Releases: microsoft/pyright
Published 1.0.36
Bug Fix #141: The VS Code extension no longer automatically analyzes all files under the project if there's no pyrightconfig.json file present. It still analyzes python files that are explicitly opened in the editor.
Bug Fix #140: Targets of a "raise" statement should be marked as "accessed" for the purposes of displaying unused code.
Bug Fix: Added support for iterable classes like Enum.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused type checker to fail to report errors in cases where a class was being instantiated with incorrect parameters and the initializer method was overloaded.
Published 1.0.35
New Feature: Added "Find References" functionality to VS Code extension. You can now right click on a symbol and choose "Find All References" (or press option-shift-F12) to display all uses of the symbol within the code base.
Bug Fix: Fixed type constraint logic for assert statements that provide a message string parameter.
Published 1.0.34
New Feature: Implemented "signature help" in VS Code extension that provides detailed signature information as popup text when adding parameters to a call.
New Feature: Added doc string support for modules, classes, methods, and functions. These are now displayed when you hover over a symbol.
Enhancement: Improved formatting for hover text in VS Code extension.
New Feature: Type completion support in VS Code extension for imports and import symbols.
New Feature: Reporting of unused symbols imported using "import X from Y" statements.
Published 1.0.33
New Feature: Added support for new config options: reportUnusedImport, reportUnusedClass, reportUnusedFunction, and reportUnusedVariable.
New Feature: Added support for Enum functional declarations.
Bug Fix #134: Fixed bug where index into an enum type was generating a false positive error.
Bug Fix: Improved responsiveness of VS Code Extension during analysis.
Bug Fix #135: Fixed bug that resulted in false positive error being generated for __init__
calls in a base class.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in path processing that caused VS Code Extension to report errors with corrupt file paths when the pyrightconfig.json file "include" array was empty.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused symbols used as indexes not to be marked as "accessed" for purposes of highlighting unaccessed variables.
Bug Fix: Module-level variables (non-imports) and class-level variables should be marked as "not accessed" only if they're private (start with underscore).
Published 1.0.32
Bug Fix #133: Add support for class keyword arguments
Bug Fix: Add support for qualname on classes
Published 1.0.31
New Feature: Added more flexible file-level overrides for config settings. You can now specify individual config settings in a #pyright comment. See documentation for more details.
Published 1.0.30
Bug Fix #132: Fixed code flow logic used for try/except/else statements so it properly handles returns from all paths.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in type analyzer's handling of variables declared within methods that are cleared within an enum class.
Enhancement: Improved error reporting for arg type mismatches. Parameter name is now included in the error message.
Published 1.0.29
New Feature: Added logic to avoid unnecessary reanalysis of files when a file is deleted, added or renamed (e.g. when using git to switch between branches).
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in binary operator type checking that caused false positive errors.
Bug Fix: Fixed several bugs in path processing for include directories.
Published 1.0.28
New Feature: Added new config settings "strictListInference" and "strictDictionaryInference".
Bug Fix: Improved error reporting for union type mismatches.
Bug Fix #124: Fixed path/URI parsing logic for Windows that resulted in import failures.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in type analyzer where it wasn't doing proper type variable matching in some cases.
Bug Fix: Exit code of 0 is reported if only errors (not warnings) are reported. Thanks to @HIGOSH for the contribution!
Published 1.0.27
New Feature: In the VS Code extension, added automatic detection and reporting of accessed local variables, parameters, imports, private methods and private class variables. They appear as "gray" in the editor.
New Feature: Entries defined in NamedTuple or namedtuple now work with the "show definition" feature in VS Code.
New Feature: Added "reportConstantRedefinition" feature, which reports any attempt to redefine a variable that is named in all-caps.
Bug Fix: Fixed code flow analysis bug relating to try/except/else statements.
Bug Fix #123: breakpoint function was being incorrectly excluded from the builtins namespace.