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File metadata and controls

37 lines (31 loc) · 2.81 KB


The dotfiles I am currently using in Linux

Currently using:

  • i3wm
  • pywal
  • i3lock (thinking of trying i3lock-color for further customization)
  • i3lock-color using i3lock-color now since it has more features, namely supporting .pngs which I am using to set my current wallpaper as the lock screen image (along with some color stuff)
  • vim - :)
  • rofi (because default dmenu launcher is not very cool :P)
  • gnome-terminal (works for me and I see no need to switch - Used terminator before but i3 gives me tiling anyway so it's ok like this)
  • polybar (awesome bar!)
  • yadm for dotfile management (simple and uses git directly so no overhead to learn new commands, highly recommend it!)
  • fusuma for mapping commands to touchpad gestures - very simple to use and configure, recommend it a lot!
  • Dunst
  • redshift for reducing the eye sore of hacking late at night :^)

Plan to use/customize/do:

  • Cool custom screenshotting shortcuts
  • Volume change keybind modifier key to change 1% at a time
  • Notification muting in taskbar (similar to the current coffee mug/bed for locking) Done
  • xrandr keybind shortcuts (I keep using arandr like a n00b) - some scripts help for now but could setup i3 modes in the bar or keybinds to change them

'Random' Requirements:

  • pavucontrol (for audio display with i3blocks) (I think this was dropped in the switch to polybar but not yet sure)
  • playerctl for audio keys control and listing current song in polybar - If using ubuntu needs to be built from source (or installed from the provided built package) as the version in apt is very outdated (new commands are cool too)
  • scrot for screenshots in the blur lock screen
  • imagemagick for blurring the screenshot
  • light for managing screen backlight (xbacklight stopped working for me)

No longer used/dropped:

  • i3blocks (config is still here but now moved to Polybar - commented out or deleted references in i3 config file though)
  • powerline (bash and vim status line): Felt too slow and configuration mechanism was clunky. Once it failed on me randomly (after an update, probably) I just moved to plain bash PS1.

Some notes:

  • If you are using Ubuntu or any *buntu versions, you might need to install some software "manually" (compile from source) because the repositories might be a bit out of date (IIRC, did that with rofi and pywal at least).