Node worker threads enable parallel execution of JavaScript in the same process. They are ideal for CPU-intensive JavaScript operations. They are less suited to I/O-intensive work, where the Node.js built-in asynchronous I/O operations are more efficient than Workers.
The NodeWorker class enables C# code to create Node worker threads in the same process, and communicate with them.
To create a worker, construct a new NodeWorker
instance with the path to the worker JavaScript
var worker = new NodeWorker(@".\myWorker.js", new NodeWorker.Options());
Or provide the worker script directly as a string, using the Eval
var worker = new NodeWorker(@"
const assert = require('node:assert');
const { isMainThread } = require('node:worker_threads');
assert(!isMainThread); // This script is running as a worker.
", new NodeWorker.Options { Eval = true });
Messages (any serializable JS values) can be passed back and forth between the C# host and the JS worker:
var worker = new NodeWorker(@"
const { parentPort } = require('node:worker_threads');
parentPort.on('message', (msg) => {
parentPort.postMessage(msg); // echo
", new NodeWorker.Options { Eval = true });
// Wait for the worker to start before sending a message.
TaskCompletionSource<bool> onlineCompletion = new();
worker.Online += (sender, e) => onlineCompletion.TrySetResult(true);
worker.Error += (sender, e) => onlineCompletion.TrySetException(new JSException(e.Error));
await onlineCompletion.Task;
// Send a message and verify the response.
TaskCompletionSource<string> echoCompletion = new();
worker.Message += (_, e) => echoCompletion.TrySetResult((string)e.Value);
worker.Error += (_, e) => echoCompletion.TrySetException(
new JSException(e.Error));
worker.Exit += (_, e) => echoCompletion.TrySetException(
new InvalidOperationException("Worker exited without echoing!"));
string echo = await echoCompletion.Task;
Assert.Equal("hello", echo);
::: warning 🚧 COMING SOON This functionality is not available yet, but is coming soon. :::
Instead of starting a worker with a JavaScript file, it will be possible to provide a C# delegate. The delegate callback will be invoked on the JS worker thread; then it can orchestrate importing JavaScript packages, callilng JS functions, or whatever is needed to do the work on the thread.