that is created
14 MetaAnalyzer014 Incorrect DiagnosticDescriptor id Tutorial True True The id parameter of a DiagnosticDescriptor should be a string constant previously declared. This ensures that the diagnostic id is accessible from the CodeFixProvider.cs file.
15 MetaAnalyzer015 Missing Diagnostic id declaration Tutorial True True The id parameter of a DiagnosticDescriptor should be a string constant previously declared. This ensures that the diagnostic id is accessible from the CodeFixProvider.cs file.
16 MetaAnalyzer016 Incorrect defaultSeverity Tutorial True True There are four option for the severity of the diagnostic: error, warning, hidden, and info. An error is completely not allowed and causes build errors. A warning is something that might be a problem, but is not a build error. An info diagnostic is simply information and is not actually a problem. A hidden diagnostic is raised as an issue, but it is not accessible through normal means. In simple analyzers, the most common severities are error and warning.
17 MetaAnalyzer017 Incorrect isEnabledByDefault Tutorial True True The 'isEnabledByDefault' field determines whether the diagnostic is enabled by default or the user of the analyzer has to manually enable the diagnostic. Generally, it will be set to true.
18 MetaAnalyzer018 Incorrect DiagnosticDescriptor modifiers Tutorial True True The DiagnosticDescriptor rules should all be internal because they only need to be accessed by pieces of this project and nothing outside. They should be static because their lifetime will extend throughout the entire running of this program
19 MetaAnalyzer019 Missing DiagnosticDescriptor Tutorial True True The DiagnosticDescriptor rule is what is reported by the analyzer when it finds a problem, so there must be at least one. It should have an id to differentiate the diagnostic, a default severity level, a boolean describing if it's enabled by default, a title, a message, and a category.
20 MetaAnalyzer020 Missing if-statement extraction Tutorial True True The context parameter has a Node member. This Node is what the register statement from Initialize triggered on, and so should be cast to the expected syntax or symbol type
21 MetaAnalyzer021 If-statement extraction incorrect Tutorial True True The context parameter has a Node member. This Node is what the register statement from Initialize triggered on, so it should be cast to the expected syntax or symbol type
22 MetaAnalyzer022 Missing if-keyword extraction Tutorial True True In the syntax tree, a node of type IfStatementSyntax has an IfKeyword attached to it. On the syntax tree diagram, this is represented by the green 'if' SyntaxToken
23 MetaAnalyzer023 Incorrect if-keyword extraction Tutorial True True In the syntax tree, a node of type IfStatementSyntax has an IfKeyword attached to it. On the syntax tree diagram, this is represented by the green 'if' SyntaxToken
24 MetaAnalyzer024 Missing trailing trivia check Tutorial True True Syntax trivia are all the things that aren't actually code (i.e. comments, whitespace, end of line tokens, etc). The first step in checking for a single space between the if-keyword and '(' is to check if the if-keyword SyntaxToken has any trailing trivia
25 MetaAnalyzer025 Incorrect trailing trivia check Tutorial True True Syntax trivia are all the things that aren't actually code (i.e. comments, whitespace, end of line tokens, etc). The first step in checking for a single space between the if-keyword and '(' is to check if the if-keyword SyntaxToken has any trailing trivia
26 MetaAnalyzer026 Missing trailing trivia extraction Tutorial True True The first trailing trivia of the if-keyword should be a single whitespace
27 MetaAnalyzer027 Incorrect trailing trivia extraction Tutorial True True The first trailing trivia of the if-keyword should be a single whitespace
28 MetaAnalyzer028 Missing SyntaxKind check Tutorial True True T: Next, check if the kind of '{0}' is whitespace trivia
29 MetaAnalyzer029 Incorrect SyntaxKind check Tutorial True True T: This statement should check to see if the kind of '{0}' is whitespace trivia
30 MetaAnalyzer030 Missing whitespace check Tutorial True True T: Next, check if '{0}' is a single whitespace, which is the desired formatting
31 MetaAnalyzer031 Incorrect whitespace check Tutorial True True T: This statement should check to see if '{0}' is a single whitespace, which is the desired formatting
32 MetaAnalyzer032 Missing return Tutorial True True If the analyzer determines that there are no issues with the code it is analyzing, it can simply return from the analysis method without reporting any diagnostics
33 MetaAnalyzer033 Incorrect return Tutorial True True If the analyzer determines that there are no issues with the code it is analyzing, it can simply return from the analysis method without reporting any diagnostics
34 MetaAnalyzer034 Missing open parenthesis variable Tutorial True True The open parenthesis of the condition is going to be the end point of the diagnostic squiggle that is created
35 MetaAnalyzer035 Open parenthesis variable incorrect Tutorial True True The open parenthesis of the condition is going to be the end point of the diagnostic squiggle that is created
36 MetaAnalyzer036 Start span variable missing Tutorial True True Each node in the syntax tree has a span. This span represents the number of character spaces that the node takes up
37 MetaAnalyzer037 Start span variable incorrect Tutorial True True Each node in the syntax tree has a span. This span represents the number of character spaces that the node takes up
38 MetaAnalyzer038 End span variable missing Tutorial True True The open parenthesis of the condition is going to be the end point of the diagnostic squiggle that is created
39 MetaAnalyzer039 End span variable incorrect Tutorial True True Each node in the syntax tree has a span. This span represents the number of character spaces that the node takes up
40 MetaAnalyzer040 Diagnostic span variable missing Tutorial True True Each node in the syntax tree has a span. This span represents the number of character spaces that the node takes up
41 MetaAnalyzer041 Diagnostic span variable incorrect Tutorial True True Each node in the syntax tree has a span. This span represents the number of character spaces that the node takes up. TextSpan.FromBounds(start, end) can be used to create a span to use for a diagnostic
42 MetaAnalyzer042 Diagnostic location variable missing Tutorial True True A location can be created by combining a span with a syntax tree. The span is applied to the given syntax tree so that the location within the syntax tree is determined
43 MetaAnalyzer043 Diagnostic location variable incorrect Tutorial True True A location can be created by combining a span with a syntax tree. The span is applied to the given syntax tree so that the location within the syntax tree is determined
44 MetaAnalyzer044 Missing analysis method Tutorial True True In Initialize, the register statement denotes an analysis method to be called when an action is triggered. This method needs to be created
45 MetaAnalyzer045 Too many statements Tutorial True False For the purpose of this tutorial there are too many statements here, use the code fixes to guide you through the creation of this section
46 MetaAnalyzer046 Diagnostic variable missing Tutorial True True This is the diagnostic that will be reported to the user as an error squiggle
47 MetaAnalyzer047 Diagnostic variable incorrect Tutorial True True The diagnostic is created with a DiagnosticDescriptor, a Location, and message arguments. The message arguments are the inputs to the DiagnosticDescriptor MessageFormat format string
48 MetaAnalyzer048 Diagnostic report missing Tutorial True True A diagnostic is reported to a context so that the diagnostic will appear as a squiggle and in the eroor list
49 MetaAnalyzer049 Diagnostic report incorrect Tutorial True True A diagnostic is reported to a context so that the diagnostic will appear as a squiggle and in the eroor list
50 MetaAnalyzer050 Analyzer tutorial complete Tutorial True False T: Congratulations! You have written an analyzer! If you would like to explore a code fix for your diagnostic, open up CodeFixProvider.cs and take a look! To see your analyzer in action, press F5. A new instance of Visual Studio will open up, in which you can open a new C# console app and write test if-statements.
51 MetaAnalyzer051 Incorrect kind Tutorial True True For the purposes of this tutorial, the only analysis will occur on an if-statement, so it is only necessary to register for syntax of kind IfStatement
52 MetaAnalyzer052 Incorrect register Tutorial True True For the purposes of this tutorial, analysis will occur on SyntaxNodes, so only actions on SyntaxNodes should be registered
53 MetaAnalyzer053 Incorrect arguments Tutorial True True The RegisterSyntaxNodeAction method takes two arguments. The first argument is a method that will be called to perform the analysis. The second argument is a SyntaxKind, which is the kind of syntax that the method will be triggered on
54 MetaAnalyzer054 Incorrect analysis method accessibility Tutorial True True T: The '{0}' method should be private
55 MetaAnalyzer055 Incorrect analysis method return type Tutorial True True T: The '{0}' method should have a void return type
56 MetaAnalyzer056 Incorrect parameter to analysis method Tutorial True True T: The '{0}' method should take one parameter of type SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext
57 MetaAnalyzer057 Trailing trivia count missing Tutorial True True T: Next, check that '{0}' only has one trailing trivia element
58 MetaAnalyzer058 Trailing trivia count incorrect Tutorial True True T: This statement should check that '{0}' only has one trailing trivia element
59 MetaAnalyzer059 ID string literal Tutorial True True T: The ID should not be a string literal, because the ID must be accessible from the code fix provider
60 MetaAnalyzer060 Change default title Tutorial True True T: Please change the title to a string of your choosing
61 MetaAnalyzer061 Change default message Tutorial True True T: Please change the default message to a string of your choosing
62 MetaAnalyzer062 Change default category Tutorial True True T: Please change the category to a string of your choosing