Added mobile styled zoombar buttons. Mobile styled icons showed when map height is smaller than 500 px.
Changed references from set/getWmsName() -> set/getLayerName() to use the inherited property from AbstractLayer.
Functions are now generated depending on the configuration of the providing platform (allowed functions configuration). This means that any calls made to remote functions are available only after the connection to map has been established. This enables better errorhandling, but means that function calls will result in "is not a function" errors if called before connection is established. An onReady()-hook has been added where you can check the available functions:
// init connection
var channel = OskariRPC.connect(
var blnFunctionExists = typeof channel.getAllLayers === 'function'; // -> false
channel.onReady(function() {
var blnFunctionExists = typeof channel.getAllLayers === 'function'; // -> true
channel.getAllLayers(function (data) {
Changes to 1.0.0:
- added onReady callback to detect when we have a successful connection
- removed hardcoded RPC-functions that might be disabled on Oskari instance
- functions are now generated based on what's available in the Oskari platform the client connects to. This means you can be sure the map is listening if the client has it (after onReady-triggers).
- added default errorhandler to make it clear when an error happens. Used when custom errorhandler is not specified.
- added enableDebug(blnEnabled) to log some more info to console when enabled.
- Changed handleEvent to enable multiple listeners.
- handleEvent can no longer be used to unregister listener.
- Added unregisterEventHandler() for unregistering listeners (previously done with handleEvent without giving listener function).
- Added log() for debug logging without the need to check if window.console.log() exists
- function-calls can now have parameters as first argument. Use function parameters wrapped in an array as first argument. First argument istreated as a success callback instead if it's type is a function.
Filename change for original OskariRPC.js:
- Oskari/libraries/OskariRPC/OskariRPC.js is now Oskari/libraries/OskariRPC/OskariRPC-1.0.0.js
Allowed functions/events/requests are now configured as an array ["AfterMapMoveEvent", "MapClickedEvent"] instead of an object { "AfterMapMoveEvent" : true, "MapClickedEvent" : true }. Reduced configuration for adding new functions - all available functions are now allowed if not explicitly restricted.
New functions enabled by default:
- 'getMapBbox' gets current map bbox
- 'resetState' resets the map to initial state (location/layers etc)
- 'getCurrentState' returns a JSON presentation of the map state (location/layers etc). Usable with useState() as parameter.
- 'useState' sets the map to given state (location/layers etc). Parameter should be given as returned by getCurrentState()
New events are enabled by default:
- 'UserLocationEvent' notifies about users geolocation status
- 'SearchResultEvent' notifies about users that SearchRequest response data is available for to handle
- 'FeatureEvent' notifies about add, remove, click events on features
New requests are enabled by default:
- 'MyLocationPlugin.GetUserLocationRequest' requests to get user geolocation
- 'SearchRequest' requests search result for requested search item using Oskari search channels
Domain validation fixed to accept urls with - or _ characters.
Changed error messaging from "event/request_not_allowed" to "event/request_not_available". Available events/requests are now checked when RPC-bundle starts and those which aren't technically available/part of the appsetup will be removed from the "supported events/requests" listings. Note that this requires RPC to be started after any bundle offering RPC-enabled events/requests to work correctly (so all events/requests have been loaded and handlers registered for requests before the check).
In an effort to make Openlayers 2 ja 3 mapmodule API consistent some functions have been renamed:
- Both: _getMapZoom() -> getMapZoom()
- Both: _transformCoordinates -> transformCoordinates() also coordinates parameter is now an object with lat & lon keys and return value is an object with lat & lon keys
- OL3: _getCurrentScale() -> _getMapScale()
- OL2: getNumZoomLevels() -> getMaxZoomLevel()
- OL3: getZoomLevel() removed as it's the same as getMapZoom()
- Both: moveMapToLanLot() -> moveMapToLonLat()
MapClickedEvent.getLonlat() now returns an object with lon and lat keys instead of Openlayers.Lonlat in OL2 or coordinate array in OL3. Fixed mapmodule.isValidLonLat() to use max extent as reference instead of hardcoded EPSG:3067 values.
Both ol2 and ol3 implementations of AddFeaturesToMapRequest / AddFeaturesToMapRequestHandler have been changed to take only geometry and options as their parameters. Also both implementations of VectorLayerPlugin have been changed accordingly. i.e.
The old way: sandbox.postRequestByName(rn, [geojson, 'GeoJSON', null, null, 'replace', true, style, false]);
Now: sandbox.postRequestByName(rn, [geojson, { layerId: 'ANALYSIS_VECTOR', clearPrevious: true, layerOptions: null, centerTo: false, featureStyle: style, attributes: null }]);
- layerId: If left out, a generic vector layer is used by VectorLayerPlugin.
- clearPrevious: whether to clear out all previous features
- layerOptions: additional layerOptions
- centerTo: whether to zoom in to the features
- featureStyle: style of the features
- attributes: additional attributes of the features (geometryType from the old call has been removed. From now on the VectorLayerPlugin will determine geometry type from the geometry)
An event named 'FeatureEvent' is emitted when features are added, removed or clicked. The event holds features as an array of objects with feature id, geojson and layer id as content.
Sandbox.getMap().getBbox() no longer returns the Openlayers.Bounds or ol but an object with top, bottom, left, right keys
To fix your code using calls like 'sandbox.getMap().getBbox()' in Openlayers 2:
var bbox = sandbox.getMap().getBbox();
var bounds = new Openlayers.Bounds(bbox.left, bbox.bottom, bbox.right,;
In Openlayers 3:
var bbox = sandbox.getMap().getBbox();
new ol.extent.boundingExtent(bbox.left, bbox.bottom, bbox.right,;
Layer order fixed in Openlayers map, when wmts layers on url parameters or in selectedLayers or in published view Opacity is now set for wmts layer, when added to map
Moved most of the files under Oskari/bundles/framework/mapmodule-plugin/ to Oskari/bundles/mapping/mapmodule to be used as common resources instead of copy/pasting code/css/images. The Openlayers 2 mapmodule from framework/mapmodule-plugin/ui/module/map-module.js is now in mapping/mapmodule/mapmodule.ol2.js. The Openlayers 3 mapmodule from mapping/mapmodule-plugin_ol3/ui/module/map-module.js is now in mapping/mapmodule/mapmodule.ol3.js.
Files under Oskari/src/mapping/mapmodule have been moved to Oskari/bundles/mapping/mapmodule/. Removed most other files under Oskari/src and Oskari/srctest since they are not used. Renamed the remaining Oskari/src to Oskari/deprecated to signify these shouldn't be used.
AbstractLayer.getLegendImage() now returns the legend of current style if available. Fallback to base legendImage if style legend is not available. AbstractLayer.selectStyle() no longer overwrites the base legendImage information.
Added a missing label for "Selected time" field (WMS-T). Fixed: Legendimage field shows a proxy-URL if layer requires credentials. Now shows the correct URL for legendimage.
The new publisher is production ready. Check out the migration guide under Oskari server on how to migrate to the new publisher.
Fixed getNewestLayers(count) method to find really newest layers.
Fixed map layers handling when layer is not visible. Get layer image only then if layer is visible.
Fixed following plugins:
- 'WmsLayerPlugin'
- 'WfsLayerPlugin'
- 'MyPlacesLayerPlugin'
- 'StatsLayerPlugin'
- 'ArcGisLayerPlugin'
- 'UserLayersLayerPlugin'
- 'AnalysisLayerPlugin'
Now start and end points are markered on the map. Also all route plan(s) are shown on search results. Fixed error handling.
Support OpenTripPlanner response format. Sends RouteSuccessEvent with route plan, success and request parameters.
Now adds the indicator tab UI for user content/personaldata even if started after personaldata bundle.
Added functionality to mark a saved view as a default view.
Fixed map content width. Now navigation, zoombar, XY etc. tools are visible also on smaller screens.
Fixed map layers handling when layer is not visible. Get layer image only then if layer is visible.
Added a new request 'ShowProgressSpinnerRequest' that shows / hides a progress indicator on the map. The request is by default enabled in rpc.
Added marker transient property, if this is setted to true then marker is not saved to state.
No longer generates an empty default style for WMS-layers.
Improvements in analysis methods:
Aggregate layout and z-index fixes in no storage case
Changes in formating numeric values in grid (max 2 digits in decimals and handle grid value as string when beginning with "0"
Added LayerSelectionTool. This tool user can add map layer tool on the map. User can also select visible baselayers.
WmtsLayerService no longer parses rest url template from capabilities, but relies on server providing it. This enables proxying for WMTS-layers that use resourceURL and require credentials.
Added Moment library for date/time presentation formatting.
New event is enabled by default:
- 'RouteSuccessEvent' notifies at a routing has getted response
New request is enabled by default:
- 'GetRouteRequest' requests to get route plan from routeService
Now initializes the legendimage from style correctly when adding layers.
Fixed legend url handling for layers that need credentials.
Since adding WMTS-layer to map is now an async operation, workaround for visibility/opacity setting has been implemented. This needs further development for mapmodule to handle async layers properly, but for now it works.
Added configurable ISO 1913139 XML or Print -links hiding. Defaults showing links. Configuration is done by adding the following information to a bundle config:
hideMetadataXMLLink: true,
hideMetaDataPrintLink: true
Modified styles not display error pink tiles (where is CSS olImageLoadError-class). Also added configurable OpenLayers IMAGE_RELOAD_ATTEMPTS and onImageLoadErrorColor.
Added mapclick handling.
Removed mapclick handling because this breaks publisher featuredata functionality.
Modified minifierAppSetup.json to also include coordinatetool -bundle.
Added support for time values for WMS layers. The available time values are stored in layer attributes and the selected time value can be passed to GetMap requests through layer parameters. Added a field to the admin UI for selecting the desired time value.
WMTS support has been refactored to enable better Openlayers 3 support. Requires backend functionality with action route 'GetLayerCapabilities' that takes the layer id as parameter('id') and returns the layer capabilities in XML format.
Oskari.mapframework.wmts.domain.WmtsLayer setWmtsName -> setLayerName getWmtsName -> getLayerName addWmtsUrl -> addLayerUrl getWmtsUrls -> getLayerUrls getUrl -> getLayerUrl getRequestEncoding/setWmtsCaps/getWmtsCaps -> removed
Oskari.mapframework.wmts.service.WmtsLayerModelBuilder Heavily refactored since capabilities are no longer parsed here
Oskari.mapframework.wmts.service.WMTSLayerService Currently responsible for loading capabilities and creating the WMTS layer object for the map engine.
Added possibility to configure how many decimals coordinates are rounded. If not configured then using zero decimals.
Added possibility to configure how many decimals coordinates are rounded. If not configured then using zero decimals.
Fixed map double click handling, now when double clicked map the coordinate textboxes are updated map centeer values (if show mouse coordinate is not checked).
Wfs layer rendering is improved. Improvements also made in the backend Transport service for this item
Resultset content format is changed in backend. There is now one record for each property with aggregate function values.
Resultset was earlier one record with json attributes.
Fixed a bug when saving a view with statsgrid on
Removed console.log() calls.
The generic admin bundle now has a request to add functionality in tabs. This is done by sending a request with name 'Admin.AddTabRequest'.
Initial version for a metrics display for admins. Adds a tab for the admin bundle to show metrics gathered by the serverside functionality.
Locked karma version to 0.12.31 since it works while not specifying a version doesn't.
Added possibility to show aggregate analyse results in popup without saving the analyse layer.
Added possibility to use aggregate method with spatial join.
New bundle! Add new tool to show or set coordinates. Tool can present mouse move coordinates or map click coordinates to lon and lat inputs. You can also write your coordinates and then center map here.
New bundle(POC)! Adds new tool for giving parameters to route and requests route with parameters. Listens RouteSuccessEvent to render route and instructions.
New bundle (POC)! Gets route from the service with parameters got from UI. Sends RouteSuccessEvent with geoJson and route instructions.
Vector layer plugin fixed so that more than one feature can be added at once to the layer.
Improved checkbox selection, now custom color selection can be done with clicking label.
New checkbox "manual refresh" for WFS layer, when inserting new layers to Oskari environment
Manual refresh event for manual refresh of wfs layers.
Event is trigged when pushing "Feature Data" button or when pushing "Refresh" button.
"Refresh" button is invisible, if there are no manual-refresh layers in selected map layers.
Manual refresh layers are not rendered automatically on a map
New "refresh" icon besibe "close" icon, if layer is manual-refresh layer.
Manual-refresh layer is rendered when clicking the icon.
Improved checkbox selection, now layers can be selected/unselected by clicking layer name.
Added filter buttons on each tabs. User can now filter layers.
Now not show group if group has not any layers.
Renamed AddLayerListFilterRequest to ShowFilteredLayerListRequest.
Added currently selected style name as a sub header for legend flyout.
New request! Adds new filter buttons and functionalities to layerlist.
Added GetInfoTool. GetInfoTool has now colour schema selection on extra options.
PanelMapSize renamed to PanelMapPreview. PanelMapPreview allow select map preview mode in two different modes (mobile/desktop).
Added getMaxExtent function. This return max map extent.
Added new getNewestLayers(count) method to find newest layers corresponding to given count.
Real time layers are now shown with current time parameter.
Userguide styles and analysis localizations fixed.
ReleaseNotes updated
Gfi responses of type text/html now allows br-tags
Couple of debuggers deleted.
On the normal map mode feature is highlighted only when Ctrl is down, otherwise feature info is shown. When feature selection is made with selection tool, Ctrl will add features to selection. Feature info is never shown at the same time with selection.
Mapwfs2 has now new service called WFSLayerService, which handles WFS layers' states, for example selected features, top WFS layer, selected WFS layers etc. Service should be used always when setting selected features, selection mode etc.
Mediator uses now WFSLayerService for setting highlighted features.
Selection tool stays selected unless user clicks the tool again to unselect it or selects another tool.
renderSelectionToolButtons -function can be used to add selection tools to any container.
Selection tools are now available in analyse panel and they use the same functions as toolbars selection tools.
Selection can be made only from the selected layer, and only one layer can have selections at a time.
DefaultFlyout now has a close() function which closes the flyout. DefaultFlyout now onOpen() and onClose() functions that are called when flyout is opened/closed. application has been removed as the sample/servlet application is the same thing.
Gruntfile reconfigured to use applications/sample/servlet as default application (instead of Added shortcut to build script: 'npm run build' and examples for build-paikkis, build-asdi and build-elf. Release assumed path with Oskari/bundles with capital O when copying resources, now it works with oskari/bundles as well.
Known issue with frontend build and Grunt: The used grunt-sass doesn't work on node.js 0.12.x. It works with (atleast) 0.10.x versions.
Fixed sandbox.createURL(url). If the param url didn't include the domain part the port was included twice. Sandbox.createURL(url, true) now takes a second parameter that can be used to prepare the querystring part of the URL. Sandbox.findRegisteredModuleInstance() now returns all registered modules if name parameter is not given (for debugging purposes).
Fixed sandbox.syncMapState(blnInitialMove, mapModule). If mapModule param is defined then calculate max zoom level there. If not then used default 13 max zoom level.
Fixed theme or organization locale inputs when adding new group.
Fixed the link tool to get path from browser if not provided in configuration.
Removed default print tool as it requires backend support that hasn't been available in preconstructed views. One should use the printout bundle with corresponding backend implementation instead to get proper print functionality.
Added getMaxZoomLevel function. This return max OL zoom level.
The logo is now a link to the map service even if configuration is not provided. Uses browser location by default.
Fixed centerTo parameter handling.
If GDAL cannot determine CRS from the data, the import now assumes the current maps CRS (previously assumed EPSG:2393).
Fixed setState syncMapState function call to add mapmodule param.
New events are enabled by default:
- 'AfterAddMarkerEvent' notifies a marker was added and includes an id for the marker
- 'MarkerClickEvent' notifies a marker being clickd and includes the id of the clicked marker
Now always allows messages from origin starting with 'http://localhost' to help with developing features. Prints warnings if RPC messages come from other than allowed origins. GetLayers-call now returns the layers UI-name in addition to id, opacity and visibility.
New bundle! This is the first step of the refactoring of publisher. It is not yet ready for use!
Analyse parameters panel has now info buttons for parameter labels.
User now has an getAPIkey() function. Parsed from user data returned by GetAppSetup.
Oskari.util has been added to /Oskari/bundles/bundle.js. It holds generic helper-functions that are used throughout Oskari code:
- isNumber()
- isDecimal()
- decimals()
- hexToRgb()
- rgbToHex()
Now adds the PersonalData tab correctly if started after PersonalData bundle. Previously expected to be started before PersonalData.
Fixed theme or organization locale labels when adding new group.
Fixed admin-users bundle user search.
Improvements in show metadata coverage. Icons changes and now active metadata coverage is showed different icon.
Moved plugin location to bottom of MyLocationPlugin.
Added blur and isFocus functions.
Sort improved for non numeric values.
Improvements in Excel/csv export ("only selected features" option, metadata request url, expanding object column values, type conversion in values)
Now checks correctly buttons focuses.
In successfully license conclude now shows same information popup as concluded license.
Sort improved for non numeric values.
Unfocusing popup buttons.
Fixed to show selected background layer.
Now handles zoomScale in search results correctly.
Removing single marker is now possible with 'MapModulePlugin.RemoveMarkersRequest'.
Modifying a marker is now possible by sending 'MapModulePlugin.AddMarkerRequest' with the same id and different values:
Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('MapModulePlugin.AddMarkerRequest',[{x : 385868, y : 6671782, color: "ffde00" }, 'Marker1']);
Oskari.getSandbox().postRequestByName('MapModulePlugin.AddMarkerRequest',[{x : 385868, y : 6671782, color: "ff0000" }, 'Marker1']);
Removed possibility to attach eventlisteners to markers since it didn't work correctly. Planning to generate a MarkerClickedEvent on clicks that can be used for interaction.
MarkerClickEvent is now sent when a marker is clicked. Id of the clicked marker is sent with the event.
Moved plugin location to top of CoordinatesPlugin.
Fixed highlight error when user has highligted and unhighlighted feature and then moved map (the feature appears again highlighed).
Now prefers using APIkey from sandbox.getUser().getAPIkey() instead of JSESSIONID cookie as session info. Fails fast on init if session info is not available and backs down on tries to reconnect to prevent spamming messages.
Now buffers messages until init is completed. After init success, sends out the buffered messages.
Now works correctly when there are no weighted properties.
No longer assumes a LogoPlugin being present in the main map.
Error handling improved for missing DOM-elements.
Cleaned up deprecated code/bundles. Removed:
- bundles/deprecated/*
- bundles/framework/featuredata/*
- bundles/framework/mapwfs/*
- sources/deprecated/*
- packages/framework/bundle/featuredata
- packages/framework/bundle/mapwfs
Added script shortcuts for linting and trimming trailing spaces from bundles. Run npm run trim
and npm run lint
New bundle! Adds heatmap functionality to layers configured to support it (WMS-layers only at the moment). Configuration is done by adding the following information to a layers JSON:
attributes : {
geometryProperty : "the_geom",
layerWorkspace : "ows",
heatmap : ["properties to use", "as heatmap weighted property"]
SelectedLayers bundle will show heatmap-enabled layers with an additional "Heatmap" tool in the layer frame to access the functionality. Note! Generated SLD expects Geoserver as the WMS-service.
Popup.createCloseButton('label') label parameter is now optional. Popup now uses button component Oskari.userinterface.component.buttons.CloseButton and sets the button title if label is given.
Fixed VisualizationForm open issue when form is opened second time after that when it's closed by pressing Cancel button.
ModelBuilder no longer assumes featuredata2 is present in the application setup. Feature data tool is not added to layers by default.
Added a statushandler to keep track of requests in progress and errors. Still work-in-progress and can change completely. To enable debug messages in developer console run:
Oskari.__debugWFS = true;
To get the tracking info in developer console run:
Now limits setLocation calls to single layer/request when triggered by 'MapLayerVisibilityChangedEvent' (using config.deferSetLocation=true).
New event WFSStatusChanged is sent when layer update is requested/completed/resulted in error.
Adds 'Feature Data' tool for any layers that are capable of showing it (WFS-based layer types).
Now shows a status indicator for layers (loading/error) based on WFSStatusChanged event (sent by mapwfs2).
Now handles MapLayerEvent with type 'tool' and updates the selected layers tools accordingly.
Analysis now supports do geometry filter.
Now handles only these layers where have a legend url and also it can be loaded succesfully. Informs the user if any legend images will not be displayed.
bringToTop() now supports buffer as a second parameter. Buffer adds this integer value to layer z-index. If parameter is not set then using default 1;
Fixed plugin locale handling.
Fixed plugin locale handling.
Fixed at Markers layer stays on top of map layers.
Fixed plugin locale handling.
Now supports zoomScale in search results.
Fixed tools states when changing language.
New bundle! This bundle is used to override default locales in ELF application.
New bundle! Extends metadatacatalogue search to show user license information. User can unconclude/conclude license to it self.
Hardcodings removed and now uses the configured supported languages.
Management of ArcGis93-type maplayers (Rest feature layer type) in Oskari maplayer configuration Inserting/editing/removing ArcGisRest-layers in admin-layer UI.
Oskari.getLocalization() now supports language as a second parameter. Notice that the locale still won't be loaded automatically.
Oskari.registerLocalization() now supports override languages a second parameter. Locales are merged to each other. Notice that at this not override old locales, so if you want override default locales the language override bundle need start first.
AbstractLayer: if name, description, Inspire theme and organization is missing for users language the default language version is used. AbstractLayer now checks for duplicates before adding tools. Added new Object-typed field for generic layer attributes (setAttributes()/getAttributes()).
Oskari.getDefaultLanguage() no longer crashes if supported locales are not set. Returns Oskari.getLang() in such case.
New method added to service addToolForLayer(layer, tool) for adding tools for layers. Signals other components with MapLayerEvent typed as 'tool' about the updated layer.
MapLayerService now parses attributes from layer JSON.
Fixed layer table breaking when layer name is short.
Personaldata bundle supports now logInUrl configuration.
LogInUrl config can be a:
- string, when using this login url for all languages
- object, when try to get current locale log in url. If not found then using default locale.
// Example 1. String logInUrl configuration.
"conf" : {
"logInUrl": "/web/en/login"
// Example 2. Object logInUrl configuration.
"conf" : {
"logInUrl": {
"en": /web/en/login",
"fi": /web/fi/login",
"sv": /web/sv/login"
Renamed function Flyout.getUserGuideTabs() to Flyout.getUserGuides().
Can now be configured with alternative flyout implementation that will get content from server based on configured tags (defaults to "userguide"). Includes current language as a tag if includeLang is configured as true (defaults to false).
"conf" : {
"flyoutClazz": "Oskari.mapframework.bundle.userguide.SimpleFlyout",
"tags" : "userguide",
"includeLang" : true
Show metadata coverage on the map tool is added to Metadatacatalogue search results.
Metadatacatalogue bundle now requires vectorlayer plugin to be in use in frontend.
GetImageUrl() always return now '/Oskari/bundles' folder location.
New layer type arcgis93layer
(ArcGis93Layer.js) for ArcGis REST server layer (feature, group)
Get feature info support for arcgis93layer
Added handling for two new requests (MapModulePlugin.AddFeaturesToMapRequest and MapModulePlugin.RemoveFeaturesFromMapRequest).
Added support to add features to map. Supported formats are 'WKT' and 'GeoJSON'
Features can be added via requests as follows:
var reqBuilder = this.sandbox.getRequestBuilder('MapModulePlugin.AddFeaturesToMapRequest');
if (reqBuilder) {
var layer = null,
layerJson = {
wmsName: '',
type: 'vectorlayer'
isQueryable: false,
opacity: 60,
orgName: 'Test organization',
inspire: 'Test inspire',
id: 'Test layer',
name: 'Test layer'
style = OpenLayers.Util.applyDefaults(style,['default']),
mapLayerService = this.sandbox.getService('Oskari.mapframework.service.MapLayerService'),
vectorlayer = mapLayerService.createMapLayer(layerJson);
style.pointRadius = 8;
style.strokeColor = '#D3BB1B';
style.fillColor = '#FFDE00';
style.fillOpacity = 0.6;
style.strokeOpacity = 0.8;
style.strokeWidth = 2;
style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Example 1 add features on the map and also create layer to selected layer list and also map layers list
var request1 = reqBuilder(
'POLYGON ((199519.8148320266 7256441.554606095, 199519.8148320266 7779004.414678753, 614614.2197851419 7779004.414678753, 614614.2197851419 7256441.554606095, 199519.8148320266 7256441.554606095))',
{ id: 1},
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request1);
// Example 2 Shows only features on the map
var request2 = reqBuilder(
'POLYGON ((199519.8148320266 7256441.554606095, 199519.8148320266 7779004.414678753, 614614.2197851419 7779004.414678753, 614614.2197851419 7256441.554606095, 199519.8148320266 7256441.554606095))',
{ id: 1 },
null, // no layer specification --> not add layer to selected layer list and map layers list
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request2);
Added support to remove features to map.
Features can be removed via requests as follows:
var reqBuilder = this.sandbox.getRequestBuilder('MapModulePlugin.RemoveFeaturesFromMapRequest');
if (reqBuilder) {
var layer = null,
layerJson = {
wmsName: '',
type: 'vectorlayer'
isQueryable: false,
opacity: 60,
orgName: 'Test organization',
inspire: 'Test inspire',
id: 'Test layer',
name: 'Test layer'
mapLayerService = this.sandbox.getService('Oskari.mapframework.service.MapLayerService'),
vectorlayer = mapLayerService.createMapLayer(layerJson);
// Example 1 remove all features from the map
var request1 = reqBuilder(
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request1);
// Example 2 Removes selected features from map
var request2 = reqBuilder(
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request2);
New bundle! Created new easter fun "tetris" bundle. This bundle add new Tile and Flyout for playing tetris game. You can start this bundle also in sample applications in Oskari/applications/sample/tetris/index.html
Preparing for version 2 of the changes, please change your bundles to following folder structure.
<your root dir>
| |--<mynamespace>
| |--<bundle-identifier>
| |--instance.js
| |--resources
| | |--css
| | | |--style.css
| | |--images
| | | |--image.png
| | |--locales
| | |--en.js
| | |--fi.js
| | |--sv.js
| |--scss
| |--style.scss
| |--<mynamespace>
| |--bundle
| |--<bundle-identifier>
| |--bundle.js
- Create
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>
folder - Move all files and folders in
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>
folder - Delete
folder - Delete also
folder if it's empty - Create
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>
folder - Move all files and folders in
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/resources
folder - Delete
folder - Delete also
folder if it's empty - Check all stylesheet files under the
folder at the images paths are correct (../images
) - Create
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/resources
folder - Move all files in
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/resources/locale
folder - Delete
folder - Create
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>
folder - Move all files and folders in
folder under thebundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>
folder - Delete
folder - Fix all bundle file locations on the
file ** JavaScript files:bundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/..
** Locale files:bundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/resources/locale/..
** CSS files:bundles/<mynamespace>/<bundle-identifier>/resources/css/..
Grunt tool has been modified to support folder structure changes.
GetInfoPlugin now handles it's config correctly again.
Fixed statistics classification plugin so that it is shown only when statistic layers are shown.
Fixed a broken locale file: bundles/framework/bundle/layerselection2/locale/fi.js had an extra comma.
Fixed JavaScript alerts and confirm dialogs to use Oskari.userinterface.component.Popup.
User loginName has been renamed as email. User.getLoginName() is still available and if user object doesn't get the email property, loginName is used instead. However loginName should be considered deprecated and email should be preferred.
New bundle! Creates a service and a user interface for searching nearest address on a map and adds a button to the toolbar for reverse geocode search. Requires server side functionality.
Fixed feature selection popup to show only one popup when clicking tool again.
Fixed feature selection popup to show only one popup when clicking tool again.
Metadatacatalogue can now be show extra action element in search results list. This functionality need to be actived AddSearchResultActionRequest.
Added support to show extra action element in metadatacatalogue search results list.
Action element can be added via requests as follows:
var reqBuilder = this.sandbox.getRequestBuilder('AddSearchResultActionRequest');
if (reqBuilder) {
var data = {
actionElement: jQuery('<a href="javascript:void(0)"></a>'),
callback: function(metadata) {
console.log('Get license information');
bindCallbackTo: null,
actionTextElement: null
var request = reqBuilder(data);
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request);
Highlighting of border features is fixed in map move event. Ctrl-select of Wfs features is fixed (no duplicate features allowed any more)
Fixed statistical variable functionality in the drop-down list.
Oskari now prints a warning to console if a requesthandler will be overwritten.
DrawPlugin can now be configured to NOT register (and unregister) requests. This helps when there are multiple DrawPlugins on map. For now start the plugin with { requests : false } config if you have more than one. Otherwise the latest will receive all requests. Better solution should be developed for this.
Now prefers zoomScale over zoomLevel on result items.
Added support to zoom to a scale. MapMoveRequests zoom parameter can be given as an Object with scale property:
{ scale : 10000 }
WmtsLayers can now use options and params on layer JSON to override default layer parameters.
Sending enabled = false in Toolbar.AddToolButtonRequest now automatically disabled the button when added. Removed handling of disabled = true so we are consistent with enabled-flag. If you used disabled = true, please update the code to use enabled = false instead. Disabled = true just made the visual disabling, not actual clickhandler disabling anyway.
Semi-configurable URL (conf.urlPrefix) used in GFI-preview functionality has been changed to use window.location. The configuration is no longer needed/used.
Metadata search has now advances search option Search area which enables metadata searching by limiting the search area on the map.
OpenLayers.Control.TransformFeature was added to Openlayers full-map.js to enable transformations of drawn feature.
Fixed logging functions so they won't be called if they don't have .apply (i.e. don't break IE9).
Fixed editing old published maps
Fixed issue with filtering button not working
Fixed issues with editing embedded maps
Clicking the logo now sends the mapstate as parameters as it was before.
No longer uses publishedMapUrl from config. GetViews JSON now includes URLs to views. Checkout oskari-server release notes for more details.
No longer uses publishedMapUrl from config. Publish JSON now includes URL to published view. Checkout oskari-server release notes for more details.
Now has a convenience method createURL(baseUrl) that fills in protocol/host/path if missing from baseUrl.
Rewritten to use JSON backend, any code relying on the old implementation is likely to break. New implementation has full localization.
New spatial join method is available in analysis methods (join attributes of two layers) Field naming and styling of difference-method is changed
Management of WFS-type maplayers in Oskari maplayer configuration Inserting/editing/removing WFS-layers in admin-layer UI.
Additional check for existance when referencing DOM element properties so size setting is compatible with published.jsp in oskari-server.
Fixed map sizing, .oskariui-left is now always floated left. If you have a customized version of applications/yourapp/css/portal.css please make sure you include:
.oskariui-left {
float: left;
Fixed state handling (history tools) for published map. Notice that 'publishedstatehandler' needs to be part of the startupSequence for published map that has history tools enabled on toolbar.
Fill screen option is now again available in size options. Map size handling is now more consistent when thematic maps are enabled.
Now checks if Toolbar.ToolButtonStateRequest is present before trying to send one.
Changed translations to not reference "Paikkatietoikkuna"
Fixed typo in finnish translations
Typo fixed in index.js
Implemented clickable links in the grid. Improved table header style. Fixed a nested table issue with My places data.
Modified image position.
Fixed link binding for terms-of-use. It's now more specific instead of binding to all a-tags in plugin content.
A bit of a rewrite, if your code touches bundle.js internals, it might break.
- added documentation
- added type checks to arguments
- backported cleaned up version from O2
- dead code elimination
- linted
- marked private functions
- reordered functions
- sensible/descriptive naming
Added a bunch of form component classes:
- Component
- Container
- EmailInput
- FormComponent
- LanguageSelect
- MultiLevelSelect
- NumberInput
- PasswordInput
- RadioButtonGroup
- SearchForm
- SearchInput
- Select
- TextAreaInput
- TextInput
- UrlInput
Extended some of the old component classes from new 'abstract' classes for code reuse. Hopefully this won't break anything, but if something related to Button, Form, FormInput or the likes fails, this is thew likely cause.
Added username and password support to the layer admin flyout.
Adding/editing/removing sublayers now updates UI correctly.
Now treats port configuration as number correctly.
Disabled rotation of rectangular selection.
Updated flyout for GPX and MIF/MID format import, which was implemented in the oskari-server backend.
Now disables button for guest users.
Patched Oskari's OpenLayers 2 to make My Places work in IE 11. See
Openlayers full-map.js changed so that text selection is possible also when the map is moved or zoomed. See
The default logo image has been changed
Statsgrid is refactored to use stats instead of sotka. All filenames and classes named sotka are now renamed as stats.
NOTE! StatsGrid.SotkadataChangedEvent has changed to StatsGrid.StatsDataChangedEvent. getSotkaIndicators has been renamed as getStatsIndicators. getSotkaRegionData has been renamed as getStatsRegionData. getSotkaIndicators has been renamed as getStatsIndicators. getSotkaIndicatorMeta has been renamed as getStatsIndicatorMeta. getSotkaIndicatorData has been renamed as getStatsIndicatorData. getSotkaIndicatorsMeta has been renamed as getStatsIndicatorsMeta. getSotkaIndicatorsData has been renamed as getStatsIndicatorsData.
An injected empty conf no longer overwrites the basic functionality (default tile/flyout setting). getConfiguration() function should be preferred over referencing conf-property directly to ensure there's no issues with the config.
DefaultTile now has methods setEnabled(bln) and isEnabled() for disabling/enabling the tile.
Added DefaultModule to get boilerplate methods through inheritance. Based on DefaultExtension but removed flyout/tile/view methods. Usage example:
function () {
"name" : "mybundle.MyClass",
afterStart : function(sandbox) {
"eventHandlers": {
"AfterMapMoveEvent" : function(e) {
"extend" : ['Oskari.userinterface.extension.DefaultModule']
Layers of type arcgis now respect layer order properly.
NOTE! The layertype in JSON/domain has changed from 'arcgislayer' to 'arcgis'
Now has a function hasSupportForLayerType(type) which can be used to check if given layer type is supported by the plugins loaded in particular setup.
It is now possible to add/edit/delete inspire themes.
Uses PUT/DELETE HTTP methods for insert/delete with fallback to POST and 'X-HTTP-Method-Override' header if server responds with 'Method not allowed'.
Refactored layertype support validation.
Added initial support for ArcGIS layertype.
Implemented expandable/collapsible subtables. Improved export permission handling.
Implemented popup.onClose(callback) which can be used to register listeners that will be called when the popup closes. Note that listeners aren't removed on close and need to be manually cleared using popup.clearListeners() if reusing the component reference in another context.
Major changes in mouse/touch controls handling. PorttiMouse has been removed and OskariNavigation is now used in it's place. OskariNavigation extends OpenLayers.Control.Navigation and hooks Oskari events to appropriate places. It also uses an extended version of OpenLayer.Control.PinchZoom (OskariPinchZoom) which hooks Oskari event to pinchDone.
Also changed hasUI to return true so ControlsPlugin works correctly with publisher-bundle.
Labels and clustering of My places points are now produced by GeoServer instead of frontend JavaScript. In addition to increased stability and efficiency, they are now available also in printouts and published maps. MyPlacesLayerPlugin is currently deprecated.
More special characters are allowed by default. Strict filter can be enabled through config.
The code is cleaned so that all the unnecessary parts have been removed.
NOTE! UserGuideService.js no longer exists
Now has initial support for WMTS layers.
Now parses generic layerName and url properties from layerJSON to AbstractLayers setLayerName() and setLayerUrls() methods.
Added an option to select the measurement unit (meters or kilometers) for buffer size.
Implemented front-end based CSV export and some UI polishing.
now returns undefined
if either request or request handler is missing. Previously only returned undefined
if request was missing. This solves some timing issues with minified code.
AbstractLayer now has set/getLayerName() as it's a common field for most layers. LayerName is functional configurations while name is for UI.
WmsLayer now forwards calls for wmsUrl/wmsName methods to AbstractLayers layerUrl/layerName methods. The API remains the same and urls can be accessed with both ways. WmtsLayer does the same for wmtsUrl/wmtsName.
Now returns null if trying to create unrecognized layer type instead of throwing an error. Also logs a mention in console if this happens.
Previously didn't startup correctly with small number of layer (under 30), this has now been fixed.
The default UI for search can now be disabled through config:
"disableDefault": true
New marker functionality:
Dynamic point symbol visualizations are now available also for markers. They can be created by url parameters or set on the map by the user.
Marker handling is removed from map-module.js. Instead, new markers can be added via requests as follows:
var reqBuilder = this.sandbox.getRequestBuilder('MapModulePlugin.AddMarkerRequest');
if (reqBuilder) {
var data = {
x: lonlat.lon,
msg: null,
color: "ff0000",
shape: 3,
size: 3
var request = reqBuilder(data);
this.sandbox.request(this.getName(), request);
Opens the language selector in a Flyout
New bundle! Creates a service and a user interface for ELF Geolocator search API. Creates an UI for search bundle to perform text searches and adds a button to the toolbar for reverse geocode search.
Existing WFS area and line features can now be cut with a new geometry editor bundle and used as analysis source features.
The drawing of a new feature as well as editing one has been moved to a new accordion panel.
The toolbar from the top has been removed and the tool added to the side toolbar when going to stats mode.
Data source select has been added (only two options now - SOTKAnet and user indicators).
New optional plugin config setting to defer setLocation calls from AfterMapMoveEvent to MapLayerVisibilityChangedEvent to drop some WFS queries to backend servers.
"id": "Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.plugin.WfsLayerPlugin",
"config": {
"deferSetLocation" : true
Added a new function getHeader
to component/AccordionPanel.js
Analysis source features can now be drawn on the map directly from within the analyse view and from place search results.
Layers can now be removed from analysis and from the map by clicking the close icon in the layers listing.
For layers which have over the maximum amount of feature properties permitted (defaults to 10) the 'select all properties' selection is now disabled, 'choose from the list' option autoselected and the first properties selected.
Other bundles can now insert (and remove) actions to search results via Search.AddSearchResultActionRequest
(removing via Search.RemoveSearchResultActionRequest
var reqBuilder = sandbox
callback = function(searchResult) {
// This is called in search bundle with the search result
return function() {
// This is what gets called when the link gets clicked
if (reqBuilder) {
request = reqBuilder('Link name', callback);
sandbox.request(this, request);
Added draw layer selection. Improved published view editing state handling.
Removed underscore from comp.js
Sends a new event - BackendStatus.BackendStatusChangedEvent
instead of MapLayerEvent
now. Also, if the amount of changed layers exceeds 100 a so called bulk update event is sent instead of single events for each changed layer. It's basically the same event without any params.
Now has getState/getStateParameters/setState-functions and forwards calls to these methods to any registered plugins that have the same methods. GetState gathers and object with properties named after plugins and setState assumes to get the same kind of Object as parameter.
Unbinding click button before assigning a new click listener so bindings don't accumulate
Removed random console.log() commands for Internet Explorer to work correctly
Fixed an issue where missing image url prevented edit myplace form from opening
Fixed support for WMTS layers without resource URLs.
Docs has been removed from oskari-repository and they are now available in and along with backend documentation
Added italian translations for analyse and metadataflyout bundles (thanks rockini)
Overlay now supports element selector that spans over multiple DOM elements (thanks uhef)
Adds functionality to import users' own data zipped in ESRI shape file set or Google kml(kmz) file. Also added is a complementary bundle mapuserlayers
which is responsible for showing the user layers on the map.
No longer waits for an WMSGetFeatureInfo request to complete when sending map click features. Instead immediately sends a GetInfoResultEvent
with the received data.
Made adaptable to add more content to an open popup. Basically if it receives a request to show a popup with the same id and location as an open one, just adds/modifies the content of said popup.
Is the single point of contact with the infobox now. Handles adding/removing map layers and modifies the infobox popup accordingly. Bundles who want feature info shown on a info popup should send a GetInfoResultEvent
with the data they want to show.
Added a new plugin for managing layers which have been cofigured as real time layers. The plugin refreshes the layers periodically, with a refresh rate specified for each layer separately. See the docs for more info.
Extends src/mapping/mapmodule/AbstractMapModule.js to allow a smoother transition to Oskari 2.0 and helps keeping the codebases up to date. Note! Alternative build systems need to include the AbstractMapModule.js file.
Default resolutions for mapmodule has been changed:
from [2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25]
to [2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5]
If you have used the defaults and want to keep them add mapOptions to your mapfull config:
"mapOptions": {
"resolutions": [2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25]
Added new method to find all layers corresponding to given metadata id.
Search flyout is now capable to include multiple tabs.
Added a new plugin for metadata catalogue searches.
Now updates attention text on feature update
Now sends selected font as part of Logoplugin config to backend.
Now accepts premade color schemes for opeining an existing view for editing (triggered a js error in 1.18).
Toolbar placement fixed on non-default style to be inline with other plugins.
Removed options for selecting which properties should be shown for features (name, description etc) on myplaces layer add/edit form since selections were not used.
Clicking datasource link repeatedly now toggles the popup instead of opening another one on top of the previous.
Sorting now handles values as numbers instead of strings.
Fixed a compatibility issue resulting in js error when going from statictics mode to publisher mode in a specific way.
Now uses actual popup id as identifier when setting colorscheme/font instead of hardcoded id.
Analyse mode is now behaving more appropriately when source layer has more properties than can be saved in analysis.
Now displayes a proper notification if source layer is unavailable when saving analysis.
mapmyplaces - doesn't update attention text for features on update/remove
statisticsgrid - sorting indicator values doesn't work correctly, seems to be comparing values as strings instead of numbers
Added removeMapLayer
method which does the same thing as sending a RemoveMapLayerRequest
but without the need for a request.
Removed handling of AfterMapLayerAddEvent
from the layer plugins for it is the mapmodule who handles it now. It calls addMapLayerToMap
function for each of its registered layer plugins and assures the marker layer always appear on top of the map.
WfsLayerPlugin now assumes config values hostname and port based on document.location if not configured and contextPath also defaults to '/transport' if not configured.
Maplayer JSON parsing changed a bit:
Legendimage is now parsed for all layer types
AbstractLayer.addStyle() now checks that a style with the same name isn't added yet.
Formats parsing has been moved out from styles parsing and in to wmslayer specific parsing as they are not related operations
Default style for layers now has a label. The localization file used is linked by mapfull with the key 'Generic'. Default styles are also now shown as an option if there is another style option available in the layers data.
The region category can now be changed whilst creating a new indicator.
A warning sign is displayed in an indicator's header if its data cannot be displayed in the selected region category.
The mode doesn't get started automatically anymore.
Editing a published map no longer leaves searchplugin on map after exiting publish-mode.
Layer id is now correctly left blank for new layers instead of sending "null" string.
GFI type parameter is not sent if there is no selection (on update for example). The backend will keep the existing value if it doesn't receive a new one.
Now formats myplaces data the same way as GetInfoPlugin.
Adaptable size handling improved. Selectors used to detect map size and get reference to the popup in question should now be safe even if there are multiple maps/popups on page.
Improved marker handling, mapmodule now moves markerlayer on top when a new layer is added.
myplaces2 bundle now requires wfs to be in use in both the backend and the frontend. Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.plugin.WfsLayerPlugin
and mapwfs2
bundle need to be present in application config's plugin array for mapfull and in import bundle section in mapfull's startup sequence, respectively. Please refer to documentation in oskari-server repository for instructions in how to set up the transport backend service. Note that the transport uses websocket which might cause some issues in proxy environments.
mapmyplaces is a new bundle, which is used for showing myplaces feature data through wfs. mapmyplaces must be in mapfull startup sequence
Added statehandler functions to published maps. It is also now possible to add map tools plugin in Publisher mode to new maps.
Added possibility to add indicator data through data import (localization is still work in progress)
Adds a tab to personaldata from which users can access and delete their own saved indicators.
The region category can now be changed from municipality to any other category SOTKAnet API has to offer.
The column widths are now set automatically to take the space available when resizing the grid and when adding/removing indicators. Grid width is split equally to each column.
Measurements of places (area or length depending on the type) are now shown in the myplaces tab and whilst drawing a new place or editing an old one.
Dense point data is now aggregated into cluster visualizations.
Multi-lines are not anymore incorrectly combined when editing them.
Visualization previews are now compatible also with Internet Explorer 8.
Now provides tooltips for checkboxes (permission text) and layername (layertype/inspiretheme/organization)
Backend API changed and the bundle has been refactored to match the API and the code has been cleaned up on relevant parts.
Layer update now copies all the information the user can change on editing a layer. Behavior change: MapLayerEvent with add/remove operation is no longer sent if a sublayer is removed/added, but instead it is sent with update operation. Removesublayer method was removed and removelayer handles sublayer removal as well. AddSubLayer method is still available but addLayer will handle adding sublayers if the layer has parentId property.
Configuration can now have additional link params f.ex. to add versioning for links:
"link" : {
"ver" : "1.17"
Add mapmyplaces
We are preparing the next major release of Oskari. Oskari 2.0 will utilize RequireJS for resource loading instead of oskari-loader. Migration tools and documentation are developed and improved as the work progresses. These changes are unstable (i.e. they will change) and placed into the src-folder.
MyPlaces prefix was changed to DrawPlugin. Affected changes are: 'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.plugin.DrawPlugin' --> 'Oskari.mapframework.ui.module.common.mapmodule.DrawPlugin'
'MyPlaces.GetGeometryRequest' --> 'DrawPlugin.GetGeometryRequest'
'MyPlaces.GetGeometryRequestHandler' --> 'DrawPlugin.GetGeometryRequestHandler'
'MyPlaces.StartDrawingRequest' --> 'DrawPlugin.StartDrawingRequest'
'MyPlaces.StartDrawingRequestHandler' --> 'DrawPlugin.StaǥrtDrawingRequestHandler'
'MyPlaces.StopDrawingRequest' --> 'DrawPlugin.StopDrawingRequest'
'MyPlaces.StopDrawingRequestHandler' --> 'DrawPlugin.StopDrawingRequestHandler'
'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.event.MyPlaceSelectedEvent' --> 'Oskari.mapframework.ui.module.common.mapmodule.DrawPlugin.event.SelectedDrawingEvent' 'MyPlaces.MyPlaceSelectedEvent' --> 'DrawPlugin.SelectedDrawingEvent'
'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.event.FinishedDrawingEvent' --> 'Oskari.mapframework.ui.module.common.mapmodule.DrawPlugin.event.FinishedDrawingEvent' 'MyPlaces.FinishedDrawingEvent' --> 'DrawPlugin.FinishedDrawingEvent'
'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.event.AddedFeatureEvent' --> 'Oskari.mapframework.ui.module.common.mapmodule.DrawPlugin.event.AddedFeatureEvent' 'MyPlaces.AddedFeatureEvent' --> 'DrawPlugin.AddedFeatureEvent'
Myplaces2 now uses AreaForm, PointForm and LineForm from under divmanazer (VisualizationForm)
Toolbar has changed so that toolbar group has now always toolbar-id prefixed in the name. (Default prefix being 'default-'[buttongroup])
Municipality code was removed from the columns.
Users can now select the class limits mode from distinct and discontinuous.
The map link now gets the class limits mode and colour selections as parameters.
Removing indicator from the grid is now easier with a close icon on the top-right corner of each indicator
Added area based filtering, which allows users to filter municipalities based on different regions in which they belong
Added a new link next to EULA which shows the data sources for map layers and open statistics indicators.
Added a new bundle which imports user interface components from under divmanazer.
Refactored DrawPlugin from myplaces2 as an independent plugin.
Added new configuration option 'layerDefaults' which can be used to override default values found in code. See bundle documentation for details. Refactored DrawPlugin to mapmodule-plugin/DrawPlugin. Moved myplacestab from personaldata to myplaces bundle. Refactored adding to use addTabRequest.
New component which defines functionality to create geometry visualizations for eg. myplaces2 bundle.
Added possibility to change order of the layer as well as its opacity. Also removing and adding new layers is now possible.
Removed myplacestab (is now in myplaces bundle).
Added optional feature to enable localization on layer name, description, inspire name and organization name. The properties can now be set as objects containing language id as keys f.ex "en". For example layer.getName() now returns language version based on Oskari.getLang() if an object has been set with setName({ "en" : "layername" }). Alternatively another language version can be requested with for example getName("en").
Updated Openlayers 2.12 -> 2.13.1 for bundles openlayers/bundle/openlayers-full-map and openlayers/bundle/openlayers-published-map
moveTo-function now checks if given selector matches an element before trying to place the popup to prevent "element is undefined" errors.
Environment specific localized values (URLs) have been move to bundle configuration. If something is broken, check the new configurations to fix it.
Added new method to create maplayer domain objects based on type: createLayerTypeInstance(type). This is a preferred way to create layer domain classes instead of Oskari.clazz.create() if you need to create one manually.
Added new method to find all layers of given type: getLayersOfType(type). For example get all wfs layers by calling getLayersOfType('wfs').
New plugin for selecting a background layer from a preset list. See the bundle documentation for more information.
Clicking a preview image in the My places GFI popup opens the image URL in a new browser tab or window.
Improved parameter handling for My places visualizations.
Improved "Finish drawing" button functionality when drawing new lines and polygons.
Localized URLs have been moved from bundles to bundle configurations.
Now supports adding tabs with PersonalData.AddTabRequest request
English and swedish text & tooltips added.
Localized publishedMapUrl in bundle configuration.
Uses hasFeatureData to check WFS-like layers instead of isLayerOfType('WFS')
AnalysisLayer.js extends 'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.domain.WFSLayer'
AnalysisLayerModelBuilder.js utilizes 'Oskari.mapframework.bundle.mapwfs2.domain.WfsLayerModelBuilder'
Analysis layers' jsons are now constructed in mapfullhandler
Analyse bundle now requests personaldata bundle to show an additional tab with analysis layer listing. Analysis layers can be removed from the tab.
Properties moved from localization to bundle conf.
New analyse methods geom union and intersect/within selection released
Analyse filter popups are now draggable so that feature data can be visible at the same time.
Fixed to send parameters correctly on ajax call. Views are now saved correctly again.
Users can now choose to create and use a custom colour scheme for the GFI dialogs. Colour scheme is created with rgb values for the colours.
Localized URLs in bundle configuration.
Fixed WMS interface address pre-filling problem.
Compatibility fixed for old WMTS layer json format
Every inline style removed that made any sense to remove.
User interface bug fixes.
Sorting is now disabled when clicking the header menu buttons of an indicator in the grid. The classification now shows distinct class ranges thanks to the geostats library update.
Bundle now has a tile for easier access to statistics. Statistics layer to use can be configured with defaultLayerId : [layer id]
Updated the geostats library to version per 10/17/2013.
The look of my_places GFI popup has been simplified and a possibility of displaying an image is now accounted for. The colour scheme and font are now configurable.
The style and font of the LayerSelectionPlugin.js are now configurable. See the bundle documentation for more information.
The style of the pan buttons plugin is now configurable. See the bundle documentation for more information.
The style and font of the search plugin are now configurable. See the bundle documentation for more information.
The style of the zoombar plugin is now configurable. See the bundle documentation for more information.
A new panel for choosing the layout, or styling of the published map was added. The panel has three input fields for choosing the colour scheme used in GFI popups, the font and the style of map tools (pan buttons, zoombar, search plugin and layer selection plugin).
A new MapSizeChangedEvent is sent when map size is changed (event is sent on mapmodule.updateSize() function call which should always be called if the map size is changed programmatically)
Adding base and group layers and sublayers to them is now possible. Also, adding sublayers individually from GetCapabilities query now works.
- There is now a mode for selecting municipalities from the map instead of the grid.
- Checkboxes are visible by default.
- Columns can be filtered now by clicking filter link in drop down menu (funnel icon in the header).
- Chosen municipalities are now saved to the state.
- layer search now supports ontology search. Type min 4 letters and press enter to open up a popup
- now supports choosing the features to send to the analyse from those available to the layer
mapOptions configuration can now be used to set units for OpenLayers.Map (defaults to 'm' as before).
Scale limitations now use map resolutions internally to minimize risk of scale/resolution transformation errors.
Highlight/select controls are now disabled when not in the stats mode.
Clicking on an area on the map highlights the corresponding row in the grid and scrolls to display it as the topmost row.
Generic improvements on statistic mode handling
There is now a possibility to uncheck some of the municipalities. This affects to the statistical variables. This feature can be switched on from header row drop down list
Hovering over an area on the map sends a request to get tooltip info which is then shown over the area.
Improvements for statistics legend handling
Created a new category for state methods, called sandbox-state-methods. Added a function resetState
which sets the application state to initial state which was provided by the GetAppSetup action route at application startup.
domain/map no longer rounds coordinates with Math.floor()
Configurable event-based usage tracker. New bundle based on statehandler.
A new event Printout.PrintableContentEvent
which can be used to send additional data to the printout bundle. Event accepts contentId (to identify each GeoJSON chunk), layer (Oskari layer), tile data (an array of {bbox: [l,b,r,t], url: 'image url'} objects) and GeoJSON as arguments.
Legend plot for statslayer in printout
Mapmodule now has a method to notify openlayers and internal datamodels that map size has changed: updateSize(). Mapfull and publisher changed to use it instead of handling it on their own. This ensures the map domain in sandbox is up-to-date and functionalities depending on it (like GFI) work correctly.
MapClickEvent now rounds clicked pixel coordinates so even if browser zoom is used, it returns integer values for pixels.
Reverted plugins placement change from 1.10 so these are no longer placed inside openlayers container div with fixed position
If min and max scale are not defined, scales are not specified for layer. There is a bug on scale handling when resolution is "low enough". This can be used as a workaround for the time being.
Municipalities are now grouped and there are statistical variables added to the header row. CSV download button created in the frontend.
LayerPlugin now disables hover/highlight functionality if a StatsLayer is not added/visible on the map
Refined ModelBuilder for analysislayer
Panbuttons is now an optional tool for publisher
minifierAppsetup.json fixed to use openlayers-full-map instead of openlayers-published-map since it was missing some OpenLayers components for indexMap.
if there is statslayer to be published, div.oskariui-left will be reserved for showing data/grid.
This is created for published maps so that it shows also grid if there is one.
Indicators which do not have data for all municipalities now show the missing values as blanks in the grid and on the map. This doesn't affect sorting, the blank values are always in the bottom when sorted.
Plugins are now placed inside openlayers container div so that infobox is placed above them
geojson extension added for background print service
Added a way to disable a button by default from configuration.
Promote login and registering by replacing the real bundle for guest users. Configurable tile, flyout and toolbar buttons.
Fixed isDefault parameter to be included with the category when saving.
Removed hardcoded wmtslayer and wfslayer from map-layer-service. LayerPlugins should now handle layer model/builder registration on init function.
Layers can now have tools linked to them. OpenLayer options and params can be passed as arguments.
StatsLayerPlugin now registers layer model/builder to map-layer-service on init.
StatsLayerPlugin registers tool links for STATS layer icon callbacks and Statistics mode.
ManageClassificationPlugin classifies stats data and generates legend (geostats library is in use)
New SotkadataChangedEvent event is used for sending stats data in ManageStatsOut to ManageClassificationPlugin
Initial version for map view mode handling to show statistics grid.
WfsLayerPlugin now registers layer model/builder to map-layer-service on init.
WfsLayerPlugin registers a tool link for WFS layers to show featuredata grid.
Configurable projection definitions that allow custom projections. Configured projections replaces the default definitions of "EPSG:3067" and "EPSG:4326".
WMTS specific layer model/builder registration has been removed from mapfull (now registered in mapwmts/plugin/WmtsLayerPlugin.init())
Mapfull now starts map and plugins before starting to parse layers JSON so plugins can register layermodels and builders.
Map controls are now configurable (zoombox and measure controls) - by setting the control values as false the control is not added.
Added Bootstrap grid CSS to Oskari
WmsLayerPlugin passes AbstractLayer options and params to OpenLayers.Layer.WMS For example params allows format to be changed to "image/jpg" and options allows singleTile: true to be added
Added multimap support. Reference to {Oskari.mapframework.sandbox.Sandbox} should now be fetched through Oskari.getSandbox() method.
Oskari.$('sandbox') still works but is deprecated.
For bundles to support multiple maps a configuration option should be added to specify sandbox name:
var conf = this.conf;
var sandboxName = ( conf ? conf.sandbox : null ) || 'sandbox' ;
var sandbox = Oskari.getSandbox(sandboxName);
The bundle can now be configured to allow user make selections on map to filter grid content:
selectionTools : true
The bundle adds a selection tools button to Toolbar if configured to allow user selections
popuphandler.js added to the bundle which handles the selections tool
new method updateGrid() added to Flyout.js, this method is called when a grid should be updated (if flyout is opened or user filters grid content with map selection)
handleMapMoved() method removed from Flyout.js, use updateGrid() instead
showFlyout() is added to instance.js to open flyout and update grid
Bundle now provides a new plugin Oskari.mapframework.bundle.featuredata.plugin.MapSelectionPlugin for drawing selections on map
new method getSelectionPlugin() is added to instance.js which returns Oskari.mapframework.bundle.featuredata.plugin.MapSelectionPlugin
getBBox() is replaced with getGeometry() in WfsGridUpdateParams.js
Configurable SrsName projection to be used, default srsName is "EPSG:3067"
Added srsName parameter for specifying projection to use if other than default
MapModule handles projection transforms if projection has been defined in Proj4js.defs.
Now calls OpenLayers.updateSize() when it changes the size of div the map is rendered to.
the layers are grouped together under same data provider headings and metadata links added
test suite added for the plugin
GeoStats library added to Oskari libraries.
Also added a new bundle package libraries/geostats that can be used as dependency for bundles utilizing the lib
resizable flyout
selectable and resizable grid columns
adds selection area tool to toolbar included in a new tarkkailija sample project
default buttons are configurable, by setting the false the toolgroup or tool is not added
External graphic can be activated by changing OpenLayers bundle version to openlayers-graphic-fill (instead of openlayers-single-full) and giving new style as config parameter to the drawin plugin. Adding external graphics for DrawPlugin:
var newStyle = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>\
<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" xmlns:sld="" xmlns:ogc="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ./Sld/StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd">\
<sld:OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href=""/>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#006666</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">1</sld:CssParameter>\
<sld:CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">4 4</sld:CssParameter>\
// rewrite creation of drawPlugin in the start-function
// register plugin for map (drawing for my places)
var drawPlugin = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.plugin.DrawPlugin', { graphicFill : newStyle });
Multiple points, lines and polygons are now supported objects in My places. After each drawn feature a new MyPlaces.AddedFeatureEvent event is sent. After the drawing is finished by the user, the existing MyPlaces.FinishedDrawingEvent is sent. Enabled with config:
var drawPlugin = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.plugin.DrawPlugin', { multipart : true });
My places draw plugin can now be configured to send namespaced events. Plugin name is also prefixed with namespace, map can have multiple drawplugins at the same time. Enabled with config:
var drawPlugin = Oskari.clazz.create('Oskari.mapframework.bundle.myplaces2.plugin.DrawPlugin', { id : '<namespace>' });
eventHandlers : {
'<namespace>.AddedFeatureEvent' : function(event) {}
Created AbstractLayer.js that is inherited by all layer implementations. The abstract function implementations will unify layer functionality. The WmtsLayer will also correctly use legends if defined and type 'wmtslayer' will return false when called isLayerOfType. Use 'wmts' instead.
Added conf to enable usage logging to the conf url. Replaced UsageSnifferService with _logState in statehandler.
service-map package no longer links UsageSnifferService
References to UsageSnifferService removed from core/sandbox.
Openlayers updated to 2.12
Now uses the updated Openlayers version
user can modify the published/embedded maps from personal data lists.
sends a request to Publisher bundle to enable publish mode
created request PublishMapEditorRequest to enable the publish mode.
publisher can now be prepopulated with existing view data using the PublishMapEditorRequest.
new plugin for mapmodule
renders list of data providers for the selected layers
improved scaling for the Object data flyout
there is a new configuration possibility: adabtable. If adabtable is set true, infobox will adapt its size according to content
A new printout bundle is added. It offers a user interface for the backend component that print out PNGs and PDFs.
class inheritance added
documentation tbd/ ( (Oskari Class Definition with support for Inheritance)
implemented a request handler to show WFS feature data flyout
layer ID parameter specifies the tab to be automatically selected by the request handler
added an object data link to show WFS feature data flyout
the link is visible if the FeatureData bundle is available and the layer type is WFS
add/edit view - now provides description field for the view
saveState API changed - old impl had parameter name, new impl has an object with properties name and description
Legend is now shown based on layer style
Filtering layers is now case-insensitive
New configuration options - "mapOptions" is passed to mapmodule-plugin constructor
created a new folder: request
MapResizeEnabledRequest & MapResizeEnabledRequestHandler tell the mapfull bundle if window resizing should be disabled
adjustMapSize function reacts only if map has not resizeEnabled set false
New configuration options - constructor takes a third parameter "options" which can be used to override default map:
"resolutions" : [8192, 4096, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25],
"maxExtent" : {
"left" : -548576.0,
"bottom" : 6291456.0,
"right" : 1548576.0,
"top" : 8388608
Now detects if content would be too large for screen and provides scrolling if so.
StartView now includes dialog-link to Terms of Use
StartView now asks the server if the user has accepted Terms of Use. If not accepted, the Continue button is Renamed "Accept Terms of use and continue" and pressing it will ping the server and notify that the user has accepted ToU.
New dependencies:
- backend actions: HasAcceptedPublishedTermsOfUse, AcceptPublishedTermsOfUse and GetArticlesByTag
- divmanazer component: Oskari.userinterface.component.UIHelper
setPublishMode sends MapResizeEnabledRequest with boolean telling whether user is in the publishing flow (resize disabled)
sandbox.generateMapLinkParameters() function now takes an optional parameter for overriding default URL parameter values, see API documentation for details
now removes search result when the search field is cleared
now sends a MapModulePlugin.RemoveMarkerRequest when search field is cleared if the request is available
title updated for english localization
now provides MapModulePlugin.RemoveMarkerRequest and handler for it
zooming with double click and mouse wheel now behave identically (behavior configurable)
new bundle
handles wfs feature highlighting at map startup
moves the map to location/zoom level based on config bounding box.
FormInput component now allows additional characters by default: ',', '?', '!'
IE issues fixed for flyout handling (draggable/button hover)
Generated link now adds the marker parameter as true
Changing locale now changes language on the preview map
Plugins used in publisher now determine language on startplugin
new bundle
Gets status information for maptile/layer backend functionality
moves the map to location/zoom level based on config bounding box.
Published user layers tab is now configurable (defaults to now being shown)
Shows layer backend status information if available for listed layers
Updates layer backend status information on MapLayerEvents
Gathers sublayers metadataUUIDs for ShowMetadataRequest
Gathers sublayers metadataUUIDs for ShowMetadataRequest
localization changes
css selectors fixed to be more specific to not overwrite all buttons style
css fixed for slider to not crop handleimages
new plugin
tries to get users location from browser
infobox is no longer stateful (fixes JSON.stringify() cyclic reference error that happened on certain infobox contents)
improved error handling with default category
disables draw buttons if default category can't be created and shows a notification about it to the user
ShowMetadataRequest has additional parameters for handling multiple metadata sources on a single layer
Metadata is shown in an accordian to enable multiple metadatas on single layer
Bundles/Components affected:
- Zoombar (slider implementation)
- layerselection2 (layer ordering/opacity slider)
- divmanazer (flyouthandling)
No longer lists publish permissions for guest users
Backend interface
new bundle provides cherrypicked jQueryUI library subset and custom css style
No longer list published myPlaces in layerselector2
New tab users
List of published myPlaces layers
Marker flag now works NOTE! marker handling will be refactored to a new request so this one will be deprecated in near future, but can be used for now to show a marker
Plugin changed to listening MapLayerVisibilityChangedEvent
Publisher bundle Publish mode did not exit to default view when get feature info plugin was deselected in publisher.
Publisher was calling stopPlugin for plugins that were not started.
Userguide bundle was changed to load guide content only when the guide flyout is opened. This change will improve application startup performance.
Double click mouse to zoom behaviour was changed to retain geolocation under cursor. This is configurable in code but not in application configuration at the moment.
My places bundle was fixed to force a refresh for my places WMS layer when a 'My Place' was deleted.
- Added getParameters({property}) for MapLayerUpdateRequest
- Added setParameters({property}) for MapLayerUpdateRequest
- Added isLayerOfType("WMS") && request.getParameters() for MapLayerUpdateRequestHandler
Initial versio for new Oskari