diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 5677df787842..eb0487c21bd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Geben Sie die Optionen an, die an die Ant-Befehlszeile übergeben werden sollen. Sie können Ihre eigenen Eigenschaften angeben (z. B. \"***-DmyProperty=meinEigenschaftenWert***\") und auch integrierte Variablen verwenden (z. B. \"***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***\"). Alternativ werden die integrierten Variablen bereits als Umgebungsvariablen während des Builds festgelegt und können direkt übergeben werden (z. B. \"***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***\").", "loc.input.label.targets": "Ziel(e)", "loc.input.help.targets": "Eine optionale, durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste der zu erstellenden Ziele. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, wird das \"Standardziel\" verwendet. Wenn kein \"Standardziel\" definiert ist, wird Ant 1.6.0 verwendet, und alle Tasks auf oberster Ebene werden später erstellt.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Ant-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Ant-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK-Architektur", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Geben Sie optional die JDK-Architektur an (x86, x64).", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Die Unterstützung der automatisierten Code Coverage-Berichterstellung für Ant-Projekte wird eingestellt. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Es wurden keine Testergebnisdateien gefunden, die mit %s übereinstimmen. Das Veröffentlichen von JUnit-Testergebnissen wird daher übersprungen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 5f5a3d3d2fae..146fed7fa581 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Proporcione las opciones que se van a pasar a la línea de comandos de Ant. Puede proporcionar sus propiedades (por ejemplo, ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) y también usar variables integradas (por ejemplo, ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Puede que las variables integradas ya se hayan establecido como variables de entorno durante la compilación y se puedan pasar directamente (por ejemplo, ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).", "loc.input.label.targets": "Destinos", "loc.input.help.targets": "Una lista opcional y separada por espacios de los destinos que se van a compilar. Si no se especifica, se usará el destino \"predeterminado\". Si no se define ningún destino \"predeterminado\", Ant 1.6.0 y las versiones posteriores compilarán todas las tareas de nivel superior.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Ant en Azure Pipelines/TFS. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Ant en Azure Pipelines. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso de los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Puede usar caracteres comodín ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Por ejemplo, \"**\\*TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Arquitectura JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indique opcionalmente la arquitectura (x86, x64) del JDK.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Se va a interrumpir la compatibilidad con la generación automatizada de informes de cobertura de código para proyectos de Ant. Consulte https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306 para más información.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "No se encontraron archivos de resultados de pruebas que coincidan con %s, por lo que se omite la publicación de los resultados de las pruebas JUnit." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cf4aca582ad4..5a8e2384f3a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Indiquez les options à passer à la ligne de commande Ant. Vous pouvez fournir vos propres propriétés (par exemple ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***), et utiliser les variables intégrées (par exemple ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Sinon, les variables intégrées sont déjà définies comme variables d'environnement durant la génération et peuvent être passées directement (par exemple ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).", "loc.input.label.targets": "Cible(s)", "loc.input.help.targets": "Liste facultative de cibles à générer, séparées par des espaces. Si rien n'est spécifié, la cible 'default' est utilisée. Si aucune cible 'default' n'est définie, Ant 1.6.0 ou ultérieur génère des tâches qui sont toutes de niveau supérieur.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Ant sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Ant sur Azure Pipelines. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architecture du kit JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indiquez éventuellement l'architecture (x86, x64) du JDK.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Nous mettons fin au support de la génération automatisée de rapports de couverture du code pour les projets Ant. Pour plus d'informations, consultez https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Les fichiers de résultats des tests correspondant à %s sont introuvables. La publication des résultats des tests JUnit est ignorée." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index edc7db1773b2..f19648b15485 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Consente di specificare tutte le opzioni da passare alla riga di comando di Ant. È possibile specificare proprietà personalizzate (ad esempio ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) e usare variabili predefinite (ad esempio ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). In alternativa, le variabili predefinite vengono già impostate come variabili di ambiente durante la compilazione e possono essere passate direttamente (ad esempio ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).", "loc.input.label.targets": "Destinazione/i", "loc.input.help.targets": "Elenco facoltativo di destinazioni per la compilazione separate da virgole. Se non viene specificato, verrà usata la destinazione `default`. Se non è definita alcuna destinazione `default`, Ant 1.6.0 o versioni successiva compilerà tutte le attività di primo livello.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Ant in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Ant in Azure Pipelines. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architettura del JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Consente facoltativamente di specificare l'architettura (x86, x64) di JDK.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Il supporto della generazione automatizzata di report di code coverage per progetti Ant a breve verrà sospeso. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Non sono stati trovati file dei risultati del test corrispondenti a %s, di conseguenza la pubblicazione dei risultati del test JUnit verrà ignorata." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 98149001b0b3..7a408b1c8a97 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Ant コマンド ラインに渡すオプションを指定します。独自のプロパティ (たとえば、***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) を指定することも、ビルトイン変数 (たとえば、***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***) を使用することもできます。あるいは、ビルトイン変数はビルド中は既に環境変数として設定されているため、直接渡すことができます (たとえば、***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。", "loc.input.label.targets": "ターゲット", "loc.input.help.targets": "作成するターゲットのオプションのスペース区切り一覧。指定しない場合、`既定` のターゲットが使用されます。`既定` のターゲットが定義されていない場合は、Ant 1.6.0 以降で最上位レベルのすべてのタスクが作成されます。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines/TFS でのテストの実行として発行されます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant のビルドによって生成された JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines でテストの実行として発行されます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は '**/TEST-*.xml' です。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK アーキテクチャ", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "(省略可能) JDK のアーキテクチャ (x86、x64) を指定します。", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Ant プロジェクト向けの自動コード カバレッジ レポート生成のサポートを中止します。詳細については、https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306 をご覧ください。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s と一致するテスト結果ファイルが見つからないため、JUnit テスト結果の発行をスキップします。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 7bfbbdb6ac67..382367d4b11a 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Ant 명령줄에 전달할 옵션을 지정하세요. 고유한 속성을 지정할 수도 있고(예: ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) 기본 제공 변수를 사용할 수도 있습니다(예: ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). 또는 기본 제공 변수가 빌드 중 이미 환경 변수로 설정되어 직접 전달될 수도 있습니다(예: ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).", "loc.input.label.targets": "대상", "loc.input.help.targets": "빌드할 대상의 공백으로 구분된 목록입니다(선택 사항). 지정되지 않은 경우 `기본` 대상이 사용됩니다. `기본` 대상이 정의되지 않은 경우 Ant 1.6.0 이상에서 모든 최상위 작업을 빌드합니다.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines/TFS에서 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines에 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). 예를 들어 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하려면 '**/TEST-*.xml'을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 아키텍처", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "선택적으로 JDK의 아키텍처(x86, x64)를 제공하세요.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Ant 프로젝트에 대한 자동 코드 검사 보고서 생성을 더 이상 지원하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306을 참조하세요.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s과(와) 일치하는 테스트 결과 파일을 찾을 수 없으므로 JUnit 테스트 결과 게시를 건너뜁니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 2d4c11220313..a53c1a6ac0fc 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "Укажите параметры для передачи в командную строку Ant. Вы можете указать собственные свойства (например, ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***), а также использовать встроенные переменные (например, ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Кроме того, встроенные переменные уже заданы в качестве переменных среды во время сборки и могут быть переданы напрямую (например, ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).", "loc.input.label.targets": "Платформы", "loc.input.help.targets": "Необязательный список целевых объектов сборки с разделителями-пробелами. Если он не задан, будет использоваться целевой объект по умолчанию. Если целевой объект по умолчанию не определен, в Ant 1.6.0 и более поздних версиях будет выполнена сборка всех задач верхнего уровня.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Ant, в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Ant, в Azure Pipelines. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Архитектура JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Дополнительно укажите архитектуру JDK (x86, x64).", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Мы прекращаем поддержку автоматического создания отчетов об объемах протестированного кода для проектов Ant. Подробности см. на странице https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Не найдены файлы результатов теста, соответствующие \"%s\". Публикация результатов теста JUnit пропускается." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 16c24cecfff0..1ce0ae39b457 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "提供要传递到 Ant 命令行的任意选项。可以提供自己的属性(例如,***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***),也可使用内置变量(例如,**-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***)。或者,已在生成过程中将内置变量设置为环境变量,且可直接传递(例如,***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。", "loc.input.label.targets": "对象", "loc.input.help.targets": "要生成的可选目标列表,以空格分隔。如果未指定,将使用“默认”目标。如果未定义“默认”目标,则 Ant 1.6.0 和更高版本将生成所有顶级任务。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Ant 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每个与“测试结果文件”匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中发布为测试运行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Ant 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。每个与 `Test Results Files` 匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines 中发布为测试运行。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 xml 文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 体系结构", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "可以选择提供 JDK 的体系结构(x86、x64)。", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "我们将不再支持为 Ant 项目自动生成代码覆盖率报告。有关详细信息,请参阅 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "未找到匹配 %s 的测试结果文件,因此将跳过发布 JUnit 测试结果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 6cfb458318f7..8310d98065a3 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.options": "提供傳遞給 Ant 命令列的任何選項。您可以提供您自己的屬性 (例如 ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***),並同時使用內建變數 (例如 ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***)。或者,如果內建變數已在建置期間設為環境變數,則也可以直接傳遞 (例如 ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。", "loc.input.label.targets": "目標", "loc.input.help.targets": "以空格分隔的選用清單,內含要建置的目標。若未指定,將使用 `default` 目標。如果未定義 `default` 目標,則 Ant 1.6.0 和更新版本將建置所有最上層工作。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Ant 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中發佈。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Ant 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines 中發佈。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元 ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 表示名稱開頭為 TEST- 的所有 XML 檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -39,8 +39,9 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 架構", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "選擇性地提供 JDK 的架構 (x86、x64)。", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。", "loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "我們即將中止對自動產生 Ant 專案程式碼涵蓋範圍報告的支援。如需更多詳細資料,請參閱 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "找不到任何符合 %s 的測試結果,因此跳過發行 JUnit 測試結果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json index 7b3d0344f4e7..8302df216ae9 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "ant" diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json index 95d1d32226af..8107bafe400e 100644 --- a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "ant" diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 088891f65660..a2014646b64d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "loc.input.label.zipalign": "Zipalign", "loc.input.help.zipalign": "패키지를 zipalign하려면 선택합니다. 이렇게 하면 앱에 사용되는 RAM 양이 줄어듭니다.", "loc.input.label.zipalignLocation": "Zipalign 위치", - "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.", "loc.messages.AndroidHomeNotSet": "실행 중인 사용자에 대해 ANDROID_HOME 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFindZipalign": "Zipalign 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFindZipalignInAndroidHome": "ANDROID_HOME 내에서 Zipalign 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json index e9d95752b569..e0bdc727e62f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "JDK" diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json index 8489bd179a7f..75140f619892 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "JDK" diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 0ecb5aa0b844..18caeaa09fe1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ "loc.input.label.apksignerArguments": "apksigner 인수", "loc.input.help.apksignerArguments": "apksigner 명령줄에 전달할 옵션을 지정합니다. 기본값: -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1", "loc.input.label.apksignerLocation": "apksigner 위치", - "loc.input.help.apksignerLocation": "서명할 때 사용되는 apksigner 실행 파일의 위치를 선택적으로 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 apksigner를 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.help.apksignerLocation": "서명할 때 사용되는 apksigner 실행 파일의 위치를 선택적으로 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 apksigner를 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.zipalign": "Zipalign", "loc.input.help.zipalign": "패키지를 zipalign하려면 선택합니다. 이렇게 하면 앱에 사용되는 RAM 양이 줄어듭니다.", "loc.input.label.zipalignLocation": "Zipalign 위치", - "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.", "loc.messages.AndroidHomeNotSet": "실행 중인 사용자에 대해 ANDROID_HOME 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFindToolInAndroidHome": "ANDROID_HOME 내에서 %s 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFiles": "다음 검색 패턴과 일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json index b0126f82af73..bf3aa1093cab 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "This version of the task uses apksigner instead of jarsigner to sign APKs.", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json index 37dd571ada6e..611ce03d3631 100644 --- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7ea6e83d9d3c..220a15bf65f7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Beheben Sie Fehler, bei denen Featurebranches abgeschnitten wurden.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "Ziel-ID", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 63dea4c177ae..03bae7234399 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrija el error en el que se truncan las ramas de características.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "Id. de destino", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "El identificador del grupo de distribución o almacén en el que se implementará la aplicación. Si lo deja en blanco, se usará el grupo predeterminado.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3d3173e62dbc..97ba15467fe3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Correction d'un bogue relatif aux branches de fonctionnalités tronquées.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "ID de destination", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "ID du groupe de distribution ou du Store sur lequel l'application est déployée. Pour utiliser le groupe par défaut, laissez ce champ vide.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 194eea6dec60..946e7491eb87 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato corretto il bug per cui i rami delle funzionalità risultavano troncati.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "ID destinazione", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "ID del gruppo di distribuzione o dello store in cui verrà distribuita l'app. Lasciarlo vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 2d75ed33cd8f..40fa8da36b19 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。", "loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する", - "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "feature ブランチが切り捨てられていたバグが修正されます。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "同期先 ID", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "アプリが配置する配布グループまたはストアの ID。既定のグループを使用するには、空のままにします。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 21f22a352652..e06a700095b6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.", "loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포", - "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "기능 분기가 잘리는 버그를 수정합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "대상 ID", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "앱이 배포될 배포 목록 또는 저장소의 ID입니다. 기본 그룹을 사용하려면 비워 두세요.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1e7b4069dfee..feaf4b41af7d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.", "loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Исправьте ошибку, из-за которой были усечены ветви компонентов.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "Идентификатор назначения", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "Идентификатор группы рассылки или хранилища, где будет развернуто приложение. Оставьте значение пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 231a165b423f..7f819c99e455 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "修复正在截断功能分支的 bug。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "目标 ID", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "要将应用部署到的通讯组或商店 ID。若留空,则使用默认组。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index af36c57a76ca..b6b4d98909a7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "修正功能分支受到截斷的 bug。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。", @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新", "loc.input.label.destinationId": "目的地識別碼", "loc.input.help.destinationId": "應用程式要部署的目標通訊群組或市集識別碼。保留空白則會使用預設群組。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json index ff1dc9a8e0ee..0161a1335199 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Fix bug where feature branches were being truncated.", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json index df3809dfe3c5..02ec1dc2e160 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1535dc15200e..3c06f3b912a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für mehrere Ziele hinzugefügt.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-ID", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-IDs", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs der Verteilungsgruppen oder -speicher, in denen die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden, und verwenden Sie Kommas oder Semikolons, um mehrere IDs zu trennen.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Keine Antwort vom Server.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Abschließen des Dateiuploads.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "In der Visual Studio App Center-Dienstverbindung wurde kein API-Token gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Die angegebene Zieleingabe war ungültig.", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Die Aufgabe zur App Center-Verteilung wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Es kann keine auf \"%s\" basierende Datei gefunden werden.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Es wurden mehrere Dateien gefunden, die \"%s\" entsprechen.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 246044ba3622..4c7a054134d8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con varios destinos.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Identificadores de destino", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Identificadores de los almacenes o grupos de distribución en los que se implementará la aplicación. Déjelo en blanco para usar el grupo predeterminado y use comas o punto y coma para separar varios identificadores.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "No hay respuesta desde el servidor.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Error al completar la carga de archivo.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "No se encontró ningún token de API en la conexión de servicio de Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "La entrada de destino proporcionada no era válida.", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "La tarea de distribución de App Center se realizó correctamente.", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "No se puede encontrar ningún archivo basado en %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Se encontraron varios archivos que coinciden con %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d0e5c98ffe4a..ca89f7b3c316 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout effectué de la prise en charge de plusieurs destinations.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ID de destination", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "ID des groupes ou magasins de distribution sur lesquels l'application va être déployée. Pour utiliser la valeur par défaut, n'indiquez rien. Utilisez des virgules ou des points-virgules pour séparer plusieurs ID.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Aucune réponse du serveur.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Impossible de terminer le téléchargement du fichier.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Jeton d'API introuvable dans la connexion de service Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'entrée de destination fournie est non valide", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Tâche de distribution via App Center réussie", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Impossible de trouver un fichier basé sur %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Plusieurs fichiers correspondant à %s ont été trouvés.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5f829b987bea..d750f89fae43 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per più destinazioni.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ID destinazione", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "ID dei gruppi di distribuzione o degli archivi in cui verrà distribuita l'app. Lasciare vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito e usare virgole o punti e virgola per separare più ID.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Non è stata ricevuta alcuna risposta dal server.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile completare il caricamento dei file.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun token API per la connessione al servizio Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'input di destinazione specificato non è valido", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Attività Distribuzione App Center completata", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Non è stato trovato alcun file basato su %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Sono stati trovati più file corrispondenti a %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 8a1e7acb7970..dd215027b268 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。", "loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する", - "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "複数の宛先のサポートが追加されました。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ターゲット ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "アプリの配置先となる配布グループまたはストアの ID。既定のグループを使用するには空のままにし、複数の ID を区切るにはコンマまたはセミコロンを使用します。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "サーバーから応答がありません。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "ファイルの完全アップロードに失敗しました。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center サービス接続上に API トークンが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "指定された宛先の入力が無効でした", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 配布タスクが正常に実行されました", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s に基づくファイルが見つかりません。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s と一致しているファイルが複数見つかりました。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2f58f9643e54..83d43d529017 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.", "loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포", - "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "여러 대상에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "대상 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "앱을 배포할 대상 배포 목록 또는 배포 저장소의 ID입니다. 기본 목록을 사용하려면 비워 두고, ID가 여러 개이면 쉼표 또는 세미콜론을 사용하여 구분합니다.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "서버의 응답이 없습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "파일 업로드를 완료하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 서비스 연결에서 API 토큰을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "지정한 대상 입력이 잘못되었습니다.", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 배포 작업 성공", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s을(를) 기반으로 하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s과(와) 일치하는 파일을 여러 개 찾았습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ed4f0642ecd9..28daa921f786 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.", "loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка нескольких назначений.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Идентификаторы назначения", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Идентификаторы групп рассылки или хранилищ, где будет развернуто приложение. Оставьте поле пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию, и используйте запятые или точки с запятой для разделения нескольких идентификаторов.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Нет ответа от сервера.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось завершить отправку файла.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "У подключения к службе Центра приложений Visual Studio не найден токен API.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Указаны недопустимые входные данные назначения", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Задача распространения через Центр приложений выполнена успешно", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Не удается найти файл на основе %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Найдено несколько файлов, соответствующих %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 8ec1b33a4f65..66618e57c247 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对多个目标的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "目标 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "应用将部署到的分发组或存储区的 ID。将其留空以使用默认组,并使用逗号或分号分隔多个 ID。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "服务器无响应。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能完成文件上传。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 服务连接上找不到 API 令牌。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目标输入无效", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 分布任务已完成", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "找不到基于 %s 的任何文件。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到与 %s 匹配的多个文件。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7dabbd12df63..42e48621929e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "新增多重目的地的支援。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。", @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新", + "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "目的地識別碼", + "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "應用程式要部署之目標通訊群組或存放區的識別碼。保留空白可使用預設群組,使用逗號或分號可分隔多個識別碼。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "伺服器沒有任何回應。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法完成檔案上傳。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "在 Visual Studio App Center 服務連線上找不到任何 API 權杖。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目的地輸入無效", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 散發工作已成功", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "無法依據 %s 找到任何檔案。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到多個符合 %s 的檔案。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json index 597209330015..488f786fd817 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Added support for multiple destinations.", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json index e6f08d4c5c91..f0e3fcc51a9a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1535dc15200e..8cfde39f573f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für mehrere Ziele hinzugefügt.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-ID", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Releaseziel", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Ziel-IDs", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "IDs der Verteilungsgruppen für das Release. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden, und verwenden Sie Kommas oder Semikolons, um mehrere IDs zu trennen.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Ziel-ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID des Verteilungsspeichers, in dem die Bereitstellung erfolgen soll.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Tester werden nicht benachrichtigt. Das Release steht weiterhin für die Installation zur Verfügung.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Keine Antwort vom Server.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Abschließen des Dateiuploads.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "In der Visual Studio App Center-Dienstverbindung wurde kein API-Token gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Die angegebene Zieleingabe war ungültig.", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Verteilung auf mehrere Speicher nicht möglich", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Die Aufgabe zur App Center-Verteilung wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Es kann keine auf \"%s\" basierende Datei gefunden werden.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Es wurden mehrere Dateien gefunden, die \"%s\" entsprechen.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 246044ba3622..15ac5fa26f81 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con varios destinos.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destino de la versión", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Identificadores de destino", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "Identificadores de los grupos de distribución en los que se implementará la versión. Déjelo en blanco para usar el grupo predeterminado y use comas o punto y coma para separar varios identificadores.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Id. de destino", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "Identificador del almacén de distribución en el que se va a implementar.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "No notifique a los evaluadores. La versión seguirá disponible para instalarse.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "No hay respuesta desde el servidor.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Error al completar la carga de archivo.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "No se encontró ningún token de API en la conexión de servicio de Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "La entrada de destino proporcionada no era válida.", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "No se puede distribuir a varios almacenes.", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "La tarea de distribución de App Center se realizó correctamente.", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "No se puede encontrar ningún archivo basado en %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Se encontraron varios archivos que coinciden con %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d0e5c98ffe4a..562fd9134cf8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).", "loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout effectué de la prise en charge de plusieurs destinations.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destination de la mise en production", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ID de destination", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "ID des groupes de distribution vers lesquels effectuer la mise en production. Pour utiliser la valeur par défaut, n'indiquez rien. Utilisez des virgules ou des points-virgules pour séparer plusieurs ID.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "ID de destination", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID du magasin de distribution sur lequel effectuer le déploiement.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Ne pas notifier les testeurs. La mise en production est toujours disponible pour être installée.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Aucune réponse du serveur.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Impossible de terminer le téléchargement du fichier.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Jeton d'API introuvable dans la connexion de service Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'entrée de destination fournie est non valide", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Impossible d'effectuer la distribution vers plusieurs magasins", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Tâche de distribution via App Center réussie", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Impossible de trouver un fichier basé sur %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Plusieurs fichiers correspondant à %s ont été trouvés.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5f829b987bea..ddf79ee6c848 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per più destinazioni.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destinazione della versione", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ID destinazione", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "ID dei gruppi di distribuzione in cui verrà creata la versione. Lasciare vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito e usare virgole o punti e virgola per separare più ID.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "ID destinazione", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID dell'archivio di distribuzione in cui eseguire la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Non inviare notifiche ai tester. La versione sarà comunque disponibile per l'installazione.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Non è stata ricevuta alcuna risposta dal server.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile completare il caricamento dei file.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun token API per la connessione al servizio Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'input di destinazione specificato non è valido", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Non è possibile eseguire la distribuzione in più archivi", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Attività Distribuzione App Center completata", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Non è stato trovato alcun file basato su %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Sono stati trovati più file corrispondenti a %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 8a1e7acb7970..a2375624eecc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。", "loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する", - "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "複数の宛先のサポートが追加されました。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "リリース先", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ターゲット ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "リリース先となる配布グループの ID。既定のグループを使用するには空のままにし、複数の ID を区切るにはコンマまたはセミコロンを使用します。", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "同期先 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "配置する配布ストアの ID。", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "テスト担当者に通知しないでください。リリースは引き続きインストールできるようになります。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "サーバーから応答がありません。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "ファイルの完全アップロードに失敗しました。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center サービス接続上に API トークンが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "指定された宛先の入力が無効でした", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "複数のストアに分散できません", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 配布タスクが正常に実行されました", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s に基づくファイルが見つかりません。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s と一致しているファイルが複数見つかりました。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2f58f9643e54..9570245c1e73 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.", "loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포", - "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "여러 대상에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "릴리스 대상", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "대상 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "릴리스할 대상 배포 목록의 ID입니다. 기본 목록을 사용하려면 비워 두고, ID가 여러 개이면 쉼표 또는 세미콜론을 사용하여 구분합니다.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "대상 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "배포할 대상 배포 저장소의 ID입니다.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "테스터에게 알리지 않습니다. 계속 릴리스를 설치할 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "서버의 응답이 없습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "파일 업로드를 완료하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 서비스 연결에서 API 토큰을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "지정한 대상 입력이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "여러 저장소에 배포할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 배포 작업 성공", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s을(를) 기반으로 하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s과(와) 일치하는 파일을 여러 개 찾았습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ed4f0642ecd9..7b862f46c465 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.", "loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка нескольких назначений.", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Назначение выпуска", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Идентификаторы назначения", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "Идентификаторы групп рассылки для выпуска. Оставьте поле пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию, и используйте запятые или точки с запятой для разделения нескольких идентификаторов.", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Идентификатор назначения", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "Идентификатор хранилища распределения, куда нужно выполнить развертывание.", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Не уведомлять тест-инженеров. Выпуск по-прежнему будет доступен для установки.", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Нет ответа от сервера.", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось завершить отправку файла.", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "У подключения к службе Центра приложений Visual Studio не найден токен API.", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Указаны недопустимые входные данные назначения", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Невозможно распределить по нескольким хранилищам", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "Задача распространения через Центр приложений выполнена успешно", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Не удается найти файл на основе %s.", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Найдено несколько файлов, соответствующих %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 8ec1b33a4f65..7884d387083e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对多个目标的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "发布目标", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "目标 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "要发布到的分发组的 ID。将其留空以使用默认组,并使用逗号或分号分隔多个 ID。", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "目标 ID", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "要部署到的分发存储区的 ID。", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "不通知测试人员。发布仍可供安装。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "服务器无响应。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能完成文件上传。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 服务连接上找不到 API 令牌。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目标输入无效", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "无法分发到多个存储区", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 分布任务已完成", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "找不到基于 %s 的任何文件。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到与 %s 匹配的多个文件。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7dabbd12df63..27caa812017d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。", "loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center", - "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "新增多重目的地的支援。", "loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號", "loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線", "loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。", @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ "loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。", "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案", "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。", - "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs", - "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.", + "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新", + "loc.input.label.destinationType": "發行目的地", + "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "目的地識別碼", + "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "要發行之目標通訊群組的識別碼。保留空白可使用預設群組,使用逗號或分號可分隔多個識別碼。", + "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "目的地識別碼", + "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "要部署之目標通訊存放區的識別碼。", + "loc.input.label.isSilent": "不要通知測試人員。版本依然可安裝。", "loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。", "loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "伺服器沒有任何回應。", "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法完成檔案上傳。", "loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "在 Visual Studio App Center 服務連線上找不到任何 API 權杖。", + "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目的地輸入無效", + "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "無法散發到多個存放區", "loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 散發工作已成功", "loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "無法依據 %s 找到任何檔案。", "loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到多個符合 %s 的檔案。", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json index ec1c394e608c..307734b4074b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Added support for multiple destinations.", "groups": [ @@ -224,4 +224,4 @@ "FailedToCreateFile": "Failed to create %s with error: %s.", "FailedToFindFile": "Failed to find %s at %s." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json index f4c0565a4f6d..5d5b401f593a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7fb637a72f4b..bc7264cad1bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "App Center-Test", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport).", - "loc.description": "App-Pakete mit Visual Studio App Center testen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden App-Pakete mit Visual Studio App Center getestet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Mit Visual Studio App Center testen", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Tests vorbereiten", "loc.group.displayName.run": "Tests ausführen", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index dd40b6286d8a..2fe5a51944f7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de App Center", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) de Visual Studio App Center.", - "loc.description": "Prueba paquetes de aplicaciones con Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.description": "Prueba paquetes de aplicaciones con Visual Studio App Center.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Probar con Visual Studio App Center", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Preparar pruebas", "loc.group.displayName.run": "Ejecutar pruebas", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index f840e082e032..37290d83f242 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test App Center", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport).", - "loc.description": "Testez les packages d'applications avec Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.description": "Tester les packages d'applications avec Visual Studio App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Tester avec Visual Studio App Center", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Préparer les tests", "loc.group.displayName.run": "Exécuter les tests", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8ad7201f09ae..79be704425ff 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test App Center", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) di Visual Studio App Center.", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire il test di pacchetti dell'app con Visual Studio App Center.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire il test di pacchetti dell'app con Visual Studio App Center", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui test con Visual Studio App Center", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Prepara test", "loc.group.displayName.run": "Esegui test", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index b5f94955f74f..179131e187d6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "App Center テスト", "loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) をご覧ください。", - "loc.description": "Visual Studio App Center でアプリ パッケージをテストします。", + "loc.description": "Visual Studio App Center でアプリ パッケージをテストします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center でテスト", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "テストの準備", "loc.group.displayName.run": "テストの実行", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3f991e46fbf6..9a8d389d1654 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "테스트 준비", "loc.group.displayName.run": "테스트 실행", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", - "loc.input.label.app": "이진 응용 프로그램 파일 경로", + "loc.input.label.app": "이진 애플리케이션 파일 경로", "loc.input.help.app": "테스트할 APK 또는 IPA 파일에 대한 리포 루트에서의 상대 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.artifactsDir": "아티팩트 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.artifactsDir": "준비 단계에서 생성되어 실행 단계에서 사용되는 아티팩트를 배치할 위치입니다. 이 디렉터리가 없으면 자동으로 만들어집니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 66c2457e2e31..443ae3b2e05b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Тестирование в Центре приложений", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) Центра приложений Visual Studio.", - "loc.description": "Тестирование пакетов приложений в Центре приложений Visual Studio.", + "loc.description": "Тестирование пакетов приложений в Центре приложений Visual Studio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Тестировать в Центре приложений Visual Studio", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Подготовить тесты", "loc.group.displayName.run": "Запуск тестов", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index f87855f121b4..b295f1c8a9d2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "App Center 测试", "loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport)。", - "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试应用包。", + "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试应用包", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试 ", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "准备测试", "loc.group.displayName.run": "运行测试", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index ca0d5dcc3ecf..bdd19ad72dcc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "App Center 測試", "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport)。", - "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試應用程式套件。", + "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試應用程式套件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試", "loc.group.displayName.prepare": "準備測試", "loc.group.displayName.run": "執行測試", diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json index b1526ed053f3..30c984138cb1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { @@ -497,4 +497,4 @@ "CannotFindAnyFile": "Cannot find any file based on %s.", "FoundMultipleFiles": "Found multiple files matching %s." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json index 02eaeabe019b..c66b6c3d78a8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "author": "Microsoft Corporation", "version": { "Major": 1, - "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Minor": 152, + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c1922ca75e5c..4f56cfad6f9f 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Archivdateien", + "loc.friendlyName": "Dateien archivieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "Archivieren Sie Dateien mithilfe verschiedener Komprimierungsformate, wie z. B. 7z, RAR, TAR.GZ und ZIP.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archive $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archiv", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Stammordner oder Datei für Archivierung", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Geben Sie den Namen der zu erstellenden Archivdatei an. Wenn Sie z. B. \"foo.tgz\" erstellen möchten, wählen Sie den Archivtyp \"tar\" sowie \"gz\" für TAR-Komprimierung aus.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Vorhandenes Archiv ersetzen", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Wenn bereits ein Archiv vorhanden ist, geben Sie an, ob es überschrieben werden soll. Andernfalls werden ihm Dateien hinzugefügt.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "Ausführliche Ausgabe erzwingen", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird der ausführliche Ausgabemodus für Tools erzwungen. Diese Einstellung setzt \"quiet\" außer Kraft.", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "Stille Ausgabe erzwingen", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird der stille Ausgabemodus für Tools erzwungen. Diese Einstellung kann mit \"verbose\" außer Kraft gesetzt werden.", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "Die temporäre TAR-Datei \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden. Es wird versucht, ihr Dateien hinzuzufügen.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Die vorhandene Archivdatei wird vor dem Erstellen entfernt: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 17296628308d..0cd012fb6b9d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Archivos de almacenamiento", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "Archivos de almacenamiento que usan formatos de compresión, como .7z, .rar, .tar.gz y .zip.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archivo $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archivo", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Archivo o carpeta raíz que se va a archivar", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Especifique el nombre del archivo de almacenamiento que se va a crear. Por ejemplo, para crear \"foo.tgz\", seleccione el tipo de archivo \"tar\" y \"gz\" para la compresión tar.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Reemplazar el archivo de almacenamiento existente", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Si ya existe un archivo de almacenamiento, especifique si quiere sobrescribirlo. De lo contrario, se le agregarán los archivos.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forzar salida detallada", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "Si se establece en true, fuerza a las herramientas a usar una salida detallada. Invalida a \"quiet\".", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forzar salida silenciosa", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "Si se establece en true, fuerza a las herramientas a usar una salida silenciosa. Se puede invalidar con \"verbose\".", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "El archivo tar intermedio %s ya existe. Intentando agregar archivos.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Quitando el archivo de almacenamiento existente antes de la creación: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 23cd0e425b0d..edb2bf960e5f 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Fichiers d'archives", + "loc.friendlyName": "Archiver les fichiers", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "Archivez les fichiers à l'aide de formats de compression tels que .7z, .rar, .tar.gz et .zip.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archive $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archiver", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Dossier ou fichier racine à archiver", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Spécifiez le nom du fichier d'archive à créer. Par exemple, pour créer 'foo.tgz', sélectionnez le type d'archive 'tar', puis 'gz' pour la compression tar.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Remplacer l'archive existante", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "S'il existe déjà une archive, indiquez si elle doit être remplacée. Sinon, les fichiers sont ajoutés à cette archive.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forcer la sortie détaillée", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "Si la valeur est true, force les outils à utiliser une sortie détaillée. Remplace 'quiet'", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forcer la sortie sans assistance", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "Si la valeur est true, force les outils à utiliser une sortie sans assistance. Vous pouvez utiliser 'verbose' à la place", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "Le fichier tar intermédiaire %s existe déjà. Tentative d'ajout de fichiers à celui-ci.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Suppression du fichier d'archive existant avant la création : %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 0af22c11aae4..df75e157194c 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Archivia file", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "Consente di archiviare i file usando formati di compressione quali .7z, .rar, .tar.gz e .zip.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archivia $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archivia", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Cartella radice o file da archiviare", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Specificare il nome del file di archivio da creare. Ad esempio, per creare `foo.tgz`, selezionare il tipo di archivio `tar` e `gz` per la compressione del file TAR.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Sostituisci l'archivio esistente", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Se è presente un archivio esistente, specifica se sovrascriverlo. In caso contrario, i file verranno aggiunti all'archivio.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forza output dettagliato", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "Se è impostato su true, impone agli strumenti di usare l'output dettagliato. Esegue l'override di 'quiet'", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forza output non interattivo", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "Se è impostato su true, impone agli strumenti di usare l'output non interattivo. È possibile eseguirne l'override con 'verbose'", "loc.messages.Filename": "file=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "Il file TAR intermedio %s esiste già. Verrà effettuato il tentativo di aggiungervi file.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Rimozione del file di archivio esistente prima della creazione: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index bac9090e6d79..2819195b14ae 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルのアーカイブ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": ".7z、.rar、.tar.gz、.zip などの圧縮形式を使用してファイルをアーカイブします。", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "アーカイブ $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "アーカイブ", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "アーカイブするルート フォルダーまたはファイル", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "作成するアーカイブ ファイルの名前を指定します。たとえば、`foo.tgz` を作成する場合、`tar` アーカイブ型と `gz` を tar 圧縮のために選択します。", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "既存のアーカイブを置換", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "既存のアーカイブが存在する場合、上書きするかどうかを指定します。上書きしない場合には、ファイルは追加されます。", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "詳細出力を強制する", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "True に設定すると、ツールが詳細出力を使用するよう強制します。'quiet' をオーバーライドします", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "非表示出力を強制する", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "True に設定すると、ツールが非表示出力を使用するよう強制します。'verbose' でオーバーライドできます", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "中間 tar %s は既に存在しています。ファイルの追加を試行しています。", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "作成する前に既存のアーカイブ ファイルを削除しています: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 29230ab7a3af..8f77a607852c 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "보관 파일", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": ".7z, .rar, .tar.gz 및 .zip 등의 압축 형식을 사용하는 보관 파일입니다.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(rootFolderOrFile) 보관", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "보관", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "보관할 루트 폴더 또는 파일", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "만들려는 보관 파일의 이름을 지정합니다. 예를 들어 `foo.tgz`를 만들려면 `tar` 보관 파일 형식을 선택하고 tar 압축의 경우 `gz`를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "기존 보관 파일 바꾸기", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "기존 보관 파일이 있는 경우 해당 파일을 덮어쓸지 지정합니다. 그러지 않으면 파일이 기존 보관 파일에 추가됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "자세한 정보 출력 강제 적용", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "true로 설정하면, 도구에서 강제로 자세한 정보 출력을 사용합니다. 'quiet'를 재정의합니다.", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "자동 출력 강제 적용", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "true로 설정하면, 도구에서 강제로 자동 출력을 사용합니다. 'verbose'를 통해 재정의할 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "중간 tar %s이(가) 이미 있습니다. 여기에 파일을 추가하려고 시도하고 있습니다.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "만들기 전에 기존 보관 파일을 제거하는 중입니다. %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ef615e7063a2..65d562ae7434 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Файлы архива", + "loc.friendlyName": "Архивировать файлы", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "Архивация файлов с помощью таких форматов сжатия, как 7Z, RAR, TAR.GZ и ZIP.", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Архив $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "Архив", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Корневая папка или файл для архивации", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Укажите имя файла архива. Например, чтобы создать файл foo.tgz, выберите тип архива tar и gz для сжатия TAR.", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Заменить существующий архив", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Если имеется существующий архив, укажите, следует ли перезаписать его. В противном случае файлы будут добавлены в него.", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "Принудительный подробный вывод", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "Если задано значение true, средства принудительно используют подробный вывод. Переопределяет \"тихий\" режим", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "Принудительный тихий вывод", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "Если задано значение true, средства принудительно используют тихий вывод. Может быть переопределен \"подробным\" режимом", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "Промежуточный TAR-файл уже существует: %s. Идет попытка добавления файлов в него.", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Удаление существующего архивного файла перед созданием: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d3ad6c0155e3..7a958aee3816 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "存档文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "存档文件使用各种压缩格式,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 和 .zip。", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "存档 $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "存档", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "要存档的根文件夹或文件", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "指定要创建的存档文件的名称。例如,若要创建 \"foo.tgz\",请选择 \"tar\" 存档类型,并用 \"gz\" 指定 tar 压缩。", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "替换现有存档", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "如果存在现有存档,请指定是否将其覆盖。如果不覆盖,将向其添加文件。", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "强制使用详细输出", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "如果设置为 true,则会强制工具使用详细输出。重写 \"quiet\"", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "强制使用安静输出", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "如果设置为 true,则会强制工具使用安静输出。可由“详细”重写", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "中级 tar %s 已存在。正在尝试将文件添加到其中。", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "在创建前删除现有存档文件: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 03b9594b4dd5..538d943aa4f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "封存檔", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)", - "loc.description": "使用壓縮格式封存檔案,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 及 .zip。", + "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "封存 $(rootFolderOrFile)", "loc.group.displayName.archive": "封存", "loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "要封存的根資料夾或檔案", @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ "loc.input.help.archiveFile": "請指定要建立的封存檔案名稱。例如,若要建立 `foo.tgz`,請選取封存類型 [tar],對於 tar 壓縮則選取 [gz]。", "loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "取代現有的封存檔", "loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "若已有同名的封存檔,請指定是否要加以覆寫,否則只會將檔案新增至其中。", + "loc.input.label.verbose": "強制詳細資訊輸出", + "loc.input.help.verbose": "若設定為 true,會強制工具使用詳細資訊輸出。覆寫 'quiet'", + "loc.input.label.quiet": "強制無對話輸出", + "loc.input.help.quiet": "若設為 true,即強制工具使用無對話輸出。可由 'verbose' 覆寫", "loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s", "loc.messages.TarExists": "中繼 tar %s 已存在。正在嘗試將檔案新增至其中。", "loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "在建立前移除現有的封存檔案: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json index fa8581045abe..810a108a7317 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { @@ -129,4 +129,4 @@ "ArchiveFileExistsButNotAFile": "Specified archive file: %s already exists and is not a file.", "FailedArchiveFile": "Specified archive file: %s cannot be created because it cannot be accessed: %s" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json index 72b006f1c740..6d360e379ffa 100644 --- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ea221c1a454a..bbd40df7a873 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service verwalten", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit können Sie einen Azure App Service starten, beenden oder neu starten, einen Slottausch durchführen, Websiteerweiterungen installieren oder die kontinuierliche Überwachung für den App Service aktivieren.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit können Sie eine Azure App Service-Instanz starten, beenden oder neu starten, einen Slottausch durchführen, Websiteerweiterungen installieren oder die kontinuierliche Überwachung für eine Azure App Service-Instanz aktivieren.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement", @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um solche Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um solche Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 8dde911ec7fd..b637bac25d36 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Manage", + "loc.friendlyName": "Administración de Azure App Service", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)", - "loc.description": "Iniciar, detener, reiniciar, intercambiar espacio, instalar extensiones de sitio o habilitar la supervisión continua para una instancia de Azure App Service", + "loc.description": "Inicia, detiene, reinicia, intercambia espacio, instala extensiones de sitio o habilita la supervisión continua para una instancia de Azure App Service.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Configuración avanzada", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure", @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlos, debe establecer una variable denominada \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" como \"true\" en la canalización de compilación o de versión." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlos, debe establecer una variable denominada \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" como \"true\" en la canalización de compilación o de versión.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 9ea2c435df0a..08cf07b1064e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur 'true' à une variable nommée 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur 'true' à une variable nommée 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8b9f211eccea..ad13d593a483 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere tali errori, è necessario impostare una variabile denominata `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` sul valore `true` nella pipeline di compilazione o versione." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere tali errori, è necessario impostare una variabile denominata `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` sul valore `true` nella pipeline di compilazione o versione.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d2e1313daa88..ddb621fd496c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。そのようなエラーを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' という名前の変数の値を 'true' に設定する必要があります。" + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。そのようなエラーを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' という名前の変数の値を 'true' に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 88f8f5fdd684..64615fbbc0de 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Manage", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)", - "loc.description": "Azure App Service에 대해 사이트 확장 시작, 중지, 다시 시작, 슬롯 전환, 설치 또는 연속 모니터링 사용", + "loc.description": "Azure App Service에 대해 사이트 확장을 시작, 중지, 다시 시작, 슬롯 전환, 설치하거나 연속 모니터링을 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "고급 설정", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", @@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfigurationSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfigurationSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 정보가 비어 있음", "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "연속 WebJob을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관이 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같습니다. 이러한 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS'인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 'true' 값으로 설정해야 합니다." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관이 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같습니다. 이러한 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS'인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 'true' 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 8bc6e702036d..81c28d484917 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Управление службой приложений Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Управление Службой приложений Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)", - "loc.description": "Запуск, остановка, перезапуск, переключение слотов, установка расширений сайтов или включение непрерывного мониторинга для службы приложений Azure", + "loc.description": "Запуск, остановка, перезапуск, переключение слотов, установка расширений сайтов или включение непрерывного мониторинга для Службы приложений Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Дополнительные параметры", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure", @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска." + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index aee0f4e4f773..06e5c4a37a57 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" 的变量设置为 \"true\" 值。" + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" 的变量设置为 \"true\" 值。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d7169227c3be..325ca57bab41 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -170,5 +170,6 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` 的變數值設為 `true`。" + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` 的變數值設為 `true`。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json index 2308204122d3..10db5daa4ae7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 52 + "Patch": 53 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0", "instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json index 447bc5a50274..0122e3359275 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 52 + "Patch": 53 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7254117743e9..381ee972aaf0 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Führt eine Shell oder ein Batchskript mit Azure CLI-Befehlen für ein Azure-Abonnement aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Azure CLI-Befehle für ein Azure-Abonnement in einem Shell-Skript (bei Ausführung für einen Linux-Agent) oder einem Batchskript (bei Ausführung für einen Windows-Agent) ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 1.0:\n– Unterstützung der neuen Python-basierten Azure CLI 2.0\n– Funktioniert mit plattformübergreifenden Agents (Linux, macOS oder Windows)\n– Die Verwendung mit Azure CLI 1.0 (node.js-basiert) erfordert einen Wechsel zu Aufgabenversion 0.0\n– Einschränkungen:\n– Keine Unterstützung für klassische Azure-Abonnements. Azure CLI 2.0 unterstützt nur Azure Resource Manager-Abonnements (ARM).", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Skriptspeicherort", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Skripttyp: Dateipfad oder Inlineskript", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Skriptpfad", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Vollqualifizierter Pfad des Skripts oder ein Pfad relativ zum Standardarbeitsverzeichnis", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Vollqualifizierter Pfad des Skripts (BAT oder CMD bei Verwendung des Windows-basierten Agents, SH bei Verwendung eines Linux-basierten Agents) oder ein Pfad relativ zum Standardarbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Inlineskript", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Sie können hier Ihre Skripts inline einfügen. Verwenden Sie für Batchdateien das Präfix \"call\" vor jedem azure-Befehl. Sie können auch mithilfe von Argumenten vordefinierte und benutzerdefinierte Variablen an das Skript übergeben. \n\n Beispiel für Shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Beispiel für Batch: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Sie können Ihre Skripts hier inline einfügen. Bei Verwendung eines Windows-Agents verwenden Sie ein Batchskript, bei Verwendung eines Linux-basierten Agents ein Shell-Skript. Verwenden Sie für Batchdateien das Präfix \"call\" vor jedem azure-Befehl. Sie können auch mithilfe von Argumenten vordefinierte und benutzerdefinierte Variablen an das Skript übergeben. \n\n Beispiel für Shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Beispiel für Batch: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "Argumente", "loc.input.help.args": "An das Skript übergebenen Argumente", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Auf Dienstprinzipaldetails im Skript zugreifen", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Hiermit werden Dienstprinzipal-ID und -schlüssel des ausgewählten Azure-Endpunkts zur Ausführungsumgebung des Skripts hinzugefügt. Sie können diese Variablen in Ihrem Skript verwenden: \"$servicePrincipalId\" und \"$servicePrincipalKey\".\n\nEine Berücksichtigung erfolgt nur, wenn der Azure-Endpunkt das Dienstprinzipal-Authentifizierungsschema aufweist.", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Globale Azure CLI-Konfiguration verwenden", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Bei Festlegung auf FALSE verwendet diese Aufgabe ein eigenes, separates [Azure CLI-Konfigurationsverzeichnis](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Dieses Verzeichnis kann zum Ausführen von Azure CLI-Aufgaben in *parallelen* Releases verwendet werden.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem das Skript ausgeführt wird. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, wird der Stamm des Repositorys (Build) oder der Artefakte (Release) verwendet, das \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" lautet.", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Fehler bei Standardfehler.", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x ist nicht auf diesem Computer installiert.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Beim Abmelden ist der folgende Fehler aufgetreten: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Fehler bei der Azure-Anmeldung.", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Abonnements." + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Fehler bei der Azure-Anmeldung mit einer verwalteten Dienstidentität.", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Das Authentifizierungsschema \"%s\" wird nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Abonnements.", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR-Umgebungsvariable wird festgelegt auf: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Aktive Cloud wird festgelegt auf: %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Für Agent-Versionen vor 2.115.0 kann nur die globale Azure CLI-Konfiguration verwendet werden." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 8733609f55b7..6a80babee9af 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CLI de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta un shell o un script por lotes con comandos de la CLI de Azure en una suscripción de Azure", + "loc.description": "Ejecute los comandos de la CLI de Azure de una suscripción de Azure en un script de Shell cuando se ejecuten en un agente de Linux o en un script por lotes cuando se ejecuten en un agente de Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "CLI de Azure $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 1.0:\n- Admite la nueva CLI de Azure 2.0 basada en Python\n- Funciona con agentes multiplataforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Para trabajar con la CLI de Azure 1.0 (basada en node.js), cambie a la versión de tarea 0.0\n- Limitaciones:\n - No admite suscripciones de Azure clásico. La CLI de Azure 2.0 solo admite suscripciones de Azure Resource Manager (ARM).", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Ubicación del script", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Tipo de script: ruta de acceso del archivo o script insertado", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso del script", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso completa del script o una ruta de acceso relativa al directorio de trabajo predeterminado", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso completa del script (.bat o .cmd cuando se usa el agente basado en Windows y .sh cuando se usa el agente basado en Linux) o ruta de acceso relativa al directorio de trabajo predeterminado", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script en línea", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Puede escribir aquí sus scripts insertados. Para los archivos por lotes, use el prefijo \"call\" delante de cada comando de Azure. También puede pasar variables predefinidas y personalizadas a este script mediante argumentos. \n\n Ejemplo para shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Ejemplo para archivos por lotes: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Puede escribir aquí sus scripts insertados. Utilice el scripting por lotes cuando use un agente de Windows o bien use el scripting del shell con los agentes basados en Linux. Para los archivos por lotes, use el prefijo \"call\" delante de cada comando de Azure. También puede pasar variables predefinidas y personalizadas a este script mediante argumentos. \n\n Ejemplo para shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Ejemplo para archivos por lotes: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "Argumentos", "loc.input.help.args": "Argumentos pasados al script", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Acceder a los detalles de la entidad de servicio en el script", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Agregue el identificador de entidad de servicio y la clave del punto de conexión de Azure que ha seleccionado al entorno de ejecución del script. Puede usar las variables \"$servicePrincipalId\" y \"$servicePrincipalKey\" en el script.\n\nEsto solo se sigue cuando el punto de conexión de Azure tiene un esquema de autenticación de la entidad de servicio.", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Usar la configuración global de la CLI de Azure", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Si es false, esta tarea usará su propio [directorio de configuración de la CLI de Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Se puede usar para ejecutar tareas de la CLI de Azure en versiones en *paralelo*.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo actual en el que se ejecuta el script. Si se deja vacío, es la raíz del repositorio (compilación) o artefactos (versión), que es $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Error si se produce un error estándar", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "La CLI de Azure 2.x no está instalada en esta máquina.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Error al cerrar sesión: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Error del inicio de sesión de Azure", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Error en la configuración de la suscripción" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Error de inicio de sesión de Azure con Managed Service Identity", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "No se admite el esquema de autenticación %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Error en la configuración de la suscripción", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Estableciendo la variable de entorno AZURE_CONFIG_DIR en %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Estableciendo la nube activa en %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Para la versión del agente < 2.115.0, solo se puede usar la configuración global de la CLI de Azure." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6eb5e17458ea..0df2f83548b3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Exécuter un script d'interpréteur de commandes ou un script de commandes par lot avec des commandes Azure CLI pour un abonnement Azure", + "loc.description": "Exécutez des commandes Azure CLI sur un abonnement Azure via un script d'interpréteur de commandes sur un agent Linux, ou un script de commandes par lot sur un agent Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 1.0 :\n- Prend en charge la nouvelle interface Azure CLI 2.0 basée sur Python\n- Fonctionne avec les agents multiplateformes (Linux, macOS ou Windows)\n- Pour utiliser l'interface Azure CLI 1.0 (basée sur node.js), passez à la tâche version 0.0\n- Limitations :\n - Aucune prise en charge pour les abonnements Azure Classic. Azure CLI 2.0 prend en charge uniquement les abonnements ARM (Azure Resource Manager).", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Emplacement du script", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Type de script : chemin de fichier ou script inline", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Chemin d'accès du script", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Chemin complet du script ou chemin relatif au répertoire de travail par défaut", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Chemin complet du script (.bat ou .cmd pour un agent Windows et .sh pour un agent Linux) ou chemin relatif au répertoire de travail par défaut", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script Inline", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Vous pouvez écrire vos scripts inline ici. Pour les fichiers de commandes, utilisez le préfixe \"call\" avant chaque commande Azure. Vous pouvez également passer des variables prédéfinies et personnalisées à ce script à l'aide d'arguments \n\n exemple pour l'interpréteur de commandes : az --version || az account show \n\n exemple pour les fichiers de commandes : call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Vous pouvez écrire vos scripts inline ici. Pour les agents Windows, utilisez un script de commandes par lot. Pour les agents Linux, utilisez un script d'interpréteur de commandes. Pour les fichiers de commandes, utilisez le préfixe \"call\" avant chaque commande Azure. Vous pouvez également passer des variables prédéfinies et personnalisées à ce script à l'aide d'arguments \n\n exemple pour l'interpréteur de commandes : az --version || az account show \n\n exemple pour les fichiers de commandes : call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "Arguments", "loc.input.help.args": "Arguments passés au script", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accéder aux détails du principal de service dans le script", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Ajoute l'ID et la clé de principal de service du point de terminaison Azure choisi à l'environnement d'exécution du script. Vous pouvez utiliser les variables suivantes : '$servicePrincipalId' et '$servicePrincipalKey' dans votre script.\n\nCeci est valable uniquement quand le point de terminaison Azure a un schéma d'authentification du principal de service.", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Utiliser la configuration Azure CLI globale", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Si la valeur est false, cette tâche utilise son propre [répertoire de configuration Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file) distinct. Permet d'exécuter des tâches Azure CLI dans des mises en production *parallèles*", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail actif dans lequel le script est exécuté. Une valeur vide représente la racine du dépôt (build) ou des artefacts (mise en production), à savoir $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Échec sur une erreur standard", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x n'est pas installé sur cette machine.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "L'erreur suivante s'est produite durant la déconnexion : %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Échec de la connexion Azure", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Erreur durant la configuration de l'abonnement" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Échec de la connexion Azure via Managed Service Identity", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Le schéma d'authentification %s n'est pas pris en charge", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Erreur durant la configuration de l'abonnement", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Affectation de %s à la variable d'environnement AZURE_CONFIG_DIR", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Affectation de %s au cloud actif", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Pour une version d'agent < 2.115.0, seule la configuration Azure CLI globale peut être utilisée" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8b90c0213707..223f06bc6120 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Esegue uno script shell o batch con comandi dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure su una sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire i comandi dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure su una sottoscrizione di Azure in uno script della shell quando viene eseguito in un agente Linux oppure in uno script batch quando viene eseguito in un agente Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:\n- Supporta la nuova interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 2.0 che è basata su Python\n- È compatibile con agenti multipiattaforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Per l'uso con l'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 1.0 (basata su node.js), passare alla versione 0.0 dell'attività\n- Limitazioni:\n - Non prevede il supporto per le sottoscrizioni di Azure classico. L'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 2.0 supporta solo le sottoscrizioni Azure Resource Manager (ARM)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Percorso script", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Tipo dello script: Percorso file o Script inline", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Percorso script", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso completo dello script oppure percorso relativo alla directory di lavoro predefinita", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso completo dello script (con estensione .bat o .cmd quando si usa l'agente basato su Windows ed estensione .sh quando si usa l'agente basato su Linux) oppure un percorso relativo alla directory di lavoro predefinita", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script inline", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "È possibile scrivere qui gli script inline. Per i file batch usare il prefisso \"call\" prima di ogni comando di Azure. È anche possibile passare a questo script variabili predefinite e personalizzate usando gli argomenti \n\n Esempio per shell: azure --version || azure account show \n\n Esempio per batch: call azure --version || call azure account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "È possibile scrivere qui gli script inline. Con l'agente Windows, usare script batch, mentre con gli agenti basati su Linux, usare script della shell. Per i file batch usare il prefisso \"call\" prima di ogni comando di Azure. È anche possibile passare a questo script variabili predefinite e personalizzate usando gli argomenti \n\n Esempio per shell: azure --version || azure account show \n\n Esempio per batch: call azure --version || call azure account show", "loc.input.label.args": "Argomenti", "loc.input.help.args": "Argomenti passati allo script", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accedi ai dettagli dell'entità servizio nello script", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Aggiunge l'ID entità servizio e la chiave dell'endpoint di Azure scelto all'ambiente di esecuzione dello script. Nello script è possibile usare le variabili `$servicePrincipalId` e `$servicePrincipalKey`.\n\nQuesta opzione è consentita solo quando nell'endpoint di Azure è presente lo schema di autenticazione dell'entità servizio.", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Usa la configurazione globale dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Se è false, questa attività userà una [directory di configurazione dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file) separata. Può essere usato per eseguire attività dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure in versioni *parallele*", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro corrente in cui viene eseguito lo script. Se non si specifica un valore, corrisponde alla radice del repository (compilazione) o degli artefatti (versione), ovvero $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Interrompi in caso di errore standard", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "In questo computer non è installata la versione 2.x dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Durante la disconnessione si è verificato l'errore seguente: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "L'accesso ad Azure non è riuscito", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione della sottoscrizione" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "L'accesso di Azure con l'identità del servizio gestita non è riuscito", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Lo schema di autenticazione %s non è supportato", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione della sottoscrizione", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Impostazione della variabile di ambiente AZURE_CONFIG_DIR su: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Impostazione del cloud attivo su: %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Se la versione dell'agente è inferiore a quella 2.115.0, è possibile usare solo la configurazione globale dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index b8cf66564e44..219715c66b56 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Azure サブスクリプションに対して Azure CLI コマンドを使用してシェル スクリプトまたはバッチ スクリプトを実行します", + "loc.description": "Linux エージェントで実行している場合はシェル スクリプト、Windows エージェントで実行している場合はバッチ スクリプトで、Azure サブスクリプションに対して Azure CLI コマンドを実行します。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 1.0 の新機能:\n- Python ベースの新しい Azure CLI 2.0 をサポート\n- クロスプラットフォーム エージェント対応 (Linux、macOS、Windows)\n- Azure CLI 1.0 (node.js ベース) に対応するためのタスク バージョン 0.0 への切り替え\n- 制限事項:\n - Azure クラシック サブスクリプションはサポートされていません。Azure CLI 2.0 では Azure Resource Manager (ARM) サブスクリプションのみがサポートされています。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "スクリプトの場所", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "スクリプトの種類: ファイル パスまたはインライン スクリプト", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "スクリプト パス", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "スクリプトの完全修飾パス、または既定の作業ディレクトリに対する相対パス", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "スクリプト (Windows ベースのエージェントを使用している場合は .bat または .cmd、Linux ベースのエージェントを使用している場合は .sh) の完全修飾パスまたは既定の作業ディレクトリからの相対パス", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "インライン スクリプト", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "インラインのスクリプトをここに記述できます。バッチ ファイルについては、すべての azure コマンドの前にプレフィックス \"call\" を使用します。また、引数を使用して定義済み変数やカスタム変数をこのスクリプトに渡すこともできます\n\n シェルの例: az --version || az account show \n\n バッチの例: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "こちらにスクリプトをインラインで記述できます。Windows エージェントを使用する場合はバッチ スクリプトを使用し、Linux ベースのエージェントを使用する場合はシェル スクリプトを使用します。バッチ ファイルの場合、それぞれの azure コマンドの前にプレフィックス \"call\" を使用します。また、引数を使用して、事前定義された変数とカスタム変数をこのスクリプトに渡すこともできます。\n\n シェルの例: az --version || az account show \n\n バッチの例: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "引数", "loc.input.help.args": "スクリプトに渡される引数", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "スクリプト内のサービス プリンシパルの詳細にアクセスする", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "選択した Azure エンドポイントのサービス プリンシパル ID とキーを、スクリプトの実行環境に追加します。スクリプトでは、`$servicePrincipalId` と `$servicePrincipalKey` の変数を使用できます。\n\nこれは、Azure エンドポイントにサービス プリンシパルの認証スキームがある場合にのみ受け入れられます。", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "グローバルの Azure CLI 構成を使用する", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "この値が false の場合、このタスクでは別個の [Azure CLI 構成ディレクトリ](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)が使用されます。これは、*並列*リリースで Azure CLI タスクを実行するために使用できます", "loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.cwd": "スクリプトを実行する現行の作業ディレクトリ。空白はリポジトリ (ビルド) または成果物 (リリース) のルートであり、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) となります", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "標準エラーで失敗", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x はこのマシンにインストールされていません。", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "ログアウト中に次のエラーが発生しました: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure のログインに失敗しました", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "サブスクリプションの設定のエラー" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "マネージド サービス ID を使用する Azure ログインが失敗しました", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "認証スキーム %s はサポートされていません", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "サブスクリプションの設定のエラー", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 環境変数を %s に設定しています", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "アクティブ クラウドを %s に設定しています", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "エージェント バージョンが 2.115.0 より前の場合、グローバルの Azure CLI 構成のみ使用できます" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 62c27c082393..65c8a36c86f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Azure 구독에 대해 Azure CLI 명령으로 셸 또는 배치 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Linux 에이전트에서 실행하는 경우 셸 스크립트에서, Windows 에이전트에서 실행하는 경우 배치 스크립트에서 Azure 구독에 대해 Azure CLI 명령을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 1.0의 새로운 기능:\n- Python 기반인 새 Azure CLI 2.0 지원\n- 플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동\n- Azure CLI 1.0(node.js 기반)에서 작동하려면 작업 버전 0.0으로 전환\n- 제한 사항:\n - Azure 클래식 구독 지원 안 함. Azure CLI 2.0은 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 구독만 지원합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "스크립트 위치", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "스크립트 유형: 파일 경로 또는 인라인 스크립트", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "스크립트 경로", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "스크립트의 정규화된 경로 또는 기본 작업 디렉터리를 기준으로 한 경로", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "스크립트의 정규화된 경로(Windows 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 .bat 또는 .cmd, Linux 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 .sh) 또는 기본 작업 디렉터리의 상대 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "인라인 스크립트", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "여기서 인라인으로 스크립트를 작성할 수 있습니다. 배치 파일의 경우 모든 Azure 명령 앞에 접두사 \"call\"을 사용합니다. 또한 인수를 사용하여 이 스크립트에 미리 정의된 사용자 지정 변수를 전달할 수도 있습니다. \n\n 셸에 대한 예: az --version || az account show \n\n 일괄 처리에 대한 예: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "여기서 스크립트를 인라인으로 작성할 수 있습니다. Windows 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 배치 스크립트를 사용하고, Linux 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 셸 스크립트를 사용합니다. 배치 파일의 경우 모든 Azure 명령 앞에 \"call\" 접두사를 사용합니다. 인수를 사용하여 미리 정의된 변수와 사용자 지정 변수를 이 스크립트에 전달할 수도 있습니다. \n\n셸 예제: az --version || az account show \n\n 배치 예제: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "인수", "loc.input.help.args": "스크립트에 전달되는 인수", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "스크립트의 서비스 주체 정보 액세스", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "선택한 Azure 엔드포인트의 서비스 주체 ID 및 키를 스크립트의 실행 환경에 추가합니다. 스크립트에 '$servicePrincipalId' 및 '$servicePrincipalKey' 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.\n\nAzure 엔드포인트에 서비스 주체 인증 체계가 있는 경우에만 적용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "전역 Azure CLI 구성 사용", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "false이면, 이 작업은 고유한 별도 [Azure CLI 구성 디렉터리](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)를 사용합니다. *병렬* 릴리스에서 Azure CLI 작업을 실행하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.cwd": "스크립트가 실행되는 현재 작업 디렉터리입니다. 비어 있으면 리포(빌드) 또는 아티팩트(릴리스)의 루트이며 이 값은 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)입니다.", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "표준 오류 시 실패", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "이 컴퓨터에 Azure CLI 2.x가 설치되어 있지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "로그아웃하는 동안 다음 오류가 발생했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure에 로그인하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "구독을 설정하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다." + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "관리 서비스 ID를 사용한 Azure 로그인에 실패했습니다.", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "인증 체계 %s은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "구독을 설정하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 환경 변수를 %s(으)로 설정하는 중", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "활성 클라우드를 %s(으)로 설정하는 중", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "2.115.0 이전의 에이전트 버전에서는 전역 Azure CLI 구성만 사용할 수 있습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ea069ac0416b..a2c1ae63194d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "Запустить сценарий оболочки или пакетный сценарий с командами Azure CLI для подписки Azure", + "loc.description": "Выполнение команд Azure CLI для подписки Azure в скрипте оболочки при использовании агента Linux или пакетном скрипте при использовании агента Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 1.0:\n- поддержка нового Azure CLI 2.0 на основе Python;\n- поддержка кроссплатформенных агентов (Linux, macOS или Windows);\n- для работы с Azure CLI 1.0 (на основе Node.js) вернитесь к версии задачи 0.0.\n- Ограничения:\n- классические подписки Azure не поддерживаются. Azure CLI 2.0 поддерживает только подписки Azure Resource Manager (ARM).", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Расположение сценария", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Тип сценария: путь к файлу или встроенный сценарий", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Путь к скрипту", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Полный путь к сценарию или путь относительно рабочего каталога по умолчанию", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Полный путь для скрипта (BAT или CMD при использовании агента на основе Windows и SH при использовании агента на основе Linux) или путь относительно рабочего каталога по умолчанию", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Встроенный скрипт", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Здесь вы можете писать собственные встроенные сценарии. Для пакетных файлов используйте префикс \"call\" перед каждой командой Azure. Вы также можете передать в сценарий определенные заранее и пользовательские переменные с помощью аргументов. \n\n Пример для оболочки: az --version || az account show \n\n Пример для пакетных файлов: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Здесь можно создать встроенные скрипты. При работе с агентом Windows используйте пакетные скрипты, а при работе с агентами на основе Linux — скрипты оболочки. Для пакетных файлов используйте префикс \"call\" перед каждой командой Azure. Вы также можете передать в этот скрипт предопределенные и пользовательские переменные с помощью аргументов \n\n Пример для скриптов оболочки: az --version || az account show \n\n Пример для пакетных скриптов: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "Аргументы", "loc.input.help.args": "Аргументы, переданные в сценарий", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Доступ к сведениям о субъекте-службе в скрипте", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Добавляет идентификатор субъекта-службы и ключ выбранной конечной точки Azure в среду выполнения скрипта. В скрипте можно использовать следующие переменные: \"$servicePrincipalId\" и \"$servicePrincipalKey\".\n\nЭто учитывается, только если конечная точка Azure имеет схему проверки подлинности \"Субъект-служба\".", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Использовать глобальную конфигурацию Azure CLI", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Если задано значение false, задача будет использовать собственный отдельный [каталог конфигурации Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Это можно использовать для выполнения задач Azure CLI в *параллельных* выпусках", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Текущий рабочий каталог, в котором выполняется сценарий. Если значение пустое, используется корень репозитория (сборки) или артефакты (выпуска): $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Сбой со стандартной ошибкой", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "На этом компьютере не установлен Azure CLI 2.x.", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Во время выхода из системы произошла следующая ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Не удалось войти в Azure", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Ошибка при настройке подписки" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Сбой входа Azure с использованием Управляемого удостоверения службы", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Схема проверки подлинности %s не поддерживается", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Ошибка при настройке подписки", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Задание переменной среды AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Задание активного облака: %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Для агента версии ниже 2.115.0 можно использовать только глобальную конфигурацию Azure CLI" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 39b0ef931524..e6d089a00722 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "通过 Azure CLI 命令对Azure 订阅运行 Shell 或批处理脚本", + "loc.description": "在 Linux 代理上运行时,在 Shell 脚本中针对 Azure 订阅运行 Azure CLI 命令;在 Windows 代理上运行时,则在 Batch 脚本中针对 Azure 订阅运行 Azure CLI 命令。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 1.0 中的新增功能:\n- 支持基于 Python 的新 Azure CLI 2.0\n- 适用于跨平台代理(Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 若要使用 Azure CLI 1.0 (基于 node.js),请切换到任务版本 0.0\n- 局限:\n - 不支持 Azure 经典订阅。Azure CLI 2.0 仅支持 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)订阅。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "脚本位置", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "脚本类型: 文件路径或内联脚本", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "脚本路径", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "完全限定的脚本路径或与默认工作目录有关的路径", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "脚本(在使用基于 Windows 的代理时为 .bat 或 .cmd,在使用基于 linux 的代理时为 .sh)的完全限定的路径,或相对于默认工作目录的路径", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "内联脚本", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "在此处可以编写内联脚本。对于批处理文件,请在每条 Azure 命令前使用前缀 \"call\"。还可使用参数将预定义和自定义变量传递到此脚本\n\n shell 示例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批处理示例: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "可在此处编写内联脚本。使用 Windows 代理时,请使用批处理脚本,而在使用基于 Linux 的代理时,请使用 shell 脚本。对于批处理文件,请在每条 Azure 命令前使用前缀 \"call\"。还可使用参数将预定义和自定义变量传递到此脚本\n\n shell 示例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批处理示例: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "参数", "loc.input.help.args": "传递给脚本的参数", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "在脚本中访问服务主体详细信息", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "将选择的 Azure 终结点的服务主体 ID 和密钥添加到脚本的执行环境中。可以在脚本中使用这些变量: \"$servicePrincipalId\" 和 \"$servicePrincipalKey\"。\n\n这仅当 Azure 终结点具有服务主体身份验证方案时才有效。", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "使用全局 Azure CLI 配置", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "如果为 false,此任务将使用其自己的独立 [Azure CLI 配置目录](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)。这可用于在*并行*发布中运行 Azure CLI 任务", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录", "loc.input.help.cwd": "脚本运行于的当前工作目录。存储库(内部版本)或项目(发行版本)的根路径 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 为空", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "因标准错误失败", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "此计算机上未安装 Azure CLI 2.x。", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "注销时出现以下错误: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure 登录失败", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "设置订阅时出错" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "使用托管服务标识进行 Azure 登录失败", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "不支持身份验证方案 %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "设置订阅时出错", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "将 AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 环境变量设置为 %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "将活动云设置为 %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "对于低于 2.115.0 的代理版本,只能使用全局 Azure CLI 配置" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 9491c5696cc3..8568a20efb60 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)", - "loc.description": "對 Azure 訂閱執行使用 Azure CLI 命令的 Shell 或 Batch 指令碼", + "loc.description": "當於 Linux 代理程式上執行,在 Shell 指令碼內對 Azure 訂用帳戶執行 Azure CLI 命令 (若在 Windows 代理程式上執行,則為 Batch 指令碼)。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "1.0 版的新功能:\n- 支援以 Python 為基礎的新版 Azure CLI 2.0\n- 適用於跨平台代理程式 (Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 為搭配 Azure CLI 1.0 (以 node.js 為基礎) 運作,會切換為工作版本 0.0\n- 限制:\n - 不支援 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶。Azure CLI 2.0 只支援 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 訂用帳戶。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", @@ -10,11 +10,15 @@ "loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "指令碼位置", "loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "指令碼類型: 檔案路徑或內嵌指令碼", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "指令碼路徑", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "指令碼的完整路徑,或相對於預設工作目錄的路徑", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "指令碼的完整路徑 (使用 Windows 式代理程式時為 .bat 或 .cmd,使用 Linux 式代理程式時為 .sh),或預設工作目錄的相對路徑", "loc.input.label.inlineScript": "內嵌指令碼", - "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "您可在此寫下您要內嵌的指令碼。若為批次檔,請在每個 Azure 命令前加上前置詞 \"call\"。您也可以使用引數,將預先定義及自訂的變數傳遞給此指令碼\n\n殼層範例: az --version || az account show\n\n批次範例: call az --version || call az account show", + "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "您可於此處寫入您的指令碼內嵌。使用 Windows 代理程式時請使用批次指令碼,若為使用 Linux 式代理程式,請使用殼層指令碼,若為批次檔,請在每個 Azure 命令前面使用前置詞 \"call\"。您也可以使用引數,將預先定義及自訂的變數傳遞至此指令碼\n\n 殼層範例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批次範例: call az --version || call az account show", "loc.input.label.args": "引數", "loc.input.help.args": "傳遞給指令碼的引數", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "存取指令碼中的服務主體詳細資料", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "將服務主體識別碼和您所選 Azure 端點的金鑰新增至指令碼的執行環境。您可以在指令碼中使用以下變數: `$servicePrincipalId` 和 `$servicePrincipalKey`。\n\n僅在 Azure 端點具有服務主體驗證配置時才接受此項目。", + "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "使用全域 Azure CLI 設定", + "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "如果此項目為 false,則此工作會使用其獨立的 [Azure CLI 設定目錄](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)。這個項目可在 *平行* 版本中用於執行 Azure CLI 工作", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄", "loc.input.help.cwd": "指令碼執行所在的現行工作目錄。Empty 是存放庫 (組建) 或成品 (發行) 的根目錄,即 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "發生標準錯誤的失敗", @@ -25,5 +29,10 @@ "loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "此電腦上未安裝 Azure CLI 2.x。", "loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "登出時發生下列錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure 登入失敗", - "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "設定訂用帳戶時發生錯誤" + "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "使用受控服務識別登入 Azure 失敗", + "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "不支援驗證結構描述 %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "設定訂用帳戶時發生錯誤", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "正在將 AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 環境變數設定為: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "正在將作用中雲端設定為: %s", + "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "2.115.0 以下的代理程式版本只能使用全域 Azure CLI 設定" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json index dc82e3c0adca..30ad22b95a1f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json index 96d0c100ffdc..453a6f09c27f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ae137e880765..5c7005df81d7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Bereitstellung des Azure-Clouddiensts", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Clouddienstbereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613748)", "loc.description": "Azure-Clouddienst bereitstellen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Bereitstellung: $(CsPkg)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index aa4fafd07eaa..8e29d12aeddc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de servicios en la nube de Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de servicio en la nube de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613748)", "loc.description": "Implemente un servicio en la nube de Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure: $(CsPkg)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3031e6aac283..60858dbab76d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ "loc.group.displayName.newServiceAdvancedOptions": "새 서비스 만들기에 대한 고급 옵션", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독(클래식)", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "배포하려면 먼저 저장소 계정이 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "배포하려면 먼저 스토리지 계정이 있어야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.ServiceName": "서비스 이름", "loc.input.help.ServiceName": "기존 클라우드 서비스 이름을 선택하거나 입력합니다.", "loc.input.label.ServiceLocation": "서비스 위치", @@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ "loc.input.help.ForceUpgrade": "선택할 경우 강제 업그레이드로 업그레이드가 설정되어 잠재적으로 로컬 데이터 손실이 발생할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.VerifyRoleInstanceStatus": "역할 인스턴스 상태 확인", "loc.input.help.VerifyRoleInstanceStatus": "선택하면, 역할 인스턴스가 준비 상태가 될 때까지 작업이 대기합니다.", - "loc.input.label.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 저장소 계정 키", - "loc.input.help.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 저장소 계정에 대한 저장소 키를 Role:Storagekey 형식으로 입력합니다. 각 역할의 진단 저장소 계정 이름은 진단 구성 파일(.wadcfgx)에서 가져옵니다. 역할의 .wadcfgx 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 역할에 대한 진단 확장이 설정되지 않습니다. .wadcfgx 파일에 저장소 계정 이름이 없으면 기본 저장소 계정을 사용하여 진단 결과를 저장하고 배포 작업의 저장소 키 매개 변수는 무시됩니다. 환경의 진단 결과에 중요한 정보가 없는 경우를 제외하고는 <저장소_계정_키>를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.

예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
WebRole: <WebRole_저장소_계정_키>
WorkerRole: <WorkerRole_저장소_계정_키>", + "loc.input.label.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 스토리지 계정 키", + "loc.input.help.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 스토리지 계정에 대한 스토리지 키를 Role:Storagekey 형식으로 입력합니다. 각 역할의 진단 스토리지 계정 이름은 진단 구성 파일(.wadcfgx)에서 가져옵니다. 역할의 .wadcfgx 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 역할에 대한 진단 확장이 설정되지 않습니다. .wadcfgx 파일에 스토리지 계정 이름이 없으면 기본 스토리지 계정을 사용하여 진단 결과를 저장하고 배포 작업의 스토리지 키 매개 변수는 무시됩니다. 환경의 진단 결과에 중요한 정보가 없는 경우를 제외하고는 <스토리지_계정_키>를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.

예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
WebRole: <WebRole_스토리지_계정_키>
WorkerRole: <WorkerRole_스토리지_계정_키>", "loc.input.label.NewServiceCustomCertificates": "가져올 사용자 지정 인증서", "loc.input.help.NewServiceCustomCertificates": "CertificatePfxBase64:CertificatePassword 형식으로 사용자 지정 인증서를 제공합니다. 를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.

Certificate1: <Certificate1_password>
Certificate2: <Certificate2_password>", "loc.input.label.NewServiceAdditionalArguments": "추가 인수", "loc.input.help.NewServiceAdditionalArguments": "새 서비스를 만드는 동안 추가 인수에서 전달합니다. 이러한 인수는 `New-AzureService` cmdlet에 전달됩니다. 예: `-Label 'MyTestService'`", "loc.input.label.NewServiceAffinityGroup": "선호도 그룹", "loc.input.help.NewServiceAffinityGroup": "새 서비스를 만드는 동안 서비스 위치를 사용하는 대신 이 선호도 그룹이 고려됩니다.", - "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "저장소 계정 '{0}'의 기본 저장소 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforthepublicconfigstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "공용 구성 저장소 계정 '{0}'의 기본 저장소 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "스토리지 계정 '{0}'의 기본 스토리지 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforthepublicconfigstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "공용 구성 스토리지 계정 '{0}'의 기본 스토리지 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Applyinganyconfigureddiagnosticsextensions": "구성된 모든 진단 확장을 적용하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages._0couldnotbeparsedintopartsforregisteringdiagnosticsextensions": "진단 확장을 등록하기 위해 '{0}'을(를) 파트로 구문 분석할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Nofileswerefoundtodeploywithsearchpattern0": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Foundmorethanonefiletodeploywithsearchpattern0Therecanbeonlyone": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있을 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.Storagekeysaredefinedininvalidformat": "저장소 키가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되어 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Storagekeysaredefinedininvalidformat": "스토리지 키가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되어 있습니다.", "loc.messages.Unabletofind0usingprovidedsubscription": "제공한 구독을 사용하여 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.Currentversionofazurepowershelldontsupportexternalstorageaccountforconfiguringdiagnostics": "현재 버전의 Azure PowerShell에서는 외부 저장소 계정을 사용하여 진단을 구성할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Currentversionofazurepowershelldontsupportexternalstorageaccountforconfiguringdiagnostics": "현재 버전의 Azure PowerShell에서는 외부 스토리지 계정을 사용하여 진단을 구성할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Customcertificatesaredefinedininvalidformat": "사용자 지정 인증서가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되었습니다.", "loc.messages.Addinganyconfiguredcustomcertificates": "구성된 사용자 지정 인증서를 추가하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.ValidateAzureCloudServiceStatus": "Azure Cloud Service '{0}'의 상태를 확인하는 중", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 85e4b4ff7380..46b2a0070aa6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryAzureCloudServiceStatusCheck": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 驗證失敗。將於 '{1}' 秒後重試。", "loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceIsReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 已就緒。", "loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceIsNotReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 尚未就緒。這可能是一或多個 RoleInstances 未處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態所致。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄檔。", - "loc.messages.AllRoleInstancesAreReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 的所有角色執行個體 (計數: '{1}') 處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態。", + "loc.messages.AllRoleInstancesAreReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 的所有角色執行個體 (計數: '{1}') 均處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態。", "loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceNotFound": "找不到 Azure 雲端服務: '{0}'。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json index b4a11cee9a0e..26463e93d833 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 15 + "Patch": 16 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json index efaf99b16937..beb9eb9e8fe2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 15 + "Patch": 16 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c5cf0a68c905..bfbe73247ebd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "Die Option \"/S\" gilt nicht für \"$root\"-Container.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Der HTTP-Antwortcode \"{0}\" ist kein gültiger Umleitungsstatuscode.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 40c3adb7572a..d4e92ef8c582 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_ParallelCopyFailed": "Error en la copia a uno o varios equipos.", "loc.messages.AFC_CopySuccessful": "Archivos copiados correctamente desde la ruta de origen: '{0}' a las máquinas virtuales de Azure de destino en el grupo de recursos: '{1}'", "loc.messages.AFC_SetCustomScriptExtensionFailed": "Error al establecer la extensión de script personalizada '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}' de tipo: {2}", - "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "Error al agregar la red de seguridad de red: {0}", + "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "No se pudo agregar la regla de seguridad de red: {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "No se puede establecer el script personalizado '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}': {2}", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "Error al habilitar los requisitos previos de copia. {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento: {0}. Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento existente", "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "La opción \"/S\" no es válida para contenedores $root.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "El código de respuesta HTTP \"{0}\" no es un código de estado de redireccionamiento válido.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index e0b954516dce..3d35f2177c11 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par", - "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les balises des machines virtuelles. Les [balises](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.", + "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les étiquettes des machines virtuelles. Les [étiquettes](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.", "loc.input.label.MachineNames": "Critères de filtre", "loc.input.help.MachineNames": "Indiquez une liste de noms d'hôtes de machines virtuelles, par exemple ffweb, ffdb, ou utilisez des balises telles que Role:DB, Web; OS:Win8.1. Notez que les délimiteurs employés pour les balises sont ,(virgule), :(deux-points) et ;(point-virgule). Si plusieurs balises sont indiquées, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles correspondant aux balises spécifiées. Par défaut, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles.", "loc.input.label.vmsAdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur", @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, le client ignore la validation permettant de vérifier que le certificat du serveur est signé par une autorité de certification approuvée lors de la connexion via HTTP ou Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).", "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "URI du conteneur de stockage", "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'", @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "L'option '/S' est non valide pour les conteneurs $root.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Le code de réponse HTTP '{0}' n'est pas un code d'état de redirection valide", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 18e892b47b39..498965108e77 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "L'opzione '/S' non è valida per i contenitori $root.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Il codice di risposta HTTP '{0}' non è un codice di stato di reindirizzamento valido", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 82cd4c1ff7b2..1e9ac1003a18 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", "loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました", @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root コンテナーには、'/S' オプションは無効です。", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 応答コード: '{0}' は無効なリダイレクト状態コードです", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 58d0c3543b27..223fe293a06d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식", "loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름", - "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스", @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ "loc.input.help.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "true로 설정하면 파일을 복사하기 전에 대상 폴더가 정리됩니다.", "loc.input.label.skipCACheck": "테스트 인증서", "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "이 옵션을 선택하면 클라이언트에서 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)를 통해 연결할 때 서버 인증서에 신뢰할 수 있는 CA(인증 기관)의 서명이 있는지 확인하는 단계를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "저장소 컨테이너 URI", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "스토리지 컨테이너 URI", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 스토리지 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.", @@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_IncorrectTags": "태그가 잘못 지정되었습니다. 태그는 Role:Web,DB;Location:East US;Dept.:Finance,HR 형식이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineDoesNotExist": "다음 컴퓨터는 리소스 그룹에 없거나 해당 이름이 올바르게 지정되지 않았습니다. {0}. 리소스 그룹에 있는 그대로 정확하게 같은 컴퓨터 이름을 제공하세요. 여러 컴퓨터 이름을 구분하려면 쉼표를 사용하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}'에서 모든 리소스에 대한 {0}을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.", @@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "네트워크 보안 규칙을 추가하지 못했습니다. {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "가상 머신 '{1}'의 사용자 지정 스크립트 확장 '{0}'을(를) 설정할 수 없습니다. {2}", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "복사 필수 구성 요소를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. {0}", - "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root 컨테이너에 대해 '/S' 옵션이 잘못되었습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 89d8254aaaed..2cbd761548c3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Если выбрать этот параметр, клиент пропускает проверку того, подписан ли сертификат сервера доверенным центром сертификации при подключении по протоколу HTTP через SSL (HTTPS).", "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "Код URI контейнера хранилища", "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Маркер SAS контейнера хранилища", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для маркера SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"", @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "Параметр \"/S\" является недопустимым для контейнеров $root.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Код ответа HTTP \"{0}\" не является допустимым кодом состояния перенаправления.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 114f8fd077fe..510916d485d2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "\"/S\" 选项对 $root 容器无效。", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 响应代码:“{0}”不是有效的重定向状态代码", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 80cb11d93e26..7d9667b45abc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "'/S' 選項對 $root 容器而言無效。", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 回應碼: '{0}' 不是有效的重新導向狀態碼", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3a8a0186be5a..894636a29b10 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Dateikopiervorgang", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Dateien in Azure-Blobs oder VMs kopieren", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien in Azure Blob Storage oder VMs kopiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination)-Dateikopiervorgang", "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 2.0:
   Eine neuere Version von AzCopy wird verwendet.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Ausgabe", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "\"AzCopy.exe\" wurde mit einem Exitcode ungleich null beendet, während Dateien in den Blobspeicher hochgeladen wurden.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Der Speicherkontoschlüssel konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Fehler: {0}", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 153486ed63ca..21bd128f8528 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copiar archivos a las VM o al blob de Azure", + "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en Azure Blob Storage o en máquinas virtuales", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) File Copy", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
nbsp;  Uso de una versión más reciente de AzCopy.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Salida", @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_ParallelCopyFailed": "No se pudo copiar en una o varias máquinas. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.", "loc.messages.AFC_CopySuccessful": "Archivos copiados correctamente desde la ruta de origen: '{0}' a las máquinas virtuales de Azure de destino en el grupo de recursos: '{1}'", "loc.messages.AFC_SetCustomScriptExtensionFailed": "Error al establecer la extensión de script personalizada '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}' de tipo: {2}", - "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "Error al agregar la red de seguridad de red: {0}", + "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "No se pudo agregar la regla de seguridad de red: {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "No se puede establecer el script personalizado '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}': {2}", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "Error al habilitar los requisitos previos de copia. {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento: {0}. Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento existente", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe terminó con el código de salida distinto de cero al cargar archivos en el almacenamiento de blobs.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "No se puede recuperar la clave de la cuenta de almacenamiento. Error: \"{0}\"", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 8e77fa4a2156..0a2b3eca168a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers vers un objet blob ou des machines virtuelles Azure", + "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur le Stockage Blob Azure ou des machines virtuelles", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) Copie de fichiers", "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 2.0 :
   Utilisation d'une version plus récente d'AzCopy.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Sortie", @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par", - "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les balises des machines virtuelles. Les [balises](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.", + "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les étiquettes des machines virtuelles. Les [étiquettes](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.", "loc.input.label.MachineNames": "Critères de filtre", "loc.input.help.MachineNames": "Indiquez une liste de noms d'hôtes de machines virtuelles, par exemple ffweb, ffdb, ou utilisez des balises telles que Role:DB, Web; OS:Win8.1. Notez que les délimiteurs employés pour les balises sont ,(virgule), :(deux-points) et ;(point-virgule). Si plusieurs balises sont indiquées, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles correspondant aux balises spécifiées. Par défaut, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles.", "loc.input.label.vmsAdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur", @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, le client ignore la validation permettant de vérifier que le certificat du serveur est signé par une autorité de certification approuvée lors de la connexion via HTTP ou Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).", "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "URI du conteneur de stockage", "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe s'est arrêté avec un code de sortie différent de zéro durant le chargement des fichiers vers le Stockage Blob.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) la clé du compte de stockage. Erreur : '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c5338d7e4e7a..366e84d40b34 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copia file nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure", + "loc.description": "Copia i file in Archiviazione BLOB di Azure nelle macchine virtuali", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia dei file $(Destination)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 2.0:
   Uso della versione più recente di AzCopy.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Output", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe è stato terminato con il codice di uscita diverso da zero durante il caricamento dei file nell'archivio BLOB.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Non è possibile recuperare la chiave dell'account di archiviazione. Errore: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 0502711ed892..8e917f15e38b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure ファイル コピー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure BLOB または VM へのファイルのコピー", + "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage または仮想マシンにファイルをコピーします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) ファイル コピー", "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 2.0 での変更点:
   AzCopy の新しいバージョンが使用されています。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "出力", @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", "loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe が Blob Storage にファイルをアップロードしている間に、ゼロ以外の終了コードで終了しました。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "ストレージ アカウント キーをフェッチできません。エラー: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2e633892a590..0c309f7a7f56 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 파일 복사", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure Blob 또는 VM에 파일 복사", + "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage 또는 가상 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 파일 복사", "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 2.0의 새로운 기능:
   AzCopy의 최신 버전을 사용 중입니다.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "출력", @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식", "loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름", - "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스", @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "대상 폴더", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "소스에서 파일을 복사하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 로컬 경로입니다. $env:windir\\BudgetIT\\Web과 같은 환경 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "선택적 인수(Blob에 파일을 업로드하는 경우)", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 저장소 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 스토리지 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.", "loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "선택적 인수(VM에 파일을 다운로드하는 경우)", "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "VM에 다운로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /S, /Z, /V", "loc.input.label.enableCopyPrerequisites": "복사 필수 구성 요소 사용", @@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ "loc.input.help.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "true로 설정하면 파일을 복사하기 전에 대상 폴더가 정리됩니다.", "loc.input.label.skipCACheck": "테스트 인증서", "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "이 옵션을 선택하면 클라이언트에서 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)를 통해 연결할 때 서버 인증서에 신뢰할 수 있는 CA(인증 기관)의 서명이 있는지 확인하는 단계를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "저장소 컨테이너 URI", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "스토리지 컨테이너 URI", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 스토리지 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.", @@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'", + "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_IncorrectTags": "태그가 잘못 지정되었습니다. 태그는 Role:Web,DB;Location:East US;Dept.:Finance,HR 형식이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineDoesNotExist": "다음 컴퓨터는 리소스 그룹에 없거나 해당 이름이 올바르게 지정되지 않았습니다. {0}. 리소스 그룹에 있는 그대로 정확하게 같은 컴퓨터 이름을 제공하세요. 여러 컴퓨터 이름을 구분하려면 쉼표를 사용하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}'에서 모든 리소스에 대한 {0}을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.", @@ -90,11 +90,12 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "네트워크 보안 규칙을 추가하지 못했습니다. {0}", "loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "가상 머신 '{1}'의 사용자 지정 스크립트 확장 '{0}'을(를) 설정할 수 없습니다. {2}", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "복사 필수 구성 요소를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. {0}", - "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root 컨테이너에 대해 '/S' 옵션이 잘못되었습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Blob Storage에 파일을 업로드하는 중 AzCopy.exe가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 종료되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "저장소 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "스토리지 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'", + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index daf8ffeb8201..6d5c4aa0a17e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Копирование файлов в BLOB-объект или виртуальные машины Azure", + "loc.description": "Копировать файлы в хранилище BLOB-объектов Azure или виртуальные машины", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копирование файлов $(Destination)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 2.0:
   Используется более новая версия AzCopy.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход", @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Если выбрать этот параметр, клиент пропускает проверку того, подписан ли сертификат сервера доверенным центром сертификации при подключении по протоколу HTTP через SSL (HTTPS).", "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "Код URI контейнера хранилища", "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", - "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища", - "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", + "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Маркер SAS контейнера хранилища", + "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для маркера SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Программа AzCopy.exe завершила работу с ненулевым кодом выхода при отправке файлов в хранилище BLOB-объектов.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Не удалось получить ключ учетной записи хранения. Ошибка: \"{0}\"", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 235f65af8625..6c81d08fbad9 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 文件复制", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure blob 或 VM", + "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure Blob 存储或虚拟机", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 文件复制", "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 2.0 中的新增功能:
   使用较新版本的 AzCopy。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "输出", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "将文件上传到 blob 存储时,AzCopy.exe 以非零退出代码退出。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "无法提取存储帐户密钥。错误: “{0}”", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 4e1b6228dff6..b35294b9167a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 檔案複製", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 或 VM", + "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 儲存體或虛擬機器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 檔案複製", "loc.releaseNotes": "2.0 版的新功能:
   使用更新版本的 AzCopy。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "輸出", @@ -96,5 +96,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "將檔案上傳至 Blob 儲存體時 AzCopy.exe 已結束,結束代碼不為零。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "無法擷取儲存體帳戶金鑰。錯誤: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json index 81b5287277ff..df948badcabd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 8 + "Patch": 9 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json index b11445761ae2..f8c566f72ad0 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 8 + "Patch": 9 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3a8a0186be5a..5c3c0b30b1fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Dateikopiervorgang", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Dateien in Azure-Blobs oder VMs kopieren", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien in Azure Blob Storage oder auf virtuelle Computer kopiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination)-Dateikopiervorgang", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 2.0:
   Eine neuere Version von AzCopy wird verwendet.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 3.0:
   Unterstützung für das Az-Modul und Einstellung der Unterstützung für klassische Azure-Dienstendpunkte.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Ausgabe", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Quelle", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Absoluter Pfad des Quellordners bzw. der Datei auf dem lokalen Computer oder eine UNC-Freigabe. Der Ausdruck muss einen einzigen Ordner bzw. eine einzige Datei zurückgeben.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure-Verbindungstyp", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement, das als Ziel für den Kopiervorgang von Dateien dient.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement, das als Ziel für den Kopiervorgang von Dateien dient.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "Zieltyp", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Wählen Sie als Ziel entweder Azure-Blob oder Azure-VMs aus.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Klassisches Speicherkonto", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Geben Sie ein bereits vorhandenes klassisches Speicherkonto an. Es wird auch als Zwischenspeicher zum Kopieren von Dateien in virtuelle Azure-Maschinen verwendet.", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM-Speicherkonto", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Geben Sie ein bereits vorhandenes ARM-Speicherkonto an. Es wird auch als Zwischenspeicher zum Kopieren von Dateien in virtuelle Azure-Maschinen verwendet.", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Containername", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Der Name des Containers zum Hochladen der Dateien. Wenn im angegebenen Speicherkonto kein Container mit dem angegebenen Namen vorhanden ist, wird er automatisch erstellt.
Wenn Sie ein virtuelles Verzeichnis innerhalb des Containers erstellen möchten, verwenden Sie die unten aufgeführte Blobpräfixeingabe.
Beispiel: Wenn der Zielort https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/ lautet, geben Sie mycontainer als Containername und vd1/vd2 als Blobpräfix an.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blobpräfix", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Nützlich zum Filtern von Dateien. Fügen Sie zum Beispiel allen Blobs die Buildnummer an, um nur Dateien aus diesem Build herunterzuladen. Beispiel: Wenn Sie das Blobpräfix myvd1 angeben, wird innerhalb des Containers ein virtuelles Verzeichnis mit diesem Namen erstellt. Die Quelldateien werden in https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/ kopiert.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Clouddienst", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Der Name des Zielclouddiensts, in die Dateien kopiert werden sollen.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Ressourcengruppe", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Der Name der Zielressourcengruppe, in die Dateien kopiert werden sollen.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Computer auswählen nach", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für den URI des Speichercontainers an, in den die Dateien mit diesem Task kopiert wurden. Nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "SAS-Token des Speichercontainers", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für das SAS-Token des Speichercontainers an, das für den Zugriff auf die Dateien verwendet wird, in die mit diesem Task kopiert wird. Nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Gültigkeitsdauer des SAS-Tokens in Minuten", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Geben Sie die Zeit in Minuten an, nach der das SAS-Token abläuft. Diese Einstellung ist nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Das Speicherkonto \"{0}\" wurde nicht gefunden. Die ausgewählte Dienstverbindung \"Dienstprinzipal\" unterstützt nur Speicherkonten des Azure Resource Manager-Typs.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Die angegebene Ressourcengruppe \"{0}\" ist nicht vorhanden.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure-Aufruf]Der Status für den virtuellen Computer \"{0}\" wird abgerufen.", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "\"AzCopy.exe\" wurde mit einem Exitcode ungleich null beendet, während Dateien in den Blobspeicher hochgeladen wurden.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Der Speicherkontoschlüssel konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Fehler: {0}", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 153486ed63ca..4115851baedc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copiar archivos a las VM o al blob de Azure", + "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en Azure Blob Storage o en máquinas virtuales", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) File Copy", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
nbsp;  Uso de una versión más reciente de AzCopy.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 3.0:
   Ofrece compatibilidad con el módulo Az y deja de ser compatible con el punto de conexión de servicio de Azure clásico.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Salida", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origen", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "La ruta de acceso absoluta de la carpeta de origen, un archivo de la máquina local o un recurso compartido UNC. La expresión debería devolver una única carpeta o un archivo.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo de conexión de Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico de destino para la copia de los archivos.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure Resource Manager de destino para la copia de los archivos.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "Tipo de destino", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Seleccione un destino, ya sea el blob de Azure o las VM de Azure.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Cuenta de almacenamiento clásica", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento clásica preexistente. Se utiliza también como agente intermedio para copiar archivos a máquinas virtuales de Azure", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Cuenta de almacenamiento del Administrador de recursos", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento del Administrador de recursos de Azure preexistente. Se utiliza también como agente intermedio para copiar archivos a máquinas virtuales de Azure", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nombre del contenedor", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nombre del contenedor para cargar los archivos. Si no existe un contenedor con el nombre especificado en la cuenta de almacenamiento, se creará automáticamente.
Si se debe crear un directorio virtual dentro del contenedor, utilice la entrada de prefijo de blob a continuación.
Ejemplo: si la ubicación de destino es https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, especifique mycontainer como nombre del contenedor y vd1/vd2 como prefijo de blob.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Prefijo de blob", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Es útil para filtrar archivos, por ejemplo, anexar el número de compilación a todos los blobs para descargar archivos solo desde esa compilación. Ejemplo: si especifica el prefijo de blob myvd1, se creará un directorio virtual con este nombre dentro del contenedor. Los archivos de origen se copiarán en https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Servicio en la nube", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nombre del Servicio en la nube de destino en el que copiar los archivos.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Grupo de recursos", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nombre del Grupo de recursos de destino en el que copiar los archivos.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Seleccionar máquinas por", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Asigne un nombre a la variable del URI del contenedor de almacenamiento al que se copiaron los archivos con esta tarea. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es el blob de Azure.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Token de SAS del contenedor de almacenamiento", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Asigne un nombre a la variable del token de SAS del contenedor de almacenamiento que se usa para acceder a los archivos copiados con esta tarea. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es el blob de Azure.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Período de expiración del token de SAS en minutos", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Proporcione el tiempo en minutos que debe transcurrir para que expire el token de SAS. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es Azure Blob.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento {0}. La conexión de servicio seleccionada \"Entidad de servicio\" admite solo cuentas de almacenamiento del tipo Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "El grupo de recursos proporcionado '{0}' no existe.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Llamada de Azure]Obteniendo el estado de la máquina virtual '{0}'\t", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe terminó con el código de salida distinto de cero al cargar archivos en el almacenamiento de blobs.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "No se puede recuperar la clave de la cuenta de almacenamiento. Error: \"{0}\"", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 8e77fa4a2156..28adf89a9862 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers vers un objet blob ou des machines virtuelles Azure", + "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur le Stockage Blob Azure ou des machines virtuelles", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) Copie de fichiers", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 2.0 :
   Utilisation d'une version plus récente d'AzCopy.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 3.0 :
   Prise en charge du module Azure et fin de la prise en charge du point de terminaison de service Azure Classic.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Sortie", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Source", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Chemin d'accès absolu du dossier source, d'un fichier sur la machine locale ou d'un partage UNC. L'expression doit retourner un seul dossier ou fichier.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Type de connexion Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic à cibler pour la copie des fichiers.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure Resource Manager à cibler pour la copie des fichiers.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "Type de destination", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Sélectionnez la destination, objet blob ou machines virtuelles Azure.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Compte de stockage classique", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Spécifiez un compte de stockage classique préexistant. Il sert également d'intermédiaire pour la copie de fichiers vers des machines virtuelles Azure", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Compte de stockage RM", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Spécifiez un compte de stockage ARM préexistant. Il sert également d'intermédiaire pour la copie de fichiers vers des machines virtuelles Azure", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nom du conteneur", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nom du conteneur pour le chargement des fichiers. Si un conteneur portant le nom indiqué n'existe pas dans le compte de stockage spécifié, il est automatiquement créé.
Si vous devez créer un répertoire virtuel dans le conteneur, utilisez l'entrée de préfixe d'objet blob ci-dessous.
Exemple : Si votre emplacement cible est https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, spécifiez le nom de conteneur mycontainer et le préfixe d'objet blob vd1/vd2.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Préfixe Blob", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Utile pour filtrer les fichiers, par exemple, ajouter un numéro de build à tous les objets blob pour télécharger uniquement les fichiers de cette build. Exemple : Si vous spécifiez le préfixe d'objet blob myvd1, un répertoire virtuel portant ce nom est créé dans le conteneur. Les fichiers sources sont copiés dans https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Service cloud", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nom du service cloud cible où copier les fichiers.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Délai d'expiration du jeton SAP en minutes", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Indiquez la durée en minutes à partir de laquelle le jeton SAP doit expirer. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est le blob Azure.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe s'est arrêté avec un code de sortie différent de zéro durant le chargement des fichiers vers le Stockage Blob.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) la clé du compte de stockage. Erreur : '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c5338d7e4e7a..b1eb1b195072 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Copia file nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure", + "loc.description": "Copia i file in Archiviazione BLOB di Azure nelle macchine virtuali", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia dei file $(Destination)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 2.0:
   Uso della versione più recente di AzCopy.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 3.0:
   Supporto del modulo AZ e rimozione del supporto per l'endpoint servizio classico di Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Output", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origine", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Percorso assoluto della cartella o del file di origine nel computer locale oppure condivisione UNC. L'espressione deve restituire una sola cartella o file.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo di connessione ad Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico usata come destinazione per la copia dei file.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager usata come destinazione per la copia dei file.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "Tipo di destinazione", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Consente di selezionare la destinazione, nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Account di archiviazione classico", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Consente di specificare un account di archiviazione classico preesistente. Viene usato anche come intermediario per la copia dei file nelle macchine virtuali di Azure", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Account di archiviazione di Gestione risorse", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Consente di specificare un account di archiviazione di Gestione risorse di Azure preesistente. Viene usato anche come intermediario per la copia dei file nelle macchine virtuali di Azure", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nome contenitore", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nome del contenitore per il caricamento dei file. Se nell'account di archiviazione non esiste un contenitore con il nome specificato, verrà creato automaticamente.
Se è necessario creare una directory virtuale all'interno del contenitore, usare il valore di input seguente come prefisso BLOB.
Esempio: se il percorso di destinazione è https://account.blob.core.windows.net/contenitore/vd1/vd2/, specificare contenitore come nome del contenitore e vd1/vd2 come prefisso BLOB.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Prefisso BLOB", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Utile per filtrare i file. Ad esempio, accodare un numero di build a tutti i BLOB per scaricare i file solo per una specifica build. Esempio: se si specifica myvd1 come prefisso BLOB, all'interno del contenitore verrà creata una directory virtuale con questo nome. I file di origine verranno copiati in https://account.blob.core.windows.net/contenitore/myvd1/.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Servizio cloud", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nome del servizio cloud di destinazione in cui copiare i file.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Gruppo di risorse", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nome del gruppo di risorse di destinazione in cui copiare i file.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Seleziona computer per", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile dell'URI del contenitore di archiviazione in cui sono stati copiati i file con questa attività. Valido solo quando la destinazione è BLOB di Azure.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Token di firma di accesso condiviso del contenitore di archiviazione", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile del token di firma di accesso condiviso del contenitore di archiviazione usato per accedere ai file di cui viene eseguita la copia con questa attività. Valido solo quando la destinazione è BLOB di Azure.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Periodo di scadenza del token di firma di accesso condiviso in minuti", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Specificare il tempo in minuti dopo il quale il token di firma di accesso condiviso scadrà. È valido solo quando la destinazione selezionata è BLOB di Azure.", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "L'account di archiviazione {0} non è stato trovato. La connessione al servizio selezionata 'Entità servizio' supporta solo account di archiviazione di tipo Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Il gruppo di risorse specificato '{0}' non esiste.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Chiamata di Azure]Recupero dello stato per la macchina virtuale '{0}'", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe è stato terminato con il codice di uscita diverso da zero durante il caricamento dei file nell'archivio BLOB.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Non è possibile recuperare la chiave dell'account di archiviazione. Errore: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 0502711ed892..e0c0208c7dea 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure ファイル コピー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure BLOB または VM へのファイルのコピー", + "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage または仮想マシンにファイルをコピーします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) ファイル コピー", - "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 2.0 での変更点:
   AzCopy の新しいバージョンが使用されています。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 3.0 の新機能:
    Az モジュールをサポートし、Azure クラシック サービス エンドポイントのサポートを停止します。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "出力", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "ソース", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "ローカル コンピューターまたは UNC 共有にあるソース フォルダーまたはファイルの絶対パス。式は1つのフォルダーまたは1つのファイルを返さなければなりません。", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 接続の種類", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure クラシック サブスクリプション", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "ファイルをコピーする対象の Azure クラシック サブスクリプション。", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "ファイルをコピーする対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプション。", "loc.input.label.Destination": "宛先の種類", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Azure BLOB または Azure VM のいずれかをコピー先として選択します。", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "従来のストレージ アカウント", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "既存の従来のストレージ アカウントを指定します。Azure VM にファイルをコピーするための仲介役としても使用されます", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM ストレージ アカウント", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "既存の ARM ストレージ アカウントを指定します。Azure VM にファイルをコピーするための仲介役としても使用されます", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "コンテナー名 ", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "ファイルをアップロードするためのコンテナーの名前です。指定した名前のコンテナーが指定したストレージ アカウントに存在しない場合、自動的に作成されます。
そのコンテナー内に仮想ディレクトリを作成する必要がある場合は、BLOB プレフィックスの入力を以下のように使用します。
例: 対象の場所が https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/ であれば、コンテナー名を mycontainer と指定し、BLOB プレフィックスを vd1/vd2 と指定します。", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "BLOB プレフィックス ", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "ファイルをフィルタリングするときに便利です。たとえば、すべての BLOB にビルド番号を追加しておくと、特定のビルドのファイルのみをダウンロードできます。例: BLOB のプレフィックスとして myvd1 を指定した場合、この名前の仮想ディレクトリがコンテナー内に作成されます。ソース ファイルは、https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/ にコピーされます。", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "クラウド サービス", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "ファイルのコピー先のターゲット クラウド サービスの名前。", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "リソース グループ", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "ファイルのコピー先のターゲット リソース グループの名前。", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "以下の条件でコンピューターを選択", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "このタスクでファイルがコピーされたストレージ コンテナーの URI の変数名を指定します。選んだコピー先が Azure BLOB である場合にのみ有効です。", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "ストレージ コンテナーの SAS トークン", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "このタスクでコピーされたファイルにアクセスするために使用されるストレージ コンテナーの SAS トークンの変数名を指定します。選んだコピー先が Azure BLOB である場合にのみ有効です。", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS トークンの有効期間 (分)", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS トークンの有効期限が切れるまでの時間を分単位で指定します。選択した接続先が Azure Blob の場合にのみ有効です。", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "ストレージ アカウント: {0} は見つかりません。選択されたサービス接続 'Service Principal' は、種類が Azure Resource Manager のストレージ アカウントのみをサポートします。", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "指定されたリソース グループ '{0}' が存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure の呼び出し]VM '{0}' の状態を取得しています", @@ -76,8 +71,8 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", - "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", + "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。", "loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。", "loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe が Blob Storage にファイルをアップロードしている間に、ゼロ以外の終了コードで終了しました。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "ストレージ アカウント キーをフェッチできません。エラー: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2e633892a590..9eec86cf4917 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 파일 복사", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure Blob 또는 VM에 파일 복사", + "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage 또는 가상 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 파일 복사", - "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 2.0의 새로운 기능:
   AzCopy의 최신 버전을 사용 중입니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 3.0의 새로운 기능:
   AZ 모듈을 지원하고, Azure 클래식 서비스 엔드포인트 지원을 중지합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "출력", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "소스", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "소스 폴더, 로컬 컴퓨터의 파일 또는 UNC 공유의 절대 경로입니다. 식은 단일 폴더 또는 파일을 반환해야 합니다.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 연결 형식", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 클래식 구독", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식", "loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름", - "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "파일을 복사할 대상 클라우드 서비스의 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "리소스 그룹", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "파일을 복사할 대상 리소스 그룹의 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "컴퓨터 선택 기준", @@ -37,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "대상 폴더", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "소스에서 파일을 복사하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 로컬 경로입니다. $env:windir\\BudgetIT\\Web과 같은 환경 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "선택적 인수(Blob에 파일을 업로드하는 경우)", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 저장소 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 스토리지 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.", "loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "선택적 인수(VM에 파일을 다운로드하는 경우)", "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "VM에 다운로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /S, /Z, /V", "loc.input.label.enableCopyPrerequisites": "복사 필수 구성 요소 사용", @@ -52,7 +45,9 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 토큰 만료 기간(분)", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 토큰이 만료되는 시간(분)을 지정합니다. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.", @@ -65,7 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.", + "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.", "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중", @@ -95,6 +90,7 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Blob Storage에 파일을 업로드하는 중 AzCopy.exe가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 종료되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "저장소 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "스토리지 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'", + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index daf8ffeb8201..7aa483be63f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "Копирование файлов в BLOB-объект или виртуальные машины Azure", + "loc.description": "Копировать файлы в хранилище BLOB-объектов Azure или виртуальные машины", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копирование файлов $(Destination)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 2.0:
   Используется более новая версия AzCopy.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности версии 3.0:
   Поддержки модуля Az и прекращение поддержки конечной точки классической службы Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Источник", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Абсолютный путь к исходной папке, файлу на локальном компьютере либо сетевому ресурсу UNC. Выражение должно вернуть одну папку или один файл.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Тип подключения Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure, предназначенная для копирования файлов.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка на Azure Resource Manager, предназначенная для копирования файлов.", "loc.input.label.Destination": "Целевой тип", "loc.input.help.Destination": "Выберите назначение: BLOB-объект Azure или виртуальные машины Azure.", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Классическая учетная запись хранения", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Укажите существующую классическую учетную запись хранения. Она также используется в качестве промежуточной для копирования файлов на виртуальные машины Azure", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Учетная запись хранения Диспетчера ресурсов", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Укажите существующую учетную запись хранения ARM. Она также используется в качестве промежуточной для копирования файлов на виртуальные машины Azure", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Имя контейнера", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Имя контейнера для отправки файлов. Если контейнер с данным именем не существует в указанной учетной записи хранения, он будет создан автоматически.
Для создания виртуального каталога внутри контейнера используйте приведенный ниже входной префикс большого двоичного объекта.
Пример. Если конечным расположением является https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, укажите mycontainer в качестве имени контейнера и vd1/vd2 в качестве префикса большого двоичного объекта.", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Префикс BLOB-объекта", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Может использоваться для фильтрации файлов. Например, чтобы скачать файлы только из определенной сборки, можно добавить ее номер в начало всех больших двоичных объектов. Пример: если указать префикс большого двоичного объекта myvd1, в контейнере будет создан виртуальный каталог с этим именем. Исходные файлы будут скопированы по адресу https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Облачная служба", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Название целевой облачной службы, в которую копируются файлы.", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Группа ресурсов", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Название целевой группы ресурсов, в которую копируются файлы.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Выбор компьютеров по", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Период истечения срока действия маркера SAS в минутах", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Укажите время в минутах, по истечении которого маркер SAS будет просрочен. Допустимо, только если выбрано назначение \"BLOB-объект Azure\".", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Программа AzCopy.exe завершила работу с ненулевым кодом выхода при отправке файлов в хранилище BLOB-объектов.", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Не удалось получить ключ учетной записи хранения. Ошибка: \"{0}\"", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 235f65af8625..fae89e71bb0a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 文件复制", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure blob 或 VM", + "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure Blob 存储或虚拟机", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 文件复制", - "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 2.0 中的新增功能:
   使用较新版本的 AzCopy。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 3.0 中的新增功能:
   支持 Azure 模块并停止支持 Azure 经典服务终结点。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "输出", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "源", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "本地计算机上源文件夹或文件的绝对路径,或是 UNC 共享。表达式应返回一个文件夹或文件。", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 连接类型", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 经典订阅", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "用于复制文件的目标帐户的 Azure 经典订阅。", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "用于复制文件的目标帐户的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", "loc.input.label.Destination": "目标类型", "loc.input.help.Destination": "选择目标,即 Azure Blob 或 Azure VM。", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "经典存储帐户", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "指定预先存在的经典存储帐户。它还用作将文件复制到 Azure VM 的中间帐户", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 存储帐户", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "指定预先存在的 ARM 存储帐户。它还用作将文件复制到 Azure VM 的中间帐户", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "容器名", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "用于上载文件的容器的名称。如果指定存储帐户中不存在具有给定名称的容器,将自动创建该容器。
如果需要在容器中创建虚拟目录,请使用下面的 blob 前缀输入。
示例: 如果目标位置是 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/,则指定 mycontainer 作为容器名称,vd1/vd2 作为 blob 前缀。", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 前缀", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "用于筛选文件,例如,将生成号追加到所有 blob 以便仅从该生成下载文件。示例: 如果将 blob 前缀指定为 myvd1,则将在容器内创建具有此名称的虚拟目录。源文件将被复制到 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/。", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "云服务", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "要将文件复制到的目标云服务的名称。", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "资源组", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "要将文件复制到的目标资源组的名称。", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "计算机选择依据", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "为在此任务中作为文件复制目标位置的存储容器 URI 提供变量名称。只有在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时才有效。", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "存储容器 SAS 令牌", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "向存储容器 SAS 令牌的变量提供一个名称,该令牌用于访问通过此任务复制到的文件。只有在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时才有效。", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 令牌有效期(分钟)", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "提供 SAS 令牌过期前的时间(分钟)。仅在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时有效。", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "未找到存储帐户 {0}。选定的服务连接“服务主体”仅支持 Azure 资源管理器类型的存储帐户。", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "提供的资源组“{0}”不存在。", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure Call]正在获取 VM“{0}”的状态", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "将文件上传到 blob 存储时,AzCopy.exe 以非零退出代码退出。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "无法提取存储帐户密钥。错误: “{0}”", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 4e1b6228dff6..4c891e00591f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 檔案複製", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)", - "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 或 VM", + "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 儲存體或虛擬機器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 檔案複製", - "loc.releaseNotes": "2.0 版的新功能:
   使用更新版本的 AzCopy。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "3.0 版中的新功能:
   支援 Az 模組並停止支援 Azure 傳統服務端點。", "loc.group.displayName.output": "輸出", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "來源", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "來源資料夾的絕對路徑、本機電腦上的檔案,或通用命名慣例 (UNC) 共用。運算式應傳回單一資料夾或檔案。", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 連接類型", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 傳統訂用帳戶", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "要作為複製檔案目標的 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶。", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "要作為複製檔案目標的傳統 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", "loc.input.label.Destination": "目的地類型", "loc.input.help.Destination": "選取目的地,可以是 Azure Blob 或 Azure VM。", - "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "傳統儲存體帳戶", - "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "指定預先存在的傳統儲存體帳戶。其也作為將檔案複製到 Azure VM 的中繼項目", "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 儲存體帳戶", "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "指定預先存在的 ARM 儲存體帳戶。其也作為將檔案複製到 Azure VM 的中繼項目", "loc.input.label.ContainerName": "容器名稱", "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "用於上傳檔案的容器名稱。如果具有指定名稱的容器不存在於指定的儲存體帳戶中,會自動予以建立。
如需在容器內建立虛擬目錄,請使用以下 Blob 前置詞輸入。
範例: 如果您的目標位置是 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/,則指定 mycontainer 作為容器名稱及指定 vd1//vd2 作為 blob 前置詞。", "loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 前置詞", "loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "適用於篩選檔案,例如將組建編號附加到所有 blob,以只從該組建下載檔案。範例: 如果您將 Blob 前置詞指定為 myvd1,會在容器內建立具有此名稱的虛擬目錄。來源檔案會複製到 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/。", - "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "雲端服務", - "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "要將檔案複製到其中的目標雲端服務名稱。", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "資源群組", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "要將檔案複製到其中的目標資源群組名稱。", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "選取電腦依據 ", @@ -52,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "提供儲存體容器 URI 的變數名稱,其中已使用此工作將檔案複製到該 URI。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。", "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "儲存體容器 SAS 權杖", "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "提供儲存體容器 SAS 權杖的變數名稱,其中該權杖用來存取使用此工作所複製的檔案。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。", + "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 權杖到期期限 (分鐘)", + "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "提供 SAS 權杖到期前要經過的分鐘數。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。", "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "找不到儲存體帳戶: {0}。選取的服務連線 'Service Principal' 僅支援 Azure Resource Manager 類型的儲存體帳戶。", "loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "提供的資源群組 '{0}' 不存在。", "loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 呼叫]正在取得 VM '{0}' 的狀態", @@ -96,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。", "loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "將檔案上傳至 Blob 儲存體時 AzCopy.exe 已結束,結束代碼不為零。", "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "無法擷取儲存體帳戶金鑰。錯誤: '{0}'", - "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment." + "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json index 45916ccf84a3..4633ad509afc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 10 + "Patch": 11 }, "preview": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json index 8c6021c09f05..5565192a3852 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 10 + "Patch": 11 }, "preview": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..c8efc071ca7d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion für Container", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Funktions-Apps mit Docker-Containern aktualisiert.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Funktionen-App für Container bereitstellen: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Imagename", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Eine global eindeutiger Name einer Domäne der obersten Ebene für Ihre spezifische Registrierung oder den Namespace.
Hinweis: Vollqualifizierte Imagenamen haben das folgende Format: \"`/`:`\". Beispiel: \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Startbefehl ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP Deploy\" oder \"RunFromZip\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über RunFromZip werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..2bfc3f49f28f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Functions para contenedor", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Actualiza las aplicaciones de función con contenedores de Docker.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Function App en Container: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nombre de la imagen", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nombre de dominio de nivel superior único global para su espacio de nombres o Registro específico.
Nota: El nombre de imagen completo tiene el formato: \"/:\". Por ejemplo, \"miRegistro.azurecr.io/nginx:última\".", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando de inicio ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromZip o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromZip podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Reiniciando App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Reiniciando la instancia de App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..7a00f1206fb3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Fonction Azure pour conteneur", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Mettre à jour les applications de fonction avec des conteneurs Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'application de fonction Azure sur un conteneur : $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nom d'image", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nom de domaine de premier niveau de type identificateur global unique pour votre registre ou espace de noms spécifique.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Commande de démarrage ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromZip ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromZip risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Redémarrage d'App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Redémarrage de l'App Service : %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..252a2e0a0ff6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Funzione di Azure per contenitore", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Aggiorna le app per le funzioni con i contenitori Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "App per le funzioni di Azure nella distribuzione del contenitore: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nome dell'immagine", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nome di dominio di primo livello univoco a livello globale per il registro o lo spazio dei nomi specifico.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando di avvio ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromZip, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromZip, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..a3f9898ab02a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", + "loc.friendlyName": "コンテナー用の Azure Function", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Docker コンテナーを使用した関数アプリの更新", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "コンテナー上の Azure Function App のデプロイ: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名", + "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "イメージ名", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "特定のレジストリまたは名前空間をグローバルに識別する一意の最上位ドメイン名です。
メモ: 完全修飾イメージ名の形式は '`<レジストリまたは名前空間`>/`<リポジトリ`>:`<タグ`>' です。例: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromZip オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromZip による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます", "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service を再起動しています: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service %s-%s を再起動しています", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..514d20fdfedd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "컨테이너에 대한 Azure 함수", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Docker 컨테이너를 사용하여 함수 앱을 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "컨테이너 배포의 Azure 함수 앱: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름", + "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "이미지 이름", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "특정 레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스의 전역적으로 고유한 최상위 도메인 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "시작 명령 ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromZip 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromZip을 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중입니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..88dd7bbc0fc8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Функция Azure для контейнера", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Обновление приложений-функций с помощью контейнеров Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Приложение-функция Azure в развертывании контейнера: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Имя образа", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Глобально уникальное доменное имя верхнего уровня для реестра или пространства имен.
Примечание. Полное доменное имя имеет следующий формат: \"`<реестр или пространство имен`>/`<репозиторий`>:`\". Например, \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Команда запуска ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromZip не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromZip скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновляются параметры приложений службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..537f9abfa996 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "容器的 Azure Function", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker 容器更新 Function App", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器部署上的 Azure Function App: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称", + "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "特定注册表或命名空间的全局唯一顶级域名。
注意: 完全限定的映像名称格式应为:“`<注册表或命名空间`>/`<存储库`>:`<标记`>”。例如,\"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\"。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "启动命令", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromZip 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromZip 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重启应用服务: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重启应用服务: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "未能重启应用服务“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "未能重启应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..a204a6f807ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,180 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "適用於容器的 Azure 函式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker 容器更新函數應用程式", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器上的 Azure 函數應用程式部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱", + "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名稱", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "您的特定登錄或命名空間的全域唯一頂層網域名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "啟動命令 ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromZip 發行的選項不支援 war 檔案部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromZip 發行會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是唯讀的,而不支援部署後指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json index 957458863008..9ed6a36437e6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 16 + "Patch": 17 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ @@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ }, "helpMarkDown": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed." }, - { "name": "deployToSlotOrASE", "type": "boolean", @@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ "required": true, "properties": { "EditableOptions": "True" - }, + }, "helpMarkDown": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", "visibleRule": "deployToSlotOrASE = true" }, @@ -136,7 +135,7 @@ "parameters": { "WebAppKind": "functionAppContainer" } - }, + }, { "target": "resourceGroupName", "endpointId": "$(azureSubscription)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json index 32478c546738..86104a07bd78 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 16 + "Patch": 17 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..da81ce608e83 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Azure-Funktion für Linux oder Windows bereitgestellt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Funktionen-App bereitstellen: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Zusätzliche Bereitstellungsoptionen", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "App-Typ", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Paket oder Ordner", + "loc.input.help.package": "Dateipfad zum Paket oder zu einem Ordner mit den durch MSBuild generierten App Service-Inhalten oder zu einer komprimierten ZIP-oder WAR-Datei.
Variablen ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), Platzhalter werden unterstützt.
Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip\" oder \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war\".", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Runtimestapel", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Startbefehl ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Parameter der Datei \"web.config\" für Python-, Node.js-, Go- und Java-Apps generieren", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Ein Standarddatei \"web.config\" wird generiert und in Azure App Service bereitgestellt, wenn diese Datei nicht in der Anwendung vorhanden ist. Die Werte in \"web.config\" können bearbeitet werden und variieren je nach Anwendungsframework. Zum Beispiel enthält \"web.config\" für node.js-Anwendungen Werte für eine Startdatei und ein iis_node-Modul. Dieses Bearbeitungsfeature gilt nur für die generierte Datei \"web.config\". [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Bereitstellungsmethode", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Wählen Sie die Bereitstellungsmethode für die App aus.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Datei zum Festlegen der Parameter nicht gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Die XML-Transformationen wurden erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP\" oder \"RunFromPackage\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über \"RunFromPackage\" werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Die Bereitstellung eines mit MSBuild generierten Pakets wird nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie das Paketformat, oder verwenden Sie die Aufgabe für die Azure App Service-Bereitstellung.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Das der Funktions-App zugeordnete Speicherkonto wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Fehler beim Synchronisieren von Triggern für die Funktions-App \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Die Trigger für die Funktions-App werden synchronisiert.", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Die Triggersynchronisierung für die Funktions-App wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Die WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE-Anwendungseinstellung wurde auf \"%s\" aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..4a6775678b8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Función de Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Implementa una función de Azure para Linux o Windows.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Function App: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación adicionales", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo de aplicación", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Paquete o carpeta", + "loc.input.help.package": "Ruta de acceso al paquete o carpeta que contiene el contenido de App Service generado por MSBuild o un archivo zip o war comprimido.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), se admiten caracteres comodín.
Por ejemplo, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pila del entorno en tiempo de ejecución", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando de inicio ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Generar parámetros de web.config para aplicaciones de Python, Node.js, Go y Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Se generará un archivo web.config estándar y se implementará en Azure App Service si la aplicación no tiene uno. Los valores de web.config se pueden editar y pueden variar en función del marco de trabajo de la aplicación. Por ejemplo, para la aplicación node.js, web.config tendrá los valores de archivo de inicio y del módulo iis_node. La característica de edición es solo para el web.config generado. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Método de implementación", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Elija el método de implementación para la aplicación.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "No se ha encontrado el archivo de parámetros establecido: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Las transformaciones XML se aplicaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromPackage o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromPackage podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se ha actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "No se admite la implementación del paquete generado por msBuild. Cambie el formato del paquete o use la tarea Implementación de Azure App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "No se encuentra la cuenta de almacenamiento asociada a la aplicación de función.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "No se pudieron sincronizar los desencadenadores de la aplicación de función \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Sincronizando los desencadenadores para la aplicación de función", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "La sincronización de los desencadenadores de la aplicación de función se ha completado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Se ha actualizado la configuración de aplicación de WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE a %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..aa66e6a8fdc4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Function", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Déployer une fonction Azure pour Linux ou Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'application de fonction Azure : $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement supplémentaires", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Type d'application", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Package ou dossier", + "loc.input.help.package": "Chemin de fichier du package ou d'un dossier de contenu App Service généré par MSBuild, ou d'un fichier zip ou war compressé.
Les variables ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Mise en production](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)) et les caractères génériques sont pris en charge.
Exemple : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip ou $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pile de runtime", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Commande de démarrage ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Générer les paramètres web.config pour les applications Python, Node.js, Go et Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Un fichier web.config standard va être généré et déployé sur Azure App Service, si l'application n'en a pas. Vous pouvez modifier les valeurs du fichier web.config. Celles-ci varient en fonction du framework d'application. Par exemple, pour l'application node.js, web.config a un fichier de démarrage et des valeurs de module iis_node. Cette fonctionnalité d'édition est réservée au fichier web.config généré. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Méthode de déploiement", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Choisissez la méthode de déploiement de l'application.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Fichier de définition de paramètres introuvable : %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Transformations XML correctement appliquées", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromPackage ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromPackage risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Le déploiement du package généré par msBuild n'est pas pris en charge. Changez le format du package, ou utilisez la tâche de déploiement Azure App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Le compte de stockage associé à l'application de fonction est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Échec de la synchronisation des déclencheurs pour l'application de fonction '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Synchronisation des déclencheurs pour l'application de fonction", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Synchronisation réussie des déclencheurs de l'application de fonction", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée du paramètre d'application WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE vers %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..9af8b69b1c8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Funzione di Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Distribuisci una funzione di Azure per Linux o Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione app per le funzioni di Azure: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione aggiuntive", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo di app", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Pacchetto o cartella", + "loc.input.help.package": "Percorso file del pacchetto o di una cartella che include il contenuto del servizio app generato da MSBuild oppure un file WAR o ZIP compresso.
Variabili ( [Compilazione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Versione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)). I caratteri jolly sono supportati.
Ad esempio, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Stack di runtime", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando di avvio ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Genera i parametri di web.config per app Python, Node.js, Go e Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Verrà generato un file Web.config standard che verrà distribuito nel servizio app di Azure, se non è disponibile per l'applicazione. I valori presenti nel file Web.config sono modificabili e possono variare a seconda del framework dell'applicazione. Ad esempio, per l'applicazione node.js il file Web.config includerà i valori per il file di avvio e il modulo iis_node. Questa funzionalità di modifica è utilizzabile solo per il file Web.config generato. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Metodo di distribuzione", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Consente di scegliere il metodo di distribuzione per l'app.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Il file dei parametri del set non è stato trovato: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Le trasformazioni XML sono state applicate", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromPackage, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromPackage, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "La distribuzione del pacchetto generato da msBuild non è supportata. Modificare il formato del pacchetto oppure usare l'attività Distribuzione Servizio app di Azure.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Non è possibile trovare l'account di archiviazione associato all'app per le funzioni.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Non è stato possibile sincronizzare i trigger per l'app per le funzioni '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Sincronizzazione dei trigger per l'app per le funzioni", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "La sincronizzazione dei trigger per l'app per le funzioni è stata completata", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "L'impostazione applicazione WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE è stata aggiornata in %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..e7285fcb5ff8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 関数", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Linux または Windows 用の Azure Function をデプロイします", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function App のデプロイ: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "追加の配置オプション", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "アプリの種類", + "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名", + "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。", + "loc.input.label.package": "パッケージまたはフォルダー", + "loc.input.help.package": "MSBuild で生成されたアプリ サービスのコンテンツが入ったパッケージまたはフォルダー、あるいは圧縮された zip または war ファイルへのファイル パス。
変数 ([ビルド](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) |[リリース](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables))、ワイルドカードを使用できます。
たとえば、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip または $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "ランタイム スタック", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python、Node.js、Go、Java アプリ向けの web.config パラメーターを生成する", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "アプリケーションに web.config がない場合は、標準の web.config が生成され、Azure App Service に配置されます。web.config 内の値は編集可能で、アプリケーション フレームワークに基づいて変えることができます。たとえば、node.js アプリケーションの場合、スタートアップ ファイルと iis_node モジュールの値を web.config 内に設定します。この編集機能は、生成される web.config のためにのみ使用できます。[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "配置方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "アプリの配置方法を選択します。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set パラメーター ファイルが見つかりません: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変換が正常に適用されました", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromPackage オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromPackage による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます", "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "MsBuild が生成したパッケージの配置はサポートされていません。パッケージ形式を変更するか、Azure App Service デプロイ タスクを使用してください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "関数アプリに関連付けられているストレージ アカウントが見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "関数アプリ '%s' のトリガーを同期できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "関数アプリのトリガーを同期しています", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "関数アプリの同期トリガーが正常に完了しました", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE アプリケーション設定が %s に更新されました", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..2cdb069f19a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 함수", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Linux 또는 Windows용 Azure 함수를 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 함수 앱 배포: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "앱 유형", + "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름", + "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.package": "패키지 또는 폴더", + "loc.input.help.package": "패키지, MSBuild에서 생성된 App Service 콘텐츠를 포함하는 폴더 또는 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "런타임 스택", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "시작 명령 ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python, Node.js, Go 및 Java 앱에 대한 web.config 매개 변수 생성", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "애플리케이션에 없는 경우 표준 Web.config가 생성되어 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집 가능하며, 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에 시작 파일 및 iis_node 모듈 값이 포함됩니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용됩니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "배포 방법", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "앱의 배포 방법을 선택합니다.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "매개 변수 설정 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변환을 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromPackage 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromPackage를 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "msBuild에서 생성된 패키지를 배포할 수 없습니다. 패키지 형식을 변경하거나 Azure App Service 배포 작업을 사용하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "함수 앱에 연결된 스토리지 계정을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "함수 앱 '%s'의 트리거를 동기화하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "함수 앱의 트리거를 동기화하는 중", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "함수 앱의 트리거 동기화를 완료했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 애플리케이션 설정을 %s(으)로 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..613f84cc4fc4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Функция Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Развертывание функции Azure для Linux или Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание приложения-функции Azure: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Тип приложения", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Пакет или папка", + "loc.input.help.package": "Путь к файлу пакета или папке с содержимым службы приложений, созданным MSBuild, или к сжатому ZIP- или WAR-файлу.
Поддерживаются переменные ([сборки](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [выпуска](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), а также подстановочные знаки.
Примеры: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip или $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Стек времени выполнения", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Команда запуска ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Создание параметров файла web.config для приложений Python, Node.js, Go и Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Если в приложении отсутствует стандартный файл web.config, он будет сгенерирован и развернут в Службе приложений Azure. Значения в файле web.config можно изменить. Они могут меняться в зависимости от исполняющей среды. Например, в файле web.config приложения node.js имеются загрузочный файл и модульные значения iis_node. Возможность редактирования доступна только для сгенерированного файла web.config. [Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Метод развертывания", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Выберите метод развертывания для приложения.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Заданный файл параметров не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML-преобразования успешно применены.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromPackage не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromPackage скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновляются параметры приложений службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложения Службы приложений обновлены.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Развертывание созданного пакета msBuild не поддерживается. Измените формат пакета или используйте задачу развертывания Службы приложений Azure.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Не удалось найти учетную запись хранения, связанную с этим приложением-функцией.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Не удалось синхронизировать триггеры для приложения-функции \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Идет синхронизация триггеров для приложения-функции", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Синхронизация триггеров для приложения-функция успешно завершена", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Параметр приложения WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE изменен на %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..7ddb8fbe25f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 函数", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "部署适用于 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure Function", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function App 部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署选项", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "应用类型", + "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称", + "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。", + "loc.input.label.package": "包或文件夹", + "loc.input.help.package": "包的文件路径或一个包含由 MSBuild 生成的应用服务内容或压缩的 zip 或 war 文件的文件夹。
变量([生成](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [发布](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支持通配符。
例如,$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 或 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "运行时堆栈", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "启动命令", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "生成适用于 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 应用的 web.config 参数", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "如果应用程序中没有标准的 Web.config,系统将生成一个并将其部署到 Azure 应用服务。Web.config 中的值可进行编辑,并且可能因应用程序框架而异。例如,对于 node.js 应用程序,web.config 将包含启动文件和 iis_node module 模块值。此编辑功能仅适用于生成的 web.config。[了解详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "选择应用的部署方法。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "设置的参数文件未找到: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 转换已成功应用", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromPackage 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromPackage 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支持部署 msBuild 生成的包。请更改包格式或使用 Azure 应用服务部署任务。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "找不到与 Function App 关联的存储帐户。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "未能同步函数应用“%s”的触发器。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "正在同步 Function App 的触发器", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "已成功完成 Function App 的触发器同步", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "已将 WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 应用程序设置更新为 %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..f75292689c79 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,190 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 函式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "部署適用於 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure 函式", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函數應用程式部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署選項", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "App 類型", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱", + "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。", + "loc.input.label.package": "套件或資料夾", + "loc.input.help.package": "包含應用程式服務內容的套件或資料夾路徑,產生該內容的來源為 MSBuild,或壓縮的 zip 或 war 檔案。
變數 ( [組建](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [發行](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支援使用萬用字元。
例如 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "執行階段堆疊", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "啟動命令 ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "產生 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 應用程式的 web.config 參數", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "若應用程式沒有標準 Web.config,會予以產生並部署至 Azure App Service。Web.config 中的值可編輯,並會因應用程式架構而有所不同。例如若是 node.js 應用程式,web.config 會具有啟動檔案和 iis_node 模組值。此編輯功能僅適用於所產生的 web.config。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "選擇應用程式的部署方法。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "找不到設定參數檔案: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 XML 轉換", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromPackage 選項發佈不支援 war 檔案部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromPackage 發佈會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是 ReadOnly,而不支援部署後指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新應用程式服務應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支援部署 msBuild 產生的套件。請變更套件格式或使用 Azure App Service 部署工作。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "找不到與此函數應用程式建立關聯的儲存體帳戶。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "無法同步函數應用程式 '%s' 的觸發程序。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "正在同步函數應用程式的觸發程序", + "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "已成功完成函數應用程式觸發程序的同步", + "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "已將 WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 應用程式設定更新為 %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json index a76b5ad1ec8f..9029da0e4333 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 19 + "Patch": 20 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json index 7e7b393e223e..f2b34eb2d018 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 19 + "Patch": 20 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 9dceadf9de47..75fc9a75e660 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion aufrufen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "Rufen Sie eine Azure-Funktion als Teil Ihrer Pipeline auf.", + "loc.description": "Azure-Funktion aufrufen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Funktion: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.function": "URL der Azure-Funktion", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 873a40eb1bbf..487bfd23ecf1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Invocar función de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "Invoca una función de Azure como parte de la canalización.", + "loc.description": "Invoca una función de Azure.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Función de Azure: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.function": "Dirección URL de la función de Azure", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 749d652bac07..b1ef52a09bf8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Appeler la fonction Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "Appelez une fonction Azure dans le cadre de votre pipeline.", + "loc.description": "Appeler une fonction Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Fonction Azure : $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.function": "URL de fonction Azure", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 0206883c8efc..f46f153d6a7d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Richiama funzione di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "Richiama una funzione di Azure come parte della pipeline.", + "loc.description": "Richiama una funzione di Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Funzione di Azure: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.function": "URL della funzione di Azure", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index be0088bfdaae..db0f419b4abd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 関数の呼び出し", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "パイプラインの一部として Azure 関数を呼び出します。", + "loc.description": "Azure 関数を呼び出します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 関数: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.function": "Azure 関数 URL", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 06a3860eb98b..d8f1de46d406 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 함수 호출", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "파이프라인의 일부로 Azure 함수를 호출합니다.", + "loc.description": "Azure 함수를 호출합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 함수: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "고급", "loc.input.label.function": "Azure 함수 URL", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 6570384b42ae..bf9d56dbe3b2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Вызов функции Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "Вызовите функцию Azure в рамках конвейера.", + "loc.description": "Вызов функции Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Функция Azure: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.function": "URL-адрес функции Azure", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a6954844f95f..fd1106eff6c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "调用 Azure 函数", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "调用 Azure 函数作为管道的一部分。", + "loc.description": "调用 Azure Function", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函数: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "高级", "loc.input.label.function": "Azure 函数 URL", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 087b641f16f9..d8780519275e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "叫用 Azure 函式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)", - "loc.description": "在管線之中叫用 Azure 函式。", + "loc.description": "叫用 Azure 函式", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函式: $(function)", "loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "進階", "loc.input.label.function": "Azure 函式 URL", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json index c2f7d60f6325..e2212b8628eb 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 9 + "Patch": 10 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function: $(function)", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json index afb0d95f2930..ca83230a0760 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 9 + "Patch": 10 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ebdc80785c0a --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe erhalten Sie in der [Dokumentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs).", + "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge-Image erstellen und bereitstellen", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge – $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Erweitert", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.action": "Aktion", + "loc.input.help.action": "Wählen Sie eine Azure IoT Edge-Aktion aus.\n Über **Modulimages erstellen** werden nur Module erstellt (Sie können diese Option zum Überprüfen auf Kompilierungsfehler verwenden).\n Mit **Modulimages mithilfe von Push übertragen** werden Module mithilfe von Push in die Containerregistrierung übertragen.\n Über **Auf IoT Edge-Geräten bereitstellen** wird die generierte Bereitstellungsdatei in IoT Hub bereitgestellt. (Es wird empfohlen, die Aufgabe **Bereitstellen** in der Releasepipeline zu platzieren.)", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Bereitstellungsdatei", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Wählen Sie die JSON-Bereitstellungsdatei aus.\n Wenn diese Aufgabe in **Releasepipeline** enthalten ist, müssen Sie den Speicherort der Bereitstellungsdatei im Artefakt festlegen. (Der Standardwert funktioniert für die meisten Bedingungen).\n Wenn diese Aufgabe in **Buildpipeline** vorhanden ist, müssen Sie sie auf den Pfad in **Pfad der Ausgabebereitstellungsdatei** festlegen.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement enthält IoT-Hub", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein **Azure-Abonnement** aus, das einen IoT-Hub enthält.", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Name des IoT-Hubs", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Wählen Sie den **IoT-Hub** aus.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID der IoT Edge-Bereitstellung", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Geben Sie die **ID der IoT Edge-Bereitstellung** ein. Ist eine ID vorhanden, wird sie überschrieben.\n Bis zu 128 Kleinbuchstaben, Ziffern und die folgenden Zeichen sind zulässig: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).", + "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorität für IoT Edge-Bereitstellung", + "loc.input.help.priority": "Legen Sie die **Priorität** auf eine positive Ganzzahl fest, um Bereitstellungskonflikte zu lösen: Wenn für mehrere Bereitstellungen dasselbe Gerät als Ziel konfiguriert ist, verwendet das Gerät die Bereitstellung mit der höchsten Priorität oder (im Falle von zwei Bereitstellungen mit derselben Priorität) dem späteren Erstellungszeitpunkt.\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Einzelgerät/mehrere Geräte auswählen", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um eine Bereitstellung (nach Tags) auf einem oder mehreren Geräten durchzuführen.", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID des IoT Edge-Geräts", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Geben Sie die **Geräte-ID** für IoT Edge ein.", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Zielbedingung für IoT Edge-Gerät", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Geben Sie die **Zielbedingung** für Geräte ein, die Sie bereitstellen möchten. Verwenden Sie keine doppelten Anführungszeichen. Beispiel: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Containerregistrierungstyp", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Wählen Sie einen **Containerregistrierungstyp** aus.\n **Azure Container Registry** für ACR und **Generische Containerregistrierung** für generische Registrierungen einschließlich Docker Hub.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker-Registrierungsverbindung", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Wählen Sie eine generische **Verbindung mit Docker-Registrierung** aus. Erforderlich für **Erstellen und mithilfe von Push übertragen**.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Wählen Sie ein Azure-Abonnement aus.", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Wählen Sie eine Azure Container Registry-Instanz aus.", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json-Datei", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Der Pfad der Azure IoT Edge-Projektmappe **.template.json**. Diese Datei definiert die Module und Routen in der Azure IoT Edge-Projektmappe, der Dateiname muss auf **.template.json** enden.", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Standardplattform", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "In Ihrer **.template.json** müssen Sie keine Modulplattform angeben. Für diese Module wird die **Standardplattform** verwendet.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen zum Bereitstellungsmanifest hinzufügen", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Fügen Sie Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen hinzu, um mithilfe von Push Docker-Images in das Bereitstellungsmanifest zu übertragen.", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Module für Umgehung", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Wählen Sie die Module aus, die Sie **NICHT** zum Erstellen (oder zur Übertragung mithilfe von Push) in der .template.json-Datei benötigen, geben Sie Modulnamen an, und trennen Sie diese durch Kommas.\n Beispiel: Wenn Sie über 2 Module **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in Ihrer .template.json-Datei verfügen und nur **SampleModule1\" erstellen oder mithilfe von Push übertragen möchten, dann legen Sie die zu umgehenden Module auf **SampleModule2** fest. Lassen Sie diese Einstellung leer, wenn Sie alle Module in der .template.json-Datei erstellen möchten.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Modulimages werden erstellt...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Die Erstellung der Modulimages wurde abgeschlossen.", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Modulimages werden mithilfe von Push übertragen...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Der Vorgang zum Übertragen der Modulimages mithilfe von Push wurde abgeschlossen.", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Bereitstellung starten...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Bereitstellung abgeschlossen", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Die generierte Bereitstellungsdatei befindet sich im Pfad \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Die Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen in der Bereitstellungsdatei werden erweitert...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Anmeldeinformationen ersetzen: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Wird die Bereitstellungsaufgabe in der Buildpipeline ausgeführt? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Es wird überprüft, ob die folgende Datei eine gültige JSON-Datei ist: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "Ungültig", + "loc.messages.Valid": "Gültig", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "ID der normalisierten Bereitstellung: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s ist bereits mit Version %s installiert.", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s wurde mit folgender Version erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Fehler bei der %s-Installation, siehe ausführliche Fehlerinformationen im Debugmodus.", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Der Pfad der Vorlagendatei ist ungültig: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Authentifizierungstokens für die Containerregistrierung. Überprüfen Sie die Einstellung für die Containerregistrierung in der Buildaufgabe. Das Token lautet \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Die Bereitstellungsdatei wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad der Bereitstellungsdatei ordnungsgemäß in der Aufgabe festgelegt ist.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine gültige Bereitstellungsdatei gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad der Bereitstellungsdatei ordnungsgemäß in der Aufgabe festgelegt ist.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Der Stammpfad \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION ist auf TRUE festgelegt, die Überprüfung des Modulimages wird übersprungen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Fehler bei der Anmeldung von \"%s\" mit den angegebenen Anmeldeinformationen. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "\"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden, oder die Anmeldeinformationen sind nicht ordnungsgemäß festgelegt. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Generieren des Bereitstellungsmanifests starten...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Der Generierungsvorgang für das Bereitstellungsmanifest wurde abgeschlossen." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ec9514ec11d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Visite la [documentación](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) para obtener ayuda", + "loc.description": "Compila e implementa una imagen de Azure IoT Edge.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge: $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avanzado", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.action": "Acción", + "loc.input.help.action": "Seleccione una acción de Azure IoT Edge.\n **Build module images** solo compilará los módulos (puede usar esta opción para comprobar un error de compilación).\n **Push module images** insertará los módulos en el registro del contenedor.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** aplicará el archivo de implementación generado en IoT Hub. (Se recomienda incluir la tarea **Implementar** en la canalización de versión).", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Archivo de implementación", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Seleccione el archivo JSON de implementación.\n Si esta tarea está en la **canalización de versión**, debe establecer la ubicación del archivo de implementación en el artefacto (el valor predeterminado funciona en la mayoría de los casos).\n Si la tarea está en la **canalización de compilación**, debe establecerla en la **ruta de acceso del archivo de implementación de salida**.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "La suscripción de Azure incluye IoT Hub", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccionar una **Suscripción de Azure** que contenga IoT Hub", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nombre de IoT Hub", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Seleccionar **IoT Hub**", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "Identificador de implementación de IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Especifique el **Identificador de implementación de IoT Edge**; si existe un identificador, este se sobrescribirá.\n Se permiten hasta 128 letras minúsculas, números y los caracteres siguientes: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.priority": "Prioridad de implementación de IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.priority": "Establezca la **prioridad** en un número entero positivo para resolver conflictos de implementación: cuando varias implementaciones sean el destino de un dispositivo, se usará la que tenga la prioridad más alta o, en caso de haber dos implementaciones con la misma prioridad, la que tenga la hora de creación más reciente.\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Elegir uno o varios dispositivos", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Elegir la implementación en uno o varios dispositivos (por etiquetas)", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "Identificador de dispositivo IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Escribir el **identificador de dispositivo** IoT Edge", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condición de destino del dispositivo IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Especifique la **condición de destino** de los dispositivos que quiere implementar. No use comillas dobles; por ejemplo, **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo de registro de contenedor", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Seleccione un **Tipo de Container Registry**.\n **Azure Container Registry** para ACR y **Generic Container Registry** para registros genéricos que incluyen Docker Hub.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Conexión de registro de Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Seleccione una **Conexión de registro de Docker** genérica. Requerido para **Build and Push**.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Seleccionar una instancia de **Azure Container Registry**", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Archivo .template.json", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Ruta de acceso de la solución Azure IoT Edge **.template.json**. Este archivo define los módulos y las rutas de la solución Azure IoT Edge; el nombre del archivo debe terminar con **.template.json**", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Plataforma predeterminada", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "En el archivo **.template.json**, puede dejar sin especificar la plataforma de módulos. Para estos módulos se usará la **plataforma predeterminada**.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Agregar credenciales del registro al manifiesto de implementación", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Agregar credenciales del registro para insertar imágenes de Docker al manifiesto de implementación", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Omitir módulos", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Seleccione los módulos que **NO** es necesario compilar o insertar en .template.json, especifique los nombres de módulo y sepárelos con comas.\n Ejemplo: Si tiene dos módulos (**MóduloEjemplo1,MóduloEjemplo2**) en .template.json pero solo quiere compilar o insertar **MóduloEjemplo1**, establezca **MóduloEjemplo2** en la opción para omitir módulos. Déjelo en blanco si quiere compilar todos los módulos de .template.json.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Compilando imágenes del módulo...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "La compilación de las imágenes del módulo ha finalizado.", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Insertando las imágenes del módulo...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "La inserción de las imágenes del módulo ha finalizado.", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Comenzar la implementación...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "La implementación ha finalizado.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "El archivo de implementación generado se encuentra en la ruta de acceso %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expandiendo las credenciales del registro en el archivo de implementación...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Reemplazar las credenciales: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "¿Se está ejecutando la tarea de implementación en la canalización de compilación? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Comprobando si el siguiente es un archivo JSON válido: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "No válido", + "loc.messages.Valid": "Válido", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "El identificador de implementación normalizado es %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s ya se ha instalado con la versión %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s se instaló con la versión %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Error en la instalación de %s. Consulte el error detallado en el modo de depuración.", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "La ruta de acceso del archivo de plantilla no es válida: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "No se pudo capturar el token de autenticación del registro de contenedor. Compruebe la configuración del registro del contenedor en la tarea de compilación. El token es %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de implementación. Asegúrese de que la ruta de acceso de dicho archivo se ha establecido correctamente en la tarea.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "No se encuentra un archivo de implementación válido. Asegúrese de que la ruta de acceso del archivo de implementación se ha establecido correctamente en la tarea.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "No se ha encontrado ninguna instancia de Azure SDK.", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "La ruta de acceso raíz %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION se ha establecido en true; se omite la validación de la imagen del módulo.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "No se pudo iniciar sesión en %s con las credenciales proporcionadas. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s no existe o la credencial no se ha establecido correctamente. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Comenzar a generar el manifiesto de implementación...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "La generación del manifiesto de implementación ha finalizado." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..708368721960 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide, consultez la [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)", + "loc.description": "Générer et déployer une image Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avancé", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.action": "Action", + "loc.input.help.action": "Sélectionnez une action Azure IoT Edge.\n **Générer des images de module** permet uniquement de générer des modules (vous pouvez l'utiliser pour vérifier une erreur de compilation).\n **Envoyer (push) des images de module** permet d'envoyer des modules vers un registre de conteneurs.\n **Déployer sur des appareils IoT Edge** permet de déployer le fichier de déploiement généré sur IoT Hub. (Nous recommandons de placer la tâche **Déployer** dans le pipeline de mise en production).", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Fichier de déploiement", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Sélectionnez le fichier JSON de déploiement.\n Si cette tâche se trouve dans le **pipeline de mise en production**, vous devez définir l'emplacement du fichier de déploiement dans l'artefact. (La valeur par défaut convient pour la plupart des situations).\n Si cette tâche se trouve dans le **pipeline de build**, vous devez lui affecter le **chemin du fichier de déploiement de sortie**.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "L'abonnement Azure contient IoT Hub", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un **abonnement Azure** qui contient IoT Hub", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nom du hub IoT", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Sélectionnez le **hub IoT**", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID de déploiement IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Entrez l'**ID de déploiement IoT Edge**. Si un ID existe déjà, il est substitué.\n Vous pouvez entrer jusqu'à 128 caractères, notamment des lettres minuscules, des chiffres ainsi que les caractères [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorité de déploiement IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.priority": "Définissez la **priorité** à l'aide d'un entier positif pour résoudre les conflits de déploiement : quand un appareil est ciblé par plusieurs déploiements, il utilise celui qui a la priorité la plus élevée ou (si deux déploiements ont la même priorité) celui dont l'heure de création est la plus récente.\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Choisir un ou plusieurs appareils", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Choisir d'effectuer le déploiement sur un ou plusieurs (par étiquettes) appareils", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID d'appareil IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Entrez l'**ID d'appareil** IoT Edge", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condition cible de l'appareil IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Entrez la **condition cible** des appareils à déployer. N'utilisez pas de guillemets. Exemple : **tags.building=9 et tags.environment='test'**.\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Type de registre de conteneurs", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Sélectionnez un **type de registre de conteneurs**.\n **Azure Container Registry** pour ACR et **Registre de conteneurs générique** pour les registres génériques, notamment Docker Hub.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connexion au registre Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Sélectionnez une **connexion au registre Docker** générique. Obligatoire pour **Générer et envoyer (push)**.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Sélectionnez un **registre de conteneurs Azure**", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Fichier .template.json", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Chemin du fichier **.template.json** de la solution Azure IoT Edge. Ce fichier définit les modules et les routes de la solution Azure IoT Edge. Le nom de fichier doit finir par **.template.json**", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Plateforme par défaut", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "Dans le fichier **.template.json**, vous pouvez laisser la plateforme de modules non spécifiée. Pour ces modules, la plateforme **par défaut** est utilisée.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Ajouter les informations d'identification du registre au manifeste de déploiement", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Ajouter les informations d'identification de registre pour l'envoi (push) d'images Docker au manifeste de déploiement", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Ignorer le ou les modules", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Sélectionnez le ou les modules que vous **N'AVEZ PAS** besoin de générer (ou d'envoyer) dans le fichier .template.json. Spécifiez les noms de modules en les séparant par des virgules.\n Exemple : Si vous avez 2 modules **ExempleModule1,ExempleModule2** dans votre fichier .template.json, et si vous souhaitez simplement générer ou envoyer (push) **ExempleModule1**, définissez **ExempleModule2** en tant que module à ignorer. N'indiquez rien si vous souhaitez générer tous les modules dans le fichier .template.json.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Génération des images de module...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Fin de la génération des images de module", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Envoi (push) des images de module...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Fin de l'envoi (push) des images de module", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Début du déploiement...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Fin du déploiement", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Le fichier de déploiement généré est situé dans le chemin : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Développement des informations d'identification de registre dans le fichier de déploiement...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Remplacer les informations d'identification : %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "La tâche de déploiement est en cours d'exécution dans le pipeline de build %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Vérification de la validité du fichier JSON suivant : %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "Non valide", + "loc.messages.Valid": "Valide", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "ID de déploiement normalisé : %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s déjà installé avec la version %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installé avec la version %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Échec de l'installation de %s. Consultez l'erreur détaillée en mode débogage", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Le chemin du fichier de modèle est non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du jeton d'authentification du registre de conteneurs. Vérifiez le paramètre du registre de conteneurs dans la tâche de build. Le jeton est %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Le fichier de déploiement est introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin du fichier de déploiement est correctement défini dans la tâche.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Impossible de localiser un fichier de déploiement valide. Vérifiez que le chemin du fichier de déploiement est correctement défini dans la tâche.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Kit Azure SDK introuvable", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Le chemin racine %s n'existe pas", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION a la valeur true. Validation de l'image de module ignorée.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Échec de la connexion %s avec les informations d'identification fournies. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s n'existe pas, ou les informations d'identification ne sont pas définies correctement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Début de la génération du manifeste de déploiement...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Fin de la génération du manifeste de déploiement." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1a78041c853c --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni, vedere la [documentazione](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)", + "loc.description": "Compila e distribuisce un'immagine Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avanzate", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.action": "Azione", + "loc.input.help.action": "Selezionare un'azione di Azure IoT Edge.\n L'opzione **Compila immagini del modulo** consente solo di compilare moduli. È possibile usarla per verificare gli errori di compilazione.\n L'opzione **Esegui push delle immagini del modulo** consente di eseguire il push dei moduli nel registro contenitori.\n L'opzione **Distribuisci in dispositivi IoT Edge** consente di distribuire il file di distribuzione generato nell'hub IoT. È consigliabile inserire l'attività **Compilazione** nella pipeline di versione.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "File di distribuzione", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Selezionare il file JSON di distribuzione.\n Se questa attività è inclusa nella **pipeline di versione**, è necessario impostare il percorso del file di distribuzione nell'artefatto. Nella maggior parte dei casi è sufficiente il valore predefinito.\n Se questa attività è inclusa nella **pipeline di compilazione**, è necessario impostarla sul percorso indicato in **Percorso del file di distribuzione di output**.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "La sottoscrizione di Azure contiene l'hub IoT", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Selezionare una **sottoscrizione di Azure** che contiene l'hub IoT", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nome dell'hub IoT", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Selezionare l'**hub IoT**", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID distribuzione di IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Inserire l'**ID distribuzione di IoT Edge**. L'eventuale ID esistente verrà sovrascritto.\n Sono consentiti fino a 128 caratteri, tra lettere minuscole, numeri e i caratteri seguenti: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorità di distribuzione di IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.priority": "Impostare la **priorità** su un numero intero positivo per risolvere i conflitti di destinazione: se incluso in più distribuzioni, un dispositivo di destinazione userà quella con priorità superiore oppure, in caso di due distribuzioni con la stessa priorità, l'ora di creazione più recente.\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Scegli un dispositivo singolo/multiplo", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Scegliere se eseguire la distribuzione in dispositivi singoli o multipli (in base ai tag)", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID dispositivo di IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Inserire l'**ID dispositivo** di IoT Edge", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condizione di destinazione del dispositivo di IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Inserire la **condizione di destinazione** dei dispositivi che si vogliono distribuire. Non usare le virgolette doppie. Esempio: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di registro contenitori", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare un **tipo di Registro Container**.\n **Registro Azure Container** per Registro Azure Container e **Registro Container generico** per i registri generici che includono l'hub Docker.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione a registro Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Selezionare una **connessione al registro Docker** generica. È obbligatorio per **Compila ed esegui push**.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Selezionare un'istanza di **Registro Azure Container**", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "File .template.json", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Percorso del file **.template.json** della soluzione Azure IoT Edge. Questo file definisce i moduli e le route nella soluzione Azure IoT Edge. Il nome file deve terminare con **.template.json**", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Piattaforma predefinita", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "Nel file **.template.json** è possibile non specificare la piattaforma dei moduli. Per questi moduli verrà usata la **piattaforma predefinita**.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Aggiungi credenziali del registro al manifesto della distribuzione", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Consente di aggiungere le credenziali del registro per il push delle immagini Docker al manifesto della distribuzione", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Modulo/i di bypass", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Selezionare i moduli che **NON** è necessario compilare o di cui non eseguire il push nel file .template.json. Specificare i nomi di modulo e separarli con la virgola.\n Esempio: se sono presenti due moduli **ModuloEsempio1,ModuloEsempio2** nel file .template.json e si vuole solo compilare o eseguire il push di **ModuloEsempio1**, è necessario impostare i moduli di bypass come **ModuloEsempio2**. Lasciare vuoto se si vogliono compilare tutti i moduli nel file .template.json.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Compilazione delle immagini del modulo...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "La compilazione delle immagini del modulo è stata completata", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Push delle immagini del modulo...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Il push delle immagini del modulo è stato completato", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Avvia distribuzione...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Distribuzione completata", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Il file di distribuzione generato è disponibile nel percorso: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Espansione delle credenziali del registro nel file di distribuzione...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Sostituire le credenziali: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "L'attività di distribuzione è in esecuzione nella pipeline di compilazione? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Verifica della validità del file JSON seguente: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "Non valido", + "loc.messages.Valid": "Valido", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "L'ID distribuzione normalizzato è: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s è già installato con la versione: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s è stato installato con la versione: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "L'installazione di %s non è riuscita. Vedere l'errore dettagliato nella modalità di debug", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Il percorso del file modello non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di autenticazione del registro contenitori. Verificare l'impostazione del registro contenitori nell'attività di compilazione. Il token è %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare il file di distribuzione. Verificare che il percorso del file di distribuzione sia impostato correttamente nell'attività.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare un file di distribuzione valido. Verificare che il percorso del file di distribuzione sia impostato correttamente nell'attività.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK non trovato", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Il percorso radice %s non esiste", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION è impostato su true. La convalida delle immagini del modulo verrà ignorata.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Non è stato possibile accedere a %s con le credenziali specificate. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s non esiste oppure le credenziali non sono impostate correttamente. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Avvia generazione del manifesto della distribuzione...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "La generazione del manifesto della distribuzione è stata completata." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..199edc19ad86 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "ヘルプについては、[ドキュメント](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)を参照してください", + "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge イメージのビルドとデプロイ", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "詳細設定", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.action": "アクション", + "loc.input.help.action": "Azure IoT Edge アクションを選択します。\n **[モジュール イメージのビルド]** を選択すると、モジュールのみがビルドされます (これは、コンパイル エラーのチェックに使用できます)。\n **[モジュール イメージのプッシュ]** を選択すると、モジュールがコンテナー レジストリにプッシュされます。\n **[IoT Edge デバイスにデプロイする]** を選択すると、生成されたデプロイ ファイルが IoT Hub にデプロイされます (**デプロイ** タスクをリリース パイプラインに入れることをお勧めします)。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "配置ファイル", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "配置 json ファイルを選択します。\n このタスクが **リリース パイプライン** にある場合、成果物の配置ファイルの場所を設定する必要があります。(既定値はほとんどの条件で機能します)。\n このタスクが **ビルド パイプライン** にある場合は、**出力配置ファイルのパス** のパスに設定する必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプションに IoT Hub が含まれています", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "IoT Hub を含む **Azure サブスクリプション** を選択します", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT ハブ名", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "**IoT Hub** を選択します", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge デプロイ ID", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "**IoT Edge デプロイ ID** を入力してください。ID が存在する場合はオーバーライドされます。\n最大 128 の小文字、数字、および次の文字を使用できます [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n詳細については、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください。", + "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge デプロイの優先順位", + "loc.input.help.priority": "デプロイの競合を解決するには、**優先度** を正の整数に設定します。複数のデプロイをターゲットにしている場合、デバイスは最も優先度の高いもの、または (同じ優先度を持つ 2 つのデプロイの場合は) 作成時間が最も新しいものを使用します。\n詳しくは、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "1 つまたは複数のデバイスを選択する", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "1 つまたは複数 (タグ別) のデバイスへの配置を選択する", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge デバイス ID", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "IoT Edge **デバイス ID** の入力", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge デバイス ターゲットの条件", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "デプロイするデバイスの **ターゲット条件** を入力します。二重引用符は使用しないでください。例: **tags.building=9 および tags.environment='test'**。\n詳細については、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください。", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "コンテナー レジストリの種類", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "**コンテナー レジストリの種類** を選択します。\n ACR の場合は **[Azure Container Registry]**、Docker ハブを含むジェネリック レジストリの場合は **[ジェネリック コンテナー レジストリ]**。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker レジストリ接続", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "汎用の **Docker レジストリ接続** を選択します。**ビルドおよびプッシュ** するのに必要です。", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure サブスクリプションを選択します", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "**[Azure Container Registry]** を選択します", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json ファイル", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge ソリューション **.template.json** のパス。このファイルは Azure IoT Edge ソリューションのモジュールとルートを定義します。このファイル名は **.template.json** で終わる必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "既定のプラットフォーム", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "**.template.json** では、モジュール プラットフォームを未指定のままにすることができます。これらのモジュールでは、**既定のプラットフォーム** が使用されます。", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "レジストリ資格情報を配置マニフェストに追加します", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "配置マニフェストに Docker イメージをプッシュするためのレジストリ資格情報を追加します", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "バイパス モジュール", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": ".template.json でビルド (またはプッシュ) する必要が **ない** モジュールを選択し、モジュール名を指定して、コンマで区切ります。\n 例: .template.json に 2 つのモジュール **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** があり、**SampleModule1** のみをビルドまたはプッシュする場合、バイパス モジュールを **SampleModule2** として設定します。すべてのモジュールを .template.json にビルドする場合は、空のままにします。", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "モジュール イメージをビルドしています...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "モジュール イメージの構築が完了しました", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "モジュール イメージをプッシュしています...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "モジュール イメージのプッシュが完了しました", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "配置を開始します...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "配置が完了しました", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "生成された配置ファイルは次のパスにあります: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "配置ファイルのレジストリ資格情報を展開しています...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "資格情報の置換: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "ビルド パイプラインで配置タスクが実行されていますか? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "次のファイルが有効な json であるかどうかを確認しています: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "無効", + "loc.messages.Valid": "有効", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "正規化された配置 ID: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s は既に次のバージョンでインストールされています: %s ", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s は次のバージョンでインストールされました: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s のインストールに失敗しました。デバッグ モードでエラーの詳細を確認してください", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "テンプレート ファイルのパスが無効です: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "コンテナー レジストリ認証トークンをフェッチできませんでした。ビルド タスクのコンテナー レジストリ設定を確認してください。トークンは %s です", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "配置ファイルが見つかりません。タスクで配置ファイルのパスが正しく設定されていることを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "有効な配置ファイルが見つかりません。タスクで配置ファイルのパスが正しく設定されていることを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK が見つかりません", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "ルート パス %s が存在しません", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION が true に設定されています。モジュール イメージの検証をスキップしています。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "指定された資格情報で %s にログインできませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s が存在しないか、資格情報が正しく設定されていません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "配置マニフェストの生成を開始します...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "配置マニフェストの生成が完了しました。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e9dc448349dd --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "도움말을 보려면 [문서](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)를 참조하세요.", + "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge 이미지를 빌드 및 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "고급", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "고급", + "loc.input.label.action": "작업", + "loc.input.help.action": "Azure IoT Edge 작업을 선택합니다.\n **모듈 빌드 이미지**는 모듈만 빌드합니다(컴파일 오류를 확인하는 데 사용할 수 있음).\n **모듈 푸시 이미지**는 모듈을 컨테이너 레지스트리에 푸시합니다.\n **IoT Edge 디바이스에 배포**는 생성된 배포 파일을 IoT Hub에 배포합니다. **배포** 작업을 릴리스 파이프라인에 배치하는 것이 좋습니다.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "배포 파일", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "배포 json 파일을 선택합니다.\n 이 작업이 **릴리스 파이프라인**에 있는 경우, 아티팩트에서 배포 파일의 위치를 설정해야 합니다. 대부분의 조건에서 기본값을 사용해도 됩니다.\n 이 작업이 **빌드 파이프라인**에 있는 경우, **출력 배포 파일 경로**의 경로로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독에 IoT Hub가 포함되어 있음", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "IoT Hub가 포함된 **Azure 구독**을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT Hub 이름", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "**IoT Hub**를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 배포 ID", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "**IoT Edge 배포 ID**를 입력합니다. ID가 있으면 재정의됩니다.\n 소문자, 숫자 및 [-:+%_#*?!(),=@;'] 문자를 최대 128자까지 사용할 수 있습니다.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.", + "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 배포 우선 순위", + "loc.input.help.priority": "배포 충돌을 해결하려면 **우선 순위**를 양의 정수로 설정: 여러 배포에서 대상으로 지정된 경우, 디바이스는 우선 순위가 가장 높은 배포를 사용하거나 두 배포의 우선 순위가 같으면 만든 시간이 가장 최근인 배포를 사용합니다.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "단일/여러 디바이스 선택", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "단일 디바이스나 태그로 지정된 여러 디바이스에 배포하도록 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 디바이스 ID", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "IoT Edge **디바이스 ID**를 입력합니다.", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 디바이스 대상 조건", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "배포할 디바이스의 **대상 조건**을 입력합니다. 큰따옴표를 사용하지 않습니다. 예: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "컨테이너 레지스트리 유형", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "**컨테이너 레지스트리 유형**을 선택합니다.\n ACR은 **Azure Container Registry**, Docker 허브를 포함한 일반 레지스트리는 **일반 컨테이너 레지스트리**입니다.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 레지스트리 연결", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "일반 **Docker 레지스트리 연결**을 선택합니다. **빌드 및 푸시**에 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 구독 선택", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "**Azure Container Registry**를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 파일", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 솔루션 **.template.json**의 경로입니다. 이 파일은 Azure IoT Edge 솔루션의 모듈과 경로를 정의하며, 파일 이름이 **.template.json**으로 끝나야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "기본 플랫폼", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "**.template.json**에서 모듈 플랫폼을 지정되지 않은 상태로 유지할 수 있습니다. 해당 모듈에는 **기본 플랫폼**이 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "배포 매니페스트에 레지스트리 자격 증명 추가", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Docker 이미지를 배포 매니페스트에 푸시하는 데 사용할 레지스트리 자격 증명을 추가합니다.", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "무시 모듈", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": ".template.json에서 빌드(또는 푸시)할 필요가 **없는** 모듈을 선택하거나 모듈 이름을 쉼표로 구분하여 지정합니다.\n 예: .template.json에 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**라는 2개의 모듈이 있고 **SampleModule1**만 빌드 또는 푸시하려는 경우, 무시 모듈을 **SampleModule2**로 설정합니다. template. json에 있는 모든 모듈을 빌드하려면 비워 둡니다.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "모듈 이미지를 빌드하는 중...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "모듈 이미지 빌드를 완료했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "모듈 이미지를 푸시하는 중...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "모듈 이미지 푸시를 완료했습니다.", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "배포를 시작하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "배포를 완료했습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "생성된 배포 파일은 %s 경로에 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "배포 파일의 레지스트리 자격 증명을 확장하는 중...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "자격 증명 바꾸기: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "빌드 파이프라인에서 배포 작업을 실행하고 있습니까? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "%s 파일이 유효한 json인지 확인하는 중", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "잘못됨", + "loc.messages.Valid": "유효함", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "정규화된 배포 ID: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s이(가) %s 버전과 함께 이미 설치되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s이(가) %s 버전과 함께 설치되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 설치에 실패했습니다. 디버그 모드에서 자세한 오류를 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "템플릿 파일의 경로 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "컨테이너 레지스트리 인증 토큰을 페치하지 못했습니다. 빌드 작업의 컨테이너 레지스트리 설정을 확인하세요. 토큰이 %s입니다.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "배포 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 배포 파일의 경로가 작업에 올바르게 설정되었는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "유효한 배포 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 배포 파일의 경로가 작업에 올바르게 설정되었는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "루트 경로 %s이(가) 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION이 true로 설정되었습니다. 모듈 이미지 유효성 검사를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "지정된 자격 증명으로 %s을(를) 로그인하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s이(가) 없거나 자격 증명이 제대로 설정되지 않았습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "배포 매니페스트 생성을 시작하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "배포 매니페스트 생성을 완료했습니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..692c81fe8e0b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Для получения справки обратитесь к [документации](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)", + "loc.description": "Сборка и развертывание образа Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge — $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Дополнительно", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.action": "Действие", + "loc.input.help.action": "Выберите действие Azure IoT Edge.\n Параметр **Создать образы модулей** только создаст модули (вы можете использовать его для проверки ошибки компиляции).\n Параметр **Отправить образы модулей** отправит модули в реестр контейнеров.\n Параметр **Развернуть на устройствах IoT Edge** развернут созданный файл развертывания в Центре Интернета вещей. (Мы рекомендуем поместить задачу **Развернуть** в конвейер выпуска.)", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Файл развертывания", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Выберите JSON-файл развертывания.\n Если задача находится в **конвейере выпуска**, нужно задать расположение файла развертывания в артефакте. (Для большинства случаев подходит значение по умолчанию).\n Если задача находится в **конвейере сборки**, нужно значение параметра **Путь выходного файла развертывания**.", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure содержит Центр Интернета вещей", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите **подписку Azure**, содержащую Центр Интернета вещей", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Имя центра Интернета вещей", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Выберите **Центр Интернета вещей**", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "Идентификатор развертывания IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Введите **Идентификатор развертывания IoT Edge**; если он существует, то будет перезаписан.\n Разрешено использовать до 128 строчных букв, цифр и следующих символов: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.priority": "Приоритет развертывания IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.priority": "Для разрешения конфликтов развертывания установите в качестве **приоритета** положительное целое число: в этом случае при наличии нескольких развертываний для одного устройства будет использовано развертывание с наивысшим приоритетом или (при наличии двух развертываний с одинаковым приоритетом) развертывание с более поздним временем создания.\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Выбрать одно или несколько устройств", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Выберите для развертывания на одном или нескольких (по тегам) устройствах", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "Идентификатор устройства IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Введите **идентификатор устройства** IoT Edge", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Состояние целевого устройства IoT Edge", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Введите **целевое условие** для устройств, которые нужно развернуть. Не используйте двойные кавычки. Пример: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Тип реестра контейнеров", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Выберите **Тип реестра контейнеров**.\n **Реестр контейнеров Azure** для записи контроля доступа и **Универсальный реестр контейнеров** для универсальных реестров, включая Docker Hub.", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Подключение к реестру Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Выберите универсальное **Подключение реестра Docker**. Требуется для операции **Сборка и отправка**.", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Выберите подписку Azure", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Реестр контейнеров Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Выберите **Реестр контейнеров Azure**", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Файл .template.json", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Путь для решения Azure IoT Edge **.template.json**. Этот файл определяет модули и маршруты в решении Azure IoT Edge, при этом имя файла должно заканчиваться на **.template.json**", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Платформа по умолчанию", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "В файле **.template.json** можно оставить платформу модулей неуказанной. Для этих модулей будет использоваться **платформа по умолчанию**.", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Добавить учетные данные реестра в манифест развертывания", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Добавление учетных данных реестра для отправки образов Docker в манифест развертывания", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Обходные модули", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Выберите модули, которые вам **не нужно** создавать в .template.json (или отправлять туда), укажите имена модулей и разделите их запятыми.\n Пример: если у вас есть 2 модуля **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** в .template.json и вы хотите создать или отправить только **SampleModule1**, задайте обходные модули как **SampleModule2**. Оставьте поле пустым, если хотите создать все модули в .template.json.", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Создание образов модулей...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Создание образов модулей завершено", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Отправка образов модулей...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Отправка образов модулей завершена", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Начать развертывание...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Развертывание завершено", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Созданный файл развертывания, расположенный по пути: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Расширение учетных данных реестра в файле развертывания...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Замена учетных данных: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Задача развертывания выполняется в конвейере сборки? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Проверка того, является ли следующий файл допустимой JSON: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "Недопустимый", + "loc.messages.Valid": "Допустимый", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "Нормализованный идентификатор развертывания: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s уже установлен с версией: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s установлен с версией: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Не удалось установить %s, дополнительные сведения см. в режиме отладки", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Недопустимый путь к файлу шаблона: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Не удалось получить токен проверки подлинности реестра контейнеров, проверьте параметр реестра контейнера в задаче сборки. Токен: %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Не удается найти файл развертывания. Убедитесь, что путь к файлу развертывания задан в задаче правильно.", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Не удается найти допустимый файл развертывания. Убедитесь, что путь к файлу развертывания задан в задаче правильно.", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Пакет Azure SDK не найден", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Корневой путь %s не существует", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "Для SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION задано значение true, пропуск проверки образа модуля.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Не удалось войти в %s с использованием указанных учетных данных. %s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s не существует, или учетные данные заданы неправильно. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Запуск создания манифеста развертывания...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Создание манифеста развертывания завершено." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5f8cd69e5047 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "请访问[文档](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)获取帮助", + "loc.description": "生成并部署 Azure IoT Edge 映像", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "高级", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "高级", + "loc.input.label.action": "操作", + "loc.input.help.action": "选择 Azure IoT Edge 操作。\n **生成模块映像**将仅生成模块(可使用它检查编译错误)。\n **推送模块映像**会将模块推送到容器注册表。\n **部署到 IoT Edge 设备**会将生成的部署文件部署到 IoT 中心。(建议将**部署**任务置于发布管道)。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "部署文件", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "选择部署 json 文件。\n 如果此任务位于**发布管道**,则需要在项目中设置部署文件的位置。(默认值适用于大多数情况)。\n 如果此任务位于**生成管道**,则需要将其设置到**输出部署文件的路径**路径。", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅包含 IoT 中心", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择包含 IoT 中心的 **Azure 订阅**", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT 中心名称", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "选择 **IoT 中心**", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 部署 ID", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "输入 **IoT Edge 部署 ID**,如果存在 ID,则将重写此 ID。\n 最多允许 128 个小写字母、数字和以下字符[ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)的详细信息", + "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 部署优先级", + "loc.input.help.priority": "将**优先级**设置为正整数以解决部署冲突: 当作为多个部署的目标时,设备将使用具有最高优先级或(如果两个部署具有相同优先级)最新创建时间的部署。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署]的详细信息(https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "选择单个/多个设备", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "选择部署到单个或多个(按标记)设备", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 设备 ID", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "输入 IoT Edge **设备 ID**", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 设备目标条件", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "输入要部署的设备的**目标条件**。不要使用双引号。示例: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署]的详细信息(https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器注册表类型", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "选择**容器注册表类型**。\n **Azure 容器注册表**表示 ACR,**泛型容器注册表**表示包括 Docker 中心在内的泛型注册表。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 注册表连接", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "选择泛型 **Docker 注册表连接**。对于**生成并推送**是必需的。", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "选择 Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "选择 **Azure 容器注册表**", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 文件", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 解决方案 **.template.json** 的路径。此文件定义 Azure IoT Edge 解决方案中的模块和路由,文件名必须以 **.template.json** 结尾", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "默认平台", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "在 **.template.json** 中,可将模块平台保留为未指定。对于这些模块,将使用**默认平台**。", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "向部署清单添加注册表凭据", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "添加用于将 Docker 映像推送到部署清单的注册表凭据", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "绕过模块", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "选择**无**需在 .template.json 中生成(或推送)的模块,指定模块名称并以逗号分隔。\n 示例: 如果你的 .template.json 中有 2 个模块 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**,你只想生成或推送 **SampleModule1**,则将绕过模块设置为 **SampleModule2**。如果想在 .template.json 中生成所有模块,则留空。", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "正在生成模块映像...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "已完成生成模块映像", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "正在推送模块映像...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "已完成推送模块映像", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "开始部署...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "已完成部署", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "生成的部署文件位于路径: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "正在扩展部署文件中的注册表凭据...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "替换凭据: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "部署任务正在生成管道中运行? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "检查以下文件是否为有效的 json: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "无效", + "loc.messages.Valid": "有效", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "规范化的部署 ID 为: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "已使用以下版本安装 %s: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "已使用以下版本安装 %s: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 安装失败,请参阅调试模式下的详细错误", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "模板文件的路径无效: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "未能提取容器注册表身份验证令牌,请检查生成任务中的容器注册表设置。令牌为 %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到部署文件。请确保在任务中正确设置了部署文件的路径。", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到有效的部署文件。请确保在任务中正确设置了部署文件的路径。", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "未找到 Azure SDK", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "根路径 %s 不存在", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION 设置为 true,将跳过模块映像验证。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "未能使用给定凭据登录 %s。%s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s 不存在,或者未正确设置凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "开始生成部署清单...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "已完成生成部署清单。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0ce0bda3ba6e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需說明,請瀏覽 [文件](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)", + "loc.description": "建置並部署 Azure IoT Edge 映像", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "進階", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "進階", + "loc.input.label.action": "動作", + "loc.input.help.action": "選取 Azure IoT Edge 動作。\n [建置模組映像]**** 只會建置模組 (您可以用它來檢查編譯錯誤)。\n [推送模組映像]**** 會將模組推送到容器登錄。\n [部署 IoT Edge 裝置]**** 會將產生的部署檔案部署到 IoT 中樞。(建議將 [部署]**** 工作放置在發行管線中)。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "部署檔案", + "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "選取部署 json 檔案。\n 如果此工作在 [發行管線]**** 中,您必須將部署檔案的位置設定在成品中 (預設值適用於大部分的情狀)。\n 如果此工作在 [建置管線]**** 中,您必須將其設定在 [輸出部署檔案的路徑]**** 的路徑中。", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶包含 IoT 中樞", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取包含 IoT 中樞的 [Azure 訂用帳戶]****", + "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT 中樞名稱", + "loc.input.help.iothubname": "選取 [IoT 中樞]****", + "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 部署識別碼", + "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "輸入 [IoT Edge 部署識別碼]****,如果有識別碼,將會予以覆寫。\n 最多可含有 128 個小寫字母、數字和下列字元 [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊", + "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 部署優先順序", + "loc.input.help.priority": "將 [優先權]**** 設為正整數,以解決部署衝突: 當一部裝置為多個部署的目標時,該裝置會取其中優先順序最高者,或建立時間最近者 (當兩個部署的優先順序相同時)。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊", + "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "選擇一/多部裝置", + "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "選擇要部署到一或多部 (依標籤) 裝置", + "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 裝置識別碼", + "loc.input.help.deviceId": "輸入 IoT Edge [裝置識別碼]****", + "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 裝置目標條件", + "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "輸入您要部署之裝置的 [目標條件]****。請勿使用雙引號。例如: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器登錄類型", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "選取 [容器登錄類型]****。\n 針對 ACR,請選取 [Azure Container Registry]****,針對一般登錄,請選取 [一般容器登錄]****,包括 Docker Hub。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 登錄連線", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "選取一般 [Docker 登錄連線]****。針對 [建置並推送]****,此為必要項。", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "選取 Azure 訂閱", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "選取 [Azure Container Registry]****", + "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 檔案", + "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 解決方案 [.template.json]**** 的路徑。此檔案會定義 Azure IoT Edge 解決方案中的模組與路徑,檔案名稱必須以 [.template.json]**** 結尾", + "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "預設平台", + "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "在 [.template.json]**** 中,您可以將模組平台保留為未指定。針對這些模組,將會使用 [預設平台]****。", + "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "將登錄認證新增到部署資訊清單", + "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "新增用來將 docker 映像推送到部署資訊清單的登錄認證", + "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "略過模組", + "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "選取的您**不**需要在 .template.json 中建置 (或推送) 的模組,請指定模組名稱,並使用逗號分隔。\n 例如: 如果您在 .template.json 中有 2 個模組 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**,並且只想要建置或推送 **SampleModule1**,則請將略過模組設定為 **SampleModule2**。若要在 .template.json 中建置所有模組,請保留空白。", + "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "正在建置模組映像...", + "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "已完成模組映像的建置", + "loc.messages.PushingModules": "正在推送模組映像...", + "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "已完成模組映像的推送", + "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "開始部署...", + "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "已完成部署", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "產生的部署檔案位於路徑 %s 中", + "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "正在展開部署檔案中的登錄認證...", + "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "取代認證: %s", + "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "部署工作正於建置管線中執行嗎? %s", + "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "正在檢查下列檔案是否為有效的 json: %s", + "loc.messages.Invalid": "無效", + "loc.messages.Valid": "有效", + "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "正常化的部署識別碼是: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s 已安裝。版本: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s 已安裝。版本: %s", + "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 安裝失敗,請在偵錯模式中查看詳細錯誤", + "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "範本檔案的路徑無效: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "無法擷取容器登錄驗證權杖,請檢查您建置工作中的容器登錄設定。權杖為 %s", + "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到部署檔案。請確定已在工作中正確設定部署檔案的路徑。", + "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到有效的部署檔案。請確定已在工作中正確設定部署檔案的路徑。", + "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "找不到 Azure SDK", + "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "根路徑 %s 不存在", + "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION 已設為 true,正在跳過模組映像驗證。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "無法使用指定認證登入 %s。%s", + "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s 不存在,或是未正確設定認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "開始產生部署資訊清單...", + "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "已完成部署資訊清單的產生。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json index c7dc767b6f6f..1265e19bc775 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json @@ -1,266 +1,268 @@ { - "id": "80F3F6A0-82A6-4A22-BA7A-E5B8C541B9B8", - "name": "AzureIoTEdge", - "friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", - "description": "Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image", - "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/azure-iot-edge", - "helpMarkDown": "Visit the [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) for help", - "category": "Build", - "visibility": [ - "Build", - "Release" - ], - "author": "Microsoft Corporation", - "version": { - "Major": 2, - "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 2 - }, - "preview": true, - "instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", - "groups": [ - { - "name": "advanced_push", - "displayName": "Advanced", - "isExpanded": false, - "visibleRule": "action = Push module images" + "id": "80F3F6A0-82A6-4A22-BA7A-E5B8C541B9B8", + "name": "AzureIoTEdge", + "friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge", + "description": "Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image", + "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/azure-iot-edge", + "helpMarkDown": "Visit the [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) for help", + "category": "Build", + "visibility": [ + "Build", + "Release" + ], + "author": "Microsoft Corporation", + "version": { + "Major": 2, + "Minor": 1, + "Patch": 3 }, - { - "name": "advanced_deploy", - "displayName": "Advanced", - "isExpanded": false, - "visibleRule": "action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices" - } - ], - "inputs": [ - { - "name": "action", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Action", - "defaultValue": "Build module images", - "required": true, - "options": { - "Build module images": "Build module images", - "Push module images": "Push module images", - "Generate deployment manifest": "Generate deployment manifest", - "Deploy to IoT Edge devices": "Deploy to IoT Edge devices" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure IoT Edge action.\n **Build module images** will only build modules (You can use it to check compilation error).\n **Push module images** will push modules to container registry.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** will deploy the generated deployment file to IoT Hub. (We recommend to put **Deploy** task in release pipeline)." + "preview": true, + "instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)", + "groups": [ + { + "name": "advanced_push", + "displayName": "Advanced", + "isExpanded": false, + "visibleRule": "action = Push module images" + }, + { + "name": "advanced_deploy", + "displayName": "Advanced", + "isExpanded": false, + "visibleRule": "action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices" + } + ], + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "action", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Action", + "defaultValue": "Build module images", + "required": true, + "options": { + "Build module images": "Build module images", + "Push module images": "Push module images", + "Generate deployment manifest": "Generate deployment manifest", + "Deploy to IoT Edge devices": "Deploy to IoT Edge devices" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure IoT Edge action.\n **Build module images** will only build modules (You can use it to check compilation error).\n **Push module images** will push modules to container registry.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** will deploy the generated deployment file to IoT Hub. (We recommend to put **Deploy** task in release pipeline)." + }, + { + "name": "deploymentFilePath", + "type": "filePath", + "label": "Deployment file", + "defaultValue": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.json", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", + "helpMarkDown": "Select the deployment json file.\n If this task is in **release pipeline**, you need to set the location of deployment file in artifact.(The default value works for most conditions).\n If this task is in **build pipeline**, you need to set it to the path of **Path of output deployment file**." + }, + { + "name": "connectedServiceNameARM", + "aliases": [ + "azureSubscription" + ], + "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", + "label": "Azure subscription contains IoT Hub", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", + "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure subscription** that contains IoT Hub" + }, + { + "name": "iothubname", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "IoT Hub name", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", + "helpMarkDown": "Select the **IoT Hub**" + }, + { + "name": "deploymentid", + "type": "string", + "label": "IoT Edge deployment ID", + "required": true, + "defaultValue": "$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment", + "helpMarkDown": "Input the **IoT Edge Deployment ID**, if ID exists, it will be overridden.\n Up to 128 lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters are allowed [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "groupName": "advanced_deploy" + }, + { + "name": "priority", + "type": "string", + "label": "IoT Edge deployment priority", + "required": true, + "defaultValue": "0", + "helpMarkDown": "Set the **priority** to a positive integer to resolve deployment conflicts: when targeted by multiple deployments a device will use the one with highest priority or (in case of two deployments with the same priority) latest creation time.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", + "groupName": "advanced_deploy" + }, + { + "name": "deviceOption", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Choose single/multiple device", + "required": true, + "options": { + "Single Device": "Single Device", + "Multiple Devices": "Multiple Devices" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "Choose to deploy to single or multiple(by tags) devices", + "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices" + }, + { + "name": "deviceId", + "type": "string", + "label": "IoT Edge device ID", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Single Device", + "helpMarkDown": "Input the IoT Edge **device ID**" + }, + { + "name": "targetcondition", + "type": "string", + "label": "IoT Edge device target condition", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Multiple Devices", + "helpMarkDown": "Input the **target condition** of devices you would like to deploy. Do not use double quote. Example: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)" + }, + { + "name": "containerregistrytype", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Container registry type", + "defaultValue": "Azure Container Registry", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action = Push module images", + "options": { + "Azure Container Registry": "Azure Container Registry", + "Generic Container Registry": "Generic Container Registry" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "Select a **Container Registry Type**.\n **Azure Container Registry** for ACR and **Generic Container Registry** for generic registries including docker hub." + }, + { + "name": "dockerRegistryEndpoint", + "aliases": [ + "dockerRegistryConnection" + ], + "type": "connectedService:dockerregistry", + "required": true, + "label": "Docker Registry Connection", + "helpMarkDown": "Select a generic **Docker registry connection**. Required for **Build and Push**.", + "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry" + }, + { + "name": "azureSubscriptionEndpoint", + "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", + "label": "Azure subscription", + "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure subscription", + "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry" + }, + { + "name": "azureContainerRegistry", + "label": "Azure Container Registry", + "type": "pickList", + "required": true, + "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure Container Registry**", + "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry", + "defaultValue": "" + }, + { + "name": "templateFilePath", + "type": "filePath", + "label": ".template.json file", + "defaultValue": "deployment.template.json", + "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest", + "required": true, + "helpMarkDown": "The path of Azure IoT Edge solution **.template.json**. This file defines the modules and routes in Azure IoT Edge solution, file name must end with **.template.json**" + }, + { + "name": "defaultPlatform", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Default platform", + "defaultValue": "amd64", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest", + "options": { + "amd64": "amd64", + "windows-amd64": "windows-amd64", + "arm32v7": "arm32v7" + }, + "properties": { + "EditableOptions": "True" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "In your **.template.json**, you can leave the modules platform unspecified. For these modules, the **default platform** will be used." + }, + { + "name": "fillRegistryCredential", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Add registry credential to deployment manifest", + "defaultValue": "true", + "required": true, + "visibleRule": "action = Push module images", + "options": { + "true": "true", + "false": "false" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "Add registry credential for pushing docker images to deployment manifest" + }, + { + "name": "bypassModules", + "type": "string", + "label": "Bypass module(s)", + "defaultValue": "", + "helpMarkDown": "Select the module(s) that you **DO NOT** need to build(or push) in the .template.json, specify module names and separate with comma.\n Example: if you have 2 modules **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in your .template.json, you want to just build or push **SampleModule1**, then you set the bypass modules as **SampleModule2**. Leave empty if you would like to build all the modules in .template.json.", + "groupName": "advanced_push" + } + ], + "dataSourceBindings": [ + { + "target": "azureContainerRegistry", + "endpointId": "$(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)", + "dataSourceName": "AzureRMContainerRegistries", + "resultTemplate": "{\"Value\":\"{\\\"loginServer\\\":\\\"{{{properties.loginServer}}}\\\", \\\"id\\\" : \\\"{{{id}}}\\\"}\",\"DisplayValue\":\"{{{name}}}\"}" + }, + { + "target": "iothubname", + "endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)", + "endpointUrl": "{{{endpoint.url}}}/subscriptions/{{{endpoint.subscriptionId}}}/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs?api-version=2018-04-01", + "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*].name" + } + ], + "execution": { + "Node": { + "target": "index.js" + } }, - { - "name": "deploymentFilePath", - "type": "filePath", - "label": "Deployment file", - "defaultValue": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.json", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", - "helpMarkDown": "Select the deployment json file.\n If this task is in **release pipeline**, you need to set the location of deployment file in artifact.(The default value works for most conditions).\n If this task is in **build pipeline**, you need to set it to the path of **Path of output deployment file**." + "messages": { + "BuildingModules": "Building module images...", + "BuildingModulesFinished": "Finished building module images", + "PushingModules": "Pushing module images...", + "PushingModulesFinished": "Finished pushing module images", + "StartDeploy": "Start deploying...", + "FinishDeploy": "Finished Deploying", + "DeploymentFilePath": "The generated deployment file located in the path: %s", + "ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expanding registry credentials in deployment file...", + "ReplaceCredential": "Replace credential: %s", + "DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Deployment task is running in build pipeline? %s", + "CheckValidJson": "Checking if the following file is a valid json: %s", + "Invalid": "Invalid", + "Valid": "Valid", + "NomralizedDeployementId": "Normalized deployment id is: %s", + "DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s already installed with version: %s", + "DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installed with version: %s", + "DependencyInstallFail": "%s installation failed, see detailed error in debug mode", + "TemplateFileInvalid": "The path of template file is not valid: %s", + "ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Failed to fetch container registry authentication token, please check you container registry setting in build task. The token is %s", + "DeploymentFileNotFound": "Deployment file can't be found. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.", + "ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Cannot find a valid deployment file. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.", + "AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK not found", + "RootPathNotExist": "The Root path %s does not exist", + "SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION set to true, skipping module image validation.", + "InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Failed to login %s with given credential. %s", + "CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s does not exist or the credential is not set correctly. Error: %s", + "StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Start generating deployment manifest...", + "FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Finished generating deployment manifest." }, - { - "name": "connectedServiceNameARM", - "aliases": [ - "azureSubscription" - ], - "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", - "label": "Azure subscription contains IoT Hub", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", - "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure subscription** that contains IoT Hub" - }, - { - "name": "iothubname", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "IoT Hub name", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices", - "helpMarkDown": "Select the **IoT Hub**" - }, - { - "name": "deploymentid", - "type": "string", - "label": "IoT Edge deployment ID", - "required": true, - "defaultValue": "$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment", - "helpMarkDown": "Input the **IoT Edge Deployment ID**, if ID exists, it will be overridden.\n Up to 128 lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters are allowed [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", - "groupName": "advanced_deploy" - }, - { - "name": "priority", - "type": "string", - "label": "IoT Edge deployment priority", - "required": true, - "defaultValue": "0", - "helpMarkDown": "Set the **priority** to a positive integer to resolve deployment conflicts: when targeted by multiple deployments a device will use the one with highest priority or (in case of two deployments with the same priority) latest creation time.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)", - "groupName": "advanced_deploy" - }, - { - "name": "deviceOption", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Choose single/multiple device", - "required": true, - "options": { - "Single Device": "Single Device", - "Multiple Devices": "Multiple Devices" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "Choose to deploy to single or multiple(by tags) devices", - "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices" - }, - { - "name": "deviceId", - "type": "string", - "label": "IoT Edge device ID", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Single Device", - "helpMarkDown": "Input the IoT Edge **device ID**" - }, - { - "name": "targetcondition", - "type": "string", - "label": "IoT Edge device target condition", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Multiple Devices", - "helpMarkDown": "Input the **target condition** of devices you would like to deploy. Do not use double quote. Example: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)" - }, - { - "name": "containerregistrytype", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Container registry type", - "defaultValue": "Azure Container Registry", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action = Push module images", - "options": { - "Azure Container Registry": "Azure Container Registry", - "Generic Container Registry": "Generic Container Registry" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "Select a **Container Registry Type**.\n **Azure Container Registry** for ACR and **Generic Container Registry** for generic registries including docker hub." - }, - { - "name": "dockerRegistryEndpoint", - "aliases": [ - "dockerRegistryConnection" - ], - "type": "connectedService:dockerregistry", - "required": true, - "label": "Docker Registry Connection", - "helpMarkDown": "Select a generic **Docker registry connection**. Required for **Build and Push**.", - "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry" - }, - { - "name": "azureSubscriptionEndpoint", - "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", - "label": "Azure subscription", - "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure subscription", - "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry" - }, - { - "name": "azureContainerRegistry", - "label": "Azure Container Registry", - "type": "pickList", - "required": true, - "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure Container Registry**", - "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry", - "defaultValue": "" - }, - { - "name": "templateFilePath", - "type": "filePath", - "label": ".template.json file", - "defaultValue": "deployment.template.json", - "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest", - "required": true, - "helpMarkDown": "The path of Azure IoT Edge solution **.template.json**. This file defines the modules and routes in Azure IoT Edge solution, file name must end with **.template.json**" - }, - { - "name": "defaultPlatform", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Default platform", - "defaultValue": "amd64", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest", - "options": { - "amd64": "amd64", - "windows-amd64": "windows-amd64", - "arm32v7": "arm32v7" - }, - "properties": { - "EditableOptions": "True" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "In your **.template.json**, you can leave the modules platform unspecified. For these modules, the **default platform** will be used." - }, - { - "name": "fillRegistryCredential", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Add registry credential to deployment manifest", - "defaultValue": "true", - "required": true, - "visibleRule": "action = Push module images", - "options": { - "true": "true", - "false": "false" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "Add registry credential for pushing docker images to deployment manifest" - }, - { - "name": "bypassModules", - "type": "string", - "label": "Bypass module(s)", - "defaultValue": "", - "helpMarkDown": "Select the module(s) that you **DO NOT** need to build(or push) in the .template.json, specify module names and separate with comma.\n Example: if you have 2 modules **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in your .template.json, you want to just build or push **SampleModule1**, then you set the bypass modules as **SampleModule2**. Leave empty if you would like to build all the modules in .template.json.", - "groupName": "advanced_push" - } - ], - "dataSourceBindings": [ - { - "target": "azureContainerRegistry", - "endpointId": "$(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)", - "dataSourceName": "AzureRMContainerRegistries", - "resultTemplate": "{\"Value\":\"{\\\"loginServer\\\":\\\"{{{properties.loginServer}}}\\\", \\\"id\\\" : \\\"{{{id}}}\\\"}\",\"DisplayValue\":\"{{{name}}}\"}" - }, - { - "target": "iothubname", - "endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)", - "endpointUrl": "{{{endpoint.url}}}/subscriptions/{{{endpoint.subscriptionId}}}/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs?api-version=2018-04-01", - "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*].name" - } - ], - "execution": { - "Node": { - "target": "index.js" - } - }, - "messages": { - "BuildingModules": "Building module images...", - "BuildingModulesFinished": "Finished building module images", - "PushingModules": "Pushing module images...", - "PushingModulesFinished": "Finished pushing module images", - "StartDeploy": "Start deploying...", - "FinishDeploy": "Finished Deploying", - "DeploymentFilePath": "The generated deployment file located in the path: %s", - "ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expanding registry credentials in deployment file...", - "ReplaceCredential": "Replace credential: %s", - "DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Deployment task is running in build pipeline? %s", - "CheckValidJson": "Checking if the following file is a valid json: %s", - "Invalid": "Invalid", - "Valid": "Valid", - "NomralizedDeployementId": "Normalized deployment id is: %s", - "DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s already installed with version: %s", - "DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installed with version: %s", - "DependencyInstallFail": "%s installation failed, see detailed error in debug mode", - "TemplateFileInvalid": "The path of template file is not valid: %s", - "ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Failed to fetch container registry authentication token, please check you container registry setting in build task. The token is %s", - "DeploymentFileNotFound": "Deployment file can't be found. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.", - "ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Cannot find a valid deployment file. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.", - "AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK not found", - "RootPathNotExist": "The Root path %s does not exist", - "SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION set to true, skipping module image validation.", - "InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Failed to login %s with given credential. %s", - "CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s does not exist or the credential is not set correctly. Error: %s", - "StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Start generating deployment manifest...", - "FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Finished generating deployment manifest." - }, - "OutputVariables": [{ - "name" : "DEPLOYMENT_FILE_PATH", - "description" : "This is the path of generated deployment file.", - "visibleRule": "action = Build module images" - }] + "OutputVariables": [ + { + "name": "DEPLOYMENT_FILE_PATH", + "description": "This is the path of generated deployment file.", + "visibleRule": "action = Build module images" + } + ] } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json index 651083748f7b..919ae14813fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "preview": true, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 164e58e370c8..2a70d83847af 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Der Wert \"%s\" umfasst reguläre Ausdrücke und konnte deshalb nicht vollständig maskiert werden.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Wiederholungsversuch mit der aus der Antwort abgerufenen Tresorressourcen-ID: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 4ac3fd922d72..39674d1fef3c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "El valor %s tiene expresiones regulares, de ahí que no se haya podido enmascarar completamente", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Reintentando con el identificador de recurso de almacén recuperado de la respuesta: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6661c75c2914..b1fceb5b5bfd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "La valeur %s comporte des expressions régulières, donc elle n'a pas pu être totalement masquée", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Nouvelle tentative avec l'ID de ressource de coffre récupéré à partir de la réponse : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 42480c51587d..aec69b3cedd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Il valore %s contiene espressioni regolari, di conseguenza non è stato possibile mascherarlo completamente", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Nuovo tentativo con l'ID risorsa dell'insieme di credenziali recuperato dalla risposta: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 701c4d716d6a..e649f46ef0d2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 値は正規表現を含むため、完全にマスクすることはできません", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "応答から取得したコンテナー リソース ID で再試行しています: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 99212965f736..92fa6815a772 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Key Vault", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848891)", - "loc.description": "Azure Key Vault 비밀 다운로드", + "loc.description": "Azure Key Vault 비밀을 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Key Vault: $(KeyVaultName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 값에 정규식이 있으므로 완전하게 마스크 처리할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "응답에서 검색된 자격 증명 모음 리소스 ID를 사용하여 다시 시도하는 중: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 0588e1b324aa..a24382992e0b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Значение %s содержит регулярные выражения, поэтому полная маска невозможна", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s." + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Повторная попытка с идентификатором ресурса хранилища, полученным из ответа: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index adf2ab02484e..ab3e57887565 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 值具有正则表达式,因此可能不会完全遮蔽", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "使用从响应中检索到的保管库资源 ID 进行重试: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 79c9fb1a0904..761c3e69a79c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -42,5 +42,7 @@ "loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "因而無法完全遮罩 %s 值的規則運算式", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "正在以從回應擷取的保存庫資源識別碼重試 : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json index de054a55214f..f361b66045bc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 35 + "Patch": 36 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", @@ -104,4 +104,4 @@ "RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Retrying with vault resource Id reterieved from response : %s", "ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Verify if the Service Principal used is valid and not expired." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json index 894183f9088a..cc2ea0611fb7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 35 + "Patch": 36 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 061686ff3f9a..5fee6720e753 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s (%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Überprüfen Sie, ob der SPN gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Application Insights-Warnungsregel: %s. Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 2aab5d69a803..5d561b39d622 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s (%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Compruebe que el SPN es válido y que no ha expirado.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo obtener la regla de alertas de Application Insights: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d6306fda6ea3..0836f617a9fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s (%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Vérifiez si le SPN (nom de principal du service) est valide, et s'il n'est pas arrivé à expiration.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de l'obtention de la règle d'alerte Application Insights : %s. Erreur : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index af07ee7c635d..a25286d4601a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s (%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Verificare che l'SPN sia valido e non scaduto.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la regola di avviso di Application Insights: %s. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 84091b3a273a..83dd126b8cdd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s) %s。", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "SPN が有効で期限が切れていないかどうかを確認します。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "次の Application Insights アラート ルールを取得できませんでした。%s。エラー: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index ade3a81394e2..6ef3407928cc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 가져올 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "SPN이 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Application Insights 경고 규칙을 가져오지 못했습니다. %s. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3c839b619129..9107cc751cc8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Не удалось извлечь токен доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s (%s) %s.", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Проверьте, является ли имя субъекта-службы допустимым и не истек ли его срок действия.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось получить правило генерации оповещений Application Insights: %s. Ошибка: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s." + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 09dbb70081b2..9d3c333143e2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 监视器警报", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 警报", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=859947)", "loc.description": "在 Azure 资源的可用指标上配置警报", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "配置 Azure 警报: $(ResourceName)", @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s (%s) %s。", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "检查 SPN 是否有效且未过期。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "无法获取 Application Insights 预警规则: %s。错误: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index eebf66153ace..0c1180537a52 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -28,5 +28,6 @@ "loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s (%s) %s。", "loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "請檢查 SPN 是否有效且未過期。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "無法取得 Application Insights 警示規則: %s。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s" + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json index 46f4e8a740ee..5398c6064c02 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 9 + "Patch": 10 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Configure Azure Alerts : $(ResourceName)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json index aade557fd04e..ab390cb09edf 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 9 + "Patch": 10 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3241a3a9d286..f5c25ead6080 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen", + "loc.friendlyName": "Klassische Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit überwachen Sie die konfigurierten Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden die konfigurierten klassischen Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen abgefragt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Überwachung aus.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index dfa2dae168cd..93448be056ae 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor", + "loc.friendlyName": "Alertas de Azure Monitor clásico para consultas", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor configuradas para las alertas activas.", + "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor clásico configuradas para las alertas activas.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para supervisarla.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 9b71c4291472..0101e6c5b4ad 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor", + "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor classiques", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "Examinez les règles Azure Monitor configurées pour les alertes actives.", + "loc.description": "Examiner les règles Azure Monitor classiques configurées pour les alertes actives", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure Resource Manager à surveiller.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 30c57f63d9bd..68a05863a50d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure classico", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure configurate per gli avvisi attivi.", + "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure classico configurate per gli avvisi attivi", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index bb9a5f2f98f1..e71a2e26d51e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ", + "loc.friendlyName": "クラシック Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "アクティブなアラートに関して構成済みの Azure Monitor ルールを確認します。", + "loc.description": "構成されているクラシック Azure Monitor ルールでアクティブなアラートを監視します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "監視対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 1e26bef21550..36e004463560 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리", + "loc.friendlyName": "클래식 Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 Azure Monitor 규칙을 확인합니다.", + "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 클래식 Azure Monitor 규칙을 살펴봅니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "모니터링할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 09b32a61a99f..cbe01462dc62 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor", + "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений классического Azure Monitor", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила монитора Azure для активных оповещений.", + "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила классического Azure Monitor для активных оповещений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите отслеживаемую подписку на Azure Resource Manager.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index b27d0e1c4a19..3651b338c79e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "查询 Azure 监视器警报", + "loc.friendlyName": "查询经典 Azure Monitor 警报", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "观察配置的 Azure 监视器是否出现活动警报。", + "loc.description": "观察配置的经典 Azure Monitor 规则是否出现活动警报", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查询 Azure 监视器警报", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e1972aae870e..e9aae49adc41 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示", + "loc.friendlyName": "查詢傳統 Azure 監視器警示", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", - "loc.description": "觀察已設定的 Azure 監視器規則是否有使用中警示。", + "loc.description": "觀察作用中警示的已設定傳統 Azure 監視器規則", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取要監視的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json index 4e96d5696058..7e27e72195ad 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 13 + "Patch": 14 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Query Azure Monitor alerts", "groups": [], diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json index 9a9945e15318..ffb31bc0dfba 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 13 + "Patch": 14 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [], diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cf0df847ce21 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden die konfigurierten Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen überwacht.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 1.0:
 Unterstützung zur Abfrage von einheitlichen Azure Monitor-Warnungen hinzugefügt.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Überwachung aus.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Geben Sie den Namen einer Ressourcengruppe für die Überwachung an.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "Filtertyp", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtern Sie nach einer bestimmten Ressource oder Warnungsregel. Der Standardwert lautet \"Keine\".", + "loc.input.label.resource": "Ressource", + "loc.input.help.resource": "Wählen Sie die Azure-Ressource für die Überwachung aus.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Warnungsregel", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtern Sie nach einer bestimmten Warnungsregel. Standardmäßig werden alle Regeln ausgewählt.", + "loc.input.label.severity": "Schweregrad", + "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtern Sie nach Schweregrad. Standardmäßig sind alle Schweregrade ausgewählt.", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Zeitraum", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtern Sie nach Zeitbereich. Der Standardwert lautet \"1 Stunde\".", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "Warnungszustand", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtern Sie nach dem Status der Warnungsinstanz. Standardmäßig werden alle Instanzen ausgewählt.", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Monitorzustand", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "Die Monitorbedingung gibt an, ob die zugrunde liegenden Bedingungen die definierten Schwellenwerte für Warnungsregeln überschritten haben." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d5065807cb56 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor configuradas para las alertas activas.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 1.0:
 Se ha agregado compatibilidad con las alertas de Azure Monitor unificadas para las consultas.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para supervisarla.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Proporcione el nombre de un grupo de recursos que se va a supervisar.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "Tipo de filtro", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtrar por recurso o regla de alerta específicos. El valor predeterminado es Ninguno.", + "loc.input.label.resource": "Recurso", + "loc.input.help.resource": "Seleccione el recurso de Azure que se va a supervisar.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Regla de alertas", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtrar por regla de alerta específica. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.", + "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravedad", + "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtrar por gravedad. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervalo de tiempo", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtrar por intervalo de tiempo. El valor predeterminado es 1 hora.", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "Estado de alerta", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtrar por estado de la instancia de alerta. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condición de supervisión", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condición de supervisión representa si las condiciones subyacentes han traspasado los umbrales de las reglas de alerta que se han definido." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ac842043d1d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "Examiner les règles Azure Monitor configurées pour les alertes actives", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 1.0 :
 Ajout de la prise en charge de l'interrogation unifiée des alertes Azure Monitor.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure Resource Manager à surveiller.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Indiquez le nom d'un groupe de ressources à surveiller.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "Type de filtre", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction d'une règle de ressource ou d'alerte spécifique. La valeur par défaut est Aucun.", + "loc.input.label.resource": "Ressource", + "loc.input.help.resource": "Sélectionnez la ressource Azure à superviser.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Règle d'alerte", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction d'une règle d'alerte spécifique. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.", + "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravité ", + "loc.input.help.severity": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de la gravité. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervalle de temps", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de l'intervalle de temps. La valeur par défaut est 1 heure.", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "État de l’alerte", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de l'état de l'instance d'alerte. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condition de l’analyse", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condition de supervision indique si les conditions sous-jacentes ont franchi les seuils de règle d'alerte définis." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8a108e30b9fd --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure configurate per gli avvisi attivi", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:
 È stato aggiunto il supporto per gli avvisi unificati di Monitoraggio di Azure per le query.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Consente di specificare il nome di un gruppo di risorse di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "Tipo filtro", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtra in base a una risorsa o a una regola di avviso specifica. Il valore predefinito è Nessuna.", + "loc.input.label.resource": "Risorsa", + "loc.input.help.resource": "Selezionare la risorsa di Azure di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Regola di avviso", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtra in base alla regola di avviso specifica. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.", + "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravità", + "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtra in base alla gravità. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervallo di tempo", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtra in base all'intervallo di tempo. Il valore predefinito è 1 ora.", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "Stato avviso", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtra in base allo stato dell'istanza dell'avviso. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condizione del monitoraggio", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condizione di monitoraggio indica se le condizioni sottostanti hanno superato le soglie definite della regola di avviso." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fbb8fa3cabf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "アクティブなアラートに関して構成済みの Azure Monitor ルールを確認します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ", + "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 1.0 の新機能:
 クエリ統合 Azure モニターの警告のサポートを追加しました。", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "監視対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "監視対象のリソース グループの名前を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "フィルターの種類", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "特定のリソースまたは警告ルールでフィルター処理します。既定値は [なし] です。", + "loc.input.label.resource": "リソース", + "loc.input.help.resource": "監視する Azure リソースを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "アラート ルール", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "特定の警告ルールでフィルター処理します。既定値では、すべてを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.severity": "重要度", + "loc.input.help.severity": "重要度でフィルター処理します。既定値ではすべてを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "時間の範囲", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "時間の範囲でフィルター処理します。既定値は 1 時間です。", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "アラートの状態", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "警告インスタンスの状態でフィルター処理します。既定値では、すべてを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "モニターの状態", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "監視条件は、定義済みの警告ルールのしきい値を、基になる条件が超えているかどうかを表します。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c1fd9420cd60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 Azure Monitor 규칙을 살펴봅니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리", + "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 1.0의 새로운 기능:
 쿼리 통합 Azure Monitor 경고에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "모니터링할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "모니터링할 리소스 그룹의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "필터 형식", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "특정 리소스 또는 경고 규칙으로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 없음입니다.", + "loc.input.label.resource": "리소스", + "loc.input.help.resource": "모니터링할 Azure 리소스를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "경고 규칙", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "특정 경고 규칙으로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.", + "loc.input.label.severity": "심각도", + "loc.input.help.severity": "심각도로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "시간 범위", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "시간 범위로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 1시간입니다.", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "경고 상태", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "경고 인스턴스의 상태로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "모니터 조건", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "모니터 조건은 기본 조건이 정의된 경고 규칙 임계값을 초과했는지 여부를 나타냅니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e475f75819cc --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила Azure Monitor для активных оповещений", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности версии 1.0:
 Добавлена поддержка предупреждений единого монитора Azure для запросов.", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите отслеживаемую подписку на Azure Resource Manager.", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Укажите имя отслеживаемой группы ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "Тип фильтра", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "Фильтровать по конкретному ресурсу или правилу генерации оповещений. Значение по умолчанию — \"Нет\".", + "loc.input.label.resource": "Ресурс", + "loc.input.help.resource": "Выберите ресурс Azure для отслеживания.", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Правило генерации оповещ.", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Фильтровать по конкретному правилу генерации оповещений. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".", + "loc.input.label.severity": "Важность", + "loc.input.help.severity": "Фильтровать по серьезности. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Диапазон времени", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Фильтровать по диапазону времени. Значение по умолчанию — 1 час.", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "Состояние оповещения", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "Фильтровать по состоянию экземпляра оповещения. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Состояние монитора", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "Состояние мониторинга определяет, были ли пересечены пороговые значения правил генерации оповещений для базовых условий." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25966d8d7cdf --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "查询 Azure 监视器警报", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "观察配置的 Azure Monitor 规则是否出现活动警报", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查询 Azure 监视器警报", + "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 1.0 中的新增功能:
 添加了对查询统一的 Azure Monitor 警报的支持。", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "资源组", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "提供资源组的名称进行监视。", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "筛选类型", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "按特定资源或预警规则进行筛选。默认值为“无”。", + "loc.input.label.resource": "资源", + "loc.input.help.resource": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源。", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "警报规则", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "按特定预警规则进行筛选。默认值为全选。", + "loc.input.label.severity": "严重性", + "loc.input.help.severity": "按严重性筛选。默认值为全选。", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "时间范围", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "按时间范围筛选。默认值为 1 小时。", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "警报状态", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "按警报实例的状态进行筛选。默认值为全选。", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "监视器条件", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "监视器条件表示基础条件是否已超过定义的预警规则阈值。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1e13ba63437e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)", + "loc.description": "遵守針對作用中警示設定的 Azure 監視器規則", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示", + "loc.releaseNotes": "1.0 版中的新功能:
 新增了查詢統一 Azure 監視警示的支援。", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", + "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取要監視的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "資源群組", + "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "提供要監視的資源群組名稱。", + "loc.input.label.filterType": "篩選類型", + "loc.input.help.filterType": "依據特定的資源或警示規則篩選。預設值是無。", + "loc.input.label.resource": "資源", + "loc.input.help.resource": "選取要監視的 Azure 資源。", + "loc.input.label.alertRule": "警示規則", + "loc.input.help.alertRule": "依據特定的警示規則篩選。預設值是全選。", + "loc.input.label.severity": "嚴重性", + "loc.input.help.severity": "依據嚴重性篩選。預設值是全選。", + "loc.input.label.timeRange": "時間範圍", + "loc.input.help.timeRange": "依據時間範圍篩選。預設值是 1 小時。", + "loc.input.label.alertState": "警示狀態", + "loc.input.help.alertState": "依據警示執行個體的狀態篩選。預設值是全選。", + "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "監視器條件", + "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "監視條件代表基礎條件是否超過定義的警示規則閾值。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json index d9298143aa16..feead09734f2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Query Azure Monitor alerts", "groups": [ { "name": "advanced", "displayName": "Advanced", - "isExpanded": false + "isExpanded": false } ], "inputs": [ @@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ }, "helpMarkDown": "Filter by specific resource or alert rule. Default value is None.", "groupName": "advanced" - }, + }, { "name": "resource", "type": "pickList", "label": "Resource", "required": true, - "properties": { + "properties": { "EditableOptions": "True" }, "visibleRule": "filterType = resource", @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "type": "pickList", "label": "Alert rule", "required": true, - "properties": { + "properties": { "EditableOptions": "True" }, "visibleRule": "filterType = alertrule", @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ "properties": { "MultiSelectFlatList": "True", "EditableOptions": "True" - }, + }, "helpMarkDown": "Filter by state of the alert instance. Default value is to select all.", "groupName": "advanced" }, @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ "properties": { "MultiSelectFlatList": "True", "EditableOptions": "True" - }, + }, "helpMarkDown": "Monitor condition represents whether the underlying conditions have crossed the defined alert rule thresholds.", "groupName": "advanced" } @@ -174,8 +174,8 @@ "endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)", "dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG", "parameters": { - "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)" - }, + "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)" + }, "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{type}}}/{{{name}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}} [{{{type}}}]\" }" }, { diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json index 1010e9aa7192..515724749037 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 527541749a06..7c16c5ec6323 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie Skripts aus, und nehmen Sie Änderungen an Ihrer Azure Database for MySQL-Instanz vor.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Skripts ausgeführt und Änderungen an Ihrer Azure Database for MySQL-Instanz vorgenommen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL ausführen: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "DB-Details", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Bereitstellungspaket", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Der MySQL-Client ist auf dem Windows-Agent-Computer nicht vorhanden. Installieren Sie ihn durch Ausführen der Skriptdatei \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" des MySQL-Clientinstallers auf dem Agent-Computer.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Der MySQL-Client fehlt auf dem Linux-Agent-Computer. Installieren Sie ihn durch Ausführen von \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\".", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer. Informationen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte kein Zugriffstoken abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für die VM, siehe https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Weisen Sie der erstellten MSI-Identität eine Rolle zu, siehe https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Firewallregel zum Azure MySQL-Server. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 8a4a2269924d..f3b51790bce4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Falta el cliente de MySQL en el equipo del agente de Windows. Instálelo ejecutando el archivo de script \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" del instalador del cliente MySQL en la máquina del agente.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Falta el cliente de MySQL en el equipo del agente de Linux. Instálelo ejecutando \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\".", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Configure la identidad de servicio administrado (MSI) para la máquina virtual. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Asigne un rol a la identidad MSI que se ha creado. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Error al agregar la regla de firewall al servidor MySQL de Azure: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3cc8f79e99ec..0118de71868c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement d'Azure Database pour MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez vos scripts et apportez des changements au service Azure Database pour MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts et apporter des changements au service Azure Database pour MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Exécuter Azure MySQL : $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Détails de DB", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Package de déploiement", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Le client MySQL est manquant sur la machine de l'agent Windows. Installez-le en exécutant le fichier de script 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' du programme d'installation du client MySQL sur la machine d'agent.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Le client MySQL est manquant sur la machine de l'agent Linux. Installez-le en exécutant 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Attribuez un rôle à l'identité MSI créée. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Obtention d'une erreur durant l'ajout d'une règle de pare-feu au serveur Azure MySQL. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 85d9b1e8931e..c020cc39970f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione di Database di Azure per MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire gli script e di apportare modifiche all'istanza di Database di Azure per MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire gli script e di apportare modifiche all'istanza di Database di Azure per MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui attività MySQL di Azure: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Dettagli del database", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Pacchetto di distribuzione", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Il client MySQL non è presente nel computer agente Windows. Per installarlo, eseguire il file di script 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' del programma di installazione del client MySQL nel computer agente.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Il client MySQL non è presente nel computer agente Linux. Per installarlo, eseguire 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Assegnare il ruolo all'identità del servizio gestita creata. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta della regola del firewall al server MySQL di Azure. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index a22c1238333e..bb56eea35fe9 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL の配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL のデプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "スクリプトを実行し、Azure Database for MySQL に変更を加えます。", + "loc.description": "スクリプトを実行し、Azure Database for MySQL に変更を加えます", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL を実行します : $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "DB の詳細", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "配置パッケージ", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL クライアントが Windows エージェント マシンにありません。エージェント マシンで MySQL クライアント インストーラー 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' スクリプト ファイルを実行して、そのクライアントをインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL クライアントが Linux エージェント マシンにありません。'sudo apt-get install mysql-client' を実行して、そのクライアントをインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのためのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。仮想マシンに対してマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください。'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs' をご覧ください。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのためのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。仮想マシンに対してマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください。'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs' をご覧ください。作成された MSI ID にロールを割り当ててください。'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi' をご覧ください。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "ファイアウォール規則を Azure MySql サーバーに追加する際にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2abe986cddcd..a6eafdcae8be 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "스크립트를 실행하고 Azure Database for MySQL를 변경합니다.", + "loc.description": "스크립트를 실행하고 Azure Database for MySQL을 변경합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL 실행: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 정보", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "배포 패키지", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.SqlInline": "인라인 MySQL 스크립트", "loc.input.help.SqlInline": "위에서 선택한 데이터베이스에 대해 실행할 MySQL 스크립트를 입력합니다.", "loc.input.label.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 추가 인수", - "loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 단순 SQL 셸에서 지원하는 추가 옵션입니다. 이러한 옵션은 Azure Database for MySQL에서 지정된 파일을 실행할 때 적용됩니다.
예: 탭으로 구분된 기본 출력 형식을 HTML 또는 XML 형식으로 변경할 수 있습니다. 또는 큰 결과 집합에 사용할 메모리가 부족하여 문제가 발생하는 경우 --quick 옵션을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 단순 SQL 셸에서 지원하는 추가 옵션입니다. 이러한 옵션은 Azure Database for MySQL에서 지정된 파일을 실행할 때 적용됩니다.
예: 탭으로 구분된 기본 출력 형식을 HTML 또는 XML 형식으로 변경할 수 있습니다. 또는 대량의 결과 집합에 사용할 메모리가 부족하여 문제가 발생하는 경우 --quick 옵션을 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.IpDetectionMethod": "방화벽 규칙 지정 방법", "loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "작업을 성공적으로 실행하려면 관리자가 자동화 에이전트의 IP 주소에서 Azure Database for MySQL 서버에 액세스할 수 있도록 설정해야 합니다.
자동 검색을 선택하면 자동화 에이전트의 가능한 IP 주소 범위에 적용할 방화벽 예외를 자동으로 추가할 수 있으며, 선택하지 않을 경우 범위를 명시적으로 지정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.StartIpAddress": "시작 IP 주소", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL 클라이언트가 Windows 에이전트 머신에 없습니다. 에이전트 머신에서 MySQL 클라이언트 설치 관리자 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' 스크립트 파일을 실행하여 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL 클라이언트가 Linux 에이전트 머신에 없습니다. 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'를 실행하여 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신의 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요. 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'를 참조하세요. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신의 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요. 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'를 참조하세요. 만든 MSI ID에 역할을 할당하세요. 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'를 참조하세요. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Azure MySQL 서버에 방화벽 규칙을 추가하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index b85061f71fe1..182e771a2f66 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Базы данных Azure для MySQL", + "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание базы данных Azure для MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты и вносите изменения в Базу данных Azure для MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты и вносите изменения в базу данных Azure для MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Выполнить Azure MySQL: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Сведения о базе данных", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Пакет развертывания", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Клиент MySQL отсутствует на компьютере агента Windows. Установите его, запустив файл скрипта https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer установщика клиента MySQL на компьютере агента.", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Клиент MySQL отсутствует на компьютере агента Linux. Установите его, выполнив команду sudo apt-get install mysql-client.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте Управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины. См. страницу https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте Управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины. См. страницу https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Назначьте роль созданному удостоверению MSI. См. страницу https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Сбой при добавлении правила брандмауэра на сервере MySQL Azure. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e8773aa1f6f5..c4e3fdbb9269 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "运行脚本并对 Azure Database for MySQL 进行更改。", + "loc.description": "运行脚本并对 Azure Database for MySQL 进行更改", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "执行 Azure SQL: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 详细信息", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署程序包", @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ "loc.input.label.SqlAdditionalArguments": "其他 MySQL 参数", "loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 简单 SQL shell 支持的其他选项。在 Azure Database for MySQL 上执行给定文件时,将应用这些选项。
示例: 可以将默认选项卡分隔的输出格式更改为 HTML 甚至 XML 格式。或者,如果由于大型结果集的内存不足而出现问题,请使用 --快速选项。", "loc.input.label.IpDetectionMethod": "使用以下方法指定防火墙规则", - "loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "为了成功执行任务,管理员需能够从自动化代理的 IP 地址访问 Azure Database for MySQL 服务器。
通过选择自动检测,可以自动为可能的自动化代理 IP 地址范围添加防火墙异常,或者可以显式指定范围。", + "loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "为了成功执行任务,管理员需能够从自动化代理的 IP 地址访问 Azure Database for MySQL 服务器。
通过选择自动检测,可以自动为可能的自动化代理 IP 地址范围添加防火墙例外,或者可以显式指定范围。", "loc.input.label.StartIpAddress": "起始 IP 地址", "loc.input.help.StartIpAddress": "自动化代理计算机池的起始 IP 地址,如。", "loc.input.label.EndIpAddress": "结束 IP 地址", "loc.input.help.EndIpAddress": "自动化代理计算机池的结束 IP 地址,如。", "loc.input.label.DeleteFirewallRule": "在任务结束后删除规则", - "loc.input.help.DeleteFirewallRule": "如果选中,将为相应的 Azure Database for MySQL 删除自动化代理 IP 地址的添加的异常。", + "loc.input.help.DeleteFirewallRule": "如果选中,将为相应的 Azure Database for MySQL 删除添加的自动化代理 IP 地址例外。", "loc.messages.ARGD_ConstructorFailed": "初始化时任务失败。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.FirewallRuleNameCannotBeEmpty": "防火墙规则名称不能为 null。", "loc.messages.FirewallAddressRangeCannotBeEmpty": "防火墙地址不能为 null。", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Windows 代理计算机上缺少 MySQL 客户端。请通过运行代理计算机上的 MySQL 客户端安装程序 \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" 脚本文件来安装它。", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Linux 代理计算机上缺少 MySQL 客户端。请通过运行 \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\" 来安装它。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法检索 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识 (MSI)。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\"。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\"。向创建的 MSI 标识分配角色。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi\"。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "将防火墙规则添加到 Azure MySQL 服务器时出现错误。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d56cbb2028b6..bf4b33e51c34 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "執行您的指令碼,並對適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫進行變更。", + "loc.description": "執行您的指令碼,並對適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫進行變更", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "執行 Azure MySQL: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 詳細資料", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署套件", @@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ "loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Windows 代理程式機器上缺少 MySQL 用戶端。請在代理程式機器上執行 MySQL 用戶端安裝程式 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' 指令檔來加以安裝。", "loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Linux 代理程式機器上缺少 MySQL 用戶端。請執行 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client' 加以安裝。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI)。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI)。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。將角色指派至建立的 MSI 身分識別。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "將防火牆規則新增至 Azure mysql 伺服器時得到錯誤。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json index 3ec260ab3e6d..ec5b9853a95c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 24 + "Patch": 25 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json index fe72f20fca32..3ad603469598 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 24 + "Patch": 25 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 006ead844fc1..96d94f197be5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Netzwerklastenausgleich", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Stellen Sie eine Verbindung her/trennen Sie die Verbindung zwischen der Netzwerkschnittstelle des virtuellen Azure-Computers und dem Back-End-Adresspool des Lastenausgleichs.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die Netzwerkschnittstelle einer Azure-VM mit einem Load Balancer-Back-End-Adresspool verbunden oder von diesem getrennt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Netzwerklastenausgleich: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3dfa099d6fdf..13a03182b540 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Network Load Balancer", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Conectar/Desconectar la interfaz de red de una máquina virtual de Azure para un grupo de direcciones de back-end de Load Balancer", + "loc.description": "Conecta o desconecta la interfaz de red de una máquina virtual de Azure para un grupo de direcciones de back-end de Load Balancer.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Network Load Balancer: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ce3d1828332a..9eb3edca44d8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Équilibreur de charge réseau Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Connecter/déconnecter l'interface réseau d'une machine virtuelle Azure à un pool d'adresses principal d'un équilibreur de charge", + "loc.description": "Connecter ou déconnecter l'interface réseau d'une machine virtuelle Azure du pool d'adresses back-end d'un équilibreur de charge", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Équilibreur de charge réseau Azure : $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 08c746c3024f..a4e6cc10d1b2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Bilanciamento del carico di rete di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Consente di connettere/disconnettere l'interfaccia di rete di una macchina virtuale di Azure al/dal pool di indirizzi back-end di un servizio di bilanciamento del carico", + "loc.description": "Consente di connettere o disconnettere l'interfaccia di rete di una macchina virtuale di Azure al/dal pool di indirizzi back-end di un servizio di bilanciamento del carico", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Bilanciamento del carico di rete di Azure: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Consente di selezionare il nome del gruppo di risorse.", "loc.input.label.LoadBalancer": "Nome del servizio di bilanciamento del carico", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 0353973ee083..16f709e30923 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure ネットワーク ロード バランサー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Azure 仮想マシンのネットワーク インターフェイスのロード バランサーのバックエンド アドレス プールへの接続/切断", + "loc.description": "Azure 仮想マシンのネットワーク インターフェイスを Load Balancer のバックエンド アドレス プールに接続するか、接続を切断します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure ネットワーク ロード バランサー: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 29ce61e1fe87..c54e1afe9bd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 네트워크 부하 분산 장치", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Azure 가상 머신의 네트워크 인터페이스를 부하 분산 장치 백 엔드 주소 풀에 연결/연결 끊기", + "loc.description": "Azure 가상 머신의 네트워크 인터페이스를 Load Balancer의 백 엔드 주소 풀에 연결하거나 연결을 끊습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 네트워크 부하 분산 장치: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1c425d56dfc7..da69b50e26c4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Балансировщик сетевой нагрузки Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "Подключение сетевого интерфейса виртуальной машины Azure к серверному пулу адресов балансировщика нагрузки или отключение от него", + "loc.description": "Подключение или отключение сетевого интерфейса виртуальной машины Azure для серверного пула адресов Load Balancer", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Балансировщик сетевой нагрузки Azure: $(LoadBalancer) — $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index eb007b08c87a..0a7a75f4570c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 网络负载均衡器", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "建立/断开 Azure 虚拟机的网络接口与负载均衡器的后端地址池的连接", + "loc.description": "将 Azure 虚拟机的网络接口连接到负载均衡器的后端地址池,或者断开与该地址池的连接", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 网络负载均衡器: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index df139810b7fa..0f6a250bd1ef 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 網路負載平衡器", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)", - "loc.description": "將 Azure 虛擬機器的網路介面連線到負載平衡器的後端位址集區,或中斷兩者之間的連線", + "loc.description": "將 Azure 虛擬機器的網路介面連線至負載平衡器的後端位址集區,或將其中斷連線。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 網路負載平衡器: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json index 05607777c42b..03bdeacca2fe 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Azure Network Load Balancer: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json index a62895c3ee1a..658d63e2ca3a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 55b06971eaeb..932f275bc4d5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung", - "loc.description": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung mit Azure-Richtlinien für Ressourcen, die der Ressourcengruppe und dem Azure-Abonnement angehören", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Policy-Konformitätsbewertung für $(ResourceGroupName)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy-Konformität überprüfen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung für Azure Policy", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Richtlinienkonformität überprüfen", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement zum Erzwingen der Richtlinien aus.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3b0bf6733f9b..c7a592fb3502 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento", - "loc.description": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento con las directivas de Azure en recursos que pertenecen al grupo de recursos y la suscripción de Azure", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Evaluación del cumplimiento de Azure Policy para $(ResourceGroupName)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Comprobar el cumplimiento de Azure Policy", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento para Azure Policy", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Comprobar cumplimiento de directivas", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para aplicar las directivas.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c9074f649993..9e925320d045 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Évaluation de la sécurité et de la conformité", - "loc.description": "Évaluation de la sécurité et de la conformité par rapport aux stratégies Azure sur les ressources qui font partie du groupe de ressources et de l'abonnement Azure", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Évaluation de la conformité à Azure Policy pour $(ResourceGroupName)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Vérifier la conformité à Azure Policy", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Évaluation de sécurité et de conformité pour Azure Policy", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Vérifier la conformité de la stratégie", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager approprié pour appliquer les stratégies.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 86adb40daa61..a122522da232 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità", - "loc.description": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità con criteri di Azure su risorse che appartengono al gruppo di risorse e alla sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Valutazione della conformità ai criteri di Azure per $(ResourceGroupName)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Verifica conformità Criteri di Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità per Criteri di Azure", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Controlla conformità criteri", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per l'applicazione dei criteri.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 275accd89b25..a0e4d6f5defb 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "セキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価", - "loc.description": "リソース グループと Azure サブスクリプションに属するリソースでの、Azure ポリシーによるセキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価です", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) の Azure Policy コンプライアンス評価", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy コンプライアンスの確認", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Azure Policy のセキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ポリシー コンプライアンスの確認", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "ポリシーを適用する Azure Resource Manager のサブスクリプションを選択します。", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a684124f1b50..36844f800e88 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "보안 및 준수 평가", - "loc.description": "리소스 그룹 및 Azure 구독에 속해 있는 리소스에 대한 Azure 정책을 사용한 보안 및 준수 평가", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName)에 대한 Azure Policy 준수 평가", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy 규정 준수 확인", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Azure Policy의 보안 및 규정 준수 평가입니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "정책 준수 확인", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "정책을 적용할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e896ef855d88..cb5e445107a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия требованиям", - "loc.description": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия политикам Azure для ресурсов, относящихся к группе ресурсов и подписке Azure", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Оценка соответствия политикам Azure для $(ResourceGroupName)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Проверить соответствие Политики Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия для Политики Azure", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Проверить соответствие политикам", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager, к которой необходимо применить политики.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 0263222dc348..69c76e8ce9be 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "安全性和符合性评估", - "loc.description": "使用 Azure 策略对属于资源组和 Azure 订阅的资源执行的安全性和符合性评估", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) 的 Azure 策略符合性评估", + "loc.friendlyName": "检查 Azure Policy 符合性", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Azure Policy 的安全性与符合性评估", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "检查策略符合性", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "选择要强制实施策略的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "资源组", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index bcbaa74a5c16..4dc1611b0ba2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "安全性及合規性評定", - "loc.description": "依據 Azure 原則對屬於資源群組與 Azure 訂用帳戶的資源進行的安全性與合規性評定", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) 的 Azure 原則合規性評估", + "loc.friendlyName": "檢查 Azure 原則合規性", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Azure 原則的安全性與合規性評定", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "檢查原則合規性", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "請選取您要強制執行原則的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "資源群組", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json index a9c17e107ca2..c3e0ebd7ac84 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json @@ -1,112 +1,114 @@ { - "id": "8BA74703-E94F-4A35-814E-FC21F44578A2", - "name": "AzurePolicyCheckGate", - "friendlyName": "Check Azure Policy compliance", - "description": "Security and compliance assessment for Azure Policy", - "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-policy-check-gate", - "helpMarkDown": "", - "category": "Deploy", - "visibility": [ - "Release" - ], - "runsOn": [ - "ServerGate" - ], - "author": "Microsoft Corporation", - "version": { - "Major": 0, - "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 - }, - "preview": "true", - "inputs": [ - { - "name": "ConnectedServiceName", - "aliases": [ - "azureSubscription" - ], - "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", - "label": "Azure subscription", - "required": true, - "helpMarkDown": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription to enforce the policies." + "id": "8BA74703-E94F-4A35-814E-FC21F44578A2", + "name": "AzurePolicyCheckGate", + "friendlyName": "Check Azure Policy compliance", + "description": "Security and compliance assessment for Azure Policy", + "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-policy-check-gate", + "helpMarkDown": "", + "category": "Deploy", + "visibility": [ + "Release" + ], + "runsOn": [ + "ServerGate" + ], + "author": "Microsoft Corporation", + "version": { + "Major": 0, + "Minor": 152, + "Patch": 1 }, - { - "name": "ResourceGroupName", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Resource group", - "helpMarkDown": "Provide name of a resource group.", - "properties": { - "EditableOptions": "True" - } - }, - { - "name": "Resources", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Resource name", - "helpMarkDown": "Select name of Azure resources for which you want to check the policy compliance.", - "defaultValue": "", - "properties": { - "MultiSelectFlatList": "True", - "DisableManageLink": "True", - "EditableOptions": "False" - } - } - ], - "dataSourceBindings": [ - { - "target": "ResourceGroupName", - "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)", - "dataSourceName": "AzureResourceGroups" - }, - { - "target": "Resources", - "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)", - "dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG", - "parameters": { - "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)" - }, - "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }" - } - ], - "instanceNameFormat": "Check Policy Compliance", - "execution": { - "HttpRequestChain": { - "Execute": [ + "preview": "true", + "inputs": [ { - "RequestInputs": { - "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", - "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{/if}}", - "Method": "POST" - }, - "ExecutionOptions": { - "OutputVariables": {"locationUrl" : "response['headers']['location']"}, - "SkipSectionExpression": "isUrl(variables['locationUrl'])" - } + "name": "ConnectedServiceName", + "aliases": [ + "azureSubscription" + ], + "type": "connectedService:AzureRM", + "label": "Azure subscription", + "required": true, + "helpMarkDown": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription to enforce the policies." }, { - "RequestInputs": { - "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", - "EndpointUrl": "$(locationUrl)", - "Method": "GET", - "Expression": "and(eq(response['statuscode'], 'OK'), eq(response['content']['status'], 'Succeeded'))" - } + "name": "ResourceGroupName", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Resource group", + "helpMarkDown": "Provide name of a resource group.", + "properties": { + "EditableOptions": "True" + } }, { - "RequestInputs": { - "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", - "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{/if}}", - "Method": "POST" - } + "name": "Resources", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Resource name", + "helpMarkDown": "Select name of Azure resources for which you want to check the policy compliance.", + "defaultValue": "", + "properties": { + "MultiSelectFlatList": "True", + "DisableManageLink": "True", + "EditableOptions": "False" + } + } + ], + "dataSourceBindings": [ + { + "target": "ResourceGroupName", + "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)", + "dataSourceName": "AzureResourceGroups" }, { - "RequestInputs": { - "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", - "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{/if}}", - "Method": "POST", - "Expression": "or(and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), true), eq(count(jsonpath('value[*].resourceId')), 0)), and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), false), eq(count(intersect(split(taskInputs['resources'], ','), jsonpath('value[*].resourceId'))) ,0)))" - } + "target": "Resources", + "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)", + "dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG", + "parameters": { + "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)" + }, + "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }" + } + ], + "instanceNameFormat": "Check Policy Compliance", + "execution": { + "HttpRequestChain": { + "Execute": [ + { + "RequestInputs": { + "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", + "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{/if}}", + "Method": "POST" + }, + "ExecutionOptions": { + "OutputVariables": { + "locationUrl": "response['headers']['location']" + }, + "SkipSectionExpression": "isUrl(variables['locationUrl'])" + } + }, + { + "RequestInputs": { + "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", + "EndpointUrl": "$(locationUrl)", + "Method": "GET", + "Expression": "and(eq(response['statuscode'], 'OK'), eq(response['content']['status'], 'Succeeded'))" + } + }, + { + "RequestInputs": { + "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", + "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{/if}}", + "Method": "POST" + } + }, + { + "RequestInputs": { + "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)", + "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{/if}}", + "Method": "POST", + "Expression": "or(and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), true), eq(count(jsonpath('value[*].resourceId')), 0)), and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), false), eq(count(intersect(split(taskInputs['resources'], ','), jsonpath('value[*].resourceId'))) ,0)))" + } + } + ] } - ] } - } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json index 5ceb09c6eed6..c31c1389c803 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": "true", "inputs": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6f25ec68a780..90511b921e0b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -23,5 +23,5 @@ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "スクリプトの引数 '{0}' が無効です。改行は使用できません。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "スクリプト パス '{0}' が無効です。無効なパス文字が指定されました。", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定した Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' は、形式が正しくありません。形式をご確認ください。正しい形式の例は、1.0.1 です", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' で上書きされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。" + "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' でオーバーライドされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json index 99ffd55dcf4c..c34aa573d999 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json index 9ca2c5c3b9a9..82f569b14858 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json index ed315bf45268..d7f924de94ea 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 27 + "Patch": 28 }, "releaseNotes": "Added support for Fail on standard error and ErrorActionPreference", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json index d994bcaf0814..5bd397ff8a14 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 27 + "Patch": 28 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 89cab5b4ddf5..860e77fb0ff7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "PowerShell-Skript innerhalb einer Azure-Umgebung ausführen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell-Skript: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für \"Fehler bei Standardfehler\" und ErrorActionPreference hinzugefügt", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für Az-Modul und plattformübergreifende Agents hinzugefügt.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell-Versionsoptionen", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure-Verbindungstyp", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement, das vor dem Ausführen von PowerShell konfiguriert wird.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement, das vor dem Ausführen von PowerShell konfiguriert wird.", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Skripttyp", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Fehler bei Standardfehler.", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Wenn dieser Wert TRUE ist, tritt ein Aufgabenfehler auf, wenn Fehler in die Fehlerpipeline oder Daten in den Standard-Fehlerdatenstrom geschrieben werden.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell-Version", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Im Falle gehosteter Agents werden die folgenden Azure PowerShell-Versionen unterstützt: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 und 6.7.0 (gehostete VS2017-Warteschlange), 3.6.0 (gehostete Warteschlange).\nWenn Sie die neueste für den Agent verfügbare Version auswählen möchten, wählen Sie \"Neueste installierte Version\".\n\nBei privaten Agents können Sie mithilfe von \"Version angeben\" die bevorzugte Version von Azure PowerShell festlegen.", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Im Falle gehosteter Agents wird die folgende Azure PowerShell-Version unterstützt: 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nWenn Sie die neueste für den Agent verfügbare Version auswählen möchten, wählen Sie \"Neueste installierte Version\".\n\nBei privaten Agents können Sie mithilfe von \"Version angeben\" die bevorzugte Version von Azure PowerShell festlegen.", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Die bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version muss eine ordnungsgemäße semantische Version sein, z. B. \"1.2.3\". Reguläre Ausdrücke wie \"2.\\*,2.3.\\*\" werden nicht unterstützt. Der gehostete VS2017-Pool unterstützt derzeit die Azure-Modulversionen 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 und die AzureRM-Modulversionen 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0.", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Die bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version muss eine ordnungsgemäße semantische Version sein, z. B. \"1.2.3\". Reguläre Ausdrücke wie 2.\\*,2.3.\\* werden nicht unterstützt. Der gehostete VS2017-Pool unterstützt aktuell die Az-Modulversion 1.0.0.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Ungültige Skriptargumente \"{0}\". Zeilenumbrüche sind unzulässig.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ungültiger Skriptpfad \"{0}\". Es wurden ungültige Pfadzeichen angegeben.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Die angegebene Azure PowerShell-Version \"{0}\" weist nicht das richtige Format auf. Überprüfen Sie das Format. Ein Beispiel für das richtige Format ist etwa 1.0.1.", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Die Azure PowerShell-Version {0} wird für den gehosteten Agent nicht unterstützt. Überschreiben Sie die Version mit Version {1}. Erwägen Sie eine Änderung der ausgewählten Version." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell wurde beendet mit dem Code \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell hat mindestens eine Zeile in den Standardfehlerstream geschrieben.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index b12f9692ace4..a5f15c666cb0 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Ejecutar un script de PowerShell en un entorno de Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script de Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Compatibilidad agregada para el error estándar y ErrorActionPreference", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con el módulo Az y los agentes multiplataforma.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Opciones de versión de Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo de conexión de Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico para configurar antes de ejecutar PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para configurar antes de ejecutar PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo de script", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Error si se produce un error estándar", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Si es true, se producirá un error en la tarea si se escriben errores en la canalización de errores o si se escriben datos en el flujo de error estándar.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Versión de Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "En el caso de agentes hospedados, las versiones de Azure PowerShell admitidas son 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 y 6.7.0 (Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue).\nPara elegir la última versión disponible en el agente, seleccione \"Latest installed version\".\n\nPara agentes privados, puede especificar la versión de Azure PowerShell que prefiera con la opción \"Specify version\".", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "En el caso de agentes hospedados, la versión de Azure PowerShell admitida es 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nPara elegir la última versión disponible en el agente, seleccione \"Latest installed version\".\n\nPara agentes privados, puede especificar la versión de Azure PowerShell que prefiera con la opción \"Specify version\".", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Versión de Azure PowerShell preferida", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versión preferida de Azure PowerShell debe ser una versión de semántica adecuada; por ejemplo,1.2.3. No se admite Regex como 2.\\*,2.3.\\*. El grupo Hosted VS2017 Pool actualmente es compatible con las versiones del módulo de Azure 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1 y 5.1.1, así como las versiones del módulo AzureRM 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versión preferida de Azure PowerShell debe ser una versión de semántica adecuada, por ejemplo, 1.2.3. No se admite una expresión regular como 2.\\*,2.3.\\*. El grupo Hosted VS2017 Pool es compatible con la versión del módulo Az 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Argumentos de script '{0}' no válidos. No se permiten los saltos de línea.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ruta del script '{0}' no válida. Los caracteres de ruta de acceso especificados no son válidos.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "La versión de Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" especificada no tiene el formato correcto. Compruebe el formato. Ejemplo de formato correcto: 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "La versión \"{0}\" de Azure PowerShell no se admite para el agente hospedado. Reemplácela por la versión \"{1}\". Considere la posibilidad de cambiar la versión seleccionada." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell se cerró con el código \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell escribió una o varias líneas en la secuencia de error estándar.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 32ac08382915..dc1ab94ee66b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Exécuter un script PowerShell dans un environnement Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script Azure PowerShell : $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout de la prise en charge de Fail en cas d'erreur standard et d'ErrorActionPreference", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout de la prise en charge du module Azure et des agents multiplateformes.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Options de version Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Type de connexion Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic à configurer avant d'exécuter PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure Resource Manager à configurer avant d'exécuter PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Type de script", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Échec sur une erreur standard", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Si la valeur est true, et si des erreurs sont écrites dans le pipeline d'erreurs ou si des données sont écrites dans le flux d'erreurs standard, cette tâche se solde par un échec.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Version d'Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Dans le cas d'agents hébergés, les versions d'Azure PowerShell prises en charge sont les suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 et 6.7.0 (file d'attente VS2017 hébergée), 3.6.0 (file d'attente hébergée).\nPour choisir la dernière version disponible sur l'agent, sélectionnez \"Dernière version installée\".\n\nPour les agents privés, vous pouvez spécifier la version préférée d'Azure PowerShell à l'aide de l'option \"Spécifier la version\"", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Dans le cas d'agents hébergés, la version d'Azure PowerShell prise en charge est la suivante : 1.0.0 (file d'attente VS2017 hébergée).\nPour choisir la dernière version disponible sur l'agent, sélectionnez \"Dernière version installée\".\n\nPour les agents privés, vous pouvez spécifier la version préférée d'Azure PowerShell à l'aide de l'option \"Spécifier la version\"", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Version préférée d'Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La version préférée d'Azure PowerShell doit être une version sémantique appropriée. Par exemple, 1.2.3. La notation regex telle que 2.\\*,2.3.\\* n'est pas prise en charge. Le pool VS2017 hébergé prend en charge les versions de module Azure suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 et les versions de module AzureRM suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La version préférée d'Azure PowerShell doit être une version sémantique appropriée. Par exemple, 1.2.3. La notation regex telle que 2.\\*,2.3.\\* n'est pas prise en charge. Le pool VS2017 hébergé prend en charge la version de module Azure suivante : 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Arguments de script '{0}' non valides. Les sauts de ligne ne sont pas autorisés.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Chemin de script '{0}' non valide. Caractères non valides spécifiés dans le chemin.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "La version '{0}' spécifiée pour Azure PowerShell n'est pas au format approprié. Vérifiez le format. Exemple de format correct : 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell '{0}' n'est pas une version prise en charge pour l'agent hébergé. Remplacement par la version '{1}'. Changez la version sélectionnée." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Arrêt de PowerShell. Code de sortie : '%s'.", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell a écrit une ou plusieurs lignes dans le flux d'erreurs standard.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b9343ab1544e..45c3b09424a9 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script PowerShell in un ambiente Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiunta del supporto per Interrompi in caso di STDERR e ErrorActionPreference", + "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per il modulo AZ e gli agenti multipiattaforma.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Opzioni della versione di Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo di connessione ad Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico da configurare prima di eseguire PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager da configurare prima di eseguire PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo di script", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Interrompi in caso di errore standard", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Se il valore è true, questa attività non riuscirà nel caso in cui vengano scritti errori nella pipeline degli errori oppure se vengono scritti dati nel flusso STDERR.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Versione di Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "In caso di agenti ospitati le versioni supportate di Azure PowerShell sono: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 e 6.7.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue).\nPer selezionare l'ultima versione disponibile per l'agente ospitato, selezionare \"Ultima versione installata\".\n\nPer gli agenti privati è possibile specificare la versione preferita di Azure PowerShell usando \"Specifica versione\"", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Nel caso degli agenti ospitati la versione supportata di Azure PowerShell è la 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nPer selezionare l'ultima versione disponibile per l'agente ospitato, selezionare \"Ultima versione installata\".\n\nPer gli agenti privati è possibile specificare la versione preferita di Azure PowerShell usando \"Specifica versione\"", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Versione preferita di Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versione preferita di Azure PowerShell deve essere una versione semantica valida, ad esempio 1.2.3. Espressioni regolari come 2.\\*,2.3.\\* non sono supportate. Il pool Hosted VS2017 supporta attualmente le versioni 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1 e 5.1.1 del modulo di Azure e le versioni 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0 del modulo AzureRM", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versione preferita di Azure PowerShell deve essere una versione semantica valida, ad esempio 1.2.3. Espressioni regolari come 2.\\*,2.3.\\* non sono supportate. Il pool Hosted VS2017 supporta attualmente la versione 1.0.0 del modulo Az", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Gli argomenti '{0}' dello script non sono validi. Le interruzioni di riga non sono consentite.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Il percorso '{0}' dello script non è valido. Sono stati specificati caratteri non validi.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Il formato della versione di Azure PowerShell '{0}' specificata non è corretto. Controllare il formato. Un esempio di formato corretto è 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "La versione '{0}' di Azure PowerShell non è supportata per l'agente ospitato e verrà sostituita con la versione '{1}'. Provare a cambiare la versione selezionata." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell terminato con codice '%s'.", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell ha scritto una o più righe nel flusso di errore standard.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index a2189635fd48..d573c1c33fe2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Azure 環境内で PowerShell スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell スクリプト: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "標準エラーが書き込まれた場合の失敗と、ErrorActionPreference のサポートが追加されました", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Az モジュールとクロス プラットフォームのエージェントのサポートが追加されました。", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell バージョンのオプション", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 接続の種類", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure クラシック サブスクリプション", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "PowerShell を実行する前に構成する Azure クラシック サブスクリプション", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "PowerShell を実行する前に構成する Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプション", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "スクリプトの種類", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "標準エラーで失敗", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "これが true の場合、何らかのエラーがエラー パイプラインに書き込まれるか、何らかのデータが標準エラー ストリームに書き込まれる場合、このタスクは失敗します。", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell バージョン", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "ホステッド エージェントの場合、サポートされている Azure PowerShell のバージョンは、2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0 (ホステッド VS2017 キュー)、3.6.0 (ホステッド キュー) です。\nエージェントで利用可能な最新バージョンを選ぶには、[Latest installed version] (インストールされた最新バージョン) を選択します。\n\nプライベート エージェントには、[Specify version] (バージョンを指定する) を使用して好みのバージョンの Azure PowerShell を指定できます。", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "ホステッド エージェントの場合、サポートされている Azure PowerShell のバージョンは、1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 キュー) です。\nエージェントで利用可能な最新バージョンを選ぶには、[Latest installed version] (インストールされた最新バージョン) を選択します。\n\nプライベート エージェントには、[Specify version] (バージョンを指定する) を使用して好みのバージョンの Azure PowerShell を指定できます。", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "優先される Azure PowerShell バージョン", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "推奨の Azure PowerShell バージョンは、1.2.3 などの適切なセマンティック バージョンである必要があります。2.\\*、2.3.\\* などの RegEx はサポートされていません。Hosted VS2017 プールは、現在次のバージョンをサポートしています。Azure モジュール バージョン: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 および AzureRM モジュール バージョン: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "推奨の Azure PowerShell バージョンは、1.2.3 などの適切なセマンティック バージョンである必要があります。2.\\*、2.3.\\* などの RegEx はサポートされていません。Hosted VS2017 プールは、現在次の Az モジュール バージョンをサポートしています: 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "スクリプトの引数 '{0}' が無効です。改行は使用できません。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "スクリプト パス '{0}' が無効です。無効なパス文字が指定されました。", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定した Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' は、形式が正しくありません。形式をご確認ください。正しい形式の例は、1.0.1 です", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' でオーバーライドされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。" + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell がコード '%s' で終了しました。", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell が標準エラー ストリームに 1 行以上を書き込みました。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c3afe09bf0a8..9aa8925d44d8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Azure 환경에서 PowerShell 스크립트 실행", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 스크립트: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "표준 오류 시 실패 및 ErrorActionPreference에 대한 지원이 추가됨", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Az 모듈 및 플랫폼 간 에이전트에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 버전 옵션", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 연결 형식", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 클래식 구독", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "PowerShell을 실행하기 전에 구성할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "PowerShell을 실행하기 전에 구성할 Azure Resource Manager 구독", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "스크립트 유형", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "표준 오류 시 실패", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "이 값이 true이면 오류 파이프라인에 오류가 작성되거나 표준 오류 스트림에 데이터가 작성될 경우 이 작업은 실패하게 됩니다.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 버전", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "호스트된 에이전트의 경우 지원되는 Azure PowerShell 버전은 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 및 6.7.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue)입니다.\n에이전트에서 사용 가능한 최신 버전을 선택하려면 \"설치된 최신 버전\"을 선택합니다.\n\n사용자 에이전트의 경우 \"버전 지정\"을 사용하여 기본 Azure PowerShell 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "호스트된 에이전트의 경우 지원되는 Azure PowerShell 버전은 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue)입니다.\n에이전트에서 사용 가능한 최신 버전을 선택하려면 \"설치된 최신 버전\"을 선택합니다.\n\n프라이빗 에이전트의 경우 \"버전 지정\"을 사용하여 기본 Azure PowerShell 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전은 올바른 의미 체계 버전(예: 1.2.3)이어야 합니다. 2.\\*,2.3.\\*와 같은 Regex는 지원되지 않습니다. 호스트된 VS2017 풀은 현재, Azure 모듈 버전 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 및 AzureRM 모듈 버전 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0을 지원합니다.", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전이 올바른 의미 체계 버전(예: 1.2.3)이어야 합니다. 2.\\*,2.3.\\*와 같은 Regex는 지원되지 않습니다. 호스트된 VS2017 풀은 현재 Az 모듈 버전 1.0.0을 지원합니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "스크립트 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 줄 바꿈은 허용되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "스크립트 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 잘못된 경로 문자를 지정했습니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "지정한 Azure PowerShell 버전 '{0}'의 형식이 잘못되었습니다. 형식을 확인하세요. 올바른 형식의 예는 1.0.1입니다.", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell 버전 '{0}'은(는) 호스트된 에이전트에 사용할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 버전으로 재정의하세요. 선택한 버전을 변경하는 것이 좋습니다." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell이 코드 '%s'(으)로 종료되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell이 표준 오류 스트림에 하나 이상의 줄을 썼습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 9a7eaee21ee2..7e508f3826e6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "Выполнение скрипта PowerShell в среде Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сценарий Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка сбоя в случае стандартной ошибки и переменной ErrorActionPreference", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка модуля Az и кроссплатформенных агентов.", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Параметры версии Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Тип подключения Azure", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure для настройки перед запуском PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка на Azure Resource Manager для настройки перед запуском PowerShell", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Тип сценария", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Сбой со стандартной ошибкой", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Если задано значение True, задача будет завершаться сбоем при записи любых ошибок в конвейер ошибок или записи любых данных в стандартный поток ошибок.", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Версия Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Для размещенных агентов поддерживаются следующие версии Azure PowerShell: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 и 6.7.0 (размещенная очередь VS2017), 3.6.0 (размещенная очередь).\nЧтобы выбрать последнюю версию, доступную в агенте, выберите пункт \"Последняя установленная версия\".\n\nДля частных агентов можно указать предпочтительную версию Azure PowerShell с помощью элемента \"Указать версию\"", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Для размещенных агентов поддерживается следующая версия Azure PowerShell: 1.0.0 (размещенная очередь VS2017).\nЧтобы выбрать последнюю версию, доступную в агенте, выберите пункт \"Последняя установленная версия\".\n\nДля частных агентов можно указать предпочтительную версию Azure PowerShell с помощью элемента \"Указать версию\"", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell должна быть надлежащей семантической версией, например 1.2.3. Регулярные выражения, например 2.\\*,2.3.\\*, не поддерживаются. Размещенный пул Visual Studio 2017 в настоящее время поддерживает версии модуля Azure 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 и версии модуля AzureRM 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell должна быть надлежащей семантической версией, например 1.2.3. Регулярные выражения, например 2.\\*,2.3.\\*, не поддерживаются. Размещенный пул Visual Studio 2017 сейчас поддерживает версию модуля Az: 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Недопустимые аргументы скрипта \"{0}\". Разрывы строк запрещены.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Недопустимый путь к скрипту \"{0}\". Указаны символы, недопустимые в пути.", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Указанная версия Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" имеет неправильный формат. Проверьте формат. Пример правильного формата: 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Версия Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" не поддерживается для размещенного агента. Она будет заменена на версию \"{1}\". Попробуйте изменить выбранную версию." + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Завершение работы PowerShell с кодом \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "Оболочка PowerShell записала одну или несколько строк в стандартный поток ошибок.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 294496364cf1..e0327f82aafb 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "在 Azure 环境中运行 PowerShell 脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 脚本: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "已添加对标准错误失败和 ErrorActionPreference 的支持", + "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对 Azure 模块和跨平台代理的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 版本选项", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 连接类型", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 经典订阅", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "在运行 PowerShell 之前配置的 Azure 经典订阅", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "在运行 PowerShell 之前配置的 Azure 资源管理器订阅", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "脚本类型", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "因标准错误失败", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "如果为 true,当有错误被写入错误管道或有数据被写入标准错误流时,此任务将失败。", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 版本", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "对于托管代理,受支持的 Azure PowerShell 版本为: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 和 6.7.0(托管的 VS2017 队列)、3.6.0(托管队列)。\n若要在代理上选择最新的可用版本,选择“最新安装的版本”。\n\n对于专用代理,可以使用“指定版本”指定 Azure PowerShell 的首选版本", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "对于托管代理,受支持的 Azure PowerShell 版本为: 1.0.0(托管的 VS2017 队列)。\n若要在代理上选择最新的可用版本,选择“最新安装的版本”。\n\n对于专用代理,可以使用“指定版本”指定 Azure PowerShell 的首选版本", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本需为正确的语义版本,例如 1.2.3。不支持 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 等正则表达式。托管 VS2017 池当前支持 Azure 模块版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 和 AzureRM 模块版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本需为正确的语义版本,例如 1.2.3。不支持 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 等正则表达式。托管 VS2017 池当前支持 Azure 模块版本: 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "脚本参数“{0}”无效。不允许换行。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "脚本路径“{0}”无效。指定的路径字符无效。", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定的 Azure PowerShell 版本“{0}”格式不正确。请检查格式。正确格式的示例为 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell 版本“{0}”不受托管代理支持。将其替代为版本“{1}”。请考虑更改选定的版本。" + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell 已退出,代码为“%s”。", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell 向标准错误流写入一个或多个行。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c69a791577e1..8e78c3522555 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,11 +3,8 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)", "loc.description": "在 Azure 環境中執行 PowerShell 指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 指令碼: $(ScriptType)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "新增了 [發生標準錯誤時失敗] 和 ErrorActionPreference 的支援", + "loc.releaseNotes": "新增了 Az 模組和跨平台代理程式的支援。", "loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 版本選項", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 連接類型", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 傳統訂用帳戶", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "執行 PowerShell 之前要設定的 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "執行 PowerShell 之前要設定的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "指令碼類型", @@ -23,11 +20,13 @@ "loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "發生標準錯誤的失敗", "loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "若此項為 true,如果在錯誤管線中寫入任何錯誤,或在標準錯誤資料流中寫入任何資料,此工作就會失敗。", "loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 版本", - "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "若為裝載的代理程式,支援的 Azure PowerShell 版本會是: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 及 6.7.0 (裝載的 VS2017 佇列)、3.6.0 (裝載的佇列)。\n若要挑選代理程式上可用的最新版本,請選取 [最新的安裝版本]。\n\n若為私人代理程式,您可以使用 [指定版本] 指定慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本", + "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "若為裝載的代理程式,支援的 Azure PowerShell 版本是: 1.0.0 (裝載的 VS2017 佇列)。\n若要挑選代理程式上可用的最新版本,請選取 [最新的安裝版本]。\n\n若為私人代理程式,您可以使用 [指定版本] 指定慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本", "loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本", - "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本必須是適當的語意版本,例如 1.2.3。不支援 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 這樣的 Regex。裝載的 VS2017 集區目前支援 Azure 模組版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 及 AzureRM 模組版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0", + "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本必須是適當的語意版本,例如 1.2.3。不支援 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 這類 Regex。裝載的 VS2017 集區目前支援 Az 模組版本: 1.0.0", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "指令碼引數 '{0}' 無效。不允許分行符號。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "指令碼路徑 '{0}' 無效。指定的路徑字元無效。", "loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定的 Azure PowerShell 版本 '{0}' 格式不正確。請檢查格式。正確格式的範例為 1.0.1", - "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "裝載的代理程式不支援 Azure PowerShell '{0}' 版。正在以 '{1}' 版予以覆寫。請考慮變更選取的版本。" + "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell 已結束,代碼為 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell 已將一或多行寫入標準錯誤資料流。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json index 092a995144aa..12da7e688dfd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "preview": true, "releaseNotes": "Added support for Az Module and cross platform agents.", diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json index 22eb7f5f2d61..92bb69259a7f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "preview": true, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 0b3ceb4650dc..a58fe450686a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Bereitstellung einer Azure-Ressourcengruppe", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Stellen Sie eine ARM-Vorlage (Azure Resource Manager) für eine Ressourcengruppe bereit. Sie können auch alle virtuellen Computer in einer Ressourcengruppe starten, beenden, löschen oder deren Zuordnung aufheben.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit stellen Sie eine Azure Resource Manager-Vorlage (ARM) für eine Ressourcengruppe bereit und verwalten virtuelle Computer.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Bereitstellung: $(action) Aktion für $(resourceGroupName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "– Funktioniert mit plattformübergreifenden Agents (Linux, macOS oder Windows)\n– Unterstützt Vorlagen-JSONs unter allen öffentlich zugänglichen http/https-URLs.\n– Optimierte Benutzeroberfläche für Außerkraftsetzungsparameter, die jetzt in einem Raster angezeigt/bearbeitet werden können.\n– NAT-Regelzuordnung für virtuelle Computer, die von einem Load Balancer unterstützt werden.\n– Das Feld \"Ressourcengruppe\" wurde in \"VM-Details für WinRM\" umbenannt und ist nun im Bereich \"Erweiterte Bereitstellungsoptionen für virtuelle Computer\" enthalten.\n– Einschränkungen: \n– Keine Unterstützung für klassische Abonnements. Nur ARM-Abonnements werden unterstützt.\n– Keine Unterstützung für die PowerShell-Syntax, da die Aufgabe jetzt node.js-basiert ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Groß-/Kleinschreibung der Parameternamen übereinstimmt, wenn Sie die Vorlagenparameter außer Kraft setzen. Entfernen Sie außerdem PowerShell-Cmdlets wie \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", wenn Sie eine Migration von Version 1.0 zu Version 2.0 durchführen.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure-Details", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "Vorlage", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Erweiterte Bereitstellungsoptionen für virtuelle Computer", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Ausgaben", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", "loc.input.label.action": "Aktion", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Vorlagenparameter überschreiben", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Wenn Sie die Vorlagenparameter in einem Raster anzeigen möchten, klicken Sie neben dem Textfeld \"Parameter außer Kraft setzen\" auf \"...\". Für dieses Feature müssen CORS-Regeln an der Quelle aktiviert sein. Wenn sich Vorlagen im Azure Storage Blob befinden, finden Sie [hier](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) Informationen zum Aktivieren von CORS. Sie können alternativ auch die zu überschreibenden Vorlagenparameter in das Textfeld eingeben. Beispiel:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Wenn der verwendete Parameterwert mehrere Wörter umfasst, schließen Sie ihn in Anführungszeichen ein – selbst dann, wenn Sie der Wert mithilfe von Variablen übergeben wird. Beispiel: -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Verwenden Sie zum Außerkraftsetzen von Objekttypparametern als Zeichenfolgen dargestellte JSON-Objekte. Beispiel: -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }.", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Bereitstellungsmodus", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Im Modus \"Inkrementell\" werden Bereitstellungen als inkrementelle Updates der Ressourcengruppe verarbeitet. Ressourcen, die in der Ressourcengruppe vorhanden sind, aber in der Vorlage nicht angegeben werden, bleiben unverändert. \n\nIm Modus \"Vollständig\" werden Ressourcen gelöscht, die nicht in Ihrer Vorlage vorhanden sind. \n\nDer Modus \"Überprüfen\" ermöglicht Ihnen das Ermitteln von Problemen mit der Vorlage, bevor Sie tatsächlich Ressourcen erstellen. \n\n Standardmäßig wird der Modus \"Inkrementell\" verwendet.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Weitere Informationen finden Sie [hier](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\nDer Modus \"Inkrementell\" verarbeitet Bereitstellungen als inkrementelle Updates für die Ressourcengruppe. Ressourcen, die in der Ressourcengruppe vorhanden, aber nicht in der Vorlage angegeben sind, bleiben unverändert. \n\n Im Modus \"Vollständig\" werden Ressourcen gelöscht, die nicht in Ihrer Vorlage enthalten sind. Der Modus \"Vollständig\" nimmt mehr Zeit in Anspruch als der inkrementelle Modus. Wenn es bei der Aufgabe zu einem Timeout kommt, erwägen Sie eine Änderung des Modus in \"Inkrementell\". \n [Warnung] Durch diese Aktion werden alle vorhandenen Ressourcen in der Ressourcengruppe gelöscht, die nicht in der Vorlage angegeben sind. \n\n Im Modus \"Überprüfen\" können Sie Probleme mit der Vorlage ermitteln, bevor tatsächliche Ressourcen erstellt werden. \n\n Standardmäßig wird der Modus \"Inkrementell\" verwendet.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Erforderliche Komponenten aktivieren", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Diese Optionen gelten nur, wenn die Ressourcengruppe virtuelle Computer enthält.

Wenn Sie die Option \"Bereitstellungsgruppe\" auswählen, wird der Bereitstellungsgruppenagent auf jedem virtuellen Computer konfiguriert.

Wenn Sie die Option \"WinRM\" auswählen, wird der Listener der Windows-Remoteverwaltung (WinRM) über das HTTPS-Protokoll auf Port 5986 mithilfe eines selbstsignierten Zertifikats konfiguriert. Diese Konfiguration ist erforderlich, um einen Bereitstellungsvorgang auf Azure-Computern auszuführen. Wenn die virtuellen Zielcomputer durch einen Lastenausgleich unterstützt werden, müssen die NAT-Eingangsregeln für den Zielport (5986) konfiguriert sein.", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Dienstverbindung", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Geben Sie die Dienstverbindung zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit einer Azure DevOps-Organisation oder TFS-Sammlung für die Agent-Registrierung an.

Sie können eine Dienstverbindung durch Auswahl von \"+Neu\" und \"Tokenbasierte Authentifizierung\" erstellen. Zum Einrichten einer Dienstverbindung benötigen Sie ein [persönliches Zugriffstoken (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

Klicken Sie auf \"Verwalten\", um die Details der Dienstverbindung zu aktualisieren.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines-Dienstverbindung", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Geben Sie die Dienstverbindung zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit einer Azure DevOps-Organisation oder -Sammlung für die Agentregistrierung an.

Sie können eine Dienstverbindung durch Auswahl von \"+Neu\" > \"Tokenbasierte Authentifizierung\" erstellen. Zum Einrichten einer Dienstverbindung benötigen Sie ein [persönliches Zugriffstoken (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

Klicken Sie auf \"Verwalten\", um die Details der Dienstverbindung zu aktualisieren.", "loc.input.label.project": "Teamprojekt", "loc.input.help.project": "Geben Sie das Teamprojekt an, in dem die Bereitstellungsgruppe definiert ist.", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Bereitstellungsgruppe", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "Das Benutzerkennwort zur Ausführung des Agent-Diensts auf den Windows-VMs.
Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass das Kennwort für den angegebenen Benutzer auf allen VMs gleich ist.
Die in den Build- oder Releasepipelines als \"$(passwordVariable)\" festgelegte Variable werden akzeptiert. Sie können die Variable als \"secret\" markieren, um sie abzusichern.
Für Linux-VMs ist ein Kennwort nicht erforderlich und wird ignoriert.", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "VM-Details für WinRM", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für die Ressourcengruppe an. Die Variable kann als \"$(variableName)\" verwendet werden, um in nachfolgenden Tasks (z. B. im Task \"PowerShell auf Zielcomputern\") für die Bereitstellung von Anwendungen auf die Ressourcengruppe zu verweisen.
Nur gültig, wenn die ausgewählte Aktion \"Create\", \"Update\" oder \"Select\" ist. Erforderlich, wenn eine vorhandene Ressourcengruppe ausgewählt wird.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Bereitstellungsname", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Gibt den Namen der zu erstellenden Ressourcengruppenbereitstellung an.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Bereitstellungsausgaben", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable der Ausgabevariablen an, die den Ausgabeabschnitt des aktuellen Bereitstellungsobjekts im Zeichenfolgenformat enthält. Sie können das JSON-Objekt mit dem PowerShell-Cmdlet \"ConvertFrom-Json\" analysieren und auf die einzelnen Ausgabewerte zugreifen.", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Auf Dienstprinzipaldetails in Außerkraftsetzungsparametern zugreifen", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Hiermit werden Dienstprinzipal-ID und -schlüssel des ausgewählten Azure-Endpunkts zur Ausführungsumgebung des Skripts hinzugefügt. Sie können diese Variablen in Ihrem Außerkraftsetzungsparametern wie z. B. \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\" verwenden: \"$servicePrincipalId\" und \"$servicePrincipalKey\".", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Überprüfen, ob die folgende Ressourcengruppe vorhanden ist: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des Ressourcengruppenstatus. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Die Ressourcengruppe ist vorhanden: %s.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Wenn die Eingabe \"Agent-Dienst als Benutzer ausführen\" ausgewählt ist, darf \"Benutzername\" nicht NULL sein.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Wenn Sie Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler erhalten, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Weitere Informationen zum Azure-Portal", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Der Bereitstellungsname lautet \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 0bf9f8ac31bb..b0b4bbe3b25a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de un grupo de recursos de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Implemente una plantilla de Azure Resource Manager (ARM) en un grupo de recursos. También puede iniciar, detener y eliminar todas las máquinas virtuales (VM) de un grupo de recursos, así como eliminar su asignación", + "loc.description": "Implementa una plantilla de Azure Resource Manager (ARM) en un grupo de recursos y administra las máquinas virtuales.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación en Azure: acción $(action) en $(resourceGroupName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Funciona con agentes multiplataforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Admite archivos JSON de plantilla ubicados en cualquier dirección URL http/https de acceso público.\n- Experiencia de usuario mejorada para los parámetros de reemplazo, que ahora pueden verse o editarse en una cuadrícula.\n- Asignación de reglas NAT para máquinas virtuales que están respaldadas por un equilibrador de carga.\n- El campo \"Grupo de recursos\" se llama ahora \"Detalles de VM para WinRM\" y se incluye en la sección \"Opciones de implementación avanzadas para máquinas virtuales\".\n- Limitaciones: \n - No admite suscripciones del modelo clásico, solo suscripciones a ARM.\n - No admite la sintaxis de PowerShell, ya que la tarea se basa ahora en node.js. Cuando reemplace los parámetros de plantilla, asegúrese de que la distinción entre mayúsculas y minúsculas de los nombres de parámetros coincida. Además, quite los cmdlets de PowerShell, como \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", cuando migre de la versión 1.0 a la versión 2.0.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Detalles de Azure", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "Plantilla", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación avanzadas para máquinas virtuales", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Salidas", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", "loc.input.label.action": "Acción", @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ "loc.input.help.location": "Ubicación para implementar el grupo de recursos. Si el grupo de recursos ya existe en la suscripción, este valor se ignorará.", "loc.input.label.templateLocation": "Ubicación de la plantilla", "loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "Vínculo de plantilla", - "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de plantilla. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPara implementar una plantilla almacenada en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de plantilla (o una plantilla vinculada) a una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, puede usar la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o seguir los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.", + "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de plantilla. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPara implementar una plantilla almacenada en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token de SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de plantilla (o una plantilla vinculada) a una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, puede usar la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o seguir los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "Vínculo de parámetros de la plantilla", - "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de parámetros. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json). \n\nPara usar un archivo almacenado en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de parámetros en una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, utilice la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o siga los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.", + "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de parámetros. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json). \n\nPara usar un archivo almacenado en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token de SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de parámetros en una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token de SAS, utilice la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o siga los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.", "loc.input.label.csmFile": "Plantilla", "loc.input.help.csmFile": "Especifique la ruta de acceso o un patrón que apunten a la plantilla de Azure Resource Manager. Para obtener más información sobre las plantillas, consulte: https://aka.ms/azuretemplates. Para comenzar a usar una plantilla de inmediato, consulte https://aka.ms/sampletemplate.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "Parámetros de la plantilla", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Para ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Parámetros de reemplazo. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Blob Storage, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS. También puede escribir los parámetros de plantilla para reemplazar en el cuadro de texto. Ejemplo,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Si el valor de parámetro que usa tiene varias palabras, escríbalas entre comillas, aunque se estén pasando con variables. Por ejemplo, -name \"valor parámetro\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Para reemplazar los parámetros de tipo de objeto, use objetos JSON con formato de cadena. Por ejemplo, -options [\"opción1\"] -map {\"clave1\": \"valor1\" }. ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Modo de implementación", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "El modo incremental trata las implementaciones como actualizaciones incrementales al grupo de recursos. Deja como están los recursos que existen en el grupo de recursos, pero no se especifican en la plantilla. \n\n El modo completo elimina los recursos que no están en la plantilla. \n\n El modo de validación le permite encontrar problemas con la plantilla antes de crear recursos reales. \n\n De forma predeterminada, se usa el modo incremental.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Consulte [aquí](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes) para obtener más detalles. \n\n El modo incremental trata las implementaciones como actualizaciones incrementales al grupo de recursos. Deja como están los recursos que existen en el grupo de recursos, pero que no se especifican en la plantilla. \n\n El modo completo elimina los recursos que no están en la plantilla. Dicho modo tarda relativamente más que el modo incremental. Si se agota el tiempo de espera de la tarea, considere la posibilidad de incrementarlo o de cambiar al modo \"Incremental\". \n [Advertencia] Esta acción eliminará todos los recursos existentes del grupo de recursos que no se hayan especificado en la plantilla. \n\n El modo de validación le permite encontrar problemas con la plantilla antes de crear recursos reales. \n\n De forma predeterminada, se usa el modo incremental.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Habilitar requisitos previos", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Estas opciones solo son aplicables cuando el grupo de recursos contiene máquinas virtuales.

Si elige la opción Grupo de implementación, se configura el agente de grupo de implementación en cada una de las máquinas virtuales.

Si selecciona la opción WinRM, se configura el agente de escucha de Administración remota de Windows (WinRM) con el protocolo HTTPS en el puerto 5986, usando un certificado autofirmado. Esta configuración es necesaria para operaciones de implementación en máquinas de Azure. Si las máquinas virtuales de destino cuentan con un equilibrador de carga, asegúrese de que se han configurado reglas NAT de entrada para el puerto de destino (5986).", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Conexión de Azure Pipelines/servicio TFS", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Especifique la conexión de servicio para conectarse a una organización de Azure DevOps o una colección de TFS para el registro de agente.

Puede crear una conexión de servicio seleccionando \"+ Nuevo\" y \"Autenticación basada en token\". Necesita un [token de acceso personal (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) para configurar una conexión de servicio.

Haga clic en \"Administrar\" para actualizar los detalles de conexión de servicio.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Especifique la conexión de servicio para conectarse a una organización de Azure DevOps o una colección para el registro de agente.

Para crear una conexión de servicio, seleccione \"+ Nuevo\" y \"Autenticación basada en token\". Necesita un [token de acceso personal (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) para configurar una conexión de servicio.

Haga clic en \"Administrar\" para actualizar los detalles de la conexión de servicio.", "loc.input.label.project": "Proyecto de equipo", "loc.input.help.project": "Especifique el proyecto de equipo que tiene definido el grupo de implementación", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Grupo de implementación", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "La contraseña del usuario para ejecutar el servicio del agente en las VM de Windows.
Se supone que la contraseña es la misma para el usuario especificado en todas las VM.
Puede aceptar la variable definida en las canalizaciones de compilación o versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\". Marque el tipo de variable como \"secret\" para protegerlo.
En el caso de las VM de Linux, no se requiere una variable, así que se ignorará. ", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Detalles de VM para WinRM", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Proporcione un nombre para a la variable del grupo de recursos. La variable se puede usar como $(variableName) para hacer referencia al grupo de recursos en tareas posteriores, como en PowerShell en la tarea de las máquinas de destino para implementar aplicaciones.
Solo es válido cuando la acción seleccionada es Create, Update o Select y se requiere cuando se selecciona un grupo de recursos existente.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nombre de implementación", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Especifica el nombre de la implementación del grupo de recursos que se va a crear.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Salidas de implementación", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Proporcione un nombre para la variable de salida que contenga la sección de salida del objeto de implementación actual con formato de cadena. Puede usar el cmdlet de PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\" para analizar el objeto JSON y acceder a los valores de salida individuales.", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Acceder a los detalles de la entidad de servicio en los parámetros de invalidación", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Agregue el identificador de entidad de servicio y la clave del punto de conexión de Azure que ha seleccionado al entorno de ejecución del script. Puede usar las variables \"$servicePrincipalId\" y \"$servicePrincipalKey\" en los parámetros de reemplazo, como \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\".", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Comprobando si existe el siguiente grupo de recursos: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "No se pudo comprobar el estado del grupo de recursos. Error: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "El grupo de recursos existe: %s.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Si se selecciona la entrada \"Run agent service as a user\", \"Nombre de usuario\" no puede ser un valor null.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si se generan errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Más información sobre Azure Portal", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido.", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "El nombre de la implementación es %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 244459d7727d..3e865e795f68 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement d'Azure Resource Group", + "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de groupe de ressources Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Déployez un modèle ARM (Azure Resource Manager) sur un groupe de ressources. Vous pouvez également démarrer, arrêter, supprimer et libérer toutes les machines virtuelles d'un groupe de ressources.", + "loc.description": "Déployer un modèle ARM (Azure Resource Manager) sur un groupe de ressources et gérer des machines virtuelles", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement Azure : action $(action) sur $(resourceGroupName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Fonctionne avec les agents multiplateformes (Linux, macOS ou Windows)\n- Prend en charge les fichiers JSON de modèle situés sur les URL http/https accessibles publiquement.\n- Expérience utilisateur améliorée qui vous permet désormais d'afficher/de modifier les paramètres de substitution dans une grille.\n- Mappage des règles NAT pour les machines virtuelles qui sont prises en charge par un équilibreur de charge.\n- Le champ \"Groupe de ressources\" s'appelle désormais \"Détails de la machine virtuelle pour WinRM\" et est inclus dans la section \"Options de déploiement avancées pour les machines virtuelles\".\n- Limitations : \n - Aucune prise en charge pour les abonnements Classic. Seuls les abonnements ARM sont pris en charge.\n - Aucune prise en charge de la syntaxe PowerShell, car la tâche est désormais basée sur node.js. Vérifiez le respect de la casse des noms de paramètres quand vous remplacez les paramètres de modèle. Supprimez également les cmdlets PowerShell telles que \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" quand vous effectuez une migration de la version 1.0 à la version 2.0.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Détails relatifs à Azure", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "Modèle", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement avancées pour les machines virtuelles", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Sorties", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", "loc.input.label.action": "Action", @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ "loc.input.help.location": "Emplacement pour le déploiement du groupe de ressources. Si le groupe de ressources existe déjà dans l'abonnement, cette valeur est ignorée.", "loc.input.label.templateLocation": "Emplacement du modèle", "loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "Lien du modèle", - "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de modèle. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPour déployer un modèle stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAP (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de modèle (ou un modèle lié) vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAP, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.", + "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de modèle. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPour déployer un modèle stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAS (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de modèle (ou un modèle lié) vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAS, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "Lien des paramètres de modèle", - "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de paramètres. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json) \n\nPour utiliser un fichier stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAP (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de paramètres vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAP, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.", + "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de paramètres. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json) \n\nPour utiliser un fichier stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAS (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de paramètres vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAS, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.", "loc.input.label.csmFile": "Modèle", "loc.input.help.csmFile": "Spécifiez le chemin ou un modèle pointant vers le modèle Azure Resource Manager. Pour plus d'informations sur les modèles, consultez https://aka.ms/azuretemplates. Pour être immédiatement opérationnel, utilisez le modèle https://aka.ms/sampletemplate.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "Paramètres du modèle", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Remplacer les paramètres du modèle", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Pour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS. Sinon, tapez les paramètres de modèle à remplacer dans la zone de texte. Exemple :
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Si la valeur de paramètre que vous utilisez contient plusieurs mots, placez-les entre des guillemets, même si vous les passez à l'aide de variables. Exemple : -name \"valeur de paramètre\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Pour remplacer les paramètres de type d'objet, utilisez des objets JSON convertis en chaîne. Exemple : -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"clé1\": \"valeur1\" }. ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Mode de déploiement", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Le mode incrémentiel gère les déploiements comme des mises à jour incrémentielles du groupe de ressources. Il ne modifie pas les ressources qui existent dans le groupe de ressources, mais qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode complet supprime les ressources qui ne sont pas dans votre modèle. \n\n Le mode de validation vous permet de rechercher les problèmes avec le modèle avant de créer des ressources réelles. \n\n Par défaut, le mode incrémentiel est utilisé.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Pour plus d'informations, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n Le mode incrémentiel prend en charge les déploiements en tant que mises à jour incrémentielles du groupe de ressources. Il laisse intactes les ressources qui existent dans le groupe de ressources mais qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode complet supprime les ressources qui ne figurent pas dans votre modèle. Le mode complet dure relativement plus longtemps que le mode incrémentiel. Si la tâche expire, augmentez le délai d'expiration, ou passez au mode 'Incrémentiel'. \n [Avertissement] Cette action va supprimer toutes les ressources existantes du groupe de ressources qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode de validation vous permet de trouver les problèmes liés au modèle avant de créer les ressources réelles. \n\n Par défaut, le mode incrémentiel est utilisé.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Activer les prérequis", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Ces options s'appliquent uniquement quand le groupe de ressources contient des machines virtuelles.

Si vous choisissez l'option Groupe de déploiement, vous pouvez configurer l'agent du groupe de déploiement sur chacune des machines virtuelles.

Si vous sélectionnez l'option WinRM, vous pouvez configurer l'écouteur WinRM (Windows Remote Management) via le protocole HTTPS sur le port 5986, à l'aide d'un certificat auto-signé. Cette configuration est obligatoire pour effectuer une opération de déploiement sur des machines Azure. Si les machines virtuelles cibles sont associées à un équilibreur de charge, vérifiez que des règles NAT entrantes sont configurées pour le port cible (5986).", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connexion de service Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Spécifiez la connexion de service qui permet de se connecter à une organisation Azure DevOps ou à une collection TFS pour l'inscription d'un agent.

Pour créer une connexion de service, utilisez +Nouveau, puis sélectionnez Authentification basée sur un jeton. Vous avez besoin d'un [jeton PAT (jeton d'accès personnel)](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) pour configurer une connexion de service.

​Cliquez sur Gérer pour mettre à jour les détails de la connexion de service.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connexion de service Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Spécifiez la connexion de service qui permet de se connecter à une organisation Azure DevOps ou à une collection pour l'inscription d'un agent.

Pour créer une connexion de service, utilisez +Nouveau, puis sélectionnez Authentification basée sur un jeton. Vous avez besoin d'un [jeton PAT (jeton d'accès personnel)](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) pour configurer une connexion de service.

​Cliquez sur Gérer pour mettre à jour les détails de la connexion de service.", "loc.input.label.project": "Projet d'équipe", "loc.input.help.project": "Spécifiez le projet d'équipe dans lequel le groupe de déploiement est défini​", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Groupe de déploiement", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "Mot de passe de l'utilisateur pour permettre l'exécution du service d'agent sur les machines virtuelles Windows.
Il est supposé que le mot de passe de l'utilisateur spécifié est le même sur toutes les machines virtuelles.
Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'. Vous pouvez marquer la variable comme étant de type 'secret' pour la sécuriser.
Pour les machines virtuelles Linux, le mot de passe n'est pas obligatoire et est ignoré. ", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Détails de la machine virtuelle pour WinRM", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Indiquez un nom pour la variable du groupe de ressources. Elle peut être utilisée sous la forme $(variableName) pour faire référence au groupe de ressources dans des tâches futures, par exemple la tâche PowerShell de déploiement d'applications sur des machines cibles.
Valide uniquement quand l'action sélectionnée est Create, Update ou Select, et obligatoire quand un groupe de ressources existant est sélectionné.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nom du déploiement", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Spécifie le nom du déploiement de groupe de ressources à créer.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Sorties de déploiement", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Donnez un nom à la variable de sortie qui contient la section outputs de l'objet de déploiement actuel au format chaîne. Vous pouvez utiliser la cmdlet PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\" pour analyser l'objet JSON et accéder aux valeurs de sortie individuelles.", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accéder aux détails du principal de service dans les paramètres de substitution", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Ajoute l'ID et la clé de principal de service du point de terminaison Azure choisi à l'environnement d'exécution du script. Vous pouvez utiliser les variables '$servicePrincipalId' et '$servicePrincipalKey' dans vos paramètres de substitution, par exemple '-key $servicePrincipalKey'", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Vérification de l'existence du groupe de ressources suivant : %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Échec de la vérification de l'état du groupe de ressources. Erreur : %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Le groupe de ressources existe : %s.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Si l'entrée Exécuter le service d'agent en tant qu'utilisateur est sélectionnée, Nom d'utilisateur ne doit pas avoir une valeur null.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si des erreurs de validation de certificat se produisent, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Plus d'informations sur le Portail Azure", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Le nom du déploiement est %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 51ae16bcede4..31fd84e52dfc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione gruppo di risorse di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un modello ARM (Azure Resource Manager) in un gruppo di risorse. È anche possibile avviare, arrestare, eliminare e deallocare tutte le macchine virtuali di un gruppo di risorse", + "loc.description": "Distribuisce un modello Azure Resource Manager (ARM) in un gruppo di risorse e gestisce le macchine virtuali", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione Azure: azione $(action) su $(resourceGroupName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- È compatibile con agenti multipiattaforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Supporta i JSON di modello disponibili a qualsiasi URL http/https accessibile.\n- Interfaccia utente migliorata per i parametri di override che è ora possibile visualizzare/modificare in una griglia.\n- Supporta il mapping delle regole NAT per le macchine virtuali supportate da un servizio di bilanciamento del carico.\n- Il campo \"Gruppo di risorse\" è stato rinominato in \"Dettagli della macchina virtuale per WinRM\" ed è incluso nella sezione \"Opzioni di distribuzione avanzate per le macchine virtuali\".\n- Limitazioni: \n - Non include alcun supporto per le sottoscrizioni di Azure classico. Sono supportate solo le sottoscrizioni ARM.\n - Non include alcun supporto per la sintassi di PowerShell perché l'attività è ora basata su node.js. Assicurarsi che la distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole dei nomi di parametro corrisponda quando si esegue l'override dei parametri del modello. Rimuovere inoltre i cmdlet di PowerShell, come \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", quando si esegue la migrazione dalla versione 1.0 alla versione 2.0.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Dettagli su Azure", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "Modello", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione avanzate per le macchine virtuali", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Output", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", "loc.input.label.action": "Azione", "loc.input.help.action": "Azione da eseguire sulle risorse o sul gruppo di risorse di Azure.", "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Esegui override dei parametri del modello", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Per visualizzare i parametri del modello in una griglia, fare clic su \"…\" accanto alla casella di testo Parametri di sostituzione. Con questa funzionalità è richiesta l'abilitazione delle regole CORS nell'origine. Se i modelli si trovano nel BLOB del servizio di archiviazione di Azure, vedere [qui](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) per abilitare CORS. In alternativa, digitare nella casella di testo i parametri del modello di cui eseguire l'override. Esempio:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Se il valore del parametro usato include più parole, racchiuderle tra virgolette anche se verranno passate con le variabili. Ad esempio, -name \"valore parametro\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Per eseguire l'override di parametri di tipo oggetto, usare oggetti JSON sotto forma di stringa. Ad esempio, -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }. ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Modalità di distribuzione", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "La modalità Incrementale consente di gestire le distribuzioni come aggiornamenti incrementali del gruppo di risorse. Le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse ma non specificate nel modello rimangono invariate. \n\n La modalità Completa consente di eliminare le risorse non presenti nel modello. \n\n La modalità Convalida consente di trovare i problemi presenti nel modello prima di creare le risorse effettive. \n\n Per impostazione predefinita, viene usata la modalità Incrementale.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Per altri dettagli, vedere [questo articolo](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n La modalità incrementale gestisce le distribuzioni come aggiornamenti incrementali del gruppo di risorse. Lascia invariate le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse, ma non specificate nel modello. \n\n La modalità completa elimina le risorse non presenti nel modello. La modalità completa richiede un tempo relativamente maggiore rispetto alla modalità incrementale. In caso di timeout dell'attività, provare ad aumentare il timeout o a passare alla modalità incrementale. \n [Avviso] Con questa azione verranno eliminate tutte le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse non specificate nel modello. \n\n La modalità di convalida consente di individuare eventuali problemi relativi al modello prima di creare le risorse effettive. \n\n Per impostazione predefinita, viene usata la modalità incrementale.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Abilita i prerequisiti", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Queste opzioni sono applicabili solo quando il gruppo di risorse contiene macchine virtuali.

Se si sceglie l'opzione Gruppo di distribuzione, l'agente del gruppo di distribuzione verrà configurato in ognuna delle macchine virtuali.

Se si seleziona l'opzione WinRM, il listener di Gestione remota Windows (WinRM) verrà configurato con il protocollo HTTPS sulla porta 5986 usando un certificato autofirmato. Questa configurazione è necessaria per eseguire l'operazione di distribuzione su macchine virtuali di Azure. Se le macchine virtuali di destinazione sono supportate da un servizio di bilanciamento del carico, assicurarsi che le regole NAT in ingresso siano configurate per la porta di destinazione (5986).", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Consente di specificare la connessione al servizio per connettersi a un'organizzazione di Azure DevOps o a una raccolta TFS per la registrazione degli agenti.

Per creare una connessione al servizio, è possibile usare \"+Nuovo\" e selezionare \"Autenticazione basata su token\". Per configurare una connessione al servizio, è necessario un [token di accesso personale](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

Fare clic su \"Gestisci\" per aggiornare i dettagli della connessione al servizio.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Specificare la connessione al servizio per connettersi a una raccolta o a un'organizzazione di Azure DevOps per la registrazione degli agenti.

Per creare una connessione al servizio, è possibile usare \"+Nuovo\" e selezionare \"Autenticazione basata su token\". Per configurare una connessione al servizio, è necessario un [token di accesso personale](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

Fare clic su \"Gestisci\" per aggiornare i dettagli della connessione al servizio.", "loc.input.label.project": "Progetto team", "loc.input.help.project": "Consente di specificare il progetto team in cui è definito il gruppo di distribuzione", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Gruppo di distribuzione", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "Password dell'utente per eseguire il servizio agente nelle macchine virtuali Windows.
Si presuppone che la password sia la stessa per l'utente specificato in tutte le macchine virtuali.
Può accettare la variabile definita nelle pipeline di compilazione o versione come '$(passwordVariable)'. Per proteggere la variabile, è possibile contrassegnarla come 'secret'.
Per le macchine virtuali Linux la password non è richiesta e verrà ignorata. ", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Dettagli della macchina virtuale per WinRM", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile relativa al gruppo di risorse. È possibile usare la variabile come $(variableName) per fare riferimento al gruppo di risorse nelle attività successive, ad esempio nell'attività PowerShell in computer di destinazione per la distribuzione di applicazioni.
Valido solo quando l'azione selezionata è Create, Update o Select e obbligatorio quando è selezionato un gruppo di risorse esistente.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nome distribuzione", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Specifica il nome della distribuzione del gruppo di risorse da creare.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Output di distribuzione", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Specificare un nome per la variabile di output che conterrà la sezione degli output dell'oggetto distribuzione corrente in formato stringa. È possibile usare il cmdlet \"ConvertFrom-Json\" di PowerShell per analizzare l'oggetto JSON e accedere ai singoli valori di output.", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accedi ai dettagli dell'entità servizio nei parametri di override", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Aggiunge l'ID entità servizio e la chiave dell'endpoint di Azure scelto all'ambiente di esecuzione dello script. Nei parametri di override è possibile usare le variabili `$servicePrincipalId` e `$servicePrincipalKey`, ad esempio `-key $servicePrincipalKey`", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Verifica dell'esistenza del gruppo di risorse seguente: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Non è stato possibile verificare lo stato del gruppo di risorse: Errore: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Il gruppo di risorse %s esiste già.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Se l'opzione 'Esegui il servizio agente come utente' è selezionata, il campo 'Nome utente' non può essere Null.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se vengono restituiti errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Altre informazioni sul portale di Azure", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Il nome della distribuzione è %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ff4a38bd9289..b2b3c5bd0775 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure リソース グループの配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure リソース グループのデプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure Resource Manager (ARM) テンプレートをリソース グループに配置します。また、リソース グループのすべての仮想マシン (VM) を、開始、停止、削除し、割り当てを解除することもできます", + "loc.description": "Azure Resource Manager (ARM) テンプレートをリソース グループにデプロイし、仮想マシンを管理します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure の配置: $(resourceGroupName) 上の $(action) アクション", "loc.releaseNotes": "- クロスプラットフォーム エージェント対応 (Linux、macOS、Windows)\n- 公開されている http/https URL でテンプレートの JSON をサポート。\n- グリッド内で表示/編集が可能になったオーバーライドパラメーターの拡張 UX。\n- ロード バランサーの対象となる VM への NAT 規則のマッピング。\n- [リソース グループ] フィールドの名前が [WinRM についての VM の詳細] に変更され、[仮想マシン用の詳細展開オプション] セクションに含まれています。\n- 制限事項: \n - クラシック サブスクリプションはサポートされていません。ARM サブスクリプションのみサポートされています。\n - タスクが node.js ベースになったため、PowerShell 構文はサポートされていません。テンプレート パラメーターをオーバーライドする場合は、パラメーター名の大文字と小文字の区別をご確認ください。また、バージョン 1.0 からバージョン 2.0 に移行する場合は、\"ConvertTo-SecureString\" などの PowerShell コマンドレットを削除してください。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure の詳細", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "テンプレート", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "仮想マシン用の詳細展開オプション", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "出力", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", "loc.input.label.action": "アクション", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "テンプレート パラメーターのオーバーライド", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "グリッドでテンプレートのパラメーターを表示するには、[パラメーターのオーバーライド] のテキストボックスの横にある [...] をクリックします。この機能は、ソースで CORS ルールが有効になっている必要があります。テンプレートが Azure Storage BLOB にある場合は、[こちら](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) を参照して CORS を有効にします。または、テキストボックスにテンプレート パラメーターを入力してオーバーライドします。たとえば、
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre) です。
使用しているパラメーターの値に複数の単語が含まれる場合、変数を使用してそれらの単語を渡すとしても、引用符で囲みます。たとえば、-name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\" です
オブジェクトの種類のパラメーターを上書きするには、文字列化した JSON オブジェクトを使用します。たとえば、-options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" } です。", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "配置モード", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "増分モードでは、配置をリソース グループへの増分更新として処理します。リソース グループ内にあり、テンプレートで指定されていないリソースは変更されずに残されます。\n\n 完全モードではテンプレート内にないリソースが削除されます。\n\n 検証モードでは、実際のリソースを作成する前に、テンプレートの問題を検出することができます。\n\n 既定では増分モードが使用されます。", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "詳細については、[こちら](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)を参照してください。\n\n インクリメンタル モードでは、リソース グループへのインクリメンタル更新としてデプロイ処理されます。このモードでは、リソース グループには存在していてもテンプレートでは指定されていない、変更されていないリソースが残されます。\n\n完全モードでは、テンプレートにないリソースが削除されます。完全モードは、インクリメンタル モードよりも時間がかかります。タスクがタイムアウトになる場合、タイムアウト時間を増やすか、モードを 'インクリメンタル' に変更することをご検討ください。\n [警告] このアクションを実行すると、リソース グループの既存リソースのうち、テンプレートで指定されていないものがすべて削除されます。\n\n 検証モードを使用すると、実際のリソースを作成する前にテンプレートの問題を見つけることができます。\n\n 既定ではインクリメンタル モードが使用されます。", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "前提条件を有効にする", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "これらのオプションは、リソース グループに仮想マシンが含まれている場合にのみ適用可能です。

配置グループ オプションを選択すると、それぞれの仮想マシンに配置グループ エージェントが構成されます。

WinRM オプションを選択すると、自己署名証明書を使用して、ポート 5986 上に HTTPS プロトコルを介した Windows リモート管理 (WinRM) リスナーが構成されます。この構成は、Azure マシン上で配置操作を実行するために必要です。ターゲットの仮想マシンがロード バランサーに支援されている場合には、ターゲット ポート (5986) に受信 NAT 規則が構成されていることをご確認ください。", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS サービス接続", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "エージェント登録のために Azure DevOps 組織または TFS コレクションに接続するサービス接続を指定します。

[+新規] を使用してサービス接続を作成し、[トークン ベースの認証] を選択します。サービス接続を設定するには、[個人用アクセス トークン (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) が必要です。

[管理] をクリックしてサービス接続の詳細を更新します。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines サービス接続", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "エージェント登録のために Azure DevOps 組織またはコレクションに接続するサービス接続を指定します。

[+新規] を使用してサービス接続を作成し、[トークン ベースの認証] を選択します。サービス接続を設定するには、[個人用アクセス トークン (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)が必要です。

[管理] をクリックしてサービス接続の詳細を更新します。", "loc.input.label.project": "チーム プロジェクト", "loc.input.help.project": "配置グループが定義されているチーム プロジェクトを指定する", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "配置グループ", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "Windows VM 上でエージェント サービスを実行するユーザーのパスワード。
指定されたユーザーのパスワードは、すべての VM 上で同じである必要があります。
ビルド パイプラインまたはリリース パイプラインで定義された変数を '$(passwordVariable)' として受け入れます。セキュリティで保護するには、変数を 'シークレット' としてマークします。
Linux VM ではパスワードは必要ではなく、無視されます。", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM についての VM の詳細", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "リソース グループの変数の名前を指定します。変数を $(variableName) として使用して、後続のタスクでリソース グループを参照できます (アプリケーションの展開の「ターゲット コンピューターでの PowerShell」タスクなど)。
選んだアクションが Create、Update、または Select のいずれかである場合のみ使用でき、既存のリソース グループが選ばれた場合は必須です。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "デプロイ名", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "作成するリソース グループ配置の名前を指定します。", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "配置出力", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "出力変数のために変数の名前を指定します。この変数には、現在の配置オブジェクトの出力セクションが文字列形式で格納されます。“ConvertFrom-Json” PowerShell コマンドレットを使って JSON オブジェクトを解析し、個々の出力値にアクセスすることができます。", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "オーバーライド パラメーターでサービス プリンシパルの詳細にアクセスする", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "選択した Azure エンドポイントのサービス プリンシパル ID とキーを、スクリプトの実行環境に追加します。オーバーライド パラメーターで `-key $servicePrincipalKey` のように、`$servicePrincipalId` と `$servicePrincipalKey` の変数を使用できます", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "次のリソース グループが存在するかどうか確認しています: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "リソース グループの状態を確認できませんでした。エラー: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "リソース グループが存在しています: %s。", @@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ "loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "拡張機能 %s を仮想マシン %s から削除しようとしています", "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "次の例外により、ネットワーク セキュリティ規則を追加できませんでした: %s", "loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "次のネットワーク セキュリティ グループに対するセキュリティ規則を追加しています: %s", - "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "受信ネットワーク セキュリティ ルールの構成 %s が追加されました。優先度は %s、ポートは %s、セキュリティ グループは %s、結果は次のとおり: %s", + "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "受信ネットワーク セキュリティ規則の構成 %s が追加されました。優先度は %s、ポートは %s、セキュリティ グループは %s、結果は次のとおり: %s", "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "3 回試行しましたが、ネットワーク セキュリティ規則をセキュリティ グループ %s に追加できませんでした", "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "拡張機能を削除できませんでした", "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials' を null にすることはできません。", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "[Run agent service as a user] (ユーザーとしてエージェント サービスを実行) 入力が選択されている場合、[ユーザー名] を null 値にすることはできません。", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値を true に設定する必要があります。", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "詳細は Azure portal にあります", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "配置名は %s です", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a89178138088..ced0cd72a963 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 리소스 그룹 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "리소스 그룹에 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 템플릿을 배포합니다. 리소스 그룹의 모든 VM(가상 머신)을 시작, 중지, 삭제, 할당 취소할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "리소스 그룹에 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 템플릿을 배포하고 가상 머신을 관리합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 배포:$(resourceGroupName)에 대한 $(action) 작업", "loc.releaseNotes": "-플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동\n- 공개적으로 액세스 가능한 http/https URL에 있는 템플릿 JSON 지원\n- 재정의 매개 변수의 UX가 향상되어 이제 표 형태로 보거나 편집할 수 있음\n- 부하 분산 장치가 지원하는 VM에 대한 NAT 규칙 매핑\n- \"리소스 그룹\" 필드가 이제 \"WinRM에 대한 VM 세부 정보\"로 이름이 바뀌고 \"가상 머신에 대한 고급 배포 옵션\" 섹션에 포함됨\n- 제한 사항: \n - 클래식 구독 지원 안 함. ARM 구독만 지원됩니다.\n - 작업이 이제 node.js 기반이므로 PowerShell 구문 지원 안 함. 템플릿 매개 변수를 재정의하는 경우 매개 변수 이름의 대/소문자가 일치하는지 확인합니다. 또한, 버전 1.0에서 버전 2.0으로 마이그레이션하는 경우에는 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 등의 PowerShell cmdlet을 제거합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 세부 정보", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "템플릿", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "가상 머신에 대한 고급 배포 옵션", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "출력", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.action": "작업", @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ "loc.input.help.location": "리소스 그룹을 배포할 위치입니다. 리소스 그룹이 구독에 이미 있는 경우 이 값은 무시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.templateLocation": "템플릿 위치", "loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "템플릿 링크", - "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "템플릿 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json)입니다. \n\n개인 저장소 계정에 저장된 템플릿을 배포하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 /template.json?`입니다. 템플릿 파일 또는 연결된 템플릿을 저장소 계정으로 업로드하고 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080)이나 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 확인하려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "템플릿 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json)입니다. \n\n개인 스토리지 계정에 저장된 템플릿을 배포하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 /template.json?`입니다. 템플릿 파일 또는 연결된 템플릿을 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하고 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080)이나 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 확인하려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "템플릿 매개 변수 링크", - "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "매개 변수 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json)입니다. \n\n매개 변수 파일을 개인 저장소 계정으로 업로드하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 `/template.json?`입니다. 매개 변수 파일을 저장소 계정으로 업로드하여 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) 또는 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 보려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "매개 변수 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json)입니다. \n\n매개 변수 파일을 개인 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 `/template.json?`입니다. 매개 변수 파일을 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하여 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) 또는 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 보려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.", "loc.input.label.csmFile": "템플릿", "loc.input.help.csmFile": "Azure Resource Manager 템플릿을 가리키는 경로 또는 패턴을 지정합니다. 템플릿에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/azuretemplates를 참조하세요. 바로 시작하려면 https://aka.ms/sampletemplate 템플릿을 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "템플릿 매개 변수", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "템플릿 매개 변수 재정의", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "템플릿 매개 변수를 표 형태로 보려면 [매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 \"...\"을 클릭합니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우 [이 문서](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요. 또는 텍스트 상자에 재정의할 템플릿 매개 변수를 입력합니다. 예:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
사용 중인 매개 변수 값이 여러 단어로 이루어진 경우에는 변수를 사용해서 전달하더라도 따옴표로 묶으세요. 예: -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
개체 형식 매개 변수를 재정의하려면 묶은 JSON 개체를 사용합니다. 예: -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }. ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "배포 모드", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "증분 모드에서는 배포를 리소스 그룹에 대한 증분 업데이트로 처리합니다. 리소스 그룹에 있지만 템플릿에 지정되지 않은 리소스는 변경하지 않고 그대로 유지합니다. \n\n 전체 모드에서는 템플릿에 없는 리소스를 삭제합니다. \n\n 유효성 검사 모드에서는 실제 리소스를 만들기 전에 템플릿 관련 문제를 찾을 수 있습니다. \n\n 기본적으로 증분 모드가 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "자세한 내용은 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)를 참조하세요. \n\n증분 모드는 배포를 리소스 그룹에 대한 증분 업데이트로 처리합니다. 리소스 그룹에는 있지만 템플릿에 지정되지 않은, 변경되지 않은 리소스를 그대로 둡니다. \n\n전체 모드에서는 템플릿에 없는 리소스를 삭제합니다. 증분 모드에 비해 전체 모드의 처리 시간이 더 오래 걸립니다. 작업 시간이 초과되는 경우 시간 제한을 늘리거나 모드를 '증분'으로 변경합니다. \n [경고] 이 작업은 템플릿에 지정되지 않은 리소스 그룹의 기존 리소스를 모두 삭제합니다. \n\n 유효성 검사 모드를 사용하면 실제 리소스를 만들기 전에 템플릿 문제를 찾을 수 있습니다. \n\n기본적으로 증분 모드가 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "필수 구성 요소 사용", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "이러한 옵션은 리소스 그룹에 가상 머신이 있는 경우에만 적용될 수 있습니다.

배포 그룹 옵션을 선택하면 각 가상 머신에 배포 그룹 에이전트가 구성됩니다.

WinRM 옵션을 선택하면 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하여 포트 5986에서 HTTPS 프로토콜을 통해 WinRM(Windows 원격 관리) 수신기가 구성됩니다. 이 구성은 Azure 컴퓨터에서 배포 작업을 수행하는 데 필요합니다. 대상 가상 머신이 부하 분산 장치에서 지원되는 경우에는 대상 포트(5986)에 대해 인바운드 NAT 규칙이 구성되어 있는지 확인하세요.", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 서비스 연결", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "에이전트 등록을 위해 Azure DevOps 조직 또는 TFS 컬렉션에 연결할 서비스 연결을 지정합니다.

\"+새로 만들기\"를 사용하여 서비스 연결을 만들고 \"토큰 기반 인증\"을 선택할 수 있습니다. 서비스 연결을 설정하려면 [PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)이 필요합니다.

서비스 연결 정보를 업데이트하려면 \"관리\"를 클릭하세요.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 서비스 연결", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "에이전트 등록을 위해 Azure DevOps 조직 또는 컬렉션에 연결할 서비스 연결을 지정합니다.

\"+새로 만들기\"를 사용하여 서비스 연결을 만들고 \"토큰 기반 인증\"을 선택할 수 있습니다. 서비스 연결을 설정하려면 [PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)이 필요합니다.

서비스 연결 정보를 업데이트하려면 \"관리\"를 클릭합니다.", "loc.input.label.project": "팀 프로젝트", "loc.input.help.project": "배포 그룹을 정의할 팀 프로젝트를 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "배포 그룹", @@ -46,9 +46,13 @@ "loc.input.label.password": "암호", "loc.input.help.password": "Windows VM에서 에이전트 서비스를 실행할 사용자의 암호입니다.
암호는 모든 VM에서 지정된 사용자에 대해 동일한 것으로 가정합니다.
빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다. 변수를 'secret'으로 표시하여 보호할 수도 있습니다.
Linux VM의 경우에는 암호가 필요하지 않으며 무시됩니다. ", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM에 대한 VM 세부 정보", - "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "리소스 그룹에 대한 변수 이름을 제공합니다. 변수는 응용 프로그램을 배포하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 PowerShell 작업에서와 같은 후속 작업에서 리소스 그룹을 참조하는 $(variableName)(으)로 사용될 수 있습니다.
선택한 작업이 Create, Update 또는 Select인 경우에만 유효하며 기존 리소스 그룹이 선택된 경우 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "리소스 그룹에 대한 변수 이름을 제공합니다. 변수는 애플리케이션을 배포하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 PowerShell 작업에서와 같은 후속 작업에서 리소스 그룹을 참조하는 $(variableName)(으)로 사용될 수 있습니다.
선택한 작업이 Create, Update 또는 Select인 경우에만 유효하며 기존 리소스 그룹이 선택된 경우 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "배포 이름", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "만들 리소스 그룹 배포의 이름을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "배포 출력", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "현재 배포 개체의 출력 섹션을 문자열 형식으로 포함할 출력 변수의 변수 이름을 제공합니다. \"ConvertFrom-Json\" PowerShell cmdlet을 사용하여 JSON 개체를 구문 분석하고 개별 출력 값에 액세스할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "재정의 매개 변수의 서비스 주체 정보 액세스", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "선택한 Azure 엔드포인트의 서비스 주체 ID 및 키를 스크립트의 실행 환경에 추가합니다. 재정의 매개 변수에 '$servicePrincipalId' 및 '$servicePrincipalKey' 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다(예: '-key $servicePrincipalKey').", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "리소스 그룹 %s이(가) 있는지 확인하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "리소스 그룹 상태를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "리소스 그룹이 있음: %s.", @@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ "loc.messages.DetectedFileEncoding": "검색된 '%s' 파일의 인코딩은 '%s'입니다.", "loc.messages.HostUrlCannotBeEmpty": "호스트 URL은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.PatTokenCannotBeEmpty": "개인용 액세스 토큰은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", - "loc.messages.OnlyTokenAuthAllowed": "서비스 연결은 토큰 인증 형식만 될 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.OnlyTokenAuthAllowed": "서비스 연결에는 토큰 인증 형식만 사용 가능합니다.", "loc.messages.DeploymentGroupEndpointUrlCannotBeEmpty": "배포 그룹 서비스 연결 URL은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.DeploymentGroupEndpointPatTokenCannotBeEmpty": "배포 그룹 서비스 연결의 개인용 액세스 토큰은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.ErrorWhileParsingParameter": "'%s' 매개 변수를 재정의하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다(원인: '%s'). JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)을 따르는지 확인하세요.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "'사용자 권한으로 에이전트 서비스 실행' 입력을 선택한 경우 '사용자 이름'은 null일 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 서명한 인증서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 경우 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 오류를 해결하려면 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure Portal에 대한 자세한 정보", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "배포 이름은 %s입니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e538108dd2c1..23be82622823 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание группы ресурсов Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "Разверните шаблон Azure Resource Manager (ARM) в группе ресурсов. Вы также можете запустить, остановить, удалить все виртуальные машины в группе ресурсов или отменить их распределение", + "loc.description": "Развертывание шаблона Azure Resource Manager (ARM) в группе ресурсов и управление виртуальными машинами", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание Azure: действие $(action) с $(resourceGroupName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Поддержка кроссплатформенных агентов (Linux, macOS и Windows).\n- Поддержка шаблонов JSON, размещенных по любому общедоступному URL-адресу с префиксом http или https.\n- Расширенный пользовательский интерфейс для переопределения параметров, которые теперь можно просматривать и редактировать в таблице.\n- Сопоставление правил NAT для виртуальных машин, поддерживаемых подсистемой балансировки нагрузки.\n- Поле \"Группа ресурсов\" теперь называется \"Сведения о виртуальной машине для WinRM\" и включено в раздел \"Дополнительные параметры развертывания виртуальных машин\".\n Ограничения: \n- Классические подписки не поддерживаются. Поддерживаются только подписки ARM.\n- Синтаксис PowerShell не поддерживается, так как задача теперь основана на node.js. При переопределении параметров шаблона необходимо проверить соответствие регистра в именах параметров. Кроме того, при переходе с версии 1.0 на версию 2.0 удалите такие командлеты PowerShell, как ConvertTo-SecureString.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Сведения об Azure", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "Шаблон", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания виртуальных машин", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Выходные данные", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", "loc.input.label.action": "Действие", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Переопределить параметры шаблона", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Чтобы просмотреть параметры шаблона в сетке, щелкните \"…\" рядом с текстовым полем \"Переопределить параметры\". Для использования этой функции на источнике должны быть включены правила CORS. Если шаблоны находятся в BLOB-объекте службы хранилища Azure, обратитесь к [этой статье](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests), чтобы включить CORS, или укажите переопределяемые параметры шаблона в текстовом поле. Например:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Если значение используемого параметра состоит из нескольких слов, заключите их в кавычки, даже если они передаются с помощью переменных. Например: -name \"значение параметра\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Чтобы переопределить параметры типов объектов, используйте объекты JSON, преобразованные в строку. Например: -options [\"параметр1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"значение1\" }. ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Режим развертывания", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "В добавочном режиме развертывания обрабатываются как добавочные обновления для группы ресурсов. В этом режиме ресурсы, которые существуют в группе ресурсов, но не указаны в шаблоне, не изменяются. \n\n В полном режиме ресурсы, не указанные в шаблоне, удаляются. \n\n Режим проверки позволяет выявить проблемы в шаблоне перед созданием самих ресурсов. \n\n По умолчанию используется добавочный режим.", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Дополнительные сведения см. [здесь](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n Добавочный режим обрабатывает такие развертывания, как добавочные обновления в группе ресурсов. Он не изменяет ресурсы, которые существуют в группе ресурсов, но не указаны в шаблоне. \n\n Полный режим удаляет ресурсы, которых нет в шаблоне. Для него требуется больше времени, чем для добавочного режима. Если время ожидания задачи истекло, увеличьте время ожидания или измените режим на добавочный. \n [Предупреждение] Это действие удалит все существующие ресурсы в группе ресурсов, которые не указаны в шаблоне. \n\n Режим проверки позволяет обнаружить проблемы с шаблоном до создания реальных ресурсов. \n\n По умолчанию используется добавочный режим.", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Включить необходимые компоненты", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Данные варианты применяются только в случае, если в группе ресурсов имеются виртуальные машины.

При выборе варианта \"Группа развертывания\" на каждой виртуальной машине будет настроен агент группы развертывания.

При выборе варианта \"WinRM\" настраивается прослушиватель службы удаленного управления Windows (WinRM) по протоколу HTTPS на порте 5986 с использованием самозаверяющего сертификата. Эта конфигурация требуется для выполнения развертывания на виртуальных машинах Azure. Если целевые виртуальные машины поддерживаются средствами Load Balancer, убедитесь, что правила NAT для входящего трафика настроены для целевого порта (5986).", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Укажите подключение к службе для подключения к организации Azure DevOps или коллекции TFS с целью регистрации агента.

Подключение к службе можно создать, щелкнув \"+Создать\" и выбрав пункт \"Проверка подлинности на основе токена\". Для настройки подключения к службе требуется [личный маркер доступа (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

​Чтобы обновить сведения о подключении к службе, щелкните \"Управление\".", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Укажите подключение к службе для подключения к организации Azure DevOps или коллекции TFS с целью регистрации агента.

Подключение к службе можно создать, щелкнув \"+Создать\" и выбрав пункт \"Проверка подлинности на основе токена\". Для настройки подключения к службе требуется [личный маркер доступа (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).

Чтобы обновить сведения о подключении к службе, щелкните \"Управление\".", "loc.input.label.project": "Командный проект", "loc.input.help.project": "Укажите командный проект, в котором определена группа развертывания​", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Группа развертывания", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "Пароль пользователя для запуска службы агента в виртуальных машинах Windows.
Предполагается, что для указанного пользователя пароль одинаков во всех виртуальных машинах.
Допустимы переменные, заданные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска как \"$(passwordVariable)\". Чтобы защитить переменную, пометьте ее как secret.
Для виртуальных машин Linux пароль не требуется и игнорируется.", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Сведения о виртуальной машине для WinRM", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Укажите имя переменной для группы ресурсов. Переменную можно использовать как $(variableName) для ссылки на группу ресурсов в последующих задачах, например в задаче PowerShell на целевых компьютерах для развертывания приложения.
Применимо только в том случае, если выбраны действия Create, Update или Select, и требуется, когда выбрана существующая группа ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Имя развертывания", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Указывает имя создаваемого развертывания группы ресурсов.", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Выходные данные развертывания", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Укажите имя выходной переменной, в которой будут находиться выходные данные текущего объекта развертывания в строковом формате. Для синтаксического анализа объекта JSON и получения отдельных значений можно использовать командлет PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\".", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Доступ к сведениям о субъекте-службе в параметрах переопределения", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Добавляет идентификатор субъекта-службы и ключ выбранной конечной точки Azure в среду выполнения скрипта. Переменные \"$servicePrincipalId\" и \"$servicePrincipalKey\" можно использовать в таких параметрах переопределения, как \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\"", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Проверка наличия следующей группы ресурсов: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Не удалось проверить состояние группы ресурсов. Ошибка: %s.", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Такая группа ресурсов существует: %s.", @@ -95,10 +99,10 @@ "loc.messages.RuleExistsAlready": "Правило %s уже существует в группе безопасности \"%s\"", "loc.messages.AddExtension": "Добавление расширения \"%s\" на виртуальную машину \"%s\"", "loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "Выполняется попытка удалить расширение %s с виртуальной машины %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "Не удалось добавить правило сетевой безопасности. Возникло исключение: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "Не удалось добавить правило безопасности сети. Возникло исключение: %s", "loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавление правила безопасности для группы безопасности сети: %s", - "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавлена конфигурация правила безопасности входящего сетевого трафика %s с приоритетом %s для порта %s в группе безопасности %s. Результат: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "Не удалось добавить правило сетевой безопасности в группу безопасности %s после трех попыток.", + "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавлена конфигурация правила безопасности сети для входящего сетевого %s с приоритетом %s для порта %s в группе безопасности %s. Результат: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "Не удалось добавить правило безопасности сети в группу безопасности %s после трех попыток", "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "Не удалось удалить расширение", "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "Параметр credentials не может иметь значение NULL.", "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "Параметр \"subscriptionId\" не может иметь значение NULL.", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Если выбран вариант \"Запустить службу агента от имени пользователя\", поле \"Имя пользователя\" не может иметь значение NULL.", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Для использования сертификата он должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска.", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Дополнительные сведения о портале Azure", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат.", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Имя развертывания: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index da39dc2ff265..950b4677b7a4 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 资源组部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "将 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)模板部署到资源组。还可以启动、停止、删除、取消分配资源组中的所有虚拟机(VM)", + "loc.description": "将 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)模板部署到资源组并管理虚拟机", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "对 $(resourceGroupName) 的 Azure Deployment:$(action) 操作", "loc.releaseNotes": "- 适用于跨平台代理(Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支持位于任何公开可访问 http/https URL 的模板 JSON。\n- 对于现可在网格中查看/编辑的 Override 参数增强了 UX。\n- 提供了对由负载均衡器支持的 VM 的 NAT 规则映射。\n-“资源组”字段现重命名为“WinRM 的 VM 详细信息”,且包含在节“虚拟机高级部署选项”中。\n- 局限: \n - 不支持经典订阅。只支持 ARM 订阅。\n - 不支持 PowerShell 语法,因任务现基于 node.js。替代模板参数时,请确保参数名的大小写匹配。另外,从版本 1.0 迁移到版本 2.0 时,请删除诸如 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 的 PowerShell cmdlet。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 详细信息", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "模板", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "虚拟机的高级部署选项", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "输出", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", "loc.input.label.action": "操作", @@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "替代模板参数", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "若要查看网格中的模板参数,请单击“替代参数”文本框旁的 \"…\"。此功能需要在源启用 CORS 规则。如果模板位于 Azure 存储 blob 中,请参阅 [此文章](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)以启用 CORS。或键入文本框中重写的模板参数。例如,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre)。
如果正在使用的参数值具有多个词,请将它们括在引号中,即使将使用变量传递它们。例如 -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
若要替代对象类型参数,请使用 stringified JSON 对象。例如 -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }。", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "部署模式", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "增量模式以资源组增量更新的形式处理部署。它留下资源组中存在的但模板中未指定的未更改资源。\n\n完成模式删除不属于模板的资源。\n\n验证模式让你能在创建实际资源前发现问题。\n\n默认情况下,使用增量模式。", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "有关详细信息,请参阅[此处](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)。\n\n增量模式将部署作为资源组的增量更新进行处理。它会保留存在于资源组中但未在模板中指定的未更改资源。\n\n完成模式会删除不在模板中的资源。完成模式比增量模式的用时相对较长。如果任务超时,请考虑增加超时时间,或将模式更改为“增量”。\n [警告]此操作将删除未在模板中指定的资源组中的所有现有资源。\n\n使用验证模式,可以在创建实际资源之前查找模板的问题。\n\n默认情况下使用增量模式。", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "启用必备组件", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "仅在资源组包含虚拟机时可应用这些选项。


选择 WinRM 选项将通过 HTTPS 协议在端口 5986 上使用自签名证书配置 Windows 远程管理(WinRM)侦听器。对 Azure 计算机执行部署操作需要此选项。如果负载均衡器支持目标虚拟机,请确保为目标端口(5986)配置了入站 NAT 规则。", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 服务连接", - "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "指定服务连接,用于连接到 Azure DevOps 组织或 TFS 集合以进行代理注册。

可以使用“+新建”创建服务连接,并选择“基于令牌的身份验证”。需要[个人访问令牌(PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) 来设置服务连接。

单击“管理”以更新服务连接详细信息。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 服务连接", + "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "指定用于连接到 Azure DevOps 组织或集合的服务连接,以便进行代理注册。


单击“管理”以更新服务连接详细信息。", "loc.input.label.project": "团队项目", "loc.input.help.project": "指定其中定义了部署组的团队项目", "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "部署组", @@ -40,15 +40,19 @@ "loc.input.label.copyAzureVMTags": "将 Azure VM 标记复制到代理", "loc.input.help.copyAzureVMTags": "选择是否需要将在 Azure VM 上配置的标记复制到相应的部署组代理。

​默认情况下,所有 Azure 标记都将按照“密钥: 值”的格式进行复制。例如: Azure 标记“角色: Web”将按原样复制到代理计算机。

有关如何标记 Azure 资源的详细信息,请参阅[连接](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-using-tags​)", "loc.input.label.runAgentServiceAsUser": "以用户身份运行代理服务", - "loc.input.help.runAgentServiceAsUser": "决定是否以非默认用户身份运行代理服务。
默认用户是 Windows 中的 \"NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM\" 和 Linux 中的“根”。", + "loc.input.help.runAgentServiceAsUser": "决定是否以非默认用户身份运行代理服务。
默认用户是 Windows 中的 \"NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM\" 和 Linux 中的 \"root\"。", "loc.input.label.userName": "用户名", "loc.input.help.userName": "用于在虚拟机上运行代理服务的用户名。
对于域用户,请输入值 \"domain\\username\" 或 \"username@domain.com\"。 对于本地用户,请输入用户名。
假设资源组中的所有虚拟机上分别存在具有相同名称的相同域用户\\本地用户。", "loc.input.label.password": "密码", "loc.input.help.password": "用户用于在 Windows VM 上运行代理服务的密码。
已假设所有 VM 上指定用户的密码相同。
它可以接受在生成或释放管道中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。可以将变量标记为“机密”以保护它。
对于 Linux VM,不需要密码,将被忽略。", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM 的 VM 详细信息", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "为资源组的变量提供一个名称。该变量可用作 $(variableName),以在后续任务中指示该资源组,例如在目标计算机上 PowerShell 中部署应用程序的任务。
仅当选定的操作为 Create、Update 或 Select 时该变量才有效,并且在选择现有资源组时才为必需。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "部署名称", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "指定要创建的资源组部署的名称。", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "部署输出", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "提供输出变量的变量名称,该输出变量中将包含字符串格式的当前部署对象的输出部分。可使用 \"ConvertFrom Json\" PowerShell cmdlet 分析 JSON 对象并访问单个输出值。", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "在替代参数中访问服务主体详细信息", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "将选择的 Azure 终结点的服务主体 ID 和密钥添加到脚本的执行环境中。可以在 \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\" 等替代参数中使用以下变量: \"$servicePrincipalId\" 和 \"$servicePrincipalKey\"", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "正在检查是否存在以下资源组: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "未能检查资源组状态。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "资源组已存在: %s。", @@ -97,7 +101,7 @@ "loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "正在尝试删除扩展 %s(从虚拟机 %s 中)", "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "未能添加网络安全规则,异常: %s", "loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "正在为网络安全组 %s 添加安全规则", - "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "已添加入站网络安全性规则配置 %s ,其中优先级为 %s、面向的端口为 %s (位于安全组 %s 下),结果为 %s", + "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "已添加入站网络安全规则配置 %s ,其中优先级为 %s、面向的端口为 %s (位于安全组 %s 下),结果为 %s", "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "已尝试 3 次,但未能将网络安全规则添加到安全组 %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "未能删除扩展", "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "\"credentials\" 不能为 null。", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "如果选择“以用户身份运行代理服务”输入,则“用户名”不能为 null。", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值。", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure 门户的详细信息", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "部署名称为 %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 226a1019ddf9..225b0b82f165 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 資源群組部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)", - "loc.description": "將 Azure 資源管理員 (ARM) 範本部署到資源群組。您也可以在資源群組中啟動、停止、刪除、解除配置所有虛擬機器 (VM)", + "loc.description": "將 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 範本部署至資源群組,以及管理虛擬機器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 $(resourceGroupName) 上的 Azure 部署:$(action) 動作", "loc.releaseNotes": "-適用於跨平台代理程式 (Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支援位於任何可供公開存取 http/https URL 的範本 JSON。\n- 增強 Override 參數的 UX,現在能夠在格線中對其進行檢視/編輯。\n- 受負載平衡器支援的 VM 可進行 NAT 規則對應。\n- [資源群組] 欄位現已重新命名為 [WinRM 的 VM 詳細資料],並且包含在 [虛擬機器的進階部署選項] 區段中。\n- 限制: \n - 不支援傳統訂用帳戶。只支援 ARM 訂用帳戶。\n - 因為現在工作改以 node.js 為基礎,所以不支援 PowerShell 語法。當您覆寫範本參數時,請確認參數名稱的區分大小寫符合。此外,當您從 1.0 版移轉為 2.0 版時,會移除 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 等 PowerShell Cmdlet。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 詳細資料", "loc.group.displayName.Template": "範本", "loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "虛擬機器的進階部署選項", - "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "輸出", + "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", "loc.input.label.action": "動作", @@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ "loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "覆寫範本參數", "loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "若要以網格模式檢視範本參數,請按一下 [Override Parameters] 文字方塊旁的 [...]。必須在來源啟用 CORS 規則才能使用此功能。若範本在 Azure 儲存體 Blob 中,請參閱[本篇](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)來啟用 CORS,或是在文字方塊中鍵入要覆寫的範本參數。例如,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre)。
若您使用的參數有多個文字,請以引號括住文字,即使您使用變數來傳遞文字亦同。例如,-name \"參數值\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
若要覆寫物件類型參數,請使用已轉換為字串的 JSON 物件。例如,-options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }。 ", "loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "部署模式", - "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "累加模式會以資源群組的累加式更新方式處理部署,不變更存在於資源群組但未在範本中指定的資源。\n\n 完整模式會刪除不在範本中的資源。\n\n 驗證模式能讓您在建立實際資源前,找出範本的問題。\n\n 根據預設會使用累加模式。", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "如需更多詳細資料,請參閱[此文件](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)。\n\n 累加模式會將部署作為資源群組的累加更新進行處理。該模式會將存在於資源群組但未指定的未變更資源留在範本中。\n\n 完成模式會刪除不在您範本中的資源。相對於累加模式,完成模式會花費更多時間。如果工作逾時,請考慮增加逾時或將模式變更為「累加」。\n [警告] 這項動作會刪除資源群組中未於範本內指定的所有現有資源。\n\n 驗證模式可讓您在建立實際資源前,透過範本找出問題。\n\n 預設會使用累加模式。", "loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "啟用必要條件", "loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "僅當資源群組包含虛擬機器時,才可使用這些選項。


選取 WinRM 選項會使用自我簽署憑證,設定在連接埠 5986 上使用 HTTPS 通訊協定的 Windows 遠端管理 (WinRM) 接聽程式。這是在 Azure 電腦上執行部署作業的必要設定。若目標虛擬機器設有負載平衡器支援,請務必為目標連接埠 (5986) 設定輸入 NAT 規則。", - "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 服務連線", + "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 服務連線", "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "請指定服務連線以連線至 Azure DevOps 組織或 TFS 集合來註冊代理程式。

您可以使用 [+新增] > [權杖型驗證] 來建立服務連線。您需要[個人存取權杖 (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)才能設定服務連線。

​按一下 [管理] 即可更新服務連線詳細資料。", "loc.input.label.project": "Team 專案", "loc.input.help.project": "指定定義有部署群組的 Team 專案", @@ -47,8 +47,12 @@ "loc.input.help.password": "使用者用來在 Windows VM 上執行代理程式服務的密碼。
會假設指定使用者在所有 VM 上的密碼均相同。
其可接受組建或發行管線中定義的變數為 '$(passwordVariable)'。您可將變數標記為 'secret' 來加以保護。
若為 Linux VM,則密碼並非必要項且會略過。", "loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM 的 VM 詳細資料", "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "提供資源群組之變數的名稱。您可將變數作為 $(variableName) 使用,以參考後續工作中的資源群組,例如在 PowerShell 中部署應用程式時,參考目標電腦工作。
僅當選取的動作為 Create、Update 或 Select 時,此選項才有效,而此選項在選取現有的資源群組時為必要選項。", + "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "部署名稱", + "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "指定欲建立資源群組部署的名稱。", "loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "部署輸出", "loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "提供輸出變數的變數名稱,該變數將以字串格式包含目前部署物件的輸出區段。您可以使用 “ConvertFrom-Json” PowerShell cmdlet 來剖析 JSON 物件及存取個別輸出值。", + "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "存取覆寫參數中的服務主體詳細資料", + "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "將服務主體識別碼和您所選 Azure 端點的金鑰新增至指令碼的執行環境。您可以在 `-key $servicePrincipalKey` 等覆寫參數中使用以下變數: `$servicePrincipalId` 和 `$servicePrincipalKey`。", "loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "正在檢查下列資源群組是否存在: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "無法查看資源群組狀態。錯誤: %s。", "loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "已有資源群組: %s。", @@ -184,5 +188,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "如果選取了 [以使用者身分執行代理程式服務] 輸入,[使用者名稱] 就不得為 null。", "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您得到憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數值設為 `true`。", "loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure 入口網站的詳細資訊", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效", + "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "部署名稱為 %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json index c68fd9f6c614..4df438b411c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.119.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json index 0e037cf15876..853d8c4974e2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.119.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 6f91cdd99877..51d4e1193e4c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Aktualisieren Sie Azure App Services unter Windows, Web-App unter Linux durch integrierte Images oder Docker-Container, ASP.NET-, .NET Core-, PHP-, Python- oder Node.js-basierte Webanwendungen, Funktions-Apps, mobile Apps, API-Anwendungen oder Webaufträge über Web Deploy/Kudu-REST-APIs.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Web-, Mobil- oder API-App mithilfe von Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python oder Ruby für Azure App Service bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service bereitstellen: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Neues in Version 3.0:
  Unterstützt Dateiumwandlungen (XDT)
  Unterstützt Variablenersetzungen (XML, JSON)
Klicken Sie [hier](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme), um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Optionen für Dateitransformationen und Variablenersetzungen", @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Platz", "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.", "loc.input.label.ImageSource": "Imagequelle", - "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service unter Linux bietet zwei verschiedene Optionen, um Ihre Anwendung zu veröffentlichen.
Sie können benutzerdefinierte Images bereitstellen oder eine App-Bereitstellung mithilfe eines integrierten Plattformimages durchführen. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", + "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service für Linux bietet zwei verschiedene Optionen, um Ihre Anwendung zu veröffentlichen.
Sie können benutzerdefinierte Images bereitstellen oder eine App-Bereitstellung mithilfe eines integrierten Plattformimages durchführen. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "Registrierung", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "Ein global eindeutiger Name einer Domäne der obersten Ebene für Ihre spezifische Registrierung.
Hinweis: Vollqualifizierte Imagenamen erhalten das folgende Format: \"'`/`:`'\". Beispiel: \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Name des Anmeldeservers für die Registrierung", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Die JAR-Bereitstellung wird in dieser Version nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie die Aufgabenversion in \"4.*\", d. h. in den Vorschaumodus." + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Die JAR-Bereitstellung wird in dieser Version nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie die Aufgabenversion in \"4.*\", d. h. in den Vorschaumodus.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 237fffaaed60..07aa3cc042b1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Actualice Azure App Services en Windows, Web App en Linux con imágenes integradas o contenedores de Docker, aplicaciones web basadas en ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node.js, Function Apps, Mobile Apps, aplicaciones API, WebJobs mediante las API REST de Web Deploy/Kudu", + "loc.description": "Implementar en Azure App Service una aplicación de API, móvil o web con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure App Service: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 3.0:
  Admite las transformaciones de archivos (XDT)
  Admite la sustitución de variables (XML, JSON)
Haga clic [aquí](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) para más información.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformaciones de archivos y opciones de sustitución de variables", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La implementación de jar no se admite en esta versión. Cambie la versión de la tarea a \"4.*\", que se encuentra en modo de versión preliminar" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La implementación de jar no se admite en esta versión. Cambie la versión de la tarea a \"4.*\", que se encuentra en modo de versión preliminar", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 9768f6992e54..e50a2bc2f2aa 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement Azure App Service", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Mettre à jour Azure App Services sur Windows, Web App sur Linux avec des conteneurs Docker ou des images intégrées, des applications web ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python ou Node.js, Function Apps, Mobile Apps, API Apps, des WebJobs à l'aide des API REST Web Deploy / Kudu", + "loc.description": "Déployer sur Azure App Service une application web, mobile ou API via Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python ou Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'Azure App Service : $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 3.0 :
  Prise en charge des transformations de fichiers (XDT)
  Prise en charge des substitutions de variables (XML, JSON)
Cliquez [ici](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) pour plus d'informations.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformations de fichiers et options de substitution de variable", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Image", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Étiquette", - "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerRepositoryAccess": "Accès au dépôt", "loc.input.help.DockerRepositoryAccess": "Sélectionnez l'accès au dépôt Docker.", "loc.input.label.RegistryConnectedServiceName": "Connexion au registre", @@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ "loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryImage": "Image", "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryImage": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryTag": "Étiquette", - "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registre ou espace de noms", "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "Nom de domaine de premier niveau de type identificateur global unique pour votre registre ou espace de noms spécifique.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Étiquette", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Application virtuelle", "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Spécifiez le nom de l'application virtuelle configurée dans le portail Azure. L'option n'est pas nécessaire pour les déploiements sur la racine App Service.", "loc.input.label.Package": "Package ou dossier", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Le déploiement de jar n'est pas pris en charge dans cette version. Remplacez la version de la tâche par la version '4.*', qui est en préversion" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Le déploiement de jar n'est pas pris en charge dans cette version. Remplacez la version de la tâche par la version '4.*', qui est en préversion", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 9e3a98a80dde..4c67d708ec8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione di Servizio app di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di aggiornare servizi app Web di Azure in Windows, app Web in Linux con immagini o contenitori Docker predefiniti, applicazioni Web basate su ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node, app per le funzioni, app per dispositivi mobili, applicazioni API, processi Web che usano API REST Distribuzione Web/Kudu", + "loc.description": "Esegue la distribuzione in Servizio app di Azure di un'app Web, per dispositivi mobili o API con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 3.0:
  Supporta le trasformazioni di file (XDT)
  Supporta le sostituzioni di variabili (XML, JSON)
Per altre informazioni, fare clic [qui](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Opzioni di trasformazioni di file e sostituzioni di variabili", @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Output", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Tipo di app", "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Consente di selezionare il tipo di app Web da distribuire.
Nota: selezionare App Web Linux per le immagine della piattaforma predefinita o per distribuzioni di immagini del contenitore personalizzate.", "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "Nome del servizio app", @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.", "loc.input.label.ImageSource": "Origine immagine", - "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Il servizio app in Linux offre due diverse opzioni per pubblicare l'applicazione:
Distribuzione di un'immagine personalizzata oppure distribuzione dell'app con un'immagine della piattaforma predefinita. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", + "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Il Servizio app in Linux offre due diverse opzioni per pubblicare l'applicazione:
Distribuzione di un'immagine personalizzata oppure distribuzione dell'app con un'immagine della piattaforma predefinita. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "Registro di sistema", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "Nome di dominio di primo livello univoco a livello globale per il registro specifico.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Nome del server di accesso del registro", - "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Consente di immettere o selezionare un nome del server di accesso del Registro contenitori di Azure.", + "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Consente di immettere o selezionare un nome del server di accesso del Registro Azure Container.", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Immagine", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Nome del repository in cui vengono archiviate le immagini del contenitore.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Tag", @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali del Registro contenitori di Azure. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali del Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La distribuzione di file jar non è supportata in questa versione. Impostare la versione dell'attività su '4.*' che corrisponde alla modalità anteprima" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La distribuzione di file jar non è supportata in questa versione. Impostare la versione dell'attività su '4.*' che corrisponde alla modalità anteprima", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 75ede4d34197..5d8980ffc19f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service デプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Windows 上の Azure App Services、組み込みのイメージや Docker コンテナーを伴う Linux 上の Web アプリ、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python、または Node.js ベースの Web アプリケーション、Function App、モバイル アプリ、API アプリケーション、Web Deploy/ Kudu REST API を使用した Web ジョブを更新します", + "loc.description": "Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python、Ruby を使用して、Web、モバイル、API アプリを Azure App Service にデプロイします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service の配置: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 3.0 の新機能:
  ファイル変換 (XDT) をサポート
   変数置換 (XML、JSON) をサポート
詳細については、[ここ](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) をクリックしてください。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "ファイルの変換と変数の置換のオプション", @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "loc.input.label.SlotName": "スロット", "loc.input.help.SlotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。", "loc.input.label.ImageSource": "イメージ ソース", - "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Linux 上の App Service には、アプリケーションを発行するための 2 つの異なるオプションが備わっています。
カスタム イメージの配置と、組み込みのプラットフォーム イメージを使ったアプリの配置です。[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", + "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service on Linux には、アプリケーションを発行するための 2 つの異なるオプションが備わっています。
カスタム イメージの配置と、組み込みのプラットフォーム イメージを使ったアプリの配置です。[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "レジストリ", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "特定のレジストリをグローバルに識別する一意の最上位ドメイン名です。
メモ: 完全修飾イメージ名の形式は '`<レジストリ`>/`<リポジトリ`>:`<タグ`>' です。例: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "レジストリ ログイン サーバー名", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 配置はこのバージョンではサポートされていません。タスク バージョンをプレビュー モードの '4.*' に変更します" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 配置はこのバージョンではサポートされていません。タスク バージョンをプレビュー モードの '4.*' に変更します", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 247a02b30daa..b10a0e2ba5ea 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "웹 배포/Kudu REST API를 사용하여 Windows의 Azure App Services, 기본 제공 이미지 또는 Docker 컨테이너를 포함하는 Web App on Linux, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python 또는 Node.js 기반 웹 응용 프로그램, 함수 앱, Mobile Apps, API 응용 프로그램, 웹 작업을 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python 또는 Ruby를 사용하는 웹, 모바일 또는 API 앱을 Azure App Service에 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 배포: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 3.0의 새로운 기능:
  파일 변환 지원(XDT)
  변수 대체 지원(XML, JSON)
자세한 내용을 보려면 [여기](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)를 클릭하세요.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "파일 변환 및 변수 대체 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "배포 후 작업", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "애플리케이션 및 구성 설정", "loc.group.displayName.output": "출력", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "loc.input.label.SlotName": "슬롯", "loc.input.help.SlotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.ImageSource": "이미지 소스", - "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Linux의 App Service는 응용 프로그램을 게시하는 두 가지 옵션을 제공합니다.
해당 옵션은 사용자 지정 이미지 배포 또는 기본 제공 플랫폼 이미지를 사용하는 앱 배포입니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", + "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service on Linux는 애플리케이션을 게시하는 두 가지 옵션을 제공합니다.
해당 옵션은 사용자 지정 이미지 배포 또는 기본 제공 플랫폼 이미지를 사용하는 앱 배포입니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "레지스트리", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "특정 레지스트리의 전역적으로 고유한 최상위 도메인 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "레지스트리 로그인 서버 이름", @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "컨테이너 이미지가 저장된 리포지토리의 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'", "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "태그", "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "태그는 선택 사항입니다. 태그는 레지스트리에서 Docker 이미지에 버전을 지정하는 데 사용하는 메커니즘입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`/`:`' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 응용 프로그램", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 응용 프로그램의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.", + "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 애플리케이션", + "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 애플리케이션의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.", "loc.input.label.Package": "패키지 또는 폴더", "loc.input.help.Package": "MSBuild에서 생성된 앱 서비스 콘텐츠를 포함하는 패키지 또는 폴더나 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([빌드](https://www.visualstudio.com/docs/build/define/variables) | [릴리스](https://www.visualstudio.com/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-tasks#predefvariables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", "loc.input.label.BuiltinLinuxPackage": "패키지 또는 폴더", @@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ "loc.input.label.WebAppUri": "App Service URL", "loc.input.help.WebAppUri": "Azure App Service의 URL에 대해 생성되는 출력 변수의 이름을 지정합니다. 이 변수는 후속 작업에서 사용될 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "배포 스크립트 형식", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 응용 프로그램용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", + "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 애플리케이션용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "인라인 스크립트", "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "배포 스크립트 경로", "loc.input.label.GenerateWebConfig": "Web.config 생성", - "loc.input.help.GenerateWebConfig": "응용 프로그램에 표준 Web.config가 없는 경우 생성되고 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집할 수 있으며 응용 프로그램 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 응용 프로그램의 경우 web.config에는 시작 파일과 iis_node 모듈 값이 있습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.help.GenerateWebConfig": "애플리케이션에 표준 Web.config가 없는 경우 생성되고 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집할 수 있으며 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에는 시작 파일과 iis_node 모듈 값이 있습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수", "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "생성된 web.config 파일에서 시작 파일과 같은 값을 편집합니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용하도록 설계되었습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 애플리케이션 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "구성 설정", "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "앱을 오프라인으로 전환", @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "추가 인수", "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "구문 -key:value 다음에 오는 추가 웹 배포 인수입니다.
이 인수는 Azure App Service를 배포할 때 적용됩니다. 예: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
웹 배포 작업 설정의 추가 예제는 [여기](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471)를 참조하세요.", "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 응용 프로그램 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 애플리케이션 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML 변환", "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "`*.config 파일`에서 `*.Release.config` 및 `*..config`에 대한 구성 변환이 실행됩니다.
구성 변환은 변수 대체 전에 실행됩니다.
XML 변환은 Windows 플랫폼에서만 지원됩니다.", "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML 변수 대체", @@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[애플리케이션을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 애플리케이션이 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", @@ -204,12 +204,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정 및 Kudu 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", @@ -219,8 +219,9 @@ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 배포는 이 버전에서 지원되지 않습니다. 작업 버전을 미리 보기 모드인 '4.*'로 변경하세요." + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 배포는 이 버전에서 지원되지 않습니다. 작업 버전을 미리 보기 모드인 '4.*'로 변경하세요.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1ceb6ee8fab9..d58c5aee633a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Службы приложений Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Обновление служб приложений Azure в Windows, веб-приложений со встроенными образами или контейнерами Docker в Linux, веб-приложений на основе ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python или Node.js, приложений-функций, мобильных приложений, приложений API и веб-заданий с помощью интерфейсов REST API веб-развертывания и Kudu", + "loc.description": "Развертывание веб-приложения, мобильного приложения или приложения API в Службе приложений Azure с помощью Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python или Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 3.0:
  Поддерживаются преобразования файлов (XDT)
  Поддерживается подстановка переменных (XML, JSON)
Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения, щелкните [здесь](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Параметры преобразования файлов и подстановки переменных", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Развертывание JAR не поддерживается в этой версии. Измените версию задачи на \"4.*\", которая является предварительной" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Развертывание JAR не поддерживается в этой версии. Измените версию задачи на \"4.*\", которая является предварительной", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index bdf9d50203ab..0c46d8e744d6 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 应用服务部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "更新 Windows 上的 Azure 应用服务、Linux 上带内置映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 应用、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或基于 Node.js 的 Web 应用程序、Function App、移动应用、API 应用程序、使用 Web 部署/ Kudu REST API 的 Web 作业", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 向 Azure 应用服务部署 Web、移动或 API 应用", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 应用服务部署: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 3.0 中的新增功能:
单击[此处](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)了解详细信息。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "文件转换和变量替换选项", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支持 Jar 部署。将任务版本更改为处于预览模式的 \"4.*\"" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支持 Jar 部署。将任务版本更改为处于预览模式的 \"4.*\"", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d2275788070c..86cadd30bc93 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 Web Deploy/Kudu REST API,來更新 Windows 上的 Azure 應用程式服務、Linux 上具內建映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 應用程式、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或 Node.js 型 Web 應用程式、函數應用程式、行動應用程式、API 應用程式、WebJob", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 對 Azure App Service 部署 Web、行動或 API 應用程式", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 部署: $(WebAppName)", "loc.releaseNotes": "3.0 版的新功能:
  支援檔案轉換 (XDT)
  支援變數替代 (XML、JSON)
如需詳細資訊,請按一下[這裡](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "檔案轉換及變數替代選項", @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "輸入或選取 Azure Container Registry 登入伺服器名稱。", "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "映像", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "容器映像儲存所在的存放庫名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄>/`<存放庫`>:`<標籤`>'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", - "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標記", + "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標籤", "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標籤為選擇性項目,這是登錄提供版本給 Docker 映像時使用的機制。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`/`:`'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.DockerRepositoryAccess": "存放庫存取", "loc.input.help.DockerRepositoryAccess": "選取 Docker 存放庫存取。", @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ "loc.input.help.RegistryConnectedServiceName": "選取登錄連線。", "loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryImage": "映像", "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryImage": "容器映像儲存所在的存放庫名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄>/`<存放庫`>:`<標籤`>'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", - "loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryTag": "標記", + "loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryTag": "標籤", "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryTag": "標籤並非必要,其只是登錄為 Docker 映像提供版本時所使用的機制。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "登錄或命名空間", "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "您的特定登錄或命名空間的全域唯一頂層網域名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "映像", "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "容器映像儲存所在的存放庫名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "標記", + "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "標籤", "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "標記是選擇項,這是登錄提供版本給 Docker 映像時所使用的機制。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`/`:`'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "虛擬應用程式", "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "指定在 Azure 入口網站中設定的虛擬應用程式名稱。若要部署到 App Service 的根目錄,則無須使用此選項。", @@ -222,5 +222,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支援 jar 部署。請將工作版本變更為處於預覽模式的 '4.*'" + "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支援 jar 部署。請將工作版本變更為處於預覽模式的 '4.*'", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.json b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.json index 543b90b95a55..47eb7501b0cf 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 4, - "Patch": 28 + "Patch": 29 }, "releaseNotes": "What's new in Version 3.0:
  Supports File Transformations (XDT)
  Supports Variable Substitutions(XML, JSON)
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.loc.json index 42068923126a..364573780819 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 4, - "Patch": 28 + "Patch": 29 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 56573a86e4ff..424b3b44d5da 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Aktualisieren Sie Azure App Services unter Windows, Web-App unter Linux durch integrierte Images oder Docker-Container, ASP.NET-, .NET Core-, PHP-, Python- oder Node.js-basierte Webanwendungen, Funktions-Apps unter Windows oder Linux mit Docker-Containern, mobile Apps, API-Anwendungen oder Webaufträge über Web Deploy/Kudu-REST-APIs.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Web-, Mobil- oder API-App mithilfe von Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python oder Ruby für Azure App Service bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service bereitstellen: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 4.*
Unterstützung für ZIP Deploy, die Ausführung über Pakete und WAR Deploy [Details](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Unterstützung für App Service-Umgebungen
Verbesserte Benutzeroberfläche zum Ermitteln der von der Aufgabe unterstützten App Service-Typen
\"Aus Paket ausführen\" ist die bevorzugte Bereitstellungsmethode und markiert Dateien im Ordner \"wwwroot\" als schreibgeschützt
Klicken Sie [hier](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme), um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Optionen für Dateitransformationen und Variablenersetzungen", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Zusätzliche Bereitstellungsoptionen", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Aktion nach der Bereitstellung", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Verbindungstyp", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Wählen Sie den Dienstverbindungstyp aus, der zum Bereitstellen der Web-App verwendet werden soll.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Wählen Sie den Dienstverbindungstyp aus, der zum Bereitstellen der Web-App verwendet werden soll.
Wählen Sie \"Veröffentlichungsprofil\" aus, um das von Visual Studio erstellte Veröffentlichungsprofil zu verwenden. [Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Pfad für Veröffentlichungsprofil", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Pfad des von Visual Studio erstellten Veröffentlichungsprofils", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Kennwort für Veröffentlichungsprofil", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "Es wird empfohlen, das Kennwort in einer geheimen Variablen zu speichern und diese Variable hier zu verwenden, z. B. $(Password).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service-Typ", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtimestapel", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Wählen Sie Framework und Version aus.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startbefehl ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Bereitstellungsskripttyp", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Passen Sie die Bereitstellung durch das Angeben eines Skripts an, das im Azure App Service ausgeführt wird, nachdem die Aufgabe die Bereitstellung erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat. Stellen Sie beispielsweise Pakete für Node-, PHP- oder Python-Anwendungen wieder her. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inlineskript", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Wechseln Sie Web Deploy zum \"Aus Paket ausführen\", um FILE_IN_USE-Fehler zu vermeiden. Beachten Sie, dass \"Aus Paket ausführen\" keine Unterstützung für den msBuild-Pakettyp bietet. Ändern Sie Ihr Paketformat, um diese Bereitstellungsmethode zu verwenden.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 0ae3b39b4e38..7446a62ecf39 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Actualice Azure App Services en Windows, Web App en Linux con imágenes integradas o contenedores de Docker, aplicaciones web basadas en ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node.js, Function Apps en Windows o Linux con contenedores de Docker, Mobile Apps, aplicaciones API, WebJobs mediante las API REST de Web Deploy/Kudu", + "loc.description": "Implementar en Azure App Service una aplicación de API, móvil o web con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure App Service: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 4.*
Compatibilidad con la implementación desde archivo zip, la ejecución desde paquete y la implementación desde archivo WAR [detalles aquí](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Compatibilidad con los entornos de App Service Environment
Mejora de la interfaz de usuario para detectar diferentes tipos de instancias de App Service compatibles con la tarea
La ejecución desde el paquete es el método de implementación preferido, que hace que los archivos de la carpeta wwwroot sean de solo lectura
Haga clic [aquí](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) para obtener más información.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformaciones de archivos y opciones de sustitución de variables", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación adicionales", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Acción posterior a la implementación", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Seleccione el tipo de conexión de servicio que debe usarse para implementar la aplicación web.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Seleccione el tipo de conexión de servicio que se va a usar para implementar la aplicación web.
Seleccione Perfil de publicación para usar el perfil de publicación creado por Visual Studio. [Más información] (https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Ruta de acceso del perfil de publicación", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Ruta de acceso del perfil de publicación creado desde Visual Studio", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Contraseña del perfil de publicación", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "Se recomienda almacenar la contraseña en una variable secreta y utilizar esa variable aquí; por ejemplo, $(Password).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Tipo de App Service", @@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "Nombre de App Service", "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.", "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", + "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.", "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Ranura", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Pila en tiempo de ejecución", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Seleccione el marco y la versión.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Comando de inicio ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo de script de implementación", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Para personalizar la implementación, proporcione un script que se ejecute en Azure App Service una vez que la tarea haya completado la implementación correctamente. Por ejemplo, restaure paquetes para aplicaciones de Node, PHP y Python. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Script en línea", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Cambie de Web Deploy a la ejecución desde el paquete, que ayuda a evitar el error FILE_IN_USE. Tenga en cuenta que la ejecución desde el paquete no admite el tipo de paquete msBuild. Cambie el formato del paquete para usar este método de implementación.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 4233b3b8bbae..9fd09a58c5d0 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement Azure App Service", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Mettre à jour Azure App Services sur Windows, Web App sur Linux avec des conteneurs Docker ou des images intégrées, des applications web ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python ou Node.js, Function Apps sur Windows ou Linux avec des conteneurs Docker, Mobile Apps, API Apps, des WebJobs à l'aide des API REST Web Deploy / Kudu", + "loc.description": "Déployer sur Azure App Service une application web, mobile ou API via Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python ou Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'Azure App Service : $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 4.*
Prend en charge Zip Deploy, l'exécution à partir d'un package, War Deploy [Détails ici](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Prend en charge les environnements App Service
Amélioration de l'IU pour la découverte des différents types d'App Service pris en charge par la tâche
L'exécution à partir d'un package est la méthode de déploiement recommandée. Elle permet de rendre les fichiers du dossier wwwroot accessibles en lecture seule
Cliquez [ici](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) pour plus d'informations.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformations de fichiers et options de substitution de variable", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement supplémentaires", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Action de postdéploiement", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Type de connexion", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Sélectionnez le type de connexion de service à utiliser pour déployer l'application web.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Sélectionnez le type de connexion de service à utiliser pour déployer l'application web.
Sélectionnez Publier le profil pour utiliser le profil de publication créé par Visual Studio. [Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Chemin du profil de publication", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Chemin du profil de publication créé à partir de Visual Studio", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Mot de passe du profil de publication", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "Il est recommandé de stocker le mot de passe dans une variable secrète et d'utiliser cette variable ici, par exemple $(Password).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Type d'App Service", @@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Étiquette", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", + "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Application virtuelle", "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Spécifiez le nom de l'application virtuelle configurée dans le portail Azure. L'option n'est pas nécessaire pour les déploiements sur la racine App Service.", "loc.input.label.Package": "Package ou dossier", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Pile d'exécution", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Sélectionnez le framework et la version.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Commande de démarrage ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Type du script de déploiement", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Personnalisez le déploiement en fournissant un script qui s'exécute sur Azure App Service, une fois que la tâche a effectué le déploiement avec succès. Par exemple, restaurez les packages des applications Node, PHP et Python. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Script Inline", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Passez de Web Deploy à l'exécution à partir d'un package, ce qui permet d'éviter l'erreur FILE_IN_USE. Notez que l'exécution à partir d'un package ne prend pas en charge le type de package msBuild. Changez le format de votre package pour utiliser cette méthode de déploiement.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 849b4e0e17bc..b952be3b1279 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione di Servizio app di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di aggiornare servizi app Web di Azure in Windows, app Web in Linux con immagini o contenitori Docker predefiniti, applicazioni Web basate su ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node, app per le funzioni in Windows o Linux con contenitori Docker, app per dispositivi mobili, applicazioni API, processi Web che usano API REST Distribuzione Web/Kudu", + "loc.description": "Esegue la distribuzione in Servizio app di Azure di un'app Web, per dispositivi mobili o API con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 4.*
Supporto di Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Dettagli](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supporto di Ambienti del servizio app
Interfaccia utente migliorata per l'individuazione dei diversi tipi di servizio app supportati dall'attività
Il metodo di distribuzione preferito è Run From Package, con cui i file nella cartella wwwroot diventano di sola lettura
Per altre informazioni, fare clic [qui](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Opzioni di trasformazioni di file e sostituzioni di variabili", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione aggiuntive", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Azione post-distribuzione", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Tipo di connessione", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Selezionare il tipo di connessione al servizio da usare per distribuire l'app Web.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Selezionare il tipo di connessione al servizio da usare per distribuire l'app Web.
Selezionare Profilo di pubblicazione per usare il profilo di pubblicazione creato da Visual Studio. [Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Percorso del profilo di pubblicazione", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Percorso del profilo di pubblicazione creato da Visual Studio", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Password del profilo di pubblicazione", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "È consigliabile archiviare la password in una variabile di segreto e usare qui tale variabile, ad esempio $(Password).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Tipo del servizio app", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Stack di runtime", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Consente di selezionare il framework e la versione.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Comando di avvio ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Consente di immettere il comando di avvio.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo dello script di distribuzione", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "È possibile personalizzare la distribuzione fornendo uno script che verrà eseguito nel servizio app di Azure una volta completata la distribuzione dell'attività, ad esempio per ripristinare i pacchetti per le applicazioni Node, PHP e Python. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Script inline", @@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro contenitori di Azure. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Passare da Distribuzione Web a Run From Package, che consente di evitare errori FILE_IN_USE. Tenere presente che Run From Package non supporta il tipo di pacchetto msBuild. Per usare questo metodo di distribuzione, modificare il formato del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 2525697f01fb..287ad296bdbc 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,25 +1,26 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service デプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Windows 上の Azure App Services、組み込みのイメージや Docker コンテナーを伴う Linux 上の Web アプリ、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python、または Node.js ベースの Web アプリケーション、Docker コンテナーを伴う Windows または Linux 上の Function App、モバイル アプリ、API アプリケーション、Web Deploy/ Kudu REST API を使用した Web ジョブを更新します", + "loc.description": "Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python、Ruby を使用して、Web、モバイル、API アプリを Azure App Service にデプロイします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service の配置: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 4.* での変更点
Zip Deploy、Run From Package、War Deploy のサポート [詳細はこちら](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
App Service Environment のサポート
タスクによってサポートされる複数のアプリ サービス タイプを見つけるための、UI の向上
推奨されるデプロイ方法は、wwwroot フォルダー内のファイルが読み取り専用になる Run From Package です。
詳細については、[こちら](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)をクリックしてください。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "ファイルの変換と変数の置換のオプション", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "追加の配置オプション", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "配置後アクション", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "接続の種類", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Web アプリの配置に使用するサービス接続の種類を選択します。", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Web アプリの配置に使用するサービス接続の種類を選択してください。
Visual Studio で作成された発行プロファイルを使用するには、[発行プロファイル] を選択します。[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile)。", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "プロファイルのパスの発行", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Visual Studio から作成された発行プロファイルのパス", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "プロファイルのパスワードの発行", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "パスワードは秘密の変数に保管し、ここではその変数を使用することをお勧めします。例: $(Password)。", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service の種類", "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Web App on Windows、Web App on Linux、Web App for Containers、Function App、Linux 上の Function App、コンテナー向け Function App、モバイル アプリから選択します。", "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service の名前", "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "スロットまたは App Service 環境に配置する", + "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する", "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。", "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "ランタイム スタック", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "フレームワークとバージョンを選択します。", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力します。", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "配置スクリプトの種類", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "タスクで配置が正常に完了したときに Azure App Service 上で実行されるスクリプトを提供して、配置をカスタマイズします。たとえば、Node、PHP、Python アプリケーション用のパッケージを復元します。[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471)。", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "インライン スクリプト", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Web 配置から Run From Package に移動します。これは、FILE_IN_USE エラーを回避するのに役立ちます。Run From Package では、msBuild パッケージの種類はサポートされていません。この配置方法を使用するには、パッケージ形式を変更してください。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c2acf46d88d7..1c05916b8db5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "웹 배포/Kudu REST API를 사용하여 Windows의 Azure App Services, 기본 제공 이미지 또는 Docker 컨테이너를 포함하는 Web App on Linux, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python 또는 Node.js 기반 웹 응용 프로그램, Docker 컨테이너를 포함하는 Linux 또는 Windows의 함수 앱, Mobile Apps, API 응용 프로그램, 웹 작업을 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python 또는 Ruby를 사용하는 웹, 모바일 또는 API 앱을 Azure App Service에 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 배포: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 4.*의 새로운 기능
zip 배포, 패키지에서 실행, war 배포 지원 [자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
App Service Environment 지원
작업에서 지원하는 다양한 App Service 유형을 검색하기 위한 향상된 UI
'패키지에서 실행'이 기본 배포 방법으로, wwwroot 폴더의 파일을 읽기 전용으로 설정
자세한 내용을 보려면 [여기](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)를 클릭하세요.", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "파일 변환 및 변수 대체 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "배포 후 작업", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "애플리케이션 및 구성 설정", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "연결 형식", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "웹앱 배포에 사용할 서비스 연결 형식을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "웹앱을 배포하는 데 사용할 서비스 연결 형식을 선택합니다.
Visual Studio에서 만든 게시 프로필을 사용하려면 게시 프로필을 선택합니다. [자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "게시 프로필 경로", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Visual Studio에서 만든 게시 프로필의 경로", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "게시 프로필 암호", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "비밀 변수에 암호를 저장하고 여기서 해당 변수를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다(예: $(Password)).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service 유형", @@ -31,8 +32,8 @@ "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "컨테이너 이미지가 저장된 리포지토리의 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'", "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "태그", "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "태그는 선택 사항입니다. 태그는 레지스트리에서 Docker 이미지에 버전을 지정하는 데 사용하는 메커니즘입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`/`:`' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 응용 프로그램", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 응용 프로그램의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.", + "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 애플리케이션", + "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 애플리케이션의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.", "loc.input.label.Package": "패키지 또는 폴더", "loc.input.help.Package": "패키지, MSBuild에서 생성된 App Service 콘텐츠를 포함하는 폴더 또는 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "런타임 스택", @@ -40,15 +41,15 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "런타임 스택", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "프레임워크 및 버전을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "시작 명령 ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "배포 스크립트 형식", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 응용 프로그램용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", + "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 애플리케이션용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "인라인 스크립트", "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "배포 스크립트 경로", "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Python, Node.js, Go 및 Java 앱에 대한 web.config 매개 변수 생성", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "응용 프로그램에 없는 경우 표준 Web.config가 생성되어 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집 가능하며, 응용 프로그램 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 응용 프로그램의 경우 web.config에 시작 파일 및 iis_node 모듈 값이 포함됩니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용됩니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "애플리케이션에 없는 경우 표준 Web.config가 생성되어 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집 가능하며, 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에 시작 파일 및 iis_node 모듈 값이 포함됩니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용됩니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 애플리케이션 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "구성 설정", "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "배포 방법 선택", @@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "추가 인수", "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "구문 -key:value 다음에 오는 추가 웹 배포 인수입니다.
이 인수는 Azure App Service를 배포할 때 적용됩니다. 예: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
웹 배포 작업 설정의 추가 예제는 [여기](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471)를 참조하세요.", "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 응용 프로그램 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 애플리케이션 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML 변환", "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "`*.config 파일`에서 `*.Release.config` 및 `*..config`에 대한 구성 변환이 실행됩니다.
구성 변환은 변수 대체 전에 실행됩니다.
XML 변환은 Windows 플랫폼에서만 지원됩니다.", "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML 변수 대체", @@ -84,8 +85,8 @@ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[애플리케이션을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", @@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.", "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 응용 프로그램에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromZip 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromZip을 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.", @@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 애플리케이션이 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", @@ -192,12 +193,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정 및 Kudu 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", @@ -214,13 +215,14 @@ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식", "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형", "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 응용 프로그램 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s", "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "'웹 배포'에서 FILE_IN_USE 오류 방지에 도움이 되는 '패키지에서 실행'으로 전환하세요. '패키지에서 실행'은 msBuild 패키지 형식을 지원하지 않습니다. 이 배포 방법을 사용하려면 패키지 형식을 변경하세요.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 17beebfb307e..4b3dedf808bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Службы приложений Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Обновление служб приложений Azure в Windows, веб-приложений со встроенными образами или контейнерами Docker в Linux, веб-приложений на основе ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python или Node.js, приложений-функций с контейнерами Docker в Windows или Linux, мобильных приложений, приложений API и веб-заданий с помощью интерфейсов REST API веб-развертывания и Kudu", + "loc.description": "Развертывание веб-приложения, мобильного приложения или приложения API в Службе приложений Azure с помощью Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python или Ruby", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 4.*
Поддерживается развертывание из ZIP-файла, запуск из пакета, развертывание WAR-файла [Подробности здесь](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Поддерживаются среды службы приложений
Улучшен пользовательский интерфейс для обнаружения различных типов службы приложений, поддерживаемых задачей
Предпочтительным методом развертывания является запуск из пакета, при котором файлы в папке wwwroot становятся доступными только для чтения
Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения, щелкните [здесь](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Параметры преобразования файлов и подстановки переменных", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Действие после развертывания", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Тип подключения", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Выберите тип подключения службы для развертывания веб-приложения.", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Выберите тип подключения службы, который будет использоваться для развертывания веб-приложения.
Выберите \"Профиль публикации\" для использования профиля публикации, созданного в Visual Studio. [Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Путь к профилю публикации", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "Путь к профилю публикации, созданному в Visual Studio", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Пароль профиля публикации", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "Рекомендуется хранить пароль в секретной переменной и использовать ее здесь, например $(Password).", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Тип службы приложений", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Стек среды выполнения", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Выберите платформу и версию.", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Команда запуска ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Введите команду запуска.", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Тип сценария развертывания", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Настройте развертывание, указав скрипт, который будет выполнен в службе приложений Azure по окончании развертывания. Например: восстановите пакеты для приложений Node, PHP и Python. [Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Встроенный скрипт", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Переход от веб-развертывания к запуску из пакета, что помогает избежать ошибки FILE_IN_USE. Обратите внимание, что запуск из пакета не поддерживает тип пакета msBuild. Измените формат пакета, чтобы использовать этот метод развертывания.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 014433798d12..9d0921d76597 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 应用服务部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "更新 Windows 上的 Azure 应用服务、Linux 上带内置映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 应用、基于 ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或 Node.js 的 Web 应用程序、Windows 或 Linux 上带 Docker 容器的 Function App、移动应用、API 应用程序、使用 Web 部署/ Kudu REST API 的 Web 作业", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 向 Azure 应用服务部署 Web、移动或 API 应用", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 应用服务部署: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 4.* 中的新增功能
支持 Zip 部署、从包运行、War 部署[在此处获取详细信息](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
改进了用于发现任务支持的不同应用服务类型的 UI
从包运行是首选的部署方法,它使 wwwroot 文件夹中的文件成为只读文件
单击[此处](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)以获取更多信息。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "文件转换和变量替换选项", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署选项", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "部署后操作", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "连接类型", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "选择用于部署 Web 应用的服务连接类型。", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "选择要用于部署 Web 应用的服务连接类型。
选择发布配置文件以使用 Visual Studio 创建的发布配置文件。[更多信息](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile)。", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "发布配置文件路径", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "从 Visual Studio 中创建的发布配置文件的路径", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "发布配置文件密码", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "建议将密码存储在机密变量中,并在此处使用该变量,例如 $(Password)。", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "应用服务类型", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "运行时堆栈", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "选择框架和版本。", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "启动命令", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "输入启动命令。", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "部署脚本类型", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "任务成功完成部署后,通过提供可在 Azure 应用服务上运行的脚本自定义部署。例如 Node、PHP 和 Python 应用程序的还原包。[了解详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471)。", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "内联脚本", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "从 Web 部署移动到 RunFrom 包,这有助于避免 FILE_IN_USE 错误。请注意,“从包运行”不支持 msBuild 包类型。请更改包格式以使用此部署方法。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index f3af665312c8..da3dfdadd29e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 Web Deploy/Kudu REST API,來更新 Windows 上的 Azure 應用程式服務、Linux 上具內建映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 應用程式、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或 Node.js 型 Web 應用程式、Windows 或 Linux 上具 Docker 容器的函數應用程式、行動應用程式、API 應用程式、Web 作業", + "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 對 Azure App Service 部署 Web、行動或 API 應用程式", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 部署: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "4.* 版的新功能 (預覽)
支援 Zip 部署、Run From Package (從套件執行)、War 部署 ([詳細資料在此](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods))
支援 App Service 環境
改善 UI,以供探索工作所支援的各種應用程式服務類型
「從套件執行」為偏好的部署方法,會使 wwwroot 資料夾中的檔案變成唯讀
如需詳細資訊,請按一下[這裡](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)。", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "檔案轉換及變數替代選項", "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署選項", "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "部署後動作", "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定", "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "連線類型", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "請選取要用以部署 Web App 的服務連線類型。", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "請選取要用來部署 Web 應用程式的服務連線類型。
請選取發行設定檔以使用 Visual Studio 建立的發行設定檔。[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/vsPublishProfile).", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "發行設定檔的路徑", + "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePath": "從 Visual Studio 所建立之發行設定檔的路徑", "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "發行設定檔的密碼", "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "建議您將密碼儲存在祕密變數中,並在此處使用該變數,例如 $(Password)。", "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service 類型", @@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "您的特定登錄或命名空間的全域唯一頂層網域名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "映像", "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "容器映像儲存所在的存放庫名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "標記", + "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "標籤", "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "標記是選擇項,這是登錄提供版本給 Docker 映像時所使用的機制。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`/`:`'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。", "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "虛擬應用程式", "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "指定在 Azure 入口網站中設定的虛擬應用程式名稱。若要部署到 App Service 的根目錄,則無須使用此選項。", @@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "執行階段堆疊", "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "請選取架構和版本。", "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "啟動命令 ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "輸入啟動命令。", + "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll", "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "部署指令碼類型", "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "當工作已成功完成部署時,就提供將在 Azure App Service 上執行的指令碼以自訂部署。例如,還原 Node、PHP、Python 應用程式的套件。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471)。", "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "內嵌指令碼", @@ -222,5 +223,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "Move from Web Deploy to RunFrom Package, which helps in avoiding FILE_IN_USE error. Note that Run From Package does not support msBuild package type. Please change your package format to use this deployment method." + "loc.messages.RunFromZipPreventsFileInUseError": "從 Web Deploy 移至 RunFrom Package 可協助避免 FILE_IN_USE 錯誤。請注意,Run From Package 不支援 msBuild 套件類型。請變更您的套件格式以使用此部署方法。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.json b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.json index 117c151c7b38..d7efb868f113 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 31 + "Patch": 32 }, "releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.*
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy [Details here](https://aka.ms/appServiceDeploymentMethods)
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.loc.json index a7f92ac59b0e..3ea5868ccbb3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 31 + "Patch": 32 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ae538d260c15..2c27321af315 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-VM-Skalierungsgruppenbereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "VM-Skalierungsgruppenimage bereitstellen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Image einer VM-Skalierungsgruppe bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-VMSS $(vmssName): $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Aktualisiert die Azure-VM-Skalierungsgruppe mit einem benutzerdefinierten Computerimage.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure-Details", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "\"%s\" wird hochgeladen.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index d715bc83cb57..0933f9ff766d 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de conjuntos de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "Implementar imagen de conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales", + "loc.description": "Implementa una imagen de conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "VMSS $(vmssName) de Azure: $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Actualiza el conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure con una imagen de máquina personalizada.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Detalles de Azure", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "Cargando %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cb3c7bda9f75..31e9a078b1c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement du groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "Déployer l'image de groupe de machines virtuelles identiques", + "loc.description": "Déployer une image de groupe de machines virtuelles identiques", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure $(vmssName) : $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Met à jour le groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure à l'aide d'une image de machine personnalisée.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Détails relatifs à Azure", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "Chargement de %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 7ab5fc52a534..c8ab6e8d6bb3 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione set di scalabilità macchine virtuali di Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", "loc.description": "Distribuisce l'immagine del set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure $(vmssName): $(action)", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "Caricamento di %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index dea0c9ab5533..03c78c81b1c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure VM スケール セットの配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure VM スケール セットのデプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "仮想マシン スケール セット イメージの配置", + "loc.description": "仮想マシン スケール セット イメージを配置します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure VMSS $(vmssName): $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットをカスタム マシン イメージで更新します。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure の詳細", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "%s をアップロードしています。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3309a5145635..5d6b9acaa5bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure VM 확장 집합 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "가상 머신 확장 집합 이미지 배포", + "loc.description": "가상 머신 확장 집합 이미지를 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure VMSS $(vmssName): $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "- 사용자 지정 가상 머신 이미지로 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합을 업데이트합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 세부 정보", @@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ "loc.input.label.vmssOsType": "OS 유형", "loc.input.help.vmssOsType": "VM 확장 집합의 운영 체제 유형을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.imageUrl": "이미지 URL", - "loc.input.help.imageUrl": "VHD 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. Azure Storage Blob URL인 경우 저장소 계정 위치가 확장 집합 위치와 같아야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.imageUrl": "VHD 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. Azure Storage Blob URL인 경우 스토리지 계정 위치가 확장 집합 위치와 같아야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.customScriptsDirectory": "사용자 지정 스크립트 디렉터리", - "loc.input.help.customScriptsDirectory": "Custom Script VM extension을 사용하여 실행되는 사용자 지정 스크립트가 포함된 디렉터리의 경로입니다. 확장 방법은 배포 후 구성, 응용 프로그램/소프트웨어 설치 또는 기타 응용 프로그램의 구성/관리 작업에 유용합니다. 예를 들어 스크립트를 통해 데이터베이스 연결 문자열 등 응용 프로그램에서 사용하는 컴퓨터 수준 환경 변수를 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.customScriptsDirectory": "Custom Script VM extension을 사용하여 실행되는 사용자 지정 스크립트가 포함된 디렉터리의 경로입니다. 확장 방법은 배포 후 구성, 애플리케이션/소프트웨어 설치 또는 기타 애플리케이션의 구성/관리 작업에 유용합니다. 예를 들어 스크립트를 통해 데이터베이스 연결 문자열 등 애플리케이션에서 사용하는 컴퓨터 수준 환경 변수를 설정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.customScript": "명령", - "loc.input.help.customScript": "Custom Script VM extension을 사용하여 실행되는 스크립트입니다. 이 스크립트는 디렉터리에 있는 다른 스크립트를 호출할 수 있습니다. 아래의 전달된 인수를 사용하여 스크립트가 호출됩니다.
이 스크립트를 해당 인수와 함께 사용하여 명령을 실행할 수 있습니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
1. Update-DatabaseConnectionStrings.ps1 -clusterType dev -user $(dbUser) -password $(dbUserPwd)는 웹 응용 프로그램의 web.config에 있는 연결 문자열을 업데이트합니다.
2. install-secrets.sh --key-vault-type prod -key serviceprincipalkey는 서비스 주체 키를 포함하는 암호화된 파일을 만듭니다.", + "loc.input.help.customScript": "Custom Script VM extension을 사용하여 실행되는 스크립트입니다. 이 스크립트는 디렉터리에 있는 다른 스크립트를 호출할 수 있습니다. 아래의 전달된 인수를 사용하여 스크립트가 호출됩니다.
이 스크립트를 해당 인수와 함께 사용하여 명령을 실행할 수 있습니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
1. Update-DatabaseConnectionStrings.ps1 -clusterType dev -user $(dbUser) -password $(dbUserPwd)는 웹 애플리케이션의 web.config에 있는 연결 문자열을 업데이트합니다.
2. install-secrets.sh --key-vault-type prod -key serviceprincipalkey는 서비스 주체 키를 포함하는 암호화된 파일을 만듭니다.", "loc.input.label.customScriptArguments": "인수", "loc.input.help.customScriptArguments": "전달된 인수를 사용하여 사용자 지정 스크립트가 호출됩니다. 빌드/릴리스 변수를 통해 비밀을 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.customScriptsStorageAccount": "사용자 지정 스크립트가 업로드되는 Azure Storage 계정", - "loc.input.help.customScriptsStorageAccount": "사용자 지정 스크립트 확장은 VM 확장 집합의 각 가상 머신에서 직접 제공한 스크립트를 다운로드하고 실행합니다. 이러한 스크립트는 여기서 지정한 저장소 계정에 저장됩니다. 기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.customScriptsStorageAccount": "사용자 지정 스크립트 확장은 VM 확장 집합의 각 가상 머신에서 직접 제공한 스크립트를 다운로드하고 실행합니다. 이러한 스크립트는 여기서 지정한 스토리지 계정에 저장됩니다. 기존 ARM 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.skipArchivingCustomScripts": "사용자 지정 스크립트 보관 건너뛰기", "loc.input.help.skipArchivingCustomScripts": "기본적으로 이 작업은 사용자 지정 스크립트가 포함된 디렉터리의 압축 보관 파일을 만듭니다. 그러면 Azure Storage에 업로드하는 동안 성능과 안정성이 향상됩니다. 선택하지 않을 경우 보관이 수행되지 않으며 모든 파일이 개별적으로 업로드됩니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidAction": "이 작업은 정의되지 않았습니다. 작업 작성자에게 확인하세요.", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "%s을(를) 업로드하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 7c65b0c4b3d1..ab8d9df71911 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852117)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание образа масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин", + "loc.description": "Развернуть образ масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Масштабируемый набор виртуальных машин Azure $(vmssName): $(action)", "loc.releaseNotes": "— Обновляет пользовательский образ виртуальной машины в масштабируемом наборе виртуальных машин Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Сведения об Azure", @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "Идет отправка %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s." + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 13c034a6ddf4..03a1e66ae2f2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "正在上传 %s。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index de61ac846c69..27c6b75e18c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -75,5 +75,6 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingItem": "正在上傳 %s。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.json index 164eb5ebad63..02a0121c755f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 31 + "Patch": 32 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.loc.json index 2dda68bea042..d9172bb4d8b5 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureVmssDeploymentV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 31 + "Patch": 32 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..9bec7ce1df19 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web-App für Container", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Container in Azure App Service bereitgestellt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Web-App für Containerbereitstellung: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Imagename", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Geben Sie den Namen des vollqualifizierten Namen des Containerimages an. Beispiel: \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\" oder \"python:3.7.2-alpine/\". In einem Szenario mit mehreren Containern können die Namen mehrerer Containerimages angegeben werden.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "Konfigurationsdatei", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Der Pfad der Docker-Compose-Datei. Es muss sich um den vollqualifizierten Pfad oder einen Pfad relativ zum Standardarbeitsverzeichnis handeln.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Startbefehl ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP Deploy\" oder \"RunFromZip\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über RunFromZip werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "Fehler beim Ermitteln der Docker Compose-Datei, die zum Bereitstellen von Multi-Container-Apps erforderlich ist. Geben Sie einen gültigen Pfad für die Docker Compose-Datei ein.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "Fehler bei der Bereitstellung für die Webanwendung \"%s\". Geben Sie für einen einzelnen Container einen gültigen Imagenamen an. Bei mehreren Containern ist eine Docker Compose-Datei erforderlich, und die Angabe eines Imagenamens ist optional. Geben Sie Imagenamen an, wenn die Tags in der Docker Compose-Datei ersetzt werden müssen.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "Es wird eine Bereitstellung mit einem einzelnen Container für die Web-App \"%s\" durchgeführt, weil nur die Imagedetails angegeben wurden.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "Es wird eine Bereitstellung mit mehreren Containern für die Web-App \"%s\" mit Transformation der Docker Compose-Datei durchgeführt, weil sowohl ein Imagename als auch eine Docker Compose-Datei angegeben wurden.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Es wird eine Bereitstellung mit mehreren Containern für die Web-App \"%s\" ohne Transformation der Docker Compose-Datei durchgeführt, weil nur eine Docker Compose-Datei angegeben wurde." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..6db3dc57dcb2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web App for Containers", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Implementar contenedores en Azure App Service", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Web App en Container: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nombre de la imagen", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Especifique el nombre completo de la imagen del contenedor. Por ejemplo, \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\" o \"python:3.7.2-alpine/\". En un escenario de varios contenedores, se pueden proporcionar varios nombres de imagen de contenedor.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "Archivo de configuración", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Ruta de acceso del archivo de Docker Compose. Debe ser una ruta de acceso completa o relativa al directorio de trabajo predeterminado.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando de inicio ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromZip o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromZip podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Reiniciando App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Reiniciando la instancia de App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "No se encontró el archivo de Docker Compose, que es necesario para implementar aplicaciones de varios contenedores. Escriba una ruta de acceso de archivo de Docker Compose válida.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "Error al implementar en la aplicación web \"%s\". Para un único contenedor, especifique simplemente un nombre de imagen válido. Para un contenedor múltiple, es obligatorio especificar un archivo de Docker Compose; la especificación de nombres de imagen es opcional. Los nombres de imágenes proporcionados se usan si es necesario sustituir las etiquetas del archivo de Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "Implementación de contenedor único en la aplicación web \"%s\", ya que solo se especificaron los detalles de la imagen.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "Implementación de varios contenedores en la aplicación web \"%s\" con transformación del archivo de Docker Compose, ya que se ha especificado tanto el nombre de la imagen como el archivo de Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Implementación de varios contenedores en la aplicación web \"%s\" sin transformación del archivo de Docker Compose, ya que solo se ha especificado el archivo de Docker Compose." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..0822d3bf5fff 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web App pour conteneurs", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Déployer des conteneurs sur Azure App Service", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement Azure Web App sur un conteneur : $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nom d'image", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Spécifiez le nom complet de l'image conteneur. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest' ou 'python:3.7.2-alpine/'. Dans un scénario impliquant de multiples conteneurs, vous pouvez fournir plusieurs noms d'images conteneur.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "Fichier config", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Chemin du fichier Docker Compose. Il doit s'agir d'un chemin complet ou d'un chemin relatif au répertoire de travail par défaut.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Commande de démarrage ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromZip ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromZip risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Redémarrage d'App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Redémarrage de l'App Service : %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "Échec de la localisation du fichier Docker Compose nécessaire au déploiement d'applications multiconteneurs. Entrez un chemin de fichier Docker Compose valide.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "Échec du déploiement sur l'application web '%s'. Pour un seul conteneur, spécifiez simplement un nom d'image valide. Pour plusieurs conteneurs, la spécification d'un fichier Docker Compose est obligatoire alors que la spécification des noms d'images est facultative. Fournissez des noms d'images si les étiquettes du fichier Docker Compose doivent être substituées.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "Déploiement d'un seul conteneur sur l'application web '%s', car seul le détail de l'image a été spécifié.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "Déploiement multiconteneur sur l'application web '%s' avec transformation du fichier Docker Compose, car le nom d'image et le fichier Docker Compose ont été spécifiés", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Déploiement multiconteneur sur l'application web '%s' sans transformation du fichier Docker Compose, car seul le fichier Docker Compose a été spécifié." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..fda7c929be8e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "App Web per contenitori di Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Distribuisce contenitori in Servizio app di Azure", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "App Web di Azure in Distribuzione del contenitore: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nome dell'immagine", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Specificare il nome completo dell'immagine del contenitore. Ad esempio,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest' or 'python:3.7.2-alpine/'. Per scenari con più contenitori, è possibile specificare più nomi di immagine del contenitore.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "File di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Percorso del file Docker Compose. Deve essere un percorso completo o relativo rispetto alla directory di lavoro predefinita.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando di avvio ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromZip, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromZip, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "Non è stato possibile individuare il file Docker Compose richiesto per la distribuzione di app con più contenitori. Immettere un percorso valido per il file Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "La distribuzione nell'app Web '%s' non è riuscita. Per scenari con contenitore singolo specificare solo un nome di immagine valido. Per scenari con più contenitori è necessario specificare un file Docker Compose e, facoltativamente, i nomi delle immagini. Specificare i nomi delle immagini se è necessario sostituire i tag nel file Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "Distribuzione con contenitore singolo nell'app Web '%s' perché sono stati specificati solo i dettagli dell'immagine.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "Distribuzione con più contenitori nell'app Web '%s' con trasformazione del file Docker Compose perché sono stati specificati sia il nome dell'immagine che il file Docker Compose", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Distribuzione con più contenitori nell'app Web '%s' senza trasformazione del file Docker Compose perché è stato specificato solo il file Docker Compose." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..acc2048fd0ec 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", + "loc.friendlyName": "コンテナー用の Azure Web App", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "コンテナーを Azure App Service にデプロイする", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "コンテナー上の Azure Web App のデプロイ: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名", + "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "イメージ名", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "コンテナー イメージの完全修飾名を指定します。例: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest' または 'python:3.7.2-alpine/'。複数コンテナーのシナリオでは、複数のコンテナー イメージ名を指定できます。", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "構成ファイル", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Docker-Compose ファイルのパス。完全修飾パスか、既定の作業ディレクトリを基準とした相対パスのいずれかです。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromZip オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromZip による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます", "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service を再起動しています: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service %s-%s を再起動しています", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "複数コンテナー アプリの配置に必要な Docker-Compose ファイルが見つかりませんでした。有効な Docker-Compose ファイル パスを入力してください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "Webapp '%s' への配置が失敗しました。1 つのコンテナーにつき有効なイメージ名を 1 つだけ指定してください。複数コンテナーの場合は、Docker-Compose ファイルの指定は必須であり、イメージ名の指定はオプションです。Docker-Compose ファイルのタグを置き換える必要がある場合にイメージ名を指定します。", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "イメージの詳細のみが指定されたため、Webapp '%s' への単一コンテナー配置。", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "イメージ名と Docker-Compose ファイルの両方が指定されたため、Docker-Compose ファイルの変換を使用した Webapp '%s' への複数コンテナー配置", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Docker-Compose ファイルのみが指定されたため、Docker-Compose ファイルの変換を使用しない Webapp '%s' への複数コンテナー配置。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..e588516e1e8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web App for Containers", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Azure App Service에 컨테이너를 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "컨테이너 배포의 Azure 웹앱: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름", + "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "이미지 이름", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "정규화된 컨테이너 이미지 이름을 지정합니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest' 또는 'python:3.7.2-alpine/'. 다중 컨테이너 시나리오의 경우 컨테이너 이미지 이름을 여러 개 지정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "구성 파일", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Docker-Compose 파일의 경로입니다. 정규화된 경로이거나 기본 작업 디렉터리의 상대 경로여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "시작 명령 ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromZip 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromZip을 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중입니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "다중 컨테이너 앱을 배포하는 데 필요한 Docker-Compose 파일을 찾지 못했습니다. 유효한 Docker-Compose 파일 경로를 입력하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "'%s' 웹앱에 배포하지 못했습니다. 단일 컨테이너의 경우 유효한 이미지 이름만 지정하면 됩니다. 다중 컨테이너의 경우 Docker-Compose 파일 지정은 필수이고, 이미지 이름 지정은 선택 사항입니다. Docker-Compose 파일의 태그를 대체해야 하는 경우 제공되는 이미지 이름입니다.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "이미지 정보만 지정했으므로 '%s' 웹앱에 단일 컨테이너 배포를 수행합니다.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "이미지 이름과 Docker-Compose 파일을 둘 다 지정했으므로 Docker-Compose 파일을 변환하여 '%s' 웹앱에 다중 컨테이너 배포를 수행합니다.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Docker-Compose 파일만 지정했으므로 Docker-Compose 파일을 변환하지 않고 '%s' 웹앱에 다중 컨테이너 배포를 수행합니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..ca8f6048b134 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Веб-приложение Azure для контейнеров", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Развернуть контейнеры в Службе приложений Azure", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Веб-приложение Azure в развертывании контейнера: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "Имя образа", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "Укажите полное имя образа контейнера. Например, \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\" или \"python:3.7.2-alpine/\". Для многоконтейнерного сценария можно указать несколько имен образов контейнера.", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "Файл конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Путь к файлу Docker-Compose. Это должен быть полный путь или путь относительно рабочего каталога по умолчанию.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Команда запуска ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromZip не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromZip скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновляются параметры приложений службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "Не удалось найти файл Docker-Compose, который требуется для развертывания многоконтейнерных приложений. Введите действительный путь к файлу Docker-Compose.", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание в веб-приложение \"%s\". Для одного контейнера просто укажите допустимое имя образа. Для нескольких контейнеров указание файла Docker-Compose является обязательным, а указание имен образов — нет. Предоставляются имена образов, если необходимо заменить теги в файле Docker-Compose.", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "Одноконтейнерное развертывание в веб-приложение \"%s\", так как были указаны только сведения об образе.", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "Многоконтейнерное развертывание в веб-приложение \"%s\" с преобразованием файла Docker-Compose, так как были указаны имя образа и файл Docker-Compose", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "Многоконтейнерное развертывание в веб-приложение \"%s\" без преобразования файла Docker-Compose, так как был указан только файл Docker-Compose." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..6423b35ac34b 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "用于容器的 Azure Web 应用", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "将容器部署到 Azure 应用服务", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器部署上的 Azure Web 应用: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称", + "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "指定完全限定的容器映像名称。例如 \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\" 或 \"python:3.7.2-alpine/\"。对于多容器方案,可以提供多个容器映像名称。", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "配置文件", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Docker Compose 文件的路径。应是完全限定的路径或相对于默认工作目录。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "启动命令", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromZip 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromZip 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重启应用服务: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重启应用服务: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "未能重启应用服务“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "未能重启应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "未能找到部署多容器应用所需的 Docker Compose 文件。请输入有效的 Docker Compose 文件路径。", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "部署到 webapp“%s”失败。对于单个容器,只需指定有效的映像名称。对于多个容器,需要指定 Docker Compose 文件,并且可以选择性指定映像名称。如果 Docker Compose 文件中的标记需要替换,则提供映像名称。", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "将单个容器部署到 webapp“%s”,因为仅指定了映像详细信息。", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "将多个容器部署到 webapp“%s”并且转换 Docker Compose 文件,因为指定了映像名称和 Docker Compose 文件", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "将多个容器部署到 webapp“%s”而不转换 Docker Compose 文件,因为仅指定了 Docker Compose 文件。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..ac1f82a331d2 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,187 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 用於容器的 Web App", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurewebapponcontainerdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "將容器部署至 Azure App Service", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器上的 Azure Web 應用程式部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱", + "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。", + "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名稱", + "loc.input.help.imageName": "指定完整容器映像名稱。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest' 或 'python:3.7.2-alpine/'。若有多個容器,可提供多個容器映像名稱。", + "loc.input.label.multicontainerConfigFile": "組態檔", + "loc.input.help.multicontainerConfigFile": "Docker-Compose 檔案的路徑。應為完整路徑或預設工作目錄的相對路徑。", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "啟動命令 ", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromZip 發行的選項不支援 war 檔案部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromZip 發行會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是唯讀的,而不支援部署後指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetConfigurationFile": "找不到 Docker-Compose 檔案,必須有該檔案才可部署多容器應用程式。請輸入有效的 Docker-Compose 檔案路徑。", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeployToWebApp": "部署至 Web 應用程式 '%s' 失敗。針對單一容器,只需指定有效的映像名稱。針對多個容器,則必須指定 Docker-Compose 檔案,映像名稱則可自行決定是否要指定。如果需要替代 Docker-Compose 檔案中的標籤,請提供映像名稱。", + "loc.messages.SingleContainerDeployment": "因為僅指定了映像詳細資料,所以會對 Web 應用程式 '%s' 部署單一容器。", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithTransformation": "因為同時指定了映像名稱和 Docker-Compose 檔案,所以對 Web 應用程式 '%s' 部署多個容器時,會轉換 Docker-Compose 檔案", + "loc.messages.MultiContainerDeploymentWithoutTransformation": "因為僅指定了 Docker-Compose 檔案,所以對 Web 應用程式 '%s' 部署多個容器時,不會轉換 Docker-Compose 檔案。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.json index b28016b16fcb..dfc9eec93cd8 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 19 + "Patch": 20 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.loc.json index bece61a9f4f4..110fe3611d26 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppContainerV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 19 + "Patch": 20 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..acee15adcd54 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Web-App", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Azure-Web-App für Linux oder Windows bereitgestellt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Web-App-Bereitstellung: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Zusätzliche Bereitstellungsoptionen", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "App-Typ", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Paket oder Ordner", + "loc.input.help.package": "Dateipfad zum Paket oder zu einem Ordner mit den durch MSBuild generierten App Service-Inhalten oder zu einer komprimierten ZIP-oder WAR-Datei.
Variablen ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), Platzhalter werden unterstützt.
Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip\" oder \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war\".", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Runtimestapel", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Startbefehl ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Parameter der Datei \"web.config\" für Python-, Node.js-, Go- und Java-Apps generieren", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Ein Standarddatei \"web.config\" wird generiert und in Azure App Service bereitgestellt, wenn diese Datei nicht in der Anwendung vorhanden ist. Die Werte in \"web.config\" können bearbeitet werden und variieren je nach Anwendungsframework. Zum Beispiel enthält \"web.config\" für node.js-Anwendungen Werte für eine Startdatei und ein iis_node-Modul. Dieses Bearbeitungsfeature gilt nur für die generierte Datei \"web.config\". [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Bereitstellungsmethode", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Wählen Sie die Bereitstellungsmethode für die App aus.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Datei zum Festlegen der Parameter nicht gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Die XML-Transformationen wurden erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP Deploy\" oder \"RunFromZip\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über RunFromZip werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die Einstellungen für die App Service-Anwendung werden aktualisiert. Hinzugefügt: %s. Gelöscht: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Die Bereitstellung eines mit MSBuild generierten Pakets wird nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie das Paketformat, oder verwenden Sie die Aufgabe für die Azure App Service-Bereitstellung.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..ef5bab53a2ef 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Aplicación web de Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Implementa una instancia de Azure Web App para Linux o Windows.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Web App: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación adicionales", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo de aplicación", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Paquete o carpeta", + "loc.input.help.package": "Ruta de acceso al paquete o carpeta que contiene el contenido de App Service generado por MSBuild o un archivo zip o war comprimido.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), se admiten caracteres comodín.
Por ejemplo, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pila del entorno en tiempo de ejecución", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando de inicio ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Generar parámetros de web.config para aplicaciones de Python, Node.js, Go y Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Se generará un archivo web.config estándar y se implementará en Azure App Service si la aplicación no tiene uno. Los valores de web.config se pueden editar y pueden variar en función del marco de trabajo de la aplicación. Por ejemplo, para la aplicación node.js, web.config tendrá los valores de archivo de inicio y del módulo iis_node. La característica de edición es solo para el web.config generado. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Método de implementación", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Elija el método de implementación para la aplicación.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "No se ha encontrado el archivo de parámetros establecido: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Las transformaciones XML se aplicaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromZip o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromZip podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se está actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Agregando %s. Eliminando %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "No se admite la implementación del paquete generado por msBuild. Cambie el formato del paquete o use la tarea Implementación de Azure App Service.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..2c1420feb611 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Application web Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Déployer une application web Azure pour Linux ou Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'application web Azure : $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement supplémentaires", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Type d'application", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Package ou dossier", + "loc.input.help.package": "Chemin de fichier du package ou d'un dossier de contenu App Service généré par MSBuild, ou d'un fichier zip ou war compressé.
Les variables ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Mise en production](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)) et les caractères génériques sont pris en charge.
Exemple : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip ou $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pile de runtime", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Commande de démarrage ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Générer les paramètres web.config pour les applications Python, Node.js, Go et Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Un fichier web.config standard va être généré et déployé sur Azure App Service, si l'application n'en a pas. Vous pouvez modifier les valeurs du fichier web.config. Celles-ci varient en fonction du framework d'application. Par exemple, pour l'application node.js, web.config a un fichier de démarrage et des valeurs de module iis_node. Cette fonctionnalité d'édition est réservée au fichier web.config généré. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Méthode de déploiement", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Choisissez la méthode de déploiement de l'application.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Fichier de définition de paramètres introuvable : %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Transformations XML correctement appliquées", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromZip ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromZip risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Ajout : %s. Suppression : %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Le déploiement du package généré par msBuild n'est pas pris en charge. Changez le format du package, ou utilisez la tâche de déploiement Azure App Service.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..cf144867b36c 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "App Web di Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Distribuisce un'app Web di Azure per Linux o Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione app Web di Azure: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione aggiuntive", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo di app", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Pacchetto o cartella", + "loc.input.help.package": "Percorso file del pacchetto o di una cartella che include il contenuto del servizio app generato da MSBuild oppure un file WAR o ZIP compresso.
Variabili ( [Compilazione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Versione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)). I caratteri jolly sono supportati.
Ad esempio, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Stack di runtime", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando di avvio ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Genera i parametri di web.config per app Python, Node.js, Go e Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Verrà generato un file Web.config standard che verrà distribuito nel servizio app di Azure, se non è disponibile per l'applicazione. I valori presenti nel file Web.config sono modificabili e possono variare a seconda del framework dell'applicazione. Ad esempio, per l'applicazione node.js il file Web.config includerà i valori per il file di avvio e il modulo iis_node. Questa funzionalità di modifica è utilizzabile solo per il file Web.config generato. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Metodo di distribuzione", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Consente di scegliere il metodo di distribuzione per l'app.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Il file dei parametri del set non è stato trovato: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Le trasformazioni XML sono state applicate", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromZip, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromZip, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Aggiunta di: %s. Eliminazione di: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "La distribuzione del pacchetto generato da msBuild non è supportata. Modificare il formato del pacchetto oppure usare l'attività Distribuzione Servizio app di Azure.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..5596fb181a02 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web アプリ", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Linux または Windows 用の Azure Web App をデプロイします", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Web App のデプロイ: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "追加の配置オプション", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "アプリの種類", + "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名", + "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。", + "loc.input.label.package": "パッケージまたはフォルダー", + "loc.input.help.package": "MSBuild で生成されたアプリ サービスのコンテンツが入ったパッケージまたはフォルダー、あるいは圧縮された zip または war ファイルへのファイル パス。
変数 ([ビルド](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) |[リリース](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables))、ワイルドカードを使用できます。
たとえば、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip または $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "ランタイム スタック", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python、Node.js、Go、Java アプリ向けの web.config パラメーターを生成する", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "アプリケーションに web.config がない場合は、標準の web.config が生成され、Azure App Service に配置されます。web.config 内の値は編集可能で、アプリケーション フレームワークに基づいて変えることができます。たとえば、node.js アプリケーションの場合、スタートアップ ファイルと iis_node モジュールの値を web.config 内に設定します。この編集機能は、生成される web.config のためにのみ使用できます。[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "配置方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "アプリの配置方法を選択します。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set パラメーター ファイルが見つかりません: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変換が正常に適用されました", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromZip オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromZip による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。次のものを追加しています: %s。次のものを削除しています: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます", "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "MsBuild が生成したパッケージの配置はサポートされていません。パッケージ形式を変更するか、Azure App Service デプロイ タスクを使用してください。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..1a37ab1c3d7e 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 웹앱", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Linux 또는 Windows용 Azure 웹앱을 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 웹앱 배포: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "앱 유형", + "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름", + "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.package": "패키지 또는 폴더", + "loc.input.help.package": "패키지, MSBuild에서 생성된 App Service 콘텐츠를 포함하는 폴더 또는 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "런타임 스택", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "시작 명령 ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python, Node.js, Go 및 Java 앱에 대한 web.config 매개 변수 생성", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "애플리케이션에 없는 경우 표준 Web.config가 생성되어 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집 가능하며, 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에 시작 파일 및 iis_node 모듈 값이 포함됩니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용됩니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "배포 방법", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "앱의 배포 방법을 선택합니다.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "매개 변수 설정 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변환을 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromZip 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromZip을 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 추가 중: %s. 삭제 중: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "msBuild에서 생성된 패키지를 배포할 수 없습니다. 패키지 형식을 변경하거나 Azure App Service 배포 작업을 사용하세요.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..a25af04fe363 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Веб-приложение Azure", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "Развертывание веб-приложения Azure для Linux или Windows", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание веб-приложения Azure: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.", + "loc.input.label.appType": "Тип приложения", + "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения", + "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.", + "loc.input.label.package": "Пакет или папка", + "loc.input.help.package": "Путь к файлу пакета или папке с содержимым службы приложений, созданным MSBuild, или к сжатому ZIP- или WAR-файлу.
Поддерживаются переменные ([сборки](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [выпуска](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), а также подстановочные знаки.
Примеры: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip или $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Стек времени выполнения", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Команда запуска ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Создание параметров файла web.config для приложений Python, Node.js, Go и Java", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Если в приложении отсутствует стандартный файл web.config, он будет сгенерирован и развернут в Службе приложений Azure. Значения в файле web.config можно изменить. Они могут меняться в зависимости от исполняющей среды. Например, в файле web.config приложения node.js имеются загрузочный файл и модульные значения iis_node. Возможность редактирования доступна только для сгенерированного файла web.config. [Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Метод развертывания", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Выберите метод развертывания для приложения.", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Заданный файл параметров не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML-преобразования успешно применены.", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromZip не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromZip скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновление параметров приложения Службы приложений. Добавление: %s. Удаление: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Развертывание созданного пакета msBuild не поддерживается. Измените формат пакета или используйте задачу развертывания Службы приложений Azure.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..6d838ba2fb58 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web 应用", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "部署适用于 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure Web 应用", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Web 应用部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署选项", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "应用类型", + "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称", + "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。", + "loc.input.label.package": "包或文件夹", + "loc.input.help.package": "包的文件路径或一个包含由 MSBuild 生成的应用服务内容或压缩的 zip 或 war 文件的文件夹。
变量([生成](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [发布](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支持通配符。
例如,$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 或 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "运行时堆栈", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "启动命令", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "生成适用于 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 应用的 web.config 参数", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "如果应用程序中没有标准的 Web.config,系统将生成一个并将其部署到 Azure 应用服务。Web.config 中的值可进行编辑,并且可能因应用程序框架而异。例如,对于 node.js 应用程序,web.config 将包含启动文件和 iis_node module 模块值。此编辑功能仅适用于生成的 web.config。[了解详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "选择应用的部署方法。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "设置的参数文件未找到: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 转换已成功应用", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromZip 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromZip 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。正在添加: %s。正在删除: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支持部署 msBuild 生成的包。请更改包格式或使用 Azure 应用服务部署任务。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c301fa20ad68..1db347295f7a 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,225 +1,184 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.", - "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options", - "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings", - "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type", - "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.", - "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription", - "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path", - "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password", - "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).", - "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type", - "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.", - "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name", - "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.", - "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment", - "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.", - "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group", - "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.", - "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot", - "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.", - "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace", - "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image", - "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag", - "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.", - "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder", - "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack", - "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.", - "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ", - "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.", - "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type", - "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).", - "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script", - "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path", - "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps", - "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).", - "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings", - "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", - "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings", - "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", - "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method", - "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.", - "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method", - "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.", - "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline", - "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.", - "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file", - "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.", - "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination", - "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.

Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ", - "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder", - "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.", - "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments", - "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).", - "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files", - "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment", - "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation", - "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.", - "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.

Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
", - "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution", - "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.

For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
  \"Data\": {
    \"DefaultConnection\": {
      \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.

Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.", - "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s", - "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s", - "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", - "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'", - "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']", - "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'", - "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.", - "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s", - "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s", - "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s", - "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above", - "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)", - "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.", - "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.", - "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.", - "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s", - "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.", - "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.", - "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", - "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", - "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.", - "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.", - "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.", - "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.", - "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details", - "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s", - "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists", - "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s", - "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.", - "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.", - "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux", - "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.", - "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ", - "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ", - "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file", - "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.", - "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.", - "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.", - "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..", - "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ", - "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.", - "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.", - "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s", - "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']", - "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'", - "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'", - "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s", - "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s", - "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.", - "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.", - "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.", - "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s", - "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.", - "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.", - "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present", - "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", - "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s", - "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile", - "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type", - "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type", - "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.", - "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline", - "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s", - "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s", - "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Web 應用程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurewebappdeployreadme)", + "loc.description": "部署適用於 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure Web 應用程式", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Web 應用程式部署: $(appName)", + "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署選項", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定", + "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.label.appType": "App 類型", + "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱", + "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。", + "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境", + "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。", + "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組", + "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。", + "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置", + "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。", + "loc.input.label.package": "套件或資料夾", + "loc.input.help.package": "包含應用程式服務內容的套件或資料夾路徑,產生該內容的來源為 MSBuild,或壓縮的 zip 或 war 檔案。
變數 ( [組建](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [發行](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支援使用萬用字元。
例如 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。", + "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "執行階段堆疊", + "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "啟動命令 ", + "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll", + "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "產生 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 應用程式的 web.config 參數", + "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "若應用程式沒有標準 Web.config,會予以產生並部署至 Azure App Service。Web.config 中的值可編輯,並會因應用程式架構而有所不同。例如若是 node.js 應用程式,web.config 會具有啟動檔案和 iis_node 模組值。此編輯功能僅適用於所產生的 web.config。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。", + "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定", + "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"", + "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定", + "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11", + "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法", + "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "選擇應用程式的部署方法。", + "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s", + "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "找不到設定參數檔案: %s", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 XML 轉換", + "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'", + "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄", + "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']", + "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'", + "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s", + "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上", + "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)", + "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s", + "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。", + "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。", + "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromZip 發行的選項不支援 war 檔案部署。", + "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromZip 發行會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是唯讀的,而不支援部署後指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。", + "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。", + "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料", + "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在", + "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。", + "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)", + "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。", + "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:", + "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:", + "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。", + "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。", + "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。", + "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。", + "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。", + "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。", + "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s", + "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']", + "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'", + "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s", + "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。", + "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。正在新增: %s。正在刪除: %s", + "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。", + "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱", + "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中", + "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效", + "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值", + "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄", + "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔", + "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。", + "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支援部署 msBuild 產生的套件。請變更套件格式或使用 Azure App Service 部署工作。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.json index 8157a4aabc7b..7939f7174154 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.loc.json index cafea9f3608f..9d7299b6fb22 100644 --- a/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/AzureWebAppV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 88fb3bcb8ef1..528398061575 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Fehler aufgrund von Standardfehler.", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Wenn dies TRUE ist, tritt bei dieser Aufgabe ein Fehler auf, wenn Fehler in den StandardError-Stream geschrieben werden.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "Profilstart-/Initialisierungsdateien nicht laden", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "Hiermit werden die systemweite Startdatei \"/etc/profile\" oder die persönlichen Initialisierungsdateien nicht geladen.", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "Initialisierungsdatei \"~/.bashrc\" nicht lesen", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "Skript wird erstellt.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash wurde mit dem Code \"%s\" beendet.", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "Formatierter Befehl: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index b8363faa740a..3b18a6c0b9a7 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Directorio de trabajo", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Error si se produce un error estándar", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Si es true, esta tarea no se realizará cuando se registre algún error en la secuencia de error estándar.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "No cargar los archivos de inicio o inicialización del perfil", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "No cargar el archivo de inicio de todo el sistema \"/etc/profile\" ni ninguno de los archivos de inicialización personal", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "No leer el archivo de inicialización \"~/.bashrc\"", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "Generando script.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash se cerró con el código \"%s\".", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "Comando con formato: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c5e5d9a69071..2471372665b0 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Répertoire de travail", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Échec sur une erreur standard", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Si la valeur est true, cette tâche se solde par un échec si des erreurs sont écrites dans le flux de données StandardError.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "Ne pas charger les fichiers de démarrage/d'initialisation du profil", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "Ne pas charger le fichier de démarrage à l'échelle du système '/etc/profile' ou l'un des fichiers d'initialisation personnels", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "Ne pas lire le fichier d'initialisation '~/.bashrc'", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "Génération du script.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Arrêt de Bash. Code de sortie : '%s'.", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "Commande mise en forme : %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index ec2f28585c28..4a8dd10fb992 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Directory di lavoro", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Interrompi in caso di errore standard", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Se è impostato su true, questa attività non riuscirà nel caso in cui vengano scritti errori nel flusso StandardError.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "Non carica i file di avvio/inizializzazione del profilo", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "Non carica il file di avvio a livello di sistema `/etc/profile' o uno dei file di inizializzazione personali", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "Non legge il file di inizializzazione `~/.bashrc'", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "Generazione dello script.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash terminato con codice '%s'.", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "Comando formattato: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5f2cbf0af829..a08505129f60 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "作業ディレクトリ", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "標準エラーで失敗", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "true の場合、StandardError ストリームにエラーが書き込まれると、このタスクは失敗します。", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "プロファイルのスタートアップ ファイルと初期化ファイルを読み込まない", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "システム全体のスタートアップ ファイル '/etc/profile' も、どの個人用初期化ファイルも読み込まない", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "'~/.bashrc' 初期化ファイルを読み込まない", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "スクリプトを生成しています。", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "bash がコード '%s' で終了しました。", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "フォーマット後のコマンド: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a6b974b9a428..3cbf589600fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "작업 디렉터리", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "표준 오류 시 실패", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "true일 경우 StandardError 스트림에 오류가 작성되면 이 작업은 실패하게 됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "프로필 시작/초기화 파일 로드 안 함", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "시스템 차원의 시작 파일 '/etc/profile' 또는 개인 초기화 파일을 로드하지 않습니다.", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "'~/.bashrc' 초기화 파일을 읽지 않음", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "스크립트를 생성 중입니다.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash가 코드 '%s'(으)로 종료되었습니다.", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "형식이 지정된 명령: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3741c56ff26b..0cae7d0f1568 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Рабочий каталог", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Сбой со стандартной ошибкой", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Если задано значение True, задача завершится сбоем при записи любых ошибок в поток StandardError.", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "Не загружать файлы инициализации или запуска профиля", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "Не загружать файл запуска на уровне системы \"/etc/profile\" или любой из файлов личных настроек", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "Не читать файл инициализации \"~/.bashrc\"", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "Формируется скрипт.", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Завершение работы Bash с кодом \"%s\".", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "Отформатирована команда: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 828329cc1ee0..2922487c0983 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "工作目录", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "因标准错误而失败", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "如果为 true,则在向 StandardError 流写入任何错误时,此任务都会失败。", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "请勿加载配置文件启动/初始化文件", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "请勿加载系统范围的启动文件 `/etc/profile' 或任何个人初始化文件", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "请勿读取 `~/.bashrc' 初始化文件", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "正在生成脚本。", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash 已退出,代码为“%s”。", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "已设置格式的命令: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 70e44aab0aff..a2b6e31b1815 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "工作目錄", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "發生標準錯誤的失敗", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "若此為 true,則任何錯誤寫入 StandardError 資料流時,此工作便會失敗。", + "loc.input.label.noProfile": "不要載入設定檔啟動/初始化檔案", + "loc.input.help.noProfile": "不要載入全系統啟動檔案 `/etc/profile' 或任何個人初始化檔案", + "loc.input.label.noRc": "不要讀取 `~/.bashrc' 初始化檔案", "loc.messages.GeneratingScript": "正在產生指令碼。", "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Bash 已結束,代碼為 '%s'。", "loc.messages.JS_FormattedCommand": "經過格式化的命令: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/task.json b/Tasks/BashV3/task.json index e645bf6f9729..184e7f36a757 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Script task consistency. Added support for multiple lines and added support for Windows.", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/BashV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/BashV3/task.loc.json index f7672766f5e8..5312d0359ef7 100644 --- a/Tasks/BashV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/BashV3/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7d8a023a94c3..302441b9c6c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Batchskript", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Windows-CMD- oder BAT-Skript ausführen und optional zulassen, dass es die Umgebung ändert", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Windows-Befehl oder ein Batchskript ausgeführt und optional eine Änderung der Umgebung zugelassen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Skript $(filename) ausführen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.filename": "Pfad", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1d09a31d78c7..4611a9265ccd 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Script por lotes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Ejecute un script .cmd o .bat de Windows y, opcionalmente, permítale cambiar el entorno", + "loc.description": "Ejecute un script por lotes o un comando de Windows y, opcionalmente, permítale cambiar el entorno", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Run script $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.filename": "Ruta de acceso", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index df6edc865dae..03ffd8d68410 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Script de commandes", + "loc.friendlyName": "Script de commandes par lot", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Exécuter un script cmd ou bat Windows, et lui permettre éventuellement de changer l'environnement", + "loc.description": "Exécuter une commande ou un script de commandes par lot Windows, et lui permettre éventuellement de changer l'environnement", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Exécuter le script $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.filename": "Chemin", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b68f39b1efbe..6b10bb53864e 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Script batch", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script cmd o bat di Windows e facoltativamente consente di modificare l'ambiente", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script batch o un comando di Windows e, facoltativamente, di modificare l'ambiente", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui script $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.filename": "Percorso", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c0b0a0580cde..3a83df9b3b23 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "배치 스크립트", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Windows cmd 또는 bat 스크립트를 실행하고 필요에 따라 환경을 변경할 수 있도록 허용", + "loc.description": "Windows 명령 또는 배치 스크립트를 실행하고, 필요에 따라 환경을 변경할 수 있도록 허용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "스크립트 $(filename) 실행", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.filename": "경로", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f5547dcee023..56c143cc6693 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Пакетный сценарий", + "loc.friendlyName": "Пакетный скрипт", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "Выполнение скрипта bat или cmd Windows и при необходимости предоставление разрешения на изменение среды", + "loc.description": "Выполнение пакетного скрипта или команды Windows и при необходимости предоставление разрешения на изменение среды", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Выполнить сценарий $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.filename": "Путь", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 9bdad1dbfdde..d1699ab63edf 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "批处理脚本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "运行 windows cmd 或 bat 脚本,可选择性地允许其更改环境", + "loc.description": "运行 Windows 命令或批处理脚本,并选择性地允许其更改环境", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "运行脚本 $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.filename": "路径", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 14bdc56759f9..8d0750ed6e7b 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "批次指令碼", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613733)", - "loc.description": "執行 Windows cmd 或 bat 指令碼,並選擇性地允許其變更環境", + "loc.description": "執行 Windows 命令或批次指令碼,並選擇性地允許其變更環境", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "執行指令碼 $(filename)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.filename": "路徑", diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.json b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.json index 3efb1f3dc390..46880dae1622 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 6 + "Patch": 7 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.loc.json index cbd67b4ac7f0..5d2017746100 100644 --- a/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/BatchScriptV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 6 + "Patch": 7 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.json b/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.json index b2b039f51548..8f3b17fdb72d 100644 --- a/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", "instanceNameFormat": "CMake $(cmakeArgs)", diff --git a/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.loc.json index 73dc5c293752..cc147e267289 100644 --- a/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CMakeV1/task.loc.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 558c2cecf805..a35d52ade0e0 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "cURL-Dateiupload", + "loc.friendlyName": "cURL-Uploaddateien", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden die von cURL unterstützten Protokolle zum Hochladen von Dateien verwendet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(files) mit cURL hochladen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.files": "Dateien", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3cd94ce01a11..aa9644617896 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Cargar archivos con cURL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "Usa los protocolos compatibles con cURL para cargar archivos.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Upload $(files) with cURL", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.files": "Archivos", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d1474167b960..a57615b729ea 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Fichiers de téléchargement cURL", + "loc.friendlyName": "Chargement de fichiers via cURL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "Utiliser les protocoles pris en charge par cURL pour charger des fichiers", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger $(files) avec cURL", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.files": "Fichiers", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 09fe4d137ba6..735ead60e4ef 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Caricamento file con cURL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "Usa i protocolli supportati da cURL per caricare i file", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Carica $(files) con cURL", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.files": "File", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 8b17097f519c..f036229ccb47 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルを cURL でアップロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "cURL のサポートされているプロトコルを使用してファイルをアップロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "cURL で $(files) をアップロード", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.files": "ファイル", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index bcba3110ff87..edf2e9b45768 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "cURL 파일 업로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "cURL에서 지원되는 프로토콜을 사용하여 파일을 업로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "cURL로 $(files) 업로드", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.files": "파일", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 4b68c818ae0c..1951b84d6af8 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Отправка файлов с помощью cURL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "Использовать поддерживаемые протоколы cURL для отправки файлов", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Отправить $(files) с помощью cURL", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.files": "Файлы", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 6ee4d0eddbf4..6f9812f8b4c5 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "cURL 上载文件", + "loc.friendlyName": "cURL 上传文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "使用 cURL 的受支持协议上传文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 cURL 上载 $(files)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.files": "文件", @@ -27,5 +27,5 @@ "loc.messages.UploadingFiles": "正在上传文件: %s", "loc.messages.CurlNotFound": "路径中未找到 curl。", "loc.messages.NotAllFilesUploaded": "并非所有文件都已上传。已上传: %d;总计: %d", - "loc.messages.IncompleteEndpoint": "服务连接不包含所有必填字段。" + "loc.messages.IncompleteEndpoint": "服务连接未包含所有必填字段。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index ae9385e9f91d..75a8e5a95196 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "cURL 上傳檔案", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627418)", - "loc.description": "Use cURL to upload files.", + "loc.description": "使用 cURL 的支援通訊協定來上傳檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 cURL 上傳 $(files) ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.files": "檔案", diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.json b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.json index 986c9016abf7..3c8ec7cbba72 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -122,4 +122,4 @@ "NotAllFilesUploaded": "Not all files were uploaded; Uploaded: %d; Total: %d", "IncompleteEndpoint": "The service connection does not contain all required fields." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.loc.json index 76f2ad60400e..8525e681b253 100644 --- a/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CUrlUploaderV2/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1a31ef0d5368..311cd33b4830 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chef Knife", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "Skripte mit Knife-Befehlen auf Ihrer Chef-Arbeitsstation ausführen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Skripts mit Knife-Befehlen auf Ihrer Chef-Arbeitsstation ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chef Knife-Skript: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Chef-Abonnements", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Vor der Ausführung von Knife-Befehlen zu konfigurierendes Chef-Abonnement", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1839939dbbef..13f0b55db146 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Knife de Chef", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "Ejecute scripts con comandos Knife en la estación de trabajo Chef", + "loc.description": "Ejecute scripts con comandos Knife en la estación de trabajo Chef.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script knife de Chef: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Chef", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Chef que se va a configurar antes de ejecutar comandos knife", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3d025c753e97..a872b790bae9 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Knife pour Chef", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts avec des commandes knife sur votre station de travail chef", + "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts avec des commandes Knife sur votre station de travail Chef", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script Chef Knife : $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Chef", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Chef à configurer avant d'exécuter des commandes knife", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index e52d139a3360..dd425592c917 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Knife Chef", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire script con comandi knife sulla workstation Chef", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire script con comandi Knife sulla workstation Chef", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script knife Chef: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Chef", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Chef da configurare prima di eseguire i comandi knife", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 38b6b7e16b5c..1e1a3de0e1dc 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chef Knife", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "chef 워크스테이션에서 knife 명령을 사용하여 스크립트 실행", + "loc.description": "Chef 워크스테이션에서 knife 명령을 사용하여 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chef Knife 스크립트: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Chef 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "knife 명령을 실행하기 전에 구성할 Chef 구독", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 2b50a04703c2..e172ee9f3d56 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chef Knife", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "在 chef 工作站上使用 knife 命令运行脚本", + "loc.description": "在 Chef 工作站上使用 knife 命令运行脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chef Knife 脚本: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Chef 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "要在运行 knife 命令之前配置的 Chef 订阅", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b6582b152c11..8425454578d7 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chef Knife", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/chef-knife-readme)", - "loc.description": "在您 Chef 工作站上使用 knife 命令執行指令碼。", + "loc.description": "在您 Chef 工作站上使用 knife 命令執行指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chef Knife 指令碼: $(ScriptPath)", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Chef 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "執行 knife 命令前用來設定的 Chef 訂用帳戶。", diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.json b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.json index 12d7359e353f..5f883ab6445e 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.loc.json index 57a73a7b104e..2c3ae102dddd 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ChefKnifeV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/ChefV1/task.json b/Tasks/ChefV1/task.json index f7ffcf6bd3f1..15ea9272caaf 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ChefV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 21 + "Patch": 22 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/ChefV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ChefV1/task.loc.json index cfe279dbe902..5f992e617a74 100644 --- a/Tasks/ChefV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ChefV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 21 + "Patch": 22 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 507e4cc1fe8a..40d85ac557a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Befehlszeile", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie mithilfe von \"cmd.exe\" unter Windows und mithilfe von Bash unter macOS und Linux ein Befehlszeilenskript aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Befehlszeilenskript unter Verwendung von Bash unter Linux und MacOS und \"cmd.exe\" unter Windows ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Befehlszeilenskript", "loc.releaseNotes": "Skripttaskkonsistenz. Es wurde Unterstützung für mehrere Zeilen hinzugefügt.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 4b3516ae362e..56d095800029 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Línea de comandos", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Ejecute un script de la línea de comandos con cmd.exe en Windows y con Bash en macOS y Linux.", + "loc.description": "Ejecute un script de la línea de comandos con Bash en Linux y con macOS y cmd.exe en Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script de la línea de comandos", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coherencia de la tarea de script. Se ha agregado compatibilidad con varias líneas.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 48c5c05b02dd..5f293e3e7a19 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ligne de commande", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez un script de ligne de commande via cmd.exe sur Windows et bash sur macOS et Linux.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un script de ligne de commande via Bash sur Linux et macOS, et cmd.exe sur Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script de ligne de commande", "loc.releaseNotes": "Cohérence de la tâche de script. Ajout de la prise en charge de plusieurs lignes.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 425cf5d7275e..7fca6a52297e 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Riga di comando", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script da riga di comando con cmd.exe in Windows e usare bash in macOS e Linux.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script da riga di comando usando Bash in Linux in macOS e cmd.exe in Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script da riga di comando", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coerenza delle attività per gli script. Aggiunta del supporto per più righe.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index acf37e7f9bca..db433bdd2a8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "コマンド ライン", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "コマンド ライン スクリプトを cmd.exe (Windows の場合) や bash (macOS と Linux の場合) を使用して実行してください。", + "loc.description": "bash (macOS と Linux の場合) や cmd.exe (Windows の場合) を使用してコマンド ライン スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "コマンド ライン スクリプト", "loc.releaseNotes": "スクリプト タスクの一貫性。複数行のサポートが追加されました。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 19be149e46a3..c8afa703140b 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "명령줄", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Windows의 cmd.exe와 macOS 및 Linux의 bash를 사용하여 명령줄 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Linux 및 macOS에서는 Bash, Windows에서는 cmd.exe를 사용하여 명령줄 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "명령줄 스크립트", "loc.releaseNotes": "스크립트 작업 일관성입니다. 여러 줄에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index d0970f6da888..253fc45cb6f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Командная строка", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты командной строки с помощью cmd.exe в Windows и bash в macOS и Linux.", + "loc.description": "Запуск скрипта командной строки с помощью Bash в Linux и macOS и cmd.exe в Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скрипт командной строки", "loc.releaseNotes": "Создавайте скрипты для обеспечения согласованности задач. Добавлена поддержка нескольких строк.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 06e100fa43b8..55ce926f8041 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "命令行", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "在 Windows 上使用 cmd.exe、在 macOS 和 Linux 上使用 bash 运行命令行脚本。", + "loc.description": "在 Linux 和 macOS 上使用 Bash、在 Windows 上使用 cmd.exe 运行命令行脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "命令行脚本", "loc.releaseNotes": "脚本任务一致性。添加了对多个行的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 1e66df672d0f..9c21986a1979 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "命令列", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)", - "loc.description": "在 Windows 上使用 cmd.exe; 在 macOS 與 Linux 上使用 bash 來執行命令列指令碼。", + "loc.description": "在 Linux 和 macOS 上使用 Bash; 在 Windows 上使用 cmd.exe 來執行命令列指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "命令列指令碼", "loc.releaseNotes": "指令碼工作一致性。新增了多行支援。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.json b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.json index 7cd9e5ac95da..d7bc61deac2f 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Script task consistency. Added support for multiple lines.", "showEnvironmentVariables": true, diff --git a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.loc.json index f3fe5338bee1..102fd9b45e17 100644 --- a/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CmdLineV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "showEnvironmentVariables": true, diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c28ff4734043..60c23634a0e3 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods ist der Abhängigkeits-Manager für Swift- und Objective-C-Cocoa-Projekte. Dieser Task führt \"pod install\" aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden CocoaPods-Abhängigkeiten für Swift- und Objective-C-Cocoa-Projekte installiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pod-Installation", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 9b559071eaed..5194d94d35d1 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods es el administrador de dependencias para proyectos Swift y Objective-C de Cocoa. Esta tarea ejecuta \"pod install\".", + "loc.description": "Instala dependencias de CocoaPods para proyectos Swift y Objective-C de Cocoa.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "instalación de pod", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 4b6845f5942b..48a13de9b715 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods est un gestionnaire de dépendances des projets Swift et Objective-C Cocoa. Cette tâche exécute 'installation de pod'.", + "loc.description": "Installer les dépendances CocoaPods pour les projets Cocoa Swift and Objective-C", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "installation de pod", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 96d8647254bd..04d42c4d211e 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods è un'utilità di gestione dipendenze per progetti Cocoa Swift e Objective-C. Questa attività esegue 'pod install'.", + "loc.description": "Installa le dipendenze CocoaPods per progetti Cocoa Swift e Objective-C", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pod install", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index db1acf0e2576..aba48d36523c 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods は、Swift プロジェクトと Objective-C Cocoa プロジェクトの依存関係マネージャーです。このタスクは、'pod install' を実行します。", + "loc.description": "Swift および Objective-C Cocoa プロジェクトのための CocoaPods の依存関係をインストールします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pod install", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 27a6375202a7..867338fb5d70 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods는 Swift 및 Objective-C Cocoa 프로젝트의 종속성 관리자입니다. 이 작업은 'pod install'을 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Swift 및 Objective-C Cocoa 프로젝트를 위한 CocoaPods 종속성을 설치합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pod install", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f537566dc59c..dacb59ee8bae 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods — это диспетчер зависимостей для проектов Swift и Objective-C Cocoa. Эта задача запускает команду \"pod install\".", + "loc.description": "Установить зависимости CocoaPods для проектов Cocoa Swift и Objective-C", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "установка pod", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index bbe09cb0c76c..e206fa474a33 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPod 是 Swift 和 Objective-C Cocoa 项目的依赖项管理器。此任务将运行“pod 安装”。", + "loc.description": "安装 Swift 和 Objective-C Cocoa 项目的 CocoaPod 依赖项", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pod 安装", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 2be4b051d7f4..bddd32635b11 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "CocoaPods", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613745)", - "loc.description": "CocoaPods 是 Swift 及 Objective-C Cocoa 專案的相依性管理員。此工作會執行 'pod install'。", + "loc.description": "安裝 Swift 和 Objective-C Cocoa 專案的 CocoaPods 相依性", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pod 安裝", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄", diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.json b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.json index 0af14a8e692a..93faa5c30008 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.loc.json index 17ec73c5848d..7a06cfc891e6 100644 --- a/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CocoaPodsV0/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..122f4fefe344 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "\"clientId\" darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "\"domain\" darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "\"secret\" darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "\"arm Url\" darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "\"authority\" darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "Rückruf darf nicht NULL sein.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "\"vmName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s ist kein gültiger Wert. Die gültigen Werte sind: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "\"vmExtensionName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "\"expand\" muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "\"extensionParameters\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "\"loadBalancerName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "Parameter dürfen nicht Null oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "\"networkInterfaceName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "\"networkSecurityGroupName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "\"securityRuleName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "\"securityRuleParameters\" darf nicht Null oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "\"deploymentName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufwiesen.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "\"credentials\" darf nicht NULL sein.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "\"subscriptionId\" darf nicht NULL sein.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "Ungültige Antwort empfangen zum Abrufen des Status einer Aufgabe mit langer Laufzeit.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "Zeitüberschreitung während des Wartens", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "\"resourceGroupName\" darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"Zeichenfolge\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" muss der Einschränkung entsprechen – \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" muss der Einschränkung entsprechen – \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" muss der Einschränkung entsprechen – \"Muster\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "Der VMSS-Name darf weder NULL noch nicht definiert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "Fehler beim Abrufen der VMSS-Details mit der Ressourcengruppe %s und dem Namen %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "Die VMSS %s kann nicht aktualisiert werden, weil sie ein Plattformimage verwendet. Nur eine VMSS, die gegenwärtig ein benutzerdefiniertes Image verwendet, kann aktualisiert werden.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "Die Image-URL darf keine leere Zeichenfolge sein.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "Das Image ist bereits aktuell für %s. Das Imageupdate wird übersprungen.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "URL für das neue VMSS-Image: %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "VMSS %s wird zur Verwendung des neuen Images aktualisiert...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "Der Ressourcenname darf nicht NULL sein.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Die Active Directory-Ressourcen-URL darf nicht leer sein.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "Der accountName des Speichers darf weder NULL noch nicht definiert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "Der App-Name darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "Der Slotname darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Der Name des Quellslots darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Der Name des Zielslots darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "Quell- und Zielslot dürfen nicht übereinstimmen.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "Ressourcengruppe für App Service \"%s\" nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "Der Ressourcentyp darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "App Service wird gestartet: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird gestartet: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich gestartet.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich gestartet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "Fehler beim Starten von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Start von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "App Service wird beendet: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird beendet: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich beendet.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich beendet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "Fehler beim Starten von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Start von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "Der App Service befindet sich im Zustand \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "Ungültiger Zustand \"%s\" für den Zustand der Überwachungs-App angegeben.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Fehler beim Tauschen der App Service-Slots \"%s\": \"production\" und \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "Fehler beim Tauschen der App Service-Slots \"%s\": \"%s\" und \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" werden getauscht: \"production\" und \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" werden getauscht: \"%s\" und \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" getauscht: \"production\" und \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" getauscht: \"%s\" und \"%s\"'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Slots werden aufgewärmt.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "Die Bereitstellungs-ID darf nicht NULL oder leer sein.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "Die Datenentität für die Bereitstellung darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "Die Websiteerweiterung \"%s\" wurde installiert.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "Fehler beim Installieren der Websiteerweiterung: \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "Der Auftragsname darf nicht NULL oder leer sein.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "Der Name der Websiteerweiterung darf nicht NULL oder leer sein.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "Der Testname darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein und muss den Typ \"string\" aufweisen.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "Die Testdefinition darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Application Insights-Eigenschaften dürfen nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "Der angegebene AzureRM-Endpunkt ist ungültig: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Abhängigkeitsdaten für den Azure-Stapel. Statuscode: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Application Insights-Webtests für die Ressourcengruppe \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Webtests. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "Webtest bereits für URL konfiguriert: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM-Details sind leer.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "Fehler beim Abrufen fortlaufender WebJobs. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "Fehler beim Starten des fortlaufenden WebJobs \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "Fehler beim Beenden des fortlaufenden WebJobs \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Websiteerweiterungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Erweiterungsfeed. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "Die Erweiterung \"%s\" ist bereits installiert.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "Websiteerweiterung \"%s\" wird installiert", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "Kontinuierliche Überwachung für App Service \"%s\" aktiviert.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Fortlaufende WebJobs in App Service \"%s\" werden gestartet.", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Fortlaufende WebJobs in App Service \"%s\" wurden gestartet.", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Fortlaufende WebJobs in App Service \"%s\" werden angehalten.", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Fortlaufende WebJobs in App Service \"%s\" wurden beendet.", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "Kontinuierliche Überwachung konnte nicht aktiviert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "Ungültige Entität für Slottausch. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsstatus. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "WebJob \"%s\" wird gestartet.", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "WebJob \"%s\" wurde gestartet.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "WebJob \"%s\" befindet sich bereits im ausgeführten Zustand.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "WebJob \"%s\" wird beendet.", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "WebJob \"%s\" wurde beendet.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "WebJob \"%s\" befindet sich bereits im beendeten Zustand.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Kudu-Dienst wird neu gestartet.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Kudu-Dienst neu gestartet", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Fehler beim Neustart des Kudu-Diensts. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Webpakets. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten des Pfads \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Der HTTP-Antwortcode \"%s\" ist kein gültiger Umleitungsstatuscode.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader ist NULL für die HTTP-Antwort mit dem Statuscode \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasedefinition eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Azure-Metrikwarnungen: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..84ab466e4890 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId debe ser una cadena no vacía.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain debe ser una cadena no vacía.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret debe ser una cadena no vacía.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "arm Url debe ser una cadena no vacía.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority debe ser una cadena no vacía.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "callback no puede ser NULL.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s no es un valor válido. Los valores válidos son: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters no puede ser NULL o no estar definido.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "\"loadBalancerName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena\".", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "parameters no puede ser NULL o no estar definido.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters no puede ser NULL o no estar definido.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "\"credentials\" no puede ser NULL.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "\"subscriptionId\" no pude ser NULL.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "Se recibió una respuesta no válida para el estado de recuperación de una operación de ejecución prolongada.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "Se agotó el tiempo de espera", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" debe cumplir la restricción - \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" debe cumplir la restricción - \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" debe cumplir la restricción - \"Patrón\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del VMSS no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "No se pudieron obtener los detalles del VMSS con el grupo de recursos %s y el nombre %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "El VMSS %s no se puede actualizar porque usa una imagen de plataforma. Solo se puede actualizar un VMSS que esté usando una imagen personalizada.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "La dirección URL de la imagen debe ser una cadena que no esté vacía.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "La imagen ya está actualizada para %s. Se omitirá la actualización de la imagen.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "URL de la imagen de VMSS nueva: %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "Actualizando el VMSS %s para que use la imagen nueva...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del recurso no puede ser NULL.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "La dirección URL de recursos de Active Directory no puede estar vacía.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "storage accountName no puede ser NULL o no estar definido, y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre de la aplicación no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del espacio no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del espacio de origen no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del espacio de destino no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "Las ranuras de origen y de destino no pueden ser iguales", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "No se encontró el grupo de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "El tipo de recurso no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "Iniciando la instancia de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "Iniciando la instancia de App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se inició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se inició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "No se pudo iniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo iniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "Deteniendo la instancia de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "Deteniendo la instancia de App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se detuvo correctamente.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se detuvo correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "No se pudo iniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo iniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Reiniciando la instancia de App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Reiniciando la instancia de App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se reinició correctamente.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "La instancia de App Service tiene el estado \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "Se proporcionó un estado \"%s\" no válido para la aplicación de supervisión.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "No se pudieron intercambiar los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"producción\" y \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "No se pudieron intercambiar los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"%s\" y \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Intercambiando los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"producción\" y \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "Intercambiando los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"%s\" y \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Se intercambiaron los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"producción\" y \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Se intercambiaron los espacios de la instancia de App Service \"%s\": \"%s\" y \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Preparando los espacios", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "El identificador de implementación no puede ser NULL o no estar definido.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "La entidad de datos de implementación no puede ser NULL o no estar definida.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "La extensión de sitio \"%s\" está instalada.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "No se pudo instalar la extensión de sitio \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre del trabajo no puede ser NULL ni estar vacío.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "El nombre de la extensión de sitio no puede ser NULL ni estar vacío.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "El nombre de la prueba no puede ser NULL o no estar definido y debe ser de tipo cadena.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "La definición de prueba no puede ser NULL o no estar definida.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Las propiedades de Application Insights no pueden ser NULL o no estar definidas.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "El punto de conexión de AzureRM especificado no es válido: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "No se pudieron capturar los datos de dependencia de Azure Stack. Código de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo obtener el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "No se pudieron obtener las pruebas web de Application Insights para el grupo de recursos \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "No se pudo crear la prueba web. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "La prueba web ya está configurada para la dirección URL: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "Los detalles de KUDU SCM están vacíos.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "No se pudieron obtener WebJobs continuos. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "No se pudo iniciar el WebJob continuo \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "No se pudo detener el WebJob continuo \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "No se pudieron obtener las extensiones de sitio. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "No se pudo obtener la fuente de la extensión. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "La extensión \"%s\" ya está instalada.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "Instalando la extensión de sitio \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "Se ha habilitado la supervisión continua para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Los WebJobs continuos se están iniciando en la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Los WebJobs continuos se han iniciado en la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Los WebJobs continuos se están deteniendo en la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Los WebJobs continuos se han detenido en la instancia de App Service \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "No se pudo habilitar la supervisión continua. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "Entidad de intercambio de espacio no válida. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "No se pudo actualizar el estado de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "Iniciando el WebJob \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "El WebJob \"%s\" se ha iniciado.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "El WebJob \"%s\" ya está en ejecución.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "Deteniendo el WebJob \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "El WebJob \"%s\" se ha detenido.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "El WebJob \"%s\" ya está detenido.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Reiniciando el servicio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "El servicio Kudu se ha reiniciado.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "No se pudo reiniciar el servicio Kudu. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "El código de respuesta HTTP \"%s\" no es un código de estado de redireccionamiento válido.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de la ubicación es NULL para la respuesta HTTP con el código de estado %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la definición de compilación o de versión.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudieron obtener las alertas de métrica de Azure: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ecd11cd184bb --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "armUrl doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "callback ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s est une valeur non valide. Les valeurs valides sont : %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "'loadBalancerName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.'", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "parameters ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials' ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "'subscriptionId' ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "Réponse non valide reçue pour la récupération de l'état d'une opération longue.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "Expiration du délai d'attente", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" doit satisfaire la contrainte - \"MaxLength\" : 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" doit satisfaire la contrainte - \"MinLength\" : 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" doit satisfaire la contrainte - \"Pattern\" : /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom du groupe de machines virtuelles identiques ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "Échec de l'obtention des détails du groupe de machines virtuelles identiques correspondant au groupe de ressources %s et portant le nom %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "Impossible de mettre à jour le groupe de machines virtuelles identiques %s, car il utilise une image de plateforme. Seul un groupe de machines virtuelles identiques qui utilise une image personnalisée peut être mis à jour.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "L'URL de l'image doit être une chaîne non vide.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "L'image est déjà à jour pour %s. Mise à jour de l'image ignorée.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "URL de la nouvelle image du groupe de machines virtuelles identiques : %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "Mise à jour du groupe de machines virtuelles identiques %s pour l'utilisation d'une nouvelle image...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom de la ressource ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "L'URL de ressource Active Directory ne peut pas être vide.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "le accountName de stockage ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom de l'application ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom de l'emplacement ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom de l'emplacement source ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom de l'emplacement de destination ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "Les emplacements source et cible ne peuvent pas être identiques", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "Groupe de ressources introuvable pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "Le type de ressource ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "Démarrage de l'App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "Démarrage de l'App Service : %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' a correctement démarré.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' a correctement démarré.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "Échec du démarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "Échec du démarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "Arrêt de l'App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "Arrêt de l'App Service : %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' s'est correctement arrêté.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' s'est correctement arrêté.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "Échec du démarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "Échec du démarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Redémarrage de l'App Service : %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Redémarrage de l'App Service : %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' a correctement redémarré.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "App Service est à l'état '%s'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "État '%s' non valide pour la supervision de l'état de l'application", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Échec de l'échange des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - 'production' et '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "Échec de l'échange des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - '%s' et '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Échange des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - 'production' et '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "Échange des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - '%s' et '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Échange effectué des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - 'production' et '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Échange effectué des emplacements de l'App Service '%s' - '%s' et '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Préchauffage des emplacements", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "L'ID de déploiement ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "L'entité de données de déploiement ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non définie.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "L'extension de site '%s' est installée.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "Échec de l'installation de l'extension de site '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom du travail ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "Le nom de l'extension de site ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être vide.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "Le nom du test ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non défini. De plus, il doit être de type chaîne.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "La définition du test ne peut pas avoir une valeur null ou être non définie.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Les propriétés Application Insights ne peuvent pas avoir une valeur null ou être non définies.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "Le point de terminaison AzureRM spécifié est non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des données de dépendance Azure Stack. Code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de l'obtention de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "Échec de l'obtention des tests web Application Insights pour le groupe de ressources '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "Échec de la création du test web. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "Test web déjà configuré pour l'URL : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "Les détails du GCS KUDU sont vides", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "Échec de l'obtention des WebJobs continus. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "Échec du démarrage du WebJob continu '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "Échec de l'arrêt du WebJob continu '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "Échec de l'obtention des extensions de site. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "Échec de l'obtention du flux d'extension. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "L'extension '%s' est déjà installée.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "Installation de l'extension de site '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "Supervision continue activée pour le service d'application '%s'.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Démarrage des WebJobs continus dans l'App Service '%s'", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Les WebJobs continus ont démarré dans l'App Service '%s'", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Arrêt des WebJobs continus dans l'App Service '%s'", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Les WebJobs continus se sont arrêtés dans l'App Service '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "Échec de l'activation de la supervision continue. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "Entité d'échange d'emplacements non valide. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'état du déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "Démarrage du WebJob '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "Le WebJob '%s' a démarré.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "Le WebJob '%s' est déjà à l'état en cours d'exécution.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "Arrêt du WebJob '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "Le WebJob '%s' s'est arrêté.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "Le WebJob '%s' est déjà à l'état d'arrêt.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Redémarrage du service Kudu.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Le service Kudu a redémarré", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Échec du redémarrage du service Kudu. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Échec du déploiement du package web. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s'. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Le code de réponse HTTP '%s' n'est pas un code d'état de redirection valide.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement a une valeur null pour la réponse HTTP ayant le code d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans la définition de build ou la définition de mise en production", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de l'obtention des alertes de métrique Azure : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..84283ec986a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "arm Url non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "il valore di callback non può essere Null.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di vmName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s non è un valore valido. I valori validi sono: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di vmExtensionName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "Il valore di expand deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "Il valore di extensionParameters non può essere Null o non definito.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "'Il valore di loadBalancerName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.'", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "Il valore di parameters non può essere Null o non definito.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di networkInterfaceName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di networkSecurityGroupName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di securityRuleName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "Il valore di securityRuleParameters non può essere Null o non definito.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "Il valore di deploymentName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "Il valore di 'credentials' non può essere Null.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "Il valore di 'subscriptionId' non può essere Null.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "È stata ricevuta una risposta non valida per il recupero dello stato di un'operazione a esecuzione prolungata.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "Si è verificato un timeout durante l'attesa", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "Il valore di resourceGroupName non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" deve soddisfare il vincolo - \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" deve soddisfare il vincolo - \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" deve soddisfare il vincolo - \"Criterio\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome del set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali con gruppo di risorse %s e nome %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "Non è possibile aggiornare il set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali %s perché usa un'immagine di piattaforma. È possibile aggiornare solo un set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali che usa attualmente un'immagine personalizzata.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "L'URL dell'immagine non deve essere una stringa vuota.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "L'immagine è già aggiornata per %s. L'aggiornamento dell'immagine verrà ignorato.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "URL per la nuova immagine del set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali: %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "Aggiornamento del set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali %s per l'uso della nuova immagine...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome della risorsa non può essere Null.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "L'URL della risorsa di Active Directory non può essere vuoto.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "Il nome dell'account di archiviazione non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome dell'app non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome dello slot non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome dello slot di origine non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome dello slot di destinazione non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "Gli slot di origine e di destinazione non possono essere uguali", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "Il gruppo di risorse per il servizio app '%s' non è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "Il tipo di risorsa non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "Avvio del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "Avvio del servizio app: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato avviato.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato avviato.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "Non è stato possibile avviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile avviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "Arresto del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "Arresto del servizio app: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato arrestato.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato arrestato.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "Non è stato possibile avviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile avviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato riavviato.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "Il servizio app si trova nello stato '%s'.", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "Lo stato '%s', specificato per il monitoraggio dello stato dell'app, non è valido", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Non è stato possibile scambiare gli slot 'production' e '%s' del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "Non è stato possibile scambiare gli slot '%s' e '%s' del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Scambio degli slot 'production' e '%s' del servizio app '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "Scambio degli slot '%s' e '%s' del servizio app '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Gli slot 'production' e '%s' del servizio app '%s' sono stati scambiati", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Gli slot '%s' e '%s' del servizio app '%s' sono stati scambiati", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Riscaldamento degli slot", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "L'ID distribuzione non può essere Null o vuoto.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "L'entità di dati di distribuzione non può essere Null o non definita.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "L'estensione del sito '%s' è stata installata.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "Non è stato possibile installare l'estensione del sito '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome del processo non può essere Null o vuoto.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "Il nome dell'estensione del sito non può essere Null o vuoto.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "Il nome del test non può essere Null o non definito e deve essere di tipo stringa.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "La definizione di test non può essere Null o non definita.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Le proprietà di Application Insights non possono essere Null o non definite.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "L'endpoint di AzureRm specificato non è valido: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dati delle dipendenze di Azure Stack. Codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i test Web di Application Insights per il gruppo di risorse '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "Non è stato possibile creare il test Web. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "Il test Web è già configurato per l'URL: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "I dettagli di Gestione controllo servizi di Kudu sono vuoti", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere processi Web continui. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "Non è stato possibile avviare il processo Web continuo '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "Non è stato possibile arrestare il processo Web continuo '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le estensioni del sito. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il feed dell'estensione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "L'estensione '%s' è già installata.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "Installazione dell'estensione del sito '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "Il monitoraggio continuo è abilitato per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Avvio dei processi Web continui nel servizio app '%s'", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "I processi Web continui nel servizio app '%s' sono stati avviati", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Arresto dei processi Web continui nel servizio app '%s'", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "I processi Web continui nel servizio app '%s' sono stati arrestati", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "Non è stato possibile abilitare il monitoraggio continuo. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "L'entità di scambio slot non è valida. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "Avvio del processo Web '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "Il processo Web '%s' è stato avviato.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "Il processo Web '%s' si trova già nello stato di esecuzione.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "Arresto del processo Web '%s'.", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "Il processo Web '%s' è stato arrestato.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "Il processo Web '%s' si trova già nello stato arrestato.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Riavvio del servizio Kudu.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Il servizio Kudu è stato riavviato", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio Kudu. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s'. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Il codice di risposta HTTP '%s' non è un codice di stato di reindirizzamento valido.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'intestazione del percorso è Null per la risposta HTTP con codice di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella definizione di compilazione o versione", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile ottenere gli avvisi per le metriche di Azure: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4699cd194138 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId は空ではない文字列にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain を空の文字列にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret を空の文字列にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "ARM URL を空の文字列にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "機関を空の文字列にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "コールバックを null にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s は無効な値です。有効な値: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand の型は文字列である必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters は、null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "'loadBalancerName を null または未定義にすることはできず、その型は文字列であることが必要です。'", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "パラメーターを null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters を null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName は null または未定義にすることはできず、その型は文字列である必要があります。", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials' を null にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "'subscriptionId' を null にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "実行時間が長い操作の状態のフェッチに対して、無効な応答を受け取りました。", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "待機中にタイムアウトになりました", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" は、次の制約を満たしている必要があります - \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" は、次の制約を満たしている必要があります - \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" は、次の制約を満たしている必要があります - \"パターン\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "VMSS 名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "リソース グループが %s で名前が %s の VMSS の詳細を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "VMSS %s は、プラットフォーム イメージを使っているため、更新できません。現時点でカスタム イメージを使っている VMSS のみを更新できます。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "イメージ URL を空の文字列にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "%s のイメージは既に最新になっています。イメージの更新をスキップしています。", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "新しい VMSS イメージの URL: %s。", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "新しいイメージを使うように VMSS %s を更新しています...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "リソース名を NULL にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Active Directory リソースの URL を空にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "ストレージ accountName を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "アプリ名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "スロット名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "ソース スロット名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "宛先スロット名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "ソース スロットとターゲット スロットを同じにすることはできません", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "'%s' App Service のリソース グループが見つかりません。", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "リソースの種類を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "App Service を開始しています: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service を開始しています: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に開始されました。", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に開始されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "App Service '%s' を開始できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を開始できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "App Service を停止しています: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "App Service を停止しています: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に停止されました。", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に停止されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "App Service '%s' を開始できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を開始できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service を再起動しています: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service %s-%s を再起動しています", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に再起動されました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "App Service の状態は '%s' です。", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "アプリ状態を監視するために指定された状態 '%s' は無効です", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' のスロット 'production' と '%s' をスワップできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' のスロット '%s' と '%s' をスワップできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' のスロット 'production' と '%s' がスワップされています", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' のスロット '%s' と '%s' がスワップされています", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' のスロット 'production' と '%s' がスワップされました", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' のスロット '%s' と '%s' がスワップされました", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "スロットをウォームアップしています", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "配置 ID を null または空にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "配置データ エンティティを null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "サイト拡張機能 '%s' がインストールされました。", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "サイト拡張機能 '%s' をインストールできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "ジョブ名を null または空にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "サイト拡張機能名を null または空にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "テスト名を null または未定義にすることはできません。文字列型にする必要があります。", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "テスト定義を null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Application Insights のプロパティを null または未定義にすることはできません。", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "指定された AzureRM エンドポイントは無効です: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Azure Stack 依存関係データをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "Application Insights Web TestsFor リソース グループ '%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "Web テストを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "Web テストが URL に既に構成されています: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM の詳細が空です", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "継続的 Web ジョブを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "継続的 Web ジョブ '%s' を開始できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "継続的 Web ジョブ '%s' を停止できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "サイト拡張機能を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "拡張機能フィードを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "拡張機能 '%s' は既にインストールされています。", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "サイト拡張機能 '%s' をインストールしています", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "App Service '%s' の継続的監視が有効です。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s' で、継続的 Web ジョブを開始しています", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s' で、継続的 Web ジョブを開始しました", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s' で、継続的 Web ジョブを停止しています", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s' で、継続的 Web ジョブを停止しました", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "継続的監視を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "スロット スワップ エンティティが無効です。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "配置状態を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "Web ジョブ '%s' を開始しています。", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "Web ジョブ '%s' が開始されました。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "Web ジョブ '%s' は既に実行中の状態です。", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "Web ジョブ '%s' を停止しています。", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "Web ジョブ '%s' が停止されました。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "Web ジョブ '%s' は既に停止状態です。", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Kudu サービスを再起動しています。", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Kudu サービスが再起動しました", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Kudu サービスを再起動できませんでした。%s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Web パッケージを配置することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "パス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 応答コード: '%s' は無効なリダイレクト状態コードです。", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "HTTP 応答の場所ヘッダーは次の状態コードで null になっています: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース定義で true に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラートを取得できませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ea25d3af2fa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId는 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "arm URL은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority는 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "호출은 null일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s은(는) 유효한 값이 아닙니다. 유효한 값은 %s입니다.", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand는 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "'loadBalancerName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.'", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "parameters는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials'는 null일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "'subscriptionId'는 null일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "오래 실행 중인 작업의 상태를 페치하기 위해 수신된 응답이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "대기하는 동안 시간 초과됨", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\"은 제약 조건 \"MaxLength\": 90을 만족해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\"은 제약 조건 \"MinLength\": 1을 만족해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\"은 제약 조건 \"패턴\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/를 만족해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "VMSS 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "리소스 그룹이 %s이고 이름이 %s인 VMSS 세부 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "VMSS %s은(는) 플랫폼 이미지를 사용하고 있으므로 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 현재 사용자 지정 이미지를 사용 중인 VMSS만 업데이트할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "이미지 URL은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "%s의 이미지가 이미 최신 상태입니다. 이미지 업데이트를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "새 VMSS 이미지의 URL: %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "새 이미지를 사용하도록 VMSS %s을(를) 업데이트하는 중...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "리소스 이름은 null일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Active Directory 리소스 URL은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "storage accountName은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "앱 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "슬롯 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "소스 슬롯 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "대상 슬롯 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "소스 슬롯과 대상 슬롯이 같을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "'%s' App Service에 대한 리소스 그룹이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "리소스 종류는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "App Service를 시작하는 중: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 시작하는 중: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "App Service를 중지하는 중: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 중지하는 중: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 중지되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 중지되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "App Service가 '%s' 상태입니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "잘못된 상태 '%s'이(가) 앱 상태 모니터링에 제공됨", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - 'production' 및 '%s'을(를) 전환하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - '%s' 및 '%s'을(를) 전환하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - 'production' 및 '%s'을(를) 전환하는 중", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - '%s' 및 '%s'을(를) 전환하는 중", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - 'production' 및 '%s' 전환함", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "App Service '%s' 슬롯 - '%s' 및 '%s' 전환함", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "슬롯 준비 중", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "배포 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "배포 데이터 엔터티는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "사이트 확장 '%s'이(가) 설치되어 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "사이트 확장 '%s'을(를) 설치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "작업 이름은 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "사이트 확장 이름은 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "테스트 이름은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없으며, 문자열 형식이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "테스트 정의는 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Application Insights 속성은 null이거나 정의되지 않은 상태일 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "지정한 AzureRM 엔드포인트가 잘못됨: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Azure Stack 종속성 데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "리소스 그룹 '%s'에 대한 Application Insights 웹 테스트를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "웹 테스트를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "URL에 대해 웹 테스트가 이미 구성되어 있음: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 정보가 비어 있음", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "연속 WebJob을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 중지하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "사이트 확장을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "피드 확장을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "'%s' 확장이 이미 설치되어 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "사이트 확장 '%s'을(를) 설치하는 중", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "App Service '%s'에 대해 연속 모니터링을 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s'에서 연속 WebJob을 시작하는 중", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s'에서 연속 WebJob 시작함", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s'에서 연속 WebJob을 중지하는 중", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "App Service '%s'에서 연속 WebJob 중지함", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "연속 모니터링을 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "잘못된 슬롯 전환 엔터티입니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "배포 상태를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "WebJob '%s'이(가) 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "WebJob '%s'이(가) 이미 실행 상태입니다.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "WebJob '%s'을(를) 중지하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "WebJob '%s'이(가) 중지되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "WebJob '%s'이(가) 이미 중지된 상태입니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Kudu 서비스를 다시 시작하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Kudu 서비스가 다시 시작되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Kudu 서비스를 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "웹 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "'%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '%s'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "HTTP 응답에 대한 위치 헤더가 null입니다(상태 코드: %s).", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 아마도 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중이며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 정의에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고(%s)를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e898006762fb --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "Параметр clientId должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "Параметр domain должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "Параметр secret должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Параметр arm Url должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Параметр authority должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "Обратный вызов не может иметь значение NULL.", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр vmName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s не является допустимым значением. Допустимые значения: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр vmExtensionName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "Параметр expand должен быть строковым.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "Параметр extensionParameters не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным.", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр loadBalancerName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "Параметры не могут иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенными.", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр networkInterfaceName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр networkSecurityGroupName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр securityRuleName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "Параметр securityRuleParameters не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "Параметр deploymentName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "Параметр credentials не может иметь значение NULL.", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "Параметр \"subscriptionId\" не может иметь значение NULL.", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "На запрос о получении состояния длительной операции получен недопустимый ответ.", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "Превышено время ожидания.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "Параметр resourceGroupName не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Также он должен быть строковым параметром.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "Параметр \"resourceGroupName\" должен удовлетворять ограничению — \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "Параметр \"resourceGroupName\" должен удовлетворять ограничению — \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "Параметр \"resourceGroupName\" должен удовлетворять ограничению — \"Шаблон\": /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "Имя масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "Не удалось получить сведения о масштабируемом наборе виртуальных машин с группой ресурсов %s и именем %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "Невозможно обновить масштабируемый набор виртуальных машин %s, так как в нем используется образ платформы. Для обновления доступны только масштабируемые наборы виртуальных машин с пользовательскими образами.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "URL-адрес образа должен быть непустой строкой.", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "Образ %s уже обновлен. Обновление образа пропущено.", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "URL-адрес нового образа масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин: %s.", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "Перевод масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин %s на новый образ...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "Имя ресурса не может иметь значение null.", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "URL-адрес ресурса Active Directory не может быть пустым.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "Параметр accountName хранилища не может иметь значение NULL или быть неопределенным. Он должен иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "Имя приложения не может быть равно NULL или не определено. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "Имя слота не может быть равно NULL или не определено. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Имя исходного слота не может быть равно NULL или не определено. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "Имя слота назначения не может быть равно NULL или не определено. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "Исходный слот и слот назначения не могут быть одинаковыми.", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "Группа ресурсов для службы приложений \"%s\" не найдена.", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "Тип ресурса не может быть равен NULL или не определен. Он должен иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "Запускается служба приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "Запускается служба приложений: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно запущена.", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно запущена.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "Не удалось запустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось запустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "Останавливается служба приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "Останавливается служба приложений: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно остановлена.", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно остановлена.", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "Не удалось запустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось запустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно перезапущена.", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "Служба приложений находится в состоянии \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "Указано недопустимое состояние \"%s\" для мониторинга состояния приложений", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Не удалось переключить слоты \"production\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "Не удалось переключить слоты \"%s\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Переключаются слоты \"production\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "Переключаются слоты \"%s\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Слоты \"production\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\" успешно переключены", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Слоты \"%s\" и \"%s\" службы приложений \"%s\" успешно переключены", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Подготовка слотов", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "Идентификатор развертывания не может быть равен NULL или не определен.", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "Объект данных развертывания не может быть равен NULL или не определен.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "Расширение сайта \"%s\" установлено.", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "Не удалось установить расширение сайта \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "Имя задания не может быть равно NULL или не определено.", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "Имя расширения сайта не может быть пусто или равно NULL.", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "Имя теста не может быть равно NULL или не определено. Оно должно иметь строковый тип.", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "Определение тега не может быть равно NULL или не определено.", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Свойства Application Insights не могут быть равны NULL или не определены.", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "Указанная конечная точка AzureRM недопустима: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "Не удалось получить данные о зависимостях Azure Stack. Код состояния: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось получить ресурс \"%s\" Application Insights. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "Не удалось получить веб-тесты для группы ресурсов \"%s\" Application Insights. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "Не удалось создать веб-тест. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "Веб-тест уже настроен для URL-адреса: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "Сведения о KUDU SCM пусты", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "Не удалось получить непрерывные веб-задания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "Не удалось запустить непрерывное веб-задание \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "Не удалось остановить непрерывное веб-задание \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "Не удалось получить расширения сайта. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "Не удалось получить канал расширения. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "Расширение \"%s\" уже установлено.", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "Установка расширения сайта \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "Включен непрерывный мониторинг службы приложений \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Запускаются непрерывные веб-задания в службе приложений \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Непрерывные веб-задания в службе приложений \"%s\" запущены", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Останавливаются непрерывные веб-задания в службе приложений \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "Непрерывные веб-задания в службе приложений \"%s\" остановлены", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "Не удалось включить непрерывный мониторинг. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "Недопустимый объект для переключения слотов. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "Не удалось обновить состояние развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "Запускается веб-задание \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "Веб-задание \"%s\" запущено.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "Веб-задание \"%s\" уже запущено.", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "Останавливается веб-задание \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "Веб-задание \"%s\" остановлено.", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "Веб-задание \"%s\" уже остановлено.", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "Перезапуск службы Kudu.", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Служба Kudu перезапущена", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "Не удалось перезапустить службу Kudu. %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\". Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Код ответа HTTP \"%s\" не является допустимым кодом состояния перенаправления.", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения равен NULL у ответа HTTP с кодом состояния %s.", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки серитфиката, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат, и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в определении сборки или выпуска.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось получить метрики оповещений Azure: %s. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат.", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52b508bc0559 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId 必需是非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain 必须为非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret 必须是非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "arm Url 必须是非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority 必须是非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "回叫不能为 NULL。", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s 不是有效值。有效值为: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand 必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters 不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "“loadBalancerName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。”", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "参数不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters 不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "\"credentials\" 不能为 null。", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "\"subscriptionId\" 不能为 NULL。", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "提取长时间运行操作的状态时收到无效的响应。", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "等待超时", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" 应满足约束 - \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" 应满足约束 - \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" 应满足约束 -“模式”: /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "VMSS 名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "无法获取资源组为 %s、名称为 %s 的 VMSS 的详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "不能更新 VMSS %s,因为它使用平台映像。只能更新当前使用自定义映像的 VMSS。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "映像 URL 必须为非空字符串。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "%s 的映像已是最新。正在跳过映像更新。", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "新 VMSS 映像的 URL: %s。", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "正在更新 VMSS %s 以使用新映像...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "资源名称不能为 null。", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Active Directory 资源 URL 不能为空。", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "存储 accountName 不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "应用名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "槽名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "源槽名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "目标槽名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "源槽和目标槽不能相同", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "找不到“%s”应用服务的资源组。", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "资源类型不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "正在启动应用服务: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "正在启动应用服务: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功启动。", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功启动。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "未能启动应用服务“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "未能启动应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "正在停止应用服务: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "正在停止应用服务: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功停止。", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功停止。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "未能启动应用服务“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "未能启动应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重启应用服务: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重启应用服务: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功重启。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "未能重启应用服务“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "未能重启应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "应用服务处于“%s”状态。", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "为监视应用状态而提供的状态“%s”无效", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "未能交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“生产”和“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "未能交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“%s”和“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "正在交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“生产”和“%s”", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "正在交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“%s”和“%s”", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "已交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“生产”和“%s”", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "已交换应用服务“%s”槽 -“%s”和“%s”", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "正在预热槽", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "部署 ID 不能为 NULL 或为空。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "部署数据实体不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "站点扩展“%s”已安装。", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "未能安装站点扩展“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "作业名称不能为 NULL 或为空。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "站点扩展名不能为 NULL 或为空。", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "测试名称不能为 NULL 或未定义,且必须为类型字符串。", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "测试定义不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Application Insights 属性不能为 NULL 或未定义。", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "指定的 AzureRM 终结点无效: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "未能提取 Azure Stack 依赖关系数据。状态代码: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "未能获取 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "未能获取资源组“%s”的 Application Insights Web 测试。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "未能创建 Web 测试。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "已为 URL 配置 Web 测试: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 详细信息为空", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "未能获取持续 Web 作业。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "未能启动持续 Web 作业“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "未能停止持续 Web 作业“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "未能获取站点扩展。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "未能获取扩展源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "扩展“%s”已安装。", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "正在安装站点扩展“%s”", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "已为应用服务“%s”启用持续监视。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "正在启动应用服务“%s”中的持续 Web 作业", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "已启动应用服务“%s”中的持续 Web 作业", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "正在停止应用服务“%s”中的持续 Web 作业", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "已停止应用服务“%s”中的持续 Web 作业", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "未能启用持续监视。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "槽交换实体无效。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "未能更新部署状态。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "正在启动 Web 作业“%s”。", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "Web 作业“%s”已启动。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "Web 作业“%s”已处于正在运行状态。", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "正在停止 Web 作业“%s”。", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "Web 作业“%s”已停止。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "Web 作业“%s”已处于停止状态。", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "正在重启 Kudu 服务。", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "已重启 kudu 服务", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "未能重启 kudu 服务。%s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能部署 Web 包。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能列出路径“%s”。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 响应代码 \"%s\" 不是有效的重定向状态代码。", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "HTTP 响应的位置标头为 null 且状态代码为 %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则你可能使用的是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布定义中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "获取 Azure 指标警报失败: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..13e257929fd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/AzureRmDeploy-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.ClientIdCannotBeEmpty": "clientId 不得為空字串。", + "loc.messages.DomainCannotBeEmpty": "domain 不得為空字串。", + "loc.messages.SecretCannotBeEmpty": "secret 不得為空字串。", + "loc.messages.armUrlCannotBeEmpty": "arm Url 不得為空字串。", + "loc.messages.authorityUrlCannotBeEmpty": "authority 不得為空字串。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CallbackCannotBeNull": "回撥不得為 null。", + "loc.messages.VMNameCannotBeNull": "vmName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.InvalidValue": "%s 不是有效的值。有效值: %s", + "loc.messages.VmExtensionNameCannotBeNull": "vmExtensionName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.ExpandShouldBeOfTypeString": "expand 必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.ExtensionParametersCannotBeNull": "extensionParameters 不得為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.LoadBalancerNameCannotBeNull": "'loadBalancerName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。'", + "loc.messages.ParametersCannotBeNull": "parameters 不得為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.NetworkInterfaceNameCannotBeNull": "networkInterfaceName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.NetworkSecurityGroupNameCannotBeNull": "networkSecurityGroupName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleNameCannotBeNull": "securityRuleName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.SecurityRuleParametersCannotBeNull": "securityRuleParameters 不得為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentNameCannotBeNull": "deploymentName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials' 不得為 null。", + "loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "'subscriptionId' 不得為 null。", + "loc.messages.InvalidResponseLongRunningOperation": "擷取執行時間長之作業的狀態時,收到無效的回應。", + "loc.messages.TimeoutWhileWaiting": "等候時發生逾時", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupCannotBeNull": "resourceGroupName 不得為 null 或未定義。其必須是 type 字串。", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupExceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" 必須滿足條件約束 - \"MaxLength\": 90", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDeceededLength": "\"resourceGroupName\" 必須滿足條件約束 - \"MinLength\": 1", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupDoesntMatchPattern": "\"resourceGroupName\" 必須滿足限制式 -「模式」: /^[-\\w\\._\\(\\)]+$/", + "loc.messages.VMSSNameCannotBeNull": "VMSS 名稱不得為 null 或未定義,而必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.GetVMSSFailed": "無法取得資源群組為 %s 且名稱為 %s 的 VMSS 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.VMSSDoesNotHaveCustomImage": "因為 VMSS %s 使用平台映像,所以無法更新。只能更新目前使用自訂映像的 VMSS。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageUrlCannotBeNull": "映像 URL 必須是非空白字串。", + "loc.messages.VMSSImageAlreadyUptoDate": "%s 的映像已在最新狀態,因此會跳過映像更新。", + "loc.messages.NewVMSSImageUrl": "新 VMSS 映像的 URL: %s。", + "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "正在將 VMSS %s 更新為使用新映像...", + "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "資源名稱不可為 Null。", + "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Active Directory 資源 URL 不能是空的。", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "儲存體 accountName 不得為 null 或未定義,而必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.AppNameCannotBeNull": "應用程式名稱不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.SlotNameCannotBeNull": "位置名稱不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.SourceSlotNameCannotBeNull": "來源位置名稱不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.DestinationSlotNameCannotBeNull": "目的地位置名稱不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.SourceAndTargetSlotCannotBeSame": "來源及目標位置不得相同", + "loc.messages.ResourceGroupNotFound": "找不到 '%s' App Service 的資源群組。", + "loc.messages.ResourceTypeCannotBeNull": "資源類型不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.StartingAppService": "正在啟動 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingAppServiceSlot": "正在啟動 App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StartedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功啟動。", + "loc.messages.StartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功啟動。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppService": "無法啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartAppServiceSlot": "無法啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppService": "正在停止 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.StoppingAppServiceSlot": "正在停止 App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功停止。", + "loc.messages.StoppedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功停止。", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppService": "無法啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopAppServiceSlot": "無法啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s", + "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s-%s", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功重新啟動。", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.AppServiceState": "App Service 的狀態為 '%s'。", + "loc.messages.InvalidMonitorAppState": "為監視應用程式狀態提供的狀態 '%s' 無效", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "無法交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - 'production' 和 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToSwapAppServiceSlotSlots": "無法交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - '%s' 和 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "正在交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - 'production' 和 '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappingAppServiceSlotSlots": "正在交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - '%s' 和 '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "已交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - 'production' 和 '%s'", + "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "已交換 App Service '%s' 位置 - '%s' 和 '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "正在準備交換位置", + "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "部署識別碼不可為 null 或空白。", + "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "部署資料實體不可為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "網站延伸模組 '%s' 已安裝。", + "loc.messages.FailedToInstallSiteExtension": "無法安裝網站延伸模組 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.JobNameCannotBeNull": "作業名稱不可為 null 或空白。", + "loc.messages.SiteExtensionCannotBeNull": "網站延伸模組不可為 null 或空白。", + "loc.messages.TestNameCannotBeNull": "測試名稱不可為 null 或未定義,且必須是字串類型。", + "loc.messages.TestDefinitionCannotBeNull": "測試定義不可為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.AppInsightsPropertiesCannotBeNullOrEmpty": "Application Insights 屬性不可為 null 或未定義。", + "loc.messages.SpecifiedAzureRmEndpointIsInvalid": "指定的 AzureRM 端點無效: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchAzureStackDependencyData": "無法擷取 Azure Stack 相依性資料。狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsResource": "無法取得 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetApplicationInsightsWebTestsForResourceGroup": "無法取得 Application Insights Web TestsFor 資源群組 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreateWebTests": "無法建立 Web 測試。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "已設定 URL %s 的 Web 測試", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 詳細資料空白", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "無法取得持續 WebJob。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "無法啟動持續 WebJob '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToStopContinuousWebJob": "無法停止持續 WebJob '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetSiteExtensions": "無法取得網站延伸模組。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAllSiteExtensions": "無法取得延伸模組摘要。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtensionAlreadyInstalled": "延伸模組 '%s' 已安裝。", + "loc.messages.InstallingSiteExtension": "正在安裝網站延伸模組 '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ContinousMonitoringEnabled": "已為 App Service '%s' 啟用持續監視。", + "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。", + "loc.messages.StartingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "正在 App Service 中啟用持續 WebJob '%s'", + "loc.messages.StartedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "已在 App Service 中啟用持續 WebJob '%s'", + "loc.messages.StoppingContinousWebJobsinAppService": "正在停止 App Service '%s' 中的持續 WebJob", + "loc.messages.StoppedContinousWebJobsinAppService": "已停止 App Service 中的持續 WebJob '%s'", + "loc.messages.FailedToEnableContinuousMonitoring": "無法啟用持續監視。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidSlotSwapEntity": "位置交換實體無效。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateDeploymentHistory": "無法更新部署狀態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.StartingWebJob": "正在啟動 WebJob '%s'。", + "loc.messages.StartedWebJob": "WebJob '%s' 已啟動。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInRunningState": "WebJob '%s' 已是執行中狀態。", + "loc.messages.StoppingWebJob": "正在停止 WebJob '%s'。", + "loc.messages.StoppedWebJob": "WebJob '%s' 已停止。", + "loc.messages.WebJobAlreadyInStoppedState": "WebJob '%s' 已是停止狀態。", + "loc.messages.RestartingKuduService": "正在重新啟動 Kudu 服務。", + "loc.messages.RestartedKuduService": "Kudu 服務已重新啟動", + "loc.messages.FailedToRestartKuduService": "無法重新啟動 Kudu 服務。%s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ", + "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署網頁套件。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 回應碼: '%s' 不是有效的重新導向狀態碼。", + "loc.messages.ARG_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "HTTP 回應的位置標頭為 null,狀態碼: %s", + "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,必須是由信任之憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,必須將組建或發行定義中的 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 變數值設為 true", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "無法取得 Azure 度量警示: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效", + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b92b08c0fa6f..c339d684198c 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "AAD-Autorität: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Das Zertifikat mit dem Fingerabdruck \"{0}\" ist nicht im lokalen Zertifikatspeicher vorhanden. Dies kann möglicherweise zu Fehlern führen. Wenn Release-/Buildfehler auftreten, versuchen Sie es noch mal, oder stellen Sie sicher, dass nicht mehrere Agents Builds/Releases unter Verwendung desselben Dienstendpunkts parallel auf demselben Computer ausführen.", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "Clientanwendungs-ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "Clusteranwendungs-ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "Die Verbindung mit dem Cluster wurde erfolgreich hergestellt.", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "Es wird erneut versucht, eine Verbindung mit dem Cluster herzustellen...", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "Fehler beim Entfernen des Clientzertifikats. Fehlermeldung: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "Die Telemetriedaten konnten nicht per Push übertragen werden. Fehler: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric-SDK-Version: {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric-SDK-Version: {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "Der Agent ist kein x64-Agent. Diese Aufgabe wird nur für einen x64-Agent unterstützt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 6f4425698c89..3e2c79702f6b 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "Entidad de AAD: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "El certificado con la huella digital {0} no está presente en el almacén de certificados local, lo cual puede causar errores. Si se produce un error de versión o compilación, vuelva a intentarlo o asegúrese de que no haya varios agentes que ejecuten compilaciones o versiones que usan el mismo punto de conexión de servicio simultáneamente en la misma máquina.", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "Id. de aplicación cliente: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "Id. de aplicación de clúster: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "Se conectó correctamente al clúster.", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "Reintentando conectar con el clúster...", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "Error al intentar quitar el certificado de cliente. Mensaje de error: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "No se pueden insertar datos de telemetría. Error: {0}", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Versión del SDK de Service Fabric: {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Versión del SDK de Service Fabric: {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "Este no es un agente x64. Esta tarea solo se admite en un agente x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d9207f66a9c8..b4eb4ac9f49d 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "Autorité AAD : {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Le certificat avec l'empreinte numérique {0} n'est pas présent dans le magasin de certificats local. Cela peut entraîner des erreurs. En cas d'échec de la mise en production/build, réessayez l'opération, ou vérifiez que plusieurs agents n'exécutent pas de builds/mises en production simultanément à l'aide du même point de terminaison de service sur la même machine.", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "ID d'application cliente : {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "ID d'application de cluster : {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "Connexion réussie au cluster.", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "Nouvelle tentative de connexion au cluster.", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "Une erreur s'est produite durant la suppression du certificat client. Message d'erreur : {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "Impossible d'envoyer (push) les données de télémétrie. Erreur : {0}.", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Version du kit SDK Service Fabric : {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Version du kit SDK Service Fabric : {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "L'agent n'est pas un agent x64. Cette tâche est prise en charge uniquement sur un agent x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b76302e23522..59cd678d7846 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "Autorità AAD: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Il certificato con identificazione personale {0} non è presente nell'archivio certificati locale. Questa condizione potrebbe causare errori. Se la versione/compilazione non riesce, riprovare oppure verificare che più agenti non eseguano compilazioni/versioni usando contemporaneamente lo stesso endpoint servizio nello stesso computer.", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "ID applicazione client: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "ID applicazione cluster: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "La connessione al cluster è riuscita.", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "Nuovo tentativo di connessione al cluster...", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di rimuovere il certificato client. Messaggio di errore: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "Non è possibile effettuare il push dei dati di telemetria. Errore: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Versione di Service Fabric SDK: {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Versione di Service Fabric SDK: {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "L'agente non è un agente x64. Questa attività è supportata solo in un agente x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 868b38714bfd..3e3be61010d2 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "AAD 権限: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "サムプリント {0} を持つ証明書がローカル証明書ストアに存在しません。これによりエラーが発生する可能性があります。リリースまたはビルドが失敗する場合、再試行するか、同じマシンで同じサービス エンドポイントを同時に使用して複数のエージェントによってビルドやリリースが実行されていないことをご確認ください。", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "クライアント アプリケーション ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "クラスター アプリケーション ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "正常にクラスターに接続しました。", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "クラスターへの接続を再試行しています..", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "クライアント証明書を削除しようとしてエラーが発生しました。エラー メッセージ: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "テレメトリ データをプッシュできません。エラー: {0}", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK バージョン: {0}。" + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK バージョン: {0}。", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "エージェントは x64 エージェントではありません。このタスクは、x64 エージェントでのみサポートされています。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 776d17e62d27..a87fd920910e 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "AAD 기관: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", - "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "클라이언트 응용 프로그램 ID: {0}", - "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "클러스터 응용 프로그램 ID: {0}", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "지문이 {0}인 인증서가 로컬 인증서 저장소에 없습니다. 이로 인해 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 릴리스/빌드에 실패하는 경우 다시 시도하거나, 동일한 머신에서 여러 에이전트가 동일한 서비스 엔드포인트를 사용하여 빌드/릴리스를 동시에 실행하고 있지 않은지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "클라이언트 애플리케이션 ID: {0}", + "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "클러스터 애플리케이션 ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "클러스터에 연결했습니다.", "loc.messages.DefaultPortWarning": "연결 엔드포인트에서 지정한 '{0}' 포트가 기본 ClientConnectionEndpoint '19000'과 일치하지 않습니다. 이로 인해 클러스터 통신 오류가 발생했을 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.ErrorOnAcquireToken": "Azure Active Directory 토큰을 가져오는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 서비스 엔드포인트가 유효한 자격 증명으로 제대로 구성되어 있는지 확인하세요. 오류 메시지: {0}", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "클러스터에 연결을 다시 시도하는 중..", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "클라이언트 인증서를 제거하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류 메시지: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "원격 분석 데이터를 푸시할 수 없습니다. 오류: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 버전: {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 버전: {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "에이전트가 x64 에이전트가 아닙니다. 이 작업은 x64 에이전트에서만 지원됩니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 425edda967b8..f7924ea7c804 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "Центр AAD: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Сертификат с отпечатком {0} отсутствует в локальном хранилище сертификатов. Это может вызвать ошибки. В случае сбоя выпуска или сборки повторите попытку или убедитесь, что на одном и том же компьютере не выполняется несколько агентов, одновременно запускающих сборки/выпуски с использованием одной конечной точки службы.", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "Код клиентского приложения: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "Код приложения кластера: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "Успешное подключение к кластеру.", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "Повторная попытка подключения к кластеру.", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "Произошла ошибка при попытке удалить сертификат клиента. Сообщение об ошибке: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "Не удается отправить данные телеметрии. Ошибка: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Версия пакета SDK структуры службы: {0}." + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Версия пакета SDK структуры службы: {0}.", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "Агент не относится к типу x64. Эта задача поддерживается только в агенте x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 7c6a14506c75..668bb15683c3 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "AAD 颁发机构: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "具有指纹 {0} 的证书在本地证书存储中不存在。这可能会导致错误。如果发布/生成失败,请重试此操作,或确保多个代理未在同一计算机上同时使用同一服务终结点运行生成/发布。", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "客户端应用程序 ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "群集应用程序 ID: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "成功连接到群集。", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "正在重试连接到群集...", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "尝试删除客户端证书时出错。错误消息: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "无法推送遥测数据。错误: {0}", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 版本: {0}。" + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 版本: {0}。", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "该代理不是 x64 代理。仅 x64 代理支持此任务。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 5b484392ff45..bd3854107c2c 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/ServiceFabricHelpers/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "loc.messages.AadAuthority": "AAD 授權單位: {0}", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "指紋為 {0} 的憑證不在本機憑證存放區中。這可能會造成錯誤。如果發行/建置失敗,請予以重試,或確保多個代理程式不會在相同的電腦上,同時使用相同的服務端點執行發行/建置。", "loc.messages.ClientAppId": "用戶端應用程式識別碼: {0}", "loc.messages.ClusterAppId": "叢集應用程式識別碼: {0}", "loc.messages.ConnectedToCluster": "已成功連線到叢集。", @@ -14,5 +14,6 @@ "loc.messages.RetryingClusterConnection": "正在重試連線到叢集...", "loc.messages.WarningOnRemoveCertificate": "嘗試移除用戶端憑證時發生錯誤。錯誤訊息: {0}", "loc.messages.TelemetryWarning": "無法推送遙測資料。錯誤: {0}。", - "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 版本: {0}。" + "loc.messages.SfSdkVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 版本: {0}。", + "loc.messages.TaskNotRunningOnx64Agent": "代理程式不是 x64 代理程式。僅於 x64 代理程式上支援此工作。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f4e11d8c655e..1fb23653047c 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Nicht unterstütztes Authentifizierungsschema \"{0}\" für den Azure-Endpunkt.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "Die Liste verfügbarer {0}-Module:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "Der angegebene AzureRM-Endpunkt ist ungültig.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Für die verwaltete Identität konnte kein Zugriffstoken abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Identität für die VM, siehe https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Statuscode: {0}, Fehlermeldung: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Für die verwaltete Identität konnte kein Zugriffstoken abgerufen werden. Statuscode: {0}, Fehlermeldung: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Für die verwaltete Identität konnte kein Zugriffstoken abgerufen werden. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1cfaed70cfba..ea7cd5ebec2a 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Esquema de autenticación no admitido '{0}' para el punto de conexión de Azure.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "Lista de módulos de {0} disponibles:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "El punto de conexión de AzureRM especificado no es válido.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la identidad administrada. Configure la identidad administrada para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: \"{0}\". Mensaje de error: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la identidad administrada. Código de estado: \"{0}\". Mensaje de error: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la identidad administrada. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cbea6cb70e7a..a0a2aff5f9f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Modèle d'authentification '{0}' non pris en charge pour le point de terminaison Azure.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "Liste des modules {0} disponibles :", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "Le point de terminaison AzureRM spécifié est non valide.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour l'identité managée. Configurez l'identité managée pour la machine virtuelle ('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). Code d'état : '{0}'. Message d'erreur : {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour l'identité managée. Code d'état : '{0}'. Message d'erreur : {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour l'identité managée. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index cb284bf0da6f..c0202d29b53b 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Lo schema di autenticazione '{0}' non è supportato per l'endpoint di Azure.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "Elenco dei moduli {0} disponibili:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "L'endpoint di AzureRm specificato non è valido.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'identità gestita. Configurare l'identità gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: '{0}'. Messaggio di errore: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'identità gestita. Codice di stato: '{0}'. Messaggio di errore: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'identità gestita. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index de3e5862b75b..e2ed4662cfd9 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "'{0}' は Azure エンドポイントではサポートされていない認証スキームです。", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "利用可能な {0} モジュールの一覧:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "指定した AzureRM エンドポイントは無効です。", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "マネージド ID のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド ID を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: '{0}'、エラー メッセージ: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "マネージド ID のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: '{0}'、エラー メッセージ: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "マネージド ID のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。{0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 61e7414b9143..c53c3037ca1d 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Azure 엔드포인트에 대해 인증 체계 '{0}'은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "사용 가능한 {0} 모듈 목록:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "지정한 AzureRM 엔드포인트가 잘못되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "관리 ID의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 관리 ID를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: '{0}', 오류 메시지: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "관리 ID의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '{0}', 오류 메시지: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "관리 ID의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 65042517cb68..47f628870c78 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Схема аутентификации \"{0}\" не поддерживается для конечной точки Azure.", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "Список доступных модулей {0}:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "Указана недопустимая конечная точка AzureRM.", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого удостоверения. Настройте управляемое удостоверение для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: \"{0}\", сообщения о состоянии: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого удостоверения. Код состояния: '{0}', сообщение о состоянии: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого удостоверения. {0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 3c426cc569d9..9df42c0ce0a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Azure 终结点不支持授权方案“{0}”。", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "可用 {0} 模块的列表:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "指定的 AzureRM 终结点无效。", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "无法提取托管标识的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管标识 \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\"。状态代码:“{0}”,错误消息: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "无法提取托管标识的访问令牌。状态代码:“{0}”,错误消息: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "无法提取托管标识的访问令牌。{0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 6a946b7ec409..b22732a1d674 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/VstsAzureHelpers_/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.messages.AZ_UnsupportedAuthScheme0": "Azure 端點不支援驗證配置 '{0}'。", "loc.messages.AZ_AvailableModules": "可用的 {0} 模組清單:", "loc.messages.AZ_InvalidARMEndpoint": "指定的 AzureRM 端點無效。", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Please configure Managed Identity for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. Status code: '{0}', Error message: {1}", - "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Identity. {0}" + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessNotConfiguredProperlyFailure": "無法擷取受控識別的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控識別 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。狀態碼: '{0}',錯誤訊息: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiAccessTokenFetchFailure": "無法擷取受控識別的存取權杖。狀態碼: '{0}',錯誤訊息: {1}", + "loc.messages.AZ_MsiFailure": "無法擷取受控識別的存取權杖。{0}" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ac256b36d0e8..4fb1a004886b 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotWithProduction": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" getauscht: \"production\" und \"%s\"", "loc.messages.SwappedAppServiceSlotSlots": "Slots für App Service \"%s\" getauscht: \"%s\" und \"%s\"'", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Slots werden aufgewärmt", + "loc.messages.WarmingUpSlots": "Slots werden aufgewärmt.", "loc.messages.DeploymentIDCannotBeNull": "Die Bereitstellungs-ID darf nicht NULL oder leer sein.", "loc.messages.DeploymentDataEntityCannotBeNull": "Die Datenentität für die Bereitstellung darf nicht NULL oder undefiniert sein.", "loc.messages.SiteExtensionInstalled": "Die Websiteerweiterung \"%s\" wurde installiert.", @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasedefinition eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Azure-Metrikwarnungen: %s. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Firewallregel zum Azure MySQL-Server. Fehler: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e7f02251dce0..a8f9e3c09613 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la definición de compilación o de versión.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudieron obtener las alertas de métrica de Azure: %s. Error: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Error al agregar la regla de firewall al servidor MySQL de Azure: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index b1f08730697c..d5c63bb76674 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans la définition de build ou la définition de mise en production", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de l'obtention des alertes de métrique Azure : %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Obtention d'une erreur durant l'ajout d'une règle de pare-feu au serveur Azure MySQL. Erreur : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 16edff17a7d3..e31378f35040 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella definizione di compilazione o versione", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile ottenere gli avvisi per le metriche di Azure: %s. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta della regola del firewall al server MySQL di Azure. Errore: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 3c973a74fb9d..8bd37c69032d 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース定義で true に設定する必要があります。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラートを取得できませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "ファイアウォール規則を Azure MySql サーバーに追加する際にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index dbc40c4bc489..4a87463986c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "URL에 대해 웹 테스트가 이미 구성되어 있음: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 정보가 비어 있음", "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "연속 WebJob을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 아마도 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중이며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 정의에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고(%s)를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Azure MySQL 서버에 방화벽 규칙을 추가하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 639a493b0189..e668f1b6ba8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки серитфиката, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат, и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в определении сборки или выпуска.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось получить метрики оповещений Azure: %s. Ошибка: %s.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s.", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Сбой при добавлении правила брандмауэра на сервере MySQL Azure. Ошибка: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 88f6564eb808..e52aaf328473 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则你可能使用的是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布定义中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "获取 Azure 指标警报失败: %s。错误: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "将防火墙规则添加到 Azure MySQL 服务器时出现错误。错误: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 01f7ebe9c131..f67e282b6f70 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,6 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,必須是由信任之憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,必須將組建或發行定義中的 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 變數值設為 true", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "無法取得 Azure 度量警示: %s。錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "將防火牆規則新增至 Azure mysql 伺服器時得到錯誤。錯誤: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ac256b36d0e8..532173fde7c6 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasedefinition eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Azure-Metrikwarnungen: %s. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Firewallregel zum Azure MySQL-Server. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e7f02251dce0..c2035cc1f4c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la definición de compilación o de versión.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudieron obtener las alertas de métrica de Azure: %s. Error: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Error al agregar la regla de firewall al servidor MySQL de Azure: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index b1f08730697c..5a5f31de9288 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans la définition de build ou la définition de mise en production", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de l'obtention des alertes de métrique Azure : %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Obtention d'une erreur durant l'ajout d'une règle de pare-feu au serveur Azure MySQL. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 16edff17a7d3..68ba2b071402 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella definizione di compilazione o versione", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile ottenere gli avvisi per le metriche di Azure: %s. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta della regola del firewall al server MySQL di Azure. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 3c973a74fb9d..db464e3d5876 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース定義で true に設定する必要があります。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラートを取得できませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "ファイアウォール規則を Azure MySql サーバーに追加する際にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index dbc40c4bc489..73bf452c5b2a 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ "loc.messages.WebTestAlreadyConfigured": "URL에 대해 웹 테스트가 이미 구성되어 있음: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 정보가 비어 있음", "loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "연속 WebJob을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 아마도 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중이며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 정의에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고(%s)를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Azure MySQL 서버에 방화벽 규칙을 추가하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 639a493b0189..65f8802abe48 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки серитфиката, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат, и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в определении сборки или выпуска.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось получить метрики оповещений Azure: %s. Ошибка: %s.", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s.", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат." + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат.", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Сбой при добавлении правила брандмауэра на сервере MySQL Azure. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 88f6564eb808..27ddcad8b6bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则你可能使用的是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布定义中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值。", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "获取 Azure 指标警报失败: %s。错误: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "将防火墙规则添加到 Azure MySQL 服务器时出现错误。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 01f7ebe9c131..bbc146a470ca 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/azure-arm-rest/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -137,5 +137,7 @@ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,必須是由信任之憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,必須將組建或發行定義中的 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 變數值設為 true", "loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "無法取得 Azure 度量警示: %s。錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效" + "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效", + "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "將防火牆規則新增至 Azure mysql 伺服器時得到錯誤。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 5635ee6fc45c..a17dcadc6670 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Fehler bei der Suche nach der angegebenen JDK-Version. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Alternativ können Sie mit dem [Java-Toolinstaller](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) das gewünschte JDK installieren." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 5d0748bd2a99..1aac1bcae68b 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Java Tool Installer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) para instalar el JDK deseado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 97b6e9dd656d..64dfee389f5e 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) pour installer le JDK souhaité." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 6eee17eb6d4b..cc109cfae5eb 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) per installare il JDK desiderato." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index cf3e9a367e77..a2b07e124ebb 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされていることと、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-JP/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) タスクを使用して必要な JDK をインストールしてください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 50b7094a6727..c7aacde732c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java Tool Installer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 35468b690b9a..a17cfa3f5107 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь, что она установлена на агенте, а переменная среды \"%s\" создана и содержит путь к соответствующей версии JDK, или установите необходимую версию JDK с помощью [установщика инструментов Java](https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer)." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 72fbed89d565..4329746d077d 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保已在代理上安装指定的 JDK 版本,存在环境变量“%s”,且该变量设置为相应 JDK 的位置,或使用 [Java 工具安装程序](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer)任务安装所需的 JDK。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 83287723c2eb..e0aff6ebd54f 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/java-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確定代理程式已安裝指定的 JDK 版本,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或使用 [Java Tool Installer](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/build-release/tasks/tool/java-tool-installer) (Java 工具安裝程式) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e26dfeeb6e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/kubernetes-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..78120e520f4e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore unterstützt die Verwendung eines verschlüsselten API-Schlüssels derzeit nicht.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Ungültiges XML. Es wurde ein Element mit dem Namen \"configuration\" erwartet.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Es wurden keine mit dem Suchmuster übereinstimmenden Dateien gefunden: %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Download-URL für %s gefunden", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Version gefunden, die mit der Eingabe %s übereinstimmt", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Fehler bei der Toolinstallation: %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Die verfügbaren Versionen sind: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Sie verwenden eine Übereinstimmungsabfrage in der Versionszeichenfolge. Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Die Authentifizierungsinformation wird für den folgenden URI verwendet:", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Aus Toolcache aufgelöst: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "\"NuGet.config\" wird in einer temporären Konfigurationsdatei gespeichert.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Verwendeter Toolpfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Verwendete Version: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Anmeldeinformationen in der Datei \"NuGet.config\" werden festgelegt.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Der Bereich \"%s\" [%s] wurde nicht gefunden. Der Dienst, der diesen Bereich enthält, ist ggf. in Ihrer Region nicht verfügbar.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Ein Ladeprogrammpfad für NuGet-Extensions (Umgebungsvariable \"NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH\") wurde erkannt: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Erkannte NuGet-Version %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Ein Ladeprogrammpfad für NuGet-Extensions (Umgebungsvariable \"NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH\") wurde erkannt. Extensions werden ignoriert, wenn der integrierte NuGet-Client verwendet wird.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "In der Datei \"NuGet.config\" unter \"%s\" wurden keine Paketquellen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Die Datei \"NuGet.config\" unter \"%s\" ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Unter %s wurde eine Datei \"NuGet.config\" erwartet, der Inhalt scheint aber eine Datei \"packages.config\" zu sein. Überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen für den Task \"%s\", und bestätigen Sie, dass Sie \"NuGet.config\" und nicht \"packages.config\" ausgewählt haben.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Das Festlegen von Anmeldeinformationen in \"NuGet.config\" wird vorbereitet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Der Bereich \"%s\" [%s] wurde nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise liegt ein Problem mit der Team Foundation Server-Installation vor.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unbekannte NuGet-Version ausgewählt.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Das Tool %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Die Herkunftssitzung konnte nicht erstellt werden: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Die Version von \"NuGet.exe\" wird auf %s aktualisiert (von %s). Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten. Wenn dies nicht gewünscht ist, deaktivieren Sie die Option \"Check for Latest Version\" (Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen) in der Aufgabe." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e8f6d80919ca --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "Actualmente, DotNetCore no admite el uso de una clave de API cifrada.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML no válido. Se esperaba un elemento denominado \"configuration\".", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No se encontraron archivos coincidentes con el patrón de búsqueda: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna dirección URL de descarga para %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna versión que coincida con la entrada %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Error al instalar la herramienta: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Versiones disponibles: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Está usando una coincidencia de consultas en la cadena de versión. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Usando información de autenticación para el siguiente URI: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Se resolvió desde la memoria caché de herramientas: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Guardando NuGet.config en un archivo de configuración temporal.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Se usa la ruta de la herramienta: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Se usa la versión: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Estableciendo credenciales en NuGet.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "No se encuentra el área \"%s\" [%s]. Puede que el servicio que contiene el área no esté disponible en la región.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Se detectó una ruta de acceso de cargador de extensiones NuGet (variable de entorno NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Versión de NuGet detectada: %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Se detectó una ruta de acceso de cargador de extensiones NuGet (variable de entorno NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): Las extensiones se omiten cuando se usa el cliente NuGet integrado", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No se encontró ningún origen de paquete en el archivo NuGet.config en %s.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "El archivo NuGet.config en %s no es válido.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Se esperaba un archivo NuGet.config en %s, pero por el contenido parece de tipo packages.config. Compruebe la configuración de la tarea de %s y confirme que seleccionó NuGet.config en lugar de packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparándose para establecer las credenciales en NuGet.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "No se encuentra el área \"%s\" [%s]. Puede que haya un problema con la instalación de Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Se seleccionó una versión de NuGet desconocida.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "No se encuentra la herramienta %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "No se pudo crear la sesión de proveniencia: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Se está actualizando la versión de NuGet.exe a %s desde %s. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión. Si no desea que esto ocurra, desactive la opción \"Comprobar la última versión\" en la tarea." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f4ade740439e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore ne prend pas en charge l'utilisation d'une clé API chiffrée.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Contenu xml non valide. L'élément nommé 'configuration' est attendu.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Il n'existe aucun fichier correspondant au modèle de recherche : %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL de téléchargement introuvable pour %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Il n'existe aucune version correspondant à l'entrée %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Échec de l'installation de l'outil : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Versions disponibles : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Vous utilisez une correspondance de requête dans la chaîne de version. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Utilisation des informations d'authentification pour l'URI suivant : ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Résolu à partir du cache d'outils : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Enregistrement de NuGet.config dans un fichier config temporaire.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Utilisation du chemin d'outils : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Utilisation de la version : %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Définition des informations d'identification dans NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Impossible de localiser la zone '%s' [%s]. Le service qui contient la zone n'est peut-être pas disponible dans votre région.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Chemin du chargeur d'extensions NuGet (variable d'environnement NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH) détecté : %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Version NuGet détectée %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Chemin du chargeur d'extensions NuGet (variable d'environnement NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH) détecté. Les extensions sont ignorées quand le client NuGet intégré est utilisé", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Sources de package introuvables dans le fichier NuGet.config sur %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Le fichier NuGet.config sur %s est non valide.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Un fichier NuGet.config est attendu sur %s, mais son contenu semble être celui d'un fichier packages.config. Vérifiez les paramètres de la tâche %s, puis assurez-vous d'avoir bien sélectionné NuGet.config au lieu de packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Préparation de la définition des informations d'identification dans NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "La zone '%s' [%s] est introuvable. Il existe peut-être un problème lié à votre installation de Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Version NuGet inconnue sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Outil %s introuvable", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Impossible de créer une session de provenance : %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Mise à jour de NuGet.exe version %s vers la version %s. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version. Pour éviter cela, décochez l'option 'Rechercher la dernière version' dans la tâche." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..85c456308826 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore non supporta attualmente una chiave API crittografata.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML non valido. È previsto un elemento denominato 'configuration'.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Non sono stati trovati file corrispondenti con il criterio di ricerca: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stato trovato alcun URL di download per %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione corrispondente all'input %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "L'installazione dello strumento non è riuscita: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Le versioni disponibili sono: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Sulla stringa di versione viene usata una corrispondenza query che potrebbe causare modifiche del comportamento o impreviste quando NuGet viene aggiornato a una nuova versione.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Uso di informazioni di autenticazione per l'URI seguente: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Risoluzione dalla cache dello strumento: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Salvataggio di NuGet.config in un file di configurazione temporaneo.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Uso del percorso dello strumento: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Uso della versione: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Impostazione delle credenziali in NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "L'area '%s' [%s] non è stata trovata. Il servizio che contiene tale area potrebbe non essere disponibile nell'area geografica corrente.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Il percorso del caricatore delle estensioni NuGet è stato rilevato (variabile di ambiente NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "È stata rilevata la versione di NuGet %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Il percorso del caricatore delle estensioni NuGet è stato rilevato (variabile di ambiente NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH). Le estensioni vengono ignorate quando si usa il client NuGet predefinito", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Non sono state trovate origini pacchetto nel file NuGet.config in %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Il file NuGet.config in %s non è valido.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "In %s è previsto un file NuGet.config, ma il contenuto del file sembra essere quello di un file packages.config. Verificare le impostazioni dell'attività %s e confermare di aver selezionato NuGet.config invece di packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparazione dell'impostazione delle credenziali in NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "L'area '%s' [%s] non è stata trovata. Potrebbe essersi verificato un problema con l'installazione di Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "È stata selezionata una versione di NuGet sconosciuta.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Lo strumento %s non è stato trovato", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Non è stato possibile creare la sessione di provenienza: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Aggiornamento della versione di NuGet.exe a %s da %s. In seguito all'aggiornamento di NuGet a una nuova versione è possibile riscontrare modifiche al comportamento o modifiche di rilievo. Per evitare queste modifiche, deselezionare l'opzione 'Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti' nell'attività." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dba786a47f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore は、現在、暗号化された API キーの使用をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "無効な xml です。'configuration' という要素が必要です。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "次の検索パターンと一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s のダウンロード URL が見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "入力 %s に一致するバージョンは見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "ツールをインストールできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "利用可能なバージョン: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "バージョン文字列でクエリ マッチを使用しています。NuGet が新しいバージョンに更新されるときに、動作の変更や重大な変更が発生する可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "次の URI に対して認証情報が使用されています: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "ツール キャッシュから解決: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config を一時構成ファイルに保存しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用するツール パス: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用するバージョン: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "NuGet.config での資格証明の設定", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "'%s' [%s] 領域を特定できません。この領域を含むサービスは、ご利用の地域では提供されません。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "NuGet 拡張機能のローダー パス (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境変数) が検出されました: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "検出された NuGet バージョン %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "NuGet 拡張機能のローダー パス (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境変数) が検出されました。ビルトインの NuGet クライアントを使用するとき、拡張機能は無視されます", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "%s の NuGet.config ファイルでパッケージ ソースが見つかりません", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s の NuGet.config が無効です。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "%s で NuGet.config ファイルが想定されていますが、そのコンテンツは packages.config のようです。%s タスクの設定をチェックし、packages.config ではなく NuGet.config を選択したことを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "NuGet.config での資格情報の設定準備", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "'%s' [%s] の領域が見つかりません。Team Foundation Server のインストールで問題が発生した可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "不明な NuGet バージョンが選ばれました。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "ツール %s が見つかりません", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "次の来歴セッションを作成できませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe のバージョンを %s に更新しています (現在のバージョンは %s)。NuGet を新しいバージョンに更新すると、動作の変更やビルド ブレークを起こす変更が発生することがあります。これを避けるには、タスクの [最新バージョンのチェック] オプションをオフにします。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c44fc881e285 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore는 현재 암호화된 API 키 사용을 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "잘못된 XML입니다. 'configuration' 요소가 필요합니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "다음 검색 패턴과 일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s에 대한 다운로드 URL을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "입력 %s과(와) 일치하는 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "도구 설치 실패: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "사용 가능한 버전: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "버전 문자열에서 쿼리 일치를 사용하는 중입니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용 또는 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "다음 URI에 대한 인증 정보를 사용합니다. ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "도구 캐시 %s에서 확인됨", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config를 임시 구성 파일에 저장 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "도구 경로 %s 사용", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "버전 %s 사용", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "NuGet.config에서 자격 증명을 설정하는 중", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "'%s' [%s] 영역을 찾을 수 없습니다. 해당 영역을 포함하는 서비스를 사용자의 지역에서 사용하지 못할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "검색된 NuGet 확장 로더 경로(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 환경 변수): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "검색된 NuGet 버전 %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "검색된 NuGet 확장 로더 경로(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 환경 변수). 기본 제공 NuGet 클라이언트를 사용할 경우 확장은 무시됩니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "%s의 NuGet.config 파일에서 패키지 소스를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s의 NuGet.config가 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "%s에 NuGet.config 파일이 필요하지만, 해당 내용이 packages.config인 것 같습니다. %s 작업에 대한 설정을 확인하고, packages.config가 아닌 NuGet.config를 선택했는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "NuGet.config에서 자격 증명을 설정하기 위해 준비 중", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "'%s' [%s] 영역을 찾을 수 없습니다. Team Foundation Server 설치에 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "알 수 없는 NuGet 버전을 선택했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "%s 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "출처 세션 %s을(를) 만들 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe의 버전을 %s에서 %s(으)로 업데이트합니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용이나 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이를 원치 않으면 작업에서 '최신 버전 확인' 옵션을 선택 취소하세요." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1f7a9dfb49a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": ".NET Core сейчас не поддерживает использование зашифрованных ключей API.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Недопустимый код XML. Ожидается элемент \"configuration\".", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Не найдены файлы, соответствующие шаблону поиска: %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL-адрес скачивания для %s не найден.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Не найдена версия, соответствующая входному параметру %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Сбой установки инструмента: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Доступные версии: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Вы используете для запроса сопоставление по строке версии. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Используются сведения о проверке подлинности для следующего кода URI: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Разрешено из кэша инструментов: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config сохраняется во временном файле конфигурации.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Используемый путь к инструменту: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Используемая версия: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Идет настройка учетных данных в NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Не удается найти область \"%s\" [%s]. Возможно, служба, содержащая эту область, недоступна в вашем регионе.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Обнаружен путь к загрузчику расширений NuGet (переменная среды NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Обнаруженная версия NuGet %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Обнаружен путь к загрузчику расширений NuGet (переменная среды NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH). Расширения пропускаются при использовании встроенного клиента NuGet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Не найдены источники пакетов в файле NuGet.config в \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Файл NuGet.config в \"%s\" недопустим.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Ожидался файл NuGet.config в \"%s\", однако похоже, что в нем содержатся данные packages.config. Проверьте параметры для задачи \"%s\" и подтвердите, что вы выбрали NuGet.config, а не packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Подготовка к настройке учетных данных в NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Не удается найти область \"%s\" [%s]. Возможно, возникла проблема с установкой Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Выбрана неизвестная версия NuGet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Не удается найти средство \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Не удалось создать сеанс происхождения: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Обновление версии NuGet.exe на %s с %s. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения. Если это нежелательно, снимите флажок \"Проверить наличие последней версии\" в параметрах задачи." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..782f06af41c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支持使用加密 API 密钥。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "xml 无效。元素名应为“配置”。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "在搜索模式 %s 下找不到匹配的文件", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "对于 %s 未找到任何下载 URL", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "未找到任何匹配输入 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安装失败: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "可用版本: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "你正在版本字符串上使用查询匹配。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "对以下 URI 使用身份验证信息:", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "已从工具缓存 %s 中解析", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "正在将 NuGet.config 保存到临时配置文件。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路径: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "设置 NuGet.config 中的凭据", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "无法定位“%s”[%s] 区域。你所在的地区可能无法使用包含该区域的服务。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "已检测到 NuGet 扩展加载程序路径(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 环境变量): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "检测到 NuGet 版本 %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "已检测到 NuGet 扩展加载程序路径(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 环境变量)。使用内置 NuGet 客户端时忽略这些扩展", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "没有在 %s 处找到 NuGet.config 文件中的包源", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s 处的 NuGet.config 无效。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "在 %s 处应有 NuGet.config 文件,但其内容似乎是 packages.config 文件。请检查 %s 任务的设置并确认选择的是 NuGet.config,而不是 packages.config。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "准备设置 NuGet.config 中的凭据", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "无法找到“%s”[%s] 区域。Team Foundation Server 安装可能存在问题。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "选择了未知的 NuGet 版本。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "无法找到工具 %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "无法创建出处会话: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在将 NuGet.exe 版本更新到 %s (从 %s)。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。如果不希望发生这种情况,请在任务中取消选中“检查最新版本”选项。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc08a1e93495 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common-old/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支援使用加密的 API 金鑰。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML 無效。應有名為 'configuration' 的元素。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "使用下列搜尋模式找不到任何相符的檔案: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到 %s 的下載 URL", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到任何版本與輸入 %s 相符", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安裝失敗: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "可用的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "您正在使用查詢比對版本字串。當 NuGet 更新為新的版本時,除了行為可能會有所改變之外,也可能會有重大變更。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "請為下列 URI 使用驗證資訊: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "已從工具快取中解析: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "正在將 NuGet.config 儲存至暫存組態檔。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用版本: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "正在設定 NuGet.config 中的認證", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "找不到 '%s' [%s] 區域。包含該區域的服務可能無法在您的地區使用。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "偵測到 NuGet 擴充功能載入器路徑 (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境變數): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "偵測到 NuGet 版本 %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "偵測到 NuGet 擴充功能載入器路徑 (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境變數)。使用內建 NuGet 用戶端時會忽略擴充功能", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "在位於 %s 的 NuGet.config 檔案中找不到套件來源", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "位於 %s 的 NuGet.config 無效。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "預期 NuGet.config 檔於 %s,但其內容似乎是 packages.config。請檢查 %s 工作的設定,並確認您選取的是 NuGet.config 而不是 packages.config。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "正在準備設定 NuGet.config 中的認證", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "找不到 '%s' [%s] 區域。您的 Team Foundation Server 安裝可能發生問題。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "選取了不明的 NuGet 版本。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "找不到工具 %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "無法建立來源工作階段: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在將 NuGet.exe 的版本更新為 %s (原始為 %s) 。當 NuGet 更新為新版本時,可能會發生行為變更或重大變更。如果這不是您想要的行為,請取消核取工作中的 [檢查最新版本] 選項。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..78120e520f4e 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore unterstützt die Verwendung eines verschlüsselten API-Schlüssels derzeit nicht.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Ungültiges XML. Es wurde ein Element mit dem Namen \"configuration\" erwartet.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Es wurden keine mit dem Suchmuster übereinstimmenden Dateien gefunden: %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Download-URL für %s gefunden", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Version gefunden, die mit der Eingabe %s übereinstimmt", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Fehler bei der Toolinstallation: %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Die verfügbaren Versionen sind: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Sie verwenden eine Übereinstimmungsabfrage in der Versionszeichenfolge. Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Die Authentifizierungsinformation wird für den folgenden URI verwendet:", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Aus Toolcache aufgelöst: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "\"NuGet.config\" wird in einer temporären Konfigurationsdatei gespeichert.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Verwendeter Toolpfad: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Verwendete Version: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Anmeldeinformationen in der Datei \"NuGet.config\" werden festgelegt.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Der Bereich \"%s\" [%s] wurde nicht gefunden. Der Dienst, der diesen Bereich enthält, ist ggf. in Ihrer Region nicht verfügbar.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Ein Ladeprogrammpfad für NuGet-Extensions (Umgebungsvariable \"NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH\") wurde erkannt: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Erkannte NuGet-Version %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Ein Ladeprogrammpfad für NuGet-Extensions (Umgebungsvariable \"NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH\") wurde erkannt. Extensions werden ignoriert, wenn der integrierte NuGet-Client verwendet wird.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "In der Datei \"NuGet.config\" unter \"%s\" wurden keine Paketquellen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Die Datei \"NuGet.config\" unter \"%s\" ist ungültig.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Unter %s wurde eine Datei \"NuGet.config\" erwartet, der Inhalt scheint aber eine Datei \"packages.config\" zu sein. Überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen für den Task \"%s\", und bestätigen Sie, dass Sie \"NuGet.config\" und nicht \"packages.config\" ausgewählt haben.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Das Festlegen von Anmeldeinformationen in \"NuGet.config\" wird vorbereitet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Der Bereich \"%s\" [%s] wurde nicht gefunden. Möglicherweise liegt ein Problem mit der Team Foundation Server-Installation vor.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unbekannte NuGet-Version ausgewählt.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Das Tool %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Die Herkunftssitzung konnte nicht erstellt werden: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Die Version von \"NuGet.exe\" wird auf %s aktualisiert (von %s). Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten. Wenn dies nicht gewünscht ist, deaktivieren Sie die Option \"Check for Latest Version\" (Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen) in der Aufgabe." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..e8f6d80919ca 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "Actualmente, DotNetCore no admite el uso de una clave de API cifrada.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML no válido. Se esperaba un elemento denominado \"configuration\".", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No se encontraron archivos coincidentes con el patrón de búsqueda: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna dirección URL de descarga para %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna versión que coincida con la entrada %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Error al instalar la herramienta: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Versiones disponibles: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Está usando una coincidencia de consultas en la cadena de versión. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Usando información de autenticación para el siguiente URI: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Se resolvió desde la memoria caché de herramientas: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Guardando NuGet.config en un archivo de configuración temporal.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Se usa la ruta de la herramienta: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Se usa la versión: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Estableciendo credenciales en NuGet.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "No se encuentra el área \"%s\" [%s]. Puede que el servicio que contiene el área no esté disponible en la región.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Se detectó una ruta de acceso de cargador de extensiones NuGet (variable de entorno NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Versión de NuGet detectada: %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Se detectó una ruta de acceso de cargador de extensiones NuGet (variable de entorno NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): Las extensiones se omiten cuando se usa el cliente NuGet integrado", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No se encontró ningún origen de paquete en el archivo NuGet.config en %s.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "El archivo NuGet.config en %s no es válido.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Se esperaba un archivo NuGet.config en %s, pero por el contenido parece de tipo packages.config. Compruebe la configuración de la tarea de %s y confirme que seleccionó NuGet.config en lugar de packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparándose para establecer las credenciales en NuGet.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "No se encuentra el área \"%s\" [%s]. Puede que haya un problema con la instalación de Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Se seleccionó una versión de NuGet desconocida.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "No se encuentra la herramienta %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "No se pudo crear la sesión de proveniencia: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Se está actualizando la versión de NuGet.exe a %s desde %s. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión. Si no desea que esto ocurra, desactive la opción \"Comprobar la última versión\" en la tarea." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..f4ade740439e 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore ne prend pas en charge l'utilisation d'une clé API chiffrée.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Contenu xml non valide. L'élément nommé 'configuration' est attendu.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Il n'existe aucun fichier correspondant au modèle de recherche : %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL de téléchargement introuvable pour %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Il n'existe aucune version correspondant à l'entrée %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Échec de l'installation de l'outil : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Versions disponibles : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Vous utilisez une correspondance de requête dans la chaîne de version. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Utilisation des informations d'authentification pour l'URI suivant : ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Résolu à partir du cache d'outils : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Enregistrement de NuGet.config dans un fichier config temporaire.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Utilisation du chemin d'outils : %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Utilisation de la version : %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Définition des informations d'identification dans NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Impossible de localiser la zone '%s' [%s]. Le service qui contient la zone n'est peut-être pas disponible dans votre région.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Chemin du chargeur d'extensions NuGet (variable d'environnement NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH) détecté : %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Version NuGet détectée %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Chemin du chargeur d'extensions NuGet (variable d'environnement NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH) détecté. Les extensions sont ignorées quand le client NuGet intégré est utilisé", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Sources de package introuvables dans le fichier NuGet.config sur %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Le fichier NuGet.config sur %s est non valide.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Un fichier NuGet.config est attendu sur %s, mais son contenu semble être celui d'un fichier packages.config. Vérifiez les paramètres de la tâche %s, puis assurez-vous d'avoir bien sélectionné NuGet.config au lieu de packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Préparation de la définition des informations d'identification dans NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "La zone '%s' [%s] est introuvable. Il existe peut-être un problème lié à votre installation de Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Version NuGet inconnue sélectionnée.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Outil %s introuvable", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Impossible de créer une session de provenance : %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Mise à jour de NuGet.exe version %s vers la version %s. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version. Pour éviter cela, décochez l'option 'Rechercher la dernière version' dans la tâche." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..85c456308826 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore non supporta attualmente una chiave API crittografata.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML non valido. È previsto un elemento denominato 'configuration'.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Non sono stati trovati file corrispondenti con il criterio di ricerca: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stato trovato alcun URL di download per %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione corrispondente all'input %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "L'installazione dello strumento non è riuscita: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Le versioni disponibili sono: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Sulla stringa di versione viene usata una corrispondenza query che potrebbe causare modifiche del comportamento o impreviste quando NuGet viene aggiornato a una nuova versione.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Uso di informazioni di autenticazione per l'URI seguente: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Risoluzione dalla cache dello strumento: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Salvataggio di NuGet.config in un file di configurazione temporaneo.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Uso del percorso dello strumento: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Uso della versione: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Impostazione delle credenziali in NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "L'area '%s' [%s] non è stata trovata. Il servizio che contiene tale area potrebbe non essere disponibile nell'area geografica corrente.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Il percorso del caricatore delle estensioni NuGet è stato rilevato (variabile di ambiente NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "È stata rilevata la versione di NuGet %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Il percorso del caricatore delle estensioni NuGet è stato rilevato (variabile di ambiente NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH). Le estensioni vengono ignorate quando si usa il client NuGet predefinito", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Non sono state trovate origini pacchetto nel file NuGet.config in %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Il file NuGet.config in %s non è valido.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "In %s è previsto un file NuGet.config, ma il contenuto del file sembra essere quello di un file packages.config. Verificare le impostazioni dell'attività %s e confermare di aver selezionato NuGet.config invece di packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparazione dell'impostazione delle credenziali in NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "L'area '%s' [%s] non è stata trovata. Potrebbe essersi verificato un problema con l'installazione di Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "È stata selezionata una versione di NuGet sconosciuta.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Lo strumento %s non è stato trovato", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Non è stato possibile creare la sessione di provenienza: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Aggiornamento della versione di NuGet.exe a %s da %s. In seguito all'aggiornamento di NuGet a una nuova versione è possibile riscontrare modifiche al comportamento o modifiche di rilievo. Per evitare queste modifiche, deselezionare l'opzione 'Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti' nell'attività." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..dba786a47f49 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore は、現在、暗号化された API キーの使用をサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "無効な xml です。'configuration' という要素が必要です。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "次の検索パターンと一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s のダウンロード URL が見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "入力 %s に一致するバージョンは見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "ツールをインストールできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "利用可能なバージョン: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "バージョン文字列でクエリ マッチを使用しています。NuGet が新しいバージョンに更新されるときに、動作の変更や重大な変更が発生する可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "次の URI に対して認証情報が使用されています: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "ツール キャッシュから解決: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config を一時構成ファイルに保存しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用するツール パス: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用するバージョン: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "NuGet.config での資格証明の設定", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "'%s' [%s] 領域を特定できません。この領域を含むサービスは、ご利用の地域では提供されません。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "NuGet 拡張機能のローダー パス (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境変数) が検出されました: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "検出された NuGet バージョン %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "NuGet 拡張機能のローダー パス (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境変数) が検出されました。ビルトインの NuGet クライアントを使用するとき、拡張機能は無視されます", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "%s の NuGet.config ファイルでパッケージ ソースが見つかりません", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s の NuGet.config が無効です。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "%s で NuGet.config ファイルが想定されていますが、そのコンテンツは packages.config のようです。%s タスクの設定をチェックし、packages.config ではなく NuGet.config を選択したことを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "NuGet.config での資格情報の設定準備", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "'%s' [%s] の領域が見つかりません。Team Foundation Server のインストールで問題が発生した可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "不明な NuGet バージョンが選ばれました。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "ツール %s が見つかりません", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "次の来歴セッションを作成できませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe のバージョンを %s に更新しています (現在のバージョンは %s)。NuGet を新しいバージョンに更新すると、動作の変更やビルド ブレークを起こす変更が発生することがあります。これを避けるには、タスクの [最新バージョンのチェック] オプションをオフにします。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..c44fc881e285 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore는 현재 암호화된 API 키 사용을 지원하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "잘못된 XML입니다. 'configuration' 요소가 필요합니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "다음 검색 패턴과 일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s에 대한 다운로드 URL을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "입력 %s과(와) 일치하는 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "도구 설치 실패: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "사용 가능한 버전: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "버전 문자열에서 쿼리 일치를 사용하는 중입니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용 또는 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "다음 URI에 대한 인증 정보를 사용합니다. ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "도구 캐시 %s에서 확인됨", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config를 임시 구성 파일에 저장 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "도구 경로 %s 사용", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "버전 %s 사용", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "NuGet.config에서 자격 증명을 설정하는 중", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "'%s' [%s] 영역을 찾을 수 없습니다. 해당 영역을 포함하는 서비스를 사용자의 지역에서 사용하지 못할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "검색된 NuGet 확장 로더 경로(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 환경 변수): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "검색된 NuGet 버전 %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "검색된 NuGet 확장 로더 경로(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 환경 변수). 기본 제공 NuGet 클라이언트를 사용할 경우 확장은 무시됩니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "%s의 NuGet.config 파일에서 패키지 소스를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s의 NuGet.config가 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "%s에 NuGet.config 파일이 필요하지만, 해당 내용이 packages.config인 것 같습니다. %s 작업에 대한 설정을 확인하고, packages.config가 아닌 NuGet.config를 선택했는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "NuGet.config에서 자격 증명을 설정하기 위해 준비 중", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "'%s' [%s] 영역을 찾을 수 없습니다. Team Foundation Server 설치에 문제가 있을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "알 수 없는 NuGet 버전을 선택했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "%s 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "출처 세션 %s을(를) 만들 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe의 버전을 %s에서 %s(으)로 업데이트합니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용이나 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이를 원치 않으면 작업에서 '최신 버전 확인' 옵션을 선택 취소하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..1f7a9dfb49a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": ".NET Core сейчас не поддерживает использование зашифрованных ключей API.", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Недопустимый код XML. Ожидается элемент \"configuration\".", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Не найдены файлы, соответствующие шаблону поиска: %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL-адрес скачивания для %s не найден.", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Не найдена версия, соответствующая входному параметру %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Сбой установки инструмента: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "Доступные версии: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "Вы используете для запроса сопоставление по строке версии. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения.", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Используются сведения о проверке подлинности для следующего кода URI: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Разрешено из кэша инструментов: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "NuGet.config сохраняется во временном файле конфигурации.", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Используемый путь к инструменту: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Используемая версия: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Идет настройка учетных данных в NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Не удается найти область \"%s\" [%s]. Возможно, служба, содержащая эту область, недоступна в вашем регионе.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Обнаружен путь к загрузчику расширений NuGet (переменная среды NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Обнаруженная версия NuGet %s/%s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Обнаружен путь к загрузчику расширений NuGet (переменная среды NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH). Расширения пропускаются при использовании встроенного клиента NuGet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "Не найдены источники пакетов в файле NuGet.config в \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "Файл NuGet.config в \"%s\" недопустим.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Ожидался файл NuGet.config в \"%s\", однако похоже, что в нем содержатся данные packages.config. Проверьте параметры для задачи \"%s\" и подтвердите, что вы выбрали NuGet.config, а не packages.config.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Подготовка к настройке учетных данных в NuGet.config", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Не удается найти область \"%s\" [%s]. Возможно, возникла проблема с установкой Team Foundation Server.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Выбрана неизвестная версия NuGet.", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Не удается найти средство \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Не удалось создать сеанс происхождения: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Обновление версии NuGet.exe на %s с %s. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения. Если это нежелательно, снимите флажок \"Проверить наличие последней версии\" в параметрах задачи." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..782f06af41c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支持使用加密 API 密钥。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "xml 无效。元素名应为“配置”。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "在搜索模式 %s 下找不到匹配的文件", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "对于 %s 未找到任何下载 URL", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "未找到任何匹配输入 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安装失败: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "可用版本: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "你正在版本字符串上使用查询匹配。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "对以下 URI 使用身份验证信息:", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "已从工具缓存 %s 中解析", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "正在将 NuGet.config 保存到临时配置文件。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路径: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "设置 NuGet.config 中的凭据", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "无法定位“%s”[%s] 区域。你所在的地区可能无法使用包含该区域的服务。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "已检测到 NuGet 扩展加载程序路径(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 环境变量): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "检测到 NuGet 版本 %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "已检测到 NuGet 扩展加载程序路径(NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 环境变量)。使用内置 NuGet 客户端时忽略这些扩展", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "没有在 %s 处找到 NuGet.config 文件中的包源", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "%s 处的 NuGet.config 无效。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "在 %s 处应有 NuGet.config 文件,但其内容似乎是 packages.config 文件。请检查 %s 任务的设置并确认选择的是 NuGet.config,而不是 packages.config。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "准备设置 NuGet.config 中的凭据", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "无法找到“%s”[%s] 区域。Team Foundation Server 安装可能存在问题。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "选择了未知的 NuGet 版本。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "无法找到工具 %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "无法创建出处会话: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在将 NuGet.exe 版本更新到 %s (从 %s)。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。如果不希望发生这种情况,请在任务中取消选中“检查最新版本”选项。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 311b0d1417ac..fc08a1e93495 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/packaging-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ { - "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore currently does not support using an encrypted Api Key.", - "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Invalid xml. Expected element named 'configuration'.", - "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No matching files were found with search pattern: %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No download URL was found for %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No version was found which matches the input %s", - "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Tool install failed: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "The available versions are: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "You are using a query match on the version string. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version.", - "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "Using authentication information for the following URI: ", - "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "Resolved from tool cache: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "Saving NuGet.config to a temporary config file.", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Using tool path: %s", - "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Using version: %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "Setting credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable): %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "Detected NuGet version %s / %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "Detected NuGet extensions loader path (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH environment variable). Extensions are ignored when using the built-in NuGet client", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "No package sources were found in the NuGet.config file at %s", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "The NuGet.config at %s is invalid.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "Expected a NuGet.config file at %s, but its contents appear to be a packages.config. Check the settings for the %s task and confirm you selected NuGet.config rather than packages.config.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "Preparing to set credentials in NuGet.config", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "Unable to find the '%s' [%s] area. There may be a problem with your Team Foundation Server installation.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "Unknown NuGet version selected.", - "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "Could not create provenance session: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." + "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支援使用加密的 API 金鑰。", + "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML 無效。應有名為 'configuration' 的元素。", + "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "使用下列搜尋模式找不到任何相符的檔案: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到 %s 的下載 URL", + "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到任何版本與輸入 %s 相符", + "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安裝失敗: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AvailableVersions": "可用的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_ExpectBehaviorChangeWhenUsingVersionQuery": "您正在使用查詢比對版本字串。當 NuGet 更新為新的版本時,除了行為可能會有所改變之外,也可能會有重大變更。", + "loc.messages.Info_MatchingUrlWasFoundSettingAuth": "請為下列 URI 使用驗證資訊: ", + "loc.messages.Info_ResolvedToolFromCache": "已從工具快取中解析: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_SavingTempConfig": "正在將 NuGet.config 儲存至暫存組態檔。", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用版本: %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AddingSources": "正在設定 NuGet.config 中的認證", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "找不到 '%s' [%s] 區域。包含該區域的服務可能無法在您的地區使用。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetExtensionsPath": "偵測到 NuGet 擴充功能載入器路徑 (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境變數): %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_DetectedNuGetVersion": "偵測到 NuGet 版本 %s / %s", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_IgnoringNuGetExtensionsPath": "偵測到 NuGet 擴充功能載入器路徑 (NUGET_EXTENSIONS_PATH 環境變數)。使用內建 NuGet 用戶端時會忽略擴充功能", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NoSourcesFoundInConfig": "在位於 %s 的 NuGet.config 檔案中找不到套件來源", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsInvalid": "位於 %s 的 NuGet.config 無效。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_NuGetConfigIsPackagesConfig": "預期 NuGet.config 檔於 %s,但其內容似乎是 packages.config。請檢查 %s 工作的設定,並確認您選取的是 NuGet.config 而不是 packages.config。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_RemovingSources": "正在準備設定 NuGet.config 中的認證", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_SpsNotFound": "找不到 '%s' [%s] 區域。您的 Team Foundation Server 安裝可能發生問題。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnabletoDetectNuGetVersion": "選取了不明的 NuGet 版本。", + "loc.messages.NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "找不到工具 %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_SessionCreationFailed": "無法建立來源工作階段: %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在將 NuGet.exe 的版本更新為 %s (原始為 %s) 。當 NuGet 更新為新版本時,可能會發生行為變更或重大變更。如果這不是您想要的行為,請取消核取工作中的 [檢查最新版本] 選項。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b9a998fee261..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Die Tokenanmeldeinformationen für TFS-/Azure Pipelines-Pakete konnten nicht abgerufen werden." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index b013a18c1678..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de token para el empaquetado de TFS o Azure Pipelines." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 026022db8760..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification de jeton pour la création de package TFS/Azure Pipelines." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5c16e753e907..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali dei token per la creazione di pacchetti TFS/Azure Pipelines." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d87c902ff51e..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "TFS/Azure Pipelines のパッケージ化用のトークン資格情報を取得できませんでした。" + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 4aaaec29a682..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "TFS/Azure Pipelines 패키징에 대한 토큰 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 0473fe104021..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Не удалось получить учетные данные маркера для упаковки TFS/Azure Pipelines." + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 02c86c75320c..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "检索不到 TFS/Azure 管道打包的令牌凭据。" + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7fcefdae5cd9..9052a47455be 100644 --- a/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/Common/utility-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ { - "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "無法擷取權杖認證供 TFS/Azure Pipelines 封裝之用。" + "loc.messages.TokenUnavailable": "Could not retrieve token credentials for TFS/Azure Pipelines packaging." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9cd973923402 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common-v2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Incomplete or missing arguments. Expected format -transform -xml -result . Transformation and source file are mandatory inputs." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cdc04e11b8e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Die XML-Transformationen wurden erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Unvollständige oder fehlende Argumente. Erwartetes Format: -transform -xml -result . Transformations- und Quelldatei sind Pflichteingaben." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bb4e43f31a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Las transformaciones XML se aplicaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Faltan argumentos o están incompletos. Formato esperado: -transform -xml -result . El archivo de transformación y de origen son entradas obligatorias." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bc230a4c7c20 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Transformations XML correctement appliquées", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Arguments incomplets ou manquants. Format attendu -transform -xml -result . Le fichier de transformation et le fichier source sont des entrées obligatoires." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6bbeff542341 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Le trasformazioni XML sono state applicate", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Argomenti incompleti o mancanti. Il formato previsto è -transform -xml -result . Il file di origine e la trasformazione sono valori di input obbligatori." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc0c40f6fd60 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変換が正常に適用されました", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "引数が不完全であるか、見つかりません。-transform -xml -result の形式である必要があります。変換ファイルとソース ファイルは必須の入力です。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bfac669e4da4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변환을 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "인수가 불완전하거나 누락되었습니다. -transform -xml -result 형식이 필요합니다. 변환 및 소스 파일은 필수 입력입니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e6a2647e3765 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML-преобразования успешно применены.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Неполные или отсутствующие аргументы. Ожидался формат -transform -xml -result . Преобразование и исходный файл являются обязательными входными данными." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d47e5334ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 转换已成功应用", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "参数不完整或缺失。格式应为 -transform -xml -result 。转换文件和源文件为必需的输入。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..084d73bdf8ab --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/Common/webdeployment-common/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +{ + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 XML 轉換", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "引數不完整或缺少引數。預期的格式為 -transform <轉換檔> -xml <來源檔案> -result <目的檔案>。轉換和來源檔案均為強制輸入。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d4c867669e1d..5b9277dde3de 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Conda Environment", + "loc.friendlyName": "Conda environment", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment.", + "loc.description": "Create and activate a Conda environment", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", "loc.input.label.environmentName": "Environment name", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.json b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.json index a090775888e3..b487aa1a4b0a 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "Conda Environment $(environmentName)", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.loc.json index ca0f71552ba3..4eef55a35cda 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 16bdc41f1e75..e1c41df0fd6f 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Conda-Umgebung", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit erstellen und aktivieren Sie eine Conda-Umgebung.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[Aufgabendokumentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "Diese Aufgabe ist veraltet. Verwenden Sie \"conda\" direkt im Skript, um mit Anaconda-Umgebungen zu arbeiten.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda-Umgebung $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "Benutzerdefinierte Umgebung erstellen", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "Erstellen oder reaktivieren Sie eine Conda-Umgebung, statt die base-Umgebung zu verwenden (empfohlen für selbstgehostete Agents).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 705d6e269dd2..9679eed57e43 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Entorno de Conda", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Cree y active un entorno de Conda.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Entorno de conda", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[Documentación de las tareas](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "Esta tarea está en desuso. Use \"conda\" directamente en el script para trabajar con entornos de Anaconda.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Entorno de Conda $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "Crear un entorno personalizado", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "Cree o reactive un entorno de Conda en lugar de usar el entorno \"base\" (recomendado para agentes autohospedados).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 422f0df16a3f..4a6c76a33220 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Environnement Conda", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Créez et activez un environnement Conda.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[Documentation sur les tâches](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "Cette tâche est dépréciée. Utilisez 'conda' directement dans le script pour travailler dans des environnements Anaconda.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Environnement Conda $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "Créer un environnement personnalisé", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "Créez ou réactivez un environnement Conda au lieu d'utiliser l'environnement 'base' (recommandé pour les agents autohébergés).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 973b1bef5bbb..bd6ecfe823ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ambiente Conda", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Consente di creare e attivare un ambiente Conda.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[Documentazione dell'attività](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "Questa attività è deprecata. Usare `conda` direttamente nello script per lavorare con ambienti Anaconda.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ambiente Conda $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "Crea un ambiente personalizzato", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "Consente di creare o riattivare un ambiente Conda invece di usare l'ambiente `base` (scelta consigliata per gli agenti self-hosted).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 7e41cd6771bc..f33af630b54f 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Conda 環境", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Conda 環境を作成してアクティブにします。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[タスク ドキュメント](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "このタスクは非推奨です。Anaconda 環境で作業するには、スクリプトで直接 `conda` をご使用ください。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda 環境 $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "カスタム環境を作成する", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "`base` 環境を使用するのではなく、Conda 環境を作成するか再アクティブ化する (セルフホスト エージェントに推奨)。", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 67995978ee6e..831be2d7d004 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Conda 환경", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Conda 환경을 만들고 활성화합니다.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[작업 문서](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "이 작업은 사용되지 않습니다. Anaconda 환경에서 작업하려면 스크립트에 직접 'conda'를 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda 환경 $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "사용자 지정 환경 만들기", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "'base' 환경을 사용하는 대신 Conda 환경을 만들거나 다시 활성화합니다(자체 호스트된 에이전트에 권장됨).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index fb9382f8793b..61496e1f220e 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Среда Conda", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "Создайте и активируйте среду Conda.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[Документация по задачам](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "Эта задача устарела. Используйте \"conda\" непосредственно в скрипте для работы с окружениями Anaconda.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Среда Conda $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "Создать пользовательскую среду", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "Создайте или повторно активируйте среду Conda вместо использования базовой среды (рекомендуется для локальных агентов).", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 8e767f7b0780..fee5bfc8b22d 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Conda 环境", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "创建并激活 Conda 环境。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[任务文档](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "此任务已弃用。在脚本中直接使用 `conda` 来处理 Anaconda 环境。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda 环境 $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "创建自定义环境", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "创建或重新激活 Conda 环境,而不是使用 \"base\" 环境(推荐用于自托管代理)。", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 2665f6eee9ab..84071abebe8e 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Conda 環境", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", - "loc.description": "建立並啟用 Conda 環境。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/pipelines-anaconda-guide)
[工作文件](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873466)", + "loc.description": "這項工作已淘汰。請直接在指令碼中使用 `conda` 來使用 Anaconda 環境。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Conda 環境 $(environmentName)", "loc.input.label.createCustomEnvironment": "建立自訂環境", "loc.input.help.createCustomEnvironment": "建立或重新啟用 Conda 環境,而不要使用 'base' 環境 (建議自我裝載代理程式使用)。", diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.json b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.json index 518ea2577ec8..7baad2900743 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.loc.json index 3f3ec2acd592..9f8c13dfad6b 100644 --- a/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CondaEnvironmentV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.json b/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.json index 9d0814d518fd..1c536901490f 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.loc.json index 7ff992094562..f14d8cf3e10c 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesOverSSHV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c8a1bdbd2959..a662cedfc359 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Dateien kopieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "Kopiert Dateien aus dem Quellordner mithilfe von Vergleichsmustern in den Zielordner (die Vergleichsmuster ordnen nur Dateipfade und keine Ordnerpfade zu).", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien unter Verwendung von Mustern zum Abgleich von Dateipfaden (nicht von Ordnerpfaden) aus einem Quellordner in einen Zielordner kopiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateien kopieren in: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Übereinstimmungsmusterkonsistenz.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "Vorhandene Datei im Zielordner ersetzen", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "Ordner vereinfachen", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "Vereinfachen Sie die Ordnerstruktur, und kopieren Sie alle Dateien in den angegebenen Zielordner.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "Zielzeitstempel beibehalten", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "Behalten Sie unter Verwendung der ursprüngliche Quelldatei den Zeitstempel der Zieldatei bei.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "%d Dateien wurden gefunden.", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "Bereinigen des Zielordners: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "Die Datei \"%s\" ist bereits unter \"%s\" vorhanden.", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e80417aba481..3be31848b495 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copiar archivos", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "Copia archivos de la carpeta de origen a la carpeta de destino mediante patrones de coincidencia (los patrones de coincidencia harán coincidir solo las rutas de acceso de los archivos, no las rutas de acceso de las carpetas).", + "loc.description": "Copia archivos de una carpeta de origen a una carpeta de destino mediante patrones que coinciden con las rutas de acceso de los archivos (no con las rutas de carpeta).", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copiar archivos a: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coherencia de los patrones de coincidencia.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "Reemplazar archivo existente en la carpeta de destino", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "Acoplar carpetas", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "Acople la estructura de carpeta y copie todos los archivos en la carpeta de destino especificada.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "Conservar la marca de tiempo de destino", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "Al usar el archivo de código fuente original, conserve la marca de tiempo del archivo de destino.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "se encontraron %d archivos", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "Limpiando carpeta de destino: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "El archivo %s ya existe en %s", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6319244aa4bc..78406aabba4a 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copier les fichiers", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copier des fichiers", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "Copiez les fichiers du dossier source au dossier cible à l'aide de modèles de correspondance (les modèles de correspondance permettent d'établir une correspondance uniquement avec les chemins de fichiers, pas avec les chemins de dossiers)", + "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers d'un dossier source vers un dossier cible à l'aide de modèles correspondant à des chemins de fichiers (et non des chemins de dossiers)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copier les fichiers vers : $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Cohérence du modèle de correspondance.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "Remplacer le fichier existant dans le dossier cible", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "Aplatir les dossiers", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "Aplatit la structure des dossiers et copie tous les fichiers dans le dossier cible spécifié.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "Conserver l'horodatage cible", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "À l'aide du fichier source d'origine, conservez l'horodatage du fichier cible.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "%d fichiers trouvés", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "Nettoyage du dossier cible : %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "Le fichier %s existe déjà sur %s", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index e659a0b54ca0..48ce62a8dc41 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Copia file", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "Copia i file dalla cartella di origine a quella di destinazione usando criteri di corrispondenza che prendono in considerazione solo i percorsi dei file e non i percorsi delle cartelle", + "loc.description": "Copia i file da una cartella di origine a una cartella di destinazione usando criteri corrispondenti a percorsi di file (non percorsi di cartella)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia file in: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coerenza dei criteri di corrispondenza.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "Sostituisce il file esistente nella cartella di destinazione", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "Rendi flat le cartelle", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "Rende flat la struttura di cartelle e copia tutti i file nella cartella di destinazione specificata.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "Mantieni timestamp di destinazione", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "Quando si usa il file di origine iniziale, mantiene il timestamp del file di destinazione.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "sono stati trovati %d file", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "Pulizia della cartella di destinazione: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "Il file %s esiste già in %s", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 7a9747dc2e14..ac0ab101f877 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルのコピー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "一致パターンを使用して、ソース フォルダーのファイルをターゲット フォルダーにコピーする (一致パターンではフォルダー パスではなく、ファイル パスにのみに一致する)", + "loc.description": "パターン マッチングのファイル パス (フォルダー パスではない) を使用して、ソース フォルダーからターゲット フォルダーにファイルをコピーします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイルのコピー先: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "パターンの整合性を一致させます。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "ターゲット フォルダー内の既存のファイルを置き換える", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "フォルダーのフラット化", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "フォルダー構造をフラットにして、すべてのファイルを指定のターゲット フォルダーにコピーします。", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "ターゲットのタイムスタンプの保持", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "元のソース ファイルを使用して、ターゲット ファイルのタイムスタンプを保持します。", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "%d 件のファイルが見つかりました", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "ターゲット フォルダーをクリーンアップ中: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "ファイル %s は %s に既に存在しています", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3b96c1082d89..284df8a2d603 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "파일 복사", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "일치 패턴을 사용하여 소스 폴더에서 대상 폴더로 파일을 복사합니다. 일치 패턴은 폴더 경로가 아니라 파일 경로와만 일치합니다.", + "loc.description": "패턴 일치 파일 경로(폴더 경로 아님)를 사용하여 소스 폴더에서 대상 폴더로 파일을 복사합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파일을 복사할 위치: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "일치 패턴 일관성입니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "대상 폴더에서 기존 파일 바꾸기", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "폴더 평면화", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "폴더 구조를 평면화하고 모든 파일을 지정된 대상 폴더에 복사합니다.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "대상 타임스탬프 유지", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "원본 소스 파일을 사용하여 대상 파일 타임스탬프를 유지합니다.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "%d개 파일을 찾았습니다.", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "대상 폴더 정리: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "%s 파일이 %s에 이미 있습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 428930a3d755..f5e2d18f451b 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Копировать файлы", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "Копирование файлов из исходной папки в целевую с помощью шаблонов сопоставления, в которых на соответствие проверяются только пути к файлам, а не пути к папкам", + "loc.description": "Копировать файлы из исходной папки в целевую с использованием шаблонов, соответствующих путям файлов (не путям к папкам)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копировать файлы в: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Согласованность шаблонов соответствия.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "Заменить существующий файл в целевой папке", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "Выполнить сведение папок", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "Выполнение сведения структуры папок и копирование всех файлов в указанную целевую папку.", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "Сохранить целевую метку времени", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "Используя оригинальный исходный файл, сохраните метку времени целевого файла.", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "найдено файлов: %d", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "Очистка целевого каталога: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "Файл \"%s\" уже существует в \"%s\"", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 282971b477d7..bb44629bcefa 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "复制文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "使用匹配模式(匹配模式仅匹配文件路径,而不匹配文件夹路径)将文件从源文件夹复制到目标文件夹", + "loc.description": "使用与文件路径(不是文件夹路径)匹配的模式将源文件夹中的文件复制到目标文件夹", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "将文件复制到: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "匹配模式一致性。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "替换目标文件夹中的现有文件", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "精简文件夹", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "平展文件夹结构并将所有文件复制到指定的目标文件夹。", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "保留目标时间戳", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "使用原始源文件,保留目标文件时间戳。", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "已找到 %d 个文件", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "正在清理目标文件夹: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "文件 %s 已存在于 %s", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 23c8482d2a21..04d50fb4df30 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "複製檔案", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708389)", - "loc.description": "使用比對模式將檔案從來源資料夾複製到目標資料夾 (比對模式只會比對檔案路徑,而不會比對資料夾路徑)", + "loc.description": "使用模式比對檔案路徑 (非資料夾路徑) 從來源資料夾將檔案複製到目標資料夾", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "將檔案複製到: $(TargetFolder)", "loc.releaseNotes": "符合模式一致性。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ "loc.input.help.OverWrite": "取代目標資料夾中現有的檔案", "loc.input.label.flattenFolders": "壓平合併資料夾", "loc.input.help.flattenFolders": "壓平合併資料夾結構並將所有檔案複製到指定的目標資料夾。", + "loc.input.label.preserveTimestamp": "保留目標時間戳記", + "loc.input.help.preserveTimestamp": "正在使用原始來源檔案,保留目標檔案時間戳記。", "loc.messages.FoundNFiles": "找到 %d 個檔案", "loc.messages.CleaningTargetFolder": "正在刪除目標資料夾: %s", "loc.messages.FileAlreadyExistAt": "檔案 %s 已存在於 %s 上", diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.json b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.json index d4c13ecf6509..b3f840f6bc1d 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Match pattern consistency.", "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.loc.json index a8a8397324ca..26ce6f66f982 100644 --- a/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/CopyFilesV2/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 28a592ac21a9..13d9d730eb41 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Datei entschlüsseln (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "Ein Thin Utility-Task für die Dateientschlüsselung mithilfe von OpenSSL.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Datei mit OpenSSL entschlüsselt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Entschlüsseln $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Verschlüsselungsverfahren", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ba099d535ed2..d3440c8661a7 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Descrifrar archivo (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "Una tarea de utilidad fina para el descifrado de archivo mediante OpenSSL.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Descifrar archivo (OpenSSL)", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Descifra un archivo con OpenSSL.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descifrar $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Cifrado", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 56813c1bfeb3..832ef0906f72 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Déchiffrer le fichier (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "Tâche utilitaire légère pour le déchiffrement de fichiers avec OpenSSL.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Déchiffrer un fichier (OpenSSL)", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Déchiffrer un fichier à l'aide d'OpenSSL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déchiffrer $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Code", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1fd00521dc2a..b856a7889c5e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Decrittografa file (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "Attività di utilità di dimensioni ridotte per decrittografare file con OpenSSL.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Decrittografa un file con OpenSSL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Decrittografa $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Crittografia", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c8a6c48cb5e8..16fb9e89df6f 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "暗号化解除ファイル (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "OpenSSL を使用したファイルの暗号化解除のシン ユーティリティ タスク。", + "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルの暗号化解除 (OpenSSL)", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "OpenSSL を使用してファイルの暗号化を解除します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "暗号化解除 $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.cipher": "暗号", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 1841f80d1ba8..ee5546bf3c2e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "파일 암호 해독(OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "OpenSSL을 사용한 파일 암호 해독에 대한 씬 유틸리티 작업입니다.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "OpenSSL을 사용하여 파일 암호를 해독합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(inFile) 암호 해독", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.cipher": "암호", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c4adeee42d50..86e17b6c1ea3 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Расшифровка файлов (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "Тонкая задача служебной программы для расшифровки файлов с помощью OpenSSL.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Расшифровка файла (OpenSSL)", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Расшифровка файла с помощью OpenSSL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Расшифровать $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Шифрование", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c7f6cd8ed9a7..68c8375107a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "解密文件(OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "使用 OpenSSL 进行文件解密的精简实用工具任务。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "使用 OpenSSL 解密文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "解密 $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.cipher": "密码", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 3a514116bfff..95713ac3e438 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "解密檔案 (OpenSSL)", - "loc.description": "使用 OpenSSL 用於解密檔案的精簡公用程式工作。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "使用 OpenSSL 解密檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "解密 $(inFile)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.cipher": "Cypher", diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.json b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.json index 2550b09e928b..61167930b732 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.loc.json index c1fc02c9b2be..586784716618 100644 --- a/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DecryptFileV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f6360ae7f297..00b444b87db1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Verzögerung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die weitere Ausführung des Workflows um eine bestimmte Zeit verzögert.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die weitere Ausführung eines Workflows um eine bestimmte Zeit verzögert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Um $(delayForMinutes) Minuten verzögern", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "Verzögerungszeit (in Minuten)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Hiermit wird die Ausführung des Workflows für die angegebene Anzahl von Minuten verzögert. Der Wert 0 bedeutet, dass die Workflowausführung ohne Verzögerung gestartet wird." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index cfa5242e15b2..aef0889ef33e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Retraso", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "Retrase la ejecución del flujo de trabajo un tiempo determinado.", + "loc.description": "Retrasa la ejecución de un flujo de trabajo un tiempo determinado.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Retrasar $(delayForMinutes) minutos", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "Tiempo de retraso (minutos)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Retrasa la ejecución del flujo de trabajo el tiempo especificado en minutos. El valor 0 significa que la ejecución del flujo de trabajo se iniciará sin retraso." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1ce623a97a2d..05ab7b1375f3 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Délai", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "Retardez davantage l'exécution du workflow selon un délai fixe.", + "loc.description": "Retardez davantage l'exécution d'un workflow selon un délai fixe", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Retarder de $(delayForMinutes) minutes", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "Délai (minutes)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Retardez l'exécution du workflow selon un délai spécifique en minutes. La valeur 0 indique que l'exécution du workflow doit démarrer sans délai." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1ca6fffff8b3..91be6a8eb1f8 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ritardo", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "Ritarda ulteriormente l'esecuzione del flusso di lavoro in base a un periodo di tempo fisso.", + "loc.description": "Ritarda ulteriormente l'esecuzione di un flusso di lavoro in base a un periodo di tempo fisso", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ritarda di $(delayForMinutes) minuti", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "Ritardo (minuti)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Ritarda l'esecuzione del flusso di lavoro in base al tempo specificato in minuti. Il valore 0 indica che l'esecuzione del flusso di lavoro inizierà senza alcun ritardo." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 8777b73061c7..c9999b936375 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "遅延", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "一定の時間、ワークフローの追加実行を遅延します。", + "loc.description": "ワークフローの今後の実行を、一定時間遅延します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(delayForMinutes) 分の遅延", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "遅延時間 (分)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "ワークフローの実行を、指定した分数遅延します。値 0 は、ワークフローの実行が遅延なしで開始されることを意味します。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 5d899aaa0079..53962830b101 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "지연", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "고정 시간까지 워크플로의 추가 실행을 지연합니다.", + "loc.description": "정해진 시간만큼 워크플로 추가 실행을 지연합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(delayForMinutes)분 지연", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "지연 시간(분)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "지정된 시간(분)만큼 워크플로 실행을 지연합니다. 값이 0이면 워크플로 실행이 지연 없이 시작됩니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e857eb2c84fc..032532d897af 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Задержка", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "Задержать дальнейшее выполнение рабочего процесса на определенное время.", + "loc.description": "Отложить дальнейшее выполнение рабочего процесса на фиксированное время", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Задержка на $(delayForMinutes) мин", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "Время задержки (в минутах)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Задержка выполнения рабочего процесса на указанное время в минутах. При значении 0 выполнение рабочего процесса начнется без задержки." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 9d5da0db0192..2acf6aa51758 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "延迟", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "将执行工作流再延迟固定时间。", + "loc.description": "按固定时间延迟工作流的执行", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "延迟 $(delayForMinutes) 分钟", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "延迟时间(分钟)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "按指定时间(分钟)延迟工作流的执行。0 值表示工作流的执行不会延迟。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 385c6a98abaa..9dd10d4afc69 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "延遲", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870239)", - "loc.description": "讓工作流程的進一步執行延遲一段固定時間。", + "loc.description": "以固定時間延遲工作流程的進一步執行", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "延遲 $(delayForMinutes) 分鐘", "loc.input.label.delayForMinutes": "延遲時間 (分鐘)", - "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "Delay the execution of the workflow by specified time in minutes. 0 value means that workflow execution will start without delay." + "loc.input.help.delayForMinutes": "以指定的時間 (分鐘) 延遲工作流程的執行。0 值代表工作流程執行會在沒有延遲的狀況下開始。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/task.json b/Tasks/DelayV1/task.json index bef4c8fe4dd2..767eb29d62cb 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 7 + "Patch": 8 }, "inputs": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DelayV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DelayV1/task.loc.json index aa61667f49fa..82fa81f66edc 100644 --- a/Tasks/DelayV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DelayV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 7 + "Patch": 8 }, "inputs": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 277e008000de..7f5dd3968931 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Dateien löschen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "Löschen Sie Dateien oder Ordner. (Die Minimatchmuster ordnen nur Dateipfade zu, keine Ordnerpfade.)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Ordner oder Dateien gelöscht, die einem Muster entsprechen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateien aus \"$(SourceFolder)\" löschen", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "Quellordner", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "Der Quellordner, aus dem mindestens ein Löschvorgang ausgeführt wird. \"Empty\" ist der Stamm des Repositorys. Verwenden Sie [Variablen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988), wenn sich Dateien nicht im Repository befinden, z. B. \"$(agent.builddirectory)\".", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1312fa5ec85a..6c99d6df0b8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Eliminar archivos", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "Eliminar archivos o carpetas. (Los patrones de minimatch solo coincidirán con las rutas de archivo, no con las rutas de carpeta)", + "loc.description": "Elimina las carpetas o archivos que coinciden con un patrón.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Eliminar archivos de $(SourceFolder)", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "Carpeta de origen", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "La carpeta de origen desde la que se ejecutará la eliminación. La raíz del repositorio está vacía. Use [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) si los archivos no están en el repositorio. Ejemplo: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3e8e065c7fe5..6a013930a511 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Supprimer les fichiers", + "loc.friendlyName": "Supprimer des fichiers", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "Supprimez des fichiers ou des dossiers. (Les modèles minimatch correspondent uniquement aux chemins de fichiers, pas aux chemins de dossiers)", + "loc.description": "Supprimer des dossiers ou des fichiers correspondant à un modèle", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Supprimer les fichiers de $(SourceFolder)", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "Dossier source", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "Dossier source à partir duquel la ou les suppressions sont exécutées. La racine du dépôt est vide. Utilisez des [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988), si les fichiers ne sont pas dans le dépôt. Exemple : $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 0d258000770f..3f510f8538e2 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Elimina file", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eliminare file o cartelle usando criteri di corrispondenza minima che prendono in considerazione solo i percorsi dei file e non i percorsi delle cartelle.", + "loc.description": "Elimina cartelle o file corrispondenti a un criterio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Elimina file da $(SourceFolder)", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "Cartella di origine", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "Cartella di origine da cui verranno eseguite le eliminazioni. Il valore vuoto corrisponde alla radice del repository. Usare [variabili](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) se i file non sono presenti nel repository. Esempio: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 3bf52b14176b..8c0d0a809c7f 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルの削除", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "ファイルまたはフォルダーを削除します。(minimatch パターンは、フォルダー パスではなく、ファイル パスのみと一致します)", + "loc.description": "パターンに一致するフォルダーまたはファイルを削除します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイルを $(SourceFolder) から削除する", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "ソース フォルダー", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "削除の実行元のソース フォルダー。空白はリポジトリのルートです。ファイルがリポジトリにない場合は、[変数] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) を使用します。例: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a2d70bfe6df5..1c1cbc245ccb 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "파일 삭제", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "파일 또는 폴더를 삭제합니다. minimatch 패턴은 폴더 경로가 아니라 파일 경로와만 일치합니다.", + "loc.description": "패턴과 일치하는 폴더 또는 파일을 삭제합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(SourceFolder)에서 파일 삭제", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "소스 폴더", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "삭제 작업이 실행될 소스 폴더입니다. 리포지토리의 루트는 [비어 있음]입니다. 파일이 리포지토리에 없으면 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)를 사용하세요. 예: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 2ade900f7def..be6ce9589b7a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Удалить файлы", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "Удаление файлов или папок. (Шаблоны minimatch будут соответствовать только путям к файлам, а не путям к папкам.)", + "loc.description": "Удалить папки или файлы, соответствующие шаблону", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Удалить файлы из $(SourceFolder)", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "Исходная папка", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "Исходная папка, из которой будет запускаться удаление. Если значение не указано, используется корень репозитория. Если в репозитории нет файлов, используйте [переменные] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988). Например, $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 60fa335bbb05..7da4657b0d38 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "删除文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "删除文件或文件夹。(最小匹配模式将仅匹配文件路径,而不匹配文件夹路径)", + "loc.description": "删除文件夹或与模式匹配的文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "从 $(SourceFolder) 中删除文件", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "源文件夹", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "将在其中运行删除的源文件夹。为空表示存储库的根。如果存储库中没有文件,请使用[变量](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。示例: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index da2375d50185..29e3e1ab73b4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "刪除檔案", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=722333)", - "loc.description": "刪除檔案或資料夾。(minimatch 模式只符合檔案路徑,而非資料夾路徑)", + "loc.description": "刪除符合模式的資料夾或檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "從 $(SourceFolder) 刪除檔案", "loc.input.label.SourceFolder": "來源資料夾", "loc.input.help.SourceFolder": "將執行刪除的來源資料夾。空白即為存放庫的根目錄。若檔案不在存放庫中,請使用 [變數](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。例如: $(agent.builddirectory)", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.json b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.json index 86851d417897..cffaf8bfecae 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 8 + "Patch": 9 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.92.0", diff --git a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.loc.json index b2776398613b..fcfc73904da5 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DeleteFilesV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 8 + "Patch": 9 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.92.0", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c0e730f24ad1..5e8f2f8d8dd9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test Agent-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "Veraltet: Diese Aufgabe und die begleitende Aufgabe (\"Funktionstests ausführen\") sind veraltet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Aufgabe \"Visual Studio Test\". Die VSTest-Aufgabe kann sowohl Komponenten- als auch Funktionstests ausführen. Führen Sie Tests mithilfe der Multi-Agent-Auftragseinstellung auf einem oder mehreren Agents aus. Verwenden Sie die Aufgabe \"Visual Studio Test-Plattform\", um Tests auszuführen, ohne Visual Studio auf dem Agent zu benötigen. Die VSTest-Aufgabe bietet außerdem neue Funktionen wie z. B. die automatische erneute Ausführung von fehlerhaften Tests.", + "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Aufgabe \"Visual Studio Test\", um Unit- und Funktionstests auszuführen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "TestAgent auf $(testMachineGroup) bereitstellen", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Unterstützung für Visual Studio Test Agent 2017: Das Bereitstellen und Ausführen von Tests ist jetzt mit mehreren Versionen von Visual Studio Test Agent möglich. Die Versionen 2015 und 2017 werden unterstützt.
  • Vom Testhub erstellte Computergruppen werden nicht mehr unterstützt. Sie können weiterhin eine Liste von Computern oder Azure-Ressourcengruppen verwenden.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "Testcomputer", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index eea33182172f..11c13b55effb 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Visual Studio Test Agent", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación del agente de pruebas de Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "En desuso: Esta tarea y la que la acompaña (Ejecutar pruebas funcionales) están en desuso. Use la tarea \"Prueba de Visual Studio\" en su lugar. Esta tarea puede ejecutar tanto pruebas unitarias como funcionales. Ejecute pruebas en uno o más agentes con la configuración del trabajo multiagente. Use la tarea \"Plataforma de prueba de Visual Studio\" para ejecutar pruebas sin necesidad de tener Visual Studio en el agente. La tarea Prueba de Visual Studio también aporta capacidades nuevas, como volver a ejecutar automáticamente las pruebas con errores.", + "loc.description": "En desuso: Use la tarea \"Visual Studio Test\" para ejecutar pruebas unitarias y funcionales.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar TestAgent en $(testMachineGroup)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Compatibilidad con Visual Studio Test Agent 2017: Ahora puede implementar y ejecutar pruebas con varias versiones de Visual Studio Test Agent. Se admiten las versiones 2015 y 2017.
  • Ya no se admiten los grupos de máquinas creados desde la central de prueba. Puede seguir usando una lista de máquinas o grupos de recursos de Azure.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "Máquinas de prueba", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 633896590494..60168124aa93 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de l'agent de test Visual Studio", + "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de Visual Studio Test Agent", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "Déprécié : cette tâche et la tâche qui l'accompagne (Exécuter les tests fonctionnels) sont dépréciées. Utilisez la tâche 'Visual Studio Test' à la place. La tâche VSTest peut exécuter des tests unitaires et des tests fonctionnels. Exécutez les tests sur un ou plusieurs agents à l'aide du paramètre de travail multiagent. Utilisez la tâche 'Visual Studio Test Platform' pour exécuter les tests sans avoir besoin de Visual Studio sur l'agent. La tâche VSTest apporte également de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que la réexécution automatique des tests non réussis.", + "loc.description": "Déprécié : utilisez plutôt la tâche 'Visual Studio Test' pour exécuter des tests unitaires et des tests fonctionnels", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer TestAgent sur $(testMachineGroup)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Prise en charge de Visual Studio Test Agent 2017 : vous pouvez désormais déployer et exécuter des tests à l'aide de plusieurs versions de Visual Studio Test Agent. Les versions 2015 et 2017 sont prises en charge.
  • Les groupes de machines créés à partir du hub de test ne sont plus pris en charge. Vous pouvez continuer à utiliser une liste de machines ou de groupes de ressources Azure.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "Machines de test", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 4db88e110de2..92ff8a5adf7a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione agente di test di Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "Deprecata: questa attività e la relativa attività complementare (Esegui test funzionali) sono deprecate. In alternativa, usare l'attività 'Test con Visual Studio'. L'attività VSTest può eseguire unit test nonché test funzionali. Eseguire i test su uno o più agenti usando l'impostazione del processo con più agenti. Usare l'attività 'Piattaforma di test di Visual Studio' per eseguire test senza che Visual Studio sia presente nell'agente. L'attività VSTest prevede anche nuove funzionalità, come la ripetizione automatica dei test non superati.", + "loc.description": "Deprecato: usare invece l'attività 'Test con Visual Studio' per eseguire test unit e test funzionali", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci agente di test in $(testMachineGroup)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Supporto per Visual Studio Test Agent 2017: è ora possibile distribuire ed eseguire test usando più versioni di Visual Studio Test Agent. Sono supportate le versioni 2015 e 2017.
  • I gruppi di computer creati dall'hub di test non sono più supportati. È possibile continuare a usare un elenco di computer o di gruppi di risorse di Azure.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "Computer di test", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index cc2d8372cd95..11ecf22f061d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test Agent の配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "非推奨: このタスクとコンパニオン タスク (機能テストの実行) は非推奨です。代わりに、'Visual Studio Test' タスクをご使用ください。VSTest タスクでは単体テストと機能テストを実行できます。複数エージェント ジョブ設定を使用して 1 つ以上のエージェントでテストを実行します。'Visual Studio テスト プラットフォーム ' タスクを使用して、エージェント上で Visual Studio なしでテストを実行できます。VSTest タスクには、失敗したテストの自動再実行などの新機能も導入されています。", + "loc.description": "非推奨: 代わりに、'Visual Studio Test' タスクを使用して単体テストと機能テストを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "TestAgent を $(testMachineGroup) に展開", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Visual Studio Test Agent 2017 のためのサポート: Visual Studio Test Agent の複数のバージョンを使用して、配置およびテストを実行できるようになりました。バージョン 2015 と 2017 がサポートされています。
  • テスト ハブから作成されたマシン グループはサポートされなくなりました。マシン一覧または Azure リソース グループ一覧については、引き続き使用できます。
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "テスト コンピューター", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 31c899f97d5c..b424387d8fa9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 테스트 에이전트 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: 이 작업과 동반 작업(기능 테스트 실행)은 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다. 'Visual Studio 테스트' 작업을 대신 사용하세요. VSTest 작업은 단위 및 기능 테스트를 실행할 수 있습니다. 다중 에이전트 단계 설정을 사용하여 하나 이상의 에이전트에서 테스트를 실행하세요. 에이전트에 Visual Studio를 요구하지 않고 테스트를 실행하려면 'Visual Studio 테스트 플랫폼' 작업을 사용하세요. VSTest 작업은 실패한 테스트 자동 다시 실행 등의 새로운 기능도 제공합니다.", + "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: 대신 'Visual Studio Test' 작업을 사용하여 단위 테스트와 기능 테스트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(testMachineGroup)에서 테스트에이전트 배포", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Visual Studio Test Agent 2017 지원: 이제 여러 버전의 Visual Studio Test Agent를 사용하여 테스트를 배포하고 실행할 수 있습니다. 버전 2015 및 2017이 지원됩니다.
  • 테스트 허브에서 만든 컴퓨터 그룹은 더 이상 지원되지 않습니다. 컴퓨터 또는 Azure 리소스 그룹 목록을 계속 사용할 수 있습니다.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "테스트 컴퓨터", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.runAsProcess": "UI 테스트 실행", "loc.input.help.runAsProcess": "테스트 에이전트가 코딩된 UI 테스트에 필요한 대화형 프로세스로 실행되어야 하는지를 표시합니다.", "loc.input.label.isDataCollectionOnly": "데이터 수집만 사용", - "loc.input.help.isDataCollectionOnly": "(선택 사항) 테스트 실행을 위해서가 아니라 데이터 수집만을 위해 테스트 에이전트를 사용해야 하는지 지정합니다. 일반적으로 AUT(테스트 중인 응용 프로그램) 컴퓨터 그룹에서 수행됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.isDataCollectionOnly": "(선택 사항) 테스트 실행을 위해서가 아니라 데이터 수집만을 위해 테스트 에이전트를 사용해야 하는지 지정합니다. 일반적으로 AUT(테스트 중인 애플리케이션) 컴퓨터 그룹에서 수행됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testPlatform": "테스트 에이전트 버전", "loc.input.help.testPlatform": "사용할 Visual Studio Test Agent의 버전입니다. 빌드된 테스트 이진 파일을 사용하여 VS 버전과 일치하는 적합한 버전을 선택하세요.", "loc.input.label.agentLocation": "테스트 에이전트 위치", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ab44a055a495..af5dd380611d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание агента тестирования Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "Устаревшая функция: эта задача и ее сопутствующая задача (\"Запуск функциональных тестов\") устарели. Вместо этого используйте задачу \"Тест Visual Studio\". Задача VSTest может запускать модульные и функциональные тесты. Запускайте тесты на одном или нескольких агентах с помощью настройки задания с несколькими агентами. Используйте задачу \"Платформа тестирования Visual Studio\" для запуска тестов без использования Visual Studio на агенте. Задача VSTest также обладает новыми возможностями, такими как автоматический перезапуск неудачных тестов.", + "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: вместо этого используйте задачу \"Тестирование Visual Studio\" для выполнения модульных и функциональных тестов", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развернуть агент тестирования в $(testMachineGroup)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Поддержка агента тестирования Visual Studio 2017: теперь вы можете развертывать и выполнять тесты с использованием нескольких версий агента тестирования Visual Studio. Поддерживаются версии 2015 и 2017.
  • Группы компьютеров, созданные из центра тестирования, больше не поддерживаются. Список компьютеров и группы ресурсов Azure по-прежнему поддерживаются.
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "Тестовые компьютеры", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a48ea1058971..1be1fb3ba4ff 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 测试代理部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "已弃用: 已弃用此任务及其配套任务(运行功能测试)。请改用 \"Visual Studio Test\" 任务。VSTest 任务可以运行单元和功能测试。使用多个代理作业设置在一个或多个代理上运行测试。使用“Visual Studio 测试平台”任务运行测试,而无需在代理上使用 Visual Studio。VSTest 任务还引入了新功能,例如自动重新运行失败的测试。", + "loc.description": "已弃用: 请改用“Visual Studio 测试”任务运行单元和功能测试", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 $(testMachineGroup) 上部署测试代理", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 支持 Visual Studio Test Agent 2017: 现可使用多个版本的 Visual Studio Test Agent 部署和运行测试。支持版本 2015 和 2017。
  • 通过测试中心创建的计算机组不再受支持。可继续使用计算机或 Azure 资源组列表。
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "测试计算机", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a45b9455e265..1ca3740b441c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test Agent 部署", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 測試代理程式部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=838890)", - "loc.description": "已淘汰: 此工作及其隨附工作 (執行功能測試) 已淘汰。請改用 ' Visual Studio Test' 工作。VSTest 工作可以執行單元及功能測試。使用多代理程式作業設定可在一或多個代理程式上執行測試。使用 [Visual Studio 測試平台] 工作,不需 Visual Studio 就可在代理程式上執行測試。VSTest 工作也推出了新功能,例如自動重新執行失敗的測試。", + "loc.description": "已淘汰: 請改用 'Visual Studio Test' 工作來執行單元和功能測試", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 $(testMachineGroup) 部署測試代理程式", "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Visual Studio Test Agent 2017 的支援: 您現在可以使用多種版本的 Visual Studio Test Agent 來部署及執行測試。支援 2015 及 2017 版本。
  • 不再支援從測試中樞建立的電腦群組。您可以繼續使用電腦清單或 Azure 資源群組。
", "loc.group.displayName.testMachineGroups": "測試電腦", diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.json b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.json index 566afaf57423..8529ce1fdb68 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.loc.json index d963056c509e..19316dae2e3d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DeployVisualStudioTestAgentV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index d91c95f98ab5..a596a90988f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "Erzeugt einen Fehler, wenn die zusätzlichen Docker Compose-Dateien nicht vorhanden sind. Dies überschreibt das Standardverhalten, das darin besteht, eine nicht vorhandene Datei zu ignorieren.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis für den Docker Compose-Befehl.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Muster in Docker Compose-Parameter \"filepath\" gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Kein Muster in Docker Compose-Parameter \"filepath\" gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Docker-Datei gefunden, die %s entspricht.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "Die zusätzliche Docker Compose-Datei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" können keine Daten geschrieben werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" wurden keine Daten geschrieben. ", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger synchronisiert. Der Inhalt ist \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Imagename nicht mit Tag angegeben, Übertragung aller Imagetags mithilfe von Push angegeben." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Imagename nicht mit Tag angegeben, Übertragung aller Imagetags mithilfe von Push angegeben.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in eine temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 8cecc6f09fb6..46637b7f8a39 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "Produce un error si no existen los archivos adicionales de Docker Compose. Esta acción reemplaza el comportamiento predeterminado, que es omitir un archivo si no existe.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo para el comando de Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Se encontró un patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker Compose.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "No se encontró ningún patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker Compose.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de Docker que coincidiera con %s.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "El archivo adicional de Docker Compose %s no existe.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "No se pueden escribir datos en el archivo %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "No se escribieron datos en el archivo %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Se sincronizó el contenido del archivo con el disco. El contenido es %s.", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "El nombre de la imagen no se especifica con la etiqueta, insertando todas las etiquetas de la imagen especificada." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "El nombre de la imagen no se especifica con la etiqueta, insertando todas las etiquetas de la imagen especificada.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c12e0d1fefec..3ed952381e87 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "Produit une erreur si les fichiers Docker Compose supplémentaires n'existent pas. Ceci remplace le comportement par défaut qui consiste à ignorer un fichier inexistant.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail de la commande Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Modèle trouvé dans le paramètre filepath Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Modèle introuvable dans le paramètre filepath Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Le fichier Docker correspondant à %s est introuvable.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "Le fichier Docker Compose supplémentaire %s n'existe pas.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Impossible d'écrire des données dans le fichier %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Aucune donnée n'a été écrite dans le fichier %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Synchronisation effectuée du contenu du fichier sur le disque. Le contenu est %s.", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Nom d'image non spécifié avec l'étiquette. Envoi (push) de toutes les étiquettes de l'image spécifiée." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Nom d'image non spécifié avec l'étiquette. Envoi (push) de toutes les étiquettes de l'image spécifiée.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d2cbc0750f7f..763b08a0f91e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker Compose", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, effettuare il push o eseguire applicazioni Docker con più contenitori. È possibile usare l'attività con il registro contenitori di Azure o Docker.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, effettuare il push o eseguire applicazioni Docker con più contenitori. È possibile usare l'attività con il Registro Azure Container o Docker.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opzioni avanzate", - "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di registro contenitori", - "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di registro contenitori.", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di Registro Container", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di Registro Container.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un registro contenitori di Azure", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro Azure Container", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un Registro Azure Container", "loc.input.label.dockerComposeFile": "File Docker Compose", "loc.input.help.dockerComposeFile": "Percorso del file di Docker Compose primario da usare.", "loc.input.label.additionalDockerComposeFiles": "File Docker Compose aggiuntivi", @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "Produce un errore se i file Docker Compose aggiuntivi non esistono. Sostituisce il comportamento predefinito, in cui un file inesistente viene ignorato.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro per il comando di Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Il criterio è stato trovato nel parametro filepath di Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun criterio nel parametro filepath di Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file Docker corrispondente a %s.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "Il file Docker Compose aggiuntivo %s non esiste.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Non è possibile scrivere dati nel file %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Non sono stati scritti dati nel file %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Il contenuto del file è stato sincronizzato con il disco. Il contenuto è %s.", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Il nome dell'immagine non è specificato con tag. Verrà eseguito il push di tutti i tag dell'immagine specificata." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Il nome dell'immagine non è specificato con tag. Verrà eseguito il push di tutti i tag dell'immagine specificata.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 9a2ce5f35b00..c52ba4327175 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "追加の Docker Compose ファイルが存在しない場合に、エラーを生成します。これは、ファイルが存在しない場合にそのファイルを無視するという既定の動作をオーバーライドします。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Docker Compose コマンドの作業ディレクトリです。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "docker compose filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりました", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "docker compose filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりませんでした ", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s に一致する Docker ファイルは見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "追加の Docker Compose ファイル %s は存在しません。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "ファイル %s にデータを書き込めません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "ファイル %s にデータが書き込まれませんでした", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "ファイルの内容がディスクに同期されました。内容は %s です。", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "イメージ名がタグに指定されていません。指定されたイメージのすべてのタグをプッシュしています。" + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "イメージ名がタグに指定されていません。指定されたイメージのすべてのタグをプッシュしています。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 6fc8699f6266..8d7cefdd2c3d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker Compose", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "다중 컨테이너 Docker 응용 프로그램을 빌드, 푸시 또는 실행합니다. Docker 또는 Azure Container Registry에서 작업을 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "다중 컨테이너 Docker 애플리케이션을 빌드, 푸시 또는 실행합니다. Docker 또는 Azure Container Registry에서 작업을 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 옵션", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Container Registry 유형", @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.input.label.entrypoint": "진입점 재정의", "loc.input.help.entrypoint": "특정 서비스 컨테이너에 대한 기본 진입점을 재정의합니다.", "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "명령", - "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "특정 서비스 컨테이너에서 실행할 명령입니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 단순한 Python Flask 웹 응용 프로그램이 포함되어 있는 경우에는 웹 응용 프로그램 실행을 위해 'python app.py'를 지정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "특정 서비스 컨테이너에서 실행할 명령입니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 단순한 Python Flask 웹 애플리케이션이 포함되어 있는 경우에는 웹 애플리케이션 실행을 위해 'python app.py'를 지정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.detached": "백그라운드에서 실행", "loc.input.help.detached": "서비스 컨테이너를 백그라운드에서 실행합니다.", "loc.input.label.abortOnContainerExit": "컨테이너 종료 시 중단", @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "추가 Docker Compose 파일이 없는 경우 오류가 발생합니다. 이로 인해, 파일이 없는 경우 해당 파일을 무시하는 기본 동작이 재정의됩니다.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Docker Compose 명령에 대한 작업 디렉터리입니다.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker Compose filepath 매개 변수에 패턴 있음", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker Compose filepath 매개 변수에 패턴 없음", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 Docker 파일이 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "추가 Docker Compose 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓸 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓰지 않았습니다.", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "파일 콘텐츠를 디스크에 동기화했습니다. 콘텐츠는 %s입니다.", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "태그로 지정되지 않은 이미지 이름으로, 지정한 이미지의 모든 태그를 푸시합니다." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "태그로 지정되지 않은 이미지 이름으로, 지정한 이미지의 모든 태그를 푸시합니다.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1a6135adb28f..84cfc39a21cc 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "Выдает ошибку, если дополнительные файлы Docker Compose не существуют. Данный параметр переопределяет поведение по умолчанию, при котором отсутствующий файл пропускается.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Рабочий каталог для команды Docker Compose.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Обнаружен шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Не найден шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker Compose", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Файл Docker, соответствующий %s, не найден.", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "Дополнительный файл Docker Compose %s не существует.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Не удается записать данные в файл %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Данные не были записаны в файл %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Содержимое файла синхронизировано с диском. Содержимое: %s.", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Имя образа указано без тега; передаются все теги указанного образа." + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "Имя образа указано без тега; передаются все теги указанного образа.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 4145430b29f9..055c3089bf6e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "不存在其他 Docker Compose 文件时发生错误。这会替代如果文件不存在则忽略该文件的默认行为。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Docker Compose 命令的工作目录。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker Compose 文件路径参数中找到的模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker Compose 文件路径参数中未找到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何 Docker 文件。", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "不存在其他 Docker Compose 文件 %s。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "无法将数据写入文件 %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "没有任何数据写入到文件 %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "文件内容已同步到磁盘。内容为 %s。", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "未使用标记指定映像名,推送指定映像的所有标记。" + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "未使用标记指定映像名,推送指定映像的所有标记。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index fcafcf72810f..445786a1237e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -66,12 +66,15 @@ "loc.input.help.requireAdditionalDockerComposeFiles": "若無其他 Docker Compose 檔案,即產生錯誤。這會覆寫預設行為 (亦即當檔案不存在時予以忽略)。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Docker Compose 命令的工作目錄。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "在 docker compose filepath 參數中找到的模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "在 docker compose filepath 參數中找不到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到任何的 Docker 檔案符合 %s。", "loc.messages.AdditionalDockerComposeFileDoesNotExists": "其他 Docker Compose 檔案 %s 不存在。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "無法將資料寫入檔案 %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "沒有任何資料寫入檔案 %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "檔案內容已同步到磁碟。內容為 %s。", - "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "未使用標籤指定映像名稱,因此會推送指定映像的所有標籤。" + "loc.messages.ImageNameWithoutTag": "未使用標籤指定映像名稱,因此會推送指定映像的所有標籤。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.json b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.json index 2a6db63bf05e..bdd46c73fbf3 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.loc.json index 8d37d506e1ff..c9916b04dd6d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerComposeV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1fe5cc7800af --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Docker CLI", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die Docker CLI auf dem Agentcomputer installiert.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Docker $(dockerVersion) installieren", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Docker-Version", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "Geben Sie die zu installierende Docker CLI-Version an.", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "Releasetyp", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "Wählen Sie den zu installierenden Releasetyp aus. Nightly wird unter Windows nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "Fehler beim Herunterladen von Docker aus Speicherort \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "Die ausführbare Docker-Datei wurde nicht im Pfad \"%s\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "Fehler beim Herunterladen von Docker aus Speicherort \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Die Docker-Installation wird überprüft..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f773a70e9e96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la CLI de Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Instala la CLI de Docker CLI en la máquina del agente.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Versión de Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "Especificar la versión de la CLI de Docker para instalar", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "Tipo de versión", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "Seleccione el tipo de versión que se va a instalar. \"Nightly\" no se admite en Windows", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "No se pudo descargar Docker desde la ubicación %s. Error %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "El ejecutable de Docker no se encontró en la ruta de acceso %s", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "No se pudo descargar Docker desde la ubicación %s. Error %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Comprobando la instalación de Docker..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..889bbe0d7a23 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de Docker CLI", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installez Docker CLI sur la machine d'agent.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Version Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "Spécifier la version de Docker CLI à installer", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "Type de version release", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "Choisissez le type de version release à installer. Nightly n'est pas pris en charge sur Windows", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "Échec du téléchargement de Docker à partir de l'emplacement %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "Exécutable Docker introuvable dans le chemin %s", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "Échec du téléchargement de Docker à partir de l'emplacement %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Vérification de l'installation de Docker..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3764bdaf603b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installa l'interfaccia della riga di comando di Docker nel computer agente.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Versione Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "Specificare la versione dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Docker da installare", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "Tipo di versione", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "Selezionare il tipo di versione da installare. La versione Nightly non è supportata in Windows", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "Non è stato possibile scaricare Docker dal percorso %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "L'eseguibile di Docker non è stato trovato nel percorso %s", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "Non è stato possibile scaricare Docker dal percorso %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Verifica dell'installazione di Docker..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ffe72e872046 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker CLI インストーラー", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "エージェント マシンに Docker CLI をインストールします。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Docker $(dockerVersion) のインストール", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Docker バージョン", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "インストールする Docker CLI のバージョンを指定します", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "リリースの種類", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "インストールするリリースの種類を選択します。Windows では Nightly はサポートされていません", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "場所 %s から Docker をダウンロードできませんでした。エラー %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "パス %s に Docker の実行可能ファイルが見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "場所 %s から Docker をダウンロードできませんでした。エラー %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Docker のインストールを確認しています..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cca8189f753d --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker CLI 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "에이전트 머신에 Docker CLI를 설치합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Docker $(dockerVersion) 설치", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Docker 버전", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "설치할 Docker CLI 버전을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "릴리스 종류", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "설치할 릴리스 종류를 선택합니다. 야간은 Windows에서 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "%s 위치에서 Docker를 다운로드하지 못했습니다. 오류 %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "Docker 실행 파일이 %s 경로에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "%s 위치에서 Docker를 다운로드하지 못했습니다. 오류 %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Docker 설치를 확인하는 중..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..df8d189bdbb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик Docker CLI", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Установите Docker CLI на компьютере агента.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Версия Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "Укажите версию Docker CLI, которую нужно установить.", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "Тип выпуска", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "Выберите тип выпуска для установки. Значение \"Nightly\" в Windows не поддерживается", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "Не удалось скачать Docker из расположения %s. Ошибка %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "Исполняемый файл Docker не найден по пути %s", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "Не удалось скачать Docker из расположения %s. Ошибка %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "Проверка установки Docker..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..448307752899 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker CLI 安装程序", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理计算机上安装 Docker CLI。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Docker 版本", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "指定要安装的 Docker CLI 版本", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "发布类型", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "选择要安装的发布类型。Windows 上不支持 Nightly", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "未能从位置 %s 下载 Docker。错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "路径 %s 中找不到 Docker 可执行文件", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "未能从位置 %s 下载 Docker。错误为 %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "正在验证 docker 安装..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ca80f4c43b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker CLI 安裝程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理程式機器上安裝 Docker CLI。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Docker $(dockerVersion)", + "loc.input.label.dockerVersion": "Docker 版本", + "loc.input.help.dockerVersion": "請指定要安裝的 Docker CLI 版本", + "loc.input.label.releaseType": "版本類型", + "loc.input.help.releaseType": "挑選要安裝的版本類型。Windows 不支援 Nightly", + "loc.messages.DownloadDockerFailedFromLocation": "無法從位置 %s 下載 Docker。錯誤 %s", + "loc.messages.DockerNotFoundInFolder": "在路徑 %s 中找不到 Docker 可執行檔", + "loc.messages.DockerDownloadFailed": "無法從位置 %s 下載 Docker。錯誤 %s", + "loc.messages.VerifyDockerInstallation": "正在驗證 Docker 安裝..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.json index 36422c77a6fe..7b9d29b30988 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ @@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ "defaultValue": "stable", "required": false, "options": { - "stable": "stable", - "edge": "edge", - "test": "test", - "nightly": "nightly" + "stable": "stable", + "edge": "edge", + "test": "test", + "nightly": "nightly" }, "helpMarkDown": "Pick the release type to install. Nightly is not supported on Windows" - } + } ], "instanceNameFormat": "Install Docker $(dockerVersion)", "execution": { @@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ "DockerDownloadFailed": "Failed to download Docker from location %s. Error %s", "VerifyDockerInstallation": "Verifying docker installation..." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 12c08c7b3b4c..7ba588bd68b1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 77d49b7c929c..347e98f81bd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Docker-Images erstellt, markiert oder mithilfe von Push übertragen oder Docker-Images oder Docker-Befehle ausgeführt. Die Aufgabe kann mit Docker oder Azure Container Registry verwendet werden.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Docker-Images erstellt, markiert, mithilfe von Push übertragen oder ausgeführt oder ein Docker-Befehl ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweiterte Optionen", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Containerregistrierungstyp", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Muster in Docker-Dateipfadparameter gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Kein Muster im Docker-Parameter \"filepath\" gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Docker-Datei gefunden, die %s entspricht.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "In der Datei \"%s\" wird mindestens ein Imagename erwartet.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" können keine Daten geschrieben werden. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" wurden keine Daten geschrieben. ", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger synchronisiert. Der Inhalt ist \"%s\"." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger synchronisiert. Der Inhalt ist \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Die Ausgabevariable wurde nicht festgelegt, weil die Docker-Befehlsausgabe die maximal unterstützte Länge überschritten hat. Ausgabelänge: %s, maximal unterstützte Länge: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in eine temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7bbc3dfa161b..f57cfa8516e7 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Compile, etiquete, inserte o ejecute imágenes de Docker o bien ejecute un comando de Docker. La tarea se puede usar con Docker o Azure Container Registry.", + "loc.description": "Compila, etiqueta, inserta o ejecuta imágenes de Docker, o bien ejecuta un comando de Docker.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opciones avanzadas", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo de Container Registry", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Se encontró un patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "No se ha encontrado ningún patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de Docker que coincidiera con %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Se espera al menos un nombre de imagen en el archivo \"%s\".", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "No se pueden escribir datos en el archivo %s. Error: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "No se escribieron datos en el archivo %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Se sincronizó el contenido del archivo con el disco. El contenido es %s." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Se sincronizó el contenido del archivo con el disco. El contenido es %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de salida no establecida como salida del comando de Docker superó la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud de salida: %s. Longitud máxima admitida: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 801cc5583ace..ef2571ef3c25 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Générez, étiquetez, envoyez (push) ou exécutez des images Docker, ou bien exécutez une commande Docker. La tâche peut être utilisée avec le registre de conteneurs Docker ou Azure Container Registry.", + "loc.description": "Générer, étiqueter, envoyer (push) ou exécuter des images Docker, ou bien exécuter une commande Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Options avancées", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Type de registre de conteneurs", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Modèle trouvé dans le paramètre filepath Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Modèle introuvable dans le paramètre filepath Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Le fichier Docker correspondant à %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Au moins un nom d'image est attendu dans le fichier '%s'.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Impossible d'écrire des données dans le fichier %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Aucune donnée n'a été écrite dans le fichier %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Synchronisation effectuée du contenu du fichier sur le disque. Le contenu est %s." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Synchronisation effectuée du contenu du fichier sur le disque. Le contenu est %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de sortie non définie en tant que sortie de la commande Docker a dépassé la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de sortie : %s. Longueur maximale prise en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 4744607e7927..a0ffe9041b3a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, assegnare tag, effettuare il push o eseguire immagini Docker oppure di eseguire un comando di Docker. È possibile usare l'attività con il Registro contenitori di Azure o Docker.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, assegnare tag, effettuare il push o eseguire immagini Docker oppure di eseguire un comando di Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opzioni avanzate", - "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di registro contenitori", - "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare 'Registro contenitori di Azure' per connettersi ad esso tramite una connessione al servizio Azure. Selezionare 'Registro contenitori' per connettersi a Hub Docker o a qualsiasi altro registro contenitori privato.", + "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di Registro Container", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare 'Registro Azure Container' per connettersi ad esso tramite una connessione al servizio Azure. Selezionare 'Registro contenitori' per connettersi a Hub Docker o a qualsiasi altro registro contenitori privato.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un registro contenitori di Azure nella sottoscrizione di Azure selezionata. L'immagine del contenitore verrà creata e ne verrà eseguito il push in questo registro contenitori.", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro Azure Container", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un Registro Azure Container nella sottoscrizione di Azure selezionata. L'immagine del contenitore verrà creata e ne verrà eseguito il push in questo registro contenitori.", "loc.input.label.action": "Azione", "loc.input.help.action": "Consente di selezionare un'azione di Docker.", "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "File Docker", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Il criterio è stato trovato nel parametro filepath di Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun criterio nel parametro filepath di Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file Docker corrispondente a %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Il file '%s' deve contenere almeno un nome di immagine.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Non è possibile scrivere dati nel file %s. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Non sono stati scritti dati nel file %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Il contenuto del file è stato sincronizzato con il disco. Il contenuto è %s." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Il contenuto del file è stato sincronizzato con il disco. Il contenuto è %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variabile di output non impostata come output del comando Docker supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza dell'output: %s. Lunghezza massima supportata: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index f09785e4ccbc..42e3efad7194 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Docker イメージをビルド、タグ付け、プッシュ、実行するか、Docker コマンドを実行します。タスクは、Docker または Azure Container Registry で使用できます。", + "loc.description": "Docker イメージをビルド、タグ付け、プッシュ、実行するか、Docker コマンドを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定のオプション", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "コンテナー レジストリの種類", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりました", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s に一致する Docker ファイルは見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "ファイル '%s' には少なくとも 1 つのイメージ名が必要です。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "ファイル %s にデータを書き込めません。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "ファイル %s にデータが書き込まれませんでした", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "ファイルの内容がディスクに同期されました。内容は %s です。" + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "ファイルの内容がディスクに同期されました。内容は %s です。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker コマンドの出力がサポートされている最大長を超えたため、出力変数が設定されませんでした。出力の長さ: %s、サポートされている最大長: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e73f3b5cecd8..09a589a65894 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Docker 이미지를 빌드, 태그, 푸시 또는 실행하거나 Docker 명령을 실행합니다. Docker 또는 Azure Container Registry에서 작업을 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "Docker 이미지를 빌드, 태그 지정, 푸시 또는 실행하거나 Docker 명령을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 옵션", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Container Registry 유형", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.entrypoint": "진입점 재정의", "loc.input.help.entrypoint": "Docker 컨테이너에 대한 기본 진입점을 재정의합니다.", "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "명령", - "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker run 명령은 먼저 지정된 이미지 위에 쓰기 가능한 컨테이너 계층을 만든 다음, 지정된 run 명령을 사용하여 컨테이너 계층을 시작합니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 간단한 Python Flask 웹 응용 프로그램이 포함된 경우 'python app.py'를 지정하여 웹 응용 프로그램을 시작할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker run 명령은 먼저 지정된 이미지 위에 쓰기 가능한 컨테이너 계층을 만든 다음, 지정된 run 명령을 사용하여 컨테이너 계층을 시작합니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 간단한 Python Flask 웹 애플리케이션이 포함된 경우 'python app.py'를 지정하여 웹 애플리케이션을 시작할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.detached": "백그라운드에서 실행", "loc.input.help.detached": "Docker 컨테이너를 백그라운드에서 실행합니다.", "loc.input.label.restartPolicy": "재시작 정책", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴 있음", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴 없음", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 Docker 파일이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "'%s' 파일에 이미지 이름이 하나 이상 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓸 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓰지 않았습니다.", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "파일 콘텐츠를 디스크에 동기화했습니다. 콘텐츠는 %s입니다." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "파일 콘텐츠를 디스크에 동기화했습니다. 콘텐츠는 %s입니다.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker 명령 출력으로 설정되지 않은 출력 변수가 지원되는 최대 길이를 초과했습니다. 출력 길이: %s, 지원되는 최대 길이: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 039d8f2464cf..5e9d1a959c9b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Создание, отправка или запуск образов Docker, создание меток для образов Docker или выполнение команд Docker. Эту задачу можно использовать в Docker или реестре контейнеров Azure.", + "loc.description": "Создание, пометка, отправка или запуск образов Docker или выполнение команды Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительные параметры", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Тип реестра контейнеров", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Обнаружен шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Не найден шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Файл Docker, соответствующий %s, не найден.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "В файле \"%s\" должно быть указано по меньшей мере одно имя образа.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Не удается записать данные в файл %s. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Данные не были записаны в файл %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Содержимое файла синхронизировано с диском. Содержимое: %s." + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Содержимое файла синхронизировано с диском. Содержимое: %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Выходная переменная не задана, так как для выходных данных команды Docker превышена максимально поддерживаемая длина. Длина выходных данных: %s, максимально поддерживаемая длина: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 9665ca6a9281..6c155163db62 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "生成、标记、推送或运行 Docker 映像,或者运行 Docker 命令。任务可与 Docker 或 Azure 容器注册表一起使用。", + "loc.description": "生成、标记、推送或运行 Docker 映像,或者运行 Docker 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级选项", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器注册表类型", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "选择 Azure 订阅", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "在所选 Azure 订阅中选择 Azure 容器注册表。系统将生成容器图像并推送到此容器注册表。", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "docker 运行命令首先在指定的映像上创建一个可写容器层,然后使用指定的运行命令启动它。例如,如果映像包含一个简单的 Python Flask Web 应用程序,则可以指定 \"python app.py\" 来启动 Web 应用程序。", "loc.input.label.action": "操作", "loc.input.help.action": "选择 Docker 操作。", "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Docker 文件", @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ "loc.input.label.imageNamesPath": "映像名称路径", "loc.input.help.imageNamesPath": "文本文件路径,该文件中包含 tag 或 push 的 Docker 映像名称。每个映像名称包含在其自己的行上。", "loc.input.label.qualifyImageName": "指定映像名", - "loc.input.help.qualifyImageName": "如果没有另行指定,请使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名限定图像名称。", + "loc.input.help.qualifyImageName": "如果没有另行指定,请使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名限定映像名称。", "loc.input.label.additionalImageTags": "其他映像标记", "loc.input.help.additionalImageTags": "正在生成或推送的 Docker 映像的其他标记。", "loc.input.label.includeSourceTags": "包括源标记", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中找到的模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中未找到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何 Docker 文件。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "文件“%s”中至少应有一个映像名称。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "无法将数据写入文件 %s。错误: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "没有任何数据写入到文件 %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "文件内容已同步到磁盘。内容为 %s。" + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "文件内容已同步到磁盘。内容为 %s。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "未设置为 Docker 命令输出的输出变量超出了支持的最大长度。输出长度: %s,支持的最大长度: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 764b7826f162..a0cb67448001 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "建置、標記、推送或執行 Docker 映像,或執行 Docker 命令。工作可搭配 Docker 或 Azure Container Registry 使用。", + "loc.description": "建置、標記、推送或執行 Docker 映像,或執行 Docker 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階選項", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器登錄類型", @@ -69,8 +69,12 @@ "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "在 docker filepath 參數中找到的模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "在 docker filepath 參數中找不到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到任何的 Docker 檔案符合 %s。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "檔案 '%s' 中至少應有一個映像名稱。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "無法將資料寫入檔案 %s。錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "沒有任何資料寫入檔案 %s", - "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "檔案內容已同步到磁碟。內容為 %s。" + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "檔案內容已同步到磁碟。內容為 %s。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "因為 Docker 命令輸出超過了支援的長度上限,所以未設定輸出變數。輸出長度: %s,支援的長度上限: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/task.json b/Tasks/DockerV0/task.json index 486de79f1303..d6c7cef5dd74 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DockerV0/task.loc.json index 55d77c96b7d0..81abc4a47329 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7416c5cd7e26..591f359f579e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Docker-Images erstellt, markiert oder mithilfe von Push übertragen oder Docker-Images oder Docker-Befehle ausgeführt. Die Aufgabe kann mit Docker oder Azure Container Registry verwendet werden.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Docker-Images erstellt, markiert, mithilfe von Push übertragen oder ausgeführt oder ein Docker-Befehl ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Vereinfachung der Aufgabe durch:
 – Festlegen einer Option zur einfachen Auswahl oder Eingabe eines Befehls.
 – Beibehaltung nützlicher Eingabefelder und Option zum Übergeben der übrigen Felder als Argument für den Befehl", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Containerregistrierung", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Pfad zu Dockerfile.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Standardbuildkontext verwenden", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Legen Sie den Buildkontext auf das Verzeichnis fest, das die Dockerfile-Datei enthält.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Buildkontext", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Pfad zum Buildkontext.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker-Befehlsoptionen. Bei Verwendung des tag-Befehls können Sie hier zusätzliche Tags für das Docker-Image angeben.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "Mehrere Images mithilfe von Push übertragen", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Übertragen Sie mehrere Images mithilfe von Push, indem Sie eine Textdatei mit den Namen der zu übertragenden Docker-Images verwenden. Jeder Imagename ist in einer eigenen Zeile enthalten.
Falls nur der Imagename angegeben wird, werden alle Tags von Containerimage \"ImageName3\" mithilfe von Push übertragen.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "Mehrere Images markieren", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Schließen Sie das Tag für das aktuelle Image ein, wenn Sie das Docker-Image erstellen.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "Standardbezeichnungen verwenden", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Fügen Sie mithilfe von Docker-Bezeichnungen CI/CD-Metadaten wie z. B . Repository-, Commit-, Build- und Releaseinformationen zum Containerimage hinzu.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Standardbuildkontext verwenden", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Legen Sie den Buildkontext auf das Verzeichnis fest, das die Dockerfile-Datei enthält.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Buildkontext", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Pfad zum Buildkontext.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "Imagedigestdatei", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "Pfad zu einer Datei, die erstellt und mit dem vollständigen Imagerepository-Hashwert des mittels Push übertragenen Docker-Images befüllt wird.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Containername", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Das Arbeitsverzeichnis für den Docker-Container.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "Überschreiben des Einstiegspunkts", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Überschreiben Sie den Standardeinstiegspunkt für den Docker-Container.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Befehl", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Containerbefehl", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Der Docker-Ausführungsbefehl erstellt zunächst eine beschreibbare Containerebene oberhalb des angegebenen Images und startet diese anschließend mit dem angegebenen Ausführungsbefehl. Wenn das Image beispielsweise eine einfache Python Flask-Webanwendung enthält, können Sie \"python app.py\" angeben, um die Webanwendung auszuführen.", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "Im Hintergrund ausführen", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Führen Sie den Docker-Container im Hintergrund aus.", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "Bei Aktivierung dieser Einstellung werden Docker-Imagenamen gemäß Docker-Namenskonvention geändert. Großbuchstaben werden in Kleinbuchstaben konvertiert, und Leerzeichen im Imagenamen werden entfernt.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "Arbeitsspeicherlimit", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "Die maximal für den Container verfügbare Arbeitsspeichermenge als Ganzzahl mit optionalen Suffixen wie \"2 GB\".", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Muster in Docker-Dateipfadparameter gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Kein Muster im Docker-Parameter \"filepath\" gefunden.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Docker-Datei gefunden, die \"%s\" entspricht.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "In der Datei \"%s\" wird mindestens ein Imagename erwartet.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" können keine Daten geschrieben werden. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" wurden keine Daten geschrieben. ", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger synchronisiert. Der Inhalt ist \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Keine Dienstverbindung für Docker-Registrierung angegeben." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Keine Dienstverbindung für Docker-Registrierung angegeben.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Die Ausgabevariable wurde nicht festgelegt, weil die Docker-Befehlsausgabe die maximal unterstützte Länge überschritten hat. Ausgabelänge: %s, maximal unterstützte Länge: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in eine temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ff76355d6fcf..e9b1a732cf00 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Compile, etiquete, inserte o ejecute imágenes de Docker o bien ejecute un comando de Docker. La tarea se puede usar con Docker o Azure Container Registry.", + "loc.description": "Compila, etiqueta, inserta o ejecuta imágenes de Docker, o bien ejecuta un comando de Docker.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(comando)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha simplificado la tarea mediante lo siguiente:
- Provisión de una opción para simplemente seleccionar o escribir un comando.
- Retener los campos de entrada útiles y proporcionar una opción para pasar el resto como argumento para el comando.", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Container Registry", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Ruta de acceso al Dockerfile.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Usar contexto de compilación predeterminado", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Establece el contexto de compilación en el directorio que contiene el archivo de Docker.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexto de compilación", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Ruta de acceso del contexto de compilación.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Opciones de comando de Docker. En el caso del comando \"tag\", puede especificar más etiquetas para la imagen de Docker aquí.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "Insertar varias imágenes", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Insertar varias imágenes utilizando un archivo de texto que contiene los nombres de las imágenes de Docker para insertar. Cada nombre de imagen está contenido en su propia línea.
Por ejemplo:
En caso de que se proporcione solo el nombre de la imagen, se insertarán todas las etiquetas de la imagen del contenedor ImageName3.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "Etiquetar varias imágenes", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Incluye la etiqueta \"latest\" cuando se compila la imagen de Docker.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "Agregar etiquetas predeterminadas", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Agregue metadatos de CI/CD como información del repositorio, confirmación, compilación y versión a la imagen de contenedor mediante el uso de las etiquetas de Docker.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Usar contexto de compilación predeterminado", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Establece el contexto de compilación en el directorio que contiene el archivo de Docker.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexto de compilación", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Ruta de acceso del contexto de compilación.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "Archivo de resumen de imagen", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "Ruta de acceso a un archivo que se crea y rellena con el resumen del repositorio de imágenes completo de la imagen de Docker que se insertó.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Nombre del contenedor", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Directorio de trabajo para el contenedor de Docker.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "Invalidación de punto de entrada", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Reemplaza el punto de entrada predeterminado para el contenedor de Docker.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando de Container", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "El comando docker run primero crea una capa de contenedor grabable sobre la imagen especificada y, a continuación, la inicia mediante el comando de ejecución especificado. Por ejemplo, si la imagen contiene una aplicación web Python Flask simple puede especificar \"python app.py\" para iniciar la aplicación web.", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "Ejecutar en segundo plano", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Ejecute el contenedor de Docker en segundo plano.", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "Si está habilitada, el nombre de la imagen de Docker se modificará de acuerdo con la convención de nomenclatura de Docker. Esta convierte los caracteres en mayúscula a minúscula y quita los espacios en el nombre de la imagen.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "Límite de memoria", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "La cantidad máxima de memoria disponible para el contenedor expresada como entero con sufijos opcionales; por ejemplo, \"2 GB\".", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Se encontró un patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "No se ha encontrado ningún patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de Docker que coincidiera con %s.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Se espera al menos un nombre de imagen en el archivo \"%s\".", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "No se pueden escribir datos en el archivo %s. Error: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "No se escribieron datos en el archivo %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Se sincronizó el contenido del archivo con el disco. El contenido es %s.", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Conexión de servicio de registro de Docker no especificado." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Conexión de servicio de registro de Docker no especificado.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de salida no establecida como salida del comando de Docker superó la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud de salida: %s. Longitud máxima admitida: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index a4eb439be3f8..66e54e249414 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Générez, étiquetez, envoyez (push) ou exécutez des images Docker, ou bien exécutez une commande Docker. La tâche peut être utilisée avec le registre de conteneurs Docker ou Azure Container Registry.", + "loc.description": "Générer, étiqueter, envoyer (push) ou exécuter des images Docker, ou bien exécuter une commande Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(commande)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Simplifiez la tâche :
 -En indiquant une option qui permet de sélectionner ou de taper simplement une commande.
 -En conservant les champs d'entrée utiles et en indiquant une option qui permet de passer le reste en tant qu'argument à la commande.", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Container Registry", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Fichier Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Chemin du fichier Docker.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Utiliser le contexte de build par défaut", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Définissez le contexte de build en fonction du répertoire qui contient le fichier Docker.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexte de build", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Chemin du contexte de build.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Options de commande Docker. Dans le cas de la commande 'tag', vous pouvez spécifier ici des étiquettes supplémentaires pour l'image Docker.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "Envoyer (push) plusieurs images", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Effectuez l'envoi (push) de plusieurs images à l'aide d'un fichier texte contenant les noms des images Docker à envoyer. Chaque nom d'image est contenu sur sa propre ligne.
Exemple :
Si seul le nom d'image est fourni, toutes les étiquettes de l'image conteneur Nom_image3 sont envoyées.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "Étiqueter plusieurs images", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Incluez l'étiquette 'latest' durant la génération de l'image Docker.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "Ajouter des étiquettes par défaut", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Ajoutez des métadonnées CI/CD telles que des informations relatives au dépôt, à la validation, à la build et à la mise en production dans l'image conteneur à l'aide d'étiquettes Docker.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Utiliser le contexte de build par défaut", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Définissez le contexte de build en fonction du répertoire qui contient le fichier Docker.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexte de build", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Chemin du contexte de build.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "Fichier de condensat d'image", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "Chemin d'un fichier créé et rempli à l'aide du condensat de dépôt d'image complet de l'image Docker ayant fait l'objet d'un Push.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Nom du conteneur", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Répertoire de travail du conteneur Docker.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "Remplacement du point d'entrée", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Remplacez le point d'entrée par défaut du conteneur Docker.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Commande", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Commande de conteneur", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "La commande docker run crée d'abord une couche conteneur inscriptible sur l'image spécifiée, puis la démarre à l'aide de la commande d'exécution spécifiée. Par exemple, si l'image contient une simple application web Python Flask, vous pouvez spécifier 'python app.py' pour lancer l'application web.", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "Exécuter en arrière-plan", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Exécutez le conteneur Docker en arrière-plan.", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "Si l'option est activée, le nom de l'image Docker est modifié conformément à la convention de nommage Docker. Convertit les majuscules en minuscules, et supprime les espaces dans le nom de l'image.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "Limite de mémoire", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "Quantité maximale de mémoire disponible pour le conteneur sous la forme d'un entier avec des suffixes facultatifs, par exemple '2 Go'.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Modèle trouvé dans le paramètre filepath Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Modèle introuvable dans le paramètre filepath Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Le fichier Docker correspondant à %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Au moins un nom d'image est attendu dans le fichier '%s'.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Impossible d'écrire des données dans le fichier %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Aucune donnée n'a été écrite dans le fichier %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Synchronisation effectuée du contenu du fichier sur le disque. Le contenu est %s.", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Connexion de service de registre Docker non spécifiée." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Connexion de service de registre Docker non spécifiée.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de sortie non définie en tant que sortie de la commande Docker a dépassé la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de sortie : %s. Longueur maximale prise en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 9203665fe359..8cc77d9c03a6 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,30 +1,26 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, assegnare tag, effettuare il push o eseguire immagini Docker oppure di eseguire un comando di Docker. È possibile usare l'attività con il Registro contenitori di Azure o Docker.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, assegnare tag, effettuare il push o eseguire immagini Docker oppure di eseguire un comando di Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Per semplificare l'attività:
 - È stata aggiunta un'opzione per selezionare o digitare un comando.
 - Sono stati mantenuti i campi di input utili ed è stata aggiunta un'opzione per passare quelli restanti come argomento del comando.", - "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Registro contenitori", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Registro Container", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandi", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opzioni avanzate", "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di registro contenitori", - "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare 'Registro contenitori di Azure' per connettersi ad esso tramite una connessione al servizio Azure. Selezionare 'Registro contenitori' per connettersi a Hub Docker o a qualsiasi altro registro contenitori privato.", + "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare 'Registro Azure Container' per connettersi ad esso tramite una connessione al servizio Azure. Selezionare 'Registro contenitori' per connettersi a Hub Docker o a qualsiasi altro registro contenitori privato.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un registro contenitori di Azure nella sottoscrizione di Azure selezionata. L'immagine del contenitore verrà creata e ne verrà eseguito il push in questo registro contenitori.", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro Azure Container", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un Registro Azure Container nella sottoscrizione di Azure selezionata. L'immagine del contenitore verrà creata e ne verrà eseguito il push in questo registro contenitori.", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Consente di selezionare un comando di Docker.", "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Percorso del Dockerfile.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Usa contesto di compilazione predefinito", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Consente di impostare il contesto di compilazione per la directory che contiene il Dockerfile.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contesto di compilazione", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Percorso del contesto di compilazione.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Opzioni del comando Docker. Nel caso del comando 'tag', è possibile specificare qui altri tag per l'immagine Docker.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "Esegui il push di più immagini", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Esegue il push di più immagini usando un file di testo che contiene i nomi delle immagini Docker di cui eseguire il push. Ogni nome dell'immagine è contenuta in un'apposita riga.
Ad esempio:
Nel caso in cui venga specificato solo il nome dell'immagine, verrà eseguito il push di tutti i tag dell'immagine del contenitore Nome_immagine3.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "Assegna tag a più immagini", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Include il tag 'latest' quando si compila l'immagine Docker.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "Aggiungi etichette predefinite", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Consente di aggiungere i metadati di CI/CD, ad esempio le informazioni su repository, commit, compilazione e versione, all'immagine del contenitore usando le etichette Docker.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Usa contesto di compilazione predefinito", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Consente di impostare il contesto di compilazione per la directory che contiene il Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contesto di compilazione", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Percorso del contesto di compilazione.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "File digest dell'immagine", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "Percorso di un file che viene creato e popolato con il digest completo del repository delle immagini dell'immagine Docker di cui è stato eseguito il push.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Nome del contenitore", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Directory di lavoro per il contenitore Docker.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "Override del punto di ingresso", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Esegue l'override del punto di ingresso predefinito per il contenitore Docker.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando contenitore", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Il comando docker run crea prima un livello contenitore scrivibile sull'immagine specificata e quindi inizia a usare il comando run specificato. Se ad esempio l'immagine contiene un'applicazione Web Python Flask semplice, è possibile specificare 'python app.py' per avviarla.", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "Esegui in background", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Esegue il contenitore Docker in background.", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "Se questa opzione è abilitata, il nome dell'immagine Docker verrà modificato in base alla convenzione di denominazione di Docker, secondo la quale i caratteri maiuscoli vengono convertiti in minuscoli e gli spazi presenti nel nome vengono rimossi.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "Limite di memoria", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "Quantità massima di memoria disponibile per il contenitore sotto forma di numero intero con suffissi facoltativi, come '2GB'.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Il criterio è stato trovato nel parametro filepath di Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun criterio nel parametro filepath di Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun Dockerfile corrispondente a %s.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Il file '%s' deve contenere almeno un nome di immagine.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Non è possibile scrivere dati nel file %s. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Non sono stati scritti dati nel file %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Il contenuto del file è stato sincronizzato con il disco. Il contenuto è %s.", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "La connessione al servizio Registro Docker non è stata specificata." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "La connessione al servizio Registro Docker non è stata specificata.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variabile di output non impostata come output del comando Docker supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza dell'output: %s. Lunghezza massima supportata: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5d479fef427a..23940a5ea16a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Docker イメージをビルド、タグ付け、プッシュ、実行するか、Docker コマンドを実行します。タスクは、Docker または Azure Container Registry で使用できます。", + "loc.description": "Docker イメージをビルド、タグ付け、プッシュ、実行するか、Docker コマンドを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(コマンド)", "loc.releaseNotes": "次により、タスクを簡略化しました。
/> - コマンドの選択または入力を簡略化するオプションを提供します。
/>  - 有用な入力フィールドを保持し、残りを引数としてコマンドに渡すオプションを提供します。", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "コンテナー レジストリ", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Dockerfile へのパスです。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "既定のビルド コンテキストを使用する", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "ビルド コンテキストを、Dockerfile が入っているディレクトリに設定します。", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキスト", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキストへのパスです。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker コマンド オプション。'tag' コマンドの場合、Docker イメージの追加のタグをここで指定できます。", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "複数のイメージをプッシュする", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "プッシュする Docker イメージの名前を含むテキスト ファイルを使用して複数のイメージをプッシュします。各イメージ名は、それぞれの行に含まれています。
イメージ名だけが指定された場合、ImageName3 コンテナー イメージのすべてのタグがプッシュされます。", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "複数のイメージをタグ付けする", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Docker イメージをビルドするときに、'latest' タグを組み込みます。", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "既定のラベルを追加", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Docker ラベルを使用して、リポジトリ、コミット、ビルド、リリースの情報などの CI/CD メタデータをコンテナー イメージに追加します。", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "既定のビルド コンテキストを使用する", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "ビルド コンテキストを、Dockerfile が入っているディレクトリに設定します。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキスト", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキストへのパスです。", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "イメージのダイジェスト ファイル", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "プッシュされた Docker イメージの完全なイメージ リポジトリ ダイジェストを使って作成、入力されたファイルへのパスです。", "loc.input.label.containerName": "コンテナー名", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Docker コンテナーの作業ディレクトリです。", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "エントリ ポイントのオーバーライド", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Docker コンテナーの既定のエントリ ポイントをオーバーライドします。", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "コマンド", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "コンテナー コマンド", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker run コマンドは、まず指定されたイメージの上に書き込み可能なコンテナー レイヤーを作成した後、指定された run コマンドを使用してそのコンテナー レイヤーを開始します。たとえば、イメージにシンプルな Python Flask Web アプリケーションが含まれている場合は、'python app.py' を指定すると、その Web アプリケーションを起動できます。", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "バックグラウンドで実行", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "バックグラウンドで Docker コンテナーを実行します。", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "有効の場合は Docker 命名規則に従って Docker イメージ名が変更されます。大文字が小文字に変換され、イメージ名内のスペースが削除されます。", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "メモリの制限", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "コンテナーで利用できる最大メモリ容量。'2GB' のような省略可能なサフィックスを含めた整数。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりました", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s に一致する Dockerfile は見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "ファイル '%s' には少なくとも 1 つのイメージ名が必要です。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "ファイル %s にデータを書き込めません。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "ファイル %s にデータが書き込まれませんでした", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "ファイルの内容がディスクに同期されました。内容は %s です。", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続が指定されていません。" + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続が指定されていません。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker コマンドの出力がサポートされている最大長を超えたため、出力変数が設定されませんでした。出力の長さ: %s、サポートされている最大長: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 7a06fa8a0968..1709f2e83bd9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Docker 이미지를 빌드, 태그, 푸시 또는 실행하거나 Docker 명령을 실행합니다. Docker 또는 Azure Container Registry에서 작업을 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "Docker 이미지를 빌드, 태그 지정, 푸시 또는 실행하거나 Docker 명령을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "다음을 수행하여 작업을 간소화했습니다.
 - 명령을 선택하거나 입력하는 옵션 제공
 - 유용한 입력 필드를 유지하고 나머지 부분은 인수로 명령에 전달하는 옵션 제공", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Container Registry", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Dockerfile의 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "기본 빌드 컨텍스트 사용", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "빌드 컨텍스트를 Dockerfile이 포함된 디렉터리로 설정합니다.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트의 경로입니다.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 명령 옵션입니다. 'tag' 명령의 경우 여기서 Docker 이미지에 대한 추가 태그를 지정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "여러 이미지 푸시", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Docker 이미지의 이름이 들어 있는 텍스트 파일을 통해 푸시하여 여러 이미지를 푸시합니다. 각 이미지 이름이 새 줄에 포함됩니다.
이미지 이름만 제공하면 ImageName3 컨테이너 이미지의 모든 태그가 푸시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "여러 이미지에 태그 지정", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "Docker 이미지를 빌드할 때 '최신' 태그를 포함합니다.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "기본 레이블 추가", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Docker 레이블을 사용하여 컨테이너 이미지에 리포지토리, 커밋, 빌드 및 릴리스 정보와 같은 CI/CD 메타데이터를 추가합니다.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "기본 빌드 컨텍스트 사용", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "빌드 컨텍스트를 Dockerfile이 포함된 디렉터리로 설정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트의 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "이미지 다이제스트 파일", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "푸시된 Docker 이미지의 전체 이미지 리포지토리 다이제스트로 채워져 만들어진 파일에 대한 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "컨테이너 이름", @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Docker 컨테이너에 대한 작업 디렉터리입니다.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "진입점 재정의", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Docker 컨테이너에 대한 기본 진입점을 재정의합니다.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "명령", - "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker run 명령은 먼저 지정된 이미지 위에 쓰기 가능한 컨테이너 계층을 만든 다음, 지정된 run 명령을 사용하여 컨테이너 계층을 시작합니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 간단한 Python Flask 웹 응용 프로그램이 포함된 경우 'python app.py'를 지정하여 웹 응용 프로그램을 시작할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "컨테이너 명령", + "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker run 명령은 먼저 지정된 이미지 위에 쓰기 가능한 컨테이너 계층을 만든 다음, 지정된 run 명령을 사용하여 컨테이너 계층을 시작합니다. 예를 들어 이미지에 간단한 Python Flask 웹 애플리케이션이 포함된 경우 'python app.py'를 지정하여 웹 애플리케이션을 시작할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "백그라운드에서 실행", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Docker 컨테이너를 백그라운드에서 실행합니다.", "loc.input.label.restartPolicy": "다시 시작 정책", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "사용하도록 설정하면, Docker 이미지 이름이 Docker 명명 규칙을 따르도록 수정됩니다. 이미지 이름에서 대문자를 소문자로 변환하고 공백을 제거합니다.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "메모리 한도", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "정수와 '2GB' 같은 선택적 접미사로 입력하는 컨테이너에 사용 가능한 최대 메모리양입니다.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴이 있습니다.", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴이 없습니다.", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 Dockerfile이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "'%s' 파일에 이미지 이름이 하나 이상 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓸 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓰지 않았습니다.", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "파일 콘텐츠를 디스크에 동기화했습니다. 콘텐츠는 %s입니다.", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결을 지정하지 않았습니다." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결을 지정하지 않았습니다.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker 명령 출력으로 설정되지 않은 출력 변수가 지원되는 최대 길이를 초과했습니다. 출력 길이: %s, 지원되는 최대 길이: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 92c943709a05..7e65972b8ad9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "Создание, отправка или запуск образов Docker, создание меток для образов Docker или выполнение команд Docker. Эту задачу можно использовать в Docker или реестре контейнеров Azure.", + "loc.description": "Создание, пометка, отправка или запуск образов Docker или выполнение команды Docker", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Задача упрощена следующим образом:
 - Предоставлена возможность выбора или ввода команды.
 - Оставлены полезные поля ввода, и предоставлена возможность передачи остальных полей в команду в качестве аргумента.", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "Реестр контейнеров", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Путь к Dockerfile.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Использовать контекст сборки по умолчанию", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Задайте контекст сборки для каталога, в котором находится Dockerfile.", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Контекст сборки", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Путь к контексту сборки.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Параметры команды Docker. В случае команды \"tag\" здесь можно указать дополнительные теги для образа Docker.", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "Отправить несколько образов", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "Отправьте несколько образов посредством текстового файла, содержащего имена образов Docker, которые необходимо отправить. Каждое имя образа указывается в отдельной строке.
Если указано только имя образа, отправляются все теги образа контейнера ImageName3.", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "Добавить теги к нескольким образам", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "При сборке образа Docker следует включить тег latest.", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "Добавить метки по умолчанию", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "Добавьте метаданные непрерывной интеграции и непрерывного развертывания, такие как сведения о репозитории, фиксации, сборке и выпуске, в образ контейнера с помощью меток Docker.", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "Использовать контекст сборки по умолчанию", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "Задайте контекст сборки для каталога, в котором находится Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Контекст сборки", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Путь к контексту сборки.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "Файл дайджеста образа", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "Путь к созданному файлу, в который внесен весь дайджест репозитория отправленного образа Docker.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Имя контейнера", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Рабочий каталог для контейнера Docker.", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "Переопределение точки входа", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "Переопределите точку входа по умолчанию для контейнера Docker.", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Команда", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Команда контейнера", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Команда docker run сначала создает доступный для записи слой контейнера поверх заданного образа, а затем запускает его с помощью указанной команды run. Например, если образ содержит простое веб-приложение Python Flask, для запуска этого приложения можно указать \"python app.py\".", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "Запустить в фоновом режиме", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "Запустите контейнер Docker в фоновом режиме.", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "Если этот параметр установлен, имя образа будет изменено в соответствии с соглашением об именовании Docker. Прописные буквы будут преобразованы в строчные, а пробелы в имени образа будут удалены.", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "Предельный объем памяти", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "Максимальный объем памяти, доступный контейнеру, в виде целого числа с необязательными суффиксами, например \"2GB\".", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Обнаружен шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Не найден шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Dockerfile, соответствующий %s, не найден.", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "В файле \"%s\" должно быть указано по меньшей мере одно имя образа.", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Не удается записать данные в файл %s. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Данные не были записаны в файл %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Содержимое файла синхронизировано с диском. Содержимое: %s.", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Подключение к службе реестра Docker не указано." + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Подключение к службе реестра Docker не указано.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Выходная переменная не задана, так как для выходных данных команды Docker превышена максимально поддерживаемая длина. Длина выходных данных: %s, максимально поддерживаемая длина: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 043892e089af..e155ea82cae7 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "生成、标记、推送或运行 Docker 映像,或者运行 Docker 命令。任务可与 Docker 或 Azure 容器注册表一起使用。", + "loc.description": "生成、标记、推送或运行 Docker 映像,或者运行 Docker 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "通过以下方式简化任务:
 - 提供用于简单选择或键入命令的选项。
 - 保留有用的输入字段并提供将其余部分作为参数传递给命令的选项。", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "容器注册表", @@ -14,17 +14,13 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "选择 Azure 订阅", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "在所选 Azure 订阅中选择 Azure 容器注册表。系统将生成容器图像并推送到此容器注册表。", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "docker 运行命令首先在指定的映像上创建一个可写容器层,然后使用指定的运行命令启动它。例如,如果映像包含一个简单的 Python Flask Web 应用程序,则可以指定 \"python app.py\" 来启动 Web 应用程序。", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "选择 Docker 命令。", "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Dockerfile 路径。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "使用默认的生成上下文", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "将生成上下文设置为包含 Dockerfile 的目录。", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "生成上下文", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "生成上下文的路径。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 命令选项。如果是“标记”命令,可在此处为 Docker 映像指定其他标记。", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "推送多个映像", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "使用包含要推送的 Docker 映像名称的文本文件来推送多个映像。每个映像名称都包含在自己的行中。
如果仅提供映像名称,将推送 ImageName3 容器映像的所有标记。", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "标记多个映像", @@ -34,13 +30,17 @@ "loc.input.label.imageNamesPath": "映像名称路径", "loc.input.help.imageNamesPath": "文本文件路径,该文件中包含 tag 或 push 的 Docker 映像名称。每个映像名称包含在其自己的行上。", "loc.input.label.qualifyImageName": "指定映像名", - "loc.input.help.qualifyImageName": "如果没有另行指定,请使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名限定图像名称。", + "loc.input.help.qualifyImageName": "如果没有另行指定,请使用 Docker 注册表服务连接的主机名限定映像名称。", "loc.input.label.includeSourceTags": "包括源标记", "loc.input.help.includeSourceTags": "生成或推送 Docker 映像时包括 Git 标记。", "loc.input.label.includeLatestTag": "包括最新的标记", "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "生成 Docker 映像时包含 \"latest\" 标记。", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "添加默认标签", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "使用 Docker 标签将 CI/CD 元数据(如存储库、提交、生成和发布信息)添加到容器映像中。", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "使用默认的生成上下文", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "将生成上下文设置为包含 Dockerfile 的目录。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "生成上下文", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "生成上下文的路径。", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "映像摘要文件", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "使用已推送的 Docker 映像的完整映像存储库摘要创建和填充的文件路径。", "loc.input.label.containerName": "容器名", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Docker 容器的工作目录。", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "入口点重写", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "替代 Docker 容器的默认入口点。", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "命令", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "容器命令", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker 运行命令首先在指定的映像上创建一个可写容器层,然后使用指定的运行命令启动它。例如,如果映像包含一个简单的 Python Flask Web 应用程序,则可以指定 \"python app.py\" 来启动 Web 应用程序。", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "后台运行", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "在后台运行 Docker 容器。", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "如果已启用,将修改 Docker 映像名称以遵循 Docker 命名约定。将大写字符转换为小写并删除映像名称中的空格。", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "内存限制", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "容器可用的最大内存量,格式为整数后跟可选后缀,如 \"2GB\"。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中找到的模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中未找到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何 Dockerfile。", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "文件“%s”中至少应有一个映像名称。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "无法将数据写入文件 %s。错误: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "没有任何数据写入到文件 %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "文件内容已同步到磁盘。内容为 %s。", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 注册表服务连接。" + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 注册表服务连接。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "未设置为 Docker 命令输出的输出变量超出了支持的最大长度。输出长度: %s,支持的最大长度: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 64e04e0c874b..cfd90faf6c5d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", - "loc.description": "建置、標記、推送或執行 Docker 映像,或執行 Docker 命令。工作可搭配 Docker 或 Azure Container Registry 使用。", + "loc.description": "建置、標記、推送或執行 Docker 映像,或執行 Docker 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "已使用下列方法簡化工作:
 - 提供可輕鬆選取或鍵入命令的選項。
 - 保留實用的輸入欄位,以及提供將其餘項目作為引數傳遞至命令的選項。", "loc.group.displayName.containerRegistry": "容器登錄", @@ -20,11 +20,7 @@ "loc.input.label.dockerFile": "Dockerfile", "loc.input.help.dockerFile": "Dockerfile 的路徑。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker command options. In case of 'tag' command, you can specify additional tags for Docker image here.", - "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "使用預設組建內容", - "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "請對包含 Dockerfile 的目錄設定組建內容。", - "loc.input.label.buildContext": "組建內容", - "loc.input.help.buildContext": "組建內容的路徑。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 命令選項。針對 'tag' 命令,您可於此處為 Docker 映像指定其他標籤。", "loc.input.label.pushMultipleImages": "推送多個映像", "loc.input.help.pushMultipleImages": "使用包含要推送之 Docker 映像名稱的文字檔來推送多個映像。每個映像名稱各佔一行。
若只提供了映像名稱,就會推送 ImageName3 容器映像的所有標籤。", "loc.input.label.tagMultipleImages": "標記多個映像", @@ -41,6 +37,10 @@ "loc.input.help.includeLatestTag": "建置 Docker 映像時,請加入 [最新] 標籤。", "loc.input.label.addDefaultLabels": "新增預設標籤", "loc.input.help.addDefaultLabels": "使用 Docker 標籤將 CI/CD 中繼資料 (如存放庫、認可、組建和版本資訊) 新增至容器映像。", + "loc.input.label.useDefaultContext": "使用預設組建內容", + "loc.input.help.useDefaultContext": "請對包含 Dockerfile 的目錄設定組建內容。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "組建內容", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "組建內容的路徑。", "loc.input.label.imageDigestFile": "映像摘要檔案", "loc.input.help.imageDigestFile": "所建立之檔案的路徑; 該檔案填入了所推送之 Docker 映像的完整映像保存庫摘要。", "loc.input.label.containerName": "容器名稱", @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Docker 容器的工作目錄。", "loc.input.label.entrypointOverride": "進入點覆寫", "loc.input.help.entrypointOverride": "覆寫 Docker 容器的預設進入點。", - "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "命令", + "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "容器命令", "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "docker 執行命令會先在指定映像上建立可寫入容器層,再使用指定的執行命令啟動該映像。例如,如果映像包含簡易 Python Flask Web 應用程式,您可指定 'python app.py' 來啟動 Web 應用程式。", "loc.input.label.runInBackground": "在背景中執行", "loc.input.help.runInBackground": "在背景執行 Docker 容器。", @@ -69,12 +69,16 @@ "loc.input.help.enforceDockerNamingConvention": "若啟用,就會 Docker 映像名稱以遵循 Docker 命名慣例。請將大寫字元轉為小寫字元,並移除映像名稱中的空格。", "loc.input.label.memoryLimit": "記憶體限制", "loc.input.help.memoryLimit": "容器可用的最大記憶體,值為整數,並可選擇加上尾碼,如 '2GB'。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "在 Docker filepath 參數中已找到模式", "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "在 Docker filepath 參數中找不到任何模式", "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到任何與 %s 相符的 Dockerfile。", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "檔案 '%s' 中至少應有一個映像名稱。", "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "無法將資料寫入檔案 %s。錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "沒有任何資料寫入檔案 %s", "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "檔案內容已同步到磁碟。內容為 %s。", - "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 登錄服務連線。" + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 登錄服務連線。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "因為 Docker 命令輸出超過了支援的長度上限,所以未設定輸出變數。輸出長度: %s,支援的長度上限: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/task.json b/Tasks/DockerV1/task.json index 392104b080a1..bb1553a7eb0b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "Simplified the task by:
 - Providing an option to simply select or type a command.
 - Retaining the useful input fields and providing an option to pass the rest as an argument to the command.", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DockerV1/task.loc.json index 238364b5c7eb..7370e529684c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5c4d4a764c00 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Erstellen Sie Docker-Images, oder übertragen Sie sie mithilfe von Push, melden Sie sich an oder ab, oder führen Sie einen Docker-Befehl aus.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Die Aufgabe \"YAML\" wurde in folgender Weise vereinfacht:
 – Eingabe des Containerregistrierungstyps nicht mehr erforderlich
 – Keine komplexe Eingabe mehr, stattdessen Übergabe von Argumenten an den Befehl ", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "Containerrepository", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Befehle", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "Containerregistrierung", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Wählen Sie eine Dienstverbindung für die Docker-Registrierung aus. Erforderlich für Befehle, die eine Authentifizierung bei einer Registrierung erfordern.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "Containerrepository", + "loc.input.help.repository": "Name des Repositorys.", + "loc.input.label.command": "Befehl", + "loc.input.help.command": "Wählen Sie einen Docker-Befehl aus.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Pfad zu Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Buildkontext", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Pfad zum Buildkontext. Übergeben Sie **, um das Verzeichnis mit dem Dockerfile anzugeben.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Tags", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Eine Liste mit Tags auf getrennten Zeilen. Diese Tags werden in build-, push-und buildAndPush-Befehlen verwendet. Beispiel:

", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker-Befehlsoptionen. Beispiel:
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Die Authentifizierungsdaten für die Registrierung werden der Docker-Konfigurationsdatei hinzugefügt. Registrierung: %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Muster in Docker-Dateipfadparameter gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Kein Muster im Docker-Parameter \"filepath\" gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Docker-Datei gefunden, die \"%s\" entspricht.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" können keine Daten geschrieben werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wurde nicht gefunden. Entweder ist die DOCKER_CONFIG-Variable nicht festgelegt, oder die Konfigurationsdatei befindet sich nicht im temporären Verzeichnis, oder die Datei ist nicht vorhanden. DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Das Docker-Konfigurationsverzeichnis wird gelöscht. Pfad: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Die Authentifizierungsdaten für die Registrierung werden aus der Docker-Konfigurationsdatei gelöscht. Registrierung: %s, neue Docker-Konfiguration: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Keine Dienstverbindung für Docker-Registrierung angegeben.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "Die aus der Datei abgerufene Docker-Konfiguration konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Der Inhalt der Datei wurde auf dem Datenträger synchronisiert. Der Inhalt ist \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "Die im temporären Pfad gespeicherte Docker-Konfiguration wurde gefunden. Docker-Konfigurationspfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "Es wurden Anmeldeinformationen für andere Registrierungen gefunden. Es wird versucht, die Authentifizierungsdaten aus der Docker-Konfiguration für die Registrierung zu entfernen: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "Die Argumenteingabe wird für den buildAndPush-Befehl nicht unterstützt. Die Eingabe wird ignoriert.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "Es wird versucht, eine Abmeldung von der Registrierung durchzuführen: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "Abmeldung wird durchgeführt. Alle Authentifizierungsdaten werden aus der temporären Docker-Konfiguration entfernt, weil keine Registrierung angegeben wurde.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "In der Docker-Konfiguration wurden keine Authentifizierungsinformationen gefunden. Es werden deshalb 0 Registrierungs-URLs zurückgegeben.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "In die Datei \"%s\" wurden keine Daten geschrieben. ", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "In der Datei \"%s\" wird mindestens ein Imagename erwartet.", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "Dem Buildimage werden keine Tags für die Containerregistrierung hinzugefügt, weil keine Anmeldeinformationen gefunden wurden.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "Es werden keine Daten mithilfe von Push in die Registrierung übertragen, weil keine Anmeldeinformationen gefunden wurden.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "Es wurde eine frühere Anmeldung bei derselben Registrierung gefunden. Die alten Authentifizierungsdaten werden gespeichert, und der Vorgang wird mit der neuen Anmeldung fortgesetzt. Alte Docker-Konfiguration: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Die Ausgabevariable wurde nicht festgelegt, weil die Docker-Befehlsausgabe die maximal unterstützte Länge überschritten hat. Ausgabelänge: %s, maximal unterstützte Länge: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "Der Konfigurationspfad befindet sich nicht im temporären Verzeichnis. Konfigurationspfad: %s, temporäres Verzeichnis: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Die Authentifizierungsdaten für die Registrierung wurden nicht in der Docker-Konfigurationsdatei gefunden. Keine Aktion für Abmeldung erforderlich. Registrierung: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "Die vorherigen Authentifizierungsdaten für die Registrierungsanmeldung werden wiederhergestellt: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in die temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2034e6c8f91a --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Compila o inserta imágenes de Docker, inicia una sesión o la cierra o bien ejecuta un comando de Docker.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(comando)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha simplificado el código YAML de la tarea mediante las acciones siguientes:
 - Quitar la entrada de tipo de registro del contenedor
 - Quitar las entradas complejas, ya que se pueden pasar como argumentos al comando.", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "Container Repository", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandos", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "Registro de contenedor", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio de registro de Docker. Obligatorio para los comandos que deben autenticarse en un registro.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "Repositorio de Container", + "loc.input.help.repository": "Nombre del repositorio.", + "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", + "loc.input.help.command": "Seleccione un comando de Docker.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Ruta de acceso al Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexto de compilación", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Ruta de acceso al contexto de compilación. Pase ** para especificar el directorio que contiene el archivo Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Etiquetas", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Lista de etiquetas en líneas separadas. Estas etiquetas se usan en los comandos build, push y buildAndPush. Ejemplo:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Opciones de comando de Docker. Ejemplo:
Para el comando de compilación,
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Agregando datos de autenticación para el registro en el archivo de configuración de Docker. Registro: %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Se encontró un patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker.", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "No se ha encontrado ningún patrón en el parámetro filepath de Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de Docker que coincidiera con %s.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "No se pueden escribir datos en el archivo %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "No se encuentra la configuración de Docker. La variable DOCKER_CONFIG no se ha establecido, el archivo de configuración está fuera del directorio temporal o el archivo no existe. DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Eliminando el directorio de configuración de Docker. Ruta de acceso: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Eliminando los datos de autenticación para el registro del archivo de configuración del Docker. Registro: %s. Nueva configuración de Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Conexión de servicio de registro de Docker no especificado.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "No se pudo analizar la configuración de Docker obtenida del archivo. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Se sincronizó el contenido del archivo con el disco. El contenido es %s.", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "Se ha encontrado la configuración de Docker almacenada en la ruta de acceso temporal. Ruta de acceso de configuración de Docker: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "Se encontró información de inicio de sesión de otros registros. Se está intentando quitar la autenticación de la configuración de Docker para el registro: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "No se admite la entrada de argumentos cuando el comando es buildAndPush. Se omitirá la entrada.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "Intentando cerrar la sesión del registro: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "Cerrando la sesión. Se están quitando todos los datos de autenticación de la configuración de Docker temporal, ya que no se ha especificado ningún registro.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "No se ha encontrado ninguna autenticación en la configuración de Docker. Por lo tanto, se devuelven 0 direcciones URL del registro.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "No se escribieron datos en el archivo %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Se espera al menos un nombre de imagen en el archivo \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "No se agrega ninguna etiqueta del registro de contenedor a la imagen de compilación porque no se encontró información de inicio de sesión.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "No se va a insertar en ningún registro porque no se encontró información de inicio de sesión.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "Se ha encontrado un inicio de sesión anterior en el mismo registro. Se guardan los datos de autenticación anteriores y se continúa con el nuevo inicio de sesión. Configuración de Docker anterior: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de salida no establecida como salida del comando de Docker superó la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud de salida: %s. Longitud máxima admitida: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "La ruta de acceso de configuración no está dentro del directorio temporal. Ruta de acceso de configuración: %s. Directorio temporal: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "No se encuentran los datos de autenticación del registro en el archivo de configuración de Docker. No hay que realizar ninguna acción para cerrar la sesión. Registro: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "Restaurando los datos de autenticación de inicio de sesión anteriores para el registro: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d134b087fc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Générer ou envoyer (push) des images Docker, se connecter ou se déconnecter, ou exécuter une commande Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(commande)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Simplification de la tâche YAML par :
 - Suppression de l'entrée de type du registre de conteneurs
 - Suppression des entrées complexes, car elles peuvent être passées en tant qu'arguments à la commande.", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "Container Repository", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Commandes", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "Registre de conteneurs", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service de registre Docker. Obligatoire pour les commandes qui doivent s'authentifier après d'un registre.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "Container Repository", + "loc.input.help.repository": "Nom du dépôt.", + "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", + "loc.input.help.command": "Sélectionnez une commande Docker.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Fichier Docker", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Chemin du fichier Docker.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contexte de build", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Chemin du contexte de build. Passez ** pour spécifier le répertoire qui contient le Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Balises", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Liste d'étiquettes sur des lignes séparées. Ces étiquettes sont utilisées dans les commandes build, push et buildAndPush. Exemple :

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Options de commande Docker. Exemple :
Pour la commande de build,
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Ajout de données d'authentification pour le registre dans le fichier config Docker. Registre : %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Modèle trouvé dans le paramètre filepath Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Modèle introuvable dans le paramètre filepath Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Le fichier Docker correspondant à %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Impossible d'écrire des données dans le fichier %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Configuration Docker introuvable. Il est possible que la variable DOCKER_CONFIG ne soit pas définie, que le fichier config se trouve en dehors du répertoire temp, ou que le fichier n'existe pas. DOCKER_CONFIG : %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Suppression du répertoire de configuration Docker. Chemin : %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Suppression de données d'authentification pour le registre dans le fichier config Docker. Registre : %s. Nouvelle configuration Docker : %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Connexion de service de registre Docker non spécifiée.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "Impossible d'analyser la configuration Docker obtenue à partir du fichier. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Synchronisation effectuée du contenu du fichier sur le disque. Le contenu est %s.", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "Configuration Docker stockée dans le chemin temporaire. Chemin de la configuration Docker : %s. Configuration Docker : %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "Informations de connexion trouvées pour d'autres registres. Tentative de suppression des données d'authentification dans la configuration Docker pour le registre : %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "L'entrée d'arguments n'est pas prise en charge quand la commande est buildAndPush. Entrée ignorée.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "Tentative de déconnexion du registre : %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "Déconnexion. Suppression de toutes les données d'authentification de la configuration Docker temporaire, car aucun registre n'est spécifié.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "Données d'authentification introuvables dans la configuration Docker. Nombre d'URL de registre retournées : 0.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Aucune donnée n'a été écrite dans le fichier %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Au moins un nom d'image est attendu dans le fichier '%s'.", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "Impossible d'ajouter des étiquettes de registre de conteneurs à l'image de build, car les informations de connexion sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "Impossible d'effectuer un envoi (push) vers un registre, car les informations de connexion sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "Une connexion antérieure a été trouvée dans le même registre. Enregistrement des anciennes données d'authentification et utilisation de la nouvelle connexion. Ancienne configuration Docker : %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de sortie non définie en tant que sortie de la commande Docker a dépassé la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de sortie : %s. Longueur maximale prise en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "Le chemin de la configuration ne se trouve pas dans le répertoire temporaire. Chemin de la configuration : %s. Répertoire temporaire : %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Les données d'authentification du registre sont introuvables dans le fichier config Docker. Aucune action à effectuer pour la déconnexion. Registre : %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "Restauration des précédentes données d'authentification de connexion pour le registre : %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..449cbb96c235 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare o eseguire il push di immagini Docker, di eseguire accesso o disconnessione oppure di eseguire un comando Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Il codice YAML dell'attività è stata semplificata:
 - Il valore di input del tipo di Registro Container è stato rimosso
 - I valori di input complessi sono stati rimossi perché possono essere passati come argomenti del comando.", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "Repository contenitore", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandi", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "Registro contenitori", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "Repository contenitore", + "loc.input.help.repository": "Nome del repository.", + "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", + "loc.input.help.command": "Consente di selezionare un comando di Docker.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Percorso del Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Contesto di compilazione", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Percorso del contesto di compilazione. Passare ** per specificare la directory che contiene il Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Tag", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Elenco di tag in righe separate. Questi tag vengono usati nei comandi build, push e buildAndPush. Esempio:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Opzioni del comando Docker. Esempio:
Per il comando build,
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Aggiunta dei dati di autenticazione per il registro nel file di configurazione Docker. Registro: %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Il criterio è stato trovato nel parametro filepath di Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun criterio nel parametro filepath di Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun Dockerfile corrispondente a %s.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Non è possibile scrivere dati nel file %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Non è stato possibile trovare la configurazione di Docker. La variabile DOCKER_CONFIG non è impostata oppure il file di configurazione non è incluso nella directory temporanea o non esiste. DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Eliminazione della directory di configurazione di Docker. Percorso: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Eliminazione dei dati di autenticazione per il registro dal file di configurazione Docker. Registro: %s. Nuova configurazione di Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "La connessione al servizio Registro Docker non è stata specificata.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "Non è stato possibile analizzare la configurazione di Docker ottenuta dal file. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Il contenuto del file è stato sincronizzato con il disco. Il contenuto è %s.", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "La configurazione di Docker archiviata nel percorso temporaneo è stata trovata. Percorso della configurazione di Docker: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "Sono state trovate informazioni di accesso per altri registri. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di rimuovere l'autenticazione dalla configurazione Docker per il registro: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "Gli argomenti non sono supportati quando il comando è buildAndPush. I valori immessi verranno ignorati.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "Tentativo di disconnessione dal registro: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "Disconnessione completata. Tutti i dati di autenticazione verranno rimossi dalla configurazione di Docker temporanea, perché non è stato specificato alcun registro.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "Non sono state trovate autenticazioni nella configurazione di Docker, di conseguenza verranno restituiti 0 URL del registro.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Non sono stati scritti dati nel file %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "Il file '%s' deve contenere almeno un nome di immagine.", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "I tag del registro contenitori non verranno aggiunti all'immagine di compilazione perché non sono state trovate informazioni di accesso.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "Non verrà eseguito il push in alcun registro perché non sono state trovate informazioni di accesso.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "È stato trovato un account di accesso precedente allo stesso registro. I dati di autenticazione obsoleti verranno salvati e si continuerà con il nuovo account di accesso. Configurazione di Docker precedente: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variabile di output non impostata come output del comando Docker supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza dell'output: %s. Lunghezza massima supportata: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "Il percorso di configurazione non è presente nella directory temporanea. Percorso di configurazione: %s. Directory temporanea: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Non è stato possibile trovare i dati di autenticazione per il registro nel file di configurazione di Docker. Non è stato possibile eseguire la disconnessione. Registro: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "Ripristino dei dati di autenticazione dell'account di accesso precedente per il registro: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c111b453f849 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Docker イメージをビルドまたはプッシュするか、ログインまたはログアウトするか、Docker コマンドを実行します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(コマンド)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "以下の操作により、タスク YAML が簡略化されました:
 - コンテナー レジストリの型の入力を削除する
 - 複雑な入力をコマンドに引数として渡すことができるので削除する", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "コンテナー リポジトリ", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "コマンド", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "コンテナー レジストリ", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続を選択します。レジストリを使って認証する必要のあるコマンドの場合に必要です。", + "loc.input.label.repository": "コンテナー リポジトリ", + "loc.input.help.repository": "リポジトリの名前。", + "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", + "loc.input.help.command": "Docker コマンドを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile へのパスです。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキスト", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "ビルド コンテキストへのパス。Dockerfile を含むディレクトリを指定するには、** を渡します。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "タグ", + "loc.input.help.tags": "各行にタグの一覧を表示します。これらのタグは、ビルド、プッシュ、および buildAndPush コマンドで使用されます。例:

beta 1.1
latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker コマンド オプション。例:
ビルド コマンドの場合、
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Docker 構成ファイルにレジストリの認証データを追加しています。レジストリ: %s。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりました", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker filepath パラメーターにパターンが見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s に一致する Dockerfile は見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "ファイル %s にデータを書き込めません。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Docker 構成が見つかりませんでした。DOCKER_CONFIG 変数が設定されていないか、構成ファイルが一時ディレクトリ外にあるか、ファイルが存在しません。DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Docker 構成ディレクトリを削除しています。パス: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Docker 構成ファイルからレジストリの認証データを削除しています。レジストリ: %s、新しい Docker 構成: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続が指定されていません。", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "ファイルから取得した Docker 構成を解析できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "ファイルの内容がディスクに同期されました。内容は %s です。", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "一時パスに格納されている Docker 構成が見つかりました。Docker 構成パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "他のレジストリのログイン情報が見つかりました。次のレジストリの Docker 構成から認証を削除しようとしています: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "コマンドが buildAndPush の場合、引数の入力はサポートされません。入力を無視しています。", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "レジストリからログアウトしようとしています: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "ログアウトしています。レジストリが指定されていないため、すべての認証データを一時 Docker 構成から削除しています。", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "Docker 構成に認証が見つかりませんでした。したがって、0 のレジストリ URL を返します。", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "ファイル %s にデータが書き込まれませんでした", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "ファイル '%s' には少なくとも 1 つのイメージ名が必要です。", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "ログイン情報が見つからなかったため、ビルド イメージにコンテナー レジストリ タグを追加していません。", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "ログイン情報が見つからなかったため、レジストリにプッシュしていません。", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "同じレジストリに前回のログインが見つかりました。古い認証データを保存し、新しいログインで続行しています。古い Docker 構成: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker コマンドの出力がサポートされている最大長を超えているため、出力変数が設定されていません。出力の長さ: %s、サポートされている最大長: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "構成パスが一時ディレクトリ内にありません。構成パス: %s、一時ディレクトリ: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Docker 構成ファイルにレジストリの認証データが見つかりませんでした。ログアウトするための操作は行われません。レジストリ: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "レジストリの前回のログイン認証データを復元しています: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a9f464eeba64 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Docker 이미지를 빌드 또는 푸시하거나, 로그인 또는 로그아웃하거나, Docker 명령을 실행합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "다음을 수행하여 작업 YAML을 간소화했습니다.
 - 컨테이너 레지스트리 유형 입력 제거
 - 명령에 인수로 전달될 수 있는 복합 입력 제거.", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "컨테이너 리포지토리", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "명령", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "컨테이너 레지스트리", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "컨테이너 리포지토리", + "loc.input.help.repository": "리포지토리의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.command": "명령", + "loc.input.help.command": "Docker 명령을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile의 경로입니다.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "빌드 컨텍스트의 경로입니다. Dockerfile이 포함된 디렉터리를 지정하려면 **를 전달합니다.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "태그", + "loc.input.help.tags": "새 줄에 있는 태그 목록입니다. 이러한 태그는 빌드, 푸시, buildAndPush 명령에 사용됩니다. 예:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 명령 옵션입니다. 예:
빌드 명령의 경우 다음과 같습니다.
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Docker 구성 파일에 레지스트리의 인증 데이터를 추가하는 중입니다. 레지스트리: %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴이 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker filepath 매개 변수에 패턴이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 Dockerfile이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓸 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Docker 구성을 찾을 수 없습니다. DOCKER_CONFIG 변수가 설정되지 않았거나, 구성 파일이 임시 디렉터리 외부에 있거나, 파일이 없습니다. DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Docker 구성 디렉터리를 삭제하는 중입니다. 경로: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Docker 구성 파일에서 레지스트리의 인증 데이터를 삭제하는 중입니다. 레지스트리: %s, 새 Docker 구성: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결을 지정하지 않았습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "파일에서 가져온 Docker 구성을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "파일 콘텐츠를 디스크에 동기화했습니다. 콘텐츠는 %s입니다.", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "임시 경로에 저장된 Docker 구성을 찾았습니다. Docker 구성 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "다른 레지스트리에 대한 로그인 정보를 찾았습니다. %s 레지스트리에 대한 인증을 Docker 구성에서 제거하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "명령이 buildAndPush인 경우에는 인수 입력이 지원되지 않습니다. 입력을 무시합니다.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "%s 레지스트리에서 로그아웃하는 중", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "로그아웃 중입니다. 레지스트리를 지정하지 않았기 때문에 임시 Docker 구성에서 모든 인증 데이터를 제거합니다.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "Docker 구성에서 인증을 찾을 수 없습니다. 따라서 레지스트리 URL 0개를 반환합니다.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "데이터를 %s 파일에 쓰지 않았습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "'%s' 파일에 이미지 이름이 하나 이상 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "로그인 정보를 찾을 수 없어 컨테이너 레지스트리 태그를 빌드 이미지에 추가하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "로그인 정보를 찾을 수 없어 레지스트리에 푸시하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "동일한 레지스트리에 대한 이전 로그인을 찾았습니다. 이전 인증 데이터를 저장하고 새 로그인을 계속합니다. 이전 Docker 구성: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Docker 명령 출력으로 설정되지 않은 출력 변수가 지원되는 최대 길이를 초과했습니다. 출력 길이: %s, 지원되는 최대 길이: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "구성 경로가 임시 디렉터리 외부입니다. 구성 경로: %s, 임시 디렉터리: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Docker 구성 파일에서 레지스트리에 대한 인증 데이터를 찾을 수 없습니다. 로그아웃하기 위해 수행할 작업은 없습니다. 레지스트리: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "%s 레지스트리에 대한 이전 로그인 인증 데이터를 복원하는 중", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa30c74cdc2d --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "Создание или отправка образов Docker, вход или выход либо выполнение команды Docker", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Упрощение задачи YAML:
 - Удаление входных данных для реестра контейнеров
 - Удаление комплексных входных данных, так как их можно передать в качестве аргументов в команду.", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "Репозиторий контейнеров", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Команды", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "Реестр контейнеров", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "Выберите подключение к службе реестра Docker. Это требуется для команд, для выполнения которых необходимо пройти проверку подлинности в реестре.", + "loc.input.label.repository": "Репозиторий контейнеров", + "loc.input.help.repository": "Имя репозитория.", + "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", + "loc.input.help.command": "Выберите команду Docker.", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Путь к Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "Контекст сборки", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "Путь к контексту сборки. Передайте **, чтобы указать каталог, содержащий Dockerfile.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Теги", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Список тегов на отдельных строках. Эти теги используются в командах build, push и buildAndPush. Пример:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Параметры команды Docker. Пример:
Для команды build,
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "Добавление данных проверки подлинности для реестра в файл конфигурации Docker. Реестр: %s.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Обнаружен шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Не найден шаблон в параметре filepath в Docker", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "Dockerfile, соответствующий %s, не найден.", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "Не удается записать данные в файл %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "Не удалось найти конфигурацию Docker. Либо переменная DOCKER_CONFIG не задана, либо файл конфигурации находится вне временного каталога или не существует. DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "Идет удаление каталога конфигурации Docker. Путь: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "Удаление данных проверки подлинности для реестра из файла конфигурации Docker. Реестр: %s, новая конфигурация Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "Подключение к службе реестра Docker не указано.", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "Не удалось проанализировать конфигурацию Docker, полученную из файла. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "Содержимое файла синхронизировано с диском. Содержимое: %s.", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "Найдена конфигурация Docker, сохраненная по временному пути. Путь к конфигурации Docker: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "Найдены сведения для входа для других реестров. Попытка удаления проверки подлинности из конфигурации Docker для реестра: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "Входные аргументы не поддерживаются, если используется команда buildAndPush. Входные данные игнорируются.", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "Попытка выхода из реестра: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "Выполняется выход. Удаляются все данные проверки подлинности из временной конфигурации docker, так как реестр не указан.", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "В конфигурации Docker не найдены проверки подлинности. Поэтому возвращается 0 URL-адресов реестра.", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "Данные не были записаны в файл %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "В файле \"%s\" должно быть указано по меньшей мере одно имя образа.", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "Теги реестра контейнеров не добавляются в образ сборки, так как данные для входа не найдены.", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "Не выполняется отправка ни в какой из реестров, так как данные для входа не найдены.", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "Найдено более раннее имя для входа для того же реестра. Сохранение старых данных проверки подлинности и продолжение работы с новым именем для входа. Старая конфигурация Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Выходная переменная не задана, так как для выходных данных команды Docker превышена максимально поддерживаемая длина. Длина выходных данных: %s, максимально поддерживаемая длина: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "Путь к конфигурации находится не внутри временного каталога. Путь к конфигурации: %s, временный каталог: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "Не удалось найти данные проверки подлинности для реестра в файле конфигурации Docker. Нет ничего, что можно сделать для выхода. Реестр: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "Восстановление предыдущих данных проверки подлинности при входе для реестра: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..07089aaa3ca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "生成或推送 Docker 映像,登录或注销,或者运行 Docker 命令", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "通过以下方式简化任务 YAML:
 - 删除容器注册表类型输入
 - 删除复杂输入,因为它们可以作为参数传递给命令。", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "容器存储库", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "容器注册表", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "选择 Docker 注册表服务连接。这对于需要执行注册表身份验证的命令是必需的。", + "loc.input.label.repository": "容器存储库", + "loc.input.help.repository": "存储库名称。", + "loc.input.label.command": "命令", + "loc.input.help.command": "选择 Docker 命令。", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile 路径。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "生成上下文", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "生成上下文的路径。通过 ** 指定包含 Dockerfile 的目录。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "标记", + "loc.input.help.tags": "单独行中的标记列表。这些标记用于生成、推送和 buildAndPush 命令。示例:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 命令选项。示例:
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "正在将注册表的身份验证数据添加到 Docker 配置文件。注册表: %s。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中找到的模式", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "Docker 文件路径参数中未找到任何模式", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何 Dockerfile。", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "无法将数据写入文件 %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "找不到 Docker 配置。未设置 DOCKER_CONFIG 变量,或该配置文件位于临时目录之外,或者该文件不存在。DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "正在删除 Docker 配置目录。路径: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "正在从 Docker 配置文件中删除注册表的身份验证数据。注册表: %s,新 Docker 配置: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 注册表服务连接。", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "无法分析从文件中获取的 Docker 配置。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "文件内容已同步到磁盘。内容为 %s。", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "已找到临时路径中存储的 Docker 配置。Docker 配置路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "已找到其他注册表的登录信息。正在尝试从 Docker 配置中删除注册表的身份验证: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "当命令为 buildAndPush 时,不支持参数输入。忽略输入。", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "正在尝试从注册表注销: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "正在注销。由于未指定任何注册表,因此正在从临时 Docker 配置中删除所有身份验证数据。", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "在 Docker 配置中找不到身份验证。因此,将返回 0 个注册表 URL 的身份验证。", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "没有任何数据写入到文件 %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "文件“%s”中至少应有一个映像名称。", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "由于未找到任何登录信息,因此未将任何容器注册表标记添加到生成映像。", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "由于未找到任何登录信息,因此未推送到任何注册表。", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "已找到相同注册表的较早登录。正在保存旧的身份验证数据并继续进行新的登录。旧 Docker 配置: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "未设置为 Docker 命令输出的输出变量超出了支持的最大长度。输出长度: %s,支持的最大长度: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "配置路径不在临时目录内。配置路径: %s,临时目录: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "在 Docker 配置文件中找不到注册表的身份验证数据。注销时无需执行任何操作。注册表: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "正在还原注册表以前的登录身份验证数据: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..72a2107daf85 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Docker", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)", + "loc.description": "建置或推送 Docker 映像、登入或登出或者執行 Docker 命令", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(command)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "簡化工作 YAML,方法是:
 - 移除容器登錄類型輸入
 - 移除複雜輸入,原因是可以使用引數將它們傳遞至命令。", + "loc.group.displayName.containerRepository": "容器存放庫", + "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistry": "容器登錄", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistry": "選取 Docker 登錄服務連線。必須為需要向登錄驗證的命令選取。", + "loc.input.label.repository": "容器存放庫", + "loc.input.help.repository": "存放庫的名稱。", + "loc.input.label.command": "命令", + "loc.input.help.command": "請選取 Docker 命令。", + "loc.input.label.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "loc.input.help.Dockerfile": "Dockerfile 的路徑。", + "loc.input.label.buildContext": "組建內容", + "loc.input.help.buildContext": "組建內容的路徑。傳遞 ** 可指定包含 Dockerfile 的目錄。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "標籤", + "loc.input.help.tags": "不同行中標籤的清單。這些標籤用於 build、push 與 buildAndPush 命令。例如:

latest", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Docker 命令選項。例如:
--build-arg HTTP_PROXY= --quiet", + "loc.messages.AddingNewAuthToExistingConfig": "正在將登錄的驗證資料新增至 Docker 組態檔。登錄: %s。", + "loc.messages.ConnectingToDockerHost": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Docker will try to connect to the Docker host: %s", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternFound": "在 Docker filepath 參數中已找到模式", + "loc.messages.ContainerPatternNotFound": "在 Docker filepath 參數中找不到任何模式", + "loc.messages.ContainerDockerFileNotFound": "找不到任何與 %s 相符的 Dockerfile。", + "loc.messages.CantWriteDataToFile": "無法將資料寫入檔案 %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindDockerConfig": "找不到 Docker 組態。可能是未設定 DOCKER_CONFIG 變數、組態檔不在暫存目錄中,或檔案不存在。DOCKER_CONFIG: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerHostVariableWarning": "DOCKER_HOST variable is set. Please ensure that the Docker daemon is running on: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingDockerConfigDirectory": "正在刪除 Docker 組態目錄。路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAuthDataFromDockerConfig": "正在從 Docker 組態檔刪除登錄的驗證資料。登錄: %s,新的 Docker 組態: %s", + "loc.messages.DockerRegistryNotFound": "未指定 Docker 登錄服務連線。", + "loc.messages.ErrorParsingDockerConfig": "無法剖析從檔案取得的 Docker 組態。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FileContentSynced": "檔案內容已同步到磁碟。內容為 %s。", + "loc.messages.FoundDockerConfigStoredInTempPath": "找不到儲存在暫存路徑中的 Docker 組態。Docker 組態路徑: %s,Docker 組態: %s", + "loc.messages.FoundLoginsForOtherRegistries": "找到其他登錄的登入資訊。正在嘗試從登錄的 Docker 組態移除驗證: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringArgumentsInput": "當命令是 buildAndPush 時,不支援引數輸入。正在略過輸入。", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutFromRegistry": "正在嘗試從登錄登出: %s", + "loc.messages.LoggingOutWithNoRegistrySpecified": "正在登出。因為未指定登錄,所以正在從暫存 Docker 組態移除所有驗證資料。", + "loc.messages.NoAuthInfoFoundInDockerConfig": "在 Docker 組態中找不到任何驗證。因此未傳回任何登錄 URL。", + "loc.messages.NoDataWrittenOnFile": "沒有任何資料寫入檔案 %s", + "loc.messages.NoImagesInImageNamesFile": "檔案 '%s' 中至少應有一個映像名稱。", + "loc.messages.NotAddingAnyTagsToBuild": "因為找不到任何登入資訊,所以未將任何容器登錄標籤新增至組建映像。", + "loc.messages.NotPushingAsNoLoginFound": "因為找不到登入資訊,所以未推送至任何登錄。", + "loc.messages.OldDockerConfigContent": "發現先前曾登入相同的登錄。正在儲存舊有驗證資料,並繼續進行新的登入。舊有 docker 組態: %s", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "因為 Docker 命令輸出超過了支援的長度上限,所以未設定輸出變數。輸出長度: %s,支援的長度上限: %s", + "loc.messages.PathIsNotInTempDirectory": "組態路徑不在暫存目錄中。組態路徑: %s,暫存目錄: %s", + "loc.messages.RegistryAuthNotPresentInConfig": "在 Docker 組態檔中找不到登錄的驗證資料。無法執行任何動作來登出。登錄: %s", + "loc.messages.RestoringOldLoginAuth": "正在還原登錄先前的登入驗證資料: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/task.json b/Tasks/DockerV2/task.json index e18be1012612..f2128480f9c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "Simplified the task YAML by:
 - Removing the Container registry type input
 - Removing complex inputs as they can be passed as arguments to the command.", diff --git a/Tasks/DockerV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DockerV2/task.loc.json index 2345dd3f73e5..bc4456783da2 100644 --- a/Tasks/DockerV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DockerV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 8b3e88e4b569..8ab0b8c09f6a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "Erstellen, testen, verpacken oder veröffentlichen Sie eine dotnet-Anwendung, oder führen Sie einen benutzerdefinierten dotnet-Befehl aus. Für Paketbefehle werden NuGet.org und authentifizierte Feeds wie Paketverwaltung und MyGet unterstützt.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine .NET-Anwendung erstellt, getestet paketiert oder veröffentlicht oder ein benutzerdefinierter .NET-Befehl ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Feeds und Authentifizierung", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Erweitert", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumente für den ausgewählten Befehl, z. B. Buildkonfiguration, Ausgabeordner, Laufzeit. Die Argumente richten sich nach dem ausgewählten Befehl.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "Testergebnisse und Code Coverage veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Durch das Aktivieren dieser Option wird eine TRX-Datei mit Testergebnissen in \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" generiert, und die Ergebnisse werden auf dem Server veröffentlicht
Diese Option hängt \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" an die Befehlszeilenargumente an.

Code Coverage-Daten können durch Hinzufügen der Option \"--collect \"Code coverage\"\" an die Befehlszeilenargumente erfasst werden. Diese Option ist zurzeit nur für die Windows-Plattform verfügbar.", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Durch das Aktivieren dieser Option wird eine TRX-Datei mit Testergebnissen in \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" generiert, und die Ergebnisse werden auf dem Server veröffentlicht
Diese Option fügt \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" an die Befehlszeilenargumente an.

Code Coverage-Daten können durch Hinzufügen der Option \"--collect \"Code coverage\" an die Befehlszeilenargumente erfasst werden. Diese Option ist zurzeit nur für die Windows-Plattform verfügbar.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Geben Sie einen Namen für den Testlauf an.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "Veröffentlichte Projekte komprimieren", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird der über den Veröffentlichungsbefehl erstellte Ordner komprimiert.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "Projektname zum Veröffentlichen des Pfads hinzufügen", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "Bei TRUE wird bei Ordnern, die vom Veröffentlichungsbefehl erstellt wurden, der Projektdateiname vor den Ordnernamen eingefügt, wenn der Ausgabepfad in Argumenten explizit angegeben ist. Dies ist hilfreich, wenn Sie im gleichen Ordner mehrere Projekte veröffentlichen möchten.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Zu verwendende Feeds", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Sie können hier entweder einen Feed aus Azure Artifacts und/oder NuGet.org auswählen oder einen Commit für eine nuget.config-Datei in Ihrem Quellcoderepository durchführen und hier den zugehörigen Pfad festlegen.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Pakete aus diesem Azure Artifacts-/TFS-Feed verwenden", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Beziehen Sie den ausgewählten Feed in die erstellte \"NuGet.config\" ein. Die Paketverwaltung muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Pakete aus diesem Azure Artifacts-Feed verwenden", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Schließen Sie den ausgewählten Feed in die generierte Datei \"NuGet.config\" ein. Azure Artifacts muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Pakete aus \"NuGet.org\" verwenden", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "\"NuGet.org\" in die erstellte Datei \"NuGet.config\" einbeziehen.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Pfad zu \"NuGet.config\"", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "Ausführlichkeit", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "Gibt die Menge der Details an, die in der Ausgabe angezeigt werden.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "Pfad zu den zu veröffentlichenden NuGet-Paketen", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Das Muster für den Abgleich oder der Pfad zu den NUPKG-Dateien, die hochgeladen werden sollen. Mehrere Muster können durch ein Semikolon getrennt werden, und Sie können ein Muster als negatives Suchmuster festlegen, indem Sie ihm \"-:\" als Präfix voranstellen. Beispiel: \"**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg\"", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Das Muster, mit dem eine Übereinstimmung vorliegen soll, oder der Pfad zu den NUPKG-Dateien, die hochgeladen werden sollen. Mehrere Muster können durch ein Semikolon getrennt werden.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Speicherort für Zielfeed", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Zielfeed", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Wählen Sie einen Feed aus, der in dieser Organisation gehostet wird. Die Paketverwaltung muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Wählen Sie einen Feed aus, der in dieser Organisation gehostet wird. Azure Artifacts muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pipelinemetadaten veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Ordnen Sie die Metadaten dieser Build-/Releasepipeline (Ausführungsnummer, Quellcodeinformationen) dem Paket zu.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet-Server", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Die NuGet-Dienstverbindung, die die Anmeldeinformationen des externen NuGet-Servers enthält.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "Der Pfad zu den zu packenden CSPROJ- oder NUSPEC-Dateien", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "Der Ordner, in dem die Pakete erstellt werden. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, werden die Pakete zusammen mit der CSPROJ-Datei erstellt.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "Nicht erstellen", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "Erstellen Sie das Projekt nicht vor dem Verpacken. Dies entspricht dem Befehlszeilenparameter \"--no-build\".", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "Symbole einschließen", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "Erstellt zusätzlich NuGet-Symbolpakete. Entspricht dem Befehlszeilenparameter \"--include-symbols\".", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "Quelle einschließen", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "Schließt Quellcode in das Paket ein. Entspricht dem Befehlszeilenparameter \"--include-source\".", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "Automatische Versionsverwaltung von Paketen", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "Kann nicht unter Einbeziehung referenzierter Projekte verwendet werden. Wenn Sie \"Datum und Uhrzeit verwenden\" auswählen, wird bei Auswahl von X, Y und Z eine mit [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) kompatible Version generiert, die als \"X.Y.Z-ci-datetime\" formatiert ist.\n\nWenn Sie \"Umgebungsvariable verwenden\" auswählen, müssen Sie eine Umgebungsvariable auswählen und sicherstellen, dass sie die Versionsnummer enthält, die Sie verwenden möchten.\n\nWenn Sie \"Buildnummer verwenden\" auswählen, wird die Buildnummer für die Version Ihres Pakets verwendet. **Hinweis:** Legen Sie unter \"Optionen\" das Buildnummernformat als \"[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)\" fest.", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "Umgebungsvariable", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index dd22dcebd1a2..1ce4043e094e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "Compile, pruebe, empaquete o publique una aplicación de dotnet, o bien ejecute un comando dotnet personalizado. Para comandos de paquete, se admiten NuGet.org y fuentes autenticadas, como Administración de paquetes y MyGet.", + "loc.description": "Compila, prueba, empaqueta o publica una aplicación de dotnet o bien ejecuta un comando dotnet personalizado.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(comando)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Fuentes y autenticación", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avanzadas", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumentos para el comando seleccionado. Por ejemplo, configuración de compilación, carpeta de salida, entorno de ejecución. Los argumentos dependen del comando seleccionado.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "Publicar resultados de pruebas y cobertura de código", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Si habilita esta opción, se generará un archivo TRX de resultados de prueba en \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" y los resultados se publicarán en el servidor.
Esta opción anexa \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" a los argumentos de la línea de comandos.

La cobertura de código se puede recopilar mediante la adición la opción \"--collect “Code coverage”\" a los argumentos de línea de comandos. Actualmente solo está disponible en la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Si habilita esta opción, se generará un archivo TRX de resultados de prueba en \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" y los resultados se publicarán en el servidor.
Esta opción anexa \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" a los argumentos de la línea de comandos.

La cobertura de código se puede recopilar mediante la adición de la opción \"--collect “Code coverage”\" a los argumentos de la línea de comandos. Actualmente solo está disponible en la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Asigne un nombre a la serie de pruebas.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "Comprimir proyectos publicados", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "Si es verdadero, se descomprimirá la carpeta creada por el comando de publicación.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "Agregar el nombre de proyecto a la ruta de publicación", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "Si es true, las carpetas creadas con el comando publish tendrán el nombre del archivo del proyecto como prefijo en el nombre de carpeta cuando se especifique la ruta de acceso de la salida de forma explícita en argumentos. Esto es muy útil si quiere publicar varios proyectos en la misma carpeta.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Fuentes para usar", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Seleccione una fuente de Azure Artifacts o NuGet.org aquí, o bien confirme un archivo nuget.config en el repositorio del código fuente y establezca aquí su ruta de acceso.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usar paquetes de esta fuente de Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluya la fuente seleccionada en el archivo NuGet.config generado. Debe tener Administración de paquetes instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usar paquetes de esta fuente de Azure Artifacts", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluya la fuente seleccionada en el archivo NuGet.config generado. Debe tener Azure Artifacts instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Usar paquetes de NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Incluya NuGet.org en el archivo NuGet.config generado.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Ruta de acceso a NuGet.config", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "Nivel de detalle", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "Especifica la cantidad de detalles que se muestran en la salida.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "Ruta de acceso a los paquetes NuGet que deben publicarse", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Patrón de coincidencia o ruta de acceso a los archivos nupkg que se van a cargar. Se pueden separar varios patrones con punto y coma. Para hacer que un patrón sea negativo, use el prefijo \"-:\". Ejemplo: \"**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg\"", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Patrón de coincidencia o ruta de acceso a los archivos nupkg que se van a cargar. Se pueden separar varios patrones con punto y coma.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Ubicación de la fuente de destino", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Fuente de destino", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Seleccione una fuente hospedada en esta organización. Debe tener Administración de paquetes instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Seleccione una fuente hospedada en esta organización. Debe tener Azure Artifacts instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publicar los metadatos de canalización", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Asociar los metadatos de esta canalización de compilación o versión (n.º de ejecución, información del código fuente) con el paquete", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Servidor de NuGet", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de NuGet que contiene las credenciales externas del servidor de NuGet.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "Ruta de acceso a los archivos csproj o nuspec que se van a empaquetar", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "Carpeta en la que se van a crear los paquetes. Si está vacía, los paquetes se crearán junto al archivo csproj.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "No compilar", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "No compilar el proyecto antes de empaquetarlo. Corresponde al parámetro de la línea de comandos --no-build.", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "Incluir símbolos", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "También crea paquetes NuGet de símbolos. Corresponde al parámetro de la línea de comandos --include-symbols.", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "Incluir origen", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "Incluye el código fuente en el paquete. Corresponde al parámetro de la línea de comandos --include-source.", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "Control de versiones de paquete automático", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "No se puede usar con \"Incluir proyectos a los que se hace referencia\". Si elige \"Usar la fecha y hora\", se generará una versión compatible con [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) con el formato \"X.Y.Z-ci-datetime\" donde elige X, Y y Z.\n\nSi elige \"Usar una variable de entorno\", debe seleccionar una y asegurarse de que contenga el número de versión que quiere usar.\n\nSi elige \"Usar el número de compilación\", se usará el número de compilación para la versión del paquete. **Nota:** En Opciones, establezca el formato de compilación para que sea \"[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)\".", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "Variable de entorno", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index eca3922a4e4a..a1eae3b7dc49 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "Générez, testez, créez un package ou publiez une application dotnet, ou exécutez une commande dotnet personnalisée. Pour les commandes de package, NuGet.org et les flux authentifiés tels que Azure Artifacts et MyGet sont pris en charge.", + "loc.description": "Générer, tester, packager ou publier une application dotnet, ou bien exécuter une commande dotnet personnalisée", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Flux et authentification", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avancé", @@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ "loc.input.help.arguments": "Arguments de la commande sélectionnée. Par exemple, configuration de build, dossier de sortie, runtime. Les arguments dépendent de la commande sélectionnée.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "Publier les résultats des tests et la couverture du code", "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Si cette option est activée, un fichier TRX de résultats des tests est généré dans '$(Agent.TempDirectory)'. De plus, les résultats sont publiés sur le serveur.
Cette option ajoute '--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)' aux arguments de ligne de commande.

Vous pouvez collecter la couverture du code en ajoutant l'option '--collect \"couverture du code\"' aux arguments de ligne de commande. Ceci est disponible uniquement sur la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Indiquez le nom de la série de tests.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "Compresser les projets publiés", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "Si true, le dossier créé par la commande publier est compressé.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "Ajouter le nom de projet au chemin de publication", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "Si la valeur est true, les dossiers créés par la commande publish ont un nom de fichier projet placé avant le nom de dossier quand le chemin de sortie est spécifié explicitement dans les arguments. Cela vous permet de publier plusieurs projets sur le même dossier.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Flux à utiliser", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Sélectionnez un flux à partir d'Azure Artifacts et/ou NuGet.org ici, ou validez un fichier nuget.config dans votre dépôt de code source, puis définissez son chemin ici.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Utiliser les packages de ce flux Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluez le flux sélectionné dans le fichier NuGet.config généré. Pour permettre la sélection d'un flux, la fonctionnalité Azure Artifacts doit être installée et associée à une licence.", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Utiliser les packages de ce flux Azure Artifacts", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluez le flux sélectionné dans le fichier NuGet.config généré. Pour pouvoir sélectionner un flux, vous devez au préalable installer Azure Artifacts et l'associer à une licence.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Utiliser les packages de NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Incluez NuGet.org dans le fichier NuGet.config généré.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Chemin de NuGet.config", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "Commentaires", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "Spécifie le niveau de détail affiché dans la sortie.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "Chemin des packages NuGet à publier", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Modèle de correspondance ou chemin des fichiers nupkg à charger. Vous pouvez séparer plusieurs modèles par un point-virgule. Vous pouvez aussi exclure un modèle en le faisant précéder de '-:'. Exemple : '**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg'", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Modèle de correspondance ou chemin des fichiers nupkg à charger. Vous devez séparer plusieurs modèles par un point-virgule.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Emplacement du flux cible", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Flux cible", "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Sélectionnez un flux hébergé dans cette organisation. Pour permettre la sélection d'un flux, Azure Artifacts doit être installé et associé à une licence.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publier des métadonnées de pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Associer les métadonnées de ce pipeline de build/mise en production (numéro d'exécution, informations de code source) au package", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Serveur NuGet", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Connexion de service NuGet qui contient les informations d'identification externes du serveur NuGet.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "Chemin du ou des fichiers csproj ou nuspec à compresser", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "Dossier dans lequel les packages sont créés. S'il est vide, les packages sont créés au même endroit que le fichier csproj.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "Ne pas générer", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "Empêche de générer le projet avant de le compresser. Correspond au paramètre de ligne de commande --no-build.", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "Inclure les symboles", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "Crée également des packages NuGet de symboles. Correspond au paramètre de ligne de commande --include-symbols.", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "Inclure la source", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "Inclut le code source dans le package. Correspond au paramètre de ligne de commande --include-source.", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "Contrôle de version de package automatique", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "Ne peut pas être utilisé avec les projets référencés inclus. Si vous choisissez 'Utiliser la date et l'heure', cela génère une version conforme à [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) au format 'X.Y.Z-ci-datetime' où vous choisissez X, Y et Z.\n\nSi vous choisissez 'Utiliser une variable d'environnement', vous devez sélectionner une variable d'environnement et vérifier qu'elle contient le numéro de version à utiliser.\n\nSi vous choisissez 'Utiliser le numéro de build', le numéro de build est utilisé en tant que version du package. **Remarque :** Sous Options, définissez le format du numéro de build de la façon suivante '[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)'.", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "Variable d'environnement", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d2ac8e3a241e..279109fd0a5c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, testare e pubblicare un'applicazione dotnet o di crearne un pacchetto oppure di eseguire un comando dotnet personalizzato. Per i comandi dei pacchetti supporta NuGet.org e i feed autenticati come Gestione pacchetti e MyGet.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, testare e pubblicare un'applicazione dotnet o di crearne un pacchetto oppure di eseguire un comando dotnet personalizzato", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Feed e autenticazione", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avanzate", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argomenti del comando selezionato. Ad esempio, configurazione della build, cartella di output, runtime. Gli argomenti dipendono dal comando selezionato.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "Pubblica i risultati dei test e i dati di code coverage", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Se si abilita questa opzione, verrà generato un file TRX dei risultati del test in `$(Agent.TempDirectory)` e i risultati verranno pubblicati nel server.
Questa opzione consente di aggiungere `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` agli argomenti della riga di comando.

Per raccogliere i dati di code coverage, è possibile aggiungere l'opzione `--collect “Code coverage”` agli argomenti della riga di comando. È attualmente disponibile solo nella piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Se si abilita questa opzione, verrà generato un file TRX dei risultati del test in `$(Agent.TempDirectory)` e i risultati verranno pubblicati nel server.
Questa opzione consente di aggiungere `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` agli argomenti della riga di comando.

Per raccogliere i dati di code coverage, è possibile aggiungere l'opzione `--collect \"Code coverage\"` agli argomenti della riga di comando. È attualmente disponibile solo nella piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Consente di specificare un nome per l'esecuzione dei test.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "Comprimi progetti pubblicati", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "Se è impostato su true, la cartella creata dal comando publish verrà compressa.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "Aggiungi nome di progetto al percorso di pubblicazione", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "Se true, i nomi delle cartelle create dal comando di pubblicazione saranno preceduti dal nome del file di progetto quando negli argomenti viene specificato esplicitamente il percorso di output. È utile se si vuole pubblicare più progetti nella stessa cartella.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Feed da usare", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "È possibile selezionare un feed da Azure Artifacts e/o NuGet.org oppure eseguire il commit di un file nuget.config nel repository del codice sorgente e impostarne qui il percorso.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usa pacchetti da questo feed Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Includere il feed selezionato nel file NuGet.config generato. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario che sia installata con licenza l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usa pacchetti da questo feed Azure Artifacts", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Includere il feed selezionato nel file NuGet.config generato. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario aver installato Azure Artifacts e disporre della relativa licenza.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Usa pacchetti da NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Include NuGet.org nel file NuGet.config generato.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Percorso di NuGet.config", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "Livello di dettaglio", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "Consente di specificare il livello di dettaglio visualizzato nell'output.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "Percorso dei pacchetti NuGet da pubblicare", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Criteri da soddisfare o percorso dei file nupkg da caricare. Per separare più criteri, è possibile usare un punto e virgola. Per impostare un criterio negativo, aggiungere il prefisso '-:'. Esempio: `**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg`", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Criteri da soddisfare o percorso dei file nupkg da caricare. Per separare più criteri, è possibile usare un punto e virgola.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Percorso del feed di destinazione", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Feed di destinazione", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Consente di selezionare un feed ospitato in questa organizzazione. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario che sia installata con licenza l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Selezionare un feed ospitato in questa organizzazione. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario aver installato Azure Artifacts e disporre della relativa licenza.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pubblica i metadati della pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Consente di associare i metadati della pipeline di compilazione/versione (numero di esecuzione, informazioni sul codice sorgente) al pacchetto", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Server NuGet", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio NuGet che contiene le credenziali del server NuGet esterno.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "Percorso dei file csproj o nuspec da includere nel pacchetto", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "Cartella in cui verranno creati i pacchetti. Se è vuota, i pacchetti verranno creati insieme al file csproj.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "Non compilare", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "Non compila il progetto prima della creazione del pacchetto. Corrisponde al parametro della riga di comando --no-build.", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "Includi simboli", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "Crea anche i pacchetti NuGet per i simboli. Corrisponde al parametro --include-symbols della riga di comando.", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "Includi codice sorgente", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "Include il codice sorgente nel pacchetto. Corrisponde al parametro --include-source della riga di comando.", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "Controllo automatico delle versioni dei pacchetti", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "Non può essere usato con Includi progetti con riferimenti. Se si sceglie l'opzione per usare data e ora, verrà generata una versione conforme a [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) nel formato `X.Y.Z-ci-dataora` in cui scegliere il valore di X, Y e Z.\n\nSe si sceglie l'opzione per usare una variabile di ambiente, è necessario selezionare una variabile di ambiente e assicurarsi che contenga il numero di versione che si vuole usare.\n\nSe si sceglie l'opzione per usare il numero di build, per il controllo della versione del pacchetto verrà usato il numero di build. **Nota:** in Opzioni impostare il formato della compilazione su '[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)'.", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "Variabile di ambiente", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6eb93b785aed..af2af3a06594 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "dotnet アプリケーションのビルド、テスト、パッケージ、発行、またはカスタム dotnet コマンドの実行。パッケージのコマンドとしては、NuGet.org と、Azure Artifacts や MyGet のような認証されたフィードがサポートされます。", + "loc.description": "dotnet アプリケーションをビルド、テスト、パッケージ、発行するか、カスタム dotnet コマンドを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "フィードと認証", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "詳細設定", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "選択したコマンドへの引数。たとえば、ビルド構成、出力フォルダー、ランタイムなどです。引数は選択したコマンドに応じて決まります。", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "テスト結果とコード カバレッジを発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "このオプションを有効にすると、`$(Agent.TempDirectory)` にテスト結果の TRX ファイルが生成され、結果がサーバーに発行されます。
このオプションでは、コマンド ライン引数に `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` が付加されます。

コード カバレッジは、コマンド ライン引数に `--collect “Code coverage”` オプションを追加すると収集できます。現在のところ、これは Windows プラットフォームでのみ利用できます。", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "このオプションを有効にすると、`$(Agent.TempDirectory)` にテスト結果の TRX ファイルが生成され、結果がサーバーに発行されます。
このオプションでは、コマンド ライン引数に `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` が追加されます。

コード カバレッジは、コマンド ライン引数に `--collect \"Code coverage\"` オプションを追加することで収集できます。現在のところ、これは Windows プラットフォームでのみ利用できます。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "テストの実行の名前を指定します。", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "発行されたプロジェクトの zip 圧縮", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "true の場合、発行コマンドで作成されたフォルダーが zip 圧縮されます。", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "発行パスにプロジェクト名を追加します", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "true にすると、出力パスを明示的に引数で指定している場合に、発行コマンドによって作成されるフォルダーのフォルダー名の前にプロジェクト ファイル名が付きます。これは、複数のプロジェクトを同じフォルダーに発行する場合に便利です。", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "使用するフィード", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Azure Artifacts や NuGet.org からフィードをここで選択するか、ソース コード リポジトリに nuGet.config ファイルをコミットしてそのパスをここで設定します。", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "この Azure Artifacts/TFS フィードからのパッケージを使用する", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "生成される NuGet.config に選択したフィードを組み込みます。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証をしておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "この Azure Artifacts フィードからのパッケージを使用する", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "生成する NuGet.config に、選択したフィードを含めます。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンスを取得している必要があります。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "NuGet.org からのパッケージを使用する", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "生成される NuGet.config に NuGet.org を含めます。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config へのパス", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "詳細", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "出力に表示する詳細の量を指定します。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "発行する NuGet パッケージへのパス", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "アップロードする nupkg ファイルに一致するパターンまたはアップロードする nupkg ファイルへのパス。複数のパターンをセミコロンで区切ることができます。また、先頭に '-:' を付けることでパターンを否定できます。例: `**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg`", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "アップロードする Nupkg ファイルとの一致を探すパターンまたはパス。複数のパターンをセミコロンで区切ることができます。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "ターゲット フィードの場所", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "ターゲット フィード", "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "この組織でホストされているフィードを選択します。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証しておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "パイプライン メタデータの発行", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "このビルド/リリース パイプラインのメタデータ (実行番号、ソース コード情報) をパッケージに関連付ける", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet サーバー", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "外部 NuGet サーバーの資格情報が含まれている NuGet サービス接続。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "パックする csproj ファイルまたは nuspec ファイルへのパス", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "パッケージが作成されるフォルダー。空の場合、パッケージは、csproj ファイルと共に作成されます。", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "ビルドしない", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "パッキングの前にプロジェクトをビルドしません。--no-build コマンド ライン パラメーターに対応します。", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "シンボルを含める", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "追加でシンボル NuGet パッケージを作成します。--include-symbols コマンド ライン パラメーターに相当します。", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "ソースを含める", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "パッケージにソース コードを含めます。--include-source コマンド ライン パラメーターに相当します。", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "自動パッケージ バージョン管理", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "参照を含むプロジェクトでは使用できません。[日付と時刻を使用する] を選ぶと、`X.Y.Z-ci-datetime` の書式で設定された [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) 対応バージョンが生成されます (X、Y、Z は自分で選択)。\n\n[環境変数を使用する] を選ぶ場合は、環境変数を選んで、使用するバージョン番号がそれに含まれていることを確認する必要があります。\n\n[ビルド番号を使用する] を選ぶと、ビルド番号がパッケージのバージョンに使用されます。**注:** オプション セットでは、ビルド番号の形式は '[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)' となります。", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "環境変数", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2e9e222021e1..7facd305ff9b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "dotnet 응용 프로그램을 빌드, 테스트, 패키징 또는 게시하거나 사용자 지정 dotnet 명령을 실행합니다. 패키지 명령의 경우 NuGet.org와 패키지 관리, MyGet 등의 인증된 피드를 지원합니다.", + "loc.description": "dotnet 애플리케이션을 빌드, 테스트, 패키지 또는 게시하거나 사용자 지정 dotnet 명령을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "피드 및 인증", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "고급", @@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ "loc.input.help.arguments": "선택한 명령의 인수입니다. 빌드 구성, 출력 폴더, 런타임 등을 예로 들 수 있습니다. 인수는 선택한 명령에 따라 다릅니다.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "테스트 결과 및 코드 검사 게시", "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하면 테스트 결과 TRX 파일이 '$(Agent.TempDirectory)'에 생성되고 결과가 서버에 게시됩니다.
이 옵션은 명령줄 인수 뒤에 '--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)'을(를) 추가합니다.

명령줄 인수에 '--collect \"Code coverage\"' 옵션을 추가하면 코드 검사를 수집할 수 있습니다. 이 옵션은 현재 Windows 플랫폼에서만 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행의 이름을 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "게시된 프로젝트 압축", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "True이면 게시 명령으로 만든 폴더가 압축됩니다.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "게시 경로에 프로젝트 이름 추가", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "true이면 인수에 명시적으로 출력 경로가 지정된 경우 게시 명령을 통해 만든 폴더의 폴더 이름 앞에 프로젝트 파일 이름이 추가됩니다. 이 기능은 동일한 폴더에 여러 프로젝트를 게시하려는 경우에 유용합니다.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "사용할 피드", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "여기서 Azure Artifacts 및/또는 NuGet.org의 피드를 선택하거나, nuget.config 파일을 소스 코드 리포지토리에 커밋하고 여기에 해당 경로를 설정할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "이 Azure Artifacts/TFS 피드의 패키지 사용", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "선택한 피드를 생성된 NuGet.config에 포함합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 패키지 관리가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "이 Azure Artifacts 피드의 패키지 사용", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "선택한 피드를 생성된 NuGet.config에 포함합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 Azure Artifacts가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "NuGet.org의 패키지 사용", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "생성된 NuGet.config에 NuGet.org를 포함합니다.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 경로", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "자세한 정도", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "출력에 표시되는 세부 정보의 양을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "게시할 NuGet 패키지의 경로", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "일치시킬 패턴 또는 업로드할 nupkg 파일의 경로입니다. 세미콜론을 사용하여 여러 패턴을 구분할 수 있으며, 접두사 '-:'을 지정하여 패턴에 부정의 의미를 줄 수 있습니다(예: '**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg').", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "일치시킬 패턴 또는 업로드할 nupkg 파일의 경로입니다. 여러 개의 패턴은 세미콜론으로 구분할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "대상 피드 위치", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "대상 피드", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "이 조직에 호스트된 피드를 선택합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 패키지 관리가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "이 조직에 호스트된 피드를 선택합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 Azure Artifacts가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "파이프라인 메타데이터 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "이 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인의 메타데이터(실행 번호, 소스 코드 정보)를 패키지에 연결합니다.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 서버", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "외부 NuGet 서버의 자격 증명이 포함된 NuGet 서비스 연결입니다.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "압축할 csproj 또는 nuspec 파일의 경로", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "패키지가 생성될 폴더입니다. 비어 있으면 csproj 파일과 함께 패키지가 생성됩니다.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "빌드 안 함", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "패키징 전에 프로젝트를 빌드하지 않습니다. --no-build 명령줄 매개 변수에 해당합니다.", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "기호 포함", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "기호 NuGet 패키지를 추가로 만듭니다. --include-symbols 명령줄 매개 변수에 해당합니다.", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "소스 포함", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "패키지에 소스 코드를 포함합니다. --include-source 명령줄 매개 변수에 해당합니다.", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "자동 패키지 버전 관리", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "참조된 프로젝트 포함에서 사용할 수 없습니다. '날짜 및 시간 사용'을 선택하면 형식이 `X.Y.Z-ci-datetime`으로 지정되는 [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) 규격 버전이 생성됩니다. 여기서 X, Y 및 Z는 사용자가 선택합니다.\n\n'환경 변수 사용'을 선택하면 환경 변수를 선택하고 환경 변수가 사용할 버전 번호를 포함하는지 확인해야 합니다.\n\n'빌드 번호 사용'을 선택하면 패키지하는 버전에 빌드 번호가 사용됩니다. **참고:** [옵션]에서 빌드 번호 형식이 '[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)'이 되도록 설정하세요.", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "환경 변수", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 99949f908bfb..038dd8d7957a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "Сборка, тестирование, упаковка или публикация приложения dotnet либо выполнение пользовательской команды dotnet. Для команд пакета поддерживаются NuGet.org и прошедшие проверку подлинности веб-каналы, такие как \"Управление пакетами\" и MyGet.", + "loc.description": "Сборка, тестирование, упаковка или публикация приложения dotnet либо выполнение пользовательской команды dotnet", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(команда)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Веб-каналы и проверка подлинности", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Дополнительно", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Аргументы для выбранной команды. Например, конфигурация сборки, выходной каталог, среда выполнения. Аргументы зависят от выбранной команды.", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "Опубликовать результаты теста и объем протестированного кода", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Если включить этот параметр, будет создан TRX-файл с результатами теста в \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" и результаты будут опубликованы на сервере.
Этот параметр добавляет \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" к аргументам командной строки.

Чтобы собрать сведения об объеме протестированного кода, можно добавить параметр \"--collect \"Code coverage\"\" к аргументам командной строки. В настоящее время эта возможность доступна только на платформе Windows.", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "Если включить этот параметр, будет создан TRX-файл с результатами теста в \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" и результаты будут опубликованы на сервере.
Этот параметр добавляет \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" к аргументам командной строки.

Чтобы собрать сведения об объеме протестированного кода, можно добавить параметр \"--collect \"Code coverage\"\" к аргументам командной строки. Сейчас эта возможность доступна только на платформе Windows.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Укажите имя для тестового запуска.", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "Упаковать опубликованные проекты", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "Если этот параметр имеет значение true, папка, создаваемая командой публикации, будет упакована.", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "Добавить имя проекта к пути публикации", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "Если задано значение true и выходной путь явно задан в аргументах, перед именами папок, создаваемых командой публикации, будут указываться имена файлов проектов. Это полезно в том случае, если необходимо опубликовать несколько проектов в одной папке.", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Используемые веб-каналы", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Здесь можно выбрать веб-канал из Azure Artifacts или NuGet.org либо сохранить файл nuget.config в репозитории исходного кода и указать здесь путь к нему.", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Использовать пакеты из этого веб-канала Azure Artifacts или TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Включите выбранный веб-канал в создаваемый файл NuGet.config. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Использовать пакеты из этого веб-канала Azure Artifacts", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Включите выбранный веб-канал в создаваемый файл NuGet.config. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Использовать пакеты с сайта NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Включить NuGet.org в созданный файл NuGet.config.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Путь к файлу NuGet.config", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "Уровень детализации", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "Определяет, насколько подробными будут выходные данные.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "Путь к публикуемым пакетам NuGet", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Шаблон для сопоставления или путь для отправляемых NUPKG-файлов. Можно указать несколько шаблонов, разделив их точкой с запятой. Чтобы сделать шаблон исключающим, укажите перед ним префикс \"-:\". Пример: \"**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg\"", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Шаблон для сопоставления или путь к отправляемым NUPKG-файлам. Несколько шаблонов могут разделяться точкой с запятой.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Расположение целевого веб-канала", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Целевой веб-канал", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Выберите веб-канал, размещенный в этой организации. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Выберите веб-канал, размещенный в этой организации. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Опубликовать метаданные конвейера", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Связать метаданные этого конвейера сборки или выпуска (номер запуска, сведения об исходном коде) с пакетом", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Сервер NuGet", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Подключение к службе NuGet, содержащее учетные данные внешнего сервера NuGet.", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "Путь к упаковываемым файлам CSPROJ или NUSPEC", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "Папка, в которой будут создаваться пакеты. Если значение пустое, пакеты будут созданы в каталоге файла CSPROJ.", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "Не выполнять сборку", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "Не выполнять сборку проекта перед упаковкой. Соответствует параметру командной строки --no-build.", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "Включение символов", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "Дополнительно создает пакеты NuGet символов. Соответствует параметру командной строки --include-symbols.", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "Включить источник", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "Включает исходный код в пакет. Соответствует параметру командной строки --include-source.", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "Автоматическое управление версиями пакетов", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "Не может использоваться с упоминаемыми проектами. Если вы выбрали \"Использовать дату и время\", будет создана соответствующая требованиям [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) версия в формате \"X.Y.Z-ci-дата-время\", где X, Y и Z можно указать.\n\nЕсли вы выбрали \"Использовать переменную среды\", необходимо выбрать переменную среды и убедиться в том, что она содержит номер версии, который вы хотите использовать.\n\nЕсли вы выбрали \"Использовать номер сборки\", в качестве версии пакета будет использоваться номер сборки. **Примечание.** В разделе \"Параметры\" установите следующий формат номера сборки: [$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416).", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "Переменная среды", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a1c345f79292..14bb198d7cd5 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "生成、测试、打包或发布 dotnet 应用程序,或运行自定义 dotnet 命令。对于打包命令,支持 NuGet.org 和经过身份验证的源(如包管理和 MyGet)。", + "loc.description": "生成、测试、打包或发布 dotnet 应用程序,或运行自定义 dotnet 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "源和身份验证", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "高级", @@ -21,15 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "所选命令的参数。例如,生成配置、输出文件夹、运行时。参数取决于所选命令。", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "发布测试结果和代码覆盖率", - "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "启用此选项将在 \"$(Agent.TempDirectory)\" 中生成测试结果 TRX 文件,结果将发布到服务器。
此选项将 \"--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)\" 附加到命令行参数。

可以通过在命令行参数中添加 \"--collect “Code coverage”\" 选项来收集代码覆盖率。目前仅适用于 Windows 平台。", + "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "启用此选项将在 `$(Agent.TempDirectory)` 中生成测试结果 TRX 文件,并且结果将发布到服务器。
此选项将 `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` 附加到命令行参数。

可以通过在命令行参数中添加 `--collect \"Code coverage\"` 选项来收集代码覆盖率。目前仅适用于 Windows 平台。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "为测试运行提供一个名称。", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "压缩已发布项目", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "如果为 true,将压缩发布命令创建的文件夹。", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "将项目名称添加到发布路径", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "如果为 true,则在参数中显式指定输出路径时,通过发布命令创建的文件夹将在其文件夹名称前加上项目文件名。如果希望将多个项目发布到同一文件夹,这将很有用。", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "要使用的源", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "可以在此处选择 Azure Artifacts 和/或 NuGet.org 中的源,也可以将 nuget.config 文件提交到源代码存储库,并在此处设置其路径。", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "从该 Azure Artifacts/TFS 源使用包", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "将所选的源包括在生成的 NuGet.config 中。必须安装有包管理并授予其许可,才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "使用此 Azure Artifacts 源中的包", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "将所选源包含在生成的 NuGet.config 中。必须安装 Azure Artifacts 并授权才能在此处选择源。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "从 NuGet.org 使用包", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "在生成的 NuGet.config 中包含 NuGet.org。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 的路径", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "详细信息", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "指定在输出中显示的详细信息量。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "要发布的 NuGet 包的路径", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要匹配的模式或要上传的 nupkg 文件的路径。多个模式可用分号分隔,且可通过在模式前加前缀 \"-:\" 使模式为负。例如,`**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg`", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要匹配的模式或要上传的 nupkg 文件的路径。多个模式可用分号分隔。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "目标源位置", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "目标源", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "选择此组织中托管的源。必须安装包管理并获得许可才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "选择此组织中托管的源。必须安装 Azure Artifacts 并获得许可才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "发布管道元数据", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "将此生成/发布管道的元数据(运行 #、源代码信息)与包关联", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 服务器", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "包含外部 NuGet 服务器凭据的 NuGet 服务连接。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "要打包的 csproj 或 nuspec 文件的路径", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "将在其中创建包的文件夹。如果为空,则将在 csproj 文件旁创建包。", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "不生成", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "打包前不生成项目。对应于 --no-build 命令行参数。", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "包括符号", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "另外创建符号 NuGet 包。对应于 --include-symbols 命令行参数。", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "包括源", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "在包中包括源代码。对应于 --include-source 命令行参数。", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "自动包版本控制", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "不能与包含的引用项目一起使用。如果选择“使用日期和时间”,将生成格式为 \"X.Y.Z-ci-datetime\" 的 [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) 兼容版本,其中你可以选择 X、Y 和 Z。\n\n如果选择“使用环境变量”,则必须选择一个环境变量并确保它包含你要使用的版本号。\n\n如果选择“使用生成号”,则将使用生成号确定包的版本。**请注意:** 在“选项”下,将生成号格式设置为 \"[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)\"。", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "环境变量", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 2f28dd9da6ec..a959bb42c497 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832194)", - "loc.description": "建置、測試、套件或發行 dotnet 應用程式,或是執行自訂 dotnet 命令。若是封裝命令,支援 NuGet.org 以及套件管理和 MyGet 等已驗證的摘要。", + "loc.description": "建置、測試、封裝或發佈 dotnet 應用程式,或執行自訂 dotnet 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "摘要與驗證", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "進階", @@ -22,14 +22,16 @@ "loc.input.help.arguments": "所選命令的引數。例如,組建組態、輸出資料夾、執行階段。引數取決於選取的命令。", "loc.input.label.publishTestResults": "發行測試結果和程式碼涵蓋範圍", "loc.input.help.publishTestResults": "啟用此選項會在 `$(Agent.TempDirectory)` 中產生測試結果 TRX 檔案,而結果會發行到伺服器。
此選項會將 `--logger trx --results-directory $(Agent.TempDirectory)` 附加到命令列引數。

將 `--collect “Code coverage”` 選項新增到命令列引數可收集程式碼涵蓋範圍。此動作目前僅適用於 Windows 平台。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供測試回合的名稱。", "loc.input.label.zipAfterPublish": "壓縮發佈的專案", "loc.input.help.zipAfterPublish": "若為 true,就會壓縮由 publish 命令所建立的資料夾。", "loc.input.label.modifyOutputPath": "將專案名稱新增至發行路徑", "loc.input.help.modifyOutputPath": "若為 true,則在引數中明確指定輸出路徑時,由發行命令所建立的資料夾,會在其資料夾名稱前面加上專案檔名。如果您想要將多個專案發行到相同的資料夾,這會很有用。", "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "要使用的摘要", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "您可以在這裡從 Azure Artifacts 和 (或) NuGet.org 選取摘要,也可以將 nuget.config 檔案認可至您的原始程式碼存放庫,並在這裡設定其路徑。", - "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "使用此 Azure Artifacts/TFS 摘要中的套件", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含選取的摘要。您必須已安裝並授權套件管理,才能於此處選取摘要。", + "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "使用此 Azure 成品摘要中的套件", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含選取的摘要。您必須安裝 Azure Artifacts 且經過授權,才能於此處選取摘要。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "使用 NuGet.org 中的套件", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含 NuGet.org。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 的路徑", @@ -43,10 +45,12 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityRestore": "詳細資訊", "loc.input.help.verbosityRestore": "請指定顯示在輸出中的詳細資料量。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPush": "要發行之 NuGet 套件的路徑", - "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要比對的模式,或要上傳之 nupkg 檔案的路徑。可以使用分號分隔多個模式,且可在模式前加上 '-:',使其成為相反。範例: `**/*.nupkg;-:**/*.Tests.nupkg`", + "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要比對的模式,或 nupkg 檔案上傳至的路徑。可使用分號分隔多個模式。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "目標摘要位置", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "目標摘要", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "選取裝載於此組織中的摘要。您必須擁有已安裝並授權的套件管理,才能在此選取摘要。", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "選取裝載於此組織中的摘要。您必須擁有已安裝並授權的 Azure Artifacts,才能在此選取摘要。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "發佈管線中繼資料", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "建立此建置/發行管線的中繼資料 (執行 #,原始程式碼資訊) 與套件的關聯", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 伺服器", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "包含外部 NuGet 伺服器認證的 NuGet 服務連線。", "loc.input.label.searchPatternPack": "要壓縮之 csproj 或 nuspec 檔案的路徑", @@ -57,6 +61,10 @@ "loc.input.help.outputDir": "將於其中建立套件的資料夾。若為空白,則會建立套件以及 csproj 檔案。", "loc.input.label.nobuild": "不要建置", "loc.input.help.nobuild": "壓縮前請勿建置專案。對應於 --no-build 命令列參數。", + "loc.input.label.includesymbols": "包含符號", + "loc.input.help.includesymbols": "另外建立符號 NuGet 套件。對應至 --include-symbols 命令列參數。", + "loc.input.label.includesource": "包含來源", + "loc.input.help.includesource": "將原始程式碼包含在套件中。對應至 --include-source 命令列參數。", "loc.input.label.versioningScheme": "自動套件版本設定", "loc.input.help.versioningScheme": "無法與包含參考的專案一併使用。若選擇 [使用日期與時間],如此會產生符合 [SemVer](http://semver.org/spec/v1.0.0.html) 規範的版本,格式為 `X.Y.Z-ci-datetime`,其中的 X、Y 和 Z 由您選擇。\n\n若您選擇 [使用環境變數],則必須選取環境變數,並確認其包含您要使用的版本號碼。\n\n若您選擇 [使用組建編號],這會用組建編號來設定您的套件版本。**注意:** 請在 [選項] 下,將組建編號格式設為 '[$(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)'。", "loc.input.label.versionEnvVar": "環境變數", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.json index 73cac70bfca6..62902c484f04 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", "instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(command)", @@ -558,4 +558,4 @@ "NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, deselect the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.loc.json index ca75c60a493d..088fb220f1f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreCLIV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 85197bbbe5ae..df08b17cc1c0 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core-Toolinstaller", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/Runtime-Installer", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte .NET Core-Version aus dem Internet oder dem Toolcache ab und fügt sie dem PATH hinzu. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete .NET Core-Version zu ändern.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine bestimmte Version des .NET Core SDK aus dem Internet oder aus dem lokalen Cache abgerufen und zu PATH hinzugefügt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Verwenden Sie .NET Core $(packageType) $(version).", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Zu installierendes Paket", "loc.input.help.packageType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob nur die Runtime oder das vollständige SDK installiert werden soll.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Downloadinformationen für Version %s konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die angegebene Version richtig ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link für unterstützte Versionen: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Es wird ein Fallback zum Erstellen einer konventionsbasierten URL durchgeführt.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Das Installationspaket konnte nicht von dieser URL heruntergeladen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Pakets für die Installation.", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Globaler Toolpfad wird erstellt und PATH vorangestellt." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Globaler Toolpfad wird erstellt und PATH vorangestellt.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Die Downloadlinks für die angegebene Version sind im Dokument für die unterstützten Versionen nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert: => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 00caef18eeb3..eb280e968594 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de herramientas de .NET Core", + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador del runtime o SDK de .NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión específica de .NET Core de Internet o de la memoria caché de herramientas y la agrega a PATH. Utilice esta tarea para cambiar la versión de .NET Core que se usa en las tareas siguientes.", + "loc.description": "Adquiera una versión específica del SDK de .NET Core de Internet o de la memoria caché local y agréguela a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar $(packageType) $(version) de .NET Core", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Paquete para instalar", "loc.input.help.packageType": "Seleccione si debe instalarse solo el entorno de ejecución o el SDK completo.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "No se pudo recuperar la información de descarga de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión especificada es correcta. Puede consultar el vínculo para versiones admitidas => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Revirtiendo para crear la dirección URL basada en la convención.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación desde esta dirección URL: %s Error: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creando la ruta de acceso de herramientas global y anexándola como prefijo a PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creando la ruta de acceso de herramientas global y anexándola como prefijo a PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Los vínculos de descarga de la versión especificada no tienen un formato correcto en el documento de versiones admitidas => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 81beff1d70d8..a8ef93842230 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de .NET Core Tool", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation du kit SDK/runtime .NET Core", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Acquiert une version spécifique de .NET Core à partir d'Internet ou du cache d'outils, puis l'ajoute à PATH. Utilisez cette tâche pour changer la version de .NET Core utilisée dans les tâches suivantes.", + "loc.description": "Acquérir une version spécifique du kit SDK .NET Core à partir d'Internet ou du cache local, et l'ajouter à PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utilisez .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Package à installer", "loc.input.help.packageType": "Choisissez d'installer le runtime uniquement ou le kit SDK complet.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) les informations de téléchargement pour la version %s. Vérifiez si la version spécifiée est correcte. Pour connaître les versions prises en charge, consultez le lien => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Retour à la création d'une URL basée sur une convention.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Impossible de télécharger le package d'installation à partir de cette URL : %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Échec du téléchargement du package pour l'installation", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Création d'un chemin d'outil global, et ajout de la valeur correspondante au début de PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Création d'un chemin d'outil global, et ajout de la valeur correspondante au début de PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Les liens de téléchargement de la version spécifiée ne sont pas correctement formés dans le document des versions prises en charge => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 60413643d907..121e52e57d1d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione degli strumenti di .NET Core", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione di .NET Core SDK/runtime", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di .NET Core da Internet o dalla cache degli strumenti e la aggiunge a PATH. Usare questa attività per cambiare la versione di .NET Core usata nelle attività successive.", + "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di .NET Core SDK da Internet o dalla cache locale e la aggiunge al percorso", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Pacchetto da installare", "loc.input.help.packageType": "Scegliere se installare solo il runtime o l'SDK completo.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le informazioni di download per la versione %s. Controllare se la versione specificata è corretta. È possibile fare riferimento al collegamento per informazioni sulle versioni supportate: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Verrà eseguito il fallback all'URL basato sulla convenzione di creazione.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto di installazione da questo URL: %s Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto per l'installazione", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creazione del percorso strumenti globale e aggiunta del percorso prima di PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creazione del percorso strumenti globale e aggiunta del percorso prima di PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Il formato dei collegamenti di download della versione specificata non è corretto nel documento delle versioni supportate => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 7ac58cf0a05f..a4e2895e61ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core Tool インストーラー", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/ランタイム インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "特定のバージョンの .NET Core をインターネットまたはツール キャッシュから取得し、PATH に追加します。このタスクを使うと、後続のタスクで使用される .NET Core のバージョンを変更できます。", + "loc.description": "インターネットまたはローカル キャッシュから .NET Core SDK の特定のバージョンを取得し、PATH に追加します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) の使用", "loc.input.label.packageType": "インストールするパッケージ", "loc.input.help.packageType": "ランタイムのみをインストールするか、SDK 全体をインストールするかを選択してください。", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "バージョン %s のダウンロード情報を取得できませんでした。指定されたバージョンが正しいことをご確認ください。サポートされているバージョンを確認するには次のリンクを参照します。https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。規則に基づく URL の作成にフォールバックします。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "次の URL からインストール パッケージをダウンロードできませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "インストール用のパッケージをダウンロードできませんでした", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "グローバル ツール パスを作成し、パスの先頭に追加します。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "グローバル ツール パスを作成し、パスの先頭に追加します。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定されたバージョンのダウンロード リンクが、サポートされているバージョンのドキュメントの正しい形式ではありません => %s/ " } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 9f23ac600abf..d2aafed19fc3 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 도구 설치 관리자", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/런타임 설치 관리자", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 도구 캐시에서 특정 버전의 .NET Core를 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 후속 작업에 사용되는 .NET Core 버전을 변경할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 로컬 캐시에서 특정 버전의 .NET Core SDK를 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) 사용", "loc.input.label.packageType": "설치할 패키지", "loc.input.help.packageType": "런타임만 설치할지 또는 전체 SDK를 설치할지 선택하세요.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "%s 버전의 다운로드 정보를 페치할 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요. 지원되는 버전은 https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json 링크를 참조할 수 있습니다. 규칙 기반 URL 생성으로 대체합니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "이 URL %s에서 설치 패키지를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "설치할 패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "전역 도구 경로를 만들어 PATH 앞에 추가합니다." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "전역 도구 경로를 만들어 PATH 앞에 추가합니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "지정한 버전의 다운로드 링크가 지원되는 버전 문서에서 올바르게 구성되지 않았습니다. => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index df013841e684..361a2d073f35 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик инструментов .NET Core", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик среды выполнения/пакета SDK для .NET", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Скачивает указанную версию .NET Core из Интернета или из кэша инструментов и добавляет ее в переменную PATH. Используйте эту задачу, чтобы изменить версию .NET Core, которая используется в последующих задачах.", + "loc.description": "Получение определенной версии пакета SDK для .NET Core из Интернета или локального кэша и добавление ее в PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Пакет для установки", "loc.input.help.packageType": "Выберите, следует ли устанавливать только среду выполнения или полный пакет SDK.", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Не удалось получить сведения о скачивании для версии %s. Проверьте, правильно ли указана версия. Список поддерживаемых версий можно найти по ссылке https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Будет создан URL-адрес на основе соглашений.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Не удалось скачать пакет установки с этого URL-адреса: %s. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Не удалось скачать пакет для установки", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Глобальный путь к средству создается и добавляется в начало PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Глобальный путь к средству создается и добавляется в начало PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Ссылки на скачивание для указанной версии неправильно сформированы в документе поддерживаемых версий => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 4f6d52ff586a..0b25dab276bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 工具安装程序", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/运行时安装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "从 Internet 或工具缓存获取特定版本的 .NET Core,并将其添加到 PATH。使用此任务更改后续任务中使用的 .NET Core 版本。", + "loc.description": "从 Internet 或本地缓存获取 .NET Core SDK 的特定版本,并将其添加到 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安装的包", "loc.input.help.packageType": "请选择仅安装运行时还是安装完整 SDK。", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "无法获取下载 URL。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "存在 .NET Core 的缓存副本。不需要重新安装。缓存工具位置: %s。", "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "正在检查是否存在此版本的缓存副本...", - "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "缓存不包含 .NET Core 的请求版本。立即下载并安装。", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "缓存未包含 .NET Core 的请求版本。立即下载并安装。", "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "正在获取用于下载 .NET Core %s 版本 %s 的 URL。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "无法检测计算机的操作系统", "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "无法构造下载 URL。请确保指定的版本 %s 有效。", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "无法提取版本 %s 的下载信息。请检查指定的版本是否正确。有关受支持的版本,可以访问链接 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。回退到基于 URL 的约定的创建。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "无法从该 URL 下载安装包: %s 错误: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "无法下载用于安装的包", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在创建全局工具路径和追加到 PATH。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在创建全局工具路径和追加到 PATH。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "在支持的版本文档中,指定版本的下载链接格式不正确 => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b4d68bc87da7..04df772b861b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 工具安裝程式", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/執行階段安裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "從網際網路或工具快取取得特定 .NET Core 版本,然後將其新增至 PATH。使用此工作可變更後續工作中使用的 .NET Core 版本。", + "loc.description": "從網際網路或本機快取取得特定版本的 .NET Core SDK,並將其新增至 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安裝的套件", "loc.input.help.packageType": "請選取只要安裝執行階段或要安裝完整 SDK。", @@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "無法擷取版本 %s 的下載資訊。請檢查指定的版本是否正確。您可以參閱連結了解支援的版本 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。將返回建立以慣例為基礎的 URL。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "無法從此 URL %s 下載安裝套件,錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "無法下載套件以進行安裝", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在建立全域工具路徑並加到 PATH 前面。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在建立全域工具路徑並加到 PATH 前面。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定版本的下載連結,在支援的版本文件中語式錯誤 => %s/" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.json index d2c1aa4d8036..7a57dd21739b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "DotNetCore" @@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ "PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creating global tool path and pre-prending to PATH.", "VersionsFileMalformed": "The specified version's download links are not correctly formed in the supported versions document => %s/" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 0fd844c7431b..e2571455a300 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "DotNetCore" diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 85197bbbe5ae..6746a075dfc4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core-Toolinstaller", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte .NET Core-Version aus dem Internet oder dem Toolcache ab und fügt sie dem PATH hinzu. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete .NET Core-Version zu ändern.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Verwenden Sie .NET Core $(packageType) $(version).", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für .NET Core SDK/Runtime", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine bestimmte Version des .NET Core SDK aus dem Internet oder dem lokalen Cache abgerufen und zu PATH hinzugefügt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) installieren", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Unterstützung für die parallele Installation mehrerer Versionen
  • Unterstützung für Versionsmuster, um die neueste Nebenversion/Hauptversion abzurufen
  • Einschränkung der Suche auf mehreren Ebenen
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Zu installierendes Paket", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob nur die Runtime oder das vollständige SDK installiert werden soll.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob nur die Runtime oder das SDK installiert werden soll.", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", - "loc.input.help.version": "Geben Sie die genaue Version von .NET Core SDK oder Runtime an, die installiert werden soll.
    Den Wert von \"version-sdk\" zum Installieren des SDK oder den Wert von \"version-runtime\" zum Installieren der Runtime aus beliebigen Releases finden Sie [hier](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json).", + "loc.input.help.version": "Geben Sie die Version von .NET Core SDK oder Runtime an, die installiert werden soll.
    Versionen können in den folgenden Formaten angegeben werden:
  • 2.x => Installation der aktuellen Hauptversion
  • 2.2.x => Installation der aktuellen Haupt- und Nebenversion
  • 2.2.104 => Installation der genauen Version

  • Suchen Sie nach dem Wert \"version\" zur Installation von SDK/Runtime in der Datei \"releases.json\". Den Link zu \"releases.json\" dieser Hauptversion.Nebenversion finden Sie in der [**releases-index-Datei**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Der Link zu \"releases.json\" für Version 2.2 version lautet https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json.", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Vorschauversionen einschließen", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Wählen Sie aus, ob die Vorschauversionen bei der Suche nach aktuellen Versionen einbezogen werden sollen, etwa bei der Suche nach Version 2.2.x. Diese Einstellung wird ignoriert, wenn Sie eine genaue Version angeben, z. B. 3.0.100-preview3-010431.", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Pfad zur Installation von .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Geben Sie an, wo das .NET Core SDK/die Runtime installiert werden soll. Verschiedene Pfade können sich folgendermaßen auf das .NET-Verhalten auswirken.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): Hiermit wird die Version auf dem Agent zwischengespeichert, weil dieses Verzeichnis nicht pipelineübergreifend bereinigt wird. Alle auf dem Agent ausgeführten Pipelines würden Zugriff auf die Versionen erhalten, die zuvor über den Agent installiert wurden.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): Auf diese Weise kann sichergestellt werden, dass eine Pipeline keine zwischengespeicherte Version von .NET Core verwendet, weil dieser Ordner nach jeder Pipeline bereinigt wird.
  • Jeder andere Pfad: Sie können einen beliebigen anderen Pfad konfigurieren, solange der Agentprozess Zugriff auf den Pfad besitzt. Dies ändert den Status des Computers und wirkt sich auf alle darauf ausgeführten Prozesse aus.
    Beachten Sie, dass Sie auch die Einstellung zur Suche auf mehreren Ebenen konfigurieren können, um die Suche des .NET-Hosts nach einer geeigneten Version zu konfigurieren.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Suche auf mehreren Ebenen ausführen", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Diese Eingabe gilt nur für Windows-basierte Agents. Hiermit wird das Verhalten des .NET-Hostprozesses für die Suche nach einem geeigneten freigegebenen Framework konfiguriert.
  • Deaktiviert: Der Hostprozess sucht nur Versionen, die in dem in dieser Aufgabe angegebenen Ordner vorhanden sind.
  • Aktiviert: Der Host versucht, über eine Suche auf mehreren Ebenen in vordefinierten globalen Speicherorten zu suchen.
    Die globalen Standardspeicherorte lauten:
    Für Windows:
    C:\\Programme\\dotnet (64-Bit-Prozess)
    C:\\Programme (x86)\\dotnet (32-Bit-Prozess)
  • Weitere Informationen finden Sie [**HIER**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Fehler bei der Toolinstallation: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "Die Version muss eine gültige und bestimmte Version sein: %s.", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Details zur Computerplattform. Fehler: %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Downloadinformationen für Version %s konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die angegebene Version richtig ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link für unterstützte Versionen: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Es wird ein Fallback zum Erstellen einer konventionsbasierten URL durchgeführt.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Das Installationspaket konnte nicht von dieser URL heruntergeladen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Pakets für die Installation.", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Globaler Toolpfad wird erstellt und PATH vorangestellt." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Der globale Toolpfad wird erstellt und PATH vorangestellt.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Die Downloadlinks der angegebenen Version sind im Dokument mit unterstützten Versionen nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert: => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Für die angegebene Version wurde keine übereinstimmende %s-Version gefunden: %s. Beachten Sie, dass die Vorschauversionen nur in den letzten Versionssuchen berücksichtigt werden, wenn das Kontrollkästchen \"Vorschauversionen einschließen\" aktiviert ist.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Auf den Pfad kann nicht zugegriffen werden: %s. Fehler: %s \n Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Agentprozess Zugriff auf den Pfad besitzt.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Version %s kann nicht über die URL %s heruntergeladen werden. Entweder ist die URL oder die Version falsch.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Alle Stammordner werden in den Installationspfad kopiert: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Stammdateien (z. B. \"dotnet.exe\") werden in den Installationspfad kopiert: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Fehler beim Kopieren der Stammdateien in den Installationspfad: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Fehler beim Installieren der Version %s in Pfad \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "Version %s ist nicht zulässig. Die zu installierenden Versionen müssen das folgende Format aufweisen: Hauptversion.Nebenversion.Patchversion. Beispiel: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Version %s wurde im Cache gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "Die Version %s wurde nicht im Cache gefunden.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Die vollständige Installationsdatei für .NET Core %s, Version %s wird erstellt.", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Die Runtimeversion für den Pakettyp \"%s\" mit Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Der Pfad \"%s\" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "Version %s ist die neueste Version, die im Pfad \"%s\" vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "Version %s ist nicht die neueste Version, die unter \"%s\" vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Die Download-URL für .NET Core %s, Version %s wurde für die folgenden Betriebssystemplattformen (RID) nicht gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Fehler beim Herunterladen oder Analysieren von \"release-index.json\" mit folgendem Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Version %s in Kanal \"%s\" für benutzerseitig angegebene Versionsspezifikation gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Die URL für \"releases.json\" der Kanalversion %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Der zugehörige Kanal zu Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Die Betriebssystemplattform wird ermittelt, um das richtige Downloadpaket für das Betriebssystem zu finden.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Fehler beim Ermitteln der Betriebssystemplattform für den Computer. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Die runtime-version-Eigenschaft für .NET Core %s, Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s-Versionsabgleich: \"%s\" wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "Die Version %s ist nicht zulässig. Zulässige Versionstypen: Hauptversion.x, Hauptversion.Nebenversion.x, Hauptversion.Nebenversion.Patchversion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Die Versionen %s und %s können nicht verglichen werden. Es muss sich in beiden Fällen um explizite Versionen handeln.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Der Dateiname \"%s\" ist kein korrekter Name für die version.complete-Datei.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Die Kanalversionen %s und %s können nicht verglichen werden. Beide müssen Haupt- und Nebenversionen enthalten.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Die Version wird im Kanal \"%s\" gesucht.", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Die Version %s wurde nicht im Kanal gefunden. Es wird in benachbarten Kanälen gesucht.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Fehler beim Voranstellen der .NET Core-Toolpfads an die PATH-Umgebungsvariable. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Der Kanal \"%s\" für Version %s wird gesucht.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Version %s aus Kanal \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Es wird verglichen, ob die zu installierende Version %s höher ist als die bereits installierte Version mit dem Ordnernamen \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Es wird verglichen, ob die zu installierende Version %s höher ist als die bereits installierte Version mit version.complete-Datei \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Das Objekt kann nicht als Kanal verwendet werden, erforderliche Eigenschaften wie z. B. die Kanalversion und \"releases.json\" fehlen.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Der analysierte Indextext für das Release ist nicht korrekt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Abschnitt \"releases-index\" in der Datei nicht leer ist.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "\"releases.json\" weist ein Release mit ungültigem %s-Objekt auf: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "In Release %s für Version %s sind die Dateidaten falsch (möglicherweise fehlen erforderliche Felder wie Name, RID und URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Die Dateidaten der Version fehlen, oder es fehlen erforderliche Felder.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Für Version %s erforderliche Informationen sind in der Datei \"releases.json\" nicht vollständig. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des heruntergeladenen Pakets. Fehler: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 00caef18eeb3..2a27e7f4363e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de herramientas de .NET Core", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión específica de .NET Core de Internet o de la memoria caché de herramientas y la agrega a PATH. Utilice esta tarea para cambiar la versión de .NET Core que se usa en las tareas siguientes.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar $(packageType) $(version) de .NET Core", + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador del runtime o SDK de .NET Core", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "Adquiera una versión específica del SDK de .NET Core de Internet o de la memoria caché local y agréguela a PATH.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar $(packageType) $(version) de .NET Core", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Compatibilidad para instalar varias versiones en paralelo.
  • Compatibilidad con los patrones de versión para obtener la última versión secundaria o principal.
  • Restringe la búsqueda en varios niveles.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Paquete para instalar", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "Seleccione si debe instalarse solo el entorno de ejecución o el SDK completo.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Seleccione si debe instalarse solo el entorno de ejecución o el SDK.", "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", - "loc.input.help.version": "Especifique la versión exacta del SDK de .NET Core O entorno de ejecución para instalar.
    Busque el valor de \"version-sdk\" para instalar el SDK, o \"version-runtime\" para instalar el entorno de ejecución desde cualquier versión [aquí](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)", + "loc.input.help.version": "Especifique la versión del entorno de ejecución o del SDK de .NET Core que debe instalarse.
    Las versiones pueden proporcionarse con los formatos siguientes
  • 2.x => Instalar la última versión principal.
  • 2.2.x => Instalar la última versión principal y secundaria
  • 2.2.104 => Instalar la versión exacta

  • Busque el valor de \"versión\" para instalar el SDK o el entorno de ejecución en releases.json. El vínculo a releases.json de dicha versión principal.secundaria puede encontrarse en el [**archivo releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Asimismo, el vínculo a releases.json para la versión 2.2 es https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Incluir versiones preliminares", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Seleccione si quiere que las versiones preliminares se incluyan en la búsqueda de las últimas versiones, por ejemplo, al buscar 2.2.x. Esta configuración se ignora si se especifica una versión exacta, como 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Ruta de acceso para instalar .Net Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Especifique dónde debe instalarse el entorno de ejecución o el SDK de .Net Core. Las distintas rutas de acceso pueden tener el efecto siguiente en el comportamiento de .Net.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): con esta opción, la versión se almacena en la memoria caché del agente, ya que el directorio no se limpia entre canalizaciones. Todas las canalizaciones que se ejecutan en el agente tienen acceso a las versiones instaladas anteriormente con este.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): esta opción garantiza que una canalización no use ninguna versión de .Net Core almacenada en caché, ya que la carpeta se limpia después de cada canalización.
  • Cualquier otra ruta de acceso: puede configurar cualquier otra ruta de acceso siempre que el proceso del agente tenga acceso a la ruta. Esto cambiará el estado de la máquina y afectará a todos los procesos que se estén ejecutando en ella.
    Tenga en cuenta que también puede configurar la opción de búsqueda en varios niveles para establecer el sondeo del host de .Net a fin de obtener una versión adecuada.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Realizar búsqueda en varios niveles", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Esta entrada solo es aplicable a los agentes basados en Windows. Configura el comportamiento del proceso de host de .Net para buscar un marco de trabajo compartido adecuado.
  • Sin seleccionar: el proceso de host solo busca las versiones presentes en la carpeta que se especifica en esta tarea.
  • Seleccionada: el host intentará buscar en ubicaciones globales predefinidas mediante la búsqueda en varios niveles.
    Las ubicaciones globales predeterminadas son:
    Para Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (procesos de 64 bits)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (procesos de 32 bits)
  • Puede leer más al respecto [**AQUÍ**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "No se pudo instalar la herramienta: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La versión debe ser válida y explícita: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Error al obtener los detalles de la plataforma de máquina. Error: %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "No se pudo recuperar la información de descarga de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión especificada es correcta. Puede consultar el vínculo para versiones admitidas => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Revirtiendo para crear la dirección URL basada en la convención.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación desde esta dirección URL: %s Error: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creando la ruta de acceso de herramientas global y anexándola como prefijo a PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creando la ruta de acceso de herramientas global y anteponiéndola a PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Los vínculos de descarga de la versión especificada no tienen un formato correcto en el documento de versiones admitidas => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "No se encontró ninguna versión de %s coincidente para la versión %s especificada. Tenga en cuenta que las versiones preliminares solo se toman en consideración en las búsquedas de la última versión si la casilla Incluir versiones preliminares está seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "No se puede acceder a la ruta de acceso %s. Error: %s \n Asegúrese de que el proceso del agente tiene acceso a la ruta correspondiente.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "No se puede descargar la versión %s de la dirección URL %s. La dirección URL o la versión es incorrecta.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copiando todas las carpetas raíz en la ruta de acceso de instalación: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copiando archivos raíz (como dotnet.exe) en la ruta de acceso de instalación: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "No se pudieron copiar los archivos raíz en la ruta de acceso de la instalación: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Error al instalar la versión %s en la ruta de acceso %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "No se admite la versión %s. Las versiones que se van a instalar deben tener el formato principal.secundaria.revisión. Por ejemplo, 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Se ha encontrado la versión %s en la memoria caché.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "No se encontró la versión %s en la memoria caché.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Creando el archivo de instalación completo para .Net Core %s versión %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "No se encuentra la versión del entorno de ejecución para el tipo de paquete %s con la versión %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "No se encontró la ruta de acceso %s. Asegúrese de que existe.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La versión %s es la última de las versiones presentes en la ruta de acceso %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La versión %s no es la última de las versiones presentes en %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "No se encontró la dirección URL de descarga de .Net Core %s versión %s para las plataformas de sistema operativo siguientes (RID): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "No se pudo descargar ni analizar release-index.json. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Se encontró la versión %s en el canal %s para la especificación de versión determinada por el usuario: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "No se encontró la dirección URL para el archivo releases.json de la versión del canal: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "No se encuentra el canal correspondiente a la versión %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Detección de la plataforma del sistema operativo para encontrar un paquete de descarga correcto para dicho sistema.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Error al detectar la plataforma del sistema operativo de la máquina: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "No se encontró la propiedad runtime-version para .Net Core %s versión %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Coincidencia de versión de %s: no se encontró %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "No se admite la versión %s. Los tipos de versión admitidos son: majorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "No se pueden comparar las versiones %s y %s. Ambas versiones deben ser explícitas.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "El nombre de archivo %s no tiene la versión correcta. Nombre de archivo completo.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "No se pueden comparar las versiones %s y %s del canal. Ambas deben tener versiones principales y secundarias numéricas.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Buscando la versión en canal %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "No se encontró la versión %s en su canal y se va a buscar en los canales adyacentes.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Error al anteponer la ruta de acceso de la herramienta de .Net Core a la variable de entorno PATH: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Buscando el canal %s para la versión %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Error al obtener la versión %s del canal %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Comparando si la versión %s que se va a instalar es posterior a la versión ya instalada con el nombre de carpeta %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Comparando si la versión %s que se va a instalar es posterior a la versión ya instalada con el nombre de archivo de versión completo %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "El objeto no se puede usar como canal porque faltan propiedades requeridas, como channel-version o releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "El cuerpo del índice de versiones analizadas no es correcto. Compruebe que la sección releases-index no está vacía en el archivo.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "La versión del archivo releases.json tiene un objeto %s no válido: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "En la versión %s (%s), los datos del archivo son incorrectos (puede que falten campos obligatorios, como el nombre, RID y dirección URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Faltan datos de los archivos de la versión o faltan campos obligatorios.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "La información necesaria de la versión %s no está completa en el archivo releases.json. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "No se pudo extraer el paquete descargado. Error: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 81beff1d70d8..45ef1dee5718 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de .NET Core Tool", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Acquiert une version spécifique de .NET Core à partir d'Internet ou du cache d'outils, puis l'ajoute à PATH. Utilisez cette tâche pour changer la version de .NET Core utilisée dans les tâches suivantes.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utilisez .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation du kit SDK/runtime .NET Core", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "Acquérir une version spécifique du kit SDK .NET Core à partir d'Internet ou du cache local, et l'ajouter à PATH", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Prise en charge de l'installation de plusieurs versions côte à côte.
  • Prise en charge des modèles de version pour la récupération (fetch) de la dernière version mineure/principale.
  • Restriction de la recherche multiniveau
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Package à installer", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "Choisissez d'installer le runtime uniquement ou le kit SDK complet.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Choisissez d'installer le runtime uniquement ou le kit SDK.", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", - "loc.input.help.version": "Spécifiez la version exacte du kit SDK .NET Core à installer.
    Trouvez la valeur de 'version-sdk' pour installer le kit SDK, ou la valeur de 'version-runtime' pour installer le Runtime de toutes les versions [ici](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)", + "loc.input.help.version": "Spécifiez la version du kit SDK/runtime .NET Core à installer.
    Vous pouvez spécifier les versions aux formats suivants :
  • 2.x => Installer la dernière version dans la version principale.
  • 2.2.x => Installer la dernière version dans la version principale et la version mineure
  • 2.2.104 => Installer la dernière version exacte

  • Recherchez la valeur de 'version' pour l'installation du kit SDK/runtime dans le fichier releases.json. Le lien vers le fichier releases.json de cette version principale.mineure se trouve dans le [**fichier releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). De même, le lien vers releases.json pour la version 2.2 est https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Inclure les préversions", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Sélectionnez cette option si vous souhaitez inclure des préversions durant la recherche des dernières versions, par exemple durant la recherche de la version 2.2.x. Ce paramètre est ignoré si vous spécifiez une version précise, par exemple 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Chemin d'installation de .Net Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Spécifiez l'emplacement où le kit SDK/Runtime .Net Core doit être installé. Selon les différents chemins, l'impact est le suivant sur le comportement de .Net.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory) : la version est mise en cache sur l'agent, car ce répertoire n'est pas nettoyé entre les pipelines. Tous les pipelines qui s'exécutent sur l'agent ont accès aux versions installées à l'aide de l'agent.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory) : le pipeline ne peut pas utiliser de version mise en cache de .Net Core, car le dossier est nettoyé après chaque pipeline.
  • Tout autre chemin : vous pouvez configurer un autre chemin dans la mesure où le processus de l'agent a accès au chemin. Cela entraîne un changement d'état de la machine et impacte tous les processus qui s'exécutent sur celle-ci.
    Notez que vous pouvez également configurer le paramètre de recherche multiniveau, qui permet de configurer la détection de l'hôte .Net en fonction de la version appropriée.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Effectuer une recherche multiniveau", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Cette entrée est applicable uniquement aux agents Windows. Ceci permet de configurer le comportement du processus hôte .Net pour la recherche d'un framework partagé approprié.
  • Option décochée : seules les versions présentes dans le dossier spécifié de cette tâche sont recherchées par le processus hôte.
  • Option cochée : l'hôte tente d'effectuer des recherches multiniveaux dans les emplacements globaux prédéfinis.
    Emplacements globaux par défaut :
    Pour Windows :
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (processus 64 bits)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (processus 32 bits)
  • Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le sujet [**ICI**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Échec de l'installation de l'outil : %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La version doit être une version valide et explicite : %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Échec de l'obtention des détails relatifs à la plateforme de la machine. Erreur : %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) les informations de téléchargement pour la version %s. Vérifiez si la version spécifiée est correcte. Pour connaître les versions prises en charge, consultez le lien => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Retour à la création d'une URL basée sur une convention.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Impossible de télécharger le package d'installation à partir de cette URL : %s. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Échec du téléchargement du package pour l'installation", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Création d'un chemin d'outil global, et ajout de la valeur correspondante au début de PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Création d'un chemin d'outil global, et ajout de la valeur correspondante au début de PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Les liens de téléchargement de la version spécifiée ne sont pas correctement formés dans le document des versions prises en charge => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "La version %s correspondante est introuvable pour la version spécifiée : %s. Notez que les versions de préversion sont prises en compte uniquement dans les recherches de dernières versions, si la case Inclure les préversions est cochée.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Impossible d'accéder au chemin %s. Erreur : %s \n Vérifiez que le processus de l'agent dispose du chemin lié au chemin.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Impossible de télécharger la version %s à partir de l'URL %s. L'URL ou la version est incorrecte.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copie de tous les dossiers racine dans le chemin d'installation : %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copie des fichiers racine (tels que dotnet. exe) dans le chemin d'installation : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Échec de la copie des fichiers racine dans le chemin d'installation : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Échec de l'installation de la version %s dans le chemin %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "La version %s n'est pas autorisée. Les versions à installer doivent être au format suivant : versionprincipale.versionmineure.versioncorrectif. Exemple : 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "La version %s a été trouvée dans le cache.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "La version %s est introuvable dans le cache.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Création du fichier complet d'installation pour .Net Core %s version %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Version du runtime introuvable pour le package de type %s, version %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Chemin %s introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin existe.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La version %s est la plus récente des versions présentes dans le chemin %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La version %s n'est pas la plus récente des versions présentes dans %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "L'URL de téléchargement de .Net Core %s version %s est introuvable pour les plateformes de système d'exploitation suivantes (RID) : %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Échec du téléchargement ou de l'analyse de release-index.json. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Version %s trouvée dans le canal %s pour la spécification de version spécifiée par l'utilisateur : %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Impossible de localiser l'URL du fichier releases.json de la version de canal : %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Le canal correspondant à la version %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Détection de la plateforme du système d'exploitation afin de trouver le package de téléchargement approprié pour le système d'exploitation.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Échec de la détection de la plateforme de système d'exploitation de la machine. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "La propriété runtime-version est introuvable pour .Net Core %s version %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La version %s correspondant à la version %s est introuvable", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "La version %s n'est pas autorisée. Types de version autorisés : versionPrincipale.x, versionPrincipale.versionMineure.x, versionPrincipale.versionMineure.versionCorrectif", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Impossible de comparer les versions %s et %s. Les deux versions doivent être explicites.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Le nom de fichier %s ne correspond pas à la version du nom de fichier complet.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Impossible de comparer les versions de canal %s et %s. Elles doivent comporter toutes les deux des numéros de version principale et mineure.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Recherche de version dans le canal %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "La version %s est introuvable dans son canal. Exécution de la recherche dans les canaux adjacents.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Échec de l'ajout du chemin d'outils .Net Core au début de la variable d'environnement PATH. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Recherche du canal %s pour la version %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Échec de l'obtention de la version %s à partir du canal %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Comparaison visant à déterminer si la version en cours d'installation (%s) est postérieure à la version installée pour le nom de dossier %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Comparaison visant à déterminer si la version en cours d'installation (%s) est postérieure à la version installée pour le nom de fichier complet %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Impossible d'utiliser l'objet en tant que canal. Des propriétés obligatoires telles que channel-version, releases.json sont manquantes.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Le corps de l'index des versions release analysées est incorrect. Vérifiez si la section releases-index n'est pas vide dans le fichier.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json comporte une version release ayant un objet %s non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "Dans la version release %s de la version %s, des données de fichiers sont incorrectes (des champs obligatoires tels que nom, RID et URL sont peut-être manquants) : %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Des données de fichiers ou des champs obligatoires sont manquants pour la version.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Les informations obligatoires de la version %s sont incomplètes dans le fichier releases.json. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Échec de l'extraction du package téléchargé. Erreur : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 60413643d907..c6bb5596475c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione degli strumenti di .NET Core", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di .NET Core da Internet o dalla cache degli strumenti e la aggiunge a PATH. Usare questa attività per cambiare la versione di .NET Core usata nelle attività successive.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione di .NET Core SDK/Runtime", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di .NET Core SDK da Internet o dalla cache locale e la aggiunge al percorso", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Supporto per l'installazione di più versioni side-by-side.
  • Supporto per i criteri di recupero dell'ultima versione principale/secondaria.
  • Limitazione della ricerca multilivello
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Pacchetto da installare", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "Scegliere se installare solo il runtime o l'SDK completo.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Scegliere se installare solo il runtime o l'SDK.", "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", - "loc.input.help.version": "Consente di specificare la versione esatta di .NET Core SDK o del runtime da installare.
    Il valore di `version-sdk` per installare l'SDK o di `version-runtime` per installare il runtime da qualsiasi versione è disponibile [qui](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)", + "loc.input.help.version": "Specificare la versione di .NET Core SDK o il runtime da installare.
    È possibile specificare le versioni nei formati seguenti:
  • 2.x => Installa la versione principale più recente.
  • 2.2.x => Installa la versione principale e secondaria più recente
  • 2.2.104 => Installa la versione esatta

  • Individuare il valore di `version` per l'installazione di SDK/Runtime in releases.json. Il collegamento a releases.json della versione principale.secondaria è disponibile nel [**file releases-index**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Ad esempio, il collegamento a releases.json per la versione 2.2 è https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Includi versioni in anteprima", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Selezionare questa impostazione se si vuole che le versioni in anteprima vengano incluse durante la ricerca delle versioni più recenti, ad esempio durante la ricerca della versione 2.2.x. Questa impostazione viene ignorata se si specifica una versione esatta, ad esempio: 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Percorso per l'installazione di .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Specificare la posizione in cui installare .NET Core SDK/Runtime. I diversi percorsi diversi possono avere l'impatto seguente sul comportamento di .NET.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): con questo percorso la versione viene memorizzata nella cache dell'agente perché questa directory non viene pulita nelle pipeline. Tutte le pipeline in esecuzione nell'agente avranno accesso alle versioni installate in precedenza con l'agente.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): questo percorso garantisce che una pipeline non utilizzi alcuna versione memorizzata nella cache di .NET Core perché questa cartella viene pulita dopo ogni pipeline.
  • Qualsiasi altro percorso: è possibile configurare qualsiasi altro percorso purché accessibile al processo dell'agente. Questa impostazione comporterà la modifica dello stato del computer e influirà su tutti i processi in esecuzione.
    È anche possibile configurare l'impostazione per la ricerca multilivello, che consente di configurare l'esecuzione del probe dell'host .NET per una versione appropriata.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Esegui ricerca multilivello", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Questo input è applicabile solo agli agenti basati su Windows. Consente di configurare il comportamento del processo host .NET per la ricerca di un framework condiviso appropriato.
  • impostazione deselezionata: il processo host potrà visualizzare solo le versioni presenti nella cartella specificata in questa attività.
  • impostazione selezionata: l'host proverà a cercare nei percorsi globali predefiniti usando la ricerca multilivello.
    I percorsi globali predefiniti sono:
    Per Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (processi a 64 bit)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (processo a 32 bit)
  • Per altre informazioni, vedere [**QUI**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "L'installazione dello strumento non è riuscita: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La versione deve essere valida ed esplicita: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i dettagli della piattaforma del computer. Errore: %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le informazioni di download per la versione %s. Controllare se la versione specificata è corretta. È possibile fare riferimento al collegamento per informazioni sulle versioni supportate: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Verrà eseguito il fallback all'URL basato sulla convenzione di creazione.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto di installazione da questo URL: %s Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto per l'installazione", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creazione del percorso strumenti globale e aggiunta del percorso prima di PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creazione del percorso strumenti globale e aggiunta del percorso prima di PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Il formato dei collegamenti di download della versione specificata non è corretto nel documento delle versioni supportate => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione %s corrispondente per la versione specificata %s. Tenere presente che le versioni in anteprima vengono considerate nelle ricerche delle versioni più recenti solo se la casella di controllo Includi versioni in anteprima è selezionata.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Non è possibile accedere al percorso %s. Errore: %s \n Assicurarsi che il processo dell'agente includa il percorso.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Non è possibile scaricare la versione %s dall'URL %s. Il valore dell'URL o della versione non è corretto.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copia di tutte le cartelle radice nel percorso di installazione: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copia dei file radice (ad esempio dotnet.exe) nel percorso di installazione: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Non è stato possibile copiare i file radice nel percorso di installazione: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione della versione %s nel percorso %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "La versione %s non è consentita. Le versioni da installare devono essere specificate nel formato principale.secondaria.versionepatch. Ad esempio: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "La versione %s è stata trovata nella cache.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "La versione %s non è stata trovata nella cache.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Creazione del file di installazione completo per .NET Core %s versione %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Non è possibile trovare la versione del runtime per il tipo di pacchetto %s con versione %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Non è stato possibile individuare/trovare il percorso %s. Assicurarsi che sia esistente.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La versione %s è l'ultima tra le versioni presenti nel percorso %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La versione %s non è l'ultima tra le versioni presenti in %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'URL di download di .NET Core %s versione %s per le piattaforme del sistema operativo seguenti (RID): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Non è stato possibile scaricare o analizzare release-index.json. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "La versione %s per l'identificatore di versione specificato dall'utente è stata trovata nel canale %s: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'URL del file releases.json della versione del canale: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare il canale corrispondente alla versione %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Rilevamento della piattaforma del sistema operativo per individuare il pacchetto di download corretto per il sistema operativo.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Si è verificato un errore durante il rilevamento della piattaforma del sistema operativo del computer. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare la proprietà runtime-version per .NET Core %s versione %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare la versione %s corrispondente a %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "La versione %s non è consentita. I tipi di versione consentiti sono: versionePrincipale.x, versionePrincipale.versioneSecondaria.x, versionePrincipale.versioneSecondaria.versionePatch", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Non è possibile confrontare le versioni %s e %s. Entrambe le versioni devono essere esplicite.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Il nome file %s non corrisponde al nome file corretto completo della versione.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Non è possibile confrontare le versioni %s e %s del canale. Devono includere entrambe versioni numeriche principali e secondarie.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Ricerca della versione nel canale %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Non è stato possibile trovare la versione %s nel relativo canale. Verrà eseguita la ricerca nei canali adiacenti.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta del percorso dello strumento .NET Core alla variabile di ambiente PATH. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Ricerca del canale %s per la versione %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della versione %s dal canale %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Verrà eseguito un confronto per verificare se la versione %s da installare è successiva a una versione già installata con nome di cartella %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Verrà eseguito un confronto per verificare se la versione %s da installare è successiva a una versione già installata con nome file completo %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Non è possibile usare l'oggetto come canale. Mancano proprietà obbligatorie, come channel-version in releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Il corpo dell'indice delle versioni analizzato non è corretto. Verificare se la sezione releases-index non è vuota nel file.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Il file releases.json contiene una versione con oggetto %s non valido: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "Nella versione %s per la versione %s i dati dei file non sono corretti (potrebbero mancare campi obbligatori, come nome, RID e URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "I dati dei file della versione non sono presenti o non includono campi obbligatori.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Le informazioni obbligatorie della versione %s non sono complete nel file releases.json. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'estrazione del pacchetto scaricato. Errore: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 7ac58cf0a05f..e8d68b1b8e71 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core Tool インストーラー", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "特定のバージョンの .NET Core をインターネットまたはツール キャッシュから取得し、PATH に追加します。このタスクを使うと、後続のタスクで使用される .NET Core のバージョンを変更できます。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) の使用", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/ランタイム インストーラー", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "インターネットまたはローカル キャッシュから .NET Core SDK の特定のバージョンを取得し、PATH に追加します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) のインストール", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 複数のバージョンを同時にインストールするためのサポート。
  • 最新のマイナーまたはメジャー バージョンをフェッチするためのバージョンのパターンのサポート。
  • マルチレベル検索を制限する
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.packageType": "インストールするパッケージ", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "ランタイムのみをインストールするか、SDK 全体をインストールするかを選択してください。", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "ランタイムのみをインストールするか、SDK をインストールするかを選択してください。", "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", - "loc.input.help.version": "インストールする .NET Core SDK またはランタイムの正確なバージョンを指定します。
    [ここ](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json) の任意のリリースから、SDK をインストールする場合は `version-sdk` の値、ランタイムをインストールする場合は `version-runtime` の値をご確認ください。", + "loc.input.help.version": "インストールする .NET Core SDK またはランタイムのバージョンを指定します。
  • 2.x => メジャー バージョンが最新のものをインストールします。
  • 2.2.x => メジャー バージョンとマイナー バージョンが最新のものをインストールします
  • 2.2.104 => バージョンが正確に一致するものをインストールします

  • SDK またはランタイムをインストールするために release.json で `version` の値を探します。その major.minor バージョンの releases.json へのリンクは [**releases-index ファイル**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)から分かります。たとえば、2.2 バージョンの releases.json へのリンクは https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json です", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "プレビュー バージョンを含める", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "2.2.x を検索するときのように最新バージョンを検索するときにプレビュー バージョンを含める場合に選択します。次のように正確なバージョンを指定する場合、この設定は無視されます: 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": ".Net Core をインストールするパス", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": ".NET Core SDK/ランタイムのインストール場所を指定します。各パスは、.Net の動作に次のような影響を与える可能性があります。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): このディレクトリはパイプライン間でクリーンアップされないため、この場合、バージョンがエージェントにキャッシュされます。エージェントで実行されるパイプラインはすべて、エージェントを使用して既にインストールされているバージョンにアクセスすることができます。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): このフォルダーは各パイプラインの後にクリーンアップされるので、この場合、キャッシュされた .Net Core バージョンがパイプラインで使用されないようにすることができます。
  • それ以外のすべてのパス: エージェント プロセスで他のいずれかのパスにアクセスできる場合は、そのパスを構成できます。これによってマシンの状態が変更され、それを実行しているすべてのプロセスに影響を与えます。
    適切なバージョンの .Net ホストの調査を構成できる複数レベルのルックアップ設定を構成することもできます。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "複数レベルの検索を実行", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "この入力は、Windows ベースのエージェントにのみ適用されます。これは、適切な共有フレームワークを検索するための .NET ホスト プロセスの動作を構成します。
  • オフ: このタスクで指定されたフォルダーに存在するバージョンのみがホスト プロセスによって検索されます。
  • オン: ホストは、複数レベルのルックアップを使用した事前定義されたグローバルな場所の検索を試みます。
    Windows の場合:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 ビット プロセス)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 ビット プロセス)
  • これについて詳しくは、[**こちら**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)をご覧ください。
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "ツールをインストールできませんでした: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "バージョンは、有効で明示的なバージョンである必要があります: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "マシンのプラットフォームの詳細を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s。", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "バージョン %s のダウンロード情報を取得できませんでした。指定されたバージョンが正しいことをご確認ください。サポートされているバージョンを確認するには次のリンクを参照します。https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。規則に基づく URL の作成にフォールバックします。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "次の URL からインストール パッケージをダウンロードできませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "インストール用のパッケージをダウンロードできませんでした", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "グローバル ツール パスを作成し、パスの先頭に追加します。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "グローバル ツール パスを作成し、パスの先頭に追加しています。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定されたバージョンのダウンロード リンクが、サポートされているバージョンのドキュメントの正しい形式ではありません => %s/ ", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "次の指定バージョンと一致する %s バージョンが見つかりませんでした: %s。[プレビュー バージョンを含める] チェック ボックスがオンの場合、プレビュー バージョンは最新バージョンの検索でのみ考慮されます。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "パス: %s にアクセスできません。エラー: %s \n エージェント プロセスにそのパスへのパスがあることを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "バージョン: %s を URL: %s からダウンロードできません。URL またはバージョンのいずれかが正しくありません。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "すべてのルート フォルダーを次のインストール パスにコピーしています: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "ルート ファイル (dotnet.exe など) を次のインストール パスにコピーしています: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "ルート ファイルを次のインストール パスにコピーできませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "パス: %s のバージョン: %s のインストール中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "バージョン: %s は許可されていません。インストールするバージョンは、次の形式にする必要があります: major.minor.patchversion。例: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "バージョン: %s がキャッシュに見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "バージョン %s がキャッシュに見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": ".Net Core %s バージョン %s の installation complete ファイルを作成しています", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "パッケージの種類: %s、バージョン: %s のランタイム バージョンが見つかりません", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "パス: %s が見つかりませんでした。パスが存在することを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "バージョン: %s は、パス: %s に存在するバージョン間で最新です。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "バージョン: %s は、%s に存在する最新のバージョンではありません", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "次の OS プラットフォーム (rid) の .Net Core %s バージョン %s のダウンロード URL が見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "次のエラーにより release-index.json のダウンロードまたは解析に失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "次のユーザー指定バージョン仕様のチャネル %s でバージョン %s が見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "次のチャネル バージョンの release.json の URL が見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "バージョン %s に対応するチャネルが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "OS に対して正しいダウンロード パッケージを見つけるために OS プラットフォームを検出しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "マシン OS プラットフォームの検出中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": ".Net Core %s バージョン %s の runtime-version プロパティが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s バージョンの一致: %s が見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "バージョン %s は許可されていません。許可されているバージョンの種類は次のとおりです: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "バージョン %s と %s を比較できません。両方のバージョンを明示的に指定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "ファイル名 %s は、version.complete の正しいファイル名ではありません。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "チャネルのバージョン %s と %s を比較できません。両方とも数値のメジャー バージョンとマイナー バージョンが必要です。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "チャネル %s のバージョンを検索しています", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "バージョン %s がそのチャネルで見つかりませんでした。隣接するチャネルを検索します。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": ".Net Core Tool パスを PATH 環境変数の先頭に追加しているときに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "バージョン %s のチャネル %s を検索しています", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "チャネル %s からのバージョン %s の取得中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "インストールされるバージョン %s が、フォルダー名 %s の既にインストールされているバージョンより後のものかどうかを比較しています", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "インストールされるバージョン %s が、version complete ファイル名 %s の既にインストールされているバージョンより後のものかどうかを比較しています", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "オブジェクトをチャネルとして使用することはできません。channel-version、release. json などの必須プロパティがありません。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "解析されたリリース インデックス本体が正しくありません。ファイルの releases-index セクションが空でないかどうかを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "releases.json には、無効な %s オブジェクトを含むリリースが含まれています: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "リリース %s (バージョン %s) のファイル データが正しくありません (name、rid、および url などの必須フィールドが存在していない可能性があります): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "バージョンのファイル データがないか、必須フィールドがありません。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "バージョン: %s で必要な情報が releases.json ファイルで不足しています。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "ダウンロードされたパッケージの抽出中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 9f23ac600abf..a806c11eb1e8 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 도구 설치 관리자", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 도구 캐시에서 특정 버전의 .NET Core를 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 후속 작업에 사용되는 .NET Core 버전을 변경할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) 사용", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/런타임 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 로컬 캐시에서 특정 버전의 .NET Core SDK를 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET Core $(packageType) $(version) 설치", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 여러 버전의 병렬 설치 지원
  • 주/부 버전으로 최신 버전을 페치하기 위한 버전 패턴 지원
  • 다단계 조회 제한
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.packageType": "설치할 패키지", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "런타임만 설치할지 또는 전체 SDK를 설치할지 선택하세요.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "런타임만 설치할지 또는 SDK를 설치할지 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.version": "버전", - "loc.input.help.version": "설치할 .NET Core SDK 또는 런타임 버전을 정확하게 지정합니다.
    [여기](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)에서 SDK를 설치하기 위한 'version-sdk'의 값을 찾거나, 임의 릴리스의 런타임을 설치하기 위한 'version-runtime'의 값을 찾으세요.", + "loc.input.help.version": "설치할 .NET Core SDK 또는 런타임 버전을 지정합니다.
    다음 형식으로 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.
  • 2.x => 주 버전으로 최신 버전을 설치합니다.
  • 2.2.x => 주 버전과 부 버전으로 최신 버전을 설치합니다.
  • 2.2.104 => 정확한 버전을 설치합니다.

  • releases.json에서 SDK/런타임을 설치할 '버전' 값을 찾습니다. 해당 major.minor 버전의 releases.json 링크는 [**releases-index 파일**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 2.2 버전의 releases.json 링크는 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json입니다.", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "미리 보기 버전 포함", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "최신 버전을 검색할 때(예: 2.2.x 검색) 미리 보기 버전을 포함하려면 선택합니다. 정확한 버전(예: 3.0.100-preview3-010431)을 지정하는 경우 이 설정은 무시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": ".NET Core 설치 경로", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": ".NET Core SDK/런타임을 설치할 위치를 지정합니다. 경로에 따라 .NET의 동작에 다음과 같은 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 이 디렉터리는 파이프라인 간에 정리되지 않으므로 버전이 에이전트에 캐시되도록 합니다. 에이전트에서 실행되는 모든 파이프라인이 이전에 해당 에이전트를 사용하여 설치된 버전에 액세스할 수 있습니다.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 이 폴더는 각 파이프라인 후에 정리되므로 파이프라인에서 캐시된 .NET Core 버전을 사용하지 않도록 할 수 있습니다.
  • 다른 모든 경로: 에이전트 프로세스에서 경로에 액세스할 수 있기만 하면 다른 경로를 구성할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 머신의 상태가 변경되고 머신에서 실행되는 모든 프로세스에 영향을 줍니다.
    적합한 버전에 대해 .NET 호스트 프로빙을 구성할 수 있는 다단계 조회 설정을 구성할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "다단계 조회 수행", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "이 입력은 Windows 기반 에이전트에만 해당합니다. 적합한 공유 프레임워크를 찾기 위한 .NET 호스트 프로세스의 동작을 구성합니다.
  • 선택 취소됨: 호스트 프로세스에서 이 작업에 지정된 폴더에 있는 버전만 확인합니다.
  • 선택됨: 호스트가 다단계 조회를 사용하여 미리 정의된 전역 위치에서 찾습니다.
    기본 전역 위치는 다음과 같습니다.
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet(64비트 프로세스)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet(32비트 프로세스)
  • [**여기**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)에서 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "도구 설치 실패: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "버전은 유효하고 명시적인 버전(%s)이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "머신 플랫폼 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "%s 버전의 다운로드 정보를 페치할 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요. 지원되는 버전은 https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json 링크를 참조할 수 있습니다. 규칙 기반 URL 생성으로 대체합니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "이 URL %s에서 설치 패키지를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "설치할 패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "전역 도구 경로를 만들어 PATH 앞에 추가합니다." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "전역 도구 경로를 만들어 PATH 앞에 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "지정한 버전의 다운로드 링크가 지원되는 버전 문서에서 올바르게 구성되지 않았습니다. => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "일치하는 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전은 %s입니다. [미리 보기 버전 포함] 확인란을 선택한 경우에만 최신 버전 검색에서 미리 보기 버전이 고려됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "%s 경로에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s \n 에이전트 프로세스에 경로에 대한 경로가 있는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "%s 버전을 URL %s에서 다운로드할 수 없습니다. URL 또는 버전이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "모든 루트 폴더를 설치 경로 %s에 복사하는 중", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "루트 파일(예: dotnet.exe)을 설치 경로 %s에 복사하는 중", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "루트 파일을 설치 경로 %s에 복사하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "%s 버전을 %s 경로에 설치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "%s 버전은 허용되지 않습니다. 설치할 버전은 major.minor.patchversion 형식이어야 합니다. 예: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "캐시에서 %s 버전을 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "캐시에서 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": ".NET Core %s 버전 %s의 설치 전체 파일을 만드는 중", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "패키지 형식 %s 버전 %s의 런타임 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "%s 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다. 경로가 있는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "%s 버전이 %s 경로에 있는 버전 중 최신 버전입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "%s 버전은 %s에 있는 버전 중 최신 버전이 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "다음 OS 플랫폼(RID)용 .NET Core %s 버전 %s의 다운로드 URL을 찾을 수 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "release-index.json을 다운로드하거나 구문 분석하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "%s 버전을 %s 채널(사용자 지정 버전 사양 %s)에서 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "채널 버전 %s의 releases.json URL을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "%s 버전에 해당하는 채널을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "OS에 맞는 다운로드 패키지를 찾기 위해 OS 플랫폼을 검색하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "머신 OS 플랫폼을 검색하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": ".NET Core %s 버전 %s의 runtime-version 속성을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s 버전 일치: %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "%s 버전은 허용되지 않습니다. 허용되는 버전 유형은 majorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "%s 버전과 %s 버전을 비교할 수 없습니다. 둘 다 명시적 버전이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "파일 이름 %s은(는) 올바른 version.complete 파일 이름이 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "채널 버전 %s과(와) %s을(를) 비교할 수 없습니다. 둘 다 주 버전과 부 버전이 숫자여야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "%s 채널에서 버전을 검색하는 중", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "해당 채널에서 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다. 이제 인접한 채널에서 검색합니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": ".NET Core 도구 경로를 PATH 환경 변수 앞에 추가하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "%s 채널(%s 버전)을 찾는 중", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "%s 버전을 %s 채널에서 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "설치되는 버전 %s이(가) 폴더 이름 %s(으)로 설치된 기존 버전보다 이후 버전인지 비교하는 중", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "설치되는 버전 %s이(가) version.complete 파일 이름 %s(으)로 설치된 기존 버전보다 이후 버전인지 비교하는 중", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "개체를 채널로 사용할 수 없습니다. channel-version, releases.json 등의 필수 속성이 누락되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "구문 분석된 릴리스 인덱스 본문이 잘못되었습니다. 파일에서 releases-index 섹션이 비어 있지 않은지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json에 잘못된 %s 개체가 포함된 릴리스가 있음: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "%s 릴리스(%s 버전)의 파일 데이터가 잘못됨(이름, RID, URL 등의 필수 필드가 누락되었을 수 있음): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "버전의 파일 데이터가 없거나 필수 필드가 누락되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "releases.json 파일에 있는 %s 버전의 필수 정보가 불완전합니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "다운로드한 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index df013841e684..62d309e3f466 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик инструментов .NET Core", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "Скачивает указанную версию .NET Core из Интернета или из кэша инструментов и добавляет ее в переменную PATH. Используйте эту задачу, чтобы изменить версию .NET Core, которая используется в последующих задачах.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик среды выполнения/пакета SDK для .NET", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "Получение определенной версии пакета SDK для .NET Core из Интернета или локального кэша и добавление ее в PATH", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Поддержка параллельной установки нескольких версий.
  • Поддержка шаблонов в версии для получения последнего дополнительного или основного номера версии.
  • Ограничение многоуровневого поиска.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.packageType": "Пакет для установки", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "Выберите, следует ли устанавливать только среду выполнения или полный пакет SDK.", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Выберите, следует ли устанавливать только среду выполнения или пакет SDK.", "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", - "loc.input.help.version": "Укажите точную версию пакета SDK или среды выполнения .NET Core, которую необходимо установить.
    Значение version-sdk для установки пакета SDK или version-runtime для установки среды выполнения из любого выпуска можно найти [здесь](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)", + "loc.input.help.version": "Укажите версию пакета SDK для .NET Core или среды выполнения для установки.
    Версии можно задать в следующих форматах
  • 2.x => установка последнего основного номера версии.
  • 2.2.x => установка последнего основного и дополнительного номеров версии
  • 2.2.104 => установка точной версии

  • Найдите значение \"version\" для установки пакета SDK или среды выполнения в releases.json. Ссылку на releases.json для версии основной_номер.дополнительный_номер можно найти в [**файле releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Ссылка на releases.json для версии 2.2: https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Включить предварительные версии", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Выберите, нужно ли включать предварительные версии при поиске последних версий, например 2.2.x. Этот параметр игнорируется, если указана точная версия, например 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Путь для установки .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Укажите, где следует установить пакет SDK для .NET Core или среду выполнения. Различные пути могут оказывать соответствующее воздействие на поведение .NET.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): приведет к кэшированию версии на агенте, так как этот каталог не очищается между конвейерами. Все конвейеры, выполняющиеся на агенте, имеют доступ к версиям, ранее установленным с помощью этого агента.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): гарантирует, что конвейер не использует кэшированную версию .NET Core, так как эта папка очищается после каждого конвейера.
  • Любой другой путь: вы можете настроить любой другой путь, при условии, что процесс агента имеет доступ к нему. Это приведет к изменению состояния компьютера и повлияет на все выполняющиеся там процессы.
    Обратите внимание, что можно также использовать параметр многоуровневого поиска, который позволяет настроить проверку подходящей версии узлом .NET.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Выполнить многоуровневый поиск", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Эти входные данные применимы только для агентов на основе Windows. Этот параметр настраивает поведение хост-процесса .NET для поиска подходящей общей платформы.
  • Флажок снят: хост-процесс будет просматривать только версии в папке, указанной в этой задаче.
  • Флажок установлен: хост-процесс попытается искать в предварительно определенных глобальных расположениях с использованием многоуровневого поиска.
    Глобальные расположения по умолчанию:
    Для Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64-разрядные процессы)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32-разрядные процессы)
  • Дополнительные сведения см. [**здесь**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Сбой установки инструмента: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "Следует указать допустимую и явную версию: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Не удалось получить сведения о платформе компьютера. Ошибка: %s.", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Не удалось получить сведения о скачивании для версии %s. Проверьте, правильно ли указана версия. Список поддерживаемых версий можно найти по ссылке https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Будет создан URL-адрес на основе соглашений.", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Не удалось скачать пакет установки с этого URL-адреса: %s. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Не удалось скачать пакет для установки", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Глобальный путь к средству создается и добавляется в начало PATH." + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Создание глобального пути к средству и добавление его в начало PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Ссылки на скачивание для указанной версии неправильно сформированы в документе поддерживаемых версий => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Не удалось найти соответствующую версию %s для указанной версии: %s. Обратите внимание, что предварительные версии учитываются при поиске последней версии, только если установлен флажок \"Включить предварительные версии\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Не удалось получить доступ к пути: %s. Ошибка: %s \n Убедитесь, что процесс агента имеет доступ к этому пути.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Версию %s не удается скачать по URL-адресу %s. Неверное значение URL-адреса или версии.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Копирование всех корневых папок в путь установки: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Копирование корневых файлов (например, dotnet.exe) в путь установки: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Не удалось скопировать корневые файлы в путь установки: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Сбой при установке версии: %s по пути: %s, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "Версия %s не разрешена. Устанавливаемые версии должны иметь формат: основной_номер.дополнительный_номер.версия_исправления. Например: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Версия %s найдена в кэше.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "Версия %s не найдена в кэше.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Создание файла завершения установки для .NET Core %s версии %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Не удается найти версию среды выполнения для типа пакета: %s с версией: %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Не удалось найти путь: %s. Убедитесь, что он существует.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "Версия %s является последней из версий, представленных по пути %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "Версия %s не является последней из версий, представленных в %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Не удалось найти URL-адрес скачивания для .NET Core %s версии %s для следующих платформ ОС (относительный идентификатор): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Не удалось скачать или проанализировать release-index.json, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Найдена версия %s в канале %s для указанной пользователем спецификации версии: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Не удалось найти URL-адрес для releases.json версии канала: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Не удалось найти канал, соответствующий версии %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Определение платформы ОС для поиска правильного загружаемого пакета ОС.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Сбой при определении платформы ОС компьютера, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Не удалось найти свойство runtime-version для .NET Core %s версии %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Сопоставление версий %s: не удалось найти %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "Версия %s не разрешена. Разрешенные типы версий: основной_номер_версии.x, основной_номер_версии.дополнительный_номер_версии.x, основной_номер_версии.дополнительный_номер_версии.версия_исправления", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Версии %s и %s невозможно сравнить. Обе версии должны быть явными.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Имя файла %s не является правильным именем формата version.complete.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Версии канала %s и %s невозможно сравнить. Они должны иметь числовые основной и дополнительный номера версии.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Поиск версии в канале %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Не удалось найти версию %s в ее канале, сейчас будет выполнен поиск в смежных каналах.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Сбой при добавлении пути к средствам .NET Core в начало переменной среды PATH. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Поиск канала %s для версии %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Сбой при получении %s версии из канала %s, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Сравнение того, является ли устанавливаемая версия %s старше установленной версии с именем папки %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Сравнение того, является ли устанавливаемая версия %s старше установленной версии с полным именем файла версии %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Объект не может быть использован в качестве канала; отсутствуют обязательные свойства, такие как channel-version в releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Неверный проанализированный текст индекса выпусков. Убедитесь, что раздел releases-index в файле не пуст.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json имеет выпуск с недопустимым объектом %s: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "В выпуске %s для версии %s приведены неправильные данные файла (возможно, отсутствуют обязательные поля, такие как name, rid и url): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Данные файлов версии отсутствуют или не содержат обязательные поля.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "В файле releases.json указаны неполные обязательные сведения для версии %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Сбой при извлечении скачанного пакета, ошибка: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 4f6d52ff586a..0f462993f2ab 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,19 +1,27 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 工具安装程序", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "从 Internet 或工具缓存获取特定版本的 .NET Core,并将其添加到 PATH。使用此任务更改后续任务中使用的 .NET Core 版本。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core SDK/运行时安装程序", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "从 Internet 或本地缓存获取 .NET Core SDK 的特定版本,并将其添加到 PATH", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "支持并行安装多个版本。
  • 支持版本模式,以获取最新的次要/主要版本。
  • 限制多级查找
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安装的包", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "请选择仅安装运行时还是安装完整 SDK。", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "请选择仅安装运行时还是安装 SDK。", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", - "loc.input.help.version": "指定要安装的 .NET Core SDK 或运行时的准确版本。
    找到用于安装 SDK 的 \"version-sdk\" 的值,或用于从任何版本安装运行时的 \"version-runtime\" 的值[此处](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json)", + "loc.input.help.version": "指定要安装的 .NET Core SDK 或运行时的版本。
  • 2.x => 安装最新主要版本。
  • 2.2.x => 安装最新主要版本和次要版本
  • 2.2.104 => 安装确切版本

  • 从 releases.json 中查找 `version` 值,以安装 SDK/运行时。指向该 major.minor 版本的 releases.json 的链接可在[**releases-index file.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)中找到。指向 2.2 版本的 releases.json 的类似链接为 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "包括预览版本", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "选择在搜索最新版本时(例如在搜索 2.2.x 时),是否希望包括预览版本。如果指定了确切版本(例如 3.0.100-preview3-010431),则忽略此设置", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "安装 .Net Core 的路径", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "指定应在何处安装 .Net Core SDK/运行时。不同的路径可能会对 .Net 的行为产生以下影响。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 这会在代理上缓存版本,因为未在多个管道之间清理此目录。在代理上运行的所有管道都有权访问以前使用代理安装的版本。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 这可以确保管道不使用任何缓存版本的 .Net core,因为会在每个管道之后清理此文件夹。
  • 任何其他路径: 可以配置任何其他路径,前提是代理进程有权访问该路径。这将更改计算机的状态并影响在其上运行的所有进程。
    请注意,还可以配置多级查找设置,该设置可以配置 .Net 主机对适当版本的探测。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "执行多级查找", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "此输入仅适用于基于 Windows 的代理。这将配置 .Net 主机进程的行为以查找合适的共享框架。
  • 未选中: 主机进程将仅查看在此任务中指定的文件夹中存在的版本。
  • 选中: 主机将尝试使用多级查找查看预定义的全局位置。
    对于 Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 位进程)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 位进程)
  • 可在[**此处**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)阅读其详细信息。
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "工具安装失败: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "版本应为有效的显式版本: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "无法获取计算机平台详细信息。错误: %s。", - "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "无法获取下载 URL。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "未能获取下载 URL。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "存在 .NET Core 的缓存副本。不需要重新安装。缓存工具位置: %s。", "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "正在检查是否存在此版本的缓存副本...", - "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "缓存不包含 .NET Core 的请求版本。立即下载并安装。", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "缓存未包含 .NET Core 的请求版本。立即下载并安装。", "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "正在获取用于下载 .NET Core %s 版本 %s 的 URL。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "无法检测计算机的操作系统", "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "无法构造下载 URL。请确保指定的版本 %s 有效。", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "无法提取版本 %s 的下载信息。请检查指定的版本是否正确。有关受支持的版本,可以访问链接 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。回退到基于 URL 的约定的创建。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "无法从该 URL 下载安装包: %s 错误: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "无法下载用于安装的包", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在创建全局工具路径和追加到 PATH。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在创建全局工具路径并预附加到 PATH。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "在支持的版本文档中,指定版本的下载链接格式不正确 => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "针对以下指定的版本找不到匹配的 %s 版本: %s 请注意,如果选中“包括预览版本”复选框,则仅在最新版本搜索中考虑预览版本。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "无法访问路径: %s。错误: %s \n 请确保代理进程具有指向此路径的路径。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "版本 %s 无法从 URL %s 中下载。URL 或版本不正确。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "正在将所有根文件夹复制到安装路径: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "正在将根文件(如 dotnet.exe)复制到安装路径: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "未能将根文件复制到安装路径: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "安装版本 %s(位于路径 %s 下)时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "不允许使用版本: %s。要安装的版本应为以下格式: major.minor.patchversion。例如: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "已在缓存中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "未在缓存中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "正在创建 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的安装完成文件", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "找不到包类型 %s (版本为 %s)的运行时版本", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "未能找到路径: %s。请确保该路径存在。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "版本 %s 是路径 %s 中存在的版本之中的最新版本", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "版本 %s 不是 %s 中存在的版本之中的最新版本", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "对于以下操作系统平台(rid),找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的下载 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "未能下载或分析 release-index.json,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "针对以下用户指定的版本规范找到版本 %s (位于通道 %s 中): %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "找不到通道版本为 %s 的 releases.json 的 URL", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "找不到与版本 %s 对应的通道。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "正在检测操作系统平台以查找操作系统的正确下载包。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "检测计算机操作系统平台时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的 runtime-version 属性。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "找不到与以下内容匹配的 %s 版本: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "不允许使用版本 %s。允许的版本类型为: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "无法比较版本 %s 和 %s。这两个版本都应是显式的。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "文件名 %s 不是正确的 version.complete 文件名。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "无法比较通道版本 %s 和 %s。它们都必须具有数字主要版本和次要版本。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "正在通道 %s 中搜索版本", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "无法在版本 %s 的通道中找到该版本,现在将在邻近通道中搜索。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "将 .Net Core 工具路径预附加到 PATH 环境变量时失败。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "正在查找通道 %s (针对版本 %s)", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "获取版本 %s(从通道 %s 获取)时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "正在比较正在安装的版本 %s 是否高于具有文件夹名称 %s 的已安装版本", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "正在比较正在安装的版本 %s 是否高于具有版本完整文件名 %s 的已安装版本", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "对象不能用作通道,缺少必需的属性,如 channel-version、releases.json。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "已分析的版本索引正文不正确。请确保文件中的版本索引部分为非空。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json 具有一个包含无效 %s 对象的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "在发布 %s 中(针对版本 %s),文件数据不正确(可能缺少必填字段,如 name、rid 和 url): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "版本的文件数据缺失或缺少必填字段。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "版本 %s 所需的信息在 releases.json 文件中不完整。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "提取下载的包时失败,出现错误: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b4d68bc87da7..e0355b76ec89 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,20 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core 工具安裝程式", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=853651)", - "loc.description": "從網際網路或工具快取取得特定 .NET Core 版本,然後將其新增至 PATH。使用此工作可變更後續工作中使用的 .NET Core 版本。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET Core sdk/執行階段安裝程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/AA4ihfi)", + "loc.description": "從網際網路或本機快取取得特定版本的 .NET Core SDK,並將其新增至 PATH", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 .NET Core $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 並存安裝多個版本的支援。
  • 版本模式的支援,可擷取次要/主要版本的最新模式。
  • 限制多重層級查閱
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安裝的套件", - "loc.input.help.packageType": "請選取只要安裝執行階段或要安裝完整 SDK。", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "請選取要僅安裝執行階段或 SDK。", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", - "loc.input.help.version": "請明確指定要安裝的 .NET Core SDK 或執行階段版本。
    請尋找 `version-sdk` 的值來安裝 SDK,或從[此處](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json) 尋找 `version-runtime` 的值來安裝執行階段。", + "loc.input.help.version": "請指定要安裝的 .NET Core SDK 或執行階段版本。
  • 2.x => 安裝主要版本中的最新項目。
  • 2.2.x => 安裝主要版本和次要版本中的最新項目
  • 2.2.104 => 安裝完全符合版本

  • 請從 releases.json 尋找用於安裝 SDK/執行階段的「版本」值。您可於 [**releases-index file.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json) 找到該 major.minor 版本的 releases.json。舉例來說,2.2 版的 releases.json 連結即為 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "包含預覽版本", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "如果您希望在搜尋最新版本 (例如搜尋 2.2.x) 時包含預覽版本,請選取此項目。如果您指定完全符合版本 (例如 3.0.100-preview3-010431),則會忽略此設定", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "要安裝 .Net Core 的路徑", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "請指定應安裝 .Net Core SDK/執行階段的位置。路徑如果不同,則可能會對 .Net 的行為造成後續影響。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 因為此目錄未於各管線間清除,所以這會使版本快取至代理程式。在代理程式上執行的所有管線,都能存取先前使用代理程式安裝的版本。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 因為此資料夾未於各管線後清除,所以這能確保管線不會使用 .Net 核心的任何快取版本。
  • 任何其他路徑: 假如代理程式處理序有路徑的存取權,您就可以設定任何其他路徑。這會變更電腦的狀態,並影響在其上執行的所有處理序。
    請注意,您也可以進行多層次查閱設定,該設定可針對適合的版本設定 .Net 主機的探查。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "執行多層級查閱", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "此輸入只適用於以 Windows 為基礎的代理程式。這會設定查閱適當共用架構的 .Net 主機處理序行為。
  • 取消選取: 主機處理序只會查閱此工作中所指定資料夾內的版本。
  • 選取: 主機會嘗試使用多重層級查閱在預先定義的全域位置中查閱。
    若為 Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 位元處理序)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 位元處理序)
  • 若要閱讀更多內容,請前往 [**這裡**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)。
    ", "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "工具安裝失敗: %s", "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "版本應為有效的明確版本: %s", "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "無法取得機器平台詳細資料。錯誤: %s。", @@ -27,5 +35,48 @@ "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "無法擷取版本 %s 的下載資訊。請檢查指定的版本是否正確。您可以參閱連結了解支援的版本 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。將返回建立以慣例為基礎的 URL。", "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "無法從此 URL %s 下載安裝套件,錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "無法下載套件以進行安裝", - "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在建立全域工具路徑並加到 PATH 前面。" + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在建立全域工具路徑並加到 PATH 前面。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定版本的下載連結,在支援的版本文件中語式錯誤 => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "無法為指定的版本找到符合的 %s 版本: %s 敬請注意,只有在已選取 [包含預覽版本] 核取方塊的情況下,才會將預覽版本視作在最新版本搜尋內。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "無法存取路徑: %s。錯誤: %s \n 請確認代理程式處理序對路徑具有路徑。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "版本: 無法從 URL 下載 %s: %s。URL 或版本錯誤。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "正在將所有根資料夾複製到路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "正在將根檔案 (例如 dotnet.exe) 複製到安裝路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "無法將根檔案複製到安裝路徑: %s。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "安裝版本時失敗: %s。路徑: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "版本: 不允許 %s。欲安裝版本的格式應為: major.minor.patchversion。例如: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "版本: 於快取中找到了 %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "未在快取中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "正在為 .Net 核心 %s 版本 %s 建立安裝完成檔案", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "找不到套件類型的執行階段版本: %s,版本: %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "路徑: 找不到 %s。請確認路徑存在。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "版本: %s 在路徑出現的版本間是最新的: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "版本: %s 在 %s 出現的版本間不是最新的", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "無法為以下 OS 平台 (RID) 找到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的下載 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "無法下載或剖析 release-index.json。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "找到的版本: %s。所在通道: %s。使用者指定的版本規格: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "無法為通道版本的 releases.json 找到 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "找不到對應至 %s 版的通道。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "正在偵測 OS 平台以為此 OS 尋找正確的下載套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "偵測機器 OS 平台時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的 runtime-version 屬性", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "找不到符合以下項目的 %s 版本: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "不允許版本 %s。允許的版本類型為: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "無法比較版本 %s 與 %s。這兩個版本都必須為明確版本。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "檔案名稱 %s 不是正確的 version.complete 檔案名稱。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "無法比較通道版本 %s 與 %s。這兩個版本都必須有數字的主要和次要版本。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "正於通道 %s 中尋找版本", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "無法在版本 %s 的通道中找到該版本,將於相鄰通道進行搜尋。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "將 .Net Core 工具路徑加至 PATH 環境變數前時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "正在尋找以下版本的通道 %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "從以下頻道取得版本 %s 時失敗: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "正在比較正在安裝的版本 %s 是否大於資料夾名稱為 %s 的已安裝版本", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "正在比較正在安裝的版本 %s 是否大於版本完整檔案名稱為 %s 的已安裝版本", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "物件不得當作通道使用,需要 channel-version 之類的屬性,缺少 releases.json。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "剖析的版本索引主體錯誤。請您查看檔案中的 releases-index 區段是否不為空白。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json 有 %s 物件無效的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "版本 (release) %s (位於版本 (version) %s) 中的檔案資料錯誤 (可能缺少名稱、rid 或 URL 等必要欄位): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "版本的檔案資料遺失,或缺少必要欄位。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "版本: releases.json 檔案中的 %s 必要資訊不完整。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "擷取已下載套件時失敗。錯誤: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.json index 59538fc5a48b..70ecc6369708 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "preview": "true", "satisfies": [ @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ "CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copying all root folders into installation path: %s", "CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copying root files (such as dotnet.exe) into installation path: %s", "FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Failed to copy root files into installation path: %s. Error: %s", - "FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath" : "Failed while installing version: %s at path: %s with error: %s", + "FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Failed while installing version: %s at path: %s with error: %s", "ExplicitVersionRequired": "Version: %s is not allowed. Versions to be installed should be of format: major.minor.patchversion. For example: 2.2.1", "VersionFoundInCache": "Version: %s was found in cache.", "VersionNotFoundInCache": "Version %s was not found in cache.", diff --git a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.loc.json index cde347d18199..b7ac23cb352a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DotNetCoreInstallerV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "preview": "true", "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 44270caece36..e5ef80474706 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Buildartefakte herunterladen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Buildartefakte herunterladen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien heruntergeladen, die als Artefakte eines abgeschlossenen Builds gespeichert wurden.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Buildartefakte herunterladen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.buildType": "Artefakte herunterladen, die generiert wurden von", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Laden Sie gegebenenfalls Artefakte aus dem auslösenden Build herunter.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Bei Aktivierung versucht dieser Buildtask, Artefakte aus dem auslösenden Build herunterzuladen. Ist in der angegebenen Pipeline kein auslösender Build vorhanden, werden Artefakte aus dem Build heruntergeladen, der in den nachfolgenden Optionen angegeben wird.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Buildversion, die heruntergeladen werden soll", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Artefakte auch von teilweise erfolgreichen Builds herunterladen", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Sofern aktiviert, versucht diese Buildaufgabe, nach dem erfolgreichen oder teilweisen Abschluss eines Builds Artefakte herunterzuladen.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "Branchname", "loc.input.help.branchName": "Hiermit geben Sie an, nach Branch- oder Verweisname zu filtern. Beispiel: \"refs/heads/develop\".", "loc.input.label.buildId": "Build", "loc.input.help.buildId": "Der Build, aus dem die Artefakte heruntergeladen werden", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Buildtags", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Eine durch Trennzeichen getrennte Liste mit Tags. Nur Builds mit diesen Tags werden zurückgegeben.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "Downloadtyp", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "Hiermit laden Sie ein bestimmtes Artefakt oder bestimmte Dateien aus dem Build herunter.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Artefaktname", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Artefakt \"%s\" wird von %s heruntergeladen.", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "Für den Build \"%s\" werden Artefakte heruntergeladen.", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "Anzahl verknüpfter Artefakte: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des Pakets: %s.", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "Ungültiges Dateicontainerartefakt. Ressourcendaten müssen im Format \"#/{Container-ID}/Pfad\" angegeben werden.", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "Nicht unterstützter Artefakttyp: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "Der Build mit der ID %s wurde nicht gefunden.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 12bb7a58ce8f..a75c328bbd28 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar artefactos de compilación", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Descargar artefactos de compilación", + "loc.description": "Descarga archivos que se guardaron como artefactos de una compilación completada.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar artefactos de compilación", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.buildType": "Descargar artefactos producidos por", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si procede, descargue los artefactos de la compilación desencadenadora.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si se selecciona, esta tarea de compilación intenta descargar los artefactos de la compilación desencadenadora. Si no hay ninguna compilación desencadenadora de la canalización especificada, descargará los artefactos de la compilación indicada en las opciones siguientes.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Versión de compilación para descargar", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Descargue los artefactos incluso de compilaciones parcialmente correctas.", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Si está seleccionada, esta tarea de compilación intentará descargar los artefactos, independientemente de que la compilación sea correcta o parcialmente correcta.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nombre de rama", "loc.input.help.branchName": "Especificar para filtrar por el nombre de rama o referencia; por ejemplo: \"refs/heads/develop\".", "loc.input.label.buildId": "Compilar", "loc.input.help.buildId": "Compilación de donde deben descargarse los artefactos", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Etiquetas de compilación", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Una lista de etiquetas delimitada por comas. Solo se devolverán las compilaciones con estas etiquetas.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "Tipo de descarga", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "Descargue un artefacto específico o archivos concretos desde la compilación.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nombre del artefacto", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Descargando el artefacto %s desde: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "Descargando artefactos para la compilación: %s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "Número de artefactos vinculados: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "No se pudo extraer el paquete con el error %s.", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "Artefacto de contenedor de archivos no válido. Los datos del recurso deben tener el formato #/{id. del contenedor}/ruta de acceso", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "Tipo de artefacto no admitido: %s.", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "No se encontró la compilación con el id. %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 660716492175..4c1483a7a0e2 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger les artefacts de build", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Télécharger les artefacts de build", + "loc.description": "Télécharger les fichiers enregistrés en tant qu'artefacts d'une build achevée", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger les artefacts de build", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.buildType": "Télécharger les artefacts produits par", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Le cas échéant, téléchargez les artefacts à partir de la build de déclenchement.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si l'option est cochée, cette tâche de build essaie de télécharger les artefacts à partir de la build de déclenchement. S'il n'existe aucune build de déclenchement dans le pipeline spécifié, elle télécharge les artefacts à partir de la build spécifiée dans les options ci-dessous.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Version de build à télécharger", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Télécharger les artefacts, même à partir de builds partiellement réussies.", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Si cette option est cochée, cette tâche de build essaie de télécharger les artefacts, que la build soit complètement ou partiellement réussie.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nom de la branche", "loc.input.help.branchName": "Spécifiez un filtrage par nom de branche/référence. Exemple : '''refs/heads/develop'''.", "loc.input.label.buildId": "Build", "loc.input.help.buildId": "Build à partir de laquelle télécharger les artefacts", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Étiquettes de build", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Liste d'étiquettes délimitées par des virgules. Seules les builds ayant ces étiquettes sont retournées.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "Type de téléchargement", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "Télécharger un artefact spécifique ou des fichiers spécifiques à partir de la build.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nom de l'artefact", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Téléchargement de l'artefact %s à partir de %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "Téléchargement d'artefacts pour la build : %s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "Nombre d'artefacts liés : %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Échec de l'extraction du package avec l'erreur %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "Artefact de conteneur de fichiers non valide. Les données de ressource doivent être au format #/{ID conteneur}/chemin", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "Type d'artefact non pris en charge : %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "La build ayant l'ID %s est introuvable", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 2b557f737e2d..d114c89c2581 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica artefatti di compilazione", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Scarica artefatti di compilazione", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare i file che sono stati salvati come artefatti di una compilazione completata", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica artefatti di compilazione", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.buildType": "Scarica gli artefatti prodotti da", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Quando appropriato, scarica gli artefatti dalla compilazione di attivazione.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Se selezionata, questa attività di compilazione proverà a scaricare gli artefatti dalla compilazione di attivazione. Se non esistono compilazioni di attivazione dalla pipeline specificata, gli artefatti verranno scaricati dalla compilazione specificata nelle opzioni seguenti.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Versione della compilazione da scaricare", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Scarica artefatti anche da compilazioni parzialmente riuscite.", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Se selezionata, questa attività di compilazione proverà a scaricare gli artefatti se la compilazione è riuscita o parzialmente riuscita.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nome del ramo", "loc.input.help.branchName": "Specificare questa opzione per filtrare in base al ramo/nome di riferimento, ad esempio ```refs/heads/develop```.", "loc.input.label.buildId": "Compilazione", "loc.input.help.buildId": "Compilazione da cui scaricare gli artefatti", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Tag di compilazione", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Elenco di tag delimitati da virgole. Verranno restituite solo le compilazioni con questi tag.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "Tipo di download", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "Consente di scaricare un artefatto o file specifici dalla compilazione.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Download dell'artefatto %s da %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "Download degli artefatti per la compilazione %s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "Conteggio degli artefatti collegati: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Non è stato possibile estrarre il pacchetto. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "L'artefatto del contenitore di file non è valido. I dati della risorsa devono essere in formato #/{ID contenitore}/percorso", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "Tipo di artefatto non supportato: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "La compilazione con ID %s non è stata trovata", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index e07f0bf176bd..695d68334c88 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ビルド成果物のダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "ビルド成果物のダウンロード", + "loc.description": "完了したビルドの成果物として保存されたファイルをダウンロードする", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ビルド成果物のダウンロード", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.buildType": "ダウンロードする成果物の生成元", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "適切な場合は、トリガー ビルドから成果物をダウンロードします。", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "チェック ボックスがオンの場合、このビルド タスクはトリガーする側のビルドから成果物をダウンロードしようとします。指定されたパイプラインからトリガーする側のビルドがない場合は、以下のオプションで指定されたビルドから成果物をダウンロードします。", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "ダウンロードするビルド バージョン", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "部分的に成功したビルドからも成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "チェックされている場合、このビルド タスクはビルドが成功したか部分的に成功したかにかかわらず成果物のダウンロードを試行します。", "loc.input.label.branchName": "ブランチ名", "loc.input.help.branchName": "フィルター処理する branch/ref 名を指定します。例: ```refs/heads/develop```。", "loc.input.label.buildId": "ビルド", "loc.input.help.buildId": "成果物のダウンロード元ビルド", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "ビルド タグ", + "loc.input.help.tags": "タグのコンマ区切りのリスト。これらのタグが含まれるビルドのみが返されます。", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "ダウンロードの種類", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "ビルドから、特定の成果物またはファイルをダウンロードします。", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成果物名", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "成果物 %s を %s からダウンロードしています", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "次のビルドの成果物をダウンロードしています。%s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "リンクされた成果物カウント: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージを抽出できませんでした: %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "無効なファイル コンテナー成果物です。リソース データの形式は \"#/{コンテナー ID}/パス\" でなければなりません", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "サポートされていない成果物の種類: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "ID %s のビルドが見つかりません", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index ba41963389fa..cac113656585 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "빌드 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "빌드 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.description": "완료된 빌드의 아티팩트로 저장된 파일을 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "빌드 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.buildType": "다음에 의해 생성된 아티팩트 다운로드", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "해당하는 경우 트리거하는 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "선택한 경우, 이 빌드 작업은 트리거 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하려고 합니다. 지정한 파이프라인에서 생성된 트리거 빌드가 없는 경우 아래 옵션에 지정된 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "다운로드할 빌드 버전", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "부분적으로 성공한 빌드에서도 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "선택하면, 빌드에 성공했는지 또는 부분적으로 성공했는지와 관계없이 이 빌드 작업에서 아티팩트 다운로드를 시도합니다.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "분기 이름", "loc.input.help.branchName": "분기/참조 이름을 기준으로 필터링하도록 지정합니다(예: ```refs/heads/develop```).", "loc.input.label.buildId": "빌드", "loc.input.help.buildId": "아티팩트를 다운로드할 빌드", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "빌드 태그", + "loc.input.help.tags": "쉼표로 구분된 태그 목록입니다. 이러한 태그가 있는 빌드만 반환됩니다.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "다운로드 형식", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "빌드에서 특정 아티팩트 또는 특정 파일을 다운로드합니다.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "아티팩트 이름", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "%s 아티팩트를 %s에서 다운로드 중", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "%s 빌드에 대한 아티팩트 다운로드 중", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "연결된 아티팩트 수: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "잘못된 파일 컨테이너 아티팩트입니다. 리소스 데이터는 #/{container id}/path 형식이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "지원되지 않는 아티팩트 형식: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "ID가 %s인 빌드를 찾을 수 없습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3b6c2dcef1c9..e6ed6a76295e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Скачивание артефактов сборки", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Скачивание артефактов сборки", + "loc.description": "Скачать файлы, сохраненные как артефакты завершенной сборки", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачивание артефактов сборки", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.buildType": "Скачать артефакты, созданные", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "При необходимости скачайте артефакты из инициирующей сборки.", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Если этот флажок установлен, данная задача сборки попытается скачать артефакты из инициирующей сборки. Если нет инициирующей сборки из указанного конвейера, будут скачаны артефакты из сборки, указанной в параметрах ниже.", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Версия сборки для скачивания", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Скачивание артефактов даже из частично успешных сборок.", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Если этот флажок установлен, задача сборки попытается скачать артефакты, если сборка выполнена успешно полностью или частично.", "loc.input.label.branchName": "Имя ветви", "loc.input.help.branchName": "Настройте фильтрацию по ветви и ссылочному имени, например: ```refs/heads/develop```.", "loc.input.label.buildId": "Сборка", "loc.input.help.buildId": "Сборка, из которой следует скачать артефакты", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Теги сборки", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Разделенный запятыми список тегов. Будут возвращены только сборки с этими тегами.", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "Тип скачивания", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "Скачивание определенного артефакта или определенных файлов из сборки.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Имя артефакта", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Скачивается артефакт %s из: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "Скачиваются артефакты для сборки: %s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "Число связанных артефактов: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Не удалось распаковать пакет. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "Недопустимый артефакт файлового контейнера. Данные ресурса должны быть указаны в формате \"#/{идентификатор_контейнера}/путь\"", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "Неподдерживаемый тип артефакта: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "Сборка с идентификатором %s не найдена", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e1dc920f5895..dd7fa78c5632 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下载生成项目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "下载生成项目", + "loc.description": "下载已作为已完成生成的项目保存的文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载生成项目", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.buildType": "下载以下作业生成的项目", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "在适当情况下,从触发生成下载项目。", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "如果选中,则此生成任务将尝试从触发生成中下载项目。如果没有来自指定管道的触发生成,它将从以下选项中指定的生成中下载项目。", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "要下载的生成版本", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "甚至从部分成功的生成下载项目。", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "如果选中,则无论生成是成功还是部分成功,此生成任务都将尝试下载项目。", "loc.input.label.branchName": "分支名称", "loc.input.help.branchName": "指定为筛选分支/引用名称,例如: ```refs/heads/develop```。", "loc.input.label.buildId": "生成", "loc.input.help.buildId": "要从中下载项目的生成", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "生成标记", + "loc.input.help.tags": "逗号分隔的标记列表。仅返回具有这些标记的生成。", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "下载类型", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "从生成下载特定项目或特定文件。", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "项目名称", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "正在从后列位置下载项目 %s: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "正在为生成下载项目: %s", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "已链接的项目计数: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "未能提取包,出现错误: %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "文件容器项目无效。资源数据的格式必须为 #/{container id}/path", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "不支持的项目类型: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "找不到 ID 为 %s 的生成", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7622e7828b32..2be353cacea6 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下載組建成品", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "下載組建成品", + "loc.description": "下載已作為完成組建之成品儲存的檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載組建成品", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.buildType": "下載產生自下列項目的成品", @@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "請在適當時機從觸發組建下載成品。", "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "若選取,這個建置工作會嘗試從觸發的組建下載成品。若指定的管線中沒有觸發的組建,就會從下方選項中指定的組建下載成品。", "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "要下載的組建版本", - "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "Download artifacts even from partially succeeded builds.", - "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "If checked, this build task will try to download artifacts whether the build is succeeded or partially succeeded.", + "loc.input.label.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "即便是部份成功的組建,也從中下載成品。", + "loc.input.help.allowPartiallySucceededBuilds": "如果已選取,則此建置工作會嘗試下載成品,而不論建置成功或部份成功。", "loc.input.label.branchName": "分支名稱", "loc.input.help.branchName": "請指定分支/參考名稱的篩選,例如: ```refs/heads/develop```。", "loc.input.label.buildId": "組建", "loc.input.help.buildId": "要從中下載成品的組建", - "loc.input.label.tags": "Build Tags", - "loc.input.help.tags": "A comma-delimited list of tags. Only builds with these tags will be returned.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "組建標籤", + "loc.input.help.tags": "標籤的逗點分隔清單。只會傳回具有這些標籤的組建。", "loc.input.label.downloadType": "下載類型", "loc.input.help.downloadType": "從組建中下載特定成品或特定檔案。", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成品名稱", @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "正在從 %s 下載成品 %s", "loc.messages.DownloadingArtifactsForBuild": "正在下載組建: %s 的成品", "loc.messages.LinkedArtifactCount": "連結的成品計數: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "無法解壓縮套件,錯誤為 %s", "loc.messages.FileContainerInvalidArtifactData": "檔案容器成品無效。資源資料的格式必須為 #/{容器識別碼}/path", "loc.messages.UnsupportedArtifactType": "不支援的成品類型: %s", "loc.messages.BuildNotFound": "找不到識別碼為 %s 的組建", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.json index 4e45c2a64986..4d20d17279cd 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { @@ -264,4 +264,4 @@ "description": "Stores the build number of the build artifact source" } ] -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.loc.json index 887aedf0a86d..150d329df63e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadBuildArtifactsV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index bc595e670213..52e071063eb2 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Dateifreigabeartefakte herunterladen", + "loc.friendlyName": "Artefakte aus Dateifreigabe herunterladen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Artefakte aus einer Dateifreigabe wie z. B. \"\\\\share\\drop\" herunterladen.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Artefakte aus Dateifreigabe herunterladen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Artefakte aus einer Dateifreigabe wie z. B. \"\\\\Freigabe\\Drop\" heruntergeladen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Artefakte aus einer Dateifreigabe herunterladen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Dateifreigabepfad", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Pfad der Dateifreigabe, z. B. \"\\\\server\\Ordner\"", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Pfad der Dateifreigabe, z. B. \"\\\\Server\\Ordner\"", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Artefaktname", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Der Name des Artefakts, das heruntergeladen werden soll, z. B. \"drop\".", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Muster für Abgleich", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index f8e2a956bafd..439f5e27cb9c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar los artefactos de recurso compartido de archivos", + "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar artefactos de un recurso compartido de archivo", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Descargar los artefactos de un recurso compartido de archivo, p. ej. \\\\share\\drop", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar los artefactos del recurso compartido de archivos", + "loc.description": "Descarga los artefactos de un recurso compartido de archivo, como \\\\share\\drop", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar artefactos de un recurso compartido de archivo", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Ruta de acceso del recurso compartido de archivos", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Ruta del recurso compartido de archivos, p. ej. \\\\server\\folder", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Ruta de acceso del recurso compartido de archivos; por ejemplo, \\\\server\\folder", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nombre del artefacto", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "El nombre del artefacto para descargar; p. ej., drop", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Patrón de coincidencia", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index bb77820704a4..e9f383a68d97 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger les artefacts d'un partage de fichiers", + "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger les artefacts à partir du partage de fichiers", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Télécharger des artefacts à partir d'un partage de fichiers, par exemple \\\\partage\\dépôt", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger les artefacts à partir du partage de fichiers", + "loc.description": "Télécharger les artefacts à partir d'un partage de fichiers, par exemple \\\\partage\\dépôt", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger les artefacts à partir d'un partage de fichiers", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Chemin du partage de fichiers", "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Chemin du partage de fichiers, par exemple \\\\serveur\\dossier", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1d26bcf5705d..c138cb9f1e1e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica artefatti dalla condivisione file", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare gli artefatti da una condivisione file, ad esempio \\\\condivisione\\drop", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica artefatti dalla condivisione file", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica gli artefatti da una condivisione file", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", - "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Percorso della condivisione file", + "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Percorso condivisione file", "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Percorso della condivisione file, ad esempio \\\\server\\cartella", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto da scaricare, ad esempio drop", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 57205f96bdb4..882620110911 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "ファイル共有の成果物をダウンロードする", + "loc.friendlyName": "ファイル共有からの成果物のダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "ファイル共有 (例: \\\\share\\drop) から成果物をダウンロードする", + "loc.description": "ファイル共有 (例: \\\\share\\drop) から成果物をダウンロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイル共有から成果物をダウンロードする", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "ファイル共有パス", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "ファイル共有パス。例: \\\\server\\folder", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "ファイル共有パス (例: \\\\server\\folder)", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成果物名", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "ダウンロードする成果物の名前です。例:ドロップ", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "一致パターン", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index d7cf01858d2e..7429f92c6975 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "파일 공유 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.friendlyName": "파일 공유에서 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "파일 공유(예: \\\\share\\drop)에서 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.description": "파일 공유(예: \\\\share\\drop)에서 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파일 공유에서 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "파일 공유 경로", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "파일 공유 경로(예: \\\\server\\folder)", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "파일 공유 경로(예: \\\\server\\folder)입니다.", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "아티팩트 이름", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "다운로드할 아티팩트의 이름(예: 드롭)", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "일치 패턴", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 04b8e0d74715..aa4358c4a382 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать артефакты из общей папки", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "Путь к общей папке", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Путь к общей папке, например \\\\server\\folder", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "Путь к общей папке, например \\\\сервер\\папка", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Имя артефакта", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Имя артефакта для скачивания, например drop", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Шаблон соответствия", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index b0ef4af26732..8f562d974cd5 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "下载文件共享项目", + "loc.friendlyName": "从文件共享下载项目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", "loc.description": "从文件共享下载项目,例如 \\\\share\\drop", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "从文件共享下载项目", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d01f78e5afa6..6581f9a1ac1c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "下載檔案共用成品", + "loc.friendlyName": "從檔案共用下載成品", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", "loc.description": "從檔案共用下載成品,例如 \\\\share\\drop", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "從檔案共用下載成品", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.filesharePath": "檔案共用路徑", - "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "檔案共用路徑,例如 \\\\server\\folder", + "loc.input.help.filesharePath": "檔案共用路徑,例如 \\\\伺服器\\資料夾", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成品名稱", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "要下載的成品名稱,例如 drop", "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "比對模式", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.json index 04661f77f0b8..9a0bda916edd 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.loc.json index c67c0c2356bc..14a62e8c6d56 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadFileshareArtifactsV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ed11a09af4c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub-Release herunterladen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein GitHub-Release aus einem Repository heruntergeladen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub-Release herunterladen", + "loc.input.label.connection": "GitHub-Verbindung", + "loc.input.help.connection": "GitHub-Dienstverbindung", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "Repository", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "Vollständiger Name des GitHub-Repositorys", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "Standardversion", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "Laden Sie Ressourcen aus dem neuesten Release oder bestimmte Releaseversionen/-tags herunter.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Releaseversion/-tag für den Download", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Elementmuster", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Minimatchmuster zum Filtern von Dateien, die heruntergeladen werden sollen. Verwenden Sie **, um alle Dateien im Release herunterzuladen.", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Zielverzeichnis", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Der Pfad auf dem Agentcomputer, in den die Releaseressourcen heruntergeladen werden", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Die Ressourcen von Release \"%s\" werden heruntergeladen von: %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Die Releaseressourcen wurden erfolgreich nach \"%s\" heruntergeladen.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "Die Eingabe \"%s\" für Releaseversion/-tag ist ungültig." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c5c62221ad89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar versión de GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "Descarga una versión de GitHub de un repositorio.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar versión de GitHub", + "loc.input.label.connection": "Conexión de GitHub", + "loc.input.help.connection": "Conexión de servicio de GitHub", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "Repositorio", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "Nombre completo del repositorio de GitHub", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "Versión predeterminada", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "Descargar recursos de la última versión o de una etiqueta o versión específica", + "loc.input.label.version": "Liberar", + "loc.input.help.version": "Versión o etiqueta de versión para descargar", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Patrón de elementos", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Patrón minimatch para filtrar los archivos que se van a descargar. Para descargar todos los archivos de la versión, use **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directorio de destino", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Ruta de acceso en la máquina del agente donde se descargarán los recursos de la versión.", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Descargando recursos de la versión \"%s\" de %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Los recursos de la versión se han descargado correctamente en \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "La entrada de etiqueta o versión \"%s\" no es válida." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..20a1a78bf6f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger une mise en production GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "Télécharge une mise en production GitHub à partir d'un dépôt", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger une mise en production GitHub", + "loc.input.label.connection": "Connexion GitHub", + "loc.input.help.connection": "Connexion de service GitHub", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "Dépôt", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "Nom complet du dépôt GitHub", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "Version par défaut", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "Télécharge les composants de la dernière mise en production ou d'une version/étiquette de mise en production spécifique", + "loc.input.label.version": "Mise en production", + "loc.input.help.version": "Version/étiquette de mise en production à télécharger", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Modèle d'élément", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Modèle minimatch de filtrage des fichiers à télécharger. Pour télécharger tous les fichiers de la mise en production, utilisez **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Répertoire de destination", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Chemin de l'emplacement de téléchargement des composants de mise en production sur la machine d'agent", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Téléchargement des composants de la mise en production '%s' à partir de %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Téléchargement réussi des composants de mise en production sur '%s'", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "L'entrée de la version/l'étiquette de mise en production '%s' est non valide" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b6e24fb3cf62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica versione di GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "Scarica una versione di GitHub da un repository", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica versione di GitHub", + "loc.input.label.connection": "Connessione GitHub", + "loc.input.help.connection": "Connessione al servizio GitHub", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "Repository", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "Nome completo del repository GitHub", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "Versione predefinita", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "Consente di scaricare gli asset dalla versione più recente o da una versione/tag di versione specifica", + "loc.input.label.version": "Rilascio", + "loc.input.help.version": "Versione/tag di versione da scaricare", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Criterio elemento", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Criterio di corrispondenza minima per filtrare i file da scaricare. Per scaricare tutti i file nella versione, usare **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directory di destinazione", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Percorso nel computer agente in cui verranno scaricati gli asset della versione", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Download degli asset della versione '%s' da %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Gli asset della versione sono stati scaricati in '%s'", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "Il valore di input '%s' della versione/tag di versione non è valido" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8f16bc74e6b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub リリースのダウンロード", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "リポジトリから GitHub リリースをダウンロードします", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub リリースのダウンロード", + "loc.input.label.connection": "GitHub 接続", + "loc.input.help.connection": "GitHub サービス接続", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "リポジトリ", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "GitHub リポジトリのフル ネーム", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "既定のバージョン", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "最新リリースまたは特定のリリース バージョン/タグからアセットをダウンロードします", + "loc.input.label.version": "リリース", + "loc.input.help.version": "ダウンロードするリリース バージョン/タグ", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "項目のパターン", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "ダウンロードするファイルをフィルター処理するための minimatch パターン。リリース内のすべてのファイルをダウンロードするには、** を使用します", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "ダウンロード先ディレクトリ", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "リリース アセットのダウンロード先になるエージェント マシン上のパス", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "リリース '%s' のアセットを次からダウンロードしています: %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "リリース アセットが '%s' に正常にダウンロードされました", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "リリース バージョン/タグの入力 '%s' が無効です" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c1108a3e161a --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub 릴리스 다운로드", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "리포지토리에서 GitHub 릴리스를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub 릴리스 다운로드", + "loc.input.label.connection": "GitHub 연결", + "loc.input.help.connection": "GitHub 서비스 연결", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "리포지토리", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "GitHub 리포지토리 전체 이름", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "기본 버전", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "최신 릴리스 또는 특정 릴리스 버전/태그에서 자산을 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.input.label.version": "릴리스", + "loc.input.help.version": "다운로드할 릴리스 버전/태그", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "항목 패턴", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "다운로드할 파일을 필터링할 minimatch 패턴입니다. 릴리스 내의 모든 파일을 다운로드하려면 다음을 사용합니다. **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "대상 디렉터리", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "릴리스 자산을 다운로드할 에이전트 머신의 경로입니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "'%s' 릴리스의 자산을 %s에서 다운로드하는 중", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "릴리스 자산을 '%s'에 다운로드했습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "릴리스 버전/태그 입력 '%s'이(가) 잘못되었습니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ee34f39cacec --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать выпуск GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "Скачивает выпуск GitHub из репозитория", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать выпуск GitHub", + "loc.input.label.connection": "Подключение GitHub", + "loc.input.help.connection": "Подключение службы GitHub", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "Репозиторий", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "Полное имя репозитория GitHub", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "Версия по умолчанию", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "Скачать ресурсы из последнего выпуска или для определенного значения версии или тега выпуска", + "loc.input.label.version": "Выпуск", + "loc.input.help.version": "Версия или тег выпуска для скачивания", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Шаблон элемента", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Шаблон minimatch для фильтрации скачиваемых файлов. Чтобы скачать все файлы в выпуске, используйте **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Каталог назначения", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Путь на компьютере агента, куда будут скачаны ресурсы выпуска", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "Скачивание ресурсов выпуска \"%s\" из: %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Ресурсы выпуска успешно скачаны в \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "Недопустимые входные данные о теге или версии выпуска \"%s\"" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a14d219cd7fd --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "下载 GitHub 发布", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "从存储库中下载 GitHub 发布", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载 GitHub 发布", + "loc.input.label.connection": "GitHub 连接", + "loc.input.help.connection": "GitHub 服务连接", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "存储库", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "GitHub 存储库全名", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "默认版本", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "从最新发布或特定发布版本/标记中下载资产", + "loc.input.label.version": "发布", + "loc.input.help.version": "要下载的发布版本/标记", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "项模式", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "用于筛选要下载的文件的 minimatch 模式。要下载发布中的所有文件,请使用 **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目标目录", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "代理计算机上用于下载发布资产的路径", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "从以下位置下载发布“%s”的资产: %s", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "已成功将发布资产下载到“%s”", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "发布版本/标记输入“%s”无效" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..af648ce63b38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "下載 GitHub 版本", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "loc.description": "從存放庫下載 GitHub Release", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載 GitHub 版本", + "loc.input.label.connection": "GitHub 連線", + "loc.input.help.connection": "GitHub 服務連線", + "loc.input.label.userRepository": "儲存機制", + "loc.input.help.userRepository": "GitHub 存放庫全名", + "loc.input.label.defaultVersionType": "預設版本", + "loc.input.help.defaultVersionType": "從最新版本或特定版本的版本/標籤下載資產", + "loc.input.label.version": "發佈", + "loc.input.help.version": "要下載之版本的版本/標籤", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "項目模式", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "篩選要下載之檔案的 minimatch 模式。若要下載版本中的所有檔案,請使用 **", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目的地路徑", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "代理程式機器上要下載版本資產的所在路徑", + "loc.messages.DownloadArtifacts": "正在從 %s 下載版本 '%s' 的資產", + "loc.messages.ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "已成功將版本資產下載至 '%s'", + "loc.messages.InvalidRelease": "版本的版本/標籤輸入 '%s' 無效" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.json index 4f4f7101cf47..f883e6a4436e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.json @@ -1,110 +1,110 @@ { - "id": "263abc27-4582-4174-8789-af599697778e", - "name": "DownloadGitHubRelease", - "friendlyName": "Download GitHub Release", - "description": "Downloads a GitHub Release from a repository", - "author": "Microsoft Corporation", - "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/download-github-release", - "helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", - "category": "Utility", - "demands": [], - "version": { - "Major": 0, - "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 2 - }, - "minimumAgentVersion": "1.99.0", - "instanceNameFormat": "Download GitHub Release", - "preview": true, - "inputs": [ - { - "name": "connection", - "type": "connectedService:github:OAuth,PersonalAccessToken", - "label": "GitHub Connection", - "defaultValue": "", - "required": true, - "helpMarkDown": "GitHub service connection" + "id": "263abc27-4582-4174-8789-af599697778e", + "name": "DownloadGitHubRelease", + "friendlyName": "Download GitHub Release", + "description": "Downloads a GitHub Release from a repository", + "author": "Microsoft Corporation", + "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/download-github-release", + "helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://aka.ms/AA3x715)", + "category": "Utility", + "demands": [], + "version": { + "Major": 0, + "Minor": 151, + "Patch": 3 }, - { - "name": "userRepository", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Repository", - "defaultValue": "", - "required": true, - "properties": { - "EditableOptions": "True" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "GitHub repository full name" + "minimumAgentVersion": "1.99.0", + "instanceNameFormat": "Download GitHub Release", + "preview": true, + "inputs": [ + { + "name": "connection", + "type": "connectedService:github:OAuth,PersonalAccessToken", + "label": "GitHub Connection", + "defaultValue": "", + "required": true, + "helpMarkDown": "GitHub service connection" + }, + { + "name": "userRepository", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Repository", + "defaultValue": "", + "required": true, + "properties": { + "EditableOptions": "True" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "GitHub repository full name" + }, + { + "name": "defaultVersionType", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Default version", + "defaultValue": "latest", + "required": true, + "options": { + "latest": "Latest Release", + "specificVersion": "Specific Version", + "specificTag": "Specific Tag" + }, + "helpMarkDown": "Download assets from latest release or specific release version/tag" + }, + { + "name": "version", + "type": "pickList", + "label": "Release", + "defaultValue": "", + "required": true, + "properties": { + "EditableOptions": "True" + }, + "visibleRule": "defaultVersionType != latest", + "helpMarkDown": "Release version/tag to download" + }, + { + "name": "itemPattern", + "type": "string", + "label": "Item Pattern", + "defaultValue": "**", + "required": false, + "helpMarkDown": "Minimatch pattern to filter files to be downloaded. To download all files within release use **" + }, + { + "name": "downloadPath", + "type": "string", + "label": "Destination directory", + "defaultValue": "$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)", + "required": true, + "helpMarkDown": "Path on the agent machine where the release assets will be downloaded" + } + ], + "dataSourceBindings": [ + { + "target": "userRepository", + "endpointId": "$(connection)", + "dataSourceName": "UserRepositories", + "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{full_name}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{full_name}}\" }" + }, + { + "target": "version", + "endpointId": "$(connection)", + "dataSourceName": "Releases", + "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{#equals defaultVersionType 'specificTag'}}{{tag_name}}{{else}}{{id}}{{/equals}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \" {{#equals defaultVersionType 'specificTag'}}{{tag_name}}{{else}}{{#if name}}{{name}}{{else}}{{tag_name}}{{/if}}{{/equals}}{{#if prerelease}} (Pre-release){{/if}}\" }", + "parameters": { + "repositoryName": "$(userRepository)", + "releaseByTagName": "$(defaultVersionType)" + } + } + ], + "execution": { + "Node": { + "target": "main.js", + "argumentFormat": "" + } }, - { - "name": "defaultVersionType", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Default version", - "defaultValue": "latest", - "required": true, - "options": { - "latest": "Latest Release", - "specificVersion": "Specific Version", - "specificTag": "Specific Tag" - }, - "helpMarkDown": "Download assets from latest release or specific release version/tag" - }, - { - "name": "version", - "type": "pickList", - "label": "Release", - "defaultValue": "", - "required": true, - "properties": { - "EditableOptions": "True" - }, - "visibleRule": "defaultVersionType != latest", - "helpMarkDown": "Release version/tag to download" - }, - { - "name": "itemPattern", - "type": "string", - "label": "Item Pattern", - "defaultValue": "**", - "required": false, - "helpMarkDown": "Minimatch pattern to filter files to be downloaded. To download all files within release use **" - }, - { - "name": "downloadPath", - "type": "string", - "label": "Destination directory", - "defaultValue": "$(System.ArtifactsDirectory)", - "required": true, - "helpMarkDown": "Path on the agent machine where the release assets will be downloaded" - } - ], - "dataSourceBindings": [ - { - "target": "userRepository", - "endpointId": "$(connection)", - "dataSourceName": "UserRepositories", - "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{full_name}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{full_name}}\" }" - }, - { - "target": "version", - "endpointId": "$(connection)", - "dataSourceName": "Releases", - "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{#equals defaultVersionType 'specificTag'}}{{tag_name}}{{else}}{{id}}{{/equals}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \" {{#equals defaultVersionType 'specificTag'}}{{tag_name}}{{else}}{{#if name}}{{name}}{{else}}{{tag_name}}{{/if}}{{/equals}}{{#if prerelease}} (Pre-release){{/if}}\" }", - "parameters": { - "repositoryName": "$(userRepository)", - "releaseByTagName": "$(defaultVersionType)" - } - } - ], - "execution": { - "Node": { - "target": "main.js", - "argumentFormat": "" + "messages": { + "DownloadArtifacts": "Downloading assets of release '%s' from: %s", + "ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Successfully downloaded release assets to '%s'", + "InvalidRelease": "The release version/tag input '%s' is not valid" } - }, - "messages": { - "DownloadArtifacts": "Downloading assets of release '%s' from: %s", - "ArtifactsSuccessfullyDownloaded": "Successfully downloaded release assets to '%s'", - "InvalidRelease": "The release version/tag input '%s' is not valid" - } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json index 59ed8627072d..1ddbf7388daa 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadGitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.99.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 5ca458dcbbd7..1dc6172a11aa 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Paket herunterladen", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Die Paketverwaltungserweiterung muss installiert sein.", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Paket aus dem Paketverwaltungsfeed in Azure Artifacts oder TFS heruntergeladen. \r\n Erfordert die Erweiterung für die Paketverwaltung.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Erfordert die Installation der Azure Artifacts-Erweiterung.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Paket aus einem Paketverwaltungsfeed in Azure Artifacts heruntergeladen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paket herunterladen", "loc.input.label.feed": "Feed", "loc.input.help.feed": "Paketquelle auswählen", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Paketmetadaten: %s.", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des NuGet-Pakets von %s: %s.", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Herunterladen des Pakets erfolgreich", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Die Anmeldeinformationen zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Paketverwaltungsdienst konnten nicht ermittelt werden.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Die Anmeldeinformationen zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Azure Artifacts-Dienst konnten nicht ermittelt werden.", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Herunterladen des NuGet-Pakets %s zum Speicherort %s wird gestartet", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet-Paket %s wird in das Verzeichnis %s extrahiert", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Nur NuGet-Pakettypen können mithilfe dieser Aufgabe heruntergeladen werden.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des Pakets: %s." + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des Pakets: %s.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Fehler in \"%s\", Vorgang wird wiederholt. Ausstehende Versuche: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Fehler in \"%s\": %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Projektbezogene Feeds werden von dieser Version der Aufgabe \"Paket herunterladen\" nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie Version 1 oder höher." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ccfce9f23f45..2287e73ce345 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Paquete de descarga", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Necesita que la extensión Administración de paquetes esté instalada", - "loc.description": "Descarga un paquete de una fuente de Administración de paquetes en VSTS o TFS. \r\n Requiere la extensión Administración de paquetes.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar paquete", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Requiere que la extensión de Azure Artifacts esté instalada.", + "loc.description": "Descarga un paquete de una fuente de administración de paquetes en Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paquete de descarga", "loc.input.label.feed": "Fuente", "loc.input.help.feed": "Seleccionar el origen del paquete", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos del paquete con el error %s.", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "No se pudo descargar el paquete NuGet de %s, se obtuvo el error siguiente: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "El paquete se descargó correctamente.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales para conectarse al servicio Administración de paquetes.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales para conectarse al servicio Azure Artifacts.", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Iniciando la descarga del paquete NuGet %s en la ubicación %s", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Extrayendo el paquete NuGet %s en el directorio %s.", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Mediante esta tarea, solo se pueden descargar tipos de paquetes NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "No se pudo extraer el paquete con el error %s." + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "No se pudo extraer el paquete con el error %s.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Error en %s, se está reintentando => reintentos pendientes: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Error en %s: %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Esta versión de la tarea \"Descargar paquete\" no admite las fuentes con ámbito de proyecto. Use la versión 1 o una posterior." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ff4ef4dac556..e0f50b78c0f4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger un package", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "L'extension Azure Artifacts doit être installée", - "loc.description": "Téléchargez un package à partir d'un flux Azure Artifacts dans Azure Artifacts ou TFS. \r\n Nécessite l'extension Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger le package", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Nécessite l'installation de l'extension Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Télécharger un package à partir d'un flux de gestion des packages dans Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger un package", "loc.input.label.feed": "Flux", "loc.input.help.feed": "Sélectionner la source du package", @@ -18,5 +18,8 @@ "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Démarrage du téléchargement du package NuGet %s vers l'emplacement %s", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Extraction du package NuGet %s dans le répertoire %s", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Seuls les types de package NuGet peuvent être téléchargés à l'aide de cette tâche.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Échec de l'extraction du package avec l'erreur %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Échec de l'extraction du package avec l'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Erreur dans %s. Nouvelle tentative => nouvelles tentatives en attente : %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Échec dans %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Les flux dont l'étendue est un projet ne sont pas pris en charge par cette version de la tâche \"Télécharger un package\". Utilisez la version 1 ou une version ultérieure." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 6d9bdbaa49c4..0d7b9b0e9fc2 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica pacchetto", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Richiede l'installazione dell'estensione Gestione pacchetti", - "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un pacchetto da un feed di Gestione pacchetti in Azure Artifacts o TFS. \r\n Richiede l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Richiede l'installazione dell'estensione Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un pacchetto da un feed di Gestione pacchetti in Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica pacchetto", "loc.input.label.feed": "Feed", "loc.input.help.feed": "Consente di selezionare l'origine dei pacchetti", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del pacchetto. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto NuGet da %s. Errore restituito: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Download del pacchetto completato", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali per la connessione al servizio Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali per la connessione al servizio Azure Artifacts.", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Avvio del download del pacchetto NuGet %s nel percorso %s", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Estrazione del pacchetto NuGet %s nella directory %s", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Con questa attività è possibile scaricare solo tipi di pacchetti NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Non è stato possibile estrarre il pacchetto. Errore: %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Non è stato possibile estrarre il pacchetto. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Errore in %s. Verranno eseguiti nuovi tentativi => Tentativi in sospeso: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Operazione non riuscita in %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "I feed con ambito progetto non sono supportati da questa versione dell'attività \"Scarica pacchetto\". Usare la versione 1 o successiva." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index e04647362b42..0862e9d1d980 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "パッケージのダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Azure Artifacts 拡張機能をインストールする必要があります", - "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts または TFS で Azure Artifacts フィードからパッケージをダウンロードします。\r\nAzure Artifacts 拡張機能が必要です。", + "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts のパッケージ管理フィードからパッケージをダウンロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パッケージのダウンロード", "loc.input.label.feed": "フィード", "loc.input.help.feed": "パッケージのソースを選択します", @@ -18,5 +18,8 @@ "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "NuGet パッケージ %s を場所 %s にダウンロードする処理を開始しています", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet パッケージ %s をディレクトリ %s に抽出しています", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "このタスクを使ってダウンロードできるパッケージの種類は、NuGet パッケージのみです。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージを抽出できませんでした: %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージを抽出できませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "%s でエラーが発生したため、再試行します。=> 保留中の再試行回数: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s でエラー %s のために失敗しました", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "プロジェクトを対象とするフィードは、このバージョンの \"パッケージのダウンロード\" タスクではサポートされていません。バージョン 1 以降をご使用ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 35d76cf1ed09..daa42f63b0c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "패키지 다운로드", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "패키지 관리 확장이 설치되어 있어야 합니다.", - "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts 또는 TFS의 패키지 관리 피드에서 패키지를 다운로드합니다. \r\n 패키지 관리 확장이 필요합니다.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Azure Artifacts 확장을 설치해야 합니다.", + "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts의 패키지 관리 피드에서 패키지를 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "패키지 다운로드", "loc.input.label.feed": "피드", "loc.input.help.feed": "패키지 소스를 선택합니다.", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "%s에서 NuGet 패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다. 다음 오류가 발생했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "패키지를 다운로드했습니다.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "패키지 관리 서비스에 연결할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Azure Artifacts 서비스에 연결할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "NuGet 패키지 %s을(를) %s 위치에 다운로드하기 시작합니다.", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet 패키지 %s을(를) %s 디렉터리로 추출하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "이 작업을 사용하여 NuGet 패키지 형식만 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다." + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "%s에서 오류가 발생하여 다시 시도 중 => 다시 시도 보류 중: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s에서 실패했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "이 버전의 \"패키지 다운로드\" 작업에서는 프로젝트 범위의 피드가 지원되지 않습니다. 버전 1 이상을 사용하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index b9baa6c37eed..206d81beccd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать пакет", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Должно быть установлено расширение управления пакетами", - "loc.description": "Скачать пакет из веб-канала управления пакетами в Azure Artifacts или TFS. \r\n Требуется расширение управления пакетами.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Загрузить пакет", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Требует установку расширения Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Скачать пакет из веб-канала управления пакетами в Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать пакет", "loc.input.label.feed": "Веб-канал", "loc.input.help.feed": "Выбор источника пакетов", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные пакета. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Не удалось скачать пакет NuGet из расположения %s. Ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Пакет успешно скачан.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Не удается определить учетные данные для подключения к службе управления пакетами.", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Не удалось определить учетные данные для подключения к службе Azure Artifacts.", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Начинается скачивание пакета NuGet %s в расположение %s.", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Извлечение пакета NuGet %s в каталог %s", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "С помощью этой задачи можно скачивать только пакеты типа NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Не удалось распаковать пакет. Ошибка: %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Не удалось распаковать пакет. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Ошибка в %s, выполняется повторная попытка => осталось повторных попыток: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Сбой в %s с ошибкой: %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Веб-каналы, областью действия которых является проект, не поддерживаются в этой версии задачи \"Скачать пакет\". Используйте версию 1 или более позднюю." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index eac9d95e5f5e..0660f8d95069 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下载包", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安装包管理扩展", - "loc.description": "从 Azure Artifacts 或 TFS 中的包管理源下载包。\r\n需要包管理扩展。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安装 Azure Artifacts 扩展", + "loc.description": "从 Azure Artifacts 中的包管理源下载包", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载包", "loc.input.label.feed": "源", "loc.input.help.feed": "选择包源", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "未能获取包元数据,出现错误: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "未能从 %s 下载 NuGet 包,出现如下错误: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "包下载成功", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定要连接至包管理服务的凭据。", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定可连接到 Azure Artifacts 服务的凭据。", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "开始将 NuGet 包 %s 下载到位置 %s", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "将 NuGet 包 %s 提取至目录 %s", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "使用此任务仅可下载 NuGet 包类型。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "未能提取包,出现错误: %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "未能提取包,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "错误: 在 %s 中,正在重试 => 重试挂起: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s 中失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "此版本的“下载包”任务不支持项目范围的源。请使用版本 1 或更高版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c720540de844..c2ba85c8ba8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "下載套件", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安裝套件管理延伸模組", - "loc.description": "從 Azure Artifacts 或 TFS 中的套件管理摘要下載套件。\r\n 需要套件管理延伸模組。", + "loc.friendlyName": "下載封裝", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安裝 Azure Artifacts 延伸模組", + "loc.description": "從 Azure Artifacts 的套件管理摘要中下載套件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載套件", "loc.input.label.feed": "摘要", "loc.input.help.feed": "選取套件來源", @@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "無法取得套件中繼資料,錯誤為 %s", "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "無法從 %s 下載 NuGet 套件,收到下列錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "套件下載成功", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要連線到套件管理服務的認證。", + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要連線到 Azure Artifacts 服務的認證。", "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "開始將 NuGet 套件 %s 下載到位置 %s", "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "正在將 NuGet 套件 %s 解壓縮到目錄 %s", "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "只有 NuGet 套件類型可使用此工作下載。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "無法解壓縮套件,錯誤為 %s" + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "無法解壓縮套件,錯誤為 %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "錯誤: 在 %s,因此即將重試 => 暫止的重試次數: %s", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "無法於 %s,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "這個版本的 \"Download Package\" 工作不支援專案範圍摘要。請使用 1 版或更高版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.json index 510393125448..38c823886ff4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.99.0", @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ "parameters": { "feed": "$(feed)" }, - "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+\/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages?includeUrls=false", + "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages?includeUrls=false", "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[?(@.protocolType=='NuGet')]", "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }" }, @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ "feed": "$(feed)", "definition": "$(definition)" }, - "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages/{{{definition}}}/Versions?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", + "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages/{{{definition}}}/Versions?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*]", "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{version}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{version}}}\" }" } @@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ "ExtractingNugetPackage": "Extracting NuGet package %s to directory %s", "PackageTypeNotSupported": "Only NuGet packages types can be downloaded using this task.", "ExtractionFailed": "Failed to extract package with error %s", - "RetryingOperation" : "Error: in %s, so retrying => retries pending: %s", + "RetryingOperation": "Error: in %s, so retrying => retries pending: %s", "OperationFailed": "Failed in %s with error: %s", "UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Project-scoped feeds are not supported by this version of the \"Download Package\" task. Please use version 1 or higher." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.loc.json index cd700d0ce9ee..56c59e36cdc4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.99.0", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 5ca458dcbbd7..7ad3f9a3e39e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Paket herunterladen", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Die Paketverwaltungserweiterung muss installiert sein.", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Paket aus dem Paketverwaltungsfeed in Azure Artifacts oder TFS heruntergeladen. \r\n Erfordert die Erweiterung für die Paketverwaltung.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paket herunterladen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Erfordert die Installation der Azure Artifacts-Erweiterung.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Paket aus einem Paketverwaltungsfeed in Azure Artifacts heruntergeladen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paket \"$(definition)\" herunterladen", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügt Unterstützung zum Herunterladen von Maven-, Python-, Universal- und NPM-Paketen hinzu.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Pakettyp", "loc.input.label.feed": "Feed", - "loc.input.help.feed": "Paketquelle auswählen", + "loc.input.label.view": "Anzeigen", + "loc.input.help.view": "Wählen Sie eine Ansicht aus, um nur Versionen zu verwenden, die auf diese Ansicht höhergestuft wurden.", "loc.input.label.definition": "Paket", - "loc.input.help.definition": "Wählen Sie das Paket zum Herunterladen aus. Aktuell werden nur NuGet-Pakete unterstützt.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Wenn Sie das Paket nicht in der Liste finden, können Sie die Paket-ID angeben. Anweisungen zum Auffinden der ID finden Sie [hier](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778).", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", "loc.input.help.version": "Version des Pakets", + "loc.input.label.files": "Dateien", + "loc.input.help.files": "Geben Sie mithilfe von [Mustern für den Dateiabgleich](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953) an, welche Dateien heruntergeladen werden sollen.", + "loc.input.label.extract": "Paketinhalte extrahieren", + "loc.input.help.extract": "Anstatt die Paketinhalte zu extrahieren und das Archiv zu entfernen, enthält der Artefaktordner das Paketarchiv.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Zielverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Pfad zum Agent-Computer, auf den das Paket heruntergeladen wird", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Paketmetadaten: %s.", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des NuGet-Pakets von %s: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Paketmetadaten mithilfe der URL %s: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen der Paketdatei aus \"%s\": %s.", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Herunterladen des Pakets erfolgreich", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Die Anmeldeinformationen zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Paketverwaltungsdienst konnten nicht ermittelt werden.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Herunterladen des NuGet-Pakets %s zum Speicherort %s wird gestartet", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet-Paket %s wird in das Verzeichnis %s extrahiert", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Nur NuGet-Pakettypen können mithilfe dieser Aufgabe heruntergeladen werden.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des Pakets: %s." + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Die Anmeldeinformationen zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Azure Artifacts-Dienst konnten nicht ermittelt werden.", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Der Download des Pakets \"%s\" an den Speicherort \"%s\" wird gestartet.", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Das Paket \"%s\" wird in das Verzeichnis \"%s\" extrahiert.", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Mithilfe dieser Aufgabe können nur Nuget-, Python-, Universal-, NPM- und Maven-Pakettypen heruntergeladen werden.", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des Pakets: %s.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Fehler bei Vorgang. Es wird in %s ms ein neuer Versuch durchgeführt. Verbleibende Wiederholungsversuche: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "Die Umleitungs-URL kann nicht abgerufen werden. Fehler: %.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "Nicht unterstützter Archivtyp: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Versuch, das Paket herunterzuladen. Exitcode (%s) und Fehler (%s).", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Das Paket wird heruntergeladen: %s, Version: %s, ID des verwendeten Feeds: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Das Paket wird mit dem Artefakttool heruntergeladen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ccfce9f23f45..0ff70963d4c4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Paquete de descarga", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Necesita que la extensión Administración de paquetes esté instalada", - "loc.description": "Descarga un paquete de una fuente de Administración de paquetes en VSTS o TFS. \r\n Requiere la extensión Administración de paquetes.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paquete de descarga", + "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar paquete", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Requiere que la extensión de Azure Artifacts esté instalada.", + "loc.description": "Descarga un paquete de una fuente de administración de paquetes en Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar paquete $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Agrega compatibilidad para descargar paquetes Maven, Python, universal y npm.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Tipo de paquete", "loc.input.label.feed": "Fuente", - "loc.input.help.feed": "Seleccionar el origen del paquete", + "loc.input.label.view": "Ver", + "loc.input.help.view": "Seleccione una vista para usar solo las versiones promovidas a esa vista.", "loc.input.label.definition": "Paquete", - "loc.input.help.definition": "Selecciona el paquete para descargar. Actualmente solo se admiten paquetes NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Si no encuentra el paquete en la lista, puede proporcionar el identificador de paquete, que encontrará mediante las instrucciones [aquí indicadas](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778).", "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", "loc.input.help.version": "Versión del paquete", + "loc.input.label.files": "Archivos", + "loc.input.help.files": "Especifique los archivos que se van a descargar con [patrones de coincidencia de archivos](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953).", + "loc.input.label.extract": "Extraer contenido del paquete", + "loc.input.help.extract": "En lugar de extraer el contenido del paquete y quitar el archivo, la carpeta del artefacto contendrá el archivo de paquete.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directorio de destino", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Ruta de acceso en la máquina del agente donde se descargará el paquete.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos del paquete con el error %s.", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "No se pudo descargar el paquete NuGet de %s, se obtuvo el error siguiente: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Error al capturar los metadatos del paquete con la URL %s: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "No se pudo descargar el archivo del paquete de %s, se obtuvo el error siguiente: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "El paquete se descargó correctamente.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales para conectarse al servicio Administración de paquetes.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Iniciando la descarga del paquete NuGet %s en la ubicación %s", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Extrayendo el paquete NuGet %s en el directorio %s.", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Mediante esta tarea, solo se pueden descargar tipos de paquetes NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "No se pudo extraer el paquete con el error %s." + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales para conectarse al servicio Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Iniciando la descarga del paquete %s en la ubicación %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Extrayendo el paquete %s en el directorio %s.", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Con esta tarea solo se pueden descargar los tipos de paquetes NuGet, Python, universal, npm y Maven.", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "No se pudo extraer el paquete con el error %s.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Error de la operación. Se espera %s ms antes de reintentar. Reintentos restantes: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "No se puede obtener la URL de redireccionamiento con el error %.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "Tipo de archivo no compatible: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "Error inesperado al intentar descargar el paquete. Código de salida: (%s). Error: (%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Descargando el paquete: %s; versión: %s, con el identificador de fuente: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Usando la herramienta de artefacto para descargar el paquete" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ff4ef4dac556..11e95c5609b4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger un package", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "L'extension Azure Artifacts doit être installée", - "loc.description": "Téléchargez un package à partir d'un flux Azure Artifacts dans Azure Artifacts ou TFS. \r\n Nécessite l'extension Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger un package", + "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger le package", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Nécessite l'installation de l'extension Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Télécharger un package à partir d'un flux de gestion des packages dans Azure Artifacts", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger le package $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoute la prise en charge nécessaire au téléchargement de packages Maven, Python, Universal et Npm.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Type de package", "loc.input.label.feed": "Flux", - "loc.input.help.feed": "Sélectionner la source du package", + "loc.input.label.view": "Afficher", + "loc.input.help.view": "Sélectionnez une vue pour utiliser uniquement les versions promues dans cette vue.", "loc.input.label.definition": "Package", - "loc.input.help.definition": "Sélectionnez le package à télécharger. Seuls les packages NuGet sont pris en charge.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Si vous ne trouvez pas le package dans la liste, vous pouvez fournir l'ID de package à l'aide des instructions situées [ici](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778).", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", "loc.input.help.version": "Version du package", + "loc.input.label.files": "Fichiers", + "loc.input.help.files": "Spécifiez les fichiers à télécharger à l'aide de [modèles de correspondance de fichier](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953).", + "loc.input.label.extract": "Extraire le contenu du package", + "loc.input.help.extract": "Au lieu d'extraire le contenu du package et de supprimer l'archive, le dossier d'artefacts contient l'archive du package.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Répertoire de destination", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Chemin de l'emplacement de téléchargement du package sur la machine agent", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées du package avec l'erreur %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Échec du téléchargement du package NuGet à partir de %s en raison de l'erreur suivante : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées du package à l'aide de l'URL %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Échec du téléchargement du fichier de package à partir de %s en raison de l'erreur suivante : %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Téléchargement réussi du package", "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Impossible de déterminer les informations d'identification pour la connexion au service Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Démarrage du téléchargement du package NuGet %s vers l'emplacement %s", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Extraction du package NuGet %s dans le répertoire %s", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Seuls les types de package NuGet peuvent être téléchargés à l'aide de cette tâche.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Échec de l'extraction du package avec l'erreur %s" + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Début du téléchargement du package %s vers l'emplacement %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Extraction du package %s dans le répertoire %s", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Seuls les types de package NuGet, Python, Universal, Npm et Maven peuvent être téléchargés à l'aide de cette tâche.", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Échec de l'extraction du package avec l'erreur %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Échec de l'opération. Attente de %sms avant une nouvelle tentative. Nouvelles tentatives restantes : %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "Impossible d'obtenir l'URL de redirection. Erreur : %.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "Type d'archive non pris en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant le téléchargement du package. Code de sortie (%s) et erreur (%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Téléchargement du package %s, version %s, à l'aide de l'ID de flux %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Utilisation de l'outil d'artefact pour télécharger le package" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 6d9bdbaa49c4..ae65dd30699e 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica pacchetto", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Richiede l'installazione dell'estensione Gestione pacchetti", - "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un pacchetto da un feed di Gestione pacchetti in Azure Artifacts o TFS. \r\n Richiede l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica pacchetto", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Richiede l'installazione dell'estensione Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un pacchetto da un feed di Gestione pacchetti in Azure Artifacts", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica pacchetto $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiunge il supporto per il download dei pacchetti Maven, Python, Universal e npm.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Tipo di pacchetto", "loc.input.label.feed": "Feed", - "loc.input.help.feed": "Consente di selezionare l'origine dei pacchetti", + "loc.input.label.view": "Visualizza", + "loc.input.help.view": "Selezionare una visualizzazione per usare solo le versioni promosse a tale visualizzazione.", "loc.input.label.definition": "Pacchetto", - "loc.input.help.definition": "Consente di selezionare il pacchetto da scaricare. Sono attualmente supportati solo i pacchetti NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Se il pacchetto non è presente nell'elenco, è possibile specificare l'ID pacchetto, che è possibile trovare seguendo le istruzioni disponibili [qui](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778).", "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", "loc.input.help.version": "Versione del pacchetto", + "loc.input.label.files": "File", + "loc.input.help.files": "Specificare i file da scaricare con i [criteri di corrispondenza minima dei file](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953).", + "loc.input.label.extract": "Estrai contenuto del pacchetto", + "loc.input.help.extract": "Invece di estrarre il contenuto del pacchetto e rimuovere l'archivio, la cartella degli artefatti conterrà l'archivio del pacchetto.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directory di destinazione", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Percorso nel computer agente in cui verrà scaricato il pacchetto", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del pacchetto. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto NuGet da %s. Errore restituito: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Il recupero dei metadati del pacchetto con l'URL %s non è riuscito. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il file del pacchetto da %s. Errore restituito: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Download del pacchetto completato", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali per la connessione al servizio Gestione pacchetti.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Avvio del download del pacchetto NuGet %s nel percorso %s", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Estrazione del pacchetto NuGet %s nella directory %s", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Con questa attività è possibile scaricare solo tipi di pacchetti NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Non è stato possibile estrarre il pacchetto. Errore: %s" + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali per la connessione al servizio Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Avvio del download del pacchetto %s nel percorso %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Estrazione del pacchetto %s nella directory %s", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "Con questa attività è possibile scaricare solo i tipi di pacchetto NuGet, Python, Universal, npm e Maven.", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Non è stato possibile estrarre il pacchetto. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "L'operazione non è riuscita. Si attenderanno %s ms prima di effettuare un nuovo tentativo. Tentativi rimanenti: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL di reindirizzamento. Errore: %.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "Tipo di archivio non supportato: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il tentativo di scaricare il pacchetto. Codice di uscita: %s. Errore:%s", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Download del pacchetto %s versione %s con l'ID feed %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Uso dello strumento dell'artefatto per scaricare il pacchetto" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index e04647362b42..bdbe27ffc83a 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "パッケージのダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Azure Artifacts 拡張機能をインストールする必要があります", - "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts または TFS で Azure Artifacts フィードからパッケージをダウンロードします。\r\nAzure Artifacts 拡張機能が必要です。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パッケージのダウンロード", + "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts のパッケージ管理フィードからパッケージをダウンロードします", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パッケージのダウンロード $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Maven、Python、Universal、および Npm パッケージをダウンロードするためのサポートを追加します。", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "パッケージの種類", "loc.input.label.feed": "フィード", - "loc.input.help.feed": "パッケージのソースを選択します", + "loc.input.label.view": "表示", + "loc.input.help.view": "そのビューにレベル上げされたバージョンのみを使用するには、そのビューを選択します。", "loc.input.label.definition": "パッケージ", - "loc.input.help.definition": "ダウンロードするパッケージを選択します。現在サポートされているのは NuGet パッケージのみです。", + "loc.input.help.definition": "一覧にパッケージが見つからない場合は、パッケージ ID を指定することができます。パッケージ ID を調べる方法については、[こちら](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778)をご覧ください。", "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", "loc.input.help.version": "パッケージのバージョン", + "loc.input.label.files": "ファイル", + "loc.input.help.files": "[パターンと一致するファイル](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953)を使用して、ダウンロードするファイルを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.extract": "パッケージ コンテンツの抽出", + "loc.input.help.extract": "パッケージのコンテンツが抽出されてアーカイブが削除されるのではなく、成果物フォルダーにパッケージ アーカイブが含められます。", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "ダウンロード先ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "パッケージのダウンロード先になるエージェント マシン上の場所へのパス", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージのメタデータを取得できませんでした: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "NuGet パッケージを %s からダウンロードできませんでした。発生したエラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "URL %s を使用したパッケージ メタデータのフェッチがエラー %s で失敗しました", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "パッケージ ファイルを %s からダウンロードできませんでした。発生したエラー: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "パッケージが正常にダウンロードされました", "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Azure Artifacts サービスに接続するための資格情報を判別できませんでした。", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "NuGet パッケージ %s を場所 %s にダウンロードする処理を開始しています", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet パッケージ %s をディレクトリ %s に抽出しています", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "このタスクを使ってダウンロードできるパッケージの種類は、NuGet パッケージのみです。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージを抽出できませんでした: %s" + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "パッケージ %s を場所 %s にダウンロードする処理を開始しています", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "パッケージ %s をディレクトリ %s に抽出しています", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "このタスクを使用すると、Nuget、Python、Universal、Npm、および Maven のパッケージの種類のみをダウンロードできます。", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "次のエラーが発生したため、パッケージを抽出できませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "操作に失敗しました。再試行する前に %s ミリ秒待機します。残り試行回数: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "エラー % により、リダイレクト URL を取得できません。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "サポートされていないアーカイブの種類: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "パッケージをダウンロードしようとして予期しないエラーが発生しました。終了コード (%s) とエラー (%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "パッケージ %s をダウンロードしています。バージョン: %s、使用しているフィード ID: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "成果物ツールを使用して、パッケージをダウンロードする" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 35d76cf1ed09..d2d8cd9d0f85 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "패키지 다운로드", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "패키지 관리 확장이 설치되어 있어야 합니다.", - "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts 또는 TFS의 패키지 관리 피드에서 패키지를 다운로드합니다. \r\n 패키지 관리 확장이 필요합니다.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "패키지 다운로드", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Azure Artifacts 확장을 설치해야 합니다.", + "loc.description": "Azure Artifacts의 패키지 관리 피드에서 패키지를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "패키지 $(definition) 다운로드", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Maven, Python, Universal 및 Npm 패키지 다운로드 지원을 추가합니다.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "고급", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "패키지 형식", "loc.input.label.feed": "피드", - "loc.input.help.feed": "패키지 소스를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.view": "보기", + "loc.input.help.view": "보기를 선택하면 해당 보기로 수준을 올린 버전만 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.definition": "패키지", - "loc.input.help.definition": "다운로드할 패키지를 선택합니다. 현재 NuGet 패키지만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "목록에서 패키지를 찾을 수 없으면 [여기](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778)에 제공된 지침에 따라 패키지 ID를 찾아서 지정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.version": "버전", "loc.input.help.version": "패키지의 버전입니다.", + "loc.input.label.files": "파일", + "loc.input.help.files": "[파일 일치 패턴](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953)을 사용하여 다운로드할 파일을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.extract": "패키지 내용 추출", + "loc.input.help.extract": "패키지 콘텐츠를 추출하고 보관 파일을 제거하는 대신, 아티팩트 폴더에 패키지 보관 파일이 포함됩니다.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "대상 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "패키지를 다운로드할 에이전트 컴퓨터의 경로입니다.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "%s에서 NuGet 패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다. 다음 오류가 발생했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "URL %s을(를) 사용하여 패키지 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "%s에서 패키지 파일을 다운로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "패키지를 다운로드했습니다.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "패키지 관리 서비스에 연결할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "NuGet 패키지 %s을(를) %s 위치에 다운로드하기 시작합니다.", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "NuGet 패키지 %s을(를) %s 디렉터리로 추출하는 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "이 작업을 사용하여 NuGet 패키지 형식만 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다." + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Azure Artifacts 서비스에 연결할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "%s 패키지를 %s 위치로 다운로드하기 시작하는 중", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "%s 패키지를 %s 디렉터리로 추출하는 중", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "이 작업을 사용하면 Nuget, Python, Universal, Npm 및 Maven 패키지 형식만 다운로드할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "%s 오류로 인해 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "작업이 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하기 전에 %sms 동안 대기합니다. 남은 다시 시도 횟수: %s회", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "리디렉션 URL을 가져올 수 없습니다. 오류: %", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "지원되지 않는 보관 형식: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "패키지를 다운로드하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. 종료 코드(%s) 및 오류(%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "패키지 다운로드 중: %s, 버전: %s, 사용하는 피드 ID: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "아티팩트 도구를 사용하여 패키지를 다운로드하는 중" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index b9baa6c37eed..34219128eb29 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать пакет", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Должно быть установлено расширение управления пакетами", - "loc.description": "Скачать пакет из веб-канала управления пакетами в Azure Artifacts или TFS. \r\n Требуется расширение управления пакетами.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать пакет", + "loc.friendlyName": "Загрузить пакет", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Требует установку расширения Azure Artifacts", + "loc.description": "Скачать пакет из веб-канала управления пакетами в Azure Artifacts", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать пакет $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавляет поддержку для скачивания пакетов Maven, Python, Universal и Npm.", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Тип пакета", "loc.input.label.feed": "Веб-канал", - "loc.input.help.feed": "Выбор источника пакетов", + "loc.input.label.view": "Просмотр", + "loc.input.help.view": "Выберите представление, чтобы использовать только версии, повышенные до этого представления.", "loc.input.label.definition": "Пакет", - "loc.input.help.definition": "Выберите пакет для скачивания. В настоящее время поддерживаются только пакеты NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Если вам не удается найти пакет в списке, вы можете указать идентификатор пакета, который можно найти с помощью [этих](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778) инструкций.", "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", "loc.input.help.version": "Версия пакета", + "loc.input.label.files": "Файлы", + "loc.input.help.files": "Укажите скачиваемые файлы с помощью [шаблонов сопоставления файлов](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953).", + "loc.input.label.extract": "Извлечь содержимое пакета", + "loc.input.help.extract": "Вместо извлечения содержимого пакета и удаления архива папка артефактов будет содержать архив пакета.", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Каталог назначения", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Путь для скачивания пакета на компьютере агента", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные пакета. Ошибка: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "Не удалось скачать пакет NuGet из расположения %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Сбой при получении метаданных пакета с помощью URL-адреса %s, ошибка %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Не удалось скачать файл пакета из %s, произошла следующая ошибка: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "Пакет успешно скачан.", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Не удается определить учетные данные для подключения к службе управления пакетами.", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Начинается скачивание пакета NuGet %s в расположение %s.", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "Извлечение пакета NuGet %s в каталог %s", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "С помощью этой задачи можно скачивать только пакеты типа NuGet.", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Не удалось распаковать пакет. Ошибка: %s" + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "Не удалось определить учетные данные для подключения к службе Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "Начинается скачивание пакета %s в расположение %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Извлечение пакета %s в каталог %s", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "С помощью этой задачи можно скачать только пакеты типа Nuget, Python, Universal, Npm и Maven ", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "Не удалось распаковать пакет. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Сбой операции, ожидание %s мс перед повторной попыткой, осталось повторных попыток: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "Не удалось получить URL-адрес перенаправления с ошибкой %.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "Неподдерживаемый тип архива: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "Непредвиденная ошибка при попытке скачать пакет. Код завершения (%s) и ошибка (%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Скачивается пакет %s версии %s с помощью идентификатора веб-канала: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Используется инструмент артефакта для скачивания пакета" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index eac9d95e5f5e..c5838492b672 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下载包", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安装包管理扩展", - "loc.description": "从 Azure Artifacts 或 TFS 中的包管理源下载包。\r\n需要包管理扩展。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载包", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安装 Azure Artifacts 扩展", + "loc.description": "从 Azure Artifacts 中的包管理源中下载包", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载包 $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "添加支持,以下载 Maven、Python、Universal 和 Npm 包。", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "高级", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "包类型", "loc.input.label.feed": "源", - "loc.input.help.feed": "选择包源", + "loc.input.label.view": "查看", + "loc.input.help.view": "选择一个视图,以仅使用升级至该视图的版本。", "loc.input.label.definition": "包", - "loc.input.help.definition": "选择要下载的包,当前仅支持 NuGet 包.", + "loc.input.help.definition": "如果在列表中没有找到包,可以提供包 ID,可以使用[此处](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778)的说明找到包 ID。", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", "loc.input.help.version": "包版本", + "loc.input.label.files": "文件", + "loc.input.help.files": "使用[文件匹配模式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953)指定要下载的文件。", + "loc.input.label.extract": "提取包内容", + "loc.input.help.extract": "项目文件夹会包含包存档,而不是解压缩程序包内容并删除存档。", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目标目录", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "代理计算机上用于下载包的路径", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "未能获取包元数据,出现错误: %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "未能从 %s 下载 NuGet 包,出现如下错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "使用 URL %s 提取包元数据失败,出现错误 %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "未能从 %s 下载包文件,出现以下错误: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "包下载成功", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定要连接至包管理服务的凭据。", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "开始将 NuGet 包 %s 下载到位置 %s", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "将 NuGet 包 %s 提取至目录 %s", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "使用此任务仅可下载 NuGet 包类型。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "未能提取包,出现错误: %s" + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定可连接到 Azure Artifacts 服务的凭据。", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "开始将包 %s 下载到位置 %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "将包 %s 提取至目录 %s", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "使用此任务只能下载 Nuget、Python、Universal、Npm 和 Maven 包类型。", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "未能提取包,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "操作失败,请在重试之前等待 %sms,剩余重试次数: %s", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "无法获取重定向 URL,出现错误 %。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "不受支持的存档类型: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "尝试下载包时出现意外错误。退出代码(%s)和错误(%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "正在下载包: %s,版本: %s 使用源 ID: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "正在使用项目工具下载包" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c720540de844..b224ae257cf1 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,36 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "下載套件", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安裝套件管理延伸模組", - "loc.description": "從 Azure Artifacts 或 TFS 中的套件管理摘要下載套件。\r\n 需要套件管理延伸模組。", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載套件", + "loc.friendlyName": "下載封裝", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "需要安裝 Azure Artifacts 延伸模組", + "loc.description": "從 Azure Artifacts 的套件管理摘要中下載套件", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載套件 $(definition)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "新增支援以下載 Maven、Python、Universal 和 Npm 套件。", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedOptions": "進階", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "套件類型", "loc.input.label.feed": "摘要", - "loc.input.help.feed": "選取套件來源", + "loc.input.label.view": "檢視", + "loc.input.help.view": "選取檢視,以只用升階到該檢視的版本。", "loc.input.label.definition": "套件", - "loc.input.help.definition": "請選取要下載的套件。目前只支援 NuGet 套件。", + "loc.input.help.definition": "如果在清單中找不到套件,您可以提供套件識別碼,使用 [這裡](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086778) 的指示即可找到該套件識別碼。", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", "loc.input.help.version": "套件的版本", + "loc.input.label.files": "檔案", + "loc.input.help.files": "指定要使用 [檔案比對模式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2086953) 下載的檔案。", + "loc.input.label.extract": "將套件內容解壓縮", + "loc.input.help.extract": "成品資料夾不會擷取套件內容並移除封存,而是會包含套件封存。", "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目的地路徑", "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "將要下載套件之代理程式電腦的路徑", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "無法取得套件中繼資料,錯誤為 %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadNugetPackage": "無法從 %s 下載 NuGet 套件,收到下列錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "使用 URL %s 擷取套件中繼資料失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "無法從 %s 下載套件檔案,收到下列錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.PackageDownloadSuccessful": "套件下載成功", - "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要連線到套件管理服務的認證。", - "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "開始將 NuGet 套件 %s 下載到位置 %s", - "loc.messages.ExtractingNugetPackage": "正在將 NuGet 套件 %s 解壓縮到目錄 %s", - "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "只有 NuGet 套件類型可使用此工作下載。", - "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "無法解壓縮套件,錯誤為 %s" + "loc.messages.CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要連線到 Azure Artifacts 服務的認證。", + "loc.messages.StartingDownloadOfPackage": "開始將套件 %s 下載到位置 %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "正在將套件 %s 解壓縮到目錄 %s", + "loc.messages.PackageTypeNotSupported": "只有 Nuget、Python、Universal、Npm 和 Maven 套件類型可以使用這項工作下載。", + "loc.messages.ExtractionFailed": "無法解壓縮套件,錯誤為 %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "作業失敗,請等候 %sms 後再重試,重試機會剩餘 %s 次", + "loc.messages.RedirectUrlError": "無法取得重新導向 URL。錯誤: %。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedArchiveType": "不支援的封存類型: %s", + "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorArtifactToolDownload": "嘗試下載套件時發生未預期的錯誤。結束代碼(%s) 與錯誤(%s)", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "正在使用摘要識別碼: %s 下載套件: %s,版本: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "使用成品工具來下載套件" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.json index 6b817a806353..734cea0944aa 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "Adds support to download Maven, Python, Universal and Npm packages.", @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ "parameters": { "feed": "$(feed)" }, - "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+\/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/packaging/feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}/views", + "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/packaging/feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}/views", "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*]", "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }" }, @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ "view": "$(view)", "packageType": "$(packageType)" }, - "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+\/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", + "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*]", "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }" }, @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ "definition": "$(definition)", "packageType": "$(packageType)" }, - "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+\/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*\/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages/{{{definition}}}/Versions?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", + "endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/{{ #regex ([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+/)[a-fA-F0-9\\-]+ feed }}_apis/Packaging/Feeds/{{ #regex [a-fA-F0-9\\-]*/([a-fA-F0-9\\-]+) feed }}{{#if view}}@{{{view}}}{{/if}}/Packages/{{{definition}}}/Versions?includeUrls=false&protocolType={{{packageType}}}", "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*]", "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{normalizedVersion}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{version}}}\" }" } @@ -182,4 +182,4 @@ "Info_Downloading": "Downloading package: %s, version: %s using feed id: %s", "Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "Using artifact tool to download the package" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.loc.json index 8cd69c847d2b..4aea339d5496 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPackageV1/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 32141aa0c0a9..2b60ee7cdcc9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Pipelineartefakt herunterladen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Laden Sie ein benanntes Artefakt aus einer Pipeline in einen lokalen Pfad herunter.", - "loc.description": "Pipelineartefakt herunterladen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Artefakt heruntergeladen, das einer Pipeline zugeordnet ist.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pipelineartefakt herunterladen", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "Die Pipeline, die als Downloadquelle verwendet werden soll", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "Die Pipeline, aus der der Download erfolgen soll. Sofern nicht angegeben, wird die aktuelle Pipeline verwendet.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 05a76cdc9dbe..b0768dc061c5 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar el artefacto de canalización", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Descargue el artefacto con nombre desde una canalización a una ruta de acceso local.", - "loc.description": "Descargar el artefacto de canalización", + "loc.description": "Descarga un artefacto asociado a una canalización.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar el artefacto de canalización", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "La canalización específica desde la que se va a descargar", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "La canalización desde la que desea descargar. Si se deja en blanco, se selecciona la canalización actual.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ab9faa763d79..25fff09a5e76 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger un artefact de pipeline", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Téléchargez l'artefact nommé d'un pipeline vers un chemin local.", - "loc.description": "Télécharger un artefact de pipeline", + "loc.description": "Télécharge un artefact associé à un pipeline", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger un artefact de pipeline", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "Pipeline spécifique à partir duquel le téléchargement doit être effectué.", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "Pipeline à télécharger. Si vous n'indiquez rien, le pipeline actuel est ciblé.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 49c3883fde60..503d7fd4527c 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica l'artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica artefatto della pipeline", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Scarica l'artefatto denominato da una pipeline a un percorso locale.", - "loc.description": "Scarica l'artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.description": "Scarica un artefatto associato a una pipeline", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica l'artefatto della pipeline", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "Pipeline specifica da cui eseguire il download", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "Pipeline da cui eseguire il download. Se viene lasciato vuoto, come destinazione viene usata la pipeline corrente.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6d4bc06f566c..21e688c75a03 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "パイプラインの成果物をダウンロードします", + "loc.friendlyName": "パイプラインの成果物のダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "パイプラインからローカル パスに、名前付き成果物をダウンロードします。", - "loc.description": "パイプラインの成果物をダウンロードします", + "loc.description": "パイプラインに関連付けられている成果物をダウンロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パイプラインの成果物をダウンロードします", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "ダウンロード元の特定のパイプライン", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "ダウンロード元のパイプラインです。空白の場合は、現在のパイプラインがターゲットになります。", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 160a48af6838..c3b930aafd87 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "파이프라인 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "파이프라인의 명명된 아티팩트를 로컬 경로에 다운로드합니다.", - "loc.description": "파이프라인 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.description": "파이프라인에 연결된 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파이프라인 아티팩트 다운로드", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "다운로드할 특정 파이프라인", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "다운로드할 파이프라인입니다. 비어 있는 경우 현재 파이프라인을 대상으로 합니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index aab2201d1778..74abae64cd93 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать артефакт конвейера", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Скачайте именованный артефакт из конвейера в локальную папку.", - "loc.description": "Скачать артефакт конвейера", + "loc.description": "Скачивает артефакт, связанный с конвейером", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать артефакт конвейера", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "Конвейер, из которого необходимо скачать артефакт", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "Конвейер, из которого необходимо скачать артефакт. Если оставить это поле пустым, артефакт будет скачан из текущего конвейера.", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 3d28d6fb9033..c0306eeb2c13 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下载管道项目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "将命名项目从管道下载到本地路径。", - "loc.description": "下载管道项目", + "loc.description": "下载与管道关联的项目", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载管道项目", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "要从中下载的特定管道", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "要从中下载的管道。如果为空,则定向为当前管道。", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 1347ad38d359..26045ceb6439 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下載管線成品", "loc.helpMarkDown": "從管線將具名成品下載至本機路徑。", - "loc.description": "下載管線成品", + "loc.description": "下載與管線建立關聯的成品", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載管線成品", "loc.input.label.pipelineId": "要從中下載的特定管線", "loc.input.help.pipelineId": "要從中下載的管線。若留空,則會將目前的管線設為目標。", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3588e1dae16e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Pipelineartefakt herunterladen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hiermit wird ein benanntes Artefakt aus einer Pipeline in einen lokalen Pfad heruntergeladen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein benanntes Artefakt aus einer Pipeline in einen lokalen Pfad heruntergeladen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pipelineartefakt herunterladen", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "Artefakte herunterladen, die generiert wurden von", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "Hiermit laden Sie vom aktuellen Build generierte Artefakte oder Artefakte aus einem bestimmten Build herunter.", + "loc.input.label.project": "Projekt", + "loc.input.help.project": "Das Projekt, aus dem die Pipelineartefakte heruntergeladen werden sollen.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "Buildpipeline", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Wählen Sie den Namen der Buildpipeline aus.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Laden Sie gegebenenfalls Artefakte aus dem auslösenden Build herunter.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Bei Aktivierung versucht dieser Buildtask, Artefakte aus dem auslösenden Build herunterzuladen. Ist in der angegebenen Pipeline kein auslösender Build vorhanden, werden Artefakte aus dem Build heruntergeladen, der in den nachfolgenden Optionen angegeben wird.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Buildversion, die heruntergeladen werden soll", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "Branchname", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "Hiermit geben Sie an, nach Branch- oder Verweisname zu filtern. Beispiel: \"refs/heads/develop\".", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "Build", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "Der Build, aus dem die Artefakte heruntergeladen werden.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Buildtags", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Eine durch Trennzeichen getrennte Liste mit Tags. Nur Builds mit diesen Tags werden zurückgegeben.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Artefaktname", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Der Name des Artefakts, das heruntergeladen werden soll.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Muster für Abgleich", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Geben Sie die Dateien, die heruntergeladen werden sollen, als mehrzeiliges Minimatchmuster an. [Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples).

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Zielverzeichnis", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Der Pfad auf dem Agentcomputer, in den die Artefakte heruntergeladen werden." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..885f343f4a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar el artefacto de canalización", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Descarga un artefacto con nombre desde una canalización a una ruta de acceso local.", + "loc.description": "Descarga un artefacto con nombre desde una canalización a una ruta de acceso local.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar el artefacto de canalización", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "Descargar artefactos producidos por", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "Descargue los artefactos producidos por la compilación actual o de una compilación específica.", + "loc.input.label.project": "Proyecto", + "loc.input.help.project": "Proyecto del que se van a descargar los artefactos de canalización.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "Canalización de compilación", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Seleccione el nombre de la canalización de compilación.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si procede, descargue los artefactos de la compilación desencadenadora.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si se selecciona, esta tarea de compilación intenta descargar los artefactos de la compilación desencadenadora. Si no hay ninguna compilación desencadenadora de la canalización especificada, descargará los artefactos de la compilación indicada en las opciones siguientes.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Versión de compilación para descargar", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nombre de rama", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "Especificar para filtrar por el nombre de rama o referencia; por ejemplo: \"refs/heads/develop\".", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "Compilar", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "Compilación de donde deben descargarse los artefactos.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Etiquetas de compilación", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Una lista de etiquetas delimitada por comas. Solo se devolverán las compilaciones con estas etiquetas.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nombre del artefacto", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nombre del artefacto que se va a descargar.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Patrón de coincidencia", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Especifique los archivos que se van a descargar como patrón de minimatch multilínea. [Más información](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples).

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directorio de destino", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Ruta de acceso en la máquina del agente donde se descargarán los artefactos." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1c80497f0ff5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger un artefact de pipeline", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Téléchargez un artefact nommé d'un pipeline vers un chemin local.", + "loc.description": "Téléchargez un artefact nommé d'un pipeline vers un chemin local.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger un artefact de pipeline", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "Télécharger les artefacts produits par", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "Téléchargez les artefacts produits par la build actuelle, ou provenant d'une build spécifique.", + "loc.input.label.project": "Projet", + "loc.input.help.project": "Projet à partir duquel télécharger les artefacts de pipeline.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "Pipeline de build", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Sélectionnez le nom du pipeline de build.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Le cas échéant, téléchargez les artefacts à partir de la build de déclenchement.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Si l'option est cochée, cette tâche de build essaie de télécharger les artefacts à partir de la build de déclenchement. S'il n'existe aucune build de déclenchement dans le pipeline spécifié, elle télécharge les artefacts à partir de la build spécifiée dans les options ci-dessous.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Version de build à télécharger", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nom de la branche", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "Spécifiez un filtrage par nom de branche/référence. Exemple : '''refs/heads/develop'''.", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "Build", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "Build à partir de laquelle télécharger les artefacts.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Étiquettes de build", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Liste d'étiquettes délimitées par des virgules. Seules les builds ayant ces étiquettes sont retournées.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nom de l'artefact", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nom de l'artefact à télécharger.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Modèle correspondant", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Spécifiez les fichiers à télécharger sous forme de modèle minimatch multiligne. [Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples).

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Répertoire de destination", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Chemin de l'emplacement de téléchargement des artefacts sur la machine d'agent." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e84602ee5af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Scarica un artefatto denominato da una pipeline a un percorso locale.", + "loc.description": "Scarica un artefatto denominato da una pipeline a un percorso locale.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica l'artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "Scarica gli artefatti prodotti da", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "Scarica gli artefatti prodotti dalla compilazione corrente oppure da una compilazione specifica.", + "loc.input.label.project": "Progetto", + "loc.input.help.project": "Progetto da cui scaricare gli artefatti della pipeline.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "Pipeline di compilazione", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Selezionare il nome della pipeline di compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Quando appropriato, scarica gli artefatti dalla compilazione di attivazione.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Se selezionata, questa attività di compilazione proverà a scaricare gli artefatti dalla compilazione di attivazione. Se non esistono compilazioni di attivazione dalla pipeline specificata, gli artefatti verranno scaricati dalla compilazione specificata nelle opzioni seguenti.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Versione della compilazione da scaricare", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "Nome del ramo", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "Specificare questa opzione per filtrare in base al ramo/nome di riferimento, ad esempio ```refs/heads/develop```.", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "Compilazione", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "Compilazione da cui scaricare gli artefatti.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Tag di compilazione", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Elenco di tag delimitati da virgole. Verranno restituite solo le compilazioni con questi tag.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto da scaricare.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Criterio di corrispondenza", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Specificare i file da scaricare come criterio di corrispondenza minima a più righe. [Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples).

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Directory di destinazione", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Percorso nel computer agente in cui verranno scaricati gli artefatti." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f747a88a970 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "パイプラインの成果物のダウンロード", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "パイプラインからローカル パスに名前付き成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.description": "パイプラインからローカル パスに名前付き成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パイプラインの成果物をダウンロードします", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "ダウンロードする成果物の生成元", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "現在のビルドによって生成された、または特定のビルドによって生成された成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.input.label.project": "プロジェクト", + "loc.input.help.project": "パイプライン成果物のダウンロード元プロジェクト。", + "loc.input.label.definition": "ビルド パイプライン", + "loc.input.help.definition": "ビルド パイプラインの名前を選択します。", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "適切な場合は、トリガー ビルドから成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "チェック ボックスがオンの場合、このビルド タスクはトリガーする側のビルドから成果物をダウンロードしようとします。指定されたパイプラインからトリガーする側のビルドがない場合は、以下のオプションで指定されたビルドから成果物をダウンロードします。", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "ダウンロードするビルド バージョン", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "ブランチ名", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "フィルター処理する branch/ref 名を指定します。例: ```refs/heads/develop```。", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "ビルド", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "成果物のダウンロード元ビルド。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "ビルド タグ", + "loc.input.help.tags": "タグのコンマ区切りのリスト。これらのタグが含まれるビルドのみが返されます。", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成果物名", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "ダウンロードする成果物の名前。", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "一致パターン", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "複数行の minimatch パターンとしてダウンロードするファイルを指定します。[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples)。

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "ダウンロード先ディレクトリ", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "成果物のダウンロード先になるエージェント マシン上のパス。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e9d52fd72912 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "파이프라인 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "파이프라인의 명명된 아티팩트를 로컬 경로로 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.description": "파이프라인의 명명된 아티팩트를 로컬 경로로 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파이프라인 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "다음에 의해 생성된 아티팩트 다운로드", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "현재 빌드 또는 특정 빌드 인스턴스에 의해 생성된 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.input.label.project": "프로젝트", + "loc.input.help.project": "파이프라인 아티팩트를 다운로드할 소스 프로젝트입니다.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "빌드 파이프라인", + "loc.input.help.definition": "빌드 파이프라인 이름을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "해당하는 경우 트리거하는 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "선택한 경우, 이 빌드 작업은 트리거 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드하려고 합니다. 지정한 파이프라인에서 생성된 트리거 빌드가 없는 경우 아래 옵션에 지정된 빌드에서 아티팩트를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "다운로드할 빌드 버전", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "분기 이름", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "분기/참조 이름을 기준으로 필터링하도록 지정합니다(예: ```refs/heads/develop```).", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "빌드", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "아티팩트를 다운로드할 소스 빌드입니다.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "빌드 태그", + "loc.input.help.tags": "쉼표로 구분된 태그 목록입니다. 이러한 태그가 있는 빌드만 반환됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "아티팩트 이름", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "다운로드할 아티팩트의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "일치 패턴", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "다운로드할 파일을 여러 줄 minimatch 패턴으로 지정합니다. [자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples)

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "대상 디렉터리", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "아티팩트을 다운로드할 에이전트 머신의 경로입니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e5279921e87 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать артефакт конвейера", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Скачайте именованный артефакт из конвейера в локальную папку.", + "loc.description": "Скачайте именованный артефакт из конвейера в локальную папку.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать артефакт конвейера", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "Скачать артефакты, созданные", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "Скачивание артефактов, созданных текущей сборкой или из определенной сборки.", + "loc.input.label.project": "Проект", + "loc.input.help.project": "Проект, из которого следует скачать артефакты конвейера.", + "loc.input.label.definition": "Конвейер сборки", + "loc.input.help.definition": "Выберите имя конвейера сборки.", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "При необходимости скачайте артефакты из инициирующей сборки.", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "Если этот флажок установлен, данная задача сборки попытается скачать артефакты из инициирующей сборки. Если нет инициирующей сборки из указанного конвейера, будут скачаны артефакты из сборки, указанной в параметрах ниже.", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "Версия сборки для скачивания", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "Имя ветви", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "Настройте фильтрацию по ветви и ссылочному имени, например: ```refs/heads/develop```.", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "Сборка", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "Сборка, из которой следует скачать артефакты.", + "loc.input.label.tags": "Теги сборки", + "loc.input.help.tags": "Разделенный запятыми список тегов. Будут возвращены только сборки с этими тегами.", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Имя артефакта", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Имя скачиваемого артефакта.", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "Шаблон соответствия", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "Укажите файлы, которые нужно скачать, в виде многострочного шаблона minimatch. [Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples).

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "Каталог назначения", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "Путь для скачивания артефактов на компьютере агента." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..89c2d58c61a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "下载管道项目", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "将已命名的项目从管道下载到本地路径。", + "loc.description": "将已命名的项目从管道下载到本地路径。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载管道项目", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "下载以下作业生成的项目", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "下载当前生所成生成的项目,或从特定的生成下载。", + "loc.input.label.project": "项目", + "loc.input.help.project": "要从中下载管道项目的项目。", + "loc.input.label.definition": "生成管道", + "loc.input.help.definition": "选择生成管道名称。", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "在适当情况下,从触发生成下载项目。", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "如果选中,则此生成任务将尝试从触发生成中下载项目。如果没有来自指定管道的触发生成,它将从以下选项中指定的生成中下载项目。", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "要下载的生成版本", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "分支名称", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "指定为筛选分支/引用名称,例如: ```refs/heads/develop```。", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "生成", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "要从中下载项目的生成。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "生成标记", + "loc.input.help.tags": "逗号分隔的标记列表。仅返回具有这些标记的生成。", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "项目名称", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "要下载的项目的名称。", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "匹配模式", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "指定要以多行 minimatch 模式下载的文件。[详细信息](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples)。

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目标目录", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "代理计算机上用于下载项目的路径。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e92ffc368d6b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DownloadPipelineArtifactV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "下載管線成品", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "從管線將具名成品下載至本機路徑。", + "loc.description": "從管線將具名成品下載至本機路徑。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載管線成品", + "loc.input.label.buildType": "下載產生自下列項目的成品", + "loc.input.help.buildType": "下載目前組建所產生的成品,或從特定組建下載。", + "loc.input.label.project": "專案", + "loc.input.help.project": "要從中下載管線成品的專案。", + "loc.input.label.definition": "建置管線", + "loc.input.help.definition": "選取建置管線名稱。", + "loc.input.label.specificBuildWithTriggering": "請在適當時機從觸發組建下載成品。", + "loc.input.help.specificBuildWithTriggering": "若選取,這個建置工作會嘗試從觸發的組建下載成品。若指定的管線中沒有觸發的組建,就會從下方選項中指定的組建下載成品。", + "loc.input.label.buildVersionToDownload": "要下載的組建版本", + "loc.input.label.branchName": "分支名稱", + "loc.input.help.branchName": "請指定分支/參考名稱的篩選,例如: ```refs/heads/develop```。", + "loc.input.label.buildId": "組建", + "loc.input.help.buildId": "要下載成品的來源組建。", + "loc.input.label.tags": "組建標籤", + "loc.input.help.tags": "標籤的逗點分隔清單。只會傳回具有這些標籤的組建。", + "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成品名稱", + "loc.input.help.artifactName": "要下載的成品名稱。", + "loc.input.label.itemPattern": "比對模式", + "loc.input.help.itemPattern": "指定要以多行 minimatch 模式下載的檔案。[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/minimatchexamples)。

    ", + "loc.input.label.downloadPath": "目的地路徑", + "loc.input.help.downloadPath": "代理程式機器上要下載成品的所在路徑" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 046e0af13415..2be102b4567d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Sichere Datei herunterladen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit laden Sie eine sichere Datei in einen temporären Speicherort auf dem Build- oder Release-Agent herunter.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine sichere Datei an einen temporären Speicherort auf dem Agent-Computer heruntergeladen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Sichere Datei herunterladen", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "Sichere Datei", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Wählen Sie die sichere Datei aus, die in einen temporären Speicherort auf dem Agent heruntergeladen werden soll. Die Datei wird nach dem Build oder Release bereinigt." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Wählen Sie die sichere Datei aus, die in einen temporären Speicherort auf dem Agent heruntergeladen werden soll. Die Datei wird nach der Pipelineausführung bereinigt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 2363264524d5..8c2866c0709d 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Descargar archivo seguro", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "Descargar un archivo seguro a una ubicación temporal en el agente de compilación o de versión", + "loc.description": "Descarga un archivo seguro a una ubicación temporal en la máquina del agente.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Descargar archivo seguro", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "Archivo seguro", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Seleccione el archivo seguro que se va a descargar a una ubicación temporal en el agente. El archivo se limpiará una vez completada la compilación o la versión." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Seleccione el archivo seguro que quiere descargar en una ubicación temporal del agente. El archivo se limpiará después de ejecutarse la canalización." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 466065d80635..deb5f3b170cf 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Télécharger un fichier sécurisé", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "Télécharger un fichier sécurisé dans un emplacement temporaire sur l'agent de build ou l'agent de mise en production", + "loc.description": "Télécharger un fichier sécurisé dans un emplacement temporaire sur la machine d'agent", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Télécharger un fichier sécurisé", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "Fichier sécurisé", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Sélectionnez le fichier sécurisé à télécharger vers un emplacement temporaire sur l'agent. Le fichier est nettoyé une fois la build ou la mise en production effectuée." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Sélectionnez le fichier sécurisé à télécharger vers un emplacement temporaire sur l'agent. Le fichier est nettoyé après l'exécution du pipeline." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 479816ec905e..62caf289de6b 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Scarica file protetto", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un file protetto in un percorso temporaneo nell'agente di compilazione o versione", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare un file protetto in un percorso temporaneo nel computer agente", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Scarica file protetto", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "File protetto", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Consente di selezionare il file protetto da scaricare in un percorso temporaneo nell'agente. Il file verrà cancellato dopo la compilazione o la versione." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Selezionare il file protetto da scaricare in un percorso temporaneo nell'agente. Il file verrà cancellato dopo l'esecuzione della pipeline." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 3377300cfef7..7bcbc22c1365 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "セキュア ファイルのダウンロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "ビルド エージェントまたはリリース エージェントの一時的な場所にセキュア ファイルをダウンロードします", + "loc.description": "セキュア ファイルをエージェント マシンの一時的な場所にダウンロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "セキュア ファイルのダウンロード", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "セキュア ファイル", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "エージェントの一時的な場所にダウンロードする、セキュア ファイルを選択します。このファイルは、ビルドまたはリリース後にクリーンアップされます。" + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "エージェントの一時的な場所にダウンロードするセキュア ファイルを選択します。ファイルはパイプラインの実行後にクリーンアップされます。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2c6911e7a8c8..1708984ed9f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "보안 파일 다운로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "보안 파일을 빌드 또는 릴리스 에이전트의 임시 위치로 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.description": "에이전트 머신의 임시 위치에 보안 파일을 다운로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "보안 파일 다운로드", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "보안 파일", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "에이전트의 임시 위치로 다운로드할 보안 파일을 선택합니다. 이 파일은 빌드 또는 릴리스 후 정리됩니다." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "에이전트의 임시 위치에 다운로드할 보안 파일을 선택합니다. 이 파일은 파이프라인을 실행한 후 정리됩니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 75115f91a236..1c4cc19642c6 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Скачивание защищенного файла", + "loc.friendlyName": "Скачать защищенный файл", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "Скачайте защищенный файл во временное расположение в агенте сборки или выпуска", + "loc.description": "Скачать защитный файл во временное расположение на компьютере агента", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скачать защищенный файл", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "Защитный файл", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Выберите защищенный файл для скачивания во временное расположение на компьютере агента. Файл будет удален после сборки или выпуска." + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "Выберите защитный файл для скачивания во временное расположение в агенте. Этот файл будет очищен после выполнения конвейера." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1f19c3912ea8..e7650372ddc4 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下载安全文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "将安全文件下载到生成或发布代理上的临时位置", + "loc.description": "将安全文件下载到代理计算机上的临时位置", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下载安全文件", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "安全文件", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "选择安全文件以下载到代理上的临时位置。在生成或发布后将清理该文件。" + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "选择要下载到代理上的临时位置的安全文件。在管道运行后,该文件将被清除。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7761777d75f3..a6d4d8ac1092 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "下載安全檔案", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862069)", - "loc.description": "請將安全檔案下載到組建或版本代理程式上的暫存位置", + "loc.description": "將安全檔案下載至代理程式電腦上的暫存位置", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "下載安全檔案", "loc.input.label.secureFile": "安全檔案", - "loc.input.help.secureFile": "選取要下載到代理程式暫存位置的安全檔案。檔案會在建置或發行後清除。" + "loc.input.help.secureFile": "請選取要下載至代理程式上暫存位置的安全檔案。檔案會在管線執行後清除。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.json b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.json index 7fbfd573b253..aeb2f49ba6a9 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.loc.json index 4d5d9ab552e2..7290559d0b20 100644 --- a/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DownloadSecureFileV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..227142a2a749 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Duffle-Tool", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine angegebene Version von Duffle zum Installieren und Verwalten von CNAB-Bundles installiert.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Duffle $(version) installieren", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Geben Sie die zu installierende Duffle-Version an.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "Hiermit wird online immer nach der letzten verfügbaren Version (stable.txt) gesucht, die der Versionsbezeichnung entspricht. Diese Option ist typischerweise auf FALSE festgelegt, sofern Sie nicht über ein spezifisches Szenario verfügen, bei dem Sie immer die aktuelle Version abrufen. Hierdurch entstehen möglicherweise unnötig Downloadkosten, insbesondere beim gehosteten Buildpool.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "Der Duffle-Client mit der Version %s kann nicht heruntergeladen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Version korrekt ist: https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Die Datei für die stabile Duffle-Version kann nicht von %s heruntergeladen werden. Es wird ein Fallback auf %s durchgeführt." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cc35f3df430f --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Duffle", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Instala una versión específica de Duffle para instalar y administrar agrupaciones de CNAB.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", + "loc.input.help.version": "Especifique la versión de Duffle que se va a instalar.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "Comprobar la última versión", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "Comprueba siempre en línea la última versión (stable.txt) disponible que cumple la especificación de versión. Este valor suele ser false, a menos que tenga un escenario específico que deba obtener siempre la última versión. Esto dará lugar a costos de descarga, cuando puede que no sea necesario, especialmente con el grupo de compilación hospedado.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "No se puede descargar el cliente de Duffle de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión es correcta: https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "No se puede descargar el archivo de versión estable de Duffle de %s. Revirtiendo a %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0ea1a4afa05b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Duffle", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installer une version spécifique de Duffle pour l'installation et la gestion des bundles CNAB", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Spécifiez la version de Duffle à installer.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "Rechercher la dernière version", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "Recherche toujours en ligne la dernière version disponible (stable.txt) répondant à la spécification de version. Cela n'est généralement pas le cas, sauf si vous disposez d'un scénario spécifique visant à obtenir toujours la dernière version. Cela peut entraîner des coûts de téléchargement inutiles, en particulier avec le pool de builds hébergé.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le client Duffle de la version %s. Vérifiez si la version est correcte : https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier de la version stable de Duffle à partir de %s. Retour à %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8cd566b55205 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Duffle", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installa una versione specificata di Duffle per l'installazione e la gestione dei bundle CNAB", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", + "loc.input.help.version": "Specificare la versione di Duffle da installare.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "Verifica sempre online se è disponibile una versione più recente (stable.txt) che soddisfi l'identificatore di versione. Il valore di questa opzione è in genere false a meno che non sia stato predisposto uno scenario specifico per scaricare sempre la versione più recente. Questa opzione può comportare costi di download potenzialmente non necessari, in particolare con il pool di compilazione ospitato.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il client Duffle della versione %s. Verificare se la versione è corretta: https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il file della versione stabile di Duffle da %s. Verrà eseguito il fallback a %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..442feb8216fc --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Duffle ツール インストーラー", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "指定されたバージョンの Duffle をインストールし、CNAB バンドルをインストールおよび管理します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Duffle $(version) のインストール", + "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", + "loc.input.help.version": "インストールする Duffle のバージョンを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "最新バージョンのチェック", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "バージョン仕様を満たす利用可能な最新バージョン (stable.txt) を常にオンラインで確認します。これは false にするのが一般的ですが、常に最新版を取得する特定のシナリオの場合は例外です。これにより、実際には必要でない場合にもダウンロードのコストが発生することになります (ホストされたビルド プールの場合は特にそう言えます)。", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "バージョン %s の Duffle クライアントをダウンロードできません。バージョンが正しいか確認してください。https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s から Duffle の安定したバージョンのファイルをダウンロードできません。%s にフォールバックしています" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0fc4672f9e0e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Duffle 도구 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "CNAB 번들을 설치 및 관리하기 위해 지정된 버전의 Duffle을 설치합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Duffle $(version) 설치", + "loc.input.label.version": "버전", + "loc.input.help.version": "설치할 Duffle 버전을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "최신 버전 확인", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "버전 사양을 충족하는 최신 사용 가능 버전(stable.txt)인지 항상 온라인에서 확인합니다. 항상 최신 버전을 다운로드하는 특정 시나리오가 아닌 한 일반적으로 false로 지정됩니다. 이 경우 잠재적으로 필요하지 않을 때, 특히 호스트된 빌드 풀에서 다운로드 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "Duffle 클라이언트 버전 %s을(를) 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요(https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases).", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s에서 안정적인 버전의 Duffle 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s(으)로 대체합니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..97300386e4a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств Duffle", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Установка указанной версии Duffle для установки пакетов CNAB и управления ими", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", + "loc.input.help.version": "Укажите версию Duffle, которую нужно установить.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "Проверить наличие последней версии", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "Всегда проверяет наличие в Интернете последней доступной версии (stable.txt), соответствующей спецификатору версии. Обычно этот параметр имеет значение \"false\", кроме случаев, когда необходимо всегда получать последнюю доступную версию. Это может привести к излишним затратам за скачивание, особенно в случае размещенного пула сборок.", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "Не удается скачать клиент Duffle версии %s. Проверьте правильность версии: https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Не удается скачать файл стабильной версии Duffle из %s. Возврат к %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7d84f2b70f96 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Duffle 工具安装程序", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "安装用于安装和管理 CNAB 捆绑包的指定版本的 Duffle", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "指定要安装的 Duffle 版本。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "检查是否有最新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "始终联机检查是否有满足版本规范的最新可用版本(stable.txt)。这通常无法实现,除非有特定的解决方案可以始终获取最新版本。这样会在可能没有必要的情况下,特别是在使用托管生成池时产生下载费用。", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "无法下载 %s 版本的 Duffle 客户端。请检查版本是否正确 https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "无法从 %s 下载 Duffle 稳定版本文件。回退到 %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b3d17a54bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Duffle 工具安裝程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "安裝指定的 Duffle 版本來安裝及管理 CNAB 套件組合", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Duffle $(version)", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "指定要安裝的 Duffle 版本。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatestVersion": "查看最新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatestVersion": "一律檢查線上是否有符合版本規格的最新可用版本 (stable.txt)。除非發生要一律取得最新版本的特定情況,否則不建議執行此動作。若非必要,這可能會衍生下載費用,特別是對託管的組建集區。", + "loc.messages.DownloadDuffleFailed": "無法下載版本為 %s 的 Duffle 用戶端。請確認版本是否正確 https://github.com/deislabs/duffle/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "無法從 %s 下載 Duffle 穩定版本檔案。將回復為 %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.json index 5401d28626d9..1c936e8a7e18 100644 --- a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.json @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 6 + "Patch": 7 }, "demands": [], "groups": [], - "inputs": [ + "inputs": [ { "name": "version", "type": "string", diff --git a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 34559951a823..4f4cee5d883f 100644 --- a/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/DuffleInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 6 + "Patch": 7 }, "demands": [], "groups": [], diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1ad6b0043c4c..4463d84e7c42 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Dateien extrahieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "Extrahiert eine Vielzahl von Archiv- und Komprimierungsdateien, z. B. 7z, RAR, TAR.GZ und ZIP.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden verschiedene Archiv- und Komprimierungsdateien extrahiert, z. B. 7z, RAR, TAR.GZ und ZIP.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateien extrahieren $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "Archivdateimuster", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "Dateipfade oder Muster der zu extrahierenden Archivdateien. Unterstützt mehrere Zeilen von Minimatchmustern. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cab798c7dbc9..5058cdf17da1 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Extraire des fichiers", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "Extrayez divers fichiers d'archives et fichiers de compression tels que .7z, .rar, .tar.gz et .zip.", + "loc.description": "Extrayez divers fichiers d'archives et fichiers de compression tels que .7z, .rar, .tar.gz et .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Extraire les fichiers $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "Archiver les modèles de fichiers", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "Chemins de fichiers ou modèles des fichiers d'archives à extraire. Prend en charge plusieurs lignes de modèles minimatch. [Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 9c140f36298a..65f817340732 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Estrai file", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "Consente di estrarre una vasta gamma di file di archivio e di compressione, come .7z, .rar, .tar.gz e .zip.", + "loc.description": "Consente di estrarre una vasta gamma di file di archivio e di compressione, come .7z, .rar, .tar.gz e .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Estrai file $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "Criteri dei file di archivio", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "Criteri o percorsi dei file di archivio da estrarre. Sono supportate più righe di criteri di corrispondenza minima. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 9b77f63934ad..cceb6e2cbdb3 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ファイルの抽出", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": ".7z、.rar、.tar.gz、.zip などのさまざまなアーカイブ ファイルと圧縮ファイルを抽出します。", + "loc.description": ".7z、.rar、.tar.gz、.zip などのさまざまなアーカイブ ファイルと圧縮ファイルを抽出します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイルの抽出 $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "アーカイブ ファイルのパターン", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "抽出するアーカイブ ファイルのファイル パスまたはパターン。複数行の minimatch パターンをサポートします。[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 49dc5098a828..dd999417c64f 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "파일 풀기", + "loc.friendlyName": "파일 추출", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": ".7z, .rar, .tar.gz 및 .zip과 같은 다양한 보관 파일 및 압축 파일을 풉니다.", + "loc.description": ".7z, .rar, .tar.gz, .zip 등의 다양한 보관 파일 및 압축 파일을 추출합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파일 풀기 $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "보관 파일 패턴", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "풀고자 하는 보관 파일의 파일 경로 또는 패턴입니다. 여러 줄로 된 minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index d3af708c1bba..344d91f23e8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Извлечь файлы", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "Извлечение различных архивов и файлов сжатия, таких как 7Z, RAR, TAR.GZ и ZIP.", + "loc.description": "Извлечение различных файлов архивов и сжатых файлов, таких как 7Z, RAR, TAR.GZ и ZIP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Извлечь файлы $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "Шаблоны файлов архивов", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "Пути к файлам или шаблоны файлов архивов для извлечения. Поддерживает несколько строк шаблонов minimatch. [Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a1dc34db7c31..06169a2e94ab 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "提取文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "提取各种存档和压缩文件,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar、.gz 和 .zip。", + "loc.description": "提取各种存档和压缩文件,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 和 .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "提取文件 $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "存档文件模式", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "要提取的存档文件的文件路径或模式。支持多行最小匹配模式。[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7004ab5a478f..ae9ab65ae1cb 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "解壓縮檔案", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", - "loc.description": "解壓縮各種封存檔與壓縮檔,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 及 .zip。", + "loc.description": "解壓縮各種封存檔與壓縮檔,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 及 .zip", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "解壓縮檔案 $(message)", "loc.input.label.archiveFilePatterns": "封存檔樣式", "loc.input.help.archiveFilePatterns": "要解壓縮之封存檔的檔案路徑或樣式。支援多行的 minimatch 樣式。[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=800269)", diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.json b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.json index 42969f297c38..f5826da22af2 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Extract files $(message)", "inputs": [ diff --git a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.loc.json index fc2541f9d34f..bfc04ff55832 100644 --- a/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ExtractFilesV1/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "inputs": [ diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fe1b0941ca38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Dateitransformation", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Aufgabe zur Dateitransformation und Variablenersetzung: Aktualisieren Sie Token in Ihren XML-basierten Konfigurationsdateien, und ersetzen Sie diese Token durch Variablenwerte.
    Aktuell werden nur XML- und JSON-Dateiformate für die Variablenersetzung unterstützt.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden in XML- oder JSON-Konfigurationsdateien Token durch Variablenwerte ersetzt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateitransformation: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "Variablenersetzung", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "Paket oder Ordner", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "Dateipfad zu einem Paket oder einem Ordner.
    Variablen ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)) und Platzhalter werden unterstützt.
    Beispiel: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip.", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML-Transformation", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "Vor der Variablenersetzung werden Konfigurationstransformationen durchgeführt.
    XML-Transformationen werden nur für die Windows-Plattform unterstützt.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "Transformationsregeln", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "Geben Sie eine Liste mit Transformationsdateiregeln an, bei der jeder Eintrag in einer neuen Zeile enthalten ist. Verwenden Sie hierbei diese Syntax:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "Dateiformat", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "Geben Sie das Dateiformat an, für das die Ersetzung durchgeführt werden soll.
    Für XML werden in den Build- oder Releasepipelines definierte Variablen anhand der Einträge \"key\" oder \"name\" in den Abschnitten \"appSettings\", \"applicationSettings\" und \"connectionStrings\" einer beliebigen Konfigurationsdatei und \"parameters.xml\" abgeglichen. Die Variablenersetzung wird nach den Konfigurationstransformationen durchgeführt.
    Um JSON-Variablen zu ersetzen, die geschachtelt oder hierarchisch aufgebaut sind, geben Sie diese mithilfe von JSONPath-Ausdrücken an.

    Um beispielsweise den Wert von \"ConnectionString\" im Beispiel unten zu ersetzen, müssen Sie eine Variable als \"Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString\" in der Build- oder Releasepipeline (oder der Umgebung der Releasepipeline) definieren.
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    Die Variablenersetzung wird nach den Konfigurationstransformationen durchgeführt.

    Hinweis: Bei der Ersetzung werden nur benutzerdefinierte Variablen verwendet, die in Build-/Releasepipelines definiert sind. In der Pipeline definierte Standard- oder Systemvariablen werden ausgeschlossen.
    Hinweis: Wenn dieselben Variablen für die Releasepipeline und die Stufe definiert werden, haben die Stufenvariablen Vorrang vor den Variablen der Releasepipeline.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "Zieldateien", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "Geben Sie eine Liste mit Dateien für die Ersetzung der Variablenwerte an, bei der jede Datei in einer neuen Zeile enthalten ist. Die Dateinamen müssen relativ zum Stammordner angegeben werden.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Die XML-Transformationen wurden erfolgreich angewendet.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Unvollständige oder fehlende Argumente. Erwartetes Format: -transform -xml -result . Transformations- und Quelldatei sind Pflichteingaben." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b8a2a81c7113 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Transformación de archivo", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Tarea de transformación de archivos y sustitución de variables: actualice los tokens de los archivos de configuración basados en XML y, a continuación, reemplace esos tokens por valores de variables.
    Actualmente solo se admiten los formatos de archivo XML y JSON para la sustitución de variables.", + "loc.description": "Reemplaza los tokens por valores de variables en los archivos de configuración XML o JSON.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Transformación de archivo: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "Sustitución de variables", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "Paquete o carpeta", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "Ruta de acceso de archivo al paquete o a una carpeta.
    Variables ([Compilación](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Versión](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), se admiten caracteres comodín.
    Por ejemplo, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip.", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "Transformación XML", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "Las transformaciones de configuración se ejecutarán antes de la sustitución de variables.
    Las transformaciones XML solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "Reglas de transformación", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "Proporcione una nueva lista separada por líneas de reglas de archivo de transformación con la sintaxis:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "Formato de archivo", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "Proporcione el formato de archivo en el que debe realizarse la sustitución.
    Para XML, las variables que se definen en las canalizaciones de compilación o versión se compararán con las entradas \"key\" o \"name\" de las secciones appSettings, applicationSettings y connectionStrings de cualquier archivo de configuración y parameters.xml. La sustitución de variable tiene lugar después de las transformaciones de configuración.
    Para sustituir las variables JSON anidadas o jerárquicas, especifíquelas mediante expresiones JSONPath.

    Por ejemplo, para reemplazar el valor de “ConnectionString” en el ejemplo siguiente, debe definir una variable como “Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString” en la canalización de compilación o versión (o el entorno de la canalización de versión).
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    La sustitución de variables se ejecuta una vez que se transforma la configuración.

    Nota: Solo las variables personalizadas definidas en las canalizaciones de compilación o versión se usan en la sustitución. Se excluyen las variables de canalización predeterminadas o definidas por el sistema.
    Nota: Si se definen las mismas variables en la canalización de versión y en el almacenamiento provisional, las últimas sustituirán a las variables de canalización de versión.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "Archivos de destino", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "Proporcione una nueva lista separada por líneas de los archivos para sustituir los valores de variable. Los nombres de los archivos que se proporcionen deben ser relativos a la carpeta raíz.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Las transformaciones XML se aplicaron correctamente", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Faltan argumentos o están incompletos. Formato esperado: -transform -xml -result . El archivo de transformación y de origen son entradas obligatorias." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..291dba3ee3e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Transformation de fichier", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Tâche de transformation de fichier et de substitution de variable : met à jour les jetons dans vos fichiers config XML, puis remplace ces jetons par des valeurs de variables.
    Seuls les formats de fichiers XML et JSON sont pris en charge pour la substitution de variable.", + "loc.description": "Remplacer les jetons par des valeurs de variables dans les fichiers config XML ou JSON", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Transformation de fichier : $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "Substitution de variables", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "Package ou dossier", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "Chemin de fichier du package ou d'un dossier.
    Les variables ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Mise en production](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)) et les caractères génériques sont pris en charge.
    Exemple : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip.", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "Transformation XML", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "Les transformations de configuration sont exécutées avant la substitution de variable.
    Les transformations XML sont prises en charge uniquement pour la plateforme Windows.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "Règles de transformation", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "Fournissez une liste de règles de fichier de transformation séparées par une nouvelle ligne, en utilisant la syntaxe suivante :
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "Format de fichier", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "Indiquez le format de fichier pour lequel la substitution doit être effectuée.
    Pour le format XML, les variables définies dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sont mises en correspondance avec les entrées 'key' ou 'name' des sections appSettings, applicationSettings et connectionStrings d'un fichier config et du fichier parameters.xml. La substitution de variable est exécutée après les transformations de configuration.
    Pour substituer des variables JSON imbriquées ou hiérarchiques, spécifiez-les à l'aide d'expressions JSONPath.

    Par exemple, pour remplacer la valeur de 'ConnectionString' dans l'exemple ci-dessous, vous devez définir une variable en tant que 'Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString' dans la définition de build ou de mise en production (ou l'environnement du pipeline de mise en production).
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    La substitution de variable est exécutée après les transformations de configuration.

    Remarque : Seules les variables personnalisées définies dans les pipelines de build/mise en production sont utilisées dans la substitution. Les variables de pipeline définies par le système/par défaut sont exclues.
    Remarque : Si les mêmes variables sont définies dans le pipeline de mise en production et dans la phase, les variables de phase remplacent les variables de pipeline de mise en production.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "Fichiers cibles", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "Fournissez une liste de fichiers séparés par une nouvelle ligne pour remplacer les valeurs de variables. Les noms de fichiers doivent être indiqués par rapport au dossier racine.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Transformations XML correctement appliquées", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Arguments incomplets ou manquants. Format attendu -transform -xml -result . Le fichier de transformation et le fichier source sont des entrées obligatoires." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..326282e20949 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Trasformazione file", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Attività di trasformazione file e sostituzione delle variabili: aggiornare i token nei file di configurazione basati su XML, quindi sostituirli con valori di variabile.
    Per la sostituzione delle variabili sono attualmente supportati solo i formati di file XML e JSON.", + "loc.description": "Sostituisce i token con valori di variabile in file di configurazione XML o JSON", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Trasformazione file: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "Sostituzione di variabili", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "Pacchetto o cartella", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "Percorso file del pacchetto o di una cartella.
    Variabili ([Compilazione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Versione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)). I caratteri jolly sono supportati.
    Ad esempio, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip.", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "Trasformazione XML", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "Le trasformazioni dei file di configurazione verranno eseguite prima della sostituzione delle variabili.
    Le trasformazioni XML sono supportate solo per la piattaforma Windows.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "Regole di trasformazione", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "Specificare un elenco di regole dei file di trasformazione delimitate da caratteri di nuova riga usando la sintassi seguente:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "Formato file", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "Specificare il formato di file in cui deve essere eseguita la sostituzione
    Per il formato XML le variabili definite nelle pipeline di compilazione o di versione verranno abbinate alle voci 'key' o 'name' nelle sezioni appSettings, applicationSettings e connectionStrings di qualsiasi file di configurazione e di parameters.xml. La sostituzione delle variabili viene eseguita dopo la trasformazione dei file di configurazione.
    Per sostituire le variabili JSON annidate o gerarchiche, specificarle usando espressioni JSONPath.

    Ad esempio, per sostituire il valore di 'ConnectionString' nell'esempio seguente, è necessario definire una variabile come 'Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString' nella pipeline di compilazione o di versione (o nell'ambiente della pipeline di versione).
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    La sostituzione delle variabili viene eseguita dopo le trasformazioni dei file di configurazione.

    Nota: nella sostituzione vengono usate solo le variabili personalizzate definite nelle pipeline di compilazione o di versione. Le variabili predefinite o di sistema definite nelle pipeline vengono escluse.
    Nota: se le stesse variabili vengono definite sia nella pipeline di versione che nella fase, le variabili della fase sostituiranno quelle della pipeline di versione.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "File di destinazione", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "Specificare un elenco di file delimitati da caratteri di nuova riga per sostituire i valori delle variabili. È necessario specificare nomi file relativi alla cartella radice.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Le trasformazioni XML sono state applicate", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Argomenti incompleti o mancanti. Il formato previsto è -transform -xml -result . Il file di origine e la trasformazione sono valori di input obbligatori." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9e4f946b1b16 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "ファイル変換", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "ファイルの変換および変数の置換タスク: XML ベースの構成ファイルのトークンを更新し、それらのトークンを変数の値に置き換えます。
    現在、変数の置換でサポートされているのは XML と JSON ファイル形式のみです。", + "loc.description": "XML または JSON 構成ファイル内の変数の値でトークンを置換します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイル変換: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "変数の置換", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "パッケージまたはフォルダー", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "パッケージまたはフォルダーへのファイル パス。
    変数 ( [ビルド](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [リリース](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables))、ワイルドカードを使用できます。
    たとえば、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip。", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML 変換", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "構成変換は変数の置換の前に実行されます。
    XML 変換は Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされています。", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "変換ルール", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "次の構文を使用して、変換ファイル ルールの改行区切りリストを指定します:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "ファイル形式", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "置換を実行する必要があるファイル形式を指定します
    XML の場合、ビルド パイプラインまたはリリース パイプラインで定義された変数は、構成ファイルおよび parameters.xml の appSettings、applicationSettings、および connectionStrings セクションの 'key' エントリまたは 'name' エントリと照合されます。変数置換は構成変換の後に実行されます。
    ネストされた、または階層的な JSON 変数を置き換えるには、JSONPath 式を使用してそれらの変数を指定します。

    たとえば、以下のサンプルで ‘ConnectionString’ の値を置き換えるには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプライン (またはリリース パイプラインの環境) で変数を ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ として定義する必要があります。
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"

    メモ: ビルド/リリース パイプラインで定義されたカスタム変数のみが置換として使用されます。既定/システム定義のパイプライン変数は除外されます。
    注意: リリース パイプラインとステージで同じ変数が定義されている場合、ステージ変数がリリース パイプライン変数より優先されます。", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "ターゲット ファイル", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "変数の値を置き換えるファイルの改行区切りリストを指定します。ルート フォルダーへの相対ファイル名が指定されます。", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変換が正常に適用されました", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージの変換を適用できません。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "引数が不完全であるか、見つかりません。-transform -xml -result の形式である必要があります。変換ファイルとソース ファイルは必須の入力です。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c0d683ec4251 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "파일 변환", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "파일 변환 및 변수 대체 작업: XML 기반 구성 파일의 토큰을 업데이트한 다음, 해당 토큰을 변수 값으로 바꿉니다.
    현재 XML, JSON 파일 형식만 변수 대체가 지원됩니다.", + "loc.description": "XML 또는 JSON 구성 파일의 변수 값으로 토큰을 바꿉니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파일 변환: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "변수 대체", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "패키지 또는 폴더", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "패키지 또는 폴더의 파일 경로입니다.
    변수([빌드](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [릴리스](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
    예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML 변환", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "변수 대체 전에 구성 변환이 실행됩니다.
    XML 변환은 Windows 플랫폼에서만 지원됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "변환 규칙", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "다음 구문을 사용하는 변환 파일 규칙을 새 줄로 구분된 목록으로 지정합니다.
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "파일 형식", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "대체를 수행해야 하는 파일 형식을 지정합니다.
    XML의 경우 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 정의된 변수가 구성 파일과 parameters.xml의 appSettings, applicationSettings 및 connectionStrings 섹션에 있는 'key' 또는 'name' 항목과 일치됩니다. 변수 대체는 구성 변환 후에 실행됩니다.
    중첩되었거나 계층적인 JSON 변수를 대체하려면 JSONPath 식을 사용하여 지정합니다.

    예를 들어 아래 샘플의 'ConnectionString' 값을 바꾸려면 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인(또는 릴리스 파이프라인 환경)에서 변수를 'Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString'으로 정의해야 합니다.
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    변수 대체는 구성 변환 후에 실행됩니다.

    참고: 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인에서 정의된 사용자 지정 변수만 대체에 사용됩니다. 기본/시스템 정의 파이프라인 변수는 제외됩니다.
    참고: 릴리스 파이프라인과 스테이지에서 동일한 변수가 정의된 경우 스테이지 변수가 릴리스 파이프라인 변수를 대체합니다.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "대상 파일", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "변수 값을 대체할 파일을 새 줄로 구분된 목록으로 지정합니다. 루트 폴더의 상대 경로로 파일 이름을 지정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변환을 적용했습니다.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "인수가 불완전하거나 누락되었습니다. -transform -xml -result 형식이 필요합니다. 변환 및 소스 파일은 필수 입력입니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9317a8bdd3f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Преобразование файлов", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Задача преобразования файлов и подстановки переменных: обновляет токены в файлах конфигурации на базе XML и затем заменяет эти токены значениями переменных.
    Сейчас для подстановки переменных поддерживаются только форматы файлов XML и JSON.", + "loc.description": "Заменить токены значениями переменных в файлах конфигурации XML или JSON", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Преобразование файлов: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "Подстановка переменных", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "Пакет или папка", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "Путь к файлу пакета или папке.
    Поддерживаются переменные ( [сборки](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [выпуска](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), а также подстановочные знаки.
    Пример: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip.", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML-преобразование", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "Преобразования конфигурации будут выполняться перед подстановкой переменной.
    XML-преобразования поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "Правила преобразования", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "Укажите новый разделенный на строки список правил файла преобразования, используя синтаксис:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "Формат файла", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "Укажите формат файла, для которого требуется выполнить подстановку
    Для XML-кода переменные, определенные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска, будут сопоставляться с записями \"key\" или \"name\" в разделах appSettings, applicationSettings и connectionStrings файла конфигурации и файла parameters.xml. Подстановка переменных запускается после преобразований конфигурации.
    Чтобы заменить переменные JSON, являющиеся вложенными или иерархическими, укажите их с помощью выражений JSONPath.

    Например, чтобы заменить значение \"ConnectionString\" в примере ниже, нужно определить переменную как \"Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString\" в конвейере сборки или выпуска (или среде конвейера выпуска).
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
    Подстановка переменных запускается после преобразований конфигурации.

    Примечание. При подстановке используются только пользовательские переменные, определенные в конвейерах сборки/выпуска. Используемые по умолчанию или системные переменные конвейеров исключаются.
    Примечание. Если одни и те же переменные определены в конвейере выпуска и в стадии, то переменные стадии имеют приоритет над переменными конвейера выпуска.", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "Целевые файлы", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "Укажите новый разделенный строками список файлов для замены значений переменных. Имена файлов должны быть указаны относительно корневой папки.", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML-преобразования успешно применены.", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удалось применить преобразование для указанного пакета.", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "Неполные или отсутствующие аргументы. Ожидался формат -transform -xml -result . Преобразование и исходный файл являются обязательными входными данными." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0cddd5634b44 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "文件转换", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "文件转换和变量替换任务: 更新基于 XML 的配置文件中的标记,然后将这些标记替换为变量值。
    当前仅支持使用 XML、JSON 文件格式进行变量替换。", + "loc.description": "将标记替换为 XML 或 JSON 配置文件中的变量值", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "文件转换: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "变量替换", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "包或文件夹", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "包或文件夹的文件路径。
    支持变量([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables))、通配符。
    例如,$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip。", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML 转换", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "将在变量替换之前运行配置转换。
    仅 Windows 平台支持 XML 转换。", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "转换规则", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "使用以下语法提供使用行分隔的新转换文件规则列表:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "文件格式", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "提供必须对其执行替换的文件格式
    对于 XML,在生成或发布管道中定义的变量将根据任何配置文件和 parameters.xml 的 appSettings、applicationSettings 和 connectionStrings 部分中的“密钥”或“名称”条目进行匹配。变量替换在配置转换后运行。
    若要替换嵌套或分层的 JSON 变量,请使用 JSONPath 表达式来指定它们。

    例如,若要替换以下示例中 \"ConnectionString\" 的值,则需要在生成或发布管道(或发布管道的环境)中将某一变量定义为 \"Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString\"。
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"

    注意: 仅在替换中使用在生成/发布管道中定义的自定义变量。排除默认/系统定义的管道变量。
    注意: 如果在发布管道和阶段中定义了相同的变量,则阶段变量将取代发布管道变量。", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "目标文件", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "提供使用行分隔的新文件列表以替换变量值。将提供相对于根文件夹的文件名称。", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 转换已成功应用", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "参数不完整或缺失。格式应为 -transform -xml -result 。转换文件和源文件为必需的输入。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c885038e2ab2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "檔案轉換", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "檔案轉換和變數替代工作: 更新 XML 式組態檔中的權杖,然後將這些權杖取代為變數值。
    變數替代目前只支援 XML、JSON 檔案格式。", + "loc.description": "使用 XML 或 JSON 組態檔中的變數值取代權杖", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "檔案轉換: $(Package)", + "loc.group.displayName.VariableSubstitution": "變數替代", + "loc.input.label.folderPath": "套件或資料夾", + "loc.input.help.folderPath": "套件或資料夾的檔案路徑。
    變數 ([建置](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [發行](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支援萬用字元。
    例如 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip。", + "loc.input.label.enableXmlTransform": "XML 轉換", + "loc.input.help.enableXmlTransform": "替代變數前,會先轉換組態。
    只有 Windows 平台支援 XML 轉換。", + "loc.input.label.xmlTransformationRules": "轉換規則", + "loc.input.help.xmlTransformationRules": "使用下列語法提供轉換檔案規則的新分行清單:
    -transform -xml ", + "loc.input.label.fileType": "檔案格式", + "loc.input.help.fileType": "提供必須執行替代的目標檔案格式
    若為 XML,則會根據任何組態檔和 parameters.xml 之 appSettings、applicationSettings 和 connectionStrings 區段中的 'key' 或 'name' 項目,比對在建置或發行管線中定義的變數。轉換好組態後,才會替代變數。
    若要替代巢狀或階層式 JSON 變數,請使用 JSONPath 運算式指定它們。

    例如,若要取代以下範例中 'ConnectionString' 的值,您需要在建置或發行管線 (或發行管線的環境) 中將變數定義為 'Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString'。
      \"Data\": {
        \"DefaultConnection\": {
          \"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"

    請注意: 只有在建置/發行管線中定義的自訂變數會用於替代。不會使用預設/系統定義的管線變數。
    請注意: 如果在發行管線和階段中定義了相同的變數,則階段變數會取代發行管線變數。", + "loc.input.label.targetFiles": "目標檔案", + "loc.input.help.targetFiles": "提供用來替代變數值之檔案的新分行清單。提供的檔案名稱需相對於根資料夾。", + "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。", + "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。", + "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 XML 轉換", + "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。", + "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。", + "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。", + "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法針對指定的套件套用轉換。", + "loc.messages.MissingArgumentsforXMLTransformation": "引數不完整或缺少引數。預期的格式為 -transform <轉換檔> -xml <來源檔案> -result <目的檔案>。轉換和來源檔案均為強制輸入。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.json b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.json index d475e1654722..a90c02e2d977 100644 --- a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "instanceNameFormat": "File Transform: $(Package)", "groups": [ @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ }, "messages": { "JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.", - "XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", + "XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.", "XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully", "CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.", "XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.loc.json index 46e405aab781..9f711eae9201 100644 --- a/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/FileTransformV1/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7c490abd19a8..277a57bb96c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP-Upload", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Lädt Dateien auf einen Remotecomputer mithilfe von FTP (File Transfer Protocol) oder sicher mit FTPS hoch. [Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "FTP-Upload", + "loc.description": "Dateien mit FTP hochladen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP-Upload: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Authentifizierungsmethode", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c84e7d270579..0ffc9e2e347a 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Carga por FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Carga los archivos en una máquina remota usando el protocolo de transferencia de archivos (FTP) o de forma segura con FTPS. [Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Carga por FTP", + "loc.description": "Cargar archivos con FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Carga por FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Método de autenticación", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cecf3f84a031..7f556884082e 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chargement FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Chargez les fichiers vers une machine distante par FTP (File Transfer Protocol), ou de manière sécurisée par FTPS. [Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Chargement FTP", + "loc.description": "Charger des fichiers via FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chargement FTP : $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Méthode d'authentification", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index ae250feba069..0c1435aa5030 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Caricamento FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Carica i file in un computer remoto usando il protocollo FTP (File Transfer Protocol) oppure in modo protetto con FTPS. [Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Caricamento FTP", + "loc.description": "Consente di caricare file tramite FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Caricamento FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Metodo di autenticazione", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ab48072fc29f..55fbed89df8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP アップロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "ファイル転送プロトコル (FTP) を使用して、または FTPS でセキュリティ保護して、リモート コンピューターにファイルをアップロードします。[詳細情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP アップロード", + "loc.description": "FTP を使用してファイルをアップロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP アップロード: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.credsType": "認証方法", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 869db57d7885..c414f2e944ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 업로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "FTP(파일 전송 프로토콜)를 사용하거나 FTPS를 사용하여 안전하게 파일을 원격 컴퓨터에 업로드합니다. [자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "FTP 업로드", + "loc.description": "FTP를 사용하여 파일을 업로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 업로드: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.credsType": "인증 방법", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3c68ebd5c292..7f45c7f4c965 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Отправка по FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Передача файлов на удаленный компьютер по протоколу FTP или защищенному протоколу FTPS. [Дополнительные сведения](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Отправка по FTP", + "loc.description": "Отправка файлов по FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Отправка по FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Способ проверки подлинности", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index b80cca9ac076..5d0d7bcfd24d 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 上传", "loc.helpMarkDown": "使用文件传输协议(FTP)将文件上传到远程计算机,或使用 FTPS 安全上传。[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP 上传", + "loc.description": "使用 FTP 上传文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 上传: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.credsType": "身份验证方法", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d10781e62a36..3e6e9f188211 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 上傳", "loc.helpMarkDown": "使用檔案傳輸通訊協定 (FTP) 或更安全的 FTPS,將檔案上傳到遠端電腦。[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP 上傳", + "loc.description": "使用 FTP 上傳檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 上傳: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.credsType": "驗證方法", diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.json b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.json index 212a43df9bd4..8ccf62ebf403 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "FTP Upload: $(rootFolder)", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.loc.json index 68a694e6def4..87d1ae0e9a54 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV1/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7c490abd19a8..66c6a4a921f4 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP-Upload", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Lädt Dateien auf einen Remotecomputer mithilfe von FTP (File Transfer Protocol) oder sicher mit FTPS hoch. [Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "FTP-Upload", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien per FTP hochgeladen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP-Upload: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Authentifizierungsmethode", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "Löscht das Remoteverzeichnis einschließlich seiner Inhalte vor dem Hochladen.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "Inhalte des Remoteverzeichnisses löschen", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "Löscht vor dem Hochladen rekursiv alle Inhalte aus dem Remoteverzeichnis. Das vorhandene Verzeichnis wird nicht gelöscht. Erwägen Sie zur Leistungsverbesserung stattdessen die Verwendung von \"Remoteverzeichnis löschen\".", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "Überschreiben", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "Überschreibt vorhandene Dateien im Remoteverzeichnis.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "Dateipfade beibehalten", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "Wenn diese Option ausgewählt wird, wird die relative lokale Verzeichnisstruktur unter dem Remoteverzeichnis erneut erstellt, in das Dateien hochgeladen werden. Andernfalls werden Dateien direkt in das Remoteverzeichnis hochgeladen, ohne dass zusätzliche Unterverzeichnisse erstellt werden.

    Angenommen, der Quellordner ist \"/home/user/source/\", und er enthält die Datei \"foo/bar/foobar.txt\". Das Remoteverzeichnis ist \"/uploads/\".
    Wenn diese Option ausgewählt wird, wird die Datei in \"/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt\" hochgeladen. Andernfalls wird sie in \"/uploads/foobar.txt\" hochgeladen.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "Serverzertifikat vertrauen", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "Verbunden: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "Die URL des FTP-Servers muss einen Hostnamen enthalten.", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "Die URL des FTP-Servers muss mit ftp:// oder ftps:// beginnen.", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "Es wurden keine Dateien zum Upload gefunden.", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "Die Dateien werden in das Remoteverzeichnis hochgeladen: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "FTP-Upload erfolgreich: %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP-Upload erfolgreich" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP-Upload erfolgreich", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Fehler bei FTP-Upload." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c84e7d270579..6dadee53bdb9 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Carga por FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Carga los archivos en una máquina remota usando el protocolo de transferencia de archivos (FTP) o de forma segura con FTPS. [Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Carga por FTP", + "loc.description": "Cargar archivos con FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Carga por FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Método de autenticación", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "Elimine el directorio remoto, incluido su contenido, antes de cargar.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "Borrar el contenido del directorio remoto", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "Elimine de forma recursiva todo el contenido del directorio remoto antes de cargar. El directorio existente no se elimina. Para mejorar el rendimiento, considere la posibilidad de usar \"Eliminar el directorio remoto\" en su lugar.", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "Sobrescribir", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "Sobrescribe los archivos existentes en el directorio remoto.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "Mantener las rutas de acceso de los archivos", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "Cuando se selecciona, la estructura de directorios local relativa se vuelve a crear en el directorio remoto donde se cargan los archivos. De lo contrario, los archivos se cargan directamente en el directorio remoto sin crear subdirectorios adicionales.

    Por ejemplo, image que su carpeta es `/home/user/source/` y contiene el archivo `foo/bar/foobar.txt`, y el directorio remoto es `/uploads/`.
    Si selecciona esta opción, el archivo se carga en `/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt`. De lo contrario, se carga en `/uploads/foobar.txt`.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "Confiar en el certificado del servidor", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "conectado: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "La dirección URL del servidor FTP debe incluir un nombre de host", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "La dirección URL del servidor FTP debe comenzar con ftp:// o ftps://", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo para cargar.", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "cargando archivos al directorio remoto: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "La carga por FTP de %s se realizó correctamente", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Carga por FTP correcta" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Carga por FTP correcta", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Error en la carga por FTP" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index cecf3f84a031..f659084afda8 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Chargement FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Chargez les fichiers vers une machine distante par FTP (File Transfer Protocol), ou de manière sécurisée par FTPS. [Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Chargement FTP", + "loc.description": "Charger des fichiers via FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chargement FTP : $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Méthode d'authentification", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "Supprimez le répertoire distant, notamment son contenu, avant le chargement.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "Effacer le contenu du répertoire distant", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "Supprimez de manière récursive la totalité du contenu du répertoire distant avant le chargement. Le répertoire existant ne sera pas supprimé. Pour un meilleur niveau de performance, pensez à utiliser 'Supprimer le répertoire distant' à la place.", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "Remplacer", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "Remplacez les fichiers existants dans le répertoire distant.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "Conserver les chemins de fichiers", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "Si l'option est sélectionnée, la structure de répertoire locale relative est recréée sous le répertoire distant où les fichiers sont chargés. Sinon, les fichiers sont chargés directement sur le répertoire distant sans création de sous-répertoires supplémentaires.

    Par exemple, votre dossier source est '/home/user/source/', il contient le fichier 'foo/bar/foobar.txt', et votre répertoire distant est '/uploads/'.
    Si l'option est sélectionnée, le fichier est chargé vers '/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt'. Sinon, il est chargé vers '/uploads/foobar.txt'.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "Faire confiance au certificat de serveur", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "connecté : %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "L'URL du serveur FTP doit inclure un nom d'hôte", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "L'URL du serveur FTP doit commencer par ftp:// ou ftps://", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "Fichiers à charger introuvables", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "téléchargement de fichiers sur le répertoire distant : %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "Téléchargement FTP réussi %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Téléchargement FTP réussi" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Téléchargement FTP réussi", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Échec du chargement FTP" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index ae250feba069..de93adc11167 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Caricamento FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Carica i file in un computer remoto usando il protocollo FTP (File Transfer Protocol) oppure in modo protetto con FTPS. [Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Caricamento FTP", + "loc.description": "Consente di caricare file tramite FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Caricamento FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Metodo di autenticazione", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "Elimina la directory remota, incluso il relativo contenuto, prima del caricamento.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "Cancella il contenuto della directory remota", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "Elimina in modo ricorsivo tutto il contenuto della directory remota prima del caricamento. La directory esistente non verrà eliminata. Per prestazioni ottimali, provare a usare `Elimina la directory remota`.", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "Sovrascrivi", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "Sovrascrive i file esistenti nella directory remota.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "Mantieni i percorsi di file", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "Se l'opzione è selezionata, la struttura di directory locale relativa viene ricreata nella directory remota in cui vengono caricati i file. In caso contrario, i file vengono caricati direttamente nella directory remota senza creare sottodirectory aggiuntive.

    Ad esempio, si supponga che la cartella di origine sia `/home/user/source/` e contenga il file `foo/bar/foobar.txt` e che la directory remota sia `/uploads/`.
    Se l'opzione è selezionata, il file verrà caricato in `/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt`; in caso contrario, verrà caricato in `/uploads/foobar.txt`.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "Considera attendibile il certificato del server", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "connessione stabilita: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "L'URL del server FTP deve includere un nome host", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "L'URL del server FTP deve iniziare con ftp:// o ftps://", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare file da caricare", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "caricamento di file nella directory remota: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "Caricamento FTP riuscito: %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Caricamento FTP riuscito" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Caricamento FTP riuscito", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Caricamento tramite FTP non riuscito" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ab48072fc29f..f383c9579a29 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP アップロード", "loc.helpMarkDown": "ファイル転送プロトコル (FTP) を使用して、または FTPS でセキュリティ保護して、リモート コンピューターにファイルをアップロードします。[詳細情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP アップロード", + "loc.description": "FTP を使用してファイルをアップロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP アップロード: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.credsType": "認証方法", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "アップロードする前に、リモート ディレクトリをコンテンツも含めて削除します。", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "リモート ディレクトリ コンテンツのクリア", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "アップロードの前に、リモート ディレクトリのすべてのコンテンツを再帰的に削除します。既存のディレクトリは、削除されません。パフォーマンス向上のために、代わりに [リモート ディレクトリの削除] の使用をご検討ください。", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "上書き", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "リモート ディレクトリの既存のファイルを上書きします。", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "ファイル パスを保持", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "選択すると、ファイルのアップロード先のリモート ディレクトリの下に、相対ローカル ディレクトリ構造が再作成されます。選択しない場合には、ファイルは、サブディレクトリが作成されることなくリモート ディレクトリに直接アップロードされます。

    たとえば、ソース フォルダーが `/home/user/source/` で、ファイル `foo/bar/foobar.txt` が含まれ、リモート ディレクトリが `/uploads/` であるとします。
    選択すると、ファイルは `/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt` にアップロードされます。選択しないと、`/uploads/foobar.txt` にアップロードされます。", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "サーバー証明書を信頼する", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "接続されました: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "FTP サーバーの URL には、ホスト名を含める必要があります", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "FTP サーバーの URL は、ftp:// または ftps:// で始める必要があります", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "アップロード対象のファイルが見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "リモート ディレクトリにファイルをアップロードしています: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "FTP が正常にアップロードされました %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP が正常にアップロードされました" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP が正常にアップロードされました", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "FTP アップロードに失敗しました" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 869db57d7885..64e8258ca640 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 업로드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "FTP(파일 전송 프로토콜)를 사용하거나 FTPS를 사용하여 안전하게 파일을 원격 컴퓨터에 업로드합니다. [자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "FTP 업로드", + "loc.description": "FTP를 사용하여 파일을 업로드합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 업로드: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.credsType": "인증 방법", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "업로드 전에 해당 콘텐츠를 포함하여 원격 디렉터리를 삭제합니다.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "원격 디렉터리 콘텐츠 지우기", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "업로드 전에 원격 디렉터리의 모든 콘텐츠를 재귀적으로 삭제합니다. 기존 디렉터리는 삭제되지 않습니다. 성능을 향상하려면 '원격 디렉터리 삭제'를 대신 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "덮어쓰기", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "원격 디렉터리의 기존 파일을 덮어씁니다.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "파일 경로 유지", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "선택하는 경우 파일이 업로드되는 원격 디렉터리 아래에 상대 로컬 디렉터리 구조가 다시 만들어집니다. 선택하지 않으면 추가 하위 디렉터리가 만들어지지 않고 파일이 원격 디렉터리에 직접 업로드됩니다.

    예를 들어 소스 폴더가 `/home/user/source/`이고 `foo/bar/foobar.txt` 파일을 포함하고 있으며, 원격 디렉터리는 `/uploads/`라고 가정합니다.
    선택하는 경우 파일은 `/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt`에 업로드됩니다. 선택하지 않으면 `/uploads/foobar.txt`에 업로드됩니다.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "서버 인증서 신뢰", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "%s이(가) 연결되었습니다.", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "FTP 서버 URL은 호스트 이름을 포함해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "FTP 서버 URL은 ftp:// 또는 ftps://로 시작해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "언로드할 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "파일을 원격 디렉터리로 업로드하는 중입니다. %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "FTP 업로드 성공 %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 업로드 성공" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 업로드 성공", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "FTP 업로드에 실패했습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3c68ebd5c292..8dff16b7ceb7 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Отправка по FTP", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Передача файлов на удаленный компьютер по протоколу FTP или защищенному протоколу FTPS. [Дополнительные сведения](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084).", - "loc.description": "Отправка по FTP", + "loc.description": "Отправка файлов по FTP", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Отправка по FTP: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.credsType": "Способ проверки подлинности", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "Удалить удаленный каталог, включая его содержимое, перед отправкой.", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "Очистить содержимое удаленного каталога", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "Рекурсивно удалить все содержимое удаленного каталога перед отправкой. Существующий каталог не удаляется. Для повышения производительности используйте вместо этого функцию \"Удалить удаленный каталог\".", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "Перезаписать", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "Перезапись существующих файлов в удаленном каталоге.", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "Сохранять пути к файлам", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "Если этот флажок установлен, структура относительного локального каталога пересоздается в удаленном каталоге, в который отправляются файлы. В противном случае файлы отправляются напрямую в удаленный каталог без создания дополнительных подкаталогов.

    Предположим, ваша исходная папка — /home/user/source/, которая содержит файл foo/bar/foobar.txt, а удаленный каталог — /uploads/.
    Если флажок установлен, файл отправляется в папку /uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt. В противном случае он отправляется в папку /uploads/foobar.txt.", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "Доверять сертификату сервера", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "подключено: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "В URL-адресе FTP-сервера должно быть указано имя узла.", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "URL-адрес FTP-сервера должен начинаться с \"ftp://\" или \"ftps://\"", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "Не удалось найти файлы для отправки", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "отправка файлов в удаленный каталог: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "Отправка по FTP успешно завершена: %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Отправка по FTP успешно завершена." + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "Отправка по FTP успешно завершена.", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Не удалось отправить по FTP" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index b80cca9ac076..32391c1ae8b3 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 上传", "loc.helpMarkDown": "使用文件传输协议(FTP)将文件上传到远程计算机,或使用 FTPS 安全上传。[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP 上传", + "loc.description": "使用 FTP 上传文件", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 上传: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.credsType": "身份验证方法", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "上传前,请删除远程目录及其内容。", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "清除远程目录内容", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "上传前,请以递归方式删除所有远程目录的内容。不会删除现有目录。要提高性能,请考虑改用“删除远程目录”。", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "覆盖", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "覆盖远程目录中的现有文件。", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "保留文件路径", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "如果选中,将在上传文件的远程目录下重新创建有关本地目录结构。否则,会将文件直接上传到远程目录而不创建其他子目录。

    例如,假设源文件夹为: `/home/user/source/`,它包含文件: `foo/bar/foobar.txt`,而远程目录为: `/uploads/`
    如果选中,文件将上传到: `/ uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt`。否则上传到: `/ uploads/foobar.txt`。", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "信任服务器证书", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "已连接: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "FTP 服务器 URL 必需包括主机名", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "FTP 服务器 URL 必需以 ftp:// 或 ftps:// 开头", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "找不到任何要上传的文件", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "正在将文件上传到远程目录: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "FTP 已成功上传 %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 已成功上传" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 已成功上传", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "FTP 上传失败" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index d10781e62a36..c1e4e9084e3f 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "FTP 上傳", "loc.helpMarkDown": "使用檔案傳輸通訊協定 (FTP) 或更安全的 FTPS,將檔案上傳到遠端電腦。[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809084)。", - "loc.description": "FTP 上傳", + "loc.description": "使用 FTP 上傳檔案", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "FTP 上傳: $(rootFolder)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.credsType": "驗證方法", @@ -21,8 +21,6 @@ "loc.input.help.clean": "先刪除遠端目錄 (包括其內容) 再上傳。", "loc.input.label.cleanContents": "清除遠端目錄內容", "loc.input.help.cleanContents": "先以遞迴方式刪除遠端目錄的所有內容再上傳。現有的目錄不會刪除。為達更佳效能,請考慮改為使用 `Delete remote directory`。", - "loc.input.label.overwrite": "覆寫", - "loc.input.help.overwrite": "覆寫遠端目錄中現有的檔案。", "loc.input.label.preservePaths": "保留檔案路徑", "loc.input.help.preservePaths": "如有選取,會在檔案上傳的遠端目錄下重新建立相對的本機目錄結構。否則,檔案會直接上傳到遠端目錄,而不會另外建立其他子目錄。

    例如,假設您的來源資料來為 '/home/user/source/',其中包含了檔案 'foo/bar/foobar.txt',而您的遠端目錄為 '/uploads/'
    如有選取,檔案會上傳到 '/uploads/foo/bar/foobar.txt',否則會上傳到 '/uploads/foobar.txt'。", "loc.input.label.trustSSL": "信任伺服器憑證", @@ -36,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.messages.FTPConnected": "已連線: %s", "loc.messages.FTPNoHostSpecified": "FTP 伺服器 URL 必須包含主機名稱。", "loc.messages.FTPNoProtocolSpecified": "FTP 伺服器 URL 的開頭必須是 ftp:// 或 ftps://", + "loc.messages.NoFilesFound": "找不到任何要上傳的檔案", "loc.messages.UploadRemoteDir": "正在將檔案上傳至遠端目錄: %s", "loc.messages.UploadSucceedMsg": "FTP 上傳成功 %s", - "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 上傳成功" + "loc.messages.UploadSucceedRes": "FTP 上傳成功", + "loc.messages.UploadFailed": "Ftp 上傳失敗" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.json b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.json index afb5ae2f689b..e197050cb4b3 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "instanceNameFormat": "FTP Upload: $(rootFolder)", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.loc.json index ae694953b69e..a21615d7afc0 100644 --- a/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/FtpUploadV2/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c04d4a8e6399 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub-Release", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein GitHub-Release erstellt, bearbeitet oder gelöscht.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub-Release ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "GitHub-Verbindung (OAuth oder PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "Geben Sie den Namen der GitHub-Dienstverbindung an, die zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem GitHub-Repository verwendet werden soll. Die Verbindung muss auf einem OAuth-Token eines GitHub-Benutzers oder einem persönlichen GitHub-Zugriffstoken basieren. Weitere Informationen zu Dienstverbindungen finden Sie [hier](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s).", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "Repository", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "Geben Sie den Namen des GitHub-Repositorys an, in dem das GitHub-Release erstellt, bearbeitet oder gelöscht wird.", + "loc.input.label.action": "Aktion", + "loc.input.help.action": "Geben Sie den Typ des auszuführenden Releasevorgangs an. Mit dieser Aufgabe kann ein GitHub-Release erstellt, bearbeitet oder gelöscht werden.", + "loc.input.label.target": "Ziel", + "loc.input.help.target": "Geben Sie den Commit-SHA an, für den das GitHub-Release erstellt wird, z. B. \"48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27\". Sie können hier auch eine Variable verwenden, beispielsweise \"$(myCommitSHA)\".", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "Tagquelle", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "Geben Sie das Tag an, das für die Releaseerstellung verwendet werden soll. Die Option \"Git-Tag\" verwendet automatisch das Tag, das dem Git-Commit zugeordnet ist. Verwenden Sie die Option \"Benutzerdefiniertes Tag\", um manuell ein Tag anzugeben.", + "loc.input.label.tag": "Tag", + "loc.input.help.tag": "Geben Sie das Tag an, für das ein Release erstellt, bearbeitet oder gelöscht werden soll. Sie können hier auch eine Variable verwenden, z. B. \"$(myTagName)\".", + "loc.input.label.title": "Releasetitel", + "loc.input.help.title": "Geben Sie den Titel für das GitHub-Release an. Wenn Sie keinen Titel angeben, wird das Tag als Releasetitel verwendet.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "Quelle für Versionshinweise", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "Geben Sie die Beschreibung für das GitHub-Release an. Verwenden Sie die Option \"Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version\", um den Inhalt einer Datei als Versionshinweise zu verwenden. Verwenden Sie die Option \"Inline-Versionshinweise\", um Anmerkungen zu dieser Version manuell einzugeben.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Dateipfad zu Versionsanmerkungen", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie die Datei aus, die die Versionshinweise enthält.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "Geben Sie hier die Versionshinweise ein. Markdown wird unterstützt.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "Objekte", + "loc.input.help.assets": "Geben Sie die Dateien an, die als Ressourcen für das Release hochgeladen werden sollen. Sie können Platzhalterzeichen verwenden, um mehrere Dateien anzugeben. Beispielsweise können Sie für Buildpipelines \"$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip\" oder für Releasepipelines \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip\" verwenden. Es ist auch möglich, mehrere Muster anzugeben – ein Muster pro Zeile. Standardmäßig werden alle Dateien im Verzeichnis \"$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\" hochgeladen. Weitere Informationen zur Liste der verfügbaren vordefinierten Variablen finden Sie unter [Buildvariablen](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) und [Releasevariablen](https://aka.ms/AA43wws).", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "Uploadmodus für Ressourcen", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "Verwenden Sie die Option \"Vorhandene Ressourcen löschen\", um zunächst alle vorhandenen Ressourcen im Release zu löschen und dann alle Ressourcen hochzuladen. Verwenden Sie die Option \"Vorhandene Ressourcen ersetzen\", um alle Ressourcen mit übereinstimmenden Namen zu ersetzen.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "Entwurfsrelease", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "Geben Sie an, ob das Release als (nicht veröffentlichter) Entwurf gespeichert werden soll. Bei Festlegung auf FALSE wird das Release veröffentlicht.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "Vorabversion", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "Geben Sie an, ob das Release als Vorabversion gekennzeichnet werden soll.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "Änderungsprotokoll hinzufügen", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird eine Liste der Änderungen (Commits und Issues) zwischen dieser und dem zuletzt veröffentlichten Release generiert und an die Versionshinweise angefügt.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Abrufen von Tags.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Abrufen von Releases.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Erstellen der Release.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Bearbeiten des Release.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Löschen des Release.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "Release für Tag wird erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "Das Release wurde erfolgreich in \"%s\" erstellt.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Release. Für das folgende Tag ist bereits ein Release vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "Das Release mit folgendem Tag wird bearbeitet: %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "Release erfolgreich bearbeitet", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "Es wurde kein vorhandenes Release zum Bearbeiten gefunden. Es wird ein Release mit dem folgenden Tag erstellt: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "Das Release für folgendes Tag wird gelöscht: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "Die Release wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "Für das Tag \"%s\" wurde kein Release gefunden. Fehler beim Löschen des Release.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "Das Release für das folgende Tag wird abgerufen: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "Für folgendes Tag wurde ein Release gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "Es wird nach Tags gesucht, die dem Zielcommit zugeordnet sind: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "Für folgenden Zielcommit wurde ein Tag gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "Datei nicht gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "Es wurde nur 1 Release erwartet, aber für das Tag \"%s\" wurde mehr als 1 Release gefunden. Die Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "Es wurde nur 1 Tag erwartet, aber für den angegebenen Commit \"%s\" wurde mehr als 1 Tag gefunden. Die Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "Das Release wird nicht erstellt, weil für den Zielcommit keine Tags gefunden wurden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt zur Tagquelle in der Dokumentation: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "Alle vorhandenen Ressourcen werden gelöscht...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "Doppelte Ressource gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "Die Ressourcen wurden erfolgreich gelöscht.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "Doppelte Ressource wird gelöscht: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "Doppelte Ressource gefunden: %s. Wird übersprungen...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "Die Ressource \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "Alle Ressourcen wurden erfolgreich hochgeladen.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Löschen der doppelten Ressource: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Löschen der Ressource: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "Ressource wird gelöscht: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "Es wurden keine Ressourcen zum Löschen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "Ressourcen werden hochgeladen...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "Datei wird hochgeladen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "Es wurden keine Ressourcen zum Hochladen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "Die Datei mit Versionshinweisen \"%s\" ist ein Verzeichnis und keine Datei.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "Die Ressource ist ein Verzeichnis und keine Datei. Der Upload des Verzeichnisses wird übersprungen: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "In diesem Release vorgenommene Änderungen werden berechnet...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "Die Änderungen wurden erfolgreich berechnet.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "Die Änderungen können nicht berechnet werden, weil der angegebene Zielcommit älter ist als der Commit für das neueste veröffentlichte Release.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "Es wurden keine Änderungen gefunden. Der angegebene Zielcommit ist mit dem Commit für das neueste veröffentlichte Release identisch.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "Das neueste veröffentlichte Release wird abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "Das neueste veröffentlichte Release wurde gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Abrufen des neuesten veröffentlichten Release.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "Im Repository wurden noch keine Releases veröffentlicht.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "Die Liste der Commits seit dem zuletzt veröffentlichten Release wird abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "Die Liste der Änderungen wurde gefunden.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Abrufen der Liste mit Änderungen.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "Der erste Commit wird abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "Der erste Commit wurde gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "Ungültiger GitHub-Dienstendpunkt: %s.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "Ungültiges GitHub-Dienstverbindungsschema: %s. Es sind nur GitHub-Verbindungen zulässig, die auf einem OAuth-Token oder einem persönlichen Zugriffstoken basieren.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "Unerwarteter Fehler beim Abrufen des ersten Commits.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "Ungültige Aktion: %s. Es sind nur die Aktionen \"create\", \"edit\" oder \"delete\" zulässig. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "Ungültige Tagquelle: %s. Es sind nur die Optionen \"auto\" oder \"manual\" zulässig. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "Ungültige Quelle für Versionshinweise: %s. Es sind nur die Optionen \"file\" oder \"input\" zulässig. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "Ungültiger Modus für Ressourcenupload: %s. Es sind nur die Aktionen \"delete\" oder \"replace\" zulässig. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "Für die Aktion \"%s\" ist ein Tag erforderlich. Geben Sie im Schritt ein Tag an. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "Die Tagquelle ist auf \"manual\" festgelegt. Geben Sie ein Tag für die Aktion zum Erstellen an. Informationen zur YAML-Syntax finden Sie hier: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "Es wurden keine Dateien gefunden, die mit \"%s\" übereinstimmen. Keine Elemente zum Upload vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "\"%s\" kann nicht hochgeladen werden, weil es sich um ein Verzeichnis handelt. Geben Sie eine Datei an.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Es wird nach Dateien gesucht, die mit \"%s\" übereinstimmen." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9670e1a63f7c --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Versión de GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "Crea, edita o elimina una versión de GitHub.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Versión de GitHub ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "Conexión de GitHub (OAuth o PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "Especifique el nombre de la conexión de servicio de GitHub que se va a usar para conectarse al repositorio de GitHub. La conexión se debe basar en el valor OAuth del usuario de GitHub o en un token de acceso personal de GitHub. Obtenga más información sobre las conexiones de servicio [aquí](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s).", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "Repositorio", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "Especifique el nombre del repositorio de GitHub en el que se creará, editará o eliminará la versión de GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.action": "Acción", + "loc.input.help.action": "Especifique el tipo de operación de versión que se va a realizar. Esta tarea permite crear, editar o eliminar una versión de GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.target": "Destino", + "loc.input.help.target": "Especifique el SHA de \"commit\" para el que se creará la versión de GitHub. Por ejemplo, \"48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27\". También puede usar una variable aquí; por ejemplo, \"$(myCommitSHA)\".", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "Origen de etiqueta", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "Especifique la etiqueta que se va a usar para la creación de la versión. La opción \"Git tag\" obtiene automáticamente la etiqueta asociada al \"commit\" de GIT. Utilice la opción \"User specified tag\" para proporcionar una etiqueta de forma manual.", + "loc.input.label.tag": "Etiqueta", + "loc.input.help.tag": "Especifique la etiqueta para la que se va a crear, editar o eliminar una versión. También puede usar una variable aquí. Por ejemplo, \"$(myTagName)\".", + "loc.input.label.title": "Título de la versión", + "loc.input.help.title": "Especifique el título de la versión de GitHub. Si se deja en blanco, se usará la etiqueta como título de la versión.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "Origen de las notas de la versión", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "Especifique la descripción de la versión de GitHub. Use la opción \"Archivo de notas de la versión\" para utilizar el contenido de un archivo como notas de la versión. Use la opción \"Inline release notes\" para escribir las notas de la versión de forma manual.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Ruta de acceso al archivo de notas de la versión", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione el archivo que contiene las notas de la versión.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "Notas de la versión", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "Especifique aquí las notas de la versión. Se admite Markdown.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "Activos", + "loc.input.help.assets": "Especifique los archivos que se van a cargar como recursos de la versión. Puede usar caracteres comodín para especificar varios archivos. Por ejemplo, \"$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip\" para las canalizaciones de compilación o \"`$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip\" en el caso de las canalizaciones de versión. También puede especificar varios patrones, uno por cada línea. De forma predeterminada, se cargarán todos los archivos del directorio $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). Para obtener más información sobre la lista de variables predefinidas disponibles, consulte las [variables de compilación](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) y las [variables de versión] (https://aka.ms/AA43wws).", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "Modo de carga de recursos", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "Use la opción \"Delete existing assets\" para eliminar primero los recursos existentes en la versión y, después, cargar todos los recursos. Use la opción \"Replace existing assets\" para reemplazar los recursos que tengan el mismo nombre.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "Versión de borrador", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "Indique si la versión debe guardarse como borrador (sin publicar). Si el valor es \"false\", la versión se publicará.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "Versión preliminar", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "Indique si la versión se debe marcar como versión preliminar.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "Agregar registro de cambios", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "Si se establece en \"true\", se generará una lista de los cambios (\"commits\" e \"issues\") entre esta y la última versión publicada y se anexará a las notas de la versión.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "Error inesperado.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "Error inesperado al aplicar \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios en las etiquetas.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "Error inesperado al aplicar \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios en las versiones.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "Error inesperado al crear la versión.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "Error inesperado al editar la versión.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "Error inesperado al eliminar la versión.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "Creando una versión para la etiqueta: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "La versión se ha creado correctamente en %s", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "No se pudo crear la versión. Ya existe una versión para la etiqueta: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "Editando la versión con la etiqueta %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "La versión se ha editado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "No se ha encontrado ninguna versión existente para editar. Se va a crear una con la etiqueta %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "Eliminando la versión de la etiqueta: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "La versión se eliminó correctamente.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "No se encontró ninguna versión para la etiqueta %s. Error al eliminar la versión.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "Usando \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios de la versión de la etiqueta: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "Se ha encontrado una versión para la etiqueta: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "Buscando etiquetas asociadas al \"commit\" de destino: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "Se ha encontrado una etiqueta para el \"commit\" de destino: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "No se encuentra el archivo: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "Se esperaba solo una versión, pero se ha encontrado más de una para la etiqueta: %s. No se puede realizar la acción.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "Se esperaba solo una etiqueta, pero se ha encontrado más de una para el \"commit\" dado: %s. No se puede realizar la acción.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "No se creará la versión porque no se han encontrado etiquetas para el \"commit\" de destino. Para obtener más información, consulte la sección \"Tag Source\" en la documentación de https://aka.ms/AA4f03a.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "Eliminando todos los recursos existentes...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "Se ha encontrado un recurso duplicado: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "Los recursos se han eliminado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "Eliminando el recurso duplicado: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "Se ha encontrado un recurso duplicado: %s. Omitiendo...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "El recurso %s se ha eliminado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "Todos los recursos se han cargado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "Error inesperado al eliminar el recurso duplicado: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "Error inesperado al eliminar el recurso: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "Eliminando el recurso: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "No se han encontrado recursos para eliminar.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "Cargando los recursos...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "Cargando el archivo: \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "Error inesperado al cargar el archivo: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "El archivo se cargó correctamente: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "No se han encontrado recursos para cargar.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "El archivo de notas de la versión %s es un directorio y no un archivo.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "El recurso es un directorio y no un archivo. Omitiendo la carga del directorio: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "Calculando los cambios realizados en esta versión...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "Los cambios se han calculado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "No se pueden calcular los cambios porque el \"commit\" de destino proporcionado es anterior al de la última versión publicada.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "No se han encontrado cambios. El \"commit\" de destino proporcionado es el mismo que el de la última versión publicada.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "Usando \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios de la última versión publicada...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "Se ha encontrado la última versión publicada: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "Error inesperado al aplicar \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios de la última versión publicada.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "No hay ninguna versión publicada aún en el repositorio.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "Usando \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios de la lista de elementos \"commit\" desde la última versión publicada...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "Se ha encontrado la lista de cambios.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "Error inesperado al aplicar \"fetch\" a la lista de cambios.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "Usando \"fetch\" para recuperar cambios del \"commit\" inicial...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "Se ha encontrado el \"commit\" inicial: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "Punto de conexión de servicio de GitHub no válido: %s.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "Esquema de conexión del servicio de GitHub no válido: %s. Solo se permiten conexiones de token de acceso personal de GitHub y OAuth.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "Error inesperado al aplicar \"fetch\" para la recuperación de cambios del \"commit\" inicial.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "Acción no válida: %s. Solo se permiten las acciones \"create\", \"edit\" o \"delete\". Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "Origen de etiqueta no válido: %s. Solo se permiten las opciones \"auto\" o \"manual\". Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "Origen de notas de la versión no válido: %s. Solo se permiten las opciones \"file\" o \"input\". Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "Modo de carga de recursos no válido: %s. Solo se permiten las opciones \"delete\" o \"replace\". Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "Se requiere una etiqueta para la acción \"%s\". Especifique una etiqueta en el paso. Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "El origen de la etiqueta está establecido en manual; especifique una etiqueta para la acción \"create\". Para ver la sintaxis de YAML, consulte: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "No se ha encontrado ningún archivo que coincida con \"%s\". No hay nada que cargar.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "No se puede cargar \"%s\" porque es un directorio. Especifique un archivo.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Buscando archivos que coincidan con \"%s\"." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..53b9ed1e297e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Mise en production GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "Créer, modifier ou supprimer une mise en production GitHub", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Mise en production GitHub ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "Connexion GitHub (OAuth ou PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "Spécifiez le nom de la connexion de service GitHub à utiliser pour la connexion au dépôt GitHub. La connexion doit être basée sur le jeton OAuth d'un utilisateur GitHub ou un jeton d'accès personnel GitHub. En savoir plus sur les connexions de service [ici](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s).", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "Dépôt", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "Spécifiez le nom du dépôt GitHub dans lequel la mise en production GitHub est créée, modifiée ou supprimée.", + "loc.input.label.action": "Action", + "loc.input.help.action": "Spécifiez le type d'opération de mise en production à effectuer. Cette tâche permet de créer, modifier ou supprimer une mise en production GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.target": "Cible", + "loc.input.help.target": "Spécifiez le SHA de validation pour lequel la mise en production GitHub doit être créée. Exemple : '48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27'. Vous pouvez également utiliser une variable ici. Exemple : '$(myCommitSHA)'.", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "Source de l'étiquette", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "Spécifiez l'étiquette à utiliser pour la création de la mise en production. L'option Étiquette Git accepte automatiquement l'étiquette associée à la validation Git. Utilisez l'option Étiquette spécifiée par l'utilisateur pour fournir une étiquette manuellement.", + "loc.input.label.tag": "Étiquette", + "loc.input.help.tag": "Spécifiez l'étiquette pour laquelle vous souhaitez créer, modifier ou supprimer une mise en production. Vous pouvez également utiliser une variable ici. Exemple : '$(myTagName)'.", + "loc.input.label.title": "Titre de la mise en production", + "loc.input.help.title": "Spécifiez le titre de la mise en production GitHub. Si rien n'est indiqué, l'étiquette est utilisée en tant que titre de la mise en production.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "Source des notes de publication", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "Spécifiez la description de la mise en production GitHub. Utilisez l'option Fichier de notes de publication pour utiliser le contenu d'un fichier en tant que notes de publication. Utilisez l'option Notes de publication inline pour entrer manuellement les notes de publication.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Chemin du fichier de notes de publication", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez le fichier qui contient les notes de publication.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "Notes de publication", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "Entrez les notes de publication ici. Markdown est pris en charge.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "Ressources", + "loc.input.help.assets": "Spécifiez les fichiers à charger en tant que composants de la mise en production. Vous pouvez utiliser des caractères génériques pour spécifier plusieurs fichiers. Exemple : '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip' pour les pipelines de build ou '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip' pour les pipelines de mise en production. Vous pouvez également spécifier plusieurs modèles (un par ligne). Par défaut, tous les fichiers du répertoire $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) sont chargés. Pour en savoir plus sur la liste des variables prédéfinies disponibles, consultez les informations relatives aux [variables de build](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) et aux [variables de mise en production](https://aka.ms/AA43wws).", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "Mode de chargement des composants", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "Utilisez l'option Supprimer les composants existants pour supprimer d'abord tous les composants existants de la mise en production avant de charger tous les composants. Utilisez l'option Remplacer les composants existants pour remplacer les composants qui portent le même nom.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "Version brouillon", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "Indiquez si la mise en production doit être enregistrée en tant que brouillon (non publiée). Si la valeur est 'false', la mise en production est publiée.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "Préversion", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "Indiquez si la mise en production doit être marquée en tant que préversion.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "Ajouter un journal des modifications", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "Si la valeur est 'true', la liste des changements (validations et problèmes) survenus entre cette mise en production et la dernière mise en production publiée est générée et ajoutée aux notes de publication.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la récupération (fetch) des étiquettes.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la récupération (fetch) des mises en production.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la création de la mise en production.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la modification de la mise en production.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la suppression de la mise en production.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "Création d'une mise en production pour l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "Création réussie de la mise en production à %s", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "Échec de la création de la mise en production. Il existe déjà une mise en production pour l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "Modification de la mise en production avec l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "Mise en production modifiée correctement", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "Il n'existe aucune mise en production à modifier. Création d'une mise en production avec l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "Suppression de la mise en production pour l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "La mise en production a été supprimée.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "Mise en production introuvable pour l'étiquette : %s. Échec de la suppression de la mise en production.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "Récupération (fetch) de la mise en production pour l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "Mise en production trouvée pour l'étiquette : %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "Recherche d'étiquettes associées à la validation cible : %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "Étiquette trouvée pour la validation cible : %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "Fichier introuvable : %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "Une seule mise en production était attendue, mais plusieurs mises en production ont été trouvées pour l'étiquette : %s. Impossible d'effectuer l'action.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "Une seule étiquette était attendue, mais plusieurs étiquettes ont été trouvées pour la validation spécifiée : %s. Impossible d'effectuer l'action.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "Impossible de créer la mise en production, car il n'existe aucune étiquette pour la validation cible. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la section relative à la source d'une étiquette dans la documentation : https://aka.ms/AA4f03a.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "Suppression de tous les composants existants...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "Composant dupliqué trouvé : %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "Composants supprimés correctement.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "Suppression du composant dupliqué : %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "Composant dupliqué trouvé : %s. Ignoré...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "Composant %s supprimé correctement", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "Tous les composants ont été chargés correctement.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la suppression du composant dupliqué : %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la suppression du composant : %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "Suppression du composant : %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "Les composants à supprimer sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "Chargement des composants...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "Chargement du fichier : '%s'.", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant le chargement du fichier : %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "Chargement réussi du fichier : '%s'", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "Les composants à charger sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "Fichier de notes de publication : %s est un répertoire et non un fichier.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "La composant est un répertoire et non un fichier. Chargement du répertoire ignoré : %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "Calcul des changements apportés à cette mise en production...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "Changements calculés correctement.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "Impossible de calculer les modifications, car la validation cible fournie est antérieure à la validation de la dernière mise en production publiée.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "Changements introuvables. La validation cible fournie est la même que celle de la dernière mise en production publiée.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "Récupération (fetch) de la dernière mise en production publiée...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "La dernière mise en production publiée a été trouvée : %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la récupération (fetch) de la dernière mise en production publiée.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "Aucune mise en production n'a encore été publiée dans le dépôt.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "Récupération (fetch) de la liste des validations depuis la dernière mise en production publiée...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "La liste des changements a été trouvée.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la récupération (fetch) de la liste des changements.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "Récupération (fetch) de la validation initiale...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "Validation initiale trouvée : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "Point de terminaison de service GitHub non valide : %s.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "Mode de connexion de service GitHub non valide : %s. Seules les connexions par jeton d'accès personnel OAuth et GitHub sont autorisées.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite durant la récupération (fetch) de la validation initiale.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "Action non valide : %s. Seules les actions 'create', 'edit' ou 'delete' sont autorisées. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "Source de l'étiquette non valide : %s. Seules les options 'auto' ou 'manual' sont autorisées. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "Source des notes de publication non valide : %s. Seules les options 'file' ou 'input' sont autorisées. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "Mode de chargement de composant non valide : %s. Seules les options 'delete' ou 'replace' sont autorisées. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "Pour l'action '%s', une étiquette est nécessaire. Spécifiez une étiquette au cours de l'étape. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "La source de l'étiquette est définie pour être manuelle. Spécifiez une étiquette pour l'action de création. Pour la syntaxe YAML, consultez https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "Il n'existe aucun fichier correspondant à '%s'. Rien à charger.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "Impossible de charger '%s', car il s'agit d'un répertoire. Spécifiez un fichier.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Recherche de fichier(s) correspondant à '%s'." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..653ac68d0787 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Versione di GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "Consente di creare, modificare o eliminare una versione di GitHub", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Versione di GitHub ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "Connessione a GitHub (OAuth o token di accesso personale)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "Specificare il nome della connessione al servizio GitHub da usare per la connessione al repository GitHub. La connessione deve essere basata su un OAuth dell'utente di GitHub o su un token di accesso personale GitHub. Per altre informazioni sulle connessioni al servizio, vedere [qui](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s).", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "Repository", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "Specificare il nome del repository GitHub in cui verrà creata, modificata o eliminata la versione GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.action": "Azione", + "loc.input.help.action": "Specificare il tipo di operazione da eseguire sulla versione. Questa attività consente di creare, modificare o eliminare una versione di GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.target": "Destinazione", + "loc.input.help.target": "Specificare il commit SHA per cui verrà creata la versione GitHub, ad esempio `48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27`. È anche possibile usare una variabile, ad esempio `$(myCommitSHA)`.", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "Origine dei tag", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "Specificare il tag da usare per la creazione della versione. L'opzione 'Tag GIT' accetta automaticamente il tag associato al commit GIT. Selezionare l'opzione 'Tag specificato dall'utente' per specificare manualmente un tag.", + "loc.input.label.tag": "Tag", + "loc.input.help.tag": "Specificare il tag per cui creare, modificare o eliminare una versione. È anche possibile usare una variabile, ad esempio `$(myTagName)`.", + "loc.input.label.title": "Titolo della versione", + "loc.input.help.title": "Specificare il titolo della versione GitHub. Se viene lasciato vuoto, come titolo della versione verrà usato il tag.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "Origine delle note sulla versione", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "Specificare la descrizione della versione di GitHub. Selezionare l'opzione 'File delle note sulla versione' per usare il contenuto di un file come note sulla versione. Selezionare l'opzione 'Note sulla versione online' per immettere manualmente le note sulla versione.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Percorso del file delle note sulla versione", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Selezionare il file che contiene le note sulla versione.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "Note sulla versione", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "Immettere qui le note sulla versione. Markdown è supportato.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "Asset", + "loc.input.help.assets": "Specificare i file da caricare come asset della versione. È possibile usare caratteri jolly per specificare più file. Ad esempio, specificare `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip` per le pipeline di compilazione oppure `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip` per le pipeline di versione. È anche possibile specificare più criteri, uno per riga. Per impostazione predefinita, tutti i file verranno caricati nella directory $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). Per altre informazioni sull'elenco delle variabili predefinite disponibili, vedere le [variabili di compilazione](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) e le [variabili di versione](https://aka.ms/AA43wws).", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "Modalità di caricamento degli asset", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "Usare l'opzione 'Elimina asset esistenti' per eliminare prima tutti gli asset esistenti nella versione, quindi caricare tutti gli asset. Usare l'opzione 'Sostituisci asset esistenti' per sostituire gli asset con lo stesso nome.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "Versione bozza", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "Indica se la versione deve essere salvata come bozza (non pubblicata). Se è `false`, la versione verrà pubblicata.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "Versione non definitiva", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "Indica se la versione deve essere contrassegnata come versione non definitiva.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "Aggiungi log delle modifiche", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "Se è impostato su `true`, verrà generato un elenco di modifiche (commit e problemi) relativo alla versione corrente e all'ultima versione pubblicata e tale elenco verrà aggiunto alle note sulla versione.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il recupero dei tag.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il recupero delle versioni.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante la creazione della versione.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante la modifica della versione.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante l'eliminazione della versione.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "Creazione di una versione per il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "La versione è stata creata in %s", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "Non è stato possibile creare la versione. Esiste già una versione per il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "Modifica della versione con il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "La versione è stata modificata", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "Non sono state trovate versioni esistenti da modificare. Ne verrà creata una con tag: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "Eliminazione della versione per il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "La versione è stata eliminata.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione per il tag: %s. L'eliminazione della versione non è riuscita.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "Recupero della versione per il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "È stata trovata una versione per il tag: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "Ricerca dei tag associati al commit di destinazione: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "È stato trovato un tag per il commit di destinazione: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "File non trovato: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "È prevista una sola versione, ma ne è stata trovata più di una per il tag: %s. Non è possibile eseguire l'azione.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "È previsto un solo tag, ma ne è stato trovato più di uno per il commit specificato: %s. Non è possibile eseguire l'azione.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "La versione non verrà creata perché non è stato possibile trovare tag per il commit di destinazione. Per altre informazioni, vedere la sezione sull'origine dei tag nella documentazione: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "Eliminazione di tutti gli asset esistenti...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "È stato trovato un asset duplicato: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "Gli asset sono stati eliminati.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "Eliminazione dell'asset duplicato: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "È stato trovato un asset duplicato: %s. Verrà ignorato...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "L'asset %s è stato eliminato", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "Tutti gli asset sono stati caricati.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante l'eliminazione dell'asset duplicato: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante l'eliminazione dell'asset: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "Eliminazione dell'asset: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "Non sono stati trovati asset da eliminare.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "Caricamento degli asset...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "Caricamento del file: '%s'.", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il caricamento del file: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "Il file è stato caricato: '%s'", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "Non sono stati trovati asset da caricare.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "Il file delle note sulla versione %s è una directory e non un file.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "L'asset è una directory e non un file. La directory di caricamento verrà ignorata: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "Calcolo delle modifiche apportate in questa versione...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "Le modifiche sono state calcolate.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "Non è possibile calcolare le modifiche perché il commit di destinazione specificato è meno recente del commit dell'ultima versione pubblicata.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "Non sono state trovate modifiche. Il commit di destinazione specificato è uguale a quello dell'ultima versione pubblicata.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "Recupero dell'ultima versione pubblicata...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "L'ultima versione pubblicata è stata trovata: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il recupero dell'ultima versione pubblicata.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "Non sono ancora state pubblicate versioni nel repository.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "Recupero dell'elenco di commit eseguiti dall'ultima versione pubblicata...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "L'elenco di modifiche è stato trovato.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il recupero dell'elenco di modifiche.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "Recupero del commit iniziale...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "Il commit iniziale è stato trovato: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "Endpoint servizio GitHub non valido: %s.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "Schema di connessione al servizio GitHub non valido: %s. Sono consentite solo le connessioni OAuth o con token di accesso personale GitHub.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto durante il recupero del commit iniziale.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "Azione non valida: %s. Sono consentite solo le azioni 'create', 'edit' e 'delete'. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "Origine dei tag non valida: %s. Sono consentite solo le opzioni 'auto' e 'manual'. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "Origine delle note sulla versione non valida: %s. Sono consentite solo le opzioni 'file' e 'input'. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "Modalità di caricamento degli asset non valida: %s. Sono consentite solo le opzioni 'delete' e 'replace'. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "Per l'azione '%s' è richiesto un tag. Specificare un tag nel passaggio. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "L'origine del tag è impostata su manual. Specificare un tag per l'azione create. Per la sintassi YAML, vedere: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "Non sono stati trovati file corrispondenti a '%s'. Non c'è nulla da caricare.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "Non è possibile caricare '%s' perché è una directory. Specificare un file.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Ricerca dei file corrispondenti a '%s'." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..87616287f781 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub リリース", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "GitHub リリースを作成、編集、または削除します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub リリース ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "GitHub 接続 (OAuth または PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "GitHub リポジトリへの接続に使用する GitHub サービス接続の名前を指定します。この接続は、GitHub ユーザーの OAuth または GitHub 個人用アクセス トークンに基づいている必要があります。サービス接続については、[こちら](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s)を参照してください。", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "リポジトリ", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "GitHub リリースが作成、編集、または削除される GitHub リポジトリの名前を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.action": "アクション", + "loc.input.help.action": "実行するリリース操作の種類を指定します。このタスクでは、GitHub リリースを作成、編集、または削除できます。", + "loc.input.label.target": "ターゲット", + "loc.input.help.target": "GitHub リリースを作成するためのコミット SHA を指定します。例: `48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27`。ここで変数を使用することもできます。例: '$(myCommitSHA)'。", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "タグ ソース", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "リリースの作成に使用するタグを指定します。[Git タグ] オプションを使用する場合、Git コミットと関連付けられているタグが自動的に取得されます。[ユーザー指定のタグ] オプションを使用する場合、手動でタグを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.tag": "タグ", + "loc.input.help.tag": "リリースを作成、編集、または削除するためのタグを指定します。ここで変数を使用することもできます。例: `$(myTagName)`。", + "loc.input.label.title": "リリース タイトル", + "loc.input.help.title": "GitHub リリースのタイトルを指定します。空のままにすると、タグはリリース タイトルとして使用されます。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "リリース ノートのソース", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "GitHub リリースの説明を指定します。ファイルの内容をリリース ノートとして使用するには、[リリース ノート ファイル] オプションを使用します。手動でリリース ノートを入力するには、[インライン リリース ノート] オプションを使用します。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル パス", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノートを含むファイルを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "リリース ノート", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "リリース ノートをこちらに入力してください。マークダウンがサポートされています。", + "loc.input.label.assets": "資産", + "loc.input.help.assets": "リリース アセットとしてアップロードするファイルを指定します。ワイルドカード文字を使用して複数のファイルを指定できます。例: ビルド パイプラインの場合は `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip`、リリース パイプラインの場合は `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip` とします。1 行に 1 つずつ、複数のパターンを指定することもできます。既定では、$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) ディレクトリ内のすべてのファイルがアップロードされます。利用可能な事前定義済み変数のリストについて詳しくは、[ビルド変数](https://aka.ms/AA4449z)および[リリース変数](https://aka.ms/AA43wws)を参照してください。", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "アセット アップロード モード", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "最初にリリース内の既存のアセットを削除してからすべてのアセットをアップロードするには、[既存のアセットを削除] オプションを使用します。同じ名前のアセットを置換するには、[既存のアセットを置換] オプションを使用します。", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "ドラフト リリース", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "リリースを下書き (未公開) として保存する必要があるかどうかを示します。[false] の場合、リリースは公開されます。", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "プレリリース", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "リリースをプレリリースとしてマークする必要があるかどうかを示します。", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "変更ログの追加", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "[true] に設定されている場合、これと公開された最新リリースの間の変更 (コミットと発行) の一覧が生成され、リリース ノートに追加されます。", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "タグのフェッチ中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "リリースのフェッチ中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "リリースの作成中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "リリースの編集中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "リリースの削除中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "タグのリリースを作成しています: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "%s でリリースが正常に作成されました", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "リリースを作成できませんでした。次のタグのリリースが既に存在します: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "タグ付きのリリースを編集しています: %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "リリースが正常に編集されました", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "編集対象の既存のリリースは見つかりませんでした。タグを使用して作成しています: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "タグのリリースを削除しています: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "リリースを正常に削除しました。", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "タグのリリースが見つかりませんでした: %s。リリースの削除に失敗しました。", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "タグのリリースをフェッチしています: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "タグのリリースが見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "ターゲットのコミットに関連付けられたタグを検索しています: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "ターゲット コミットのタグが見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "ファイルが見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "必要なリリースは 1 つだけですが、タグには複数のリリースが見つかりました: %s。操作を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "必要なタグは 1 つのみですが、指定されたコミットに複数のタグが見つかりました: %s。操作を実行できません。", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "ターゲットのコミット用のタグが見つからなかったため、リリースは作成されません。詳細については、ドキュメントの「タグ ソース」セクションをご覧ください: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "既存のすべてのアセットを削除しています...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "重複するアセットが見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "アセットが正常に削除されました。", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "重複するアセットを削除しています: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "重複するアセットが見つかりました: %s。スキップしています...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "アセット %s が正常に削除されました", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "すべてのアセットが正常にアップロードされました。", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "重複するアセットの削除中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "アセットの削除中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "アセットを削除しています: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "削除するアセットが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "アセットをアップロードしています...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "ファイルをアップロードしています: '%s'。", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "次のファイルのアップロード中に予期しないエラーが発生しました: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "ファイルが正常にアップロードされました: '%s'", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "アップロードするアセットが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "リリース ノート ファイル: %s はディレクトリであり、ファイルではありません。", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "このアセットはディレクトリであり、ファイルではありません。ディレクトリのアップロードをスキップしています: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "このリリースで行われた変更を計算しています...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "変更が正常に計算されました。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "指定されたターゲット コミットが、公開された最新リリースのコミットより古いため、変更を計算できません。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "変更は見つかりませんでした。指定されたターゲットのコミットは、公開された最新リリースのコミットと同じです。", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "公開された最新リリースをフェッチしています...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "公開された最新のリリースが見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "公開された最新リリースのフェッチ中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。 ", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "リポジトリに公開されているリリースはまだありません。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "公開された最新リリース以降のコミットの一覧をフェッチしています...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "変更の一覧が見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "変更の一覧のフェッチ中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "初期コミットをフェッチしています...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "初期コミットが見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "無効な GitHub サービス エンドポイント: %s。", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "GitHub サービス接続スキームが無効です: %s。使用できるのは OAuth と GitHub の個人用アクセス トークン接続のみです。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "初期コミットのフェッチ中に予期しないエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "無効なアクション: %s。'作成'、'編集'、または '削除' の操作のみが許可されています。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "タグのソースが無効です: %s。'自動' または '手動' オプションのみ使用できます。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "無効なリリース ノート ソース: %s。'ファイル' または '入力' オプションのみ使用できます。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "アセットのアップロード モードが無効です: %s。'削除'、または '置換' オプションのみ使用できます。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "'%s' アクションには、タグが必要です。手順でタグを指定してください。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "タグ ソースが手動に設定されています。作成アクション用のタグを指定してください。Yaml 構文については、次を参照してください: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "'%s' と一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした。アップロードするものがありません。", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "'%s' はディレクトリであるため、アップロードできません。ファイルを指定してください。", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "'%s' と一致するファイルを検索しています。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..26d15a607c76 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub 릴리스", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "GitHub 릴리스를 만들거나, 편집하거나, 삭제합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub 릴리스($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "GitHub 연결(OAuth 또는 PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "GitHub 리포지토리에 연결하는 데 사용할 GitHub 서비스 연결의 이름을 지정합니다. 이 연결은 GitHub 사용자의 OAuth 또는 GitHub 개인용 액세스 토큰을 기반으로 해야 합니다. [여기](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s)서 서비스 연결에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "리포지토리", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "GitHub 릴리스를 만들거나, 편집하거나, 삭제할 GitHub 리포지토리의 이름을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.action": "작업", + "loc.input.help.action": "수행할 릴리스 작업 유형을 지정합니다. 이 작업은 GitHub 릴리스를 만들거나, 편집하거나, 삭제할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.target": "대상", + "loc.input.help.target": "GitHub 릴리스를 만들 커밋 SHA를 지정합니다. 예: '48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27'. 여기서 변수를 사용할 수도 있습니다. 예: '$(myCommitSHA)'", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "태그 소스", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "릴리스 생성에 사용할 태그를 지정합니다. 'Git tag' 옵션은 Git 커밋에 연결된 태그를 자동으로 사용합니다. 태그를 수동으로 지정하려면 '사용자 지정 태그' 옵션을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.label.tag": "태그", + "loc.input.help.tag": "릴리스를 만들거나, 편집하거나, 삭제할 태그를 지정합니다. 여기서 변수를 사용할 수도 있습니다. 예: '$(myTagName)'", + "loc.input.label.title": "릴리스 제목", + "loc.input.help.title": "GitHub 릴리스의 제목을 지정합니다. 비워 두면, 태그가 릴리스 제목으로 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "릴리스 정보 소스", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "GitHub 릴리스에 대한 설명을 지정합니다. 파일 내용을 릴리스 정보로 사용하려면 '릴리스 정보 파일' 옵션을 사용합니다. 릴리스 정보를 수동으로 입력하려면 '인라인 릴리스 정보' 옵션을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일 경로", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보가 포함된 파일을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "릴리스 정보", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "여기에 릴리스 정보를 입력합니다. Markdown이 지원됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "자산", + "loc.input.help.assets": "릴리스의 자산으로 업로드할 파일을 지정합니다. 와일드카드 문자를 사용하여 여러 파일을 지정할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 빌드 파이프라인의 경우 '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip', 릴리스 파이프라인의 경우 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip'입니다. 한 줄에 하나씩, 여러 개의 패턴을 지정할 수도 있습니다. 기본적으로 $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) 디렉터리에 있는 모든 파일이 업로드됩니다. 사용 가능한 미리 정의된 변수 목록에 대한 자세한 내용은 [빌드 변수](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) 및 [릴리스 변수](https://aka.ms/AA43wws)를 참조하세요.", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "자산 업로드 모드", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "릴리스의 기존 자산을 먼저 삭제한 후 모든 자산을 업로드하려면 '기존 자산 삭제' 옵션을 사용합니다. 동일한 이름의 자산을 모두 바꾸려면 '기존 자산 바꾸기' 옵션을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "초안 릴리스", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "릴리스를 초안(게시되지 않음)으로 저장해야 하는지 여부를 나타냅니다. 'false'이면, 릴리스가 게시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "시험판", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "릴리스를 시험판으로 표시해야 하는지 여부를 나타냅니다.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "changelog 추가", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "'true'로 설정하면, 이 릴리스와 마지막으로 게시된 릴리스 사이의 변경 내용(커밋 및 문제) 목록이 생성되어 릴리스 정보에 추가됩니다.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "태그를 페치하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "릴리스를 페치하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "릴리스를 만드는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "릴리스를 편집하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "릴리스를 삭제하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "%s 태그의 릴리스를 만드는 중", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "%s에 릴리스를 만들었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "릴리스를 만들지 못했습니다. %s 태그의 릴리스가 이미 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "%s 태그가 있는 릴리스를 편집하는 중", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "릴리스를 편집했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "편집할 기존 릴리스가 없습니다. %s 태그를 사용하여 만드는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "%s 태그의 릴리스를 삭제하는 중", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "릴리스를 삭제했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "%s 태그의 릴리스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 릴리스를 삭제하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "%s 태그의 릴리스를 페치하는 중", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "%s 태그의 릴리스를 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "대상 커밋 %s에 연결된 태그를 검색하는 중", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "대상 커밋 %s의 태그를 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "%s 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "릴리스가 1개만 필요한데, %s 태그의 릴리스를 2개 이상 찾았습니다. 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "태그가 1개만 필요한데, 지정된 %s 커밋의 태그를 2개 이상 찾았습니다. 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "대상 커밋의 태그를 찾을 수 없으므로 릴리스가 생성되지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 설명서(https://aka.ms/AA4f03a)의 '태그 소스' 섹션을 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "기존 자산을 모두 삭제하는 중...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "중복된 %s 자산을 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "자산을 삭제했습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "중복된 %s 자산을 삭제하는 중", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "중복된 %s 자산을 찾았습니다. 건너뛰는 중...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "%s 자산을 삭제했습니다.", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "모든 자산을 업로드했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "중복된 %s 자산을 삭제하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "%s 자산을 삭제하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "%s 자산을 삭제하는 중", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "삭제할 자산이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "자산을 업로드하는 중...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "'%s' 파일을 업로드하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "%s 파일을 업로드하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "'%s' 파일을 업로드했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "업로드할 자산이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "릴리스 정보 파일 %s은(는) 파일이 아닌 디렉터리입니다.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "이 자산은 파일이 아닌 디렉터리입니다. %s 디렉터리 업로드를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "이 릴리스의 변경 내용을 컴퓨팅하는 중...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "변경 내용을 컴퓨팅했습니다.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "지정한 대상 커밋이 마지막으로 게시된 릴리스의 커밋보다 이전이므로 변경 내용을 컴퓨팅할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "변경 내용을 찾을 수 없습니다. 지정한 대상 커밋이 마지막으로 게시된 릴리스의 커밋과 같습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "게시된 최신 릴리스를 페치하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "게시된 최신 릴리스 %s을(를) 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "게시된 최신 릴리스를 페치하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "리포지토리에 게시된 릴리스가 아직 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "마지막으로 게시된 릴리스 이후 커밋 목록을 페치하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "변경 내용 목록을 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "변경 내용 목록을 페치하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "초기 커밋을 페치하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "초기 커밋 %s을(를) 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "GitHub 서비스 엔드포인트 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "GitHub 서비스 연결 체계 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다. OAuth 및 GitHub 개인용 액세스 토큰 연결만 허용됩니다.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "초기 커밋을 페치하는 중 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "%s 작업이 잘못되었습니다. 'create', 'edit' 또는 'delete' 작업만 허용됩니다. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "태그 소스 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 'auto' 또는 'manual' 옵션만 허용됩니다. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "릴리스 정보 소스 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 'file' 또는 'input' 옵션만 허용됩니다. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "자산 업로드 모드 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 'delete' 또는 'replace' 옵션만 허용됩니다. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "'%s' 작업에는 태그가 필요합니다. 단계에서 태그를 지정하세요. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "태그 소스가 'manual'로 설정되었습니다. 'create' 작업의 태그를 지정하세요. YAML 구문에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "'%s'과(와) 일치하는 파일이 없습니다. 업로드할 파일이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "'%s'은(는) 디렉터리이므로 업로드할 수 없습니다. 파일을 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "'%s'과(와) 일치하는 파일을 검색 중입니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8b959d6a0fb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Выпуск GitHub", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "Создание, изменение или удаление выпуска GitHub", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Выпуск GitHub ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "Подключение GitHub (OAuth или личный маркер доступа)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "Укажите имя подключения службы GitHub, которое будет использоваться для подключения к репозиторию GitHub. Подключение должно быть основано на личном маркере доступа или OAuth пользователя GitHub. Дополнительные сведения о подключениях служб см. [здесь](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s).", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "Репозиторий", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "Укажите имя репозитория GitHub, в котором будет создан, изменен или удален выпуск GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.action": "Действие", + "loc.input.help.action": "Укажите тип выполняемой операции выпуска. Эта задача может создавать, изменять или удалять выпуск GitHub.", + "loc.input.label.target": "Целевой объект", + "loc.input.help.target": "Укажите SHA фиксации, для которого будет создан выпуск GitHub. Например, \"48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27\". Здесь также можно использовать переменную. Например, \"$(myCommitSHA)\".", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "Источник тегов", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "Укажите тег, который будет использоваться для создания выпуска. Параметр \"Тег Git\" автоматически принимает тег, связанный с фиксацией Git. Для указания тега вручную используйте параметр \"Тег, указанный пользователем\".", + "loc.input.label.tag": "Тег", + "loc.input.help.tag": "Укажите тег, для которого требуется создать, изменить или удалить выпуск. Здесь также можно использовать переменную. Например, \"$(myTagName)\".", + "loc.input.label.title": "Название выпуска", + "loc.input.help.title": "Укажите название выпуска GitHub. Если оставить параметр пустым, в качестве названия выпуска будет использоваться тег.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "Источник заметок о выпуске", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "Укажите описание выпуска GitHub. Используйте параметр \"Файл заметок о выпуске\", чтобы использовать содержимое файла в качестве заметок о выпуске. Используйте параметр \"Встроенные заметки о выпуске\", чтобы вручную ввести заметки о выпуске.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Путь к файлу заметок о выпуске", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите файл, содержащий заметки о выпуске.", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "Заметки о выпуске", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "Введите здесь примечания к выпуску. Markdown поддерживается.", + "loc.input.label.assets": "Активы", + "loc.input.help.assets": "Укажите файлы, которые будут отправлены в качестве ресурсов выпуска. Для указания нескольких файлов можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Например, для конвейеров сборки, \"$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip\" или в случае конвейеров выпуска \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip\". Также можно указать несколько шаблонов — по одному на строку. По умолчанию будут отправлены все файлы в каталоге $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения о списке доступных предварительно заданных переменных, см. [переменные сборки](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) и [переменные выпуска](https://aka.ms/AA43wws).", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "Режим отправки активов", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "Используйте параметр \"Удалить существующие ресурсы\", чтобы сначала удалить все существующие ресурсы в выпуске, а затем отправить все ресурсы. Используйте параметр \"Заменить существующие ресурсы\", чтобы заменить все ресурсы с одинаковыми именами.", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "Черновик выпуска", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "Укажите, следует ли сохранять выпуск в виде черновика (неопубликованным). Если задано значение false, выпуск будет опубликован.", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "Предварительный выпуск", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "Укажите, следует ли помечать выпуск как предварительную версию.", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "Добавить журнал изменений", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "Если задано значение \"true\", будет создан список изменений (фиксации и проблемы) между этим и последним опубликованным выпуском, который будет добавлен к заметкам о выпуске.", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "Произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "При получении тегов произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "При получении выпусков произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "При создании выпуска произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "При изменении выпуска произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "При удалении выпуска произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "Создание выпуска для тега: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "Выпуск успешно создан в %s", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "Не удалось создать выпуск. Выпуск уже существует для тега: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "Редактирование выпуска с тегом: %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "Выпуск успешно изменен", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "Не найден существующий выпуск для изменения. Создание ресурса с тегом: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "Удаление выпуска для тега: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "Выпуск успешно удален.", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "Не найден выпуск для тега: %s. Не удалось удалить выпуск.", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "Получение выпуска для тега: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "Найден выпуск для тега: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "Поиск тегов, связанных с целевой фиксацией: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "Найден тег для целевой фиксации: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "Файл не найден: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "Ожидался только 1 выпуск, но обнаружено больше 1 выпуска для тега: %s. Не удалось выполнить действие.", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "Ожидался только 1 тег, но обнаружено больше 1 тега для заданной фиксации: %s. Не удалось выполнить действие.", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "Выпуск не будет создан, так как не удалось найти теги для целевой фиксации. Дополнительные сведения см. в разделе \"Источник тегов\" в документации: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a.", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "Идет удаление всех существующих ресурсов...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "Обнаружен повторяющийся ресурс: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "Ресурсы успешно удалены.", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "Удаление повторяющегося ресурса: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "Обнаружен дублирующийся ресурс: %s. Пропуск...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "Ресурс %s успешно удален", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "Все активы успешно отправлены.", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "При удалении повторяющегося ресурса произошла непредвиденная ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "Произошла непредвиденная ошибка при удалении ресурса: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "Удаление ресурса: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "Не найдены ресурсы для удаления.", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "Идет отправка ресурсов...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "Идет отправка файла: \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "При загрузке файла сертификата возникла непредвиденная ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "Файл успешно отправлен: \"%s\"", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "Не найдены ресурсы для отправки.", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "Файл заметок о выпуске %s является каталогом, а не файлом.", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "Ресурс является каталогом, а не файлом. Пропуск отправки каталога: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "Вычисление изменений, внесенных в этом выпуске...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "Изменения успешно вычислены.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "Не удается вычислить изменения, так как указанная целевая фиксация старше фиксации последнего опубликованного выпуска.", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "Изменения не найдены. Указанная целевая фиксация совпадает с фиксацией последнего опубликованного выпуска.", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "Получение последнего опубликованного выпуска...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "Найден последний опубликованный выпуск: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "При получении последнего опубликованного выпуска произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "Пока нет выпусков, опубликованных в репозитории.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "Получение списка фиксаций со времени последнего опубликованного выпуска...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "Найден список изменений.", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "При получении списка изменений произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "Получение начальной фиксации...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "Найдена начальная фиксация: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "Недопустимая конечная точка службы GitHub: %s.", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "Недопустимая схема подключения службы GitHub: %s. Разрешены только соединения с личным маркером доступа GitHub и OAuth.", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "При получении начальной фиксации произошла непредвиденная ошибка.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "Недопустимое действие: %s. Разрешены только действия \"create\", \"edit\" или \"delete\". Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "Недопустимый источник тегов: %s. Разрешены только параметры \"auto\" или \"manual\". Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "Недопустимый источник заметок о выпуске: %s. Разрешены только параметры \"file\" и \"input\". Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "Недопустимый режим отправки ресурса: %s. Разрешены только параметры \"delete\" и \"replace\". Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "Для действия \"%s\" требуется тег. Укажите тег в шаге. Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "Для источника тегов задан параметр \"manual\", укажите тег для действия \"create\". Синтаксис YAML см. на странице: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "Не найдены файлы, соответствующие \"%s\". Нет элементов для отправки.", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "Не удается отправить \"%s\", так как это каталог. Укажите файл.", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Поиск файлов, соответствующих \"%s\"." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4b1e800dbfe1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub 发布", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "创建、编辑或删除 GitHub 发布", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub 发布($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "GitHub 连接(OAuth 或 PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "指定要用于连接到 GitHub 存储库的 GitHub 服务连接的名称。该连接必须基于 GitHub 用户的 OAuth 或 GitHub 个人访问令牌。可在[此处](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s)详细了解服务连接。", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "存储库", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "指定将在其中创建、编辑或删除 GitHub 发布的 GitHub 存储库的名称。", + "loc.input.label.action": "操作", + "loc.input.help.action": "指定要执行的发布操作的类型。此任务可以创建、编辑或删除 GitHub 发布。", + "loc.input.label.target": "目标", + "loc.input.help.target": "指定将为其创建 GitHub 发布的提交 SHA。例如 `48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27`。还可以在此处使用变量。例如 `$(myCommitSHA)`。", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "标记源", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "指定要用于发布创建的标记。“Git 标记”选项会自动接受与 Git 提交关联的标记。使用“用户指定的标记”选项手动提供标记。", + "loc.input.label.tag": "标记", + "loc.input.help.tag": "指定要为其创建、编辑或删除发布的标记。还可以在此处使用变量。例如 `$(myTagName)`。", + "loc.input.label.title": "发布标题", + "loc.input.help.title": "指定 GitHub 发布的标题。如果留空,则将使用标记作为发布标题。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "发行说明源", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "指定 GitHub 发布的说明。使用“发行说明文件”选项将文件内容用作发行说明。使用“内联发行说明”选项手动输入发行说明。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件路径", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含发行说明的文件。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "发行说明", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "在此处输入发行说明。支持 Markdown。", + "loc.input.label.assets": "资产", + "loc.input.help.assets": "指定要作为发布的资产进行上传的文件。可以使用通配符指定多个文件。例如,对于生成管道,可以指定 `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip`,对于发布管道,可以指定 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip`。还可以指定多个模式 - 每行一个。默认情况下,将上传 $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) 目录中的所有文件。若要了解有关可用预定义变量列表的详细信息,请参阅[生成变量](https://aka.ms/AA4449z)和[发布变量](https://aka.ms/AA43wws)。", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "资产上传模式", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "使用“删除现有资产”选项首先删除发布中的任何现有资产,然后上传所有资产。使用“替换现有资产”选项替换具有相同名称的任何资产。", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "草稿发布", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "指示是否应将发布另存为草稿(未发布)。如果为 `false`,则发布此发布。", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "预发布", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "指示是否应将发布标记为预发布。", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "添加更改日志", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "如果设置为 `true`,则将生成此发布与上次发布的发布之间的更改(提交和问题)列表,并追加到发行说明。", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "发生意外错误。", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "提取标记时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "提取发布时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "创建发布时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "编辑发布时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "删除发布时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "正在创建标记的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "已在 %s 成功创建发布", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "未能创建发布。已存在以下标记的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "正在使用以下标记编辑发布: %s", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "已成功编辑发布", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "未找到要编辑的现有发布。请使用以下标记创建一个发布: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "正在删除标记的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "发布已成功删除。", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "未找到以下标记的任何发布: %s。删除发布失败。", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "正在提取以下标记的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "已找到以下标记的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "正在搜索与目标提交相关的标记: %s", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "已找到目标提交的标记: %s", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "找不到文件: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "应仅为 1 个发布,但为标记 %s 找到多个发布。无法执行该操作。", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "应仅为 1 个标记,但为给定提交 %s 找到多个标记。无法执行该操作。", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "将不会创建发布,因为找不到目标提交的标记。有关更多详细信息,请查看以下文档中的“标记源”部分: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a。", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "正在删除所有现有资产...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "找到重复资产: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "已成功删除资产。", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "正在删除重复资产: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "找到重复资产: %s。正在跳过...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "资产 %s 已成功删除", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "已成功上传所有资产。", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "删除重复资产时出现意外错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "删除资产时出现意外错误: %s", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "正在删除资产: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "未找到要删除的资产。", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "正在上传资产...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "正在上传文件:“%s”。", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "上传文件时出现意外错误: %s", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "已成功上传文件:“%s”", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "未找到要上传的资产。", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "发行说明文件 %s 是目录,而不是文件。", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "资产是目录,而不是文件。正在跳过上传目录: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "正在计算此发布中所做的更改...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "已成功计算更改。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "无法计算更改,因为所提供的目标提交早于上次发行版的提交。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "未找到任何更改。提供的目标提交与上次发行版的提交相同。", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "正在提取最新发布的发布...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "已找到最新发布的发布: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "提取最新发布的发布时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "存储库中尚未发布任何发布。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "正在提取自上次发布的发布以来的提交列表...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "已找到更改列表。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "提取更改列表时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "正在提取初始提交...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "已找到初始提交: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "无效的 GitHub 服务终结点: %s。", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "无效的 GitHub 服务连接方案: %s。仅允许 OAuth 和 GitHub 个人访问令牌连接。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "提取初始提交时出现意外错误。", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "无效的操作: %s。仅允许“创建”、“编辑”或“删除”操作。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "无效的标记源: %s。仅允许“自动”或“手动”选项。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "无效的发行说明源: %s。仅允许“文件”或“输入”选项。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "无效的资产上传模式: %s。仅允许“删除”或“替换”选项。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "对于“%s”操作,标记是必需的。请在步骤中指定一个标记。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "标记源设置为手动- 请指定创建操作的标记。有关 yaml 语法,请参见: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "未找到与“%s”匹配的文件。没有要上传的内容。", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "无法上传“%s”,因为它是一个目录。请指定一个文件。", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "正在搜索匹配“%s”的文件。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e45d66ae9dbc --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "GitHub 版本", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/AA3aeiw)", + "loc.description": "建立、編輯或刪除 GitHub 版本", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "GitHub 版本 ($(action))", + "loc.input.label.gitHubConnection": "GitHub 連線 (OAuth 或 PAT)", + "loc.input.help.gitHubConnection": "指定用來連線到 GitHub 存放庫的 GitHub 服務連線名稱。該連線必須根據 GitHub 使用者的 OAuth 或 GitHub 個人存取權杖來進行。若要深入了解服務連線,請前往 [這裡](https://aka.ms/AA3am5s)。", + "loc.input.label.repositoryName": "儲存機制", + "loc.input.help.repositoryName": "指定建立、編輯或刪除 GitHub 版本所在的 GitHub 存放庫名稱。", + "loc.input.label.action": "動作", + "loc.input.help.action": "指定要執行的版本作業類型。這項工作可以建立、編輯或刪除 GitHub 版本。", + "loc.input.label.target": "目標", + "loc.input.help.target": "指定要建立 GitHub 版本的認可 SHA。例如 '48b11d8d6e92a22e3e9563a3f643699c16fd6e27'。您也可以在這裡使用變數。例如 '$(myCommitSHA)'。", + "loc.input.label.tagSource": "標籤來源", + "loc.input.help.tagSource": "指定要用來建立版本的標籤。[Git 標籤] 選項會自動使用與 Git 認可建立關聯的標籤。使用 [使用者指定的標籤] 可手動提供標籤。", + "loc.input.label.tag": "標記", + "loc.input.help.tag": "指定要建立、編輯或刪除版本的標籤。您也可以在這裡使用變數。例如 '$(myTagName)'。", + "loc.input.label.title": "版本標題", + "loc.input.help.title": "指定 GitHub 版本的標題。如果保留空白,將使用標籤作為版本標題。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesSource": "版本資訊來源", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesSource": "指定 GitHub 版本的描述。使用 [版本資訊檔案] 選項可使用檔案內容作為版本資訊。使用 [內嵌版本資訊] 選項可手動輸入版本資訊。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案路徑", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含版本資訊的檔案。", + "loc.input.label.releaseNotes": "版本資訊", + "loc.input.help.releaseNotes": "請在這裡輸入版本資訊。支援 Markdown。", + "loc.input.label.assets": "資產", + "loc.input.help.assets": "指定要上傳為版本資產的檔案。您可以使用萬用字元來指定多個檔案。例如若為建置管線,請使用 `$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip`; 若為發行管線,請使用 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/*.zip`。您也可以指定多個模式,每行指定一個。根據預設會上傳 $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) 目錄中的所有檔案。若要深入了解可用預先定義變數的清單,請參閱 [建置變數](https://aka.ms/AA4449z) 和 [發行變數](https://aka.ms/AA43wws)。", + "loc.input.label.assetUploadMode": "資產上傳模式", + "loc.input.help.assetUploadMode": "使用 [刪除現有的資產] 選項可先刪除版本中任何現有的資產,再上傳所有資產。使用 [取代現有的資產] 選項可取代同名的所有資產。", + "loc.input.label.isDraft": "草稿版本", + "loc.input.help.isDraft": "指出是否應將版本儲存為草稿 (未發佈)。如果是 'false',將會發佈版本。", + "loc.input.label.isPreRelease": "發行前版本", + "loc.input.help.isPreRelease": "指出是否應將版本標記為發行前版本。", + "loc.input.label.addChangeLog": "新增變更記錄", + "loc.input.help.addChangeLog": "如果設定為 'true',將會產生此版本和上次所發佈版本間變更 (認可和問題) 的清單,並附加到版本資訊。", + "loc.messages.GithubApiFailError": "發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.GetTagsError": "擷取標籤時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.GetReleasesError": "擷取版本時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseError": "建立版本時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseError": "編輯版本時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseError": "刪除版本時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.CreatingRelease": "正在建立標籤 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.CreateReleaseSuccess": "已在 %s 成功建立版本", + "loc.messages.ReleaseAlreadyExists": "無法建立版本。已有標籤 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.EditingRelease": "正在編輯標籤為 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.EditReleaseSuccess": "已成功編輯版本", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToEditCreateRelease": "找不到任何要編輯的現有版本。正在使用標籤 %s 建立一個", + "loc.messages.DeletingRelease": "正在刪除標籤 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.DeleteReleaseSuccess": "已成功刪除版本。", + "loc.messages.NoReleaseFoundToDelete": "找不到標籤 %s 的版本。刪除版本失敗。", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTag": "正在擷取標籤 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.FetchReleaseForTagSuccess": "找到標籤 %s 的版本", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTarget": "正在搜尋與目標認可 %s 建立關聯的標籤", + "loc.messages.FetchTagForTargetSuccess": "找到目標認可 %s 的標籤", + "loc.messages.MissingAssetError": "找不到檔案: %s", + "loc.messages.MultipleReleasesFoundError": "標籤 %s 只應有 1 個版本,但卻找到多個版本。無法執行此動作。", + "loc.messages.MultipleTagFound": "指定的認可 %s 只應有 1 個標籤,但卻找到多個標籤。無法執行此動作。", + "loc.messages.NoTagFound": "因為找不到目標認可的標籤,所以不會建立版本。如需詳細資料,請參閱文件中的<標籤來源>一節: https://aka.ms/AA4f03a。", + "loc.messages.DeleteAllExistingAssets": "正在刪除所有現有的資產...", + "loc.messages.DuplicateAssetFound": "找到重複的資產: %s", + "loc.messages.AssetsDeletedSuccessfully": "已成功刪除資產。", + "loc.messages.DeletingDuplicateAsset": "正在刪除重複的資產: %s", + "loc.messages.SkipDuplicateAssetFound": "找到重複的資產 %s。正在跳過...", + "loc.messages.AssetDeletedSuccessfully": "已成功刪除資產 %s", + "loc.messages.AllAssetsUploadedSuccessfully": "已成功上傳所有資產。", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingDuplicateAsset": "刪除重複的資產 %s 時發生未預期的錯誤", + "loc.messages.ErrorDeletingAsset": "刪除資產 %s 時發生未預期的錯誤", + "loc.messages.DeletingAsset": "正在刪除資產: %s", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToDelete": "找不到任何要刪除的資產。", + "loc.messages.UploadingAssets": "正在上傳資產...", + "loc.messages.UploadingAsset": "正在上傳檔案: '%s'。", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetError": "上傳檔案 %s 時發生未預期的錯誤", + "loc.messages.UploadAssetSuccess": "已成功上傳檔案: '%s'", + "loc.messages.NoAssetFoundToUpload": "找不到任何要上傳的資產。", + "loc.messages.ReleaseNotesFileIsDirectoryError": "版本資訊檔案 %s 是目錄,而不是檔案。", + "loc.messages.AssetIsDirectoryError": "資產是目錄,而不是檔案。正在跳過目錄的上傳: %s", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLog": "正在計算此版本中所做的變更...", + "loc.messages.ComputingChangeLogSuccess": "已成功計算變更。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffBehind": "因為提供的目標認可比上次所發佈版本的認可舊,所以無法計算變更。", + "loc.messages.CommitDiffEqual": "找不到任何變更。提供的目標認可與上次所發佈版本的認可相同。", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishRelease": "正在擷取最新發佈的版本...", + "loc.messages.FetchLatestPublishReleaseSuccess": "找到最新發佈的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.GetLatestReleaseError": "擷取最新發佈的版本時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.NoLatestPublishRelease": "尚未在存放庫中發佈任何版本。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiff": "正在擷取自上次所發佈版本之後的認可清單...", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffSuccess": "找到變更清單。", + "loc.messages.FetchCommitDiffError": "擷取變更清單時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommit": "正在擷取初始認可...", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitSuccess": "找到初始認可: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidGitHubEndpoint": "GitHub 服務端點 %s 無效。", + "loc.messages.InvalidEndpointAuthScheme": "GitHub 服務連線配置 %s 無效。僅允許 OAuth 和 GitHub 個人存取權杖連線。", + "loc.messages.FetchInitialCommitError": "擷取初始認可時發生未預期的錯誤。", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionSet": "動作 %s 無效。僅允許 'create'、'edit' 或 'delete' 動作。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidTagSource": "標籤來源 %s 無效。僅允許 'auto' 或 'manual' 選項。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidReleaseNotesSource": "版本資訊來源 %s 無效。僅允許 'file' 或 'input' 選項。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.InvalidAssetUploadMode": "資產上傳模式 %s 無效。僅允許 'delete' 或 'replace' 選項。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredEditDeleteAction": "'%s' 動作需有標籤。請在此步驟中指定標籤。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.TagRequiredCreateAction": "標籤來源已設定為 manual-,請指定建立動作的標籤。如需 yaml 語法,請參閱: https://aka.ms/AA3m1bq", + "loc.messages.NoFileFoundMatchingPattern": "找不到符合 '%s' 的檔案。沒有要上傳的項目。", + "loc.messages.PatternIsADirectory": "因為 '%s' 是目錄,所以無法予以上傳。請指定檔案。", + "loc.messages.SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "正在搜尋符合 '%s' 的檔案。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.json b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.json index a53954a8e8fc..ccf709457cff 100644 --- a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", @@ -263,4 +263,4 @@ "PatternIsADirectory": "'%s' cannot be uploaded as it is a directory. Please specify a file.", "SearchingFileMatchingPattern": "Searching for file(s) matching '%s'." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json index d9c24d24bf7e..8a976df2262d 100644 --- a/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GitHubReleaseV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c75dbe9eef61..4512d3e061f4 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Go-Tool", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine bestimmte Go-Version im Toolcache ermittelt oder heruntergeladen und zu PATH hinzugefügt. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete Go-Version zu ändern.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine bestimmte Go-Version heruntergeladen oder im Cache gesucht und zu PATH hinzugefügt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Go $(version) verwenden", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 9330eefa49e4..c60b5a85cb4e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de herramientas de Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "Busca o descarga una versión específica de Go en la memoria caché de herramientas y la agrega a PATH. Utilícelo para cambiar la versión de Go que se usa en las tareas siguientes.", + "loc.description": "Busca en caché o descarga una versión específica de Go y la agrega a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 7cca582a2ccc..63bac1cba2b5 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation d'outils Go", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "Recherche ou télécharge une version spécifique de Go dans le cache d'outils, puis l'ajoute à PATH. Utilisez ceci pour changer la version de Go utilisée dans les tâches suivantes.", + "loc.description": "Rechercher dans le cache ou télécharger une version spécifique de Go, et l'ajouter à PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.version": "Version", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 4f9e8d332789..420896cbae4d 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "Trova o scarica nella cache degli strumenti una versione specifica di Go e la aggiunge a PATH. Usare questa attività per impostare la versione di Go usata nelle attività successive.", + "loc.description": "Trova nella cache o scarica una versione specifica di Go e la aggiunge al percorso", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 91332adf0291..80e1ad880c3b 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Go ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "ツールのキャッシュで特定のバージョンの Go を検索またはダウンロードして、PATH に追加します。これを使用して、後続のタスクで使用する Go のバージョンを設定します。", + "loc.description": "Go の特定のバージョンをキャッシュ内で検索するかダウンロードして、PATH に追加します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Go $(version) の使用", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e630e801e216..4b5c71fa3e41 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Go 도구 설치 관리자", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "도구 캐시에서 특정 버전의 Go 도구를 찾거나 다운로드하여 PATH에 추가합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 후속 작업에 사용되는 Go 버전을 설정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "캐시에서 찾거나, 특정 버전의 Go를 다운로드하여 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Go $(version) 사용", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.version": "버전", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ddad66854b55..b069f4a10577 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средства Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "Находит или скачивает определенную версию Go в кэш инструментов и добавляет ее в PATH. Используйте эту задачу, чтобы задать версию Go, используемую в последующих задачах.", + "loc.description": "Найти в кэше или скачать указанную версию Go и добавить ее в PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e8fc24a02f12..bfec04dd79c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "转到工具安装程序", + "loc.friendlyName": "Go 工具安装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "在工具缓存中查找或下载特定版本的 Go 并将其添加到 PATH。使用此选项来设置后续任务中使用的 Go 版本。", + "loc.description": "在缓存中查找或下载特定版本的 Go,并将其添加到 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 14bbe973ca61..ca20ac7cbdfb 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Go 工具安裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867581)", - "loc.description": "在工具快取中尋找或下載特定的 Go 版本,然後將其新增至 PATH。使用此工作可設定在後續工作中使用的 Go 版本。", + "loc.description": "在快取中尋找,或下載特定版本的 Go 並將其新增至 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Go $(version)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.version": "版本", diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.json b/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.json index 3fca33c12b96..7152d5ac3fa8 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "satisfies": [ "GO" diff --git a/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.loc.json index a60b9639e412..9fa73a3f4df4 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GoToolV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "satisfies": [ "GO" diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 5fb35cfb5106..a8309c1aaf39 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ir", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Obtenga, compile o pruebe una aplicación Go, o ejecute un comando Go personalizado.", + "loc.description": "Obtenga, compile o pruebe una aplicación Go o ejecute un comando Go personalizado.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(comando)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 81e192100644..7288a3b30e34 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Aller à", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Récupérez, générez ou testez une application Go, ou exécutez une commande Go personnalisée.", + "loc.description": "Récupérer, générer ou tester une application Go, ou exécuter une commande Go personnalisée", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(commande)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 55c845ad9310..4f4761107b78 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Vai", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Consente di ottenere, compilare o testare un'applicazione Go oppure di eseguire un comando Go personalizzato.", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare, compilare o testare un'applicazione Go oppure di eseguire un comando Go personalizzato", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 45bfa71879aa..b8092e2c09f6 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細を表示](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Go アプリケーションを取得、ビルド、テストするか、カスタムの Go コマンドを実行します。", + "loc.description": "Go アプリケーションを取得、ビルド、テストするか、カスタムの Go コマンドを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(コマンド)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 7d1f6df1c91d..97b9055b33ee 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "이동", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Go 응용 프로그램을 다운로드, 빌드 또는 테스트하거나, 사용자 지정 Go 명령을 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Go 애플리케이션을 다운로드, 빌드 또는 테스트하거나 사용자 지정 Go 명령을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(명령)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.command": "명령", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index a22b27fc49ec..bc7eca9cef82 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Go", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "Получите, создайте или протестируйте приложение Go либо выполните пользовательскую команду Go.", + "loc.description": "Получите, создайте или протестируйте приложение Go либо выполните пользовательскую команду Go", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 7d92ef573f57..490db96c519c 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "转到", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "获取、生成或测试 Go 应用程序,或者运行自定义 Go 命令。", + "loc.description": "获取、生成或测试 Go 应用程序,或者运行自定义 Go 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index ddee8cad55af..c3b91d6ea1ae 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "移至", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=867582)", - "loc.description": "取得、建置或測試 Go 應用程式,或執行自訂 Go 命令。", + "loc.description": "取得、建置或測試 Go 應用程式,或執行自訂 Go 命令", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "go $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/task.json b/Tasks/GoV0/task.json index a9599fbc7c70..65cac25f19d7 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/GoV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GoV0/task.loc.json index 855bdfa874c6..044babe7ec64 100644 --- a/Tasks/GoV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GoV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 650a795ee6ac..3234d112a324 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Das Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem der Gradle-Build ausgeführt werden soll. Wenn kein Angabe erfolgt, wird das Stammverzeichnis des Repositorys als Standardwert verwendet.", "loc.input.label.options": "Optionen", "loc.input.label.tasks": "Aufgaben", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Gradle-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Gradle-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Codeanalyseergebnisse", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Die Codeanalyse ist außerhalb der Buildumgebung deaktiviert. Es konnte kein Wert gefunden werden für: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "Ungültige oder nicht unterstützte Builddatei", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Datei oder Ordner nicht vorhanden: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "Codedeckungsdaten können nicht angefügt werden: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Es wurden keine Testergebnisdateien gefunden, die mit %s übereinstimmen. Das Veröffentlichen von JUnit-Testergebnissen wird daher übersprungen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index dffeebd2f3cf..8c6b2488ff6a 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo donde se va a ejecutar la compilación de Gradle. Si no se especifica, se usa el directorio raíz del repositorio.", "loc.input.label.options": "Opciones", "loc.input.label.tasks": "Tareas", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Gradle en Azure Pipelines/TFS. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Gradle en Azure Pipelines. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso de los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Puede usar caracteres comodín ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Por ejemplo, \"**\\*TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Resultados del análisis de código", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "El análisis de código está deshabilitado fuera del entorno de compilación. No se encuentra ningún valor para: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "Archivo de compilación incompatible o no válido", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "El archivo o la carpeta no existen: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "No se pueden anexar los datos de cobertura de código: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "No se encontraron archivos de resultados de pruebas que coincidan con %s, por lo que se omite la publicación de los resultados de las pruebas JUnit." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index f608251eb20b..76775e7f04a3 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail dans lequel exécuter la build Gradle. S'il n'est pas indiqué, le répertoire racine du dépôt est utilisé.", "loc.input.label.options": "Options", "loc.input.label.tasks": "Tâches", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Gradle sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Gradle sur Azure Pipelines. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Résultats d'analyse du code", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analyse du code est désactivée en dehors de l'environnement de build. Valeur introuvable pour %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "Fichier de build non valide ou non pris en charge", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Le fichier ou le dossier n'existe pas : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "Impossible d'ajouter les données de couverture du code : %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Les fichiers de résultats des tests correspondant à %s sont introuvables. La publication des résultats des tests JUnit est ignorée." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5c3fcb232fb5..f60d86215fbe 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro in cui eseguire la compilazione Gradle. Se non è specificata, viene usata la directory radice del repository.", "loc.input.label.options": "Opzioni", "loc.input.label.tasks": "Attività", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Gradle in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Gradle in Azure Pipelines. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Risultati di analisi codice", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analisi codice è disabilitata dall'esterno dell'ambiente di compilazione. Non è stato possibile trovare alcun valore per %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "File di compilazione non valido o non supportato", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Il file o la cartella non esiste: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "Non è possibile accodare i dati di code coverage: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Non sono stati trovati file dei risultati del test corrispondenti a %s, di conseguenza la pubblicazione dei risultati del test JUnit verrà ignorata." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6748be3f219d..506a4045d06e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Gradle ビルドの実行先の作業ディレクトリ。指定しない場合は、リポジトリのルート ディレクトリが使用されます。", "loc.input.label.options": "オプション", "loc.input.label.tasks": "タスク", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gradle のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines/TFS でのテストの実行として発行されます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gradle のビルドによって生成された JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines でテストの実行として発行されます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は '**/TEST-*.xml' です。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_LinkText": "詳しい SonarQube レポート", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_CannotAuthenticate": "SonarQube サーバーへ認証できません。保存したサービス接続の詳細とサーバーの状態を確認してください。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_AnalysisTimeout": "%d 秒の所定時間内に分析が完了しませんでした。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "プル要求ビルド: 詳細 SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "プル要求ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "Pull request ビルド: 詳細な SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "Pull request ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildBrokenDueToQualityGateFailure": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートが失敗しました。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_QualityGatePassed": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートに合格しました (状態 %s)", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_UnknownComparatorString": "SonarQube ビルドの概要に問題が発生しました: 不明な比較演算子 '%s'", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "コード分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "コード分析はビルド環境の外部では無効です。%s の値が見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "無効またはサポートされていないビルド ファイル", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "ファイルまたはフォルダーが存在しません: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "コード カバレッジ データを追加できません: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s と一致するテスト結果ファイルが見つからないため、JUnit テスト結果の発行をスキップします。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index f5c6bd960853..2378102efc4a 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Gradle 빌드를 실행할 작업 디렉터리입니다. 지정되지 않은 경우 리포지토리 루트 디렉터리가 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.options": "옵션", "loc.input.label.tasks": "작업", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gradle 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines/TFS에서 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gradle 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines에 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). 예를 들어 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하려면 '**/TEST-*.xml'을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "코드 분석 결과", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "빌드 환경 외부에서 코드 분석을 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있습니다. %s에 대한 값을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "잘못되거나 지원되지 않는 빌드 파일입니다.", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "파일 또는 폴더가 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "코드 검사 데이터를 추가할 수 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s과(와) 일치하는 테스트 결과 파일을 찾을 수 없으므로 JUnit 테스트 결과 게시를 건너뜁니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index cc4fd1e5489f..bb837cd00057 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Рабочий каталог, в котором должна выполняться сборка Gradle. Если он не задан, используется корневой каталог репозитория.", "loc.input.label.options": "Параметры", "loc.input.label.tasks": "Задачи", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Gradle, в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Gradle, в Azure Pipelines. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Результаты анализа кода", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Анализ кода отключен вне среды сборки. Не удалось найти значение: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "Файл сборки недопустим или не поддерживается", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Файл или папка не существует: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "Не удалось добавить данные об объеме протестированного кода: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Не найдены файлы результатов теста, соответствующие \"%s\". Публикация результатов теста JUnit пропускается." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 26a3a39cf12f..caa9e24249fc 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "要在其中运行 Gradle 生成的工作目录。若未指定,则使用存储库根路径。", "loc.input.label.options": "选项", "loc.input.label.tasks": "任务", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gradle 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每个与“测试结果文件”匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中发布为测试运行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gradle 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。每个与 `Test Results Files` 匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines 中发布为测试运行。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 xml 文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "代码分析结果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "代码分析在生成环境外被禁用。无法找到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "生成文件无效或不受支持", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "文件或文件夹不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "无法追加代码覆盖率数据: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "未找到匹配 %s 的测试结果文件,因此将跳过发布 JUnit 测试结果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 96ded44e9478..7340321c5774 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "在其中執行 Gradle 組建的工作目錄。未指定時,會使用存放庫根路徑。", "loc.input.label.options": "選項", "loc.input.label.tasks": "工作", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Gradle 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中發佈。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Gradle 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines中發佈。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元 ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 表示名稱開頭為 TEST- 的所有 XML 檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "程式碼分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "已停用於組建環境外進行程式碼分析。找不到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。", + "loc.messages.InvalidBuildFile": "組建檔案無效或不受支援", + "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "檔案或資料夾不存在: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToAppendCC": "無法附加程式碼涵蓋範圍資料: %s", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "找不到任何符合 %s 的測試結果,因此跳過發行 JUnit 測試結果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/task.json b/Tasks/GradleV2/task.json index 17db9d8989e0..0b75797be14e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Configuration of the SonarQube analysis was moved to the [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) or [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) extensions, in task `Prepare Analysis Configuration`", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/GradleV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GradleV2/task.loc.json index 7aeffbe72a1f..8afd4c9992c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/GradleV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GradleV2/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 9954b13dd6dd..a35cdf15f78a 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "Die JavaScript-Aufgabenausführung", + "loc.description": "Grunt-JavaScript-Aufgabenausführung ausführen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit-Testergebnisse", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis bei Skriptausführung. Standardmäßig der Ordner, in dem das Skript gespeichert ist.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Speicherort der Grunt-CLI", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "Die auszuführende Grunt-CLI, wenn der Agent keine globale Installation der Grunt-CLI findet. Standardmäßig wird die Grunt-CLI im Ordner \"node_modules\" des Arbeitsverzeichnisses verwendet.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Grunt-Bild generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Grunt-Bild generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Der Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden. Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index be645f088085..190012b7e1fc 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "El ejecutor de tareas de JavaScript", + "loc.description": "Inicia el ejecutor Grunt de tareas de JavaScript.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(targets) de Grunt", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Resultados de pruebas JUnit", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo actual cuando el script se ejecuta. Se establece de forma predeterminada en la carpeta en la que se encuentra el script.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "ubicación de grunt-cli", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "grunt-cli que se ejecuta cuando el agente no encuentra el grunt-cli instalado a nivel global. El elemento grunt-cli de la carpeta node_modules del directorio de trabajo es la opción predeterminada.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Grunt en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Grunt en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso a los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín. Por ejemplo, \"**/TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6be55bb898db..23cc7c3b600a 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "Exécuteur de tâches JavaScript", + "loc.description": "Lancer l'exécuteur de tâches JavaScript Grunt", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Résultats du test JUnit", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail actuel quand le script est exécuté. Il s'agit généralement du dossier dans lequel se trouve le script.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Emplacement de grunt-cli", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "grunt-cli à exécuter quand l'agent ne trouve pas de grunt-cli global installé. Correspond par défaut à grunt-cli sous le dossier node_modules du répertoire de travail.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Grunt sur Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Grunt sur Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers des résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' correspond à tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de l'exécution du test", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 3038f7834d03..858298229dd0 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "Strumento di esecuzione attività JavaScript", + "loc.description": "Esegue lo strumento di esecuzione attività JavaScript di Grunt", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Risultati del test JUnit", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro corrente durante l'esecuzione dello script. Per impostazione predefinita, corrisponde alla cartella in cui si trova lo script.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Percorso grunt-cli", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "File grunt-cli da eseguire quando l'agente non riesce a trovare il file grunt-cli installato globale. Per impostazione predefinita, viene usato il file grunt-cli presente nella cartella node_modules della directory di lavoro.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines/ TFS i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione Grunt.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione Grunt.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo esecuzione dei test", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d024b6b7d2f2..bd9cdf19d065 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "JavaScript タスク ランナー", + "loc.description": "Grunt JavaScript タスク ランナーを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit のテスト結果", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "スクリプトの実行時の現行の作業ディレクトリ。スクリプトが配置されているフォルダーを既定値に使用します。", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "grunt-cli の場所", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "グローバルにインストールされた grunt-cli をエージェントが見つけられない場合に実行する grunt-cli。既定値は、作業ディレクトリの node_modules フォルダーの下にある grunt-cli です。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Grunt のビルドによって生成される JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Grunt のビルドによって生成される JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果のファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は `**/TEST-*.xml` です。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テスト実行のタイトル", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index b2fe3582de3d..c5bdbc6ed543 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "JavaScript 작업 실행기", + "loc.description": "Grunt JavaScript 작업 실행기를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "스크립트 실행 시 현재 작업 디렉터리입니다. 기본값을 스크립트가 있는 폴더로 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Grunt-cli 위치", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "에이전트에서 전역 설치 Grunt-cli를 찾을 수 없을 때 실행할 Grunt-cli입니다. 기본값은 작업 디렉터리의 node_modules 폴더 아래에 있는 Grunt-cli입니다.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Grunt 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Grunt 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하기 위해 `**/TEST-*.xml`을 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 2b7246080368..d2e2f653660b 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "Запускатель задач JavaScript", + "loc.description": "Запустить запускатель задач JavaScript Grunt", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Результаты теста JUnit", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Текущий рабочий каталог при выполнении сценария. По умолчанию используется папка, в которой находится сценарий.", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Расположение grunt-cli", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "Grunt-cli, который будет запущен, если агенту не удастся найти глобально установленный grunt-cli. Значение по умолчанию — grunt-cli в папке node_modules в рабочем каталоге.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой Grunt, в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой Grunt, в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов тестов", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Заголовок тестового запуска", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index ff3724a310a0..794f063173bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息]((https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "JavaScript 任务运行程序", + "loc.description": "运行 Grunt JavaScript 任务运行程序", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 测试结果", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "脚本运行时的当前工作目录。默认为脚本所处的文件夹。", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "Grunt-cli 位置", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "代理找不到全局安装的 Grunt-cli 时要运行的 Grunt-cli。默认为工作目录的 node_modules 文件夹下的 Grunt-cli。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Grunt 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Grunt 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 XML 文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 377fdbb3ef6c..0131b67ddef1 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Grunt", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627413)", - "loc.description": "JavaScript 工作執行器", + "loc.description": "執行 Grunt JavaScript 工作執行器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Grunt $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 測試結果", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "執行指令碼後的目前工作目錄。預設為指令碼所在的資料夾。", "loc.input.label.gruntCli": "grunt-cli 位置", "loc.input.help.gruntCli": "當代理程式找不到全域安裝的 grunt-cli 時所要執行的 grunt-cli,預設為工作目錄 node_modules 資料夾下的 grunt-cli。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Grunt 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Grunt 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 即適用於所有名稱開頭為 TEST- 的 XML 檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/task.json b/Tasks/GruntV0/task.json index 73ceb7756591..1541f6ab8995 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "node.js" diff --git a/Tasks/GruntV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GruntV0/task.loc.json index fe472e160f5b..0208fa377af6 100644 --- a/Tasks/GruntV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GruntV0/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "node.js" diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 50cf32952d22..d5fb8c250a9e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Auf Node.js-Streamingaufgabe basierendes Buildsystem", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird das aufgabenbasierte Node.js-Streamingbuildsystem gulp ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit-Testergebnisse", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Code Coverage", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp-Dateipfad", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp-Dateipfad", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Der relative Pfad vom Repositorystamm der auszuführenden gulp-Skriptdatei.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp-Aufgabe(n)", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp-Aufgaben", "loc.input.help.targets": "Optional. Mit Leerzeichen getrennte Liste der auszuführenden Aufgaben. Wenn nicht angegeben, wird die Standardaufgabe ausgeführt.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Zusätzliche Argumente, die an Gulp übergeben werden. \"-gulpfile\" wurde bereits über die gulpFile-Eingabe weiter oben hinzugefügt und ist daher nicht erforderlich.", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis bei Skriptausführung. Standardmäßig der Ordner, in dem das Skript gespeichert ist.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Speicherort von \"gulp.js\"", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Die auszuführende Datei \"gulp.js\", wenn der Agent keine globale Installation von Gulp findet. Standardmäßig wird die Datei \"gulp.js\" im Ordner \"node_modules\" des Arbeitsverzeichnisses verwendet.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Gulp-Build erzeugte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom gulp-Build erzeugte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Der Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden. Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Geben Sie den Pfad zu Ihren Quelldateien an, für die hookRequire() gelten soll.", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Testskriptdateien", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Geben Sie den Pfad zu Ihren Testskriptdateien an.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp ist nicht global installiert (oder befindet sich nicht im Pfad des Benutzers, als der der Agent ausgeführt wird) und befindet sich nicht im lokalen Arbeitsordner: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp wurde mit dem folgenden Rückgabecode beendet: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp-Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp ist nicht global installiert (oder befindet sich nicht im Pfad des Benutzers, als der der Agent ausgeführt wird) und befindet sich nicht im lokalen Arbeitsordner: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp wurde mit dem folgenden Rückgabecode beendet: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp-Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm-Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul-Fehler: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 550c6ebbfb4e..4d1a8121c450 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Sistema de compilación basado en la tarea de streaming de Node.js", + "loc.description": "Ejecute el sistema de compilación basado en tareas de streaming de Node.js con gulp.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(targets) de Gulp", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Resultados de pruebas JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Cobertura de código", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso del archivo Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso del archivo gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso relativa de la raíz del repositorio del archivo de script Gulp que se va a ejecutar.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Tarea o tareas de Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Tareas de gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Opcional. Lista de tareas para ejecutar delimitada por espacios. Si no se especifica, se ejecutará la tarea predeterminada.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumentos adicionales pasados a Gulp. --gulpfile no es necesario porque ya se agregó a través de la entrada gulpFile anterior.", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo actual cuando el script se ejecuta. Se establece de forma predeterminada en la carpeta en la que se encuentra el script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Ubicación de gulp.js", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Archivo gulp.js que se va a ejecutar cuando el agente no encuentra el Gulp instalado global. El archivo gulp.js de la carpeta node_modules del directorio de trabajo es la opción predeterminada.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Gulp en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de gulp en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso a los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín. Por ejemplo, \"**/TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Proporcione la ruta de acceso a los archivos de origen que quiera para hookRequire().", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Archivos de script de prueba", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Proporcione la ruta de acceso a sus archivos de script de prueba.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp no está instalado a nivel global (o no está en la ruta del usuario con el que se ejecuta el agente) y no está en la carpeta de trabajo local: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp se cerró con el código de retorno: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Error de Gulp: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "No se ha instalado gulp a nivel global (o no está en la ruta del usuario con el que se ejecuta el agente) y no está en la carpeta de trabajo local: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Se ha cerrado gulp con el código de retorno: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Error de gulp: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Error de Npm: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Error de Istanbul: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index e7fb28bdb4bb..c332ff47bf2e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Système de build basé sur les tâches de streaming Node.js", + "loc.description": "Exécuter le système de build basé sur les tâches de streaming Node.js de gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Résultats du test JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Couverture du code", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Chemin d'accès du fichier Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Chemin de fichier gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Chemin relatif de la racine de dépôt du fichier script du fichier gulp à exécuter.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Tâche(s) Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Tâche(s) gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Facultatif. Liste des tâches à exécuter délimitées par des espaces. Si elle n'est pas spécifiée, la tâche par défaut est exécutée.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Arguments supplémentaires passés à gulp. --gulpfile n'est pas nécessaire, car il est déjà ajouté via l'entrée gulpFile ci-dessus.", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail actuel quand le script est exécuté. Il s'agit généralement du dossier dans lequel se trouve le script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Emplacement de gulp.js", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Fichier gulp.js à exécuter quand l'agent ne trouve pas le gulp installé global. Correspond par défaut au fichier gulp.js sous le dossier node_modules du répertoire de travail.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Gulp sur Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build gulp sur Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers des résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' correspond à tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de l'exécution du test", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Indiquez le chemin des fichiers sources auxquels vous voulez appliquer hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Fichiers de script de test", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Indiquez le chemin de vos fichiers de script de test", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp n'est pas installé de manière globale, ou ne se trouve pas dans le chemin de l'utilisateur via lequel l'agent s'exécute. De plus, il ne se trouve pas dans le dossier de travail local : %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Sortie de Gulp. Code de retour : %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Échec de Gulp. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp n'est pas installé de manière globale ou ne se trouve pas dans le chemin de l'utilisateur via lequel l'agent s'exécute. De plus, il ne se trouve pas dans le dossier de travail local : %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Sortie de gulp. Code de retour : %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Échec de gulp. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Échec de Npm. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Échec d'Istanbul avec l'erreur : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index acc00ba6e663..29876153e8c3 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Sistema di compilazione basato su attività di streaming di Node.js", + "loc.description": "Esegue il sistema di compilazione basato su attività di streaming Node.js di gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Risultati del test JUnit", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro corrente durante l'esecuzione dello script. Per impostazione predefinita, corrisponde alla cartella in cui si trova lo script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Percorso di gulp.js", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "File gulp.js da eseguire quando l'agente non riesce a trovare il file gulp installato globale. Per impostazione predefinita, viene usato il file gulp.js presente nella cartella node_modules della directory di lavoro.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines/ TFS i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione Gulp.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione gulp.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo esecuzione dei test", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso dei file di origine per hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "File di script di test", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso dei file di script di test", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp non è installato globalmente oppure non è presente nel percorso dell'utente con cui viene eseguito l'agente e non è incluso nella cartella di lavoro locale %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp terminato. Codice restituito: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp non riuscito. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp non è installato globalmente oppure non è presente nel percorso dell'utente con cui viene eseguito l'agente e non è incluso nella cartella di lavoro locale %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp terminato. Codice restituito: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp non riuscito. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm non riuscito. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul non riuscito. Errore: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 087bd1ff4d56..6bfdddf495f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js ストリーミング タスク ベースのビルド システムです", + "loc.description": "Node.js のストリーミング タスクベースのビルド システムである gulp を実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit のテスト結果", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "コード カバレッジ", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp ファイル パス", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp ファイル パス", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "リポジトリのルートを基準として指定する、実行する gulp スクリプト ファイルの相対パス。", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp タスク", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp タスク", "loc.input.help.targets": "(省略可能) スペース区切りの実行タスクのリスト。指定しない場合は、既定のタスクが実行されます。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "gulp に渡される追加の引数。上記の gulpFile 入力で既に追加されているので、--gulpfile は不要です。", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "スクリプトの実行時の現行の作業ディレクトリ。スクリプトが配置されているフォルダーを既定値に使用します。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js の場所", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "グローバルにインストールされた gulp をエージェントが見つけられない場合に実行する gulp.js。既定値は、作業ディレクトリの node_modules フォルダーの下にある gulp.js です。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gulp のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "gulp のビルドによって生成される JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果のファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は `**/TEST-*.xml` です。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テスト実行のタイトル", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "hookRequire() を実行しようとしているソース ファイルへのパスを指定します", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "テスト スクリプト ファイル", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "テスト スクリプト ファイルへのパスを指定します", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp はグローバルにインストールされていません (またはエージェントが実行しているユーザーのパスにありません)。またローカル作業フォルダーにありません: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp は、リターン コードを伴って終了しました: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp でエラーが発生しました: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp はグローバルにインストールされていません (またはエージェントが実行しているユーザーのパスにありません)。またローカル作業フォルダーにありません: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp は、次のリターン コードで終了しました: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp が次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm でエラーが発生しました: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul でエラーが発生しました: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 4af1d37140ce..87a9ff9e2cb6 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js 스트리밍 작업 기반 빌드 시스템", + "loc.description": "gulp Node.js 스트리밍 작업 기반 빌드 시스템을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "코드 검사", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp 파일 경로", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp 파일 경로", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "실행할 gulp 파일 스크립트 파일의 리포 루트로부터의 상대 경로입니다.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp 작업", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp 작업", "loc.input.help.targets": "선택 사항. 공백으로 구분된 실행할 작업 목록입니다. 지정하지 않을 경우 기본 작업이 실행됩니다.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", "loc.input.help.arguments": "추가 인수를 gulp에 전달했습니다. --gulpfile은 위의 gulpFile 입력을 통해 이미 추가되었으므로 필요하지 않습니다.", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "스크립트 실행 시 현재 작업 디렉터리입니다. 기본값을 스크립트가 있는 폴더로 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 위치", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "에이전트에서 전역 설치 Gulp를 찾을 수 없을 때 실행할 gulp.js입니다. 기본값은 작업 디렉터리의 node_modules 폴더 아래에 있는 gulp.js입니다.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gulp 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "gulp 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하기 위해 `**/TEST-*.xml`을 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "hookRequire()를 적용할 소스 파일의 경로를 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "테스트 스크립트 파일", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "테스트 스크립트 파일의 경로를 지정하세요.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp가 전역으로 설치되지 않았거나 에이전트가 실행 중인 사용자 경로에 없으며 로컬 작업 폴더 %s에 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "반환 코드 %d(으)로 Gulp 종료", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "오류 %s(으)로 Gulp 실패", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp가 전역으로 설치되지 않았거나 에이전트를 실행 중인 사용자의 경로에 없으며 로컬 작업 폴더 %s에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp가 종료되었습니다(반환 코드: %d).", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "오류가 발생하여 gulp에 실패했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "오류 %s(으)로 Npm 실패", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "다음 오류가 발생하여 Istanbul이 실패했습니다. %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e437a35b7c94..b6907c3ef6f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Задача потоковой передачи Node.js на основе системы сборки", + "loc.description": "Запуск системы сборки, основанной на задачах потоковой передачи Node.js gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Результаты теста JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Объем протестированного кода", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Путь к файлу Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Путь к файлу gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Относительный путь от корня репозитория к файлу сценария Gulp, который подлежит выполнению.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Задачи Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Задачи gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Необязательно. Список запускаемых задач с разделителями-пробелами. Если он не указан, будет запущена задача по умолчанию.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Дополнительные аргументы, передаваемые в Gulp. Аргумент --gulpfile не требуется, так как он уже добавлен с помощью входного файла gulpFile выше.", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "Текущий рабочий каталог при выполнении сценария. По умолчанию используется папка, в которой находится сценарий.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Расположение gulp.js", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Gulp.js, который будет запущен, если агенту не удастся найти глобально установленный gulp. Значение по умолчанию — gulp.js в папке node_modules в рабочем каталоге.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой Gulp, в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой gulp, в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов тестов", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Заголовок тестового запуска", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Укажите путь к исходным файлам, к которым необходимо применить метод hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Файлы скриптов тестирования", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Укажите путь к файлам скриптов тестирования", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp не установлен глобально (или не находится в пути пользователя, от имени которого выполняется агент) и не находится в локальной рабочей папке: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Завершение работы Gulp с кодом возврата: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Сбой Gulp с ошибкой: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Набор gulp не установлен глобально (или не находится в пути пользователя, от имени которого выполняется агент) и не находится в локальной рабочей папке: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Завершение работы gulp с кодом возврата: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Сбой gulp с ошибкой: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Сбой NPM с ошибкой: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Сбой Istanbul с ошибкой: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d287e602c0e0..4f703c157886 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "基于生成系统的 Node.js 流任务", + "loc.description": "运行 Gulp 基于 Node.js 流任务的生成系统", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 测试结果", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "脚本运行时的当前工作目录。默认为脚本所处的文件夹。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 位置", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "代理找不到全局安装的 Gulp 时要运行的 gulp.js。默认为工作目录的 node_modules 文件夹下的 gulp.js。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gulp 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gulp 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 XML 文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "将你所需的源文件路径提供给 hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "测试脚本文件", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "提供测试脚本文件的路径", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未全局安装(或不位于代理运行身份用户的路径下),且不位于本地工作文件夹中: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未在全局进行安装(或不位于代理运行身份用户的路径下),且不位于本地工作文件夹 %s 中", "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp 已退出,返回代码为: %d", "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp 失败,出现错误: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm 失败,出现错误: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b9204d45a28a..309937698195 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js 串流工作建置系統", + "loc.description": "執行 gulp Node.js 串流工作型建置系統", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 測試結果", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "程式碼涵蓋範圍", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp 檔案路徑", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp 檔案路徑", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "要執行的 gulp 檔指令檔存放庫根路徑相對路徑。", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp 工作", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp 工作", "loc.input.help.targets": "可省略。以空格分隔要執行之工作的清單。若未指定,將會執行預設工作。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", "loc.input.help.arguments": "傳遞至 Gulp 的額外引數。 --不需要 gulpfile 因為已透過上述 gulpFile 輸入加入。", @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ "loc.input.help.cwd": "執行指令碼後的目前工作目錄。預設為指令碼所在的資料夾。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 的位置", "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "當代理程式找不到全域安裝的 Gulp 時所要執行的 gulp.js,預設為工作目錄 node_modules 資料夾下的 gulp.js。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Gulp 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 gulp 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 即適用於所有名稱開頭為 TEST- 的 XML 檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "提供要進行 hookRequire() 之原始程式檔的路徑", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "測試指令檔", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "提供測試指令碼檔案的路徑", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未全域安裝 (或不在作為代理程式執行身分的使用者路徑中) 且不在本機工作資料夾: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp 已結束,傳回碼為: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp 失敗,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp 未全域安裝 (或不在作為代理程式執行身分的使用者路徑中) 且不在本機工作資料夾: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp 已結束,傳回碼: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp 失敗,錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm 失敗,錯誤為: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul 失敗,錯誤為: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/task.json b/Tasks/GulpV0/task.json index 121b945241dc..c78243fb0502 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "node.js" diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GulpV0/task.loc.json index 56523e1f88e1..d3e53d63c7fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GulpV0/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "node.js" diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 50cf32952d22..0390962ff1b4 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Auf Node.js-Streamingaufgabe basierendes Buildsystem", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird das aufgabenbasierte Node.js-Streamingbuildsystem gulp ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit-Testergebnisse", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Code Coverage", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp-Dateipfad", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp-Dateipfad", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Der relative Pfad vom Repositorystamm der auszuführenden gulp-Skriptdatei.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp-Aufgabe(n)", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp-Aufgabe(n)", "loc.input.help.targets": "Optional. Mit Leerzeichen getrennte Liste der auszuführenden Aufgaben. Wenn nicht angegeben, wird die Standardaufgabe ausgeführt.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Zusätzliche Argumente, die an Gulp übergeben werden. \"-gulpfile\" wurde bereits über die gulpFile-Eingabe weiter oben hinzugefügt und ist daher nicht erforderlich.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Aktuelles Arbeitsverzeichnis bei Skriptausführung. Standardmäßig der Ordner, in dem das Skript gespeichert ist.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Speicherort von \"gulp.js\"", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Die auszuführende Datei \"gulp.js\", wenn der Agent keine globale Installation von Gulp findet. Standardmäßig wird die Datei \"gulp.js\" im Ordner \"node_modules\" des Arbeitsverzeichnisses verwendet.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Gulp-Build erzeugte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Pfad zu einer alternativen gulp.js-Datei, relativ zum Arbeitsverzeichnis.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom gulp-Build erzeugte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Der Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden. Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Geben Sie den Pfad zu Ihren Quelldateien an, für die hookRequire() gelten soll.", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Testskriptdateien", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Geben Sie den Pfad zu Ihren Testskriptdateien an.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp ist nicht global installiert (oder befindet sich nicht im Pfad des Benutzers, als der der Agent ausgeführt wird) und befindet sich nicht im lokalen Arbeitsordner: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp wurde mit dem folgenden Rückgabecode beendet: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp-Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp ist nicht global installiert (oder ist nicht im Pfad des Benutzers enthalten, als der der Agent ausgeführt wird) und befindet sich nicht im lokalen Arbeitsordner: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp wurde mit dem folgenden Rückgabecode beendet: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp-Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm-Fehler: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul-Fehler: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 550c6ebbfb4e..b6c7f67130f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Sistema de compilación basado en la tarea de streaming de Node.js", + "loc.description": "Ejecute el sistema de compilación basado en tareas de streaming de Node.js con gulp.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(targets) de Gulp", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Resultados de pruebas JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Cobertura de código", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso del archivo Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso del archivo gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Ruta de acceso relativa de la raíz del repositorio del archivo de script Gulp que se va a ejecutar.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Tarea o tareas de Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Tareas de gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Opcional. Lista de tareas para ejecutar delimitada por espacios. Si no se especifica, se ejecutará la tarea predeterminada.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumentos adicionales pasados a Gulp. --gulpfile no es necesario porque ya se agregó a través de la entrada gulpFile anterior.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo actual cuando el script se ejecuta. Se establece de forma predeterminada en la carpeta en la que se encuentra el script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Ubicación de gulp.js", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Archivo gulp.js que se va a ejecutar cuando el agente no encuentra el Gulp instalado global. El archivo gulp.js de la carpeta node_modules del directorio de trabajo es la opción predeterminada.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Gulp en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Ruta de acceso a un archivo gulp.js alternativo, relativo al directorio de trabajo.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de gulp en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso a los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín. Por ejemplo, \"**/TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Proporcione la ruta de acceso a los archivos de origen que quiera para hookRequire().", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Archivos de script de prueba", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Proporcione la ruta de acceso a sus archivos de script de prueba.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp no está instalado a nivel global (o no está en la ruta del usuario con el que se ejecuta el agente) y no está en la carpeta de trabajo local: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp se cerró con el código de retorno: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Error de Gulp: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "No se ha instalado gulp a nivel global (o no está en la ruta del usuario con el que se ejecuta el agente) y no está en la carpeta de trabajo local: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Se ha cerrado gulp con el código de retorno: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Error de gulp: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Error de Npm: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Error de Istanbul: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index e7fb28bdb4bb..303d6e1fd56b 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Système de build basé sur les tâches de streaming Node.js", + "loc.description": "Exécuter le système de build basé sur les tâches de streaming Node.js de gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Résultats du test JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Couverture du code", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Chemin d'accès du fichier Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Chemin de fichier gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Chemin relatif de la racine de dépôt du fichier script du fichier gulp à exécuter.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Tâche(s) Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Tâche(s) gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Facultatif. Liste des tâches à exécuter délimitées par des espaces. Si elle n'est pas spécifiée, la tâche par défaut est exécutée.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Arguments supplémentaires passés à gulp. --gulpfile n'est pas nécessaire, car il est déjà ajouté via l'entrée gulpFile ci-dessus.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail actuel quand le script est exécuté. Il s'agit généralement du dossier dans lequel se trouve le script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Emplacement de gulp.js", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Fichier gulp.js à exécuter quand l'agent ne trouve pas le gulp installé global. Correspond par défaut au fichier gulp.js sous le dossier node_modules du répertoire de travail.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Gulp sur Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Chemin d'un autre fichier gulp.js relatif au répertoire de travail.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build gulp sur Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers des résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' correspond à tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de l'exécution du test", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Indiquez le chemin des fichiers sources auxquels vous voulez appliquer hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Fichiers de script de test", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Indiquez le chemin de vos fichiers de script de test", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp n'est pas installé de manière globale, ou ne se trouve pas dans le chemin de l'utilisateur via lequel l'agent s'exécute. De plus, il ne se trouve pas dans le dossier de travail local : %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Sortie de Gulp. Code de retour : %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Échec de Gulp. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp n'est pas installé de manière globale ou ne se trouve pas dans le chemin de l'utilisateur via lequel l'agent s'exécute. De plus, il ne se trouve pas dans le dossier de travail local : %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Sortie de gulp. Code de retour : %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Échec de gulp. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Échec de Npm. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Échec d'Istanbul avec l'erreur : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index acc00ba6e663..c9f3ce993c5a 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Sistema di compilazione basato su attività di streaming di Node.js", + "loc.description": "Esegue il sistema di compilazione basato su attività di streaming Node.js di gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Risultati del test JUnit", @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro corrente durante l'esecuzione dello script. Per impostazione predefinita, corrisponde alla cartella in cui si trova lo script.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Percorso di gulp.js", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "File gulp.js da eseguire quando l'agente non riesce a trovare il file gulp installato globale. Per impostazione predefinita, viene usato il file gulp.js presente nella cartella node_modules della directory di lavoro.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines/ TFS i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione Gulp.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Percorso di un file gulp.js alternativo, relativo alla directory di lavoro.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare in Azure Pipelines i risultati di test JUnit ottenuti con la compilazione gulp.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo esecuzione dei test", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso dei file di origine per hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "File di script di test", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso dei file di script di test", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp non è installato globalmente oppure non è presente nel percorso dell'utente con cui viene eseguito l'agente e non è incluso nella cartella di lavoro locale %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp terminato. Codice restituito: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp non riuscito. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp non è installato globalmente oppure non è presente nel percorso dell'utente con cui viene eseguito l'agente e non è incluso nella cartella di lavoro locale %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp terminato. Codice restituito: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp non riuscito. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm non riuscito. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul non riuscito. Errore: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 087bd1ff4d56..0319b206c4be 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js ストリーミング タスク ベースのビルド システムです", + "loc.description": "Node.js のストリーミング タスクベースのビルド システムである gulp を実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit のテスト結果", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "コード カバレッジ", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp ファイル パス", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp ファイル パス", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "リポジトリのルートを基準として指定する、実行する gulp スクリプト ファイルの相対パス。", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp タスク", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp タスク", "loc.input.help.targets": "(省略可能) スペース区切りの実行タスクのリスト。指定しない場合は、既定のタスクが実行されます。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "gulp に渡される追加の引数。上記の gulpFile 入力で既に追加されているので、--gulpfile は不要です。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.cwd": "スクリプトの実行時の現行の作業ディレクトリ。スクリプトが配置されているフォルダーを既定値に使用します。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js の場所", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "グローバルにインストールされた gulp をエージェントが見つけられない場合に実行する gulp.js。既定値は、作業ディレクトリの node_modules フォルダーの下にある gulp.js です。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gulp のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "作業ディレクトリに対する代替の gulp.js へのパス。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "gulp のビルドによって生成される JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果のファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は `**/TEST-*.xml` です。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テスト実行のタイトル", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "hookRequire() を実行しようとしているソース ファイルへのパスを指定します", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "テスト スクリプト ファイル", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "テスト スクリプト ファイルへのパスを指定します", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp はグローバルにインストールされていません (またはエージェントが実行しているユーザーのパスにありません)。またローカル作業フォルダーにありません: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp は、リターン コードを伴って終了しました: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp でエラーが発生しました: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp はグローバルにインストールされていません (またはエージェントが実行しているユーザーのパスにありません)。またローカル作業フォルダーにありません: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp は、次のリターン コードで終了しました: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp が次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm でエラーが発生しました: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul でエラーが発生しました: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 4af1d37140ce..178ed7f7290e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js 스트리밍 작업 기반 빌드 시스템", + "loc.description": "gulp Node.js 스트리밍 작업 기반 빌드 시스템을 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "코드 검사", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp 파일 경로", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp 파일 경로", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "실행할 gulp 파일 스크립트 파일의 리포 루트로부터의 상대 경로입니다.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp 작업", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp 작업", "loc.input.help.targets": "선택 사항. 공백으로 구분된 실행할 작업 목록입니다. 지정하지 않을 경우 기본 작업이 실행됩니다.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", "loc.input.help.arguments": "추가 인수를 gulp에 전달했습니다. --gulpfile은 위의 gulpFile 입력을 통해 이미 추가되었으므로 필요하지 않습니다.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.cwd": "스크립트 실행 시 현재 작업 디렉터리입니다. 기본값을 스크립트가 있는 폴더로 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 위치", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "에이전트에서 전역 설치 Gulp를 찾을 수 없을 때 실행할 gulp.js입니다. 기본값은 작업 디렉터리의 node_modules 폴더 아래에 있는 gulp.js입니다.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Gulp 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "대체 gulp의 경로로, 작업 디렉터리의 상대 경로입니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "gulp 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하기 위해 `**/TEST-*.xml`을 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "hookRequire()를 적용할 소스 파일의 경로를 지정하세요.", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "테스트 스크립트 파일", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "테스트 스크립트 파일의 경로를 지정하세요.", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp가 전역으로 설치되지 않았거나 에이전트가 실행 중인 사용자 경로에 없으며 로컬 작업 폴더 %s에 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "반환 코드 %d(으)로 Gulp 종료", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "오류 %s(으)로 Gulp 실패", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp가 전역으로 설치되지 않았거나 에이전트를 실행 중인 사용자의 경로에 없으며 로컬 작업 폴더 %s에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp가 종료되었습니다(반환 코드: %d).", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "오류가 발생하여 gulp에 실패했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "오류 %s(으)로 Npm 실패", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "다음 오류가 발생하여 Istanbul이 실패했습니다. %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e437a35b7c94..ff83b26c7f47 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Задача потоковой передачи Node.js на основе системы сборки", + "loc.description": "Запуск системы сборки, основанной на задачах потоковой передачи Node.js gulp", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Результаты теста JUnit", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "Объем протестированного кода", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Путь к файлу Gulp", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Путь к файлу gulp", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "Относительный путь от корня репозитория к файлу сценария Gulp, который подлежит выполнению.", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Задачи Gulp", + "loc.input.label.targets": "Задачи gulp", "loc.input.help.targets": "Необязательно. Список запускаемых задач с разделителями-пробелами. Если он не указан, будет запущена задача по умолчанию.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Дополнительные аргументы, передаваемые в Gulp. Аргумент --gulpfile не требуется, так как он уже добавлен с помощью входного файла gulpFile выше.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог", "loc.input.help.cwd": "Текущий рабочий каталог при выполнении сценария. По умолчанию используется папка, в которой находится сценарий.", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "Расположение gulp.js", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Gulp.js, который будет запущен, если агенту не удастся найти глобально установленный gulp. Значение по умолчанию — gulp.js в папке node_modules в рабочем каталоге.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой Gulp, в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "Путь к альтернативному gulp.js относительно рабочего каталога.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты тестов JUnit, созданные сборкой gulp, в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов тестов", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Заголовок тестового запуска", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "Укажите путь к исходным файлам, к которым необходимо применить метод hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "Файлы скриптов тестирования", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "Укажите путь к файлам скриптов тестирования", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp не установлен глобально (или не находится в пути пользователя, от имени которого выполняется агент) и не находится в локальной рабочей папке: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Завершение работы Gulp с кодом возврата: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Сбой Gulp с ошибкой: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Набор gulp не установлен глобально (или не находится в пути пользователя, от имени которого выполняется агент) и не находится в локальной рабочей папке: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Завершение работы gulp с кодом возврата: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Сбой gulp с ошибкой: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Сбой NPM с ошибкой: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Сбой Istanbul с ошибкой: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d287e602c0e0..2e04128c4498 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "基于生成系统的 Node.js 流任务", + "loc.description": "运行 Gulp 基于 Node.js 流任务的生成系统", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 测试结果", @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录", "loc.input.help.cwd": "脚本运行时的当前工作目录。默认为脚本所处的文件夹。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 位置", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "代理找不到全局安装的 Gulp 时要运行的 gulp.js。默认为工作目录的 node_modules 文件夹下的 gulp.js。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gulp 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "备用 gulp.js 的路径(相对于工作目录)。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Gulp 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 XML 文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "将你所需的源文件路径提供给 hookRequire()", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "测试脚本文件", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "提供测试脚本文件的路径", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未全局安装(或不位于代理运行身份用户的路径下),且不位于本地工作文件夹中: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未在全局进行安装(或不位于代理运行身份用户的路径下),且不位于本地工作文件夹 %s 中", "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp 已退出,返回代码为: %d", "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp 失败,出现错误: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm 失败,出现错误: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b9204d45a28a..a4b0acab9a8e 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Gulp", + "loc.friendlyName": "gulp", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613721)", - "loc.description": "Node.js 串流工作建置系統", + "loc.description": "執行 gulp Node.js 串流工作型建置系統", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gulp $(targets)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 測試結果", "loc.group.displayName.codeCoverage": "程式碼涵蓋範圍", - "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "Gulp 檔案路徑", + "loc.input.label.gulpFile": "gulp 檔案路徑", "loc.input.help.gulpFile": "要執行的 gulp 檔指令檔存放庫根路徑相對路徑。", - "loc.input.label.targets": "Gulp 工作", + "loc.input.label.targets": "gulp 工作", "loc.input.help.targets": "可省略。以空格分隔要執行之工作的清單。若未指定,將會執行預設工作。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", "loc.input.help.arguments": "傳遞至 Gulp 的額外引數。 --不需要 gulpfile 因為已透過上述 gulpFile 輸入加入。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄", "loc.input.help.cwd": "執行指令碼後的目前工作目錄。預設為指令碼所在的資料夾。", "loc.input.label.gulpjs": "gulp.js 的位置", - "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "當代理程式找不到全域安裝的 Gulp 時所要執行的 gulp.js,預設為工作目錄 node_modules 資料夾下的 gulp.js。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Gulp 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.input.help.gulpjs": "相對於工作目錄的替代 gulp.js 路徑。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 gulp 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 即適用於所有名稱開頭為 TEST- 的 XML 檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ "loc.input.help.srcFiles": "提供要進行 hookRequire() 之原始程式檔的路徑", "loc.input.label.testFiles": "測試指令檔", "loc.input.help.testFiles": "提供測試指令碼檔案的路徑", - "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "Gulp 未全域安裝 (或不在作為代理程式執行身分的使用者路徑中) 且不在本機工作資料夾: %s", - "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "Gulp 已結束,傳回碼為: %d", - "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "Gulp 失敗,錯誤為: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpNotInstalled": "gulp 未全域安裝 (或不在作為代理程式執行身分的使用者路徑中) 且不在本機工作資料夾: %s", + "loc.messages.GulpReturnCode": "gulp 已結束,傳回碼: %d", + "loc.messages.GulpFailed": "gulp 失敗,錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm 失敗,錯誤為: %s", "loc.messages.IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul 失敗,錯誤為: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/task.json b/Tasks/GulpV1/task.json index e13aa6f53766..9acfddf1b8c5 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "node.js" @@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ "NpmFailed": "Npm failed with error: %s", "IstanbulFailed": "Istanbul failed with error: %s" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/GulpV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/GulpV1/task.loc.json index baf0d21db195..9fb7d11551c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/GulpV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/GulpV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "node.js" diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b43180e1d956..e30c032a6d41 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Helm-Charts paketieren und bereitstellen", + "loc.friendlyName": "Helm Charts paketieren und bereitstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie Helm-Befehle aus, um Ihren Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service bereitzustellen, zu konfigurieren oder zu aktualisieren.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Helm-Befehle ausgeführt, um einen Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service bereitzustellen, zu konfigurieren oder zu aktualisieren.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Kubernetes-Cluster", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Befehle", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "TLS ist nicht in der Aufgabe aktiviert. Das Löschen von Zertifikaten wird übersprungen.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "TLS ist nicht in der Aufgabe aktiviert. Das Herunterladen von Zertifikaten wird übersprungen.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Datei nicht unter \"%s\" gefunden.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Die Details zur Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung wurden nicht gefunden." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Die Details zur Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung wurden nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 5ff339728003..0969c3455f61 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Empaquetar e implementar los gráficos de Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Implemente, configure y actualice el clúster de Kubernetes en el servicio Azure Container Service mediante la ejecución de comandos helm.", + "loc.description": "Implementa, configura y actualiza un clúster de Kubernetes en Azure Container Service mediante la ejecución de comandos helm.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(comando)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Clúster de Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandos", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "TLS no habilitado en la tarea. Omitiendo la eliminación de certificados.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "TLS no habilitado en la tarea. Omitiendo la descarga de certificados.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "No se encuentra en el archivo en %s", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "No se encontraron los detalles de la conexión de servicio de Kubernetes." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "No se encontraron los detalles de la conexión de servicio de Kubernetes.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 60270df7c71a..797935224844 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Créer des packages de charts Helm et les déployer", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Déployez, configurez et mettez à jour votre cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes helm.", + "loc.description": "Déployer, configurer et mettre à jour un cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes Helm", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(commande)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Commandes", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "TLS non activé dans la tâche. Suppression des certificats ignorée.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "TLS non activé dans la tâche. Téléchargement des certificats ignoré.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Fichier introuvable sur %s", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Les détails de la connexion de service Kubernetes sont introuvables." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Les détails de la connexion de service Kubernetes sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index a4780c327918..13621bc2e3c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Crea pacchetto e distribuisci grafici Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare il cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi di helm.", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare un cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi di Helm", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandi", "loc.group.displayName.tls": "TLS", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.connectionType": "Tipo di connessione", - "loc.input.help.connectionType": "Selezionare 'Azure Resource Manager' per connettersi a un servizio Kubernetes di Azure tramite la connessione al servizio di Azure. Selezionare 'Connessione al servizio Kubernetes' per connettersi a qualsiasi cluster Kubernetes tramite kubeconfig o l'account del servizio", + "loc.input.help.connectionType": "Selezionare 'Azure Resource Manager' per connettersi a un servizio Azure Kubernetes tramite la connessione al servizio di Azure. Selezionare 'Connessione al servizio Kubernetes' per connettersi a qualsiasi cluster Kubernetes tramite kubeconfig o l'account del servizio", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure in cui è presente il registro contenitori di Azure.", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure in cui è presente il Registro Azure Container.", "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Gruppo di risorse", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Consente di selezionare un gruppo di risorse di Azure.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "TLS non è abilitato nell'attività. L'eliminazione dei certificati verrà ignorata.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "TLS non è abilitato nell'attività. Il download dei certificati verrà ignorato.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Il file non è stato trovato in %s", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio Kubernetes non sono stati trovati." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio Kubernetes non sono stati trovati.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d14bb4714c65..19ac6bf2736d 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Helm Charts のパッケージ化と配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "helm コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターを配置、構成、更新します。", + "loc.description": "helm コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターをデプロイ、構成、更新します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Kubernetes クラスター", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "コマンド", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "タスクで TLS が有効になっていません。証明書の削除をスキップしています。", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "タスクで TLS が有効になっていません。証明書のダウンロードをスキップしています。", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "%s でファイルが見つかりませんでした", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes サービス接続の詳細が見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes サービス接続の詳細が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 30762049d45a..8d6dc31898de 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "작업에서 TLS를 사용할 수 없습니다. 인증서 삭제를 건너뜁니다.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "작업에서 TLS를 사용할 수 없습니다. 인증서 다운로드를 건너뜁니다.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "%s에 파일에 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 93cf2fd5fa04..6297f4eca37e 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Упаковка и развертывание диаграмм Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в Службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд helm.", + "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в Службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд helm", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Кластер Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Команды", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "TLS не включен в задаче. Удаление сертификатов пропускается.", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "TLS не включен в задаче. Скачивание сертификатов пропускается.", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "Файл не найден в %s", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Сведения о подключении к службе Kubernetes не найдены." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Сведения о подключении к службе Kubernetes не найдены.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d16251b40bf8..d9c9833cd0f0 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "打包和部署 Helm 图表", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "通过运行 helm 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集。", + "loc.description": "通过运行 helm 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Kubernetes 群集", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "任务中未启用 TLS。正在跳过删除证书。", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "任务中未启用 TLS。正在跳过下载证书。", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "在 %s 中找不到文件", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服务连接详细信息。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服务连接详细信息。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index dba001253667..32f8a98183c2 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "封裝和部署 Helm 圖表", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "執行 helm 命令以在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定、更新 Kubernetes 叢集。", + "loc.description": "執行 helm 命令以在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定、更新 Kubernetes 叢集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "helm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.cluster": "Kubernetes 叢集", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", @@ -84,5 +84,6 @@ "loc.messages.SkipDeleteSecureFiles": "未在工作中啟用 TLS。正在跳過刪除憑證。", "loc.messages.SkipDownloadSecureFiles": "未在工作中啟用 TLS。正在跳過下載憑證。", "loc.messages.FileNotFound": "在 %s 找不到檔案", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服務連線詳細資料。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服務連線詳細資料。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.json b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.json index d546d9078cb2..f548587c8356 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.loc.json index cde94cf64fce..9005a215d052 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmDeployV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ff21c81ec8d7..7d69a6bf51c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Helm-Tools", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Helm und Kubernetes auf dem Agent-Computer installiert.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Helm und Kubernetes auf einem Agent-Computer installiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(helmVersion) installieren", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "Erforderliche Komponente", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Helm-Versionsangabe", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ef8400dae6a8..7678d1932db7 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Instalar Helm y Kubernetes en el equipo del agente.", + "loc.description": "Instala Helm y Kubernetes en una máquina de agente.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "Requisito previo", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Especificación de versión de Helm", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index fea0e6a24b74..50d50eeca9a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Installez Helm et Kubernetes sur la machine d'agent.", + "loc.description": "Installer Helm et Kubernetes sur une machine d'agent", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "Prérequis", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Spécification de version de Helm", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 7febfdf0fd66..7884b82b8e46 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Consente di installa Helm e Kubernetes nel computer agente.", + "loc.description": "Installa Helm e Kubernetes in un computer agente", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "Prerequisito", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Identificatore di versione di Helm", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ab9231b4bc36..bdf5a05ba117 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Helm ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "エージェント マシンに Helm と Kubernetes をインストールします。", + "loc.description": "エージェント マシンに Helm と Kubernetes をインストールします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(helmVersion) をインストールする", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "必須コンポーネント", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Helm バージョンの仕様", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 43ebf0443746..90f4881cf4f3 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средства Helm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Установите Helm и Kubernetes на компьютере агента.", + "loc.description": "Установите Helm и Kubernetes на компьютере агента", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "Необходимый компонент", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Спецификация версии Helm", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 9fc31a527eba..0475445386cd 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Helm 工具安装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "在代理计算机上安装 Helm 和 Kubernetes。", + "loc.description": "在代理计算机上安装 Helm 和 Kubernetes", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "系统必备", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Helm 版本规范", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e2850b1fc848..53e24b1e6b7d 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Helm 工具安裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "在代理程式機器上安裝 Helm 和 Kubernetes。", + "loc.description": "在代理程式機器上安裝 Helm 和 Kubernetes", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Helm $(helmVersion)", "loc.group.displayName.prerequisite": "必要條件", "loc.input.label.helmVersion": "Helm 版本規格", diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.json index 7c5affb2626d..7707d0f7dd80 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 0c04e88dbedb..10041c3d3d38 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..27fb54fec8fc --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Helm-Tools", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird Helm auf einem Agentcomputer installiert.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(helmVersionToInstall) installieren", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Helm-Versionsangabe", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "Geben Sie die Helm-Version an, die installiert werden soll.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version nicht im richtigen Format angegeben. Beispiel: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Helm-Installation wird überprüft..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..11057b48f26e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Helm", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Instala Helm en una máquina de agente.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Especificación de versión de Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "Especifique la versión de Helm para instalar.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "La versión no se ha especificado en el formato correcto. Por ejemplo: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Comprobando la instalación de helm..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..43b115355f1f --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Helm", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installer Helm sur une machine d'agent", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Spécification de version de Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "Spécifiez la version de Helm à installer.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version non spécifiée au format approprié. Exemple : 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Vérification de l'installation de helm..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0464bf3086bb --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Helm", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installa Helm in un computer agente", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Identificatore di versione di Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "Specificare la versione di Helm da installare.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Il formato usato per la specifica della versione non è corretto, ad esempio 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Verifica dell'installazione di Helm..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5d1f2d729cb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Helm ツール インストーラー", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "エージェント マシンに Helm をインストールします。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(helmVersionToInstall) のインストール", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Helm バージョンの仕様", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "インストールする Helm のバージョンを指定します。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "バージョンが正しい形式で指定されていません。例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Helm のインストールを検証しています..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4131ed7d5dee --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Helm 도구 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "에이전트 머신에 Helm을 설치합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Helm $(helmVersionToInstall) 설치", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Helm 버전 사양", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "설치할 Helm 버전을 지정합니다.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "버전이 올바른 형식으로 지정되지 않았습니다(예: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2).", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "helm 설치 확인 중..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b9ce09c20eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средства Helm", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Установить Helm на компьютере агента", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Спецификация версии Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "Укажите версию Helm, которую нужно установить.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Версия указана в неправильном формате. Примеры: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "Проверяется установка helm..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..44a6bbff0f49 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Helm 工具安装程序", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理计算机上安装 Helm", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Helm 版本规范", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "指定要安装的 Helm 版本。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未指定正确格式的版本。示例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "正在验证 helm 安装..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..12503e8e7ac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Helm 工具安裝程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理程式機器上安裝 Helm", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Helm $(helmVersionToInstall)", + "loc.input.label.helmVersionToInstall": "Helm 版本規格", + "loc.input.help.helmVersionToInstall": "指定要安裝的 Helm 版本。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未以正確的格式指定版本。例如: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyHelmInstallation": "正在驗證 Helm 安裝..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.json b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.json index 901e2a7d4bcd..8eeb55e1f7f0 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": true, "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.loc.json index 1aff3b59f82c..1f7567a5fa3e 100644 --- a/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/HelmInstallerV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": true, "demands": [], diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 312aec0e4252..7b3cbb2783b6 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[Veraltet] IIS-Web-App-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Bereitstellen durch MSDeploy, Erstellen/Aktualisieren der Website und App-Pools.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit erfolgt eine Bereitstellung mit MSDeploy, anschließend werden Websites und App-Pools erstellt/aktualisiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Veraltet] IIS-App bereitstellen: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Bereitstellung", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Website", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ba5aebbc1d65..4134f6c0c3cc 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[En desuso] Implementación de la aplicación web de IIS", + "loc.friendlyName": "[En desuso] Implementación de aplicaciones web de IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Implementar con MSDeploy, crear o actualizar el sitio web y los grupos de aplicaciones", + "loc.description": "Implementa con MSDeploy y, a continuación, crea o actualiza sitios web y grupos de aplicaciones.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[En desuso] Implementar aplicación de IIS: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Implementación", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Sitio web", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ec30b3483c08..fb8225205baf 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[Déconseillé] Déploiement d'applications web IIS", + "loc.friendlyName": "[Déprécié] Déploiement d'applications web IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Effectuer le déploiement avec MSDeploy, créer/mettre à jour un site web et un pool d'applications", + "loc.description": "Effectuer le déploiement avec MSDeploy, puis créer/mettre à jour les sites web et les pools d'applications", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Déconseillé] Déployer une application IIS : $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Déploiement", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Site web", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5f2d47496b5d..773cd4846e02 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[Deprecata] Distribuzione app Web IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire con MSDeploy e di creare/aggiornare il sito Web e i pool di applicazioni", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire con MSDeploy e quindi di creare/aggiornare siti Web e pool di applicazioni", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Deprecata] Distribuisci app IIS: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Distribuzione", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Sito Web", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index f3c2a89867ab..0bd409e33e38 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[非推奨] IIS Web アプリの展開", + "loc.friendlyName": "[非推奨] IIS Web アプリの配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "MSDeploy で展開し、Web サイトとアプリ プールを作成またはアップデートします", + "loc.description": "MSDeploy を使用して配置してから、Web サイトとアプリ プールを作成/更新します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[非推奨] IIS アプリ: $(WebDeployPackage) の展開", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "配置", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Web サイト", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 436877baddd8..9c742a974bd6 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[사용되지 않음] IIS 웹앱 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "MSDeploy에 의한 배포, 웹 사이트 및 앱 풀 만들기/업데이트", + "loc.description": "MSDeploy를 사용하여 배포한 다음, 웹 사이트와 앱 풀을 만들거나 업데이트합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[사용되지 않음] IIS 앱 배포: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "배포", "loc.group.displayName.website": "웹 사이트", - "loc.group.displayName.applicationPool": "응용 프로그램 풀", + "loc.group.displayName.applicationPool": "애플리케이션 풀", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "컴퓨터", "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "포트와 함께 쉼표로 구분된 컴퓨터 IP 주소 또는 FQDN 목록을 제공하세요. 포트의 기본값이 선택된 프로토콜을 기준으로 설정되었습니다.
    예: dbserver.fabrikam.com,dbserver_int.fabrikam.com:5986,
    또는 다른 작업의 출력 변수를 제공하세요. 예: $(variableName)", @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ "loc.input.label.WebDeployPackage": "웹 배포 패키지", "loc.input.help.WebDeployPackage": "대상 컴퓨터나 UNC 경로에 있는 웹 배포(MSDeploy) zip 파일의 위치입니다(예: \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\WebDeploy\\WebDeployPackage.zip). UNC 경로는 컴퓨터의 관리자 계정이 액세스할 수 있어야 합니다. 환경 변수도 지원됩니다(예: $env:windir, $env:systemroot, $env:windir\\FabrikamFibre\\Web).", "loc.input.label.WebDeployParamFile": "웹 배포 매개 변수 파일", - "loc.input.help.WebDeployParamFile": "대상 컴퓨터나 UNC 경로에 있는 매개 변수 파일의 위치입니다. 매개 변수 파일은 IIS 웹 응용 프로그램 이름 또는 데이터베이스 연결 문자열과 같은 웹 응용 프로그램 구성 설정을 재정의하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.WebDeployParamFile": "대상 컴퓨터나 UNC 경로에 있는 매개 변수 파일의 위치입니다. 매개 변수 파일은 IIS 웹 애플리케이션 이름 또는 데이터베이스 연결 문자열과 같은 웹 애플리케이션 구성 설정을 재정의하는 데 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.OverRideParams": "재정의 매개 변수", - "loc.input.help.OverRideParams": "여기에서 지정된 매개 변수는 MSDeploy zip 파일 및 매개 변수 파일의 매개 변수를 재정의합니다. 하나 이상의 매개 변수를 재정의하려면 줄 구분선을 사용하세요. 예:
    \"IIS 웹 응용 프로그램 이름\"=\"Fabrikam\"
    \"ConnectionString\"=\"Server=localhost;Database=Fabrikam;\"", + "loc.input.help.OverRideParams": "여기에서 지정된 매개 변수는 MSDeploy zip 파일 및 매개 변수 파일의 매개 변수를 재정의합니다. 하나 이상의 매개 변수를 재정의하려면 줄 구분선을 사용하세요. 예:
    \"IIS 웹 애플리케이션 이름\"=\"Fabrikam\"
    \"ConnectionString\"=\"Server=localhost;Database=Fabrikam;\"", "loc.input.label.CreateWebSite": "웹 사이트 만들기 또는 업데이트", "loc.input.help.CreateWebSite": "웹 사이트를 만들거나 기존 웹 사이트를 업데이트하는 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.WebSiteName": "웹 사이트 이름", @@ -55,23 +55,23 @@ "loc.input.help.HostNameWithSNI": "단일 IP 주소를 사용하는 컴퓨터에 호스트 이름(또는 도메인 이름)을 하나 이상 할당하려면 여기에 호스트 이름을 입력합니다. 호스트 이름이 지정된 경우 클라이언트는 IP 주소 대신 호스트 이름을 사용하여 웹 사이트에 액세스해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.SSLCertThumbPrint": "SSL 인증서 지문", "loc.input.help.SSLCertThumbPrint": "웹 사이트에서 사용할 SSL(Secure Socket Layer) 인증서의 지문입니다. 인증서가 컴퓨터에 이미 설치되어 있고 로컬 컴퓨터, 개인 저장소에 있어야 합니다.", - "loc.input.label.CreateAppPool": "응용 프로그램 풀 만들기 또는 업데이트", - "loc.input.help.CreateAppPool": "응용 프로그램 풀을 만들거나 기존 응용 프로그램 풀을 업데이트하는 옵션을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.CreateAppPool": "애플리케이션 풀 만들기 또는 업데이트", + "loc.input.help.CreateAppPool": "애플리케이션 풀을 만들거나 기존 애플리케이션 풀을 업데이트하는 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolName": "이름", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolName": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 응용 프로그램 풀의 이름입니다. 기존 응용 프로그램 풀은 여기에서 지정된 설정으로 업데이트됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolName": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 애플리케이션 풀의 이름입니다. 기존 애플리케이션 풀은 여기에서 지정된 설정으로 업데이트됩니다.", "loc.input.label.DotNetVersion": ".NET 버전", - "loc.input.help.DotNetVersion": "이 응용 프로그램 풀에 의해 로드되는 .NET Framework의 버전입니다. 이 응용 프로그램 풀에 할당된 응용 프로그램에 관리 코드가 포함되지 않은 경우 목록에서 [관리 코드 없음] 옵션을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.DotNetVersion": "이 애플리케이션 풀에 의해 로드되는 .NET Framework의 버전입니다. 이 애플리케이션 풀에 할당된 애플리케이션에 관리 코드가 포함되지 않은 경우 목록에서 [관리 코드 없음] 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.PipeLineMode": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드", - "loc.input.help.PipeLineMode": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드는 IIS에서 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정합니다. 응용 프로그램 풀의 응용 프로그램이 통합 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.help.PipeLineMode": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드는 IIS에서 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정합니다. 애플리케이션 풀의 애플리케이션이 통합 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolIdentity": "ID", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentity": "응용 프로그램 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentity": "애플리케이션 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsername": "사용자 이름", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPassword": "암호", "loc.input.help.AppPoolPassword": "gMSA를 사용 중인 경우 이 항목은 필수 항목이 아닙니다.", "loc.input.label.AppCmdCommands": "추가 AppCmd.exe 명령", - "loc.input.help.AppCmdCommands": "웹 사이트 또는 응용 프로그램 풀 속성을 설정할 추가 AppCmd.exe 명령입니다. 명령이 두 개 이상인 경우 줄 구분 기호를 사용하세요. 예:
    list apppools
    list sites", + "loc.input.help.AppCmdCommands": "웹 사이트 또는 애플리케이션 풀 속성을 설정할 추가 AppCmd.exe 명령입니다. 명령이 두 개 이상인 경우 줄 구분 기호를 사용하세요. 예:
    list apppools
    list sites", "loc.input.label.DeployInParallel": "동시 배포", - "loc.input.help.DeployInParallel": "true로 설정하면 웹 응용 프로그램이 대상 컴퓨터에 동시에 배포됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.DeployInParallel": "true로 설정하면 웹 애플리케이션이 대상 컴퓨터에 동시에 배포됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "컴퓨터 선택 기준", "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "필요한 경우 컴퓨터 이름 또는 태그를 제공하여 컴퓨터의 하위 집합을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.MachineFilter": "컴퓨터에 배포", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 131a4d803f17..a29b8e453285 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[Не рекомендуется] Развертывание веб-приложений IIS", + "loc.friendlyName": "[Не рекомендуется] Развертывание веб-приложения IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание с помощью MSDeploy, создание и обновление пула веб-сайтов и приложений", + "loc.description": "Развернуть с помощью MSDeploy, а затем создать/обновить веб-сайты и пулы приложений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Не рекомендуется] Развертывание приложения IIS: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Развертывание", "loc.group.displayName.website": "Веб-сайт", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1c224bb0831d..9c4dc16c694f 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[已弃用] IIS Web 应用部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "通过 MSDeploy 进行部署,创建/更新网站和应用池", + "loc.description": "使用 MSDeploy 进行部署,然后创建/更新网站和应用池", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[已弃用]部署 IIS App: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "部署", "loc.group.displayName.website": "网站", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 9a321f307a71..d73f2be99951 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[已取代] IIS Web 應用程式部署", + "loc.friendlyName": "[已淘汰] IIS Web 應用程式部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/iiswebappdeploydeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 MSDeploy 部署,建立/更新網站和 app 集區", + "loc.description": "使用 MSDeploy 進行部署,再建立/更新網站和應用程式集區", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[已取代] 部署 IIS 應用程式: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "部署", "loc.group.displayName.website": "網站", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.json index 9bee79a2bb65..ce4876ca8190 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 27 + "Patch": 28 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.loc.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.loc.json index 3f0d8a7f073f..1e6dffc288c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeployment/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 27 + "Patch": 28 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index a252bb20bd53..64bb8203af14 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für die IIS-Website.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index f7f483b457fe..5d063c9c8788 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en el sitio web de IIS.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index b73022695b69..3480aae6b299 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur le site web IIS.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d25df40dcec0..f1f8f06f3db8 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel sito Web IIS.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 81420943fa6b..0ec999acd2c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "IIS Web サイトに Web パッケージを配置できませんでした。", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。" + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 54cf2c090954..0d7ef7c5a31c 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "IIS 웹앱 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=866789)", - "loc.description": "웹 배포를 사용하여 웹 사이트 또는 웹 응용 프로그램을 배포합니다.", + "loc.description": "웹 배포를 사용하여 웹 사이트 또는 웹 애플리케이션을 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "IIS 웹 사이트/앱 배포: $(WebDeployPackage)", "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "파일 변환 및 변수 대체 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.advanceDeploymentOptions": "고급 배포 옵션", "loc.input.label.WebSiteName": "웹 사이트 이름", "loc.input.help.WebSiteName": "컴퓨터 그룹 컴퓨터에 있는 기존 웹 사이트의 이름을 입력합니다.", - "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 응용 프로그램", - "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "대상 컴퓨터에 있는 기존 가상 응용 프로그램의 이름을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 애플리케이션", + "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "대상 컴퓨터에 있는 기존 가상 애플리케이션의 이름을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.Package": "패키지 또는 폴더", "loc.input.help.Package": "MSBuild에서 생성된 패키지 또는 폴더나 압축된 보관 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
    변수([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
    예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\\\\\\*\\*\\\\\\*.zip.", "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters 파일", @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 IIS 웹 사이트에 배포하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 0b09b052840f..840378202c34 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет на веб-сайте IIS.", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2." + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 57c910305a75..67e75afd491e 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 程序包部署到 IIS 网站。", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。" + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 2bf13d539206..4f20374623b4 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。", "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將網頁套件部署到 IIS 網站。", - "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。" + "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。", + "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json index e17c752105e3..e9ce041a5cb6 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 55 + "Patch": 56 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json index 6afd8fff04f8..2b9a5048316c 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 55 + "Patch": 56 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3d0497f78e7f..3632dbe643a4 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "IIS-Web-App verwalten", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "Erstellen oder aktualisieren Sie eine Website, eine Web-App, virtuelle Verzeichnisse und einen Anwendungspool.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Websites, Web-Apps, virtuelle Verzeichnisse oder Anwendungspools erstellt oder aktualisiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(IISDeploymentType) verwalten", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "IIS-Website", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "IIS-Bindungen", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 46631b13e5c9..e298f21939a7 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Administrar aplicación web de IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "Cree o actualice un sitio web, una aplicación web, directorios virtuales y un grupo de aplicaciones", + "loc.description": "Crea o actualiza sitios web, aplicaciones web, directorios virtuales o grupos de aplicaciones.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Administrar $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "Sitio web de IIS", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "Enlaces de IIS", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 5c6e5e26eba1..82fc8df0875e 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Gestion d'application web IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "Créer ou mettre à jour un site web, une application web, des répertoires virtuels et un pool d'applications", + "loc.description": "Créer ou mettre à jour des sites web, des applications web, des répertoires virtuels ou des pools d'applications", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gérer $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "Site web IIS", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "Liaisons IIS", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d4e829326218..125d89fb9125 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Gestione app Web IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di creare o aggiornare un sito Web, un'app Web, directory virtuali e il pool di applicazioni", + "loc.description": "Consente di creare o aggiornare siti Web, app Web, directory virtuali o pool di applicazioni", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Gestisci $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "Sito Web IIS", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "Binding IIS", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 1bd3f2b8a66b..6fa13d401da0 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "IIS 웹앱 관리", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "웹 사이트, 웹앱, 가상 디렉터리 및 응용 프로그램 풀을 만들거나 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "웹 사이트, 웹앱, 가상 디렉터리 또는 애플리케이션 풀을 만들거나 업데이트합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(IISDeploymentType) 관리", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "IIS 웹 사이트", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "IIS 바인딩", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPoolForWebsite": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPoolForWebsite": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀", "loc.group.displayName.IISWebsiteAuthentication": "IIS 인증", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPool": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀", - "loc.group.displayName.WebApplication": "IIS 응용 프로그램", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPool": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀", + "loc.group.displayName.WebApplication": "IIS 애플리케이션", "loc.group.displayName.VirtualDirectory": "IIS 가상 디렉터리", - "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPoolForApplication": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀", + "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationPoolForApplication": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀", "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.EnableIIS": "IIS 사용", "loc.input.help.EnableIIS": "컴퓨터에 IIS를 설치하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.IISDeploymentType": "구성 형식", - "loc.input.help.IISDeploymentType": "사이트, 응용 프로그램, 가상 디렉터리 및 응용 프로그램 풀을 만들거나 업데이트할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.IISDeploymentType": "사이트, 애플리케이션, 가상 디렉터리 및 애플리케이션 풀을 만들거나 업데이트할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.ActionIISWebsite": "작업", "loc.input.help.ActionIISWebsite": "IIS 웹 사이트에서 수행할 적절한 작업을 선택합니다. \n\n\"만들기 또는 업데이트\"는 웹 사이트를 만들거나 기존 웹 사이트를 업데이트합니다.\n\n시작, 중지는 각각 웹 사이트를 시작 또는 중지합니다.", "loc.input.label.ActionIISApplicationPool": "작업", - "loc.input.help.ActionIISApplicationPool": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀에서 수행할 적절한 작업을 선택합니다.\n\n\"만들기 또는 업데이트\"는 앱 풀을 만들거나 기존 앱 풀을 업데이트합니다.\n\n시작, 중지, 재생은 각각 응용 프로그램 풀을 시작, 중지 또는 재생합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ActionIISApplicationPool": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀에서 수행할 적절한 작업을 선택합니다.\n\n\"만들기 또는 업데이트\"는 앱 풀을 만들거나 기존 앱 풀을 업데이트합니다.\n\n시작, 중지, 재생은 각각 애플리케이션 풀을 시작, 중지 또는 재생합니다.", "loc.input.label.StartStopWebsiteName": "웹 사이트 이름", "loc.input.help.StartStopWebsiteName": "IIS 웹 사이트의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.WebsiteName": "웹 사이트 이름", @@ -53,17 +53,17 @@ "loc.input.label.Bindings": "바인딩 추가", "loc.input.help.Bindings": "확장 [...] 단추를 클릭하여 웹 사이트에 대한 바인딩을 추가합니다.", "loc.input.label.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForWebsite": "앱 풀 만들기 또는 업데이트", - "loc.input.help.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForWebsite": "응용 프로그램 풀을 만들거나 업데이트하려면 옵션을 선택합니다. 선택하면 지정된 앱 풀에서 웹 사이트가 만들어집니다.", + "loc.input.help.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForWebsite": "애플리케이션 풀을 만들거나 업데이트하려면 옵션을 선택합니다. 선택하면 지정된 앱 풀에서 웹 사이트가 만들어집니다.", "loc.input.label.ConfigureAuthenticationForWebsite": "인증 구성", "loc.input.help.ConfigureAuthenticationForWebsite": "웹 사이트에 대한 인증을 구성하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolNameForWebsite": "이름", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolNameForWebsite": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 응용 프로그램 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolNameForWebsite": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 애플리케이션 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.DotNetVersionForWebsite": ".NET 버전", - "loc.input.help.DotNetVersionForWebsite": "응용 프로그램 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 응용 프로그램 풀에 할당된 응용 프로그램에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", + "loc.input.help.DotNetVersionForWebsite": "애플리케이션 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 애플리케이션 풀에 할당된 애플리케이션에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", "loc.input.label.PipeLineModeForWebsite": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드", - "loc.input.help.PipeLineModeForWebsite": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 응용 프로그램 풀에 있는 응용 프로그램이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.help.PipeLineModeForWebsite": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 애플리케이션 풀에 있는 애플리케이션이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolIdentityForWebsite": "ID", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentityForWebsite": "응용 프로그램 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentityForWebsite": "애플리케이션 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsernameForWebsite": "사용자 이름", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsernameForWebsite": "사용할 사용자 지정 계정의 사용자 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPasswordForWebsite": "암호", @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ "loc.input.label.ParentWebsiteNameForVD": "부모 웹 사이트 이름", "loc.input.help.ParentWebsiteNameForVD": "가상 디렉터리의 부모 웹 사이트 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.VirtualPathForVD": "가상 경로", - "loc.input.help.VirtualPathForVD": "가상 디렉터리의 가상 경로를 제공합니다. \n\n예: 가상 디렉터리 사이트/응용 프로그램/VDir을 만들려면 /응용 프로그램/Vdir을 입력합니다. 부모 웹 사이트와 응용 프로그램은 이미 존재해야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.VirtualPathForVD": "가상 디렉터리의 가상 경로를 제공합니다. \n\n예: 가상 디렉터리 사이트/애플리케이션/VDir을 만들려면 /애플리케이션/Vdir을 입력합니다. 부모 웹 사이트와 애플리케이션은 이미 존재해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.PhysicalPathForVD": "실제 경로", "loc.input.help.PhysicalPathForVD": "가상 디렉터리의 콘텐츠를 저장할 실제 경로를 제공합니다. 콘텐츠는 로컬 컴퓨터나 원격 디렉터리 또는 네트워크 공유(예: C:\\Fabrikam 또는 \\\\\\\\ContentShare\\Fabrikam)에 있을 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.VDPhysicalPathAuth": "실제 경로 인증", @@ -87,51 +87,51 @@ "loc.input.label.VDAuthUserPassword": "암호", "loc.input.help.VDAuthUserPassword": "가상 디렉터리의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 사용자 암호를 입력합니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 변수를 만들고 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호한 다음, '$(userCredentials)'처럼 여기서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
    참고: 암호에 있는 특수 문자는 명령줄 인수를 기준으로 해석됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ParentWebsiteNameForApplication": "부모 웹 사이트 이름", - "loc.input.help.ParentWebsiteNameForApplication": "응용 프로그램을 만들거나 업데이트할 부모 웹 사이트의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ParentWebsiteNameForApplication": "애플리케이션을 만들거나 업데이트할 부모 웹 사이트의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.VirtualPathForApplication": "가상 경로", - "loc.input.help.VirtualPathForApplication": "응용 프로그램의 가상 경로를 제공합니다. \n\n예: 응용 프로그램 사이트/응용 프로그램을 만들려면 /응용 프로그램을 입력합니다. 부모 웹 사이트는 이미 존재해야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.VirtualPathForApplication": "애플리케이션의 가상 경로를 제공합니다. \n\n예: 애플리케이션 사이트/애플리케이션을 만들려면 /애플리케이션을 입력합니다. 부모 웹 사이트는 이미 존재해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.PhysicalPathForApplication": "실제 경로", - "loc.input.help.PhysicalPathForApplication": "응용 프로그램의 콘텐츠를 저장할 실제 경로를 제공합니다. 콘텐츠는 로컬 컴퓨터나 원격 디렉터리 또는 네트워크 공유(예: C:\\Fabrikam 또는 \\\\\\\\ContentShare\\Fabrikam)에 있을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.PhysicalPathForApplication": "애플리케이션의 콘텐츠를 저장할 실제 경로를 제공합니다. 콘텐츠는 로컬 컴퓨터나 원격 디렉터리 또는 네트워크 공유(예: C:\\Fabrikam 또는 \\\\\\\\ContentShare\\Fabrikam)에 있을 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.ApplicationPhysicalPathAuth": "실제 경로 인증", - "loc.input.help.ApplicationPhysicalPathAuth": "응용 프로그램의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 인증 메커니즘을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ApplicationPhysicalPathAuth": "애플리케이션의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 인증 메커니즘을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.ApplicationAuthUserName": "사용자 이름", - "loc.input.help.ApplicationAuthUserName": "응용 프로그램의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 사용자 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ApplicationAuthUserName": "애플리케이션의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 사용자 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.ApplicationAuthUserPassword": "암호", - "loc.input.help.ApplicationAuthUserPassword": "응용 프로그램의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 사용자 암호를 입력합니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 변수를 만들고 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호한 다음, '$(userCredentials)'처럼 여기서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
    참고: 암호에 있는 특수 문자는 명령줄 인수를 기준으로 해석됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.ApplicationAuthUserPassword": "애플리케이션의 실제 경로에 액세스하는 데 사용할 사용자 암호를 입력합니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 변수를 만들고 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호한 다음, '$(userCredentials)'처럼 여기서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
    참고: 암호에 있는 특수 문자는 명령줄 인수를 기준으로 해석됩니다.", "loc.input.label.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForApplication": "앱 풀 만들기 또는 업데이트", - "loc.input.help.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForApplication": "응용 프로그램 풀을 만들거나 업데이트하려면 옵션을 선택합니다. 선택하면 지정된 앱 풀에서 응용 프로그램이 만들어집니다.", + "loc.input.help.CreateOrUpdateAppPoolForApplication": "애플리케이션 풀을 만들거나 업데이트하려면 옵션을 선택합니다. 선택하면 지정된 앱 풀에서 애플리케이션이 만들어집니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolNameForApplication": "이름", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolNameForApplication": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 응용 프로그램 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolNameForApplication": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 애플리케이션 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.DotNetVersionForApplication": ".NET 버전", - "loc.input.help.DotNetVersionForApplication": "응용 프로그램 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 응용 프로그램 풀에 할당된 응용 프로그램에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", + "loc.input.help.DotNetVersionForApplication": "애플리케이션 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 애플리케이션 풀에 할당된 애플리케이션에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", "loc.input.label.PipeLineModeForApplication": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드", - "loc.input.help.PipeLineModeForApplication": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 응용 프로그램 풀에 있는 응용 프로그램이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.help.PipeLineModeForApplication": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 애플리케이션 풀에 있는 애플리케이션이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolIdentityForApplication": "ID", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentityForApplication": "응용 프로그램 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentityForApplication": "애플리케이션 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsernameForApplication": "사용자 이름", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsernameForApplication": "사용할 사용자 지정 계정의 사용자 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPasswordForApplication": "암호", "loc.input.help.AppPoolPasswordForApplication": "사용자 지정 계정의 암호를 입력합니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 변수를 만들고 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호한 다음, '$(userCredentials)'처럼 여기서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
    참고: 암호에 있는 특수 문자는 명령줄 인수를 기준으로 해석됩니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolName": "이름", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolName": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 응용 프로그램 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolName": "만들거나 업데이트할 IIS 애플리케이션 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.DotNetVersion": ".NET 버전", - "loc.input.help.DotNetVersion": "응용 프로그램 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 응용 프로그램 풀에 할당된 응용 프로그램에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", + "loc.input.help.DotNetVersion": "애플리케이션 풀에서 로드한 .NET 프레임워크 버전을 선택합니다.
    이 애플리케이션 풀에 할당된 애플리케이션에 관리되는 코드가 없는 경우에는 목록에서 '관리되는 코드 없음' 옵션을 선택하세요.
    ", "loc.input.label.PipeLineMode": "관리되는 파이프라인 모드", - "loc.input.help.PipeLineMode": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 응용 프로그램 풀에 있는 응용 프로그램이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.help.PipeLineMode": "IIS가 관리되는 콘텐츠에 대한 요청을 처리하는 방식을 지정하는 관리되는 파이프라인 모드를 선택합니다. 애플리케이션 풀에 있는 애플리케이션이 [통합] 모드에서 실행될 수 없는 경우에만 클래식 모드를 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolIdentity": "ID", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentity": "응용 프로그램 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolIdentity": "애플리케이션 풀의 작업자 프로세스가 실행되는 계정을 구성합니다. 미리 정의된 보안 계정 중 하나를 선택하거나 사용자 지정 계정을 구성합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsername": "사용자 이름", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsername": "사용할 사용자 지정 계정의 사용자 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPassword": "암호", "loc.input.help.AppPoolPassword": "사용자 지정 계정의 암호를 입력합니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 변수를 만들고 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호한 다음, '$(userCredentials)'처럼 여기서 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.
    참고: 암호에 있는 특수 문자는 명령줄 인수를 기준으로 해석됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "응용 프로그램 풀 이름", - "loc.input.help.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.label.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "애플리케이션 풀 이름", + "loc.input.help.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.AppCmdCommands": "추가 appcmd.exe 명령", "loc.input.help.AppCmdCommands": "추가 AppCmd.exe 명령을 입력합니다. 두 개 이상의 명령의 경우
    list apppools
    list sites
    recycle apppool /apppool.name:ExampleAppPoolName과 같이 줄 구분선을 사용하세요.", "loc.messages.InvalidVirtualPath": "가상 경로는 /로 시작해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidIISDeploymentType": "잘못된 IIS 배포 유형: {0}", "loc.messages.InvalidActionIISWebsite": "IIS 웹 사이트에 대해 선택한 작업 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.InvalidActionIISAppPool": "IIS 응용 프로그램 풀에 대해 선택한 작업 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidActionIISAppPool": "IIS 애플리케이션 풀에 대해 선택한 작업 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 IIS 웹 사이트에 배포하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.SSLCertificateThumbprintMissingInHttpsBinding": "https 바인딩({0}/{1}:{2})에 SSL 인증서 지문이 없습니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidSslThumbprintInBinding": "바인딩({0}/{1}:{2})에 잘못된 지문이 있습니다. 길이가 40자가 아니거나 잘못된 문자를 포함하고 있습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 8626b281a27e..587fa4f88ed5 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Управление веб-приложением IIS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "Создать или обновить веб-сайт, веб-приложение, виртуальные каталоги и пул приложений", + "loc.description": "Создание или обновление веб-сайтов, веб-приложений, виртуальных каталогов или пулов приложений", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Управление $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "Веб-сайт IIS", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "Привязки IIS", @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsernameForWebsite": "Имя пользователя", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsernameForWebsite": "Укажите требуемое имя пользователя для настраиваемой учетной записи.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPasswordForWebsite": "Пароль", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolPasswordForWebsite": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolPasswordForWebsite": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки.", "loc.input.label.AnonymousAuthenticationForWebsite": "Анонимный доступ", "loc.input.help.AnonymousAuthenticationForWebsite": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы включить анонимный доступ к веб-сайту.", "loc.input.label.BasicAuthenticationForWebsite": "Обычная проверка подлинности", @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsernameForApplication": "Имя пользователя", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsernameForApplication": "Укажите требуемое имя пользователя для настраиваемой учетной записи.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPasswordForApplication": "Пароль", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolPasswordForApplication": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolPasswordForApplication": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolName": "Имя", "loc.input.help.AppPoolName": "Укажите имя пула приложений IIS для создания или обновления.", "loc.input.label.DotNetVersion": "Версия .NET", @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AppPoolUsername": "Имя пользователя", "loc.input.help.AppPoolUsername": "Укажите требуемое имя пользователя для настраиваемой учетной записи.", "loc.input.label.AppPoolPassword": "Пароль", - "loc.input.help.AppPoolPassword": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки", + "loc.input.help.AppPoolPassword": "Укажите пароль для пользовательской учетной записи.
    Рекомендуется создать переменную в конвейере сборки или выпуска, пометить переменную как Secret, чтобы защитить ее, а затем использовать ее как \"$(userCredentials)\".
    Примечание. Специальные символы в пароле рассматриваются как аргументы командной строки.", "loc.input.label.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "Имя пула приложений", "loc.input.help.StartStopRecycleAppPoolName": "Укажите имя пула приложений IIS.", "loc.input.label.AppCmdCommands": "Дополнительные команды appcmd.exe", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index ec95c3aa8e76..95064b9572bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "IIS Web 应用管理", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "创建或更新网站、Web 应用、虚拟目录和应用程序池", + "loc.description": "创建或更新网站、Web 应用、虚拟目录或应用程序池", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "管理 $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "IIS 网站", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "IIS 绑定", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b3fd5384ce34..ed4beb819ca6 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "IIS Web 應用程式管理", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/iis-webapp-management-readme)", - "loc.description": "建立或更新網站、Web App、虛擬目錄及應用程式集區", + "loc.description": "建立或更新網站、Web 應用程式、虛擬目錄或應用程式集區", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "管理 $(IISDeploymentType)", "loc.group.displayName.Website": "IIS 網站", "loc.group.displayName.IISBindings": "IIS 繫結", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.json index 6422edd9e8d0..7a6643ba541e 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 5, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Manage $(IISDeploymentType)", diff --git a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json index 0bf0bb3aaac4..2858ec91c3f0 100644 --- a/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 5, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index d4e7e602483f..d3df4a886fec 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple-Zertifikat installieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "Das Installieren eines Apple-Zertifikats ist zum Erstellen auf einem macOS-Agent erforderlich.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Apple-Zertifikat installiert, das für den Buildvorgang auf einem macOS-Agent-Computer erforderlich ist.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apple-Zertifikat installieren", "loc.releaseNotes": "Hiermit werden Codesignaturblockaden auf einem selbstgehosteten Agent behoben. Das Kennwort für den Schlüsselbund ist jetzt erforderlich, um \"Standardschlüsselbund\" oder \"Benutzerdefinierter Schlüsselbund\" zu verwenden. Für gehostete Microsoft-Builds muss \"Temporärer Schlüsselbund\" verwendet werden.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "loc.input.label.certPwd": "Zertifikatkennwort (P12)", "loc.input.help.certPwd": "Kennwort für das Apple-Zertifikat (P12). Verwenden Sie eine neue Buildvariable, deren Sperre auf der Registerkarte \"Variablen\" aktiviert ist, um diesen Wert zu verschlüsseln.", "loc.input.label.keychain": "Keychain", - "loc.input.help.keychain": "Wählen Sie den Schlüsselbund aus, in dem das Apple-Zertifikat installiert werden soll. Für gehostete Microsoft-Builds verwenden Sie \"Temporärer Schlüsselbund\" aus. Ein temporärer Schlüsselbund wird nach Build- oder Releaseabschluss immer gelöscht.", + "loc.input.help.keychain": "Wählen Sie die Keychain (die bei Apple \"Schlüsselbund\" genannt wird) aus, in der das Apple-Zertifikat installiert werden soll. Für gehostete Microsoft-Builds verwenden Sie \"Temporärer Schlüsselbund\" aus. Ein temporärer Schlüsselbund wird nach Build- oder Releaseabschluss immer gelöscht.", "loc.input.label.keychainPassword": "Keychain-Kennwort", "loc.input.help.keychainPassword": "Kennwort zum Entsperren des Schlüsselbunds. Verwenden Sie eine neue Buildvariable, deren Sperre auf der Registerkarte \"Variablen\" aktiviert ist, um diesen Wert zu verschlüsseln.", "loc.input.label.customKeychainPath": "Pfad zur benutzerdefinierten Keychain", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "Fehler beim Identifizieren des Namens für den privaten Schlüssel: %s ", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "Nicht benötigte partition_id-ACL-Schlüsselbundzuweisung wird auf diesem älteren Betriebssystem übersprungen. Der Sicherheitsbefehl \"set-key-partition-list\" wurde in macOS Sierra (10.12) eingeführt.", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "Fehler beim Festlegen der partition_id-ACL für den privaten Schlüssel. Überprüfen Sie, ob \"Kennwort für Schlüsselbund\" richtig ist, oder verwenden Sie stattdessen \"Temporärer Schlüsselbund\".", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Für die Installation eines Apple-Zertifikats wird ein macOS-Agent benötigt. Das Installieren von Apple-Zertifikaten auf Linux oder Windows wird von Apple nicht unterstützt." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Für die Installation eines Apple-Zertifikats wird ein macOS-Agent benötigt. Das Installieren von Apple-Zertifikaten auf Linux oder Windows wird von Apple nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "Das Zertifikat \"%s\" (Fingerabdruck: \"%s\") ist erst ab dem %s gültig.", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "Das Zertifikat \"%s\" (Fingerabdruck: \"%s\") ist am %s abgelaufen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 64a47f626ae5..68e4cdaa8151 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalar certificado de Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "Instala un certificado de Apple necesario para compilar en un agente de macOS.", + "loc.description": "Instala un certificado de Apple necesario para compilar en una máquina de agente de macOS.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar un certificado de Apple", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrige los bloqueos de la firma de código en un agente autohospedado. La contraseña de cadena de claves debe utilizar ahora \"Default Keychain\" o \"Custom Keychain\". Las compilaciones hospedadas por Microsoft deben usar \"Temporary Keychain\".", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrige los bloqueos de la firma de código en un agente autohospedado. Una contraseña de cadena de claves debe utilizar ahora \"Default Keychain\" o \"Custom Keychain\". Las compilaciones hospedadas por Microsoft deben usar \"Temporary Keychain\".", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "Certificado (P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "Seleccione el certificado (.p12) que se cargó en \"Archivos seguros\" para instalarlo en el agente de macOS.", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "No se pudo identificar el nombre de la clave privada: %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "Se omite la asignación de ACL partition_id de cadena de claves innecesaria en este sistema operativo anterior. El comando de seguridad \"set-key-partition-list\" se introdujo en macOS Sierra (10.12).", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "Error al establecer la lista ACL partition_id para la clave privada. Compruebe que la \"Contraseña de cadena de claves\" es correcta o use un valor de \"Temporary Keychain\" en su lugar.", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Para instalar un certificado de Apple, se requiere un agente de macOS. Apple no admite la instalación de certificados de Apple en Linux o Windows." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Para instalar un certificado de Apple, se requiere un agente de macOS. Apple no admite la instalación de certificados de Apple en Linux o Windows.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "El certificado \"%s\" (huella digital %s) no es válido hasta el %s.", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "El certificado \"%s\" (huella digital %s) expiró el %s." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3d0202085a01..f626d90ca2f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installer le certificat Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "Installer un certificat Apple pour effectuer une build sur un agent macOS", + "loc.description": "Installer le certificat Apple nécessaire pour effectuer une build sur une machine d'agent macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer un certificat Apple", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrige les plantages de codesign sur un agent autohébergé. Le mot de passe de trousseau est désormais obligatoire pour permettre l'utilisation de 'Trousseau par défaut' ou 'Trousseau personnalisé'. Les builds hébergées par Microsoft doivent utiliser le 'Trousseau temporaire'.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrige les plantages de codesign sur un agent autohébergé. Un mot de passe de trousseau est désormais obligatoire pour permettre l'utilisation de 'Trousseau par défaut' ou 'Trousseau personnalisé'. Les builds hébergées par Microsoft doivent utiliser le 'Trousseau temporaire'.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "Certificat (P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "Sélectionnez le certificat (.p12) chargé sur 'Fichiers sécurisés' pour installer l'agent macOS.", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "Échec de l'identification du nom de la clé privée : %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "Les affectations inutiles d'ACL de partition_id d'un trousseau sont ignorées sur cet ancien système d'exploitation. La commande de sécurité 'set-key-partition-list' a été introduite dans macOS Sierra (10.12).", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "Erreur durant la définition de l'ACL de partition_id pour la clé privée. Vérifiez que le 'Mot de passe du trousseau' est correct, ou utilisez un 'Trousseau temporaire' à la place.", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "L'installation du certificat Apple nécessite un agent macOS. L'installation de certificats Apple sur Linux ou Windows n'est pas prise en charge par Apple." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "L'installation du certificat Apple nécessite un agent macOS. L'installation de certificats Apple sur Linux ou Windows n'est pas prise en charge par Apple.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "Le certificat \"%s\" (empreinte digitale : %s) est non valide avant %s", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "Le certificat \"%s\" (empreinte digitale : %s) est arrivé à expiration le %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 45f5857806d9..97a8d214f366 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installa certificato Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "Consente di installare un certificato Apple necessario per compilare in un agente macOS", + "loc.description": "Installa un certificato Apple necessario per compilare in un computer agente macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa un certificato Apple", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Correzione del problema di blocco della firma del codice in un agente self-hosted. Con la password del keychain è ora necessario usare `Keychain predefinito` o `Keychain personalizzato`. Con le compilazioni ospitate da Microsoft è necessario usare `Keychain temporaneo`.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Correzione del problema di blocco della firma del codice in un agente self-hosted. Per usare `Keychain predefinito` o `Keychain personalizzato` è necessaria una password del keychain. Con le compilazioni ospitate da Microsoft è necessario usare `Keychain temporaneo`.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "Certificato (P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "Consente di selezionare il certificato (con estensione p12) caricato in `File protetti` da installare nell'agente macOS.", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "Non è stato possibile identificare il nome della chiave privata: %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "L'assegnazione ACL partition_id non necessaria del keychain verrà ignorata in questo sistema operativo meno recente. Il comando di sicurezza 'set-key-partition-list' è stato introdotto in macOS Sierra (10.12).", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione dell'ACL partition_id per la chiave privata. Verificare che il valore di `Password keychain` sia corretto oppure usare `Keychain temporaneo` instead.", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Per installare un certificato Apple, è richiesto un agente macOS. L'installazione di certificati Apple in Linux o Windows non è supportata da Apple." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Per installare un certificato Apple, è richiesto un agente macOS. L'installazione di certificati Apple in Linux o Windows non è supportata da Apple.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "Il certificato \"%s\" (impronta digitale: %s) non è valido fino al giorno %s", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "Il certificato \"%s\" (impronta digitale: %s) è scaduto il giorno %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 9d6ee6348f0f..e09b57d73d66 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple 証明書のインストール", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "macOS エージェント上でビルドを行うために必要な Apple 証明書をインストールします", + "loc.description": "macOS エージェント マシン上でビルドを行うために必要な Apple 証明書をインストールします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apple 証明書のインストール", - "loc.releaseNotes": "セルフ ホステッド エージェントでの codesign のハングを修正します。キーチェーン パスワードに、`Default Keychain` または `Custom Keychain` のどちらかを使用しなければならなくなりました。Microsoft がホストするビルドでは、`Temporary Keychain` を使用します。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "セルフ ホステッド エージェントでの codesign のハングを修正します。`Default Keychain` または `Custom Keychain` を使用するにはキーチェーン パスワードが必須になりました。Microsoft によってホストされるビルドでは、`Temporary Keychain` を使用します。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "証明書 (P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "macOS エージェントにインストールするために [セキュア ファイル] にアップロードした証明書 (.p12) を選択します。", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "次の秘密キー名を識別できませんでした。%s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "この古い OS で不必要なキーチェーン partition_id ACL の割り当てをスキップします。セキュリティ コマンド 'set-key-partition-list' が、macOS Sierra (10.12) で導入されました。", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "秘密キーへの partition_id ACL の設定でエラーが発生しました。`Keychain password` が正しいことを確認するか、代わりに `Temporary Keychain` を使用します。", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Apple の証明書のインストールには、macOS エージェントが必要です。Apple は、Linux または Windows での Apple の証明書のインストールをサポートしていません。" + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Apple の証明書のインストールには、macOS エージェントが必要です。Apple は、Linux または Windows での Apple の証明書のインストールをサポートしていません。", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "証明書 \"%s\" (フィンガープリント: %s) は %s まで有効ではありません", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "証明書 \"%s\" (フィンガープリント: %s) の有効期限が %s に切れました" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a8079172836d..bb71081d3960 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple 인증서 설치", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "macOS 에이전트에서 빌드하는 데 필요한 Apple 인증서를 설치합니다.", + "loc.description": "빌드에 필요한 Apple 인증서를 macOS 에이전트 머신에 설치합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apple 인증서 설치", - "loc.releaseNotes": "자체 호스트된 에이전트에서 codesign 중단을 수정합니다. '기본 키 집합' 또는 '사용자 지정 키 집합'을 사용하려면 지금 키 집합 암호가 필요합니다. Microsoft에 호스트된 빌드는 '임시 키 집합'을 사용해야 합니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "자체 호스팅 에이전트의 codesign 중단을 수정합니다. 이제 '기본 키 집합' 또는 '사용자 지정 키 집합'을 사용하려면 키 집합 암호가 필요합니다. Microsoft 호스팅 빌드는 '임시 키 집합'을 사용해야 합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "인증서(P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "macOS 에이전트에 설치할 '보안 파일'에 업로드된 인증서(.p12)를 선택합니다.", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "개인 키 이름을 확인하지 못했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "이 이전 OS에 있는 불필요한 키 집합 partition_id ACL 할당을 건너뜁니다. 보안 명령 'set-key-partition-list'는 macOS Sierra(10.12)에서 도입되었습니다.", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "개인 키의 partition_id ACL을 설정하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. '키 집합 암호'가 올바른지 확인하거나, '임시 키 집합'을 대신 사용하세요.", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Apple 인증서를 설치하려면 macOS 에이전트가 필요합니다. Linux 또는 Windows에는 Apple 인증서를 설치할 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Apple 인증서를 설치하려면 macOS 에이전트가 필요합니다. Linux 또는 Windows에는 Apple 인증서를 설치할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "\"%s\" 인증서(지문: %s)는 %s까지 유효하지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "\"%s\" 인증서(지문: %s)가 %s에 만료되었습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 09a804ad68b8..e36aff8b7b00 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установить сертификат Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "Установить сертификат Apple, необходимый для сборки, на агент macOS", + "loc.description": "Установить сертификат Apple, необходимый для сборки, на компьютер агента macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить сертификат Apple", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Исправляет проблему с зависанием codesign в локальном агенте. Пароль цепочки ключей теперь требуется для использования цепочки ключей по умолчанию или пользовательской цепочки ключей. Сборки, размещенные в Майкрософт, должны использовать временную цепочку ключей.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Исправляет проблему с зависанием codesign в локальном агенте. Пароль цепочки ключей теперь требуется для использования цепочки ключей по умолчанию или пользовательской цепочки ключей. Сборки, размещенные на сервере Майкрософт, должны использовать временную цепочку ключей.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "Сертификат (P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "Выберите сертификат (.p12), который был отправлен в раздел \"Защитные файлы\" для установки на агенте macOS.", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "Не удалось определить имя закрытого ключа: %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "Пропускается назначение ACL partition_id цепочки ключей, которое не требуется для этой старой версии ОС. Команда системы безопасности set-key-partition-list появилась в macOS Sierra (10.12).", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "Ошибка при установке ACL partition_id для закрытого ключа. Проверьте правильность пароля цепочки ключей или используйте временную цепочку ключей.", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Для установки сертификата Apple требуется агент macOS. Установка сертификатов Apple в Linux или Windows не поддерживается Apple." + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "Для установки сертификата Apple требуется агент macOS. Установка сертификатов Apple в Linux или Windows не поддерживается Apple.", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "Сертификат \"%s\" (отпечаток: %s) является недействительным до %s", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "Срок действия сертификата \"%s\" (отпечаток: %s) истек %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 3b1eeed2a3ae..2258ea3dcd3f 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安装 Apple 证书", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "安装在 macOS 代理上生成所需的 Apple 证书", + "loc.description": "将生成所需的 Apple 证书安装到 macOS 代理计算机上", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Apple 证书", - "loc.releaseNotes": "修复程序 codesign 在自托管代理上挂起。密钥链密码现在需要使用“默认密钥链”或“自定义密钥链”。Microsoft 托管生成应使用“临时密钥链”。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "修复程序 codesign 在自托管代理上挂起。密钥链密码现在需要使用 `Default Keychain` 或 `Custom Keychain`。Microsoft 托管生成应使用 `Temporary Keychain`。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.certSecureFile": "证书(P12)", "loc.input.help.certSecureFile": "选择已上传至“安全文件”的证书(.p12)以在 macOS 代理上进行安装。", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "无法标识私钥名称: %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "正在跳过此较早的 OS 上不需要的密钥链 partition_id ACL 分配。macOS Sierra (10.12)中引入了安全命令 \"set-key-partition-list\"。 ", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "设置私钥的 partition_id ACL 时出错。验证“密钥链密码”是否正确,或改用“临时密钥链”。", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "安装 Apple 证书需要 macOS 代理。Apple 不支持在 Linux 或 Windows 上安装 Apple 证书。" + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "安装 Apple 证书需要 macOS 代理。Apple 不支持在 Linux 或 Windows 上安装 Apple 证书。", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "证书“%s”(指纹: %s)在 %s之前无效", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "证书“%s”(指纹: %s)已在 %s过期" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 09fe65efee19..c0c32144a036 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安裝 Apple 憑證", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862067)", - "loc.description": "安裝在 macOS 代理程式上建置所需的 Apple 憑證", + "loc.description": "在 macOS 代理程式電腦上執行建置作業必須安裝 Apple 憑證", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Apple 憑證", "loc.releaseNotes": "修正 codesign 在自我裝載代理程式停止回應。現在必須有金鑰鏈密碼,才能使用 [預設金鑰鏈] 或 [自訂金鑰鏈]。Microsoft 裝載的組建應使用 [暫存金鑰鏈]。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", @@ -26,5 +26,7 @@ "loc.messages.P12PrivateKeyNameNotFound": "無法識別私密金鑰名稱: %s", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandNotFound": "正在此舊版 OS 上跳過不需要的 keychain partition_id ACL 指派。安全性命令 'set-key-partition-list' 於 macOS Sierra (10.12) 導入。", "loc.messages.SetKeyPartitionListCommandFailed": "設定私密金鑰的 partition_id ACL 時發生錯誤。請驗證 [金鑰鏈密碼] 正確,或改用 [臨時金鑰鏈]。", - "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "必須有 macOS 代理程式才能安裝 Apple Certificate。Apple 不支援在 Linux 或 Windows 上安裝 Apple Certificate。" + "loc.messages.InstallRequiresMac": "必須有 macOS 代理程式才能安裝 Apple Certificate。Apple 不支援在 Linux 或 Windows 上安裝 Apple Certificate。", + "loc.messages.CertNotValidYetError": "憑證 \"%s\" (指紋: %s) 於 %s 後才會生效", + "loc.messages.CertExpiredError": "憑證 \"%s\" (指紋: %s) 於 %s 過期" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.json b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.json index 0a196bed3aee..1b46f6c24e29 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "Fixes codesign hangs on a self hosted agent. A Keychain password is now required to use `Default Keychain` or `Custom Keychain`. Microsoft hosted builds should use `Temporary Keychain`.", "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.loc.json index 08e5ba736b51..d425c58fceb1 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleCertificateV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index de8c9a35d1f3..6605dcc3c139 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple-Bereitstellungsprofil installieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "Die Installation eines Apple-Bereitstellungsprofils ist für die Erstellung auf einem macOS-Agent erforderlich.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Apple-Bereitstellungsprofil installiert, das für den Buildvorgang auf einem macOS-Agent-Computer erforderlich ist.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installieren Sie ein Apple-Bereitstellungsprofil.", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "Speicherort des Bereitstellungsprofils", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "Wählen Sie den Speicherort des Bereitstellungsprofils aus, das installiert werden soll. Das Bereitstellungsprofil kann in \"Sichere Dateien\" hochgeladen oder in Ihrem Quellrepository oder in einem lokalen Pfad auf dem Agent gespeichert werden.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ee6d63ca3b0f..e7831363119c 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalar perfil de aprovisionamiento de Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "Instale un perfil de aprovisionamiento de Apple necesario para compilar en un agente de macOS", + "loc.description": "Instale un perfil de aprovisionamiento de Apple necesario para compilar en una máquina de agente de macOS.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar un perfil de aprovisionamiento de Apple", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "Ubicación del perfil de aprovisionamiento", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "Seleccione la ubicación del perfil de aprovisionamiento que se va a instalar. El perfil de aprovisionamiento puede cargarse en \"Archivos seguros\" o almacenarse en el repositorio de origen o una ruta de acceso local en el agente.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 9d2b7e8093d2..ca03e3747cf0 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Installer le profil d'approvisionnement Apple", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer le profil de provisionnement Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "Installer le profil d'approvisionnement Apple nécessaire pour effectuer une build sur un agent macOS", + "loc.description": "Installer le profil de provisionnement Apple nécessaire pour effectuer une build sur une machine d'agent macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer un profil d'approvisionnement Apple", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "Emplacement du profil de provisionnement", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "Sélectionnez l'emplacement du profil de provisionnement à installer. Vous pouvez charger le profil de provisionnement sur 'Fichiers sécurisés', ou le stocker dans votre dépôt source ou un chemin local sur l'agent.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 965a7ec787f6..815f2a1b4e88 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installa profilo di provisioning Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "Consente di installare un profilo di provisioning Apple necessario per compilare in un agente macOS", + "loc.description": "Installa un profilo di provisioning Apple necessario per compilare in un computer agente macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa un profilo di provisioning Apple", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "Posizione del profilo di provisioning", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "Consente di selezionare il percorso del profilo di provisioning da installare. Il profilo di provisioning può essere caricato in `File protetti` o archiviato nel repository di origine o in un percorso locale nell'agente.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 4107c5519c2e..4d12b61e7bf7 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple プロビジョニング プロファイルのインストール", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "macOS エージェントでのビルドに必要な Apple プロビジョニング プロファイルのインストール", + "loc.description": "macOS エージェント マシン上でビルドを行うために必要な Apple プロビジョニング プロファイルをインストールします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apple プロビジョニング プロファイルのインストール", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "プロビジョニング プロファイルの場所", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "インストールするプロビジョニング プロファイルの場所を選択します。プロビジョニング プロファイルは、[セキュア ファイル] にアップロードすることもできますし、ソース リポジトリやエージェントのローカル パスに保管することもできます。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c009b008ca4c..fab797b83845 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Apple 권한 설정 프로파일 설치", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "빌드에 필요한 Apple 권한 설정 프로파일을 macOS 에이전트에 설치합니다.", + "loc.description": "빌드에 필요한 Apple 권한 설정 프로파일을 macOS 에이전트 머신에 설치합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apple 권한 설정 프로파일 설치", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "프로비전 프로필 위치", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "설치할 프로비전 프로필의 위치를 선택합니다. 프로비전 프로필은 '보안 파일'에 업로드하거나 소스 리포지토리 또는 에이전트의 로컬 경로에 저장할 수 있습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f3cae4a71ff8..57913f738cb1 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установить профиль подготовки Apple", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "Установите профиль подготовки Apple, необходимый для выполнения сборки в агенте macOS.", + "loc.description": "Установить профиль подготовки Apple, необходимый для сборки, на компьютер агента macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установка профиля подготовки Apple", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "Расположение профиля подготовки", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "Выберите расположение для установки профиля подготовки. Профиль подготовки можно отправить в раздел \"Безопасные файлы\" или сохранить в исходном репозитории либо в локальном каталоге на агенте.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a7d025ae400e..7e9b35cc6c8f 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安装 Apple 预配配置文件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "将生成所需的 apple 预配配置文件安装到 macOS 代理上", + "loc.description": "将生成所需的 Apple 预配配置文件安装到 macOS 代理计算机上", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 apple 预配配置文件", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "预配配置文件位置", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "选择要安装的预配配置文件的位置。可将预配配置文件上传到“安全文件”,或者存储在源存储库或代理上的本地路径中。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 030e17c8ba63..82b3292ec400 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安裝 Apple 佈建設定檔", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=862068)", - "loc.description": "在 macOS 代理程式上執行建置作業必須安裝 Apple 佈建設定檔", + "loc.description": "在 macOS 代理程式電腦上執行建置作業必須安裝 Apple 佈建設定檔", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Apple 佈建設定檔", "loc.input.label.provisioningProfileLocation": "佈建設定檔位置", "loc.input.help.provisioningProfileLocation": "選取佈建設定檔的安裝位置。您可將佈建設定檔上傳至 `Secure Files`,或儲存在來源存放庫/代理程式上的本機路徑。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.json b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.json index accb4a7f06cb..5bc51c9d89cd 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.loc.json index d633126e19d0..4749514ec849 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallAppleProvisioningProfileV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1c172ff08b7f..bcff4479da23 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SSH-Schlüssel installieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "Installieren Sie einen SSH-Schlüssel vor einem Build oder Release.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird vor einem Build oder einer Bereitstellung ein SSH-Schlüssel installiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "SSH-Schlüssel installieren", "loc.input.label.hostName": "Eintrag in bekannten Hosts", "loc.input.help.hostName": "Der Eintrag für diesen SSH-Schlüssel für die Datei \"known_hosts\".", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7994b5c77f37..611c622529bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalar clave SSH", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "Instale una clave SSH antes de crear una compilación o una versión", + "loc.description": "Instale una clave SSH antes de crear una compilación o una implementación.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar una clave SSH", "loc.input.label.hostName": "Entrada de hosts conocidos", "loc.input.help.hostName": "Entrada de esta clave SSH para el archivo known_hosts.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 20ea769fa0ca..d89248fe1950 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installer la clé SSH", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "Installer une clé SSH avant une build ou une mise en production", + "loc.description": "Installer une clé SSH avant une build ou un déploiement", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer une clé SSH", "loc.input.label.hostName": "Entrée des hôtes connus", "loc.input.help.hostName": "Entrée de cette clé SSH pour le fichier known_hosts.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 0fc5509069a6..e021cfb5dfa1 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Installa chiave SSH", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "Installa una chiave SSH prima di una compilazione o una versione", + "loc.description": "Installa una chiave SSH prima di una compilazione o una distribuzione", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa una chiave SSH", "loc.input.label.hostName": "Voce known_hosts", "loc.input.help.hostName": "Voce di questa chiave SSH per il file known_hosts.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 20d3d19e0763..2b735e5320ef 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SSH キーのインストール", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "ビルドまたはリリースの前に、SSH キーをインストールします", + "loc.description": "ビルドまたは配置の前に、SSH キーをインストールします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "SSH キーのインストール", "loc.input.label.hostName": "既知のホスト エントリ", "loc.input.help.hostName": "known_hosts ファイルに対するこの SSH キーのエントリ。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a9d4fd4e3ae2..74eacc221bc7 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SSH 키 설치", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "빌드 또는 릴리스 전에 SSH 키 설치", + "loc.description": "빌드 또는 배포 전에 SSH 키를 설치합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "SSH 키 설치", "loc.input.label.hostName": "알려진 호스트 항목", "loc.input.help.hostName": "known_hosts 파일에 대한 이 SSH 키의 항목입니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f712de57490f..5a52acf67b38 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установить ключ SSH", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "Установка ключа SSH до сборки или выпуска", + "loc.description": "Установка ключа SSH до сборки или развертывания", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установка ключа SSH", "loc.input.label.hostName": "Запись известных узлов", "loc.input.help.hostName": "Запись для этого ключа SSH для файла known_hosts.", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 8f824f523e9f..dd880fb19bf5 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安装 SSH 密钥", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "在生成或发布之前安装 SSH 密钥", + "loc.description": "在生成或部署之前安装 SSH 密钥", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 SSH 密钥", "loc.input.label.hostName": "已知主机输入", "loc.input.help.hostName": "为 known_hosts 文件输入此 SSH 密钥。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a67876fcd198..283f121e9b12 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "安裝 SSH 金鑰", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875267)", - "loc.description": "請在組建或版本之前安裝 SSH 金鑰", + "loc.description": "於建置或部署前安裝 SSH 金鑰", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 SSH 金鑰", "loc.input.label.hostName": "已知主機輸入", "loc.input.help.hostName": "這份 SSH 金鑰的輸入,用於 known_hosts 檔案。", diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.json b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.json index 7fdf31bd5653..97e3bc2f8d2a 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ "SSHKeyInstallFailed": "Failed to install the SSH key.", "CannotResetKnownHosts": "Cannot reset the known_hosts file to its original values." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.loc.json index da164baeffd2..e80a45eb1e7c 100644 --- a/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/InstallSSHKeyV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 259f936ad21b..a31486876e8b 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Generische Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie eine generischen Dienstverbindung aus, die zum Auswählen der URL und zum Erstellen des Autorisierungsheaders für die HTTP-Anforderung verwendet werden soll.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement aus, das zum Auswählen der URL und Erstellen des Autorisierungsheaders für die HTTP-Anforderung verwendet werden soll.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement aus, das zum Aufrufen einer Verwaltungs-API verwendet werden soll. Als baseURL wird \"ManagementPortalUrl\" der Cloud verwendet.", "loc.input.label.method": "Methode", "loc.input.help.method": "Wählen Sie die HTTP-Methode aus, mit der die API aufgerufen werden soll.", "loc.input.label.headers": "Header", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 54b4469a20ad..62e31db5144a 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Conexión de servicio genérica", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio genérica que debe usarse para seleccionar la dirección URL y construir un encabezado de autorización para la solicitud HTTP.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción a Azure Resource Manager que debe usarse para seleccionar la dirección URL y construir un encabezado de autorización para la solicitud HTTP.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure Resource Manager que se usará para invocar una API de administración. La opción \"ManagementPortalUrl\" de la nube se usa como baseURL.", "loc.input.label.method": "Método", "loc.input.help.method": "Seleccione el método HTTP con el que debe invocarse la API.", "loc.input.label.headers": "Encabezados", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c310cdb32c4c..cd28948620d7 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connexion de service générique", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service générique pour choisir l'URL et construire l'en-tête d'autorisation de la requête HTTP.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour choisir l'URL et construire l'en-tête d'autorisation de la requête HTTP.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager à utiliser pour appeler une API de gestion. Le 'ManagementPortalUrl' du cloud est utilisé en tant que baseURL", "loc.input.label.method": "Méthode", "loc.input.help.method": "Sélectionnez la méthode HTTP avec laquelle l'API doit être appelée.", "loc.input.label.headers": "En-têtes", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 788ccae88950..572d35f067bf 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connessione al servizio generica", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio generica da usare per selezionare l'URL e costruire l'intestazione dell'autorizzazione per la richiesta HTTP.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager da usare per selezionare l'URL e costruire l'intestazione dell'autorizzazione per la richiesta HTTP.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager da usare per richiamare un'API di gestione. Come baseURL viene usato 'ManagementPortalUrl' del cloud", "loc.input.label.method": "Metodo", "loc.input.help.method": "Consente di selezionare il metodo HTTP con cui deve essere richiamata l'API.", "loc.input.label.headers": "Intestazioni", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 7af9c1b8a681..1e1c1908b20b 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "汎用サービス接続", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "URL を取得して HTTP 要求用の Authorization ヘッダーを作成するために使う汎用サービス接続を選択します。", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "URL を取得して HTTP 要求用の Authorization ヘッダーを作成するために使う必要のある Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "管理 API の呼び出しに使用する Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。クラウドの 'ManagementPortalUrl' が baseURL として使用されます", "loc.input.label.method": "メソッド", "loc.input.help.method": "API を呼び出すときに使う HTTP メソッドを選択します。", "loc.input.label.headers": "ヘッダー", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 088acc324a4f..1638f0fe9e0c 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "일반 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "URL을 선택하고 HTTP 요청에 대한 인증 헤더를 생성하는 데 사용할 일반 서비스 연결을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "URL을 선택하고 HTTP 요청에 대한 인증 헤더를 생성하는 데 사용할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "관리 API를 호출하는 데 사용할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다. 클라우드의 'ManagementPortalUrl'이 baseURL로 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.method": "메서드", "loc.input.help.method": "API를 호출하는 데 사용할 HTTP 메서드를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.headers": "머리글", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1cb730e300ae..1025695cf85d 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Универсальное подключение к службе", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Выберите универсальное подключение к службе, которое следует использовать для выбора URL-адреса и создания заголовка авторизации для HTTP-запроса.", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager, которую следует использовать для выбора URL-адреса и создания заголовка авторизации для HTTP-запроса.", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager, используемую для вызова API управления. \"ManagementPortalUrl\" облака используется в качестве baseURL", "loc.input.label.method": "Метод", "loc.input.help.method": "Выберите метод HTTP, с помощью которого следует вызывать API.", "loc.input.label.headers": "Заголовки", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 551a74d599c1..2832bd2d27ca 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "通用服务连接", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "选择应用于选择 URL 的通用服务连接,并为 http 请求构造授权标头。", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择应用于选择 URL 的 Azure 资源管理器订阅,并为 http 请求构造授权标头。", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择用于调用管理 API 的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。云的 \"ManagementPortalUrl\" 用作 baseURL", "loc.input.label.method": "方法", "loc.input.help.method": "选择应用于调用 API 的 HTTP 方法。", "loc.input.label.headers": "标头", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index abb749b80913..9689f3afffaa 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "一般服務連線", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "選取應該用來為 HTTP 要求挑選 URL 和建構授權標頭的泛型服務連線。", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", - "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "請選取應該用來為 HTTP 要求挑選 URL 和建構授權標頭的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。", + "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "請選取要用於叫用管理 API 的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。雲端的 'ManagementPortalUrl' 會用作 baseURL", "loc.input.label.method": "方法", "loc.input.help.method": "請選取 HTTP 方法和應叫用的 API。", "loc.input.label.headers": "標頭", diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.json b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.json index 66955778925c..1fcba9060175 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Invoke REST API: $(method)", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.loc.json index ee4d0c1130ae..de0866feffc1 100644 --- a/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/InvokeRestApiV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 97f7f62473cd..876233dcad03 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Installer des Java-Tools", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Java-Tools", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte Version von Java aus einem benutzerdefinierten Azure-Blob oder dem Toolcache ab und legt JAVA_HOME fest. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in den Java-Aufgaben verwendete Version von Java zu ändern.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine bestimmte Java-Version aus einem benutzerseitig bereitgestellten Azure-Blob oder dem Toolcache abgerufen und JAVA_HOME festgelegt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Java $(versionSpec) verwenden", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Java aus einem Azure-Blob herunterladen", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "JDK-Version", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "Die angegebene JDK-Quelldatei weist keine unterstützte Dateierweiterung auf.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7759351fc308..61048d7f70c3 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de herramientas de Java", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión de Java específica desde un blob de Azure proporcionado por el usuario o la memoria caché de herramientas y establece JAVA_HOME. Use esta tarea para cambiar la versión de Java que se utiliza en las tareas correspondientes.", + "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión específica de Java de un blob de Azure proporcionado por el usuario o la memoria caché de herramientas y establece JAVA_HOME.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Java $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Descargar Java desde un blob de Azure", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versión de JDK", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "El archivo de origen de JDK que se ha especificado no tiene una extensión de archivo compatible.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 4d9e889647a7..1417ab810a57 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation d'outils Java", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Java", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "Acquiert une version spécifique de Java à partir d'un blob Azure fourni par l'utilisateur ou à partir du cache d'outils, puis définit JAVA_HOME. Utilisez cette tâche pour changer la version de Java utilisée dans les tâches Java.", + "loc.description": "Acquérir une version spécifique de Java à partir d'un blob Azure fourni par l'utilisateur ou à partir du cache d'outils, puis définir JAVA_HOME", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Java $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Télécharger Java à partir d'un blob Azure", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Version du kit JDK", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "Le fichier source de kit JDK spécifié n'a pas d'extension de fichier prise en charge.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 72c86943070e..522864e4fbd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Java", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di Java da un BLOB di Azure specificato dall'utente o dalla cache degli strumenti e imposta JAVA_HOME. Usare questa attività per modificare la versione di Java usata in attività Java.", + "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di Java da un BLOB di Azure specificato dall'utente o dalla cache degli strumenti e imposta JAVA_HOME", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Java $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Scarica Java da un BLOB di Azure", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versione del JDK", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "Per il file di origine del JDK specificato non esiste alcuna estensione di file supportata.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index b9e37028c1d4..9dd785adb8ab 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Java ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "ユーザーが指定した Azure BLOB またはツール キャッシュから特定バージョンの Java を取得し、JAVA_HOME を設定します。このタスクを使用して、Java タスクで使用される Java バージョンを変更します。", + "loc.description": "ユーザーが指定する Azure Blob またはツール キャッシュから Java の特定のバージョンを取得し、JAVA_HOME を設定します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Java $(versionSpec) の使用", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Azure BLOB からの Java のダウンロード", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "JDK バージョン", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "指定した JDK ソース ファイルには、サポートされているファイル拡張子がありません。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 6c9b285fc1f1..8702b8ab6e27 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Java Tool 설치 관리자", + "loc.friendlyName": "Java 도구 설치 관리자", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "사용자가 제공한 Azure Blob 또는 도구 캐시에서 특정 버전의 Java를 가져오고 JAVA_HOME을 설정합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 Java 작업에 사용되는 Java 버전을 변경할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "사용자 제공 Azure Blob 또는 도구 캐시에서 특정 버전의 Java를 가져오고 JAVA_HOME을 설정합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Java $(versionSpec) 사용", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Azure Blob에서 Java 다운로드", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "JDK 버전", @@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkFile": "압축된 JDK가 있는 위치의 경로입니다. 이 경로는 소스 리포지토리나 에이전트의 로컬 경로에 있을 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "JDK에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.azureStorageAccountName": "저장소 계정 이름", - "loc.input.help.azureStorageAccountName": "Azure Classic 및 Resource Manager 저장소 계정이 나열됩니다. JDK가 있는 저장소 계정 이름을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.azureStorageAccountName": "스토리지 계정 이름", + "loc.input.help.azureStorageAccountName": "Azure Classic 및 Resource Manager 스토리지 계정이 나열됩니다. JDK가 있는 스토리지 계정 이름을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.azureContainerName": "컨테이너 이름", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerName": "JDK가 있는 저장소 계정에 있는 컨테이너 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerName": "JDK가 있는 스토리지 계정에 있는 컨테이너 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.azureCommonVirtualFile": "공통 가상 경로", "loc.input.help.azureCommonVirtualFile": "Azure Storage 컨테이너 내에 있는 JDK의 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.jdkDestinationDirectory": "대상 디렉터리", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "지정한 JDK 소스 파일의 파일 확장명이 지원되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c63ca849fa90..7a0e56be2b65 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средства Java", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств Java", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "Получает определенную версию Java из предоставленного пользователем BLOB-объекта Azure или кэша средств и задает переменную JAVA_HOME. Используйте эту задачу для изменения версии Java, используемой в задачах Java.", + "loc.description": "Получение определенной версии Java из предоставленного пользователем BLOB-объекта Azure или кэша инструментов и задание JAVA_HOME", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Java $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "Скачать Java из BLOB-объекта Azure", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Версия JDK", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager для JDK.", "loc.input.label.azureStorageAccountName": "Имя учетной записи хранения", - "loc.input.help.azureStorageAccountName": "В списке приведены классические учетные записи хранения Azure и учетные записи хранения Resource Manager. Выберите имя учетной записи, в которой находится JDK.", + "loc.input.help.azureStorageAccountName": "В списке приведены классические учетные записи хранения Azure и учетные записи хранения Azure Resource Manager. Выберите имя учетной записи, в которой находится JDK.", "loc.input.label.azureContainerName": "Имя контейнера", "loc.input.help.azureContainerName": "Имя контейнера в учетной записи хранения, в которой находится JDK.", "loc.input.label.azureCommonVirtualFile": "Общий виртуальный путь", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "Расширение указанного исходного файла JDK не поддерживается.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s." + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1e2b4fe488b1..e4955d43c309 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Java 工具安装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "从用户提供的 Azure blob 或工具缓存中获取特定版本的 Java,并设置 JAVA_HOME。使用此任务可以更改在 Java 任务中使用的 Java 版本。", + "loc.description": "从用户提供的 Azure blob 或工具缓存中获取特定版本的 Java,并设置 JAVA_HOME", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Java $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "从 Azure blob 下载 Java", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "JDK 版本", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.jdkFile": "JDK 文件", "loc.input.help.jdkFile": "压缩 JDK 所在的路径。该路径可能在源资料库中或是代理上的本地路径。", "loc.input.label.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "Azure 订阅", - "loc.input.help.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "为 JDK 选择 Azure Resource Manager 订阅。", + "loc.input.help.azureResourceManagerEndpoint": "为 JDK 选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。", "loc.input.label.azureStorageAccountName": "存储帐户名称", "loc.input.help.azureStorageAccountName": "列出了 Azure Classic 和资源管理器存储帐户。选择 JDK 所在的存储帐户名。", "loc.input.label.azureContainerName": "容器名", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "指定的 JDK 源文件没有受支持的文件扩展名。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 012d5ddc728b..d6a08834848d 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "JAVA 工具安裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)", - "loc.description": "從使用者提供的 Azure blob 或工具快取取得特定 Java 版本,並設定 JAVA_HOME。請使用此工作變更 Java 工作中使用的 Java 版本。", + "loc.description": "從使用者提供的 Azure Blob 或工具快取取得特定版本的 Java,並設定 JAVA_HOME", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 JAVA $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.JavaInAzureGroup": "從 Azure Blob 下載 JAVA", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "JDK 版本", @@ -48,5 +48,6 @@ "loc.messages.UnsupportedFileExtension": "指定的 JDK 原始程式檔沒有支援的副檔名。", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.json index e9cd9ec0e608..f368736bd201 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "satisfies": [ "Java" diff --git a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 3b0311e330d0..9184f0f65f6c 100644 --- a/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/JavaToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "satisfies": [ "Java" diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 66b716b6cfce..292d596c2ecf 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Das Abrufen von Artefaktelementen wird nicht unterstützt, ungültiger Codepfad.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Keine zugeordneten Artefakte gefunden." + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Keine zugeordneten Artefakte gefunden.", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Fehler in \"%s\": %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Fehler in \"%s\", der Vorgang wird wiederholt. Ausstehende Versuche: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index bd9f2312e017..15d9777bcdd8 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "No se admite la obtención de elementos de artefacto. La ruta de acceso del código no es válida.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "No se encontraron artefactos asociados." + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "No se encontraron artefactos asociados.", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Error en %s: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Error en %s, se está reintentando la operación => reintentos pendientes: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 361750ec37d2..0c39dbb95763 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Obtention des éléments d'artefact non prise en charge, chemin de code non valide", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Artefacts associés introuvables" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Artefacts associés introuvables", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Échec dans %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Erreur dans %s. Nouvelle tentative de l'opération => nouvelles tentatives en attente : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8bc6398bb2ba..a6fb83e2bc71 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Il recupero degli elementi di artefatto non è supportato. Il percorso del codice non è valido", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Non sono stati trovati artefatti associati" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Non sono stati trovati artefatti associati", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Operazione non riuscita in %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Errore in %s. L'operazione verrà ripetuta => Tentativi in sospeso: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ae0016b7f6df..a910fbeea9a7 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "成果物項目の取得はサポートされていません。無効なコード パスです", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "関連付けられた成果物は見つかりません" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "関連付けられた成果物は見つかりません", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s でエラー %s のために失敗しました", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "%s でエラーが発生したため、操作を再試行します。=> 保留中の再試行回数: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index d8f357796111..f224d3ab8e01 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ "loc.input.label.propagatedArtifacts": "아티팩트가 Azure에 전파됨", "loc.input.help.propagatedArtifacts": "Jenkins 아티팩트가 Azure로 전파된 경우 이 옵션을 선택합니다. Jenkins 아티팩트를 Azure에 업로드하려면 이 [Jenkins 플러그 인](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Windows+Azure+Storage+Plugin)을 참조하세요.", "loc.input.label.artifactProvider": "아티팩트 공급자", - "loc.input.help.artifactProvider": "Jenkins 작업에서 아티팩트 업로드에 사용할 외부 저장소 공급자를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.artifactProvider": "Jenkins 작업에서 아티팩트 업로드에 사용할 외부 스토리지 공급자를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "아티팩트에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "저장소 계정 이름", - "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "Azure 클래식 및 Resource Manager 저장소 계정이 나열됩니다. 아티팩트 전파 시 사용되는 저장소 계정 이름을 선택하세요.", + "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "스토리지 계정 이름", + "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "Azure 클래식 및 Resource Manager 스토리지 계정이 나열됩니다. 아티팩트 전파 시 사용되는 스토리지 계정 이름을 선택하세요.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "컨테이너 이름", - "loc.input.help.containerName": "아티팩트가 업로드되는 저장소 계정의 컨테이너 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.help.containerName": "아티팩트가 업로드되는 스토리지 계정의 컨테이너 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.commonVirtualPath": "일반 가상 경로", "loc.input.help.commonVirtualPath": "Azure Storage 컨테이너에 있는 아티팩트의 경로입니다.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactsFromLastSuccessfulBuild": "%s의 마지막으로 성공한 빌드에서 아티팩트 다운로드", @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ "loc.messages.VMSSUpdateImage": "새 이미지를 사용하도록 VMSS %s을(를) 업데이트하는 중...", "loc.messages.ResourceNameCannotBeNull": "리소스 이름이 필요합니다.", "loc.messages.activeDirectoryResourceIdUrlCannotBeEmpty": "Active Directory 리소스 URL이 필요합니다.", - "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "저장소 accountName이 필요합니다.", + "loc.messages.StorageAccountCannotBeNull": "스토리지 accountName이 필요합니다.", "loc.messages.CreatedBlobForItem": "항목 {0}에 대한 Blob을 만들었습니다. Blob URI: {1}", "loc.messages.CreatedContainer": "{0} 컨테이너를 만들었습니다.", "loc.messages.ErrorInReadStream": "읽기 스트림 오류: {0}", @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "아티팩트 항목 가져오기가 지원되지 않음, 잘못된 코드 경로", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "관련 아티팩트를 찾을 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "관련 아티팩트를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s에서 실패했습니다(오류: %s).", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "%s에서 오류가 발생하여 작업을 다시 시도하는 중 => 다시 시도 보류 중: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e6b19e4309a4..5318ea492a07 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager для артефактов.", "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "Имя учетной записи хранения", - "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "В списке указаны классические учетные записи хранения Azure и учетные записи хранения Resource Manager. Выберите учетную запись хранения, куда распространяются артефакты.", + "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "В списке указаны классические учетные записи хранения Azure и учетные записи хранения Azure Resource Manager. Выберите учетную запись хранения, куда распространяются артефакты.", "loc.input.label.containerName": "Имя контейнера", "loc.input.help.containerName": "Имя контейнера в учетной записи хранения, куда отправляются артефакты.", "loc.input.label.commonVirtualPath": "Общий виртуальный путь", @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Получение элементов артефактов не поддерживается; недопустимый путь к коду", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Связанные артефакты не найдены" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "Связанные артефакты не найдены", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "Сбой в %s с ошибкой: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "Ошибка в %s, повторная попытка выполнения операции => осталось повторных попыток: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index dd222a2b459c..dbac51ac50a3 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "获取不受支持的项目项、无效的代码路径", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "找不到任何关联项目" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "找不到任何关联项目", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "%s 中失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "错误: 在 %s 中,正在重试 => 重试挂起: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 03e80b933ef6..379f70cb959f 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -127,5 +127,8 @@ "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "不支援取得成品項目,程式碼路徑無效", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "找不到任何相關成品" + "loc.messages.NoAssociatedArtifacts": "找不到任何相關成品", + "loc.messages.OperationFailed": "無法於 %s,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RetryingOperation": "錯誤: 在 %s,正在重試作業 => 暫止的重試次數: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.json b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.json index 4d9f10e68fd8..7cf9b50b60be 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.loc.json index 903a1cbaf281..709b5e58cfc6 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsDownloadArtifactsV1/task.loc.json @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index e076faee3237..d2f8220207f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "loc.input.label.parameterizedJob": "Parametrisierter Auftrag", "loc.input.help.parameterizedJob": "Wählen Sie aus, ob der Jenkins-Auftrag Parameter akzeptiert. Diese Option sollte selbst dann ausgewählt werden, wenn nur Standardparameterwerte verwendet werden und tatsächlich keine Parameterangabe erfolgt.", "loc.input.label.jobParameters": "Auftragsparameter", - "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Geben Sie Auftragsparameter (ein Parameter pro Zeile) im Format = an.

    Wenn Sie einen Parameter auf einen leeren Wert festlegen möchten (dies ist zum Überschreiben eines Standardwerts sinnvoll), lassen Sie den Parameterwert aus. Beispiel: =.

    Variablen werden unterstützt, z. B. zum Definieren des Parameters commitId als Git-Commit-ID für den Build. Verwenden Sie zu diesem Zweck die folgende Syntax: commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der [Dokumentation zu Variablen]](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288).

    Die folgenden Jenkins-Parametertypen werden unterstützt:

    • \"Boolean\"
    • \"Choice\"
    • \"Password\"
    • \"String\"
    ", + "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Geben Sie Auftragsparameter (ein Parameter pro Zeile) im Format = an.

    Wenn Sie einen Parameter auf einen leeren Wert festlegen möchten (dies ist zum Überschreiben eines Standardwerts sinnvoll), lassen Sie den Parameterwert aus. Beispiel: =.

    Variablen werden unterstützt, z. B. zum Definieren des Parameters commitId als Git-Commit-ID für den Build. Verwenden Sie zu diesem Zweck die folgende Syntax: commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion). Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der [Dokumentation zu Variablen]](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288).

    Die folgenden Jenkins-Parametertypen werden unterstützt:

    • \"Boolean\"
    • \"Choice\"
    • \"Password\"
    • \"String\"
    ", "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateSummary": "Fehler beim Erstellen einer Buildzusammenfassung.", "loc.messages.succeeded": "Erfolgreich", "loc.messages.unstable": "instabil", diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 86e60d1c9ef9..490588babdcc 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "loc.input.label.parameterizedJob": "Trabajo parametrizado", "loc.input.help.parameterizedJob": "Seleccione si el trabajo de Jenkins acepta parámetros. Debe seleccionarse incluso cuando se usan todos los valores de parámetros predeterminados y no se especifican parámetros realmente.", "loc.input.label.jobParameters": "Parámetros del trabajo", - "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Especifique los parámetros del trabajo, uno por lí­nea, con el formato \"=\"

    Para establecer un parámetro en un valor vací­o (útil cuando se quiere invalidar el valor predeterminado), no incluya el valor del parámetro. Por ejemplo, especifique \"=\"

    Se admiten variables. Por ejemplo, para establecer el valor del parámetro \"commitId\" en \"git commit ID\" para la compilación, use: \"commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion)\". Consulte la [documentación sobre variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288) para obtener más detalles.

    Los tipos de parámetros de Jenkins admitidos son:

    • \"Boolean\"
    • \"Choice\"
    • \"Password\"
    • \"String\"
    ", + "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Especifique los parámetros del trabajo, uno por lí­nea, con el formato \"=\"

    Para establecer un parámetro en un valor vací­o (útil cuando se quiere invalidar el valor predeterminado), no incluya el valor del parámetro. Por ejemplo, especifique \"=\"

    Se admiten variables. Por ejemplo, para establecer el valor del parámetro \"commitId\" en \"git commit ID\" para la compilación, use: \"commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion)\". Consulte la [documentación sobre variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288) para obtener más detalles.

    Los tipos de parámetros de Jenkins admitidos son:

    • \"Boolean\"
    • \"Choice\"
    • \"Password\"
    • \"String\"
    ", "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateSummary": "No se pudo generar el resumen de compilación.", "loc.messages.succeeded": "correcto", "loc.messages.unstable": "inestable", diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 46d7c0491842..253d04e06bea 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ "loc.input.label.parameterizedJob": "Travail paramétrable", "loc.input.help.parameterizedJob": "Sélectionnez cette option si le travail Jenkins accepte les paramètres. Effectuez ce choix, même si toutes les valeurs des paramètres par défaut sont utilisées, et qu'aucun paramètre n'est réellement spécifié.", "loc.input.label.jobParameters": "Paramètres du travail", - "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Spécifiez les paramètres du travail, ligne par ligne, sous la forme '='

    Pour affecter une valeur vide à un paramètre (utile pour remplacer une valeur par défaut), ne touchez pas à la valeur du paramètre. Par exemple, spécifiez '='

    Les variables sont prises en charge. Par exemple, pour affecter un ID de validation Git à la valeur de paramètre 'commitId' de la build, indiquez : 'commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion)'. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la [documentation sur les variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288).

    Les types de paramètre Jenkins pris en charge sont les suivants :

    • 'Booléen'
    • 'Choix'
    • 'Mot de passe'
    • 'Chaîne'
    ", + "loc.input.help.jobParameters": "Spécifiez les paramètres du travail, ligne par ligne, sous la forme '='

    Pour affecter une valeur vide à un paramètre (utile pour remplacer une valeur par défaut), ne touchez pas à la valeur du paramètre. Par exemple, spécifiez '='

    Les variables sont prises en charge. Par exemple, pour affecter un ID de validation Git à la valeur de paramètre 'commitId' de la build, indiquez : 'commitId=$(Build.SourceVersion)'. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la [documentation sur les variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875288).

    Les types de paramètre Jenkins pris en charge sont les suivants :

    • 'Booléen'
    • 'Choix'
    • 'Mot de passe'
    • 'Chaîne'
    ", "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateSummary": "Échec de génération du résumé de la build.", "loc.messages.succeeded": "réussite", "loc.messages.unstable": "instable", diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.json b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.json index ad2f13515396..4284e0a73aa2 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.loc.json index b73a9ec816b3..af635519c814 100644 --- a/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/JenkinsQueueJobV2/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f50b004810cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Kubectl-Tool", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Kubectl auf Agentcomputer installieren", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Kubectl $(kubectlVersion) installieren", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Kubectl-Versionsangabe", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "Geben Sie die zu installierende Kubectl-Version an.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version nicht im richtigen Format angegeben. Beispiel: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Die kubectl-Installation wird überprüft..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..17cce6af31a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Kubectl", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Instalar Kubectl en la máquina del agente", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalar Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Especificación de versión de Kubectl", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "Especifique la versión de Kubectl para instalar", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "La versión no se ha especificado en el formato correcto. Por ejemplo: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Comprobando la instalación de kubectl..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e2c3be995b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Kubectl", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installer Kubectl sur une machine d'agent", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Spécification de version de Kubectl", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "Spécifier la version de Kubectl à installer", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version non spécifiée au format approprié. Exemple : 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Vérification de l'installation de kubectl..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..393b8476e735 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Kubectl", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Installa Kubectl nel computer agente", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installa Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Identificatore di versione di kubectl", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "Consente di specificare la versione di kubectl da installare", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Il formato usato per la specifica della versione non è corretto, ad esempio 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Verifica dell'installazione di kubectl..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..04b60154cb26 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubectl ツール インストーラー", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "エージェント マシンに Kubectl をインストールします", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Kubectl $(kubectlVersion) のインストール", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Kubectl バージョンの仕様", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "インストールする Kubectl のバージョンを指定します", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "バージョンが正しい形式で指定されていません。例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Kubectl のインストールを確認しています..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..caba2e045dfd --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubectl 도구 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "에이전트 머신에 Kubectl을 설치합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Kubectl $(kubectlVersion) 설치", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Kubectl 버전 사양", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "설치할 Kubectl 버전을 지정합니다.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "버전이 올바른 형식으로 지정되지 않았습니다(예: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2).", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Kubectl 설치를 확인하는 중..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a6b04335088 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств Kubectl", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Установить Kubectl на компьютере агента", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установить Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Спецификация версии Kubectl", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "Укажите версию Kubectl, которую необходимо установить", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Версия указана в неправильном формате. Примеры: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "Проверка установки kubectl..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6ffa1d10c0c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubectl 工具安装程序", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理计算机上安装 Kubectl", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安装 Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Kubectl 版本规范", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "指定要安装的 Kubectl 版本", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未指定正确格式的版本。示例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "正在验证 kubectl 安装..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..34a71b7f8979 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubectl 工具安裝程式", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "在代理程式機器上安裝 Kubectl", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "安裝 Kubectl $(kubectlVersion)", + "loc.input.label.kubectlVersion": "Kubectl 版本規格", + "loc.input.help.kubectlVersion": "請指定要安裝的 Kubectl 版本", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未以正確的格式指定版本。例如: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.VerifyKubectlInstallation": "正在驗證 kubectl 安裝..." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.json index bf13fcca1e1e..4383ebb15c21 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 10ef223d1ac8..b19c28091144 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/KubectlInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bd2ab70cadb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes-Manifeste bereitstellen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Verwenden Sie Kubernetes-Manifestdateien für die Bereitstellung in Clustern, oder erstellen Sie mit \"bake\" sogar die Manifestdateien für Bereitstellungen unter Verwendung von Helm-Charts.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "Aktion", + "loc.input.help.action": "Wählen Sie die Aktion aus, die ausgeführt werden soll.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Wählen Sie eine Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung aus.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "Namespace", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "Legen Sie den Namespace für die Befehle fest, indem Sie das Flag \"–namespace\" verwenden. Wenn kein Namespace angegeben wird, werden die Befehle im Standardnamespace ausgeführt.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "Strategie", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "Zu verwendende Bereitstellungsstrategie", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "Prozentsatz", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "Manifeste", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "Bereitzustellende Manifeste", + "loc.input.label.containers": "Container", + "loc.input.help.containers": "Container", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecret zum Abrufen des Images aus der privaten Registrierung", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "Render-Engine", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "Tool zum Generieren des Manifests", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Helm-Chart", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "Helm-Chart-Pfad für \"bake\"", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "Außerkraftsetzungsdateien", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "Außerkraftsetzungsdateien, die festgelegt werden sollen", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "Überschreibungen", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "Außerkraftsetzungswerte, die festgelegt werden sollen", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "Ressource für Patch", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "zum Identifizieren der Ressource", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "Dateipfad", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "Pfad zur Datei, die als Patch verwendet wird", + "loc.input.label.kind": "Art", + "loc.input.help.kind": "Art des K8s-Objekts, Bereitstellung, replicaSet usw.", + "loc.input.label.name": "Name", + "loc.input.help.name": "Name des k8s-Objekts", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "Replikatanzahl", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "Anzahl von Replikaten, auf die skaliert werden soll", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "Mergestrategie", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "Der Typ des bereitgestellten Patches (einer aus [json merge strategic])", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumente für den Befehl \"kubectl delete\"", + "loc.input.label.patch": "Patch", + "loc.input.help.patch": "Patchinhalte", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "Typ des Geheimnisses", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "Ein generisches oder Docker-imagepullsecret erstellen/aktualisieren. Wählen Sie \"dockerRegistry\" aus, um \"imagepullsecret\" für die ausgewählte Registrierung zu erstellen/zu aktualisieren. \"imagePullSecret\" ermöglicht es, ein Geheimnis mit einem Kennwort für die Containerregistrierung an das Kubelet zu übergeben, sodass im Namen Ihres Pods ein privates Image abgerufen werden kann.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "Geheimnisname", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "Name des Geheimnisses. Sie können diesen Geheimnisnamen in der Kubernetes-YAML-Konfigurationsdatei verwenden.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Argumente", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Geben Sie Schlüssel- und Literalwerte zum Einfügen in \"secret\" an. Beispiel: --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Dienstverbindung für Docker-Registrierung", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Wählen Sie eine Dienstverbindung für die Docker-Registrierung aus. Erforderlich für Befehle, die eine Authentifizierung bei einer Registrierung erfordern.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Downloadpfad für \"stable.txt\": %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Der Kubernetes-Client von Version \"%s\" kann nicht heruntergeladen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Version korrekt ist: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Die stabile Kubernetes-Version kann nicht aus \"%s\" heruntergeladen werden. Es wird ein Fallback auf \"%s\" durchgeführt.", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Ungültige Version 1.7 in der Eingabe für den Versionsbezeichner angegeben. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die letzte stabile Version. Informationen zu korrekten Versionen finden Sie unter https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version nicht im richtigen Format angegeben. Beispiel: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "Es wurden keine Manifestdateien gefunden, die \"%s\" entsprechen.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Die Details zur Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung wurden nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "Unbekannte Render-Engine", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "Die Ressourcenart ist NULL.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "Das Eingabeobjekt ist NULL.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "Es wurden keine Argumente angegeben.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "Die Metadaten des Eingabeobjekts sind NULL.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "Die Canary-Bereitstellung ist bereits vorhanden. Diese Bereitstellung wird abgelehnt.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "Ablehnungsaktion funktioniert nur mit Strategie: Canary", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "Aktion zum Höherstufen funktioniert nur mit Strategie: Canary" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d57f01b8a7e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementar manifiestos de Kubernetes", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Use archivos de manifiesto de Kubernetes para implementar en los clústeres o incluso simule mediante \"bake\" los archivos de manifiesto que se usarán para las implementaciones con gráficos de Helm.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "Acción", + "loc.input.help.action": "Elija la acción que se va a realizar.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Conexión de servicio de Kubernetes", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Seleccione una conexión del servicio de Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "Espacio de nombres", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "Establece el espacio de nombres para los comandos con la marca –namespace. Si no se proporciona el espacio de nombres, los comandos se ejecutan en el predeterminado.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "Estrategia", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "Estrategia de implementación que se va a usar", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "Porcentaje", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "Manifiestos", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "Manifiestos para implementar", + "loc.input.label.containers": "Contenedores", + "loc.input.help.containers": "Contenedores", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "Se usa ImagePullSecret para extraer la imagen mediante \"pull\" del registro privado", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "Motor de representación", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "Herramienta para generar el manifiesto", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Gráfico de Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "Ruta del gráfico de Helm para aplicar simulación mediante \"bake\"", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "Reemplazar archivos", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "Reemplazar archivos para establecer", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "Invalidaciones", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "Reemplazar valores para establecer", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "Recurso para la revisión", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "para identificar el recurso", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "Ruta de acceso del archivo", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "Ruta de acceso al archivo que se usa para la revisión", + "loc.input.label.kind": "Tipo", + "loc.input.help.kind": "Tipo de objeto K8s; implementación, replicaSet, etc.", + "loc.input.label.name": "Nombre", + "loc.input.help.name": "Nombre del objeto k8s", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "Recuento de réplicas", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "Número de réplicas para escalar", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "Estrategia de \"merge\"", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "Tipo de revisión que se proporciona; una de las opciones de [json merge strategic]", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumentos para el comando \"kubectl delete\".", + "loc.input.label.patch": "Revisión", + "loc.input.help.patch": "Contenido de la revisión", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "Tipo de secreto", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "Cree o actualice un elemento imagepullsecret genérico o de Docker. Seleccione dockerRegistry para crear o actualizar el elemento imagepullsecret del registro seleccionado. El objeto imagePullSecret es una forma de pasar un secreto que contiene una contraseña de Container Registry a Kubelet, de forma que puede extraer una imagen privada en nombre de su pod.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "Nombre del secreto", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "Nombre del secreto que puede usar en el archivo de configuración de YAML de Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Argumentos", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Especifique las claves y los valores literales que se van a insertar en el secreto. Por ejemplo: --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio del registro de Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio de registro de Docker. Obligatorio para los comandos que deben autenticarse en un registro.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Ruta de acceso de descarga para stable.txt: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "No se puede descargar el cliente kubectl de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión es correcta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "No se puede descargar el archivo de versión estable de kubernetes de %s. Revirtiendo a %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Se ha especificado una versión 1.7, que no es válida, en la entrada de Especificación de versión. En su lugar, se va a usar la última versión estable. Compruebe las versiones correctas en https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "La versión no se ha especificado en el formato correcto. Por ejemplo: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de manifiesto que coincida con %s.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "No se encontraron los detalles de la conexión de servicio de Kubernetes.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "Motor de representación desconocido", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "El tipo de recurso es NULL.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "El objeto de entrada es NULL.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "No se proporcionan argumentos.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "Los metadatos del objeto de entrada son NULL.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "La implementación de valores controlados ya existe. Rechazando esta implementación.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "La acción de rechazar solo funciona con una estrategia: valor controlado", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "La acción de promover solo funciona con una estrategia: valor controlado" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0ce5ce51e339 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Déployer les manifestes Kubernetes", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Utiliser les fichiers manifeste Kubernetes pour effectuer un déploiement sur des clusters, ou préparer les fichiers manifeste aux déploiements à l'aide de charts Helm", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "Action", + "loc.input.help.action": "Choisissez l'action à effectuer.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Connexion de service Kubernetes", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Sélectionnez une connexion au service Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "Espace de noms", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "Définit l'espace de noms des commandes à l'aide de l'indicateur –namespace. Si vous n'indiquez pas l'espace de noms, les commandes sont exécutées dans l'espace de noms par défaut.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "Stratégie", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "Stratégie de déploiement à utiliser", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "Pourcentage", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "Manifestes", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "Manifestes à déployer", + "loc.input.label.containers": "Conteneurs", + "loc.input.help.containers": "Conteneurs", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecret pour effectuer le tirage (pull) d'une image à partir d'un registre privé", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "Moteur de rendu", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "Outil de génération du manifeste", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Chart Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "Chemin du chart Helm à préparer", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "Fichiers de remplacement", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "Fichiers de remplacement à définir", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "Substitutions", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "Valeurs de remplacement à définir", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "Ressource à corriger", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "pour identifier la ressource", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "Chemin d'accès au fichier", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "Chemin du fichier utilisé pour le correctif", + "loc.input.label.kind": "Genre", + "loc.input.help.kind": "Genre d'objet K8s : deployment, replicaSet etc.", + "loc.input.label.name": "Nom", + "loc.input.help.name": "Nom de l'objet k8s", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "Nombre de réplicas", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "Nombre de réplicas scalables", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "Stratégie de fusion", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "Type de correctif fourni : parmi [json merge strategic]", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Arguments de la commande 'kubectl delete'", + "loc.input.label.patch": "Correctif", + "loc.input.help.patch": "Contenu du correctif", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "Type de secret", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "Créez/mettez à jour un imagepullsecret générique ou Docker. Sélectionnez dockerRegistry pour créer/mettre à jour le imagepullsecret du registre sélectionné. Un imagePullSecret permet de passer un secret qui contient un mot de passe de registre de conteneurs au Kubelet afin qu'il puisse tirer (pull) une image privée pour le compte de votre pod.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "Nom du secret", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "Nom du secret. Vous pouvez utiliser le nom de ce secret dans le fichier config YAML de Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Arguments", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Spécifiez les clés et les valeurs littérales à insérer dans le secret. Par exemple, --from-literal=clé1=valeur1 --from-literal=clé2=\"top secret\".", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connexion de service de registre Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service de registre Docker. Obligatoire pour les commandes qui doivent s'authentifier après d'un registre.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Chemin de téléchargement de stable.txt : %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le client kubectl de la version %s. Vérifiez si la version est correcte : https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier de la version stable de kubernetes à partir de %s. Retour à %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Une version 1.7 non valide a été spécifiée dans l'entrée de spécification de version. Utilisation de la dernière version stable à la place. Recherchez les versions appropriées https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version non spécifiée au format approprié. Exemple : 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "Le ou les fichiers manifeste correspondant à %s sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Les détails de la connexion de service Kubernetes sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "Moteur de rendu inconnu", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "Le genre de la ressource a une valeur null", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "L'objet d'entrée a une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "Les arguments ne sont pas fournis.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "Les métadonnées d'objet d'entrée ont une valeur null.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "Le déploiement avec contrôle de validité existe déjà. Rejet de ce déploiement.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "L'action de rejet fonctionne uniquement avec la stratégie suivante : contrôle de validité", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "L'action de promotion fonctionne uniquement avec la stratégie suivante : contrôle de validité" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c61f33732160 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuisci manifesti Kubernetes", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Consente di usare i file manifesto di Kubernetes per la distribuzione nei cluster o persino di effettuare il bake dei file manifesto da usare per le distribuzioni con grafici Helm", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "Azione", + "loc.input.help.action": "Scegliere l'azione da eseguire.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Connessione al servizio Kubernetes", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "Spazio dei nomi", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "Consente di impostare lo spazio dei nomi per i comandi usando il flag –namespace. Se lo spazio dei nomi non viene specificato, i comandi verranno eseguiti nello spazio dei nomi predefinito.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "Strategia", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "Strategia di distribuzione da usare", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "Percentuale", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "Manifesti", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "Manifesti da distribuire", + "loc.input.label.containers": "Contenitori", + "loc.input.help.containers": "Contenitori", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecret per estrarre l'immagine dal registro privato", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "Motore di rendering", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "Strumento per generare il manifesto", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Grafico Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "Percorso del grafico Helm di cui effettuare il bake", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "File di override", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "File di override da impostare", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "Esegue l'override", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "Valori di override da impostare", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "Risorsa a cui applicare la patch", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "per identificare la risorsa", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "Percorso file", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "Percorso del file usato per la patch", + "loc.input.label.kind": "Tipo", + "loc.input.help.kind": "Tipo di oggetto k8s: distribuzione, set di repliche e così via.", + "loc.input.label.name": "Nome", + "loc.input.help.name": "Nome dell'oggetto k8s", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "Numero di repliche", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "Numero di repliche da ridimensionare", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "Strategia di merge", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "Tipo di patch specificato, tra [json merge strategic]", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argomenti per il comando `kubectl delete`", + "loc.input.label.patch": "Patch", + "loc.input.help.patch": "Contenuto della patch", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "Tipo di segreto", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "Consente di creare/aggiornare un elemento imagepullsecret generico o Docker. Selezionare dockerRegistry per creare/aggiornare l'elemento imagepullsecret del registro selezionato. L'elemento imagePullSecret viene usato per passare al kubelet un segreto che contiene una password di registro contenitori in modo che possa eseguire il pull di un'immagine privata per conto del pod.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "Nome segreto", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "Nome del segreto. È possibile usare questo nome di segreto nel file di configurazione YAML di Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Argomenti", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Consente di specificare chiavi e valori letterali da inserire nell'elemento secret, ad esempio --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Percorso di download per stable.txt: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il client kubectl della versione %s. Verificare se la versione è corretta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il file della versione stabile di kubernetes da %s. Verrà eseguito il fallback a %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "La versione 1.7 specificata come valore di input dell'identificatore di versione non è valida. Verrà usata l'ultima versione stabile. Controllare la disponibilità di versioni corrette in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Il formato usato per la specifica della versione non è corretto, ad esempio 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file manifesto a %s.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio Kubernetes non sono stati trovati.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "Motore di rendering sconosciuto", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "Il tipo di risorsa è Null", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "L'oggetto di input è Null.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "Gli argomenti non sono stati specificati.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "I metadati dell'oggetto di input sono Null.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "La distribuzione canary esiste già. Questa distribuzione verrà rifiutata.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "L'azione di rifiuto funziona solo con strategy: canary", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "L'azione di promozione funziona solo con strategy: canary" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0848b77a03c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes マニフェストを配置する", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Kubernetes マニフェスト ファイルを使用してクラスターに配置するか、または Helm Chart を使用して配置に使用するマニフェスト ファイルを作成します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "アクション", + "loc.input.help.action": "実行する操作を選択します。", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes サービス接続", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes サービス接続を選択します。", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "名前空間", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "コマンドの名前空間を設定するには、–namespace フラグを使用します。名前空間が指定されていない場合、コマンドは既定の名前空間で実行されます。", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "戦略", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "使用される配置方法", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "割合", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "マニフェスト", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "配置するマニフェスト", + "loc.input.label.containers": "コンテナー", + "loc.input.help.containers": "コンテナー", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "プライベート レジストリからイメージをプルするための ImagePullSecret", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "レンダー エンジン", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "マニフェストを生成するツール", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Helm Chart", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "作成する Helm Chart パス", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "オーバーライド ファイル", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "設定するオーバーライド ファイル", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "オーバーライド", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "設定するオーバーライド値", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "修正するリソース", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "リソースを識別するため", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "ファイル パス", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "パッチに使用するファイルへのパス", + "loc.input.label.kind": "種類", + "loc.input.help.kind": "K8s オブジェクトの種類; 配置、replicaSet など。", + "loc.input.label.name": "名前", + "loc.input.help.name": "k8s オブジェクトの名前", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "レプリカ数", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "スケーリングするレプリカの数", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "マージ戦略", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "指定されるパッチの種類; [json マージ戦略] の 1 つ", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "`kubectl delete` コマンドの引数", + "loc.input.label.patch": "パッチ", + "loc.input.help.patch": "パッチの内容", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "シークレットの種類", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "ジェネリックまたは docker imagepullsecret を作成/更新します。dockerRegistry を選択して、選択したレジストリの imagepullsecret を作成/更新してください。imagePullSecret は、Pod の代わりにコンテナー レジストリ パスワードを含むシークレットを Kubelet に渡して、プライベート イメージをプルできるようにする方法です。", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "シークレット名", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "シークレットの名前。この名前は Kubernetes YAML 構成ファイルに使用できます。", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "引数", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "シークレットに挿入するキーとリテラル値を指定します。たとえば、--from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\"。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker レジストリ サービス接続を選択します。レジストリを使って認証する必要のあるコマンドの場合に必要です。", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt のダウンロード パス: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "kubectl クライアント バージョン %s をダウンロードすることができません。適切なバージョンかどうか、https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases で確認します", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s から安定バージョンの Kubernetes ファイルをダウンロードすることができません。%s にフォールバックしています", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "バージョンの仕様の入力に無効なバージョン 1.7 が指定されました。代わりに最新の安定したバージョンが使用されます。正しいバージョンを https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases でご確認ください", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "バージョンが正しい形式で指定されていません。例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "%s と一致するマニフェスト ファイルが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes サービス接続の詳細が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "不明なレンダリング エンジン", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "リソースの種類が null です", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "入力オブジェクトが null です。", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "引数が指定されていません。", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "入力オブジェクト メタデータが null です。", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "カナリア配置は既に存在します。この配置を拒否しています。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "拒否アクションは、次のストラテジーでのみ動作します: カナリア", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "昇格アクションは、次のストラテジーでのみ動作します: カナリア" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f4f0bf8b5821 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes 매니페스트 배포", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Kubernetes 매니페스트 파일을 사용하여 클러스터에 배포하거나, Helm 차트를 사용하여 배포에 사용할 매니페스트 파일을 굽습니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "작업", + "loc.input.help.action": "수행할 작업을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결을 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "네임스페이스", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "–namespace 플래그를 사용하여 명령의 네임스페이스를 설정합니다. 네임스페이스를 지정하지 않으면 기본 네임스페이스에서 명령이 실행됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "전략", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "사용할 배포 전략입니다.", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "백분율", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "매니페스트", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "배포할 매니페스트입니다.", + "loc.input.label.containers": "컨테이너", + "loc.input.help.containers": "컨테이너", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "프라이빗 레지스트리에서 이미지를 풀하기 위한 ImagePullSecret입니다.", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "렌더링 엔진", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "매니페스트를 생성하는 도구입니다.", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Helm 차트", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "구울 Helm 차트 경로입니다.", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "재정의 파일", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "설정할 재정의 파일입니다.", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "재정의", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "설정할 재정의 값입니다.", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "패치할 리소스", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "리소스를 식별합니다.", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "파일 경로", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "패치에 사용되는 파일의 경로입니다.", + "loc.input.label.kind": "종류", + "loc.input.help.kind": "K8 개체 종류(deployment, replicaSet)입니다.", + "loc.input.label.name": "이름", + "loc.input.help.name": "K8 개체의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "복제본 수", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "크기를 조정할 복제본 수입니다.", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "병합 전략", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "제공되는 패치 유형으로, [json merge strategic] 중 하나입니다.", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "'kubectl delete' 명령의 인수입니다.", + "loc.input.label.patch": "패치", + "loc.input.help.patch": "패치 내용입니다.", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "비밀 유형", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "제네릭 또는 docker imagepullsecret을 생성/업데이트합니다. 선택한 레지스트리의 imagepullsecret을 생성/업데이트하려면 dockerRegistry를 선택하세요. imagePullSecret을 사용하면 컨테이너 레지스트리 암호가 포함된 비밀을 Kubelet에 전달하여 Pod를 대신해서 개인 이미지를 풀하도록 할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "비밀 이름", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "비밀의 이름입니다. 이 비밀 이름을 Kubernetes YAML 구성 파일에 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "인수", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "비밀에 삽입할 키와 리터럴 값을 지정합니다(예: --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\").", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt의 다운로드 경로: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "%s 버전의 Kubectl 클라이언트를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s에서 안정적인 버전의 Kubernetes 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s(으)로 대체합니다.", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "잘못된 버전 1.7이 버전 사양 입력에 지정되었습니다. 안정적인 최신 버전을 대신 사용합니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 올바른 버전을 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "버전이 올바른 형식으로 지정되지 않았습니다(예: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2).", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 매니페스트 파일이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "알 수 없는 렌더링 엔진입니다.", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "리소스 종류가 Null입니다.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "입력 개체가 Null입니다.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "인수를 지정하지 않았습니다.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "입력 개체 메타데이터가 Null입니다.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "카나리아 배포가 이미 있습니다. 이 배포를 거부합니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "거부 작업은 카나리아 전략에서만 실행됩니다.", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "수준 올리기 작업은 카나리아 전략에서만 실행됩니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..275caa35fc39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Развернуть манифесты Kubernetes", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "Используйте файлы манифеста Kubernetes для развертывания в кластерах или даже подготовки файлов манифеста, которые будут использоваться для развертываний с помощью чартов Helm", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "Действие", + "loc.input.help.action": "Выберите действие для выполнения.", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Подключение к службе Kubernetes", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Выберите подключение службы Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "Пространство имен", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "Задает пространство имен для команд с помощью флага –namespace. Если пространство имен не указано, команды будут выполняться в пространстве имен по умолчанию.", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "Стратегия", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "Используемая стратегия развертывания", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "Процент", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "Манифесты", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "Развертываемые манифесты", + "loc.input.label.containers": "Контейнеры", + "loc.input.help.containers": "Контейнеры", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecret для извлечения образа из закрытого реестра", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "Модуль отрисовки", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "Инструмент для создания манифеста", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Чарт Helm", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "Путь к подготавливаемому чарту Helm", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "Переопределение файлов", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "Переопределение задаваемых файлов", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "Переопределяет", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "Переопределение задаваемых значений", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "Ресурс для исправления", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "чтобы идентифицировать ресурс", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "Путь файла", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "Путь к файлу, используемому для исправления", + "loc.input.label.kind": "Вид", + "loc.input.help.kind": "Тип объекта K8s; развертывание, replicaSet и т. д.", + "loc.input.label.name": "Имя", + "loc.input.help.name": "Имя объекта k8s", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "Число реплик", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "Число реплик для масштабирования", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "Стратегия слияния", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "Тип предоставляемого исправления; одна из [стратегий слияния JSON]", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Аргументы для команды \"kubectl delete\"", + "loc.input.label.patch": "Исправление", + "loc.input.help.patch": "Содержимое исправления", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "Тип секрета", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "Создайте или обновите универсальный объект imagepullsecret или объект imagepullsecret для docker. Выберите реестр dockerRegistry, чтобы создать или обновить объект imagepullsecret для него. imagePullSecret — это способ передачи секрета, содержащего пароль к реестру контейнеров, в Kubelet для извлечения частного образа от имени вашего Pod.", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "Имя секрета", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "Имя секрета. Вы можете использовать это имя в YAML-файле конфигурации Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Аргументы", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Укажите ключи и литеральные значения для вставки в секрет. Пример: --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Подключение к службе реестра Docker", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Выберите подключение к службе реестра Docker. Это требуется для команд, для выполнения которых необходимо пройти проверку подлинности в реестре.", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Путь для скачивания stable.txt: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Не удается скачать клиент kubectl версии %s. Проверьте, верна ли версия: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Не удается скачать файл стабильной версии kubernetes с %s. Возврат к %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "В спецификации версии указана недопустимая версия 1.7. Вместо нее будет использована последняя стабильная версия. Проверьте правильность версий на странице https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Версия указана в неправильном формате. Примеры: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "Файлы манифеста, соответствующие %s, не найдены.", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Сведения о подключении к службе Kubernetes не найдены.", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "Неизвестный модуль отрисовки", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "Тип ресурса равен NULL", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "Входной объект имеет значение NULL.", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "Аргументы не указаны.", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "Метаданные входного объекта имеют значение NULL.", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "Развертывание предохранителя уже существует. Отклонение этого развертывания.", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "Действие отклонения работает только со стратегией: предохранитель", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "Действие повышения уровня работает только со стратегией: предохранитель" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..bce5a6169905 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "部署 Kubernetes 清单", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "使用 Kubernetes 清单文件部署到群集,甚至生成要用于使用 Helm 图表进行部署的清单文件", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "操作", + "loc.input.help.action": "选择要执行的操作。", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes 服务连接", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "选择 Kubernetes 服务连接。", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "命名空间", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "使用 -namespace 标志设置命令的命名空间。如果未提供命名空间,则命令将在默认命名空间中运行。", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "策略", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "要使用的部署策略", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "百分比", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "清单", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "要部署的清单", + "loc.input.label.containers": "容器", + "loc.input.help.containers": "容器", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "从专用注册表拉取映像的 ImagePullSecret", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "呈现引擎", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "要生成清单的工具", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Helm 图表", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "要生成的 Helm 图表路径", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "替代文件", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "替代要设置的文件", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "重写", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "替代要设置的值", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "要修补的资源", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "识别资源", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "文件路径", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "用于修补程序的文件的路径", + "loc.input.label.kind": "种类", + "loc.input.help.kind": "K8s 对象的类型;部署、replicaSet 等。", + "loc.input.label.name": "名称", + "loc.input.help.name": "k8s 对象的名称", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "副本计数", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "要缩放到的副本数", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "合并策略", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "所提供的修补程序的类型;[json 合并策略]之一", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "`kubectl delete` 命令的参数", + "loc.input.label.patch": "修补", + "loc.input.help.patch": "修补程序的内容", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "机密类型", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。选择 dockerRegistry,用于创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 是一种将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递到 Kubelet 的方法,可便于其代表 Pod 拉取专用映像。", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "机密名称", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "机密名称。可以在 Kubernetes YAML 配置文件中使用此机密名称。", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "参数", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "指定要插入机密的密钥和文本值。例如,--from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\"。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 注册表服务连接", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "选择 Docker 注册表服务连接。这对于需要执行注册表身份验证的命令是必需的。", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt 的下载路径: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "无法下载版本 %s 的 kubectl 客户端。检查该版本是否正确 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "无法从 %s 下载 kubernetes 稳定版本文件。正在回退到 %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本规范输入中指定的版本 1.7 无效。请改用最新的稳定版本。检查获取正确的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未指定正确格式的版本。示例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何清单文件。", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服务连接详细信息。", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "未知的呈现引擎", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "资源类型为 null", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "输入对象为 null。", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "未提供参数。", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "输入对象元数据为 null。", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "已存在 canary 部署。正在拒绝此部署。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "拒绝操作仅适用于策略: canary", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "升级操作仅适用于策略: canary" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..251438c55bb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "部署 Kubernetes 資訊清單", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", + "loc.description": "使用 Kubernetes 資訊清單檔案部署至叢集,或甚至是使用 Helm charts 轉換用於部署的資訊清單檔案", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(action)", + "loc.input.label.action": "動作", + "loc.input.help.action": "選擇要執行的動作。", + "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceConnection": "Kubernetes 服務連線", + "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceConnection": "選取 Kubernetes 服務連線。", + "loc.input.label.namespace": "命名空間", + "loc.input.help.namespace": "使用 –namespace 旗標為命令設定命名空間。若未提供命名空間,這些命令會在預設命名空間中執行。", + "loc.input.label.strategy": "策略", + "loc.input.help.strategy": "要使用的部署策略", + "loc.input.label.percentage": "百分比", + "loc.input.label.manifests": "資訊清單", + "loc.input.help.manifests": "要部署的資訊清單", + "loc.input.label.containers": "容器", + "loc.input.help.containers": "容器", + "loc.input.label.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecrets", + "loc.input.help.imagePullSecrets": "ImagePullSecret 可從私人登錄提取映像", + "loc.input.label.renderType": "轉譯引擎", + "loc.input.help.renderType": "用來產生資訊清單的工具", + "loc.input.label.helmChart": "Helm Chart", + "loc.input.help.helmChart": "要轉換的 Helm chart 路徑", + "loc.input.label.releaseName": "Helm Release Name", + "loc.input.help.releaseName": "Helm release name to use", + "loc.input.label.overrideFiles": "覆寫檔案", + "loc.input.help.overrideFiles": "覆寫要設定的檔案", + "loc.input.label.overrides": "覆寫", + "loc.input.help.overrides": "覆寫要設定的值", + "loc.input.label.resourceToPatch": "要修補的資源", + "loc.input.help.resourceToPatch": "以找出資源", + "loc.input.label.resourceFileToPatch": "檔案路徑", + "loc.input.help.resourceFileToPatch": "用於修補的檔案路徑", + "loc.input.label.kind": "種類", + "loc.input.help.kind": "K8s 物件的種類; deployment、replicaSet 等。", + "loc.input.label.name": "名稱", + "loc.input.help.name": "k8s 物件的名稱", + "loc.input.label.replicas": "複本計數", + "loc.input.help.replicas": "要擴展的目標複本數目", + "loc.input.label.mergeStrategy": "合併策略", + "loc.input.help.mergeStrategy": "所提供的修補類型; 其中一個 [json 策略合併]", + "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "'kubectl delete' 命令的引數", + "loc.input.label.patch": "修補檔案", + "loc.input.help.patch": "修補的內容", + "loc.input.label.secretType": "秘密的類型", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "建立/更新一般或 docker imagepullsecret。選取 dockerRegistry 以建立/更新所選登錄的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 這項方法可將包含容器登錄密碼的秘密傳遞給 Kubelet,讓它可以代替您的 Pod 提取私用映像。", + "loc.input.label.secretName": "密碼名稱", + "loc.input.help.secretName": "秘密名稱。您可以在 Kubernetes YAML 組態檔中使用此秘密名稱。", + "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "引數", + "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "指定要在秘密中插入的索引鍵與常值。例如 --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\"。", + "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 登錄服務連線", + "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "選取 Docker 登錄服務連線。必須為需要向登錄驗證的命令選取。", + "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt 的下載路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "無法下載版本為 %s 的 kubectl 用戶端。請檢查版本是否正確 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "無法從 %s 下載 kubernetes 穩定版本檔案。回到 %s", + "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本規格輸入中指定的版本 1.7 無效。請改用最新穩定版本。查看正確的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", + "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未以正確的格式指定版本。例如: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.ManifestFileNotFound": "找不到任何符合 %s 的資訊清單檔案。", + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服務連線詳細資料。", + "loc.messages.UnknownRenderType": "未知的轉譯引擎", + "loc.messages.ResourceKindNotDefined": "資源種類為 Null", + "loc.messages.NullInputObject": "輸入物件為 Null。", + "loc.messages.ArgumentsInputNotSupplied": "未提供引數。", + "loc.messages.NullInputObjectMetadata": "輸入物件中繼資料為 Null。", + "loc.messages.CanaryDeploymentAlreadyExistErrorMessage": "Canary 部署已存在。正在拒絕此部署。", + "loc.messages.InvalidRejectActionDeploymentStrategy": "拒絕動作僅適用於策略: canary", + "loc.messages.InvalidPromotetActionDeploymentStrategy": "升階動作僅適用於策略: canary" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.json b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.json index ec04baab4d02..19772b39ee3c 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "groups": [], diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.loc.json index d96240378c7d..b5286be7956c 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesManifestV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "groups": [], diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 581bceac460f..6e808bec98ca 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Für Kubernetes bereitstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie zum Bereitstellen, Konfigurieren oder Aktualisieren Ihrer Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service \"kubectl\"-Befehle aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service durch das Ausführen von kubectl-Befehlen bereitgestellt, konfiguriert oder aktualisiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Befehle", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Geheimnisse", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl ist eine Befehlszeilenschnittstelle zum Ausführen von Befehlen für Kubernetes-Cluster.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsbezeichnung der abzurufenden Version. Beispiele: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe der abzurufenden Version. Beispiele: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Hiermit wird online immer nach der letzten verfügbaren Version (stable.txt) gesucht, die der Versionsbezeichnung entspricht. Diese Option ist typischerweise auf FALSE festgelegt, sofern Sie nicht über ein spezifisches Szenario verfügen, bei dem Sie immer die aktuelle Version abrufen. Hierdurch entstehen möglicherweise unnötig Downloadkosten, insbesondere beim gehosteten Buildpool.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Pfad zu Kubectl", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "Name der Variable, in der die Ausgabe des Befehls gespeichert werden soll.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Kubernetes-Client wird heruntergeladen.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "Geheimnis \"%s\" wird erstellt.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wird asynchron aufgerufen, um den kubectl-Befehl auszuführen und das zurückgegebene Promise-Objekt zu speichern.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "Geheimnis \"%s\" wird gelöscht.", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "ConfigMap \"%s\" wird erstellt.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "ConfigMap \"%s\" wird gelöscht.", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Downloadpfad für \"stable.txt\": %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Der Kubernetes-Client von Version \"%s\" kann nicht heruntergeladen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Version korrekt ist: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Die stabile Kubernetes-Version kann nicht aus \"%s\" heruntergeladen werden. Es wird ein Fallback auf \"%s\" durchgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wurde asynchron aufgerufen. Promise wird zurückgegeben.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() hat einen Fehler für den kubectl-Befehl zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wurde für den kubectl-Befehl erfolgreich zurückgegeben.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Ungültige Version 1.7 in der Eingabe für den Versionsbezeichner angegeben. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die letzte stabile Version. Informationen zu korrekten Versionen finden Sie unter https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases.", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Konfigurationsdatei gefunden, die \"%s\" entspricht." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Konfigurationsdatei gefunden, die \"%s\" entspricht.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Die Ausgabevariable wurde nicht festgelegt, weil die kubectl-Befehlsausgabe die maximal unterstützte Länge überschritten hat. Ausgabelänge: %s, maximal unterstützte Länge: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in eine temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index a68ccfd1e481..46561ec75ab5 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementar en Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Implemente, configure o actualice su clúster de Kubernetes en Azure Container Service ejecutando comandos de kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Implementa, configura y actualiza un clúster de Kubernetes en Azure Container Service mediante la ejecución de comandos kubectl.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandos", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Secretos", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl es una interfaz de línea de comandos para ejecutar comandos en los clústeres de Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Especificación de versión", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Especificación de la versión que debe obtenerse. Ejemplos: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Especificación de la versión que se va a obtener. Ejemplos: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Comprobar la última versión", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Comprueba siempre en línea la última versión (stable.txt) disponible que cumple la especificación de versión. Este valor suele ser false, a menos que tenga un escenario específico que deba obtener siempre la última versión. Esto dará lugar a costos de descarga, cuando puede que no sea necesario, especialmente con el grupo de compilación hospedado.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Ruta de acceso a Kubectl", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "Nombre de la variable en la que debe guardarse la salida del comando.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Descargando cliente de kubernetes.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "Ejecutando creación del secreto %s.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Llamando al método exec() de ToolRunner de forma asincrónica para ejecutar el comando kubectl y almacenar el objeto promise devuelto.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "Ejecutando eliminación del secreto %s.", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "Ejecutando creación del archivo configmap %s.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "Ejecutando eliminación del archivo configmap %s.", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Ruta de acceso de descarga para stable.txt: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "No se puede descargar el cliente kubectl de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión es correcta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "No se puede descargar el archivo de versión estable de kubernetes de %s. Revirtiendo a %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Se ha llamado al método exec() de ToolRunner de forma asincrónica. Se devolverá el objeto promise.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "El método exec() de ToolRunner devolvió un error para el comando kubectl: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "El método exec() de ToolRunner se devolvió correctamente para el comando kubectl.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Se ha especificado una versión 1.7, que no es válida, en la entrada de Especificación de versión. En su lugar, se va a usar la última versión estable. Compruebe las versiones correctas en https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de configuración que coincida con %s." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de configuración que coincida con %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de salida no establecida como salida del comando kubectl superó la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud de salida: %s. Longitud máxima admitida: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 945cb723441a..a2d96aae2db2 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déployer sur Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Déployez, configurez et mettez à jour votre cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Déployer, configurer et mettre à jour un cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Commandes", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Secrets", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl est une interface de ligne de commande qui permet d'exécuter des commandes sur des clusters Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Spécification de version", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Spécification de version de la version à obtenir. Exemples : 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Spécification de version de la version à obtenir. Exemples : 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Rechercher la dernière version", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Recherche toujours en ligne la dernière version disponible (stable.txt) répondant à la spécification de version. Cela n'est généralement pas le cas, sauf si vous disposez d'un scénario spécifique visant à obtenir toujours la dernière version. Cela peut entraîner des coûts de téléchargement inutiles, en particulier avec le pool de builds hébergé.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Chemin de Kubectl", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "Nom de la variable dans laquelle la sortie de la commande doit être enregistrée.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Téléchargement du client kubernetes.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "Création du secret %s.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Appel de la méthode exec() de Toolrunner de manière asynchrone pour exécuter la commande kubectl et stocker l'objet de promesse retourné.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "Suppression du secret %s", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "Création du configmap %s.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "Suppression du configmap %s", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Chemin de téléchargement de stable.txt : %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le client kubectl de la version %s. Vérifiez si la version est correcte : https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier de la version stable de kubernetes à partir de %s. Retour à %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Méthode exec() de Toolrunner appelée de manière asynchrone. Retour de la promesse.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "La méthode exec() de Toolrunner a retourné une erreur pour la commande kubectl. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "La méthode exec() de Toolrunner a retourné une exécution réussie pour la commande kubectl.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Une version 1.7 non valide a été spécifiée dans l'entrée de spécification de version. Utilisation de la dernière version stable à la place. Recherchez les versions appropriées https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Le fichier config correspondant à %s est introuvable." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Le fichier config correspondant à %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de sortie non définie en tant que sortie de la commande kubectl a dépassé la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de sortie : %s. Longueur maximale prise en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b61990a43cb8..6f811e0ae785 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuisci in Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare il cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi di kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare un cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandi", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Segreti", @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ "loc.input.help.secretType": "Consente di creare/aggiornare un elemento imagepullsecret generico o Docker. Selezionare dockerRegistry per creare/aggiornare l'elemento imagepullsecret del registro selezionato. L'elemento imagePullSecret viene usato per passare al kubelet un segreto che contiene una password di registro contenitori in modo che possa eseguire il pull di un'immagine privata per conto del pod.", "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Argomenti", "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Consente di specificare chiavi e valori letterali da inserire nell'elemento secret, ad esempio --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", - "loc.input.label.containerRegistryType": "Tipo di registro contenitori", - "loc.input.help.containerRegistryType": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di registro contenitori. L'attività può usare i dettagli della sottoscrizione di Azure per usare un registro contenitori di Azure. Sono supportati anche altri registri contenitori standard.", + "loc.input.label.containerRegistryType": "Tipo di Registro Container", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistryType": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di registro contenitori. L'attività può usare i dettagli della sottoscrizione di Azure per usare un Registro Azure Container. Sono supportati anche altri registri contenitori standard.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro contenitori di Azure. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", - "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un registro contenitori di Azure che verrà usato per il pull delle immagini del contenitore e per la distribuzione di applicazioni nel cluster Kubernetes. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro Azure Container. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro Azure Container", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un Registro Azure Container che verrà usato per il pull delle immagini del contenitore e per la distribuzione di applicazioni nel cluster Kubernetes. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.secretName": "Nome segreto", "loc.input.help.secretName": "Nome del segreto. È possibile usare questo nome di segreto nel file di configurazione YAML di Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "Forza segreto per aggiornamento", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl è un'interfaccia della riga di comando per l'esecuzione di comandi su cluster Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Identificatore di versione", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Identificatore della versione da scaricare, ad esempio: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Identificatore della versione da scaricare. Esempi: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Verifica sempre online se è disponibile una versione più recente (stable.txt) che soddisfi l'identificatore di versione. Il valore di questa opzione è in genere false a meno che non sia stato predisposto uno scenario specifico per scaricare sempre la versione più recente. Questa opzione può comportare costi di download potenzialmente non necessari, in particolare con il pool di compilazione ospitato.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Percorso di kubectl", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "Nome della variabile in cui deve essere salvato l'output del comando.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Download del client Kubernetes.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "Esecuzione di create %s secret.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() verrà chiamato in modo asincrono per eseguire il comando kubectl e archiviare l'oggetto promise restituito.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "Esecuzione di delete %s secret", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "Esecuzione di create %s configmap.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "Esecuzione di delete %s configmap", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Percorso di download per stable.txt: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il client kubectl della versione %s. Verificare se la versione è corretta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il file della versione stabile di kubernetes da %s. Verrà eseguito il fallback a %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() è stato chiamato in modo asincrono. Verrà restituito l'oggetto promise.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() ha restituito un errore per il comando kubectl. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() è stato completato correttamente per il comando kubectl.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "La versione 1.7 specificata come valore di input dell'identificatore di versione non è valida. Verrà usata l'ultima versione stabile. Controllare la disponibilità di versioni corrette in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file di configurazione corrispondente a %s." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file di configurazione corrispondente a %s.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variabile di output non impostata come output del comando Kubectl supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza dell'output: %s. Lunghezza massima supportata: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index a756d43c55a2..c0606272dedb 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes に展開する", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "kubectl コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターを展開、構成、更新します。", + "loc.description": "kubectl コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターをデプロイ、構成、更新します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "コマンド", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "シークレット", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl は、Kubernetes クラスターに対してコマンドを実行するためのコマンド ライン インターフェイスです。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "バージョンの仕様", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "取得するバージョンのバージョン仕様。例: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "取得するバージョンのバージョン仕様。例: 1.7.0、1. x .0、4 .x .0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "最新バージョンのチェック", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "バージョン仕様を満たす利用可能な最新バージョン (stable.txt) を常にオンラインで確認します。これは false にするのが一般的ですが、常に最新版を取得する特定のシナリオの場合は例外です。これにより、実際には必要でない場合にもダウンロードのコストが発生することになります (ホストされたビルド プールの場合は特にそう言えます)。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl へのパス", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "コマンドの出力の保存先の変数名。", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "kubernetes クライアントをダウンロードしています。", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "%s シークレットの作成を実行しています。", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "kubectl コマンドの実行と返された Promise オブジェクトの保管を行うため、Toolrunner exec() メソッドを非同期で呼び出しています。", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "%s シークレットの削除を実行しています", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "%s configmap の作成を実行しています。", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "%s configmap の削除を実行しています", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt のダウンロード パス: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "kubectl クライアント バージョン %s をダウンロードすることができません。適切なバージョンかどうか、https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases で確認します", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s から安定バージョンの Kubernetes ファイルをダウンロードすることができません。%s にフォールバックしています", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドが非同期で呼び出されました。Promise を返しています。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドによって kubectl コマンドにエラーが返されました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドが kubectl コマンドに対して正常に戻されました。", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "バージョンの仕様の入力に無効なバージョン 1.7 が指定されました。代わりに最新の安定したバージョンが使用されます。正しいバージョンを https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases でご確認ください", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s に一致する構成ファイルは見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s に一致する構成ファイルは見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "kubectl コマンドの出力がサポートされている最大長を超えたため、出力変数が設定されませんでした。出力の長さ: %s、サポートされている最大長: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 6144517ce495..29c894ecaab1 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes에 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Kubectl 명령을 실행하여 Azure Container Service에서 Kubernetes 클러스터를 배포, 구성, 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "kubectl 명령을 실행하여 Azure Container Service에서 Kubernetes 클러스터를 배포, 구성, 업데이트합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "명령", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "비밀", @@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure Container Registry가 포함된 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다. 참고: 새 서비스 연결을 구성하려면 목록에서 Azure 구독을 선택하고 '권한 부여'를 클릭합니다. 구독이 목록에 없거나 기존 서비스 주체를 사용하려는 경우 '추가' 또는 '관리' 단추를 사용하여 Azure 서비스 연결을 설정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "컨테이너 이미지를 풀하고 응용 프로그램을 Kubernetes 클러스터에 배포하는 데 사용할 Azure Container Registry를 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "컨테이너 이미지를 풀하고 애플리케이션을 Kubernetes 클러스터에 배포하는 데 사용할 Azure Container Registry를 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", "loc.input.label.secretName": "비밀 이름", "loc.input.help.secretName": "비밀의 이름입니다. 이 비밀 이름을 Kubernetes YAML 구성 파일에 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "비밀 강제 업데이트", "loc.input.help.forceUpdate": "비밀이 있는 경우 삭제하고 업데이트된 값으로 새 비밀을 만듭니다.", "loc.input.label.configMapName": "ConfigMap 이름", - "loc.input.help.configMapName": "ConfigMap을 사용하면 구성 아티팩트를 이미지 콘텐츠에서 분리하여 컨테이너화된 응용 프로그램의 이식성을 유지할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.configMapName": "ConfigMap을 사용하면 구성 아티팩트를 이미지 콘텐츠에서 분리하여 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션의 이식성을 유지할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdateConfigMap": "configmap 강제 업데이트", "loc.input.help.forceUpdateConfigMap": "configmap이 있는 경우 삭제하고 업데이트된 값으로 새 configmap을 만듭니다.", "loc.input.label.useConfigMapFile": "파일 사용", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl은 Kubernetes 클러스터에 대해 명령을 실행하기 위한 명령줄 인터페이스입니다.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "버전 사양", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "다운로드할 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "가져올 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "최신 버전 확인", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "버전 사양을 충족하는 최신 사용 가능 버전(stable.txt)인지 항상 온라인에서 확인합니다. 항상 최신 버전을 다운로드하는 특정 시나리오가 아닌 한 일반적으로 false로 지정됩니다. 이 경우 잠재적으로 필요하지 않을 때, 특히 호스트된 빌드 풀에서 다운로드 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl 경로", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "명령의 출력이 저장되어야 하는 변수의 이름입니다.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Kubernetes 클라이언트를 다운로드하고 있습니다.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "%s 비밀 만들기를 실행 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "kubectl 명령을 실행하고 반환된 프라미스 개체를 저장하기 위해 Toolrunner exec() 메서드를 비동기적으로 호출하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "%s 비밀 삭제 실행 중", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "%s configmap 만들기를 실행 중입니다.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "%s configmap 삭제 실행 중", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt의 다운로드 경로: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "%s 버전의 Kubectl 클라이언트를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s에서 안정적인 버전의 Kubernetes 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s(으)로 대체합니다.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드를 비동기적으로 호출했습니다. 프라미스를 반환합니다.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드에서 kubectl 명령 오류가 반환되었습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드에서 kubectl 명령 성공이 반환되었습니다.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "잘못된 버전 1.7이 버전 사양 입력에 지정되었습니다. 안정적인 최신 버전을 대신 사용합니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 올바른 버전을 확인하세요.", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 구성 파일이 없습니다." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 구성 파일이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "kubectl 명령 출력으로 설정되지 않은 출력 변수가 지원되는 최대 길이를 초과했습니다. 출력 길이: %s, 지원되는 최대 길이: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index d0f358befddf..bc800d312b78 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание в Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в Службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Команды", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Секреты", - "loc.group.displayName.configMaps": "Объекты ConfigMap", + "loc.group.displayName.configMaps": "ConfigMap", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход", "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Kubernetes", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl — это интерфейс командной строки для выполнения команд применительно к кластерам Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии, которую необходимо получить. Примеры: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Спецификация версии для получаемой версии. Примеры: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Проверить наличие последней версии", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Всегда проверяет наличие в Интернете последней доступной версии (stable.txt), соответствующей спецификатору версии. Обычно этот параметр имеет значение \"false\", кроме случаев, когда необходимо всегда получать последнюю доступную версию. Это может привести к излишним затратам за скачивание, особенно в случае размещенного пула сборок.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Путь к Kubectl", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "Имя переменной, в которой следует сохранить выходные данные команды.", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "Скачивается клиент kubernetes.", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "Выполняется команда create %s secret.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Асинхронный вызов метода Toolrunner exec() для выполнения команды kubectl и сохранения возвращенного объекта promise.", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "Выполняется команда delete %s secret", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "Выполняется команда create %s configmap.", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "Выполняется команда delete %s configmap", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "Путь для скачивания stable.txt: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Не удается скачать клиент kubectl версии %s. Проверьте, верна ли версия: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Не удается скачать файл стабильной версии kubernetes с %s. Возврат к %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Выполнен асинхронный вызов метода Toolrunner exec(). Возврат обещания.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Метод Toolrunner exec() возвратил ошибку для команды kubectl. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Метод Toolrunner exec() возвратил сведения об успешном выполнении для команды kubectl.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "В спецификации версии указана недопустимая версия 1.7. Вместо нее будет использована последняя стабильная версия. Проверьте правильность версий на странице https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Файл конфигурации, соответствующий %s, не найден." + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Файл конфигурации, соответствующий %s, не найден.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Выходная переменная не задана, так как для выходных данных команды kubectl превышена максимально поддерживаемая длина. Длина выходных данных: %s, максимально поддерживаемая длина: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a8abbc80560a..8b0cdb683fa7 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "部署到 Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "通过运行 kubectl 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集。", + "loc.description": "通过运行 kubectl 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "机密", @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "指定的 kubectl 命令的参数。", "loc.input.label.secretType": "机密类型", - "loc.input.help.secretType": "创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。选择 dockerRegistry,用于创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 是一种将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递到 Kubelet 的方法,可便于其代表 Pod 拉取专用图像。", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。选择 dockerRegistry,用于创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 是一种将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递到 Kubelet 的方法,可便于其代表 Pod 拉取专用映像。", "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "参数", "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "指定要插入机密的密钥和文本值。例如,--from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\"。", "loc.input.label.containerRegistryType": "容器注册表类型", @@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅,其中包含 Azure 容器注册表。注意: 要配置新的服务连接,请从列表中选择 Azure 订阅并单击“授权”。如果未列出订阅,或若要使用现有服务主体,可使用“添加”或“管理”按钮设置 Azure 服务连接。", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "选择 Azure 容器注册表,该注册表将用于拉取容器图像和将应用程序部署到 Kubernetes 群集。这是需要执行注册表身份验证的命令所必需的。", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与映像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", "loc.input.label.secretName": "机密名称", "loc.input.help.secretName": "机密名称。可以在 Kubernetes YAML 配置文件中使用此机密名称。", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "强制更新机密", "loc.input.help.forceUpdate": "删除密码(如果存在)并创建使用更新值新建一个。", "loc.input.label.configMapName": "ConfigMap 名称", - "loc.input.help.configMapName": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与图像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", + "loc.input.help.configMapName": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与映像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", "loc.input.label.forceUpdateConfigMap": "强制更新 configmap", "loc.input.help.forceUpdateConfigMap": "删除 configmap (如果存在)并使用更新值新建一个。", "loc.input.label.useConfigMapFile": "使用文件", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl 是一个命令行接口,用于运行针对 Kubernetes 群集的命令。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本规范", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要获取的版本的版本规范。例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要获取的版本的版本规范。 例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "检查是否有最新版本", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "始终联机检查是否有满足版本规范的最新可用版本(stable.txt)。这通常无法实现,除非有特定的解决方案可以始终获取最新版本。这样会在可能没有必要的情况下,特别是在使用托管生成池时产生下载费用。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl 的路径", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "应将命令的输出保存在其中的变量的名称。", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "下载 kubernetes 客户端。", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "正在执行创建 %s 机密。", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "异步调用 Toolrunner exec() 方法以执行 kubectl 命令并存储返回的承诺对象。", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "正在执行删除 %s 机密", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "正在执行创建 %s configmap。", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "正在执行删除 %s configmap", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt 的下载路径: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "无法下载版本 %s 的 kubectl 客户端。检查该版本是否正确 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "无法从 %s 下载 kubernetes 稳定版本文件。正在回退到 %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "异步调用 Toolrunner exec() 方法。返回承诺。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "针对 kubectl 命令,Toolrunner exec() 方法返回了错误。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "已成功为 kubectl 命令返回 Toolrunner exec() 方法。", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本规范输入中指定的版本 1.7 无效。请改用最新的稳定版本。检查获取正确的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何配置文件。" + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何配置文件。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "未设置为 kubectl 命令输出的输出变量超出了支持的最大长度。输出长度: %s,支持的最大长度: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 71597ca51710..fb3a5c99e3c8 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "部署至 Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "執行 kubectl 命令以在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定、升級 Kubernetes 叢集。", + "loc.description": "透過執行 kubectl 命令,在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定和升級 Kubernetes 叢集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "命令", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "秘密", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl 是用來對 Kubernetes 叢集執行命令的命令列介面。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本規格", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要取得之版本的版本規格。例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "欲取得版本的版本規格。範例: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "查看最新版本", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "一律檢查線上是否有符合版本規格的最新可用版本 (stable.txt)。除非發生要一律取得最新版本的特定情況,否則不建議執行此動作。若非必要,這可能會衍生下載費用,特別是對託管的組建集區。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl 的路徑", @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ "loc.input.help.kubectlOutput": "應儲存之命令輸出的變數名稱。", "loc.messages.DownloadingClient": "正在下載 kubernetes 用戶端。", "loc.messages.CreatingSecret": "正在執行建立 %s 秘密。", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "正在以非同步方式呼叫 Toolrunner exec() 方法,以執行 kubectl 命令並儲存傳回的 Promise 物件。", "loc.messages.DeleteSecret": "正在執行刪除 %s 秘密", "loc.messages.CreatingConfigMap": "正在執行建立 %s configmap。", "loc.messages.DeleteConfigMap": "正在執行刪除 %s configmap", @@ -73,6 +74,11 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadPathForStableTxt": "stable.txt 的下載路徑: %s", "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "無法下載版本為 %s 的 kubectl 用戶端。請檢查版本是否正確 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "無法從 %s 下載 kubernetes 穩定版本檔案。回到 %s", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "已透過非同步方式呼叫 Toolrunner exec() 方法。正在傳回 Promise。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() 方法對 kubectl 命令傳回了錯誤。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() 方法對 kubectl 命令成功傳回。", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本規格輸入中指定的版本 1.7 無效。請改用最新穩定版本。查看正確的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到相符於 %s 的組態檔。" + "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到相符於 %s 的組態檔。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "因為 kubectl 命令輸出超過了支援的長度上限,所以未設定輸出變數。輸出長度: %s,支援的長度上限: %s", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.json b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.json index 00ae45b99dba..17117e73af2d 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.loc.json index 54d92c146483..cbffb26daf09 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "preview": "false", diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ea12147d00d0..74215e30ca1c 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Für Kubernetes bereitstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie zum Bereitstellen, Konfigurieren oder Aktualisieren Ihrer Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service \"kubectl\"-Befehle aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Kubernetes-Cluster in Azure Container Service durch das Ausführen von kubectl-Befehlen bereitgestellt, konfiguriert oder aktualisiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 1.0:
     Neue Dienstverbindungstyp-Eingabe für einfache Auswahl eines Azure AKS-Clusters.
     Ausgabevariableneingabe wurde durch Ausgabevariablenabschnitt ersetzt, der in allen Aufgaben hinzugefügt wurde.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes-Cluster", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Wählen Sie eine Azure-Ressourcengruppe aus.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes-Cluster", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Wählen Sie einen verwalteten Azure-Cluster aus.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "Anmeldeinformationen für Clusteradministrator verwenden", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "Verwenden Sie anstelle der standardmäßigen Anmeldeinformationen für Clusterbenutzer Anmeldeinformationen für Clusteradministratoren.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "Namespace", "loc.input.help.namespace": "Legen Sie den Namespace für den Kubectl-Befehl fest, indem Sie das Flag \"–namespace\" verwenden. Wenn kein Namespace angegeben wird, werden die Befehle im Standardnamespace ausgeführt.", "loc.input.label.command": "Befehl", "loc.input.help.command": "Wählen Sie einen auszuführenden Kubectl-Befehl aus, oder geben Sie einen Befehl an.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Konfigurationsdateien verwenden", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Verwenden Sie die Kubernetes-Konfigurationsdatei mit dem Kubectl-Befehl. Dateiname, Verzeichnis oder URL zu Kubernetes-Konfigurationsdateien können ebenfalls angegeben werden.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Konfigurationsdatei", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Konfiguration verwenden", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Verwenden Sie die Kubernetes-Konfiguration mit dem kubectl-Befehl. Sie können ein Inlineskript, einen Dateinamen, ein Verzeichnis oder eine URL zu den Kubernetes-Konfigurationsdateien angeben.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "Konfigurationstyp", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Typ der Kubernetes-Konfiguration für den kubectl-Befehl. Dies kann ein Dateipfad oder ein Inlineskript sein.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Dateipfad", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Dateiname, Verzeichnis oder URL von Kubernetes-Konfigurationsdateien, die mit den Befehlen verwendet werden.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "Inlinekonfiguration", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Inlinebereitstellungkonfiguration für kubectl-Befehl", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumente", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumente für den angegebenen Kubectl-Befehl.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "Typ des Geheimnisses", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl ist eine Befehlszeilenschnittstelle zum Ausführen von Befehlen für Kubernetes-Cluster.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsbezeichnung der abzurufenden Version. Beispiele: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe der abzurufenden Version. Beispiele: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Hiermit wird online immer nach der letzten verfügbaren Version (stable.txt) gesucht, die der Versionsbezeichnung entspricht. Diese Option ist typischerweise auf FALSE festgelegt, sofern Sie nicht über ein spezifisches Szenario verfügen, bei dem Sie immer die aktuelle Version abrufen. Hierdurch entstehen möglicherweise unnötig Downloadkosten, insbesondere beim gehosteten Buildpool.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Pfad zu Kubectl", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Der Kubernetes-Client von Version \"%s\" kann nicht heruntergeladen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Version korrekt ist: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Die stabile Kubernetes-Version kann nicht aus \"%s\" heruntergeladen werden. Es wird ein Fallback auf \"%s\" durchgeführt.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Ungültige Version 1.7 in der Eingabe für den Versionsbezeichner angegeben. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die letzte stabile Version. Informationen zu korrekten Versionen finden Sie unter https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases.", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version nicht im richtigen Format angegeben. Beispiel: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "Keine gültige Version. Verfügbaren Versionen: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine Konfigurationsdatei gefunden, die \"%s\" entspricht.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Die Details zur Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung wurden nicht gefunden." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Die Details zur Kubernetes-Dienstverbindung wurden nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Die Ausgabevariable wurde nicht festgelegt, weil die kubectl-Befehlsausgabe die maximal unterstützte Länge überschritten hat. Ausgabelänge: %s, maximal unterstützte Länge: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Es wurde keine Kubernetes-Konfiguration gefunden. Geben Sie entweder eine Inlinekonfiguration oder einen Dateipfad für die Konfiguration an.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wird asynchron aufgerufen, um den kubectl-Befehl auszuführen und das zurückgegebene Promise-Objekt zu speichern.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wurde asynchron aufgerufen. Promise wird zurückgegeben.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() hat einen Fehler für den kubectl-Befehl zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Die Toolrunner-Methode exec() wurde für den kubectl-Befehl erfolgreich zurückgegeben.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Die Docker-Konfiguration wird in eine temporäre Datei geschrieben. Dateipfad: %s, Docker-Konfiguration: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 540c13b7a4ef..39660fc899e1 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementar en Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Implemente, configure o actualice su clúster de Kubernetes en Azure Container Service ejecutando comandos de kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Implementa, configura y actualiza un clúster de Kubernetes en Azure Container Service mediante la ejecución de comandos kubectl.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 1.0:
     Se ha agregado una nueva entrada de tipo de conexión de servicio para la selección fácil del clúster de AKS de Azure.
     Se ha reemplazado la entrada de la variable de salida con la sección de variables de salida que hemos agregado en todas las tareas.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Clúster de Kubernetes", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Seleccione un grupo de recursos de Azure.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Clúster de Kubernetes", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Seleccione un clúster de Azure administrado.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "Usar credenciales de administrador del clúster", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "Use las credenciales de administrador del clúster en lugar de las credenciales predeterminadas de usuario de clúster.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "Espacio de nombres", "loc.input.help.namespace": "Establezca el espacio de nombres para el comando kubectl con la marca –namespace. Si no se proporciona el espacio de nombres, los comandos se ejecutan en el predeterminado.", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Seleccione o especifique un comando kubectl para ejecutarlo.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Usar archivos de configuración", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Use el archivo de configuración de Kubernetes con el comando kubectl. También se puede proporcionar el nombre de archivo, el directorio o la dirección URL para los archivos de configuración de Kubernetes.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Archivo de configuración", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Usar la configuración", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Use la configuración de Kubernetes con el comando kubectl. Se puede proporcionar un script en línea, el nombre de archivo, el directorio o la dirección URL para los archivos de configuración de Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "Tipo de configuración", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Tipo de configuración de Kubernetes para el comando kubectl. Puede ser una ruta de acceso de archivo o un script insertado.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Ruta de acceso del archivo", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Nombre de archivo, directorio o dirección URL a los archivos de configuración de kubernetes que se usarán con los comandos.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "Configuración insertada", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Configuración de implementación insertada para el comando kubectl", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argumentos para el comando kubectl especificado.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "Tipo de secreto", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl es una interfaz de línea de comandos para ejecutar comandos en los clústeres de Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Especificación de versión", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Especificación de la versión que debe obtenerse. Ejemplos: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Especificación de la versión que se va a obtener. Ejemplos: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Comprobar la última versión", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Comprueba siempre en línea la última versión (stable.txt) disponible que cumple la especificación de versión. Este valor suele ser false, a menos que tenga un escenario específico que deba obtener siempre la última versión. Esto dará lugar a costos de descarga, cuando puede que no sea necesario, especialmente con el grupo de compilación hospedado.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Ruta de acceso a kubectl", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "No se puede descargar el cliente kubectl de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión es correcta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "No se puede descargar el archivo de versión estable de kubernetes de %s. Revirtiendo a %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Se ha especificado una versión 1.7, que no es válida, en la entrada de Especificación de versión. En su lugar, se va a usar la última versión estable. Compruebe las versiones correctas en https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "La versión no se ha especificado en el formato correcto. Por ejemplo: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "No es una versión válida; las versiones disponibles son: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de configuración que coincida con %s.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "No se encontraron los detalles de la conexión de servicio de Kubernetes." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "No se encontraron los detalles de la conexión de servicio de Kubernetes.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de salida no establecida como salida del comando kubectl superó la longitud máxima admitida. Longitud de salida: %s. Longitud máxima admitida: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "No se ha encontrado ninguna configuración de Kubernetes; proporcione la ruta de acceso del archivo de configuración o la configuración insertada.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Llamando al método exec() de ToolRunner de forma asincrónica para ejecutar el comando kubectl y almacenar el objeto promise devuelto.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Se ha llamado al método exec() de ToolRunner de forma asincrónica. Se devolverá el objeto promise.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "El método exec() de ToolRunner devolvió un error para el comando kubectl: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "El método exec() de ToolRunner se devolvió correctamente para el comando kubectl.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Escribiendo la configuración de Docker en el archivo temporal. Ruta de acceso del archivo: %s. Configuración de Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index dcbecc5121bf..2eb5184d306b 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déployer sur Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Déployez, configurez et mettez à jour votre cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Déployer, configurer et mettre à jour un cluster Kubernetes dans Azure Container Service en exécutant des commandes kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 1.0 :
     Ajout d'une nouvelle entrée de type de connexion de service pour faciliter la sélection du cluster Azure AKS.
     Remplacement de l'entrée de variables de sortie par la section des variables de sortie que nous avions ajoutée à toutes les tâches.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Sélectionnez un groupe de ressources Azure.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Sélectionnez un cluster managé Azure.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "Utiliser les informations d'identification de l'administrateur de cluster", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "Utilisez les informations d'identification de l'administrateur de cluster à la place des informations d'identification de l'utilisateur de cluster par défaut.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "Espace de noms", "loc.input.help.namespace": "Définissez l'espace de noms de la commande kubectl à l'aide de l'indicateur -namespace. Si vous n'indiquez pas l'espace de noms, les commandes sont exécutées dans l'espace de noms par défaut.", "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", "loc.input.help.command": "Sélectionnez ou spécifiez une commande kubectl à exécuter.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Utiliser les fichiers config", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Utilisez le fichier config Kubernetes avec la commande kubectl. Vous pouvez également indiquer le nom de fichier, le répertoire ou l'URL permettant d'accéder aux fichiers config Kubernetes.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Fichier config", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Utiliser la configuration", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Utilisez la configuration Kubernetes avec la commande kubectl. Vous pouvez indiquer un script inline, un nom de fichier, un répertoire ou une URL pour l'accès aux fichiers config Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "Type de configuration", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Type de configuration Kubernetes pour la commande kubectl. Il peut s'agir d'un chemin de fichier ou d'un script inline.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Chemin d'accès au fichier", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Nom de fichier, répertoire ou URL des fichiers config kubernetes à utiliser avec les commandes.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "Configuration inline", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Configuration de déploiement inline pour la commande kubectl", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Arguments", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Arguments de la commande kubectl spécifiée.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "Type de secret", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl est une interface de ligne de commande qui permet d'exécuter des commandes sur des clusters Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Spécification de version", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Spécification de version de la version à obtenir. Exemples : 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Spécification de version de la version à obtenir. Exemples : 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Rechercher la dernière version", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Recherche toujours en ligne la dernière version disponible (stable.txt) répondant à la spécification de version. Cela n'est généralement pas le cas, sauf si vous disposez d'un scénario spécifique visant à obtenir toujours la dernière version. Cela peut entraîner des coûts de téléchargement inutiles, en particulier avec le pool de builds hébergé.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Chemin de kubectl", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le client kubectl de la version %s. Vérifiez si la version est correcte : https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Impossible de télécharger le fichier de la version stable de kubernetes à partir de %s. Retour à %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "Une version 1.7 non valide a été spécifiée dans l'entrée de spécification de version. Utilisation de la dernière version stable à la place. Recherchez les versions appropriées https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Version non spécifiée au format approprié. Exemple : 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "Version non valide. Versions disponibles : %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Le fichier config correspondant à %s est introuvable.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Les détails de la connexion de service Kubernetes sont introuvables." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Les détails de la connexion de service Kubernetes sont introuvables.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variable de sortie non définie en tant que sortie de la commande kubectl a dépassé la longueur maximale prise en charge. Longueur de sortie : %s. Longueur maximale prise en charge : %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Configuration Kubernetes introuvable. Indiquez une configuration inline ou un chemin de fichier config", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Appel de la méthode exec() de Toolrunner de manière asynchrone pour exécuter la commande kubectl et stocker l'objet de promesse retourné.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Méthode exec() de Toolrunner appelée de manière asynchrone. Retour de la promesse.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "La méthode exec() de Toolrunner a retourné une erreur pour la commande kubectl. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "La méthode exec() de Toolrunner a retourné une exécution réussie pour la commande kubectl.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Écriture de la configuration Docker dans le fichier temporaire. Chemin de fichier : %s. Configuration Docker : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8a4658009481..0c32e953b16a 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuisci in Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare il cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi di kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire, configurare e aggiornare un cluster Kubernetes nel servizio contenitore di Azure eseguendo i comandi kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:
     Aggiunta del nuovo tipo di connessione al servizio per semplificare la selezione del cluster AKS di Azure.
     Sostituzione dell'input delle variabili di output con la sezione delle variabili di output aggiunte in tutte le attività.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:
     Aggiunta del nuovo tipo di connessione al servizio per semplificare la selezione del cluster del servizio Azure Kubernetes.
     Sostituzione dell'input delle variabili di output con la sezione delle variabili di output aggiunte in tutte le attività.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Comandi", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Segreti", @@ -15,19 +15,25 @@ "loc.input.label.kubernetesServiceEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Kubernetes", "loc.input.help.kubernetesServiceEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro contenitori di Azure. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro Azure Container. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Gruppo di risorse", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Consente di selezionare un gruppo di risorse di Azure.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Cluster Kubernetes", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Consente di selezionare un cluster gestito di Azure.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "Usa credenziali dell'amministratore del cluster", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "Consente di usare le credenziali dell'amministratore del cluster invece delle credenziali utente del cluster predefinite.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "Spazio dei nomi", "loc.input.help.namespace": "Consente di impostare lo spazio dei nomi per il comando kubectl usando il flag –namespace. Se lo spazio dei nomi non viene specificato, i comandi verranno eseguiti nello spazio dei nomi predefinito.", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Consente di selezionare o specificare un comando kubectl da eseguire.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Usa file di configurazione", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Consente di usare il file di configurazione Kubernetes con il comando kubectl. È anche possibile specificare nome file, directory o URL dei file di configurazione Kubernetes.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "File di configurazione", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Usa configurazione", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Consente di usare la configurazione di Kubernetes con il comando kubectl. È possibile specificare uno script inline, un nome file, una directory o un URL dei file di configurazione Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "Tipo di configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Tipo di configurazione di Kubernetes per il comando kubectl. Può essere un percorso di file o uno script inline.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Percorso file", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Nome file, directory o URL dei file di configurazione di Kubernetes che verranno usati con i comandi.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "Configurazione inline", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Configurazione della distribuzione inline per il comando kubectl", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Argomenti del comando kubectl specificato.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "Tipo di segreto", @@ -35,13 +41,13 @@ "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "Argomenti", "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "Consente di specificare chiavi e valori letterali da inserire nell'elemento secret, ad esempio --from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\".", "loc.input.label.containerRegistryType": "Tipo di registro contenitori", - "loc.input.help.containerRegistryType": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di registro contenitori. L'attività può usare i dettagli della sottoscrizione di Azure per usare un registro contenitori di Azure. Sono supportati anche altri registri contenitori standard.", + "loc.input.help.containerRegistryType": "Consente di selezionare un tipo di registro contenitori. L'attività può usare i dettagli della sottoscrizione di Azure per usare un Registro Azure Container. Sono supportati anche altri registri contenitori standard.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Registro Docker", "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio Registro Docker. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro contenitori di Azure. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", - "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un registro contenitori di Azure che verrà usato per il pull delle immagini del contenitore e per la distribuzione di applicazioni nel cluster Kubernetes. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", + "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager che contiene Registro Azure Container. Nota: per configurare la nuova connessione al servizio, selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure dall'elenco e fare clic su 'Autorizza'. Se la sottoscrizione non è inclusa nell'elenco o si vuole usare un'entità servizio esistente, è possibile configurare una connessione al servizio di Azure usando il pulsante 'Aggiungi' o 'Gestisci'.", + "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro Azure Container", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Consente di selezionare un Registro Azure Container che verrà usato per il pull delle immagini del contenitore e per la distribuzione di applicazioni nel cluster Kubernetes. È obbligatorio per i comandi che devono eseguire l'autenticazione con un registro.", "loc.input.label.secretName": "Nome segreto", "loc.input.help.secretName": "Nome del segreto. È possibile usare questo nome di segreto nel file di configurazione YAML di Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "Forza segreto per aggiornamento", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl è un'interfaccia della riga di comando per l'esecuzione di comandi su cluster Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Identificatore di versione", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Identificatore della versione da scaricare, ad esempio: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Identificatore della versione da scaricare. Esempi: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Verifica sempre online se è disponibile una versione più recente (stable.txt) che soddisfi l'identificatore di versione. Il valore di questa opzione è in genere false a meno che non sia stato predisposto uno scenario specifico per scaricare sempre la versione più recente. Questa opzione può comportare costi di download potenzialmente non necessari, in particolare con il pool di compilazione ospitato.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Percorso di kubectl", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il client kubectl della versione %s. Verificare se la versione è corretta: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Non è possibile scaricare il file della versione stabile di kubernetes da %s. Verrà eseguito il fallback a %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "La versione 1.7 specificata come valore di input dell'identificatore di versione non è valida. Verrà usata l'ultima versione stabile. Controllare la disponibilità di versioni corrette in https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Il formato usato per la specifica della versione non è corretto, ad esempio 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "Non è una versione valida. Le versioni disponibili sono: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file di configurazione corrispondente a %s.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio Kubernetes non sono stati trovati." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio Kubernetes non sono stati trovati.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "La variabile di output non impostata come output del comando Kubectl supera la lunghezza massima supportata. Lunghezza dell'output: %s. Lunghezza massima supportata: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Non è stata trovata alcuna configurazione di Kubernetes. Specificare la configurazione inline o il percorso del file di configurazione", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() verrà chiamato in modo asincrono per eseguire il comando kubectl e archiviare l'oggetto promise restituito.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() è stato chiamato in modo asincrono. Verrà restituito l'oggetto promise.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() ha restituito un errore per il comando kubectl. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Il metodo Toolrunner exec() è stato completato correttamente per il comando kubectl.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Scrittura della configurazione di Docker nel file temporaneo. Percorso del file: %s. Configurazione di Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 40675cde69fc..5621033b23f5 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes に展開する", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "kubectl コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターを展開、構成、更新します。", + "loc.description": "kubectl コマンドを実行して、Azure Container Service で Kubernetes クラスターをデプロイ、構成、更新します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 1.0 での変更点:
     Azure AKS クラスターの選択を容易にするため、新しいサービス接続タイプの入力を追加しました。
     出力変数入力を出力変数セクションと置き換え、すべてのタスクに追加しました。", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes クラスター", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Azure リソース グループを選択します。", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes クラスター", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Azure 管理対象クラスターを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "クラスター管理者の資格情報を使用する", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "既定のクラスター ユーザーの資格情報ではなく、クラスター管理者の資格情報をご使用ください。", "loc.input.label.namespace": "名前空間", "loc.input.help.namespace": "kubectl コマンドの名前空間を設定するには、–namespace フラグを使用します。名前空間が指定されていない場合、コマンドは既定の名前空間で実行されます。", "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", "loc.input.help.command": "実行する kubectl コマンドを選択または指定します。", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "構成ファイルの使用", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "kubectl コマンドには、Kubernetes 構成ファイルを使用します。ファイル名、ディレクトリ、Kubernetes 構成ファイルの URL を指定することもできます。", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "構成ファイル", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "構成を使用する", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "kubectl コマンドには、Kubernetes 構成を使用します。インライン スクリプト、ファイル名、ディレクトリ、Kubernetes 構成ファイルの URL を指定できます。", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "構成の種類", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "kubectl コマンドの Kubernetes 構成の種類です。ファイル パスまたはインライン スクリプトを指定できます。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "ファイル パス", "loc.input.help.configuration": "コマンドに使用するファイル名、ディレクトリ、kubernetes 構成ファイルへの URL。", + "loc.input.label.inline": "インライン構成", + "loc.input.help.inline": "kubectl コマンドのインライン配置構成", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "指定した kubectl コマンドへの引数です。", "loc.input.label.secretType": "シークレットの種類", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl は、Kubernetes クラスターに対してコマンドを実行するためのコマンド ライン インターフェイスです。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "バージョンの仕様", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "取得するバージョンのバージョン仕様。例: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "取得するバージョンのバージョン仕様。例: 1.7.0、1. x .0、4 .x .0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "最新バージョンのチェック", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "バージョン仕様を満たす利用可能な最新バージョン (stable.txt) を常にオンラインで確認します。これは false にするのが一般的ですが、常に最新版を取得する特定のシナリオの場合は例外です。これにより、実際には必要でない場合にもダウンロードのコストが発生することになります (ホストされたビルド プールの場合は特にそう言えます)。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "kubectl へのパス", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "kubectl クライアント バージョン %s をダウンロードすることができません。適切なバージョンかどうか、https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases で確認します", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s から安定バージョンの Kubernetes ファイルをダウンロードすることができません。%s にフォールバックしています", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "バージョンの仕様の入力に無効なバージョン 1.7 が指定されました。代わりに最新の安定したバージョンが使用されます。正しいバージョンを https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases でご確認ください", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "バージョンが正しい形式で指定されていません。例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "有効なバージョンではありません。利用できるバージョン: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s に一致する構成ファイルは見つかりませんでした。", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes サービス接続の詳細が見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes サービス接続の詳細が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "kubectl コマンドの出力がサポートされている最大長を超えたため、出力変数が設定されませんでした。出力の長さ: %s、サポートされている最大長: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Kubernetes 構成が見つかりません。インライン構成または構成ファイル パスのいずれかを指定してください", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "kubectl コマンドの実行と返された Promise オブジェクトの保管を行うため、Toolrunner exec() メソッドを非同期で呼び出しています。", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドが非同期で呼び出されました。Promise を返しています。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドによって kubectl コマンドにエラーが返されました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() メソッドが kubectl コマンドに対して正常に戻されました。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Docker 構成を一時ファイルに書き込んでいます。ファイル パス: %s、Docker 構成: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 5b3162d106f4..430c55d73273 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Kubernetes에 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Kubectl 명령을 실행하여 Azure Container Service에서 Kubernetes 클러스터를 배포, 구성, 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "kubectl 명령을 실행하여 Azure Container Service에서 Kubernetes 클러스터를 배포, 구성, 업데이트합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 1.0의 새로운 기능:
     Azure AKS 클러스터를 선택하기 쉽도록 새 서비스 연결 형식 입력이 추가되었습니다.
     출력 변수 입력이 모든 작업에 추가한 출력 변수 섹션으로 바뀌었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 클러스터", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Azure 리소스 그룹을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 클러스터", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Azure 관리 클러스터를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "클러스터 관리자 자격 증명 사용", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "기본 클러스터 사용자 자격 증명 대신 클러스터 관리자 자격 증명을 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "네임스페이스", "loc.input.help.namespace": "–namespace 플래그를 사용하여 kubectl 명령에 대한 네임스페이스를 설정합니다. 네임스페이스를 지정하지 않으면 기본 네임스페이스에서 명령이 실행됩니다.", "loc.input.label.command": "명령", "loc.input.help.command": "실행할 kubectl 명령을 선택하거나 지정합니다.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "구성 파일 사용", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "kubectl 명령에 Kubernetes 구성 파일을 사용합니다. Kubernetes 구성 파일의 파일 이름, 디렉터리 또는 URL을 제공할 수도 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "구성 파일", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "구성 사용", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "kubectl 명령에 Kubernetes 구성을 사용합니다. Kubernetes 구성 파일의 인라인 스크립트, 파일 이름, 디렉터리 또는 URL을 지정할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "구성 형식", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "kubectl 명령에 대한 Kubernetes 구성 유형입니다. 파일 경로 또는 인라인 스크립트일 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "파일 경로", "loc.input.help.configuration": "명령과 함께 사용할 Kubernetes 구성에 대한 파일 이름, 디렉터리 또는 URL입니다.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "인라인 구성", + "loc.input.help.inline": "kubectl 명령에 대한 인라인 배포 구성", "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", "loc.input.help.arguments": "지정한 kubectl 명령에 대한 인수입니다.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "비밀 유형", @@ -41,13 +47,13 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Azure Container Registry가 포함된 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다. 참고: 새 서비스 연결을 구성하려면 목록에서 Azure 구독을 선택하고 '권한 부여'를 클릭합니다. 구독이 목록에 없거나 기존 서비스 주체를 사용하려는 경우 '추가' 또는 '관리' 단추를 사용하여 Azure 서비스 연결을 설정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "컨테이너 이미지를 풀하고 응용 프로그램을 Kubernetes 클러스터에 배포하는 데 사용할 Azure Container Registry를 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "컨테이너 이미지를 풀하고 애플리케이션을 Kubernetes 클러스터에 배포하는 데 사용할 Azure Container Registry를 선택합니다. 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증해야 하는 명령에 필요합니다.", "loc.input.label.secretName": "비밀 이름", "loc.input.help.secretName": "비밀의 이름입니다. 이 비밀 이름을 Kubernetes YAML 구성 파일에 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "비밀 강제 업데이트", "loc.input.help.forceUpdate": "비밀이 있는 경우 삭제하고 업데이트된 값으로 새 비밀을 만듭니다.", "loc.input.label.configMapName": "ConfigMap 이름", - "loc.input.help.configMapName": "ConfigMap을 사용하면 구성 아티팩트를 이미지 콘텐츠에서 분리하여 컨테이너화된 응용 프로그램의 이식성을 유지할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.configMapName": "ConfigMap을 사용하면 구성 아티팩트를 이미지 콘텐츠에서 분리하여 컨테이너화된 애플리케이션의 이식성을 유지할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.forceUpdateConfigMap": "configmap 강제 업데이트", "loc.input.help.forceUpdateConfigMap": "configmap이 있는 경우 삭제하고 업데이트된 값으로 새 configmap을 만듭니다.", "loc.input.label.useConfigMapFile": "파일 사용", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl은 Kubernetes 클러스터에 대해 명령을 실행하기 위한 명령줄 인터페이스입니다.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "버전 사양", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "다운로드할 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "가져올 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "최신 버전 확인", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "버전 사양을 충족하는 최신 사용 가능 버전(stable.txt)인지 항상 온라인에서 확인합니다. 항상 최신 버전을 다운로드하는 특정 시나리오가 아닌 한 일반적으로 false로 지정됩니다. 이 경우 잠재적으로 필요하지 않을 때, 특히 호스트된 빌드 풀에서 다운로드 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl 경로", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "%s 버전의 Kubectl 클라이언트를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "%s에서 안정적인 버전의 Kubernetes 파일을 다운로드할 수 없습니다. %s(으)로 대체합니다.", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "잘못된 버전 1.7이 버전 사양 입력에 지정되었습니다. 안정적인 최신 버전을 대신 사용합니다. https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases에서 올바른 버전을 확인하세요.", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "버전이 올바른 형식으로 지정되지 않았습니다(예: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2).", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "버전이 잘못되었습니다. 사용 가능한 버전은 %s입니다.", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "%s과(와) 일치하는 구성 파일이 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Kubernetes 서비스 연결 정보를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "kubectl 명령 출력으로 설정되지 않은 출력 변수가 지원되는 최대 길이를 초과했습니다. 출력 길이: %s, 지원되는 최대 길이: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Kubernetes 구성을 찾을 수 없습니다. 인라인 구성 또는 구성 파일 경로를 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "kubectl 명령을 실행하고 반환된 프라미스 개체를 저장하기 위해 Toolrunner exec() 메서드를 비동기적으로 호출하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드를 비동기적으로 호출했습니다. 프라미스를 반환합니다.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드에서 kubectl 명령 오류가 반환되었습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() 메서드에서 kubectl 명령 성공이 반환되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "임시 파일에 Docker 구성을 쓰는 중입니다. 파일 경로: %s, Docker 구성: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 43b72c16d70d..f1a6688aa305 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание в Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд kubectl.", + "loc.description": "Развертывание, настройка и обновление кластера Kubernetes в Службе контейнеров Azure с помощью команд kubectl", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 1.0:
     Добавлен новый тип подключения к службе, упрощающий выбор кластера Azure AKS.
     Ввод выходных переменных заменен разделом выходных переменных, который добавлен во все задачи.", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Кластер Kubernetes", "loc.group.displayName.commands": "Команды", "loc.group.displayName.secrets": "Секреты", - "loc.group.displayName.configMaps": "Объекты ConfigMap", + "loc.group.displayName.configMaps": "ConfigMap", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход", "loc.input.label.connectionType": "Тип подключения к службе", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Выберите группу ресурсов Azure.", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Кластер Kubernetes", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "Выберите управляемый кластер Azure.", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "Использовать учетные данные администратора кластера", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "Используйте учетные данные администратора кластера вместо учетных данных пользователя кластера по умолчанию.", "loc.input.label.namespace": "Пространство имен", "loc.input.help.namespace": "Задайте пространство имен для команды kubectl с помощью флага –namespace. Если пространство имен не указано, команды будут выполняться в пространстве имен по умолчанию.", "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", "loc.input.help.command": "Выберите или укажите команду kubectl для выполнения.", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Использовать файлы конфигурации", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Используйте файл конфигурации Kubernetes с командой kubectl. Также можно указать имя файла, каталог или URL-адрес файлов конфигурации Kubernetes.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Файл конфигурации", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "Использовать конфигурацию", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "Используйте конфигурацию Kubernetes с командой kubectl. Можно указать встроенный скрипт, имя файла, каталог или URL-адрес файлов конфигурации Kubernetes.", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "Тип конфигурации", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Тип конфигурации Kubernetes для команды kubectl. Это может быть путь к файлу или встроенный скрипт.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Путь файла", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Имя файла, каталог или URL-адрес файлов конфигурации kubernetes, которые будут использоваться с командами.", + "loc.input.label.inline": "Встроенная конфигурация", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Встроенная конфигурация развертывания для команды kubectl", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", "loc.input.help.arguments": "Аргументы указанной команды kubectl.", "loc.input.label.secretType": "Тип секрета", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl — это интерфейс командной строки для выполнения команд применительно к кластерам Kubernetes.", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии, которую необходимо получить. Примеры: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Спецификация версии для получаемой версии. Примеры: 1.7.0, 1.x.0, 4.x.0, 6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Проверить наличие последней версии", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Всегда проверяет наличие в Интернете последней доступной версии (stable.txt), соответствующей спецификатору версии. Обычно этот параметр имеет значение \"false\", кроме случаев, когда необходимо всегда получать последнюю доступную версию. Это может привести к излишним затратам за скачивание, особенно в случае размещенного пула сборок.", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Путь к kubectl", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "Не удается скачать клиент kubectl версии %s. Проверьте, верна ли версия: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "Не удается скачать файл стабильной версии kubernetes с %s. Возврат к %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "В спецификации версии указана недопустимая версия 1.7. Вместо нее будет использована последняя стабильная версия. Проверьте правильность версий на странице https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "Версия указана в неправильном формате. Примеры: 1.8.2, v1.8.2, 2.8.2, v2.8.2.", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "Не является допустимой версией, доступные версии: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "Файл конфигурации, соответствующий %s, не найден.", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Сведения о подключении к службе Kubernetes не найдены." + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "Сведения о подключении к службе Kubernetes не найдены.", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "Выходная переменная не задана, так как для выходных данных команды kubectl превышена максимально поддерживаемая длина. Длина выходных данных: %s, максимально поддерживаемая длина: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "Не удалось найти конфигурацию Kubernetes, укажите либо встроенную конфигурацию, либо путь к файлу конфигурации.", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "Асинхронный вызов метода Toolrunner exec() для выполнения команды kubectl и сохранения возвращенного объекта promise.", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "Выполнен асинхронный вызов метода Toolrunner exec(). Возврат обещания.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Метод Toolrunner exec() возвратил ошибку для команды kubectl. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Метод Toolrunner exec() возвратил сведения об успешном выполнении для команды kubectl.", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "Запись конфигурации Docker во временный файл. Путь к файлу: %s, конфигурация Docker: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 19dfb7800827..ff9b6fee0315 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "部署到 Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "通过运行 kubectl 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集。", + "loc.description": "通过运行 kubectl 命令在 Azure 容器服务中部署、配置和更新 Kubernetes 群集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 1.0 新增功能:
    添加了新的服务连接类型输入,可用于轻松选择 Azure AKS 群集。
    将输出变量输入替换为我们已在所有任务中添加的输出变量部分。", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 群集", @@ -20,18 +20,24 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "选择 Azure 资源组。", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 群集", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "选择 Azure 托管的群集。", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "使用群集管理员凭据", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "使用群集管理员凭据而不是默认的群集用户凭据。", "loc.input.label.namespace": "命名空间", "loc.input.help.namespace": "使用 -namespace 标志设置 kubectl 命令的命名空间。如果未提供命名空间,则命令将在默认命名空间中运行。", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "选择或指定要运行的 kubectl 命令。", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "使用配置文件", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "结合使用 kubectl 命令和 Kubernetes 配置文件。此外还可以提供 Kubernetes 配置文件的文件名、目录或 URL。", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "配置文件", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "使用配置", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "结合使用 kubectl 命令和 Kubernetes 配置。可以提供 Kubernetes 配置文件的内联脚本、文件名、目录或 URL。", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "配置类型", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "Kubectl 命令的 Kubernetes 配置类型。它可以是文件路径或内联脚本。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "文件路径", "loc.input.help.configuration": "将与命令一起使用的 kubernetes 配置文件的文件名、目录或 URL。", + "loc.input.label.inline": "内联配置", + "loc.input.help.inline": "Kubectl 命令的内联部署配置", "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", "loc.input.help.arguments": "指定的 kubectl 命令的参数。", "loc.input.label.secretType": "机密类型", - "loc.input.help.secretType": "创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。选择 dockerRegistry,用于创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 是一种将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递到 Kubelet 的方法,可便于其代表 Pod 拉取专用图像。", + "loc.input.help.secretType": "创建/更新泛型或 docker imagepullsecret。选择 dockerRegistry,用于创建/更新所选注册表的 imagepullsecret。imagePullSecret 是一种将包含容器注册表密码的机密传递到 Kubelet 的方法,可便于其代表 Pod 拉取专用映像。", "loc.input.label.secretArguments": "参数", "loc.input.help.secretArguments": "指定要插入机密的密钥和文本值。例如,--from-literal=key1=value1 --from-literal=key2=\"top secret\"。", "loc.input.label.containerRegistryType": "容器注册表类型", @@ -41,13 +47,13 @@ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpointForSecrets": "选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅,其中包含 Azure 容器注册表。注意: 要配置新的服务连接,请从列表中选择 Azure 订阅并单击“授权”。如果未列出订阅,或若要使用现有服务主体,可使用“添加”或“管理”按钮设置 Azure 服务连接。", "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表", - "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "选择 Azure 容器注册表,该注册表将用于拉取容器图像和将应用程序部署到 Kubernetes 群集。这是需要执行注册表身份验证的命令所必需的。", + "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与映像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", "loc.input.label.secretName": "机密名称", "loc.input.help.secretName": "机密名称。可以在 Kubernetes YAML 配置文件中使用此机密名称。", "loc.input.label.forceUpdate": "强制更新机密", "loc.input.help.forceUpdate": "删除密码(如果存在)并创建使用更新值新建一个。", "loc.input.label.configMapName": "ConfigMap 名称", - "loc.input.help.configMapName": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与图像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", + "loc.input.help.configMapName": "通过 ConfigMaps 可以将配置项目与映像内容分离,以便使容器化应用程序可移植。", "loc.input.label.forceUpdateConfigMap": "强制更新 configmap", "loc.input.help.forceUpdateConfigMap": "删除 configmap (如果存在)并使用更新值新建一个。", "loc.input.label.useConfigMapFile": "使用文件", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl 是一个命令行接口,用于运行针对 Kubernetes 群集的命令。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本规范", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要获取的版本的版本规范。例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要获取的版本的版本规范。 例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "检查是否有最新版本", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "始终联机检查是否有满足版本规范的最新可用版本(stable.txt)。这通常无法实现,除非有特定的解决方案可以始终获取最新版本。这样会在可能没有必要的情况下,特别是在使用托管生成池时产生下载费用。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "kubectl 的路径", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "无法下载版本 %s 的 kubectl 客户端。检查该版本是否正确 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "无法从 %s 下载 kubernetes 稳定版本文件。正在回退到 %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本规范输入中指定的版本 1.7 无效。请改用最新的稳定版本。检查获取正确的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未指定正确格式的版本。示例: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "版本无效,可用版本为: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到匹配 %s 的任何配置文件。", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服务连接详细信息。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服务连接详细信息。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "未设置为 kubectl 命令输出的输出变量超出了支持的最大长度。输出长度: %s,支持的最大长度: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "未找到 Kubernetes 配置,请提供内联配置或配置文件路径", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "异步调用 Toolrunner exec() 方法以执行 kubectl 命令并存储返回的承诺对象。", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "异步调用 Toolrunner exec() 方法。返回承诺。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "针对 kubectl 命令,Toolrunner exec() 方法返回了错误。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "已成功为 kubectl 命令返回 Toolrunner exec() 方法。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在将 Docker 配置写入临时文件。文件路径: %s,Docker 配置: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a58c62e0f853..fcc930822450 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "部署至 Kubernetes", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=851275)", - "loc.description": "執行 kubectl 命令以在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定、升級 Kubernetes 叢集。", + "loc.description": "透過執行 kubectl 命令,在 Azure Container Service 中部署、設定和升級 Kubernetes 叢集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "kubectl $(command)", "loc.releaseNotes": "1.0 版的新功能:
     新增服務連線類型輸入,讓 Azure AKS 叢集的選取更簡單。
     將輸出變數輸入取代為我們在所有工作中新增的輸出變數區段。", "loc.group.displayName.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 叢集", @@ -20,14 +20,20 @@ "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "請選取 Azure 資源群組。", "loc.input.label.kubernetesCluster": "Kubernetes 叢集", "loc.input.help.kubernetesCluster": "請選取 Azure 受控叢集。", + "loc.input.label.useClusterAdmin": "使用叢集系統管理員認證", + "loc.input.help.useClusterAdmin": "使用叢集系統管理員認證而非預設叢集使用者認證。", "loc.input.label.namespace": "命名空間", "loc.input.help.namespace": "使用 –namespace 旗標為 kubectl 命令設定命名空間。若未提供命名空間,這些命令會在預設命名空間中執行。", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "選取或指定要執行的 kubectl 命令。", - "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "使用組態檔", - "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "透過 kubectl 命令使用 Kubernetes 組態檔。可另提供檔案名稱、目錄或 Kubernetes 組態檔的 URL。", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "組態檔", + "loc.input.label.useConfigurationFile": "使用設定", + "loc.input.help.useConfigurationFile": "透過 kubectl 命令使用 Kubernetes 設定。可提供內嵌指令碼、檔案名稱、目錄或 Kubernetes 設定檔的 URL。", + "loc.input.label.configurationType": "組態類型", + "loc.input.help.configurationType": "kubectl 命令的 Kubernetes 設定類型。可為檔案路徑或內嵌指令碼。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "檔案路徑", "loc.input.help.configuration": "搭配命令使用的 kubernetes 組態檔之檔案名稱、目錄或 URL。", + "loc.input.label.inline": "內嵌設定", + "loc.input.help.inline": "kubectl 命令的內嵌部署設定", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", "loc.input.help.arguments": "指定 kubectl 命令的引數。", "loc.input.label.secretType": "秘密的類型", @@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ "loc.input.label.versionOrLocation": "Kubectl", "loc.input.help.versionOrLocation": "kubectl 是用來對 Kubernetes 叢集執行命令的命令列介面。", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本規格", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要取得之版本的版本規格。例如: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "欲取得版本的版本規格。範例: 1.7.0、1.x.0、4.x.0、6.10.0", "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "查看最新版本", "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "一律檢查線上是否有符合版本規格的最新可用版本 (stable.txt)。除非發生要一律取得最新版本的特定情況,否則不建議執行此動作。若非必要,這可能會衍生下載費用,特別是對託管的組建集區。", "loc.input.label.specifyLocation": "Kubectl 的路徑", @@ -84,7 +90,15 @@ "loc.messages.DownloadKubeCtlFailed": "無法下載版本為 %s 的 kubectl 用戶端。請檢查版本是否正確 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", "loc.messages.DownloadStableVersionFailed": "無法從 %s 下載 kubernetes 穩定版本檔案。回到 %s", "loc.messages.UsingLatestStableVersion": "版本規格輸入中指定的版本 1.7 無效。請改用最新穩定版本。查看正確的版本 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases", - "loc.messages.NotAValidSemverVersion": "未以正確的格式指定版本。例如: 1.8.2、v1.8.2、2.8.2、v2.8.2。", + "loc.messages.NotAValidVersion": "不是有效的版本,可用的版本為: %s", "loc.messages.ConfigurationFileNotFound": "找不到相符於 %s 的組態檔。", - "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服務連線詳細資料。" + "loc.messages.KubernetesServiceConnectionNotFound": "找不到 Kubernetes 服務連線詳細資料。", + "loc.messages.OutputVariableDataSizeExceeded": "因為 kubectl 命令輸出超過了支援的長度上限,所以未設定輸出變數。輸出長度: %s,支援的長度上限: %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidConfiguration": "找不到任何 Kubernetes 設定,請提供內嵌設定或設定檔路徑", + "loc.messages.CallToolRunnerExec": "正在以非同步方式呼叫 Toolrunner exec() 方法,以執行 kubectl 命令並儲存傳回的 Promise 物件。", + "loc.messages.ReturningToolRunnerExecPromise": "已透過非同步方式呼叫 Toolrunner exec() 方法。正在傳回 Promise。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallFailed": "Toolrunner exec() 方法對 kubectl 命令傳回了錯誤。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolRunnerExecCallSucceeded": "Toolrunner exec() 方法對 kubectl 命令成功傳回。", + "loc.messages.WritingDockerConfigToTempFile": "正在將 Docker 設定寫入暫存檔案。檔案路徑: %s,Docker 設定: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.json b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.json index 4b687eb3737f..5665d0bab97c 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "What's new in Version 1.0:
     Added new service connection type input for easy selection of Azure AKS cluster.
     Replaced output variable input with output variables section that we had added in all tasks.", diff --git a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.loc.json index 7a9d06169557..fe7dce8b8480 100644 --- a/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/KubernetesV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 5b606c10f869..5e15242da72d 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Optional Zeitachsendetails für jedes Projekt aufzeichnen (nur Windows).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Protokolldatei erstellen", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Erstellen Sie optional eine Protokolldatei (nur Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Ausführlichkeit der Protokolldatei", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Optionaler Ausführlichkeitsgrad der Protokolldatei.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "\"Projektdetails aufzeichnen\" wird nur für Windows unterstützt.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "\"Protokolldatei erstellen\" wird nur für Windows unterstützt.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "MSBuild oder Xbuild (Mono) wurden auf dem MacOS oder Linux-Agent nicht gefunden." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 2e70628b61f4..4948e0ecef65 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "De manera opcional, se registran los detalles de la escala de tiempo de cada proyecto (solo Windows).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Crear archivo de registro", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Si quiere, puede crear un archivo de registro (solo en Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Nivel de detalle del archivo de registro", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Nivel de detalle del archivo de registro opcional.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "\"Registrar detalles del proyecto\" solo se admite en Windows.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "\"Crear archivo de registro\" solo se admite en Windows.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "No se ha encontrado MSBuild o xbuild (Mono) en el agente de macOS o Linux." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1d3f11919528..5c17557e7aa4 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Enregistrez éventuellement les détails de la chronologie de chaque projet (Windows uniquement).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Créer le fichier journal", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Créez éventuellement un fichier journal (Windows uniquement).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Détails du fichier journal", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Détails optionnels du fichier journal.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "'Enregistrer les détails du projet' est uniquement pris en charge sur Windows.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "'Créer le fichier journal' est uniquement pris en charge sur Windows.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "MSBuild ou xbuild (Mono) sont introuvables sur l'agent macOS ou Linux." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b49fdc28350f..617bd7dbda32 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Registra facoltativamente i dettagli della sequenza temporale per ogni progetto (solo Windows).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Crea file di log", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Consente facoltativamente di creare un file di log (solo Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Livello di dettaglio file di log", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Livello di dettaglio facoltativo del file di log.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "L'opzione `Registra dettagli progetto` è supportata solo in Windows.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "L'opzione `Crea file di log` è supportata solo in Windows.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "MSBuild o xbuild (Mono) non è stato trovato nell'agente MacOS o Linux." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 4e51185648b4..3854bb400e39 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ "loc.input.label.clean": "消去", "loc.input.help.clean": "ビルドの前に、クリーン ビルド (/t:clean) を実行します。", "loc.input.label.maximumCpuCount": "並列ビルド", - "loc.input.help.maximumCpuCount": "MSBuild ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がある場合、この入力を任意にチェックし、/m スイッチを MSBuild に渡すことができます (Windows のみ)。ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がない場合、このオプションをオンにすると、ビルドに \"ファイル使用中\" エラーが発生するか、ビルドの断続的エラーまたは不整合エラーになることがあります。", + "loc.input.help.maximumCpuCount": "MSBuild ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がある場合、この入力を任意にチェックし、/m スイッチを MSBuild に渡すことができます (Windows のみ)。ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がない場合、このオプションをオンにすると、ビルドに \"ファイル使用中\" エラーが発生するか、ビルドの間欠的エラーまたは不整合エラーになることがあります。", "loc.input.label.restoreNugetPackages": "NuGet パッケージの復元", "loc.input.help.restoreNugetPackages": "このオプションは使用されなくなりました。NuGet パッケージを復元するには、ビルドの前に [NuGet Tool インストーラー](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/tasks/tool/nuget) タスクを追加します。", "loc.input.label.logProjectEvents": "プロジェクトの詳細の記録", "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "オプションで、各プロジェクトのタイムライン詳細を記録します (Windows のみ)。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "ログ ファイルを作成する", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "必要に応じて、ログ ファイルを作成します (Windows のみ)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "ログ ファイルの詳細度", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "オプションのログ ファイルの詳細度。", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "`プロジェクトの詳細の記録` は Windows でのみサポートされています。", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "`ログ ファイルを作成する` は Windows でのみサポートされます。", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "MSBuild または xbuild (Mono) が macOS または Linux エージェントに見つかりませんでした。" diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index eb8ef6984bdc..59a785600bdf 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "원하는 경우 각 프로젝트의 타임라인 세부 정보를 기록합니다(Windows만 해당).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "로그 파일 만들기", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "선택적으로 로그 파일을 만드세요(Windows만 해당).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "로그 파일의 자세한 정도", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "선택 사항으로, 로그 파일의 자세한 정도입니다.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "`프로젝트 세부 정보 기록`은 Windows에서만 지원됩니다.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "`로그 파일 만들기`는 Windows에서만 지원됩니다.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "macOS 또는 Linux 에이전트에서 MSBuild 또는 xbuild(Mono)를 찾을 수 없습니다." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index fab7d851d867..ba934c91ae88 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Запись данных о хронологии для каждого проекта (необязательно, только для Windows).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Создать файл журнала", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "При необходимости создайте файл журнала (только в Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Детализация файла журнала", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Необязательный параметр детализации файла журнала.", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "Команда \"Записать сведения о проекте\" поддерживается только в Windows.", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "Команда \"Создать файл журнала\" поддерживается только в Windows.", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "В агенте macOS или Linux не удалось найти MSBuild или xbuild (Mono)." diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a61a89ba7a2e..121ed0ecf282 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "可以选择记录每个项目的时间线详细信息(仅 Windows)。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "创建日志文件", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "选择创建一个日志文件(仅限 Windows)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "日志文件详细级别", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "可选日志文件详细级别。", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "仅在 Windows 上支持“记录项目详细信息”。", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "仅在 Windows 上支持“创建日志文件”。", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "macOS 或 Linux 代理上找不到 MSBuild 或 xbuild (Mono)。" diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7a87c9e082db..ae1472041728 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "選擇性地記錄各專案的時間軸詳細資料 (僅 Windows)。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "建立記錄檔", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "選擇性地建立記錄檔 (僅限 Windows)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "記錄檔詳細資訊", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "選擇性記錄檔詳細資訊。", "loc.messages.RecordProjectDetailsOnlySupportedOnWindows": "只有 Windows 才支援 [記錄專案詳細資料]。", "loc.messages.CreateLogFileOnlySupportedOnWindows": "只有 Windows 才支援 [建立記錄檔]。", "loc.messages.MSB_BuildToolNotFound": "在 macOS 或 Linux 代理程式上找不到 MSBuild 或 xbuild (Mono)。" diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.json b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.json index 6007630b9229..d863d10e89f7 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "msbuild" diff --git a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.loc.json index b484b2fd29f8..bdb511aa85a9 100644 --- a/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/MSBuildV1/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [ "msbuild" diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3296d575964b..465b9117c917 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Manueller Eingriff", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "Bereitstellung anhalten und auf Eingriff warten", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die Bereitstellung angehalten und auf einen manuellen Eingriff gewartet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Manueller Eingriff", "loc.input.label.instructions": "Anweisungen", "loc.input.help.instructions": "Diese Anweisungen werden dem Benutzer angezeigt, damit dieser den manuellen Eingriff fortsetzen oder ablehnen kann. Basierend auf diesen Anweisungen kann der Benutzer eine fundierte Entscheidung zu diesem manuellen Eingriff treffen.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1e78016facf8..7e8bacca6a54 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Intervención manual", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "Pause la implementación y espere intervención", + "loc.description": "Pause la implementación y espere la intervención manual.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Intervención manual", "loc.input.label.instructions": "Instrucciones", "loc.input.help.instructions": "Estas instrucciones se mostrarán al usuario para reanudar o rechazar la intervención manual. En función de ellas, el usuario tomará una decisión informada sobre esta intervención manual.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 16acb5be1d35..b04900f5c11e 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Intervention manuelle", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "Suspendre le déploiement et attendre une intervention", + "loc.description": "Suspendre le déploiement et attendre une intervention manuelle", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Intervention manuelle", "loc.input.label.instructions": "Instructions", "loc.input.help.instructions": "Ces instructions sont montrées à l'utilisateur pour lui permettre de reprendre ou de rejeter l'intervention manuelle. En fonction de ces instructions, l'utilisateur prend une décision en connaissance de cause sur l'intervention manuelle.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b1032b624ed7..468f658ee7f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Intervento manuale", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "Sospende la distribuzione e attende l'intervento", + "loc.description": "Sospende la distribuzione e attende l'intervento manuale", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Intervento manuale", "loc.input.label.instructions": "Istruzioni", "loc.input.help.instructions": "Queste istruzioni verranno visualizzate agli utenti per consentire loro di riprendere o rifiutare l'intervento manuale. In base a queste istruzioni l'utente potrà prendere una decisione basata su informazioni aggiornate in merito a questo intervento manuale.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 21b5782a7c51..665388be481d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "手動で介入", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "展開を一時停止し、介入を待つ", + "loc.description": "配置を一時停止し、手動の介入を待つ", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "手動で介入", "loc.input.label.instructions": "手順", "loc.input.help.instructions": "これらの手順は、手動介入を再開するか拒否するユーザーに表示されます。これらの手順に基づいて、ユーザーはこの手動介入について、十分な情報を得たうえでの決定を行えます。", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c5b70514b473..052871a96f69 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "수동 작업", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "배포를 일시 중지하고 작업을 대기합니다.", + "loc.description": "배포를 일시 중지하고 수동 작업을 기다립니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "수동 작업", "loc.input.label.instructions": "지침", "loc.input.help.instructions": "이 지침은 사용자가 수동 작업을 다시 시작하거나 거부하려는 경우 표시됩니다. 사용자는 이러한 지침에 따라 이 수동 작업을 합리적으로 결정하게 됩니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index a3a7aa315869..5efc791a56be 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Вмешательство вручную", + "loc.friendlyName": "Ручное вмешательство", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "Приостановка развертывания и ожидание вмешательства", + "loc.description": "Приостановка развертывания и ожидание вмешательства вручную", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Вмешательство вручную", "loc.input.label.instructions": "Инструкции", "loc.input.help.instructions": "Эти инструкции будут показаны пользователю для возобновления или отклонения вмешательства вручную. На их основе пользователь должен принять взвешенное решение об этом вмешательстве вручную.", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 6bc6d20d3556..03d9b87c52fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "手动干预", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "暂停部署并等待干预", + "loc.description": "暂停部署并等待手动干预", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "手动干预", "loc.input.label.instructions": "说明", "loc.input.help.instructions": "将向用户显示这些说明,以便恢复或拒绝手动干预。用户根据这些说明,对此手动干预作出知情的决策。", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 0d0ebc4aeb96..f0c949b52219 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "手動操作", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870234)", - "loc.description": "暫停部署並等候操作", + "loc.description": "暫停部署並等候手動操作", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "手動操作", "loc.input.label.instructions": "指示", "loc.input.help.instructions": "使用者會看見這些繼續或拒絕手動操作的相關指示。使用者可依據這些指示對手動操作做出明智的決策。", diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.json b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.json index e53683b8f3c4..86c8acd5ed61 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 8, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 7 + "Patch": 8 }, "inputs": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.loc.json index de1bb86f3e4c..02b622c02b60 100644 --- a/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ManualInterventionV8/task.loc.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 8, "Minor": 2, - "Patch": 7 + "Patch": 8 }, "inputs": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 52e393bdfae6..b6e36f87b9c7 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Mit Apache Maven erstellen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit erfolgt eine Erstellung, Testdurchführung und Bereitstellung mit Apache Maven.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Die Konfiguration der SonarQube-Analyse wurde in die Erweiterungen [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) oder [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) in die Aufgabe zum Vorbereiten der Analysekonfiguration verschoben.", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit-Testergebnisse", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Der relative Pfad vom Repositorystamm zur Maven-POM-Datei.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Ziel(e)", "loc.input.label.options": "Optionen", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Maven-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Maven-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Geben Sie Pfad und Muster der Testergebnisdateien für die Veröffentlichung an. Platzhalter können verwendet werden ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Verwenden Sie beispielsweise \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt. Wenn kein Stammpfad angegeben wird, wird ein Abgleich für die Dateien unterhalb des Standardarbeitsverzeichnisses durchgeführt. Das Verzeichnis ist als Wert in dieser Variablen verfügbar: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Mit dem Wert \"**/TEST-*.xml\" wird beispielsweise ein Abgleich für die Dateien aus \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\" durchgeführt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS festlegen auf", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Legt die Umgebungsvariable MAVEN_OPTS fest, die zum Senden von Befehlszeilenargumenten zum Starten von JVM verwendet wird. Das Kennzeichen \"-Xmx\" gibt den maximalen Arbeitsspeicher an, der für JVM verfügbar ist.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Integrierte Maven-Feeds authentifizieren", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifizieren Sie Maven-Feeds automatisch über Azure Artifacts. Wenn keine integrierten Maven-Feeds verwendet werden, deaktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Builderstellung zu beschleunigen.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube- oder SonarCloud-Analyse ausführen", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Diese Option wurde im Vergleich zu Version 1 der Aufgabe **Maven** dahingehend geändert, dass jetzt die Marketplace-Erweiterungen [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) und [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) verwendet werden. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um eine [SonarQube- oder SonarCloud-Analyse](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) durchzuführen, nachdem Sie die Ziele im Feld **Ziele** ausgeführt haben. Das Ziel **Installieren** oder **Paketieren** sollte zuerst ausgeführt werden. Sie müssen der Buildpipeline vor dieser Maven-Aufgabe außerdem eine Aufgabe **Analysekonfiguration vorbereiten** aus einer der Erweiterungen hinzufügen.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube Scanner for Maven-Version", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Codeanalyseergebnisse", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Die Codeanalyse ist außerhalb der Buildumgebung deaktiviert. Es konnte kein Wert gefunden werden für: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Die Einstellungen für den Feed oder das Repository sind in der XML-Datei bereits vorhanden.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index d4315f1c7285..d37eb7ca4465 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Compilar con Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Compila, prueba e implementa con Apache Maven.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(mavenPOMFile) de Maven", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuración del análisis de SonarQube se movió a las extensiones de [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) o [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud), en la tarea \"Prepare Analysis Configuration\"", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Resultados de pruebas JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Ruta de acceso relativa de la raíz del repositorio al archivo POM de Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Objetivos", "loc.input.label.options": "Opciones", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Maven. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar en Azure Pipelines los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Maven. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Especifique la ruta de acceso y el patrón de los archivos de resultados de las pruebas que deben publicarse. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Por ejemplo, \"**/TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyo nombre comience con \"TEST-\". Si no se especifica una ruta de acceso raíz, los archivos se buscan en el directorio de trabajo predeterminado, cuyo valor está disponible en la variable: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Por ejemplo, un valor de \"**/TEST-*.xml\" dará lugar a que se busquen los archivos de \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Establecer MAVEN_OPTS en", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Establece la variable de entorno MAVEN_OPTS, que se utiliza para enviar argumentos de la línea de comandos para iniciar JVM. La marca -Xmx especifica la cantidad de memoria máxima disponible para JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Autenticar fuentes de Maven integradas", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Autentique automáticamente las fuentes de Maven de Azure Artifacts. Si no se usan las fuentes de Maven integradas, anule la selección de esta opción para que las compilaciones se ejecuten más rápido.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Ejecutar el análisis de SonarQube o SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Esta opción ha cambiado desde la versión 1 de la tarea de **Maven** para usar las extensiones de Marketplace de [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) y [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Habilite esta opción para ejecutar el [análisis de SonarQube o SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) después de ejecutar los objetivos en el campo **Goals**. El objetivo **install** o **package** debe ejecutarse primero. También debe agregar una tarea **Prepare Analysis Configuration** de una de las extensiones a la canalización de compilación antes de esta tarea de Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Escáner de SonarQube para la versión de Maven", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Resultados del análisis de código", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "El análisis de código está deshabilitado fuera del entorno de compilación. No se encuentra ningún valor para: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "La configuración de fuente o repositorio ya existe en el archivo XML.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ed6e6d38d5e7..b03bf96de4e9 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Générer avec Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Générer, tester et déployer avec Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuration de l'analyse SonarQube a été déplacée vers les extensions [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) ou [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud), dans la tâche 'Préparer la configuration de l'analyse'", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Résultats du test JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Chemin relatif de la racine de dépôt au fichier POM Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Objectif(s)", "loc.input.label.options": "Options", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Maven sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Maven sur Azure Pipelines. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Spécifiez le chemin et le modèle des fichiers de résultats des tests à publier. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par 'TEST-'. Si aucun chemin racine n'est spécifié, les fichiers correspondants sont recherchés sous le répertoire de travail par défaut, dont la valeur est disponible dans la variable : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Par exemple, la valeur '**/TEST-*.xml' entraîne la recherche des fichiers correspondant à '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Affecter à MAVEN_OPTS", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Définit la variable d'environnement MAVEN_OPTS, qui permet d'envoyer des arguments de ligne de commande pour démarrer JVM. L'indicateur -Xmx spécifie la mémoire maximale disponible pour JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifier les flux Maven intégrés", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifiez automatiquement les flux Maven à partir d'Azure Artifacts. Si les flux intégrés Maven ne sont pas utilisés, désélectionnez cette option pour obtenir des builds plus rapides.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Exécuter l'analyse SonarQube ou SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Cette option a changé depuis la version 1 de la tâche **Maven**. Elle utilise les extensions du Marketplace [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) et [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Activez cette option pour exécuter l'[analyse SonarQube ou SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) après l'exécution des objectifs du champ **Goals**. L'objectif **installer** ou **package** doit s'exécuter en premier. Vous devez également ajouter une tâche **Préparer la configuration de l'analyse** à partir de l'une des extensions du pipeline de build avant cette tâche Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Analyseur SonarQube pour la version de Maven", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Résultats d'analyse du code", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analyse du code est désactivée en dehors de l'environnement de build. Valeur introuvable pour %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Les paramètres du flux ou du dépôt existent déjà dans le fichier xml.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index cae44677fb6c..e6ccef233f04 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare con Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, testare e distribuire con Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configurazione dell'analisi SonarQube è stata spostata nell'attività `Prepara configurazione di analisi` dell'estensione [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) o [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Risultati del test JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Percorso relativo dalla radice del repository al file POM di Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Obiettivo/i", "loc.input.label.options": "Opzioni", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Maven in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Maven in Azure Pipelines. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso e i criteri dei file dei risultati del test da pubblicare. È possibile usare caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con `TEST-`. Se non viene specificato alcun percorso radice, il confronto dei file viene eseguito a livello della directory di lavoro predefinita, il cui valore è disponibile nella variabile $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Ad esempio, con il valore '**/TEST-*.xml', verranno restituiti i file corrispondenti presenti in '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Imposta MAVEN_OPTS su", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Consente di impostare la variabile di ambiente MAVEN_OPTS, che viene usata per inviare argomenti della riga di comando per avviare JVM. Il flag -Xmx specifica la memoria massima disponibile per JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Esegui autenticazione feed Maven predefiniti", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Esegue automaticamente l'autenticazione dei feed Maven da Azure Artifacts. Se i feed Maven predefiniti non sono in uso, deselezionare questa opzione per compilazioni più rapide.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Esegui analisi SonarQube o SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Questa opzione è stata modificata rispetto alla versione 1 dell'attività **Maven** in modo da usare le estensioni [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) e [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) del Marketplace. Abilitare questa opzione per eseguire l'[analisi SonarQube o SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) dopo aver eseguito gli obiettivi nel campo **Goals**. L'obiettivo **install** o **package** deve essere eseguito per primo. Prima di questa attività Maven, è anche necessario aggiungere alla pipeline di compilazione un'attività **Prepara configurazione di analisi** da una delle estensioni.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Versione di SonarQube Scanner per Maven", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Risultati di analisi codice", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analisi codice è disabilitata dall'esterno dell'ambiente di compilazione. Non è stato possibile trovare alcun valore per %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Le impostazioni per il feed o il repository esistono già nel file XML.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 72f3cded0df3..ee4065b19c3a 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Apache Maven でビルドします", + "loc.description": "Apache Maven でビルド、テスト、配置します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 解析の構成は、[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) または [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 拡張機能の 'Prepare Analysis Configuration' タスクに移動しました", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit のテスト結果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "リポジトリのルートから Maven POM ファイルへの相対パス。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目標", "loc.input.label.options": "オプション", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines/TFS でのテストの実行として発行されます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven のビルドによって生成された JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines でテストの実行として発行されます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "発行するテスト結果ファイルのパスとパターンを指定します。ワイルドカードを使用できます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。たとえば、名前が 'TEST-' で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は '**/TEST-*.xml' です。ルート パスが指定されていない場合、ファイルは既定の作業ディレクトリの下で突き合わされます。そのディレクトリの値は、変数 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) から取得できます。たとえば、'**/TEST-*.xml' という値は、実際には '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml' と一致するファイルから検索されます。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS を次のように設定します:", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "JVM を起動するためにコマンド ライン引数を送信するときに使用される MAVEN_OPTS 環境変数を設定します。-Xmx フラグは JVM で使用可能な最大メモリを指定します。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "ビルトイン Maven フィードの認証", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Azure Artifacts からの Maven フィードを自動的に認証します。組み込みの Maven フィードを使用していない場合、このオプションを選択解除するとビルドを高速化できます。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube 分析または SonarCloud 分析の実行", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "このオプションはバージョン 1 の **Maven** タスクから変更され、[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) および [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) Marketplace 拡張機能を使用するようになりました。このオプションを有効にして、[**Goals**] フィールドのゴールを実行した後に [SonarQube または SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) を実行するようにします。**install** または **package** のゴールを最初に実行する必要があります。また、この Maven タスクの前に、いずれか一方の拡張機能から **Prepare Analysis Configuration** タスクをビルド パイプラインに追加する必要があります。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube scanner for Maven のバージョン", @@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_LinkText": "詳しい SonarQube レポート", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_CannotAuthenticate": "SonarQube サーバーへ認証できません。保存したサービス接続の詳細とサーバーの状態を確認してください。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_AnalysisTimeout": "%d 秒の所定時間内に分析が完了しませんでした。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "プル要求ビルド: 詳細 SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "プル要求ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "Pull request ビルド: 詳細な SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "Pull request ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildBrokenDueToQualityGateFailure": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートが失敗しました。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_QualityGatePassed": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートに合格しました (状態 %s)", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_UnknownComparatorString": "SonarQube ビルドの概要に問題が発生しました: 不明な比較演算子 '%s'", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "コード分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "コード分析はビルド環境の外部では無効です。%s の値が見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "フィードまたはリポジトリの設定が XML ファイルに既に存在しています。", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 9fdb8e9f7dbb..289a74daa89c 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Apache Maven으로 빌드", + "loc.description": "Apache Maven을 사용하여 빌드, 테스트, 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 분석 구성이 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 또는 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 확장의 '분석 구성 준비' 작업으로 이동됨", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Maven POM 파일의 리포지토리 루트로부터의 상대 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.goals": "목표", "loc.input.label.options": "옵션", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines/TFS에서 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines에 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "게시할 테스트 결과 파일의 경로 및 패턴을 지정합니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). 예를 들어 이름이 'TEST-'로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 보려면 '**/TEST-*.xml'을 지정합니다. 루트 경로를 지정하면 기본 작업 디렉터리 아래에 있는 파일이 일치되고, 해당 값을 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 변수에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 값이 '**/TEST-*.xml'이면 실제로 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'의 파일이 일치됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS를 다음으로 설정", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "JVM을 시작하기 위해 명령줄 인수를 보내는 데 사용되는 MAVEN_OPTS 환경 변수를 설정합니다. xmx 플래그는 JVM에 사용 가능한 최대 메모리를 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "기본 제공 Maven 피드 인증", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Azure Artifacts의 Maven 피드를 자동으로 인증합니다. 기본 제공 Maven 피드를 사용하지 않는 경우, 보다 신속한 빌드를 위해 이 옵션의 선택을 취소합니다.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube 또는 SonarCloud 분석 실행", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "이 옵션은 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 및 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) Marketplace 확장을 사용하기 위해 **Maven** 작업의 버전 1에서 변경되었습니다. **목표** 필드의 목표를 실행한 후 [SonarQube 또는 SonarCloud 분석](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)을 실행하려면 이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하세요. **설치** 또는 **패키지** 목표를 먼저 실행해야 합니다. 또한 빌드 파이프라인에서 이 Maven 작업 앞에 확장 중 하나의 **분석 구성 준비** 작업을 추가해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube Scanner for Maven 버전", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "코드 분석 결과", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "빌드 환경 외부에서 코드 분석을 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있습니다. %s에 대한 값을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "피드 또는 리포지토리에 대한 설정이 xml 파일에 이미 있습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 75a2d07c5b04..ded39d0aedb3 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Сборка с помощью Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Сборка, тестирование и развертывание с помощью Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Конфигурация анализа SonarQube перемещена в расширения [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) или [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) в задаче \"Подготовка конфигурации анализа\"", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Результаты теста JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Относительный путь от корня репозитория к файлу POM Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Цели", "loc.input.label.options": "Параметры", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Maven, в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Maven, в Azure Pipelines. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Укажите путь и шаблон файлов с результатами тестов, которые необходимо опубликовать. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\". Если корневой путь не указан, файлы сопоставляются в рабочем каталоге по умолчанию, значение которого содержится в переменной $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Например, значение \"**/TEST-*.xml\" приведет к сопоставлению файлов в \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Задать MAVEN_OPTS равной", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Задает переменную среды MAVEN_OPTS, которая используется для отправки аргументов командной строки, запускающих JVM. Флаг -Xmx указывает максимальный объем памяти, доступный JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Проверка подлинности встроенных веб-каналов Maven", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Автоматическая проверка подлинности веб-каналов Maven из Azure Artifacts. Если встроенные веб-каналы Maven не используются, отключите этот параметр, чтобы ускорить сборку.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Выполнить анализ SonarQube или SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Этот параметр был изменен с версии 1 задачи **Maven** для использования расширений Marketplace [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) и [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Включите его, чтобы запустить [анализ SonarQube или SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) после выполнения целей в поле **Цели**. Первой должна быть запущена цель **install** или **package**. Также необходимо добавить задачу **Подготовить конфигурацию анализа** из одного из расширений в конвейер сборки перед этой задачей Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Версия сканера SonarQube для Maven", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Результаты анализа кода", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Анализ кода отключен вне среды сборки. Не удалось найти значение: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Параметры для веб-канала или репозитория уже имеются в XML-файле.", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1bc3e50b1127..457a7969ac3f 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 生成", + "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 生成、测试和部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "在“准备分析配置”任务中,已将 SonarQube 分析的配置移至 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube)或 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)扩展", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 测试结果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "从存储库根路径到 Maven POM 文件的相对路径。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目标", "loc.input.label.options": "选项", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Maven 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每个与“测试结果文件”匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中发布为测试运行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Maven 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。每个与 `Test Results Files` 匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines 中发布为测试运行。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "指定要发布的测试结果文件的路径和模式。可以使用通配符([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 \"TEST-\" 开头的所有 XML 文件。如果未指定根路径,则在默认工作目录下匹配文件,其值可通过变量 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 获取。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 值会通过 \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\" 获取匹配的文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "将 MAVEN_OPTS 设置为", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "设置 MAVEN_OPTS 环境变量,此变量将用于发送命令行参数以启动 JVM。-Xmx 标志指定 JVM 可用的最大内存。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "对内置 Maven 源进行身份验证", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "自动对 Azure Artifacts 中的内置 Maven 源进行验证。如果未使用内置 Maven 源,请取消选择该选项,以便更快生成。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "运行 SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "此选项已从 **Maven** 任务的版本 1 更改为使用[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube)和[SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)市场扩展。启用此选项,在执行 **目标** 字段中的目标后运行[SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)。须首先运行 **安装** 或 **包** 目标。还必须在此 Maven 任务之前将其中一个扩展的 **准备分析配置** 任务添加到生成管道 。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Maven 版本的 SonarQube 扫描仪", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "代码分析结果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "代码分析在生成环境外被禁用。无法找到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "xml 文件中已存在源或储存库的设置。", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b03f0d905c1b..20b2570d7275 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 建置", + "loc.description": "透過 Apache Maven 進行建置、測試和部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 分析的設定已移至 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 或 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 延伸模組,位於 `Prepare Analysis Configuration` 工作中", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 測試結果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "從存放庫根路徑到 Maven POM 檔案的相對路徑。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目標", "loc.input.label.options": "選項", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項,以將 Maven 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每個與「測試結果檔案」相符的測試結果檔案都將在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中以測試回合發行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Maven 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。每個與「測試結果檔案」相符的測試結果檔案都將在 Azure Pipelines 中以測試回合發佈。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "指定要發行之測試結果檔案的路徑與模式。可使用萬用字元 ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 表示名稱開頭為 'TEST-' 的所有 XML 檔案。若未指定任何根路徑,會比對預設工作目錄下的檔案,預設工作目錄的值由下列變數提供: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)。例如,若值為 '**/TEST-*.xml',實際比對時,會從 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml' 比對檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "將 MAVEN_OPTS 設為", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "設定 MAVEN_OPTS 環境變數,用以傳送命令列引數以啟動 JVM。-Xmx 旗標會指定 JVM 可用的記憶體上限。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "驗證內建 Maven 摘要", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "從 Azure Artifacts 自動驗證內建 Maven 摘要。如果內建 Maven 摘要不在使用中,請取消選取此選項以加快建置速度。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "執行 SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "此選項已從版本 1 的 **Maven** 工作變更為使用 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 和 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 市集延伸模組。啟用此選項可在於 [目標]**** 欄位中執行目標後,執行 [SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)。[安裝]**** 或 [套件]**** 目標應先執行。您也必須在此 Maven 工作前,將其中一個延伸模組中的 [準備分析組態]**** 工作新增至建置管線。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "適用於 Maven 的 SonarQube 掃描器版本", @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "程式碼分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "已停用於組建環境外進行程式碼分析。找不到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "XML 檔中已有摘要或存放庫的設定。", diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/task.json b/Tasks/MavenV2/task.json index 67f4b021cb6f..4eaa7e6e0924 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "releaseNotes": "Configuration of the SonarQube analysis was moved to the [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) or [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) extensions, in task `Prepare Analysis Configuration`", "demands": [ @@ -409,4 +409,4 @@ "AuthenticationNotNecessary": "No built-in Maven feeds requiring authentication were found. Disable 'Authenticate built-in Maven feeds' for faster builds.", "UsingAuthFeed": "Using built-in feed: " } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/MavenV2/task.loc.json index b4cf071ca2d5..33cbd8c01bc6 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/MavenV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 52e393bdfae6..d010aad9de93 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Mit Apache Maven erstellen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit erfolgt eine Erstellung, Testdurchführung und Bereitstellung mit Apache Maven.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Die Konfiguration der SonarQube-Analyse wurde in die Erweiterungen [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) oder [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) in die Aufgabe zum Vorbereiten der Analysekonfiguration verschoben.", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit-Testergebnisse", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Der relative Pfad vom Repositorystamm zur Maven-POM-Datei.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Ziel(e)", "loc.input.label.options": "Optionen", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Maven-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Maven-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Geben Sie Pfad und Muster der Testergebnisdateien für die Veröffentlichung an. Platzhalter können verwendet werden ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Verwenden Sie beispielsweise \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt. Wenn kein Stammpfad angegeben wird, wird ein Abgleich für die Dateien unterhalb des Standardarbeitsverzeichnisses durchgeführt. Das Verzeichnis ist als Wert in dieser Variablen verfügbar: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Mit dem Wert \"**/TEST-*.xml\" wird beispielsweise ein Abgleich für die Dateien aus \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\" durchgeführt.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS festlegen auf", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Legt die Umgebungsvariable MAVEN_OPTS fest, die zum Senden von Befehlszeilenargumenten zum Starten von JVM verwendet wird. Das Kennzeichen \"-Xmx\" gibt den maximalen Arbeitsspeicher an, der für JVM verfügbar ist.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Integrierte Maven-Feeds authentifizieren", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifizieren Sie Maven-Feeds automatisch über Azure Artifacts. Wenn keine integrierten Maven-Feeds verwendet werden, deaktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Builderstellung zu beschleunigen.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube- oder SonarCloud-Analyse ausführen", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Diese Option wurde im Vergleich zu Version 1 der Aufgabe **Maven** dahingehend geändert, dass jetzt die Marketplace-Erweiterungen [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) und [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) verwendet werden. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um eine [SonarQube- oder SonarCloud-Analyse](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) durchzuführen, nachdem Sie die Ziele im Feld **Ziele** ausgeführt haben. Das Ziel **Installieren** oder **Paketieren** sollte zuerst ausgeführt werden. Sie müssen der Buildpipeline vor dieser Maven-Aufgabe außerdem eine Aufgabe **Analysekonfiguration vorbereiten** aus einer der Erweiterungen hinzufügen.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube Scanner for Maven-Version", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Codeanalyseergebnisse", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Die Codeanalyse ist außerhalb der Buildumgebung deaktiviert. Es konnte kein Wert gefunden werden für: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Die Einstellungen für den Feed oder das Repository sind in der XML-Datei bereits vorhanden.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "Effektives POM konnte nicht analysiert werden.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "Es wurden keine integrierten Maven-Feeds gefunden, für die eine Authentifizierung erforderlich ist. Deaktivieren Sie \"Integrierte Maven-Feeds authentifizieren\", um das Erstellen zu beschleunigen.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Integrierter Feed wird verwendet:" + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Integrierter Feed wird verwendet:", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Es wurden keine Testergebnisdateien gefunden, die mit %s übereinstimmen. Das Veröffentlichen von JUnit-Testergebnissen wird daher übersprungen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index d4315f1c7285..685ccf8725fe 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Compilar con Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Compila, prueba e implementa con Apache Maven.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(mavenPOMFile) de Maven", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuración del análisis de SonarQube se movió a las extensiones de [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) o [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud), en la tarea \"Prepare Analysis Configuration\"", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Resultados de pruebas JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Ruta de acceso relativa de la raíz del repositorio al archivo POM de Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Objetivos", "loc.input.label.options": "Opciones", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Maven. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar en Azure Pipelines los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Maven. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Especifique la ruta de acceso y el patrón de los archivos de resultados de las pruebas que deben publicarse. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Por ejemplo, \"**/TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyo nombre comience con \"TEST-\". Si no se especifica una ruta de acceso raíz, los archivos se buscan en el directorio de trabajo predeterminado, cuyo valor está disponible en la variable: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Por ejemplo, un valor de \"**/TEST-*.xml\" dará lugar a que se busquen los archivos de \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Establecer MAVEN_OPTS en", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Establece la variable de entorno MAVEN_OPTS, que se utiliza para enviar argumentos de la línea de comandos para iniciar JVM. La marca -Xmx especifica la cantidad de memoria máxima disponible para JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Autenticar fuentes de Maven integradas", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Autentique automáticamente las fuentes de Maven de Azure Artifacts. Si no se usan las fuentes de Maven integradas, anule la selección de esta opción para que las compilaciones se ejecuten más rápido.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Ejecutar el análisis de SonarQube o SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Esta opción ha cambiado desde la versión 1 de la tarea de **Maven** para usar las extensiones de Marketplace de [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) y [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Habilite esta opción para ejecutar el [análisis de SonarQube o SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) después de ejecutar los objetivos en el campo **Goals**. El objetivo **install** o **package** debe ejecutarse primero. También debe agregar una tarea **Prepare Analysis Configuration** de una de las extensiones a la canalización de compilación antes de esta tarea de Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Escáner de SonarQube para la versión de Maven", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Resultados del análisis de código", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "El análisis de código está deshabilitado fuera del entorno de compilación. No se encuentra ningún valor para: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "La configuración de fuente o repositorio ya existe en el archivo XML.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "No se puede analizar el archivo POM efectivo.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "No se han encontrado fuentes de Maven integradas que requieran autenticación. Deshabilite la opción \"Autenticar fuentes de Maven integradas\" para que las compilaciones se ejecuten más rápido.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Usando la fuente integrada: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Usando la fuente integrada: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "No se encontraron archivos de resultados de pruebas que coincidan con %s, por lo que se omite la publicación de los resultados de las pruebas JUnit." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ed6e6d38d5e7..d79e4c8020c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Générer avec Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Générer, tester et déployer avec Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuration de l'analyse SonarQube a été déplacée vers les extensions [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) ou [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud), dans la tâche 'Préparer la configuration de l'analyse'", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Résultats du test JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Chemin relatif de la racine de dépôt au fichier POM Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Objectif(s)", "loc.input.label.options": "Options", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Maven sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Maven sur Azure Pipelines. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Spécifiez le chemin et le modèle des fichiers de résultats des tests à publier. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par 'TEST-'. Si aucun chemin racine n'est spécifié, les fichiers correspondants sont recherchés sous le répertoire de travail par défaut, dont la valeur est disponible dans la variable : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Par exemple, la valeur '**/TEST-*.xml' entraîne la recherche des fichiers correspondant à '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Affecter à MAVEN_OPTS", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Définit la variable d'environnement MAVEN_OPTS, qui permet d'envoyer des arguments de ligne de commande pour démarrer JVM. L'indicateur -Xmx spécifie la mémoire maximale disponible pour JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifier les flux Maven intégrés", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Authentifiez automatiquement les flux Maven à partir d'Azure Artifacts. Si les flux intégrés Maven ne sont pas utilisés, désélectionnez cette option pour obtenir des builds plus rapides.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Exécuter l'analyse SonarQube ou SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Cette option a changé depuis la version 1 de la tâche **Maven**. Elle utilise les extensions du Marketplace [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) et [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Activez cette option pour exécuter l'[analyse SonarQube ou SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) après l'exécution des objectifs du champ **Goals**. L'objectif **installer** ou **package** doit s'exécuter en premier. Vous devez également ajouter une tâche **Préparer la configuration de l'analyse** à partir de l'une des extensions du pipeline de build avant cette tâche Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Analyseur SonarQube pour la version de Maven", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Résultats d'analyse du code", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analyse du code est désactivée en dehors de l'environnement de build. Valeur introuvable pour %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Les paramètres du flux ou du dépôt existent déjà dans le fichier xml.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier POM effectif.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "Aucun flux Maven intégré nécessitant une authentification n'a été trouvé. Désactivez 'Authentifier les flux Maven intégrés' pour obtenir des builds plus rapides.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Utilisation du flux intégré : " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Utilisation du flux intégré : ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Les fichiers de résultats des tests correspondant à %s sont introuvables. La publication des résultats des tests JUnit est ignorée." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index cae44677fb6c..e718de0062ba 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare con Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, testare e distribuire con Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configurazione dell'analisi SonarQube è stata spostata nell'attività `Prepara configurazione di analisi` dell'estensione [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) o [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Risultati del test JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Percorso relativo dalla radice del repository al file POM di Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Obiettivo/i", "loc.input.label.options": "Opzioni", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Maven in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Maven in Azure Pipelines. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Consente di specificare il percorso e i criteri dei file dei risultati del test da pubblicare. È possibile usare caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con `TEST-`. Se non viene specificato alcun percorso radice, il confronto dei file viene eseguito a livello della directory di lavoro predefinita, il cui valore è disponibile nella variabile $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Ad esempio, con il valore '**/TEST-*.xml', verranno restituiti i file corrispondenti presenti in '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Imposta MAVEN_OPTS su", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Consente di impostare la variabile di ambiente MAVEN_OPTS, che viene usata per inviare argomenti della riga di comando per avviare JVM. Il flag -Xmx specifica la memoria massima disponibile per JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Esegui autenticazione feed Maven predefiniti", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Esegue automaticamente l'autenticazione dei feed Maven da Azure Artifacts. Se i feed Maven predefiniti non sono in uso, deselezionare questa opzione per compilazioni più rapide.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Esegui analisi SonarQube o SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Questa opzione è stata modificata rispetto alla versione 1 dell'attività **Maven** in modo da usare le estensioni [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) e [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) del Marketplace. Abilitare questa opzione per eseguire l'[analisi SonarQube o SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) dopo aver eseguito gli obiettivi nel campo **Goals**. L'obiettivo **install** o **package** deve essere eseguito per primo. Prima di questa attività Maven, è anche necessario aggiungere alla pipeline di compilazione un'attività **Prepara configurazione di analisi** da una delle estensioni.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Versione di SonarQube Scanner per Maven", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Risultati di analisi codice", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "L'analisi codice è disabilitata dall'esterno dell'ambiente di compilazione. Non è stato possibile trovare alcun valore per %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Le impostazioni per il feed o il repository esistono già nel file XML.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "Non è stato possibile analizzare il file POM effettivo.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "Non sono stati trovati feed Maven predefiniti che richiedono l'autenticazione. Disabilitare 'Authenticate built-in Maven feeds' per compilazioni più rapide.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Uso del feed predefinito: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Uso del feed predefinito: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Non sono stati trovati file dei risultati del test corrispondenti a %s, di conseguenza la pubblicazione dei risultati del test JUnit verrà ignorata." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 72f3cded0df3..be18ebc2b4e1 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Apache Maven でビルドします", + "loc.description": "Apache Maven でビルド、テスト、配置します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 解析の構成は、[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) または [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 拡張機能の 'Prepare Analysis Configuration' タスクに移動しました", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit のテスト結果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "リポジトリのルートから Maven POM ファイルへの相対パス。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目標", "loc.input.label.options": "オプション", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines/TFS でのテストの実行として発行されます。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven のビルドによって生成された JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines でテストの実行として発行されます。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "発行するテスト結果ファイルのパスとパターンを指定します。ワイルドカードを使用できます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。たとえば、名前が 'TEST-' で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は '**/TEST-*.xml' です。ルート パスが指定されていない場合、ファイルは既定の作業ディレクトリの下で突き合わされます。そのディレクトリの値は、変数 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) から取得できます。たとえば、'**/TEST-*.xml' という値は、実際には '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml' と一致するファイルから検索されます。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS を次のように設定します:", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "JVM を起動するためにコマンド ライン引数を送信するときに使用される MAVEN_OPTS 環境変数を設定します。-Xmx フラグは JVM で使用可能な最大メモリを指定します。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "ビルトイン Maven フィードの認証", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Azure Artifacts からの Maven フィードを自動的に認証します。組み込みの Maven フィードを使用していない場合、このオプションを選択解除するとビルドを高速化できます。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube 分析または SonarCloud 分析の実行", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "このオプションはバージョン 1 の **Maven** タスクから変更され、[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) および [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) Marketplace 拡張機能を使用するようになりました。このオプションを有効にして、[**Goals**] フィールドのゴールを実行した後に [SonarQube または SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) を実行するようにします。**install** または **package** のゴールを最初に実行する必要があります。また、この Maven タスクの前に、いずれか一方の拡張機能から **Prepare Analysis Configuration** タスクをビルド パイプラインに追加する必要があります。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube scanner for Maven のバージョン", @@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_LinkText": "詳しい SonarQube レポート", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildSummary_CannotAuthenticate": "SonarQube サーバーへ認証できません。保存したサービス接続の詳細とサーバーの状態を確認してください。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_AnalysisTimeout": "%d 秒の所定時間内に分析が完了しませんでした。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "プル要求ビルド: 詳細 SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", - "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "プル要求ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildSummary": "Pull request ビルド: 詳細な SonarQube ビルドの概要は提供されません。", + "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_IsPullRequest_SkippingBuildBreaker": "Pull request ビルド: 品質ゲートが失敗してもビルドは中断されません。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_BuildBrokenDueToQualityGateFailure": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートが失敗しました。", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_QualityGatePassed": "このビルドに関連する SonarQube 品質ゲートに合格しました (状態 %s)", "loc.messages.sqAnalysis_UnknownComparatorString": "SonarQube ビルドの概要に問題が発生しました: 不明な比較演算子 '%s'", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "コード分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "コード分析はビルド環境の外部では無効です。%s の値が見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "フィードまたはリポジトリの設定が XML ファイルに既に存在しています。", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "有効な POM を解析できませんでした。", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "認証が必要なビルトイン Maven フィードが見つかりませんでした。[ビルトイン Maven フィードの認証] を無効にすれば、ビルドを高速化できます。", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "ビルトイン フィードを使用しています: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "ビルトイン フィードを使用しています: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s と一致するテスト結果ファイルが見つからないため、JUnit テスト結果の発行をスキップします。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 9fdb8e9f7dbb..1c1c4df70707 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Apache Maven으로 빌드", + "loc.description": "Apache Maven을 사용하여 빌드, 테스트, 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 분석 구성이 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 또는 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 확장의 '분석 구성 준비' 작업으로 이동됨", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Maven POM 파일의 리포지토리 루트로부터의 상대 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.goals": "목표", "loc.input.label.options": "옵션", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines/TFS에서 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Maven 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines에 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "게시할 테스트 결과 파일의 경로 및 패턴을 지정합니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). 예를 들어 이름이 'TEST-'로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 보려면 '**/TEST-*.xml'을 지정합니다. 루트 경로를 지정하면 기본 작업 디렉터리 아래에 있는 파일이 일치되고, 해당 값을 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 변수에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 값이 '**/TEST-*.xml'이면 실제로 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml'의 파일이 일치됩니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "MAVEN_OPTS를 다음으로 설정", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "JVM을 시작하기 위해 명령줄 인수를 보내는 데 사용되는 MAVEN_OPTS 환경 변수를 설정합니다. xmx 플래그는 JVM에 사용 가능한 최대 메모리를 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "기본 제공 Maven 피드 인증", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Azure Artifacts의 Maven 피드를 자동으로 인증합니다. 기본 제공 Maven 피드를 사용하지 않는 경우, 보다 신속한 빌드를 위해 이 옵션의 선택을 취소합니다.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "SonarQube 또는 SonarCloud 분석 실행", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "이 옵션은 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 및 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) Marketplace 확장을 사용하기 위해 **Maven** 작업의 버전 1에서 변경되었습니다. **목표** 필드의 목표를 실행한 후 [SonarQube 또는 SonarCloud 분석](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)을 실행하려면 이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하세요. **설치** 또는 **패키지** 목표를 먼저 실행해야 합니다. 또한 빌드 파이프라인에서 이 Maven 작업 앞에 확장 중 하나의 **분석 구성 준비** 작업을 추가해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "SonarQube Scanner for Maven 버전", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "코드 분석 결과", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "빌드 환경 외부에서 코드 분석을 사용하지 않도록 설정되어 있습니다. %s에 대한 값을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "피드 또는 리포지토리에 대한 설정이 xml 파일에 이미 있습니다.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "효과적인 POM을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "인증을 요구하는 기본 제공 Maven 피드를 찾을 수 없습니다. 빌드 속도 개선을 위해 '기본 제공 Maven 피드 인증'을 사용하지 않도록 설정하세요.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "기본 제공 피드 사용 중: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "기본 제공 피드 사용 중: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s과(와) 일치하는 테스트 결과 파일을 찾을 수 없으므로 JUnit 테스트 결과 게시를 건너뜁니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 75a2d07c5b04..27939567a2ee 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "Сборка с помощью Apache Maven", + "loc.description": "Сборка, тестирование и развертывание с помощью Apache Maven", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Конфигурация анализа SonarQube перемещена в расширения [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) или [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) в задаче \"Подготовка конфигурации анализа\"", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "Результаты теста JUnit", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "Относительный путь от корня репозитория к файлу POM Maven.", "loc.input.label.goals": "Цели", "loc.input.label.options": "Параметры", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Maven, в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Maven, в Azure Pipelines. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Укажите путь и шаблон файлов с результатами тестов, которые необходимо опубликовать. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\". Если корневой путь не указан, файлы сопоставляются в рабочем каталоге по умолчанию, значение которого содержится в переменной $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Например, значение \"**/TEST-*.xml\" приведет к сопоставлению файлов в \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "Задать MAVEN_OPTS равной", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "Задает переменную среды MAVEN_OPTS, которая используется для отправки аргументов командной строки, запускающих JVM. Флаг -Xmx указывает максимальный объем памяти, доступный JVM.", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Проверка подлинности встроенных веб-каналов Maven", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "Автоматическая проверка подлинности веб-каналов Maven из Azure Artifacts. Если встроенные веб-каналы Maven не используются, отключите этот параметр, чтобы ускорить сборку.", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Выполнить анализ SonarQube или SonarCloud", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "Этот параметр был изменен с версии 1 задачи **Maven** для использования расширений Marketplace [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) и [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud). Включите его, чтобы запустить [анализ SonarQube или SonarCloud](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html) после выполнения целей в поле **Цели**. Первой должна быть запущена цель **install** или **package**. Также необходимо добавить задачу **Подготовить конфигурацию анализа** из одного из расширений в конвейер сборки перед этой задачей Maven.", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Версия сканера SonarQube для Maven", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "Результаты анализа кода", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "Анализ кода отключен вне среды сборки. Не удалось найти значение: %s", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "Параметры для веб-канала или репозитория уже имеются в XML-файле.", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "Не удалось проанализировать действующий файл POM.", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "Встроенные веб-каналы Maven, требующие проверки подлинности, не найдены. Отключите параметр \"Проверка подлинности встроенных веб-каналов Maven\", чтобы ускорить сборку.", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Используется встроенный веб-канал: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "Используется встроенный веб-канал: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Не найдены файлы результатов теста, соответствующие \"%s\". Публикация результатов теста JUnit пропускается." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1bc3e50b1127..f573fd9e5357 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 生成", + "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 生成、测试和部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "在“准备分析配置”任务中,已将 SonarQube 分析的配置移至 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube)或 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)扩展", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 测试结果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "从存储库根路径到 Maven POM 文件的相对路径。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目标", "loc.input.label.options": "选项", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Maven 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每个与“测试结果文件”匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中发布为测试运行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Maven 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。每个与 `Test Results Files` 匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines 中发布为测试运行。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "指定要发布的测试结果文件的路径和模式。可以使用通配符([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 \"TEST-\" 开头的所有 XML 文件。如果未指定根路径,则在默认工作目录下匹配文件,其值可通过变量 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 获取。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 值会通过 \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml\" 获取匹配的文件。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "将 MAVEN_OPTS 设置为", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "设置 MAVEN_OPTS 环境变量,此变量将用于发送命令行参数以启动 JVM。-Xmx 标志指定 JVM 可用的最大内存。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "对内置 Maven 源进行身份验证", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "自动对 Azure Artifacts 中的内置 Maven 源进行验证。如果未使用内置 Maven 源,请取消选择该选项,以便更快生成。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "运行 SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "此选项已从 **Maven** 任务的版本 1 更改为使用[SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube)和[SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud)市场扩展。启用此选项,在执行 **目标** 字段中的目标后运行[SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)。须首先运行 **安装** 或 **包** 目标。还必须在此 Maven 任务之前将其中一个扩展的 **准备分析配置** 任务添加到生成管道 。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "Maven 版本的 SonarQube 扫描仪", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "代码分析结果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "代码分析在生成环境外被禁用。无法找到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "xml 文件中已存在源或储存库的设置。", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "无法分析有效 POM。", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "未找到需要进行身份验证的内置 Maven 源。禁用“对内置 Maven 源进行身份验证”以便更快生成。", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "使用内置源: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "使用内置源: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "未找到匹配 %s 的测试结果文件,因此将跳过发布 JUnit 测试结果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b03f0d905c1b..d1a7843d67a8 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Maven", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613723)", - "loc.description": "使用 Apache Maven 建置", + "loc.description": "透過 Apache Maven 進行建置、測試和部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Maven $(mavenPOMFile)", "loc.releaseNotes": "SonarQube 分析的設定已移至 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 或 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 延伸模組,位於 `Prepare Analysis Configuration` 工作中", "loc.group.displayName.junitTestResults": "JUnit 測試結果", @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ "loc.input.help.mavenPOMFile": "從存放庫根路徑到 Maven POM 檔案的相對路徑。", "loc.input.label.goals": "目標", "loc.input.label.options": "選項", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項,以將 Maven 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每個與「測試結果檔案」相符的測試結果檔案都將在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中以測試回合發行。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Maven 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。每個與「測試結果檔案」相符的測試結果檔案都將在 Azure Pipelines 中以測試回合發佈。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "指定要發行之測試結果檔案的路徑與模式。可使用萬用字元 ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 表示名稱開頭為 'TEST-' 的所有 XML 檔案。若未指定任何根路徑,會比對預設工作目錄下的檔案,預設工作目錄的值由下列變數提供: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)。例如,若值為 '**/TEST-*.xml',實際比對時,會從 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/TEST-*.xml' 比對檔案。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ "loc.input.label.mavenOpts": "將 MAVEN_OPTS 設為", "loc.input.help.mavenOpts": "設定 MAVEN_OPTS 環境變數,用以傳送命令列引數以啟動 JVM。-Xmx 旗標會指定 JVM 可用的記憶體上限。", "loc.input.label.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "驗證內建 Maven 摘要", + "loc.input.help.mavenFeedAuthenticate": "從 Azure Artifacts 自動驗證內建 Maven 摘要。如果內建 Maven 摘要不在使用中,請取消選取此選項以加快建置速度。", "loc.input.label.sqAnalysisEnabled": "執行 SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析", "loc.input.help.sqAnalysisEnabled": "此選項已從版本 1 的 **Maven** 工作變更為使用 [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) 和 [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) 市集延伸模組。啟用此選項可在於 [目標]**** 欄位中執行目標後,執行 [SonarQube 或 SonarCloud 分析](http://redirect.sonarsource.com/doc/install-configure-scanner-tfs-ts.html)。[安裝]**** 或 [套件]**** 目標應先執行。您也必須在此 Maven 工作前,將其中一個延伸模組中的 [準備分析組態]**** 工作新增至建置管線。", "loc.input.label.sqMavenPluginVersionChoice": "適用於 Maven 的 SonarQube 掃描器版本", @@ -84,11 +85,12 @@ "loc.messages.codeAnalysisArtifactSummaryTitle": "程式碼分析結果", "loc.messages.codeAnalysisDisabled": "已停用於組建環境外進行程式碼分析。找不到 %s 的值", "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。", "loc.messages.EntryAlreadyExists": "XML 檔中已有摘要或存放庫的設定。", "loc.messages.EffectivePomInvalid": "無法剖析有效的 POM。", "loc.messages.AuthenticationNotNecessary": "找不到需要驗證的內建 Maven 摘要。請停用 [驗證內建 Maven 摘要] 以加快建置速度。", - "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "使用內建摘要: " + "loc.messages.UsingAuthFeed": "使用內建摘要: ", + "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "找不到任何符合 %s 的測試結果,因此跳過發行 JUnit 測試結果。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/task.json b/Tasks/MavenV3/task.json index c1a59d09348c..f903dea2d74b 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "releaseNotes": "Configuration of the SonarQube analysis was moved to the [SonarQube](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarqube) or [SonarCloud](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SonarSource.sonarcloud) extensions, in task `Prepare Analysis Configuration`", "demands": [ @@ -410,4 +410,4 @@ "UsingAuthFeed": "Using built-in feed: ", "NoTestResults": "No test result files matching %s were found, so publishing JUnit test results is being skipped." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MavenV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/MavenV3/task.loc.json index cf3f23a818d1..d775f4005c36 100644 --- a/Tasks/MavenV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/MavenV3/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 6cc05eeee0e2..2cb96b255c80 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "MySQL Database bereitstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "Dies ist eine frühe Vorschau. Führen Sie Skripts aus, und nehmen Sie Änderungen an Ihrer MySQL Database-Instanz vor.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Skripts ausgeführt und Änderungen an einer MySQL Database-Instanz vorgenommen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Bereitstellen mit: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "MySQL bereitstellen mit", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "Wählen Sie eine der Optionen zwischen Skriptdatei und Inlineskript aus.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c0aeb3c81cf0..51b040440e08 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de MySQL Database", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "Esta es una versión preliminar. Ejecute los scripts y realice cambios en la instancia de MySQL Database.", + "loc.description": "Ejecute los scripts y realice cambios en la instancia de MySQL Database.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar con: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Implementar MySql con", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "Seleccione una de las opciones entre Archivo de script y Script en línea.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3ebf4216bea2..4c0344cdb6f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de base de données MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "Il s'agit d'une préversion. Exécutez vos scripts et apportez des changements à votre base de données MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts et apporter des changements à une base de données MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer avec : $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Déployer MySql avec", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "Sélectionnez l'une des options situées entre Fichier de script et Script inline.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 50ec1d0f59dc..76bd8b953bbd 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione database MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "Questa è un'anteprima anticipata. Consente di eseguire gli script e apportare modifiche al database MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire gli script e di apportare modifiche a un'istanza di MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci tramite: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Distribuisci MySQL tramite", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "Selezionare una delle opzioni tra File di script e Script inline.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 987824634527..0de53f5fb395 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "MySQL データベースの配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "これは、早期プレビュー版です。スクリプトを実行して MySQL データベースに変更を加えます。", + "loc.description": "スクリプトを実行して MySQL データベースに変更を加えます", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "次を使用して配置します。$(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "次を使用して MySql を配置する", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "スクリプト ファイルとインライン スクリプトのいずれか 1 つのオプションを選択してください。", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index f8b00614db2c..5eaebb15f824 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "MySQL 데이터베이스 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "초기 미리 보기 버전입니다. 스크립트를 실행하고 MySQL 데이터베이스를 변경합니다.", + "loc.description": "스크립트를 실행하고 MySQL 데이터베이스를 변경합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(TaskNameSelector)을(를) 사용하여 배포", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "다음을 사용하여 MySQL 배포", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "[스크립트 파일]과 [인라인 스크립트] 사이에 있는 옵션 중 하나를 선택합니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3628a2f636c8..914e4f40a756 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание базы данных MySQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "Это предварительная версия для ранних участников. Выполняйте скрипты и вносите изменения в базу данных MySQL.", + "loc.description": "Запуск скриптов и внесение изменений в базу данных MySQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание с помощью: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Развертывание MySQL с помощью", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "Выберите один из вариантов между файлом сценария и встроенным сценарием.", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 143776d2350c..cd668dbbf890 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "MySQL 数据库部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "这是提前预览版。运行脚本并对 MySQL 数据库做出更改。", + "loc.description": "运行脚本并对 MySQL 数据库做出更改", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 $(TaskNameSelector)部署", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "用其部署 MySql", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "从“脚本文件”和“内联脚本”中选择一个选项。", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 88e371703b15..2a746c11514e 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "MySQL 資料庫部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/mysql-deployment-on-machine-group)", - "loc.description": "這是早期預覽。您可執行指令碼,以及對自己的 MySQL 資料庫進行變更。", + "loc.description": "執行指令碼,以及對 MySQL 資料庫進行變更", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "部署工具: $(TaskNameSelector)", "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "MySql 部署工具", "loc.input.help.TaskNameSelector": "請在指令檔與內嵌指令碼選項中擇一。", diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.json b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.json index 7e26a0a7415d..74bec38c896d 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0", @@ -120,4 +120,4 @@ "WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL client is missing on the Windows agent machine. Please install it by running the MySQL client installer 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' script file on the agent machine.", "LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL client is missing on the Linux agent machine. Please install it by running 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.loc.json index 554963c75f6e..797384b3d526 100644 --- a/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/MysqlDeploymentOnMachineGroupV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 5 + "Patch": 6 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index d8147b0983ba..9e582ec1fd52 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Node Tool-Installationsprogramm", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für Node. js-Tools", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Findet die angegebene Versionsangabe von Node oder lädt sie herunter, fügt Sie in den Zwischenspeicher ein und fügt sie dem PATH hinzu.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die angegebene Versionsspezifikation von Node.js ermittelt oder heruntergeladen, zwischengespeichert und zu PATH hinzugefügt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Node $(versionSpec) verwenden", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe der abzurufenden Version. Beispiele: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index f441781e26c3..246f9f304c94 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Node", + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de la herramienta Node.js", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Busca o descarga y almacena en caché la versión especificada de Node y la agrega a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Busca o descarga y almacena en caché la especificación de versión indicada de Node.js y la agrega a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Node $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Especificación de versión", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Especificación de la versión que debe obtenerse. Ejemplos: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 57de5ac644ef..bcc94bf1d1f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation d'outil Node", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de l'outil Node.js", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Recherche ou télécharge et met en cache la spécification de version de Node, puis l'ajoute à PATH.", + "loc.description": "Recherche ou télécharge et met en cache la version spécifiée de Node.js, puis l'ajoute à PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Node $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Spécification de version", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Spécification de version de la version à obtenir. Exemples : 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d71541997c85..045947f5f156 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Node", + "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione strumento Node.js", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Trova o scarica e memorizza nella cache l'identificatore di versione specificato di Node e lo aggiunge a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Trova o scarica e memorizza nella cache l'identificatore di versione specificato di Node.js lo aggiunge a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Node $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Identificatore di versione", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Identificatore della versione da scaricare, ad esempio: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 8a60b6b5c3d1..d83c4656decc 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Node Tool インストーラー", + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "指定されたバージョン仕様の Node を検索またはダウンロードし、それをキャッシュしてから PATH に追加します。", + "loc.description": "Node.js の指定されたバージョン仕様を検索またはダウンロードしてキャッシュし、それを PATH に追加します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Node $(versionSpec) の使用", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "バージョンの仕様", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "取得するバージョンのバージョン仕様。例: 6.x、4.x、6.10.0、6.10.0 以上", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 36a12d3f7f11..a20af1bd5132 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "노드 도구 설치 관리자", + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js 도구 설치 관리자", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "노드의 지정된 버전 사양을 찾거나 다운로드하여 캐시한 다음 PATH에 추가합니다.", + "loc.description": "지정된 버전 사양의 Node.js를 찾거나 다운로드하여 캐시하고 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "노드 $(versionSpec) 사용", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "버전 사양", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "다운로드할 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index d57a2996066e..692336e56c6d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик инструмента Node", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств Node.js", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Находит либо скачивает и кэширует указанный спецификатор версии Node и добавляет его в PATH.", + "loc.description": "Находит либо скачивает и кэширует указанную спецификацию версии Node.js и добавляет ее в PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Node $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Спецификатор для версии, которую необходимо получить. Примеры: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e7d45c355cdc..5c87bd023524 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "节点工具安装程序", + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js 工具安装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "查找或下载并缓存指定的节点版本规范,并将其添加到 PATH。", + "loc.description": "查找或下载并缓存指定的 Node.js 版本规范,并将其添加到 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用节点 $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本规范", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要获取的版本的版本规范。例如: 6.x, 4.x, 6.10.0, >=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 432ae8ae2486..70f1f2d77272 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Node 工具安裝程式", + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js 工具安裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "尋找或下載並快取指定版本規格的 Node,然後將其新增到 PATH。", + "loc.description": "尋找或下載並快取指定版本規格的 Node.js,然後將其新增到 PATH。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Node $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本指定", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要取得之版本的版本規格。例如: 6.x、4.x、6.10.0、>=6.10.0", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.json b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.json index a08821afd03f..2ed131c5351f 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "satisfies": [ "Node", diff --git a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.loc.json index 5e3a1c642fd4..03120cb7c1d5 100644 --- a/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NodeToolV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "satisfies": [ "Node", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3f221f87c21f..8fed5914cd9c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm-Authentifizierung (für Aufgabenausführungen)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe nicht, wenn Sie auch die npm-Aufgabe verwenden. Stellt npm-Anmeldeinformationen für eine NPMRC-Datei in Ihrem Repository für den Gültigkeitsbereich des Builds bereit. So können npm-Aufgabenausführungen wie Gulp und Grunt sich bei privaten Registrierungen authentifizieren.", + "loc.description": "Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe nicht, wenn Sie auch die npm-Aufgabe verwenden. Stellt npm-Anmeldeinformationen für eine NPMRC-Datei in Ihrem Repository für den Gültigkeitsbereich des Builds bereit. So können npm-Aufgabenausführungen wie gulp und Grunt sich bei privaten Registrierungen authentifizieren.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm-Authentifizierung $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "NPMRC-Datei zur Authentifizierung", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "Pfad zu der NPMRC-Datei mit der Angabe der Registrierungen, mit denen Sie arbeiten möchten. Wählen Sie die Datei und nicht den Ordner aus. Beispiel: /packages/mypackage.npmrc.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für Registrierungen außerhalb dieses Kontos/dieser Sammlung", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Registrierungen in der NPMRC-Datei des Projekts. Lassen Sie dieses Feld bei Registrierungen in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung leer; die Anmeldeinformationen des Builds werden automatisch verwendet.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für Registrierungen außerhalb dieser Organisation/Sammlung", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen zur Verwendung für externe Registrierungen in der NPMRC-Datei des Projekts. Lassen Sie dieses Feld bei Registrierungen in dieser Organisation/Sammlung leer. Es werden automatisch die Anmeldeinformationen für den Build verwendet.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Buildanmeldeinformationen gefunden", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "Die Buildanmeldeinformationen wurden nicht gefunden.", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "Die Dienstverbindung wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die ausgewählte Dienstverbindung noch vorhanden ist.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "Datei %s wird gespeichert", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "Datei %s wird wiederhergestellt", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Authentifizierung für die Registrierung wird hinzugefügt: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d Registrierungen in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung gefunden", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d Registrierungen in dieser Organisation/Sammlung gefunden", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "Für eine lokale Registrierung werden Anmeldeinformationen hinzugefügt.", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "Für die Dienstverbindung \"%s\" werden Anmeldeinformationen hinzugefügt.", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "Der NPMRC-Datei unter \"%s\" wird eine Authentifizierung hinzugefügt.", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ae8b2a3847f1..278a0ebef940 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticación npm (para ejecutores de tareas)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "No use esta tarea si utiliza también la tarea de npm. Proporciona credenciales de npm a un archivo .npmrc del repositorio para el ámbito de la compilación. Esto permite a los ejecutores de tareas de npm, como Gulp y Grunt, realizar la autenticación con registros privados.", + "loc.description": "No use esta tarea si utiliza también la tarea de npm. Proporciona credenciales de npm a un archivo .npmrc del repositorio para el ámbito de la compilación. Esto permite a los ejecutores de tareas de npm, como gulp y Grunt, realizar la autenticación con registros privados.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticación npm $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "Archivo .npmrc para autenticar", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "Ruta de acceso al archivo .npmrc que especifica los registros con los que quiere trabajar. Seleccione el archivo, no la carpeta. Por ejemplo, \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\".", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenciales para registros fuera de esta cuenta o colección", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo .npmrc del proyecto. Para registros en esta cuenta o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usarán automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenciales para registros fuera de esta organización o colección", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo .npmrc del proyecto. Para registros en esta organización o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usarán automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Credenciales de compilación encontradas", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "No se encuentran credenciales de compilación", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "No se encontró la conexión de servicio. Asegúrese de que la conexión de servicio seleccionada aún existe.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "Guardando el archivo %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "Restaurando el archivo %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Agregando autenticación para el registro: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Se encontraron %d registros en esta cuenta o colección", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Se encontraron %d registros en esta organización o colección", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "Agregando credenciales para un Registro local", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "Agregando las credenciales para la conexión de servicio %s", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "Agregando autenticación al archivo .npmrc en %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index a7eb5627489d..d44f2082b95e 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Authentification npm (pour les exécuteurs de tâches)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "N'utilisez pas cette tâche si vous utilisez également la tâche npm. Fournit les informations d'identification npm à un fichier .npmrc de votre dépôt pour la portée de la build. Cela permet aux exécuteurs de tâches npm tels que Gulp et Grunt de s'authentifier auprès des registres privés.", + "loc.description": "N'utilisez pas cette tâche si vous utilisez également la tâche npm. Fournit les informations d'identification npm à un fichier .npmrc de votre dépôt pour l'étendue de la build. Cela permet aux exécuteurs de tâches npm tels que gulp et Grunt de s'authentifier auprès des registres privés.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Authentification npm $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "Fichier .npmrc utilisé pour l'authentification", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "Chemin du fichier .npmrc qui spécifie les registres à utiliser. Sélectionnez le fichier, pas le dossier. Exemple : \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\".", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification des registres situés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier .npmrc du projet. Pour les registres présents dans ce compte/cette collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification des registres situés en dehors de cette organisation/collection", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier .npmrc du projet. Pour les registres présents dans cette organisation/collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Informations d'identification de build trouvées", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "Informations d'identification de build introuvables", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "La connexion de service est introuvable. Vérifiez que la connexion de service sélectionnée existe toujours.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "Enregistrement du fichier %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "Restauration du fichier %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Ajout de l'authentification pour le registre : %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d registres trouvés dans ce compte/cette collection", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d registres trouvés dans cette organisation/collection", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "Ajout des informations d'identification pour un registre local", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "Ajout des informations d'identification pour la connexion de service %s", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "Ajout de l'authentification au fichier .npmrc sur %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index bd3675268ef4..ec04db0cccd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticazione npm (per strumenti di esecuzione attività)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Non usare questa attività se si usa anche l'attività npm. Fornisce le credenziali npm a un file con estensione npmrc nel repository per l'ambito della compilazione. In questo modo gli strumenti di esecuzione attività di npm, come Gulp e Grunt, possono eseguire l'autenticazione con registri privati.", + "loc.description": "Non usare questa attività se si usa anche l'attività npm. Fornisce le credenziali npm a un file con estensione npmrc nel repository per l'ambito della compilazione. In questo modo gli strumenti di esecuzione attività di npm, come gulp e Grunt, possono eseguire l'autenticazione con registri privati.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticazione npm $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "File con estensione npmrc da autenticare", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "Percorso del file con estensione npmrc che specifica i registri che si vuole usare. Selezionare il file e non la cartella, ad esempio \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\".", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenziali per i registri esterni a questo account/raccolta", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni situati nel file del progetto con estensione npmrc. Per i registri in questo account/raccolta lasciare vuoto. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenziali per i registri esterni a questa organizzazione/raccolta", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni situati nel file del progetto con estensione npmrc. Per i registri in questa organizzazione/raccolta lasciare vuoto il campo. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Sono state trovate le credenziali di compilazione", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "Non è stato possibile trovare le credenziali di compilazione", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "Non è stato possibile trovare la connessione al servizio. Assicurarsi che la connessione al servizio selezionata sia ancora esistente.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "Salvataggio del file %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "Ripristino del file %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Aggiunta dell'autenticazione per il registro: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Sono stati trovati %d registri in questo account/raccolta", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Sono stati trovati %d registri in questa organizzazione/raccolta", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "Aggiunta le credenziali per un registro locale", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "Aggiunta delle credenziali per la connessione al servizio %s", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "Aggiunta dell'autenticazione al file con estensione npmrc in %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index c764816435af..268449f36f9a 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm 認証 (タスク ランナー用)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "npm タスクも使用している場合、このタスクを使用しないでください。ビルドのスコープに関しては、リポジトリ内の .npmrc ファイルに npm 資格情報を提供します。これにより、Gulp や Grunt などの npm タスク ランナーで、プライベート レジストリを使用して認証できるようになります。", + "loc.description": "npm タスクも使用している場合、このタスクを使用しないでください。ビルドのスコープに関しては、リポジトリ内の .npmrc ファイルに npm 資格情報を提供します。これにより、gulp や Grunt などの npm タスク ランナーで、プライベート レジストリを使用して認証できるようになります。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm 認証 $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "認証するための .npmrc ファイル", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "使用するレジストリを指定する .npmrc ファイルへのパス。フォルダーではなくファイルを選択します。例: \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\"。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "このアカウント/コレクション外のレジストリの資格情報", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "プロジェクトの .npmrc にある外部レジストリのために使用する資格情報。このアカウント/コレクション内のレジストリの場合は、これを空白のままにしてください。自動的にビルドの資格情報が使用されます。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "この組織/コレクション外のレジストリの資格情報", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "プロジェクトの .npmrc にある外部レジストリに使用する資格情報です。この組織/コレクションのレジストリの場合は、空白のままにします。ビルドの資格情報が自動的に使用されます。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "ビルドの資格情報が見つかりました", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "ビルドの資格情報が見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "サービス接続が見つかりませんでした。選択したサービス接続がまだ存在していることをご確認ください。", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "ファイル %s を保存しています", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "ファイルを復元しています %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "次のレジストリに権限を追加しています: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "このアカウント/コレクションに %d 個のレジストリが見つかりました", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "この組織/コレクションに %d 個のレジストリが見つかりました", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "ローカル レジストリの資格情報を追加しています", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "%s サービス接続の資格情報を追加しています", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "%s の .npmrc ファイルに認証を追加しています", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 774d99e198e8..45d9a4b7979c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm 인증(작업 실행기의 경우)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "npm 작업도 사용하는 경우 이 작업을 사용하지 마세요. 빌드 범위에 대해 리포지토리의 .npmrc 파일에 npm 자격 증명을 제공합니다. 이렇게 하면 Gulp 및 Grunt와 같은 npm 작업 실행기가 개인 레지스트리를 사용하여 인증할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "npm 작업도 사용하는 경우에는 이 작업을 사용할 수 없습니다. 리포지토리의 .npmrc 파일에 빌드 범위의 npm 자격 증명을 지정합니다. 이렇게 하면 gulp, Grunt 등의 npm 작업 실행기가 프라이빗 레지스트리에 인증할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm 인증 $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "인증할 .npmrc 파일", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "사용할 레지스트리를 지정하는 .npmrc 파일의 경로입니다. 폴더가 아니라 파일을 선택합니다(예: \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\").", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "이 계정/컬렉션 외부 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "프로젝트의 .npmrc에 있는 외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명입니다. 이 계정/컬렉션에 있는 레지스트리의 경우 이 필드를 비워 두세요. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "이 조직/컬렉션 외부 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명으로, 프로젝트의 .npmrc에 있습니다. 이 조직/컬렉션에 있는 레지스트리의 경우 이 필드를 비워 둡니다. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "빌드 자격 증명을 찾았습니다.", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "빌드 자격 증명을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "서비스 연결을 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결이 여전히 있는지 확인하세요.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "%s 파일 저장 중", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "%s 파일 복원 중", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "레지스트리에 대한 인증 추가: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "이 계정/컬렉션에서 레지스트리 %d개를 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "이 조직/컬렉션에서 레지스트리 %d개를 찾았습니다.", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "로컬 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명을 추가하는 중", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "%s 서비스 연결에 대한 자격 증명을 추가하는 중", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "%s의 .npmrc 파일에 인증을 추가하는 중", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ee947dd3cbe0..3bfa11b2e6f0 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Проверка подлинности npm (для запускателей задач)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "Не используйте эту задачу, если также используется задача npm. Она предоставляет учетные данные npm в файле NPMRC в репозитории для области сборки. Благодаря этому запускатели задач npm, такие как Gulp и Grunt, могут проходить проверку подлинности в частных реестрах.", + "loc.description": "Не используйте эту задачу, если также используется задача npm. Она предоставляет учетные данные npm в файле NPMRC в репозитории для области сборки. Благодаря этому запускатели задач npm, такие как gulp и Grunt, могут проходить проверку подлинности в частных реестрах.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Проверка подлинности npm $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "Файл NPMRC для проверки подлинности", "loc.input.help.workingFile": "Путь к файлу NPMRC, в котором указаны реестры, с которыми требуется работать. Выберите файл, а не папку, например \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\".", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные для реестров за пределами этой учетной записи и коллекции", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в файле NPMRC проекта. Для реестров в данной учетной записи или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные для реестров за пределами этой организации или коллекции", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в файле NPMRC проекта. Для реестров в данной организации или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Найдены учетные данные сборки", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "Не удалось найти учетные данные сборки", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "Не удалось найти подключение службы. Убедитесь в том, что выбранное подключение службы все еще существует.", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "Сохраняется файл %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "Восстанавливается файл %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Добавление проверки подлинности для реестра: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "В этой учетной записи и коллекции найдено реестров: %d", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Найдено реестров в этой организации или коллекции: %d", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "Добавляются учетные данные для локального реестра", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "Добавляются учетные данные для подключения к службе %s", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "Добавление проверки подлинности в файл NPMRC в %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index fe1b9dd0705b..bf0c0b3510e0 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm 身份验证 $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "要进行身份验证的 .npmrc 文件", "loc.input.help.workingFile": ".Npmrc 文件指定想要使用的注册表路径。选择该文件,而不是文件夹,如 \"/ packages/mypackage.npmrc\"。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "用于此帐户/集合外部的注册表的凭据", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用于项目的 .npmrc 中的外部注册表的凭据。对于此帐户/集合中的源,请将此留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "用于此组织/集合外部的注册表的凭据", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用于位于项目的 .npmrc 中的外部注册表的凭据。对于此组织/集合中的注册表,请将其留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "找到生成凭据", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "无法找到生成凭据", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "找不到服务连接。请确保所选的服务连接仍存在。", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "正在保存文件 %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "正在还原文件 %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "为注册表 %s 添加身份验证", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此帐户/集合中找到了 %d 注册表", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此组织/集合中找到 %d 个注册表", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "添加本地注册表的凭据", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "正在添加 %s 服务连接的凭据", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "向在 %s 的 .npmrc 文件添加身份验证", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7d2e7c74ac7b..a9b692d190fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm 驗證 (適用於工作執行器)", "loc.helpMarkDown": "", - "loc.description": "如果您同時使用 npm 工作,請不要使用此工作。請為組建範圍提供存放庫中 .npmrc 檔案的 npm 認證。這可讓 npm 工作執行器 (如 Gulp 和 Grunt) 向私人登錄驗證。", + "loc.description": "如果您同時使用 npm 工作,請不要使用此工作。請為組建範圍提供存放庫中 .npmrc 檔案的 npm 認證。這可讓 npm 工作執行器 (如 gulp 和 Grunt) 向私人登錄驗證。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm 驗證 $(workingFile)", "loc.input.label.workingFile": "要驗證的 .npmrc 檔案", "loc.input.help.workingFile": ".npmrc 檔案的路徑,會指定您要使用的登錄。請選取檔案而非資料夾,例如 \"/packages/mypackage.npmrc\"。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "登錄的認證在此帳戶/集合外部", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用於外部登錄的認證,位於專案的 .npmrc 中。如需此帳戶/集合中的登錄,請將此保留空白; 系統會自動使用組建的認證。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "此組織/集合外部登錄的認證", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "要用於專案 .npmrc 中外部登錄的認證。針對此組織/集合中的登錄,請將此欄位保留空白,系統會自動使用組建的認證。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "找到組建認證", "loc.messages.NoBuildCredentials": "找不到組建認證", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointNotDefined": "找不到服務連線。請確定選取的服務連線仍然存在。", @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.messages.SavingFile": "正在儲存檔案 %s", "loc.messages.RestoringFile": "正在還原檔案 %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "正在新增登錄 %s 的驗證", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此帳戶/集合中找到 %d 個登錄", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此組織/集合中找到 %d 個登錄", "loc.messages.AddingLocalCredentials": "正在新增本機登錄的認證", "loc.messages.AddingEndpointCredentials": "正在新增 %s 服務連線的認證", "loc.messages.AuthenticatingThisNpmrc": "正在為位於 %s 的 .npmrc 檔案新增驗證", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.json b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.json index 17f488b5a3bb..369bedaa5d44 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ "argumentFormat": "" } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json index d934c19bf944..0bbbf53336dc 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NpmAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index e81d42ba489e..643474fa6062 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "Installiert und veröffentlicht npm-Pakete, oder führt einen npm-Befehl aus. Unterstützt npmjs.com und authentifizierte Registrierungen wie die Paketverwaltung.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden npm-Pakete installiert und veröffentlicht, oder es wird ein npm-Befehl ausgeführt. Unterstützt npmjs.com und authentifizierte Registrierungen wie Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "Benutzerdefinierte Registrierungen und Authentifizierung", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "Zielregistrierung und Authentifizierung", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.command": "Befehl", "loc.input.help.command": "Der Befehl und die Argumente, die zur Ausführung an npm übergeben werden.\n\nWenn Ihre Argumente doppelte Anführungszeichen (\") enthalten, verwenden Sie als Escapezeichen einen umgekehrten Schrägstrich (\\), und umschließen Sie die Escapezeichenfolge mit doppelten Anführungszeichen (\").", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Arbeitsordner mit der Datei \"package.json\"", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Arbeitsordner, der \"package.json\" enthält.", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "Pfad zum Ordner, der die Zieldatei \"package.json\" und die NPMRC-Zieldateien enthält. Wählen Sie den Ordner und nicht die Datei aus, z. B. \"/packages/mypackage\".", "loc.input.label.verbose": "Ausführliche Protokollierung", "loc.input.help.verbose": "Auswählen, um weitere Informationen zur Konsole bei der Ausführung zu drucken", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "Sie können entweder einen Commit für eine NPMRC-Datei in Ihrem Quellcoderepository durchführen und den zugehörigen Pfad hier festlegen oder hier eine Registrierung aus Azure Artifacts auswählen.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Pakete aus dieser Azure Artifacts-/TFS-Registrierung verwenden", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "Ausgewählten Feed in die erstellte NPMRC-Datei einbeziehen.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für Registrierungen außerhalb dieses Kontos/dieser Sammlung", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Registrierungen in der NPMRC-Datei des Projekts. Lassen Sie dieses Feld bei Registrierungen in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung leer; die Anmeldeinformationen des Builds werden automatisch verwendet.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für Registrierungen außerhalb dieser Organisation/Sammlung", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen zur Verwendung für externe Registrierungen in der NPMRC-Datei des Projekts. Lassen Sie dieses Feld bei Registrierungen in dieser Organisation/Sammlung leer. Es werden automatisch die Anmeldeinformationen für den Build verwendet.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "Speicherort der Registrierung", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "Registrierung, auf die der Befehl verweist.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "Zielregistrierung", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Wählen Sie eine Registrierung aus, die in diesem Konto gehostet ist. Die Paketverwaltung muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier eine Registrierung auswählen können.", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Wählen Sie eine Registrierung aus, die in diesem Konto gehostet wird. Azure Artifacts muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier eine Registrierung auswählen können.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pipelinemetadaten veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Ordnen Sie die Metadaten dieser Build-/Releasepipeline (Ausführungsnummer, Quellcodeinformationen) dem Paket zu.", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "Externe Registrierung", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen zum Veröffentlichen für eine externe Registrierung.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Buildanmeldeinformationen gefunden", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "Wird in Registrierung veröffentlicht: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "Registrierung wird verwendet: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Authentifizierung für die Registrierung wird hinzugefügt: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d Registrierungen in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung gefunden", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d Registrierungen in dieser Organisation/Sammlung gefunden", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "URL zur Paketierung der Sammlung wird erzwungen als: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "Im Cache oder Arbeitsverzeichnis wurde kein Debugprotokoll gefunden", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm-Fehler mit Rückgabecode: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 128a4f96171e..31dcc554d2fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "Instale y publique paquetes npm o ejecute un comando npm. Se admiten npmjs.com y registros autenticados, como Administración de paquetes.", + "loc.description": "Instale y publique paquetes npm o ejecute un comando npm. Se admiten npmjs.com y registros autenticados, como Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(comando)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "Registros personalizados y autenticación", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "Registro de destino y autenticación", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "El comando y los argumentos que se pasarán a npm para su ejecución.\n\nSi los argumentos contienen comillas dobles (\"), aplíqueles una barra oblicua (\\) de escape y rodee la cadena de escape con comillas dobles (\").", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Carpeta de trabajo con package.json", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Carpeta de trabajo que contiene package.json", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "Ruta de acceso de la carpeta que contiene los archivos package.json y .npmrc de destino. Seleccione la carpeta, no el archivo; por ejemplo, \"/packages/mi_paquete\".", "loc.input.label.verbose": "Registro detallado", "loc.input.help.verbose": "Seleccione esta opción para imprimir más información en la consola durante la ejecución", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "Puede confirmar un archivo .npmrc en el repositorio de código fuente y establecer aquí su ruta de acceso o seleccionar un registro de Azure Artifacts aquí.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Usar paquetes de este Registro de Azure Artifacts/TFS", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "Incluye la fuente seleccionada en el archivo .npmrc generado.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenciales para registros fuera de esta cuenta o colección", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo .npmrc del proyecto. Para registros en esta cuenta o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usarán automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenciales para registros fuera de esta organización o colección", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo .npmrc del proyecto. Para registros en esta organización o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usarán automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "Ubicación del registro", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "Registro destino del comando.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "Registro de destino", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Seleccione un registro hospedado en esta cuenta. Debe tener Administración de paquetes instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Seleccione un registro hospedado en esta cuenta. Debe tener Azure Artifacts instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publicar los metadatos de canalización", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Asociar los metadatos de esta canalización de compilación o versión (n.º de ejecución, información del código fuente) con el paquete", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "Registro externo", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para publicaciones en un registro externo.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Credenciales de compilación encontradas", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "Publicando en el registro %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "Usando el registro %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Agregando autenticación para el registro: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Se encontraron %d registros en esta cuenta o colección", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Se encontraron %d registros en esta organización o colección", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "Dirección URL de empaquetado de la colección forzada a: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "No se encuentra ningún registro de depuración en la memoria caché o el directorio de trabajo", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "No se pudo ejecutar npm. Código de retorno: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3d78aa5e59f0..2e27debe64f3 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "Installez et publiez des packages npm, ou exécutez une commande npm. Prend en charge npmjs.com et les registres authentifiés tels que Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.description": "Installez et publiez des packages npm, ou exécutez une commande npm. Prend en charge npmjs.com et les registres authentifiés tels qu'Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "Registres personnalisés et authentification", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "Registre de destination et authentification", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", "loc.input.help.command": "Commande et arguments passés à npm pour exécution.\n\nSi vos arguments contiennent des guillemets doubles (\"), créez une séquence d'échappement avec une barre oblique (\\), et placez la chaîne faisant l'objet d'une séquence d'échappement entre des guillemets doubles (\").", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Dossier de travail avec package.json", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Dossier de travail contenant package.json", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "Chemin du dossier contenant les fichiers cibles package.json et .npmrc. Sélectionnez le dossier, mais pas le fichier, par exemple \"/packages/mypackage\".", "loc.input.label.verbose": "Journalisation détaillée", "loc.input.help.verbose": "Sélectionnez cette option pour afficher plus d'informations sur la console durant l'exécution", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "Vous pouvez soit valider un fichier .npmrc dans votre dépôt de code source et définir son chemin ici, soit sélectionner un registre à partir d'Azure Artifacts ici.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Utiliser les packages de ce registre Azure Artifacts/TFS", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "Incluez le flux sélectionné dans le fichier .npmrc généré.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification des registres situés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier .npmrc du projet. Pour les registres présents dans ce compte/cette collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification des registres situés en dehors de cette organisation/collection", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier .npmrc du projet. Pour les registres présents dans cette organisation/collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "Emplacement du registre", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "Registre ciblé par la commande.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "Registre cible", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Sélectionnez un registre hébergé dans ce compte. Pour permettre la sélection d'un registre, la fonctionnalité Azure Artifacts doit être installée et associée à une licence.", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Sélectionnez un registre hébergé dans ce compte. Pour permettre la sélection d'un registre, Azure Artifacts doit être installé et associé à une licence.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publier des métadonnées de pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Associer les métadonnées de ce pipeline de build/mise en production (numéro d'exécution, informations de code source) au package", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "Registre externe", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour la publication sur un registre externe.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Informations d'identification de build trouvées", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "Publication sur le registre %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "Utilisation du registre : %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Ajout de l'authentification pour le registre : %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d registres trouvés dans ce compte/cette collection", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "%d registres trouvés dans cette organisation/collection", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "URL de collection de création de package forcée vers : %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "Journal de débogage introuvable dans le répertoire de cache ou le répertoire de travail", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Échec de npm. Code de retour : %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index a0d19f4f9025..1a2b53237f67 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "Consente di installare e pubblicare i pacchetti npm o di eseguire un comando npm. Supporta npmjs.com e i registri autenticati come Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.description": "Consente di installare e pubblicare i pacchetti npm o di eseguire un comando npm. Supporta npmjs.com e i registri autenticati come Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "Registri personalizzati e autenticazione", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "Registro di destinazione e autenticazione", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Comando e argomenti che verranno passati a npm per l'esecuzione.\n\nSe gli argomenti contengono virgolette doppie (\"), usare una sequenza di escape (\\) e racchiudere la stringa con la sequenza di escape tra virgolette doppie (\").", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Cartella di lavoro con package.json", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Cartella di lavoro che contiene il file package.json", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "Percorso della cartella contenente il file package.json e i file con estensione npmrc di destinazione. Selezionare la cartella, non il file, ad esempio \"/packages/mypackage\".", "loc.input.label.verbose": "Registrazione dettagliata", "loc.input.help.verbose": "Selezionare questa opzione per visualizzare più informazioni nella console durante l'esecuzione", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "È possibile eseguire il commit di un file con estensione npmrc nel repository del codice sorgente e impostarne qui il percorso o selezionare qui un registro da Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Usa pacchetti di questo registro Azure Artifacts/TFS", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "Include il feed selezionato nel file con estensione npmrc generato.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenziali per i registri esterni a questo account/raccolta", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni situati nel file del progetto con estensione npmrc. Per i registri in questo account/raccolta lasciare vuoto. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Credenziali per i registri esterni a questa organizzazione/raccolta", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni situati nel file del progetto con estensione npmrc. Per i registri in questa organizzazione/raccolta lasciare vuoto il campo. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "Percorso del registro", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "Registro a cui verrà applicato il comando.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "Registro di destinazione", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Selezionare un registro ospitato in questo account. Per selezionare un registro qui, è necessario che sia installata con licenza l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Selezionare un registro ospitato in questo account. Per selezionare un registro qui, è necessario aver installato Azure Artifacts e disporre della relativa licenza.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pubblica i metadati della pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Consente di associare i metadati della pipeline di compilazione/versione (numero di esecuzione, informazioni sul codice sorgente) al pacchetto", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "Registro esterno", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per la pubblicazione in un registro esterno.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Sono state trovate le credenziali di compilazione", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "Pubblicazione nel registro: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "Uso del registro: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Aggiunta dell'autenticazione per il registro: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Sono stati trovati %d registri in questo account/raccolta", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Sono stati trovati %d registri in questa organizzazione/raccolta", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "Creazione pacchetto dell'URL della raccolta forzata su: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare un log di debug nella cache o nella directory di lavoro", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm non riuscito. Codice restituito: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 388830ca5ee6..1e1aebe5ef44 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", "loc.input.help.command": "実行のため npm に渡されるコマンドと引数です。\n\n引数に二重引用符 (\") が含まれている場合、スラッシュ (\\) を使用してエスケープし、エスケープした文字列を二重引用符 (\") で囲みます。", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "package.json のある作業フォルダー", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "package.json を含む作業フォルダー", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "ターゲット パッケージの .json および .npmrc ファイルの入っているフォルダーへのパスを選択します。ファイルではなく、フォルダー (例: \"/packages/mypackage\") を選択してください。", "loc.input.label.verbose": "詳細なログ", "loc.input.help.verbose": "選択すると、実行時にコンソールに出力される情報が多くなります", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": ".npmrc ファイルをソース コード リポジトリにコミットしてそのパスをここに設定するか、または Azure Artifacts からレジストリをここで選択するかのどちらかが可能です。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "この Azure Artifacts/TFS レジストリからのパッケージを使用する", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "生成される .npmrc に選択したフィードを組み込みます。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "このアカウント/コレクション外のレジストリの資格情報", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "プロジェクトの .npmrc にある外部レジストリのために使用する資格情報。このアカウント/コレクション内のレジストリの場合は、これを空白のままにしてください。自動的にビルドの資格情報が使用されます。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "この組織/コレクション外のレジストリの資格情報", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "プロジェクトの .npmrc にある外部レジストリに使用する資格情報です。この組織/コレクションのレジストリの場合は、空白のままにします。ビルドの資格情報が自動的に使用されます。", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "レジストリの場所", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "コマンドのターゲットになるレジストリ。", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "ターゲット レジストリ", "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "このアカウントでホストされているレジストリを選択します。ここでレジストリを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証しておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "パイプライン メタデータの発行", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "このビルド/リリース パイプラインのメタデータ (実行番号、ソース コード情報) をパッケージに関連付ける", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "外部レジストリ", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "外部レジストリへの発行用に使用する資格情報。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "ビルドの資格情報が見つかりました", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "レジストリに発行しています: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "次のレジストリを使用しています: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "次のレジストリに権限を追加しています: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "このアカウント/コレクションに %d 個のレジストリが見つかりました", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "この組織/コレクションに %d 個のレジストリが見つかりました", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "コレクション URL を %s に強制してパッケージ化しています", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "キャッシュまたは作業ディレクトリにデバッグ ログが見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "npm でエラーが発生しました。リターン コード: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 49b6d8d27fbc..27decf1c7e7c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "npm 패키지를 설치 및 게시하거나 npm 명령을 실행합니다. npmjs.com과 패키지 관리 등의 인증된 레지스트리를 지원합니다.", + "loc.description": "npm 패키지를 설치 및 게시하거나 npm 명령을 실행합니다. npmjs.com과 Azure Artifacts 등의 인증된 레지스트리를 지원합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "사용자 지정 레지스트리 및 인증", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "대상 레지스트리 및 인증", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.command": "명령", "loc.input.help.command": "실행을 위해 npm에 전달되는 명령과 인수입니다.\n\n인수에 큰따옴표(\")가 포함된 경우 슬래시(\\)로 이스케이프하고 이스케이프된 문자열을 큰따옴표(\")로 묶으세요.", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "package.json이 있는 작업 폴더", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "package.json이 포함된 작업 폴더", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "대상 package.json 및 .npmrc 파일이 있는 폴더의 경로입니다. 파일이 아니라 폴더를 선택하세요(예: \"/packages/mypackage\").", "loc.input.label.verbose": "자세한 정보 로깅", "loc.input.help.verbose": "실행 시 콘솔에 더 많은 정보를 출력하려면 선택합니다.", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": ".npmrc 파일을 소스 코드 리포지토리에 커밋하고 여기서 해당 경로를 설정하거나, 여기서 Azure Artifacts의 레지스트리를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "이 Azure Artifacts/TFS 레지스트리의 패키지 사용", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "생성된 .npmrc에 선택한 피드를 포함합니다.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "이 계정/컬렉션 외부 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "프로젝트의 .npmrc에 있는 외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명입니다. 이 계정/컬렉션에 있는 레지스트리의 경우 이 필드를 비워 두세요. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "이 조직/컬렉션 외부 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명으로, 프로젝트의 .npmrc에 있습니다. 이 조직/컬렉션에 있는 레지스트리의 경우 이 필드를 비워 둡니다. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "레지스트리 위치", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "명령의 대상 레지스트리입니다.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "대상 레지스트리", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "이 계정에 호스트된 레지스트리를 선택합니다. 여기서 레지스트리를 선택하려면 패키지 관리가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "이 계정에 호스트된 레지스트리를 선택합니다. 여기서 레지스트리를 선택하려면 Azure Artifacts가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "파이프라인 메타데이터 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "이 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인의 메타데이터(실행 번호, 소스 코드 정보)를 패키지에 연결합니다.", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "외부 레지스트리", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "외부 레지스트리에 게시하는 데 사용할 자격 증명입니다.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "빌드 자격 증명을 찾았습니다.", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "레지스트리에 게시 중: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "레지스트리 사용 중: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "레지스트리에 대한 인증 추가: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "이 계정/컬렉션에서 레지스트리 %d개를 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "이 조직/컬렉션에서 레지스트리 %d개를 찾았습니다.", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "강제로 다음 위치에 컬렉션 URL 패키지 중: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "캐시 또는 작업 디렉터리에서 디버그 로그를 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "npm이 실패했습니다(반환 코드: %s).", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index ae2cd6ebf861..2ea359e22540 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "Установка и публикация пакетов npm либо выполнение команды npm. Поддерживаются npmjs.com и прошедшие проверку подлинности реестры, такие как \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.description": "Установка и публикация пакетов npm либо выполнение команды npm. Поддерживаются npmjs.com и прошедшие проверку подлинности реестры, такие как Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "Пользовательские реестры и проверка подлинности", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "Реестр назначения и проверка подлинности", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", "loc.input.help.command": "Команды и аргументы, которые будут переданы в npm для выполнения.\n\nЕсли аргументы содержат двойные кавычки (\"), экранируйте их с помощью обратной косой черты (\\) и заключите экранированную строку в двойные кавычки (\").", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Рабочая папка с файлом package.json", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "Рабочая папка, содержащая package.json", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "Путь к папке, содержащей конечные файлы package.json и NPMRC. Выберите папку, а не файл, например \"/packages/mypackage\".", "loc.input.label.verbose": "Подробное ведение журнала", "loc.input.help.verbose": "Выберите для вывода дополнительных сведений на консоли в процессе выполнения", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "Вы можете сохранить файл NPMRC в репозитории исходного кода и задать здесь путь к нему или выбрать реестр из Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Использовать пакеты из этого реестра Azure Artifacts или TFS", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "Включить выбранный веб-канал в созданный файл NPMRC.", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные для реестров за пределами этой учетной записи и коллекции", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в файле NPMRC проекта. Для реестров в данной учетной записи или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные для реестров за пределами этой организации или коллекции", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в файле NPMRC проекта. Для реестров в данной организации или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "Расположение реестра", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "Реестр, для которого предназначена команда.", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "Конечный реестр", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Выберите реестр, размещенный в этой учетной записи. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "Выберите реестр, размещенный в этой учетной записи. Для выбора реестра должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Опубликовать метаданные конвейера", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Связать метаданные этого конвейера сборки или выпуска (номер запуска, сведения об исходном коде) с пакетом", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "Внешний реестр", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для публикации во внешнем реестре.", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "Найдены учетные данные сборки", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "Публикация в реестре: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "Используется реестр: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "Добавление проверки подлинности для реестра: %s", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "В этой учетной записи и коллекции найдено реестров: %d", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "Найдено реестров в этой организации или коллекции: %d", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "Принудительная упаковка URL-адреса коллекции: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "Не удалось найти журнал отладки в кэше или рабочем каталоге", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Сбой npm с кодом возврата: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 17f7c08342e1..d722e2e7233a 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "安装和发布 npm 包,或运行 npm 命令。支持 npmjs.com 和已经过身份验证的注册表(如包管理)。", + "loc.description": "安装和发布 npm 包,或运行 npm 命令。支持 npmjs.com 和经过身份验证的注册表(如 Azure Artifacts)。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "自定义注册表和身份验证", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "目标注册表和身份验证", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "将传递到 npm 执行的命令和参数。\n\n如果参数包含双引号(\"),以斜杠(\\)进行转义并使用双引号(\")将转义的字符串括起来。", - "loc.input.label.workingDir": "含 package.json 的工作文件夹", + "loc.input.label.workingDir": "包含 package.json 的工作文件夹", "loc.input.help.workingDir": "包含目标 package.json 和 .npmrc 文件的文件夹的路径。选择文件夹,而不是文件,如 \"/packages/mypackage\"。", "loc.input.label.verbose": "详细日志记录", "loc.input.help.verbose": "选择在运行时向控制台打印更多信息", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "可以将 .npmrc 文件提交到源代码存储库并在此处设置其路径,也可在此处从 Azure Artifacts 中选择注册表。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "使用来自此 Azure Artifacts/TFS 注册表的包", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "在生成的 .npmrc 中包含所选的源。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "用于此帐户/集合外部的注册表的凭据", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用于项目的 .npmrc 中的外部注册表的凭据。对于此帐户/集合中的源,请将此留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "用于此组织/集合外部的注册表的凭据", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用于位于项目的 .npmrc 中的外部注册表的凭据。对于此组织/集合中的注册表,请将其留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "注册表位置", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "将作为命令的目标的注册表。", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "目标注册表", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "选择此帐户中托管的注册表。必须安装有包管理并授予其许可,才能在此处选择注册表。", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "选择此帐户中托管的注册表。必须安装 Azure Artifacts 并获得许可才能在此处选择注册表。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "发布管道元数据", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "将此生成/发布管道的元数据(运行 #、源代码信息)与包关联", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "外部注册表", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "用于发布到外部注册表的凭据。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "找到生成凭据", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "正在发布到注册表: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "正在使用注册表: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "为注册表 %s 添加身份验证", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此帐户/集合中找到了 %d 注册表", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此组织/集合中找到 %d 个注册表", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "正在打包强制执行到后列对象的集合 URL: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "未在缓存或工作目录中找到调试日志", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "Npm 失败,返回代码为: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 5d6d6337c75b..8882a0dfdf79 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "npm", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613746)", - "loc.description": "安裝並發行 npm 套件,或執行 npm 命令。支援 npmjs.com 以及像是套件管理等經過驗證的登錄。", + "loc.description": "安裝並發佈 npm 套件,或執行 npm 命令。支援 npmjs.com 以及已驗證登錄 (例如 Azure Artifacts)。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "npm $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.customRegistries": "自訂登錄與驗證", "loc.group.displayName.publishRegistries": "目的地登錄與驗證", @@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ "loc.input.help.customRegistry": "您可以將 .npmrc 檔案認可至您的來源程式碼存放庫,並將其路徑設為此處,或從此處選取 Azure 成品登錄。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "使用此 Azure 成品/TFS 登錄中的套件", "loc.input.help.customFeed": "在產生的 .npmrc 中包含選取的摘要。", - "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "登錄的認證在此帳戶/集合外部", - "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "用於外部登錄的認證,位於專案的 .npmrc 中。如需此帳戶/集合中的登錄,請將此保留空白; 系統會自動使用組建的認證。", + "loc.input.label.customEndpoint": "此組織/集合外部登錄的認證", + "loc.input.help.customEndpoint": "要用於專案 .npmrc 中外部登錄的認證。針對此組織/集合中的登錄,請將此欄位保留空白,系統會自動使用組建的認證。", "loc.input.label.publishRegistry": "登錄位置", "loc.input.help.publishRegistry": "將作為命令目標的登錄。", "loc.input.label.publishFeed": "目標登錄", - "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "選取裝載於此帳戶中的登錄。您必須已安裝並授權套件管理,才可於此處選取摘要。", + "loc.input.help.publishFeed": "請選取裝載於此帳戶中的登錄。您必須擁有已安裝並授權的 Azure Artifacts,才能在此選取登錄。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "發佈管線中繼資料", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "建立此建置/發行管線的中繼資料 (執行 #,原始程式碼資訊) 與套件的關聯", "loc.input.label.publishEndpoint": "外部登錄", "loc.input.help.publishEndpoint": "用於發行到外部登錄的認證。", "loc.messages.FoundBuildCredentials": "找到組建認證", @@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishRegistry": "正在發行至登錄: %s", "loc.messages.UsingRegistry": "使用登錄: %s", "loc.messages.AddingAuthRegistry": "正在新增登錄 %s 的驗證", - "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此帳戶/集合中找到 %d 個登錄", + "loc.messages.FoundLocalRegistries": "在此組織/集合中找到 %d 個登錄", "loc.messages.ForcePackagingUrl": "封裝集合 URL 會強制前往: %s", "loc.messages.DebugLogNotFound": "在快取或工作目錄中找不到偵錯記錄檔", "loc.messages.NpmFailed": "npm 失敗,傳回碼為: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/task.json b/Tasks/NpmV1/task.json index 4aec057423e4..f7eb618761b1 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -196,4 +196,4 @@ "WorkingDirectoryNotDirectory": "Please change your working directory to a valid directory", "NGCommon_AreaNotFoundInSps": "Unable to locate the '%s' [%s] area. The service containing that area may not be available in your region." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NpmV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NpmV1/task.loc.json index ab9371afcff3..57b523a2a28b 100644 --- a/Tasks/NpmV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NpmV1/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 9c33731e3145..2898a6140644 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden NuGet-Pakete wiederhergestellt, paketiert oder mithilfe von Push übertragen, oder es wird ein NuGet-Befehl ausgeführt. Unterstützt NuGet.org und authentifizierte Feeds wie beispielsweise Paketverwaltung und MyGet. Verwendet \"NuGet.exe\" und arbeitet mit .NET Framework-Apps. Verwenden Sie für .NET Core- und .NET Standard-Apps die .NET Core-Aufgabe.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden NuGet-Pakete wiederhergestellt, paketiert oder veröffentlicht oder ein NuGet-Befehl ausgeführt. Unterstützt NuGet.org und authentifizierte Feeds wie Azure Artifacts und MyGet. Verwendet \"NuGet.exe\" und kann mit .NET Framework-Apps eingesetzt werden. Verwenden Sie für .NET Core- und .NET Standard-Apps die .NET Core-Aufgabe.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Feeds und Authentifizierung", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Erweitert", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Zu verwendende Feeds", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Sie können hier entweder einen Feed aus Azure Artifacts und/oder NuGet.org auswählen oder einen Commit für eine nuget.config-Datei in Ihrem Quellcoderepository durchführen und hier den zugehörigen Pfad festlegen.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Pakete aus diesem Azure Artifacts-/TFS-Feed verwenden", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Beziehen Sie den ausgewählten Feed in die erstellte \"NuGet.config\" ein. Die Paketverwaltung muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Schließen Sie den ausgewählten Feed in die generierte Datei \"NuGet.config\" ein. Azure Artifacts muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Pakete aus \"NuGet.org\" verwenden", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "\"NuGet.org\" in die erstellte Datei \"NuGet.config\" einbeziehen.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Pfad zu \"NuGet.config\"", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "Die Datei \"NuGet.config\" in Ihrem Repository, die die Feeds angibt, aus denen Pakete wiederhergestellt werden.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Anmeldeinformationen für Feeds außerhalb dieses Kontos/dieser Sammlung", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Registrierungen, die sich in der ausgewählten \"NuGet.config\" befinden. Lassen Sie dies für Feeds in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung leer; die Anmeldeinformationen des Builds werden automatisch verwendet.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Anmeldeinformationen für Feeds außerhalb dieser Organisation/Sammlung", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Registrierungen, die sich in der ausgewählten \"NuGet.config\" befinden. Lassen Sie dieses Feld für Feeds in dieser Organisation/Sammlung leer. Es werden automatisch die Anmeldeinformationen des Builds verwendet.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "Lokalen Cache deaktivieren", "loc.input.help.noCache": "Verhindert, dass NuGet Pakete aus dem Cache eines lokalen Computers verwendet werden.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "Parallele Verarbeitung deaktivieren", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Das Muster, mit dem eine Übereinstimmung vorliegen soll, oder der Pfad zu den NUPKG-Dateien, die hochgeladen werden sollen. Mehrere Muster können durch ein Semikolon getrennt werden.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Speicherort für Zielfeed", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Zielfeed", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Wählen Sie einen Feed aus, der in diesem Konto gehostet wird. Die Paketverwaltung muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Wählen Sie einen Feed aus, der in diesem Konto gehostet wird. Azure Artifacts muss installiert und lizenziert sein, damit Sie hier einen Feed auswählen können.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pipelinemetadaten veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Ordnen Sie die Metadaten dieser Build-/Releasepipeline (Ausführungsnummer, Quellcodeinformationen) dem Paket zu.", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "Überspringen von Duplikaten zulassen", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "Verwenden Sie diese Option, wenn Sie einen Paketsatz kontinuierlich veröffentlichen und nur die Versionsnummer der Teilmenge von Paketen ändern, die sich geändert haben. Diese Option ermöglicht es der Aufgabe, die erfolgreiche Ausführung auch dann zu melden, wenn einige Pakete aufgrund von 409-Konfliktfehlern abgelehnt werden.\n\nDiese Option ist zurzeit nur in Azure Pipelines und bei der Verwendung von Windows-Agents verfügbar. Wenn \"NuGet.exe\" einen Konflikt feststellt, tritt bei der Aufgabe ein Fehler auf.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet-Server", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "Ausführlichkeit", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "Gibt die Menge der Details an, die in der Ausgabe angezeigt werden.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Befehl und Argumente", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Der Befehl und die Argumente, die zur Ausführung an NuGet.exe übergeben werden. Bei der Verwendung von NuGet 3.5 oder höher werden authentifizierte Befehle wie \"list\", \"restore\" und \"publish\" für alle Feeds in diesem Konto/dieser Sammlung, auf die der Builddienst für die Projektsammlung Zugriff hat, automatisch authentifiziert.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Um eine Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds herzustellen, die in Azure Pipelines/der TFS-Projektsammlung auf diesem Build-Agent gehostet werden, bearbeiten Sie Ihre Buildpipeline, um eine höhere NuGet-Version auszuwählen oder einen Pfad zu einer NuGet.config-Datei anzugeben, die die zu verwendenden Paketquellen enthält.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Der Befehl und die Argumente, die zur Ausführung an NuGet.exe übergeben werden. Bei der Verwendung von NuGet 3.5 oder höher werden authentifizierte Befehle wie \"list\", \"restore\" und \"publish\" für alle Feeds in dieser Organisation/Sammlung, auf die der Builddienst für die Projektsammlung Zugriff hat, automatisch authentifiziert.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Um eine Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds herzustellen, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation auf diesem Build-Agent gehostet werden, bearbeiten Sie Ihre Buildpipeline, um eine höhere NuGet-Version auszuwählen oder einen Pfad zu einer NuGet.config-Datei anzugeben, die die zu verwendenden Paketquellen enthält.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 wurde ausgewählt, aber es wurde ein benutzerdefinierter NuGet-Pfad angegeben. Der benutzerdefinierte Pfad wird bevorzugt. Um diese Warnung aufzulösen, bearbeiten Sie Ihren Buildtask, und wählen Sie unter \"Erweitert\" die Option \"Benutzerdefiniert\" für die NuGet-Version.", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "Pakete wurden erfolgreich wiederhergestellt", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "Fehler beim Wiederherstellen der Pakete", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Stellen Sie für interne Feeds sicher, dass die Builddienstidentität \"%s\" [%s] Zugriff auf den Feed besitzt.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "\"CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe\" wurde auf dem Agent nicht gefunden. Fallback auf den konfigurationsbasierten Anmeldeinformationen-Datenfluss.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s ist keine Projektmappendatei. Überprüfen Sie die Eigenschaft \"Pfad zur Projektmappe oder zur Datei 'packages.config'\" der NuGet-Wiederherstellungsaufgabe.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "Unbekannter Wiederherstellungsmodus \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Der NuGet-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung gehostet werden.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Der NuGet-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation gehostet werden.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Wenn \"Benutzerdefiniert\" ausgewählt wird, müssen Sie einen Pfad zu \"NuGet.exe\" angeben.", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "Die Optionen zur automatischen Paketversionsverwaltung und zum Einbeziehen referenzierter Projekte funktionieren nicht zusammen. Referenzierte Projekte erben nicht die benutzerdefinierte Version, die von den Einstellungen zur automatischen Versionsverwaltung bereitgestellt wird.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Automatische Version: Das Abrufen der Versionsnummer von der Buildoption wird in Releases nicht unterstützt.", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Für die angegebene Umgebungsvariable wurde kein Wert gefunden.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "Beim Versuch, die Dateien zu packen, ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "Es wird versucht, die Datei zu packen:", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung mit NuGet 3.1 oder niedriger gehostet werden, die Buildpipeline so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die gewünschten Paketquellen enthält.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation mit NuGet 3.1 oder niedriger gehostet werden, die Buildpipeline so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die gewünschten Paketquellen enthält.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Pakete wurden erfolgreich veröffentlicht.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen der Pakete.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Unbekannter Feedtyp \"%s\".", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index be444cfa488f..c44426e3d11d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "Restaure, empaquete o inserte paquetes NuGet o bien ejecute un comando NuGet. Admite NuGet.org y fuentes autenticadas, como Administración de paquetes y MyGet. Usa NuGet.exe y trabaja con las aplicaciones de .NET Framework. Para las aplicaciones de .NET Core y .NET Standard, use la tarea de .NET Core.", + "loc.description": "Restaura, empaqueta o inserta paquetes NuGet o bien ejecuta un comando NuGet. Admite NuGet.org y fuentes autenticadas, como Azure Artifacts y MyGet. Usa NuGet.exe y funciona con las aplicaciones de .NET Framework. Para las aplicaciones de .NET Core y .NET Standard, use la tarea de .NET Core.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Fuentes y autenticación", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avanzadas", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Fuentes para usar", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Seleccione una fuente de Azure Artifacts o NuGet.org aquí, o bien confirme un archivo nuget.config en el repositorio del código fuente y establezca aquí su ruta de acceso.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usar paquetes de esta fuente de Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluya la fuente seleccionada en el archivo NuGet.config generado. Debe tener Administración de paquetes instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluya la fuente seleccionada en el archivo NuGet.config generado. Debe tener Azure Artifacts instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Usar paquetes de NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Incluya NuGet.org en el archivo NuGet.config generado.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Ruta de acceso a NuGet.config", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "Archivo NuGet.config del repositorio que especifica las fuentes desde las que se van a restaurar los paquetes.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Credenciales para fuentes fuera de esta cuenta o colección", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo NuGet.config seleccionado. Para fuentes de esta cuenta o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usan automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Credenciales para fuentes fuera de esta organización o colección", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenciales que deben usarse para registros externos que están en el archivo NuGet.config seleccionado. Para fuentes de esta organización o colección, deje este valor en blanco; se usan automáticamente las credenciales de la compilación.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "Deshabilitar la caché local", "loc.input.help.noCache": "Impide que NuGet utilice paquetes de la memoria caché de las máquinas locales.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "Deshabilitar procesamiento paralelo", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Patrón de coincidencia o ruta de acceso a los archivos nupkg que se van a cargar. Se pueden separar varios patrones con punto y coma.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Ubicación de la fuente de destino", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Fuente de destino", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Seleccione una fuente hospedada en esta cuenta. Debe tener Administración de paquetes instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Seleccione una fuente hospedada en esta cuenta. Debe tener Azure Artifacts instalado y con licencia para poder seleccionar una fuente aquí.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publicar los metadatos de canalización", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Asociar los metadatos de esta canalización de compilación o versión (n.º de ejecución, información del código fuente) con el paquete", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "Permitir omisión de duplicados", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "Si publica continuamente un conjunto de paquetes y solo cambia el número de versión del subconjunto de paquetes que han cambiado, use esta opción. Permite que la tarea notifique que ha sido correcta incluso si se rechazan algunos de los paquetes con errores de conflicto 409.\n\nActualmente, esta opción solo está disponible en Azure Pipelines y usando agentes Windows. Si NuGet.exe encuentra un conflicto, la tarea dará error.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Servidor de NuGet", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "Nivel de detalle", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "Especifica la cantidad de detalles que se muestran en la salida.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Comando y argumentos", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Comando y argumentos que se pasarán a NuGet.exe para la ejecución. Si se utiliza NuGet 3.5 o posterior, los comandos autenticados, como list, restore y publish, en cualquier fuente de esta cuenta o colección a la que el Servicio de compilación de colecciones de proyectos tenga acceso se autenticarán automáticamente.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Para conectarse a las fuentes de NuGet hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS en este agente de compilación, edite la canalización de compilación para elegir una versión posterior de NuGet o especifique una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que desea usar.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Comando y argumentos que se pasarán a NuGet.exe para la ejecución. Si se utiliza NuGet 3.5 o posterior, los comandos autenticados, como list, restore y publish, en cualquier fuente de esta organización o colección a la que el Servicio de compilación de colecciones de proyectos tenga acceso se autenticarán automáticamente.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Para conectarse a las fuentes de NuGet hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps en este agente de compilación, edite la canalización de compilación para elegir una versión posterior de NuGet o especifique una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que quiere usar.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "Se seleccionó NuGet 3.3, pero se proporcionó una ruta de acceso personalizada de NuGet. Se preferirá la ruta de acceso personalizada. Para resolver esta advertencia, edite la tarea de compilación y seleccione \"Personalizada\" para la versión de NuGet en Opciones avanzadas.", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "Los paquetes se restauraron correctamente.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "No se pudieron restaurar los paquetes.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS como \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la organización de Azure DevOps como \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Para las fuentes internas, asegúrese de que la identidad del servicio de compilación \"%s\" [%s] tiene acceso a la fuente.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe no se encontró en el agente. Se recurre al flujo de credenciales basadas en la configuración.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s no es un archivo de solución. Compruebe la propiedad \"Ruta de acceso a la solución o packages.config\" de la tarea de restauración de NuGet.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "Modo de restauración '%s' desconocido.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "No se encontró el servicio NuGet. Esta tarea no podrá autenticar en las fuentes hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "No se encontró el servicio NuGet. Esta tarea no podrá autenticar en las fuentes hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Si se ha seleccionado \"Personalizada\", debe proporcionar una ruta de acceso a NuGet.exe.", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "Las opciones Control de versiones de paquete automático e Incluir proyectos a los que se hace referencia no funcionan juntas. Los proyectos a los que se hace referencia no heredarán la versión personalizada que se proporciona en la configuración de control de versiones automático.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Versión automática: en versiones, no se admite la obtención del número de versión de la opción de compilación.", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "No se encontró ningún valor para la variable de entorno proporcionada.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "Error al intentar empaquetar los archivos.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "Intentando empaquetar el archivo: ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS con NuGet 3.1 o versiones anteriores, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que desea usar.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps con NuGet 3.1 o versiones anteriores, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que quiere usar.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Los paquetes se publicaron correctamente.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Error al publicar los paquetes.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Tipo de fuente '%s' desconocido.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ab691146cefc..eb60889dee23 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "Restaurez, compressez ou envoyez (push) des packages NuGet, ou exécutez une commande NuGet. Prend en charge NuGet.org et les flux authentifiés tels que Azure Artifacts et MyGet. Utilise NuGet.exe et fonctionne avec des applications .NET Framework. Pour les applications .NET Core et .NET Standard, utilisez la tâche .NET Core.", + "loc.description": "Restaurez, compressez ou envoyez (push) des packages NuGet, ou exécutez une commande NuGet. Prend en charge NuGet.org et les flux authentifiés tels qu'Azure Artifacts et MyGet. Utilise NuGet.exe et fonctionne avec des applications .NET Framework. Pour les applications .NET Core et .NET Standard, utilisez la tâche .NET Core.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Flux et authentification", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avancé", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Flux à utiliser", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Sélectionnez un flux à partir d'Azure Artifacts et/ou NuGet.org ici, ou validez un fichier nuget.config dans votre dépôt de code source, puis définissez son chemin ici.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Utiliser les packages de ce flux Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluez le flux sélectionné dans le fichier NuGet.config généré. Pour permettre la sélection d'un flux, la fonctionnalité Azure Artifacts doit être installée et associée à une licence.", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Incluez le flux sélectionné dans le fichier NuGet.config généré. Pour pouvoir sélectionner un flux, vous devez au préalable installer Azure Artifacts et l'associer à une licence.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Utiliser les packages de NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Incluez NuGet.org dans le fichier NuGet.config généré.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Chemin de NuGet.config", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "Fichier NuGet.config de votre dépôt qui spécifie les flux de restauration des packages.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Informations d'identification des flux situés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier NuGet.config sélectionné. Pour les flux présents dans ce compte/cette collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Informations d'identification des flux situés en dehors de cette organisation/collection", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les registres externes situés dans le fichier NuGet.config sélectionné. Pour les flux présents dans cette organisation/cette collection, n'indiquez aucune valeur. Les informations d'identification de la build sont utilisées automatiquement.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "Désactiver le cache local", "loc.input.help.noCache": "Empêche NuGet d'utiliser les packages des caches de machines locales.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "Désactiver le traitement parallèle", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Modèle de correspondance ou chemin des fichiers nupkg à charger. Vous devez séparer plusieurs modèles par un point-virgule.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Emplacement du flux cible", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Flux cible", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Sélectionnez un flux hébergé dans ce compte. Pour permettre la sélection d'un flux, la fonctionnalité Azure Artifacts doit être installée et associée à une licence.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Sélectionnez un flux hébergé dans ce compte. Pour permettre la sélection d'un flux, Azure Artifacts doit être installé et associé à une licence.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publier des métadonnées de pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Associer les métadonnées de ce pipeline de build/mise en production (numéro d'exécution, informations de code source) au package", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "Permettre d'ignorer les doublons", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "Si vous publiez continuellement un ensemble de packages et si vous changez uniquement le numéro de version du sous-ensemble de packages modifié, utilisez cette option. Cela permet à la tâche d'indiquer que l'exécution est réussie même si certains de vos packages sont rejetés avec des erreurs de conflit 409.\n\nCette option est disponible uniquement sur Azure Pipelines via les agents Windows. Si NuGet.exe détecte un conflit, l'exécution de la tâche se solde par un échec.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Serveur NuGet", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "Commentaires", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "Spécifie le niveau de détail affiché dans la sortie.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Commandes et arguments", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Commande et arguments passés à NuGet.exe pour exécution. Si vous utilisez NuGet 3.5 ou une version ultérieure, les commandes authentifiées telles que les commandes de listage, de restauration et de publication de flux sur le compte/la collection accessible au service de build de la collection de projets sont automatiquement authentifiées.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS sur cet agent de build, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de choisir une version supérieure de NuGet, ou spécifiez le chemin du fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Commande et arguments passés à NuGet.exe pour exécution. Si vous utilisez NuGet 3.5 ou une version ultérieure, les commandes authentifiées telles que les commandes de listage, de restauration et de publication de flux sur l'organisation/la collection accessible au service de build de la collection de projets sont automatiquement authentifiées.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps sur cet agent de build, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de choisir une version supérieure de NuGet, ou spécifiez le chemin du fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 est sélectionné, mais un chemin NuGet personnalisé est indiqué. Le chemin personnalisé est utilisé par défaut. Pour résoudre le problème signalé par cet avertissement, modifiez votre tâche de build et sélectionnez le choix 'personnalisé' pour la version NuGet, sous Avancé.", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "Les packages ont été restaurés correctement", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "Échec de la restauration des packages", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS en tant que '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre organisation Azure DevOps en tant que '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Pour les flux internes, vérifiez que l'identité du service de build '%s' [%s] a accès au flux.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe introuvable sur l'agent. Retour au flux d'informations d'identification basé sur la configuration.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s n'est pas un fichier solution. Vérifiez la propriété 'chemin de la solution ou de packages.config' de la tâche de restauration NuGet.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "Mode de restauration inconnu '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Le service NuGet est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Le service NuGet est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Si 'personnalisé' est sélectionné, vous devez indiquer le chemin de NuGet.exe", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "Le contrôle de version automatique du package et les options des projets référencés ne sont pas compatibles. Les projets référencés n'héritent pas de la version personnalisée fournie par les paramètres de contrôle de version automatique.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Version automatique : l'obtention du numéro de version à partir de l'option de build n'est pas prise en charge dans les mises en production", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Valeur introuvable pour la variable d'environnement fournie.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "Une erreur s'est produite durant la compression des fichiers.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "Tentative de compression du fichier : ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS avec NuGet 3.1 ou une version antérieure, modifiez votre définition de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps avec NuGet 3.1 ou une version antérieure, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Les packages ont été publiés correctement", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Échec de la publication des packages", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Type de flux inconnu '%s'", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1d25e6377196..e532d39d4d11 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "Consente di ripristinare, creare il pacchetto o eseguire il push di pacchetti NuGet oppure di eseguire un comando NuGet. Supporta NuGet.org e i feed autenticati, come Gestione pacchetti e MyGet. Usa NuGet.exe ed è compatibile con le app .NET Framework. Per le app .NET Core e .NET Standard usare l'attività .NET Core.", + "loc.description": "Consente di ripristinare, creare il pacchetto o eseguire il push di pacchetti NuGet oppure di eseguire un comando NuGet. Supporta NuGet.org e i feed autenticati, come Azure Artifacts e MyGet. Usa NuGet.exe ed è compatibile con le app .NET Framework. Per le app .NET Core e .NET Standard usare l'attività .NET Core.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Feed e autenticazione", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Avanzate", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Feed da usare", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "È possibile selezionare un feed da Azure Artifacts e/o NuGet.org oppure eseguire il commit di un file nuget.config nel repository del codice sorgente e impostarne qui il percorso.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Usa pacchetti da questo feed Azure Artifacts/TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Includere il feed selezionato nel file NuGet.config generato. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario che sia installata con licenza l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Includere il feed selezionato nel file NuGet.config generato. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario aver installato Azure Artifacts e disporre della relativa licenza.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Usa pacchetti da NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Include NuGet.org nel file NuGet.config generato.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Percorso di NuGet.config", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "File NuGet.config nel repository che specifica i feed da cui ripristinare i pacchetti.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Credenziali per i feed esterni a questo account/raccolta", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni situati nel file NuGet.config selezionato. Per i feed di questo account/raccolta lasciare vuoto. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Credenziali per i feed esterni a questa organizzazione/raccolta", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenziali da usare per i registri esterni inclusi nel file NuGet.config selezionato. Per i feed di questa organizzazione/raccolta lasciare vuoto il campo. Verranno usate automaticamente le credenziali della compilazione.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "Disabilita cache locale", "loc.input.help.noCache": "Impedisce a NuGet di usare pacchetti dalle cache del computer locale.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "Disabilita elaborazione parallela", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Criteri da soddisfare o percorso dei file nupkg da caricare. Per separare più criteri, è possibile usare un punto e virgola.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Percorso del feed di destinazione", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Feed di destinazione", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Selezionare un feed ospitato in questo account. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario che sia installata con licenza l'estensione Gestione pacchetti.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Selezionare un feed ospitato in questo account. Per selezionare un feed qui, è necessario aver installato Azure Artifacts e disporre della relativa licenza.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pubblica i metadati della pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Consente di associare i metadati della pipeline di compilazione/versione (numero di esecuzione, informazioni sul codice sorgente) al pacchetto", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "Consenti di ignorare i duplicati", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "Usare questa opzione se si pubblica in modo continuativo un set di pacchetti e si cambia solo il numero di versione del subset di pacchetti modificati. Consente all'attività di essere completata anche se alcuni pacchetti vengono rifiutati con errori di conflitto 409.\n\nQuesta opzione è attualmente disponibile solo in Azure Pipelines e usando gli agenti Windows. Se NuGet.exe rileva un conflitto, l'attività non riuscirà.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Server NuGet", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "Livello di dettaglio", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "Consente di specificare il livello di dettaglio visualizzato nell'output.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Comando e argomenti", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Il comando e gli argomenti che verranno passati a NuGet.exe per l'esecuzione. Se si usa NuGet 3.5 o versione successiva, i comandi autenticati quali list, restore e publish eseguiti su qualsiasi feed di questo account o questa raccolta a cui ha accesso il servizio di compilazione raccolta di progetti verranno autenticati automaticamente.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS in questo agente di compilazione, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo da scegliere una versione superiore di NuGet o specificare il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Il comando e gli argomenti che verranno passati a NuGet.exe per l'esecuzione. Se si usa NuGet 3.5 o versione successiva, i comandi autenticati quali list, restore e publish eseguiti su qualsiasi feed di questa organizzazione /raccolta a cui ha accesso il servizio di compilazione raccolta di progetti verranno autenticati automaticamente.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps in questo agente di compilazione, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo da scegliere una versione superiore di NuGet o specificare il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "È stato selezionato NuGet 3.3, ma è stato specificato un percorso personalizzato per NuGet. Verrà preferito il percorso personalizzato. Per risolvere il problema che ha causato la visualizzazione di questo avviso, modificare l'attività di compilazione e selezionare 'personalizzata' per la versione di NuGet in Avanzate.", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "I pacchetti sono stati ripristinati", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "Il ripristino dei pacchetti non è riuscito", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS come '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps come '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Per i feed interni assicurarsi che l'identità '%s' [%s] del servizio di compilazione abbia accesso al feed.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe non è stato trovato nell'agente. Verrà eseguito il fallback al flusso di credenziali basate sulla configurazione.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s non è un file di soluzione. Verificare la proprietà 'Percorso della soluzione o di packages.config' dell'attività Ripristino NuGet.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "Modalità di ripristino '%s' sconosciuta", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio NuGet. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio NuGet. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Se si seleziona 'personalizzata', è necessario specificare un percorso per NuGet.exe", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "Le opzioni Controllo automatico delle versioni dei pacchetti e Includi progetti con riferimenti non possono essere usate insieme. I progetti con riferimenti non erediteranno la versione personalizzata specificata dalle impostazioni del controllo automatico delle versioni.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Autoversion: nelle versioni non è possibile ottenere il numero di versione dall'opzione di compilazione", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Nessun valore è stato trovato per la variabile di ambiente specificata.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di includere i file nel pacchetto.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "Tentativo di includere il file nel pacchetto: ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS con NuGet 3.1 o versione precedente, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps con NuGet 3.1 o versione precedente, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "I pacchetti sono stati pubblicati", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "La pubblicazione dei pacchetti non è riuscita", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Tipo di feed '%s' sconosciuto", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5317be1dbf40..67d039dd84ba 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "NuGet パッケージを復元、パッケージ、プッシュを行うか、NuGet コマンドを実行します。NuGet.org および認証済みフィード (Azure Artifacts や MyGet など) をサポートしています。NuGet.exe を使用して、.NET Framework アプリと連携します。.NET Core アプリと .NET Standard アプリには、.NET Core タスクをご使用ください。", + "loc.description": "NuGet パッケージを復元、パック、プッシュするか、NuGet コマンドを実行します。NuGet.org および Azure Artifacts や MyGet のような認証されたフィードがサポートされます。Nuget.exe を使用して .NET Framework アプリと連携します。.NET Core および .NET Standard アプリの場合は、.NET Core タスクをご使用ください。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "フィードと認証", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "詳細設定", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "使用するフィード", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Azure Artifacts や NuGet.org からフィードをここで選択するか、ソース コード リポジトリに nuGet.config ファイルをコミットしてそのパスをここで設定します。", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "この Azure Artifacts/TFS フィードからのパッケージを使用する", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "生成される NuGet.config に選択したフィードを組み込みます。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証をしておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "生成する NuGet.config に、選択したフィードを含めます。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンスを取得している必要があります。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "NuGet.org からのパッケージを使用する", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "生成される NuGet.config に NuGet.org を含めます。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config へのパス", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "リポジトリにある、パッケージの復元元のフィードを指定する NuGet.config。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "このアカウント/コレクション外のフィードの資格情報", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "選択した NuGet.config にある外部レジストリのために使用する資格情報。このアカウント/コレクション内のフィードの場合は、これを空白のままにしてください。自動的にビルドの資格情報が使用されます。", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "この組織/コレクション外のフィードの資格情報", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "選択した NuGet.config にある外部レジストリに使用する資格情報です。この組織/コレクションのフィードの場合は、空白のままにします。ビルドの資格情報が自動的に使用されます。", "loc.input.label.noCache": "ローカル キャッシュの無効化", "loc.input.help.noCache": "NuGet で、ローカル コンピューター キャッシュからパッケージを使用しないようにします。", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "並列処理を無効にする", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "アップロードする Nupkg ファイルとの一致を探すパターンまたはパス。複数のパターンをセミコロンで区切ることができます。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "ターゲット フィードの場所", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "ターゲット フィード", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "このアカウントでホストされているフィードを選択します。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証をしておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "このアカウントでホストされているフィードを選択します。ここでフィードを選択するには、Azure Artifacts をインストールしてライセンス認証しておく必要があります。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "パイプライン メタデータの発行", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "このビルド/リリース パイプラインのメタデータ (実行番号、ソース コード情報) をパッケージに関連付ける", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "重複のスキップを許可する", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "パッケージのセットを連続的に発行している場合に、変更されたパッケージのサブセットのバージョン番号だけを変更している場合は、このオプションを使用します。これにより、一部のパッケージが 409 競合エラーで拒否されても、タスクは成功を報告できるようになります。\n\n現在、このオプションは、Azure Pipelines 上で Windows エージェントを使用している場合にのみ利用可能です。NuGet.exe で競合が発生すると、タスクは失敗します。", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet サーバー", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "詳細", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "出力に表示する詳細の量を指定します。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "コマンドと引数", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "実行のために NuGet.exe に渡されるコマンドと引数です。NuGet 3.5 以降が使用されている場合、プロジェクト コレクション ビルド サービスがアクセス許可を持つものであるなら、このアカウント/コレクションに含まれるいずれのフィードに対するものであれ、リスト、復元、発行などの認証済みコマンドが自動的に認証されます。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "このビルド エージェントの Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションでホストされている NuGet フィードに接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して nuget の上位バージョンを選択するか、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定します。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "実行のために NuGet.exe に渡されるコマンドと引数です。NuGet 3.5 以降が使用されている場合は、プロジェクト コレクション ビルド サービスがアクセスする、この組織/コレクション内のフィードに対する list、restore、publish などの認証済みコマンドが自動的に認証されます。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "このビルド エージェントの Azure DevOps 組織でホストされている NuGet フィードに接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して nuget の上位バージョンを選択するか、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定します。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 を選ばれましたがカスタム NuGet パスが指定されました。カスタム パスが優先されます。この警告を解決するには、ビルド タスクを編集して、[詳細設定] で NuGet バージョンに [カスタム] を選びます。", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "パッケージが正常に復元されました", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "パッケージを復元できませんでした", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションのフィードに接続しています", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure DevOps 組織のフィードに接続しています", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "内部フィードについて、ビルド サービス ID '%s' [%s] がフィードにアクセスできることを確認します。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe がエージェントで見つかりません。構成ベースの資格情報フローに戻ります。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s はソリューション ファイルではありません。NuGet 復元タスクの [ソリューションまたは packages.config へのパス] プロパティをご確認ください。", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "復元モード '%s' が不明です", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet サービスが見つかりません。このタスクは、使用している Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションでホストされているフィードへ認証できません。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet サービスが見つかりません。このタスクは、使用している Azure DevOps 組織でホストされているフィードへ認証できません。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "[カスタム] を選んでいる場合は、NuGet.exe へのパスを指定する必要があります", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "[自動パッケージ バージョン管理] オプションと [参照プロジェクトを含む] オプションを一緒に機能させることはできません。参照されたプロジェクトは、自動バージョン管理の設定によって提供されるカスタム バージョンを継承しません。", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "自動バージョン: ビルド オプションからのバージョン番号の取得は、リリースではサポートされていません", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "指定された環境変数の値が見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "ファイルをパックしようとしてエラーが発生しました。", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "ファイルをパックしようとしています: ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクション内でホストされている NuGet フィードに、NuGet 3.1 以下を使用して接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定してください。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Azure DevOps 組織でホストされている NuGet フィードに、NuGet 3.1 以下を使用して接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定してください。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "パッケージが正常に発行されました", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "パッケージを発行できませんでした", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "フィードの種類 '%s' が不明です", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index a89e36da132c..3ed5dbe54df5 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "NuGet 패키지를 복원, 압축 또는 푸시하거나 NuGet 명령을 실행합니다. NuGet.org와 패키지 관리, MyGet 등의 인증된 피드를 지원합니다. NuGet.exe를 사용하고 .NET Framework 앱 작업을 수행합니다. .NET Core 및 .NET Standard 앱의 경우 .NET Core 작업을 사용하세요.", + "loc.description": "NuGet 패키지를 복원, 압축 또는 푸시하거나 NuGet 명령을 실행합니다. NuGet.org와 Azure Artifacts, MyGet 등의 인증된 피드를 지원합니다. NuGet.exe와 .NET Framework 앱을 사용합니다. .NET Core 및 .NET Standard 앱의 경우 .NET Core 작업을 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "피드 및 인증", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "고급", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "사용할 피드", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "여기서 Azure Artifacts 및/또는 NuGet.org의 피드를 선택하거나, nuget.config 파일을 소스 코드 리포지토리에 커밋하고 여기에 해당 경로를 설정할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "이 Azure Artifacts/TFS 피드의 패키지 사용", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "선택한 피드를 생성된 NuGet.config에 포함합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 패키지 관리가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "선택한 피드를 생성된 NuGet.config에 포함합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 Azure Artifacts가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "NuGet.org의 패키지 사용", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "생성된 NuGet.config에 NuGet.org를 포함합니다.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 경로", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "패키지를 복원할 피드를 지정하는 리포지토리의 NuGet.config입니다.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "이 계정/컬렉션 외부 피드에 대한 자격 증명", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "선택한 NuGet.config에 있는 외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명입니다. 이 계정/컬렉션에 있는 피드의 경우 이 필드를 비워 두세요. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "이 조직/컬렉션 외부 피드에 대한 자격 증명", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "선택한 NuGet.config에 있는 외부 레지스트리에 사용할 자격 증명입니다. 이 조직/컬렉션에 있는 피드의 경우 이 필드를 비워 두세요. 빌드의 자격 증명이 자동으로 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "로컬 캐시 사용 안 함", "loc.input.help.noCache": "NuGet이 로컬 컴퓨터 캐시의 패키지를 사용할 수 없도록 합니다.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "병렬 처리 사용 안 함", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "일치시킬 패턴 또는 업로드할 nupkg 파일의 경로입니다. 여러 개의 패턴은 세미콜론으로 구분할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "대상 피드 위치", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "대상 피드", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "이 계정에 호스트된 피드를 선택합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 패키지 관리가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "이 계정에 호스트된 피드를 선택합니다. 여기서 피드를 선택하려면 Azure Artifacts가 설치되고 사용이 허가된 상태여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "파이프라인 메타데이터 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "이 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인의 메타데이터(실행 번호, 소스 코드 정보)를 패키지에 연결합니다.", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "중복을 건너뛸 수 있음", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "패키지 집합을 지속적으로 게시하고 변경된 패키지 하위 집합의 버전 번호만 변경하는 경우 이 옵션을 사용합니다. 이 옵션을 사용하면 패키지 중 일부가 409 충돌 오류로 거부된 경우에도 작업이 성공을 보고할 수 있습니다.\n\n이 옵션은 현재 Azure Pipelines에서, Windows 에이전트 사용 시에만 제공됩니다. NuGet.exe에서 충돌이 발생하면 작업이 실패합니다.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 서버", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "자세한 정도", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "출력에 표시되는 세부 정보의 양을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "명령 및 인수", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "실행을 위해 NuGet.exe에 전달될 명령 및 인수입니다. NuGet 3.5 이상을 사용하면 Project Collection Build Service에서 액세스할 수 있는 이 계정/컬렉션의 피드에 대해 나열, 복원 및 게시와 같은 인증된 명령이 자동으로 인증됩니다.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "이 빌드 에이전트의 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 상위 버전의 nuget을 선택하거나 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "실행을 위해 NuGet.exe에 전달되는 명령과 인수입니다. NuGet 3.5 이상을 사용하는 경우, Project Collection Build Service에서 액세스할 수 있는 이 조직/컬렉션의 피드에 대한 나열, 복원, 게시 등의 인증된 명령이 자동으로 인증됩니다.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "이 빌드 에이전트의 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면, 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 상위 버전의 NuGet을 선택하거나 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3을 선택했지만 사용자 지정 NuGet 경로를 제공했습니다. 사용자 지정 경로가 우선됩니다. 이 경고를 해결하려면 빌드 작업을 편집하고 [고급]에서 NuGet 버전에 대해 '사용자 지정'을 선택합니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "패키지를 복원했습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "패키지를 복원하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure DevOps 조직의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "내부 피드의 경우 빌드 서비스 ID '%s' [%s]에 피드에 대한 액세스 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "에이전트에서 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe를 찾을 수 없습니다. 구성 기반 자격 증명 흐름을 대신 사용합니다.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s은(는) 솔루션 파일이 아닙니다. NuGet 복원 작업의 '솔루션 또는 packages.config의 경로' 속성을 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "알 수 없는 복원 모드 '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "'사용자 지정'을 선택한 경우 NuGet.exe에 대한 경로를 제공해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "자동 패키지 버전 관리 및 참조된 프로젝트 포함 옵션은 함께 작동하지 않습니다. 참조된 프로젝트는 자동 버전 관리 설정에서 제공하는 사용자 지정 버전을 상속하지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "자동 버전: 빌드에서 버전 번호 가져오기 옵션은 릴리스에서 지원되지 않습니다.", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "제공된 환경 변수의 값을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "파일을 압축하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "파일을 압축하려고 합니다. ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "NuGet 3.1 이하에서 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "NuGet 3.1 이하에서 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면, 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "패키지가 게시되었습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "패키지를 게시하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "알 수 없는 피드 유형 '%s'", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e94c8ae9969c..c3be6d4584dc 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "Вы можете восстанавливать, создавать и отправлять пакеты NuGet, а также выполнять команды NuGet. Поддерживает NuGet.org и веб-каналы с проверкой подлинности, такие как управление пакетами и MyGet. Использует NuGet.exe и работает с приложениями .NET Framework. Для приложений .NET Core и .NET Standard используйте задачу .NET Core.", + "loc.description": "Восстановление, упаковка или отправка пакетов NuGet или выполнение команды NuGet. Поддерживает NuGet.org и прошедшие проверку подлинности веб-каналы, такие как Azure Artifacts и MyGet. Использует NuGet.exe и работает с приложениями платформы .NET Framework. Для приложений .NET Core и .NET Standard используйте задачу .NET Core.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "Веб-каналы и проверка подлинности", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "Дополнительно", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "Используемые веб-каналы", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "Здесь можно выбрать веб-канал из Azure Artifacts или NuGet.org либо сохранить файл nuget.config в репозитории исходного кода и указать здесь путь к нему.", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "Использовать пакеты из этого веб-канала Azure Artifacts или TFS", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Включите выбранный веб-канал в создаваемый файл NuGet.config. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "Включите выбранный веб-канал в создаваемый файл NuGet.config. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "Использовать пакеты с сайта NuGet.org", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "Включить NuGet.org в созданный файл NuGet.config.", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "Путь к файлу NuGet.config", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "Файл NuGet.config в репозитории, в котором указаны веб-каналы, пакеты из которых следует восстановить.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Учетные данные для веб-каналов за пределами этой учетной записи и коллекции", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в выбранном файле NuGet.config. Для веб-каналов в данной учетной записи или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Учетные данные для веб-каналов за пределами этой организации и коллекции", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних реестров, находящихся в выбранном файле NuGet.config. Для веб-каналов в данной организации или коллекции оставьте это поле пустым; учетные данные сборки используются автоматически.", "loc.input.label.noCache": "Отключить локальный кэш", "loc.input.help.noCache": "Запрещает NuGet использовать пакеты из кэшей локальных компьютеров.", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "Отключить параллельную обработку", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "Шаблон для сопоставления или путь к отправляемым NUPKG-файлам. Несколько шаблонов могут разделяться точкой с запятой.", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "Расположение целевого веб-канала", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "Целевой веб-канал", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Выберите веб-канал, размещенный в этой учетной записи. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент \"Управление пакетами\".", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "Выберите веб-канал, размещенный в этой учетной записи. Для выбора веб-канала должен быть установлен и лицензирован компонент Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Опубликовать метаданные конвейера", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Связать метаданные этого конвейера сборки или выпуска (номер запуска, сведения об исходном коде) с пакетом", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "Разрешить пропуск дубликатов", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "Используйте этот параметр, если вы постоянно публикуете набор пакетов, меняя номера версий только для части этих пакетов. Он позволяет задаче сообщать об успешном выполнении, даже если некоторые из пакетов отклоняются из-за конфликта (ошибка 409).\n\nЭтот параметр в настоящее время доступен только в Azure Pipelines при использовании агентов Windows. Если NuGet.exe обнаруживает конфликт, задача завершается сбоем.", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Сервер NuGet", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "Уровень детализации", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "Определяет, насколько подробными будут выходные данные.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Команда и аргументы", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "Команда и аргументы, которые будут переданы для выполнения NuGet.exe. При использовании NuGet 3.5 или более поздней версии команды с проверкой подлинности, такие как list, restore и publish, будут автоматически проходить проверку подлинности для всех веб-каналов в этой учетной записи или коллекции, к которым у службы сборки коллекций проектов есть доступ.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS для этого агента сборки, измените конвейер сборки, указав более позднюю версию nuget, или укажите путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "Команда и аргументы, которые будут передаваться в NuGet.exe для выполнения. Если используется NuGet 3.5 или более поздняя версия, команды с проверкой подлинности, такие как list, restore и publish для любого веб-канала в этой организации или коллекции, к которой имеет доступ служба сборки коллекции проектов, будут автоматически проходить проверку подлинности.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в организации Azure DevOps для этого агента сборки, измените конвейер сборки, указав более позднюю версию nuget или путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "Был выбран NuGet 3.3, но при этом был указан настраиваемый путь NuGet. Будет использован настраиваемый путь. Чтобы устранить это предупреждение, измените задачу сборки и укажите настраиваемое значение для версии NuGet в разделе \"Дополнительно\".", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "Пакеты успешно восстановлены.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "Не удалось восстановить пакеты.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в организации Azure DevOps в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Для внутренних каналов удостоверение службы сборки \"%s\" [%s] должно иметь доступ к каналу.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "Файл CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe не найден на агенте. Выполняется откат до потока учетных данных на основе конфигурации.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s не является файлом решения. Проверьте свойство \"Путь к решению или файлу packages.config\" задачи восстановления NuGet.", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "Неизвестный режим восстановления (\"%s\")", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Не удалось найти службу NuGet. Эта задача не сможет проходить проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Не удалось найти службу NuGet. Эта задача не сможет проходить проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в организации Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Если выбрано настраиваемое значение, необходимо указать путь к файлу NuGet.exe.", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "Функции автоматического управления версиями пакетов и включения ссылаемых проектов не работают друг с другом. Ссылаемые проекты не будут наследовать настраиваемые версии, заданные с помощью автоматического управления версиями.", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Автоматическое определение версии: возможность получения номера версии на основе сборки не поддерживается в выпусках", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Не найдено значение для указанной переменной среды.", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "При попытке упаковать файлы произошла ошибка.", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "Выполняется попытка упаковать файл: ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS, с помощью NuGet 3.1 или более ранней версии, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в организации Azure DevOps, с помощью NuGet 3.1 или более ранней версии, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Пакеты успешно опубликованы", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Не удалось опубликовать пакеты", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Неизвестный тип канала (\"%s\")", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index f06c921caede..5598c89e6261 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "还原、打包或推送 NuGet 包,或者运行 NuGet 命令。支持 NuGet.org 和经过身份验证的源,如包管理和 MyGet。使用 NuGet.exe 并适用于 .NET Framework 应用。对于 .NET Core 和 .NET Standard 应用,请使用 .NET Core 任务。", + "loc.description": "还原、打包或推送 NuGet 包,或者运行 NuGet 命令。支持 NuGet.org 和经过身份验证的源,如 Azure Artifacts 和 MyGet。使用 NuGet.exe 并与 .NET Framework 应用结合使用。对于 .NET Core 和 .NET Standard 应用,请使用 .NET Core 任务。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "源和身份验证", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "高级", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "要使用的源", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "可以在此处选择 Azure Artifacts 和/或 NuGet.org 中的源,也可以将 nuget.config 文件提交到源代码存储库,并在此处设置其路径。", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "从该 Azure Artifacts/TFS 源使用包", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "将所选的源包括在生成的 NuGet.config 中。必须安装有包管理并授予其许可,才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "将所选源包含在生成的 NuGet.config 中。必须安装 Azure Artifacts 并授权才能在此处选择源。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "从 NuGet.org 使用包", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "在生成的 NuGet.config 中包含 NuGet.org。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 的路径", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "存储库中用以指定从中还原包的源的 NuGet.config。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "用于此帐户/集合外部的源的凭据", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "所选 NuGet.config 中用于外部注册表的凭据。对于此帐户/集合中的源,请将此留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "用于此组织/集合外部的源的凭据", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "用于位于所选 NuGet.config 中的外部注册表的凭据。对于此组织/集合中的源,请将其留空;将自动使用生成的凭据。", "loc.input.label.noCache": "禁用本地缓存", "loc.input.help.noCache": "阻止 NuGet 使用本地计算机缓存中的包。", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "禁用并行处理", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要匹配的模式或要上传的 nupkg 文件的路径。多个模式可用分号分隔。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "目标源位置", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "目标源", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "选择此帐户中托管的源。必须安装有包管理并授予其许可,才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "选择此帐户中托管的源。必须安装 Azure Artifacts 并获得许可才能在此处选择源。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "发布管道元数据", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "将此生成/发布管道的元数据(运行 #、源代码信息)与包关联", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "允许跳过重复项", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "如果连续发布一组包并且仅更改一部分包的版本号,请使用此选项。即使因为 409 冲突错误拒绝了部分包,此选项仍允许任务报告成功。\n\n目前仅 Azure Pipelines 和 Windows 代理提供此选项。如果 NuGet.exe 遇到冲突,任务将失败。", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 服务器", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "详细信息", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "指定在输出中显示的详细信息量。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "命令和参数", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "将传递到 NuGet.exe 执行的命令和参数。如果使用 NuGet 3.5 或更高版本,经过身份验证的命令(如针对此帐户/集合中项目集合生成服务有权访问的任何源的 list、restore 和 publish 命令)将自动通过身份验证。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要连接到此生成代理上 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道以选择更高版本的 nuget,或指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 路径。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "将传递到 NuGet.exe 进行执行的命令和参数。如果使用 NuGet 3.5 或更高版本,经过身份验证的命令(如针对此组织/集合中项目集合生成服务有权访问的任何源的 list、restore 和 publish 命令)将自动进行身份验证。 ", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要连接到此生成代理上 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道以选择更高版本的 NuGet,或指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 路径。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "选择了 NuGet 3.3,但提供的是自定义 NuGet 路径。自定义路径将成为首选。要解决此警告,请编辑生成任务,在“高级”下选择“自定义”作为 NuGet 版本。", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "包还原成功", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "包还原失败", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure DevOps 组织中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "对于内部源,请确保生成服务标识“%s”[%s] 有权对其进行访问。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "未在代理上找到 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe。正在回退到基于配置的凭据流。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s 不是解决方案文件。请检查 NuGet 还原任务的“解决方案或 packages.config 的路径”属性。", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "未知的还原模式“%s”", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的源进行验证。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的源进行验证。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "如果选择了“自定义”,则必须提供 NuGet.exe 的路径", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "“自动包版本控制”不能与“包括引用项目”选项一起使用。引用项目不会继承由自动版本控制设置提供的自定义版本。", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "自动版本控制: 不支持在发布中从生成选项获取版本号", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "未找到提供的环境变量的值。", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "尝试打包文件时发生错误。", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "尝试打包文件:", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本连接到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道,指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本连接到 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道,指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功发布包", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "包发布失败", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "未知的源类型“%s”", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 401a0f916096..ccd6718435a6 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613747)", - "loc.description": "還原、打包或推送 NuGet 套件,或是執行 NuGet 命令。支援 NuGet.org 及套件管理與 MyGet 等已經過驗證的摘要。使用 NuGet.exe 且支援 .NET Framework 應用程式。若為 .NET Core 及 .NET Standard 應用程式,請使用 .NET Core 工作。", + "loc.description": "還原、封裝或推送 NuGet 套件,或執行 NuGet 命令。支援 NuGet.org 以及已驗證摘要 (例如 Azure Artifacts 和 MyGet)。使用 NuGet.exe 以運用 .NET Framework 應用程式。針對 .NET Core 和 .NET Standard 應用程式,請使用 .NET Core 工作。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAuth": "摘要與驗證", "loc.group.displayName.restoreAdvanced": "進階", @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ "loc.input.label.selectOrConfig": "要使用的摘要", "loc.input.help.selectOrConfig": "您可以在這裡從 Azure Artifacts 和 (或) NuGet.org 選取摘要,也可以將 nuget.config 檔案認可至您的原始程式碼存放庫,並在這裡設定其路徑。", "loc.input.label.feedRestore": "使用此 Azure Artifacts/TFS 摘要中的套件", - "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含選取的摘要。您必須已安裝並授權套件管理,才能於此處選取摘要。", + "loc.input.help.feedRestore": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含選取的摘要。您必須安裝 Azure Artifacts 且經過授權,才能於此處選取摘要。", "loc.input.label.includeNuGetOrg": "使用 NuGet.org 中的套件", "loc.input.help.includeNuGetOrg": "在產生的 NuGet.config 中包含 NuGet.org。", "loc.input.label.nugetConfigPath": "NuGet.config 的路徑", "loc.input.help.nugetConfigPath": "您存放庫中的 NuGet.config,可指定從中還原套件的摘要。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "摘要的認證在此帳戶/集合外部", - "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "用於外部登錄的認證,位於選取的 NuGet.config 中。如需此帳戶/集合中的摘要,請將此保留空白; 系統會自動使用組建的認證。", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "此組織/集合外部摘要的認證", + "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "要用於所選 NuGet.config 中外部登錄的認證。針對此組織/集合中的摘要,請將此欄位保留空白,系統會自動使用組建的認證。", "loc.input.label.noCache": "停用本機快取", "loc.input.help.noCache": "禁止 NuGet 使用本機電腦快取的套件。", "loc.input.label.disableParallelProcessing": "停用平行處理", @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ "loc.input.help.searchPatternPush": "要比對的模式,或 nupkg 檔案上傳至的路徑。可使用分號分隔多個模式。", "loc.input.label.nuGetFeedType": "目標摘要位置", "loc.input.label.feedPublish": "目標摘要", - "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "選取裝載於此帳戶中的摘要。您必須已安裝並授權套件管理,才可於此處選取摘要。", + "loc.input.help.feedPublish": "選取裝載於此帳戶中的摘要。您必須擁有已安裝並授權的 Azure Artifacts,才能在此選取摘要。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "發佈管線中繼資料", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "建立此建置/發行管線的中繼資料 (執行 #,原始程式碼資訊) 與套件的關聯", "loc.input.label.allowPackageConflicts": "允許跳過重複項", "loc.input.help.allowPackageConflicts": "如果您持續發行一組套件,而當中只有變更的套件子集版本號碼有所變更,請使用此選項。這可讓工作回報成功,即使系統因為「409 衝突」錯誤而拒絕某些套件亦然。\n\n此選項目前僅在 Azure Pipelines 及使用 Windows 代理程式時提供,如果 NuGet.exe 遇到衝突,工作會失敗。", "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "NuGet 伺服器", @@ -72,17 +74,17 @@ "loc.input.label.verbosityPack": "詳細資訊", "loc.input.help.verbosityPack": "請指定顯示在輸出中的詳細資料量。", "loc.input.label.arguments": "命令與引數", - "loc.input.help.arguments": "要傳遞到 NuGet.exe 以執行的命令和引數。如果使用了 NuGet 3.5 或更新版本,在專案集合組建服務能夠存取的這個帳戶/集合中,對任何摘要執行的 list、restore 及 publish 這類已驗證命令就會自動經過驗證。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要連線到裝載於此組建代理程式上 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的組建管線以選擇較高版本的 NuGet,或指定 NuGet.config 路徑,其中包含您要使用的套件來源。", + "loc.input.help.arguments": "要傳遞到 NuGet.exe 以執行的命令和引數。如果使用了 NuGet 3.5 或更新版本,在專案集合組建服務能夠存取的這個組織/集合中,對任何摘要執行的 list、restore 及 publish 這類已驗證命令就會自動經過驗證。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要連線到裝載於此組建代理程式上 Azure DevOps 組織中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的組建管線以選擇較高版本的 NuGet,或指定 NuGet.config 路徑,其中包含您要使用的套件來源。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "選取了 NuGet 3.3,但提供的是自訂 NuGet 路徑。慣用自訂路徑。若要解決此警告,請編輯您的組建工作,然後選取 [進階] 下 NuGet 版本的 [自訂]。", "loc.messages.PackagesInstalledSuccessfully": "已成功還原套件", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToInstall": "套件無法還原", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的摘要", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure DevOps 組織中的摘要", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "若為內部摘要,請確定組建服務身分識別 '%s' [%s] 可存取摘要。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "代理程式上找不到 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe。將回到組態式認證流程預設值。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s 不是解決方案檔案。請檢查 NuGet Restore 工作的 [解決方案或 packages.config 的路徑] 屬性。", "loc.messages.UnknownRestoreMode": "未知的還原模式 '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中託管的摘要驗證。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure DevOps 組織中託管的摘要驗證。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "若選取 [自訂],則必須提供 NuGet.exe 的路徑", "loc.messages.Warning_AutomaticallyVersionReferencedProjects": "[自動封裝版本設定] 與 [包含參考的專案] 選項無法搭配使用。參考的專案將不會繼承自動版本設定所提供的自訂版本。", "loc.messages.Error_AutomaticallyVersionReleases": "Autoversion: 發行不支援從建置選項取得版本號碼", @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "找不到所提供之環境變數的值。", "loc.messages.Error_PackageFailure": "嘗試壓縮檔案時發生錯誤。", "loc.messages.Info_AttemptingToPackFile": "正在嘗試壓縮檔案: ", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要連線到使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本託管於 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的建置定義以指定路徑,連到含有所要使用套件來源的 NuGet.config。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要連線到使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本託管於 Azure DevOps 組織中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的建置定義以指定路徑,連到含有所要使用套件來源的 NuGet.config。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功發行套件", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "無法發行套件", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "未知的摘要類型 '%s'", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.json index 8088410c8c1b..7e8a5f5aa8f7 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -534,4 +534,4 @@ "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, deselect the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task.", "Error_NugetFailedWithCodeAndErr": "The nuget command failed with exit code(%s) and error(%s)" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.loc.json index e536fb6b9d98..2f4389e678de 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetCommandV2/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f44aa2c6d3bd..1d4b6980f9a9 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Manager", + "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Paketerstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die \"NuGet\"-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb des Kontos/der Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", + "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die NuGet-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb der Organisation/Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet-Manager $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "Paketoptionen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 38d551d015da..d953cc3d982c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Packager", + "loc.friendlyName": "Empaquetador de NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "En desuso: utilice la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta cuenta o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", + "loc.description": "En desuso: use la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta organización o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet Packager $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "Opciones de paquete", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index b29c5ce1c4ae..70fb13d45f7e 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Packager", + "loc.friendlyName": "Packager NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "Déconseillé : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", + "loc.description": "Déprécié : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de cette organisation/collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet Packager $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "Options de pack", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 845f6f48388f..2ed2f5fd1124 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Strumento di creazione pacchetti NuGet", + "loc.friendlyName": "Strumento per la creazione di pacchetti NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questo account/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", + "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questa organizzazione/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Strumento di creazione pacchetti NuGet $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "Opzioni pacchetto", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5c6429ee0271..47d37cdc171b 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet パッケージャー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。このアカウント/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", + "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。この組織/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet パッケージャー $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "パック オプション", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e38a209f64a9..fa2cd2f8fc61 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 패키지 작성 도구", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: “NuGet” 작업을 대신 사용하세요. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 계정/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", + "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: 대신 \"NuGet\" 작업을 사용합니다. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 조직/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 패키지 작성 도구 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "팩 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 38907242eded..29c83479a04d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Упаковщик NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной учетной записи или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", + "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной организации или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Упаковщик NuGet $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "Параметры пакета", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 332da358977d..6390b128a853 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 包装程序", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此帐户/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此组织/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。 ", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 包装程序 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "包选项", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 6f580270b708..ed41196ce89e 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 封裝程式", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627416)", - "loc.description": "即將淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。它適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,因此您可輕鬆地使用 NuGet 的新版本,而不需要等候工作更新,並可為此帳戶/集合外部的已驗證摘要提供更佳的支援,預設會使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.description": "已淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。該工作適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,使您不必等待工作更新就能輕鬆使用新版 NuGet,此外還為此組織/集合外的已驗證摘要提供了更好的支援,並預設使用 NuGet 4。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 封裝程式 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.versioning": "套件選項", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.json index aac1e2e71bdd..e868613b0a3d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 76 + "Patch": 77 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.loc.json index f7864c54c8d0..f241c260b06e 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPackagerV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 76 + "Patch": 77 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 0486dae8791a..cc3dcde2bd69 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Herausgeber", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die \"NuGet\"-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb des Kontos/der Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", + "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die NuGet-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb der Organisation/Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet-Herausgeber $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Pfad/Muster für NUPKG", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "Geben Sie optional den Pfad zu NuGet.exe an. Die Versionsauswahl wird außer Kraft gesetzt.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Fortfahren, wenn kein Paket mit \"Pfad/Muster für nupkg\" übereinstimmt.", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Fortfahren anstelle von Fehlschlagen, wenn kein Paket mit \"Pfad/Muster für nupkg\" übereinstimmt.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung mit NuGet 3.1 oder niedriger gehostet werden, die Buildpipeline so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die gewünschten Paketquellen enthält.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung auf diesem Build-Agent gehostet werden, die Builddefinition so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die zu verwendenden Paketquellen enthält.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation mit NuGet 3.1 oder niedriger gehostet werden, die Buildpipeline so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die gewünschten Paketquellen enthält.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Bearbeiten Sie zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit NuGet-Feeds, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation auf diesem Build-Agent gehostet werden, die Builddefinition so, dass ein Pfad zu einer Datei \"NuGet.config\" angegeben wird, die die zu verwendenden Paketquellen enthält.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 wurde ausgewählt, aber es wurde ein benutzerdefinierter NuGet-Pfad angegeben. Der benutzerdefinierte Pfad wird bevorzugt. Um diese Warnung aufzulösen, bearbeiten Sie Ihren Buildtask, und wählen Sie unter \"Erweitert\" die Option \"Benutzerdefiniert\" für die NuGet-Version.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Pakete wurden erfolgreich veröffentlicht.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen der Pakete.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Stellen Sie für interne Feeds sicher, dass die Builddienstidentität \"%s\" [%s] Zugriff auf den Feed besitzt.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "\"CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe\" wurde auf dem Agent nicht gefunden. Fallback auf den konfigurationsbasierten Anmeldeinformationen-Datenfluss.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s ist keine reguläre Datei. Überprüfen Sie die Eigenschaft \"Pfad/Muster für nupkg\" des NuGetPublisher-Tasks.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Unbekannter Feedtyp \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Der NuGet-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung gehostet werden.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Der NuGet-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation gehostet werden.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Wenn \"Benutzerdefiniert\" ausgewählt wird, müssen Sie einen Pfad zu \"NuGet.exe\" angeben.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore unterstützt die Verwendung eines verschlüsselten API-Schlüssels derzeit nicht.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Ungültiges XML. Es wurde ein Element mit dem Namen \"configuration\" erwartet.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index fd46fa360796..51875d8d384d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Publisher", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publicador de NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "En desuso: utilice la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta cuenta o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", + "loc.description": "En desuso: use la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta organización o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet Publisher $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Ruta de acceso o patrón para nupkg", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "Proporcione opcionalmente la ruta de acceso a NuGet.exe. Se invalida la selección de versión.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continuar si ningún paquete coincide con la \"ruta de acceso o el patrón para nupkg\"", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continuar en lugar de omitir si ningún paquete coincide con la \"ruta de acceso o el patrón para nupkg\".", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS con NuGet 3.1 o versiones anteriores, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que desea usar.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS de este agente de compilación, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que desea usar.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps con NuGet 3.1 o versiones anteriores, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que quiere usar.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Para conectarse a las fuentes NuGet hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps de este agente de compilación, edite la canalización de compilación para especificar una ruta de acceso a un archivo NuGet.config que contenga los orígenes del paquete que desea usar.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "Se seleccionó NuGet 3.3, pero se proporcionó una ruta de acceso personalizada de NuGet. Se preferirá la ruta de acceso personalizada. Para resolver esta advertencia, edite la tarea de compilación y seleccione \"Personalizada\" para la versión de NuGet en Opciones avanzadas.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Los paquetes se publicaron correctamente.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Error al publicar los paquetes.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS como \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la organización de Azure DevOps como \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Para las fuentes internas, asegúrese de que la identidad del servicio de compilación \"%s\" [%s] tiene acceso a la fuente.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe no se encontró en el agente. Se recurre al flujo de credenciales basadas en la configuración.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s no es un archivo normal. Compruebe la propiedad \"Ruta de acceso o patrón para nupkg\" de la tarea de NuGetPublisher.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Tipo de fuente '%s' desconocido.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "No se encontró el servicio NuGet. Esta tarea no podrá autenticar en las fuentes hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "No se encontró el servicio NuGet. Esta tarea no podrá autenticar en las fuentes hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Si se ha seleccionado \"Personalizada\", debe proporcionar una ruta de acceso a NuGet.exe.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "Actualmente, DotNetCore no admite el uso de una clave de API cifrada.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML no válido. Se esperaba un elemento denominado \"configuration\".", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1d62eb826329..e3f7b0c434c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Publisher", + "loc.friendlyName": "Éditeur NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "Déconseillé : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", + "loc.description": "Déprécié : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de cette organisation/collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet Publisher $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Chemin d'accès/Modèle de nupkg", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "Indiquez éventuellement le chemin de NuGet.exe. Remplace la sélection de version.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continuer si aucun package ne correspond à \"Chemin/Modèle de nupkg\"", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continuer au lieu de générer un échec si aucun package ne correspond à \"Chemin/Modèle de nupkg\".", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS avec NuGet 3.1 ou une version antérieure, modifiez votre définition de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS sur cet agent de build, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps avec NuGet 3.1 ou une version antérieure, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Pour vous connecter aux flux NuGet hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps sur cet agent de build, modifiez votre pipeline de build afin de spécifier le chemin d'un fichier NuGet.config contenant les sources de package à utiliser.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 est sélectionné, mais un chemin NuGet personnalisé est indiqué. Le chemin personnalisé est utilisé par défaut. Pour résoudre le problème signalé par cet avertissement, modifiez votre tâche de build et sélectionnez le choix 'personnalisé' pour la version NuGet, sous Avancé.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Les packages ont été publiés correctement", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Échec de la publication des packages", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS en tant que '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre organisation Azure DevOps en tant que '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Pour les flux internes, vérifiez que l'identité du service de build '%s' [%s] a accès au flux.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe introuvable sur l'agent. Retour au flux d'informations d'identification basé sur la configuration.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s n'est pas un fichier standard. Vérifiez la propriété Chemin/modèle de nupkg' de la tâche NuGetPublisher.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Type de flux inconnu '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Le service NuGet est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Le service NuGet est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Si 'personnalisé' est sélectionné, vous devez indiquer le chemin de NuGet.exe", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore ne prend pas en charge l'utilisation d'une clé API chiffrée.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Contenu xml non valide. L'élément nommé 'configuration' est attendu.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index fe4040607562..769541799c70 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Strumento di pubblicazione pacchetti NuGet", + "loc.friendlyName": "Strumento per la pubblicazione di pacchetti NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questo account/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", + "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questa organizzazione/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Strumento di pubblicazione pacchetti NuGet $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Percorso/Criterio per nupkg", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "Consente, facoltativamente, di specificare il percorso di NuGet.exe. Il percorso specificato sostituirà quello selezionato per la versione.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continua se non ci sono pacchetti corrispondenti al valore di \"Percorso/Criterio per nupkg\"", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Continua invece di restituire un errore se non ci sono pacchetti corrispondenti al valore di \"Percorso/Criterio per nupkg\".", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS con NuGet 3.1 o versione precedente, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS in questo agente di compilazione, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps con NuGet 3.1 o versione precedente, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Per connettersi ai feed NuGet ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps in questo agente di compilazione, modificare la pipeline di compilazione in modo che specifichi il percorso di un file NuGet.config contenente le origini pacchetto che si vogliono usare.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "È stato selezionato NuGet 3.3, ma è stato specificato un percorso personalizzato per NuGet. Verrà preferito il percorso personalizzato. Per risolvere il problema che ha causato la visualizzazione di questo avviso, modificare l'attività di compilazione e selezionare 'personalizzata' per la versione di NuGet in Avanzate.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "I pacchetti sono stati pubblicati", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "La pubblicazione dei pacchetti non è riuscita", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS come '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps come '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Per i feed interni assicurarsi che l'identità '%s' [%s] del servizio di compilazione abbia accesso al feed.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe non è stato trovato nell'agente. Verrà eseguito il fallback al flusso di credenziali basate sulla configurazione.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s non è un file normale. Verificare la proprietà 'Percorso/Criterio per nupkg' dell'attività NuGetPublisher.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Tipo di feed '%s' sconosciuto", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio NuGet. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio NuGet. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Se si seleziona 'personalizzata', è necessario specificare un percorso per NuGet.exe", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore non supporta attualmente una chiave API crittografata.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML non valido. È previsto un elemento denominato 'configuration'.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 95bfa55bf477..b30b525d2f11 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet パブリッシャー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。このアカウント/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", + "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。この組織/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet パブリッシャー $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Nupkg へのパス/パターン", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "(省略可能) NuGet.exe へのパスを指定します。バージョンの選択がオーバーライドされます。", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "[Nupkg へのパス/パターン] と一致するパッケージがない場合は、続行します", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "[Nupkg へのパス/パターン] と一致するパッケージがない場合は、失敗するのではなく続行します。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクション内でホストされている NuGet フィードに、NuGet 3.1 以下を使用して接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定してください。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "このビルド エージェントの Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションでホストされている NuGet フィードに接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定します。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Azure DevOps 組織でホストされている NuGet フィードに、NuGet 3.1 以下を使用して接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定してください。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "このビルド エージェントの Azure DevOps 組織でホストされている NuGet フィードに接続するには、ビルド パイプラインを編集して、使用するパッケージ ソースを含む NuGet.config へのパスを指定します。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3 を選ばれましたがカスタム NuGet パスが指定されました。カスタム パスが優先されます。この警告を解決するには、ビルド タスクを編集して、[詳細設定] で NuGet バージョンに [カスタム] を選びます。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "パッケージが正常に発行されました", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "パッケージを発行できませんでした", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションのフィードに接続しています", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure DevOps 組織のフィードに接続しています", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "内部フィードについて、ビルド サービス ID '%s' [%s] がフィードにアクセスできることを確認します。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe がエージェントで見つかりません。構成ベースの資格情報フローに戻ります。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s は通常のファイルではありません。NuGetPublisher タスクの 'Nupkg へのパス/パターン' プロパティをチェックしてください。", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "フィードの種類 '%s' が不明です", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet サービスが見つかりません。このタスクは、使用している Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションでホストされているフィードへ認証できません。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet サービスが見つかりません。このタスクは、使用している Azure DevOps 組織でホストされているフィードへ認証できません。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "[カスタム] を選んでいる場合は、NuGet.exe へのパスを指定する必要があります", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore は、現在、暗号化された API キーの使用をサポートしていません。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "無効な xml です。'configuration' という要素が必要です。", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 0815624a331f..ecd8949071e9 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 게시자", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: “NuGet” 작업을 대신 사용하세요. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 계정/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", + "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: 대신 \"NuGet\" 작업을 사용합니다. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 조직/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 게시자 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "nupkg에 대한 경로/패턴", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "필요한 경우 NuGet.exe의 경로를 제공합니다. 버전 선택을 재정의합니다.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "\"nupkg에 대한 경로/패턴\"과 일치하는 패키지가 없어도 계속", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "\"nupkg에 대한 경로/패턴\"과 일치하는 패키지가 없어도 실패하지 않고 계속합니다.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "NuGet 3.1 이하에서 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "이 빌드 에이전트의 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "NuGet 3.1 이하에서 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면, 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "이 빌드 에이전트의 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 NuGet 피드에 연결하려면, 빌드 파이프라인을 편집하여 사용할 패키지 소스가 포함된 NuGet.config의 경로를 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "NuGet 3.3을 선택했지만 사용자 지정 NuGet 경로를 제공했습니다. 사용자 지정 경로가 우선됩니다. 이 경고를 해결하려면 빌드 작업을 편집하고 [고급]에서 NuGet 버전에 대해 '사용자 지정'을 선택합니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "패키지가 게시되었습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "패키지를 게시하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure DevOps 조직의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "내부 피드의 경우 빌드 서비스 ID '%s' [%s]에 피드에 대한 액세스 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "에이전트에서 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe를 찾을 수 없습니다. 구성 기반 자격 증명 흐름을 대신 사용합니다.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s은(는) 일반 파일이 아닙니다. NuGetPublisher 작업의 'nupkg에 대한 경로/패턴' 속성을 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "알 수 없는 피드 유형 '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "NuGet 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "'사용자 지정'을 선택한 경우 NuGet.exe에 대한 경로를 제공해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore는 현재 암호화된 API 키 사용을 지원하지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "잘못된 XML입니다. 'configuration' 요소가 필요합니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e9b06799b01b..360dce6b72aa 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Издатель NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной учетной записи или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", + "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной организации или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Издатель NuGet $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "Шаблон или путь к NUPKG", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "При необходимости укажите путь к NuGet.exe. При этом выбранная версия будет переопределена.", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Продолжить, если ни один из пакетов не соответствует \"Path/Pattern to nupkg\"", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "Продолжить вместо сбоя, если ни один из пакетов не соответствует \"Path/Pattern to nupkg\".", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS, с помощью NuGet 3.1 или более ранней версии, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS для этого агента сборки, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в организации Azure DevOps, с помощью NuGet 3.1 или более ранней версии, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "Для подключения к веб-каналам NuGet, размещенным в организации Azure DevOps для этого агента сборки, измените конвейер сборки, указав путь к файлу NuGet.config, содержащему источники пакетов, которые вы хотите использовать.", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "Был выбран NuGet 3.3, но при этом был указан настраиваемый путь NuGet. Будет использован настраиваемый путь. Чтобы устранить это предупреждение, измените задачу сборки и укажите настраиваемое значение для версии NuGet в разделе \"Дополнительно\".", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Пакеты успешно опубликованы", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Не удалось опубликовать пакеты", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в организации Azure DevOps в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Для внутренних каналов удостоверение службы сборки \"%s\" [%s] должно иметь доступ к каналу.", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "Файл CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe не найден на агенте. Выполняется откат до потока учетных данных на основе конфигурации.", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s не является обычным файлом. Проверьте свойство \"Шаблон или путь к NUPKG\" задачи NuGetPublisher.", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "Неизвестный тип канала (\"%s\")", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Не удалось найти службу NuGet. Эта задача не сможет проходить проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "Не удалось найти службу NuGet. Эта задача не сможет проходить проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в организации Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "Если выбрано настраиваемое значение, необходимо указать путь к файлу NuGet.exe.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": ".NET Core сейчас не поддерживает использование зашифрованных ключей API.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Недопустимый код XML. Ожидается элемент \"configuration\".", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 2cc4b7dac09e..9f36f00dae1d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 发布服务器", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此帐户/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此组织/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。 ", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 发布服务器 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "nupkg 的路径/模式", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "可以选择提供 NuGet.exe 的路径。将覆盖版本选择。", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "如果没有包匹配 \"Path/Pattern to nupkg\",请继续", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "如果没有包匹配 \"Path/Pattern to nupkg\",请继续,而不是失败。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本连接到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道,指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要连接到此生成代理上 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道以指定其中包含想要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本连接到 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道,指定包含要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要连接到此生成代理上 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的 NuGet 源,请编辑生成管道以指定其中包含想要使用的包源的 NuGet.config 的路径。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "选择了 NuGet 3.3,但提供的是自定义 NuGet 路径。自定义路径将成为首选。要解决此警告,请编辑生成任务,在“高级”下选择“自定义”作为 NuGet 版本。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功发布包", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "包发布失败", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure DevOps 组织中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "对于内部源,请确保生成服务标识“%s”[%s] 有权对其进行访问。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "未在代理上找到 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe。正在回退到基于配置的凭据流。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s 不是常规文件。请检查 NuGetPublisher 任务的“nupkg 的路径/模式”属性。", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "未知的源类型“%s”", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的源进行验证。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的源进行验证。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "如果选择了“自定义”,则必须提供 NuGet.exe 的路径", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支持使用加密 API 密钥。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "xml 无效。元素名应为“配置”。", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 740f55492e53..22468681dd90 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 發行者", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=627417)", - "loc.description": "即將淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。它適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,因此您可輕鬆地使用 NuGet 的新版本,而不需要等候工作更新,並可為此帳戶/集合外部的已驗證摘要提供更佳的支援,預設會使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.description": "已淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。該工作適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,使您不必等待工作更新就能輕鬆使用新版 NuGet,此外還為此組織/集合外的已驗證摘要提供了更好的支援,並預設使用 NuGet 4。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet 發行者 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.searchPattern": "nupkg 的路徑/模式", @@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ "loc.input.help.nuGetPath": "選擇性地提供 NuGet.exe 的路徑。將覆寫版本選取項目。", "loc.input.label.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "若沒有套件符合「nupkg 的路徑/模式」即繼續。", "loc.input.help.continueOnEmptyNupkgMatch": "若沒有套件符合「nupkg 的路徑/模式」,即不要失敗並繼續。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要連線到使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本託管於 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的建置定義以指定路徑,連到含有所要使用套件來源的 NuGet.config。", - "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要連線到裝載於此組建代理程式上 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的組建管線以指定 NuGet.config 路徑,其中包含您要使用的套件來源。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForOldNuGet": "若要連線到使用 NuGet 3.1 或更低版本託管於 Azure DevOps 組織中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的建置定義以指定路徑,連到含有所要使用套件來源的 NuGet.config。", + "loc.messages.Warning_NoConfigForNoCredentialProvider": "若要連線到裝載於此組建代理程式上 Azure DevOps 組織中的 NuGet 摘要,請編輯您的組建管線以指定 NuGet.config 路徑,其中包含您要使用的套件來源。", "loc.messages.Warning_ConflictingNuGetPreference": "選取了 NuGet 3.3,但提供的是自訂 NuGet 路徑。慣用自訂路徑。若要解決此警告,請編輯您的組建工作,然後選取 [進階] 下 NuGet 版本的 [自訂]。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功發行套件", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "無法發行套件", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的摘要", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure DevOps 組織中的摘要", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "若為內部摘要,請確定組建服務身分識別 '%s' [%s] 可存取摘要。", "loc.messages.NoCredProviderOnAgent": "代理程式上找不到 CredentialProvider.TeamBuild.exe。將回到組態式認證流程預設值。", "loc.messages.NotARegularFile": "%s 不是一般檔案。請檢查 NuGetPublisher 工作的「nupkg 的路徑/模式」屬性。", "loc.messages.UnknownFeedType": "未知的摘要類型 '%s'", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中託管的摘要驗證。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindNuGetService": "找不到 NuGet 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure DevOps 組織中託管的摘要驗證。", "loc.messages.NoNuGetSpecified": "若選取 [自訂],則必須提供 NuGet.exe 的路徑", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支援使用加密的 API 金鑰。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML 無效。應有名為 'configuration' 的元素。", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.json index d98e061faaaf..477bc7a098ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -170,4 +170,4 @@ "NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.loc.json index 864830a9a3ca..98cb14330b01 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetPublisherV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 751d9699fbbd..7de109702e13 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Version gefunden, die mit der Eingabe %s übereinstimmt", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Keine Download-URL für %s gefunden", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Fehler bei der Toolinstallation: %s.", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Die Version von \"NuGet.exe\" wird auf %s aktualisiert (von %s). Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten. Wenn dies nicht gewünscht ist, deaktivieren Sie die Option \"Check for Latest Version\" (Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen) in der Aufgabe." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Die Version von \"NuGet.exe\" wird auf %s aktualisiert (von %s). Änderungen im Verhalten oder Fehler verursachende Änderungen können bei NuGet-Aktualisierungen auf eine neue Version auftreten. Wenn dies nicht gewünscht ist, deaktivieren Sie die Option \"Check for Latest Version\" (Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen) in der Aufgabe.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Projektbezogene Feeds werden von dieser Version der Aufgabe \"NuGet-Wiederherstellung\" nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie die Aufgabe \"NuGet\", Version 2 oder höher." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3290f22db1f2..b2ca51a22a4d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna versión que coincida con la entrada %s", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "No se encontró ninguna dirección URL de descarga para %s.", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Error al instalar la herramienta: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Se está actualizando la versión de NuGet.exe a %s desde %s. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión. Si no desea que esto ocurra, desactive la opción \"Comprobar la última versión\" en la tarea." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Se está actualizando la versión de NuGet.exe a %s desde %s. Pueden producirse cambios de comportamiento o drásticos cuando NuGet se actualiza a una nueva versión. Si no desea que esto ocurra, desactive la opción \"Comprobar la última versión\" en la tarea.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Esta versión de la tarea \"Restaurar NuGet\" no admite las fuentes con ámbito de proyecto. Use la tarea \"NuGet\" de versión 2 o posterior." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 2d03b6eabc8a..79210db685fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Il n'existe aucune version correspondant à l'entrée %s", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL de téléchargement introuvable pour %s", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Échec de l'installation de l'outil : %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Mise à jour de NuGet.exe version %s vers la version %s. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version. Pour éviter cela, décochez l'option 'Rechercher la dernière version' dans la tâche." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Mise à jour de NuGet.exe version %s vers la version %s. Des changements de comportement ou des changements importants peuvent se produire lors de la mise à jour de NuGet vers une nouvelle version. Pour éviter cela, décochez l'option 'Rechercher la dernière version' dans la tâche.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Les flux dont l'étendue est un projet ne sont pas pris en charge par cette version de la tâche \"Restauration NuGet\". Utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" version 2 ou ultérieure." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8e3ef30b1dbf..d66439374748 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione corrispondente all'input %s", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "Non è stato trovato alcun URL di download per %s", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "L'installazione dello strumento non è riuscita: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Aggiornamento della versione di NuGet.exe a %s da %s. In seguito all'aggiornamento di NuGet a una nuova versione è possibile riscontrare modifiche al comportamento o modifiche di rilievo. Per evitare queste modifiche, deselezionare l'opzione 'Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti' nell'attività." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Aggiornamento della versione di NuGet.exe a %s da %s. In seguito all'aggiornamento di NuGet a una nuova versione è possibile riscontrare modifiche al comportamento o modifiche di rilievo. Per evitare queste modifiche, deselezionare l'opzione 'Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti' nell'attività.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "I feed con ambito progetto non sono supportati da questa versione dell'attività \"Ripristino NuGet\". Usare la versione 2 o successiva dell'attività \"NuGet\"." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 78def53aafb6..d12a472f0134 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "入力 %s に一致するバージョンは見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s のダウンロード URL が見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "ツールをインストールできませんでした: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe のバージョンを %s に更新しています (現在のバージョンは %s)。NuGet を新しいバージョンに更新すると、動作の変更やビルド ブレークを起こす変更が発生することがあります。これを避けるには、タスクの [最新バージョンのチェック] オプションをオフにします。" + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe のバージョンを %s に更新しています (現在のバージョンは %s)。NuGet を新しいバージョンに更新すると、動作の変更やビルド ブレークを起こす変更が発生することがあります。これを避けるには、タスクの [最新バージョンのチェック] オプションをオフにします。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "プロジェクトを対象とするフィードは、このバージョンの \"NuGet の復元\" タスクではサポートされていません。バージョン 2 以降の \"NuGet\" タスクをご使用ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c4a76fc3ac0e..c2d7ad185af5 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "입력 %s과(와) 일치하는 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "%s에 대한 다운로드 URL을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "도구 설치 실패: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe의 버전을 %s에서 %s(으)로 업데이트합니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용이나 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이를 원치 않으면 작업에서 '최신 버전 확인' 옵션을 선택 취소하세요." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "NuGet.exe의 버전을 %s에서 %s(으)로 업데이트합니다. NuGet이 새 버전으로 업데이트되면서 동작 변경 내용이나 새로운 변경 내용이 발생할 수 있습니다. 이를 원치 않으면 작업에서 '최신 버전 확인' 옵션을 선택 취소하세요.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "이 버전의 \"NuGet 복원\" 작업에서는 프로젝트 범위의 피드가 지원되지 않습니다. \"NuGet\" 작업 버전 2 이상을 사용하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f70fee910f98..d80d2877398a 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Не найдена версия, соответствующая входному параметру %s", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "URL-адрес скачивания для %s не найден.", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "Сбой установки инструмента: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Обновление версии NuGet.exe на %s с %s. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения. Если это нежелательно, снимите флажок \"Проверить наличие последней версии\" в параметрах задачи." + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Обновление версии NuGet.exe на %s с %s. При обновлении версии NuGet возможны изменения в поведении или критические изменения. Если это нежелательно, снимите флажок \"Проверить наличие последней версии\" в параметрах задачи.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "Веб-каналы, областью действия которых является проект, не поддерживаются в этой версии задачи \"Восстановить NuGet\". Используйте задачу \"NuGet\" версии 2 или более позднюю." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 003cf7d95991..8cc9d78f0b31 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "未找到任何匹配输入 %s 的版本", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "对于 %s 未找到任何下载 URL", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安装失败: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在将 NuGet.exe 版本更新到 %s (从 %s)。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。如果不希望发生这种情况,请在任务中取消选中“检查最新版本”选项。" + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在将 NuGet.exe 版本更新到 %s (从 %s)。NuGet 更新到新版本时可能出现行为更改或重大更改。如果不希望发生这种情况,请在任务中取消选中“检查最新版本”选项。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "此版本的“NuGet 还原”任务不支持项目范围的源。请使用 \"NuGet\" 任务版本 2 或更高版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 57317fa6edac..665a107abf91 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetRestoreV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到任何版本與輸入 %s 相符", "loc.messages.Error_NoUrlWasFoundWhichMatches": "找不到 %s 的下載 URL", "loc.messages.Error_NuGetToolInstallerFailer": "工具安裝失敗: %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在將 NuGet.exe 的版本更新為 %s (原始為 %s) 。當 NuGet 更新為新版本時,可能會發生行為變更或重大變更。如果這不是您想要的行為,請取消核取工作中的 [檢查最新版本] 選項。" + "loc.messages.Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "正在將 NuGet.exe 的版本更新為 %s (原始為 %s) 。當 NuGet 更新為新版本時,可能會發生行為變更或重大變更。如果這不是您想要的行為,請取消核取工作中的 [檢查最新版本] 選項。", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedProjectScopedFeeds": "這個版本的 \"NuGet Restore\" 工作不支援專案範圍摘要。請使用 \"NuGet\" 工作 2 版或更高版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index e63d9ac37cbc..1fce20f5f05a 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Toolinstaller", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für NuGet-Tools", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte NuGet-Version aus dem Internet oder dem Toolcache ab und fügt sie zu PATH hinzu. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete NuGet-Version zu ändern.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(versionSpec) verwenden", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 2a668353241f..381cef950608 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Tool インストーラー", + "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "特定のバージョンの NuGet をインターネットまたはツールのキャッシュから取得し、PATH に追加してください。このタスクを使用すると、NuGet タスクで使う NuGet のバージョンを変えることができます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(versionSpec) の使用", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 21d29df33b3d..e4485cab5c35 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Программа установки средства NuGet", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Скачивает указанную версию NuGet из Интернета или кэша и добавляет ее в переменную PATH. Используйте эту задачу, чтобы изменить версию NuGet, которая используется в задачах NuGet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать NuGet $(versionSpec)", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.json index c7cc0a1c09a3..7bb0e2508acb 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": false, "satisfies": [ @@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ "NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json index 796665d8b136..6b7aa8407bac 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": false, "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index e63d9ac37cbc..371c9d92281d 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Toolinstaller", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für NuGet-Tool", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte NuGet-Version aus dem Internet oder dem Toolcache ab und fügt sie zu PATH hinzu. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete NuGet-Version zu ändern.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(versionSpec) verwenden", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Version der zu installierenden \"NuGet.exe\"", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Eine Version oder ein Versionsbereich für die NuGet-Version, die im Pfad verfügbar gemacht wird. Verwenden Sie \"x\" als Platzhalter. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der [Liste der verfügbaren NuGet-Versionen](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nWenn Sie eine Vorabversion abgleichen möchten, muss die Angabe eine Haupt-, Neben-, Patch- und Vorabversion aus der o. g. Liste enthalten.\n\nBeispiele: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Immer die neueste passende Version herunterladen", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Suchen Sie immer nach der neuesten verfügbaren Version von \"NuGet.exe\", die die Versionsangabe erfüllt, und laden Sie sie herunter. Bei dieser Option ist immer eine gewissen Zeit zum Herunterladen erforderlich, auch wenn die ausgewählte Version von NuGet bereits zwischengespeichert wurde.\n\nWenn Sie diese Option aktivieren, kann dies zu einem unerwarteten Anhalten des Builds kommen, wenn eine neue Version von NuGet veröffentlicht wird.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Eine Version oder ein Versionsbereich zur Angabe der NuGet-Version, die im Pfad verfügbar gemacht werden soll. Verwenden Sie x als Platzhalter. Siehe hierzu die [Liste der verfügbaren NuGet-Versionen](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nWenn Sie eine Vorabversion abgleichen möchten, muss die Spezifikation eine Haupt-, Neben-, Patch- und Vorabversion aus der obigen Liste enthalten.\n\nBeispiele: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\nSofern nicht festgelegt, wird automatisch eine Version ausgewählt.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Immer auf neue Versionen überprüfen", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Suchen Sie immer nach der neuesten verfügbaren Version von \"NuGet.exe\", die die Versionsangabe erfüllt, und laden Sie sie herunter.\n\nBei Aktivierung dieser Option kann es zu unerwarteten Buildfehlern kommen, wenn eine neue Version von NuGet veröffentlicht wird.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore unterstützt die Verwendung eines verschlüsselten API-Schlüssels derzeit nicht.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Ungültiges XML. Es wurde ein Element mit dem Namen \"configuration\" erwartet.", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Es wurden keine mit dem Suchmuster übereinstimmenden Dateien gefunden: %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7c0b6caa88f1..5c0bad9aeffb 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión de NuGet específica de Internet o de la memoria caché de herramientas y la agrega a PATH. Use esta tarea para cambiar la versión de NuGet que se usa en las tareas de NuGet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versión de NuGet.exe para instalar", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versión o intervalo de versiones que especifica la versión de NuGet que se pone a disposición en la ruta de acceso. Use x como carácter comodín. Consulte la [lista de versiones de NuGet disponibles] (http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nPara una versión preliminar, la especificación debe contener una versión principal, secundaria, de revisión y preliminar de la lista anterior.\n\nEjemplos: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Descargar siempre la última versión coincidente", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Compruebe y descargue siempre la última versión disponible de NuGet.exe que cumpla las especificaciones de versión. Esta opción siempre conllevará un tiempo de descarga, aunque la versión de NuGet seleccionada ya esté almacenada en caché.\n\nHabilitar esta opción puede causar interrupciones inesperadas de la compilación cuando se publica una nueva versión de NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versión o intervalo de versiones que especifica la versión de NuGet que se pone a disposición en la ruta de acceso. Use x como carácter comodín. Consulte la [lista de versiones de NuGet disponibles](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nPara una versión preliminar, la especificación debe contener una versión principal, secundaria, de revisión y preliminar de la lista anterior.\n\nEjemplos: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\nSi no se especifica, se elegirá una versión automáticamente.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Comprobar siempre si hay nuevas versiones", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Compruebe y descargue siempre la última versión disponible de NuGet.exe que cumpla las especificaciones de versión.\n\nHabilitar esta opción puede causar interrupciones inesperadas de la compilación cuando se publica una nueva versión de NuGet.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "Actualmente, DotNetCore no admite el uso de una clave de API cifrada.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML no válido. Se esperaba un elemento denominado \"configuration\".", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "No se encontraron archivos coincidentes con el patrón de búsqueda: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 565848ad7ff1..07ee292e85c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Acquiert une version spécifique de NuGet à partir d'Internet ou du cache d'outils, puis l'ajoute à PATH. Cette tâche vous permet de changer la version de NuGet utilisée dans les tâches NuGet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Version de NuGet.exe à installer", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Version ou plage de versions spécifiant la version de NuGet à rendre disponible sur le chemin. Utilisez x en tant que caractère générique. Consultez la [liste des versions de NuGet disponibles](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nSi vous souhaitez établir une correspondance avec une version préliminaire, la spécification doit contenir une version principale, une version mineure, une version de correctif et une version préliminaire parmi la liste ci-dessus.\n\nExemples : 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Télécharger toujours la dernière version correspondante", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Recherche et télécharge toujours la dernière version disponible de NuGet.exe qui répond à la spécification de version. Cette option implique toujours un temps de téléchargement, même si la version sélectionnée de NuGet est déjà mise en cache.\n\nL'activation de cette option peut provoquer des échecs de build inattendus quand une nouvelle de version de NuGet est disponible.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Version ou plage de versions spécifiant la version de NuGet à rendre disponible sur le chemin. Utilisez x en tant que caractère générique. Consultez la [liste des versions de NuGet disponibles](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nSi vous souhaitez établir une correspondance avec une préversion, la spécification doit contenir une version principale, une version mineure, une version de correctif et une préversion parmi la liste ci-dessus.\n\nExemples : 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\nEn l'absence d'indication, une version est choisie automatiquement.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Toujours rechercher les nouvelles versions", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Recherche et télécharge toujours la dernière version disponible de NuGet.exe qui répond à la spécification de version.\n\nL'activation de cette option peut provoquer des échecs de build inattendus quand une nouvelle de version de NuGet est disponible.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore ne prend pas en charge l'utilisation d'une clé API chiffrée.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Contenu xml non valide. L'élément nommé 'configuration' est attendu.", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Il n'existe aucun fichier correspondant au modèle de recherche : %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 2695b64a45fa..9cc1a0c6fb69 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di NuGet da Internet o dalla cache degli strumenti e la aggiunge a PATH. Usare questa attività per cambiare la versione di NuGet usata nelle attività NuGet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versione di NuGet.exe da installare", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versione o intervallo di versioni che specifica la versione di NuGet da rendere disponibile nel percorso. Usare x come carattere jolly. [Elenco delle versioni disponibili di NuGet](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nSe si vuole che la versione corrisponda a una versione preliminare, la specifica deve contenere una versione principale, una versione secondaria, una patch e una versione preliminare incluse nell'elenco precedente.\n\nEsempi: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Scarica sempre la versione corrispondente più recente", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Controlla la disponibilità della versione più recente di NuGet.exe che soddisfa le specifiche della versione e la scarica. Questa opzione implica anche il tempo di download, anche se la versione selezionata di NuGet è già memorizzata nella cache.\n\nSe si abilita questa versione potrebbero verificarsi interruzioni impreviste della compilazione quando viene rilasciata una nuova versione di NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versione o intervallo di versioni che specifica la versione di NuGet da rendere disponibile nel percorso. Usare x come carattere jolly. [Elenco delle versioni disponibili di NuGet](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nSe si vuole che la versione corrisponda a una versione preliminare, la specifica deve contenere una versione principale, una versione secondaria, una patch e una versione preliminare incluse nell'elenco precedente.\n\nEsempi: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\nSe non viene specificata, verrà scelta automaticamente una nuova versione.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Controlla sempre la disponibilità di nuove versioni", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Controlla la disponibilità della versione più recente di NuGet.exe che soddisfa l'identificatore di versione e la scarica.\n\nSe si abilita questa versione potrebbero verificarsi interruzioni impreviste della compilazione quando viene rilasciata una nuova versione di NuGet.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore non supporta attualmente una chiave API crittografata.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML non valido. È previsto un elemento denominato 'configuration'.", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Non sono stati trovati file corrispondenti con il criterio di ricerca: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 2a668353241f..966bcc585c50 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet Tool インストーラー", + "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet ツール インストーラー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "特定のバージョンの NuGet をインターネットまたはツールのキャッシュから取得し、PATH に追加してください。このタスクを使用すると、NuGet タスクで使う NuGet のバージョンを変えることができます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(versionSpec) の使用", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "インストールする NuGet.exe のバージョン", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "パスで利用可能にする NuGet バージョンを指定するバージョン、またはバージョン範囲。ワイルドカードとして x を使います。[利用可能な NuGet バージョンの一覧](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json) をご覧ください。\n\nプレリリース版を一致させるには、上のリストにあるメジャー、マイナー、パッチ、プレリリース バージョンを指定に含める必要があります。\n\n例: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "一致する最新のバージョンを常にダウンロードする", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "バージョン仕様を満たす最新バージョンの NuGet.exe が利用可能かどうかを常に確認し、ダウンロードします。このオプションでは、選択したバージョンの NuGet が既にキャッシュに入っていても、常にダウンロード時間がかかります。\n\nこのオプションを有効にすると、新しいバージョンの NuGet がリリースされたときに、予期しないビルド ブレークが発生する可能性があります。", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "パスで利用可能にする NuGet バージョンを指定するバージョンまたはバージョン範囲。ワイルドカードとして x を使用します。[利用可能な NuGet バージョンの一覧](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)をご覧ください。\n\nプレリリース バージョンを一致させるには、上のリストにあるメジャー、マイナー、パッチ、プレリリース バージョンを指定に含める必要があります。\n\n例: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>=4.0.0-0\n\n指定されない場合、バージョンは自動的に選択されます。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "新しいバージョンを常に確認する", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "バージョン仕様を満たす最新バージョンの NuGet.exe が利用可能かどうかを常に確認し、ダウンロードします。\n\nこのオプションを有効にすると、新しいバージョンの NuGet がリリースされたときに、予期しないビルド ブレークが発生する可能性があります。", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore は、現在、暗号化された API キーの使用をサポートしていません。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "無効な xml です。'configuration' という要素が必要です。", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "次の検索パターンと一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 442848225c6c..84af310fd614 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 도구 캐시에서 특정 NuGet 버전을 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 NuGet 작업에 사용되는 NuGet 버전을 변경할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(versionSpec) 사용", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "설치할 NuGet.exe 버전", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "경로에서 사용할 수 있도록 할 NuGet 버전을 지정하는 버전 또는 버전 범위입니다. x를 와일드카드로 사용합니다. [사용 가능한 NuGet 버전 목록](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)을 참조하세요.\n\n시험판 버전으로 맞추려면 위 목록의 주 버전, 부 버전, 패치 버전 및 시험판 버전을 사양에 포함해야 합니다.\n\n예: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "일치하는 최신 버전 항상 다운로드", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "버전 사양을 충족하는 사용 가능한 최신 버전의 NuGet.exe를 항상 확인하고 다운로드합니다. 이 옵션에서는 선택한 NuGet 버전이 이미 캐시된 경우에도 항상 다운로드 시간이 발생합니다.\n\n이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하면 새 NuGet 버전이 릴리스될 때 예기치 않은 빌드 중단이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "경로에서 사용할 수 있는 NuGet 버전을 지정하는 버전 또는 버전 범위입니다. 와일드카드로 x를 사용합니다. [사용 가능한 NuGet 버전 목록](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)을 참조하세요.\n\n시험판 버전을 일치하려는 경우 사양에 위 목록의 주 버전, 부 버전, 패치 및 시험판 버전이 포함되어야 합니다.\n\n예: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\n지정하지 않으면, 버전이 자동으로 선택됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "항상 새 버전 확인", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "버전 사양을 충족하는 사용 가능한 최신 버전의 NuGet.exe를 항상 확인하고 다운로드합니다.\n\n이 옵션을 사용하도록 설정하면 새 NuGet 버전이 릴리스될 때 예기치 않은 빌드 중단이 발생할 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore는 현재 암호화된 API 키 사용을 지원하지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "잘못된 XML입니다. 'configuration' 요소가 필요합니다.", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "다음 검색 패턴과 일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 21d29df33b3d..493c36861c30 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Программа установки средства NuGet", + "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик средств NuGet", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "Скачивает указанную версию NuGet из Интернета или кэша и добавляет ее в переменную PATH. Используйте эту задачу, чтобы изменить версию NuGet, которая используется в задачах NuGet.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Версия NuGet.exe для установки", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Версия или диапазон версий, которые указывают доступную версию NuGet для этого пути. Используйте \"x\" в качестве символа подстановки. См. [список доступных версий NuGet](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nЕсли вы хотите указать предварительную версию, спецификация должна содержать основной и дополнительный номера версии, версию исправления и предварительную версию из списка выше.\n\nПримеры: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Всегда скачивать последнюю доступную версию", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Всегда проверять и скачивать последнюю доступную версию NuGet.exe, которая соответствует указанной версии. При указании этого параметра на скачивание всегда уходит какое-то время, даже если выбранная версия NuGet уже есть в кэше.\n\nПри включении этого параметра возможны непредвиденные сбои в процессе сборки в случае выхода новых версий NuGet.", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Версия или диапазон версий, указывающая версию NuGet, которая должна быть доступна по пути. Используйте x как подстановочный знак. См. [список доступных версий NuGet](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json).\n\nЕсли вы хотите сопоставить предварительную версию, спецификация должна содержать основной номер версии, дополнительный номер версии, исправление и предварительную версию из приведенного выше списка.\n\nПримеры: 4.x, 3.3.x, 2.8.6, >=4.0.0-0\n\nЕсли значение не указано, версия будет выбрана автоматически.", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Всегда проверять наличие новых версий", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Всегда проверяйте наличие последней доступной версии NuGet.exe, удовлетворяющей спецификации версии, и скачивайте ее.\n\nВключение этого параметра может привести к непредвиденным прерываниям сборки при выпуске новой версии NuGet.", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": ".NET Core сейчас не поддерживает использование зашифрованных ключей API.", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "Недопустимый код XML. Ожидается элемент \"configuration\".", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "Не найдены файлы, соответствующие шаблону поиска: %s.", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 9915615c1596..37171034776e 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "从 Internet 或工具缓存获取 NuGet 特定版本,并将其添加到 PATH。通过此任务更改 NuGet 任务中所使用的 NuGet 版本。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "要安装的 NuGet.exe 版本", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "路径上指定 NuGet 版本可用的版本或版本范围。使用 x 作为通配符。请参阅[NuGet 可用版本列表](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)。\n\n若要匹配预发布版本,规范必须包含上方列表中的主要、次要、修补程序和预发布版本。\n\n示例: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "请务必下载最新匹配版本", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "请务必检查并下载满足版本规范的最新可用 NuGet.exe 版本。即使所选 NuGet 版本已经缓存,此选项也会始终产生下载时间。\n\n启用此选项可能导致 NuGet 新版本发布时出现意外的生成中断。", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "指定要在路径上提供的 NuGet 版本的版本或版本范围。使用 x 作为通配符。请参阅 [NuGet 可用版本列表](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)。\n\n若要匹配预发布版本,规范必须包含上方列表中的主要、次要、修补程序和预发布版本。\n\n示例: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>=4.0.0-0\n\n如果未指定,将自动选择版本。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "始终检查是否有新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "请始终检查并下载满足版本规范的最新可用版本的 Nuget.exe。\n\n启用此选项可能会导致在发布新版本的 NuGet 时出现意外的生成中断。", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支持使用加密 API 密钥。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "xml 无效。元素名应为“配置”。", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "在搜索模式 %s 下找不到匹配的文件", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 982aeedaad21..06333879254c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852538)", "loc.description": "從網際網路或工具快取取得特定版本的 NuGet,然後將其新增到 PATH。使用此工作可變更 NuGet 工作中所使用的 NuGet 版本。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 NuGet $(versionSpec)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "要安裝的 NuGet.exe 版本", - "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "指定要在路徑中提供之 NuGet 版本的版本或版本範圍。使用 x 作為萬用字元。請參閱 [可用的 NuGet 版本清單](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)。\n\n若要比對發行前版本,規格中必須包含上述清單中的主要、次要、修補程式和發行前版本。\n\n例如: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>=4.0.0-0", - "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "一律下載最新的相符版本", - "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "一律檢查並下載符合版本規格之最新可用的 NuGet.exe 版本。此選項也一律會產生下載時間,即使已快取選取的 NuGet 版本也一樣。\n\n啟用此選項可能會在發行新版 NuGet 時造成未預期的建置中斷。", + "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "指定要在路徑上提供之 NuGet 版本的版本或版本範圍。請使用 x 作為萬用字元。請參閱 [可用 NuGet 版本的清單](http://dist.nuget.org/tools.json)。\n\n如果您想要比對發行前版本,規格必須包含上述清單中的主要、次要、修補和發行前版本。\n\n例如: 4.x、3.3.x、2.8.6、>= 4.0.0-0\n\n如果未指定,將會自動選擇版本。", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "一律檢查新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "一律檢查並下載符合版本規格的最新可用 NuGet.exe 版本。\n\n啟用此選項可能會在發行新版 NuGet 時,造成未預期的建置中斷。", "loc.messages.Error_ApiKeyNotSupported": "DotNetCore 目前不支援使用加密的 API 金鑰。", "loc.messages.Error_ExpectedConfigurationElement": "XML 無效。應有名為 'configuration' 的元素。", "loc.messages.Error_NoMatchingFilesFoundForPattern": "使用下列搜尋模式找不到任何相符的檔案: %s", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.json index 68da22215eeb..b156347fde9b 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": false, "satisfies": [ @@ -83,4 +83,4 @@ "NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json index 32e2c73d9c2d..cb4943a63d6f 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "preview": false, "satisfies": [ diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ecbb33910e22..8a53a9412675 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet-Befehl", - "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die \"NuGet\"-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb des Kontos/der Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Veraltet: Verwenden Sie stattdessen die NuGet-Aufgabe. Sie funktioniert mit dem neuen Toolinstallerframework, sodass Sie neue NuGet-Versionen verwenden können, ohne auf eine Aufgabenaktualisierung warten zu müssen. Außerdem bietet sie bessere Unterstützung für authentifizierte Feeds außerhalb der Organisation/Sammlung und verwendet standardmäßig NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "Befehl", "loc.input.help.command": "Der auszuführende NuGet-Befehl.\n\nBeispiele: restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 644b51997706..725d3df43d98 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Comando NuGet", - "loc.description": "En desuso: utilice la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta cuenta o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "En desuso: use la tarea “NuGet” en su lugar. Funciona con el nuevo marco de instalador de herramientas, de modo que puede usar fácilmente las nuevas versiones de NuGet sin tener que esperar una actualización de tareas, mejora la compatibilidad con fuentes autenticadas fuera de esta organización o colección y usa NuGet 4 de forma predeterminada.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Comando NuGet que se va a ejecutar.\n\nEjemplos: restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 316986c8b321..4f030f1ee8b1 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Commande NuGet", - "loc.description": "Déconseillé : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de ce compte/cette collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Déprécié : utilisez la tâche \"NuGet\" à la place. Fonctionne avec le nouveau framework d'installation d'outils. Ainsi, vous pouvez facilement utiliser les nouvelles versions de NuGet sans devoir attendre une mise à jour de tâche. Offre une meilleure prise en charge des flux authentifiés en dehors de cette organisation/collection, et utilise NuGet 4 par défaut.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", "loc.input.help.command": "Commande NuGet à exécuter.\n\nExemples : restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d6f590265222..6807e7d19e73 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Comando NuGet", - "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questo account/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Deprecata: usare l'attività \"NuGet\". Funziona con il nuovo framework del Programma di installazione strumento in modo da poter usare facilmente le nuove versioni di NuGet senza aspettare un aggiornamento dell'attività, offre un supporto migliore per i feed autenticati all'esterno di questa organizzazione/raccolta e usa NuGet 4 per impostazione predefinita.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Comando NuGet da eseguire.\n\nEsempi: restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index df75e1ba48b0..5a17d5fe4e3c 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet コマンド", - "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。このアカウント/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "非推奨です。代わりに \"NuGet\" タスクをご利用ください。新しい Tool インストーラー フレームワークで機能するため、タスクの更新を待たずに新しいバージョンの NuGet を簡単に利用できます。この組織/コレクション外の認証されたフィードのサポートが強化され、既定で NuGet 4 を使用できます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", "loc.input.help.command": "実行する NuGet コマンド。\n\n例: restore、pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 8ab9acefc08a..936d1d673cdb 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 명령", - "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: “NuGet” 작업을 대신 사용하세요. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 계정/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "사용되지 않음: 대신 \"NuGet\" 작업을 사용합니다. 작업 업데이트를 기다리지 않고 새로운 NuGet 버전을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도록 새 도구 설치 관리자 프레임워크에서 작동하고, 이 조직/컬렉션 외부의 인증된 피드에 대한 지원을 개선하며, 기본적으로 NuGet 4를 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "명령", "loc.input.help.command": "실행할 NuGet 명령입니다.\n\n예: restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 4113e76505c5..afc1b56f9eb4 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Команда NuGet", - "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной учетной записи или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Не рекомендуется: используйте вместо этого задачу NuGet. Она работает с новой платформой установщика средств, что позволяет легко использовать новые версии NuGet, не дожидаясь обновления задачи, и обеспечивает улучшенную поддержку прошедших проверку подлинности веб-каналов вне данной организации или коллекции. По умолчанию используется версия NuGet 4.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", "loc.input.help.command": "Команда NuGet для запуска.\n\nПримеры: restore, pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1fb96718fefb..59a1123c8535 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 命令", - "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此帐户/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "已弃用: 改为使用 \"NuGet\" 任务。它与新的工具安装程序框架协同工作,以便你可轻松使用新版本的 NuGet 而无需等待任务更新,为此组织/集合外的已经过身份验证的源提供更好的支持,并默认使用 NuGet 4。 ", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "要运行的 NuGet 命令。\n\n示例: restore、pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e6d5ebdf2255..5f5a4b48ad1a 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "NuGet 命令", - "loc.description": "即將淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。它適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,因此您可輕鬆地使用 NuGet 的新版本,而不需要等候工作更新,並可為此帳戶/集合外部的已驗證摘要提供更佳的支援,預設會使用 NuGet 4。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "已淘汰: 請改用 “NuGet” 工作。該工作適用於新的工具安裝程式架構,使您不必等待工作更新就能輕鬆使用新版 NuGet,此外還為此組織/集合外的已驗證摘要提供了更好的支援,並預設使用 NuGet 4。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "NuGet $(command)", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "要執行的 NuGet 命令。\n\n例如: restore、pack", diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.json b/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.json index f18b2d21b91f..dfc40c98c585 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -75,4 +75,4 @@ "NGCommon_UnableToFindTool": "Unable to find tool %s", "Warning_UpdatingNuGetVersion": "Updating version of NuGet.exe to %s from %s. Behavior changes or breaking changes might occur as NuGet updates to a new version. If this is not desired, uncheck the 'Check for Latest Version' option in the task." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.loc.json index 1e9e8ae4edd4..a9123a8b98e0 100644 --- a/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/NuGetV0/task.loc.json @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 8fc4db79f684..9850b2f06f27 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Computerimage erstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Computerimage mithilfe von Packer erstellen. Dieses Image kann für die Bereitstellung der Azure VM-Skalierungsgruppe verwendet werden.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird unter Verwendung von Packer ein Computerimage erstellt, das für die Bereitstellung von Azure-VM-Skalierungsgruppen verwendet werden kann.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Unveränderliches Image erstellen", "loc.releaseNotes": "– Funktioniert mit plattformübergreifenden Agents (Linux, macOS oder Windows)\n– Unterstützt das Erstellen von Images für Windows und Linux. Diese Images können zum Bereitstellen einer Azure-VM-Skalierungsgruppe verwendet werden.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure-Details", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Geben Sie die URL für das Basisimage an. Dieses wird verwendet, um erforderliche Komponenten und Anwendungen vor dem Erfassen des Computerimages zu installieren.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Basisimage-Betriebssystem", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Bereitstellungspaket", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Geben Sie den Pfad für das Bereitstellungspaketverzeichnis an, das \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" entspricht. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: \"FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp\"", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Geben Sie den Pfad für das Bereitstellungspaketverzeichnis relativ zu \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" an. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Beachten Sie, dass dieses Paket auf die temporäre VM kopiert wird, die Packer erstellt. Wenn das Paket eine große Anzahl von Dateien enthält und/oder die Dateien sehr groß sind, kann der Upload sehr lange dauern (möglicherweise einige Stunden). Um die Uploadzeit zu optimieren, überprüfen Sie, ob die Paketgröße sinnvoll verringert werden kann. Eine andere Alternative besteht in der Verwendung eines zwischengeschalteten Azure-Speicherkontos. Laden Sie das Paket vor dem Ausführen dieser Aufgabe in ein Speicherkonto hoch. Verwenden Sie dann für diese Aufgabe ein Paket mit einem Skript, mit dem das erforderliche Paket aus dem Speicherkonto heruntergeladen wird.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Bereitstellungsskript", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Geben Sie den relativen Pfad zu einem PowerShell-Skript (für Windows) oder einem Shell-Skript (für Linux) an, das das Paket bereitstellt. Dieses Skript muss im oben ausgewählten Paketpfad enthalten sein. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: \"deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1\"", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Bereitstellungsskriptargumente", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Abrufen von SPN-Details aus der Diagrammdienstverbindung nicht möglich. Fehler: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Das Abrufen von Artefaktelementen wird nicht unterstützt, ungültiger Codepfad.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ec0c03bb137b..c6b3f0456f62 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Compilar imagen de máquina", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Compila una imagen de máquina con Packer. Esta imagen se puede usar para la implementación del conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure.", + "loc.description": "Compila una imagen de máquina con Packer, que se puede usar para la implementación del conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compilar imagen inmutable", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Funciona con agentes multiplataforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Admite la compilación de imágenes en Windows y Linux. Estas imágenes se pueden usar para implementar conjuntos de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Detalles de Azure", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Especifique la dirección URL de la imagen base, que se usará para instalar los requisitos previos y las aplicaciones antes de capturar la imagen de la máquina.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Sistema operativo de imagen base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Paquete de implementación", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso del directorio del paquete de implementación relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso del directorio del paquete de implementación relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Tenga en cuenta que este paquete se copiará en una máquina virtual temporal que Packer crea. Si el paquete contiene un gran número de archivos o estos son de gran tamaño, la carga puede tardar bastante (posiblemente incluso horas). Para optimizar el tiempo de carga, compruebe si el tamaño del paquete puede reducirse significativamente. Otra alternativa es usar una cuenta de almacenamiento de Azure intermediaria. Cargue el paquete en una cuenta de almacenamiento antes de ejecutar esta tarea. Para esta tarea, use un paquete que contenga un script que descargue el paquete requerido de la cuenta de almacenamiento.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script de implementación", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso relativa al script de PowerShell (para Windows) o al script de shell (para Linux) que implementa el paquete. Este script debe estar incluido en la ruta de acceso del paquete seleccionada anteriormente. Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Argumentos del script de implementación", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "No se pueden capturar los detalles de SPN de la conexión de servicio de Graph. Error: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "No se admite la obtención de elementos de artefacto. La ruta de acceso del código no es válida.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6f8e1236db4e..97b22556ec1d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Générer une image de machine", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Générez une image de machine à l'aide de Packer. Vous pouvez utiliser cette image pour un déploiement de groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure", + "loc.description": "Générez une image de machine à l'aide de Packer. Vous pouvez utiliser cette image pour déployer des groupes de machines virtuelles identiques Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Générer l'image non modifiable", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Fonctionne avec les agents multiplateformes (Linux, macOS ou Windows)\n- Prend en charge la génération d'images pour Windows et Linux. Vous pouvez utiliser ces images pour déployer un groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Détails relatifs à Azure", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Spécifiez l'URL de l'image de base. Cela vous permet d'installer les prérequis et les applications avant de capturer l'image de machine.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "OS de l'image de base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Package de déploiement", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Spécifiez le chemin du répertoire de package de déploiement relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Spécifiez le chemin du répertoire de package de déploiement relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Notez que ce package est copié sur la machine virtuelle temporaire créée par Packer. Si le package contient un grand nombre de fichiers et/ou si la taille des fichiers est très importante, le chargement peut prendre un certain temps (éventuellement plusieurs heures). Pour optimiser le temps de chargement, vérifiez si la taille du package peut être réduite de manière significative. Une autre solution consiste à utiliser un compte de stockage Azure intermédiaire. Chargez le package sur un compte de stockage avant d'exécuter cette tâche. Et pour cette tâche, utilisez un package contenant un script qui télécharge le package nécessaire à partir du compte de stockage.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script de déploiement", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Spécifiez le chemin relatif du script PowerShell (pour Windows) ou du script d'interpréteur de commandes (pour Linux) qui déploie le package. Ce script doit être contenu dans le chemin de package sélectionné ci-dessus. Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Arguments du script de déploiement", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) les détails du SPN (nom de principal du service) à partir de la connexion de service Graph. Erreur : %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Obtention des éléments d'artefact non prise en charge, chemin de code non valide", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 2bc29dbfd70e..6c9a574326a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Crea immagine macchina virtuale", + "loc.friendlyName": "Crea immagine di macchina virtuale", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Crea l'immagine della macchina virtuale con Packer. È possibile usare questa immagine per la distribuzione di set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure", + "loc.description": "Crea un'immagine di macchina virtuale con Packer. È possibile usare questa immagine per la distribuzione di set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Crea immagine non modificabile", "loc.releaseNotes": "- È compatibile con agenti multipiattaforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Supporta la creazione di immagini per Windows e Linux. È possibile usare queste immagini per distribuire set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Dettagli su Azure", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Consente di specificare l'URL dell'immagine di base. Verrà usato per installare i prerequisiti e le applicazioni prima di acquisire l'immagine del computer.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Sistema operativo dell'immagine di base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Pacchetto di distribuzione", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Consente di specificare la directory del pacchetto di distribuzione relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Supporta i criteri di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: AppWebFrontend/**/AppRaccolta", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Specificare il percorso della directory del pacchetto di distribuzione relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Supporta il criterio di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Tenere presente che questo pacchetto verrà copiato nella macchina virtuale temporanea creata da Packer. Se il pacchetto contiene un numero elevato di file e/o le dimensioni dei file sono molto elevate, il caricamento può richiedere molto tempo e rimanere probabilmente in esecuzione per alcune ore. Per ottimizzare il tempo di caricamento, verificare se le dimensioni del pacchetto possano essere ridotte significativamente. Un'alternativa consiste nell'usare un account di archiviazione di Azure intermedio. Caricare il pacchetto in un account di archiviazione prima di eseguire questa attività. Per questa attività usare un pacchetto contenente uno script che scaricherà il pacchetto richiesto dall'account di archiviazione.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script di distribuzione", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Consente di specificare il percorso relativo dello script di PowerShell (per Windows) o della shell (per Linux) che distribuisce il pacchetto. Questo script deve essere incluso nel percorso del pacchetto selezionato in precedenza. Supporta i criteri di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: distribuzione/**/script/windows/distribuzione.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Argomenti dello script di distribuzione", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli dell'SPN dalla connessione al servizio Graph. Errore: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Il recupero degli elementi di artefatto non è supportato. Il percorso del codice non è valido", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 508b0a3be004..3a3c43d58b55 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "マシン イメージのビルド", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Packer を使ってマシン イメージをビルドします。このイメージは、Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットの配置に利用できます", + "loc.description": "Packer を使ってマシン イメージをビルドします。このイメージは、Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットのデプロイに利用できます", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "不変イメージのビルド", "loc.releaseNotes": "- クロス プラットフォーム エージェント対応 (Linux、macOS、Windows)\n- Windows と Linux 両方のイメージのビルドをサポート。これらのイメージは Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットの配置に使用できます。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure の詳細", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "ベース イメージの URL を指定します。これはマシン イメージをキャプチャする前に前提条件とアプリケーションをインストールするために使用されます。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基本イメージ OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "配置パッケージ", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) から見た配置パッケージ ディレクトリへの相対パスを指定します。minimatch パターンがサポートされています。パスの例: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "配置パッケージ ディレクトリの $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) に対する相対パスを指定します。minimatch パターンがサポートされます。パスの例: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    このパッケージは、Packer が作成する一時仮想マシンにコピーされることにご注意ください。パッケージに多数のファイルが含まれている場合やファイルのサイズが非常に大きい場合は、アップロードに非常に長い時間がかかることがあります (数時間に達する可能性があります)。アップロード時間を最適化するうえで意味を持つ程度にまでパッケージのサイズを小さくできないか、ご確認ください。別の方法として、仲介役の Azure ストレージ アカウントを使用することもできます。このタスクを実行する前に、パッケージをストレージ アカウントにアップロードします。そして、このタスクには、ストレージ アカウントから必要なパッケージをダウンロードするスクリプトを入れたパッケージを使用します。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "配置スクリプト", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "パッケージを配置する PowerShell スクリプト (Windows の場合) またはシェル スクリプト (Linux の場合) の相対パスを指定します。このスクリプトは、上で選択したパッケージ パスに含まれている必要があります。minimatch パターンがサポートされています。パスの例: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "配置スクリプトの引数", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Graph サービス接続から SPN の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "成果物項目の取得はサポートされていません。無効なコード パスです", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 867edd935db7..0013bf07a31e 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "컴퓨터 이미지 빌드", + "loc.friendlyName": "머신 이미지 빌드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Packer를 사용하여 컴퓨터 이미지를 빌드합니다. 이 이미지는 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합 배포용으로 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "Packer를 사용하여 머신 이미지를 빌드합니다. 이 이미지는 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합 배포에 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "변경할 수 없는 이미지 빌드", "loc.releaseNotes": "- 플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동\n- Windows 및 Linux용 이미지 빌드 모두 지원. 이러한 이미지를 사용하여 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합을 배포할 수 있습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 세부 정보", @@ -16,21 +16,21 @@ "loc.input.help.customTemplateParameters": "사용자 지정 템플릿을 작성하기 위해 Packer에 전달할 매개 변수를 지정합니다. 사용자 지정 템플릿의 \"변수\" 섹션에 매핑되어야 합니다. 예를 들어 템플릿에 \"drop-location\"이라는 변수가 있는 경우 여기서 이름이 \"drop-location\"이고 사용할 값이 지정된 매개 변수를 추가합니다. 릴리스 변수에 값을 연결할 수도 있습니다. 표에서 추가 매개 변수를 확인/편집하려면 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요.", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "컴퓨터 이미지를 굽고 저장하는 데 필요한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.", - "loc.input.label.location": "저장소 위치", + "loc.input.label.location": "스토리지 위치", "loc.input.help.location": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 위치입니다. 이 위치는 이미지를 빌드하기 위한 임시 VM을 만드는 데에도 사용됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 데 필요한 저장소 계정입니다. 이 저장소 계정은 선택한 위치에 이미 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 데 필요한 스토리지 계정입니다. 이 스토리지 계정은 선택한 위치에 이미 있어야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "리소스 그룹", - "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "선택한 저장소 계정을 포함한 Azure 리소스 그룹입니다.", + "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "선택한 스토리지 계정을 포함한 Azure 리소스 그룹입니다.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "기본 이미지 소스", "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "기본 이미지의 소스를 선택합니다. 조정된 OS 이미지 갤러리에서 선택하거나, 사용자 지정 이미지의 URL을 제공할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "기본 이미지", - "loc.input.help.baseImage": "조정된 OS 이미지 목록에서 선택합니다. 컴퓨터 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 조건과 응용 프로그램을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.baseImage": "조정된 OS 이미지 목록에서 선택합니다. 컴퓨터 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 조건과 애플리케이션을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지 URL", - "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. 머신 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 구성 요소와 응용 프로그램을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. 머신 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 구성 요소와 애플리케이션을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "기본 이미지 OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "배포 패키지", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)에 대해 상대적인 배포 패키지 디렉터리의 경로를 지정합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 예제 경로: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "배포 패키지 디렉터리의 경로를 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)의 상대 경로로 지정합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 경로 예: FrontendWebApp/* */GalleryApp
    이 패키지는 Packer에서 만드는 임시 가상 머신에 복사됩니다. 패키지에 많은 개수의 파일이 있거나 파일 크기가 매우 큰 경우 업로드하는 데 시간이 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다(몇 시간까지 실행 가능). 업로드 시간을 최적화하려면 패키지 크기를 유효하게 줄일 수 있는지 확인합니다. 또는 중간 Azure 스토리지 계정을 사용합니다. 이 작업을 실행하기 전에 패키지를 스토리지 계정에 업로드합니다. 그런 다음, 스토리지 계정에서 필요한 패키지를 다운로드하는 스크립트가 포함된 패키지를 이 작업에 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "배포 스크립트", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "패키지를 배포하는 PowerShell 스크립트(Windows) 또는 셸 스크립트(Linux)에 대한 상대 경로를 지정합니다. 위에서 선택한 패키지 경로에 이 스크립트를 포함해야 합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 예제 경로: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "배포 스크립트 인수", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "그래프 서비스 연결에서 SPN 정보를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "아티팩트 항목 가져오기가 지원되지 않음, 잘못된 코드 경로", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index be60dbbc89dc..917cbe9ad3f4 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Собрать образ компьютера", + "loc.friendlyName": "Создать образ компьютера", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Собрать образ компьютера с помощью Packer. Этот образ можно использовать для развертывания масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure", + "loc.description": "Создание образа компьютера с помощью Packer, который можно использовать для развертывания масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Собрать неизменяемый образ", "loc.releaseNotes": "- Поддержка кроссплатформенных агентов (Linux, macOS и Windows).\n- Поддержка создания образов для Windows и Linux. Эти образы можно использовать для развертывания масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Сведения об Azure", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Укажите URL-адрес базового образа. Этот образ будет использоваться для установки необходимых компонентов и приложений перед захватом образа компьютера.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "ОС базового образа", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Пакет развертывания", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Укажите путь к папке развертывания пакета относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Поддерживается шаблон minimatch. Пример пути: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Укажите путь к каталогу пакетов развертывания относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Поддерживает шаблон minimatch. Пример пути: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Обратите внимание, что этот пакет будет скопирован во временную виртуальную машину, созданную Packer. Если пакет содержит слишком много файлов и (или) эти файлы имеют очень большой размер, отправка может занять довольно много времени (возможно, несколько часов). Чтобы оптимизировать время отправки, проверьте, можно ли значительно уменьшить размер пакета. Кроме того, можно использовать промежуточную учетную запись хранения Azure. Перед выполнением этой задачи отправьте пакет в учетную запись хранения. Для этой задачи используйте пакет, содержащий скрипт, который скачает требуемый пакет из учетной записи хранения.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Сценарий развертывания", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Укажите относительный путь к сценарию PowerShell (для Windows) или сценарию оболочки (для Linux) для развертывания пакета. Сценарий должен содержаться в указанном выше пути к пакету. Поддерживаются шаблоны minimatch. Пример пути: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Аргументы сценария развертывания", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Не удалось получить сведения об имени субъекта-службы из подключения к службе графов. Ошибка: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Получение элементов артефактов не поддерживается; недопустимый путь к коду", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s." + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 5bcd0006e002..f4217b716b0b 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "生成计算机映像", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "使用 Packer 生成计算机映像。此映像可用于 Azure 虚拟机规模集部署", + "loc.description": "使用 Packer 生成计算机映像,此映像可用于 Azure 虚拟机规模集部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "生成不可变映像", "loc.releaseNotes": "- 适用于跨平台代理(Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支持对 Windows 和 Linux 生成映像。这些映像可用于部署 Azure 虚拟机规模集。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 详细信息", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "指定基本映像的 URL。这将用于在捕获计算机映像之前安装必备组件和应用程序。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基础映像操作系统", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "部署包", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "指定部署包目录相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路径。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "指定部署包目录相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路径。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    请注意,此包将被复制到 Packer 创建的临时虚拟机中。如果包中包含大量文件和/或文件大小非常大,则上传可能需要很长时间(可能会运行几个小时)。若要优化上传时间,请查看是否可以有效地减小包大小。另一种方法是使用中间 Azure 存储帐户。请在运行此任务之前将包上传到存储帐户。对于此任务,使用包含将从存储帐户下载所需包的脚本的包。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "部署脚本", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "指定用于部署包的 powershell 脚本(对于 Windows)或 shell 脚本(对于 Linux)的相对路径。此脚本应包含在上面选择的包路径中。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "部署脚本参数", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "无法从图形服务连接提取 SPN 详细信息。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "获取不受支持的项目项、无效的代码路径", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 2f37f20b52b0..e78146e10f47 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "建置機器映像", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "使用 Packer 建置機器映像。此映像可用於 Azure 虛擬機器擴展集部署", + "loc.description": "使用 Packer 建置機器映像,其可用於 Azure 虛擬機器擴展集部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "建置不可變的映像", "loc.releaseNotes": "- 使用跨平台代理程式 (Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支援為 Windows 及 Linux 建置映像。這些映像可用於部署 Azure 虛擬機器擴展集。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 詳細資料", @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "指定基底映像的 URL。在擷取機器映像前,這會用來安裝必要條件與應用程式。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基底映像 OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "部署套件", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "為部署套件目錄指定相對於 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路徑。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "請指定相對於 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的部署套件目錄路徑。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    請注意,此套件將複製到暫存虛擬機器,Packer 會建立於其中。如果套件包含大量檔案且 (或) 檔案大小過大,則上傳可能會花費大量時間 (可能會執行數個小時)。如果要將上傳時間降至最低,請確認是否可有意義地減少套件的大小。另一項方法則是使用中繼 Azure 儲存體帳戶,即在執行此工作前將套件上傳至儲存體帳戶。針對這項工作,請使用包含會從儲存體帳戶下載必要套件之指令碼的套件。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "部署指令碼", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "指定用以部署套件之 PowerShell 指令碼 (適用於 Windows) 或 Shell 指令碼 (適用於 Linux) 的相對路徑。此指令碼應該包含在上列選取的套件路徑中。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "部署指令碼引數", @@ -82,5 +82,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "無法從圖形服務連線擷取 SPN 詳細資料。錯誤: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "不支援取得成品項目,程式碼路徑無效", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.json b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.json index 7dbfc2a858c0..ec994d172341 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 25 + "Patch": 26 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", @@ -306,4 +306,4 @@ "CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s", "ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Verify if the Service Principal used is valid and not expired." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.loc.json index 1406b6e0ddc0..076a044083ab 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 25 + "Patch": 26 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 8ea7bf06ec5a..3dd27f872c7d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Computerimage erstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Computerimage mithilfe von Packer erstellen. Dieses Image kann für die Bereitstellung der Azure VM-Skalierungsgruppe verwendet werden.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird unter Verwendung von Packer ein Computerimage erstellt, das für die Bereitstellung von Azure-VM-Skalierungsgruppen verwendet werden kann.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Unveränderliches Image erstellen", "loc.releaseNotes": "Diese Aufgabe unterstützt ab sofort verwaltete Datenträgerimages.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure-Details", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Ressourcengruppe", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Azure-Ressourcengruppe, die das ausgewählte Speicherkonto enthält.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "Basisimagequelle", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Wählen Sie die Quelle des Basisimages aus. Treffen Sie Ihre Auswahl aus einem zusammengestellten Katalog mit Betriebssystemimages, oder geben Sie die URL Ihres benutzerdefinierten Images an.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Wählen Sie die Quelle für das Basisimage aus. Sie können entweder aus einem zusammengestellten Katalog mit Betriebssystemimages auswählen oder eine URL zu Ihrem benutzerdefinierten VHD-Image angeben.
    Beachten Sie Folgendes: Wenn Sie die Option zum Erstellen eines verwalteten Images ausgewählt haben, indem Sie die Option \"Verwaltetes VM-Datenträgerimage\" aktiviert haben, sollten Sie hier nur die Option \"Katalog\" auswählen. Eine benutzerdefinierte Quelle wird beim Erstellen verwalteter Images nicht unterstützt.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "Basisimage", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "Treffen Sie Ihre Auswahl aus der zusammengestellten Liste von Betriebssystemimages. Dies wird verwendet, um erforderliche Komponenten und Anwendungen vor dem Erfassen des Computerimages zu installieren.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "Basisimage-URL", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Geben Sie die URL für das Basisimage an. Dieses wird verwendet, um erforderliche Komponenten und Anwendungen vor dem Erfassen des Computerimages zu installieren.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Basisimage-Betriebssystem", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Bereitstellungspaket", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Geben Sie den Pfad für das Bereitstellungspaketverzeichnis an, das \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" entspricht. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: \"FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp\"", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Geben Sie den Pfad für das Bereitstellungspaketverzeichnis relativ zu \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" an. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Beachten Sie, dass dieses Paket auf die temporäre VM kopiert wird, die Packer erstellt. Wenn das Paket eine große Anzahl von Dateien enthält und/oder die Dateien sehr groß sind, kann der Upload sehr lange dauern (möglicherweise einige Stunden). Um die Uploadzeit zu optimieren, überprüfen Sie, ob die Paketgröße sinnvoll verringert werden kann. Eine andere Alternative besteht in der Verwendung eines zwischengeschalteten Azure-Speicherkontos. Laden Sie das Paket vor dem Ausführen dieser Aufgabe in ein Speicherkonto hoch. Verwenden Sie dann für diese Aufgabe ein Paket mit einem Skript, mit dem das erforderliche Paket aus dem Speicherkonto heruntergeladen wird.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Bereitstellungsskript", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Geben Sie den relativen Pfad zu einem PowerShell-Skript (für Windows) oder einem Shell-Skript (für Linux) an, das das Paket bereitstellt. Dieses Skript muss im oben ausgewählten Paketpfad enthalten sein. Unterstützt das Minimatch-Muster. Beispielpfad: \"deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1\"", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Bereitstellungsskriptargumente", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "Überspringen Sie beim Aufheben der Bereitstellung des virtuellen Computers die Bereinigung der temporären Dateien, die auf den virtuellen Computer hochgeladen wurden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie [hier](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean).", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "Image-URL oder -name", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Ausgabevariable an, in der für ein nicht verwaltetes VM-Image die Image-VHD-URL des generierten Computers oder für ein verwaltetes VM-Image der Imagename gespeichert wird.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Azure-Ressourcen-ID", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Ausgabevariable an, in der die Azure-Ressourcen-ID für das neu erstellte Image gespeichert wird. Dies gilt nur für verwaltete Images.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "Dieser Betriebssystemtyp wird für die Imageerstellung nicht unterstützt: %s. Verwenden Sie entweder Windows oder Linux.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "Integrierte Vorlage konnte von der Quelle %s nicht zum temporären Speicherort %s kopiert werden.", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Task.json-Datei nicht gefunden: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Packer-Buildbefehl wird ausgeführt. Es wird gewartet, bis er beendet ist...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Packer-Build abgeschlossen.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "Der VHD-Image-URI (nicht verwaltetes Image) konnte nicht aus der Packer-Ausführung abgerufen werden. Die Ausgabevariable wird nicht festgelegt.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "Die ID des verwalteten Images konnte nicht aus der Paketerstellungsausführung abgerufen werden. Die Ausgabevariable wird nicht festgelegt. Hinweis: Diese Variable darf nur mit verwalteten VM-Images verwendet werden.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "Der Name des verwalteten Images konnte nicht aus der Packer-Ausführung abgerufen werden. Die Ausgabevariable wird nicht festgelegt.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "Der Name des verwalteten Images oder der VHD-Image-URI (nicht verwaltetes Image) konnte nicht aus der Packer-Ausführung abgerufen werden. Die Ausgabevariable wird nicht festgelegt.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "Integrierte Vorlage für den Betriebssystemtyp: %s", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Abrufen von SPN-Details aus der Diagrammdienstverbindung nicht möglich. Fehler: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Das Abrufen von Artefaktelementen wird nicht unterstützt, ungültiger Codepfad.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "Das Erstellen eines verwalteten Images aus einer Quell-VHD wird nicht unterstützt. Sie müssen den Eingabewert \"Basisimagequelle\" auf \"Katalog\" festlegen.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index bfb74bca6866..9a31e978a87f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Compilar imagen de máquina", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Compila una imagen de máquina con Packer. Esta imagen se puede usar para la implementación del conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure.", + "loc.description": "Compila una imagen de máquina con Packer, que se puede usar para la implementación del conjunto de escalado de máquinas virtuales de Azure.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compilar imagen inmutable", "loc.releaseNotes": "Esta tarea admite ahora imágenes de disco administrado.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Detalles de Azure", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Grupo de recursos", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene la cuenta de almacenamiento seleccionada.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "Origen de imagen base", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Seleccione el origen de la imagen base. Puede elegirlo en la galería de imágenes del sistema operativo o proporcionar la dirección URL de la imagen personalizada.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Seleccione el origen de la imagen base. Puede elegirlo en la galería de imágenes del sistema operativo o proporcionar la dirección URL de la imagen de VHD personalizada.
    Tenga en cuenta que, si ha seleccionado la opción \"Imagen de disco de máquina virtual administrado\" para crear una imagen administrada, solo debe elegir la opción \"Galería\" aquí. El origen \"Personalizado\" no se admite para crear una imagen administrada.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "Imagen base", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "Elija una imagen en la lista de imágenes de sistema operativo, que se usará para instalar los requisitos previos y las aplicaciones antes de capturar la imagen de la máquina.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "URL de imagen base", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Especifique la dirección URL de la imagen base, que se usará para instalar los requisitos previos y las aplicaciones antes de capturar la imagen de la máquina.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Sistema operativo de imagen base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Paquete de implementación", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso del directorio del paquete de implementación relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso del directorio del paquete de implementación relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Tenga en cuenta que este paquete se copiará en una máquina virtual temporal que Packer crea. Si el paquete contiene un gran número de archivos o estos son de gran tamaño, la carga puede tardar bastante (posiblemente incluso horas). Para optimizar el tiempo de carga, compruebe si el tamaño del paquete puede reducirse significativamente. Otra alternativa es usar una cuenta de almacenamiento de Azure intermediaria. Cargue el paquete en una cuenta de almacenamiento antes de ejecutar esta tarea. Para esta tarea, use un paquete que contenga un script que descargue el paquete requerido de la cuenta de almacenamiento.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script de implementación", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Especifique la ruta de acceso relativa al script de PowerShell (para Windows) o al script de shell (para Linux) que implementa el paquete. Este script debe estar incluido en la ruta de acceso del paquete seleccionada anteriormente. Admite un patrón de minimatch. Ruta de acceso de ejemplo: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Argumentos del script de implementación", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "Durante el desaprovisonamiento de la máquina virtual, omita la limpieza de los archivos temporales cargados en la máquina virtual. Consulte la información que se proporciona [aquí](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "Nombre o dirección URL de la imagen", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "Proporcione un nombre para la variable de salida que almacenará la dirección URL VHD de la imagen de máquina generada para una imagen de máquina virtual no administrada o un nombre para una imagen de máquina virtual administrada.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Identificador de recurso de Azure", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "Proporcione un nombre para la variable de salida que almacenará el identificador de recurso de Azure para la imagen recién creada. Esto solo es aplicable para las imágenes administradas.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "No se admite este tipo de sistema operativo para crear imágenes: %s. Use Windows o Linux.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "No se puede copiar la plantilla integrada del origen %s a la ubicación temporal %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo Task.json: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Ejecutando el comando build de Packer. Esperando a que termine...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Compilación de Packer finalizada.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "No se puede obtener el URI de la imagen VHD (imagen no administrada) de la ejecución de Packer. No se establecerá la variable de salida.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "No se puede obtener el identificador de imagen administrada de la ejecución de Packer. No se establecerá la variable de salida. Nota: Esta variable no se debe usar con imágenes de máquina virtual no administradas.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "No se puede obtener el nombre de la imagen administrada de la ejecución de Packer. No se establecerá la variable de salida.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "No se puede obtener el nombre de la imagen administrada o el URI de la imagen VHD (imagen no administrada) de la ejecución de Packer. No se establecerá la variable de salida.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "Plantilla integrada para el tipo de sistema operativo: %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "No se pueden capturar los detalles de SPN de la conexión de servicio de Graph. Error: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "No se admite la obtención de elementos de artefacto. La ruta de acceso del código no es válida.", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "No se admite la creación de una imagen administrada desde un disco duro virtual de origen. Debe establecer el valor de entrada \"Origen de imagen base\" en \"Galería\".", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 66bd0e8fed9c..3c02021090ba 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Générer une image de machine", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Générez une image de machine à l'aide de Packer. Vous pouvez utiliser cette image pour un déploiement de groupe de machines virtuelles identiques Azure", + "loc.description": "Générez une image de machine à l'aide de Packer. Vous pouvez utiliser cette image pour déployer des groupes de machines virtuelles identiques Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Générer l'image non modifiable", "loc.releaseNotes": "Cette tâche prend désormais en charge les images de disques managés.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Détails relatifs à Azure", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Groupe de ressources", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le compte de stockage sélectionné.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "Source de l'image de base", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Sélectionnez la source de l'image de base. Vous pouvez effectuer votre choix parmi une galerie organisée d'images d'OS ou indiquer l'URL de votre image personnalisée.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Sélectionnez la source de l'image de base. Vous pouvez effectuer votre choix parmi une galerie organisée d'images d'OS ou indiquer l'URL de votre image VHD personnalisée.
    Notez que si vous avez sélectionné l'option permettant de créer une image managée en cochant l'option Image de disque de machine virtuelle managée, vous devez uniquement choisir l'option Galerie ici. La source 'personnalisée' n'est pas prise en charge pour la création d'une image managée.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "Image de base", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "Faites votre choix parmi une liste organisée d'images d'OS. Cela vous permet d'installer les prérequis et les applications avant de capturer l'image de machine.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "URL de l'image de base", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Spécifiez l'URL de l'image de base. Cela vous permet d'installer les prérequis et les applications avant de capturer l'image de machine.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "OS de l'image de base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Package de déploiement", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Spécifiez le chemin du répertoire de package de déploiement relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Spécifiez le chemin du répertoire de package de déploiement relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Notez que ce package est copié sur la machine virtuelle temporaire créée par Packer. Si le package contient un grand nombre de fichiers et/ou si la taille des fichiers est très importante, le chargement peut prendre un certain temps (éventuellement plusieurs heures). Pour optimiser le temps de chargement, vérifiez si la taille du package peut être réduite de manière significative. Une autre solution consiste à utiliser un compte de stockage Azure intermédiaire. Chargez le package sur un compte de stockage avant d'exécuter cette tâche. Et pour cette tâche, utilisez un package contenant un script qui télécharge le package nécessaire à partir du compte de stockage.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script de déploiement", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Spécifiez le chemin relatif du script PowerShell (pour Windows) ou du script d'interpréteur de commandes (pour Linux) qui déploie le package. Ce script doit être contenu dans le chemin de package sélectionné ci-dessus. Prend en charge le modèle minimatch. Exemple de chemin : deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Arguments du script de déploiement", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "Durant le déprovisionnement de la machine virtuelle, ignorez le nettoyage des fichiers temporaires chargés sur la machine virtuelle. Consultez les informations situées [ici](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "URL ou nom de l'image", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "Indiquez le nom de la variable de sortie qui doit stocker l'URL du VHD de l'image de machine générée pour l'image de machine virtuelle non managée, ou le nom d'image pour l'image de machine virtuelle managée.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "ID de ressource Azure", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "Indiquez le nom de la variable de sortie qui doit stocker l'ID de ressource azure correspondant à l'image créée. Cela concerne uniquement les images managées.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "Ce type d'OS n'est pas pris en charge pour la création d'image : %s. Utilisez Windows ou Linux.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "Impossible de copier le modèle intégré de la source %s à l'emplacement temporaire %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Le fichier task.json est introuvable : %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Exécution de la commande de build de Packer. Attente de la fin de son exécution...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Build Packer effectuée.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "Impossible d'obtenir l'URI de l'image vhd (image non managée) à partir de l'exécution de l'outil Packer. La variable de sortie ne sera pas définie.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "Impossible d'obtenir l'ID de l'image managée à partir de l'exécution de l'outil Packer. La variable de sortie ne sera pas définie. Remarque : Vous ne devez pas utiliser cette variable avec des images de machines virtuelles non managées.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "Impossible d'obtenir le nom de l'image managée à partir de l'exécution de l'outil Packer. La variable de sortie ne sera pas définie.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "Impossible d'obtenir le nom de l'image managée ou l'URI de l'image vhd (image non managée) à partir de l'exécution de l'outil Packer. La variable de sortie ne sera pas définie.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "Modèle intégré pour le type d'OS : %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) les détails du SPN (nom de principal du service) à partir de la connexion de service Graph. Erreur : %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Obtention des éléments d'artefact non prise en charge, chemin de code non valide", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "La création d'une image managée à partir d'un VHD (disque dur virtuel) source n'est pas prise en charge. Vous devez affecter la valeur 'Galerie' à la valeur d'entrée 'Source de l'image de base'.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index e9d990c86751..2482ac89d65d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Crea immagine macchina virtuale", + "loc.friendlyName": "Crea immagine di macchina virtuale", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Crea l'immagine della macchina virtuale con Packer. È possibile usare questa immagine per la distribuzione di set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure", + "loc.description": "Crea un'immagine di macchina virtuale con Packer. È possibile usare questa immagine per la distribuzione di set di scalabilità di macchine virtuali di Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Crea immagine non modificabile", "loc.releaseNotes": "Questa attività ora supporta le immagini di dischi gestiti.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Dettagli su Azure", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Gruppo di risorse", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene l'account di archiviazione selezionato.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "Origine dell'immagine di base", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Consente di selezionare l'origine dell'immagine di base. È possibile scegliere in una raccolta dedicata di immagini del sistema operativo o specificare l'URL dell'immagine personalizzata.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Selezionare l'origine dell'immagine di base. È possibile scegliere in una raccolta dedicata di immagini del sistema operativo o specificare l'URL dell'immagine del disco rigido virtuale personalizzato.
    Tenere presente che se è stata selezionata l'opzione 'Immagine del disco della macchina virtuale gestita' per creare un'immagine gestita, è consigliabile scegliere qui solo l'opzione 'Raccolta'. L'origine 'Personalizzata' non è supportata per creare un'immagine gestita.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "Immagine di base", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "Consente di scegliere nell'elenco dedicato di immagini del sistema operativo. Verrà usato per installare i prerequisiti e le applicazioni prima di acquisire l'immagine del computer.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "URL dell'immagine di base", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Consente di specificare l'URL dell'immagine di base. Verrà usato per installare i prerequisiti e le applicazioni prima di acquisire l'immagine del computer.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "Sistema operativo dell'immagine di base", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Pacchetto di distribuzione", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Consente di specificare la directory del pacchetto di distribuzione relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Supporta i criteri di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: AppWebFrontend/**/AppRaccolta", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Specificare il percorso della directory del pacchetto di distribuzione relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Supporta il criterio di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Tenere presente che questo pacchetto verrà copiato nella macchina virtuale temporanea creata da Packer. Se il pacchetto contiene un numero elevato di file e/o le dimensioni dei file sono molto elevate, il caricamento può richiedere molto tempo e rimanere probabilmente in esecuzione per alcune ore. Per ottimizzare il tempo di caricamento, verificare se le dimensioni del pacchetto possano essere ridotte significativamente. Un'alternativa consiste nell'usare un account di archiviazione di Azure intermedio. Caricare il pacchetto in un account di archiviazione prima di eseguire questa attività. Per questa attività usare un pacchetto contenente uno script che scaricherà il pacchetto richiesto dall'account di archiviazione.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Script di distribuzione", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Consente di specificare il percorso relativo dello script di PowerShell (per Windows) o della shell (per Linux) che distribuisce il pacchetto. Questo script deve essere incluso nel percorso del pacchetto selezionato in precedenza. Supporta i criteri di corrispondenza minima. Percorso di esempio: distribuzione/**/script/windows/distribuzione.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Argomenti dello script di distribuzione", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "Durante il deprovisioning della macchina virtuale, consente di ignorare la pulizia dei file temporanei caricati nella macchina virtuale. Vedere [qui](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "Nome o URL dell'immagine", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile di output in cui verrà archiviato l'URL del disco rigido virtuale dell'immagine del computer generata per l'immagine della macchina virtuale non gestita oppure il nome dell'immagine della macchina virtuale gestita.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "ID risorsa di Azure", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "Specificare un nome per la variabile di output in cui verrà archiviato l'ID risorsa di Azure per l'immagine appena creata. È solo per le immagini gestite.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "Questo tipo di sistema operativo non è supportato per la creazione dell'immagine: %s. Usare Windows o Linux.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "Non è stato possibile copiare il modello predefinito dall'origine %s alla posizione temporanea %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare il file task.json: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Esecuzione del comando di compilazione di Packer. In attesa del completamento dell'operazione...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "comando di compilazione di Packer completato.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'URI dell'immagine del disco rigido virtuale (immagine non gestita) dall'esecuzione di Packer. La variabile di output non verrà impostata.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "Non è stato possibile recuperare l'ID immagine gestita dall'esecuzione di Packer. La variabile di output non verrà impostata. Nota: questa variabile non deve essere usata con immagini di macchina virtuale non gestite.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il nome dell'immagine gestita dall'esecuzione di Packer. La variabile di output non verrà impostata.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il nome dell'immagine gestita o l'URI dell'immagine del disco rigido virtuale (immagine non gestita) dall'esecuzione di Packer. La variabile di output non verrà impostata.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "Modello predefinito per il tipo di sistema operativo: %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli dell'SPN dalla connessione al servizio Graph. Errore: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Il recupero degli elementi di artefatto non è supportato. Il percorso del codice non è valido", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "La creazione dell'immagine gestita da un disco rigido virtuale di origine non è supportata. È necessario impostare il valore di input di 'Origine dell'immagine di base' su 'Raccolta'.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5f8b06b4eba0..e62b5020701d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "マシン イメージのビルド", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Packer を使ってマシン イメージをビルドします。このイメージは、Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットの配置に利用できます", + "loc.description": "Packer を使ってマシン イメージをビルドします。このイメージは、Azure 仮想マシン スケール セットのデプロイに利用できます", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "不変イメージのビルド", "loc.releaseNotes": "現在このタスクは、マネージド ディスク イメージをサポートしています。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure の詳細", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "リソース グループ", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "選択したストレージ アカウントを含む Azure リソース グループ。", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "基本イメージ ソース", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "基本イメージのソースを選択します。選別された OS イメージのギャラリーから選択するか、カスタム イメージの URL を指定することができます。", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "基本イメージのソースを選択します。選別された OS イメージのギャラリーから選択するか、カスタム VHD イメージの URL を指定することができます。
    [Managed VM disk image] (マネージド VM ディスク イメージ) オプションにチェックを入れてマネージド イメージを作成するオプションを選択した場合、ここでは [ギャラリー] オプションのみを選択してください。[カスタム] ソースは、マネージド イメージの作成ではサポートされていません。", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "基本イメージ", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "選別された OS イメージの一覧の中から選択します。これはマシン イメージをキャプチャする前に前提条件とアプリケーションをインストールするために使用されます。", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "基本イメージ URL", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "ベース イメージの URL を指定します。これはマシン イメージをキャプチャする前に前提条件とアプリケーションをインストールするために使用されます。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基本イメージ OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "配置パッケージ", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) から見た配置パッケージ ディレクトリへの相対パスを指定します。minimatch パターンがサポートされています。パスの例: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "配置パッケージ ディレクトリの $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) に対する相対パスを指定します。minimatch パターンがサポートされます。パスの例: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    このパッケージは、Packer が作成する一時仮想マシンにコピーされることにご注意ください。パッケージに多数のファイルが含まれている場合やファイルのサイズが非常に大きい場合は、アップロードに非常に長い時間がかかることがあります (数時間に達する可能性があります)。アップロード時間を最適化するうえで意味を持つ程度にまでパッケージのサイズを小さくできないか、ご確認ください。別の方法として、仲介役の Azure ストレージ アカウントを使用することもできます。このタスクを実行する前に、パッケージをストレージ アカウントにアップロードします。そして、このタスクには、ストレージ アカウントから必要なパッケージをダウンロードするスクリプトを入れたパッケージを使用します。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "配置スクリプト", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "パッケージを配置する PowerShell スクリプト (Windows の場合) またはシェル スクリプト (Linux の場合) の相対パスを指定します。このスクリプトは、上で選択したパッケージ パスに含まれている必要があります。minimatch パターンがサポートされています。パスの例: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "配置スクリプトの引数", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "VM のプロビジョニング解除中に、VM にアップロードされた一時ファイルのクリーンアップをスキップします。[こちら](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)をご覧ください", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "イメージの URL または名前", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "アンマネージド VM イメージの生成されたマシン イメージ VHD URL またはマネージド VM イメージのイメージ名を保存する、出力変数の名前を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Azure リソース ID", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "新しく作成されたイメージの Azure リソース ID を保存する出力変数の名前を指定します。これは、マネージド イメージにのみ適用されます。", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "この OS の種類はイメージ作成にはサポートされていません: %s。Windows または Linux をご使用ください。", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "ソース %s から一時的な場所 %s にビルトイン テンプレートをコピーできませんでした", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Task.json ファイルが見つかりませんでした: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "packer build コマンドを実行中です。終了を待っています...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "packer build が完了しました。", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "packer 実行から vhd イメージ URI (アンマネージド イメージ) を取得できませんでした。出力変数は設定されません。", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "packer 実行からマネージド イメージ ID を取得できませんでした。出力変数は設定されません。注意: この変数は、アンマネージド VM イメージには使用しないでください。", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "packer 実行からマネージド イメージ名を取得できませんでした。出力変数は設定されません。", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "packer 実行からマネージド イメージ名も vhd イメージ URI (アンマネージド イメージ) も取得できませんでした。出力変数は設定されません。", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "OS の種類のビルトイン テンプレート: %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Graph サービス接続から SPN の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "成果物項目の取得はサポートされていません。無効なコード パスです", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "ソース VHD からのマネージド イメージの作成はサポートされていません。[基本イメージソース] の入力値を [ギャラリー] に設定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 823bd6d524ab..be9cb60494d7 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "컴퓨터 이미지 빌드", + "loc.friendlyName": "머신 이미지 빌드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Packer를 사용하여 컴퓨터 이미지를 빌드합니다. 이 이미지는 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합 배포용으로 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.description": "Packer를 사용하여 머신 이미지를 빌드합니다. 이 이미지는 Azure 가상 머신 확장 집합 배포에 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "변경할 수 없는 이미지 빌드", "loc.releaseNotes": "이제 이 작업에서 관리되는 디스크 이미지를 지원합니다.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 세부 정보", @@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ "loc.input.help.isManagedImage": "생성된 이미지가 관리되는 이미지여야 하는지 확인합니다.", "loc.input.label.managedImageName": "관리되는 VM 디스크 이미지 이름 ", "loc.input.help.managedImageName": "자동 생성된 템플릿에 대한 관리되는 디스크 이미지의 이름입니다.", - "loc.input.label.location": "저장소 위치", + "loc.input.label.location": "스토리지 위치", "loc.input.help.location": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 위치입니다. 이 위치는 이미지를 빌드하기 위한 임시 VM을 만드는 데에도 사용됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "저장소 계정", - "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 데 필요한 저장소 계정입니다. 이 저장소 계정은 선택한 위치에 이미 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.storageAccountName": "스토리지 계정", + "loc.input.help.storageAccountName": "빌드한 컴퓨터 이미지를 저장하는 데 필요한 스토리지 계정입니다. 이 스토리지 계정은 선택한 위치에 이미 있어야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "리소스 그룹", - "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "선택한 저장소 계정을 포함한 Azure 리소스 그룹입니다.", + "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "선택한 스토리지 계정을 포함한 Azure 리소스 그룹입니다.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "기본 이미지 소스", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "기본 이미지의 소스를 선택합니다. 조정된 OS 이미지 갤러리에서 선택하거나, 사용자 지정 이미지의 URL을 제공할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "기본 이미지의 소스를 선택합니다. 조정된 OS 이미지 갤러리에서 선택하거나, 사용자 지정 VHD 이미지의 URL을 지정할 수 있습니다.
    '관리형 VM 디스크 이미지 ' 옵션을 선택하여 관리형 이미지를 만드는 옵션을 선택한 경우에는 여기서 '갤러리' 옵션을 선택해야 합니다. '사용자 지정' 소스는 관리형 이미지를 만드는 데 사용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "기본 이미지", - "loc.input.help.baseImage": "조정된 OS 이미지 목록에서 선택합니다. 컴퓨터 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 조건과 응용 프로그램을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.baseImage": "조정된 OS 이미지 목록에서 선택합니다. 컴퓨터 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 조건과 애플리케이션을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지 URL", - "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. 머신 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 구성 요소와 응용 프로그램을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "기본 이미지의 URL을 지정합니다. 머신 이미지를 캡처하기 전에 필수 구성 요소와 애플리케이션을 설치하는 데 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "기본 이미지 OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "배포 패키지", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)에 대해 상대적인 배포 패키지 디렉터리의 경로를 지정합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 예제 경로: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "배포 패키지 디렉터리의 경로를 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)의 상대 경로로 지정합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 경로 예: FrontendWebApp/* */GalleryApp
    이 패키지는 Packer에서 만드는 임시 가상 머신에 복사됩니다. 패키지에 많은 개수의 파일이 있거나 파일 크기가 매우 큰 경우 업로드하는 데 시간이 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다(몇 시간까지 실행 가능). 업로드 시간을 최적화하려면 패키지 크기를 유효하게 줄일 수 있는지 확인합니다. 또는 중간 Azure 스토리지 계정을 사용합니다. 이 작업을 실행하기 전에 패키지를 스토리지 계정에 업로드합니다. 그런 다음, 스토리지 계정에서 필요한 패키지를 다운로드하는 스크립트가 포함된 패키지를 이 작업에 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "배포 스크립트", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "패키지를 배포하는 PowerShell 스크립트(Windows) 또는 셸 스크립트(Linux)에 대한 상대 경로를 지정합니다. 위에서 선택한 패키지 경로에 이 스크립트를 포함해야 합니다. minimatch 패턴을 지원합니다. 예제 경로: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "배포 스크립트 인수", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "VM 프로비전을 해제하는 동안 VM에 업로드된 임시 파일의 정리를 건너뜁니다. [여기](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)를 참조하세요.", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "이미지 URL 또는 이름", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "관리되지 않는 VM 이미지에 대해 생성된 머신 이미지 VHD URL이나 관리되는 VM 이미지의 이미지 이름을 저장할 출력 변수의 이름을 입력합니다.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Azure 리소스 ID", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "새로 만든 이미지의 Azure 리소스 ID를 저장할 출력 변수의 이름을 지정합니다. 관리형 이미지에만 해당합니다.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "OS 유형 %s은(는) 이미지를 만드는 데 지원되지 않습니다. Windows나 Linux를 사용하세요.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "소스 %s에서 임시 위치 %s(으)로 기본 제공 템플릿을 복사할 수 없음", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Task.json 파일을 찾을 수 없음: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Packer 빌드 명령을 실행하고 있습니다. 완료될 때까지 대기하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Packer 빌드가 완료되었습니다.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "Packer 실행에서 VHD 이미지 URI(관리되지 않는 이미지)를 가져올 수 없습니다. 출력 변수가 설정되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "Packer 실행에서 관리형 이미지 ID를 가져올 수 없습니다. 출력 변수가 설정되지 않습니다. 참고: 비관리형 VM 이미지에는 이 변수를 사용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "Packer 실행에서 관리되는 이미지 이름을 가져올 수 없습니다. 출력 변수가 설정되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "Packer 실행에서 관리되는 이미지 이름이나 VHD 이미지 URI(관리되지 않는 이미지)를 가져올 수 없습니다. 출력 변수가 설정되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "OS 유형에 대한 기본 제공 템플릿: %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "그래프 서비스 연결에서 SPN 정보를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "아티팩트 항목 가져오기가 지원되지 않음, 잘못된 코드 경로", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "소스 VHD에서 관리형 이미지를 만들 수 없습니다. '기본 이미지 소스' 입력 값을 '갤러리'로 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 784fc4936c04..807a97268881 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Собрать образ компьютера", + "loc.friendlyName": "Создать образ компьютера", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "Собрать образ компьютера с помощью Packer. Этот образ можно использовать для развертывания масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure", + "loc.description": "Создание образа компьютера с помощью Packer, который можно использовать для развертывания масштабируемого набора виртуальных машин Azure", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Собрать неизменяемый образ", "loc.releaseNotes": "Эта задача теперь поддерживает управляемые образы дисков.", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Сведения об Azure", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "Группа ресурсов", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "Группа ресурсов Azure, в которой находится выбранная учетная запись хранения.", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "Источник базового образа", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Выберите источник для базового образа. Можно выбрать образ из проверенной коллекции образов ОС или указать URL-адрес пользовательского образа.", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "Выберите источник базового образа. Вы можете выбрать проверенную коллекцию образов ОС или указать URL-адрес настраиваемого образа VHD.
    Обратите внимание, что, если выбрано создание управляемого образа путем установки флажка \"Управляемый образ диска виртуальной машины\", здесь следует выбрать только параметр \"Коллекция\". Источник \"Настраиваемый\" не поддерживается для создания управляемого образа.", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "Базовый образ", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "Выберите образ из проверенного списка образов ОС. Этот образ будет использоваться для установки необходимых компонентов и приложений перед захватом образа компьютера.", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "URL-адрес базового образа", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "Укажите URL-адрес базового образа. Этот образ будет использоваться для установки необходимых компонентов и приложений перед захватом образа компьютера.", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "ОС базового образа", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "Пакет развертывания", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Укажите путь к папке развертывания пакета относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Поддерживается шаблон minimatch. Пример пути: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "Укажите путь к каталогу пакетов развертывания относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory). Поддерживает шаблон minimatch. Пример пути: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    Обратите внимание, что этот пакет будет скопирован во временную виртуальную машину, созданную Packer. Если пакет содержит слишком много файлов и (или) эти файлы имеют очень большой размер, отправка может занять довольно много времени (возможно, несколько часов). Чтобы оптимизировать время отправки, проверьте, можно ли значительно уменьшить размер пакета. Кроме того, можно использовать промежуточную учетную запись хранения Azure. Перед выполнением этой задачи отправьте пакет в учетную запись хранения. Для этой задачи используйте пакет, содержащий скрипт, который скачает требуемый пакет из учетной записи хранения.", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "Сценарий развертывания", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "Укажите относительный путь к сценарию PowerShell (для Windows) или сценарию оболочки (для Linux) для развертывания пакета. Сценарий должен содержаться в указанном выше пути к пакету. Поддерживаются шаблоны minimatch. Пример пути: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "Аргументы сценария развертывания", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "Во время отзыва виртуальной машины пропустить очистку временных файлов, добавленных в виртуальную машину. См. [эту статью](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "URL-адрес или имя образа", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "Укажите имя выходной переменной, в которой будет храниться созданный URL-адрес виртуального жесткого диска с образом компьютера для образа неуправляемой виртуальной машины или имя образа для образа управляемой виртуальной машины.", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Идентификатор ресурса Azure", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "Укажите имя выходной переменной, в которой будет храниться идентификатор ресурса Azure для вновь созданного образа. Это предназначено только для управляемых образов.", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "Операционная система этого типа не поддерживается для создания образов: %s. Воспользуйтесь ОС Windows или Linux.", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "Не удалось скопировать встроенный шаблон из источника %s во временное расположение %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "Не удалось найти файл Task.json: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "Выполняется команда сборки Packer. Ожидается ее завершение...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Сборка Packer завершена.", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "Во время выполнения Packer не удалось получить URI образа виртуального жесткого диска (неуправляемый образ). Выходная переменная не будет задана.", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "Не удалось получить идентификатор управляемого образа из выполнения Packer. Выходная переменная не будет задана. Примечание. Эта переменная не должна использоваться с неуправляемыми образами виртуальных машин.", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "Во время выполнения Packer не удалось получить имя управляемого образа. Выходная переменная не будет задана.", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "Во время выполнения Packer не удалось получить имя управляемого образа или URI образа виртуального жесткого диска (неуправляемый образ). Выходная переменная не будет задана.", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "Встроенный шаблон для типа ОС: %s ", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "Не удалось получить сведения об имени субъекта-службы из подключения к службе графов. Ошибка: %s.", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "Получение элементов артефактов не поддерживается; недопустимый путь к коду", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s." + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "Создание управляемого образа из исходного виртуального жесткого диска не поддерживается. Необходимо задать для входного параметра \"Источник базового образа\" значение \"Коллекция\".", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 94b17047dc33..c6517431d089 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "生成计算机映像", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "使用 Packer 生成计算机映像。此映像可用于 Azure 虚拟机规模集部署", + "loc.description": "使用 Packer 生成计算机映像,此映像可用于 Azure 虚拟机规模集部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "生成不可变映像", "loc.releaseNotes": "此任务现在支持托管磁盘映像。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 详细信息", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "资源组", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "包含所选存储帐户的 Azure 资源组。", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "基础映像源", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "选择基础映像的源。可以从操作系统映像的精选库进行选择,也可以提供自定义映像的 URL。", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "选择基础映像的源。可以从操作系统映像的精选库进行选择,也可以提供自定义 VHD 映像的 URL。
    请注意,如果通过选中“托管 VM 磁盘映像”选项选择了创建托管映像的选项,则只应在此处选择“库”选项。不支持使用“自定义”源创建托管映像。", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "基础映像", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "从操作系统映像的精选列表中进行选择。这将用于在捕获计算机映像之前安装必备组件和应用程序。", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "基础映像 URL", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "指定基本映像的 URL。这将用于在捕获计算机映像之前安装必备组件和应用程序。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基础映像操作系统", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "部署包", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "指定部署包目录相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路径。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "指定部署包目录相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路径。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    请注意,此包将被复制到 Packer 创建的临时虚拟机中。如果包中包含大量文件和/或文件大小非常大,则上传可能需要很长时间(可能会运行几个小时)。若要优化上传时间,请查看是否可以有效地减小包大小。另一种方法是使用中间 Azure 存储帐户。请在运行此任务之前将包上传到存储帐户。对于此任务,使用包含将从存储帐户下载所需包的脚本的包。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "部署脚本", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "指定用于部署包的 powershell 脚本(对于 Windows)或 shell 脚本(对于 Linux)的相对路径。此脚本应包含在上面选择的包路径中。支持 minimatch 模式。示例路径: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "部署脚本参数", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "在取消预配 VM 的过程中,跳过清理已上传到 VM 的临时文件。请参阅[此处](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "映像 URL 或名称", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "提供输出变量的名称,该变量将存储非托管 VM 映像的已生成计算机映像 VHD URL 或托管 VM 映像的映像名称。", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Azure 资源 ID", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "提供输出变量的名称,该变量将存储新创建的映像的 Azure 资源 ID。这仅适用于托管映像。", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "操作系统类型不支持映像创建: %s。请使用 Windows 或 Linux。", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "无法将源 %s 中的内置模板复制到临时位置 %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "找不到 Task.json 文件: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "正在运行 packer 生成命令。正在等待运行过程完成...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "packer 生成已完成。", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "无法在 packer 执行过程中获取 VHD 映像 URI (非托管映像)。将不会设置输出变量。", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "无法从 packer 执行过程中获取托管映像 ID。将不会设置输出变量。注意: 不应将此变量用于非托管的 VM 映像。", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "无法在 packer 执行过程中获取托管映像名称。将不会设置输出变量。", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "无法在 packer 执行过程中获取托管映像名称或 VHD 映像 URI (非托管映像)。将不会设置输出变量。", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "操作系统类型 %s 的内置模板", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "无法从图形服务连接提取 SPN 详细信息。错误: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "获取不受支持的项目项、无效的代码路径", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "不支持从源 VHD 创建托管映像。必须将“基础映像源”输入值设置为“库”。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 4350f19a37ae..4bd0dec3e15f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "建置機器映像", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=845329)", - "loc.description": "使用 Packer 建置機器映像。此映像可用於 Azure 虛擬機器擴展集部署", + "loc.description": "使用 Packer 建置機器映像,其可用於 Azure 虛擬機器擴展集部署", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "建置不可變的映像", "loc.releaseNotes": "此工作現在支援受控磁碟映像。", "loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 詳細資料", @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ "loc.input.label.azureResourceGroup": "資源群組", "loc.input.help.azureResourceGroup": "包含所選儲存體帳戶的 Azure 資源群組。", "loc.input.label.baseImageSource": "基底映像來源", - "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "選取基底映像的來源。您可以從準備好的 OS 映像庫中選擇,也可提供自訂映像的 URL。", + "loc.input.help.baseImageSource": "請選取基底映像的來源。您可以從彙總的 OS 映像資源庫選取,或提供您自訂 VHD 映像的 URL。
    請注意,如果您已透過選取 [受控 VM 磁碟映像] 選項選取了建立受控映像的選項,則應只選取此處的 [資源庫] 選項。不支援以「自訂」來源建立受控映像。", "loc.input.label.baseImage": "基底映像", "loc.input.help.baseImage": "請從準備的 OS 映像清單中選擇。其可用於在擷取電腦映像之前,安裝必要條件與應用程式。", "loc.input.label.customImageUrl": "基底映像 URL", "loc.input.help.customImageUrl": "指定基底映像的 URL。在擷取機器映像前,這會用來安裝必要條件與應用程式。", "loc.input.label.customImageOSType": "基底映像 OS", "loc.input.label.packagePath": "部署套件", - "loc.input.help.packagePath": "為部署套件目錄指定相對於 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路徑。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp", + "loc.input.help.packagePath": "請指定相對於 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的部署套件目錄路徑。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: FrontendWebApp/**/GalleryApp
    請注意,此套件將複製到暫存虛擬機器,Packer 會建立於其中。如果套件包含大量檔案且 (或) 檔案大小過大,則上傳可能會花費大量時間 (可能會執行數個小時)。如果要將上傳時間降至最低,請確認是否可有意義地減少套件的大小。另一項方法則是使用中繼 Azure 儲存體帳戶,即在執行此工作前將套件上傳至儲存體帳戶。針對這項工作,請使用包含會從儲存體帳戶下載必要套件之指令碼的套件。", "loc.input.label.deployScriptPath": "部署指令碼", "loc.input.help.deployScriptPath": "指定用以部署套件之 PowerShell 指令碼 (適用於 Windows) 或 Shell 指令碼 (適用於 Linux) 的相對路徑。此指令碼應該包含在上列選取的套件路徑中。支援 minimatch 模式。範例路徑: deploy/**/scripts/windows/deploy.ps1", "loc.input.label.deployScriptArguments": "部署指令碼引數", @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ "loc.input.help.skipTempFileCleanupDuringVMDeprovision": "在取消佈建 VM 期間,跳過清除已上傳至 VM 之暫存檔案。請參閱 [這裡](https://www.packer.io/docs/builders/azure.html#skip_clean)", "loc.input.label.imageUri": "映像 URL 或名稱", "loc.input.help.imageUri": "請提供輸出變數的名稱; 該輸出變數將用於存放所產生之非受控 VM 映像的機器映像 VHD URL,或受控 VM 映像的映像名稱。", + "loc.input.label.imageId": "Azure 資源識別碼", + "loc.input.help.imageId": "請提供輸出變數的名稱,該變數會儲存新建立映像的 Azure 資源識別碼。這僅適用於受控映像。", "loc.messages.OSTypeNotSupported": "此 OS 類型無法建立映像: %s。請使用 Windows 或 Linux。", "loc.messages.CopyTemplateToTempFailed": "無法將內建範本從來源 %s 複製到暫存位置 %s", "loc.messages.TaskNotFound": "找不到 Task.json 檔案: %s", @@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ "loc.messages.ExecutingPackerBuild": "正在執行 Packer 建置命令。請等候該命令完成...", "loc.messages.PackerBuildCompleted": "Packer 建置完成。", "loc.messages.ImageURIOutputVariableNotFound": "無法從 Packer 執行取得 VHD 映像 URI (非受控映像)。將不會設定輸出變數。", + "loc.messages.ImageIDOutputVariableNotFound": "無法從 Packer 執行取得受控映像識別碼。將不會設定輸出變數。注意: 這個變數不應搭配非受控 VM 映像使用。", "loc.messages.ManagedImageNameOutputVariableNotFound": "無法從 Packer 執行取得受控映像名稱。將不會設定輸出變數。", "loc.messages.CustumTemplateOutputVariableNotFound": "無法從 Packer 執行取得受控映像名稱或 VHD 映像 URI。將不會設定輸出變數。", "loc.messages.BuiltInTemplateNotFoundErrorMessagePathName": "OS 類型 %s 的內建範本", @@ -88,5 +91,7 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchSPNDetailsRemotely": "無法從圖形服務連線擷取 SPN 詳細資料。錯誤: %s。", "loc.messages.GetArtifactItemsNotSupported": "不支援取得成品項目,程式碼路徑無效", "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s" + "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s", + "loc.messages.CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "不支援從來源 VHD 建立受控映像。您必須將 'Base image source' 輸入值設為 'Gallery'。", + "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.json b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.json index 25fbcd64208c..1d5197995dc2 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", @@ -337,4 +337,4 @@ "CreateManagedImageNotSupportedForVHDSource": "Creating managed image from a source VHD is not supported. You must set 'Base image source' input value to 'Gallery'.", "ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Verify if the Service Principal used is valid and not expired." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.loc.json index a16960106268..846a6b79881d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PackerBuildV1/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..519c25da2636 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Python-PIP-Authentifizierung", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Authentifizierungsaufgabe für den PIP-Client, der zum Installieren von Python-Distributionen verwendet wird", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PIP-Authentifizierung: $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds und Authentifizierung", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Meine Feeds (Auswahl unten)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Wählen Sie Feeds für die Authentifizierung innerhalb dieser Organisation aus.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds aus externen Organisationen", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Wählen Sie Endpunkte für die Authentifizierung außerhalb dieser Organisation aus.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Authentifizierungsinformationen für %s interne Feeds werden hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Authentifizierungsinformationen für den externen Endpunkt \"%s\" werden hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Die Authentifizierung für %s interne Feeds und %s externen Endpunkt wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Eintrag zur Authentifizierung über Benutzername/Kennwort für Feed \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Eintrag zur Authentifizierung über ein Token für Feed \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Fehler beim Analysieren der Feed-URL und beim Hinzufügen von Authentifizierungsinformationen. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Der URI für die Paketierung kann nicht mithilfe des URI der Standardsammlung abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Authentifizierung.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Zugriffstokens für diese Organisation.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Zu viele Feedeinträge für die Authentifizierung. Verringern Sie die Anzahl von Repositorys in der Aufgabe.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "Die Authentifizierung für interne Feeds wird in dieser Version von Azure DevOps Server nicht unterstützt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..c3575125b55d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticación PIP de Python", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Tarea de autenticación para el cliente de PIP que se usa para instalar distribuciones de Python.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticación PIP $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Fuentes y autenticación", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Mis fuentes (seleccionar a continuación)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Seleccionar las fuentes para autenticar presentes en esta organización", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Fuentes de organizaciones externas", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Seleccione los puntos de conexión para autenticarse fuera de esta organización.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Agregando información de autenticación para las fuentes internas %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Agregando información de autenticación para el punto de conexión externo %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "La autenticación para las fuentes internas %s y el punto de conexión externo %s se ha agregado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Agregando la entrada de autenticación de contraseña del nombre de usuario para la fuente %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Agregando la entrada de autenticación de token para la fuente %s.", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "No se pudo analizar la dirección URL de la fuente ni agregar la información de autenticación. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "No se puede obtener el URI de empaquetado; se usa el URI de la colección predeterminado.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "No se pudo agregar la autenticación", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "No se pudo obtener el token de acceso para la organización.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Hay demasiadas entradas de fuente para la autenticación. Reduzca el número de repositorios de la tarea.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "No se admite la autenticación para las fuentes internas en esta versión de Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..fc78c61381f2 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Authentification PIP pour Python", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Tâche d'authentification du client PIP utilisé pour l'installation des distributions Python", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Authentification PIP $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Flux et authentification", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Mes flux (à sélectionner ci-dessous)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Sélectionner les flux d'authentification dans cette organisation", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Flux d'organisations externes", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Sélectionnez des points de terminaison pour permettre l'authentification en dehors de cette organisation.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Ajout d'informations d'authentification pour le ou les flux internes %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Ajout d'informations d'authentification pour le point de terminaison externe %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Ajout réussi de l'authentification pour les flux internes %s et le point de terminaison externe %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Ajout d'une entrée d'authentification par nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe pour le flux %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Ajout d'une entrée d'authentification par jeton pour le flux %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Échec de l'analyse de l'URL de flux et de l'ajout d'informations d'authentification. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Impossible d'obtenir l'URI de packaging. Utilisation de l'URI de collection par défaut.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Échec de l'ajout de l'authentification.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Échec de l'obtention du jeton d'accès pour cette organisation.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Trop d'entrées de flux pour l'authentification. Réduisez le nombre de dépôts dans la tâche.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "L'authentification des flux internes n'est pas prise en charge dans cette version d'Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..26fd2e63e865 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticazione PIP di Python", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Attività di autenticazione per il client PIP usato per l'installazione di distribuzioni di Python", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticazione PIP $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feed e autenticazione", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Feed personali (selezionare sotto)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Selezionare i feed da autenticare presenti in questa organizzazione", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feed di organizzazioni esterne", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Selezionare gli endpoint da autenticare all'esterno di questa organizzazione.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Aggiunta delle informazioni di autenticazione per i feed interni di %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Aggiunta delle informazioni di autenticazione per l'endpoint esterno di %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "L'autenticazione per i feed interni di %s e l'endpoint esterno di %s è stata aggiunta.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Aggiunta della voce di autenticazione password e nome utente per il feed %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Aggiunta della voce di autenticazione token per il feed %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Non è stato possibile analizzare l'URL del feed e aggiungere le informazioni di autenticazione. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URI della creazione di pacchetti. Verrà usato l'URI della raccolta predefinito.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'autenticazione.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per questa organizzazione.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Sono state specificate troppe voci di feed per l'autenticazione. Ridurre il numero di repository nell'attività.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "La funzionalità di autenticazione dei feed interni non è supportata in questa versione di Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..9a6b3a711e34 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Python pip 認証", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Python ディストリビューションのインストールに使用される pip クライアントの認証タスク", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "pip 認証 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "フィードと認証", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "マイ フィード (以下を選択)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "この組織内に存在する、認証対象のフィードを選択します", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "外部組織からのフィード", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "この組織の外部で認証するエンドポイントを選択します。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "%s 内部フィードの認証情報を追加しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "%s 外部エンドポイントの認証情報を追加しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "%s の内部フィードと %s の外部エンドポイントに認証が正常に追加されました。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "フィード %s のユーザー名パスワード認証エントリを追加しています", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "フィード %s のトークン認証エントリを追加しています", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "フィード URL の解析および認証情報の追加に失敗しました。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "既定のコレクション URI を使用して、パッケージ URI を取得できません。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "認証を追加できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "この組織のアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "認証のフィード エントリが多すぎます。タスク内のリポジトリの数を減らしてください。", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "内部フィードの認証は、このバージョンの Azure DevOps Server ではサポートされていません。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..c6d0cace49d1 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Python pip 인증", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Python 배포를 설치하는 데 사용되는 pip 클라이언트의 인증 작업입니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PIP 인증 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "피드 및 인증", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "내 피드(아래에서 선택)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "이 조직에 있는, 인증할 피드를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "외부 조직의 피드", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "이 조직 외부에 있는, 인증할 엔드포인트를 선택합니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "%s 내부 피드의 인증 정보를 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "%s 외부 엔드포인트의 인증 정보를 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "%s 내부 피드 및 %s 외부 엔드포인트의 인증을 추가했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "%s 피드의 사용자 이름 암호 인증 항목을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "%s 피드의 토큰 인증 항목을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "피드 URL을 구문 분석하고 인증 정보를 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "기본 컬렉션 URI를 사용하여 패키징 URI를 가져올 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "인증을 추가하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "이 조직의 액세스 토큰을 가져오지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "인증할 피드 항목 수가 너무 많습니다. 작업의 리포지토리 수를 줄이세요.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "이 버전의 Azure DevOps Server에서는 내부 피드 인증이 지원되지 않습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..4a9b2a87b8bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Проверка подлинности pip Python", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "Задача проверки подлинности для клиента pip, используемого для установки дистрибутивов Python", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Проверка подлинности Pip $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Веб-каналы и проверка подлинности", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Мои веб-каналы (выберите ниже)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Выберите веб-каналы для проверки подлинности, присутствующие в этой организации", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Веб-каналы из внешних организаций", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Выберите конечные точки для проверки подлинности за пределами этой организации.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Добавление сведений о проверке подлинности для внутренних веб-каналов (%s).", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Добавление сведений о проверке подлинности для внешней конечной точки %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Проверка подлинности успешно добавлена для внутренних веб-каналов (%s) и внешней конечной точки (%s).", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Добавление записи проверки подлинности для пароля пользователя для веб-канала %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Добавление записи проверки подлинности токена для веб-канала %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Не удалось проанализировать URL-адрес веб-канала и добавить сведения о проверке подлинности. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Не удалось получить URI упаковки, используется URI коллекции по умолчанию.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Не удалось добавить проверку подлинности.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для этой организации.", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Слишком много записей веб-каналов для проверки подлинности. Сократите число репозиториев в задаче.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "Проверка подлинности для внутренних веб-каналов не поддерживается в этой версии Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..4eda0657b5af 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Python pip 身份验证", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "用于安装 Python 分发版的 pip 客户端的身份验证任务", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip 身份验证 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "源和身份验证", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "我的源(在下方选择)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "选择要在此组织中进行身份验证的源", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "来自外部组织的源", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "选择要在此组织外部进行身份验证的终结点。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "正在为 %s 内部源添加身份验证信息。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "正在为 %s 外部终结点添加身份验证信息。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "已成功添加对 %s 内部源和 %s 外部终结点的身份验证。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "正在为源 %s 添加用户名密码身份验证条目", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "正在为源 %s 添加令牌身份验证条目", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "未能分析源 URL 和添加身份验证信息。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "无法使用默认集合 URI 获取打包 URI。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "添加身份验证失败。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "未能获取此组织的访问令牌。", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "身份验证的源条目过多。请减少任务中的存储库数。", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "此版本的 Azure DevOps Server 中不支持对内部源的身份验证。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 86a918fcf1b7..aa7505df01f3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Pip Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication task for pip client used for installing python distributions.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task." + "loc.friendlyName": "Python pip 驗證", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/)", + "loc.description": "用於安裝 Python 發行版本之 pip 用戶端的驗證工作", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pip 驗證 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "摘要與驗證", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "我的摘要 (於下方選取)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "選取此組織內要驗證的摘要", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "來自外部組織的摘要", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "選取此組織外要驗證的端點。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "正在新增 %s 個內部摘要的驗證資訊。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "正在新增 %s 外部端點的驗證資訊。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "已成功為 %s 內部摘要和 %s 外部端點新增驗證。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "正在新增摘要 %s 的使用者名稱密碼驗證項目", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "正在新增摘要 %s 的權杖驗證項目", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "無法剖析摘要 URL 和新增驗證資訊。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "無法取得封裝 URI,將改用預設收集 URI。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "無法新增驗證。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "無法取得此組織的存取權杖。", + "loc.messages.Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "太多要驗證的摘要項目。請減少工作中的存放庫數目。", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "這個版本的 Azure DevOps Server 不支援內部摘要的驗證。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.json b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.json index 221d1e34aaf3..44c0fe3e4bf8 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ "Warn_TooManyFeedEntries": "Too many feed entries for auth. Please reduce the number of repositories in the task.", "Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "Authentication for internal feeds is not supported in this version of Azure DevOps Server." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json index d78ac6df7c53..b9c1271e58cb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PipAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index c9759feb00f1..5ed9d5a17596 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell auf Zielcomputern", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden PowerShell-Skripts auf Remotecomputern ausgeführt. Diese Version der Aufgabe verwendet PSSession und \"Invoke-Command\" für Remotesitzungen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden unter Verwendung von PSSession und \"Invoke-Command\" für Remotesitzungen PowerShell-Skripts auf Remotecomputern ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell auf Zielcomputern ausführen", "loc.releaseNotes": "Verwenden Sie PSSession und \"Invoke-Command\" für Remotesitzungen auf Zielcomputern.

    * Neue Unterstützung für die Ausführung von Inlineskripts

    * Unterstützung von Standard- und Credssp-Authentifizierung

    * Neue Optionen für die Fehlerbehandlung: ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE, Fehler bei Standardfehler.", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "Skriptoptionen", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 200013e1e52d..f8e9294ce705 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell en equipos de destino", + "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell en máquinas de destino", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta los scripts de PowerShell en máquinas remotas. Esta versión de la tarea usa PSSession e Invoke-Command para la comunicación remota.", + "loc.description": "Ejecuta los scripts de PowerShell en las máquinas remotas que usan PSSession e Invoke-Command para la comunicación remota.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ejecutar PowerShell en máquinas de destino", "loc.releaseNotes": "Use PSSession e invoke-command para establecer la comunicación remota en las máquinas de destino.

    * Se ha agregado compatibilidad con la ejecución de scripts en línea.

    * Se admiten la autenticación predeterminada y Credssp.

    * Se han agregado opciones para el control de errores: ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE y Error si se produce un error estándar.", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "Opciones de script", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 30edda9deb94..e4f5e5a2215a 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell sur des ordinateurs cibles", + "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell sur des machines cibles", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez des scripts PowerShell sur des machines distantes. Cette version de la tâche utilise PSSession et Invoke-Command pour la communication à distance.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts PowerShell sur des machines distantes à l'aide de PSSession et de Invoke-Command pour la communication à distance", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Exécuter PowerShell sur des machines cibles", "loc.releaseNotes": "Utilisez PSSession et invoke-command pour effectuer une communication à distance sur les machines cibles.

    * Ajout de la prise en charge de l'exécution de scripts inline.

    * Prise en charge des authentifications par défaut et Credssp.

    * Ajout d'options pour la gestion des erreurs : ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE et Échec sur une erreur standard.", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "Options de script", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index b8b08171cb02..a07334a495a1 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell in computer di destinazione", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire script PowerShell in computer remoti. Per eseguire operazioni da remoto, questa versione dell'attività usa PSSession e Invoke-Command.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire script PowerShell in computer remoti usando PSSession e Invoke-Command per la comunicazione remota", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui PowerShell in computer di destinazione", "loc.releaseNotes": "Uso di PSSession e di Session Option per eseguire operazioni da remoto sui computer di destinazione.

    * Aggiunta del supporto per l'esecuzione di script inline.

    * Supporto dell'autenticazione predefinita e CredSSP.

    * Aggiunta delle opzioni per la gestione degli errori: ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE e Interrompi in caso di STDERR.", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "Opzioni per gli script", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 54983e67b454..a64b19ea8209 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "ターゲット コンピューターでの PowerShell", + "loc.friendlyName": "ターゲット マシンでの PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "リモート マシンで PowerShell スクリプトを実行します。このバージョンのタスクはリモート処理に PSSession と Invoke-Command を使用します。", + "loc.description": "リモート処理に PSSession と Invoke-Command を使用して、リモート マシンで PowerShell スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "対象のマシンでの PowerShell の実行", "loc.releaseNotes": "PSSession と invoke-command を使用して、対象のマシン上でのリモート処理を実行します。

    * インライン スクリプト実行のサポートが追加されました。

    * 既定の認証と Credssp 認証がサポートされています。

    * エラー処理のオプションが追加されました。ErrorActionPreference、ignoreLASTEXITCODE、Fail on Standard Error (標準エラーでの失敗)。", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "スクリプト オプション", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 1328aaa23d12..169c8cbcff45 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "대상 컴퓨터의 PowerShell", + "loc.friendlyName": "대상 머신의 PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "원격 머신에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다. 이 버전의 작업에서는 원격 처리를 위해 PSSession 및 Invoke-Command를 사용합니다.", + "loc.description": "원격 처리를 위해 PSSession 및 Invoke-Command를 사용하여 원격 머신에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "대상 머신에서 PowerShell 실행", "loc.releaseNotes": "PSSession 및 invoke-command를 사용하여 대상 머신에서 원격 처리를 수행할 수 있습니다.

    * 인라인 스크립트 실행에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.

    * 기본 및 Credssp 인증이 지원됩니다.

    * 오류 처리 옵션(ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE 및 표준 오류 시 실패)이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "스크립트 옵션", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e9a7bbb04ffc..17d0d5c42ce1 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell на целевых компьютерах", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты PowerShell на удаленных компьютерах. В этой версии задачи для удаленного взаимодействия используются PSSession и Invoke-Command.", + "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты PowerShell на удаленных компьютерах, используя PSSession и Invoke-Command для удаленного взаимодействия", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запуск PowerShell на конечных компьютерах", "loc.releaseNotes": "Используйте PSSession и invoke-command для удаленного взаимодействия на конечных компьютерах.

    * Добавлена поддержка выполнения встроенных скриптов.

    * Поддерживаются проверка подлинности по умолчанию и проверка подлинности Credssp.

    * Добавлены параметры обработки ошибок: ErrorActionPreference, ignoreLASTEXITCODE и \"Сбой при стандартной ошибке\".", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "Параметры скрипта", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 5f41f60ddbf5..64ebe2060206 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "目标计算机上的 PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "在远程计算机上执行 PowerShell 脚本。此版本的任务使用 PSSession 和 Invoke-Command 进行远程处理。", + "loc.description": "使用 PSSession 和 Invoke-Command 进行远程处理,在远程计算机上执行 PowerShell 脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在目标计算机上运行 PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "使用 PSSession 和 invoke-command 在目标计算机上执行远程操作。

    * 添加了对内联脚本执行的支持。

    * 支持默认身份验证和 Credssp 身份验证。

    * 添加了错误处理选项: ErrorActionPreference、ignoreLASTEXITCODE 和 Fail on Standard Error。", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "脚本选项", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 447cea756eb5..c68a95d60e50 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "目標電腦上的 PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=873465)", - "loc.description": "在遠端電腦上執行 PowerShell 指令碼。此版本的工作使用 PSSession 和 Invoke-Command 執行遠端功能。", + "loc.description": "在遠端電腦上執行 PowerShell 指令碼,使用 PSSession 和 Invoke-Command 執行遠端功能。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在目標電腦上執行 PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "請使用 PSSession 和 invoke-command 在目標電腦遠端執行。

    * 新增內嵌指令碼執行的支援。

    * 支援預設和 Credssp 驗證。

    * 新增錯誤處理的選項: ErrorActionPreference、ignoreLASTEXITCODE 和 Fail on Standard Error。", "loc.group.displayName.ScriptOptions": "指令碼選項", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.json b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.json index ec90e6624e1a..6fe9a229c372 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.loc.json index ce18f187e9a6..6fe3f013ed1c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellOnTargetMachinesV3/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 3, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 0f4577a1dbe6..5970e2da591f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie ein PowerShell-Skript unter Windows, macOS oder Linux aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein PowerShell-Skript für Linux, macOS oder Windows ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell-Skript", "loc.releaseNotes": "Skriptaufgabenkonsistenz. Unterstützung für macOS und Linux wurde hinzugefügt.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", @@ -32,6 +32,5 @@ "loc.messages.PS_FormattedCommand": "Formatierter Befehl: {0}", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidErrorActionPreference": "ErrorActionPreference \"{0}\" ungültig. Der Wert muss \"Stop\", \"Continue\" oder \"SilentlyContinue\" sein.", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidFilePath": "Ungültiger Dateipfad \"{0}\". Ein Pfad zu einer PS1-Datei ist erforderlich.", - "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Unerwartete Ausnahme. Der Exitcode von PowerShell konnte nicht bestimmt werden.", - "loc.messages.PS_InvalidTargetType": "TargetType \"{0}\" ungültig. Der Wert muss \"filePath\" oder \"inline\" sein.", + "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Unerwartete Ausnahme. Der Exitcode von PowerShell konnte nicht bestimmt werden." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e74089161037..f425b6d98c2f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Ejecute un script de PowerShell en Windows, macOS o Linux.", + "loc.description": "Ejecuta un script de PowerShell en Linux, macOS o Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script de PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coherencia de la tarea Script. Se ha agregado compatibilidad con macOS y Linux.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", @@ -32,6 +32,5 @@ "loc.messages.PS_FormattedCommand": "Comando con formato: {0}", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidErrorActionPreference": "El valor \"{0}\" de ErrorActionPreference no es válido. El valor debe ser uno de los siguientes: \"Stop\", \"Continue\" o \"SilentlyContinue\"", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidFilePath": "La ruta de acceso de archivo \"{0}\" no es válida. Se necesita una ruta de acceso a un archivo .ps1.", - "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Excepción inesperada. No se puede determinar el código de salida de PowerShell.", - "loc.messages.PS_InvalidTargetType": "El valor \"{0}\" de TargetType no es válido. El valor debe ser uno de los siguientes: \"filePath\" o \"inline\"", + "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Excepción inesperada. No se puede determinar el código de salida de PowerShell." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 564dec8283da..c4a652b59e01 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez un script PowerShell sur Windows, macOS ou Linux.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un script PowerShell sur Linux, macOS ou Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "Cohérence de la tâche de script. Ajout de la prise en charge de macOS et de Linux.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", @@ -32,6 +32,5 @@ "loc.messages.PS_FormattedCommand": "Commande mise en forme : {0}", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidErrorActionPreference": "ErrorActionPreference '{0}' non valide. La valeur doit correspondre à 'Stop', 'Continue' ou 'SilentlyContinue'", "loc.messages.PS_InvalidFilePath": "Chemin de fichier '{0}' non valide. Le chemin d'un fichier .ps1 est obligatoire.", - "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Exception inattendue. Impossible de déterminer le code de sortie de PowerShell.", - "loc.messages.PS_InvalidErrorActionPreference": "TargetType '{0}' non valide. La valeur doit correspondre à 'filePath' ou 'inline'", + "loc.messages.PS_UnableToDetermineExitCode": "Exception inattendue. Impossible de déterminer le code de sortie de PowerShell." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1e221938c4fb..9884ec6ad3ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script PowerShell in Windows, macOS o Linux.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script PowerShell in Linux, macOS o Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "Coerenza delle attività per gli script. Aggiunta del supporto per macOS e Linux.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index f807096dd338..411c1799c390 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Windows、macOS、Linux 上で PowerShell スクリプトを実行します。", + "loc.description": "Linux、macOS、Windows で PowerShell スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell スクリプト", "loc.releaseNotes": "スクリプト タスクの一貫性。macOS と Linux のサポートが追加されました。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 54cf13fd1cfb..55e8d75082dd 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Windows, macOS 또는 Linux에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Linux, macOS 또는 Windows에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell 스크립트", "loc.releaseNotes": "스크립트 작업 일관성입니다. macOS 및 Linux에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 143eb652266a..9cfacaff5ed9 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "Выполнение скрипта PowerShell в Windows, macOS или Linux.", + "loc.description": "Выполнение скрипта PowerShell в Linux, macOS или Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Скрипт PowerShell", "loc.releaseNotes": "Создавайте скрипты для обеспечения согласованности задач. Добавлена поддержка macOS и Linux.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 768ee36157a7..c3dfd20827f3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "在 Windows、macOS 或 Linux 上运行 PowerShell 脚本。", + "loc.description": "在 Linux、macOS 或 Windows 上运行 PowerShell 脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell 脚本", "loc.releaseNotes": "脚本任务一致性。添加了对 macOS 和 Linux 的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e186b488721a..c3dc7e24af21 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613736)", - "loc.description": "在 Windows、macOS 或 Linux 上執行 PowerShell 指令碼。", + "loc.description": "在 Linux、macOS 或 Windows 執行 PowerShell 指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "PowerShell 指令碼", "loc.releaseNotes": "指令碼工作一致性。已新增 macOS 與 Linux 的支援。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.json b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.json index 9e167790a94c..00ebac6a7f7b 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "Script task consistency. Added support for macOS and Linux.", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.loc.json index ae3ee9f52707..7b193cbc9180 100644 --- a/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PowerShellV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 17692065194a..b8a2ca7539ef 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Buildartefakte veröffentlichen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Buildartefakte in Azure Pipelines/TFS oder einer Dateifreigabe veröffentlicht.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Buildartefakte in Azure Pipelines oder einer Dateifreigabe veröffentlicht.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Artefakt veröffentlichen: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "Pfad für Veröffentlichung", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "Der Ordner- oder Dateipfad für die Veröffentlichung. Es kann sich um einen vollqualifizierten Pfad oder um einen relativen Pfad zum Stamm des Repositorys handeln. Platzhalter werden nicht unterstützt. [Variablen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) werden unterstützt. Beispiel: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "Artefaktname", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "Der Name des Artefakts, das am Speicherort für die Veröffentlichung erstellt werden soll.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "Veröffentlichungsort für Artefakte", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob Sie das Artefakt in Azure Pipelines/TFS speichern oder in eine Dateifreigabe kopieren möchten, die vom Build-Agent aus zugänglich sein muss.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob Sie das Artefakt in Azure Pipelines speichern oder in eine Dateifreigabe kopieren möchten, die vom Build-Agent aus zugänglich sein muss.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Dateifreigabepfad", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Die Dateifreigabe, in die die Artefaktdateien kopiert werden. Diese kann Variablen umfassen. Beispiel: \\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber). Das Veröffentlichen von Artefakten über einen Linux- oder macOS-Agent in einer Dateifreigabe wird nicht unterstützt.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "Paralleles Kopieren", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "Wählen Sie aus, ob Dateien mithilfe mehrerer Threads parallel kopiert werden sollen, um einen höheren Durchsatz zu erzielen. Wenn diese Einstellung nicht aktiviert ist, wird nur ein Thread verwendet.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "Parallele Anzahl", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "Geben Sie den Parallelitätsgrad oder die Anzahl von Threads zum Durchführen des Kopiervorgangs ein. Der Wert muss mindestens 1 lauten und darf nicht größer sein als 128.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Das Veröffentlichen von Artefakten von einem Linux- oder macOS-Agent in einer Dateifreigabe wird nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie den Artefakttyp in \"Azure Pipelines/TFS\", oder verwenden Sie einen Windows-Agent.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Diese Aufgabe muss in einem Build ausgeführt werden, um Artefakte in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Das Veröffentlichen von Artefakten von einem Linux- oder macOS-Agent in einer Dateifreigabe wird nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie den Artefakttyp in \"Azure Pipelines\", oder verwenden Sie einen Windows-Agent.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Diese Aufgabe muss in einem Build ausgeführt werden, um Artefakte in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen von Buildartefakten: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "Nicht unterstützte parallele Anzahl \"%s\". Geben Sie eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 128 ein." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index bdb647a54433..0a97c6a22338 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar los artefactos de la compilación", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar artefactos de compilación", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Publica los artefactos de compilación en Azure Pipelines/TFS o en un recurso compartido de archivos.", + "loc.description": "Publica los artefactos de compilación en Azure Pipelines o en un recurso compartido de archivos de Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar artefacto: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "Ruta de acceso para publicar", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "La ruta de acceso del archivo o la carpeta para publicar. Puede ser una ruta de acceso completa o relativa a la raíz del repositorio. No se admiten caracteres comodín. Se admiten [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988). Ejemplo: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "Nombre del artefacto", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "El nombre del artefacto que se va a crear en la ubicación de publicación.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "Ubicación de publicación de artefactos", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Elija si el artefacto se va a almacenar en Azure Pipelines/TFS o se va a copiar en un recurso compartido de archivos al que se pueda acceder desde el agente de compilación.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Elija si el artefacto se va a almacenar en Azure Pipelines o se va a copiar en un recurso compartido de archivos al que se pueda acceder desde el agente de compilación.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Ruta de acceso del recurso compartido de archivos", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "El recurso compartido de archivos en el que se copiarán los archivos de artefacto. Puede incluir variables. Ejemplo: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber). No se admite la publicación de artefactos de un agente de Linux o macOS en un recurso compartido de archivos.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "Copia en paralelo", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "Seleccione si quiere copiar los archivos en paralelo con varios subprocesos para obtener un mayor rendimiento potencial. Si esta configuración no está habilitada, se usará un subproceso.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "Recuento de elementos en paralelo", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "Especifique el grado de paralelismo o el número de subprocesos usados para realizar la copia. Debe ser un valor entre 1 y 128.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "No se admite la publicación de artefactos de un agente de Linux o macOS en un recurso compartido de archivos. Cambie el tipo de artefacto a \"Azure Pipelines/TFS\" o use un agente de Windows.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Esta tarea debe ejecutarse en una compilación para publicar artefactos en Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "No se admite la publicación de artefactos de un agente de Linux o macOS en un recurso compartido de archivos. Cambie el tipo de artefacto a \"Azure Pipelines\" o use un agente de Windows.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Esta tarea debe ejecutarse en una compilación para publicar artefactos en Azure Pipelines.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "Error al publicar artefactos de compilación: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "Recuento de elementos \"%s\" en paralelo no admitido. Especifique un número entre 1 y 128." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 01e7b95f691c..adb60bb82e5a 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publier les artefacts de build", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publier des artefacts de build", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Publier les artefacts de build sur Azure Pipelines/TFS ou un partage de fichiers", + "loc.description": "Publier des artefacts de build sur Azure Pipelines ou un partage de fichiers Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publier l'artefact : $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "Chemin de publication", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "Chemin de dossier ou de fichier à publier. Il peut s'agir d'un chemin complet ou d'un chemin relatif à la racine du dépôt. Les caractères génériques ne sont pas pris en charge. Les [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sont prises en charge. Exemple : $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "Nom de l'artefact", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "Nom de l'artefact à créer dans l'emplacement de publication.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "Emplacement de publication des artefacts", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Choisissez entre le stockage de l'artefact dans Azure Pipelines/TFS, ou sa copie sur un partage de fichiers qui doit être accessible à l'agent de build.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Choisissez entre le stockage de l'artefact dans Azure Pipelines, ou sa copie sur un partage de fichiers qui doit être accessible à l'agent de build.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Chemin du partage de fichiers", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Partage de fichiers où sont copiés les fichiers d'artefacts. Il peut inclure des variables. Exemple : \\\\\\\\mon\\\\partage\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber). La publication d'artefacts d'un agent Linux ou macOS vers un partage de fichiers n'est pas prise en charge.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "Copie parallèle", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "Choisissez s'il est nécessaire de copier les fichiers en parallèle à l'aide de plusieurs threads pour un meilleur débit potentiel. Si ce paramètre n'est pas activé, un seul thread est utilisé.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "Nombre parallèle", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "Entrez le degré de parallélisme ou le nombre de threads utilisés pour effectuer la copie. La valeur doit être au moins égal à 1 et inférieur à 128.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "La publication d'artefacts d'un agent Linux ou macOS vers un partage de fichiers n'est pas prise en charge. Changez le type d'artefact en 'Azure Pipelines/TFS', ou utilisez un agent Windows.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Cette tâche doit s'exécuter dans une build pour permettre la publication d'artefacts sur Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "La publication d'artefacts d'un agent Linux ou macOS vers un partage de fichiers n'est pas prise en charge. Changez le type d'artefact en 'Azure Pipelines', ou utilisez un agent Windows.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Cette tâche doit s'exécuter dans une build pour permettre la publication d'artefacts sur Azure Pipelines.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "Échec de la publication des artefacts de build. Erreur : %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "Nombre parallèle '%s' non pris en charge. Entrez un nombre compris entre 1 et 128." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8c0e0d708197..607f0c1f3455 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica artefatti di compilazione", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Consente di pubblicare artefatti di compilazione in Azure Pipelines/TFS o in una condivisione file", + "loc.description": "Consente di pubblicare artefatti di compilazione in Azure Pipelines o in una condivisione file di Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pubblica artefatto: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "Percorso per la pubblicazione", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "Percorso del file o della cartella da pubblicare. Può essere un percorso completo o relativo alla radice del repository. I caratteri jolly non sono supportati. Le [variabili](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sono supportate. Esempio: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "Nome dell'artefatto da creare nel percorso di pubblicazione.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "Percorso di pubblicazione degli artefatti", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Consente di scegliere se archiviare l'artefatto in Azure Pipelines/TFS oppure copiarlo in una condivisione file accessibile dall'agente di compilazione.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Consente di scegliere se archiviare l'artefatto in Azure Pipelines oppure copiarlo in una condivisione file accessibile dall'agente di compilazione.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Percorso condivisione file", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Condivisione file in cui verranno copiati i file di artefatto. Può includere variabili. Esempio: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber). La pubblicazione di artefatti da un agente Linux o macOS in una condivisione file non è supportata.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "Copia parallela", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "Consente di scegliere se copiare i file in parallelo usando più thread per una maggiore velocità effettiva potenziale. Se questa impostazione non è abilitata, verrà usato un solo thread.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "Conteggio parallelo", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "Consente di immettere il grado di parallelismo o il numero di thread usati per eseguire la copia. Il valore deve essere almeno 1 e non superare 128.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "La pubblicazione di artefatti da un agente Linux o macOS in una condivisione file non è supportata. Modificare il tipo di artefatto in `Azure Pipelines/TFS` oppure usare un agente Windows.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Per pubblicare gli artefatti in Azure Pipelines/TFS, questa attività deve essere eseguita in una compilazione.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "La pubblicazione di artefatti da un agente Linux o macOS in una condivisione file non è supportata. Modificare il tipo di artefatto in `Azure Pipelines` oppure usare un agente Windows.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Per pubblicare gli artefatti in Azure Pipelines, questa attività deve essere eseguita in una compilazione.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "La pubblicazione degli artefatti di compilazione non è riuscita. Errore: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "Conteggio parallelo '%s' non supportato. Immettere un numero compreso tra 1 e 128." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 867a613c443c..a6cf7212fa37 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "ビルド成果物の発行", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "ビルド成果物を Azure Pipelines/TFS またはファイル共有に発行します", + "loc.description": "ビルド成果物を Azure Pipelines または Windows ファイル共有に発行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "成果物の公開: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "発行するためのパス", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "発行するフォルダーまたはファイルのパス。完全修飾パスまたはリポジトリのルートからの相対パスを指定できます。ワイルドカードはサポートされていません。[変数](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) がサポートされています。例: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "成果物名", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "発行場所に作成する成果物の名前。", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "成果物の発行場所", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "成果物を Azure パイプライン/TFS に保存するか、またはビルド エージェントからアクセスできるファイル共有にコピーするかを選択します。", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "成果物を Azure Pipelines に保存するか、またはビルド エージェントからアクセスできるファイル共有にコピーするかを選択します。", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "ファイル共有パス", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "成果物ファイルのコピー先であるファイル共有です。これには変数を含めることができます。例: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber)。Linux または macOS エージェントから成果物をファイル共有に発行することはサポートされていません。", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "並列コピー", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "スループット向上を期待して複数のスレッドを使って並列でファイルをコピーするかどうかを選択します。この設定が無効の場合は、1 つのスレッドが使用されます。", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "並列数", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "コピーを実行するための並列処理の程度、つまり使用するスレッド数を入力します。この値は 1 以上 128 以下でなければなりません。", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Linux または macOS エージェントからファイル共有への成果物の発行はサポートされていません。成果物の種類を `Azure Pipelines/TFS` に変更するか、Windows エージェントを使用してください。", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "成果物を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行するには、ビルドでこのタスクを実行する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Linux または macOS エージェントからファイル共有への成果物の発行はサポートされていません。成果物の種類を `Azure Pipelines` に変更するか、Windows エージェントをご使用ください。", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "成果物を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、ビルドでこのタスクを実行する必要があります。", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "ビルド成果物の発行が失敗し、次のエラーが発生しました: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "並列数 '%s' はサポートされていません。1 以上 128 以下の数を入力してください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index c2de38af0b36..7ec13beb997e 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "빌드 아티팩트 게시", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 또는 파일 공유에 빌드 아티팩트를 게시합니다.", + "loc.description": "Azure Pipelines 또는 Windows 파일 공유에 빌드 아티팩트를 게시합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "아티팩트 게시: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "게시할 경로", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "게시할 폴더 또는 파일 경로입니다. 리포지토리 루트에 상대적인 경로 또는 정규화된 경로일 수 있습니다. 와일드카드는 지원되지 않지만 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)는 지원됩니다. 예: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "아티팩트 이름", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "게시 위치에 만들 아티팩트의 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "아티팩트 게시 위치", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "아티팩트를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 저장할지 또는 빌드 에이전트에서 액세스할 수 있어야 하는 파일 공유에 복사할지를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "아티팩트를 Azure Pipelines에 저장할지 또는 빌드 에이전트에서 액세스할 수 있어야 하는 파일 공유에 복사할지를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "파일 공유 경로", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "아티팩트 파일을 복사할 파일 공유입니다. 변수를 포함할 수 있습니다(예: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber)). Linux 또는 macOS 에이전트의 아티팩트를 파일 공유에 게시할 수는 없습니다.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "병렬 복사", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "잠재적인 처리량 증대를 위해 다중 스레드를 사용하여 파일을 병렬 복사할지 여부를 선택합니다. 이 설정을 사용하도록 설정하지 않으면 하나의 스레드가 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "병렬 개수", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "병렬 처리 수준, 즉 복사를 수행하는 데 사용되는 스레드 수를 입력합니다. 값은 1에서 128 사이여야 합니다.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Linux 또는 macOS 에이전트의 아티팩트를 파일 공유에 게시할 수는 없습니다. 아티팩트 형식을 'Azure Pipelines/TFS'로 변경하거나 Windows 에이전트를 사용하세요.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "아티팩트를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 빌드에서 이 작업을 실행해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Linux 또는 macOS 에이전트의 아티팩트를 파일 공유에 게시할 수 없습니다. 아티팩트 형식을 'Azure Pipelines'로 변경하거나 Windows 에이전트를 사용하세요.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "아티팩트를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 빌드에서 이 작업을 실행해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "오류가 발생하여 빌드 아티팩트를 게시하지 못함: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "지원되지 않는 병렬 개수 '%s'입니다. 1에서 128 사이의 숫자를 입력하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 7fa707e5de84..2a0779f4848f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Публикация артефактов сборки", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "Публикация артефактов сборки в Azure Pipelines, TFS или общей папке", + "loc.description": "Публикация артефактов сборки в Azure Pipelines или общей папке", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Опубликовать артефакт: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "Путь публикации", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "Путь файла или папки для публикации. Это может быть полный путь или путь относительно корневого каталога репозитория. Подстановочные знаки не поддерживаются. [Переменные](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) поддерживаются. Например: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "Имя артефакта", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "Имя артефакта, который будет создан в расположении публикации.", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "Расположение публикации артефакта", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Выберите, нужно ли сохранить артефакт в Azure Pipelines или TFS либо скопировать его в общий файловый ресурс, который должен быть доступен агенту сборки.", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "Выберите, нужно ли сохранить артефакт в Azure Pipelines либо скопировать его в общую папку, которая должна быть доступна из агента сборки.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Путь к общей папке", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Общая папка, в которую будут скопированы файлы артефактов. Может включать в себя переменные. Пример: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber). Публикация артефактов из агента Linux или macOS в общей папке не поддерживается.", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "Параллельное копирование", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "Выберите, следует ли копировать файлы параллельно с использованием нескольких потоков для возможного повышения пропускной способности. Если этот параметр не установлен, используется один поток.", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "Счетчик параллелизма", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "Введите степень параллелизма (число потоков, используемых для копирования). Допустимые значения: от 1 до 128 включительно.", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Публикация артефактов из агента Linux или macOS в общей папке не поддерживается. Измените тип артефакта на \"Azure Pipelines или TFS\" или используйте агент Windows.", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Эта задача должна выполняться в сборке для публикации артефактов в Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "Публикация артефактов из агента Linux или macOS в общей папке не поддерживается. Измените тип артефакта на \"Azure Pipelines\" или используйте агент Windows.", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "Эта задача должна выполняться в сборке для публикации артефактов в Azure Pipelines.", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "Сбой публикации артефактов сборки с ошибкой: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "Неподдерживаемое значение счетчика параллелизма \"%s\". Введите число от 1 до 128." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 67cd9b249afe..0e0982387649 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "发布生成项目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "将生成项目发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 或文件共享", + "loc.description": "将生成项目发布到 Azure Pipelines 或 Windows 文件共享", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布项目: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "要发布的路径", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "要发布的文件夹或文件路径。这可以是一个完全限定的路径或一个相对于存储库的根的路径。不支持通配符。支持 [变量](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。例如: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "项目名称", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "要在发布位置中创建的项目的名称。", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "项目发布位置", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "选择是否在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中存储项目,或者是否将其复制到必须可从生成代理访问的文件共享中。", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "选择是否在 Azure Pipelines 中存储项目,或者是否将其复制到必须可从生成代理访问的文件共享中。", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "文件共享路径", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "项目文件将复制到的文件共享。这可包括变量。示例: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber)。不支持将项目从 Linux 或 macOS 代理发布到文件共享。", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "并行复制", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "选择是否要使用多个线程并行复制文件以获得更大的潜在吞吐量。如果未启用此设置,将使用一个线程。", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "并行计数", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "输入执行复制的并行度或所使用的线程数。该值必须至少为 1 且不能大于 128。", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "不支持将项目从 Linux 或 macOS 代理发布到文件共享。将项目类型更改为 \"Azure Pipelines/TFS\" 或使用 Windows 代理。", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "此任务必须在生成中运行,以将项目发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "不支持将项目从 Linux 或 macOS 代理发布到文件共享。请将项目类型更改为 `Azure Pipelines` 或使用 Windows 代理。", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "此任务必须在生成中运行,以将项目发布到 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "发布生成项目失败,出现错误: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "并行计数“%s”不受支持。输入介于 1 到 128 之间的数字。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a3039aea2662..dfbee5307c85 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "發行組建成品", + "loc.friendlyName": "發佈組建成品", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=708390)", - "loc.description": "將組建成品發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS 或檔案共用", + "loc.description": "將組建成品發行至 Azure Pipelines 或 Windows 檔案共用", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行成品: $(ArtifactName)", "loc.input.label.PathtoPublish": "要發行的路徑", "loc.input.help.PathtoPublish": "要發佈的資料夾或檔案路徑。可為完整路徑或與存放庫根路徑相關的路徑。不支援萬用字元。支援[變數](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。範例: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)", "loc.input.label.ArtifactName": "成品名稱", "loc.input.help.ArtifactName": "要在發佈位置建立的成品名稱。", "loc.input.label.ArtifactType": "成品發佈位置", - "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "選擇要在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中儲存成品,還是將成品複製到必須可透過組建代理程式存取的檔案共用。", + "loc.input.help.ArtifactType": "選擇要在 Azure Pipelines 中儲存成品,還是將成品複製到必須可透過組建代理程式存取的檔案共用。", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "檔案共用路徑", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "成品檔案所要複製到的檔案共用。此項目可包含變數。範例: \\\\\\\\my\\\\share\\\\$(Build.DefinitionName)\\\\$(Build.BuildNumber)。不支援從 Linux 或 macOS 代理程式將成品發佈至檔案共用。", "loc.input.label.Parallel": "平行複製", "loc.input.help.Parallel": "選取是否要使用多重執行緒平行複製檔案,以追求更高的輸送量。若此設定未啟用,則只會使用一個執行緒。", "loc.input.label.ParallelCount": "平行計數", "loc.input.help.ParallelCount": "輸入平行處理的程度或使用的執行緒數量,以執行複製。該值必須至少為 1 且不大於 128。", - "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "不支援將成品從 Linux 或 macOS 代理程式發行到檔案共用。請將成品類型變更為 [Azure Pipelines/TFS] 或使用 Windows 代理程式。", - "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "此工作必須在組建中執行才能將成品發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFileShareLinux": "不支援將成品從 Linux 或 macOS 代理程式發佈到檔案共用。請將成品類型變更為 `Azure Pipelines` 或使用 Windows 代理程式。", + "loc.messages.ErrorHostTypeNotSupported": "此工作必須在組建中執行才能將成品發佈至 Azure Pipelines。", "loc.messages.PublishBuildArtifactsFailed": "發行組建成品失敗,錯誤: %s", "loc.messages.UnexpectedParallelCount": "不支援的平行計數 '%s'。請輸入介於 1 到 128 之間的數字。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.json b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.json index 22f2694f569c..17eb8ba0fd02 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.loc.json index 691d64723f74..148db31951a2 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishBuildArtifactsV1/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.91.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 420082d87d26..59239f9618cd 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "Das Tool, mit dem die Code Coverage-Ergebnisse generiert werden.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "Zusammenfassungsdatei", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "Der Pfad der Zusammenfassungsdatei mit der Code Coverage-Statistik, z. B. Zeile, Methode und Klassenabdeckung. Der Wert enthält unter Umständen Minimatch-Muster. Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml\"", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "Pfad zu Quelldateien", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "Der Pfad zu den Quelldateien ist erforderlich, wenn Coverage-XML-Berichte keinen absoluten Pfad zu den Quelldateien enthalten. Beispielsweise verwenden JaCoCo-Berichte keine absoluten Pfade, und beim Veröffentlichen der JaCoCo-Coveragedaten für Java-Apps würde das Muster in etwa folgendermaßen lauten: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/\".
    diese Eingabe ist auch erforderlich, wenn Tests in einem Docker-Container ausgeführt werden. Diese Eingabe muss auf den absoluten Pfad zu den Quelldateien auf dem Host zeigen. Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/\"", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "Berichtsverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "Der Pfad des Code Coverage-HTML-Berichtsverzeichnisses. Das Berichtsverzeichnis wird als Artefakt des Builds zum späteren Anzeigen veröffentlicht. Der Wert enthält unter Umständen Minimatch-Muster. Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "Weitere Dateien", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "Fehlschlagen der Aufgabe festlegen, wenn die Code Coverage keine Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen ergeben hat.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "%s Ergebnis(se) gefunden, die dem Muster: %s entsprechen", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "Mehrere Datei- oder Verzeichnisübereinstimmungen gefunden. Die erste Übereinstimmung wird verwendet: %s.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "Installieren Sie .NET Core, um das automatische Generieren von HTML-Berichten zu aktivieren.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "Fehler beim Generieren des HTML-Berichts. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "Das Code Coverage-Berichtsverzeichnis mit HTML-Inhalt wird ignoriert, weil HTML-Inhalte automatisch generiert werden.", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "Führen Sie ein Upgrade Ihrer Agent-Version durch. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "Generierter Code Coverage-HTML-Bericht: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index b23bd0ff5c5a..baca99f29d69 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "Herramienta con la que se generan los resultados de cobertura de código.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "Archivo de resumen", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "Ruta de acceso del archivo de resumen que contiene estadísticas de cobertura de código, como línea, método y cobertura de clase. El valor puede contener patrones minimatch. Por ejemplo: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml\"", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "Ruta de acceso a los archivos de origen", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "Se requiere la ruta de acceso a los archivos de código fuente cuando los informes XML de cobertura no contienen la ruta de acceso absoluta a dichos archivos. Por ejemplo, los informes de JaCoCo no usan rutas de acceso absolutas y, al publicar la cobertura de JaCoCo para las aplicaciones Java, el patrón sería similar a \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/\".
    También se necesita esta entrada si las pruebas se ejecutan en un contenedor de Docker. La entrada debe apuntar a una ruta de acceso absoluta a los archivos de código fuente en el host. Por ejemplo, \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/\".", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "Directorio de informes", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "Ruta de acceso del directorio de informes HTML de cobertura de código. El directorio de informes se publica para verlo después como artefacto de la compilación. El valor puede contener patrones minimatch. Por ejemplo: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura\"", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "Archivos adicionales", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "Error de tarea si la cobertura de código no produjo resultados para publicar.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "Se encontraron %s resultados coincidentes con el patrón: %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "Se encontraron varios archivos o directorios coincidentes. Se usará la primera coincidencia: %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "Instale dotnet core para habilitar la generación automática de informes HTML.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "No se pudo generar el informe HTML. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "Se ignora el directorio de informes de cobertura con contenido HTML, ya que se genera contenido HTML automáticamente", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "Actualice la versión del agente. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "Informe HTML de cobertura de código generado: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index ccd1950c7313..6c4aeb1cccea 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "Outil de génération des résultats de couverture du code.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "Fichier récapitulatif", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "Chemin du fichier récapitulatif contenant les statistiques de couverture du code, par exemple la couverture de ligne, de méthode et de classe. La valeur peut contenir des modèles minimatch. Exemple : '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml'", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "Chemin des fichiers sources", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "Le chemin des fichiers sources est obligatoire quand les rapports XML de couverture ne contiennent pas le chemin absolu des fichiers sources. Par exemple, les rapports JaCoCo n'utilisent pas de chemins absolus, et durant la publication de la couverture JaCoCo pour les applications Java, le modèle est similaire à '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/'.
    Cette entrée est également nécessaire si les tests sont exécutés dans un conteneur Docker. Cette entrée doit pointer vers le chemin absolu des fichiers sources sur l'hôte. Exemple : '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/'", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "Répertoire de rapports", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "Chemin du répertoire des rapports HTML de couverture du code. Le répertoire des rapports est publié pour être affiché plus tard en tant qu'artefact de la build. La valeur peut contenir des modèles minimatch. Exemple : '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura'", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "Fichiers supplémentaires", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "Échec de la tâche si la couverture du code ne produit aucun résultat à publier.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "%s résultat(s) correspondant au modèle %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "Plusieurs fichiers ou répertoires correspondants ont été trouvés. Utilisation de la première correspondance : %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "Installez dotnet core pour activer la génération automatique du rapport HTML.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "Échec de la génération du rapport HTML. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "Le répertoire du rapport de couverture au format HTML est ignoré, car nous générons automatiquement le contenu HTML", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "Mettez à niveau votre version d'agent. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "Rapport HTML de couverture du code généré : %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d8d189481cfa..87ede7f254fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "Strumento con cui vengono generati i risultati del code coverage.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "File di riepilogo", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "Percorso del file di riepilogo che contiene le statistiche di code coverage, ad esempio relative alla coverage di righe, metodi e classi. Il valore può contenere criteri di corrispondenza minima, ad esempio: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml`", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "Percorso dei file di origine", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "Il percorso dei file di origine è obbligatorio quando i report XML di code coverage non contengono il percorso assoluto dei file di origine. Ad esempio, i report JaCoCo non usano percorsi assoluti e quando si pubblicano le informazioni di code coverage JaCoCo per le app Java, il percorso sarà simile a `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/`.
    Questo valore di input è necessario anche se i test vengono eseguiti in un contenitore Docker e deve puntare al percorso assoluto dei file di origine nell'host, ad esempio `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/`", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "Directory dei report", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "Percorso della directory dei report HTML di code coverage. La directory dei report viene pubblicata come artefatto di compilazione per la visualizzazione in un secondo momento. Il valore può contenere criteri di corrispondenza minima, ad esempio: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura`", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "File aggiuntivi", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "Non esegue l'attività se il code coverage non ha prodotto risultati da pubblicare.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "Sono stati trovati %s risultato/i corrispondenti al criterio: %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "Sono state trovate più corrispondenze relative a file o directory. Verrà usata la prima corrispondenza: %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "Installare .NET Core per abilitare la generazione automatica del report HTML.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "Non è stato possibile generare il report HTML. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "La directory dei report di code coverage con contenuto HTML verrà ignorata perché il contenuto HTML viene generato automaticamente", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "Aggiornare la versione dell'agente. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "Il report HTML di code coverage è stato generato: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 97ec4bf1d4a5..f0d35c21f42d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "コード カバレッジ結果が生成されるツール。", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "概要ファイル", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "行、メソッド、クラス カバレッジなどのコード カバレッジ統計を含む概要ファイルのパス。この値には minimatch パターンを指定できます。たとえば、`$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml` と指定します", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "ソース ファイルへのパス", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "カバレッジ XML レポートにソース ファイルへの絶対パスが含まれていない場合は、ソース ファイルへのパスが必要です。例: JaCoCo レポートでは絶対パスは使用されず、Java アプリの JaCoCo カバレッジを発行する場合、パターンは `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/` のようになります。
    この入力は、テストが Docker コンテナーで実行されている場合にも必要です。この入力は、ホスト上のソース ファイルへの絶対パスを指している必要があります。例: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/`", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "レポート ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "コード カバレッジ HTML レポート ディレクトリのパス。レポート ディレクトリは後で表示できるようにビルドの成果物として発行されます。この値には minimatch パターンを指定できます。たとえば、`$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura` と指定します", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "追加ファイル", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "コード カバレッジが発行する結果を生成しないと、タスクは失敗します。", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "%s 件の結果がパターン %s に一致するものとして見つかりました", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "ファイルまたはディレクトリの一致が複数見つかりました。最初の一致 %s を使用しています", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "HTML レポートの自動生成を有効にするには、dotnet core をインストールしてください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "HTML レポートを生成できませんでした。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "HTML コンテンツが自動的に生成されているため、HTML コンテンツを含むカバレッジ レポート ディレクトリが無視されています", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "エージェントのバージョンをアップグレードしてください。https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "生成されたコード カバレッジ HTML レポート: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3256c2731f06..20e6b72a600d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "코드 검사 결과를 생성하는 데 사용하는 도구입니다.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "요약 파일", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "줄, 메서드, 클래스 검사 등의 코드 검사 통계가 포함된 요약 파일의 경로입니다. 값에는 minimatch 패턴이 포함될 수 있습니다. 예: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml`", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "소스 파일의 경로", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "검사 XML 보고서에 소스 파일의 절대 경로가 없는 경우 소스 파일의 경로가 필요합니다. 예를 들어 JaCoCo 보고서에서는 절대 경로를 사용하지 않으므로, Java 앱에 대한 JaCoCo 검사를 게시할 때의 패턴은 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/'와 비슷합니다.
    Docker 컨테이너에서 테스트를 실행하는 경우에도 이러한 입력이 필요합니다. 이 입력은 호스트에 있는 소스 파일의 절대 경로를 가리켜야 합니다. 예: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/'", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "보고서 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "코드 검사 HTML 보고서 디렉터리의 경로입니다. 보고서 디렉터리는 나중에 빌드의 아티팩트로 보기 위해 게시됩니다. 값에는 minimatch 패턴이 포함될 수 있습니다. 예: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura`", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "추가 파일", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "코드 검사에서 게시할 결과를 생성하지 않은 경우 작업에 실패합니다.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "%s개의 결과가 패턴 %s과(와) 일치합니다.", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "여러 개의 파일 또는 디렉터리가 일치합니다. 처음 일치 %s을(를) 사용하는 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "HTML 보고서를 자동 생성하려면 dotnet core를 설치하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "HTML 보고서를 생성하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "HTML 콘텐츠가 포함되는 검사 보고서 디렉터리를 무시하고 HTML 콘텐츠를 자동 생성하는 중", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "에이전트 버전을 업그레이드하세요. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "생성된 코드 검사 HTML 보고서: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 412fb1aac3ac..ce9d739c1718 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Опубликовать результаты оценки объемов протестированного кода", + "loc.friendlyName": "Опубликовать результаты оценки объема протестированного кода", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=626485)", "loc.description": "Опубликовать результаты оценки объема протестированного кода Cobertura или JaCoCo для сборки", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Опубликовать объем протестированного кода из $(summaryFileLocation)", @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "Средство, с помощью которого создаются результаты объема протестированного кода.", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "Файл сводки", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "Путь к файлу сводки, который содержит статистику объема протестированного кода, например для строк, методов и классов. Значение может содержать шаблоны minimatch. Пример: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml\"", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "Путь к исходным файлам", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "Путь к исходным файлам обязателен, если XML-отчеты об объеме протестированного кода не содержат абсолютный путь к исходным файлам. Например, в отчетах JaCoCo не используются абсолютные пути, и при публикации объема протестированного кода JaCoCo для приложений Java этот шаблон будет похож на \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/\".
    Эти входные данные также необходимы, если тесты выполняются в контейнере Docker. Эти входные данные должны указывать на абсолютный путь к исходным файлам на узле. Например, \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/\"", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "Каталог отчета", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "Путь к каталогу отчетов HTML об объеме протестированного кода. Каталог отчетов опубликован для более позднего просмотра как артефакт сборки. Значение может содержать шаблоны minimatch. Пример: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura\"", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "Дополнительные файлы", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "Происходит сбой задачи, если объем протестированного кода не создает результаты для публикации.", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "Найдены результаты (%s), соответствующие шаблону: %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "Найдены совпадения в нескольких файлах или каталогах. Используется первое совпадение: %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены." + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "Установите dotnet core, чтобы включить автоматическое создание HTML-отчета.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "Не удалось создать HTML-отчет. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "Пропускается каталог отчетов об объеме протестированного кода с HTML-содержимым, так как HTML-содержимое создается автоматически", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "Обновите версию агента. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "Создан HTML-отчет об объеме протестированного кода: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index dd7e53ad4e9b..3349ee18234b 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "用于生成代码覆盖率结果的工具。", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "摘要文件", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "摘要文件的路径,该文件包含代码覆盖率统计信息,如行、方法和类覆盖率。其值可能包含 minimatch 模式。例如: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml`", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "源文件的路径", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "当覆盖率 XML 报表不包含源文件的绝对路径时,需要源文件的路径。例如,JaCoCo 报表不使用绝对路径,当发布 Java 应用的 JaCoCo 覆盖率时,模式将与 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/` 类似。
    如果在 docker 容器中运行测试,则也需要此输入。此输入应指向主机上源文件的绝对路径。例如 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/`", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "报表目录", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "代码覆盖率 HTML 报表目录的路径。已发布报表目录,稍后可作为生成的项目查看。其值可能包含 minimatch 模式。例如: `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura`", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "其他文件", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "如果代码覆盖率未产生任何可发布的结果,任务将失败。", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "找到 %s 个结果匹配模式: %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "找到多个文件或目录匹配项。将使用首次匹配: %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "请安装 dotnet core 以允许自动生成 HTML 报表。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "未能生成 HTML 报表。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "忽略包含 HTML 内容的覆盖率报表目录,因为我们是自动生成 HTML 内容", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "请升级代理版本。https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "生成的代码覆盖率 HTML 报表: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a8ad307892a7..149a2372fbb4 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "發行程式碼涵蓋範圍結果", + "loc.friendlyName": "發佈程式碼涵蓋範圍結果", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=626485)", "loc.description": "發行組建中的 Cobertura 或 JaCoCo 程式碼涵蓋範圍結果", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行 $(summaryFileLocation) 中的程式碼涵蓋範圍", @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ "loc.input.help.codeCoverageTool": "用以產生程式碼涵蓋範圍結果的工具。", "loc.input.label.summaryFileLocation": "摘要檔案", "loc.input.help.summaryFileLocation": "摘要檔案的路徑。該摘要檔案包含程式碼涵蓋範圍統計資料,例如折線圖、方法及類別涵蓋範圍。此值可包含 minimatch 格式。例如 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura/coverage.xml'", + "loc.input.label.pathToSources": "來源檔案的路徑", + "loc.input.help.pathToSources": "當涵蓋範圍 XML 報告未包含來源檔案的絕對路徑時,來源檔案的路徑即為必要項。舉例來說,JaCoCo 並未使用絕對路徑,則在為 Java 應用程式發佈 JaCoCo 涵蓋範圍時,模式會相似於 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/src/main/java/`。
    如果測試是在 Docker 容器中執行的,則此輸出亦為必要項。這個輸出應會在主機上指向來源檔案的絕對路徑。例如 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/`", "loc.input.label.reportDirectory": "報告目錄", "loc.input.help.reportDirectory": "程式碼涵蓋範圍 HTML 報表目錄的路徑。此報表目錄會發行為組建成品,供之後檢視用。例如 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/MyApp/**/site/cobertura'", "loc.input.label.additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "其他檔案", @@ -15,5 +17,10 @@ "loc.input.help.failIfCoverageEmpty": "若程式碼涵蓋範圍並未產生任何可發行結果,則工作會失敗。", "loc.messages.FoundNMatchesForPattern": "找到 %s 個結果符合格式: %s", "loc.messages.MultipleSummaryFilesFound": "找到多個相符的檔案或目錄。將使用第一個相符項目: %s", - "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。" + "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。", + "loc.messages.InstallDotNetCoreForHtmlReport": "請安裝 dotnet core 以啟用 HTML 報告的自動產生。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateHtmlReport": "無法產生 Html 報告。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.IgnoringReportDirectory": "在我們自動產生 Html 內容時,忽略 Html 內容的涵蓋範圍報告目錄", + "loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage": "請升級代理程式版本。https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", + "loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport": "已產生程式碼涵蓋範圍 HTML 報告: %s" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.json b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.json index 3ccb5371ec64..e97f54c151c3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", @@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ "UpgradeAgentMessage": "Please upgrade your agent version. https://github.com/Microsoft/vsts-agent/releases", "GeneratedHtmlReport": "Generated code coverage html report: %s" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.loc.json index 450f048afeb1..f00a4c14806a 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishCodeCoverageResultsV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 2 + "Patch": 3 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", @@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ "UpgradeAgentMessage": "ms-resource:loc.messages.UpgradeAgentMessage", "GeneratedHtmlReport": "ms-resource:loc.messages.GeneratedHtmlReport" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b0313eab3276..c115e1e9450c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Pipelineartefakt veröffentlichen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Veröffentlichen Sie ein lokales Verzeichnis oder eine Datei als ein benanntes Artefakt für die aktuelle Pipeline.", - "loc.description": "Pipelineartefakt veröffentlichen", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein lokales Verzeichnis oder eine Datei als benanntes Artefakt für die aktuelle Pipeline veröffentlicht.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pipelineartefakt veröffentlichen", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Der Name dieses Artefakts.", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Der Name dieses Artefakts.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1676d7d2a9ba..52745337f454 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar artefacto de canalización", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Publique un archivo o directorio local como artefacto con nombre para la canalización actual.", - "loc.description": "Publicar artefacto de canalización", + "loc.description": "Publique un archivo o directorio local como artefacto con nombre para la canalización actual.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar artefacto de canalización", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nombre del artefacto", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nombre de este artefacto.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 38f88e3e32eb..5a85444a4fd4 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publier l'artefact de pipeline", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publier un artefact de pipeline", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Publiez un répertoire ou un fichier local en tant qu'artefact nommé pour le pipeline actuel.", - "loc.description": "Publier l'artefact de pipeline", + "loc.description": "Publier un répertoire ou un fichier local en tant qu'artefact nommé pour le pipeline actuel", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publier l'artefact de pipeline", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nom de cet artefact", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nom de cet artefact.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d2b0a3bd3bdb..a0dee4834e68 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica l'artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica artefatto della pipeline", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Consente di pubblicare una directory locale o un file come artefatto denominato per la pipeline corrente.", - "loc.description": "Pubblica l'artefatto della pipeline", + "loc.description": "Consente di pubblicare una directory locale o un file come artefatto denominato per la pipeline corrente", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pubblica l'artefatto della pipeline", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Nome di questo artefatto", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Nome di questo artefatto.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 96d2733f3038..1c71bac1f041 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "パイプラインの成果物を発行します", + "loc.friendlyName": "パイプライン成果物の発行", "loc.helpMarkDown": "ローカル ディレクトリまたはファイルを、現在のパイプラインの名前付き成果物として発行します。", - "loc.description": "パイプラインの成果物を発行します", + "loc.description": "ローカル ディレクトリまたはファイルを、現在のパイプラインの名前付き成果物として発行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パイプラインの成果物を発行します", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "この成果物の名前", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "この成果物の名前。", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e6bc1dbb6f14..84e0bc040031 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "파이프라인 아티팩트 게시", "loc.helpMarkDown": "로컬 디렉터리 또는 파일을 현재 파이프라인에 대한 명명된 아티팩트로 게시합니다.", - "loc.description": "파이프라인 아티팩트 게시", + "loc.description": "로컬 디렉터리 또는 파일을 현재 파이프라인의 명명된 아티팩트로 게시합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "파이프라인 아티팩트 게시", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "이 아티팩트의 이름", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "이 아티팩트의 이름입니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 32665bc989e7..0c8e4a7211c4 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Публикация артефакта конвейера", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Опубликуйте локальный каталог или файл в качестве именованного артефакта для текущего конвейера.", - "loc.description": "Публикация артефакта конвейера", + "loc.description": "Опубликуйте локальный каталог или файл в качестве именованного артефакта для текущего конвейера", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Публикация артефакта конвейера", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "Имя этого артефакта", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "Имя этого артефакта.", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d7949c65fd91..5c6018e2257f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "发布管道项目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "将本地目录或文件作为当前管道的命名项目进行发布。", - "loc.description": "发布管道项目", + "loc.description": "将本地目录或文件作为当前管道的已命名项目进行发布", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布管道项目", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "此项目的名称", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "此项目的名称。", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 85980b5105e2..4c47d8a46714 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishPipelineArtifactV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "發行管線成品", "loc.helpMarkDown": "將本機目錄或檔案發行為目前管線的具名成品。", - "loc.description": "發行管線成品", + "loc.description": "將本機目錄或檔案發行為目前管線的具名成品", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行管線成品", "loc.input.label.artifactName": "成品的名稱", "loc.input.help.artifactName": "成品的名稱。", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 4cbc4c6dd8a1..f87973ed3c5b 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Quellen indizieren und Symbole veröffentlichen", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Weitere Informationen zur Verwendung dieser Aufgabe finden Sie [hier](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722).", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird Ihr Quellcode indiziert, und Symbole werden in einer Dateifreigabe oder auf einem Azure Artifacts-Symbolserver veröffentlicht.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pfad für Symbolveröffentlichung", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "Pfad zum Symbolordner", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "Symbole veröffentlichen", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "Gibt an, ob die Symboldateien veröffentlicht werden sollen.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "Symbolservertyp", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Wählen Sie den Ort für die Veröffentlichung von Symbolen aus. Auf dem Azure Artifacts-Symbolserver veröffentlichte Symbole sind für alle Benutzer mit Zugriff auf die Organisation/Sammlung zugänglich. Azure DevOps Server unterstützt nur die Option \"Dateifreigabe\". Befolgen Sie [diese Anweisungen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265), um Symbolserver in Azure Artifacts zu verwenden.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "Pfad zum Veröffentlichen von Symbolen", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "Die Dateifreigabe, in der Ihre Symbole gehostet werden. Dieser Wert wird im Aufruf von \"symstore.exe add\" als Parameter \"/s\" verwendet.", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "Symbole komprimieren", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 0f6ec1e54f44..ff2b790a67dd 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Indexar orígenes y publicar símbolos", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "Indexar código fuente y publicar símbolos", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Vea [más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) acerca de cómo usar esta tarea.", + "loc.description": "Indexe el código fuente y publique los símbolos en un recurso compartido de archivos o en el servidor de símbolos de Azure Artifacts.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar ruta de acceso de símbolos", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "Ruta de acceso a la carpeta de los símbolos", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "Publicar símbolos", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "Indica si deben publicarse los archivos de símbolos.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "Tipo de servidor de símbolos", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Elija dónde deben publicarse los símbolos. Todo usuario con acceso a la organización o colección puede acceder a los símbolos publicados en el servidor de sí­mbolos de Azure Artifacts. Azure DevOps Server solo admite la opción \"Recurso compartido de archivos\". Siga [estas instrucciones](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) para usar el servidor de símbolos en Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "Ruta de acceso para publicar símbolos", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "El recurso compartido de archivos que hospeda los símbolos. Este valor se usa en la llamada a \"symstore.exe add\" como parámetro \"/s\".", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "Comprimir símbolos", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index d0b1d60c00d8..e4d8376125fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Indexer les sources et publier les symboles", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "Indexer des sources et publier des symboles", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Consultez [les informations supplémentaires ](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) sur l'utilisation de cette tâche.", + "loc.description": "Indexer du code source et publier des symboles sur un partage de fichiers ou un serveur de symboles Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Chemin de publication des symboles", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "Chemin d'accès du dossier de symboles", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "Publier les symboles", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "Indique si les fichiers de symboles doivent être publiés.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "Type de serveur de symboles", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choisissez l'emplacement de publication des symboles. Les symboles publiés sur le serveur de symboles Azure Artifacts sont accessibles à tous les utilisateurs ayant accès à l'organisation/la collection. Azure DevOps Server prend en charge uniquement l'option Partage de fichiers. Suivez [ces instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) pour utiliser le serveur de symboles dans Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "Chemin d'accès pour publier les symboles", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "Partage de fichiers qui héberge vos symboles. Cette valeur est utilisée dans l'appel de 'symstore.exe add' sous la forme du paramètre '/s'.", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "Compresser les symboles", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 727d28516b3c..ea755767daf3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Indicizza origini e pubblica simboli", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni sull'uso di questa attività, vedere [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722).", + "loc.description": "Consente di indicizzare il codice sorgente e di pubblicare i simboli in una condivisione file o in server dei simboli di Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Percorso di pubblicazione simboli", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "Percorso della cartella dei simboli", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "Pubblica simboli", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "Indica se pubblicare i file di simboli.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "Tipo di server dei simboli", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Consente di scegliere dove pubblicare i simboli. I simboli pubblicati nel server dei simboli di Azure Artifacts sono accessibili a qualsiasi utente con accesso all'organizzazione o alla raccolta. Azure DevOps Server supporta solo l'opzione \"Condivisione file\". Seguire [queste istruzioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) per usare il server dei simboli in Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "Percorso per la pubblicazione dei simboli", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "Condivisione file che ospita i simboli. Questo valore verrà usato nella chiamata a `symstore.exe add` come parametro `/s`.", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "Comprimi simboli", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 9adbe2b6b7ef..506abc7cfabc 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "ソースのインデックス作成およびシンボルの発行", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "ソースのインデックス作成とシンボルの発行", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクの使用方法については、[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722)を参照してください。", + "loc.description": "ソース コードにインデックスを作成し、シンボルをファイル共有または Azure Artifacts シンボル サーバーに発行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "シンボル パスを発行する", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "シンボル フォルダーへのパス", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "シンボルを発行する", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "シンボル ファイルを発行するかどうかを示します。", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "シンボル サーバーの種類", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "シンボルを発行する場所を選択します。Azure Artifacts シンボル サーバーに発行されたシンボルには、組織/コレクションにアクセスできるユーザーなら誰でもアクセスできます。Azure DevOps Server は、\"ファイル共有\" オプションのみをサポートしています。Azure Artifacts でシンボル サーバーを使用するには、[こちらの手順](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265)に従ってください。", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "シンボルを発行するためのパス", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "使用しているシンボルをホストするファイル共有。この値は、`/s` パラメーターとして `symstore.exe add` への呼び出しで使用されます。", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "シンボルを圧縮する", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 86b754ddd937..8a54e95f8e1c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "소스 인덱싱 및 기호 게시 ", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "소스 인덱싱 및 기호 게시", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업을 사용하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722)를 참조하세요.", + "loc.description": "소스 코드를 인덱싱하고 파일 공유 또는 Azure Artifacts 기호 서버에 기호를 게시합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "기호 경로 게시", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "기호 폴더 경로", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "기호 게시", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "기호 파일을 게시할지 여부를 나타냅니다.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "기호 서버 유형", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "기호를 게시할 위치를 선택합니다. Azure Artifacts 기호 서버에 게시된 기호는 조직/컬렉션에 대한 액세스 권한이 있는 모든 사용자가 액세스할 수 있습니다. Azure DevOps Server는 \"파일 공유\" 옵션만 지원합니다. Azure Artifacts의 기호 서버를 사용하려면 [이 지침](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265)을 따르세요.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "기호를 게시할 경로", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "기호를 호스트하는 파일 공유입니다. 이 값은 `symstore.exe add`에 대한 호출에서 `/s` 매개 변수로 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "기호 압축", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 79bc003ef298..2ec43a068320 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Индексация исходного кода и публикация символов", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "Индексация источников и публикация символов", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Сведения об использовании этой задачи см. [здесь](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722).", + "loc.description": "Индексация исходного кода и публикация символов в общей папке или на сервере символов Azure Artifacts", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Путь публикации символов", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "Путь к папке символов", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "Публикация символов", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "Указывает, следует ли публиковать файлы символов.", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "Тип сервера символов", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Выбор места для публикации символов. Символы, опубликованные на сервере символов Azure Artifacts, доступны любому пользователю с доступом к организации или коллекции. Azure DevOps Server поддерживает только параметр \"Общая папка\". См. [инструкции](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) по использованию сервера символов в Azure Artifacts.", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "Путь для публикации символов", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "Общая папка, в которой размещаются ваши символы. Это значение будет использоваться для параметра \"/s\" в вызове команды \"symstore.exe add\".", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "Сжать символы", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e5d8df238da4..c41ac4a85ada 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "为源编制索引并发布符号", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "请参阅[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722),了解如何使用此任务。", + "loc.description": "为你的源代码编制索引并将符号发布到文件共享或 Azure Artifacts 符号服务器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布符号路径", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "符号文件夹的路径", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "发布符号", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "指示是否发布符号文件。", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "符号服务器类型", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "选择发布符号的位置。任何具有组织/集合访问权限的用户都可以访问发布到 Azure Artifacts 符号服务器的符号。Azure DevOps Server 仅支持“文件共享”选项。请按照[这些说明](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265)使用 Azure Artifacts 中的符号服务器。", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "发布符号的路径", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "承载符号的文件共享。此值将在对 \"symstore.exe add\" 的调用中用作 \"/s\" 参数。", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "压缩符号", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e8523d5b19f9..8274be8c7e5d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "編製來源索引及發行符號", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "See [more information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722) on how to use this task.", - "loc.description": "Index your source code and publish symbols to a file share or Azure Artifacts Symbol Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "索引來源和發佈符號", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "請參閱[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613722)來了解如何使用此工作。", + "loc.description": "編製原始程式碼的索引,並將符號發佈至檔案共用或 Azure Artifacts 符號伺服器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行符號路徑", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.SymbolsFolder": "符號資料夾的路徑", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.label.PublishSymbols": "發行符號", "loc.input.help.PublishSymbols": "指出是否發行符號檔。", "loc.input.label.SymbolServerType": "符號伺服器類型", - "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "Choose where to publish symbols. Symbols published to the Azure Artifacts Symbol Server are accessible by any user with access to the organization/collection. Azure DevOps Server only supports the \"File share\" option. Follow [these instructions](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) to use Symbol Server in Azure Artifacts.", + "loc.input.help.SymbolServerType": "選擇發佈符號的位置。發佈到 Azure Artifacts 符號伺服器的符號可供具有組織/集合存取權的任何使用者存取。Azure DevOps Server 只支援 [檔案共用] 選項。請遵循 [這些指示](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846265) 使用 Azure Artifacts 中的符號伺服器。", "loc.input.label.SymbolsPath": "發行符號的路徑", "loc.input.help.SymbolsPath": "裝載符號的檔案共用。此值會用於 `symstore.exe add` 的呼叫中當成 `/s` 參數。", "loc.input.label.CompressSymbols": "壓縮符號", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.json b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.json index 341355083a6d..6465559f318e 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 15 + "Patch": 16 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.loc.json index 9338a0ddef24..aa25ca7a33b6 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishSymbolsV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 15 + "Patch": 16 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..db5b929d0409 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "Testergebnisse veröffentlichen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Testergebnisse $(testResultsFiles) veröffentlichen", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Testergebnisformat", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Das Format der Testergebnisdateien, die vom ausgewählten Test Runner generiert werden, z. B. \"JUnit\", \"VSTest\", \"XUnit V2\" und \"NUnit\".", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden. Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Testergebnisse zusammenführen", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um Ergebnisse aus allen Testergebnisdateien zu einem Testlauf in Azure Pipelines zu mergen. Deaktivieren Sie diese Option, um für jede Testergebnisdatei einen eigenen Testlauf zu erstellen.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Geben Sie einen Namen für den Testlauf an.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plattform", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plattform, für die die Tests ausgeführt wurden", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Konfiguration", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Konfiguration, für die die Tests ausgeführt wurden", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Testanlagen hochladen", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Veröffentlichen von Anlagen auf Testlaufebene abonnieren oder kündigen." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..b40999e46e64 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar resultados de pruebas", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "Publicar resultados de pruebas en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar resultados de pruebas $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Formato del resultado de la prueba", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato de los archivos de resultados de pruebas generados por el ejecutor de pruebas de su elección; por ejemplo, JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 y NUnit.", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso de los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Puede usar caracteres comodín. Por ejemplo, '**\\*TEST-*.xml' para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Combinar los resultados de la prueba", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Seleccione esta opción para combinar los resultados de todos los archivos de resultados de pruebas en una única serie de pruebas de Azure Pipelines. No la seleccione para crear una serie de pruebas por cada archivo de resultados de pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Proporcione un nombre para la serie de pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plataforma", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plataforma para la que se ejecutaron las pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuración", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuración para la que se ejecutan las pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Cargar datos adjuntos de prueba", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Optar por participar/no participar en la publicación de datos adjuntos a nivel de serie de pruebas." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..6eaccf4064bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publier les résultats des tests", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "Publier les résultats des tests sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publier les résultats de test $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Format des résultats des tests", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format des fichiers de résultats de test générés par le Test Runner de votre choix, par ex., JUnit, VSTest, XUnit, V2 et NUnit.", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers des résultats des tests", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin d'accès aux fichiers de résultats de test. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers xml dont le nom commence par TEST-.", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Fusionner les résultats des tests", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Pour fusionner les résultats de tous les fichiers de résultats des tests en une seule série de tests dans Azure Pipelines, cochez cette option. Pour créer une série de tests pour chaque fichier de résultats des tests, décochez cette option.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de l'exécution du test", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Indiquez le nom de la série de tests.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plateforme", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plateforme pour laquelle les tests ont été exécutés.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration pour laquelle les tests ont été exécutés.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Charger les pièces jointes du test", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Acceptation/refus de la publication des pièces jointes de la série de tests." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..efba5871f1e6 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica risultati del test", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "Pubblica i risultati dei test in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pubblica risultati del test $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Formato dei risultati test", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato dei file dei risultati del test generati con il test runner scelto, ad esempio JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 e NUnit.", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-.", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Unisci risultati del test", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per unire i risultati di tutti i file di risultati del test in un'unica esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines. Deselezionarla per creare un'esecuzione dei test per ogni file di risultati del test.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo esecuzione dei test", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Consente di specificare un nome per l'esecuzione dei test.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Piattaforma", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Piattaforma per cui sono stati eseguiti i test.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configurazione per cui sono stati eseguiti i test.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Carica allegati del test", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Consente di acconsentire o rifiutare esplicitamente la pubblicazione degli allegati a livello di esecuzione dei test." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..2f8156a65aee 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "テスト結果を発行する", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "テスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "テスト結果の発行 $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "テスト結果の形式", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "選んだテスト ランナーによって生成されるテスト結果ファイルの形式。たとえば、JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2、NUnit など。", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果のファイル", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます。たとえば、名前が \"TEST-\" で始まるすべての xml ファイルの場合は `**/TEST-*.xml` です。", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "テスト結果の結合", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "すべてのテスト結果ファイルの結果を Azure Pipelines での 1 つのテスト実行に結合するには、このオプションをオンにします。テスト結果ファイルごとにテスト実行を作成するには、このオプションをオフにします。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テスト実行のタイトル", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "テスト実行の名前を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "プラットフォーム", + "loc.input.help.platform": "テストの実行対象となったプラットフォーム。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "構成", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "テストの実行対象となった構成。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "テストの添付ファイルのアップロード", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "テスト実行レベルの添付ファイルの発行に関するオプトイン/オプトアウト。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..f6034f7dc2ed 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "테스트 결과 게시", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "테스트 결과 $(testResultsFiles) 게시", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "테스트 결과 형식", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Test Runner의 선택으로 생성된 테스트 결과 파일의 형식(예: JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit 등)", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 xml 파일을 표시하기 위해 `**/TEST-*.xml`을 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "테스트 결과 병합", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "모든 테스트 결과 파일의 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 있는 하나의 테스트 실행에 병합하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 각 테스트 결과 파일에 대한 테스트 실행을 만들려면 이 옵션의 선택을 취소합니다.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행의 이름을 제공하세요.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "플랫폼", + "loc.input.help.platform": "테스트를 실행한 플랫폼.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "구성", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "테스트를 실행한 구성입니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "테스트 첨부 파일 업로드", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "게시 테스트 실행 수준 첨부 파일의 옵트인(opt in)/옵트아웃(opt out)입니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..069cb34534bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "Публикация результатов теста", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "Опубликовать результаты тестов в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Опубликовать результаты тестов $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Формат результатов теста", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Формат файлов результатов тестирования, создаваемых выбранным вами средством выполнения тестов, например JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 и NUnit.", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов тестов", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Пример: **/TEST-*.xml для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Объединение результатов теста", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Чтобы объединить результаты из всех файлов результатов тестов в один тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines, установите этот флажок. Чтобы создать тестовый запуск для каждого файла результатов теста, снимите этот флажок.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Заголовок тестового запуска", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Укажите имя для тестового запуска.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Платформа", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Платформа, для которой выполнялись тесты.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Конфигурация", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Конфигурация, для которой выполнялись тесты.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Отправить тестовые вложения", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Участвовать или отказаться от участия в публикации вложений уровня тестового запуска." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..765e24def604 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "发布测试结果", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "将测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布测试结果 $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "测试结果格式", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "所选测试运行程序(例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2 和 NUnit)生成的测试结果文件的格式。", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 xml 文件。", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "合并测试结果", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "要在 Azure Pipelines 中将来自所有测试结果文件的结果合并为一个测试运行,请选中此选项。要为每个测试结果文件创建一个测试运行,请取消选中此选项。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供测试运行的名称。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "平台", + "loc.input.help.platform": "对其运行了测试的平台。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "配置", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "对其运行了测试的配置。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上传测试附件", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "选择加入/退出发布测试运行级别附件。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 23865f098d6c..374328b88a92 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Publish Test Results", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publish Test Results to VSTS/TFS", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publish Test Results $(testResultsFiles)", - "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Advanced", - "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Test Result Format", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format of test result files generated by your choice of test runner e.g. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 and NUnit.", - "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Test Results Files", - "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Test results files path. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**/TEST-*.xml` for all xml files whose name starts with TEST-.", - "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Merge Test Results", - "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "To merge results from all test results files to one test run in VSTS/TFS, check this option. To create a test run for each test results file, uncheck this option.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration for which the tests were run.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments." + "loc.friendlyName": "發佈測試結果", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", + "loc.description": "將測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行測試結果 $(testResultsFiles)", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", + "loc.input.label.testRunner": "測試結果格式", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "測試結果檔案的格式由您所選的測試執行器 (例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2 及 NUnit) 產生。", + "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", + "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元。例如 `**/*TEST-*.xml` 即適用於所有名稱開頭為 TEST- 的 XML 檔案。", + "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "合併測試結果", + "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "若要將所有測試結果檔案中的結果合併為 Azure Pipelines 中的一個測試回合,請選取此選項。若要為每個測試結果檔案建立測試回合,請取消選取此選項。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供測試回合的名稱。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "平台", + "loc.input.help.platform": "已執行測試的平台。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "組態", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "已執行測試的組態。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上傳測試附件", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "選擇加入/退出發行測試回合層級附件。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.json b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.json index 33db578747ac..a1a9b66c1374 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 41 + "Patch": 42 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.83.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.loc.json index 9afb2cf80483..a5c097303433 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 41 + "Patch": 42 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.83.0", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 79b8e01ea457..eac799727728 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Testergebnisse veröffentlichen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Testergebnissen in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.", + "loc.description": "Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Testergebnisse $(testResultsFiles) veröffentlichen", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3-Unterstützung
    • Unterstützung für Minimatch-Dateimuster
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Testergebnisformat", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Das Format der Testergebnisdateien, die vom ausgewählten Test Runner generiert werden, z. B. \"JUnit\", \"VSTest\", \"XUnit V2\" und \"NUnit\".", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Das Format der Testergebnisdateien, die vom ausgewählten Test Runner generiert werden, z. B. JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit und CTest.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Unterstützt mehrere Zeilen von Minimatchmustern. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "Suchordner", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "Ordner, der nach Testergebnisdateien durchsucht wird. Standardmäßig ist dies \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\".", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Testergebnisse mergen", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Für jede Ergebnisdatei wird ein Testlauf erstellt. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Ergebnisse in einem einzigen Testlauf zusammenzuführen. Zur Leistungsoptimierung werden die Ergebnisse unabhängig von dieser Option in einem einzigen Lauf zusammengeführt, wenn mehr als 100 Ergebnisdateien vorliegen.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Bei Testfehlern als fehlerhaft markieren", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Aufgabe bei Testfehlern als fehlerhaft markieren. Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um die Aufgabe als fehlerhaft zu markieren, wenn in den Ergebnisdateien Fehler ermittelt werden.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Geben Sie einen Namen für den Testlauf an.", "loc.input.label.platform": "Buildplattform", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Testergebnisdateien hochladen", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Laden Sie Protokolle und weitere Dateien mit Diagnoseinformationen hoch, die beim Ausführen der Tests gesammelt wurden.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "Keine übereinstimmenden Testergebnisdateien für \"%s\" gefunden.", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Fehler beim Ausführen von TestResultsPublisher: %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Fehler beim Ausführen von TestResultsPublisher: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "Es wurde mindestens ein Testfehler in den Ergebnisdateien erkannt. Eine detaillierte Zusammenfassung der veröffentlichten Testergebnisse kann auf der Registerkarte \"Tests\" angezeigt werden." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index a16f4b4a8dc2..e2b2b2e5e66c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar resultados de la prueba", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publicar resultados de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS", + "loc.description": "Publicar resultados de pruebas en Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar resultados de pruebas $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • Compatibilidad con NUnit3
    • Compatibilidad con patrones de archivos de minimatch
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Formato del resultado de las pruebas", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato de los archivos de resultados de pruebas generados por el ejecutor de pruebas de su elección; por ejemplo, JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 y NUnit.", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato de los archivos de resultados de pruebas generados por el ejecutor de pruebas de su elección; por ejemplo, JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit y CTest.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso de los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Admite varias líneas de patrones de minimatch. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "Carpeta de búsqueda", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "Carpeta para buscar los archivos de resultados de pruebas. El valor predeterminado es $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Fusionar mediante combinación los resultados de las pruebas", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Se crea una serie de pruebas para cada archivo de resultados. Active esta opción para fusionar los resultados en una sola serie de pruebas. Para optimizar el rendimiento, los resultados se fusionarán en una sola serie si hay más de 100 archivos de resultados, independientemente de esta opción.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Interrumpir si hay errores en las pruebas", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Interrumpa la tarea si hay errores en las pruebas. Seleccione esta opción para interrumpir la tarea si se detectan errores de las pruebas en los archivos de resultados.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Proporcione un nombre para la serie de pruebas.", "loc.input.label.platform": "Plataforma de compilación", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Cargar archivos de resultados de pruebas", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Cargue los registros y otros archivos que contienen información de diagnóstico recopilada cuando se ejecutaron las pruebas.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "No se encontró ningún archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Error al ejecutar TestResultsPublisher: %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Error al ejecutar TestResultsPublisher: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "Se han detectado uno o varios errores de prueba en los archivos de resultados. En la pestaña Pruebas puede ver un resumen detallado de los resultados de pruebas publicados." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 984c96f38150..b66e50509070 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Publier les résultats des tests", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Publier les résultats des tests sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", + "loc.description": "Publier les résultats des tests sur Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publier les résultats de test $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • Prise en charge de NUnit3
    • Prise en charge des modèles de fichiers Minimatch
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Format de résultat de test", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format des fichiers de résultats de test générés par le Test Runner de votre choix, par ex., JUnit, VSTest, XUnit, V2 et NUnit.", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Format des fichiers de résultats des tests générés par le Test Runner de votre choix, par exemple JUnit, VSTest, XUnit, V2, NUnit et CTest.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Prend en charge plusieurs lignes de modèles minimatch. [Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "Dossier de recherche", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "Dossier de recherche des fichiers de résultats des tests. Valeur par défaut : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Fusionner les résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Une série de tests est créée pour chaque fichier de résultats. Cochez cette option pour fusionner les résultats dans une seule série de tests. Pour optimiser le niveau de performance, les résultats sont fusionnés en une seule série de tests, s'il existe plus de 100 fichiers de résultats, indépendamment de cette option.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Cesser toute exécution en cas d'échecs de tests", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Faire cesser la tâche en cas d'échecs liés à des tests. Cochez cette option pour faire cesser la tâche si des échecs de tests sont détectés dans les fichiers de résultats.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Indiquez le nom de la série de tests.", "loc.input.label.platform": "Plateforme de build", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Charger les fichiers de résultats des tests", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Chargez les journaux et autres fichiers contenant les informations de diagnostic collectées durant l'exécution des tests.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "Il n'existe aucun fichier de résultat de test correspondant à '%s'.", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Erreur durant l'exécution de TestResultsPublisher : %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Erreur durant l'exécution de TestResultsPublisher : %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "Un ou plusieurs échecs de tests ont été détectés dans les fichiers de résultats. Vous pouvez consulter un récapitulatif détaillé de la publication des résultats des tests sous l'onglet Tests." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 014827adf4c6..f528e7dc5d47 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica risultati del test", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Pubblica i risultati dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS", + "loc.description": "Pubblica i risultati dei test in Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pubblica risultati del test $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • Supporto per NUnit3
    • Supporto per criteri di file di corrispondenza minima
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Formato dei risultati del test", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato dei file dei risultati del test generati con il test runner scelto, ad esempio JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 e NUnit.", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Formato dei file dei risultati del test generati con lo strumento di esecuzione test scelto, ad esempio JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit e CTest.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. Sono supportate più righe di criteri di corrispondenza minima. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "Cartella di ricerca", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "Cartella in cui cercare i file dei risultati del test. L'impostazione predefinita è $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Unisci risultati del test", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Viene creata un'esecuzione dei test per ogni file di risultati. Selezionare questa opzione per unire i risultati in un'unica esecuzione dei test. Per ottimizzare l'operazione e garantire migliori prestazioni, i risultati verranno uniti in un'unica esecuzione se sono presenti più di 100 file di risultati, indipendentemente da questa opzione.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Non eseguire in caso di errori di test", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Non esegue l'attività in caso di errori di test. Selezionare questa opzione per non eseguire l'attività se vengono rilevati errori di test nei file di risultati.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Consente di specificare un nome per l'esecuzione dei test.", "loc.input.label.platform": "Piattaforma di compilazione", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Carica file dei risultati del test", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Carica i log e altri file contenenti informazioni diagnostiche raccolte durante l'esecuzione dei test.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun file dei risultati del test corrispondente a %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'esecuzione di TestResultsPublisher: %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'esecuzione di TestResultsPublisher: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "Sono stati rilevati uno o più errori di test nei file dei risultati. Il riepilogo dettagliato dei risultati del test pubblicati può essere visualizzato nella scheda Test." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6642b70d7970..8e3ab431457c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "テスト結果の発行", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "テスト結果を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", + "loc.description": "テスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "テスト結果の発行 $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3 サポート
    • minimatch ファイル パターンのサポート
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "テスト結果の形式", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "選んだテスト ランナーによって生成されるテスト結果ファイルの形式。たとえば、JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2、NUnit など。", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "選んだテスト ランナーによって生成されるテスト結果ファイルの形式。たとえば、JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2、NUnit、CTest など。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。minimatch パターンで複数行をサポートしています。[追加情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "検索フォルダー", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "テスト結果ファイルを検索するフォルダー。既定で $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) に設定されます。", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "テスト結果のマージ", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "結果ファイルごとにテストの実行が作成されます。結果を 1 つのテストの実行にマージする場合、このオプションを有効にします。最適化してパフォーマンスを向上させるため、結果ファイルが 100 個を超えたら、このオプションに関係なく、結果は 1 つの実行にマージされます。", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "テスト エラーがある場合に失敗する", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "テストが失敗した場合にタスクを失敗させます。結果ファイルでテスト エラーが検出された場合にタスクを中止するには、このオプションをオンにします。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "テスト実行の名前を指定します。", "loc.input.label.platform": "ビルド プラットフォーム", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "テスト結果ファイルのアップロード", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "テストが実行された際に収集された診断情報を含むログとその他のファイルをアップロードします。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "'%s' と一致するテスト結果ファイルが見つかりませんでした。", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "TestResultsPublisher の実行中にエラーが発生しました: %s。" + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "TestResultsPublisher の実行中にエラーが発生しました: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "結果ファイルで 1 つ以上のテスト エラーが検出されました。発行されたテスト結果の詳細な概要は、[テスト] タブで確認できます。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index f6907045c067..8842c08b6d12 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "테스트 결과 게시", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시합니다.", + "loc.description": "테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "테스트 결과 $(testResultsFiles) 게시", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3 지원
    • Minimatch 파일 패턴 지원
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "테스트 결과 형식", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Test Runner의 선택으로 생성된 테스트 결과 파일의 형식(예: JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit 등)", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit, CTest 등의 선택한 테스트 실행기에서 생성되는 테스트 결과 파일의 형식입니다.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. minimatch 패턴을 여러 줄 지원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "검색 폴더", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "테스트 결과 파일을 검색할 폴더입니다. 기본값은 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)입니다.", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "테스트 결과 병합", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "각 결과 파일에 대해 테스트 실행이 생성됩니다. 결과를 단일 테스트 실행에 병합하려면 이 옵션을 선택하세요. 성능 향상에 최적화하기 위해, 이 옵션에 관계없이 결과 파일이 100개를 넘을 경우 결과가 단일 실행에 병합됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "테스트 오류가 있을 경우 실패", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "테스트 오류가 있을 경우 작업에 실패합니다. 결과 파일에서 테스트 오류가 검색될 경우 작업에 실패하도록 하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행의 이름을 제공하세요.", "loc.input.label.platform": "빌드 플랫폼", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "테스트 결과 파일 업로드", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "로그 및 테스트 실행 시 수집된 진단 정보를 포함하는 기타 파일을 업로드합니다.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "'%s'과(와) 일치하는 테스트 결과 파일이 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "TestResultsPublisher를 실행하는 중 오류 발생: %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "TestResultsPublisher를 실행하는 중 오류 발생: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "결과 파일에서 테스트 오류가 하나 이상 검색되었습니다. [테스트] 탭에서 게시된 테스트 결과의 자세한 요약을 볼 수 있습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 97fa608e072f..fb986bf160cd 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Публикация результатов теста", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "Публикация результатов тестов в Azure Pipelines или TFS", + "loc.description": "Опубликовать результаты тестов в Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Опубликовать результаты тестов $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • Поддержка NUnit3
    • Поддержка шаблонов файлов Minimatch
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "Формат результатов теста", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Формат файлов результатов тестирования, создаваемых выбранным вами средством выполнения тестов, например JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2 и NUnit.", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "Формат файлов результатов тестирования, создаваемых выбранным вами средством выполнения тестов, например JUnit, VSTest, XUnit V2, NUnit и CTest.", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов теста. Поддерживается несколько строк шаблонов minimatch. [Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764).", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "Папка поиска", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "Папка для поиска файлов результатов теста. По умолчанию используется папка $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "Объединить результаты теста", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "Тестовый запуск создается для каждого файла результатов. Установите этот флажок, чтобы объединить результаты в один тестовый запуск. Для повышения производительности при наличии более 100 файлов результатов они будут объединены в один тестовый запуск независимо от значения этого параметра.", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Ошибка при наличии сбоев тестов", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "Ошибка выполнения задачи при наличии любых сбоев тестов. Установите этот флажок, чтобы задача завершилась ошибкой при обнаружении сбоев тестов в файлах результатов.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Укажите имя для тестового запуска.", "loc.input.label.platform": "Платформа сборки", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Отправить файлы результатов теста", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Отправьте журналы и другие файлы с диагностическими сведениями, собранными во время выполнения тестов.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "Найдены файлы результатов теста, соответствующие \"%s\".", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Ошибка при выполнении TestResultsPublisher: %s." + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Ошибка при выполнении TestResultsPublisher: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "В файлах результатов обнаружен один или несколько сбоев тестов. Подробные сведения об опубликованных результатах тестов можно просмотреть на вкладке \"Тесты\"." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 53052afb5450..2b9b2e8688fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "发布测试结果", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "将测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", + "loc.description": "将测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布测试结果 $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3 支持
    • Minimatch 文件模式支持
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "测试结果格式", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "所选测试运行程序(例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2 和 NUnit)生成的测试结果文件的格式。", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "所选测试运行程序(例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2、NUnit 和 CTest)生成的测试结果文件的格式。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。支持多行 minimatch 模式。[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "搜索文件夹", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "在其中搜索测试结果文件的文件夹。默认为 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)。", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "合并测试结果", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "为每个结果文件创建测试运行。选中此选项可将结果合并到单个测试运行中。为了进行优化以提高性能,如果存在超过 100 个结果文件,结果将合并到单个运行中,而不无论此选项如何。", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "如果存在测试问题,则会失败", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "如果存在任何测试问题,任务将失败。如果在结果文件中检测到测试问题,请选中此选项以使任务失败。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供测试运行的名称。", "loc.input.label.platform": "生成平台", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上传测试结果文件", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "运行测试时,上传日志和包含收集的诊断信息的其他文件。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "未找到与“%s”匹配的测试结果文件。", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "执行 TestResultsPublisher 时出错: %s。" + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "执行 TestResultsPublisher 时出错: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "在结果文件中检测到一个或多个测试失败。可以在“测试”选项卡中查看已发布测试结果的详细摘要。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e6e2f6967fa4..432c4b5787a3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,20 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "發行測試結果", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613742)", - "loc.description": "將測試結果發行到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", + "loc.description": "將測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行測試結果 $(testResultsFiles)", "loc.releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3 支援
    • 支援 Minimatch 檔案模式
    ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.testRunner": "測試結果格式", - "loc.input.help.testRunner": "測試結果檔案的格式由您所選的測試執行器 (例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2 及 NUnit) 產生。", + "loc.input.help.testRunner": "測試結果檔案的格式由您所選的測試執行器 (例如 JUnit、VSTest、XUnit V2、NUnit 和 CTest) 產生。", "loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。支援多行的 minimatch 模式。[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=835764)", "loc.input.label.searchFolder": "搜尋資料夾", "loc.input.help.searchFolder": "搜尋測試結果檔案所在的資料夾。預設值為 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)。", "loc.input.label.mergeTestResults": "合併測試結果", "loc.input.help.mergeTestResults": "為每個結果檔案建立一個測試回合。請檢查此選項,以將結果合併成單一測試回合。若結果檔案超過 100 個,為盡可能達到最佳效能,則不論此選項設定為何,都會將結果合併成單一回合。", + "loc.input.label.failTaskOnFailedTests": "如果有測試失敗,即失敗", + "loc.input.help.failTaskOnFailedTests": "如果沒有任何測試失敗,就使工作失敗。請於在結果檔案中偵測到測試失敗時,選取此選項來讓工作失敗。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供測試回合的名稱。", "loc.input.label.platform": "組建平台", @@ -22,5 +24,6 @@ "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上傳測試結果檔案", "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "上傳包含於測試執行期間所收集診斷資訊的記錄和其他檔案。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingFilesFound": "找不到任何與 '%s' 相符的測試結果。", - "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "執行 TestResultsPublisher 時發生錯誤: %s。" + "loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "執行 TestResultsPublisher 時發生錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "在測試檔案中偵測到一或多個測試失敗。您可於 [測試] 索引標籤檢視已發佈測試結果的詳細摘要。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.json b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.json index b9f9d919d9f5..f093681bcad9 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "
    • NUnit3 support
    • Support for Minimatch files pattern
    ", @@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ "ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "Error while executing TestResultsPublisher: %s.", "ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "There are one or more test failures detected in result files. Detailed summary of published test results can be viewed in the Tests tab." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.loc.json index 4640925b062b..e349f9a85d33 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishTestResultsV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [], "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", @@ -135,4 +135,4 @@ "ErrorTestResultsPublisher": "ms-resource:loc.messages.ErrorTestResultsPublisher", "ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests": "ms-resource:loc.messages.ErrorFailTaskOnFailedTests" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b4319bedeba8..fda00ae11545 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Im Azure Service Bus veröffentlichen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "Sendet eine Nachricht an den Azure Service Bus über eine Dienstverbindung (kein Agent erforderlich).", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird über eine Dienstverbindung eine Nachricht an Azure Service Bus gesendet (kein Agent erforderlich).", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Im Azure Service Bus veröffentlichen", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "Signatureigenschaften", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Service Bus-Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie eine Azure Service Bus-Dienstverbindung aus.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "Nachrichtentext", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "Geben Sie den JSON-messageBody ein.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "Sitzungs-ID", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "Die Sitzungs-ID, mit der die Nachricht veröffentlicht wird. Für sitzungsbasierte Warteschlangen kann die Veröffentlichung nicht durchgeführt werden, wenn der Wert nicht angegeben ist. Für nicht sitzungsbasierte Warteschlangen spielt dies keine Rolle.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "Nachricht signieren", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "Sofern auf TRUE festgelegt, wird die Nachricht mit einem privaten Zertifikat signiert (falls angegeben).", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "Zertifikatvariable", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index cde7b36c529f..b6d3a7577152 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Publicar en Azure Service Bus", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "Envía un mensaje a Azure Service Bus usando una conexión de servicio (no requiere agente).", + "loc.description": "Envía un mensaje a Azure Service Bus con una conexión de servicio (no se requiere ningún agente).", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publicar en Azure Service Bus", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "Propiedades de firma", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Conexión de servicio de Azure Service Bus", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio de Azure Service Bus.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "Cuerpo del mensaje", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "Escriba el cuerpo del mensaje JSON.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "Id. de sesión", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "Identificador de sesión con el que se publica el mensaje. En las colas basadas en sesiones, se produce un error de publicación si no se especifica el valor. En las colas no basadas en sesiones, este dato no importa.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "Firmar el mensaje", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "Si se establece en true, el mensaje se firmará con un certificado privado.", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "Variable de certificado", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 615e538dda6a..c29ee52b4de2 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Publier sur Azure Service Bus", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "Envoie un message à Azure Service Bus à l'aide d'une connexion de service (aucun agent n'est nécessaire).", + "loc.description": "Envoie un message à Azure Service Bus à l'aide d'une connexion de service (aucun agent n'est nécessaire)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Publier sur Azure Service Bus", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "Propriétés de signature", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connexion de service Azure Service Bus", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service Azure Service Bus.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "Corps du message", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "Entrez le messageBody JSON.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "ID de session", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "ID de session avec lequel le message est publié. Pour les files d'attente basées sur une session, la publication se solde par un échec si aucune valeur n'est spécifiée. Pour les files d'attente non basées sur une session, cela n'a pas d'importance.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "Signer le message", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "Si la valeur est true, le message est signé à condition que le certificat soit privé.", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "Variable de certificat", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 56b2dd3ccb15..b02fc9020f4b 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Pubblica nel bus di servizio di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "Invia un messaggio al bus di servizio di Azure usando una connessione di servizio (non è richiesto alcun agente).", + "loc.description": "Invia un messaggio al bus di servizio di Azure usando una connessione di servizio (non è richiesto alcun agente)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Pubblica nel bus di servizio di Azure", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "Proprietà firma", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connessione al servizio bus di servizio di Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio bus di servizio di Azure.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "Corpo del messaggio", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "Consente di immettere il corpo del messaggio JSON.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "ID sessione", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "ID sessione con cui viene pubblicato il messaggio. Per le code basate su sessioni, la pubblicazione non riesce se il valore non viene specificato. Per le code non basate su sessioni, non è rilevante.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "Firma il messaggio", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "Se è impostata su true, il messaggio verrà firmato un certificato privato, se fornito.", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "Variabile del certificato", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 44b8c56e8d05..dfebfe45a933 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Service Bus への発行", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "サービス接続を使って Azure Service Bus にメッセージを送信します (エージェントは不要です)。", + "loc.description": "サービス接続を使って Azure Service Bus にメッセージを送信します (エージェントは不要です)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Service Bus に発行する", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "署名プロパティ", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Service Bus サービス接続", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Azure Service Bus サービス接続を選択します。", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "メッセージの本文", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "JSON の messageBody を入力します。", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "セッション ID", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "メッセージが発行されたセッション ID。セッション ベースのキューの場合、値が指定されないと発行が失敗します。非セッション ベースのキューの場合、これは問題になりません。", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "メッセージに署名する", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "これを true に設定すると、提供されている場合はプライベート証明書によってメッセージが署名されます。", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "証明書変数", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index df697b37deaa..2278168626bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Service Bus에 게시", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "서비스 연결을 사용하여 Azure Service Bus로 메시지를 보냅니다(에이전트는 필요하지 않음).", + "loc.description": "서비스 연결을 사용하여 Azure Service Bus에 메시지를 보냅니다(에이전트 필요 없음).", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Service Bus에 게시", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "서명 속성", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "고급", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Service Bus 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Azure Service Bus 서비스 연결을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "메시지 본문", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "json messageBody를 입력합니다.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "세션 ID", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "메시지 게시에 사용할 세션 ID입니다. 세션 기반 큐의 경우 값을 지정하지 않으면 게시에 실패합니다. 세션 기반이 아닌 큐의 경우에는 값을 지정하지 않아도 됩니다.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "메시지에 서명", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "이 속성을 true로 설정하면 개인 인증서가 제공될 경우 메시지가 서명됩니다.", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "인증서 변수", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 02bbc32fc573..a0928ec3b1d0 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Опубликовать в служебной шине Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "Отправляет сообщение в служебную шину Azure с помощью подключения к службе (агент не требуется).", + "loc.description": "Отправляет сообщение в Служебную шину Azure с помощью подключения к службе (агент не требуется)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Опубликовать в служебной шине Azure", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "Свойства подписи", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Подключение к службе Служебной шины Azure", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Выберите подключение к службе Служебной шины Azure.", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "Текст сообщения", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "Введите текст сообщения (messageBody) JSON.", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "Идентификатор сеанса", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "Идентификатор сеанса, с которым публикуется сообщение. Для очередей на основе сеанса публикация завершается ошибкой, если значение не указано. Для очередей, не основанных на сеансах, это не имеет значения.", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "Подписать сообщение", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "Если задано значение true, сообщение будет подписано закрытым сертификатом.", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "Переменная сертификата", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index fa9632960d29..bfcfaa633b43 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "发布到 Azure 服务总线", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "使用服务连接向 Azure 服务总线发送消息(不需要代理)。", + "loc.description": "使用服务连接向 Azure 服务总线发送消息(不需要代理)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "发布到 Azure 服务总线", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "签名属性", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "高级", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure 服务总线服务连接", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "选择 Azure 服务总线服务连接。", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "消息正文", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "输入 JSON 消息正文。", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "会话 ID", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "使用其发布消息的会话 ID。对于基于会话的队列,如果未指定值,则发布将失败。对于基于非会话的队列,不会有任何影响。", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "对消息签名", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "如果将此设置为 true,将对消息签名并提供私有证书。", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "证书变量", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index effee8db4a8c..3b15264a4bd9 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "發行到 Azure 服務匯流排", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870237)", - "loc.description": "使用服務連線傳送訊息到 Azure 服務匯流排 (不需要代理程式)。", + "loc.description": "使用服務連線傳送訊息到 Azure 服務匯流排 (不需要代理程式)", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "發行到 Azure 服務匯流排", - "loc.group.displayName.signingDetails": "簽署內容", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedProperties": "進階", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure 服務匯流排服務連線", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "請選取 Azure 服務匯流排服務連線。", "loc.input.label.messageBody": "訊息本文", "loc.input.help.messageBody": "輸入 json messageBody。", + "loc.input.label.sessionId": "工作階段識別碼", + "loc.input.help.sessionId": "所發佈訊息的工作階段識別碼。若為以工作階段為基礎的佇列,發佈會在未指定值時失敗。若為非以工作階段為基礎的佇列,則不受影響。", "loc.input.label.signPayload": "簽署訊息", "loc.input.help.signPayload": "若此項目設為 true,系統會提供私人憑證以簽署訊息。", "loc.input.label.certificateString": "憑證變數", diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.json b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.json index 0ec843e86695..ed2f09a30a89 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 14 + "Patch": 15 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.loc.json index 3fc86e712965..beb12ebdb857 100644 --- a/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PublishToAzureServiceBusV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 14 + "Patch": 15 }, "groups": [ { diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 85d9c271da77..beb35476b83e 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PyPI-Herausgeber", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein sdist- oder wheel-Paket unter Verwendung von Twine erstellt und in einen PyPI-kompatiblen Index hochgeladen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird unter Verwendung von Twine ein sdist- oder wheel-Paket erstellt und in einen PyPI-kompatiblen Index hochgeladen.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Paketieren und in PyPI veröffentlichen", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "PyPI-Dienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "Eine generische Dienstverbindung für die Verbindungsherstellung mit dem Paketindex.", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e0bdb9c4c055..4af1dc90f6e0 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Editor de PyPI", + "loc.friendlyName": "Publicador de PyPI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", "loc.description": "Crea y carga un paquete sdist o wheel en un índice compatible con PyPI mediante Twine.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Empaquetar y publicar en PyPI", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1676f3b3ce91..f3862bf034ee 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Éditeur PyPI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "Créez et chargez un sdist ou un wheel sur un index compatible PyPI à l'aide de Twine.", + "loc.description": "Créez et chargez un sdist ou un wheel sur un index compatible PyPI à l'aide de Twine", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Créer un package et publier sur PyPI", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "Connexion de service PyPI", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "Connexion de service générique pour la connexion à l'index de package.", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1742f4f17e13..846c0fbf4560 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Editore PyPI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "Consente di creare e caricare un pacchetto sdist o wheel in un indice compatibile con PyPI usando Twine.", + "loc.description": "Consente di creare e caricare un pacchetto sdist o wheel in un indice compatibile con PyPI usando Twine", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Crea pacchetto e pubblica in PyPI", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio PyPI", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio generica per il collegamento all'indice dei pacchetti.", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 103932de470b..2a8acef404b6 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "PyPI Publisher", + "loc.friendlyName": "PyPI パブリッシャー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "sdist または wheel を作成し、Twine を使用して PyPI 対応のインデックスにアップロードします。", + "loc.description": "sdist または wheel を作成し、Twine を使用して PyPI 対応のインデックスにアップロードします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "パッケージ化して PyPI へ発行する", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "PyPI サービス接続", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "パッケージ インデックスに接続するための汎用サービス接続です。", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 87907a7dff29..1c1377b8704a 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Издатель PyPI", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "Создайте и отправьте sdist или wheel в совместимый с PyPI индекс с помощью Twine.", + "loc.description": "Создайте и отправьте sdist или wheel в совместимый с PyPI индекс с помощью Twine", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Упаковка и публикация в PyPI", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "Подключение к службе PyPI", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "Универсальное подключение к службе для подключения к индексу пакетов.", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 64912cdab598..4982b8bccc4e 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PyPI 发布服务器", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "使用 Twine 创建 sdist 或轮,并将其上传到与 PyPI 兼容的索引。", + "loc.description": "使用 Twine 创建 sdist 或轮,并将其上传到与 PyPI 兼容的索引", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "打包并发布到 PyPI", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "PyPI 服务连接", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "用于连接到包索引的通用服务连接。", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index fe4b6106e789..a1e6daf6a27d 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PyPI 發行者", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875289)", - "loc.description": "使用 Twine 將 sdist 或 wheel 建立並上傳至相容於 PyPI 的索引。", + "loc.description": "使用 Twine 將 sdist 或 wheel 建立並上傳至相容於 PyPI 的索引", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "封裝並發行至 PyPI", "loc.input.label.serviceEndpoint": "PyPI 服務連線", "loc.input.help.serviceEndpoint": "用於連線到套件索引的一般服務連線。", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.json b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.json index 4d536bcaf6f5..0a51e155d79a 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Package and publish to PyPI", diff --git a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.loc.json index 8909e89f41d5..e83dfaf31530 100644 --- a/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PyPIPublisherV0/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f6be777e07a4..ba6dcd19052f 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python-Skript", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Python-Skript ausgeführt.", + "loc.description": "Python-Datei oder Inlineskript ausführen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python-Skript ausführen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "Skriptquelle", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Python-Interpreter", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "Absoluter Pfad zum Python-Interpreter, der verwendet werden soll. Sofern nicht angegeben, verwendet die Aufgabe den Interpreter in PATH.
    Führen Sie die Aufgabe [Python-Version verwenden](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) aus, um eine Python-Version zu PATH hinzuzufügen.", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Das Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem das Skript ausgeführt wird. Sofern nicht angegeben, wird der Wert von \"System.DefaultWorkingDirectory\" verwendet. Für Builds ist diese Variable standardmäßig der Stamm des Repositorys. Für Releases wird standardmäßig der Stamm des Artefaktverzeichnisses verwendet.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Fehler bei Standardfehler", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird für diese Aufgabe ein Fehler ausgelöst, wenn Text in den stderr-Stream geschrieben wird.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "Der angegebene Pfad verweist nicht auf eine Datei: \"%s\".", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index a0ceca19395a..90b9ec546179 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Script de Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta un script de Python.", + "loc.description": "Ejecuta un script insertado o un archivo de Python.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ejecutar un script de Python", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "Origen del script", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "Indica si el script es un archivo en el árbol de origen o está escrito en línea en esta tarea.", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso del script", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso del script que se va a ejecutar. Debe ser una ruta de acceso completa o relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso del script que se va a ejecutar. Debe ser una ruta de acceso completa o relativa a \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\".", "loc.input.label.script": "Script", "loc.input.help.script": "Script de Python que se va a ejecutar", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argumentos", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Intérprete de Python", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "Ruta de acceso absoluta al intérprete de Python que se va a usar. Si no se especifica, la tarea usará el intérprete ubicado en PATH.
    Ejecute la tarea [Usar versión de Python](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) para agregar una versión de Python a PATH.", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Directorio de trabajo", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Directorio de trabajo en el que se ejecutará el script. Si no se especifica, se usará el valor de \"System.DefaultWorkingDirectory\". En las compilaciones, el valor predeterminado de esta variable es la raíz del repositorio. En las versiones, su valor predeterminado es la raíz del directorio de artefactos.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Error si se produce un error estándar", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Si es true, esta tarea no se realizará cuando se escriba texto en la secuencia stderr.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "La ruta de acceso especificada no estaba relacionada con un archivo: \"%s\".", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index f7c87b5f30bd..26faed3c53a3 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Script Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez un script Python.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un fichier Python ou un script inline", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Exécuter un script Python", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "Source du script", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Interpréteur Python", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "Chemin absolu de l'interpréteur Python à utiliser. Si vous n'indiquez rien, la tâche utilise l'interpréteur dans PATH.
    Exécutez la tâche [Utiliser la version de Python](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) pour ajouter une version de Python à PATH.", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Répertoire de travail", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Répertoire de travail où le script est exécuté. En l'absence d'indication, la valeur System.DefaultWorkingDirectory est utilisée. Pour les builds, cette variable correspond par défaut à la racine du dépôt. Pour les mises en production, elle correspond par défaut à la racine du répertoire d'artefacts.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Échec sur une erreur standard", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Si la valeur est true, cette tâche se solde par un échec si du texte est écrit dans le flux stderr.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "Le chemin donné n'est pas un fichier : '%s'.", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 20a088b66c19..67f11ecaba1c 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Script Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script Python.", + "loc.description": "Esegue un file Python o uno script inline", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui uno script Python", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "Origine dello script", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "Indica se lo script è un file nell'albero di origine o se viene scritto inline in questa attività.", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Percorso dello script", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso dello script da eseguire. Deve essere un percorso completo o relativo rispetto a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso dello script da eseguire. Deve essere un percorso completo o relativo rispetto a `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)`.", "loc.input.label.script": "Script", "loc.input.help.script": "Script Python da eseguire", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Argomenti", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Interprete Python", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "Percorso assoluto dell'interprete Python da usare. Se non è specificato, l'attività userà l'interprete indicato in PATH.
    Eseguire l'attività [Usa versione di Python] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) per aggiungere una versione di Python a PATH.", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Directory di lavoro", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Directory di lavoro in cui verrà eseguito lo script. Se non è specificato, verrà usato il valore di `System.DefaultWorkingDirectory`. Per le compilazioni, l'impostazione predefinita di questa variabile è la radice del repository. Per le versioni, l'impostazione predefinita è la radice della directory degli artefatti.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Interrompi in caso di STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Se è impostato su true, questa attività non riuscirà nel caso in cui venga scritto testo nel flusso STDERR.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "Il percorso specificato non è quello di un file: '%s'.", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 2e452aa1c4a9..f466e5121e99 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python スクリプト", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Python スクリプトを実行します。", + "loc.description": "Python ファイルまたはインライン スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python スクリプトを実行する", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "スクリプト ソース", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "スクリプトがソース ツリー内のファイルであるか、それともこのタスクにインラインで書き込まれるか。", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "スクリプト パス", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "実行するスクリプトのパス。完全修飾パスか、または $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) からの相対パスを指定する必要があります。", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "実行するスクリプトのパス。完全修飾パスか、または `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)` からの相対パスを指定する必要があります。", "loc.input.label.script": "スクリプト", "loc.input.help.script": "実行する Python スクリプトです", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引数", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Python インタープリター", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "使用する Python インタープリターの絶対パス。指定しない場合、タスクは PATH に指定されているインタープリターを使用します。
    Python バージョンを PATH に追加するには、[Use Python Version](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) タスクを実行してください。", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "作業ディレクトリ", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "スクリプトが実行される作業ディレクトリです。指定されない場合は、`System.DefaultWorkingDirectory` の値が使用されます。ビルドの場合、この変数の既定値はリポジトリのルートです。リリースの場合、既定値は成果物ディレクトリのルートです。", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "標準エラーで失敗", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "true の場合、stderr ストリームにテキストが書き込まれると、このタスクは失敗します。", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "指定されたパスは次のファイルへのパスではありません: '%s'。", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 48c22067af53..d509c65c0c45 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python 스크립트", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Python 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Python 파일 또는 인라인 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python 스크립트 실행", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "스크립트 소스", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "스크립트가 소스 트리의 파일인지, 아니면 이 작업에 인라인으로 작성되었는지 여부입니다.", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "스크립트 경로", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "실행할 스크립트의 경로입니다. 정규화된 경로이거나 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)의 상대 경로여야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "실행할 스크립트의 경로입니다. 정규화된 경로이거나 '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)'의 상대 경로여야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.script": "스크립트", "loc.input.help.script": "실행할 Python 스크립트입니다.", "loc.input.label.arguments": "인수", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Python 인터프리터", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "사용할 Python 인터프리터의 절대 경로입니다. 지정하지 않으면 작업은 PATH의 인터프리터를 사용합니다.
    [Python 버전 사용](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) 작업을 실행하여 python 버전을 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "작업 디렉터리", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "스크립트를 실행할 작업 디렉터리입니다. 지정하지 않으면, 'System.DefaultWorkingDirectory' 값이 사용됩니다. 빌드의 경우 이 변수는 기본적으로 리포지토리의 루트로 설정됩니다. 릴리스의 경우 기본적으로 아티팩트 디렉터리의 루트로 설정됩니다.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "표준 오류 시 실패", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "true일 경우 stderr 스트림에 텍스트가 기록되면 이 작업은 실패하게 됩니다.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "'%s' 파일에 대해 지정된 경로가 없습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 7671a40377cf..b0033d39c721 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Скрипт Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "Запуск скрипта Python.", + "loc.description": "Запустить файл Python или встроенный скрипт", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запуск скрипта Python", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "Источник скрипта", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "Является ли скрипт файлом в исходном дереве или пишется внутри задачи.", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Путь к скрипту", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Путь к выполняемому скрипту. Это должен быть полный путь или путь относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Путь к выполняемому скрипту. Это должен быть полный путь или путь относительно \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\".", "loc.input.label.script": "Скрипт", "loc.input.help.script": "Выполняемый скрипт Python", "loc.input.label.arguments": "Аргументы", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Интерпретатор Python", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "Абсолютный путь к используемому интерпретатору Python. Если значение не задано, задача будет использовать интерпретатор, указанный в переменной PATH.
    Чтобы добавить версию Python в PATH, выполните задачу [Использовать версию Python](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498).", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "Рабочий каталог", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "Рабочий каталог, в котором будет выполняться скрипт. Если не указано, будет использоваться \"System.DefaultWorkingDirectory\". Для сборок эта переменная по умолчанию является корнем репозитория. Для выпусков она по умолчанию является корнем каталога артефактов.", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "Сбой при стандартной ошибке", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "Если задано значение True, задача завершится сбоем при записи любого текста в поток stderr.", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "Указанный путь не ведет к файлу: \"%s\".", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 77dfd49e5023..ef244a0bb927 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python 脚本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "运行 Python 脚本。", + "loc.description": "运行 Python 文件或内联脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "运行 Python 脚本", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "脚本源", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "脚本是源树中的文件,还是在此任务中写入的内联文件。", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "脚本路径", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "要执行的脚本的路径。必须为完全限定的路径或相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)。", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "要执行的脚本的路径。必须为完全限定的路径或 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)` 的相对路径", "loc.input.label.script": "脚本", "loc.input.help.script": "要运行的 Python 脚本", "loc.input.label.arguments": "参数", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Python 解释器", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "要使用的 Python 解释器的绝对路径。如果未指定,则任务将使用 PATH 中的解释器。
    运行 [使用 Python 版本](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)任务将 Python 版本添加到 PATH。", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "工作目录", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "脚本将在其中运行的工作目录。如果未指定,将使用 `System.DefaultWorkingDirectory` 值。对于生成,此变量默认为存储库的根。对于发布,它默认为项目目录的根。", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "因标准错误而失败", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "如果为 true,则在向 stderr 流写入任何文本时,此任务都会失败。", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "给定路径不是文件:“%s”。", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 0bd7d74193f5..a8c0ceccb6d6 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python 指令碼", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=2006181)", - "loc.description": "執行 Python 指令碼。", + "loc.description": "執行 Python 檔案或內嵌指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "執行 Python 指令碼", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.scriptSource": "指令碼來源", "loc.input.help.scriptSource": "不論指令碼是來源樹狀結構中的檔案,或是已在此工作中內嵌覆寫。", "loc.input.label.scriptPath": "指令碼路徑", - "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "要執行之指令碼的路徑。必須是完整路徑或相對於 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的路徑。", + "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "要執行之指令碼的路徑。必須是完整路徑或相對於 `$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)` 的路徑。", "loc.input.label.script": "指令碼", "loc.input.help.script": "要執行的 Python 指令碼", "loc.input.label.arguments": "引數", @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.pythonInterpreter": "Python 解譯器", "loc.input.help.pythonInterpreter": "要使用的 Python 解譯器絕對路徑。若未指定,工作將會使用 PATH 中的解譯器。
    請執行 [使用 Python 版本](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498) 工作將 Python 的版本新增至 PATH。", "loc.input.label.workingDirectory": "工作目錄", + "loc.input.help.workingDirectory": "指令碼執行所在的工作目錄。如果未指定,則將使用 `System.DefaultWorkingDirectory` 的值。針對組建,此變數會預設為存放庫的根。針對版本,其預設為成品目錄的根。", "loc.input.label.failOnStderr": "在發生標準錯誤時失敗", "loc.input.help.failOnStderr": "若此為 true,則任何文字寫入 stderr 資料流時,此工作便會失敗。", "loc.messages.NotAFile": "指定的路徑不是檔案路徑: '%s'。", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.json b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.json index bed71951e815..9fa04e3c5e68 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "Run a Python script", diff --git a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.loc.json index dd8361af1579..31e478f26005 100644 --- a/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/PythonScriptV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ca5b7fa79831..b88376641f75 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Arbeitselemente abfragen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "Führt eine Arbeitselementabfrage aus und überprüft die Anzahl der zurückgegebenen Elemente.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Arbeitselementabfrage ausgeführt und die Anzahl der zurückgegebenen Elemente überprüft.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Arbeitselemente abfragen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.queryId": "Abfrage", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 33190babb638..7486a1ae3acd 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Elementos de trabajo de la consulta", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta una consulta de elementos de trabajo y comprueba el número de elementos devueltos.", + "loc.description": "Ejecute una consulta de elementos de trabajo y compruebe el número de elementos devueltos.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Elementos de trabajo de la consulta", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.queryId": "Consulta", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3214e0e4933a..b82c727b74ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les éléments de travail", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "Exécute une requête d'élément de travail et détermine le nombre d'éléments retournés.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter une requête d'élément de travail et déterminer le nombre d'éléments retournés", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interroger les éléments de travail", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.queryId": "Requête", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5b1946a33e99..ff77eb4b06f7 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su elementi di lavoro", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "Esegue una query elemento di lavoro e verifica il numero di elementi restituiti.", + "loc.description": "Esegue una query elemento di lavoro e verifica il numero di elementi restituiti", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui query su elementi di lavoro", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.queryId": "Query", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index bfac97edaee6..1252454e2141 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "作業項目のクエリ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "作業項目クエリを実行し、返される項目数をチェックします。", + "loc.description": "作業項目クエリを実行し、返される項目数を確認します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "作業項目のクエリ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.queryId": "クエリ", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index a716bc141514..e50678eadfd0 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Рабочие элементы запросов", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "Выполняет запрос рабочего элемента и проверяет число возвращенных элементов.", + "loc.description": "Выполнение запроса рабочего элемента и проверка числа возвращенных элементов", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Рабочие элементы запросов", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.queryId": "Запрос", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index c2a69ca849f4..3d8030dd231b 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "查询工作项", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "执行工作项查询,并检查返回的项数。", + "loc.description": "执行工作项查询并检查返回的项的数目", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查询工作项", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.queryId": "查询", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b71d4ff30286..31dff049bcd3 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "查詢工作項目", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870238)", - "loc.description": "執行工作項目查詢,並檢查傳回的項目數目。", + "loc.description": "執行工作項目查詢,並檢查傳回的項目數", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查詢工作項目", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.queryId": "查詢", diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.json b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.json index 701a5c383ed5..e607af058d40 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 13 + "Patch": 14 }, "instanceNameFormat": "Query Work Items", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.loc.json index 05071b5002fe..e9fb3c30e10e 100644 --- a/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/QueryWorkItemsV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 13 + "Patch": 14 }, "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1a28ed0b19f3..2757016c58e2 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Cloudbasierter Webleistungstest", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Löst einen cloudbasierten Auslastungstest mithilfe von Azure Pipelines aus. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=613203).", - "loc.description": "Führt einen schnellen Webleistungstest in der Cloud mit Azure Pipelines aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird mit Azure Pipelines ein Schnelltest zur Webleistung in der Cloud ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Schneller Webleistungstest $(testName)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Pipelines-Verbindung", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie eine zuvor registrierte Dienstverbindung aus, um mit dem cloudbasierten Auslastungstestdienst zu kommunizieren. Wählen Sie \"Verwalten\" aus, um eine neue Dienstverbindung zu registrieren.", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7de5deb5800c..180328fab2b2 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de rendimiento de web basada en la nube", + "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de rendimiento web basada en la nube", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Desencadena una prueba de carga basada en la nube con Azure Pipelines. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=613203).", "loc.description": "Ejecuta una prueba de rendimiento web rápida en la nube con Azure Pipelines.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Prueba rápida de rendimiento web $(testName)", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 646d992db28f..eedd073a03fd 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test de performances web basé sur le cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Déclenche un test de charge basé sur le cloud à l'aide d'Azure Pipelines. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=613203)", - "loc.description": "Exécute un test de performances web rapide dans le cloud avec Azure Pipelines", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un test de performances web rapide dans le cloud avec Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test rapide de performances web $(testName)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connexion Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service inscrite pour communiquer avec le service de test de charge basé sur le cloud. Choisissez Gérer pour inscrire une nouvelle connexion de service.", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index b162aaa1079f..1441d92f4a36 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Pipelines 연결", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "클라우드 기반 부하 테스트 서비스에 말할 이전에 등록한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 새 서비스 연결을 등록하려면 '관리'를 선택하세요.", "loc.input.label.websiteUrl": "웹 사이트 URL", - "loc.input.help.websiteUrl": "응용 프로그램 웹 사이트 URL을 http://www.your.app/home.html로 입력합니다.", + "loc.input.help.websiteUrl": "애플리케이션 웹 사이트 URL을 http://www.your.app/home.html로 입력합니다.", "loc.input.label.testName": "테스트 이름", "loc.input.help.testName": "추적 및 상관 관계를 위한 부하 테스트의 이름을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.vuLoad": "사용자 부하", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index edd5bd36f6fe..b5a8731be31a 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Облачный тест веб-производительности", + "loc.friendlyName": "Облачный веб-тест производительности", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Активирует облачный нагрузочный тест с помощью Azure Pipelines. [Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=613203)", "loc.description": "Выполнение быстрого веб-теста производительности в облаке с помощью Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Быстрый веб-тест производительности $(testName)", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 6e592b0424ee..e1f28c601eab 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "雲端 Web 效能測試", + "loc.friendlyName": "雲端式 Web 效能測試", "loc.helpMarkDown": "觸發使用 Azure Pipelines 的雲端式負載測試。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=613203)", "loc.description": "使用 Azure Pipelines,在雲端中執行快速的 Web 效能測試", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "快速 Web 效能測試 $(testName)", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.json index 757e3336b01a..dac9d9d3f15c 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 37 + "Patch": 38 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.loc.json index cb6ecd284633..c5ccb7aed8aa 100644 --- a/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/QuickPerfTestV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 37 + "Patch": 38 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..de1f40d3848e --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Cache wiederherstellen", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hiermit wird ein zugeordneter Cache in einen lokalen Pfad heruntergeladen.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein zugeordneter Cache heruntergeladen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Cache wiederherstellen", + "loc.input.label.key": "Der Name des Schlüssels.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Der Name des Schlüssels.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Pfad, der als Downloadziel verwendet werden soll", + "loc.input.help.path": "Der Ordnerpfad, in den der Cache heruntergeladen werden soll. Es kann sich um einen vollqualifizierten Pfad oder um einen Pfad relativ zum Stamm des Repositorys handeln. Platzhalter werden nicht unterstützt, [Variablen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) werden unterstützt. Ist der Ordner nicht vorhanden, wird er erstellt.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "Festzulegende Variable bei Cachetreffer", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "Hiermit wird die folgende Variable (PipelineCache.) auf TRUE festgelegt." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5365c0ba1f89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Restaurar caché", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Descarga una memoria caché asociada a una ruta de acceso local.", + "loc.description": "Descarga una caché asociada.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Restaurar caché", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nombre de la clave.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nombre de la clave.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Ruta de acceso de descarga a", + "loc.input.help.path": "La ruta de acceso de la carpeta en la que se va a descargar la memoria caché. Puede ser una ruta de acceso completa o una ruta de acceso relativa a la raíz del repositorio. No se admiten caracteres comodín. Se admiten [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988). Si no existe la carpeta, se creará.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "Variable que se va a establecer si hay un acierto de caché.", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "Esta acción establecerá la variable siguiente (PipelineCache.) en \"True\"." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3f352799b104 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Restaurer le cache", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Télécharge un cache associé dans un chemin local.", + "loc.description": "Télécharge un cache associé.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Restaurer le cache", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nom de la clé.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nom de la clé.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Chemin de destination du téléchargement", + "loc.input.help.path": "Chemin du dossier dans lequel télécharger le cache. Il peut s'agir d'un chemin complet ou d'un chemin relatif à la racine du dépôt. Les caractères génériques ne sont pas pris en charge. Les [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sont prises en charge. Si le dossier n'existe pas, il est créé.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "Variable à définir en cas d'accès au cache", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "Cela entraîne l'affectation de la valeur 'True' à la variable suivante (PipelineCache.)." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..49cee0401f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Ripristina cache", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Scarica una cache associata in un percorso locale.", + "loc.description": "Scarica una cache associata.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ripristina cache", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nome della chiave.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nome della chiave.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Percorso in cui eseguire il download", + "loc.input.help.path": "Percorso della cartella in cui scaricare la cache. Può essere un percorso completo o relativo alla radice del repository. I caratteri jolly non sono supportati. Le [variabili](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sono supportate. Se la cartella non esiste, verrà creata.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "Variabile da impostare se è presente un riscontro cache", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "Consente di impostare la variabile seguente (PipelineCache.) su 'True'." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f22c34a910da --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "キャッシュの復元", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "関連付けられているキャッシュをローカル パスにダウンロードします。", + "loc.description": "関連付けられているキャッシュをダウンロードします。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "キャッシュの復元", + "loc.input.label.key": "キーの名前。", + "loc.input.help.key": "キーの名前。", + "loc.input.label.path": "ダウンロード先のパス", + "loc.input.help.path": "キャッシュをダウンロードするフォルダーのパスです。これは、完全修飾パスまたはリポジトリのルートからの相対パスです。ワイルドカードはサポートされていません。[変数](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)はサポートされています。フォルダーが存在しない場合は作成されます。", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "キャッシュ ヒットがある場合に設定する変数", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "これにより、次の変数 (PipelineCache.) が [True] に設定されます。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c8c9e9d3c9c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "캐시 복원", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "연결된 캐시를 로컬 경로에 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.description": "연결된 캐시를 다운로드합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "캐시 복원", + "loc.input.label.key": "키의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.help.key": "키의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.path": "다운로드할 경로", + "loc.input.help.path": "캐시를 다운로드할 폴더 경로입니다. 정규화된 경로 또는 리포지토리 루트의 상대 경로일 수 있습니다. 와일드카드는 지원되지 않습니다. [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)가 지원됩니다. 폴더가 없으면 새로 생성됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "캐시 적중이 있을 경우 설정할 변수", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "이렇게 하면 변수(PipelineCache.)가 'True'로 설정됩니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e3c7b0d830df --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Восстановить кэш", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Скачивает связанный кэш по локальному пути.", + "loc.description": "Скачивает связанный кэш.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Восстановить кэш", + "loc.input.label.key": "Имя ключа.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Имя ключа.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Путь для скачивания", + "loc.input.help.path": "Путь к папке, в которую нужно скачать кэш. Это может быть полный путь или путь относительно корня репозитория. Подстановочные знаки не поддерживаются. [Переменные](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) поддерживаются. Если папка не существует, она будет создана.", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "Переменная, задаваемая при попадании в кэш", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "Это задаст значение \"true\" для следующей переменной (PipelineCache.)." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6eccddf28a75 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "还原缓存", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "将关联的缓存下载到本地路径。", + "loc.description": "下载关联的缓存。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "还原缓存", + "loc.input.label.key": "键的名称。", + "loc.input.help.key": "键的名称。", + "loc.input.label.path": "要下载到的路径", + "loc.input.help.path": "要将缓存下载到的文件夹路径。这可以是完全限定的路径,也可以是存储库根目录的相对路径。不支持使用通配符。支持[变量](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。如果该文件夹不存在,将创建该文件夹。", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "在存在缓存命中时要设置的变量", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "这会将以下变量(PipelineCache.)设置为 \"True\"。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e8980500eb38 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/RestoreCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "還原快取", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "將已建立關聯的快取下載至本機路徑。", + "loc.description": "下載已建立關聯的快取。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "還原快取", + "loc.input.label.key": "索引鍵的名稱。", + "loc.input.help.key": "索引鍵的名稱。", + "loc.input.label.path": "下載的目標路徑", + "loc.input.help.path": "要接收所下載快取的資料夾路徑,可以是完整路徑,也可以是相對於存放庫根目錄的路徑。不支援萬用字元。支援 [變數](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。若資料夾不存在,會建立資料夾。", + "loc.input.label.cacheHitVar": "用來設定是否有快取命中的變數", + "loc.input.help.cacheHitVar": "這會將下列變數 (PipelineCache0) 設定為 'True'。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 321197c37308..5faaa4d8ca48 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -38,6 +38,6 @@ "loc.input.help.configuration": "테스트를 보고해야 하는 구성입니다. 빌드 작업에서 구성에 사용할 변수를 정의한 경우, 여기에서 해당 변수를 사용하세요.", "loc.input.label.testConfigurations": "테스트 구성", "loc.input.help.testConfigurations": "필요한 경우 테스트 구성 ID를 기준으로 테스트 사례 필터를 연결합니다. 구문: <Filter1>:<Id1>;DefaultTestConfiguration:<Id3>. 예: `FullyQualifiedName~Chrome:12`", - "loc.input.label.autMachineGroup": "테스트 중인 응용 프로그램 컴퓨터", + "loc.input.label.autMachineGroup": "테스트 중인 애플리케이션 컴퓨터", "loc.input.help.autMachineGroup": "W3WP.exe와 같은 서버 프로세스가 실행 중인 컴퓨터, 출력 변수 또는 컴퓨터 그룹 이름의 쉼표로 구분된 목록입니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.json b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.json index 9607da586a5f..c82c83b985f0 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.loc.json index 3e7fadd96904..007129d98b02 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/RunDistributedTestsV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "deprecated": true, "runsOn": [ diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index fcea7814d8fc..56070f17c514 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Cloudbasierter Apache JMeter-Auslastungstest", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Diese Aufgabe kann zum Auslösen eines Apache JMeter-Auslastungstests in der Cloud mithilfe von Azure Pipelines verwendet werden. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=784929).", - "loc.description": "Führt den Apache JMeter-Auslastungstest in der Cloud aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Apache JMeter-Auslastungstest in der Cloud ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Apache JMeter-Test $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Pipelines-Verbindung", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie eine zuvor registrierte Dienstverbindung aus, um mit dem cloudbasierten Auslastungstestdienst zu kommunizieren. Wählen Sie \"Verwalten\" aus, um eine neue Dienstverbindung zu registrieren.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1f29aeb9c94b..604548ba7075 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de carga de Apache JMeter basada en la nube", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Esta tarea se puede usar para desencadenar una prueba de carga de Apache JMeter en la nube con Azure Pipelines. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=784929).", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta la prueba de carga de Apache JMeter en la nube", + "loc.description": "Ejecuta una prueba de carga de Apache JMeter en la nube.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Prueba de Apache JMeter $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Conexión de Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio ya registrada para comunicarse con el servicio de prueba de carga basada en la nube. Elija \"Administrar\" para registrar una conexión de servicio nueva.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index f6831e2d7e2b..5da9dc7c0861 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Test de charge Apache JMeter dans le cloud", + "loc.friendlyName": "Test de charge Apache JMeter basé sur le cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Cette tâche permet de déclencher un test de charge Apache JMeter dans le cloud à l'aide d'Azure Pipelines. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=784929)", - "loc.description": "Exécute le test de charge Apache JMeter dans le cloud", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un test de charge Apache JMeter dans le cloud", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Apache JMeter $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connexion Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service inscrite pour communiquer avec le service de test de charge basé sur le cloud. Choisissez Gérer pour inscrire une nouvelle connexion de service.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 7bc153bfdce8..cf417b9dcb2f 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test di carico di Apache JMeter basato sul cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "È possibile usare questa attività per attivare un test di carico di Apache JMeter nel cloud usando Azure Pipelines. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=784929)", - "loc.description": "Esegue il test di carico di Apache JMeter nel cloud", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire un test di carico di Apache JMeter nel cloud", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test di Apache JMeter $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connessione ad Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio registrata in precedenza per comunicare con il servizio del test di carico basato sul cloud. Scegliere 'Gestisci' per registrare una nuova connessione al servizio.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index c3488030e8ff..c48f6e27ea6b 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Облачный нагрузочный тест Apache JMeter", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Эту задачу можно использовать для активации нагрузочного теста Apache JMeter в облаке с помощью Azure Pipelines. [Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=784929)", - "loc.description": "Запускает нагрузочный тест Apache JMeter в облаке", + "loc.description": "Запуск нагрузочного теста Apache JMeter в облаке", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Тест Apache JMeter $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Подключение к Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Выберите ранее зарегистрированное подключение службы для взаимодействия со службой облачного нагрузочного тестирования. Чтобы зарегистрировать новое подключение службы, нажмите \"Управление\".", diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.json index 0569102a35dc..852654b9c61c 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 29 + "Patch": 30 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.loc.json index 2adfc1a41bc0..6fbbc5574131 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/RunJMeterLoadTestV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 29 + "Patch": 30 }, "demands": [ "azureps" diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index b92603704697..32608da64e98 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Cloudbasierter Auslastungstest", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Diese Aufgabe löst einen cloudbasierten Auslastungstest mithilfe von Azure Pipelines aus. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=546976).", - "loc.description": "Führt den Auslastungstest in der Cloud mit Azure Pipelines aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird mit Azure Pipelines ein Auslastungstest in der Cloud ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Cloudauslastungstest $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Pipelines-Verbindung", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie eine zuvor registrierte Dienstverbindung aus, um mit dem cloudbasierten Auslastungstestdienst zu kommunizieren. Wählen Sie \"Verwalten\" aus, um eine neue Dienstverbindung zu registrieren.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3bead06c97bf..447dc3516fef 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de carga basada en la nube", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Esta tarea desencadena una prueba de carga basada en la nube con Azure Pipelines. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=546976).", - "loc.description": "Ejecuta la prueba de carga en la nube con Azure Pipelines.", + "loc.description": "Ejecuta una prueba de carga en la nube con Azure Pipelines.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Prueba de carga de nube $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Conexión de Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Seleccione una conexión de servicio ya registrada para comunicarse con el servicio de prueba de carga basada en la nube. Elija \"Administrar\" para registrar una conexión de servicio nueva.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index b6f3f4daaf5e..73aba18bc3cb 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test de charge basé sur le cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Cette tâche déclenche un test de charge basé sur le cloud à l'aide d'Azure Pipelines. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=546976)", - "loc.description": "Exécute le test de charge dans le cloud avec Azure Pipelines", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un test de charge dans le cloud avec Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test de charge cloud $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connexion Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez une connexion de service inscrite pour communiquer avec le service de test de charge basé sur le cloud. Choisissez Gérer pour inscrire une nouvelle connexion de service.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8f26fd2fe44e..75eb97f904d9 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Test di carico basato sul cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "Questa attività attiva un test di carico basato sul cloud con Azure Pipelines. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=546976)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire il test di carico nel cloud con Azure Pipelines", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire un test di carico nel cloud con Azure Pipelines", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test di carico cloud $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Connessione ad Azure Pipelines", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare una connessione al servizio registrata in precedenza per comunicare con il servizio del test di carico basato sul cloud. Scegliere 'Gestisci' per registrare una nuova connessione al servizio.", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 7de2c140f1f8..83ce955e91f9 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "雲端式負載測試 ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "此工作會觸發使用 Azure Pipelines 的雲端式負載測試。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=546976)", - "loc.description": "使用 Azure Pipelines,在雲端中執行負載測試", + "loc.description": "使用 Azure Pipelines 在雲端中執行負載測試", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "雲端負載測試 $(LoadTest)", "loc.input.label.connectedServiceName": "Azure Pipelines 連線", "loc.input.help.connectedServiceName": "選取先前註冊的服務連線,以和雲端式負載測試服務溝通。選擇 [管理] 可註冊新的服務連線。", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.json index 55e87dadedf2..c30520374779 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 36 + "Patch": 37 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.loc.json index efd175ddc181..63931423d02f 100644 --- a/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/RunLoadTestV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 36 + "Patch": 37 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e79df5d28d87 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Cache speichern", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hiermit wird ein lokaler Cache für die aktuelle Pipeline veröffentlicht.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein lokaler Cache für die aktuelle Pipeline veröffentlicht.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Cache speichern", + "loc.input.label.key": "Der Name des Schlüssels.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Der Name des Schlüssels.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Pfad für die Veröffentlichung.", + "loc.input.help.path": "Der Ordner- oder Dateipfad für die Veröffentlichung. Es kann sich um einen vollqualifizierten Pfad oder um einen Pfad relativ zum Stamm des Repositorys handeln. Platzhalter werden nicht unterstützt, [Variablen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) werden unterstützt." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a4386d79d1ec --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Guardar caché", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Publica una memoria caché local para la canalización actual.", + "loc.description": "Publica una memoria caché local para la canalización actual.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Guardar caché", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nombre de la clave.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nombre de la clave.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Ruta de acceso para publicar.", + "loc.input.help.path": "La ruta de acceso del archivo o la carpeta para publicar. Puede ser una ruta de acceso completa o relativa a la raíz del repositorio. No se admiten caracteres comodín. Se admiten [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4347f654e4e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Enregistrer le cache", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Publiez un cache local pour le pipeline actuel.", + "loc.description": "Publiez un cache local pour le pipeline actuel.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Enregistrer le cache", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nom de la clé.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nom de la clé.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Chemin de publication.", + "loc.input.help.path": "Chemin de dossier ou de fichier à publier. Il peut s'agir d'un chemin complet ou d'un chemin relatif à la racine du dépôt. Les caractères génériques ne sont pas pris en charge. Les [variables](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sont prises en charge." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..495eaa7c6a5c --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Salva cache", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Consente di pubblicare una cache locale per la pipeline corrente.", + "loc.description": "Consente di pubblicare una cache locale per la pipeline corrente.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Salva cache", + "loc.input.label.key": "Nome della chiave.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Nome della chiave.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Percorso per la pubblicazione.", + "loc.input.help.path": "Percorso del file o della cartella da pubblicare. Può essere un percorso completo o relativo alla radice del repository. I caratteri jolly non sono supportati. Le [variabili](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) sono supportate." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1f79cf18af71 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "キャッシュの保存", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "現在のパイプラインのローカル キャッシュを公開します。", + "loc.description": "現在のパイプラインのローカル キャッシュを公開します。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "キャッシュの保存", + "loc.input.label.key": "キーの名前。", + "loc.input.help.key": "キーの名前。", + "loc.input.label.path": "発行するためのパス。", + "loc.input.help.path": "発行するフォルダーまたはファイルのパスです。これは、完全修飾パスまたはリポジトリのルートからの相対パスです。ワイルドカードはサポートされていません。[変数](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) はサポートされています。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e20b2c112e1a --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "캐시 저장", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "현재 파이프라인에 대해 로컬 캐시를 게시합니다.", + "loc.description": "현재 파이프라인에 대해 로컬 캐시를 게시합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "캐시 저장", + "loc.input.label.key": "키의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.help.key": "키의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.path": "게시할 경로", + "loc.input.help.path": "게시할 폴더 또는 파일 경로입니다. 정규화된 경로 또는 리포지토리 루트의 상대 경로일 수 있습니다. 와일드카드는 지원되지 않습니다. [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)가 지원됩니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..25259b3edfa6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Сохранить кэш", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "Публикация локального кэша для текущего конвейера.", + "loc.description": "Публикация локального кэша для текущего конвейера.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сохранить кэш", + "loc.input.label.key": "Имя ключа.", + "loc.input.help.key": "Имя ключа.", + "loc.input.label.path": "Путь для публикации.", + "loc.input.help.path": "Папка или путь к файлу для публикации. Путь может быть полным или заданным относительно корня репозитория. Подстановочные знаки не поддерживаются. [Переменные](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) поддерживаются." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9d22f51f5ee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "保存缓存", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "发布当前管道的本地缓存。", + "loc.description": "发布当前管道的本地缓存。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "保存缓存", + "loc.input.label.key": "键的名称。", + "loc.input.help.key": "键的名称。", + "loc.input.label.path": "要发布的路径。", + "loc.input.help.path": "要发布的文件夹或文件路径。这可以是完全限定的路径或相对于存储库根路径的路径。不支持通配符。支持 [变量](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ee619c82c33 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/SaveCacheV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "儲存快取", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "針對目前的管線發佈本機快取。", + "loc.description": "針對目前的管線發佈本機快取。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "儲存快取", + "loc.input.label.key": "索引鍵的名稱。", + "loc.input.help.key": "索引鍵的名稱。", + "loc.input.label.path": "用來發佈的路徑。", + "loc.input.help.path": "要發佈的資料夾或檔案路徑。此項目可為完整路徑,或與存放庫根相對的路徑。不支援萬用字元。支援[變數](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988)。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 4a704cac7e0c..2c956278a2de 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric Compose-Bereitstellung", + "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric-Compose-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Stellen Sie eine Docker Compose-Anwendung in einem Service Fabric-Cluster bereit.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Docker Compose-Anwendung in einem Azure Service Fabric-Cluster bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compose-Anwendung für Service Fabric bereitstellen", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "Registrierungseinstellungen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweiterte Einstellungen", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e6464946a1c4..155aec18498b 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Compose en Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Implementa una aplicación de Docker Compose en un clúster de Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Implementa una aplicación de Docker Compose en un clúster de Azure Service Fabric.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar aplicación de Compose en Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "Configuración del Registro", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Configuración avanzada", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 95ba3cb7a32e..8ac854b3b031 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement Docker Compose sur Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Déployez une application Docker Compose sur un cluster Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Déployer une application Docker Compose sur un cluster Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer l'application Compose sur Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "Paramètres de registre", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Paramètres avancés", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 1d0dc866da7c..c0fe31b5cdbe 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione Service Fabric Compose", + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione Compose in Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un'applicazione Docker Compose in un cluster Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un'applicazione Docker Compose in un cluster Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci applicazione Compose in Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "Impostazioni registro", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Impostazioni avanzate", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 307aaa4a8525..618978ae78df 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric Compose Deploy", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Docker Compose アプリケーションを Service Fabric クラスターに配置します。", + "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric クラスターに対して Docker Compose アプリケーションをデプロイします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compose アプリケーションを Service Fabric に配置", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "レジストリの設定", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 6207a9ca043e..b0ec33b17979 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric Compose 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "docker-compose 응용 프로그램을 Service Fabric 클러스터에 배포합니다.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compose 응용 프로그램을 Service Fabric에 배포", + "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric 클러스터에 Docker Compose 애플리케이션을 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compose 애플리케이션을 Service Fabric에 배포", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "레지스트리 설정", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 설정", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "클러스터 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "클러스터에 연결하는 데 사용할 Azure Service Fabric 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 새 서비스 연결을 등록하려면 '관리'를 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.composeFilePath": "작성 파일 경로", "loc.input.help.composeFilePath": "배포할 작성 파일의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.applicationName": "응용 프로그램 이름", - "loc.input.help.applicationName": "배포되는 응용 프로그램의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.label.applicationName": "애플리케이션 이름", + "loc.input.help.applicationName": "배포되는 애플리케이션의 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.registryCredentials": "레지스트리 자격 증명 소스", "loc.input.help.registryCredentials": "Docker 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명을 제공할지 여부와 제공 방법을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpointName": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결", @@ -26,22 +26,22 @@ "loc.input.label.upgrade": "업그레이드", "loc.input.help.upgrade": "기존 배포를 제거하지 않고 업그레이드합니다.", "loc.input.label.deployTimeoutSec": "배포 제한 시간(초)", - "loc.input.help.deployTimeoutSec": "응용 프로그램을 배포하는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", + "loc.input.help.deployTimeoutSec": "애플리케이션을 배포하는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", "loc.input.label.removeTimeoutSec": "제거 시간 제한(초)", - "loc.input.help.removeTimeoutSec": "기존 응용 프로그램을 제거하는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", + "loc.input.help.removeTimeoutSec": "기존 애플리케이션을 제거하는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", "loc.input.label.getStatusTimeoutSec": "상태 가져오기 제한 시간(초)", - "loc.input.help.getStatusTimeoutSec": "기존 응용 프로그램의 상태를 가져오는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", + "loc.input.help.getStatusTimeoutSec": "기존 애플리케이션의 상태를 가져오는 제한 시간(초)입니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.SearchingForPath": "{0} 경로 검색 중", "loc.messages.FoundPath": "찾은 경로: {0}", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "스크립트 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 줄 바꿈은 허용되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "스크립트 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 잘못된 경로 문자를 지정했습니다.", - "loc.messages.RemovingApplication": "기존 응용 프로그램 '{0}'을(를) 제거하는 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.ApplicationRemoved": "응용 프로그램이 제거되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.RemovingApplication": "기존 애플리케이션 '{0}'을(를) 제거하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.ApplicationRemoved": "애플리케이션이 제거되었습니다.", "loc.messages.EncryptingPassword": "서버 인증서를 사용하여 암호를 암호화하는 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.CreatingApplication": "응용 프로그램을 만드는 중", - "loc.messages.UpgradingApplication": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드 중", + "loc.messages.CreatingApplication": "애플리케이션을 만드는 중", + "loc.messages.UpgradingApplication": "애플리케이션 업그레이드 중", "loc.messages.WaitingForDeploy": "배포될 때까지 대기 중…", "loc.messages.WaitingForUpgrade": "업그레이드될 때까지 대기 중...", "loc.messages.CurrentStatus": "현재 상태: {0}", @@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ "loc.messages.CheckingComposeFile": "Compose 파일을 확인하는 중", "loc.messages.UnsupportedAPIVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 버전 {0}은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.UsingAPIVersion": "Service Fabric SDK 버전 {0}용 cmdlet을 사용합니다.", - "loc.messages.InvalidApplicationNameWarning": "최신 Service Fabric에서 'fabric:/'으로 시작하는 Compose 응용 프로그램 이름 지원이 중지되었으므로 응용 프로그램 이름 '{0}'에 대한 Compose 배포가 ServiceDnsName 오류로 인해 실패할 수 있습니다. 필요한 경우 다른 응용 프로그램 이름을 입력하여 다시 실행할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.UpgradeInProgress": "'{0}' 응용 프로그램에 대한 업그레이드가 이미 진행 중입니다." + "loc.messages.InvalidApplicationNameWarning": "최신 Service Fabric에서 'fabric:/'으로 시작하는 Compose 애플리케이션 이름 지원이 중지되었으므로 애플리케이션 이름 '{0}'에 대한 Compose 배포가 ServiceDnsName 오류로 인해 실패할 수 있습니다. 필요한 경우 다른 애플리케이션 이름을 입력하여 다시 실행할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpgradeInProgress": "'{0}' 애플리케이션에 대한 업그레이드가 이미 진행 중입니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1ab27c185b80..6e1db21784d9 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Service Fabric Compose", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "Разверните приложение docker-compose в кластер Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Развертывание приложения Docker Compose в кластере Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание приложения Compose в Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "Параметры реестра", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительные параметры", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e3ecd82fc559..cd340b9be42c 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric Compose 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "将 docker-compose 应用程序部署到 Service Fabric 群集。", + "loc.description": "将 Docker Compose 应用程序部署到 Azure Service Fabric 群集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 Compose 应用程序部署到 Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "注册表设置", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级设置", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 3d1f3cb8f326..6d320bed2579 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric Compose 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=847030)", - "loc.description": "將 docker-compose 應用程式部署到 Service Fabric 叢集。", + "loc.description": "將 Docker Compose 應用程式部署至 Azure Service Fabric 叢集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 Compose 應用程式部署到 Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.registry": "登錄設定", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階設定", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.json index fa15c77d1a47..b6dad52686ed 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.loc.json index b2d356b75794..47a4a68fdfbe 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricComposeDeployV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 11 + "Patch": 12 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index baaad811c7ff..e71cc730dfe3 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric-Anwendungsbereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Stellt eine Service Fabric-Anwendung für einen Cluster bereit.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Azure Service Fabric-Anwendung in einem Cluster bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric-Anwendung bereitstellen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweiterte Einstellungen", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "Upgradeeinstellungen", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "Timeout in Sekunden für das Registrieren eines Anwendungspakets oder das Aufheben der Registrierung für ein Anwendungspaket.", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "Verhalten überschreiben", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Verhalten überschreiben, wenn im Cluster eine Anwendung mit dem gleichen Namen vorhanden ist und keine Upgrades konfiguriert wurden.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Außerkraftsetzungsverhalten: Wenn das Upgrade nicht konfiguriert ist und bereits eine gleichnamige Anwendung im Cluster vorhanden ist, sind folgende Aktionen verfügbar: Never, Always, SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n Bei Auswahl von \"Never\" wird die vorhandene Anwendung nie entfernt. Dies ist das Standardverhalten.\n Mit \"Always\" wird die vorhandene Anwendung selbst dann entfernt, wenn sich Anwendungstyp und Version von der zu erstellenden Anwendung unterscheiden.\n Bei Auswahl von \"SameAppTypeAndVersion\" wird die vorhandene Anwendung nur dann entfernt, wenn Anwendungstyp und Version mit der zu erstellenden Anwendung übereinstimmen.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Upgrade für den gleichen Typ und die gleiche Version überspringen", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Gibt an, ob ein Upgrade übersprungen wird, wenn der gleiche Anwendungstyp und die gleiche Version im Cluster bereits vorhanden sind, andernfalls schlägt das Upgrade während der Überprüfung fehl. Ist dies aktiviert, sind erneute Bereitstellungen idempotent.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "Paketüberprüfung überspringen", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "Anwendungsintegrität wird abgerufen:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "Es wird erneut versucht, ein Upgrade der Anwendung durchzuführen...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "Upgradestatus der Anwendung wird abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "Anwendung wird aus dem Cluster abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "Diensttyp wird aus dem Cluster abgerufen...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "Dienstmanifest wird aus dem Cluster abgerufen...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "Verbindung mit dem Cluster wird getestet...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "Anwendungspaket wird getestet...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "Clustermanifest wird abgerufen...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 637df2878bf9..6f99dff8d90c 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de aplicación de Service Fabric", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de aplicaciones de Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Implementa una aplicación de Service Fabric en un clúster.", + "loc.description": "Implementa una aplicación de Azure Service Fabric en un clúster.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar la aplicación Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Configuración avanzada", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "Configuración de actualización", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "Tiempo de espera en segundos para registrar o anular el registro del paquete de aplicación.", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "Sobrescribir comportamiento", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Sobrescribir comportamiento si existe una aplicación en el clúster con el mismo nombre y no se han configurado actualizaciones.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Comportamiento de sobrescritura: cuando la actualización no está configurada y ya existe una aplicación con el mismo nombre en el clúster, están disponibles las siguientes acciones => Nunca, Siempre y SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n Nunca no quitará la aplicación existente. Este es el comportamiento predeterminado.\n Siempre quitará la aplicación existente, aunque el tipo de aplicación y la versión sean distintos a los de la aplicación que se está creando.\n SameAppTypeAndVersion solo quitará la aplicación existente si el tipo de aplicación y la versión son iguales que los de la aplicación que está creando.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Omitir actualización para el mismo tipo con la misma versión", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Indica si se omite una actualización cuando existe el mismo tipo de aplicación con la misma versión en el clúster. De lo contrario, la actualización da error durante la validación. Si se habilita esta opción, las reimplementaciones son idempotentes.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "Omitir validación del paquete", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "Obteniendo el estado de la aplicación:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "Reintentando actualizar la aplicación...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "Obteniendo el estado de actualización de la aplicación...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "Obteniendo la aplicación del clúster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "Obteniendo el tipo de servicio del clúster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "Obteniendo el manifiesto de servicio del clúster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "Probando la conexión con el clúster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "Probando el paquete de aplicación...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "Obteniendo el manifiesto de clúster...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 81234463a944..6e42b3b78a32 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement d'application Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Déployez une application Service Fabric sur un cluster.", + "loc.description": "Déployer une application Azure Service Fabric sur un cluster", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer l'application Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Paramètres avancés", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "Paramètres de mise à niveau", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "Délai d'expiration en secondes de l'inscription ou de la désinscription du package d'application.", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "Comportement de remplacement", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Comportement de remplacement si une application portant le même nom existe dans le cluster, et si les mises à niveau n'ont pas été configurées.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Comportement de remplacement : quand aucune mise à niveau n'est configurée et qu'une application portant le même nom existe déjà dans le cluster, les actions suivantes sont disponibles => Never, Always, SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n Never signifie que l'application existante n'est pas supprimée. Il s'agit du comportement par défaut.\n Always signifie que l'application existante est supprimée, même si le type et la version de l'application diffèrent du type et de la version de l'application en cours de création.\n SameAppTypeAndVersion signifie que l'application existante est supprimée uniquement si le type et la version de l'application sont identiques au type et à la version de l'application en cours de création.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Ignorer la mise à niveau pour un même type et une même version", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Indique si une mise à niveau est ignorée quand une application de même type et de même version existe déjà dans le cluster. Sinon, la mise à niveau se solde par un échec durant la validation. Si cette option est activée, les redéploiements sont idempotents.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "Ignorer la validation du package", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "Obtention de l'intégrité de l'application :", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "Nouvelle tentative de mise à niveau de l'application...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "Obtention de l'état de mise à niveau de l'application...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "Obtention de l'application à partir du cluster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "Obtention du type de service à partir du cluster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "Obtention du manifeste de service à partir du cluster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "Test de la connexion au cluster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "Test du package d'application...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "Obtention du manifeste de cluster...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index a848fe5f5b38..54a1a9782e05 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione applicazione di Service Fabric", + "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione applicazione Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un'applicazione di Service Fabric in un cluster.", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un'applicazione Azure Service Fabric in un cluster", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci applicazione Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Impostazioni avanzate", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "Impostazioni di aggiornamento", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "Timeout in secondi per la registrazione o l'annullamento della registrazione del pacchetto dell'applicazione.", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "Comportamento di sovrascrittura", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Comportamento per la sovrascrittura adottato se nel cluster è presente un'applicazione con lo stesso nome e gli aggiornamenti non sono stati configurati.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Comportamento di Overwrite: quando l'aggiornamento non è configurato e nel cluster esiste già un'applicazione con lo stesso nome, sono disponibili le azioni seguenti => Never, Always, SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n Con Never l'applicazione esistente non verrà mai rimossa. Questo è il comportamento predefinito.\n Con Always l'applicazione esistente verrà sempre rimossa anche se il tipo e la versione dell'applicazione sono diversi da quelli dell'applicazione che si sta creando.\n Con SameAppTypeAndVersion l'applicazione esistente verrà rimossa solo se il tipo e la versione dell'applicazione sono uguali all'applicazione che si sta creando.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Ignora aggiornamento per tipo e versione uguali", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Indica se un aggiornamento verrà ignorato se nel cluster sono presenti lo stesso tipo e la stessa versione dell'applicazione; in caso contrario, l'aggiornamento non riesce durante la convalida. Se questa opzione è abilitata, le ridistribuzioni sono idempotenti.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "Ignora convalida del pacchetto", @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredServerThumbprint": "È necessario definire un'identificazione personale del certificato del server nella connessione al servizio oppure specificare un profilo di pubblicazione nell'attività Azure Pipelines.", "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredAppParams": "È necessario specificare un file dei parametri dell'applicazione o un profilo di pubblicazione nell'attività Azure Pipelines.", "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredUpgrade": "È necessario sostituire le impostazioni di aggiornamento oppure specificare un profilo di pubblicazione nell'attività Azure Pipelines.", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedDockerRegistryAuthScheme": "Lo schema di autenticazione '{0}' per il Registro contenitori di Azure non è supportato.", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedDockerRegistryAuthScheme": "Lo schema di autenticazione '{0}' per il Registro Azure Container non è supportato.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_InvalidSFPackage": "{0} non è un pacchetto dell'applicazione di Service Fabric valido.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_PackageValidationFailed": "La convalida non è riuscita per il pacchetto: {0}", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToVerifyClusterConnection": "Non è possibile verificare la connessione al servizio per il cluster Service Fabric.", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "Recupero dell'integrità dell'applicazione:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "Nuovo tentativo di aggiornamento dell'applicazione...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "Recupero dello stato di aggiornamento dell'applicazione...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "Recupero dell'applicazione dal cluster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "Recupero del tipo del servizio dal cluster...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "Recupero del manifesto del servizio dal cluster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "Test della connessione al cluster...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "Test del pacchetto dell'applicazione...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "Recupero del manifesto del cluster...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 17a6a199bbc0..9ff9349eb52f 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric アプリケーションの展開", + "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric アプリケーションの配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Service Fabric アプリケーションをクラスターに展開します。", + "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric アプリケーションをクラスターにデプロイします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric アプリケーションの展開", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "アップグレード設定", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "アプリケーション パッケージの登録または登録解除に対するタイムアウト (秒)。", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "上書きの動作", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "クラスター内に同じ名前のアプリケーションが存在し、アップグレードが構成されていない場合の上書きの動作。", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "上書き動作: アップグレードが構成されておらず、同じ名前のアプリケーションが既にクラスターに存在する場合、次の操作を実行できます: [実行しない]、[常に行う]、[SameAppTypeAndVersion]。\n [実行しない] では、既存のアプリケーションは削除されません。これは既定の動作です。\n [常に行う] では、アプリケーションの種類とバージョンが作成中のアプリケーションと異なる場合でも、既存のアプリケーションが削除されます。\n [SameAppTypeAndVersion] では、そのアプリケーションの種類とバージョンが作成中のアプリケーションと同じ場合にのみ、既存のアプリケーションが削除されます。", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "同じ種類とバージョンのアップグレードのスキップ", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "同じアプリケーションの種類とバージョンがクラスター内に既に存在する場合に、アップグレードをスキップするか、検証中にアップグレードを失敗させるかを指定します。有効な場合、再配置はべき等になります。", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "パッケージ検証のスキップ", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "アプリケーションの正常性を取得しています:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "アプリケーションのアップグレードを再試行しています..", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "アプリケーションのアップグレードの状態を取得しています...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "クラスターからアプリケーションを取得しています...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "クラスターからサービスの種類を取得しています...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "クラスターからサービス マニフェストを取得しています...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "クラスターへの接続をテストしています..", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "アプリケーション パッケージをテストしています..", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "クラスター マニフェストを取得しています...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e5005681e267..17bbcfb09b8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric 응용 프로그램 배포", + "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric 애플리케이션 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "클러스터에 Service Fabric 응용 프로그램을 배포합니다.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "서비스 패브릭 응용 프로그램 배포", + "loc.description": "클러스터에 Azure Service Fabric 애플리케이션을 배포합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "서비스 패브릭 애플리케이션 배포", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 설정", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "업그레이드 설정", "loc.group.displayName.docker": "Docker 설정", - "loc.input.label.applicationPackagePath": "응용 프로그램 패키지", - "loc.input.help.applicationPackagePath": "배포할 응용 프로그램 패키지의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.applicationPackagePath": "애플리케이션 패키지", + "loc.input.help.applicationPackagePath": "배포할 애플리케이션 패키지의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "클러스터 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "클러스터에 연결하는 데 사용할 Azure Service Fabric 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 이 참조된 서비스 연결에 정의된 설정이 게시 프로필에 정의된 설정을 재정의합니다. '관리'를 선택하여 새 서비스 연결을 등록합니다.", "loc.input.label.publishProfilePath": "게시 프로필", "loc.input.help.publishProfilePath": "사용할 설정을 정의하는 게시 프로필 파일의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.applicationParameterPath": "응용 프로그램 매개 변수", - "loc.input.help.applicationParameterPath": "응용 프로그램 매개 변수 파일의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 지정하면 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.overrideApplicationParameter": "응용 프로그램 매개 변수 재정의", - "loc.input.help.overrideApplicationParameter": "빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 정의된 변수가 응용 프로그램 매니페스트 파일에 있는 '매개 변수 이름' 항목과 일치됩니다. \n 예: 응용 프로그램에 아래와 같이 정의된 매개 변수가 있습니다. \n \n \n \n \n 파티션 개수를 2개로 변경하려면 릴리스 파이프라인 또는 환경 변수 \"SampleApp_PartitionCount\"를 정의하고 해당 값을 \"2\"로 정의할 수 있습니다. \n\n 참고: 릴리스 파이프라인과 환경에서 동일한 변수가 정의된 경우 환경 변수가 릴리스 파이프라인 변수를 대체합니다.", + "loc.input.label.applicationParameterPath": "애플리케이션 매개 변수", + "loc.input.help.applicationParameterPath": "애플리케이션 매개 변수 파일의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 지정하면 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.overrideApplicationParameter": "애플리케이션 매개 변수 재정의", + "loc.input.help.overrideApplicationParameter": "빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 정의된 변수가 애플리케이션 매니페스트 파일에 있는 '매개 변수 이름' 항목과 일치됩니다. \n 예: 애플리케이션에 아래와 같이 정의된 매개 변수가 있습니다. \n \n \n \n \n 파티션 개수를 2개로 변경하려면 릴리스 파이프라인 또는 환경 변수 \"SampleApp_PartitionCount\"를 정의하고 해당 값을 \"2\"로 정의할 수 있습니다. \n\n 참고: 릴리스 파이프라인과 환경에서 동일한 변수가 정의된 경우 환경 변수가 릴리스 파이프라인 변수를 대체합니다.", "loc.input.label.compressPackage": "패키지 압축", - "loc.input.help.compressPackage": "응용 프로그램 패키지를 이미지 저장소로 복사하기 전에 압축할지 여부를 나타냅니다. 사용하도록 설정한 경우 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.compressPackage": "애플리케이션 패키지를 이미지 저장소로 복사하기 전에 압축할지 여부를 나타냅니다. 사용하도록 설정한 경우 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", "loc.input.label.copyPackageTimeoutSec": "CopyPackageTimeoutSec", - "loc.input.help.copyPackageTimeoutSec": "응용 프로그램 패키지를 이미지 저장소에 복사하는 제한 시간(초)입니다. 지정한 경우 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.copyPackageTimeoutSec": "애플리케이션 패키지를 이미지 저장소에 복사하는 제한 시간(초)입니다. 지정한 경우 게시 프로필의 값이 재정의됩니다.", "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", - "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "응용 프로그램 패키지를 등록하거나 등록을 취소하기 위한 제한 시간(초)입니다.", + "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "애플리케이션 패키지를 등록하거나 등록을 취소하기 위한 제한 시간(초)입니다.", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "동작 덮어쓰기", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "응용 프로그램이 이름이 같은 클러스터에 있고 업그레이드가 구성되지 않은 경우 동작을 덮어씁니다.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "덮어쓰기 동작: 업그레이드가 구성되어 있지 않고 동일한 이름의 애플리케이션이 클러스터에 이미 있는 경우 다음 동작을 사용할 수 있습니다. => 안 함, 항상, SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n [안 함]은 기존 애플리케이션을 제거하지 않습니다. 기본 동작입니다.\n [항상]은 애플리케이션 유형과 버전이 생성되는 애플리케이션과 다른 경우에도 기존 애플리케이션을 제거합니다.\n SameAppTypeAndVersion은 애플리케이션 유형과 버전이 생성되는 애플리케이션과 같은 경우에만 기존 애플리케이션을 제거합니다.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "동일한 유형과 버전에 대해 업그레이드 건너뛰기", - "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "클러스터에 동일한 응용 프로그램 유형과 버전이 이미 있는 경우 업그레이드를 건너뛸지 나타냅니다. 그렇지 않으면 유효성 검사 중 업그레이드가 실패합니다. 사용하도록 설정하는 경우 재배포는 idempotent입니다.", + "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "클러스터에 동일한 애플리케이션 유형과 버전이 이미 있는 경우 업그레이드를 건너뛸지 나타냅니다. 그렇지 않으면 유효성 검사 중 업그레이드가 실패합니다. 사용하도록 설정하는 경우 재배포는 idempotent입니다.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "패키지 유효성 검사 건너뛰기", "loc.input.help.skipPackageValidation": "배포 전에 패키지의 유효성 검사를 수행할지 여부를 나타냅니다.", "loc.input.label.useDiffPackage": "Diff 패키지 사용", - "loc.input.help.useDiffPackage": "업데이트된 응용 프로그램 파일, 업데이트된 응용 프로그램 매니페스트 및 서비스 매니페스트 파일만 포함된 Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드합니다.", + "loc.input.help.useDiffPackage": "업데이트된 애플리케이션 파일, 업데이트된 애플리케이션 매니페스트 및 서비스 매니페스트 파일만 포함된 Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드합니다.", "loc.input.label.overridePublishProfileSettings": "모든 게시 프로필 업그레이드 설정 재정의", "loc.input.help.overridePublishProfileSettings": "지정하지 않으면 모든 업그레이드 설정이 아래에 지정된 값 또는 기본값으로 재정의됩니다.", - "loc.input.label.isUpgrade": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드", + "loc.input.label.isUpgrade": "애플리케이션 업그레이드", "loc.input.label.unregisterUnusedVersions": "사용되지 않는 버전 등록 취소", - "loc.input.help.unregisterUnusedVersions": "업그레이드 후 사용되지 않는 응용 프로그램 유형이 모두 제거되었는지를 나타냅니다.", + "loc.input.help.unregisterUnusedVersions": "업그레이드 후 사용되지 않는 애플리케이션 유형이 모두 제거되었는지를 나타냅니다.", "loc.input.label.upgradeMode": "업그레이드 모드", "loc.input.label.FailureAction": "FailureAction", "loc.input.label.UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeoutSec": "UpgradeReplicaSetCheckTimeoutSec", @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ "loc.input.label.UpgradeTimeoutSec": "UpgradeTimeoutSec", "loc.input.label.ServiceTypeHealthPolicyMap": "ServiceTypeHealthPolicyMap", "loc.input.label.configureDockerSettings": "Docker 설정 구성", - "loc.input.help.configureDockerSettings": "지정한 Docker 설정으로 응용 프로그램을 구성합니다.", + "loc.input.help.configureDockerSettings": "지정한 Docker 설정으로 애플리케이션을 구성합니다.", "loc.input.label.registryCredentials": "레지스트리 자격 증명 소스", "loc.input.help.registryCredentials": "Docker 레지스트리에 대한 자격 증명을 제공하는 방법을 선택합니다.", "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 레지스트리 서비스 연결", @@ -63,83 +63,86 @@ "loc.input.help.registryPassword": "Docker 레지스트리의 암호입니다. 암호가 암호화되지 않은 경우 사용자 지정 릴리스 파이프라인 비밀 변수를 사용하여 암호를 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.", "loc.input.label.passwordEncrypted": "암호가 암호화됨", "loc.input.help.passwordEncrypted": "[Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-application-secret-management#encrypt-application-secrets)를 사용하여 암호를 암호화하는 것이 좋습니다. 그러지 않으면 클러스터 서비스 연결의 서버 인증서 지문과 일치하는 인증서가 빌드 에이전트에 설치된 경우 이 인증서가 암호를 암호화하는 데 사용되고, 그렇지 않은 경우 오류가 발생합니다.", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 응용 프로그램 {0}이(가) {1} 클러스터에 없습니다. 현재, 배포를 수행하기 위해 전체 응용 프로그램 패키지를 적용하는 중...", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {0} 응용 프로그램과 동일한 버전 {1}이(가) {2} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있습니다. 업그레이드를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge": "전체 응용 프로그램 패키지의 {0}을(를) Diff 패키지의 {1}에 복사하는 중...", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 애플리케이션 {0}이(가) {1} 클러스터에 없습니다. 현재, 배포를 수행하기 위해 전체 애플리케이션 패키지를 적용하는 중...", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {0} 애플리케이션과 동일한 버전 {1}이(가) {2} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있습니다. 업그레이드를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge": "전체 애플리케이션 패키지의 {0}을(를) Diff 패키지의 {1}에 복사하는 중...", "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage": "Diff 패키지를 만드는 중...", "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService": "서비스 {0}, clusterServiceManifest.Version {1}, localServiceManifest.Version {2}에 대한 Diff 패키지를 만드는 중", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning": "{0} 응용 프로그램의 서비스가 {1} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있지 않습니다. 전체 응용 프로그램 패키지를 배포하여 지금 배포를 수행합니다...", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_PackageDoesNotExist": "{0} 패키지가 전체 응용 프로그램 패키지에 없습니다. Diff 패키지로 복사를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {1} 응용 프로그램의 {0} 서비스가 {2} 클러스터에 없습니다. 현재 Diff 패키지에 복사하는 중...", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {1} 응용 프로그램의 {0} 서비스와 동일한 버전 {2}이(가) {3} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있습니다. 업그레이드를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_TestAppPkgFailed": "Diff 패키지를 만들기 전에 응용 프로그램 패키지 테스트에 실패했습니다. Diff 패키지 만들기를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning": "{0} 애플리케이션의 서비스가 {1} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있지 않습니다. 전체 애플리케이션 패키지를 배포하여 지금 배포를 수행합니다...", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_PackageDoesNotExist": "{0} 패키지가 전체 애플리케이션 패키지에 없습니다. Diff 패키지로 복사를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {1} 애플리케이션의 {0} 서비스가 {2} 클러스터에 없습니다. 현재 Diff 패키지에 복사하는 중...", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged": "Diff 패키지를 사용하여 업그레이드할 {1} 애플리케이션의 {0} 서비스와 동일한 버전 {2}이(가) {3} 클러스터에서 실행되고 있습니다. 업그레이드를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_TestAppPkgFailed": "Diff 패키지를 만들기 전에 애플리케이션 패키지 테스트에 실패했습니다. Diff 패키지 만들기를 건너뜁니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.SearchingForPath": "{0} 경로 검색 중", "loc.messages.FoundPath": "찾은 경로: {0}", "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "'{0}' 경로가 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.EmptyApplicationName": "응용 프로그램 이름은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.EmptyApplicationName": "애플리케이션 이름은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ServiceEndpointUpgradeWarning": "배포 작업이 새로운 변경 사항을 포함하는 새 버전으로 업그레이드되었습니다. 서비스 연결에 정의된 클러스터 엔드포인트가 이전에는 무시되었지만 이제 게시 프로필의 값을 재정의합니다. 엔드포인트가 올바르고 접두사 'https://'가 추가되었는지 확인하세요. 또한 서버 인증서 지문 필드가 서비스 연결에 추가되었으며 역시 게시 프로필 값을 재정의합니다. 서비스 연결이 서버 인증서 지문 지정을 허용하도록 업데이트되지 않았을 수 있으며, 이 경우 여전히 게시 프로필의 값이 사용되므로 곧 다시 시도해야 합니다.", - "loc.messages.OverrideApplicationParameterFile": "게시 프로필에 지정된 응용 프로그램 매개 변수 파일을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정된 '{0}'(으)로 재정의하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.OverrideApplicationParameterFile": "게시 프로필에 지정된 애플리케이션 매개 변수 파일을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정된 '{0}'(으)로 재정의하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.OverrideUpgradeSettings": "게시 프로필에 지정된 업그레이드 설정을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정된 설정으로 재정의하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredServerThumbprint": "서버 인증서 지문을 서비스 연결에 정의하거나 게시 프로필을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정해야 합니다.", - "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredAppParams": "응용 프로그램 매개 변수 파일 또는 게시 프로필을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredAppParams": "애플리케이션 매개 변수 파일 또는 게시 프로필을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.PublishProfileRequiredUpgrade": "업그레이드 설정을 재정의하거나 게시 프로필을 Azure Pipelines 작업에 지정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.UnsupportedDockerRegistryAuthScheme": "인증 체계 '{0}'은(는) Azure Container Registry에서 지원되지 않습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_InvalidSFPackage": "{0}은(는) 유효한 Service Fabric 응용 프로그램 패키지가 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_InvalidSFPackage": "{0}은(는) 유효한 Service Fabric 애플리케이션 패키지가 아닙니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_PackageValidationFailed": "{0} 패키지의 유효성을 검사하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToVerifyClusterConnection": "Service Fabric 클러스터에 대한 서비스 연결을 확인할 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToReadAppTypeAndVersion": "응용 프로그램 매니페스트 파일에서 응용 프로그램 종류 및 버전을 읽을 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppAlreadyExistsError": "이름이 '{0}'인 응용 프로그램이 이미 있고 해당 형식은 '{1}'이며 버전은 '{2}'입니다. 먼저 기존 응용 프로그램을 제거한 후 새 응용 프로그램을 배포하거나 응용 프로그램의 새 이름을 제공해야 합니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppAlreadyExistsInfo": "이름이 '{0}'인 응용 프로그램이 클러스터에 이미 있고 응용 프로그램 종류는 '{1}'이며 버전은 '{2}'입니다. 해당 응용 프로그램을 제거합니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisteringExistingAppType": "클러스터에 응용 프로그램 종류 '{0}' 및 버전 '{1}'이(가) 이미 등록되어 있습니다. 해당 정보를 등록 취소하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_SkipUnregisteringExistingAppType": "응용 프로그램 유형 '{0}' 및 '{1}' 버전이 클러스터에 이미 등록되어 있고 현재 사용 중이므로 응용 프로그램 유형의 등록 취소를 건너뜁니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToUnregisterAppType": "기존 응용 프로그램 종류를 등록 취소하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_CopyingAppToImageStore": "응용 프로그램을 이미지 저장소에 복사하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_CopyingAppToImageStoreFailed": "응용 프로그램 패키지를 이미지 저장소에 복사하지 못했습니다. 응용 프로그램 등록을 계속할 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppType": "응용 프로그램 종류를 등록하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppTypeFailed": "응용 프로그램 종류를 등록하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RemoveAppPackage": "이미지 저장소에서 응용 프로그램 패키지를 제거하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplication": "응용 프로그램을 만드는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplicationFailed": "응용 프로그램을 만들지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplicationSuccess": "응용 프로그램을 만들었습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppDoesNotExist": "'{0}' 응용 프로그램이 클러스터에 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppTypeMismatch": "'{0}' 응용 프로그램의 응용 프로그램 종류가 새 응용 프로그램 패키지의 응용 프로그램 매니페스트에 있는 응용 프로그램 종류와 일치하지 않습니다. 업그레이드하는 응용 프로그램이 같은 응용 프로그램 종류인지 확인하세요.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UpgradeInProgressError": "'{0}' 응용 프로그램에 대한 업그레이드가 이미 진행 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_StartAppUpgrade": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드를 시작하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_StartUpgradeFailed": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드를 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeOnUpgradeFailure": "업그레이드를 시작할 수 없습니다. 응용 프로그램 유형 '{0}' 및 버전 '{1}'의 등록을 취소하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToReadAppTypeAndVersion": "애플리케이션 매니페스트 파일에서 애플리케이션 종류 및 버전을 읽을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppAlreadyExistsError": "이름이 '{0}'인 애플리케이션이 이미 있고 해당 형식은 '{1}'이며 버전은 '{2}'입니다. 먼저 기존 애플리케이션을 제거한 후 새 애플리케이션을 배포하거나 애플리케이션의 새 이름을 제공해야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppAlreadyExistsInfo": "이름이 '{0}'인 애플리케이션이 클러스터에 이미 있고 애플리케이션 종류는 '{1}'이며 버전은 '{2}'입니다. 해당 애플리케이션을 제거합니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisteringExistingAppType": "클러스터에 애플리케이션 종류 '{0}' 및 버전 '{1}'이(가) 이미 등록되어 있습니다. 해당 정보를 등록 취소하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_SkipUnregisteringExistingAppType": "애플리케이션 유형 '{0}' 및 '{1}' 버전이 클러스터에 이미 등록되어 있고 현재 사용 중이므로 애플리케이션 유형의 등록 취소를 건너뜁니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnableToUnregisterAppType": "기존 애플리케이션 종류를 등록 취소하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_CopyingAppToImageStore": "애플리케이션을 이미지 저장소에 복사하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_CopyingAppToImageStoreFailed": "애플리케이션 패키지를 이미지 저장소에 복사하지 못했습니다. 애플리케이션 등록을 계속할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppType": "애플리케이션 종류를 등록하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppTypeFailed": "애플리케이션 종류를 등록하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RemoveAppPackage": "이미지 저장소에서 애플리케이션 패키지를 제거하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplication": "애플리케이션을 만드는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplicationFailed": "애플리케이션을 만들지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_CreateApplicationSuccess": "애플리케이션을 만들었습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppDoesNotExist": "'{0}' 애플리케이션이 클러스터에 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_AppTypeMismatch": "'{0}' 애플리케이션의 애플리케이션 종류가 새 애플리케이션 패키지의 애플리케이션 매니페스트에 있는 애플리케이션 종류와 일치하지 않습니다. 업그레이드하는 애플리케이션이 같은 애플리케이션 종류인지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UpgradeInProgressError": "'{0}' 애플리케이션에 대한 업그레이드가 이미 진행 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_StartAppUpgrade": "애플리케이션 업그레이드를 시작하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_StartUpgradeFailed": "애플리케이션 업그레이드를 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: {0}.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeOnUpgradeFailure": "업그레이드를 시작할 수 없습니다. 애플리케이션 유형 '{0}' 및 버전 '{1}'의 등록을 취소하는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_CurrentUpgradeState": "현재 업그레이드 상태:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_DomainUpgradeStatus": "도메인 전체 업그레이드 상태: ", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterUnusedVersions": "응용 프로그램 종류에 대해 사용되지 않는 다른 버전을 등록 취소하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterUnusedVersions": "애플리케이션 종류에 대해 사용되지 않는 다른 버전을 등록 취소하는 중...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UpgradeSuccess": "업그레이드가 완료되었습니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UpgradeRolledBack": "업그레이드가 롤백되었습니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnzipPackage": "'{0}'의 압축을 '{1}' 위치에 푸는 중입니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnexpectedError": "예기치 않은 오류입니다. 오류 정보: $_.Exception.Message", "loc.messages.SFSDK_CopyPackageTimeoutSecWarning": "CopyPackageTimeoutSec 매개 변수를 사용하려면 Service Fabric SDK의 '2.3' 버전이 필요하지만, 설치된 버전은 '{0}'입니다. 이 매개 변수는 무시됩니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_CompressPackageWarning": "CompressPackage 매개 변수를 사용하려면 Service Fabric SDK의 '2.5' 버전이 필요하지만 설치된 버전은 '{0}'입니다. 이 매개 변수는 무시됩니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_SkipUpgradeWarning": "클러스터에 버전이 '{1}'인 응용 프로그램 유형 '{0}'이(가) 이미 있으므로 업그레이드를 건너뛰는 중입니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeFailed": "응용 프로그램 유형의 등록을 취소하지 못했습니다. 오류: {0}.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_PerformingForceRemoveOnTimeout": "'{0}' 응용 프로그램 제거가 시간 초과됩니다. 이는 서비스가 ChangeRole/Close에서 중단되어 종료 시퀀스를 완료할 수 없음을 의미합니다. 응용 프로그램의 ForceRemove를 수행 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_SkipUpgradeWarning": "클러스터에 버전이 '{1}'인 애플리케이션 유형 '{0}'이(가) 이미 있으므로 업그레이드를 건너뛰는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeFailed": "애플리케이션 유형의 등록을 취소하지 못했습니다. 오류: {0}.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_PerformingForceRemoveOnTimeout": "'{0}' 애플리케이션 제거가 시간 초과됩니다. 이는 서비스가 ChangeRole/Close에서 중단되어 종료 시퀀스를 완료할 수 없음을 의미합니다. 애플리케이션의 ForceRemove를 수행 중입니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingCopyApplicationPackage": "업로드를 다시 시도하는 중...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingRegisterApplicationType": "등록을 다시 시도하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationType": "응용 프로그램 유형을 가져오는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeProvisioningNotStarted": "응용 프로그램 유형에 대한 프로비저닝이 시작되지 않았습니다.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeProvisioningStarted": "응용 프로그램 유형에 대한 프로비저닝이 시작되었습니다. 완료할 때까지 대기 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppTypeFailedWithStatus": "응용 프로그램 유형을 등록하지 못했습니다. 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeStatus": "응용 프로그램 유형 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeUnprovisioned": "응용 프로그램 유형이 프로비전 해제되었습니다. 등록을 다시 시도합니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationType": "애플리케이션 유형을 가져오는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeProvisioningNotStarted": "애플리케이션 유형에 대한 프로비저닝이 시작되지 않았습니다.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeProvisioningStarted": "애플리케이션 유형에 대한 프로비저닝이 시작되었습니다. 완료할 때까지 대기 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RegisterAppTypeFailedWithStatus": "애플리케이션 유형을 등록하지 못했습니다. 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeStatus": "애플리케이션 유형 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeUnprovisioned": "애플리케이션 유형이 프로비전 해제되었습니다. 등록을 다시 시도합니다.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_ClusterHealth": "클러스터 상태:", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeUnprovisioningStarted": "응용 프로그램 유형에 대한 프로비저닝 해제가 시작되었습니다. 완료할 때까지 대기 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeFailedWithStatus": "응용 프로그램 유형의 등록을 취소하지 못했습니다. 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationTypeUnprovisioningStarted": "애플리케이션 유형에 대한 프로비저닝 해제가 시작되었습니다. 완료할 때까지 대기 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_UnregisterAppTypeFailedWithStatus": "애플리케이션 유형의 등록을 취소하지 못했습니다. 상태: {0}. 세부 정보: {1}.", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUnregisterApplicationType": "등록 취소를 다시 시도하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingRemoveApplication": "응용 프로그램을 제거를 다시 시도하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingCreateApplication": "응용 프로그램 만들기를 다시 시도하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "응용 프로그램 상태를 가져오는 중:", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드를 다시 시도하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "응용 프로그램 업그레이드 상태를 가져오는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingRemoveApplication": "애플리케이션을 제거를 다시 시도하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingCreateApplication": "애플리케이션 만들기를 다시 시도하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "애플리케이션 상태를 가져오는 중:", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "애플리케이션 업그레이드를 다시 시도하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "애플리케이션 업그레이드 상태를 가져오는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "클러스터에서 애플리케이션을 가져오는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "클러스터에서 서비스 유형을 가져오는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "클러스터에서 서비스 매니페스트를 가져오는 중...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "클러스터에 대한 연결을 테스트하는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "응용 프로그램 패키지를 테스트하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "애플리케이션 패키지를 테스트하는 중...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "클러스터 매니페스트를 가져오는 중...", - "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingRemoveApplicationPackage": "응용 프로그램 패키지 제거를 다시 시도하는 중..." + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingRemoveApplicationPackage": "애플리케이션 패키지 제거를 다시 시도하는 중..." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 30df4b4d0af6..9087d5cd398d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание приложения Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание приложения Service Fabric в кластере.", + "loc.description": "Развертывание приложения Azure Service Fabric в кластере", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развернуть приложение Service Fabric", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительные параметры", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "Параметры обновления", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "Время ожидания для регистрации или отмены регистрации пакета приложения (в секундах).", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "Перезаписывать поведение", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Перезаписывать поведение, если в кластере существует приложение с таким же именем, и обновления не были настроены.", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "Поведение при перезаписи: если обновление не настроено и приложение с таким именем уже существует в кластере, доступны следующие действия => Never, Always, SameAppTypeAndVersion.\n Never не будет удалять существующее приложение. Это поведение по умолчанию.\n Always удалит существующее приложение, даже если его тип и версия отличаются от создаваемого приложения.\n SameAppTypeAndVersion удалит существующее приложение, только если его тип и версия совпадают с создаваемым приложением.", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Пропустить обновление для того же типа и той же версии", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "Указывает, следует ли пропустить обновление, если в кластере уже существует приложение такого же типа и такой же версии. В противном случае во время проверки обновление завершается сбоем. Если этот параметр включен, повторные развертывания являются идемпотентными.", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "Пропустить проверку пакета", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "Получение состояния работоспособности приложения:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "Повторная попытка обновления приложения...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "Идет получение состояния обновления приложения...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "Идет получение приложения из кластера...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "Получение типа службы из кластера...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "Получение манифеста службы из кластера...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "Проверяется подключение к кластеру...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "Тестируется пакет приложения...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "Идет получение манифеста кластера...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e7957250199c..4b5bd594111b 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric 应用程序部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "将 Service Fabric 应用程序部署到群集。", + "loc.description": "将 Azure Service Fabric 应用程序部署到群集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "部署 Service Fabric 应用程序", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级设置", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "升级设置", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "注册或取消注册应用程序包的超时秒数。", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "覆盖行为", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "当一个应用程序存在于具有相同名称的群集中并且未配置升级时的覆盖行为。", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "覆盖行为: 当未配置升级且群集中已存在具有相同名称的应用程序时,以下操作将可用 => Never、Always、SameAppTypeAndVersion。\n Never 不会删除现有应用程序。这是默认行为。\n 即使现有应用程序的类型和版本不同于正在创建的应用程序,Always 也会删除现有应用程序。\n 仅当现有应用程序的类型和版本与正在创建的应用程序相同时,SameAppTypeAndVersion 才会删除现有应用程序。", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "遇到相同类型和版本时跳过升级", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "当群集中已存在相同的应用程序类型和版本时,指示是否要跳过升级,否则验证过程中的升级将失败。启用后,重新部署为幂等。", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "跳过包验证", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "正在获取应用程序运行状况:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "正在重试应用程序升级...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "正在获取应用程序升级状态...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "正在从群集中获取应用程序...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "正在从群集中获取服务类型...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "正在从群集中获取服务清单...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "正在测试与群集的连接...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "正在测试应用程序包...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "正在获取群集清单...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index e3409cb0a7cc..c7c39326ca9d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric 應用程式部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820528)", - "loc.description": "將 Service Fabric 應用程式部署至叢集。", + "loc.description": "將 Azure Service Fabric 應用程式部署至叢集", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "部署 Service Fabric 應用程式", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階設定", "loc.group.displayName.upgrade": "升級設定", @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ "loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec", "loc.input.help.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "註冊或註銷應用程式套件的逾時 (以秒為單位)。", "loc.input.label.overwriteBehavior": "覆寫行為", - "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "當叢集中有同名的應用程式,且其未設定升級時覆寫行為。", + "loc.input.help.overwriteBehavior": "覆寫行為: 當升級未設定且叢集內已有名稱相同的應用程式時,可使用以下動作 = > Never、Always、SameAppTypeAndVersion。\n 一律不會移除現有的應用程式。這是預設行為。\n 一律移除現有的應用程式,即使其應用程式類型和版本與即將建立的應用程式不同也一樣。\n SameAppTypeAndVersion 只會在應用程式的應用程式類型和版本與即將建立的應用程式相同時移除現有的應用程式。", "loc.input.label.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "當類型與版本相同時跳過升級", "loc.input.help.skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion": "指定當叢集中有相同的應用程式類型及版本時,應跳過升級或在驗證時讓升級失敗。如有啟用,重新部署為等冪。", "loc.input.label.skipPackageValidation": "跳過套件驗證", @@ -138,6 +138,9 @@ "loc.messages.SFSDK_ApplicationHealth": "正在取得應用程式健康情況:", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingUpgradeApplication": "正在重試應用程式升級...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplicationUpgrade": "正在取得應用程式升級狀態...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetApplication": "正在從叢集取得應用程式...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceType": "正在從叢集取得服務類型...", + "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetServiceManifest": "正在從叢集取得服務資訊清單...", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestClusterConnection": "正在測試對叢集的連線..", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingTestAppPackage": "正在測試應用程式套件..", "loc.messages.SFSDK_RetryingGetClusterManifest": "正在取得叢集資訊清單...", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.json index 1223cb203efc..bbfaafc62f99 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 7, - "Patch": 32 + "Patch": 33 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.loc.json index 26fcedf6b282..a7001b47c8fc 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeployV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 7, - "Patch": 32 + "Patch": 33 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 71ece8c26483..ab37f551de50 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Führen Sie im Kontext einer Azure Service Fabric-Clusterverbindung ein PowerShell-Skript aus.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein PowerShell-Skript im Kontext einer Azure Service Fabric-Clusterverbindung ausgeführt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric PowerShell-Skript: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "Clusterdienstverbindung", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "Der Azure Service Fabric-Cluster, der beim Ausführen des festgelegten PowerShell-Skripts über eine hergestellte Dienstverbindung verfügt.", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "Geben Sie das Skript ein, das ausgeführt werden soll.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "Skriptargumente", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "Zusätzliche Argumente, die an PowerShell übergeben werden sollen. Entweder Ordnungszahl- oder benannte Parameter.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Das Zertifikat mit dem Fingerabdruck \"{0}\" ist nicht im lokalen Zertifikatspeicher vorhanden. Dies kann möglicherweise zu Fehlern führen. Wenn Release-/Buildfehler auftreten, versuchen Sie es noch mal, oder stellen Sie sicher, dass nicht mehrere Agents Builds/Releases unter Verwendung desselben Dienstendpunkts parallel auf demselben Computer ausführen.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Ungültige Skriptargumente \"{0}\". Zeilenumbrüche sind unzulässig.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ungültiger Skriptpfad \"{0}\". Es wurden ungültige Pfadzeichen angegeben." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 00c83ec1e1e7..bb9ccd3697ff 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "Escriba el script que se va a ejecutar.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "Argumentos de script", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "Parámetros adicionales que pasar a PowerShell. Pueden ser parámetros ordinales o con nombre.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "El certificado con la huella digital {0} no está presente en el almacén de certificados local, lo cual puede causar errores. Si se produce un error de versión o compilación, vuelva a intentarlo o asegúrese de que no haya varios agentes que ejecuten compilaciones o versiones que usan el mismo punto de conexión de servicio simultáneamente en la misma máquina.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Argumentos de script '{0}' no válidos. No se permiten los saltos de línea.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ruta del script '{0}' no válida. Los caracteres de ruta de acceso especificados no son válidos." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 5decde64218d..d883b7cfb7ae 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Exécutez un script PowerShell dans le contexte d'une connexion de cluster Azure Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Exécuter un script PowerShell dans le contexte d'une connexion de cluster Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script PowerShell Service Fabric : $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "Connexion de service de cluster", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "Cluster Azure Service Fabric avec établissement d'une connexion de service au moment de l'exécution du script PowerShell spécifié.", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "Entrez le script à exécuter.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "Arguments de script", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "Paramètres supplémentaires à passer à PowerShell. Peuvent être des paramètres ordinaux ou nommés.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Le certificat avec l'empreinte numérique {0} n'est pas présent dans le magasin de certificats local. Cela peut entraîner des erreurs. En cas d'échec de la mise en production/build, réessayez l'opération, ou vérifiez que plusieurs agents n'exécutent pas de builds/mises en production simultanément à l'aide du même point de terminaison de service sur la même machine.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Arguments de script '{0}' non valides. Les sauts de ligne ne sont pas autorisés.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Chemin de script '{0}' non valide. Caractères non valides spécifiés dans le chemin." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 431105c62836..3112c690035c 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell in Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Esegue uno script PowerShell nel contesto di una connessione cluster di Azure Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script PowerShell nel contesto di una connessione cluster di Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script PowerShell in Service Fabric: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "Connessione al servizio cluster", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "Cluster di Azure Service Fabric per il quale verrà stabilita una connessione al servizio durante l'esecuzione dello script PowerShell specificato.", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "Consente di immettere lo script da eseguire.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "Argomenti script", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "Parametri aggiuntivi da passare a PowerShell. Possono essere ordinali o denominati.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Il certificato con identificazione personale {0} non è presente nell'archivio certificati locale. Questa condizione potrebbe causare errori. Se la versione/compilazione non riesce, riprovare oppure verificare che più agenti non eseguano compilazioni/versioni usando contemporaneamente lo stesso endpoint servizio nello stesso computer.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Gli argomenti '{0}' dello script non sono validi. Le interruzioni di riga non sono consentite.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Il percorso '{0}' dello script non è valido. Sono stati specificati caratteri non validi." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6f23acd514d6..8de4fbdc6a77 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric クラスター接続のコンテキストで PowerShell スクリプトを実行します。", + "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric クラスター接続のコンテキストで PowerShell スクリプトを実行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric PowerShell スクリプト: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "クラスター サービス接続", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "指定した PowerShell スクリプトを実行するときにサービス接続を確立する Azure Service Fabric クラスター。", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "実行するスクリプトを入力します。", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "スクリプトの引数", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "PowerShell に渡す追加のパラメーター。順序によるパラメーターまたは名前指定されたパラメーターのいずれかです。", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "サムプリント {0} を持つ証明書がローカル証明書ストアに存在しません。これによりエラーが発生する可能性があります。リリースまたはビルドが失敗する場合、再試行するか、同じマシンで同じサービス エンドポイントを同時に使用して複数のエージェントによってビルドやリリースが実行されていないことをご確認ください。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "スクリプトの引数 '{0}' が無効です。改行は使用できません。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "スクリプト パス '{0}' が無効です。無効なパス文字が指定されました。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index b3a04f2e7d83..22ecfd6f7499 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric 클러스터 연결의 컨텍스트에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.description": "Azure Service Fabric 클러스터 연결 컨텍스트에서 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric PowerShell 스크립트: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "클러스터 서비스 연결", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "지정한 PowerShell 스크립트를 실행할 때 설정된 서비스 연결이 있는 Azure Service Fabric 클러스터입니다.", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "실행할 스크립트를 입력합니다.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "스크립트 인수", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "PowerShell에 전달할 추가 인수입니다. 서수 매개 변수나 명명된 매개 변수 중 하나일 수 있습니다.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "지문이 {0}인 인증서가 로컬 인증서 저장소에 없습니다. 이로 인해 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 릴리스/빌드에 실패하는 경우 다시 시도하거나, 동일한 머신에서 여러 에이전트가 동일한 서비스 엔드포인트를 사용하여 빌드/릴리스를 동시에 실행하고 있지 않은지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "스크립트 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 줄 바꿈은 허용되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "스크립트 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 잘못된 경로 문자를 지정했습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 82c49b575e35..f0b31110c9f6 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "PowerShell Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "Выполнение сценария PowerShell в контексте подключения к кластеру Azure Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Выполнение сценария PowerShell в контексте подключения к кластеру Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сценарий PowerShell Service Fabric: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "Подключение к службе кластера", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "Кластер Azure Service Fabric, к которому будет установлено подключение службы при выполнении указанного скрипта PowerShell.", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "Введите сценарий для выполнения.", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "Аргументы скрипта", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "Дополнительные параметры для передачи в PowerShell. Могут быть как порядковыми, так и именованными.", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "Сертификат с отпечатком {0} отсутствует в локальном хранилище сертификатов. Это может вызвать ошибки. В случае сбоя выпуска или сборки повторите попытку или убедитесь, что на одном и том же компьютере не выполняется несколько агентов, одновременно запускающих сборки/выпуски с использованием одной конечной точки службы.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Недопустимые аргументы скрипта \"{0}\". Разрывы строк запрещены.", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Недопустимый путь к скрипту \"{0}\". Указаны символы, недопустимые в пути." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e7381cdfe05e..ce86b23cfc39 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "在 Azure Service Fabric 群集连接的上下文中运行 PowerShell 脚本。", + "loc.description": "在 Azure Service Fabric 群集连接的上下文中运行 PowerShell 脚本", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric PowerShell 脚本: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "群集服务连接", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "执行指定的 PowerShell 脚本时,将具有已建立的服务连接的 Azure Service Fabric 群集。", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "输入要执行的脚本。", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "脚本参数", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "要传递给 PowerShell 的其他参数。可以是序号或命名参数。", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "具有指纹 {0} 的证书在本地证书存储中不存在。这可能会导致错误。如果发布/生成失败,请重试此操作,或确保多个代理未在同一计算机上同时使用同一服务终结点运行生成/发布。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "脚本参数“{0}”无效。不允许换行。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "脚本路径“{0}”无效。指定的路径字符无效。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 399ce23449c5..4818382d1239 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric PowerShell", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=841538)", - "loc.description": "在 Azure Service Fabric 叢集連線的內容中執行 PowerShell 指令碼。", + "loc.description": "在 Azure Service Fabric 叢集連線的內容中執行 PowerShell 指令碼", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric PowerShell 指令碼: $(ScriptType)", "loc.input.label.serviceConnectionName": "叢集服務連線", "loc.input.help.serviceConnectionName": "Azure Service Fabric 叢集,會在執行指定的 PowerShell 指令碼時建立服務連線。", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "loc.input.help.Inline": "請輸入要執行的指令碼。", "loc.input.label.ScriptArguments": "指令碼引數", "loc.input.help.ScriptArguments": "傳遞至 PowerShell 的額外引數。可以是序數或具名參數。", - "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "The certificate with thumbprint {0} is not present in the local certificate store. This can potentially cause errors. If the release/build fails, please re-try it or ensure that multiple agents are not running builds/releases using the same service endpoint simultaneously on the same machine.", + "loc.messages.CertNotPresentInLocalStoreWarningMsg": "指紋為 {0} 的憑證不在本機憑證存放區中。這可能會造成錯誤。如果發行/建置失敗,請予以重試,或確保多個代理程式不會在相同的電腦上,同時使用相同的服務端點執行發行/建置。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "指令碼引數 '{0}' 無效。不允許分行符號。", "loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "指令碼路徑 '{0}' 無效。指定的路徑字元無效。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.json index 1d7825fc30eb..c68fc2958a1b 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 22 + "Patch": 23 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.loc.json index 6db052d3e756..a8ce289a34d0 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricPowerShellV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 22 + "Patch": 23 }, "demands": [ "Cmd" diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7ff318d3a691..6c0ccdd25e50 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric-Manifeste aktualisieren", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Teile der Anwendungs- und Dienstmanifeste innerhalb einer paketierten Service Fabric-Anwendung automatisch aktualisiert.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Teile der Anwendungs- und Dienstmanifeste innerhalb einer paketierten Azure Service Fabric-Anwendung automatisch aktualisiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric-Manifeste aktualisieren ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "Updatetyp", "loc.input.help.updateType": "Geben Sie den Typ des Updates an, der an den Manifestdateien durchgeführt werden soll. Um beide Updatetypen zu verwenden, fügen Sie der Buildpipeline für jeden auszuführenden Updatetyp eine Instanz dieser Aufgabe hinzu.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 4c8b42c20890..101579330458 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Actualizar manifiestos de Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "Actualiza de forma automática partes de los manifiestos de aplicación y de servicio en una aplicación de Service Fabric empaquetada.", + "loc.description": "Actualiza de forma automática partes de los manifiestos de aplicación y de servicio en una aplicación de Azure Service Fabric empaquetada.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Actualizar manifiestos de Service Fabric ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "Tipo de actualización", "loc.input.help.updateType": "Especifique el tipo de actualización que debe realizarse en los archivos de manifiesto. Para usar ambos tipos de actualización, agregue una instancia de esta tarea a la canalización de compilación por cada tipo de actualización que se va a ejecutar.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 927c74eaba4b..422585bb3792 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Mettre à jour les manifestes Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "Met automatiquement à jour certaines parties du manifeste de l'application et du manifeste de service dans une application Service Fabric incluse dans un package.", + "loc.description": "Mettre automatiquement à jour certaines parties du manifeste de l'application et du manifeste de service dans une application Azure Service Fabric packagée", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Mettre à jour les manifestes Service Fabric ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "Mettre à jour le type", "loc.input.help.updateType": "Spécifiez le type de mise à jour à effectuer sur les fichiers manifeste. Pour utiliser les deux types de mise à jour, ajoutez une instance de cette tâche au pipeline de build de chaque type de mise à jour à exécuter.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 307e9c6d725a..f78f876faf94 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Aggiorna manifesti Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "Aggiorna automaticamente parti dei manifesti dell'applicazione e del servizio in un'applicazione di Service Fabric di cui è stato creato il pacchetto.", + "loc.description": "Aggiorna automaticamente parti dei manifesti dell'applicazione e del servizio in un'applicazione Azure Service Fabric di cui è stato creato il pacchetto", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Aggiorna manifesti Service Fabric ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "Tipo di aggiornamento", "loc.input.help.updateType": "Consente di specificare il tipo di aggiornamento che deve essere eseguito sui file manifesto. Per poter usare entrambi i tipi di aggiornamento, aggiungere un'istanza di questa attività alla pipeline di compilazione per ogni tipo di aggiornamento da eseguire.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 0065bc9e9ae1..8908b5c4212b 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric マニフェストの更新", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "パッケージされた Service Fabric アプリケーション内のアプリケーションとサービスのマニフェスト部分を自動的に更新します。", + "loc.description": "パッケージ化された Azure Service Fabric アプリケーションのアプリケーション マニフェストとサービス マニフェストの一部を自動的に更新します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric マニフェストの更新 ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "更新の種類", "loc.input.help.updateType": "マニフェスト ファイルに実施する必要のある更新の種類を指定します。両方の更新の種類を使用するには、実行する更新の各種類のためのビルド パイプラインにこのタスクのインスタンスを追加します。", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 274b40addea4..4ea10bfbd70d 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Service Fabric 매니페스트 업데이트", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "패키지된 Service Fabric 응용 프로그램 내에서 응용 프로그램 및 서비스 매니페스트 부분을 자동으로 업데이트합니다.", + "loc.description": "패키지된 Azure Service Fabric 애플리케이션에서 애플리케이션 및 서비스 매니페스트의 일부를 자동으로 업데이트합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Service Fabric 매니페스트 업데이트($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "업데이트 형식", "loc.input.help.updateType": "매니페스트 파일에 대해 수행해야 하는 업데이트 유형을 지정합니다. 두 업데이트 유형을 모두 사용하려면 실행할 각 업데이트 유형에 대한 빌드 파이프라인에 이 작업의 인스턴스를 추가합니다.", - "loc.input.label.applicationPackagePath": "응용 프로그램 패키지", - "loc.input.help.applicationPackagePath": "응용 프로그램 패키지의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.applicationPackagePath": "애플리케이션 패키지", + "loc.input.help.applicationPackagePath": "애플리케이션 패키지의 경로입니다. 경로에 [변수](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=550988) 및 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.versionSuffix": "버전 값", "loc.input.help.versionSuffix": "매니페스트 파일의 버전을 지정하는 데 사용되는 값입니다. 기본값은 .$(Build.BuildNumber)입니다.", "loc.input.label.versionBehavior": "버전 동작", @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "loc.input.label.updateOnlyChanged": "변경된 경우에만 업데이트", "loc.input.help.updateOnlyChanged": "변경된 패키지만 증분 업데이트합니다. [결정적 컴파일러 플래그](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=808668)를 사용하여 같은 입력이 포함된 빌드가 같은 출력을 생성하도록 하세요.", "loc.input.label.pkgArtifactName": "패키지 아티팩트 이름", - "loc.input.help.pkgArtifactName": "비교를 위한 응용 프로그램 패키지를 포함하는 아티팩트의 이름입니다.", + "loc.input.help.pkgArtifactName": "비교를 위한 애플리케이션 패키지를 포함하는 아티팩트의 이름입니다.", "loc.input.label.logAllChanges": "모든 변경 내용 기록", "loc.input.help.logAllChanges": "모든 패키지의 모든 파일을 비교하고 파일이 추가 또는 제거되거나 해당 내용이 변경된 경우 기록합니다. 그렇지 않으면 빠른 성능을 위해 첫 번째 변경 내용이 발견될 때까지만 패키지의 파일을 비교합니다.", "loc.input.label.compareType": "다음에 대해 비교", @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ "loc.input.label.overwriteExistingPkgArtifact": "기존 패키지 아티팩트 덮어쓰기", "loc.input.help.overwriteExistingPkgArtifact": "아티팩트의 새 복사본을 항상 다운로드합니다. 아니면 기존 복사본(있는 경우)을 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.imageNamesPath": "이미지 이름 경로", - "loc.input.help.imageNamesPath": "다이제스트로 업데이트해야 하는 Service Fabric 응용 프로그램과 연결된 Docker 이미지의 이름이 들어 있는 텍스트 파일의 경로입니다. 각 이미지 이름이 새 줄에 있어야 하며 이미지 다이제스트 파일의 다이제스트와 동일한 순서여야 합니다. 이미지가 Service Fabric 프로젝트에서 생성된 경우 패키지 대상의 일부로 이 파일이 생성되며, 해당 출력 위치는 BuiltDockerImagesFilePath 속성에 의해 제어됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.imageNamesPath": "다이제스트로 업데이트해야 하는 Service Fabric 애플리케이션과 연결된 Docker 이미지의 이름이 들어 있는 텍스트 파일의 경로입니다. 각 이미지 이름이 새 줄에 있어야 하며 이미지 다이제스트 파일의 다이제스트와 동일한 순서여야 합니다. 이미지가 Service Fabric 프로젝트에서 생성된 경우 패키지 대상의 일부로 이 파일이 생성되며, 해당 출력 위치는 BuiltDockerImagesFilePath 속성에 의해 제어됩니다.", "loc.input.label.imageDigestsPath": "이미지 다이제스트 경로", - "loc.input.help.imageDigestsPath": "Service Fabric 응용 프로그램과 관련된 Docker 이미지의 다이제스트 값이 들어 있는 텍스트 파일의 경로입니다. 이 파일은 푸시 작업을 사용할 경우 [Docker 작업](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)에서 출력될 수 있습니다. 이 파일에는 'registry/image_name@digest_value' 형식의 텍스트 줄이 포함되어 있어야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.imageDigestsPath": "Service Fabric 애플리케이션과 관련된 Docker 이미지의 다이제스트 값이 들어 있는 텍스트 파일의 경로입니다. 이 파일은 푸시 작업을 사용할 경우 [Docker 작업](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848006)에서 출력될 수 있습니다. 이 파일에는 'registry/image_name@digest_value' 형식의 텍스트 줄이 포함되어 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있어야 합니다.", "loc.messages.ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "검색 패턴 {0}을(를) 사용하여 항목을 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.SearchingForApplicationPackage": "응용 프로그램 패키지 {0}을(를) 검색하는 중", - "loc.messages.FoundApplicationPackage": "찾은 응용 프로그램 패키지: {0}", + "loc.messages.SearchingForApplicationPackage": "애플리케이션 패키지 {0}을(를) 검색하는 중", + "loc.messages.FoundApplicationPackage": "찾은 애플리케이션 패키지: {0}", "loc.messages.VersionValueLabel": "버전 값: '{0}'", "loc.messages.BuildNumberNotSpecified": "빌드 번호는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.VstsRestApiFailed": "Azure Pipelines와 통신하지 못했습니다. {0}", @@ -41,19 +41,19 @@ "loc.messages.PreviousBuildNumberLabel": "이전 빌드 번호: '{0}'", "loc.messages.PreviousBuildLocationLabel": "이전 빌드 위치: '{0}'", "loc.messages.NoPreviousSuccessfulBuild": "비교할 이전 빌드를 찾을 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.NoManifestInPreviousBuild": "이전 빌드에는 응용 프로그램 매니페스트가 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 모든 매니페스트 버전을 강제로 업데이트하세요.", - "loc.messages.UpdatedApplicationTypeVersion": "응용 프로그램 종류 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoManifestInPreviousBuild": "이전 빌드에는 애플리케이션 매니페스트가 포함되어 있지 않습니다. 모든 매니페스트 버전을 강제로 업데이트하세요.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedApplicationTypeVersion": "애플리케이션 종류 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.messages.UpdatedServiceVerison": "서비스 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.messages.UpdatedPackageVerison": "패키지 '{0}\\{1}'이(가) '{2}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", - "loc.messages.UpdatedApplicationTypeVersionFromPrevious": "응용 프로그램 종류 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전에서 '{2}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdatedApplicationTypeVersionFromPrevious": "애플리케이션 종류 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전에서 '{2}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.messages.UpdatedServiceVerisonFromPrevious": "서비스 '{0}'이(가) '{1}' 버전에서 '{2}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.messages.UpdatedPackageVerisonFromPrevious": "패키지 '{0}\\{1}'이(가) '{2}' 버전에서 '{3}' 버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.messages.NewService": "이전 빌드에 서비스가 없었습니다.", "loc.messages.NewPackage": "이전 빌드에 패키지가 없었습니다.", - "loc.messages.SearchingApplicationType": "변경 내용이 있는지 확인하기 위해 응용 프로그램 종류 '{0}'을(를) 검색하는 중...", + "loc.messages.SearchingApplicationType": "변경 내용이 있는지 확인하기 위해 애플리케이션 종류 '{0}'을(를) 검색하는 중...", "loc.messages.SearchingService": "변경 내용이 있는지 확인하기 위해 서비스 '{0}'을(를) 검색하는 중...", "loc.messages.SearchingPackage": "변경 내용이 있는지 확인하기 위해 패키지 '{0}'을(를) 검색하는 중...", - "loc.messages.AppManifestChanged": "응용 프로그램 매니페스트가 변경되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.AppManifestChanged": "애플리케이션 매니페스트가 변경되었습니다.", "loc.messages.ServiceManifestChanged": "서비스 매니페스트가 변경되었습니다.", "loc.messages.PackageManifestChanged": "서비스 매니페스트의 패키지 요소가 변경되었습니다.", "loc.messages.FileRemoved": "'{0}' 파일이 제거되었습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index de300a797649..14edd1351fcd 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Обновление манифестов Service Fabric", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "Автоматически обновляет части манифестов приложения и службы внутри упакованного приложения Service Fabric.", + "loc.description": "Автоматическое обновление частей манифестов приложений и служб в упакованном приложении Azure Service Fabric", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Обновление манифестов Service Fabric ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "Тип обновления", "loc.input.help.updateType": "Укажите тип изменения, которое необходимо внести в файлы манифеста. Чтобы использовать оба типа изменений, добавьте экземпляр этой задачи в конвейер сборки для каждого из типов.", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index a9f55b631397..ccda705c4e71 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "更新 Service Fabric 清单", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "自动更新打包的 Service Fabric 应用程序中的部分应用程序和服务清单。", + "loc.description": "自动更新打包的 Azure Service Fabric 应用程序中的应用程序和服务清单的各部分", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "更新 Service Fabric 清单($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "更新类型", "loc.input.help.updateType": "指定应对清单文件进行的更新的类型。为了使用两种更新类型,请将此任务的实例添加到要执行的每种更新类型的生成管道中。", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 4e432ba7a3c6..6a9275849746 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "更新 Service Fabric 資訊清單", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=820529)", - "loc.description": "會自動更新已封裝的 Service Fabric 應用程式中應用程式與服務資訊清單的部份。", + "loc.description": "自動更新已封裝 Azure Service Fabric 應用程式的應用程式與服務資訊清單部分", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "更新 Service Fabric 資訊清單 ($(updateType))", "loc.input.label.updateType": "更新類型", "loc.input.help.updateType": "請指定要對資訊清單檔案進行的更新類型。若兩種更新類型都要使用,請將此工作的執行個體新增至各欲執行之更新的建置管線。", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.json index 2a037ae93c93..893746dabea0 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 4, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "instanceNameFormat": "Update Service Fabric Manifests ($(updateType))", diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.loc.json index 8cdff2d6c382..b0fb03466e22 100644 --- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricUpdateManifestsV2/task.loc.json @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 4, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0", "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 2d09537dfde7..0e0a795dbf8c 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL-Datenbankbereitstellung", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL-Datenbank-Bereitstellung", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Azure SQL-Datenbank mithilfe von DACPAC bereitstellen oder Skripts mithilfe von SQLCMD ausführen", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL-DB-Details", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Azure SQL-Datenbank-Instanz mithilfe von DACPAC bereitgestellt, oder es werden Skripts mithilfe von SQLCMD ausgeführt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL-Datenbank", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Bereitstellungspaket", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "Firewall", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Typ der Azure-Dienstverbindung", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement als Ziel zum Bereitstellen von SQL-Dateien verwenden", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement als Ziel zum Bereitstellen von SQL-Dateien verwenden", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server-Name", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "Authentifizierungstyp", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Geben Sie die Option zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit der Azure SQL Server-Datenbank an. Sie können entweder die Details zur Azure SQL Server-Datenbank, die SQL Server Verbindungszeichenfolge oder das AAD-Authentifizierungskennwort angeben oder die integrierte Authentifizierung auswählen. Verwenden Sie für die SQL Server-Authentifizierung SQL Server-Benutzeranmeldeinformationen und für die AD-Authentifizierung die Anmeldeinformationen des AD-Benutzers, der für SQL Server konfiguriert ist.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Der Name des Computers mit Azure SQL Server, z. B. \"Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433\" oder \"Fabrikam.database.windows.net\".", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Datenbankname", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Datenbank", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Der Name der SQL Azure-Datenbank, in der die Dateien bereitgestellt werden.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Serveradministratoranmeldung", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Anmelden", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Geben Sie die Azure SQL Server-Administratoranmeldung an.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Kennwort", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Das Kennwort für den Azure SQL Server-Administrator.
    Es kann die Variable annehmen, die in Build- oder Releasepipelines als \"$(passwordVariable)\" definiert wird.
    Sie können den Variablentyp als \"secret\" markieren, um die Variable abzusichern.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "Anmelden", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Geben Sie den Active Directory-Benutzernamen an.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "Kennwort", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Das Kennwort für den Active Directory-Benutzer.
    Es kann eine Variable verwendet werden, die in den Build- oder Releasepipelines als \"$(passwordVariable)\" definiert ist.
    Sie können den Variablentyp als \"secret\" markieren, um die Variable abzusichern.", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "Verbindungszeichenfolge", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Geben Sie die Azure SQL Server-Verbindungszeichenfolge im folgenden Format an: \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\".", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Bereitstellungstyp", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "Aktion", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "Wählen Sie eine der SQL-Aktionen aus der Liste aus. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Typ", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC-Datei", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "Der Speicherort der DACPAC-Datei für den Automations-Agent oder einen UNC-Pfad, auf den der Automations-Agent zugreifen kann, z. B. \"\\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac\". Vordefinierte Systemvariablen (z. B. \"$(agent.releaseDirectory)\") können hier ebenfalls verwendet werden.", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "BACPAC-Datei", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "Es wurde mehrere Dateien zum Bereitstellen mit dem Suchmuster \"{0}\" gefunden. Es darf maximal eine Datei vorhanden sein.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "Es wurden keine Dateien zum Bereitstellen mit dem Suchmuster \"{0}\" gefunden.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "Ungültige DACPAC-Datei angegeben: \"{0}\"", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "Ungültige Authentifizierungseingaben. Fehler beim Ermitteln des Authentifizierungstyps.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "Ungültige SQL-Datei angegeben: \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "Es wurde kein Kennwort für den SQL-Benutzer angegeben: \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "Ungültiges Veröffentlichungsprofil angegeben: \"{0}\"", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Fehler bei der Azure SQL-DACPAC-Aufgabe. \"SqlPackage.exe\" wurde mit Code {0} beendet.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "Informationen zur Fehlerbehandlung finden Sie unter: https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "Ungültige Bereitstellungsaktion: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "Ungültige Bereitstellungsaktion: {0}. Für SQL-Abfragevorgänge müssen Bereitstellungsaktionen auf den Wert \"Publish\" festgelegt werden.", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "Die Ausgabevariable \"{0}\" wird auf \"{1}\" festgelegt.", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "Temporäre Inline-SQL-Datei: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "Die Datei \"{0}\" wurde generiert. Datei wird in Protokolle hochgeladen.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "DACPAC-Dateipfad:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "BACPAC-Dateipfad:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "Pfad für Veröffentlichungsprofil:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Beim Generieren eines Abweichungsberichts für die Datenbank müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass die Datenbank als Datenebenenanwendung registriert ist." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Beim Generieren eines Abweichungsberichts für die Datenbank müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass die Datenbank als Datenebenenanwendung registriert ist.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "Das importierte Invoke-Sqlcmd bietet keine Unterstützung für ConnectionString. Installieren Sie das SQLServer-PS-Modul." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 544dfd11eb11..b5832beb7680 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de SQL Database de Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure SQL Database", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Implemente Azure SQL Database con DACPAC o ejecute scripts usando SQLCMD", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "Detalles de SQL DB", + "loc.description": "Implementa Azure SQL Database con DACPAC o ejecuta scripts con SQLCMD.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "Base de datos SQL", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Paquete de implementación", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "Firewall", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo de conexión de servicio de Azure", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico de destino para implementar archivos de SQL", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción a Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure Resource Manager de destino para implementar archivos de SQL", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Nombre de Azure SQL Server", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "Tipo de autenticación", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Especifique la opción para conectarse a la instancia de Azure SQL Server Database. Las opciones son proporcionar los detalles de la instancia de Azure SQL Server Database, la cadena de conexión de SQL Server, la contraseña de autenticación de AAD o una integrada. Para la autenticación de SQL Server, use las credenciales de usuario de SQL Server y para la autenticación de AD, use las credenciales del usuario de AD que se ha configurado en SQL Server.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Nombre del servidor Azure SQL Server, como Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 o Fabrikam.database.windows.net.", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nombre de la base de datos", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Base de datos", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Nombre de la instancia de Azure SQL Database donde se implementarán los archivos.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Inicio de sesión del administrador del servidor", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Inicio de sesión", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Especifique el inicio de sesión del administrador de Azure SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Contraseña", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Contraseña del administrador de Azure SQL Server.
    Admite la variable declarada en las canalizaciones de compilación o de versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Para proteger la variable, puede marcar el tipo como \"secret\".", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "Inicio de sesión", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Especifique el nombre de usuario de Active Directory.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "Contraseña", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Contraseña del usuario de Active Directory.
    Puede aceptar la variable definida en las canalizaciones de compilación o versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Para asegurar el tipo de variable, márquelo como \"secret\".", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "Cadena de conexión", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Especifique la cadena de conexión de Azure SQL Server como \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\".", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Tipo de implementación", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "Acción", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "Elija una de las acciones de SQL de la lista. Para obtener más detalles, consulte este vínculo.", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Tipo", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "Archivo DACPAC", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "Ubicación del archivo DACPAC en el agente de automatización o en una ruta de acceso UNC accesible para el agente de automatización, como \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac. Aquí pueden usarse también variables predefinidas del sistema, como $(agent.releaseDirectory).", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "Archivo BACPAC", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "Se encontraron varios archivos para implementar con el patrón de búsqueda {0}. Solo puede haber uno.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "No se encontraron archivos para implementar con el patrón de búsqueda {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "Archivo DACPAC proporcionado no válido: \"{0}\"", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "Entradas de autenticación no válidas. No se pudo detectar el tipo de autenticación.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "Archivo SQL proporcionado no válido: \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "No se especificó ninguna contraseña para el usuario de SQL: '{0}'.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "Perfil de publicación proporcionado no válido: \"{0}\"", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Error en la tarea DACPAC de Azure SQL. SqlPackage.exe terminó con el código {0}.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "Compruebe cómo solucionar los errores en https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "Acción de implementación no válida: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "Acción de implementación no válida: {0}. En las operaciones de consulta SQL, las acciones de implementación deben establecerse en el valor \"Publicar\".", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "Estableciendo la variable de salida \"{0}\" en \"{1}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "Archivo SQL en línea temporal: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "Archivo {0} generado. Cargando archivo en los registros.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "Ruta de acceso del archivo DACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "Ruta de acceso del archivo BACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "Ruta de acceso del perfil de publicación:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Al generar un informe de desfase de la base de datos, asegúrese de que esta está registrada como aplicación de capa de datos." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Al generar un informe de desfase de la base de datos, asegúrese de que esta está registrada como aplicación de capa de datos.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "El objeto Invoke-Sqlcmd importado no admite connectionString. Instale el módulo PS de SQLServer." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 856e89769852..03c831671011 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de base de données SQL Azure", + "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de base de données Azure SQL", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Déployer Azure SQL DB via DACPAC ou exécuter des scripts via SQLCMD", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "Détails de SQL DB", + "loc.description": "Déployer une base de données Azure SQL via DACPAC ou exécuter des scripts via SQLCMD", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL Database", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Package de déploiement", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "Pare-feu", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Type de connexion de service Azure", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Cibler l'abonnement Azure Classic pour le déploiement de fichiers SQL", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Cibler l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement de fichiers SQL", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Nom du serveur Azure SQL Server", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "Type d'authentification", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Spécifiez l'option permettant de se connecter à la base de données Azure SQL Server. Les options possibles consistent à fournir les détails de la base de données Azure SQL Server, la chaîne de connexion SQL Server, le mot de passe d'authentification AAD ou de l'authentification intégrée. Pour l'authentification SQL Server, utilisez les informations d'identification de l'utilisateur SQL Server. Pour l'authentification AD, utilisez les informations d'identification de l'utilisateur AD configurées pour l'accès à SQL Server.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Nom du serveur Azure SQL Server, par exemple Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 ou Fabrikam.database.windows.net.", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nom de la base de données", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Base de données", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Nom de l'instance Azure SQL Database où les fichiers doivent être déployés.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Connexion administrateur au serveur", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Connexion", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Spécifiez les informations de connexion de l'administrateur du serveur Azure SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Mot de passe", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Mot de passe de l'administrateur Azure SQL Server.
    Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Vous pouvez marquer le type de la variable en tant que 'secret' pour renforcer sa sécurité.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "Connexion", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Spécifiez le nom d'utilisateur Active Directory.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "Mot de passe", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Mot de passe de l'utilisateur Active Directory.
    Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Vous pouvez marquer le type de la variable en tant que 'secret' pour renforcer sa sécurité.", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "Chaîne de connexion", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Spécifiez la chaîne de connexion Azure SQL Server sous la forme suivante : \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\".", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Type de déploiement", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "Action", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "Choisissez l'une des actions SQL dans la liste. Pour plus d'informations, consultez lien.​", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Type", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "Fichier DACPAC", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "Emplacement du fichier DACPAC sur l'agent Automation ou dans un chemin UNC auquel cet agent a accès, par exemple \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac. Vous pouvez également utiliser des variables système prédéfinies telles que $(agent.releaseDirectory).", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "Fichier BACPAC", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "Détection de plusieurs fichiers à déployer avec le modèle de recherche {0}. Il ne peut y en avoir qu'un seul.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "Les fichiers à déployer avec le modèle de recherche {0} sont introuvables", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "Fichier DACPAC non valide fourni : '{0}'", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "Entrées d'authentification non valides. Échec de la détection du type d'authentification.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "Fichier SQL non valide fourni : '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "Aucun mot de passe spécifié pour l'utilisateur SQL : '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "Profil de publication non valide fourni : '{0}'", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Échec de la tâche Azure SQL DACPAC. Sortie de SqlPackage.exe avec le code {0}.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "Découvrez comment résoudre les problèmes sur https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "Action de déploiement non valide : {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "Action de déploiement non valide : {0}. Pour les opérations basées sur des requêtes SQL, les actions de déploiement doivent avoir la valeur 'Publish'.", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "Affectation de '{1}' à la variable de sortie '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "Fichier SQL inline temporaire : {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "Fichier généré {0}. Chargement du fichier dans les journaux.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "Chemin du fichier DACPAC :", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "Chemin du fichier BACPAC :", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "Chemin du profil de publication :", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Durant la génération d'un rapport de dérive de la base de données, vérifiez que celle-ci est inscrite en tant qu'application de la couche Données." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Durant la génération d'un rapport de dérive de la base de données, vérifiez que celle-ci est inscrite en tant qu'application de la couche Données.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "Le Invoke-Sqlcmd importé ne prend pas en charge connectionString. Installez le module SQLServer PS." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index c1bfacb05fb1..c72e2f2530c6 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione database SQL di Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire il database SQL di Azure con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati o di eseguire script con SQLCMD", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(DeploymentAction) SQL di Azure", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "Dettagli del database SQL", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un database SQL di Azure con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati o di eseguire script con SQLCMD", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector) SQL di Azure", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "Database SQL", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Pacchetto di distribuzione", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "Firewall", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo di connessione al servizio di Azure", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico di destinazione per la distribuzione di file SQL", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager di destinazione per la distribuzione di file SQL", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Nome del server di Azure SQL", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "Tipo di autenticazione", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Specificare l'opzione per la connessione al database di SQL Server di Azure. Le opzioni consentono di fornire i dettagli del database di SQL Server di Azure o la stringa di connessione di SQL Server o la password di autenticazione AAD o integrata. Per l'autenticazione di SQL Server, usare le credenziali utente di SQL Server, mentre per l'autenticazione AD, usare le credenziali dell'utente di AD configurato per SQL Server.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Server di Azure SQL", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Nome del server SQL Azure, ad esempio Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 o Fabrikam.database.windows.net.", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nome database", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Database", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Nome del database SQL di Azure in cui verranno distribuiti i file.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Account di accesso amministratore server", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Accesso", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Consente di specificare l'account di accesso dell'amministratore del server SQL Azure.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Password", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Password dell'amministratore del server di Azure SQL.
    Può accettare la variabile definita nelle pipeline di compilazione o versione come '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Per proteggere il tipo della variabile, è possibile contrassegnarlo come 'secret'.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "Accesso", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Specificare il nome utente di Active Directory.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "Password", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Password dell'utente di Active Directory.
    Può accettare la variabile definita nelle pipeline di compilazione o versione come '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Per proteggere il tipo della variabile, è possibile contrassegnarlo come 'secret'.", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "Stringa di connessione", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Specificare la stringa di connessione di SQL Server di Azure, ad esempio \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\".", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Tipo di distribuzione", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "Azione", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "Consente di scegliere una delle azioni SQL nell'elenco. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere il collegamento.", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Tipo", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "File del pacchetto di applicazione livello dati", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "Percorso del file del pacchetto di applicazione livello dati nell'agente di automazione o in un percorso UNC accessibile all'agente di automazione, ad esempio \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac. È anche possibile usare variabili di sistema predefinite, ad esempio $(agent.releaseDirectory).", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "File BACPAC", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "Con il criterio di ricerca {0} sono stati trovati più file da distribuire. È possibile distribuirne uno solo.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "Non sono stati trovati file da distribuire con il criterio di ricerca {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "Il file DACPAC specificato non è valido: '{0}'", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "I valori di input di autenticazione non sono validi. Non è stato possibile rilevare il tipo di autenticazione.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "Il file SQL specificato non è valido: '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "Non è stata specificata alcuna password per l'utente SQL: '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "Il profilo di pubblicazione specificato non è valido: '{0}'", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "L'attività del pacchetto di applicazione livello dati SQL di Azure non è riuscita. SqlPackage.exe è stato terminato e ha restituito il codice {0}.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "Informazioni su come risolvere i problemi: https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "Azione di distribuzione non valida: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "Azione di distribuzione non valida: {0}. Per le operazioni di query SQL, le azioni di distribuzione devono essere impostate sul valore `Publish`.", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "Impostazione della variabile di output '{0}' su '{1}'", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "File SQL inline temporaneo: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "È stato generato il file {0}. Il file verrà caricato nei log.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "Percorso del file DACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "Percorso del file BACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "Percorso del profilo di pubblicazione:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Durante la generazione di un report di deviazione del database, assicurarsi che il database sia registrato come applicazione livello dati." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "Durante la generazione di un report di deviazione del database, assicurarsi che il database sia registrato come applicazione livello dati.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "Il cmdlet Invoke-Sqlcmd importato non supporta connectionString. Installare il modulo PS SQLServer." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 6fa24121f32a..5756bc892210 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL Database の配置", + "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL Database のデプロイ", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "DACPAC を使用して Azure SQL DB を配置するか、または SQLCMD を使用してスクリプトを実行します", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL DB の詳細", + "loc.description": "DACPAC を使用して Azure SQL Database をデプロイするか、または SQLCMD を使用してスクリプトを実行します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL Database", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "配置パッケージ", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "ファイアウォール", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure サービスの接続の種類", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "SQL ファイルを配置する対象の Azure クラシック サブスクリプション", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "SQL ファイルを配置する対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプション", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "認証の種類", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Azure SQL Server データベースに接続するためのオプションを指定します。オプションとしては、Azure SQL Server データベースの詳細、SQL Server 接続文字列、AAD 認証パスワード、統合のいずれかを指定できます。SQL Server 認証には SQL Server のユーザー資格情報を使用し、AD 認証には SQL Server に構成されている AD ユーザーの資格情報を使用します。", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名 (Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 または Fabrikam.database.windows.net など)。", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "データベース名 ", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "データベース", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "ファイルが配置される Azure SQL Database の名前。", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "サーバー管理者ログイン", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "ログイン", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Azure SQL Server 管理者ログインを指定します。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "パスワード", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Azure SQL Server 管理者のパスワード。
    ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで '$(passwordVariable)' として定義された変数を入力することができます。
    変数の型を 'シークレット' とマークしてセキュリティで保護することもできます。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "ログイン", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Active Directory ユーザー名を指定してください。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "パスワード", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Active Directory ユーザーのパスワード。
    ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで '$(passwordVariable)' として定義された変数を入力することができます。
    変数の型を 'secret' とマークしてセキュリティで保護することもできます。", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "接続文字列 ", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "\"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\" のような、Azure SQL Server 接続文字列を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "デプロイの種類", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "アクション", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "リストから SQL アクションを 1 つ選択します。詳細については、リンク を参照してください。", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "種類", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC ファイル", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "自動化エージェント上、または自動化エージェントからアクセス可能な UNC パス上の DACPAC ファイルの場所 (\\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac など)。$(agent.releaseDirectory) などの定義済みシステム変数も使用できます。", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "BACPAC ファイル", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "検索パターン {0} で、展開するファイルが複数見つかりました。1 つだけ指定してください。", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "検索パターン {0} で、展開するファイルが見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "無効な DACPAC ファイルが指定されました。'{0}'", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "認証の入力が無効です。認証の種類を検出できませんでした。", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "無効な SQL ファイルが指定されました。'{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "SQL ユーザーのパスワードが指定されていません: '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "無効な発行プロファイルが指定されました。'{0}'", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Azure SQL DACPAC タスクが失敗しました。SqlPackage.exe が終了しました。コード: {0}。", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting- でエラーのトラブルシューティングを実行する方法をご確認ください。", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "無効な配置アクション: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "無効なデプロイ操作: {0}。SQL クエリ操作の場合、デプロイ アクションの値は `Publish` に設定する必要があります。", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "出力変数 '{0}' を '{1}' に設定しています", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "一時的なインライン SQL ファイル: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "ファイル {0} を生成しました。ファイルをログにアップロードしています。", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "DACPAC ファイル パス:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "BACPAC ファイル パス:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "プロファイルのパスの発行:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "データベースの誤差レポートの生成中に、データベースがデータ層アプリケーションとして登録されていることを確認します。" + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "データベースの誤差レポートの生成中に、データベースがデータ層アプリケーションとして登録されていることを確認します。", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "インポートされた Invoke-Sqlcmd は connectionString をサポートしていません。SQLServer PS モジュールをインストールしてください。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index b0b55cbff96f..73cf51de35a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL Database 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "DACPAC를 사용하여 Azure SQL DB를 배포하거나 SQLCMD를 사용하여 스크립트를 실행합니다.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL DB 정보", + "loc.description": "DACPAC를 사용하여 Azure SQL Database를 배포하거나 SQLCMD를 사용하여 스크립트를 실행합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL Database", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "배포 패키지", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "방화벽", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 서비스 연결 형식", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "SQL 파일을 배포할 대상 Azure 클래식 구독", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "SQL 파일을 배포할 대상 Azure Resource Manager 구독", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 이름", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "인증 형식", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Azure SQL Server 데이터베이스에 연결하는 옵션을 지정합니다. 사용할 수 있는 옵션은 Azure SQL Server 데이터베이스 정보, SQL Server 연결 문자열, AAD 인증 암호 또는 통합입니다. SQL Server 인증의 경우 SQL Server의 사용자 자격 증명을 사용하고, AD 인증의 경우 SQL Server에 구성된 AD 사용자의 자격 증명을 사용합니다.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 이름입니다(예: Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 또는 Fabrikam.database.windows.net).", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "데이터베이스 이름", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "데이터베이스", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "파일이 배포될 Azure SQL Database의 이름입니다.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "서버 관리자 로그인", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "로그인", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Azure SQL Server 관리자 로그인을 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "암호", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Azure SQL Server 관리자의 암호입니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.
    변수 형식을 'secret'으로 표시하여 보호할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "로그인", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Active Directory 사용자 이름을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "암호", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Active Directory 사용자의 암호입니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 허용할 수 있습니다.
    변수 유형을 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "연결 문자열", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Azure SQL Server 연결 문자열을 지정합니다(예: \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\").", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "배포 유형", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "작업", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "목록에서 SQL 작업 중 하나를 선택합니다. 자세한 내용은 링크를 참조하세요.", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "형식", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC 파일", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "자동화 에이전트 또는 자동화 에이전트에 액세스할 수 있는 UNC 경로의 DACPAC 파일 위치입니다(예: \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac). 미리 정의된 시스템 변수(예: $(agent.releaseDirectory))도 여기에 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "BACPAC 파일", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있을 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "잘못된 DACPAC 파일을 지정했습니다. '{0}'", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "인증 입력이 잘못되었습니다. 인증 형식을 검색하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "잘못된 SQL 파일을 지정했습니다. '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "SQL 사용자 '{0}'에 대해 지정된 암호가 없습니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "잘못된 게시 프로필을 지정했습니다. '{0}'", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Azure SQL DACPAC 작업이 실패했습니다. SqlPackage.exe가 코드 {0}(으)로 종료되었습니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-에서 오류를 해결하는 방법을 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "잘못된 배포 작업: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "배포 작업 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. SQL 쿼리 작업의 경우 배포 작업을 '게시' 값으로 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "출력 변수 '{0}'을(를) '{1}'(으)로 설정하는 중", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "임시 인라인 SQL 파일: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "{0} 파일을 생성했습니다. 로그에 파일을 업로드하는 중입니다.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "DACPAC 파일 경로:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "BACPAC 파일 경로:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "게시 프로필 경로:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "데이터베이스에 대한 드리프트 보고서를 생성하는 중 데이터베이스가 데이터 계층 응용 프로그램으로 등록되었는지 확인하세요." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "데이터베이스에 대한 드리프트 보고서를 생성하는 중 데이터베이스가 데이터 계층 애플리케이션으로 등록되었는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "가져온 Invoke-Sqlcmd는 connectionString을 지원하지 않습니다. SQLServer PS 모듈을 설치하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 55aac1baac5a..78797997fa86 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание базы данных SQL Azure", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание базы данных SQL Azure с помощью DACPAC или запуск сценариев с помощью SQLCMD", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "SQL Azure $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "Сведения о Базе данных SQL", + "loc.description": "Развертывание базы данных SQL Azure с помощью DACPAC или запуск скриптов с помощью SQLCMD", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "База данных SQL", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Пакет развертывания", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "Брандмауэр", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Тип подключения к службе Azure", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Целевая подписка \"Классический портал Azure\" для развертывания файлов SQL", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Целевая подписка Azure Resource Manager для развертывания файлов SQL", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Имя Azure SQL Server", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "Тип проверки подлинности", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "Укажите параметр для подключения к базе данных SQL Server Azure. Можно предоставить сведения о базе данных SQL Server Azure, строку подключения SQL Server, пароль для проверки подлинности AAD или использовать интеграцию. Для проверки подлинности SQL Server используйте учетные данные пользователя SQL Server, а для проверки подлинности AD — учетные данные пользователя AD, настроенного для SQL Server.", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Имя сервера SQL Server Azure, например FabrikamSQL.database.windows.net,1433 или FabrikamSQL.database.windows.net.", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Имя базы данных", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "База данных", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Имя Базы данных SQL Azure, в которой будут развертываться файлы.", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Имя для входа администратора сервера", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Вход", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Укажите имя для входа администратора Azure SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Пароль", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Пароль администратора сервера SQL Azure.
    Допустимы переменные, заданные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска как \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Чтобы защитить переменную, пометьте ее тип как secret.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "Вход", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "Укажите имя пользователя для Active Directory.", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "Пароль", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Пароль пользователя Active Directory.
    Допустимы переменные, заданные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска как \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Чтобы защитить переменную, пометьте ее тип как \"secret\".", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "Строка подключения", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "Укажите строку подключения SQL Server Azure, например \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\".", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Тип развертывания", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "Действие", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "Выберите одно из действий SQL из списка. Дополнительные сведения см. здесь.​", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "Тип", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC-файл", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "Расположение DACPAC-файла на агенте автоматизации или по UNC-пути, доступному для агента автоматизации, например \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac. Также можно использовать стандартные системные переменные, например $(agent.releaseDirectory).", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "Файл BACPAC", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "Найдено несколько файлов для развертывания с шаблоном поиска \"{0}\". Файл может быть только один.", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "Не удалось найти файлы для развертывания с шаблоном поиска \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "Указан недопустимый файл DACPAC: \"{0}\"", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "Неправильные входные данные проверки подлинности. Не удалось определить тип проверки подлинности.", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "Указан недопустимый файл SQL: \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "Не указан пароль для пользователя SQL: \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "Указан недопустимый профиль публикации: \"{0}\"", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Сбой задачи DACPAC SQL Azure. Программа SqlPackage.exe завершила работу с кодом {0}.", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "Сведения об устранении сбоев см. на странице по адресу https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "Недопустимое действие развертывания: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "Недопустимое действие развертывания: {0}. Для операций запроса SQL для действий развертывания нужно задать значение \"Publish\".", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "Выходной переменной \"{0}\" присваивается значение \"{1}\"", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "Временный встроенный файл SQL: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "Создан файл {0}. Файл отправляется в журналы.", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "Путь к файлу DACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "Путь к файлу BACPAC:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "Путь к профилю публикации:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "При создании отчета о смещении для базы данных убедитесь в том, что база данных зарегистрирована в качестве приложения уровня данных." + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "При создании отчета о смещении для базы данных убедитесь в том, что база данных зарегистрирована в качестве приложения уровня данных.", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "Импортированный Invoke-Sqlcmd не поддерживает connectionString. Установка модуля PS SQLServer." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 09901898f6ae..798be3d4c369 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL 数据库部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 部署 Azure SQL DB 或使用 SQLCMD 运行脚本", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL DB 详细信息", + "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 部署 Azure SQL 数据库或使用 SQLCMD 运行脚本", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL 数据库", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署程序包", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "防火墙", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 服务连接类型", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "部署 SQL 文件的目标 Azure 经典订阅", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "部署 SQL 文件的目标 Azure 资源管理器订阅", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名称", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "身份验证类型", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "指定用于连接到 Azure SQL Server 数据库的选项。选项可提供 Azure SQL Server 数据库详细信息、SQL Server 连接字符串、AAD 身份验证密码或集成。对于 SQL Server 身份验证,请使用 SQL Server 的用户凭据,对于 AD 身份验证,请使用配置为 SQL Server 的 AD 用户的凭据。", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名称,如 FabrikamSQL.database.windows.net,1433 或 FabrikamSQL.database.windows.net。", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "数据库名", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "数据库", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "将在其中部署所有文件的 Azure SQL 数据库的名称。", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "服务器管理员登录名", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "登录", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "指定 Azure SQL Server 的管理员登录名。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "密码", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Azure SQL Server 管理员的密码。
    可接受在生成或发布管道中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。
    可将变量类型标记为“机密”来进行保护。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "登录", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "指定 Active Directory 用户名。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "密码", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Active Directory 用户的密码。
    可接受在生成或发布管道中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。
    可将变量类型标记为“机密”来进行保护。", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "连接字符串", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "指定 Azure SQL Server 连接字符串,例如 \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\"。", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "部署类型", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "操作", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "从列表中选择一个 SQL 操作。有关详细信息,请访问链接。", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "类型", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC 文件", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "自动化代理上或自动化代理可访问的 UNC 路径上 DACPAC 文件的位置,如 \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac。此处也可使用预定义系统变量,如 $(agent.releaseDirectory)。", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "BACPAC 文件", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "使用搜索模式 {0} 找到多个要部署的文件。可能只有一个。", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "使用搜索模式 {0} 未找到要部署的文件", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "提供的 DACPAC 文件无效:“{0}”", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "身份验证输入无效。无法检测身份验证类型。", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "提供的 SQL 文件无效:“{0}”", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "未指定 SQL 用户“{0}”的密码", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "提供的发布配置文件无效:“{0}”", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Azure SQL DACPAC 任务失败。SqlPackage.exe 已退出,代码为 {0}。", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "请访问以下网址,查看故障排除方法: https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting-", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "部署操作无效: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "无效的部署操作: {0}。对于 SQL 查询操作,部署操作应设置为值 `Publish`。\n", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "正在将输出变量“{0}”设置为“{1}”", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "临时内联 SQL 文件: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "生成的文件 {0}。正在将文件上传到日志。", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "DACPAC 文件路径:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "BACPAC 文件路径:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "发布配置文件路径:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "生成数据库的偏移报告时,请确保数据库注册为数据层应用程序。" + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "生成数据库的偏移报告时,请确保数据库注册为数据层应用程序。", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "导入的 Invoke-Sqlcmd 不支持 connectionString。请安装 SQLServer PS 模块。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c0408427e609..d711288eb4ac 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Azure SQL Database 部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 部署 Azure SQL DB,或使用 SQLCMD 執行指令碼", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(DeploymentAction)", - "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL DB 詳細資料", + "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 部署 Azure SQL 資料庫,或使用 SQLCMD 執行指令碼", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure SQL $(TaskNameSelector)", + "loc.group.displayName.target": "SQL Database", "loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署套件", "loc.group.displayName.firewall": "防火牆", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 服務連線類型", @@ -11,17 +11,25 @@ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "用於部署 SQL 檔案的目標 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶", "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶", "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "用於部署 SQL 檔案的目標 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶", - "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名稱", + "loc.input.label.AuthenticationType": "驗證類型", + "loc.input.help.AuthenticationType": "請指定選項以連線至 Azure SQL Server 資料庫。選項提供的內容可為 Azure SQL Server 資料庫詳細資料、SQL Server 連接字串、AAD 驗證密碼或已整合。若為 SQL 伺服器驗證,請使用 SQL 伺服器的使用者認證,若為 AD 驗證,請使用為 SQL 伺服器設定的 AD 使用者認證。", + "loc.input.label.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server", "loc.input.help.ServerName": "Azure SQL Server 名稱,例如 Fabrikam.database.windows.net,1433 或 Fabrikam.database.windows.net。", - "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "資料庫名稱", + "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "資料庫", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "即將部署檔案之 Azure SQL Database 的名稱。", - "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "伺服器管理員登入", + "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "登入", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "指定 Azure SQL Server 系統管理員的登入。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "密碼", "loc.input.help.SqlPassword": "Azure SQL Server 系統管理員的密碼。
    其可接受組建/發行管線中定義的 '$(passwordVariable)' 這類變數。
    您可以將變數類型標示為 'secret' 加以保護。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlUsername": "登入", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlUsername": "請指定 Active Directory 使用者名稱。", + "loc.input.label.aadSqlPassword": "密碼", + "loc.input.help.aadSqlPassword": "Active Directory 使用者的密碼。
    其可接受組建/發行管線中定義的 '$(passwordVariable)' 這類變數。
    您可以將變數類型標示為 'secret' 加以保護。", + "loc.input.label.ConnectionString": "連接字串", + "loc.input.help.ConnectionString": "請指定 Azure SQL Server 連接字串,例如 \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\"。", + "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "部署類型", "loc.input.label.DeploymentAction": "動作", "loc.input.help.DeploymentAction": "從清單選擇其中一個 SQL 動作。如需詳細資料,請參閱連結。", - "loc.input.label.TaskNameSelector": "類型", "loc.input.label.DacpacFile": "DACPAC 檔案", "loc.input.help.DacpacFile": "自動化代理程式或 UNC 路徑上可為自動化代理程式存取的 DACPAC 檔案位置,例如 \\\\\\\\BudgetIT\\Web\\Deploy\\FabrikamDB.dacpac。也可在此使用預先定義的系統變數,例如 $(agent.releaseDirectory)。", "loc.input.label.BacpacFile": "BACPAC 檔案", @@ -52,6 +60,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_FoundMoreFiles": "使用搜尋模式 {0} 找到一個以上要部署的檔案。但僅允許一個。", "loc.messages.SAD_NoFilesMatch": "找不到任何檔案可用搜尋模式 {0} 部署", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDacpacFile": "提供的 DACPAC 檔案無效: '{0}'", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidAuthenticationInputs": "驗證輸入無效。無法偵測驗證類型。", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidSqlFile": "提供的 SQL 檔案無效: '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_NoPassword": "未指定 SQL 使用者的密碼: '{0}'", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidPublishProfile": "提供的發行設定檔無效: '{0}'", @@ -59,6 +68,7 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_AzureSQLDacpacTaskFailed": "Azure SQL DACPAC 工作失敗。SqlPackage.exe 結束,結束碼: {0}。", "loc.messages.SAD_TroubleshootingLink": "在 https://aka.ms/sqlazuredeployreadme#troubleshooting- 了解如何對失敗進行疑難排解", "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentAction": "部署動作無效: {0}", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvalidDeploymentActionForSQLOperations": "部署動作無效: {0}。若為 SQL 查詢作業,部署動作應設為值 `Publish`。", "loc.messages.SAD_SetOutputVariable": "正在將輸出變數 '{0}' 設定為 '{1}'", "loc.messages.SAD_TemporaryInlineSqlFile": "暫存內嵌 SQL 檔案: {0}", "loc.messages.SAD_GeneratedFile": "已產生檔案 {0}。正在將檔案上傳到記錄。", @@ -66,5 +76,6 @@ "loc.messages.SAD_DacpacFilePath": "DACPAC 檔案路徑:", "loc.messages.SAD_BacpacFilePath": "BACPAC 檔案路徑:", "loc.messages.SAD_PublishProfilePath": "發行設定檔路徑:", - "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "在產生資料庫的漂移報告時,請確認資料庫已註冊為資料層應用程式。" + "loc.messages.SAD_DriftReportWarning": "在產生資料庫的漂移報告時,請確認資料庫已註冊為資料層應用程式。", + "loc.messages.SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "匯入的 Invoke-Sqlcmd 不支援 connectionString。請安裝 SQLServer PS 模組。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.json b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.json index 46431b43bb08..058abdc0ec96 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 20 + "Patch": 21 }, "demands": [ "sqlpackage" @@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ "helpMarkDown": "Password for the Active directory user.
    It can accept variable defined in build or release pipelines as '$(passwordVariable)'.
    You may mark the variable type as 'secret' to secure it." }, { - "name": "ConnectionString", - "type": "multiLine", - "label": "Connection String", - "required": true, - "groupName": "target", - "defaultValue": "", - "visibleRule": "AuthenticationType = connectionString", - "helpMarkDown": "Specify the Azure SQL Server connection string like \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\"." + "name": "ConnectionString", + "type": "multiLine", + "label": "Connection String", + "required": true, + "groupName": "target", + "defaultValue": "", + "visibleRule": "AuthenticationType = connectionString", + "helpMarkDown": "Specify the Azure SQL Server connection string like \"Server=testServer.database.windows.net;Database=testdb;User ID=sqluser;Password=$(securePassword);\"." }, { "name": "TaskNameSelector", @@ -366,4 +366,4 @@ "SAD_DriftReportWarning": "While generating a Drift Report of the database, ensure that the database is registered as a Data-tier Application.", "SAD_InvokeSQLCmdNotSupportingConnectionString": "Imported Invoke-Sqlcmd doesn't support connectionString. Install SQLServer PS module." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.loc.json index efd04999bf7a..f6898c1a6f2a 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlAzureDacpacDeploymentV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 20 + "Patch": 21 }, "demands": [ "sqlpackage" diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 24313896d999..31d6174ede4d 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SQL Server-Datenbank bereitstellen", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "Stellen Sie die SQL Server-Datenbank mithilfe von DACPAC- oder SQL-Skripts bereit.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine SQL Server-Datenbank mithilfe von DACPAC oder SQL-Skripts bereitgestellt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Bereitstellen über: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "SQL bereitstellen über", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "Geben Sie an, wie Sie die Datenbank bereitstellen möchten: mit DACPAC oder per SQL-Skript.", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Datenbankname", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Geben Sie den Namen der SQL Server-Datenbank an.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "Authentifizierung", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Wählen Sie den Authentifizierungsmodus für die Verbindung mit der SQL Server-Instanz aus. Im Windows-Authentifizierungsmodus wird das zum Konfigurieren des Bereitstellungs-Agents verwendete Konto zum Herstellen der Verbindung mit SQL Server verwendet. Im SQL Server-Authentifizierungsmodus müssen der SQL-Anmeldename und das zugehörige Kennwort in den unten stehenden Parametern angegeben werden.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "SQL-Benutzername", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Geben Sie die SQL-Anmeldung für die Verbindung mit der SQL Server-Instanz an. Diese Option ist nur verfügbar, wenn der SQL Server-Authentifizierungsmodus ausgewählt wurde.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "SQL-Kennwort", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index ddf748e66b1a..aca12732d09a 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de la base de datos de SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "Implementar en una base de datos de SQL Server con DACPAC o scripts de SQL", + "loc.description": "Implementa una base de datos de SQL Server con scripts de SQL o DACPAC.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar mediante: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "Implementar SQL mediante", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "Especifique cómo desea implementar la base de datos, ya sea mediante script de SQL o DACPAC.", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nombre de la base de datos", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Proporcione el nombre de la base de datos de SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "Autenticación", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Seleccione el modo de autenticación para conectarse a SQL Server. En el modo de autenticación de Windows, la cuenta utilizada para configurar el agente de implementación se usa para conectarse a SQL Server. En el modo de autenticación de SQL Server, se deben proporcionar el inicio de sesión y la contraseña de SQL en los parámetros que aparecen a continuación.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Nombre de usuario de SQL", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Proporcione el inicio de sesión de SQL para conectarse a SQL Server. La opción solo está disponible si se seleccionó el modo de autenticación de SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Contraseña de SQL", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index bda16bfeedb1..9ad4f37a7ec4 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de base de données SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "Déployer sur la base de données SQL Server à l'aide de DACPAC ou de scripts SQL", + "loc.description": "Déployer une base de données SQL Server à l'aide de DACPAC ou de scripts SQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer à l'aide de : $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "Déployer SQL à l'aide de", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "Spécifiez la façon dont vous voulez déployer la base de données : à l'aide de Dacpac ou d'un script SQL.", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nom de la base de données", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Spécifiez le nom de la base de données SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "Authentification", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Sélectionnez le mode d'authentification pour la connexion à SQL Server. En mode d'authentification Windows, le compte utilisé pour configurer Deployment Agent permet de se connecter au serveur SQL Server. En mode d'authentification SQL Server, vous devez fournir la connexion et le mot de passe SQL dans les paramètres ci-dessous.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Nom d'utilisateur SQL", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Fournissez la connexion SQL pour la connexion à SQL Server. L'option est disponible uniquement si le mode d'authentification SQL Server a été sélectionné.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Mot de passe SQL", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index a288c5b40bd8..80c7e9755ef3 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione database di SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire la distribuzione nel database di SQL Server con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati o script SQL", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire la distribuzione di un database di SQL Server con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati o script SQL", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci tramite: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "Distribuisci SQL tramite", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "Consente di specificare la modalità di distribuzione del database, ovvero tramite il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati o script SQL.", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Nome database", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Specificare il nome del database SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "Autenticazione", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Selezionare la modalità di autenticazione per la connessione a SQL Server. Nella modalità di autenticazione di Windows per la connessione a SQL Server viene usato l'account di configurazione di Deployment Agent. Nella modalità di autenticazione di SQL Server è necessario specificare account di accesso e password SQL nei parametri seguenti.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Nome utente SQL", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Consente di specificare l'account di accesso SQL per la connessione a SQL Server. L'opzione è disponibile solo se è stata selezionata la modalità di autenticazione di SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Password SQL", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 4633a6b8be06..534de3fdc75f 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SQL Server データベースの配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "DACPAC または SQL スクリプトを使用して SQL Server データベースに配置します", + "loc.description": "DACPAC または SQL スクリプトを使用して SQL Server データベースを配置します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "配置時に次を使用: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "SQL の配置時に使用 ", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "DB を配置する方法を、Dacpac を使用するか SQL スクリプトを使用するように指定します。", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "データベース名 ", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "SQL Server データベースの名前を指定します。", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "認証", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "SQL Server に接続する際の認証モードを選択します。Windows 認証モードでは、配置エージェントの構成に使用されるアカウントを使用して、SQL Server に接続します。SQL Server 認証モードでは、以下のパラメーターで SQL ログインとパスワードを指定する必要があります。", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "SQL ユーザー名", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "SQL Server に接続するための SQL ログインを指定します。このオプションは、SQL Server 認証モードが選択されている場合のみ利用できます。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "SQL パスワード ", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 86cc4036e321..62b093ff5980 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "데이터베이스 이름", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "SQL Server 데이터베이스의 이름을 제공합니다.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "인증", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "SQL Server에 연결하기 위한 인증 모드를 선택합니다. Windows 인증 모드에서는 배포 에이전트를 구성하는 데 사용된 계정을 사용하여 SQL Server에 연결합니다. SQL Server 인증 모드에서는 아래 매개 변수에 SQL 로그인 및 암호를 지정해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "SQL 사용자 이름", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "SQL Server에 연결할 SQL 로그인을 제공합니다. 이 옵션은 SQL Server 인증 모드를 선택한 경우에만 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "SQL 암호", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 9dbd8eb887e1..b35437c8bfd5 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание базы данных SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "Развертывание в базу данных SQL Server с помощью сценариев DACPAC или SQL", + "loc.description": "Развертывание базы данных SQL Server с помощью скриптов SQL или DACPAC", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание с помощью: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "Развертывание SQL с помощью", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "Укажите способ развертывания базы данных: с помощью DACPAC или скрипта SQL.", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "Имя базы данных", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "Укажите имя базы данных SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "Проверка подлинности", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Выберите режим проверки подлинности для подключения к SQL Server. В режиме Windows для подключения к SQL Server используется учетная запись, применяемая для настройки агента развертывания. В режиме SQL Server нужно указать в параметрах ниже имя для входа SQL и пароль.", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "Имя пользователя SQL", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "Укажите имя для входа SQL, используемое для подключения к SQL Server. Параметр доступен только при выборе режима проверки подлинности SQL Server.", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "Пароль SQL", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 17019ad19960..ba3b95703faf 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "SQL Server 数据库部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", - "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 或 SQL 脚本部署到 SQL Server 数据库 ", + "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 或 SQL 脚本部署 SQL Server 数据库", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用以下方式部署: $(TaskType)", "loc.input.label.TaskType": "使用以下方式部署 SQL", "loc.input.help.TaskType": "指定要部署 DB 的方式,即使用 Dacpac,还是使用 SQL 脚本。", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "数据库名", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "提供 SQL Server 数据库的名称。", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "身份验证", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "选择用于连接到 SQL Server 的身份验证模式。在 Windows 身份验证模式下,用于配置部署代理的帐户用于连接到 SQL Server。在 SQL Server 身份验证模式下,必须在下面的参数中提供 SQL 登录名和密码。", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "SQL 用户名", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "提供连接到 SQL Server 的 SQL 登录名。仅当选中 SQL Server 身份验证模式时,此选项才可用。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "SQL 密码", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index ceef7691eba2..10f256ae52e1 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "SQL Server Database 部署", + "loc.friendlyName": "SQL Server 資料庫部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/sqldacpacmachinegroupreadme)", "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 或 SQL 指令碼部署 SQL Server Database", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用下項進行部署: $(TaskType)", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "loc.input.label.DatabaseName": "資料庫名稱", "loc.input.help.DatabaseName": "提供 SQL Server 資料庫的名稱。", "loc.input.label.AuthScheme": "驗證", - "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "Select the authentication mode for connecting to the SQL Server. In Windows authentication mode, the account used to configure deployment agent, is used to connect to the SQL Server. In SQL Server Authentication mode, the SQL login and Password have to be provided in the parameters below.", + "loc.input.help.AuthScheme": "請選取連線至 SQL Server 的驗證模式。在 Windows 驗證模式中,會將用於設定部署代理程式的帳戶用來連線至 SQL Server。在 SQL Server 驗證模式中,必須於以下參數內提供 SQL 登入和密碼。", "loc.input.label.SqlUsername": "SQL 使用者名稱", "loc.input.help.SqlUsername": "提供 SQL 登入以連線到 SQL Server。選取 SQL Server 驗證模式後才可使用該選項。", "loc.input.label.SqlPassword": "SQL 密碼", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json index 41891124e6e1..4943e05cea41 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json index 90801b4bbd9a..686daebdca42 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlDacpacDeploymentOnMachineGroupV0/task.loc.json @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 3, - "Patch": 18 + "Patch": 19 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7856b0062421..c7c12ddd38fb 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[En desuso] Implementación de la base de datos de SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Implementar la base de datos de SQL Server con DACPAC", + "loc.description": "Implementa una base de datos de SQL Server con DACPAC.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[En desuso] Implementar el archivo DACPAC de SQL: $(DacpacFile)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Implementación", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Destino", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 6c760cdc99fb..5fa45d1d783f 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[Déconseillé] Déploiement de base de données SQL Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "[Déprécié] Déploiement de base de données SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Déployer la base de données SQL Server avec DACPAC", + "loc.description": "Déployer une base de données SQL Server avec DACPAC", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Déconseillé] Déployer SQL DACPAC : $(DacpacFile)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Déploiement", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Cible", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 4ef3ecbc67a4..16596ca88509 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[Deprecata] Distribuzione database SQL Server", + "loc.friendlyName": "[Deprecata] Distribuzione database di SQL Server", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire il database SQL Server con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati", + "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un database SQL Server con il pacchetto di applicazione livello dati", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[Deprecata] Distribuisci pacchetto di applicazione livello dati SQL: $(DacpacFile)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "Distribuzione", "loc.group.displayName.target": "Destinazione", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5146e3fc687f..e7a3d91a4eba 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[非推奨] SQL Server データベースの配置", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "DACPAC を使用して SQL Server Database を配置します", + "loc.description": "DACPAC を使用して SQL Server データベースを配置します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[非推奨] SQL DACPAC の配置: $(DacpacFile)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "配置", "loc.group.displayName.target": "ターゲット", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 337279d67cdd..b410c024186f 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "[사용되지 않음] SQL Server 데이터베이스 배포", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", - "loc.description": "DACPAC를 사용하여 SQL Server 데이터베이스 배포", + "loc.description": "DACPAC를 사용하여 SQL Server 데이터베이스를 배포합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[사용되지 않음] SQL DACPAC 배포: $(DacpacFile)", "loc.group.displayName.deployment": "배포", "loc.group.displayName.target": "대상", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index c19adc85aa29..d73ec65fba60 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "[已取代] SQL Server Database 部署", + "loc.friendlyName": "[已淘汰] SQL Server 資料庫部署", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/sqlserverdacpackdeprecatedreadme)", "loc.description": "使用 DACPAC 部署 SQL Server 資料庫", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "[已取代] 部署 SQL DACPAC: $(DacpacFile)", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.json b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.json index 30546ddca0ff..2e0a08ba2d64 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 22 + "Patch": 23 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.96.2", diff --git a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.loc.json b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.loc.json index 15c9d793b249..a25ec3608e7b 100644 --- a/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/SqlServerDacpacDeployment/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 22 + "Patch": 23 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.96.2", diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 48af4c9abdc0..46c19d1c07ec 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "An das Shellskript zu übergebende Argumente.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "Fehler für STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "Wenn diese Option ausgewählt ist, tritt ein Buildfehler auf, wenn die Remotebefehle oder Skripts in STDERR schreiben.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Port 22 wird als Standardeinstellung für SSH verwendet, da kein Port angegeben wurde.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Es wird versucht, eine SSH-Verbindung mit \"%s@%s:%s\" einzurichten.", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Verbindung erfolgreich hergestellt.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "Fehler beim Herstellen einer Verbindung mit dem Remotecomputer. Überprüfen Sie die SSH-Dienstverbindungsdetails. Fehler: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Fehler beim Kopieren des Skripts auf den Remotecomputer. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "Fehler beim Schreiben des Skripts auf den Datenträger: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "Fehler des Befehls auf dem Remotecomputer.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "Der Befehl \"%s\" wurde mit dem Code %s beendet.", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Fehler beim Löschen der Skriptdatei, die auf den Remotecomputer kopiert wurde. Fehler = %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Fehler beim Kopieren des Skripts auf den Remotecomputer. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Fehler beim Löschen der Skriptdatei, die auf den Remotecomputer kopiert wurde. Fehler = %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Es wird versucht, eine SSH-Verbindung mit \"%s@%s:%s\" einzurichten.", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Verbindung erfolgreich hergestellt.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Port 22 wird als Standardeinstellung für SSH verwendet, da kein Port angegeben wurde." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 881b4b7af314..dbd5a0569b16 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "Argumentos que se pasan al script de shell.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "Error en STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "Si se selecciona esta opción, la compilación dará error cuando el script o los comandos remotos escriban en STDERR.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Usando el puerto 22, que es el predeterminado para SSH, porque no se especificó ningún puerto.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Intentando establecer una conexión SSH con %s@%s: %s", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Conectado correctamente.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "No se pudo conectar a la máquina remota. Compruebe los detalles de la conexión de servicio SSH. Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "No se pudo copiar el script en la máquina remota. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "No se pudo escribir el script en el disco: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "No se pudo ejecutar el comando debido a errores en la máquina remota.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "El comando %s finalizó con el código %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo de script copiado en la máquina remota. Error = %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "No se pudo copiar el script en la máquina remota. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo de script copiado en la máquina remota. Error = %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Intentando establecer una conexión SSH con %s@%s: %s", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Conectado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Usando el puerto 22, que es el predeterminado para SSH, porque no se especificó ningún puerto." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 8fc1829de953..d46bfecc77fe 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "Arguments à passer au script d'interpréteur de commandes.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "Échec sur STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, un échec de la build se produit quand les commandes ou le script exécutés à distance écrivent dans STDERR.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Utilisation du port 22, qui représente la valeur par défaut pour SSH, car aucun port n'a été spécifié.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Tentative d'établissement d'une connexion SSH à %s@%s:%s", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Connexion réussie.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "Échec de la connexion à la machine distante. Vérifiez les détails de la connexion de service SSH. Erreur : %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Échec de la copie du script sur la machine distante. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "Échec de l'écriture du script sur le disque : %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "Échec de la commande : erreurs sur la machine distante.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "Arrêt de la commande %s. Code %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Échec de la suppression du fichier de script copié sur la machine distante. Erreur = %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Échec de la copie du script sur la machine distante. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Échec de la suppression du fichier de script copié sur la machine distante. Erreur = %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Tentative d'établissement d'une connexion SSH à %s@%s:%s", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Connexion réussie.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Utilisation du port 22, qui représente la valeur par défaut pour SSH, car aucun port n'a été spécifié." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index d9da8dc8b47a..5cdd8aa6c0e0 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "Argomenti da passare allo script della shell.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "Interrompi in caso di STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "Se questa opzione è selezionata, la compilazione non riuscirà quando lo script o i comandi remoti scriveranno in STDERR.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Verrà usata la porta 22 che corrisponde a quella predefinita per SSH perché non è stata specificata alcuna porta.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Tentativo di stabilire una connessione SSH a %s@%s:%s", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "La connessione è riuscita.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "Non è stato possibile connettersi al computer remoto. Verificare i dettagli della connessione al servizio SSH. Errore: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Non è stato possibile copiare lo script nel computer remoto. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "Non è stato possibile scrivere lo script sul disco: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "Il comando non è riuscito e si sono verificati errori nel computer remoto.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "Il comando %s è stato terminato. Codice: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file di script copiato nel computer remoto. Errore = %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Non è stato possibile copiare lo script nel computer remoto. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file di script copiato nel computer remoto. Errore = %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Tentativo di stabilire una connessione SSH a %s@%s:%s", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "La connessione è riuscita.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Verrà usata la porta 22 che corrisponde a quella predefinita per SSH perché non è stata specificata alcuna porta." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 92a2279bcbaa..cf7be0ef2e39 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "シェル スクリプトに渡す引数。", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "STDERR でのエラー", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "このオプションを選択すると、リモート コマンドまたはスクリプトが STDERR に書き込みを行う場合、ビルドは失敗します。", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "ポートが指定されなかったため、SSH で既定のポート 22 を使用しています。", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "%s@%s:%s への SSH 接続を確立しようとしています", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "正常に接続しました。", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "リモート マシンへの接続に失敗しました。SSH サービス接続の詳細を確認してください。エラー: %s。", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "リモート コンピューターへのスクリプトのコピーに失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "スクリプトをディスクに書き込めませんでした: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "リモート コンピューター上のエラーにより、コマンドの実行に失敗しました。", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "コマンド %s がコード %s で終了しました。", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "リモート コンピューターにコピーされたスクリプト ファイルの削除に失敗しました。エラー = %s。" + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "リモート コンピューターへのスクリプトのコピーに失敗しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "リモート コンピューターにコピーされたスクリプト ファイルの削除に失敗しました。エラー = %s。", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "%s@%s:%s への SSH 接続を確立しようとしています", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "正常に接続しました。", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "ポートが指定されなかったため、SSH で既定のポート 22 を使用しています。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 9bfdbe4f4850..b244d4b81e63 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "셸 스크립트에 전달할 인수입니다.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "STDERR이 발생할 경우 실패", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "이 옵션을 선택하면 원격 명령 또는 스크립트에서 STDERR에 쓰는 경우 빌드가 실패합니다.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "포트가 지정되지 않았으므로 SSH에 대한 기본값인 포트 22를 사용합니다.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "%s@%s:%s에 대한 SSH 연결을 설정하는 중", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "연결되었습니다.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "원격 머신에 연결하지 못했습니다. SSH 서비스 연결 정보를 확인하세요. 오류: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "원격 컴퓨터에 스크립트를 복사하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "%s 디스크에 스크립트를 쓰지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "원격 컴퓨터에서 오류가 발생하여 명령이 실패했습니다.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "%s 명령이 종료되었습니다(코드: %s).", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "원격 컴퓨터에 복사된 스크립트 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류 = %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "원격 컴퓨터에 스크립트를 복사하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "원격 컴퓨터에 복사된 스크립트 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류 = %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "%s@%s:%s에 대한 SSH 연결을 설정하는 중", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "연결되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "포트가 지정되지 않았으므로 SSH에 대한 기본값인 포트 22를 사용합니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3fdc2aea0592..9f50ae4f6815 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "Аргументы, передаваемые в сценарий оболочки.", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "Ошибка в STDERR", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "Если этот параметр выбран, сборка завершится ошибкой при записи данных удаленными командами или сценарием в поток STDERR.", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Используется порт 22, который является портом по умолчанию для SSH, так как порт не указан.", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Попытка установить SSH-подключение к %s@%s:%s", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Подключение успешно установлено.", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "Не удалось подключиться к удаленному компьютеру. Проверьте сведения о подключении к службе SSH. Ошибка: %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Не удалось скопировать сценарий на удаленный компьютер. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "Не удалось записать скрипт на диск: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "Сбой команды с ошибками на удаленном компьютере.", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "Выход из команды %s с кодом %s.", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Не удалось удалить сценарий, скопированный на удаленный компьютер. Ошибка: %s." + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "Не удалось скопировать сценарий на удаленный компьютер. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "Не удалось удалить сценарий, скопированный на удаленный компьютер. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "Попытка установить SSH-подключение к %s@%s:%s", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "Подключение успешно установлено.", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "Используется порт 22, который является портом по умолчанию для SSH, так как порт не указан." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index d372672409d3..8dc09bf8cb9f 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "要传递给 shell 脚本的参数。", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "STDERR 故障", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "如果选择此选项,则 STDERR 中写入远程命令或脚本时,生成将失败。", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "由于未指定端口,将使用SSH 的默认端口 22。", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "正在尝试建立与 %s@%s:%s 的 SSH 连接", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "已成功连接。", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "无法连接到远程计算机。请验证 SSH 服务连接详细信息。错误: %s。", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "无法将脚本复制到远程计算机。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "未能将脚本写入磁盘: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "命令因远程计算机上的错误而失败。", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "命令 %s 已退出,代码为 %s。", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "无法删除复制到远程计算机上的脚本文件。错误 = %s。" + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "无法将脚本复制到远程计算机。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "无法删除复制到远程计算机上的脚本文件。错误 = %s。", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "正在尝试建立与 %s@%s:%s 的 SSH 连接", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "已成功连接。", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "由于未指定端口,将使用SSH 的默认端口 22。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index dba475886a5f..9a2b057dd692 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -18,12 +18,13 @@ "loc.input.help.args": "要傳遞至殼層指令碼的引數。", "loc.input.label.failOnStdErr": "在 STDERR 上失敗", "loc.input.help.failOnStdErr": "如果選取此選項,當遠端命令或指令碼寫入 STDERR 時,組建會失敗。", - "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "因為未指定任何連接埠,所以將使用 SSH 的預設連接埠 22。", - "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "正在嘗試對 %s@%s:%s 建立 SSH 連線", - "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "連線成功。", "loc.messages.ConnectionFailed": "無法連線到遠端電腦。請驗證 SSH 服務連線的詳細資料。錯誤: %s。", - "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "無法將指令碼複製到遠端電腦。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedToWriteScript": "無法將指令碼寫入磁碟: %s", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdExecutionErr": "命令在遠端電腦上發生錯誤而失敗。", "loc.messages.RemoteCmdNonZeroExitCode": "命令 %s 在程式碼 %s 結束。", - "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "無法刪除複製到遠端電腦的指令碼檔。錯誤 = %s。" + "loc.messages.RemoteCopyFailed": "無法將指令碼複製到遠端電腦。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.RemoteScriptFileCleanUpFailed": "無法刪除複製到遠端電腦的指令碼檔。錯誤 = %s。", + "loc.messages.SettingUpSshConnection": "正在嘗試對 %s@%s:%s 建立 SSH 連線", + "loc.messages.SshConnectionSuccessful": "連線成功。", + "loc.messages.UseDefaultPort": "因為未指定任何連接埠,所以將使用 SSH 的預設連接埠 22。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/task.json b/Tasks/SshV0/task.json index fe5027bf42df..57926ba9b45b 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/SshV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/SshV0/task.loc.json index a74747aa9972..52e094627839 100644 --- a/Tasks/SshV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/SshV0/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.102.0", diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..7d6845e76a63 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Authentifizierung für Python-Twine-Upload", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Authentifizierung zum Upload von Python-Distributionen unter Verwendung von Twine durchgeführt. Fügen Sie Ihrem Twine-Uploadbefehl \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" hinzu. Verwenden Sie für Feeds innerhalb dieser Organisation den Feednamen als Repository (-r). Andernfalls verwenden Sie den in der Dienstverbindung definierten Endpunktnamen.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine-Authentifizierung: $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds und Authentifizierung", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Meine Feeds (Auswahl unten)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Wählen Sie Feeds für die Authentifizierung innerhalb dieser Organisation aus.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds aus externen Organisationen", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Wählen Sie Endpunkte für die Authentifizierung außerhalb dieser Organisation aus. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Endpunkte über Berechtigungen zum Paketupload verfügen.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pipelinemetadaten veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Ordnen Sie die Metadaten dieser Build-/Releasepipeline (Ausführungsnummer, Quellcodeinformationen) dem Paket zu, wenn ein Upload in die Feeds durchgeführt wird.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Authentifizierungsinformationen für %s interne Feeds werden hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Authentifizierungsinformationen für den externen Endpunkt \"%s\" werden hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Die Authentifizierung für %s interne Feeds und %s externen Endpunkt wurde erfolgreich hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Eintrag zur Authentifizierung über Benutzername/Kennwort für Feed \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Eintrag zur Authentifizierung über ein Token für Feed \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Die Analyse der vorhandenen PYPIRC-Datei in \"%s\" wird gestartet.", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Fehler beim Analysieren der Feed-URL und beim Hinzufügen von Authentifizierungsinformationen. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Es wurde ein doppelter Eintrag für den Endpunktnamen \"%s\" gefunden. Für diesen Feednamen ist bereits eine Authentifizierung vorhanden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Endpunktnamen eindeutig sind und keine Konflikte mit den Feednamen in dieser Organisation verursachen.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Es wurde ein doppelter Eintrag für den Endpunktnamen \"%s\" gefunden. Der Authentifizierungseintrag für diesen Namen ist in der PYPIRC-Datei bereits vorhanden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Endpunktnamen eindeutig sind und keine Konflikte mit den Feednamen dieser Organisation verursachen.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Der URI für die Paketierung kann nicht mithilfe des URI der Standardsammlung abgerufen werden.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Authentifizierung.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Zugriffstokens für diese Organisation.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "Es ist keine PYPIRC-Datei zum Bereinigen vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Die Umgebungsvariable für die PYPIRC-Datei unter \"%s\" wurde festgelegt.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Die PYPIRC-Datei wird aus \"%s\" entfernt.", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "Die Authentifizierung für interne Feeds wird in dieser Version von Azure DevOps Server nicht unterstützt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..2acb6c075476 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticación de la carga de Python con Twine", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "Realice la autenticación para cargar distribuciones de Python con Twine. Agregue \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" al comando de carga de Twine. Para las fuentes presentes en la organización, use el nombre de la fuente como repositorio (-r). De lo contrario, use el nombre del punto de conexión definido en la conexión de servicio.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticación de Twine $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Fuentes y autenticación", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Mis fuentes (seleccionar a continuación)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Seleccione las fuentes para autenticar que están presentes en esta organización.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Fuentes de organizaciones externas", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Seleccione los puntos de conexión para autenticarse fuera de esta organización. Asegúrese de que tienen permisos de carga de paquetes.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publicar los metadatos de canalización", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Asocie los metadatos de esta canalización de compilación o versión (n.º de ejecución, información del código fuente) con el paquete al cargar en Mis fuentes.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Agregando información de autenticación para las fuentes internas %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Agregando información de autenticación para el punto de conexión externo %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "La autenticación para las fuentes internas %s y el punto de conexión externo %s se ha agregado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Agregando la entrada de autenticación de contraseña del nombre de usuario para la fuente %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Agregando la entrada de autenticación de token para la fuente %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Iniciando el análisis del archivo .pypirc existente en %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "No se pudo analizar la dirección URL de la fuente ni agregar la información de autenticación. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Se ha encontrado una entrada duplicada para el nombre de punto de conexión %s. Ya existe una autenticación para este nombre de fuente. Asegúrese de que todos los nombres de punto de conexión son únicos y no entran en conflicto con los nombres de fuente de esta organización.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Se ha encontrado una entrada duplicada para el nombre de punto de conexión %s. Ya existe una entrada de autenticación para este nombre en el archivo .pypirc. Asegúrese de que todos los nombres de punto de conexión son únicos y no entran en conflicto con los nombres de fuente de esta organización.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "No se puede obtener el URI de empaquetado; se usa el URI de la colección predeterminado.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "No se pudo agregar la autenticación", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "No se pudo obtener el token de acceso para la organización.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No hay ningún archivo .pypirc para limpiar.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "La variable de entorno para .pypirc en %s está establecida.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Quitando el archivo .pypirc de %s", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "No se admite la autenticación para las fuentes internas en esta versión de Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..2b490f4e403d 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Authentification pour le chargement Python via Twine", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "Authentifiez-vous pour charger les distributions Python à l'aide de Twine. Ajoutez '-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)' à votre commande de chargement Twine. Pour les flux présents dans cette organisation, utilisez le nom du flux en tant que dépôt (-r). Sinon, utilisez le nom de point de terminaison défini dans la connexion de service.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Authentification Twine $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Flux et authentification", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Mes flux (à sélectionner ci-dessous)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Sélectionnez les flux d'authentification dans cette organisation.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Flux d'organisations externes", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Sélectionnez des points de terminaison pour permettre l'authentification en dehors de cette organisation. Vérifiez que les points de terminaison ont des autorisations relatives au chargement de packages.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publier des métadonnées de pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Associer les métadonnées de ce pipeline de build/mise en production (numéro d'exécution, informations de code source) au package durant le chargement vers mes flux.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Ajout d'informations d'authentification pour le ou les flux internes %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Ajout d'informations d'authentification pour le point de terminaison externe %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Ajout réussi de l'authentification pour les flux internes %s et le point de terminaison externe %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Ajout d'une entrée d'authentification par nom d'utilisateur/mot de passe pour le flux %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Ajout d'une entrée d'authentification par jeton pour le flux %s", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Début de l'analyse du fichier .pypirc existant sur %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Échec de l'analyse de l'URL de flux et de l'ajout d'informations d'authentification. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Une entrée dupliquée a été trouvée pour le nom de point de terminaison %s. L'authentification existe déjà pour ce nom de flux. Vérifiez que tous les noms de points de terminaison sont uniques et qu'ils ne sont pas en conflit avec les noms de flux de cette organisation.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Une entrée dupliquée a été trouvée pour le nom de point de terminaison %s. L'entrée d'authentification existe déjà pour ce nom dans le fichier .pypirc. Vérifiez que tous les noms de points de terminaison sont uniques et qu'ils ne sont pas en conflit avec les noms de flux de cette organisation.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Impossible d'obtenir l'URI de packaging. Utilisation de l'URI de collection par défaut.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Échec de l'ajout de l'authentification.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Échec de l'obtention du jeton d'accès pour cette organisation.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "Aucun fichier .pypirc à nettoyer.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "La variable d'environnement de .pypirc sur %s est définie.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Suppression du fichier .pypirc de %s", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "L'authentification des flux internes n'est pas prise en charge dans cette version d'Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..f535aea65298 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Autenticazione per caricamento Python tramite Twine", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire l'autenticazione per il caricamento di distribuzioni Python tramite Twine. Aggiungere '-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)' al comando upload di Twine. Per i feed presenti in questa organizzazione, usare come repository (-r) il nome del feed. In caso contrario, usare il nome dell'endpoint definito nella connessione al servizio.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Autenticazione Twine $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feed e autenticazione", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Feed personali (selezionare sotto)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Selezionare i feed da autenticare presenti in questa organizzazione.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feed di organizzazioni esterne", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Selezionare gli endpoint da autenticare all'esterno di questa organizzazione. Assicurarsi che agli endpoint siano assegnate le autorizzazioni per il caricamento di pacchetti.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pubblica i metadati della pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Consente di associare i metadati della pipeline di compilazione/versione (numero di esecuzione, informazioni sul codice sorgente) al pacchetto durante il caricamento nei feed personali.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Aggiunta delle informazioni di autenticazione per i feed interni di %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Aggiunta delle informazioni di autenticazione per l'endpoint esterno di %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "L'autenticazione per i feed interni di %s e l'endpoint esterno di %s è stata aggiunta.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Aggiunta della voce di autenticazione password e nome utente per il feed %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Aggiunta della voce di autenticazione token per il feed %s", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Avvio dell'analisi del file con estensione pypirc esistente in %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Non è stato possibile analizzare l'URL del feed e aggiungere le informazioni di autenticazione. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "È stata trovata una voce duplicata per il nome di endpoint %s. L'autenticazione esiste già per questo nome di feed. Assicurarsi che tutti i nomi di endpoint siano univoci e che non si verifichino conflitti con i nomi di feed di questa organizzazione.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "È stata trovata una voce duplicata per il nome di endpoint %s. La voce di autenticazione esiste già per questo nome nel file con estensione pypirc. Assicurarsi che tutti i nomi di endpoint siano univoci e che non si verifichino conflitti con i nomi dei feed di questa organizzazione.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URI della creazione di pacchetti. Verrà usato l'URI della raccolta predefinito.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'autenticazione.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per questa organizzazione.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "Non è stato trovato alcun file con estensione pypirc da pulire.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "La variabile di ambiente per il file con estensione pypirc in %s è stata impostata.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Rimozione del file con estensione pypirc da %s", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "La funzionalità di autenticazione dei feed interni non è supportata in questa versione di Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..3f9ac479b076 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Python twine アップロードの認証", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "twine を使用して Python ディストリビューションをアップロードするための認証を行います。'-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)' を twine アップロード コマンドに追加します。この組織にフィードが存在する場合は、フィード名をリポジトリ (-r) として使用します。それ以外の場合は、サービス接続に定義されているエンドポイント名を使用します。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine 認証 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "フィードと認証", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "マイ フィード (以下を選択)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "この組織内に存在する、認証対象のフィードを選択します。", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "外部組織からのフィード", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "この組織の外部で認証するエンドポイントを選択します。エンドポイントにパッケージのアップロード権限があることを確認してください。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "パイプライン メタデータの発行", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "マイ フィードにアップロードするときに、このビルド/リリース パイプラインのメタデータ (実行番号、ソース コード情報) をパッケージに関連付けます。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "%s 内部フィードの認証情報を追加しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "%s 外部エンドポイントの認証情報を追加しています。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "%s の内部フィードと %s の外部エンドポイントに認証が正常に追加されました。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "フィード %s のユーザー名パスワード認証エントリを追加しています", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "フィード %s のトークン認証エントリを追加しています", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "%s の既存の pypirc ファイルの解析を開始しています", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "フィード URL の解析および認証情報の追加に失敗しました。%s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "エンドポイント名 %s のエントリが重複しています。このフィード名には、認証が既に存在します。すべてのエンドポイント名が一意で、この組織内のフィード名と重複していないことを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "エンドポイント名 %s のエントリが重複しています。.pypirc ファイルに、この名前の認証エントリが既に存在します。すべてのエンドポイント名が一意で、この組織のフィード名と重複していないことを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "既定のコレクション URI を使用して、パッケージ URI を取得できません。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "認証を追加できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "この組織のアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "クリーンアップするための .pypirc ファイルがありません。", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": ".pypirc の環境変数が %s で設定されています。", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "%s から .pypirc ファイルを削除しています", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "内部フィードの認証は、このバージョンの Azure DevOps Server ではサポートされていません。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..7fc5a05a7a83 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Python twine 업로드 인증", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "twine을 사용한 Python 배포 업로드를 위해 인증합니다. twine upload 명령에 '-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)'을(를) 추가합니다. 이 조직에 있는 피드의 경우 피드 이름을 리포지토리(-r)로 사용합니다. 그렇지 않으면, 서비스 연결에서 정의된 엔드포인트 이름을 사용합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine 인증 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "피드 및 인증", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "내 피드(아래에서 선택)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "이 조직에 있는, 인증할 피드를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "외부 조직의 피드", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "이 조직 외부에 있는, 인증할 엔드포인트를 선택합니다. 엔드포인트에 패키지 업로드 권한이 있는지 확인합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "파이프라인 메타데이터 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "내 피드에 업로드할 때 이 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인의 메타데이터(실행 번호, 소스 코드 정보)를 패키지에 연결합니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "%s 내부 피드의 인증 정보를 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "%s 외부 엔드포인트의 인증 정보를 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "%s 내부 피드 및 %s 외부 엔드포인트의 인증을 추가했습니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "%s 피드의 사용자 이름 암호 인증 항목을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "%s 피드의 토큰 인증 항목을 추가하는 중", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "%s에 있는 기존 .pypirc 파일의 구문 분석을 시작하는 중", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "피드 URL을 구문 분석하고 인증 정보를 추가하지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "엔드포인트 이름 %s에 대한 중복된 항목이 있습니다. 이 피드 이름에 대한 인증이 이미 있습니다. 모든 엔드포인트 이름이 고유하고, 이 조직의 피드 이름과 충돌하지 않는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "엔드포인트 이름 %s에 대한 중복된 항목이 있습니다. 이 이름에 대한 인증 항목이 .pypirc 파일에 이미 있습니다. 모든 엔드포인트 이름이 고유하고, 이 조직의 피드 이름과 충돌하지 않는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "기본 컬렉션 URI를 사용하여 패키징 URI를 가져올 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "인증을 추가하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "이 조직의 액세스 토큰을 가져오지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "정리할 .pypirc 파일이 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "%s에 있는 .pypirc의 환경 변수가 설정되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "%s에서 .pypirc 파일을 제거하는 중", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "이 버전의 Azure DevOps Server에서는 내부 피드 인증이 지원되지 않습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..c1c64630c4cf 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Проверка подлинности отправки Twine Python", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "Выполните проверку подлинности для отправки дистрибутивов Python с помощью Twine. Добавьте \"-r имя_веб-канала/имя_конечной_точки --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" в команду отправки Twine. Для веб-каналов, присутствующих в этой организации, используйте имя веб-канала в качестве репозитория (-r). В противном случае используйте имя конечной точки, определенное в подключении службы.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Проверка подлинности Twine $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Веб-каналы и проверка подлинности", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "Мои веб-каналы (выберите ниже)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "Выберите веб-каналы для проверки подлинности, присутствующие в этой организации.", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Веб-каналы из внешних организаций", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Выберите конечные точки для проверки подлинности за пределами этой организации. Убедитесь, что конечные точки имеют разрешения на отправку пакетов.", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Опубликовать метаданные конвейера", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Связать метаданные этого конвейера сборки или выпуска (номер запуска, сведения об исходном коде) с пакетом при отправке в мои веб-каналы.", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Добавление сведений о проверке подлинности для внутренних веб-каналов (%s).", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Добавление сведений о проверке подлинности для внешней конечной точки %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Проверка подлинности успешно добавлена для внутренних веб-каналов (%s) и внешней конечной точки (%s).", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Добавление записи проверки подлинности для пароля пользователя для веб-канала %s", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Добавление записи проверки подлинности токена для веб-канала %s", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Начинается анализ существующего файла PYPIRC в %s", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Не удалось проанализировать URL-адрес веб-канала и добавить сведения о проверке подлинности. %s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Обнаружена повторяющаяся запись для имени конечной точки %s. Уже существует проверка подлинности для этого имени веб-канала. Убедитесь, что все имена конечных точек уникальны и не конфликтуют с именами веб-каналов в этой организации.", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Обнаружена повторяющаяся запись для имени конечной точки %s. В файле PYPIRC уже существует запись проверки подлинности для этого имени. Убедитесь, что все имена конечных точек уникальны и не конфликтуют с именами веб-каналов из этой организации.", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Не удалось получить URI упаковки, используется URI коллекции по умолчанию.", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Не удалось добавить проверку подлинности.", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для этой организации.", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "Отсутствует файл PYPIRC для очистки.", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Задана переменная среды для PYPIRC в %s.", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Удаление файла PYPIRC из %s", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "Проверка подлинности для внутренних веб-каналов не поддерживается в этой версии Azure DevOps Server." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..767f24c023f6 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Python twine 上传身份验证", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "验证使用 twine 上传 Python 分发版。将 \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" 添加到 twine 上传命令。对于此组织中存在的源,请使用源名称作为存储库(-r)。否则,请使用在服务连接中定义的终结点名称。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine 身份验证 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "源和身份验证", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "我的源(在下方选择)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "选择要在此组织中进行身份验证的源。", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "来自外部组织的源", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "选择要在此组织外部进行身份验证的终结点。确保这些终结点具有包上传权限。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "发布管道元数据", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "在上传到我的源时,将此生成/发布管道的元数据(运行 #、源代码信息)与包关联。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "正在为 %s 内部源添加身份验证信息。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "正在为 %s 外部终结点添加身份验证信息。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "已成功添加对 %s 内部源和 %s 外部终结点的身份验证。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "正在为源 %s 添加用户名密码身份验证条目", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "正在为源 %s 添加令牌身份验证条目", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "开始分析 %s 中的现有 .pypirc 文件", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "未能分析源 URL 和添加身份验证信息。%s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "找到了终结点名称 %s 的重复条目。已存在此源名称的 Auth。请确保所有终结点名称都是唯一的,并且不会与此组织中的源名称冲突。", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "找到了终结点名称 %s 的重复条目。.pypirc 文件中已存在此名称的 Auth 条目。请确保所有终结点名称都是唯一的,并且不会与此组织中的源名称冲突。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "无法使用默认集合 URI 获取打包 URI。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "添加身份验证失败。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "未能获取此组织的访问令牌。", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "没有要清理的 .pypirc 文件。", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "已在 %s 设置 .pypirc 的环境变量。", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "正在从 %s 删除 .pypirc 文件", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "此版本的 Azure DevOps Server 中不支持对内部源的身份验证。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index f5fcf4d8b8ab..ff69f2a621ff 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,26 +1,30 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine Upload Authenticate", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", - "loc.description": "Authentication for uploading python distributions using twine. Please add \"-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)\" to your twine upload command. For feeds present in this organization use feed name as repository(-r) otherwise use the endpoint name defined in the service connection.", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine Authenticate $(message)", - "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "Feeds and Authentication", - "loc.input.label.feedList": "My feeds (select below)", - "loc.input.help.feedList": "Select feeds to authenticate present in this organization.", - "loc.input.label.externalSources": "Feeds from external organizations", - "loc.input.help.externalSources": "Select endpoints to authenticate outside this organization. Make sure the endpoints have package upload permissions.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s internal feed(s).", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "Adding auth information for %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "Successfully added auth for %s internal feeds and %s external endpoint.", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "Adding username password auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "Adding token auth entry for feed %s", - "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "Starting to parse existing .pypirc file at %s", - "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "Failed to parse the feed url and add auth information. %s", - "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth already exists for this feed name. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and not colliding with feed names in this organization.", - "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "Duplicate entry found for endpoint name %s. Auth entry already exists for this name in .pypirc file. Please make sure all the endpoint names are unique and does not collide with feed names from this organization.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "Unable to get packaging uri, using default collection uri.", - "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "Failed to add authentication.", - "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "Failed to get the access token for this organization.", - "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "No .pypirc file to clean up.", - "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "Environment variable for .pypirc at %s is set.", - "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "Removing .pypirc file from %s" + "loc.friendlyName": "Python Twine 上傳驗證", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://pypi.org/project/twine/)", + "loc.description": "針對使用 Twine 上傳 Python 發行版本進行驗證。請將 '-r FeedName/EndpointName --config-file $(PYPIRC_PATH)' 新增至 Twine 上傳命令。針對存在於此組織中的摘要,請使用摘要名稱作為存放庫 (-r)。否則,請使用服務連線中定義的端點名稱。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Twine 驗證 $(message)", + "loc.group.displayName.feedAuthentication": "摘要與驗證", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", + "loc.input.label.feedList": "我的摘要 (於下方選取)", + "loc.input.help.feedList": "選取此組織中要驗證的的摘要。", + "loc.input.label.externalSources": "來自外部組織的摘要", + "loc.input.help.externalSources": "選取此組織外要驗證的端點。請確定端點具有套件上傳權限。", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "發佈管線中繼資料", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "在上傳至我的摘要時,將此建置/發行管線的中繼資料 (執行數,原始程式碼資訊) 與套件建立關聯。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingInternalFeeds": "正在新增 %s 個內部摘要的驗證資訊。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingExternalFeeds": "正在新增 %s 外部端點的驗證資訊。", + "loc.messages.Info_SuccessAddingAuth": "已成功為 %s 內部摘要和 %s 外部端點新增驗證。", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingPasswordAuthEntry": "正在新增摘要 %s 的使用者名稱密碼驗證項目", + "loc.messages.Info_AddingTokenAuthEntry": "正在新增摘要 %s 的權杖驗證項目", + "loc.messages.Info_StartParsingExistingPypircFile": "正於 %s 開始剖析現有的 .pypirc 檔案", + "loc.messages.Error_FailedToParseFeedUrlAndAuth": "無法剖析摘要 URL 和新增驗證資訊。%s", + "loc.messages.Warning_DuplicateEntryForInternalFeed": "發現端點名稱 %s 有重複的項目。此摘要名稱已有驗證。請確定所有端點名稱皆為唯一的,而且未與此組織中的摘要名稱衝突。", + "loc.messages.Error_DuplicateEntryForExternalFeed": "發現端點名稱 %s 有重複的項目。.pypirc 檔案中已有此名稱的驗證項目。請確定所有端點名稱皆為唯一的,而且未與此組織中的摘要名稱衝突。", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackagingUri": "無法取得封裝 URI,將改用預設收集 URI。", + "loc.messages.FailedToAddAuthentication": "無法新增驗證。", + "loc.messages.FeedTokenUnavailable": "無法取得此組織的存取權杖。", + "loc.messages.NoPypircFile": "沒有任何要清除的 .pypirc 檔案。", + "loc.messages.VariableSetForPypirc": "已在 %s 設定 .pypirc 的環境變數。", + "loc.messages.Info_RemovingPypircFile": "正在從 %s 移除 .pypirc 檔案", + "loc.messages.Error_PythonInternalFeedsNotSupportedOnprem": "這個版本的 Azure DevOps Server 不支援內部摘要的驗證。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.json b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.json index 17eef7e614a6..94ed857c89bf 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ "argumentFormat": "" } } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json index d41caeda702e..62bb04d8bb9b 100644 --- a/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/TwineAuthenticateV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index ce26818f9fd0..2292d8f2af07 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "Feed- und Paketdetails", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "Feed- und Paketdetails", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "Ausgabe", "loc.input.label.command": "Befehl", "loc.input.help.command": "Der Universal Packages-Befehl, der ausgeführt werden soll.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "Zielverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "Ordnerpfad, in den die Paketinhalte heruntergeladen werden.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "Feedspeicherort", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "Sie können entweder einen Feed aus dieser Sammlung oder eine andere Sammlung in Azure Artifacts auswählen.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Konto-/Sammlungsverbindung", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Organisations-/Sammlungsverbindung", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Feeds.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "Feed", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "Paketname", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "Gibt den Pfad zur Liste der Dateien an, die veröffentlicht werden sollen.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "Feedspeicherort", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "Sie können entweder einen Feed aus dieser Sammlung oder eine andere Sammlung in Azure Artifacts auswählen.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Konto-/Sammlungsverbindung", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Organisations-/Sammlungsverbindung", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Anmeldeinformationen für externe Feeds.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "Zielfeed", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pipelinemetadaten veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Ordnen Sie die Metadaten dieser Build-/Releasepipeline (Ausführungsnummer, Quellcodeinformationen) dem Paket zu.", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "Paketname", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Wählen Sie eine Paket-ID für die Veröffentlichung aus, oder geben Sie eine neue Paket-ID ein, wenn Sie zuvor noch keine Version dieses Pakets veröffentlicht haben. Paketnamen dürfen nur Kleinbuchstaben, Ziffern und Bindestriche (-) enthalten.", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "Feed", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "Feedname", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "Paketname", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "Beschreibung der Inhalte dieses Pakets und/oder der Änderungen, die in dieser Paketversion durchgeführt wurden.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "Ausführlichkeit", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "Gibt den Umfang der Details an, die in der Ausgabe angezeigt werden.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "Variable für Paketausgabe", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable an, die den Namen und die Version des veröffentlichten Pakets enthält.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "Das Paket wurde erfolgreich heruntergeladen.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "Fehler beim Herunterladen der Pakete.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Die Verbindung mit Feeds in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation wird als \"%s\" [%s] hergestellt.", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Stellen Sie für interne Feeds sicher, dass die Builddienstidentität \"%s\" [%s] Zugriff auf den Feed besitzt.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Der Universal Packages-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Projektsammlung gehostet werden.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Der Universal Packages-Dienst wurde nicht gefunden. Diese Aufgabe kann sich nicht bei Feeds authentifizieren, die in Ihrer Azure DevOps-Organisation gehostet werden.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Für die angegebene Umgebungsvariable wurde kein Wert gefunden.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Pakete wurden erfolgreich veröffentlicht.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen der Pakete.", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Verwendeter Toolpfad: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Verwendete Version: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Paketmetadaten.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Artefakttools aus dem Dienst. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Artefakttools. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Artefakttool-Metadaten aus der Quell-URL %s.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Paketversionen.", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Die für Universal Packages zu verwendenden Anmeldeinformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden." + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Die für Universal Packages zu verwendenden Anmeldeinformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden.", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages wird in Azure DevOps Server nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages erfordert einen x64-Agent." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index abeed712aabd..80d009593d3c 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "Descargue o publique Universal Packages.", + "loc.description": "Descarga o publica instancias de Universal Packages.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Universal $(command)", - "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "&Detalles del paquete de fuente", - "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "&Detalles del paquete de fuente", + "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "Detalles del paquete de fuente", + "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "Detalles del paquete de fuente", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "Salida", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Comando de Universal Packages que se va a ejecutar.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "Directorio de destino", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "Ruta de acceso a la carpeta en la que se va a descargar el contenido del paquete.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "Ubicación de la fuente", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "Puede seleccionar una fuente de esta colección o de cualquier otra en Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Conexión de la cuenta o colección", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "conexión de la organización o colección", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Credenciales que deben usarse para fuentes externas.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "Fuente", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "Nombre del paquete", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "Especifica la ruta de acceso a la lista de archivos que se van a publicar.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "Ubicación de la fuente", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "Puede seleccionar una fuente de esta colección o de cualquier otra en Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Conexión de la cuenta o colección", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "conexión de la organización o colección", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenciales que deben usarse para fuentes externas.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "Fuente de destino", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publicar los metadatos de canalización", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Asociar los metadatos de esta canalización de compilación o versión (n.º de ejecución, información del código fuente) con el paquete", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "Nombre del paquete", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Seleccione un identificador de paquete para publicarlo o escriba un identificador de paquete nuevo si nunca ha publicado una versión de este paquete anteriormente. Los nombres de paquetes deben estar en minúsculas y solo pueden usar letras, números y guiones (-).", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "Fuente", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "Nombre de la fuente", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "Nombre del paquete", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "Descripción del contenido de este paquete o los cambios realizados en esta versión del paquete.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "Nivel de detalle", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "Especifica la cantidad de detalles que se muestran en la salida.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "Variable de salida del paquete", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "Proporcione un nombre para la variable que contendrá el nombre y la versión del paquete publicado.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "Los paquetes se descargaron correctamente.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "No se pudieron descargar los paquetes.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS como \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Conectando con las fuentes en la organización de Azure DevOps como \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Para las fuentes internas, asegúrese de que la identidad del servicio de compilación \"%s\" [%s] tiene acceso a la fuente.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "No se encontró el servicio Universal Packages. Esta tarea no podrá realizar la autenticación en las fuentes hospedadas en la colección de proyectos de Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "No se encuentra el servicio Universal Packages. Esta tarea no podrá realizar la autenticación en las fuentes hospedadas en la organización de Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "No se encontró ningún valor para la variable de entorno proporcionada.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Los paquetes se publicaron correctamente.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Error al publicar los paquetes.", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Se usa la ruta de la herramienta: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Se usa la versión: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos del paquete.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "No se pudo obtener la herramienta de artefacto del servicio. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "No se pudo obtener la herramienta de artefacto. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la herramienta de artefacto de la dirección URL de origen %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "No se pudieron obtener las versiones del paquete.", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales que se van a usar con Universal Packages" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "No se pudieron determinar las credenciales que se van a usar con Universal Packages", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "No se admite Universal Packages en Azure DevOps Server.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages requiere un agente x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index e04d9e729e4d..a0a13f4ed459 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "Téléchargez ou publiez des packages universels via Universal Packages.", + "loc.description": "Télécharger ou publier des packages universels via Universal Packages", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Universal $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "Détails du flux et du package", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "Détails du flux et du package", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "Sortie", "loc.input.label.command": "Commande", "loc.input.help.command": "Commande Universal Packages à exécuter.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "Répertoire de destination", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "Chemin du dossier où le contenu du package va être téléchargé.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "Emplacement du flux", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "Vous pouvez sélectionner un flux de cette collection ou de toute autre collection dans Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Connexion de compte/collection", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "connexion d'organisation/de collection", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les flux externes.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "Flux", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "Nom du package", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "Spécifie le chemin de la liste des fichiers à publier.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "Emplacement du flux", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "Vous pouvez sélectionner un flux de cette collection ou de toute autre collection dans Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Connexion de compte/collection", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "connexion d'organisation/de collection", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Informations d'identification à utiliser pour les flux externes.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "Flux de destination", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Publier des métadonnées de pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Associer les métadonnées de ce pipeline de build/mise en production (numéro d'exécution, informations de code source) au package", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "Nom du package", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Sélectionnez un ID de package à publier, ou tapez un nouvel ID de package si vous n'avez jamais publié de version de ce package auparavant. Les noms de packages doivent être en minuscules et contenir uniquement des lettres, des chiffres et des tirets (-).", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "Flux", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "Nom du flux", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "Nom du package", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "Description du contenu de ce package et/ou des changements apportés à cette version du package.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "Commentaires", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "Spécifie le niveau de détail affiché dans la sortie.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "Variable de sortie du package", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "Indiquez un nom pour la variable destinée à contenir le nom et la version du package publié.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "Package téléchargé correctement", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "Échec du téléchargement des packages", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS en tant que '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connexion aux flux de votre organisation Azure DevOps en tant que '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Pour les flux internes, vérifiez que l'identité du service de build '%s' [%s] a accès au flux.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Le service Universal Packages est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre collection de projets Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Le service Universal Packages est introuvable. Cette tâche ne peut pas s'authentifier auprès des flux hébergés dans votre organisation Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Valeur introuvable pour la variable d'environnement fournie.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Les packages ont été publiés correctement", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Échec de la publication des packages", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Utilisation du chemin d'outils : %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Utilisation de la version : %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de package.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Échec de l'obtention de l'outil d'artefact à partir du service. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Échec de l'obtention de l'outil d'artefact. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'outil d'artefact à partir de l'URL source %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "Échec de l'obtention des versions de package", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Impossible de déterminer les informations d'identification à utiliser pour Universal Packages" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Impossible de déterminer les informations d'identification à utiliser pour Universal Packages", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages n'est pas pris en charge dans Azure DevOps Server.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages nécessite un agent x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index df8cf8382fed..0145b0169396 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare o pubblicare Universal Packages.", + "loc.description": "Consente di scaricare o pubblicare Universal Packages", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Universal $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "Dettagli su feed e pacchetti", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "Dettagli su feed e pacchetti", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "Output", "loc.input.label.command": "Comando", "loc.input.help.command": "Comando di Universal Packages da eseguire.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "Directory di destinazione", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "Percorso della cartella in cui verrà scaricato il contenuto del pacchetto.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "Percorso del feed", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "È possibile selezionare un feed di questa raccolta o di qualsiasi altra raccolta inclusa in Azure Artifactsi altra raccolta inclusa in Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Connessione ad account/raccolta", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "connessione a organizzazione/raccolta", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Credenziali da usare per i feed esterni.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "Feed", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "Nome del pacchetto", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "Consente di specificare il percorso dell'elenco dei file da pubblicare.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "Percorso del feed", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "È possibile selezionare un feed di questa raccolta o di qualsiasi altra raccolta inclusa in Azure Artifactsi altra raccolta inclusa in Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Connessione ad account/raccolta", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "connessione a organizzazione/raccolta", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Credenziali da usare per i feed esterni.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "Feed di destinazione", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Pubblica i metadati della pipeline", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Consente di associare i metadati della pipeline di compilazione/versione (numero di esecuzione, informazioni sul codice sorgente) al pacchetto", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "Nome del pacchetto", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Selezionare un ID pacchetto da pubblicare o di digitare un nuovo ID pacchetto se non è mai stata pubblicata una versione di questo pacchetto. I nomi di pacchetto devono essere composti da lettere minuscole e possono contenere solo lettere, numeri e trattini (-).", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "Feed", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "Nome del feed", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "Nome del pacchetto", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "Descrizione del contenuto di questo pacchetto e/o delle modifiche apportate in questa versione del pacchetto.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "Livello di dettaglio", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "Consente di specificare il livello di dettaglio visualizzato nell'output.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "Variabile di output pacchetto", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "Specificare un nome per la variabile che conterrà il nome e la versione del pacchetto pubblicato.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "I pacchetti sono stati scaricati", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "Il download dei pacchetti non è riuscito", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS come '%s' [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Connessione ai feed presenti nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps come '%s' [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Per i feed interni assicurarsi che l'identità '%s' [%s] del servizio di compilazione abbia accesso al feed.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio Universal Packages. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nella raccolta di progetti Azure Pipelines/TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Non è stato possibile trovare il servizio Universal Packages. Questa attività non riuscirà a eseguire l'autenticazione con i feed ospitati nell'organizzazione di Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Nessun valore è stato trovato per la variabile di ambiente specificata.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "I pacchetti sono stati pubblicati", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "La pubblicazione dei pacchetti non è riuscita", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Uso del percorso dello strumento: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Uso della versione: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del pacchetto.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Non è stato possibile lo strumento dell'artefatto dal servizio. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Non è stato possibile recuperare lo strumento dell'artefatto. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati dello strumento dell'artefatto dall'URL di origine %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le versioni del pacchetto", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali da usare per Universal Packages" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile determinare le credenziali da usare per Universal Packages", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages non è supportato in Azure DevOps Server.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Con Universal Packages è richiesto un agente x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 317317ee6410..6e26facef4c5 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "ユニバーサル パッケージをダウンロードまたは発行します。", + "loc.description": "Universal Packages をダウンロードまたは発行します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ユニバーサル $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "フィードとパッケージの詳細", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "フィードとパッケージの詳細", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "出力", "loc.input.label.command": "コマンド", "loc.input.help.command": "実行するユニバーサル パッケージ コマンドです。", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "宛先ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "パッケージのコンテンツがダウンロードされるフォルダーのパス。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "フィードの場所", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "このコレクション、または Azure Artifacts 内の他の任意のコレクションのいずれかからフィードを選択できます。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "アカウント/コレクションの接続", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "組織/コレクションの接続", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "外部フィードに使用する資格情報。", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "フィード", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "パッケージ名", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "発行するファイルのリストへのパスを指定します。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "フィードの場所", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "このコレクション、または Azure Artifacts 内の他の任意のコレクションのいずれかからフィードを選択できます。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "アカウント/コレクションの接続", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "組織/コレクションの接続", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "外部フィードに使用する資格情報。", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "同期先のフィード", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "パイプライン メタデータの発行", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "このビルド/リリース パイプラインのメタデータ (実行番号、ソース コード情報) をパッケージに関連付ける", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "パッケージ名", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "発行するパッケージ ID を選択するか、このパッケージのバージョンをまだ発行したことがない場合は新しいパッケージ ID を入力してください。パッケージ名は小文字にする必要があり、文字、数字、ダッシュ (-) のみを使用できます。", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "フィード", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "フィードの名前", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "パッケージ名", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "このパッケージのコンテンツおよび/またはパッケージのこのバージョンで行われた変更の説明です。", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "詳細", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "出力に表示する詳細の量を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "パッケージ出力変数", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "発行されたパッケージ名とバージョンを入れる変数の名前を指定します。", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "パッケージが正常にダウンロードされました", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "パッケージをダウンロードできませんでした", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションのフィードに接続しています", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "'%s' [%s] として Azure DevOps 組織のフィードに接続しています", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "内部フィードについて、ビルド サービス ID '%s' [%s] がフィードにアクセスできることを確認します。", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Universal Packages サービスが見つかりませんでした。このタスクは、Azure Pipelines/TFS プロジェクト コレクションでホストされているフィードへの認証ができなくなります。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Universal Packages サービスが見つかりませんでした。このタスクは、Azure DevOps 組織でホストされているフィードへの認証ができなくなります。", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "指定された環境変数の値が見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "パッケージが正常に発行されました", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "パッケージを発行できませんでした", @@ -64,7 +69,7 @@ "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "入力 %s に一致するバージョンは見つかりませんでした", "loc.messages.Error_AuthNotSupported": "Universal Packages ではユーザー名/パスワードを使用した認証はサポートされていません。個人用アクセス トークンをご使用ください。", "loc.messages.Info_DownloadingArtifactTool": "%s から成果物ツールをダウンロードしています ", - "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "パッケージ %s をダウンロードしています。バージョン: &s、使用しているフィード ID: %s", + "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "パッケージ %s をダウンロードしています。バージョン: %s、使用しているフィード ID: %s", "loc.messages.Info_Publishing": "パッケージ: %s、バージョン: %s を、フィード ID: %s を使用して発行しています", "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolPublish": "成果物ツールを使用して、パッケージを発行する", "loc.messages.Info_UsingArtifactToolDownload": "成果物ツールを使用して、パッケージをダウンロードする", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用するツール パス: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用するバージョン: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "パッケージのメタデータを取得できませんでした。", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "サービスから成果物ツールを取得できませんでした。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "成果物ツールを取得できませんでした。%s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "ソース URL %s から成果物ツールのメタデータを取得できませんでした", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "パッケージのバージョンを取得できませんでした", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Universal Packages に使用する資格情報を特定できませんでした" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Universal Packages に使用する資格情報を特定できませんでした", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages は Azure DevOps Server ではサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages では x64 エージェントが必要です。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3d6690854dae..9f1c31ca39c9 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "피드 및 패키지 정보", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "피드 및 패키지 정보", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "출력", "loc.input.label.command": "명령", "loc.input.help.command": "실행할 범용 패키지 명령입니다.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "대상 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "패키지의 콘텐츠를 다운로드할 폴더 경로입니다.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "피드 위치", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "이 컬렉션이나 Azure Artifacts의 기타 컬렉션에서 피드를 선택할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "계정/컬렉션 연결", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "조직/컬렉션 연결", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "외부 피드에 사용할 자격 증명입니다.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "피드", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "패키지 이름", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "게시할 파일 목록의 경로를 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "피드 위치", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "이 컬렉션이나 Azure Artifacts의 기타 컬렉션에서 피드를 선택할 수 있습니다.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "계정/컬렉션 연결", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "조직/컬렉션 연결", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "외부 피드에 사용할 자격 증명입니다.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "대상 피드", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "파이프라인 메타데이터 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "이 빌드/릴리스 파이프라인의 메타데이터(실행 번호, 소스 코드 정보)를 패키지에 연결합니다.", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "패키지 이름", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "게시할 패키지 ID를 선택하거나, 이전에 이 패키지 버전을 게시한 적이 없는 경우 새 패키지 ID를 입력합니다. 패키지 이름은 소문자여야 하며 문자, 숫자, 대시(-)만 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "피드", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "피드 이름", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "패키지 이름", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "이 패키지의 콘텐츠 및/또는 이 패키지 버전에서 변경된 내용에 관한 설명입니다.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "자세한 정도", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "출력에 표시되는 세부 정보의 양을 지정합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "패키지 출력 변수", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "게시된 패키지 이름과 버전이 포함될 변수의 이름을 지정합니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "패키지를 다운로드했습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Azure DevOps 조직의 피드에 '%s' [%s](으)로 연결하는 중", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "내부 피드의 경우 빌드 서비스 ID '%s' [%s]에 피드에 대한 액세스 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Universal Packages 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure Pipelines/TFS 프로젝트 컬렉션에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Universal Packages 서비스를 찾을 수 없습니다. 이 작업은 Azure DevOps 조직에 호스트된 피드에 인증할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "제공된 환경 변수의 값을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "패키지가 게시되었습니다.", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "패키지를 게시하지 못했습니다.", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "도구 경로 %s 사용", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "버전 %s 사용", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "패키지 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "서비스에서 아티팩트 도구를 가져오지 못했습니다. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "아티팩트 도구를 가져오지 못했습니다. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "소스 URL %s에서 아티팩트 도구 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "패키지 버전을 가져오지 못했습니다.", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Universal Packages에 사용할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다." + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Universal Packages에 사용할 자격 증명을 확인할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages는 Azure DevOps Server에서 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages에는 x64 에이전트가 필요합니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index a5442bde0db4..909ab197ab34 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Универсальные пакеты", + "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "Скачивание или публикация универсальных пакетов.", + "loc.description": "Скачивание или публикация Universal Packages", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Универсальная $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "Сведения о веб-канале и пакете", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "Сведения о веб-канале и пакете", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход", "loc.input.label.command": "Команда", "loc.input.help.command": "Команда универсального пакета, которую необходимо выполнить.", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "Каталог назначения", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "Путь к папке, в которую будет скачано содержимое пакета.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "Расположение веб-канала", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "Можно выбрать веб-канал из этой коллекции или любой другой коллекции в Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "Подключение к учетной записи или коллекции", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "подключение организации или коллекции", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних веб-каналов.", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "Веб-канал", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "Имя пакета", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "Задает путь к списку файлов, которые необходимо опубликовать.", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "Расположение веб-канала", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "Можно выбрать веб-канал из этой коллекции или любой другой коллекции в Azure Artifacts.", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "Подключение к учетной записи или коллекции", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "подключение организации или коллекции", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "Учетные данные, которые следует использовать для внешних веб-каналов.", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "Веб-канал назначения", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "Опубликовать метаданные конвейера", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "Связать метаданные этого конвейера сборки или выпуска (номер запуска, сведения об исходном коде) с пакетом", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "Имя пакета", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Выберите идентификатор пакета для публикации или введите новый идентификатор пакета, если ранее вы не публиковали версию этого пакета. Имена пакетов должны содержать только строчные буквы, цифры и дефисы (-).", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "Веб-канал", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "Имя веб-канала", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "Имя пакета", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "Описание содержимого этого пакета и/или изменения, внесенные в этой версии пакета.", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "Уровень детализации", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "Определяет уровень детализации выходных данных.", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "Выходная переменная пакета", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "Укажите имя переменной, которая будет содержать имя и версию опубликованного пакета.", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "Пакет успешно скачан", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "Не удалось скачать пакеты", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "Подключение к веб-каналам в организации Azure DevOps в качестве \"%s\" [%s]", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "Для внутренних каналов удостоверение службы сборки \"%s\" [%s] должно иметь доступ к каналу.", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Не удалось найти службу универсальных пакетов. Эта задача не сможет пройти проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в коллекции проектов Azure Pipelines или TFS.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "Не удалось найти службу Universal Packages. Эта задача не сможет пройти проверку подлинности в веб-каналах, размещенных в организации Azure DevOps.", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "Не найдено значение для указанной переменной среды.", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "Пакеты успешно опубликованы", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "Не удалось опубликовать пакеты", @@ -62,7 +67,7 @@ "loc.messages.Info_PublishDirectoryNotFound": "Каталог публикации не найден или не соответствует шаблону поиска.", "loc.messages.Error_CommandNotRecognized": "Нераспознанная команда %s.", "loc.messages.Error_NoVersionWasFoundWhichMatches": "Не найдена версия, соответствующая входному параметру %s", - "loc.messages.Error_AuthNotSupported": "Проверка подлинности с использованием имени пользователя и пароля не поддерживается для универсальных пакетов. Используйте личные маркеры доступа.", + "loc.messages.Error_AuthNotSupported": "Проверка подлинности с использованием имени пользователя и пароля не поддерживается для Universal Packages. Используйте личные маркеры доступа.", "loc.messages.Info_DownloadingArtifactTool": "Скачивается инструмент артефакта из %s", "loc.messages.Info_Downloading": "Скачивается пакет %s версии %s с помощью идентификатора веб-канала: %s", "loc.messages.Info_Publishing": "Публикуется пакет %s версии %s с помощью идентификатора веб-канала: %s", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "Используемый путь к инструменту: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "Используемая версия: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные пакета.", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Не удалось получить инструмент артефакта из службы. %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "Не удалось получить инструмент артефакта. %s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные инструмента артефакта с URL-адреса источника %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "Не удалось получить версии пакетов", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Не удалось определить учетные данные, которые следует использовать для универсальных пакетов" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "Не удалось определить учетные данные для использования в Universal Packages", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages не поддерживаются в Azure DevOps Server.", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages требуется агент x64." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index fafda6316105..f126caa9f58b 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Universal Packages", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "下载或发布 Universal Packages。", + "loc.description": "下载或发布 Universal Packages", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "通用 $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "源和包详细信息", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "源和包详细信息", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "输出", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "要运行的通用包。", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "目标目录", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "将在其中下载包内容的文件夹路径。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "源位置", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "可以从此集合中选择一个源,也可以从 Azure Artifacts 中选择任何其他集合。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "帐户/集合连接", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "组织/集合连接", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "用于外部源的凭证。", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "源", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "包名称", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "指定要发布的文件列表的路径。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "源位置", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "可以从此集合中选择一个源,也可以从 Azure Artifacts 中选择任何其他集合。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "帐户/集合连接", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "组织/集合连接", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "用于外部源的凭证。", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "目标源", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "发布管道元数据", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "将此生成/发布管道的元数据(运行 #、源代码信息)与包关联", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "包名称", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "选择一个要发布的包 ID,如果之前从未发布过此包的某一版本,则键入新的包 ID。包名称必须为小写,并且只能使用字母、数字和短划线(-)。", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "源", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "源名称", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "包名称", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "此包的内容和/或对此包版本进行的更改的说明。", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "详细信息", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "指定在输出中显示的详细信息量。", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "包输出变量", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "为将包含已发布的包名称和版本的变量提供名称。", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "已成功下载包", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "包下载失败", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正在连接到 Azure DevOps 组织中的源(作为“%s”[%s])", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "对于内部源,请确保生成服务标识“%s”[%s] 有权对其进行访问。", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "找不到 Universal Packages 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure Pipelines/TFS 项目集合中托管的源进行身份验证。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "找不到 Universal Packages 服务。此任务将无法对 Azure DevOps 组织中托管的源进行身份验证。", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "未找到提供的环境变量的值。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功发布包", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "包发布失败", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路径: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用的版本: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "未能获取包元数据。", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "无法从服务获取项目工具。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "未能获取项目工具。%s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "无法从源 URL %s 获取项目工具元数据", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "未能获取包版本", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定用于 Universal Packages 的凭据" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "无法确定用于 Universal Packages 的凭据", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Azure DevOps Server 中不支持 Universal Packages。", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages 需要 x64 代理。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index aa5d298e2abd..28a05f4199f2 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "通用套件", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/universalpackagesannounce)", - "loc.description": "下載或發行 Universal Packages。", + "loc.description": "下載或發佈 Universal Packages", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "通用 $(command)", "loc.group.displayName.packageDownloadDetails": "摘要 & 套件詳細資料", "loc.group.displayName.packagePublishDetails": "摘要 & 套件詳細資料", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", + "loc.group.displayName.output": "輸出", "loc.input.label.command": "命令", "loc.input.help.command": "要執行的通用套件命令。", "loc.input.label.downloadDirectory": "目的地目錄", "loc.input.help.downloadDirectory": "要下載套件內容的資料夾路徑。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalDownload": "摘要位置", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalDownload": "您可以從 Azure Artifacts 中的這個集合或任何其他集合的選取摘要。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "帳戶/集合連線", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoint": "組織/集合連線", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoint": "用於外部摘要的認證。", "loc.input.label.feedListDownload": "摘要", "loc.input.label.packageListDownload": "套件名稱", @@ -28,11 +29,13 @@ "loc.input.help.publishDirectory": "指定所要發佈檔案清單的路徑。", "loc.input.label.internalOrExternalPublish": "摘要位置", "loc.input.help.internalOrExternalPublish": "您可以從 Azure Artifacts 中的這個集合或任何其他集合的選取摘要。", - "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "帳戶/集合連線", + "loc.input.label.externalEndpoints": "組織/集合連線", "loc.input.help.externalEndpoints": "用於外部摘要的認證。", "loc.input.label.feedListPublish": "目的地摘要", + "loc.input.label.publishPackageMetadata": "發佈管線中繼資料", + "loc.input.help.publishPackageMetadata": "建立此建置/發行管線的中繼資料 (執行 #,原始程式碼資訊) 與套件的關聯", "loc.input.label.packageListPublish": "套件名稱", - "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "Select a package ID to publish or type a new package ID if you've never published a version of this package before. Package names must be lower case and can only use letters, numbers, and dashes(-).", + "loc.input.help.packageListPublish": "如果您從未發佈此套件的版本,請選取要發佈的套件識別碼或鍵入新的套件識別碼。套件名稱必須為小寫,只能使用字母、數字和虛線 (-)。", "loc.input.label.feedPublishExternal": "摘要", "loc.input.help.feedPublishExternal": "摘要名稱", "loc.input.label.packagePublishExternal": "套件名稱", @@ -45,11 +48,13 @@ "loc.input.help.packagePublishDescription": "此套件內容及 (或) 此版套件內變更的描述。", "loc.input.label.verbosity": "詳細資訊", "loc.input.help.verbosity": "指定要在輸出中顯示的詳細資料數。", + "loc.input.label.publishedPackageVar": "套件輸出變數", + "loc.input.help.publishedPackageVar": "請位變數提供名稱,其中包含已發佈套件名稱和版本。", "loc.messages.PackagesDownloadedSuccessfully": "已成功下載套件", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToDownload": "套件無法下載", - "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中的摘要", + "loc.messages.ConnectingAs": "正作為 '%s' [%s] 連線至您 Azure DevOps 組織中的摘要", "loc.messages.BuildIdentityPermissionsHint": "若為內部摘要,請確定組建服務身分識別 '%s' [%s] 可存取摘要。", - "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "找不到 Universal Packages 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure Pipelines/TFS 專案集合中託管的摘要驗證。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotFindUniversalPackagesService": "找不到 Universal Packages 服務。此工作將無法向您 Azure DevOps 組織中託管的摘要驗證。", "loc.messages.Error_NoValueFoundForEnvVar": "找不到所提供之環境變數的值。", "loc.messages.PackagesPublishedSuccessfully": "已成功發行套件", "loc.messages.PackagesFailedToPublish": "無法發行套件", @@ -72,8 +77,10 @@ "loc.messages.Info_UsingToolPath": "使用工具路徑: %s", "loc.messages.Info_UsingVersion": "使用版本: %s", "loc.messages.FailedToGetPackageMetadata": "無法取得套件中繼資料。", - "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "無法從服務取得成品工具。%s", + "loc.messages.FailedToGetArtifactTool": "無法取得成品工具。%s", "loc.messages.Error_UnexpectedErrorFailedToGetToolMetadata": "無法從來源 URL %s 取得成品工具中繼資料", "loc.messages.FailedToGetLatestPackageVersion": "無法取得套件版本", - "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要用於 Universal Packages 的認證" + "loc.messages.Warn_CredentialsNotFound": "無法判斷要用於 Universal Packages 的認證", + "loc.messages.Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Azure DevOps Server 中不支援 Universal Packages。", + "loc.messages.Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages 需要 x64 代理程式。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.json b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.json index ded1b7fd7126..44371bc1d616 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", @@ -438,4 +438,4 @@ "Error_UniversalPackagesNotSupportedOnPrem": "Universal Packages are not supported in Azure DevOps Server.", "Error_ProcessorArchitectureNotSupported": "Universal Packages require an x64 agent." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.loc.json index 348fc73cdbde..1e49ebc938b8 100644 --- a/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/UniversalPackagesV0/task.loc.json @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 152, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "runsOn": [ "Agent", diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..aa5db3018717 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": ".NET verwenden", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "Ruft eine bestimmte Version für das .NET Core SDK aus dem Internet oder dem lokalen Cache ab und fügt sie PATH hinzu. Verwenden Sie diese Aufgabe, um die in nachfolgenden Aufgaben verwendete .NET Core-Version zu ändern. Bietet zusätzlich Proxyunterstützung.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": ".NET $(packageType) $(version) verwenden", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Unterstützung für die parallele Installation mehrerer Versionen
  • Unterstützung für Versionsmuster, um die neueste Nebenversion/Hauptversion abzurufen
  • Einschränkung der Suche auf mehreren Ebenen
  • Installation von NuGet und Bereitstellung von Proxyunterstützung
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Zu installierendes Paket", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Wählen Sie aus, ob nur die Runtime oder das SDK installiert werden soll.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Geben Sie die Version von .NET Core SDK oder Runtime an, die installiert werden soll.
    Versionen können in den folgenden Formaten angegeben werden:
  • 2.x => Installation der aktuellen Hauptversion
  • 2.2.x => Installation der aktuellen Haupt- und Nebenversion
  • 2.2.104 => Installation der genauen Version

  • Suchen Sie nach dem Wert \"version\" zur Installation von SDK/Runtime in der Datei \"releases.json\". Den Link zu \"releases.json\" dieser Hauptversion.Nebenversion finden Sie in der [**releases-index-Datei**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Der Link zu \"releases.json\" für Version 2.2 version lautet https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json.", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Vorschauversionen einschließen", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Wählen Sie aus, ob die Vorschauversionen bei der Suche nach aktuellen Versionen einbezogen werden sollen, etwa bei der Suche nach Version 2.2.x. Diese Einstellung wird ignoriert, wenn Sie eine genaue Version angeben, z. B. 3.0.100-preview3-010431.", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Pfad zur Installation von .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Geben Sie an, wo das .NET Core SDK/die Runtime installiert werden soll. Verschiedene Pfade können sich folgendermaßen auf das .NET-Verhalten auswirken.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): Hiermit wird die Version auf dem Agent zwischengespeichert, weil dieses Verzeichnis nicht pipelineübergreifend bereinigt wird. Alle auf dem Agent ausgeführten Pipelines würden Zugriff auf die Versionen erhalten, die zuvor über den Agent installiert wurden.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): Auf diese Weise kann sichergestellt werden, dass eine Pipeline keine zwischengespeicherte Version von .NET Core verwendet, weil dieser Ordner nach jeder Pipeline bereinigt wird.
  • Jeder andere Pfad: Sie können einen beliebigen anderen Pfad konfigurieren, solange der Agentprozess Zugriff auf den Pfad besitzt. Dies ändert den Status des Computers und wirkt sich auf alle darauf ausgeführten Prozesse aus.
    Beachten Sie, dass Sie auch die Einstellung zur Suche auf mehreren Ebenen konfigurieren können, um die Suche des .NET-Hosts nach einer geeigneten Version zu konfigurieren.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Suche auf mehreren Ebenen ausführen", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Diese Eingabe gilt nur für Windows-basierte Agents. Hiermit wird das Verhalten des .NET-Hostprozesses für die Suche nach einem geeigneten freigegebenen Framework konfiguriert.
  • Deaktiviert: Der Hostprozess sucht nur Versionen, die in dem in dieser Aufgabe angegebenen Ordner vorhanden sind.
  • Aktiviert: Der Host versucht, über eine Suche auf mehreren Ebenen in vordefinierten globalen Speicherorten zu suchen.
    Die globalen Standardspeicherorte lauten:
    Für Windows:
    C:\\Programme\\dotnet (64-Bit-Prozess)
    C:\\Programme (x86)\\dotnet (32-Bit-Prozess)
  • Weitere Informationen finden Sie [**HIER**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Fehler bei der Toolinstallation: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "Die Version muss eine gültige und bestimmte Version sein: %s.", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Details zur Computerplattform. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Download-URLs. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "Es ist eine zwischengespeicherte Kopie von .NET Core vorhanden. Eine Neuinstallation ist nicht erforderlich. Speicherort des zwischengespeicherten Tools: %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "Es wird überprüft, ob eine zwischengespeicherte Kopie für diese Version vorhanden ist...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "Der Cache enthält nicht die angeforderte Version von .NET Core. Laden Sie die Version jetzt herunter, und installieren Sie sie.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "URL zum Herunterladen von .NET Core %s, Version %s wird abgerufen.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "Das Betriebssystem des Computers konnte nicht ermittelt werden.", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "Die Download-URL konnte nicht erstellt werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene Version %s gültig ist.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": ".NET Core-Paket wird von URL %s heruntergeladen.", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Das heruntergeladene Paket %s wird extrahiert.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "Dieses installierte Tool wird zwischengespeichert.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": ".NET Core %s Version %s wurde erfolgreich installiert.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "Zu installierendes Tool: .NET Core %s Version %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "Erkannte Plattform (primär): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "Erkannte Plattform (Legacy): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Downloadinformationen für Version %s konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die angegebene Version richtig ist. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter dem Link für unterstützte Versionen: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Es wird ein Fallback zum Erstellen einer konventionsbasierten URL durchgeführt.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Das Installationspaket konnte nicht von dieser URL heruntergeladen werden: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Fehler beim Herunterladen des Pakets für die Installation.", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Der globale Toolpfad wird erstellt und PATH vorangestellt.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Die Downloadlinks der angegebenen Version sind im Dokument mit unterstützten Versionen nicht ordnungsgemäß formatiert: => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Für die angegebene Version wurde keine übereinstimmende %s-Version gefunden: %s. Beachten Sie, dass die Vorschauversionen nur in den letzten Versionssuchen berücksichtigt werden, wenn das Kontrollkästchen \"Vorschauversionen einschließen\" aktiviert ist.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Auf den Pfad kann nicht zugegriffen werden: %s. Fehler: %s \n Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Agentprozess Zugriff auf den Pfad besitzt.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Version %s kann nicht über die URL %s heruntergeladen werden. Entweder ist die URL oder die Version falsch.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Alle Stammordner werden in den Installationspfad kopiert: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Stammdateien (z. B. \"dotnet.exe\") werden in den Installationspfad kopiert: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Fehler beim Kopieren der Stammdateien in den Installationspfad: %s. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Fehler beim Installieren der Version %s in Pfad \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "Version %s ist nicht zulässig. Die zu installierenden Versionen müssen das folgende Format aufweisen: Hauptversion.Nebenversion.Patchversion. Beispiel: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Version %s wurde im Cache gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "Die Version %s wurde nicht im Cache gefunden.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Die vollständige Installationsdatei für .NET Core %s, Version %s wird erstellt.", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Die Runtimeversion für den Pakettyp \"%s\" mit Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Der Pfad \"%s\" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "Version %s ist die neueste Version, die im Pfad \"%s\" vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "Version %s ist nicht die neueste Version, die unter \"%s\" vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Die Download-URL für .NET Core %s, Version %s wurde für die folgenden Betriebssystemplattformen (RID) nicht gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Fehler beim Herunterladen oder Analysieren von \"release-index.json\" mit folgendem Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Version %s in Kanal \"%s\" für benutzerseitig angegebene Versionsspezifikation gefunden: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Die URL für \"releases.json\" der Kanalversion %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Der zugehörige Kanal zu Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Die Betriebssystemplattform wird ermittelt, um das richtige Downloadpaket für das Betriebssystem zu finden.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Fehler beim Ermitteln der Betriebssystemplattform für den Computer. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Die runtime-version-Eigenschaft für .NET Core %s, Version %s wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s-Versionsabgleich: \"%s\" wurde nicht gefunden.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "Die Version %s ist nicht zulässig. Zulässige Versionstypen: Hauptversion.x, Hauptversion.Nebenversion.x, Hauptversion.Nebenversion.Patchversion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Die Versionen %s und %s können nicht verglichen werden. Es muss sich in beiden Fällen um explizite Versionen handeln.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Der Dateiname \"%s\" ist kein korrekter Name für die version.complete-Datei.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Die Kanalversionen %s und %s können nicht verglichen werden. Beide müssen Haupt- und Nebenversionen enthalten.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Die Version wird im Kanal \"%s\" gesucht.", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Die Version %s wurde nicht im Kanal gefunden. Es wird in benachbarten Kanälen gesucht.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Fehler beim Voranstellen der .NET Core-Toolpfads an die PATH-Umgebungsvariable. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Der Kanal \"%s\" für Version %s wird gesucht.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Version %s aus Kanal \"%s\". Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Es wird verglichen, ob die zu installierende Version %s höher ist als die bereits installierte Version mit dem Ordnernamen \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Es wird verglichen, ob die zu installierende Version %s höher ist als die bereits installierte Version mit version.complete-Datei \"%s\".", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Das Objekt kann nicht als Kanal verwendet werden, erforderliche Eigenschaften wie z. B. die Kanalversion und \"releases.json\" fehlen.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Der analysierte Indextext für das Release ist nicht korrekt. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Abschnitt \"releases-index\" in der Datei nicht leer ist.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "\"releases.json\" weist ein Release mit ungültigem %s-Objekt auf: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "In Release %s für Version %s sind die Dateidaten falsch (möglicherweise fehlen erforderliche Felder wie Name, RID und URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Die Dateidaten der Version fehlen, oder es fehlen erforderliche Felder.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Für Version %s erforderliche Informationen sind in der Datei \"releases.json\" nicht vollständig. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Fehler beim Extrahieren des heruntergeladenen Pakets. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "NuGet-Version %s wird installiert.", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "Fehler beim Installieren der NuGet-Version. Fehler: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Die Proxykonfiguration für NuGet wird eingerichtet." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5ca123993be1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Usar dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "Adquiere una versión específica del SDK de .NET Core de Internet o de la memoria caché local y la agrega a PATH. Use esta tarea para cambiar la versión de .NET Core que se usa en las tareas siguientes. También proporciona compatibilidad con el proxy.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Compatibilidad para instalar varias versiones en paralelo.
  • Compatibilidad con los patrones de versión para obtener la última versión secundaria o principal.
  • Restringe la búsqueda de varios niveles.
  • Instala NuGet y proporciona compatibilidad con el proxy.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Paquete para instalar", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Seleccione si debe instalarse solo el entorno de ejecución o el SDK.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", + "loc.input.help.version": "Especifique la versión del entorno de ejecución o del SDK de .NET Core que debe instalarse.
    Las versiones pueden proporcionarse con los formatos siguientes
  • 2.x => Instalar la última versión principal.
  • 2.2.x => Instalar la última versión principal y secundaria
  • 2.2.104 => Instalar la versión exacta

  • Busque el valor de \"versión\" para instalar el SDK o el entorno de ejecución en releases.json. El vínculo a releases.json de dicha versión principal.secundaria puede encontrarse en el [**archivo releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Asimismo, el vínculo a releases.json para la versión 2.2 es https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Incluir versiones preliminares", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Seleccione si quiere que las versiones preliminares se incluyan en la búsqueda de las últimas versiones, por ejemplo, al buscar 2.2.x. Esta configuración se ignora si se especifica una versión exacta, como 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Ruta de acceso para instalar .Net Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Especifique dónde debe instalarse el entorno de ejecución o el SDK de .Net Core. Las distintas rutas de acceso pueden tener el efecto siguiente en el comportamiento de .Net.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): con esta opción, la versión se almacena en la memoria caché del agente, ya que el directorio no se limpia entre canalizaciones. Todas las canalizaciones que se ejecutan en el agente tienen acceso a las versiones instaladas anteriormente con este.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): esta opción garantiza que una canalización no use ninguna versión de .Net Core almacenada en caché, ya que la carpeta se limpia después de cada canalización.
  • Cualquier otra ruta de acceso: puede configurar cualquier otra ruta de acceso siempre que el proceso del agente tenga acceso a la ruta. Esto cambiará el estado de la máquina y afectará a todos los procesos que se estén ejecutando en ella.
    Tenga en cuenta que también puede configurar la opción de búsqueda en varios niveles para establecer el sondeo del host de .Net a fin de obtener una versión adecuada.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Realizar búsqueda en varios niveles", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Esta entrada solo es aplicable a los agentes basados en Windows. Configura el comportamiento del proceso de host de .Net para buscar un marco de trabajo compartido adecuado.
  • Sin seleccionar: el proceso de host solo busca las versiones presentes en la carpeta que se especifica en esta tarea.
  • Seleccionada: el host intentará buscar en ubicaciones globales predefinidas mediante la búsqueda en varios niveles.
    Las ubicaciones globales predeterminadas son:
    Para Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (procesos de 64 bits)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (procesos de 32 bits)
  • Puede leer más al respecto [**AQUÍ**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "No se pudo instalar la herramienta: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La versión debe ser válida y explícita: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Error al obtener los detalles de la plataforma de máquina. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "No se pudieron obtener direcciones URL de descarga. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "Existe una copia en caché de .NET Core. No es necesario instalarlo desde cero. Ubicación de la herramienta en caché: %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "Comprobando si existe una copia en caché de esta versión...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "La memoria caché no contiene la versión solicitada de .NET Core. Descargándola e instalándola ahora.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "Obteniendo direcciones URL para descargar el %s de .NET Core de la versión: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "No se pudo detectar el sistema operativo de la máquina", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "No se pueden construir direcciones URL de descarga. Asegúrese de que la versión especificada %s es válida.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "Descargando el paquete de .NET Core de la dirección URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Extrayendo el paquete %s descargado.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "Almacenando en caché esta herramienta instalada.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": ".NET Core %s versión %s se ha instalado correctamente.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "Herramienta para instalar: .NET Core %s versión %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "Se ha detectado la plataforma (principal): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "Se ha detectado la plataforma (heredada): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "No se pudo recuperar la información de descarga de la versión %s. Compruebe si la versión especificada es correcta. Puede consultar el vínculo para versiones admitidas => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Revirtiendo para crear la dirección URL basada en la convención.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación desde esta dirección URL: %s Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "No se pudo descargar el paquete de instalación", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creando la ruta de acceso de herramientas global y anteponiéndola a PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Los vínculos de descarga de la versión especificada no tienen un formato correcto en el documento de versiones admitidas => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "No se encontró ninguna versión de %s coincidente para la versión %s especificada. Tenga en cuenta que las versiones preliminares solo se toman en consideración en las búsquedas de la última versión si la casilla Incluir versiones preliminares está seleccionada.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "No se puede acceder a la ruta de acceso %s. Error: %s \n Asegúrese de que el proceso del agente tiene acceso a la ruta correspondiente.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "No se puede descargar la versión %s de la dirección URL %s. La dirección URL o la versión es incorrecta.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copiando todas las carpetas raíz en la ruta de acceso de instalación: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copiando archivos raíz (como dotnet.exe) en la ruta de acceso de instalación: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "No se pudieron copiar los archivos raíz en la ruta de acceso de la instalación: %s. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Error al instalar la versión %s en la ruta de acceso %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "No se admite la versión %s. Las versiones que se van a instalar deben tener el formato principal.secundaria.revisión. Por ejemplo, 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Se ha encontrado la versión %s en la memoria caché.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "No se encontró la versión %s en la memoria caché.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Creando el archivo de instalación completo para .Net Core %s versión %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "No se encuentra la versión del entorno de ejecución para el tipo de paquete %s con la versión %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "No se encontró la ruta de acceso %s. Asegúrese de que existe.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La versión %s es la última de las versiones presentes en la ruta de acceso %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La versión %s no es la última de las versiones presentes en %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "No se encontró la dirección URL de descarga de .Net Core %s versión %s para las plataformas de sistema operativo siguientes (RID): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "No se pudo descargar ni analizar release-index.json. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Se encontró la versión %s en el canal %s para la especificación de versión determinada por el usuario: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "No se encontró la dirección URL para el archivo releases.json de la versión del canal: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "No se encuentra el canal correspondiente a la versión %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Detección de la plataforma del sistema operativo para encontrar un paquete de descarga correcto para dicho sistema.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Error al detectar la plataforma del sistema operativo de la máquina: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "No se encontró la propiedad runtime-version para .Net Core %s versión %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Coincidencia de versión de %s: no se encontró %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "No se admite la versión %s. Los tipos de versión admitidos son: majorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "No se pueden comparar las versiones %s y %s. Ambas versiones deben ser explícitas.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "El nombre de archivo %s no tiene la versión correcta. Nombre de archivo completo.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "No se pueden comparar las versiones %s y %s del canal. Ambas deben tener versiones principales y secundarias numéricas.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Buscando la versión en canal %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "No se encontró la versión %s en su canal y se va a buscar en los canales adyacentes.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Error al anteponer la ruta de acceso de la herramienta de .Net Core a la variable de entorno PATH: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Buscando el canal %s para la versión %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Error al obtener la versión %s del canal %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Comparando si la versión %s que se va a instalar es posterior a la versión ya instalada con el nombre de carpeta %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Comparando si la versión %s que se va a instalar es posterior a la versión ya instalada con el nombre de archivo de versión completo %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "El objeto no se puede usar como canal porque faltan propiedades requeridas, como channel-version o releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "El cuerpo del índice de versiones analizadas no es correcto. Compruebe que la sección releases-index no está vacía en el archivo.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "La versión del archivo releases.json tiene un objeto %s no válido: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "En la versión %s (%s), los datos del archivo son incorrectos (puede que falten campos obligatorios, como el nombre, RID y dirección URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Faltan datos de los archivos de la versión o faltan campos obligatorios.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "La información necesaria de la versión %s no está completa en el archivo releases.json. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "No se pudo extraer el paquete descargado. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "Instalando la versión %s de NuGet", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "No se pudo instalar la versión de NuGet. Error: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Configurando el proxy para NuGet." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f8b5b8521e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Utiliser dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "Acquiert une version spécifique du kit SDK .NET Core à partir d'Internet ou du cache local, et l'ajoute à PATH. Utilisez cette tâche pour changer la version de .NET Core utilisée dans les tâches suivantes. Fournit également une prise en charge du proxy.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Prise en charge de l'installation de plusieurs versions côte à côte.
  • Prise en charge des modèles de version pour la récupération (fetch) de la dernière version mineure/principale.
  • Restriction de la recherche multiniveau
  • Installation de NuGet et prise en charge du proxy.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Package à installer", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Choisissez d'installer le runtime uniquement ou le kit SDK.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Spécifiez la version du kit SDK/runtime .NET Core à installer.
    Vous pouvez spécifier les versions aux formats suivants :
  • 2.x => Installer la dernière version dans la version principale.
  • 2.2.x => Installer la dernière version dans la version principale et la version mineure
  • 2.2.104 => Installer la dernière version exacte

  • Recherchez la valeur de 'version' pour l'installation du kit SDK/runtime dans le fichier releases.json. Le lien vers le fichier releases.json de cette version principale.mineure se trouve dans le [**fichier releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). De même, le lien vers releases.json pour la version 2.2 est https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Inclure les préversions", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Sélectionnez cette option si vous souhaitez inclure des préversions durant la recherche des dernières versions, par exemple durant la recherche de la version 2.2.x. Ce paramètre est ignoré si vous spécifiez une version précise, par exemple 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Chemin d'installation de .Net Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Spécifiez l'emplacement où le kit SDK/Runtime .Net Core doit être installé. Selon les différents chemins, l'impact est le suivant sur le comportement de .Net.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory) : la version est mise en cache sur l'agent, car ce répertoire n'est pas nettoyé entre les pipelines. Tous les pipelines qui s'exécutent sur l'agent ont accès aux versions installées à l'aide de l'agent.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory) : le pipeline ne peut pas utiliser de version mise en cache de .Net Core, car le dossier est nettoyé après chaque pipeline.
  • Tout autre chemin : vous pouvez configurer un autre chemin dans la mesure où le processus de l'agent a accès au chemin. Cela entraîne un changement d'état de la machine et impacte tous les processus qui s'exécutent sur celle-ci.
    Notez que vous pouvez également configurer le paramètre de recherche multiniveau, qui permet de configurer la détection de l'hôte .Net en fonction de la version appropriée.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Effectuer une recherche multiniveau", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Cette entrée est applicable uniquement aux agents Windows. Ceci permet de configurer le comportement du processus hôte .Net pour la recherche d'un framework partagé approprié.
  • Option décochée : seules les versions présentes dans le dossier spécifié de cette tâche sont recherchées par le processus hôte.
  • Option cochée : l'hôte tente d'effectuer des recherches multiniveaux dans les emplacements globaux prédéfinis.
    Emplacements globaux par défaut :
    Pour Windows :
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (processus 64 bits)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (processus 32 bits)
  • Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le sujet [**ICI**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Échec de l'installation de l'outil : %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La version doit être une version valide et explicite : %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Échec de l'obtention des détails relatifs à la plateforme de la machine. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "Échec de l'obtention des URL de téléchargement. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "Une copie mise en cache de .NET Core existe. Vous devez effectuer une nouvelle installation. Emplacement de l'outil mis en cache : %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "Vérification de l'existence d'une copie mise en cache pour cette version...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "Le cache ne contient pas la version demandée de .NET Core. Téléchargement et installation en cours.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "Obtention de l'URL de téléchargement de .NET Core %s version %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "Impossible de détecter l'OS de la machine", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "Impossible de construire l'URL de téléchargement. Vérifiez que la version %s spécifiée est valide.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "Téléchargement du package .NET Core à partir de l'URL : %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Extraction du package téléchargé %s.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "Mise en cache de l'outil installé.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": "Installation réussie de .NET Core %s version %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "Outil à installer : .NET Core %s version %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "Plateforme détectée (principal) : %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "Plateforme détectée (héritée) : %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) les informations de téléchargement pour la version %s. Vérifiez si la version spécifiée est correcte. Pour connaître les versions prises en charge, consultez le lien => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Retour à la création d'une URL basée sur une convention.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Impossible de télécharger le package d'installation à partir de cette URL : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Échec du téléchargement du package pour l'installation", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Création d'un chemin d'outil global, et ajout de la valeur correspondante au début de PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Les liens de téléchargement de la version spécifiée ne sont pas correctement formés dans le document des versions prises en charge => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "La version %s correspondante est introuvable pour la version spécifiée : %s. Notez que les versions de préversion sont prises en compte uniquement dans les recherches de dernières versions, si la case Inclure les préversions est cochée.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Impossible d'accéder au chemin %s. Erreur : %s \n Vérifiez que le processus de l'agent dispose du chemin lié au chemin.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Impossible de télécharger la version %s à partir de l'URL %s. L'URL ou la version est incorrecte.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copie de tous les dossiers racine dans le chemin d'installation : %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copie des fichiers racine (tels que dotnet. exe) dans le chemin d'installation : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Échec de la copie des fichiers racine dans le chemin d'installation : %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Échec de l'installation de la version %s dans le chemin %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "La version %s n'est pas autorisée. Les versions à installer doivent être au format suivant : versionprincipale.versionmineure.versioncorrectif. Exemple : 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "La version %s a été trouvée dans le cache.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "La version %s est introuvable dans le cache.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Création du fichier complet d'installation pour .Net Core %s version %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Version du runtime introuvable pour le package de type %s, version %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Chemin %s introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin existe.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La version %s est la plus récente des versions présentes dans le chemin %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La version %s n'est pas la plus récente des versions présentes dans %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "L'URL de téléchargement de .Net Core %s version %s est introuvable pour les plateformes de système d'exploitation suivantes (RID) : %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Échec du téléchargement ou de l'analyse de release-index.json. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Version %s trouvée dans le canal %s pour la spécification de version spécifiée par l'utilisateur : %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Impossible de localiser l'URL du fichier releases.json de la version de canal : %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Le canal correspondant à la version %s est introuvable.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Détection de la plateforme du système d'exploitation afin de trouver le package de téléchargement approprié pour le système d'exploitation.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Échec de la détection de la plateforme de système d'exploitation de la machine. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "La propriété runtime-version est introuvable pour .Net Core %s version %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La version %s correspondant à la version %s est introuvable", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "La version %s n'est pas autorisée. Types de version autorisés : versionPrincipale.x, versionPrincipale.versionMineure.x, versionPrincipale.versionMineure.versionCorrectif", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Impossible de comparer les versions %s et %s. Les deux versions doivent être explicites.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Le nom de fichier %s ne correspond pas à la version du nom de fichier complet.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Impossible de comparer les versions de canal %s et %s. Elles doivent comporter toutes les deux des numéros de version principale et mineure.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Recherche de version dans le canal %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "La version %s est introuvable dans son canal. Exécution de la recherche dans les canaux adjacents.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Échec de l'ajout du chemin d'outils .Net Core au début de la variable d'environnement PATH. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Recherche du canal %s pour la version %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Échec de l'obtention de la version %s à partir du canal %s. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Comparaison visant à déterminer si la version en cours d'installation (%s) est postérieure à la version installée pour le nom de dossier %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Comparaison visant à déterminer si la version en cours d'installation (%s) est postérieure à la version installée pour le nom de fichier complet %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Impossible d'utiliser l'objet en tant que canal. Des propriétés obligatoires telles que channel-version, releases.json sont manquantes.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Le corps de l'index des versions release analysées est incorrect. Vérifiez si la section releases-index n'est pas vide dans le fichier.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json comporte une version release ayant un objet %s non valide : %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "Dans la version release %s de la version %s, des données de fichiers sont incorrectes (des champs obligatoires tels que nom, RID et URL sont peut-être manquants) : %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Des données de fichiers ou des champs obligatoires sont manquants pour la version.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Les informations obligatoires de la version %s sont incomplètes dans le fichier releases.json. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Échec de l'extraction du package téléchargé. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "Installation de NuGet version %s", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "Échec de l'installation de la version de NuGet. Erreur : %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Configuration du proxy pour NuGet." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7f89772a949f --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Usa dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "Acquisisce una versione specifica di .NET Core SDK da Internet o dalla cache locale e la aggiunge a PATH. Usare questa attività per cambiare la versione di .NET Core usata nelle attività successive. Fornisce anche il supporto per proxy.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Supporto per l'installazione di più versioni side-by-side.
  • Supporto per i criteri di recupero dell'ultima versione principale/secondaria.
  • Limitazione della ricerca multilivello
  • Installazione di NuGet e aggiunta del supporto per proxy.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Pacchetto da installare", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Scegliere se installare solo il runtime o l'SDK.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", + "loc.input.help.version": "Specificare la versione di .NET Core SDK o il runtime da installare.
    È possibile specificare le versioni nei formati seguenti:
  • 2.x => Installa la versione principale più recente.
  • 2.2.x => Installa la versione principale e secondaria più recente
  • 2.2.104 => Installa la versione esatta

  • Individuare il valore di `version` per l'installazione di SDK/Runtime in releases.json. Il collegamento a releases.json della versione principale.secondaria è disponibile nel [**file releases-index**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Ad esempio, il collegamento a releases.json per la versione 2.2 è https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Includi versioni in anteprima", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Selezionare questa impostazione se si vuole che le versioni in anteprima vengano incluse durante la ricerca delle versioni più recenti, ad esempio durante la ricerca della versione 2.2.x. Questa impostazione viene ignorata se si specifica una versione esatta, ad esempio: 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Percorso per l'installazione di .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Specificare la posizione in cui installare .NET Core SDK/Runtime. I diversi percorsi diversi possono avere l'impatto seguente sul comportamento di .NET.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): con questo percorso la versione viene memorizzata nella cache dell'agente perché questa directory non viene pulita nelle pipeline. Tutte le pipeline in esecuzione nell'agente avranno accesso alle versioni installate in precedenza con l'agente.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): questo percorso garantisce che una pipeline non utilizzi alcuna versione memorizzata nella cache di .NET Core perché questa cartella viene pulita dopo ogni pipeline.
  • Qualsiasi altro percorso: è possibile configurare qualsiasi altro percorso purché accessibile al processo dell'agente. Questa impostazione comporterà la modifica dello stato del computer e influirà su tutti i processi in esecuzione.
    È anche possibile configurare l'impostazione per la ricerca multilivello, che consente di configurare l'esecuzione del probe dell'host .NET per una versione appropriata.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Esegui ricerca multilivello", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Questo input è applicabile solo agli agenti basati su Windows. Consente di configurare il comportamento del processo host .NET per la ricerca di un framework condiviso appropriato.
  • impostazione deselezionata: il processo host potrà visualizzare solo le versioni presenti nella cartella specificata in questa attività.
  • impostazione selezionata: l'host proverà a cercare nei percorsi globali predefiniti usando la ricerca multilivello.
    I percorsi globali predefiniti sono:
    Per Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (processi a 64 bit)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (processo a 32 bit)
  • Per altre informazioni, vedere [**QUI**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "L'installazione dello strumento non è riuscita: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "La versione deve essere valida ed esplicita: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i dettagli della piattaforma del computer. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "Non è stato possibile recuperare gli URL di download. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "Esiste una copia di .NET Core memorizzata nella cache. Non è necessario installarla di nuovo. Percorso dello strumento memorizzato nella cache: %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "Verifica dell'esistenza di una copia memorizzata nella cache per questa versione...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "La cache non contiene la versione richiesta di .NET Core. Verrà scaricata e installata ora.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "Recupero dell'URL per scaricare .NET Core %s versione %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "Non è stato possibile rilevare il sistema operativo del computer", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "Non è stato possibile costruire l'URL di download. Assicurarsi che la versione specificata %s sia valida.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "Download del pacchetto .NET Core dall'URL %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Estrazione del pacchetto scaricato %s.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "Questo strumento installato verrà memorizzato nella cache.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": ".NET Core %s versione %s è stato installato.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "Strumento da installare: .NET Core %s versione %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "Piattaforma rilevata (primaria): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "Piattaforma rilevata (legacy): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le informazioni di download per la versione %s. Controllare se la versione specificata è corretta. È possibile fare riferimento al collegamento per informazioni sulle versioni supportate: https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Verrà eseguito il fallback all'URL basato sulla convenzione di creazione.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto di installazione da questo URL: %s Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Non è stato possibile scaricare il pacchetto per l'installazione", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Creazione del percorso strumenti globale e aggiunta del percorso prima di PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Il formato dei collegamenti di download della versione specificata non è corretto nel documento delle versioni supportate => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Non è stata trovata alcuna versione %s corrispondente per la versione specificata %s. Tenere presente che le versioni in anteprima vengono considerate nelle ricerche delle versioni più recenti solo se la casella di controllo Includi versioni in anteprima è selezionata.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Non è possibile accedere al percorso %s. Errore: %s \n Assicurarsi che il processo dell'agente includa il percorso.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Non è possibile scaricare la versione %s dall'URL %s. Il valore dell'URL o della versione non è corretto.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copia di tutte le cartelle radice nel percorso di installazione: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copia dei file radice (ad esempio dotnet.exe) nel percorso di installazione: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Non è stato possibile copiare i file radice nel percorso di installazione: %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione della versione %s nel percorso %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "La versione %s non è consentita. Le versioni da installare devono essere specificate nel formato principale.secondaria.versionepatch. Ad esempio: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "La versione %s è stata trovata nella cache.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "La versione %s non è stata trovata nella cache.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Creazione del file di installazione completo per .NET Core %s versione %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Non è possibile trovare la versione del runtime per il tipo di pacchetto %s con versione %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Non è stato possibile individuare/trovare il percorso %s. Assicurarsi che sia esistente.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "La versione %s è l'ultima tra le versioni presenti nel percorso %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "La versione %s non è l'ultima tra le versioni presenti in %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'URL di download di .NET Core %s versione %s per le piattaforme del sistema operativo seguenti (RID): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Non è stato possibile scaricare o analizzare release-index.json. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "La versione %s per l'identificatore di versione specificato dall'utente è stata trovata nel canale %s: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'URL del file releases.json della versione del canale: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare il canale corrispondente alla versione %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Rilevamento della piattaforma del sistema operativo per individuare il pacchetto di download corretto per il sistema operativo.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Si è verificato un errore durante il rilevamento della piattaforma del sistema operativo del computer. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare la proprietà runtime-version per .NET Core %s versione %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare la versione %s corrispondente a %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "La versione %s non è consentita. I tipi di versione consentiti sono: versionePrincipale.x, versionePrincipale.versioneSecondaria.x, versionePrincipale.versioneSecondaria.versionePatch", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Non è possibile confrontare le versioni %s e %s. Entrambe le versioni devono essere esplicite.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Il nome file %s non corrisponde al nome file corretto completo della versione.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Non è possibile confrontare le versioni %s e %s del canale. Devono includere entrambe versioni numeriche principali e secondarie.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Ricerca della versione nel canale %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Non è stato possibile trovare la versione %s nel relativo canale. Verrà eseguita la ricerca nei canali adiacenti.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta del percorso dello strumento .NET Core alla variabile di ambiente PATH. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Ricerca del canale %s per la versione %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Si è verificato un errore durante il recupero della versione %s dal canale %s. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Verrà eseguito un confronto per verificare se la versione %s da installare è successiva a una versione già installata con nome di cartella %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Verrà eseguito un confronto per verificare se la versione %s da installare è successiva a una versione già installata con nome file completo %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Non è possibile usare l'oggetto come canale. Mancano proprietà obbligatorie, come channel-version in releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Il corpo dell'indice delle versioni analizzato non è corretto. Verificare se la sezione releases-index non è vuota nel file.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Il file releases.json contiene una versione con oggetto %s non valido: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "Nella versione %s per la versione %s i dati dei file non sono corretti (potrebbero mancare campi obbligatori, come nome, RID e URL): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "I dati dei file della versione non sono presenti o non includono campi obbligatori.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "Le informazioni obbligatorie della versione %s non sono complete nel file releases.json. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'estrazione del pacchetto scaricato. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "Installazione della versione %s di NuGet", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'installazione della versione di NuGet. Errore: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Impostazione della configurazione proxy per NuGet." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a2de02d5748d --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "dotnet を使用", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": ".NET Core SDK の特定のバージョンをインターネットまたはローカル キャッシュから取得し、PATH に追加します。このタスクを使用して、後続のタスクで使用されている .NET Core のバージョンを変更します。さらに、プロキシのサポートも提供します。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(packageType) $(version) を使用", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 複数のバージョンを同時にインストールするためのサポート。
  • 最新のマイナーまたはメジャー バージョンをフェッチするためのバージョンのパターンのサポート。
  • マルチレベル検索を制限する
  • NuGet をインストールしてプロキシ サポートを制限する。
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "インストールするパッケージ", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "ランタイムのみをインストールするか、SDK をインストールするかを選択してください。", + "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", + "loc.input.help.version": "インストールする .NET Core SDK またはランタイムのバージョンを指定します。
  • 2.x => メジャー バージョンが最新のものをインストールします。
  • 2.2.x => メジャー バージョンとマイナー バージョンが最新のものをインストールします
  • 2.2.104 => バージョンが正確に一致するものをインストールします

  • SDK またはランタイムをインストールするために release.json で `version` の値を探します。その major.minor バージョンの releases.json へのリンクは [**releases-index ファイル**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)から分かります。たとえば、2.2 バージョンの releases.json へのリンクは https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json です", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "プレビュー バージョンを含める", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "2.2.x を検索するときのように最新バージョンを検索するときにプレビュー バージョンを含める場合に選択します。次のように正確なバージョンを指定する場合、この設定は無視されます: 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": ".Net Core をインストールするパス", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": ".NET Core SDK/ランタイムのインストール場所を指定します。各パスは、.Net の動作に次のような影響を与える可能性があります。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): このディレクトリはパイプライン間でクリーンアップされないため、この場合、バージョンがエージェントにキャッシュされます。エージェントで実行されるパイプラインはすべて、エージェントを使用して既にインストールされているバージョンにアクセスすることができます。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): このフォルダーは各パイプラインの後にクリーンアップされるので、この場合、キャッシュされた .Net Core バージョンがパイプラインで使用されないようにすることができます。
  • それ以外のすべてのパス: エージェント プロセスで他のいずれかのパスにアクセスできる場合は、そのパスを構成できます。これによってマシンの状態が変更され、それを実行しているすべてのプロセスに影響を与えます。
    適切なバージョンの .Net ホストの調査を構成できる複数レベルのルックアップ設定を構成することもできます。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "複数レベルの検索を実行", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "この入力は、Windows ベースのエージェントにのみ適用されます。これは、適切な共有フレームワークを検索するための .NET ホスト プロセスの動作を構成します。
  • オフ: このタスクで指定されたフォルダーに存在するバージョンのみがホスト プロセスによって検索されます。
  • オン: ホストは、複数レベルのルックアップを使用した事前定義されたグローバルな場所の検索を試みます。
    Windows の場合:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 ビット プロセス)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 ビット プロセス)
  • これについて詳しくは、[**こちら**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)をご覧ください。
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "ツールをインストールできませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "バージョンは、有効で明示的なバージョンである必要があります: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "マシンのプラットフォームの詳細を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "ダウンロード URL を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": ".NET Core のキャッシュ済みのコピーが存在します。新しくインストールする必要はありません。キャッシュされたツールの場所は %s です。", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "このバージョンのキャッシュ済みコピーが存在するかどうか確認しています...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "キャッシュに要求されたバージョンの .NET Core が含まれていません。ダウンロードしてインストールしています。", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": ".NET Core %s バージョンをダウンロードする URL を取得しています: %s。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "マシンの OS を検出できませんでした", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "ダウンロード URL を作成できませんでした。指定されたバージョン %s が有効であることをご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "URL から .NET Core パッケージをダウンロードしています: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "ダウンロードされたパッケージ %s を抽出しています。", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "このインストール済みのツールをキャッシュしています。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": ".NET Core %s バージョン %s が正常にインストールされました。", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "インストールするツール: .NET Core %s バージョン %s。", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "検出されたプラットフォーム (プライマリ): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "検出されたプラットフォーム (レガシ): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "バージョン %s のダウンロード情報を取得できませんでした。指定されたバージョンが正しいことをご確認ください。サポートされているバージョンを確認するには次のリンクを参照します。https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。規則に基づく URL の作成にフォールバックします。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "次の URL からインストール パッケージをダウンロードできませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "インストール用のパッケージをダウンロードできませんでした", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "グローバル ツール パスを作成し、パスの先頭に追加しています。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定されたバージョンのダウンロード リンクが、サポートされているバージョンのドキュメントの正しい形式ではありません => %s/ ", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "次の指定バージョンと一致する %s バージョンが見つかりませんでした: %s。[プレビュー バージョンを含める] チェック ボックスがオンの場合、プレビュー バージョンは最新バージョンの検索でのみ考慮されます。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "パス: %s にアクセスできません。エラー: %s \n エージェント プロセスにそのパスへのパスがあることを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "バージョン: %s を URL: %s からダウンロードできません。URL またはバージョンのいずれかが正しくありません。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "すべてのルート フォルダーを次のインストール パスにコピーしています: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "ルート ファイル (dotnet.exe など) を次のインストール パスにコピーしています: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "ルート ファイルを次のインストール パスにコピーできませんでした: %s。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "パス: %s のバージョン: %s のインストール中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "バージョン: %s は許可されていません。インストールするバージョンは、次の形式にする必要があります: major.minor.patchversion。例: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "バージョン: %s がキャッシュに見つかりました。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "バージョン %s がキャッシュに見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": ".Net Core %s バージョン %s の installation complete ファイルを作成しています", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "パッケージの種類: %s、バージョン: %s のランタイム バージョンが見つかりません", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "パス: %s が見つかりませんでした。パスが存在することを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "バージョン: %s は、パス: %s に存在するバージョン間で最新です。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "バージョン: %s は、%s に存在する最新のバージョンではありません", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "次の OS プラットフォーム (rid) の .Net Core %s バージョン %s のダウンロード URL が見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "次のエラーにより release-index.json のダウンロードまたは解析に失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "次のユーザー指定バージョン仕様のチャネル %s でバージョン %s が見つかりました: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "次のチャネル バージョンの release.json の URL が見つかりませんでした: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "バージョン %s に対応するチャネルが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "OS に対して正しいダウンロード パッケージを見つけるために OS プラットフォームを検出しています。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "マシン OS プラットフォームの検出中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": ".Net Core %s バージョン %s の runtime-version プロパティが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s バージョンの一致: %s が見つかりませんでした", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "バージョン %s は許可されていません。許可されているバージョンの種類は次のとおりです: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "バージョン %s と %s を比較できません。両方のバージョンを明示的に指定する必要があります。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "ファイル名 %s は、version.complete の正しいファイル名ではありません。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "チャネルのバージョン %s と %s を比較できません。両方とも数値のメジャー バージョンとマイナー バージョンが必要です。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "チャネル %s のバージョンを検索しています", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "バージョン %s がそのチャネルで見つかりませんでした。隣接するチャネルを検索します。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": ".Net Core Tool パスを PATH 環境変数の先頭に追加しているときに失敗しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "バージョン %s のチャネル %s を検索しています", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "チャネル %s からのバージョン %s の取得中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "インストールされるバージョン %s が、フォルダー名 %s の既にインストールされているバージョンより後のものかどうかを比較しています", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "インストールされるバージョン %s が、version complete ファイル名 %s の既にインストールされているバージョンより後のものかどうかを比較しています", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "オブジェクトをチャネルとして使用することはできません。channel-version、release. json などの必須プロパティがありません。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "解析されたリリース インデックス本体が正しくありません。ファイルの releases-index セクションが空でないかどうかを確認してください。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "releases.json には、無効な %s オブジェクトを含むリリースが含まれています: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "リリース %s (バージョン %s) のファイル データが正しくありません (name、rid、および url などの必須フィールドが存在していない可能性があります): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "バージョンのファイル データがないか、必須フィールドがありません。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "バージョン: %s で必要な情報が releases.json ファイルで不足しています。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "ダウンロードされたパッケージの抽出中、次のエラーで失敗しました: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "NuGet バージョン %s をインストールしています", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "NuGet バージョンのインストール中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "NuGet のプロキシ構成を設定しています。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4d59596482d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "dotnet 사용", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "인터넷 또는 로컬 캐시에서 특정 버전의 .NET Core SDK를 가져와 PATH에 추가합니다. 이 작업을 사용하여 후속 작업에 사용되는 .NET Core 버전을 변경할 수 있습니다. 프록시 지원도 제공합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "dotnet $(packageType) $(version) 사용", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 여러 버전의 병렬 설치 지원
  • 주/부 버전으로 최신 버전을 페치하기 위한 버전 패턴 지원
  • 다단계 조회 제한
  • NuGet 설치 및 프록시 지원 제공
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "설치할 패키지", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "런타임만 설치할지 또는 SDK를 설치할지 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.label.version": "버전", + "loc.input.help.version": "설치할 .NET Core SDK 또는 런타임 버전을 지정합니다.
    다음 형식으로 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.
  • 2.x => 주 버전으로 최신 버전을 설치합니다.
  • 2.2.x => 주 버전과 부 버전으로 최신 버전을 설치합니다.
  • 2.2.104 => 정확한 버전을 설치합니다.

  • releases.json에서 SDK/런타임을 설치할 '버전' 값을 찾습니다. 해당 major.minor 버전의 releases.json 링크는 [**releases-index 파일**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 2.2 버전의 releases.json 링크는 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json입니다.", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "미리 보기 버전 포함", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "최신 버전을 검색할 때(예: 2.2.x 검색) 미리 보기 버전을 포함하려면 선택합니다. 정확한 버전(예: 3.0.100-preview3-010431)을 지정하는 경우 이 설정은 무시됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": ".NET Core 설치 경로", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": ".NET Core SDK/런타임을 설치할 위치를 지정합니다. 경로에 따라 .NET의 동작에 다음과 같은 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 이 디렉터리는 파이프라인 간에 정리되지 않으므로 버전이 에이전트에 캐시되도록 합니다. 에이전트에서 실행되는 모든 파이프라인이 이전에 해당 에이전트를 사용하여 설치된 버전에 액세스할 수 있습니다.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 이 폴더는 각 파이프라인 후에 정리되므로 파이프라인에서 캐시된 .NET Core 버전을 사용하지 않도록 할 수 있습니다.
  • 다른 모든 경로: 에이전트 프로세스에서 경로에 액세스할 수 있기만 하면 다른 경로를 구성할 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 머신의 상태가 변경되고 머신에서 실행되는 모든 프로세스에 영향을 줍니다.
    적합한 버전에 대해 .NET 호스트 프로빙을 구성할 수 있는 다단계 조회 설정을 구성할 수도 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "다단계 조회 수행", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "이 입력은 Windows 기반 에이전트에만 해당합니다. 적합한 공유 프레임워크를 찾기 위한 .NET 호스트 프로세스의 동작을 구성합니다.
  • 선택 취소됨: 호스트 프로세스에서 이 작업에 지정된 폴더에 있는 버전만 확인합니다.
  • 선택됨: 호스트가 다단계 조회를 사용하여 미리 정의된 전역 위치에서 찾습니다.
    기본 전역 위치는 다음과 같습니다.
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet(64비트 프로세스)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet(32비트 프로세스)
  • [**여기**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)에서 자세한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "도구 설치 실패: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "버전은 유효하고 명시적인 버전(%s)이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "머신 플랫폼 정보를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "다운로드 URL을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": ".NET Core의 캐시된 복사본이 있습니다. 새로 설치하지 않아도 됩니다. 캐시된 도구 위치: %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "이 버전에 대해 캐시된 복사본이 있는지 확인 중...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "캐시에 요청된 .NET Core 버전이 없습니다. 지금 다운로드하여 설치합니다.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": ".NET Core %s 버전, %s을(를) 다운로드할 URL을 가져오는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "머신의 OS를 검색할 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "다운로드 URL을 생성할 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전 %s이(가) 유효한지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "URL %s에서 .NET Core 패키지를 다운로드하는 중", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "다운로드한 패키지 %s의 압축을 푸는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "설치된 이 도구를 캐싱하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": ".NET Core %s 버전 %s을(를) 설치했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "설치할 도구: .NET Core %s 버전 %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "검색된 플랫폼(기본): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "검색된 플랫폼(레거시): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "%s 버전의 다운로드 정보를 페치할 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전이 올바른지 확인하세요. 지원되는 버전은 https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json 링크를 참조할 수 있습니다. 규칙 기반 URL 생성으로 대체합니다.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "이 URL %s에서 설치 패키지를 다운로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "설치할 패키지를 다운로드하지 못했습니다.", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "전역 도구 경로를 만들어 PATH 앞에 추가하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "지정한 버전의 다운로드 링크가 지원되는 버전 문서에서 올바르게 구성되지 않았습니다. => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "일치하는 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다. 지정한 버전은 %s입니다. [미리 보기 버전 포함] 확인란을 선택한 경우에만 최신 버전 검색에서 미리 보기 버전이 고려됩니다.", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "%s 경로에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s \n 에이전트 프로세스에 경로에 대한 경로가 있는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "%s 버전을 URL %s에서 다운로드할 수 없습니다. URL 또는 버전이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "모든 루트 폴더를 설치 경로 %s에 복사하는 중", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "루트 파일(예: dotnet.exe)을 설치 경로 %s에 복사하는 중", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "루트 파일을 설치 경로 %s에 복사하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "%s 버전을 %s 경로에 설치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "%s 버전은 허용되지 않습니다. 설치할 버전은 major.minor.patchversion 형식이어야 합니다. 예: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "캐시에서 %s 버전을 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "캐시에서 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": ".NET Core %s 버전 %s의 설치 전체 파일을 만드는 중", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "패키지 형식 %s 버전 %s의 런타임 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "%s 경로를 찾을 수 없습니다. 경로가 있는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "%s 버전이 %s 경로에 있는 버전 중 최신 버전입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "%s 버전은 %s에 있는 버전 중 최신 버전이 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "다음 OS 플랫폼(RID)용 .NET Core %s 버전 %s의 다운로드 URL을 찾을 수 없음: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "release-index.json을 다운로드하거나 구문 분석하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "%s 버전을 %s 채널(사용자 지정 버전 사양 %s)에서 찾았습니다.", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "채널 버전 %s의 releases.json URL을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "%s 버전에 해당하는 채널을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "OS에 맞는 다운로드 패키지를 찾기 위해 OS 플랫폼을 검색하는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "머신 OS 플랫폼을 검색하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": ".NET Core %s 버전 %s의 runtime-version 속성을 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "%s 버전 일치: %s을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "%s 버전은 허용되지 않습니다. 허용되는 버전 유형은 majorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.x, majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion입니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "%s 버전과 %s 버전을 비교할 수 없습니다. 둘 다 명시적 버전이어야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "파일 이름 %s은(는) 올바른 version.complete 파일 이름이 아닙니다.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "채널 버전 %s과(와) %s을(를) 비교할 수 없습니다. 둘 다 주 버전과 부 버전이 숫자여야 합니다.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "%s 채널에서 버전을 검색하는 중", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "해당 채널에서 %s 버전을 찾을 수 없습니다. 이제 인접한 채널에서 검색합니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": ".NET Core 도구 경로를 PATH 환경 변수 앞에 추가하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "%s 채널(%s 버전)을 찾는 중", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "%s 버전을 %s 채널에서 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "설치되는 버전 %s이(가) 폴더 이름 %s(으)로 설치된 기존 버전보다 이후 버전인지 비교하는 중", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "설치되는 버전 %s이(가) version.complete 파일 이름 %s(으)로 설치된 기존 버전보다 이후 버전인지 비교하는 중", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "개체를 채널로 사용할 수 없습니다. channel-version, releases.json 등의 필수 속성이 누락되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "구문 분석된 릴리스 인덱스 본문이 잘못되었습니다. 파일에서 releases-index 섹션이 비어 있지 않은지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json에 잘못된 %s 개체가 포함된 릴리스가 있음: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "%s 릴리스(%s 버전)의 파일 데이터가 잘못됨(이름, RID, URL 등의 필수 필드가 누락되었을 수 있음): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "버전의 파일 데이터가 없거나 필수 필드가 누락되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "releases.json 파일에 있는 %s 버전의 필수 정보가 불완전합니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "다운로드한 패키지를 추출하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "NuGet 버전 %s을(를) 설치하는 중", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "NuGet 버전을 설치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "NuGet의 프록시 구성을 설정하는 중입니다." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..31a65cd82acc --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Использовать dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "Получает определенную версию пакета SDK для .NET Core из Интернета или локального кэша и добавляет ее в PATH. Эта задача служит для изменения версии .NET Core, используемой в последующих задачах. Дополнительно обеспечивает поддержку прокси.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Используйте dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • Поддержка параллельной установки нескольких версий.
  • Поддержка шаблонов в версии для получения последнего дополнительного или основного номера версии.
  • Ограничение многоуровневого поиска.
  • Установка NuGet и обеспечение поддержки прокси.
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "Пакет для установки", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "Выберите, следует ли устанавливать только среду выполнения или пакет SDK.", + "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", + "loc.input.help.version": "Укажите версию пакета SDK для .NET Core или среды выполнения для установки.
    Версии можно задать в следующих форматах
  • 2.x => установка последнего основного номера версии.
  • 2.2.x => установка последнего основного и дополнительного номеров версии
  • 2.2.104 => установка точной версии

  • Найдите значение \"version\" для установки пакета SDK или среды выполнения в releases.json. Ссылку на releases.json для версии основной_номер.дополнительный_номер можно найти в [**файле releases-index.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json). Ссылка на releases.json для версии 2.2: https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "Включить предварительные версии", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "Выберите, нужно ли включать предварительные версии при поиске последних версий, например 2.2.x. Этот параметр игнорируется, если указана точная версия, например 3.0.100-preview3-010431", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "Путь для установки .NET Core", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "Укажите, где следует установить пакет SDK для .NET Core или среду выполнения. Различные пути могут оказывать соответствующее воздействие на поведение .NET.
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): приведет к кэшированию версии на агенте, так как этот каталог не очищается между конвейерами. Все конвейеры, выполняющиеся на агенте, имеют доступ к версиям, ранее установленным с помощью этого агента.
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): гарантирует, что конвейер не использует кэшированную версию .NET Core, так как эта папка очищается после каждого конвейера.
  • Любой другой путь: вы можете настроить любой другой путь, при условии, что процесс агента имеет доступ к нему. Это приведет к изменению состояния компьютера и повлияет на все выполняющиеся там процессы.
    Обратите внимание, что можно также использовать параметр многоуровневого поиска, который позволяет настроить проверку подходящей версии узлом .NET.", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "Выполнить многоуровневый поиск", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "Эти входные данные применимы только для агентов на основе Windows. Этот параметр настраивает поведение хост-процесса .NET для поиска подходящей общей платформы.
  • Флажок снят: хост-процесс будет просматривать только версии в папке, указанной в этой задаче.
  • Флажок установлен: хост-процесс попытается искать в предварительно определенных глобальных расположениях с использованием многоуровневого поиска.
    Глобальные расположения по умолчанию:
    Для Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64-разрядные процессы)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32-разрядные процессы)
  • Дополнительные сведения см. [**здесь**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md).
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Сбой установки инструмента: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "Следует указать допустимую и явную версию: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "Не удалось получить сведения о платформе компьютера. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "Не удалось получить URL-адреса для скачивания. Ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "Есть кэшированная копия пакета .NET Core. Устанавливать пакет заново не нужно. Расположение кэшированного пакета: %s.", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "Проверка наличия кэшированной копии для этой версии...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "Кэш не содержит запрошенной версии .NET Core. Идет ее скачивание и установка.", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "Идет получение URL-адреса для скачивания версии %s .NET Core: %s.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "Не удалось определить ОС компьютера", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "Не удалось сформировать URL-адрес для скачивания. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия %s допустима.", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "Скачивается пакет .NET Core с URL-адреса: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "Распаковка скачанного пакета %s.", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "Кэширование установленного инструмента.", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": "Пакет .NET Core %s версии %s успешно установлен.", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "Инструмент для установки: .NET Core %s версии %s.", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "Обнаружена платформа (основная): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "Обнаружена платформа (прежней версии): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "Не удалось получить сведения о скачивании для версии %s. Проверьте, правильно ли указана версия. Список поддерживаемых версий можно найти по ссылке https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json. Будет создан URL-адрес на основе соглашений.", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "Не удалось скачать пакет установки с этого URL-адреса: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "Не удалось скачать пакет для установки", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "Создание глобального пути к средству и добавление его в начало PATH.", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "Ссылки на скачивание для указанной версии неправильно сформированы в документе поддерживаемых версий => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "Не удалось найти соответствующую версию %s для указанной версии: %s. Обратите внимание, что предварительные версии учитываются при поиске последней версии, только если установлен флажок \"Включить предварительные версии\".", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "Не удалось получить доступ к пути: %s. Ошибка: %s \n Убедитесь, что процесс агента имеет доступ к этому пути.", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "Версию %s не удается скачать по URL-адресу %s. Неверное значение URL-адреса или версии.", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Копирование всех корневых папок в путь установки: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Копирование корневых файлов (например, dotnet.exe) в путь установки: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Не удалось скопировать корневые файлы в путь установки: %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Сбой при установке версии: %s по пути: %s, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "Версия %s не разрешена. Устанавливаемые версии должны иметь формат: основной_номер.дополнительный_номер.версия_исправления. Например: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "Версия %s найдена в кэше.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "Версия %s не найдена в кэше.", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "Создание файла завершения установки для .NET Core %s версии %s", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "Не удается найти версию среды выполнения для типа пакета: %s с версией: %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "Не удалось найти путь: %s. Убедитесь, что он существует.", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "Версия %s является последней из версий, представленных по пути %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "Версия %s не является последней из версий, представленных в %s", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "Не удалось найти URL-адрес скачивания для .NET Core %s версии %s для следующих платформ ОС (относительный идентификатор): %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "Не удалось скачать или проанализировать release-index.json, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "Найдена версия %s в канале %s для указанной пользователем спецификации версии: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "Не удалось найти URL-адрес для releases.json версии канала: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "Не удалось найти канал, соответствующий версии %s.", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "Определение платформы ОС для поиска правильного загружаемого пакета ОС.", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "Сбой при определении платформы ОС компьютера, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "Не удалось найти свойство runtime-version для .NET Core %s версии %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Сопоставление версий %s: не удалось найти %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "Версия %s не разрешена. Разрешенные типы версий: основной_номер_версии.x, основной_номер_версии.дополнительный_номер_версии.x, основной_номер_версии.дополнительный_номер_версии.версия_исправления", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "Версии %s и %s невозможно сравнить. Обе версии должны быть явными.", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "Имя файла %s не является правильным именем формата version.complete.", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "Версии канала %s и %s невозможно сравнить. Они должны иметь числовые основной и дополнительный номера версии.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "Поиск версии в канале %s", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "Не удалось найти версию %s в ее канале, сейчас будет выполнен поиск в смежных каналах.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "Сбой при добавлении пути к средствам .NET Core в начало переменной среды PATH. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "Поиск канала %s для версии %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "Сбой при получении %s версии из канала %s, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "Сравнение того, является ли устанавливаемая версия %s старше установленной версии с именем папки %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "Сравнение того, является ли устанавливаемая версия %s старше установленной версии с полным именем файла версии %s", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "Объект не может быть использован в качестве канала; отсутствуют обязательные свойства, такие как channel-version в releases.json.", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "Неверный проанализированный текст индекса выпусков. Убедитесь, что раздел releases-index в файле не пуст.", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json имеет выпуск с недопустимым объектом %s: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "В выпуске %s для версии %s приведены неправильные данные файла (возможно, отсутствуют обязательные поля, такие как name, rid и url): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "Данные файлов версии отсутствуют или не содержат обязательные поля.", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "В файле releases.json указаны неполные обязательные сведения для версии %s. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "Сбой при извлечении скачанного пакета, ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "Установка версии NuGet %s", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "Не удалось установить версию NuGet. Ошибка: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Настройка конфигурации прокси-сервера для NuGet." +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4a64c0aa6711 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "使用 dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "从 Internet 或本地缓存获取特定版本的 .NET Core SDK,并将其添加到 PATH。使用此任务更改后续任务中使用的 .NET Core 版本。另外还提供代理支持。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "支持并行安装多个版本。
  • 支持版本模式,以获取最新的次要/主要版本。
  • 限制多级查找
  • 安装 NuGet 并提供代理支持。
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安装的包", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "请选择仅安装运行时还是安装 SDK。", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "指定要安装的 .NET Core SDK 或运行时的版本。
  • 2.x => 安装最新主要版本。
  • 2.2.x => 安装最新主要版本和次要版本
  • 2.2.104 => 安装确切版本

  • 从 releases.json 中查找 `version` 值,以安装 SDK/运行时。指向该 major.minor 版本的 releases.json 的链接可在[**releases-index file.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json)中找到。指向 2.2 版本的 releases.json 的类似链接为 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "包括预览版本", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "选择在搜索最新版本时(例如在搜索 2.2.x 时),是否希望包括预览版本。如果指定了确切版本(例如 3.0.100-preview3-010431),则忽略此设置", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "安装 .Net Core 的路径", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "指定应在何处安装 .Net Core SDK/运行时。不同的路径可能会对 .Net 的行为产生以下影响。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 这会在代理上缓存版本,因为未在多个管道之间清理此目录。在代理上运行的所有管道都有权访问以前使用代理安装的版本。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 这可以确保管道不使用任何缓存版本的 .Net core,因为会在每个管道之后清理此文件夹。
  • 任何其他路径: 可以配置任何其他路径,前提是代理进程有权访问该路径。这将更改计算机的状态并影响在其上运行的所有进程。
    请注意,还可以配置多级查找设置,该设置可以配置 .Net 主机对适当版本的探测。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "执行多级查找", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "此输入仅适用于基于 Windows 的代理。这将配置 .Net 主机进程的行为以查找合适的共享框架。
  • 未选中: 主机进程将仅查看在此任务中指定的文件夹中存在的版本。
  • 选中: 主机将尝试使用多级查找查看预定义的全局位置。
    对于 Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 位进程)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 位进程)
  • 可在[**此处**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)阅读其详细信息。
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "工具安装失败: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "版本应为有效的显式版本: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "无法获取计算机平台详细信息。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "未能获取下载 URL。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": "存在 .NET Core 的缓存副本。不需要重新安装。缓存工具位置: %s。", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "正在检查是否存在此版本的缓存副本...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "缓存未包含 .NET Core 的请求版本。立即下载并安装。", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "正在获取用于下载 .NET Core %s 版本 %s 的 URL。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "无法检测计算机的操作系统", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "无法构造下载 URL。请确保指定的版本 %s 有效。", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "正在从 URL 下载 .NET Core 包: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "正在解压已下载的包 %s。", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "正在缓存已安装的此工具。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": "已成功安装 .NET Core %s 版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "要安装的工具: .NET Core %s 版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "检测到的平台(主要): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "检测到的平台(旧版): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "无法提取版本 %s 的下载信息。请检查指定的版本是否正确。有关受支持的版本,可以访问链接 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。回退到基于 URL 的约定的创建。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "无法从该 URL 下载安装包: %s 错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "无法下载用于安装的包", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在创建全局工具路径并预附加到 PATH。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "在支持的版本文档中,指定版本的下载链接格式不正确 => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "针对以下指定的版本找不到匹配的 %s 版本: %s 请注意,如果选中“包括预览版本”复选框,则仅在最新版本搜索中考虑预览版本。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "无法访问路径: %s。错误: %s \n 请确保代理进程具有指向此路径的路径。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "版本 %s 无法从 URL %s 中下载。URL 或版本不正确。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "正在将所有根文件夹复制到安装路径: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "正在将根文件(如 dotnet.exe)复制到安装路径: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "未能将根文件复制到安装路径: %s。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "安装版本 %s(位于路径 %s 下)时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "不允许使用版本: %s。要安装的版本应为以下格式: major.minor.patchversion。例如: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "已在缓存中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "未在缓存中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "正在创建 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的安装完成文件", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "找不到包类型 %s (版本为 %s)的运行时版本", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "未能找到路径: %s。请确保该路径存在。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "版本 %s 是路径 %s 中存在的版本之中的最新版本", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "版本 %s 不是 %s 中存在的版本之中的最新版本", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "对于以下操作系统平台(rid),找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的下载 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "未能下载或分析 release-index.json,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "针对以下用户指定的版本规范找到版本 %s (位于通道 %s 中): %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "找不到通道版本为 %s 的 releases.json 的 URL", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "找不到与版本 %s 对应的通道。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "正在检测操作系统平台以查找操作系统的正确下载包。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "检测计算机操作系统平台时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的 runtime-version 属性。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "找不到与以下内容匹配的 %s 版本: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "不允许使用版本 %s。允许的版本类型为: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "无法比较版本 %s 和 %s。这两个版本都应是显式的。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "文件名 %s 不是正确的 version.complete 文件名。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "无法比较通道版本 %s 和 %s。它们都必须具有数字主要版本和次要版本。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "正在通道 %s 中搜索版本", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "无法在版本 %s 的通道中找到该版本,现在将在邻近通道中搜索。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "将 .Net Core 工具路径预附加到 PATH 环境变量时失败。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "正在查找通道 %s (针对版本 %s)", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "获取版本 %s(从通道 %s 获取)时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "正在比较正在安装的版本 %s 是否高于具有文件夹名称 %s 的已安装版本", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "正在比较正在安装的版本 %s 是否高于具有版本完整文件名 %s 的已安装版本", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "对象不能用作通道,缺少必需的属性,如 channel-version、releases.json。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "已分析的版本索引正文不正确。请确保文件中的版本索引部分为非空。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json 具有一个包含无效 %s 对象的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "在发布 %s 中(针对版本 %s),文件数据不正确(可能缺少必填字段,如 name、rid 和 url): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "版本的文件数据缺失或缺少必填字段。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "版本 %s 所需的信息在 releases.json 文件中不完整。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "提取下载的包时失败,出现错误: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "正在安装 NuGet 版本 %s", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "安装 NuGet 版本时失败。错误: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "正在设置 NuGet 的代理配置。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ad3a4aa0a567 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "使用 dotnet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/AA4xgy0)", + "loc.description": "從網際網路或本機快取取得特定 .NET Core SDK 版本,然後將其新增至 PATH。使用此工作可變更後續工作中使用的 .NET Core 版本。另提供 Proxy 支援。", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 dotnet $(packageType) $(version)", + "loc.releaseNotes": "
  • 並存安裝多個版本的支援。
  • 版本模式支援,可擷取次要/主要版本的最新模式。
  • 限制多重層級查閱
  • 安裝 NuGet,並提供 Proxy 支援。
  • ", + "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", + "loc.input.label.packageType": "要安裝的套件", + "loc.input.help.packageType": "請選取要僅安裝執行階段或 SDK。", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "請指定要安裝的 .NET Core SDK 或執行階段版本。
  • 2.x => 安裝主要版本中的最新項目。
  • 2.2.x => 安裝主要版本和次要版本中的最新項目
  • 2.2.104 => 安裝完全符合版本

  • 請從 releases.json 尋找用於安裝 SDK/執行階段的「版本」值。您可於 [**releases-index file.**](https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases-index.json) 找到該 major.minor 版本的 releases.json。舉例來說,2.2 版的 releases.json 連結即為 https://dotnetcli.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet/release-metadata/2.2/releases.json", + "loc.input.label.includePreviewVersions": "包含預覽版本", + "loc.input.help.includePreviewVersions": "如果您希望在搜尋最新版本 (例如搜尋 2.2.x) 時包含預覽版本,請選取此項目。如果您指定完全符合版本 (例如 3.0.100-preview3-010431),則會忽略此設定", + "loc.input.label.installationPath": "要安裝 .Net Core 的路徑", + "loc.input.help.installationPath": "請指定應安裝 .Net Core SDK/執行階段的位置。路徑如果不同,則可能會對 .Net 的行為造成後續影響。
  • $(Agent.ToolsDirectory): 因為此目錄未於各管線間清除,所以這會使版本快取至代理程式。在代理程式上執行的所有管線,都能存取先前使用代理程式安裝的版本。
  • $(Agent.TempDirectory): 因為此資料夾未於各管線後清除,所以這能確保管線不會使用 .Net 核心的任何快取版本。
  • 任何其他路徑: 假如代理程式處理序有路徑的存取權,您就可以設定任何其他路徑。這會變更電腦的狀態,並影響在其上執行的所有處理序。
    請注意,您也可以進行多層次查閱設定,該設定可針對適合的版本設定 .Net 主機的探查。", + "loc.input.label.performMultiLevelLookup": "執行多層級查閱", + "loc.input.help.performMultiLevelLookup": "此輸入只適用於以 Windows 為基礎的代理程式。這會設定查閱適當共用架構的 .Net 主機處理序行為。
  • 取消選取: 主機處理序只會查閱此工作中所指定資料夾內的版本。
  • 選取: 主機會嘗試使用多重層級查閱在預先定義的全域位置中查閱。
    若為 Windows:
    C:\\Program Files\\dotnet (64 位元處理序)
    C:\\Program Files (x86)\\dotnet (32 位元處理序)
  • 若要閱讀更多內容,請前往 [**這裡**](https://github.com/dotnet/core-setup/blob/master/Documentation/design-docs/multilevel-sharedfx-lookup.md)。
    ", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "工具安裝失敗: %s", + "loc.messages.ImplicitVersionNotSupported": "版本應為有效的明確版本: %s", + "loc.messages.getMachinePlatformFailed": "無法取得機器平台詳細資料。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.getDownloadUrlsFailed": "無法取得下載 URL。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.UsingCachedTool": ".NET Core 的快取複本已存在。不需要重新安裝。快取的工具位置: %s。", + "loc.messages.CheckingToolCache": "正在檢查此版本是否有快取複本...", + "loc.messages.InstallingAfresh": "快取未包含所要求版本的 .NET Core。正在下載該版本的 .NET Core 以立即安裝。", + "loc.messages.GettingDownloadUrl": "正在取得 URL 以下載 .NET Core %s 版: %s。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDetectPlatform": "偵測不到機器的 OS", + "loc.messages.NullDownloadUrls": "無法建構下載 URL。請確認指定的版本 %s 有效。", + "loc.messages.DownloadingUrl": "正在從 URL 下載 .NET Core 套件: %s", + "loc.messages.ExtractingPackage": "正在將下載的套件 %s 解壓縮。", + "loc.messages.CachingTool": "正在快取這個安裝的工具。", + "loc.messages.SuccessfullyInstalled": "已成功安裝 .NET Core %s 版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.ToolToInstall": "要安裝的工具: .NET Core %s 版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.PrimaryPlatform": "偵測到的平台 (主要): %s", + "loc.messages.LegacyPlatform": "偵測到的平台 (舊版): %s", + "loc.messages.WarningVersionNotFound": "無法擷取版本 %s 的下載資訊。請檢查指定的版本是否正確。您可以參閱連結了解支援的版本 => https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/release-notes/releases.json。將返回建立以慣例為基礎的 URL。", + "loc.messages.CouldNotDownload": "無法從此 URL %s 下載安裝套件,錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToDownloadPackage": "無法下載套件以進行安裝", + "loc.messages.PrependGlobalToolPath": "正在建立全域工具路徑並加到 PATH 前面。", + "loc.messages.VersionsFileMalformed": "指定版本的下載連結,在支援的版本文件中語式錯誤 => %s/", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionNotFound": "無法為指定的版本找到符合的 %s 版本: %s 敬請注意,只有在已選取 [包含預覽版本] 核取方塊的情況下,才會將預覽版本視作在最新版本搜尋內。", + "loc.messages.UnableToAccessPath": "無法存取路徑: %s。錯誤: %s \n 請確認代理程式處理序對路徑具有路徑。", + "loc.messages.VersionCanNotBeDownloadedFromUrl": "版本: 無法從 URL 下載 %s: %s。URL 或版本錯誤。", + "loc.messages.CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "正在將所有根資料夾複製到路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.CopyingFilesIntoPath": "正在將根檔案 (例如 dotnet.exe) 複製到安裝路徑: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "無法將根檔案複製到安裝路徑: %s。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "安裝版本時失敗: %s。路徑: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ExplicitVersionRequired": "版本: 不允許 %s。欲安裝版本的格式應為: major.minor.patchversion。例如: 2.2.1", + "loc.messages.VersionFoundInCache": "版本: 於快取中找到了 %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFoundInCache": "未在快取中找到版本 %s。", + "loc.messages.CreatingInstallationCompeleteFile": "正在為 .Net 核心 %s 版本 %s 建立安裝完成檔案", + "loc.messages.CannotFindRuntimeVersionForCompletingInstallation": "找不到套件類型的執行階段版本: %s,版本: %s", + "loc.messages.PathNotFoundException": "路徑: 找不到 %s。請確認路徑存在。", + "loc.messages.VersionIsLocalLatest": "版本: %s 在路徑出現的版本間是最新的: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionIsNotLocalLatest": "版本: %s 在 %s 出現的版本間不是最新的", + "loc.messages.DownloadUrlForMatchingOsNotFound": "無法為以下 OS 平台 (RID) 找到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的下載 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.ExceptionWhileDownloadOrReadReleasesIndex": "無法下載或剖析 release-index.json。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.MatchingVersionForUserInputVersion": "找到的版本: %s。所在通道: %s。使用者指定的版本規格: %s", + "loc.messages.UrlForReleaseChannelNotFound": "無法為通道版本的 releases.json 找到 URL: %s", + "loc.messages.NoSuitableChannelWereFound": "找不到對應至 %s 版的通道。", + "loc.messages.DetectingPlatform": "正在偵測 OS 平台以為此 OS 尋找正確的下載套件。", + "loc.messages.FailedInDetectingMachineArch": "偵測機器 OS 平台時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.runtimeVersionPropertyNotFound": "找不到 .Net Core %s 版本 %s 的 runtime-version 屬性", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "找不到符合以下項目的 %s 版本: %s", + "loc.messages.VersionNotAllowed": "不允許版本 %s。允許的版本類型為: majorVersion.x、majorVersion.minorVersion.、majorVersion.minorVersion.patchVersion", + "loc.messages.VersionsCanNotBeCompared": "無法比較版本 %s 與 %s。這兩個版本都必須為明確版本。", + "loc.messages.FileNameNotCorrectCompleteFileName": "檔案名稱 %s 不是正確的 version.complete 檔案名稱。", + "loc.messages.ChannelVersionsNotComparable": "無法比較通道版本 %s 與 %s。這兩個版本都必須有數字的主要和次要版本。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVersionInChannel": "正於通道 %s 中尋找版本", + "loc.messages.FallingBackToAdjacentChannels": "無法在版本 %s 的通道中找到該版本,將於相鄰通道進行搜尋。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingDotNetToolPath": "將 .Net Core 工具路徑加至 PATH 環境變數前時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.RequiredChannelVersionForSpec": "正在尋找以下版本的通道 %s: %s", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileGettingVersionFromChannel": "從以下頻道取得版本 %s 時失敗: %s。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFolderVersions": "正在比較正在安裝的版本 %s 是否大於資料夾名稱為 %s 的已安裝版本", + "loc.messages.ComparingInstalledFileVersions": "正在比較正在安裝的版本 %s 是否大於版本完整檔案名稱為 %s 的已安裝版本", + "loc.messages.InvalidChannelObject": "物件不得當作通道使用,需要 channel-version 之類的屬性,缺少 releases.json。", + "loc.messages.ReleasesIndexBodyIncorrect": "剖析的版本索引主體錯誤。請您查看檔案中的 releases-index 區段是否不為空白。", + "loc.messages.InvalidVersionObject": "Releases.json 有 %s 物件無效的版本: %s", + "loc.messages.FilesDataIsIncorrectInVersion": "版本 (release) %s (位於版本 (version) %s) 中的檔案資料錯誤 (可能缺少名稱、rid 或 URL 等必要欄位): %s", + "loc.messages.VersionFilesDataIncorrect": "版本的檔案資料遺失,或缺少必要欄位。", + "loc.messages.VersionInformationNotComplete": "版本: releases.json 檔案中的 %s 必要資訊不完整。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.FailedWhileExtractingPacakge": "擷取已下載套件時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.InstallingNuGetVersion": "正在安裝 NuGet 版本 %s", + "loc.messages.FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "安裝 NuGet 版本時失敗。錯誤: %s", + "loc.messages.SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "正在進行 NuGet 的 Proxy 設定。" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.json b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.json index 98e82b48c095..c9461fd66e92 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "DotNetCore" @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ "CopyingFoldersIntoPath": "Copying all root folders into installation path: %s", "CopyingFilesIntoPath": "Copying root files (such as dotnet.exe) into installation path: %s", "FailedToCopyTopLevelFiles": "Failed to copy root files into installation path: %s. Error: %s", - "FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath" : "Failed while installing version: %s at path: %s with error: %s", + "FailedWhileInstallingVersionAtPath": "Failed while installing version: %s at path: %s with error: %s", "ExplicitVersionRequired": "Version: %s is not allowed. Versions to be installed should be of format: major.minor.patchversion. For example: 2.2.1", "VersionFoundInCache": "Version: %s was found in cache.", "VersionNotFoundInCache": "Version %s was not found in cache.", @@ -153,4 +153,4 @@ "FailureWhileInstallingNuGetVersion": "Failed while installing NuGet version. Error: %s", "SettingUpNugetProxySettings": "Setting up proxy configuration for NuGet." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.loc.json index 0449e7571105..e8fe832f3bd5 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/UseDotNetV2/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "DotNetCore" diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..91799f38f7df --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js-Ökosystem verwenden", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Node.js-Umgebung eingerichtet und zu PATH hinzugefügt. Zusätzlich wird Proxyunterstützung bereitgestellt.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Node $(versionSpec) verwenden", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Angabe der zu verwendenden Version. Beispiele: 10.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Auf aktuelle Version überprüfen", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Sucht online immer nach der letzten verfügbaren Version, die die Versionsangabe erfüllt. Dies ist in der Regel \"false\", sofern Sie nicht über ein spezifisches Szenario verfügen, bei dem Sie immer die aktuelle Version abrufen. Dadurch entstehen Downloadkosten, die unter Umständen nicht erforderlich sind, insbesondere beim gehosteten Buildpool.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Fehler bei der Knoteninstallation: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..776d283bc829 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Usar el ecosistema de Node.js", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Configura un entorno de Node.js y lo agrega a PATH, además de proporcionar compatibilidad con el proxy.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Node $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versión", + "loc.input.help.version": "Especificación de la versión que se va a usar. Ejemplos: 10.x, 10.15.1 >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Comprobar la última versión", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Comprueba siempre en línea la última versión disponible que cumple la especificación de versión. Este valor suele ser false a menos que tenga un escenario específico que deba obtener siempre la última versión. Esto dará lugar a costos de descarga, cuando puede que no sea necesario, especialmente con el grupo de compilación hospedado.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "No se pudo instalar el nodo: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3d631b0ea64b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Utiliser l'écosystème Node.js", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Configurer un environnement Node.js et l'ajouter à PATH, en fournissant en plus la prise en charge du proxy", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Node $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Version", + "loc.input.help.version": "Spécification de version de la version à utiliser. Exemples : 10.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Rechercher la dernière version", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Recherche toujours en ligne la dernière version disponible répondant à la spécification de version. Cela n'est généralement pas le cas, sauf si vous disposez d'un scénario spécifique visant à obtenir toujours la dernière version. Cela peut entraîner des coûts de téléchargement inutiles, en particulier avec le pool de builds hébergé.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Échec de l'installation de Node : %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1b36f2b2b4f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Usa ecosistema di Node.js", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Consente di configurare un ambiente Node.js e di aggiungerlo a PATH, fornendo inoltre il supporto per proxy", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Node $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Versione", + "loc.input.help.version": "Identificatore della versione da usare. Esempi: 10.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Controlla disponibilità di versioni più recenti", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Verifica sempre online se è disponibile una versione più recente che soddisfi l'identificatore di versione. Il valore di questa opzione è in genere false a meno che non sia stato predisposto uno scenario specifico per scaricare sempre la versione più recente. Questa opzione può comportare costi di download potenzialmente non necessari, in particolare con il pool di compilazione ospitato.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "L'installazione di Node non è riuscita: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d5351d749d0d --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js エコシステムを使用", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Node.js 環境をセットアップしてパスに追加し、追加でプロキシ サポートを提供します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Node $(versionSpec) の使用", + "loc.input.label.version": "バージョン", + "loc.input.help.version": "使用するバージョンのバージョンの仕様。例: 10.x、10.15.1、>=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "最新バージョンのチェック", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "バージョン仕様を満たす利用可能な最新バージョンを常にオンラインで確認します。これは false にするのが一般的ですが、常に最新版を取得する特定のシナリオの場合は例外です。これにより、実際には必要でない場合にもダウンロードのコストが発生することになります (ホストされたビルド プールの場合は特にそう言えます)。", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "ノードをインストールできませんでした: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..5ad66c71d5a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Node.js 에코시스템 사용", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Node.js 환경을 설정하고 PATH에 추가하며, 프록시 지원도 제공합니다.", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "노드 $(versionSpec) 사용", + "loc.input.label.version": "버전", + "loc.input.help.version": "사용할 버전의 버전 사양입니다. 예: 10.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "최신 버전 확인", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "버전 사양을 충족하는 최신 사용 가능 버전인지 항상 온라인으로 검사합니다. 항상 최신 버전을 다운로드하는 특정 시나리오가 아닌 한 일반적으로 false로 지정됩니다. 이로 인해 잠재적으로 필요하지 않은 경우, 특히 호스팅된 빌드 풀에서는 다운로드 비용이 발생할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "노드 설치 실패: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..027baf0ecb41 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "Использовать экосистему Node.js", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "Настройте среду Node.js и добавьте ее в PATH, дополнительно предоставив поддержку прокси", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Node $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "Версия", + "loc.input.help.version": "Спецификация версии для используемой версии. Примеры: 10.x, 10.15.1, >=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "Проверить наличие последней версии", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "Всегда проверяет наличие в Интернете актуальной версии, соответствующей спецификатору версии. Обычно задано значение \"false\", кроме случаев, когда имеется определенный сценарий всегда получать актуальную версию. Когда практическая необходимость в этом отсутствует, особенно в случае размещенного пула сборок, может взиматься дополнительная плата за загрузку.", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Сбой установки Node: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..da0a9b8fb6ab --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Node.js 生态系统", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "设置 Node.js 环境并将其添加到 PATH,另外还需提供代理支持", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用节点 $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "要使用的版本的版本规范。示例: 10.x、10.15.1、>=10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "检查是否有最新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "始终联机检查是否有满足版本规范的最新可用版本。这通常无法实现,除非有特定的解决方案可以始终获取最新版本。这样会在可能没有必要的情况下,特别是在使用托管生成池时产生下载费用。", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "节点安装失败: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0a62531912c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +{ + "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Node.js 生態系統", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "", + "loc.description": "設定 Node.js 環境,並將它新增到 PATH,另提供 Proxy 支援", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Node $(versionSpec)", + "loc.input.label.version": "版本", + "loc.input.help.version": "所要使用版本的版本規格。例如: 10.x、10.15.1、>= 10.15.0", + "loc.input.label.checkLatest": "檢查最新版本", + "loc.input.help.checkLatest": "一律檢查網路上有無最新的版本符合版本規格。除非特定的情況必須取得最新版本,否則不建議執行此動作。若非必要,這可能會衍生下載費用,特別是對託管的組建集區。", + "loc.messages.ToolFailed": "Node 安裝失敗: %s" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.json b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.json index 1b24f76df639..48cc6062fa77 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "Node" @@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ "messages": { "ToolFailed": "Node install failed: %s" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.loc.json index d0ae7c7f86e4..a7a750e61470 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/UseNodeV1/task.loc.json @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "satisfies": [ "Node" diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 1be6352c64a5..1cdb32199e55 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python-Version verwenden", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die angegebene Version von Python aus dem Toolcache abgerufen. Fügen Sie sie optional zu PATH hinzu.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die angegebene Version von Python aus dem Toolcache abgerufen und optional zu PATH hinzugefügt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python $(versionSpec) verwenden", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Gibt an, ob die abgerufene Python-Version der PATH-Umgebungsvariable vorangestellt wird, um sie in nachfolgenden Aufgaben oder Skripts zur Verfügung zu stellen, ohne die Ausgabevariable zu verwenden.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "Architektur", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Die Zielarchitektur für den Python-Interpreter (x86, x64).", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versionen in %s:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plattform nicht erkannt.", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "Der PATH-Umgebungsvariable wird das Verzeichnis \"%s\" vorangestellt.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "In Agent.ToolsDirectory wurde keine Installation von PyPy%d gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Wenn es sich um einen von Microsoft gehosteten Agent handelt, überprüfen Sie unter %s, ob dieses Image parallele Versionen von %s unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Wenn es sich um einen selbstgehosteten Agent handelt, finden Sie unter %s Informationen zum Konfigurieren paralleler Versionen von %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Die Versionsangabe %s für die Architektur \"%s\" entsprach keiner Version in \"Agent.ToolsDirectory\"." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 045a70d5e59c..b83c5ef9ff6c 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Usar versión de Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "Recupera la versión de Python especificada de la memoria caché de herramientas. También puede agregarla a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Usa la versión de Python especificada de la memoria caché de herramientas y, opcionalmente, la agrega a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Especificación de versión", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Indica si debe anteponerse la versión de Python recuperada a la variable de entorno PATH para que esté disponible en scripts o tareas posteriores sin usar la variable de salida.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "Arquitectura", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Arquitectura de destino (x86, x64) del intérprete de Python.", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versiones en %s:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plataforma no reconocida", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "Anteponer la variable de entorno PATH con el directorio: %s", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "No se encuentra ninguna instalación de PyPy%d en Agent.ToolsDirectory.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Si es un agente hospedado por Microsoft, compruebe que la imagen admite versiones en paralelo de %s en %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Si es un agente autohospedado, vea cómo configurar las versiones de %s en paralelo en %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La especificación de versión %s para la arquitectura %s no coincide con ninguna versión de Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3353595d473a..e7e19c3e6a7e 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Utiliser la version de Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "Récupère la version spécifiée de Python à partir du cache d'outils. Ajoutez-le éventuellement à PATH.", + "loc.description": "Utiliser la version spécifiée de Python à partir du cache d'outils, en l'ajoutant éventuellement à PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Spécification de version", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Indiquez si la version de Python récupérée doit précéder la variable d'environnement PATH pour la rendre accessible aux prochaines tâches ou aux prochains scripts, sans utiliser la variable de sortie.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "Architecture", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Architecture cible (x86, x64) de l'interpréteur Python.", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions dans %s :", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plateforme non reconnue", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "Ajout du répertoire %s au début de la variable d'environnement PATH", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "Installation de PyPy%d introuvable dans Agent.ToolsDirectory.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "S'il s'agit d'un agent hébergé par Microsoft, vérifiez que cette image prend en charge les versions côte à côte de %s sur %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "S'il s'agit d'un agent autohébergé, consultez les informations relatives à la configuration des versions côte à côte de %s sur %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La spécification de version %s pour l'architecture %s ne correspond à aucune version dans Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5343d0800b97..41a20363ea12 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Usa versione di Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "Recupera la versione specificata di Python dalla cache dello strumento e facoltativamente la aggiunge a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Consente di usare la versione specificata di Python dalla cache dello strumento e facoltativamente di aggiungerla a PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Identificatore di versione", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Indica se anteporre la versione di Python recuperata alla variabile di ambiente PATH per renderla disponibile in attività o script successivi senza usare la variabile di output.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "Architettura", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Architettura di destinazione (x86, x64) dell'interprete Python.", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versioni in %s:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Piattaforma non riconosciuta", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "Alla variabile di ambiente PATH verrà anteposta la directory %s", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare un'installazione di PyPy%d in Agent.ToolsDirectory.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Se si tratta di un agente ospitato da Microsoft, verificare che l'immagine supporti le versioni side-by-side di %s in %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Se si tratta di un agente self-hosted, vedere come configurare le versioni side-by-side di %s in %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "L'identificatore di versione %s per l'architettura %s non corrisponde ad alcuna versione in Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ea3e0b9fe8ab..e6e273b2f7c4 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Python バージョンを使用する", + "loc.friendlyName": "Python バージョンの使用", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "ツール キャッシュから Python の指定されたバージョンを取得します。必要に応じて PATH に追加します。", + "loc.description": "ツール キャッシュから Python の指定されたバージョンを使用し、必要に応じて PATH に追加します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python $(versionSpec) を使用する", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "バージョンの仕様", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "取得した Python バージョンを PATH 環境変数の先頭に追加して、後続のタスクまたはスクリプトで出力変数を使うことなく利用できるようにするかどうか。", "loc.input.label.architecture": "アーキテクチャ", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Python インタープリターのターゲット アーキテクチャ (x86、x64) です。", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "%s のバージョン:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "プラットフォームが認識されません", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "ディレクトリ %s を PATH 環境変数の前に追加しています", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "Agent.ToolsDirectory に PyPy%d のインストールが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "これが Microsoft によってホストされているエージェントの場合、このイメージが %s の side-by-side バージョンを %s でサポートしているかをご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "これがセルフホストテッド エージェントの場合、side-by-side の %s バージョンを %s で構成する方法をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "バージョン仕様 %s (アーキテクチャ %s) が Agent.ToolsDirectory 内のどのバージョンにも一致しませんでした。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 469823e3048b..60ec30733ca1 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Python 버전 사용", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "도구 캐시에서 지정된 버전의 Python을 검색하고, 선택적으로 PATH에 추가합니다.", + "loc.description": "도구 캐시에서 지정된 버전의 Python을 사용하고, 필요한 경우 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Python $(versionSpec) 사용", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "버전 사양", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "검색된 Python 버전을 PATH 환경 변수 앞에 추가하여 출력 변수를 사용하지 않고 후속 작업 또는 스크립트에서 사용할 수 있도록 할지 여부입니다.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "아키텍처", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Python 인터프리터의 대상 아키텍처(x86, x64)입니다.", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "%s의 버전:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "플랫폼을 인식할 수 없습니다.", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "PATH 환경 변수 앞에 %s 디렉터리 추가 중", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "Agent.ToolsDirectory에서 PyPy%d 설치를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Microsoft 호스팅 에이전트인 경우 이 이미지가 병렬 %s 버전을 %s에서 지원하는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "자체 호스팅 에이전트인 경우 병렬 %s 버전을 %s에서 구성하는 방법을 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "버전 사양 %s(%s 아키텍처)과(와) 일치하는 버전이 Agent.ToolsDirectory에 없습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index faf35ce152c7..7ffe440eb7d8 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Использовать версию Python", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "Извлекает указанную версию Python из кэша инструментов. При необходимости добавьте ее в переменную PATH.", + "loc.description": "Использовать указанную версию Python из кэша инструментов, при необходимости добавив ее в переменную PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Следует ли добавлять извлеченную версию Python в начало переменной среды PATH, чтобы она была доступна в последующих задачах или скриптах без использования выходной переменной.", "loc.input.label.architecture": "Архитектура", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Целевая архитектура интерпретатора Python (x86, x64).", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Версии в %s:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Платформа не распознана", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "Добавление в начало переменной среды PATH каталога: %s", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "Не удалось найти установку PyPy%d в Agent.ToolsDirectory.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Если это агент, размещенный на сервере Майкрософт, убедитесь, что этот образ поддерживает параллельные версии %s в %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Если это локальный агент, ознакомьтесь со сведениями о настройке параллельных версий %s в %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Спецификация версии %s для архитектуры %s не соответствует ни одной версии в Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 974186d81889..abee3a8ffe18 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Python 版本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "从工具缓存中检索指定版本的 Python。可选择将它添加到 PATH。", + "loc.description": "从工具缓存中使用指定版本的 Python,可选择将它添加到 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本规范", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "是否在 PATH 环境变量前面追加检索到的 Python 版本,使其在后续任务或脚本中可用,而无需使用输出变量。", "loc.input.label.architecture": "体系结构", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Python 解释器的目标体系结构(x86、x64)。", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "%s 中的版本:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "无法识别的平台", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "在 PATH 环境变量前面添加目录: %s", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "在 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中找不到 PyPy%d 的安装。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "如果这是 Microsoft 托管的代理,请检查此映像是否支持 %s 并行版本(位于 %s)。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "如果这是自托管代理,请查看如何配置 %s 并行版本(位于 %s)。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "版本规范 %s(针对体系结构 %s)与 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中的任何版本均不匹配。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 4c51be47ee29..8f8c42333961 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Python 版本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=871498)", - "loc.description": "從工具快取擷取指定的 Python 版本。選擇性將其新增至 PATH。", + "loc.description": "從工具快取使用指定的 Python 版本,可選擇將其新增至 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Python $(versionSpec)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本規格", @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "是否要在 PATH 環境變數前加上擷取的 Python 版本,以便後續工作或指令碼使用而不需要使用輸出變數。", "loc.input.label.architecture": "架構", "loc.input.help.architecture": "Python 解譯器的目標架構 (x86, x64)。", - "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions in %s:", + "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "%s 中的版本:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "無法辨識平台", "loc.messages.PrependPath": "在 PATH 環境變數前面加上目錄: %s", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.PyPyNotFound": "在 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中找不到 PyPy%d 的安裝。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "如果這是 Microsoft 裝載的代理程式,請確認此映像支援並存版本 %s (位於 %s)。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "如果這是自我裝載的代理程式,請於以下位置了解如何設定並存 %s 版本: %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "架構 %s 的版本規格 %s 不符合 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中的任何版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.json b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.json index e3e2a1ab6010..e8830a93d809 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "Use Python $(versionSpec)", diff --git a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.loc.json index be27e3f4e64f..9cb6321fcd7a 100644 --- a/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/UsePythonVersionV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat", diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 6cc0777db7e4..b5f3346b593c 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ruby-Version verwenden", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "Ruft die angegebene Ruby-Version aus dem Toolcache ab. Fügen Sie sie optional zu PATH hinzu.", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die angegebene Ruby-Version aus dem Toolcache abgerufen und optional zu PATH hinzugefügt.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ruby $(versionSpec) verwenden", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Versionsangabe", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Versionsbereich oder genaue Ruby-Version, die verwendet werden soll.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Stellen Sie die abgerufene Python-Version der PATH-Umgebungsvariable voran, um sie in nachfolgenden Aufgaben oder Skripts zur Verfügung zu stellen, ohne die Ausgabevariable zu verwenden.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Verfügbare Versionen:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plattform nicht erkannt.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Wenn es sich um einen von Microsoft gehosteten Agent handelt, überprüfen Sie unter %s, ob dieses Image parallele Versionen von %s unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Wenn es sich um einen selbstgehosteten Agent handelt, finden Sie unter %s Informationen zum Konfigurieren paralleler Versionen von %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Die Versionsangabe %s für die Architektur \"%s\" entsprach keiner Version in \"Agent.ToolsDirectory\"." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c926374b1f0f..e5f89989a83c 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Usar versión de Ruby", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "Recupera la versión de Ruby especificada de la memoria caché de herramientas. También puede agregarla a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Usa la versión de Ruby especificada de la memoria caché de herramientas y, opcionalmente, la agrega a PATH.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usar Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Especificación de versión", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Intervalo de versiones o la versión de Ruby específica que se va a usar.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Anteponga la versión de Ruby recuperada a la variable de entorno PATH para que esté disponible en scripts o tareas posteriores sin usar la variable de salida.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versiones disponibles:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plataforma no reconocida", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Si es un agente hospedado por Microsoft, compruebe que la imagen admite versiones en paralelo de %s en %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Si es un agente autohospedado, vea cómo configurar las versiones de %s en paralelo en %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La especificación de versión %s para la arquitectura %s no coincide con ninguna versión de Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3b17f679c1f2..cd875339a255 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Utiliser la version de Ruby", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "Récupère la version spécifiée de Ruby à partir du cache d'outils. Ajoutez-le éventuellement à PATH.", + "loc.description": "Utiliser la version spécifiée de Ruby à partir du cache d'outils, en l'ajoutant éventuellement à PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Utiliser Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Spécification de version", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Plage de versions ou version exacte d'une version de Ruby à utiliser.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Ajoutez en premier la version de Ruby récupérée à la variable d'environnement PATH pour la rendre accessible aux prochaines tâches ou aux prochains scripts, sans utiliser la variable de sortie.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versions disponibles :", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Plateforme non reconnue", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "S'il s'agit d'un agent hébergé par Microsoft, vérifiez que cette image prend en charge les versions côte à côte de %s sur %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "S'il s'agit d'un agent autohébergé, consultez les informations relatives à la configuration des versions côte à côte de %s sur %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "La spécification de version %s pour l'architecture %s ne correspond à aucune version dans Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 8c16a4911db7..db29fac500c1 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Usa versione di Ruby", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "Recupera la versione specificata di Ruby dalla cache dello strumento e facoltativamente la aggiunge a PATH.", + "loc.description": "Consente di usare la versione specificata di Ruby dalla cache dello strumento e facoltativamente di aggiungerla a PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Usa Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Identificatore di versione", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Intervallo di versioni o versione esatta di una versione di Ruby da usare.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Consente di anteporre la versione di Ruby recuperata alla variabile di ambiente PATH per renderla disponibile in attività o script successivi senza usare la variabile di output.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Versioni disponibili:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Piattaforma non riconosciuta", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Se si tratta di un agente ospitato da Microsoft, verificare che l'immagine supporti le versioni side-by-side di %s in %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Se si tratta di un agente self-hosted, vedere come configurare le versioni side-by-side di %s in %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "L'identificatore di versione %s per l'architettura %s non corrisponde ad alcuna versione in Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 5024f979f7ce..456970d4c95f 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Ruby バージョンを使用する", + "loc.friendlyName": "Ruby バージョンの使用", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "ツール キャッシュから Ruby の指定されたバージョンを取得します。必要に応じて PATH に追加します。", + "loc.description": "ツール キャッシュから Ruby の指定されたバージョンを使用し、必要に応じて PATH に追加します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ruby $(versionSpec) を使用する", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "バージョンの仕様", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "使用する Ruby バージョンのバージョン範囲または正確なバージョン。", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "取得した Ruby バージョンを PATH 環境変数の先頭に追加して、後続のタスクまたはスクリプトで出力変数を使うことなく利用できるようにします。", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "使用可能なバージョン:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "プラットフォームが認識されません", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "これが Microsoft によってホストされているエージェントの場合、このイメージが %s の side-by-side バージョンを %s でサポートしているかをご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "これがセルフホストテッド エージェントの場合、side-by-side の %s バージョンを %s で構成する方法をご確認ください。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "バージョン仕様 %s (アーキテクチャ %s) が Agent.ToolsDirectory 内のどのバージョンにも一致しませんでした。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 709f44794117..7b4efbe55288 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Ruby 버전 사용", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "도구 캐시에서 지정된 버전의 Ruby를 검색하고, 선택적으로 PATH에 추가합니다.", + "loc.description": "도구 캐시에서 지정된 버전의 Ruby를 사용하고, 필요한 경우 PATH에 추가합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ruby $(versionSpec) 사용", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "버전 사양", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "사용할 Ruby 버전의 버전 범위 또는 정확한 버전입니다.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "검색된 Ruby 버전을 PATH 환경 변수 앞에 추가하여 출력 변수를 사용하지 않고 후속 작업 또는 스크립트에서 사용할 수 있도록 합니다.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "사용 가능한 버전:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "플랫폼을 인식할 수 없습니다.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Microsoft 호스팅 에이전트인 경우 이 이미지가 병렬 %s 버전을 %s에서 지원하는지 확인하세요.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "자체 호스팅 에이전트인 경우 병렬 %s 버전을 %s에서 구성하는 방법을 참조하세요.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "버전 사양 %s(%s 아키텍처)과(와) 일치하는 버전이 Agent.ToolsDirectory에 없습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 34631a797217..1245471f9deb 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Использовать версию Ruby", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "Извлекает указанную версию Ruby из кэша инструментов. При необходимости добавьте ее в переменную PATH.", + "loc.description": "Использовать указанную версию Ruby из кэша инструментов, при необходимости добавив ее в переменную PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Использовать Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "Спецификатор версии", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "Диапазон версий или точная версия Ruby, которую необходимо использовать.", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "Добавьте извлеченную версию Ruby в начало переменной среды PATH, чтобы она была доступна в последующих задачах или скриптах без использования выходной переменной.", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "Доступные версии:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "Платформа не распознана", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "Если это агент, размещенный на сервере Майкрософт, убедитесь, что этот образ поддерживает параллельные версии %s в %s.", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "Если это локальный агент, ознакомьтесь со сведениями о настройке параллельных версий %s в %s.", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Спецификация версии %s для архитектуры %s не соответствует ни одной версии в Agent.ToolsDirectory." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index cef78e9edf47..605a335123ff 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Ruby 版本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "从工具缓存中检索指定版本的 Ruby。可选择将它添加到 PATH。", + "loc.description": "从工具缓存中使用指定版本的 Ruby,可选择将它添加到 PATH", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本规范", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "要使用的 Ruby 版本的版本范围或准确版本。", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "在 PATH 环境变量前面追加检索到的 Ruby 版本,使其在后续任务或脚本中可用,而无需使用输出变量。", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "可用版本:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "无法识别的平台", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "如果这是 Microsoft 托管的代理,请检查此映像是否支持 %s 并行版本(位于 %s)。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "如果这是自托管代理,请查看如何配置 %s 并行版本(位于 %s)。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "版本规范 %s(针对体系结构 %s)与 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中的任何版本均不匹配。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index f0e151456cd2..3f37e29f2e3c 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "使用 Ruby 版本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2005989)", - "loc.description": "從工具快取擷取指定的 Ruby 版本。選擇性將其新增至 PATH。", + "loc.description": "從工具快取使用指定的 Ruby 版本,可將其新增至 PATH。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Ruby $(versionSpec)", "loc.input.label.versionSpec": "版本規格", "loc.input.help.versionSpec": "所要使用的 Ruby 版本之版本範圍或確切版本。", @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ "loc.input.help.addToPath": "在 PATH 環境變數前面加上擷取的 Ruby 版本,如此一來,不必使用輸出變數即可在後續工作或指令碼中加以使用。", "loc.messages.ListAvailableVersions": "可用版本:", "loc.messages.PlatformNotRecognized": "無法辨識平台", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "If this is a Microsoft-hosted agent, check that this image supports side-by-side versions of %s at %s.", - "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "If this is a self-hosted agent, see how to configure side-by-side %s versions at %s.", - "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "Version spec %s for architecture %s did not match any version in Agent.ToolsDirectory." + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundMicrosoftHosted": "如果這是 Microsoft 裝載的代理程式,請確認此映像支援並存版本 %s (位於 %s)。", + "loc.messages.ToolNotFoundSelfHosted": "如果這是自我裝載的代理程式,請於以下位置了解如何設定並存 %s 版本: %s。", + "loc.messages.VersionNotFound": "架構 %s 的版本規格 %s 不符合 Agent.ToolsDirectory 中的任何版本。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.json b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.json index faf0d75ecfe3..6b8338a3991a 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.json +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.loc.json index 260fc7fc6d7a..c5417675f8dc 100644 --- a/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/UseRubyVersionV0/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "2.115.0", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 2e2135260277..56589d4454db 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Optional Zeitachsendetails für jedes Projekt aufzeichnen.", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Protokolldatei erstellen", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Erstellen Sie optional eine Protokolldatei (nur Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Ausführlichkeit der Protokolldatei", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Optionaler Ausführlichkeitsgrad der Protokolldatei.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "Der MSBuild-Parameter für die Angabe des Orts ist veraltet. Der Wert \"{0}\" wird ignoriert.", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "Der MSBuild-Versionsparameter ist veraltet. Der Wert \"{0}\" wird ignoriert.", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Unerwarteter Visual Studio-Version \"{0}\".", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index c5d6d43c06cb..1c60c9814d8d 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Compilación de Visual Studio", + "loc.friendlyName": "Compilación de Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "Compila con MSBuild y establece la propiedad version de Visual Studio.", + "loc.description": "Compilar con MSBuild y establecer la propiedad version de Visual Studio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compilar solución $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.solution": "Solución", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Se registra, de manera opcional, los detalles de la escala de tiempo de cada proyecto.", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Crear archivo de registro", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Si quiere, puede crear un archivo de registro (solo en Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Nivel de detalle del archivo de registro", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Nivel de detalle del archivo de registro opcional.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "El parámetro de ubicación MSBuild está en desuso. Se omitirá el valor '{0}'", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "El parámetro de versión de MSBuild está en desuso. Se omitirá el valor '{0}'.", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Versión inesperada de Visual Studio '{0}'.", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 106108b64eb7..f3008834b69a 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Build Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "Générez à l'aide de MSBuild et définissez la propriété de version Visual Studio.", + "loc.description": "Générer avec MSBuild et définir la propriété de version Visual Studio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Générer la solution $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.solution": "Solution", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Enregistrez éventuellement les détails de la chronologie de chaque projet.", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Créer le fichier journal", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Créez éventuellement un fichier journal (Windows uniquement).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Détails du fichier journal", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Détails optionnels du fichier journal.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "Le paramètre d'emplacement de MSBuild est déconseillé. Valeur '{0}' ignorée", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "Le paramètre de version de MSBuild est déconseillé. Valeur '{0}' ignorée.", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Version inattendue de Visual Studio : '{0}'.", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 6c94f0a2adc4..98eceed02f6b 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Compilazione Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare con MSBuild e di impostare la proprietà della versione di Visual Studio.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare con MSBuild e di impostare la proprietà della versione di Visual Studio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compila la soluzione $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.solution": "Soluzione", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Registra facoltativamente i dettagli della sequenza temporale per ogni progetto.", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Crea file di log", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "Consente facoltativamente di creare un file di log (solo Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Livello di dettaglio file di log", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Livello di dettaglio facoltativo del file di log.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "Il parametro Percorso MSBuild è stato deprecato. Il valore '{0}' verrà ignorato.", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "Il parametro Versione MSBuild è stato deprecato. Il valore '{0}' verrà ignorato.", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Versione di Visual Studio imprevista: '{0}'.", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index f1857dc0209d..6633c471b1b1 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio のビルド", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "MSBuild を使用してビルドし、Visual Studio のバージョンを適切に設定します。", + "loc.description": "MSBuild を使用してビルドし、Visual Studio のバージョンを適切に設定します", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ソリューション $(solution) のビルド", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.solution": "ソリューション", @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "loc.input.label.clean": "消去", "loc.input.help.clean": "インクリメンタル ビルドにしたい場合は、False に設定します。", "loc.input.label.maximumCpuCount": "並列ビルド", - "loc.input.help.maximumCpuCount": "MSBuild ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がある場合、この入力を任意にチェックし、/m スイッチを MSBuild に渡すことができます (Windows のみ)。ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がない場合、このオプションをオンにすると、ビルドに \"ファイル使用中\" エラーが発生するか、ビルドの断続的エラーまたは不整合エラーになることがあります。", + "loc.input.help.maximumCpuCount": "MSBuild ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がある場合、この入力を任意にチェックし、/m スイッチを MSBuild に渡すことができます (Windows のみ)。ターゲット構成が並列ビルドと互換性がない場合、このオプションをオンにすると、ビルドに \"ファイル使用中\" エラーが発生するか、ビルドの間欠的エラーまたは不整合エラーになることがあります。", "loc.input.label.restoreNugetPackages": "NuGet パッケージの復元", "loc.input.help.restoreNugetPackages": "このオプションは使用されなくなりました。NuGet パッケージを復元するには、ビルドの前に [NuGet Tool インストーラー](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/tasks/tool/nuget) タスクを追加します。", "loc.input.label.msbuildArchitecture": "MSBuild アーキテクチャ", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "オプションで、各プロジェクトのタイムライン詳細を記録します。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "ログ ファイルを作成する", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "必要に応じて、ログ ファイルを作成します (Windows のみ)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "ログ ファイルの詳細度", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "オプションのログ ファイルの詳細度。", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "MSBuild の場所パラメーターは非推奨です。値 '{0}' を無視しています", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "MSBuild のバージョン パラメーターは非推奨です。値 '{0}' を無視しています。", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Visual Studio の予期しないバージョン '{0}'。", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 6e845cbca741..a42346abb06c 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 빌드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "MSBuild로 빌드하고 Visual Studio 버전 속성을 설정합니다.", + "loc.description": "MSBuild로 빌드하고 Visual Studio 버전 속성 설정", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "솔루션 $(solution) 빌드", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.solution": "솔루션", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "선택적으로 각 프로젝트의 타임라인 세부 정보를 기록합니다.", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "로그 파일 만들기", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "선택적으로 로그 파일을 만드세요(Windows만 해당).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "로그 파일의 자세한 정도", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "선택 사항으로, 로그 파일의 자세한 정도입니다.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "MSBuild 위치 매개 변수를 사용하지 않습니다. 값 '{0}'을(를) 무시합니다.", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "MSBuild 버전 매개 변수를 사용하지 않습니다. 값 '{0}'을(를) 무시합니다.", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "예기치 않은 Visual Studio 버전 '{0}'입니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 8fd24ed6d7ae..ead24b3600ed 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Сборка Visual Studio", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "Выполните сборку с помощью MSBuild и задайте свойство версии Visual Studio.", + "loc.description": "Сборка с помощью MSBuild и задание свойства версии Visual Studio", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сборка решения $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.solution": "Решение", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "Запись данных о хронологии для каждого проекта (необязательно).", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "Создать файл журнала", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "При необходимости создайте файл журнала (только в Windows).", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "Детализация файла журнала", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "Необязательный параметр детализации файла журнала.", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "Параметр расположения MSBuild устарел. Выполняется пропуск значения \"{0}\"", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "Параметр версии MSBuild устарел. Выполняется пропуск значения \"{0}\".", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "Непредвиденная версия Visual Studio \"{0}\".", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 1200aeda5c37..6e02d7dbe2e3 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 版本", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "使用 MSBuild 生成,并设置 Visual Studio 版本属性。", + "loc.description": "使用 MSBuild 生成并设置 Visual Studio 版本属性", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "生成解决方案 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.solution": "解决方案", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "可以选择记录每个项目的时间线详细信息。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "创建日志文件", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "选择创建一个日志文件(仅限 Windows)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "日志文件详细级别", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "可选日志文件详细级别。", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "已弃用 MSBuild 位置参数。将忽略值“{0}”", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "已弃用 MSBuild 版本参数。将忽略值“{0}”。", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "意外的 Visual Studio 版本“{0}”。", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 42471906aedd..d7ada32a3b90 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 組建", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613727)", - "loc.description": "使用 MSBuild 建置並設定 Visual Studio 版本屬性。", + "loc.description": "使用 MSBuild 建置並設定 Visual Studio 版本屬性", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "建置方案 $(solution)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.solution": "方案", @@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ "loc.input.help.logProjectEvents": "選擇性地記錄各專案的時間軸詳細資料。", "loc.input.label.createLogFile": "建立記錄檔", "loc.input.help.createLogFile": "選擇性地建立記錄檔 (僅限 Windows)。", + "loc.input.label.logFileVerbosity": "記錄檔詳細資訊", + "loc.input.help.logFileVerbosity": "選擇性記錄檔詳細資訊。", "loc.messages.MSBuildLocationDeprecated0": "已取代 MSBuild 位置參數。忽略值 '{0}'", "loc.messages.MSBuildVersionDeprecated0": "已取代 MSBuild 版本參數。忽略值 '{0}'。", "loc.messages.UnexpectedVSVersion0": "未預期的 Visual Studio 版本 '{0}'。", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.json b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.json index 0ecda0b9eb07..3fc0effa5550 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.loc.json index dd96cbaa4c1a..5b4405798ee6 100644 --- a/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/VSBuildV1/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "msbuild", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 96ded5d5df15..d9b2c15082e1 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für die Visual Studio Test-Plattform", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Testplattformpaket auf NuGet", - "loc.description": "Ruft die Testplattform aus \"nuget.org\" oder dem Toolcache ab. Erfüllt die vstest-Anforderung und kann zum Ausführen von Tests und zum Erfassen von Diagnosedaten mithilfe der Visual Studio Test-Aufgabe verwendet werden.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Installer für die Visual Studio-Testplattform", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Testplattformpaket für NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die Testplattform aus \"nuget.org\" oder dem Toolcache abgerufen. Erfüllt die vstest-Anforderung und kann zum Ausführen von Tests und zum Erfassen von Diagnosedaten mithilfe der Visual Studio Test-Aufgabe verwendet werden.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Installer für Visual Studio Test-Plattform", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "Paketeinstellungen", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "Paketfeed", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Geben Sie den Feed an, aus dem das NuGet-Paket für die Visual Studio Test-Plattform abgerufen werden soll.", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "Version", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Wählen Sie, ob die neueste Version oder eine bestimmte Version der Visual Studio Test-Plattform installiert werden soll.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Wählen Sie aus, ob die aktuelle Version oder eine bestimmte Version der Visual Studio-Testplattform installiert werden soll.
    Wenn Sie den Installer für die Testplattform zum Ausführen von Tests der programmierten UI ausführen, müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass die ausgewählte Version der Hauptversion von Visual Studio entspricht, mit der die Testbinärdateien erstellt wurden. Wenn z. B. das Projekt für den Test der programmierten UI mit Visual Studio 2017 (Version 15.x) erstellt wurde, müssen Sie Version 15.x der Testplattform verwenden.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "Version der Testplattform", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "Geben Sie die Version der Visual Studio Test-Plattform an, die auf dem Agent installiert werden soll. Verfügbare Versionen können in NuGet angezeigt werden.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Paketquelle", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 7159a26d1f76..548b80688741 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de Visual Studio Test Platform", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Paquete de la plataforma de pruebas en NuGet", - "loc.description": "Adquiere la plataforma de pruebas de nuget.org o de la memoria caché de herramientas. Cumple la demanda de \"vstest\" y se puede usar para ejecutar pruebas y recopilar datos de diagnóstico mediante la tarea de Visual Studio Test.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Instalador de Visual Studio Test Platform", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Paquete Test Platform en NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "Adquiere la plataforma de pruebas de nuget.org o de la memoria caché de herramientas. Cumple la demanda de \"vstest\" y se puede usar para ejecutar pruebas y recopilar datos de diagnóstico mediante la tarea de Visual Studio Test.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Instalador de Visual Studio Test Platform", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "Configuración del paquete", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "Fuente del paquete", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Especifique la fuente desde la que debe capturarse el paquete NuGet de Visual Studio Test Platform.", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "Versión", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Seleccione si quiere instalar la última versión de Visual Studio Test Platform o bien una versión específica.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Seleccione si quiere instalar la última versión de Visual Studio Test Platform o bien una versión específica.
    Si usa el instalador de la plataforma de pruebas para ejecutar pruebas automatizadas de IU, asegúrese de que la versión que elija coincide con la versión principal de Visual Studio con la que se compilaron los archivos binarios de prueba. Por ejemplo, si el proyecto de pruebas automatizadas de IU se compiló con Visual Studio 2017 (versión 15.x), debe usar la versión 15.x de la plataforma de pruebas.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "Versión de Test Platform", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "Especifique la versión de Visual Studio Test Platform que se va a instalar en el agente. Las versiones disponibles se pueden ver en nuget.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Origen del paquete", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 804728ad556c..5f17b8800af4 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programme d'installation de Visual Studio Test Platform", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Package de plateforme de test sur NuGet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Package de plateforme de test sur NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", "loc.description": "Acquiert la plateforme de test à partir de nuget.org ou du cache d'outils. Répond à la demande de 'vstest', et permet d'exécuter des tests et de collecter des données de diagnostic à l'aide de la tâche Visual Studio Test.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio Test Platform Installer", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "Paramètres de package", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "Flux de package", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Spécifiez le flux à partir duquel le package nuget de Visual Studio Test Platform doit être récupéré (fetch).", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "Version", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Choisissez d'installer la dernière version ou une version spécifique de Visual Studio Test Platform.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Choisissez d'installer la dernière version ou une version spécifique de Visual Studio Test Platform.
    Si vous utilisez le programme d'installation de Visual Studio Test Platform pour exécuter des tests codés de l'interface utilisateur, vérifiez que la version que vous choisissez correspond à la version principale de Visual Studio avec laquelle les fichiers binaires de test ont été générés. Par exemple, si le projet de test codé de l'interface utilisateur a été généré à l'aide de Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.x), vous devez utiliser la version 15.x de la plateforme de test.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "Version de la plateforme de test", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "Spécifiez la version de Visual Studio Test Platform à installer sur l'agent. Vous pouvez consulter les versions disponibles sur nuget.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Source du package", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 440ad137ff84..ea96d37b3aca 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Programma di installazione della piattaforma di test di Visual Studio", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pacchetto della piattaforma di test su NuGet", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Pacchetto della piattaforma di test su NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", "loc.description": "Acquisisce la piattaforma di test da nuget.org o dalla cache degli strumenti. Soddisfa la richiesta 'vstest' e può essere usato per eseguire test e raccogliere dati di diagnostica usando l'attività Test con Visual Studio.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Programma di installazione della piattaforma di test di Visual Studio", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "Impostazioni del pacchetto", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "Feed del pacchetto", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Consente di specificare il feed dal quale deve essere recuperato il pacchetto NuGet della piattaforma di test di Visual Studio.", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "Versione", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Consente di scegliere se installare l'ultima versione o una versione specifica della piattaforma di test di Visual Studio.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Scegliere se installare l'ultima versione o una versione specifica della piattaforma di test Visual Studio.
    Se si usa il programma di installazione della piattaforma di test per eseguire i test codificati dell'interfaccia utente, assicurarsi che la versione scelta corrisponda alla versione principale di Visual Studio con cui sono stati compilati i file binari di test. Se, ad esempio, il progetto di test codificato dell'interfaccia utente è stato compilato con Visual Studio 2017 (versione 15.x), è necessario usare la piattaforma di test versione 15.x.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "Versione della piattaforma di test", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "Consente di specificare la versione della piattaforma di test di Visual Studio da installare nell'agente. Le versioni disponibili possono essere visualizzate su NuGet.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Origine del pacchetto", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index ad947d80f45d..fd2c613f0bd9 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio テスト プラットフォーム インストーラー", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "NuGet におけるテスト プラットフォーム パッケージ", - "loc.description": "nuget.org またはツール キャッシュからのテスト プラットフォームを取得します。'vstest' 要求を満たし、Visual Studio テスト タスクを使用して、テストの実行と診断データの収集に使用できます。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[NuGet 上のテスト プラットフォーム パッケージ](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "nuget.org またはツール キャッシュからテスト プラットフォームを取得します。'vstest' 要求を満たし、Visual Studio テスト タスクを使用するテストの実行と診断データの収集に使用できます。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio テスト プラットフォーム インストーラー", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "パッケージ設定", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "パッケージ フィード", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Visual Studio テスト プラットフォームの nuget パッケージの取得元となるフィードを指定します。", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "バージョン", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Visual Studio テスト プラットフォームの最新バージョンと指定のバージョンのどちらをインストールするかを選択します。", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Visual Studio テスト プラットフォームの最新バージョンと特定のバージョンのどちらをインストールするかを選択します。
    テスト プラットフォーム インストーラーを使用してコード化された UI テストを実行する場合、選択したバージョンが、テスト バイナリのビルドに使用された Visual Studio のメジャー バージョンと一致していることをご確認ください。例: コード化された UI テスト プロジェクトが Visual Studio 2017 (バージョン 15.x) を使用してビルドされた場合は、バージョン 15.x のテスト プラットフォームを使用する必要があります。", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "テスト プラットフォームのバージョン", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "エージェントをインストールする Visual Studio テスト プラットフォームのバージョンを指定します。使用可能なバージョンは、nuget で確認できます。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "パッケージ ソース", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index cdc6360d58f0..ae5131ffb8e5 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test 플랫폼 설치 관리자", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "NuGet의 테스트 플랫폼 패키지", - "loc.description": "nuget.org 또는 도구 캐시에서 테스트 플랫폼을 가져옵니다. ‘vstest’ 요청을 충족하며 Visual Studio Test 작업을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하고 진단 데이터를 수집하는 데 사용될 수 있습니다.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 테스트 플랫폼 설치 관리자", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[NuGet의 테스트 플랫폼 패키지](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "nuget.org 또는 도구 캐시에서 테스트 플랫폼을 가져옵니다. 'vstest' 요청을 충족하며, Visual Studio 테스트 작업을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하고 진단 데이터를 수집하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio 테스트 플랫폼 설치 관리자", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "패키지 설정", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "패키지 피드", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Visual Studio 테스트 플랫폼 NuGet 패키지를 페치할 피드를 지정합니다.", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "버전", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Visual Studio Test 플랫폼의 최신 버전이나 특정 버전 중 무엇을 설치할지를 선택합니다.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Visual Studio 테스트 플랫폼의 최신 버전을 설치할지 또는 특정 버전을 설치할지를 선택합니다.
    테스트 플랫폼 설치 관리자를 사용하여 코딩된 UI 테스트를 실행하는 경우, 선택한 버전이 테스트 이진 파일 빌드에 사용한 Visual Studio의 주 버전과 일치하는지 확인합니다. 예를 들어 Visual Studio 2017(버전 15.x)을 사용하여 코딩된 UI 테스트 프로젝트를 빌드한 경우 테스트 플랫폼 버전 15.x를 사용해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "테스트 플랫폼 버전", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "에이전트에 설치할 Visual Studio Test 플랫폼의 버전을 지정합니다. 사용 가능한 버전은 NuGet에서 확인할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "패키지 소스", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e127eb720b68..eca218f6a175 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Установщик платформы тестирования Visual Studio", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "Пакет платформы тестирования в NuGet", - "loc.description": "Получает платформу тестирования с сайта nuget.org или из кэша средств. Удовлетворяет потребность в vstest и может использоваться для выполнения тестов сбора данных диагностики с помощью задачи теста Visual Studio.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Пакет тестовой платформы на сайте NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "Получите тестовую платформу с сайта nuget.org или из кэша инструментов. Удовлетворяет запросу \"vstest\" и может использоваться для выполнения тестов и сбора диагностических данных с помощью задачи тестирования Visual Studio.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Установщик платформы тестирования Visual Studio", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "Параметры пакета", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "Веб-канал пакета", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "Укажите веб-канал, из которого необходимо получить пакет nuget платформы тестирования Visual Studio.", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "Версия", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Выберите, следует ли установить последнюю или определенную версию платформы тестирования Visual Studio.", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "Выберите, следует ли установить последнюю версию или конкретную версию тестовой платформы Visual Studio.
    Если вы используете установщик тестовой платформы для выполнения закодированных тестов пользовательского интерфейса, убедитесь, что выбранная версия соответствует основному номеру версии Visual Studio, с помощью которой были собраны созданы тестовые двоичные файлы. Например, если проект закодированных тестов пользовательского интерфейса был создан с помощью Visual Studio 2017 (версия 15.x), необходимо использовать тестовую платформу версии 15.x.", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "Версия платформы тестирования", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "Укажите версию платформы тестирования Visual Studio, которую следует установить на компьютере агента. Доступные версии можно просмотреть в nuget.", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "Источник пакета", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index cf08d156d840..f7731ef39e7b 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 测试平台安装程序", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "NuGet 上的测试平台包", - "loc.description": "从 nuget.org 或工具缓存获取测试平台。满足 \"vstest\" 需求,可用于使用 Visual Studio 测试任务运行测试和收集诊断数据。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[NuGet 上的测试平台包](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "从 nuget.org 或工具缓存中获取测试平台。满足 \"vstest\" 需求,并可用于运行测试和使用 Visual Studio 测试任务收集诊断数据。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio 测试平台安装程序", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "包设置", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "包源", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "指定应在其中提取 Visual Studio 测试平台 nuget 包的源。", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "版本", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "选择安装最新版本还是特定版本的 Visual Studio 测试平台。", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "选择是安装最新版本还是特定版本的 Visual Studio 测试平台。
    如果使用测试平台安装程序运行编码的 UI 测试,请确保所选版本与通过其生成了测试二进制文件的 Visual Studio 的主要版本匹配。例如,如果编码的 UI 测试项目是使用 Visual Studio 2017 (版本 15.x)生成的,则必须使用测试平台版本 15.x。", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "测试平台版本", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "指定安装在代理上的 Visual Studio 测试平台版本。可在 nuget 中查看可用版本。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "包源", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 5bde142091f0..49928c256d74 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 測試平台安裝程式", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "NuGet 上的測試平台套件", - "loc.description": "從 nuget.org 或工具快取取得測試平台。不僅滿足 ‘vstest’ 要求,並且可以用於使用 Visual Studio 測試工作執行測試和收集診斷資料。", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[NuGet 上的測試平台套件](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.TestPlatform/)", + "loc.description": "從 nuget.org 或工具快取取得測試平台。滿足 ‘vstest’ 需求且可用於執行測試,以及使用 Visual Studio Test 工作收集診斷資料。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio 測試平台安裝程式", "loc.group.displayName.packageSettings": "套件設定", "loc.input.label.packageFeedSelector": "套件摘要", "loc.input.help.packageFeedSelector": "請指定應從其中擷取 Visual Studio 測試平台 nuget 套件的摘要。", "loc.input.label.versionSelector": "版本", - "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "請挑選要安裝 Visual Studio 測試平台的最新版本或特定版本。", + "loc.input.help.versionSelector": "請挑選要安裝 Visual Studio 測試平台的最新版本或特定版本。
    如果您使用測試平台安裝程式來執行自動程式化 UI 測試,請確保您選擇的版本符合已建置測試二進位的 Visual Studio 主要版本。舉例來說,若自動程式化 UI 測試專案是以 Visual Studio 2017 (15.x 版) 建置而成,您就必須使用測試平台 15.x 版。", "loc.input.label.testPlatformVersion": "測試平台版本", "loc.input.help.testPlatformVersion": "指定代理程式上要安裝的 Visual Studio 測試平台版本。前往 nuget 可檢視可用的版本。", "loc.input.label.customFeed": "套件來源", diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.json b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.json index ee2df0829722..06f7c621dcfa 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "satisfies": [ "VsTest" diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json index 321d73467ce7..800445108c06 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1/task.loc.json @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "satisfies": [ "VsTest" diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..5a67fd269f32 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Test mit Visual Studio Test Runner ausführen", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Testassemblys $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Ausführungsoptionen", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Erweiterte Ausführungsoptionen", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Berichtoptionen", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Testassembly", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Zu testende Testbinärdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden. Beispiel: \"**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**\" für alle DLLs, deren Name \"test\" enthält, unter Ausschluss von Dateien in allen Unterverzeichnissen namens \"obj\".", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Testfilterkriterien", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Zusätzliche Kriterien zum Filtern von Tests aus Testassemblys, z. B. \"Priority=1|Name=MeineTestMethode\".", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Testlaufeinstellungsdatei", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Der Pfad zur Datei mit den Ausführungseinstellungen, die mit den Tests verwendet werden soll. Verwenden Sie \"$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\", um auf den Projektordner zuzugreifen.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Testlaufparameter überschreiben", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Überschreiben Sie Parameter, die im Abschnitt \"TestRunParameters\" der Datei mit den Ausführungseinstellungen definiert sind, z. B. \"AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080\".", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage aktiviert", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Erfassen Sie Code Coverage-Informationen aus dem Testlauf.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Parallel ausführen", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Aktiviert die parallele Ausführung Ihrer Tests.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest-Version", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "Die zu verwendende VSTest-Version.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Der Pfad zu \"vstest.console.exe\".", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Geben Sie optional den Pfad zu VSTest an.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Pfad zu benutzerdefinierten Testadaptern", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Der Verzeichnispfad zu benutzerdefinierten Testadaptern. Es wird automatisch nach Adaptern gesucht, die NuGet wiederhergestellt hat.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Andere Konsolenoptionen", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Weitere Konsolenoptionen, die an \"vstest.console.exe\" übergeben werden können. Klicken Sie auf den Hilfelink unten, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Geben Sie einen Namen für den Testlauf an.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plattform", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plattform, für die Testberichte erstellt werden sollen. Wenn Sie eine Variable für die Plattform in Ihrer Buildaufgabe erstellt haben, verwenden Sie diese hier.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Konfiguration", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Konfiguration, für die Testberichte erstellt werden sollen. Wenn Sie eine Variable für die Konfiguration in Ihrer Buildaufgabe erstellt haben, verwenden Sie diese hier.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Testanlagen hochladen", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Veröffentlichen von Anlagen auf Testlaufebene abonnieren oder kündigen.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "Der %s-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "VSTest wurde mit dem folgenden Rückgabecode beendet: %d", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "Es wurden keine Testassemblys gefunden, die mit dem Muster übereinstimmen: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "VSTest mit der Version %d wurde nicht gefunden. Versuchen Sie es erneut mit einer Version von Visual Studio, die auf dem Build-Agent-Computer vorhanden ist.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "VSTest-Fehler. Überprüfen Sie die Protokolle auf Fehler. Möglicherweise sind Testfehler vorhanden.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Installieren Sie Visual Studio 15.0.25807 oder eine höhere Version, um eine Testwirkungsanalyse auszuführen.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "Es wurden keine Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Fehler beim Lesen der Datei mit den Ausführungseinstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Fehler beim Lesen der Datei mit den Testeinstellungen. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Die parallele Ausführung wird für die TESTSETTINGS-Datei nicht unterstützt.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Fehler beim Festlegen der parallelen Ausführung. Ungültige Datei mit Ausführungseinstellungen.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Installieren Sie Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 oder höher auf dem Build-Agent-Computer, um die Tests parallel auszuführen.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Registrierungsschlüssels. Fehler: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Testwirkungssammlers in der Datei mit den Testeinstellungen.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Testwirkungssammlers in der Datei mit den Ausführungseinstellungen.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Fehler beim Erstellen der Antwortdatei. Für diesen Lauf werden alle Tests ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Antwortdatei \"%s\". Für diesen Lauf werden alle Tests ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Fehler beim Veröffentlichen der Codeänderungen. Für diesen Lauf werden alle Tests ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Fehler beim Ermitteln der Tests. Für diese Ausführung werden alle Tests ausgeführt.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Gesamtzeit für das Veröffentlichen von Änderungen: %d Millisekunden.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Gesamtzeit für das Abrufen der Antwortdatei: %d Millisekunden", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Gesamtzeit für das Hochladen der Testergebnisse: %d Millisekunden.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Fehler beim Lesen der Version von \"vstest.console.exe\".", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unerwartete Versionszeichenfolge für \"vstest.console.exe\" erkannt: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unerwartete Versionsnummer für \"vstest.console.exe\" erkannt: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "Die vstest.console.exe-Version bietet keine Unterstützung für das Flag \"/diag\". Aktivieren Sie die Diagnose über die exe.config-Dateien." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..b48622a0328a 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de Visual Studio", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Ejecutar pruebas con el ejecutor de pruebas de Visual Studio", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Ensamblados de prueba $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Opciones de ejecución", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Opciones de ejecución avanzadas", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Opciones de informe", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Ensamblado de la prueba", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Archivos binarios de prueba en los que se van a realizar las pruebas. Puede usar caracteres comodín. Por ejemplo, '**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**' para todos los archivos dll con la palabra \"test\" en el nombre, pero excluyendo los archivos contenidos en cualquier subdirectorio denominado obj.", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Criterios de filtro de la prueba", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Criterios adicionales para filtrar pruebas en ensamblados de prueba. Por ejemplo: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Archivo de configuración de ejecución", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Ruta de acceso al archivo runsettings que se va a usar en las pruebas. Use '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' para acceder a la carpeta del proyecto.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Reemplazar los parámetros de TestRun", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Reemplace los parámetros definidos en la sección TestRunParameters del archivo runsettings. Por ejemplo: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Cobertura de código habilitada", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Recopilar información de cobertura de código de la serie de pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Ejecutar en paralelo", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Habilite la ejecución en paralelo de las pruebas.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "Versión de VSTest", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "Versión de VSTest que se va a usar.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Ruta de acceso a vstest.console.exe", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Opcionalmente, puede proporcionar la ruta de acceso de VSTest.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Ruta de acceso de los adaptadores de pruebas personalizados", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Ruta de acceso del directorio a los adaptadores de prueba personalizados. Se buscan automáticamente los adaptadores restaurados de NuGet.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Otras opciones de la consola", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Otras opciones de consola que se pueden pasar a vstest.console.exe. Haga clic en el vínculo siguiente para obtener más información.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Proporcione un nombre para la serie de pruebas.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plataforma", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plataforma en la que se deben evaluar las pruebas. Si tiene una variable de plataforma definida en la tarea de compilación, úsela aquí.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuración", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuración con la que se debe informar de las pruebas. Si tiene una variable de configuración definida en la tarea de compilación, úsela aquí.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Cargar datos adjuntos de prueba", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Optar por participar/no participar en la publicación de datos adjuntos a nivel de serie de pruebas.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "La ruta de acceso a %s no existe.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest se cerró con el código de retorno: %d.", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No se encontraron ensamblados de prueba que coincidan con el patrón: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "No se encontró el Vstest de la versión %d. Inténtelo de nuevo con una versión de Visual Studio que exista en la máquina del agente de compilación.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Error de Vstest. Compruebe el informe para ver los errores. Podría haber pruebas con errores.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Instale la versión 15.0.25807 o posterior de Visual Studio para ejecutar el análisis de impacto en las pruebas.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No se encontraron resultados que publicar.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error al leer el archivo de configuración de ejecución. Error : %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error al leer el archivo de configuración de prueba. Error : %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "La ejecución en paralelo no es compatible con el archivo testsettings.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "No se pudo establecer la ejecución en paralelo. El archivo de configuración de ejecución no es válido.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Instale Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 o posterior en la máquina del agente de compilación para ejecutar las pruebas en paralelo.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error al configurar la clave del Registro. Error: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error al configurar el recopilador de impacto en las pruebas en el archivo de configuración de pruebas.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error al configurar el recopilador de impacto en las pruebas en el archivo de parámetros de ejecución.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error al crear el archivo de respuesta. Todas las pruebas se ejecutarán para esta ejecución.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error al actualizar el archivo de respuesta '%s'. Todas las pruebas se ejecutarán para esta ejecución.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error al publicar los cambios de código. Se ejecutarán todas las pruebas de esta serie.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error al detectar las pruebas. Todas las pruebas se ejecutarán durante esta ejecución.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Tiempo total que se tarda en publicar los cambios de código: %d milisegundos.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Tiempo total que se tarda en obtener el archivo de respuesta: %d milisegundos.", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Tiempo total que se tarda en cargar los resultados de prueba: %d milisegundos.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error al leer la versión de vstest.console.exe.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Cadena de versión inesperada detectada para vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Número de versión inesperado detectado para vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "La versión de vstest.console.exe no admite la marca /diag. Habilite el diagnóstico mediante los archivos exe.config" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..1ce3da5fa58e 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Exécuter des tests avec Visual Studio Test Runner", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Assemblys de test $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Options d'exécution", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Options d'exécution avancées", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Options de signalement", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Assembly de test", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Binaires de test sur lesquels exécuter les tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Par exemple, '**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**' pour tous les dll dont le nom contient test, à l'exception des fichiers des sous-répertoires nommés obj.", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Tester les critères de filtre", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Critères supplémentaires pour le filtrage des tests des assemblys de tests. Exemple : 'Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod'", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Fichier de paramètres d'exécution", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Chemin du fichier runsettings à utiliser avec les tests. Utilisez '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)' pour accéder au dossier du projet.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Remplacer les paramètres TestRun", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Remplacez les paramètres définis dans la section TestRunParameters du fichier runsettings. Exemple : 'AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080'", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Couverture du code activée", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collectez les informations de couverture du code fournies par la série de tests.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Exécuter en parallèle", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Activez l'exécution parallèle de vos tests.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "Version de VSTest", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "Version de VSTest à utiliser.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Chemin de vstest.console.exe", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Indiquez éventuellement le chemin de VSTest.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Chemin d'accès des adaptateurs de tests personnalisés", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Chemin d'accès au répertoire des adaptateurs de test personnalisés. Une recherche des adaptateurs Nuget restaurés est automatiquement effectuée.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Autres options de console", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Autres options de console pouvant être passées à vstest.console.exe. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur le lien d'aide ci-dessous.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de l'exécution du test", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Indiquez le nom de la série de tests.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Plateforme", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Plateforme sur laquelle les tests doivent être signalés. Si vous avez défini une variable pour la plateforme dans votre tâche de build, utilisez-la ici.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration sur laquelle les tests doivent être signalés. Si vous avez défini une variable pour la configuration dans votre tâche de build, utilisez-la ici.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Charger les pièces jointes du test", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Acceptation/refus de la publication des pièces jointes de la série de tests.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "Le chemin %s n'existe pas.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Arrêt de Vstest avec le code de retour %d.", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "Aucun assembly de test ne correspond au modèle %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest version %d est introuvable. Réessayez avec une version de Visual Studio qui existe sur la machine de votre agent de build.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Échec de Vstest avec une erreur. Vérifiez la présence d'échecs dans les journaux. Il est possible que des tests aient échoué.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Installez Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 ou supérieure pour exécuter l'analyse d'impact de test.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "Aucun résultat à publier.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la lecture du fichier de paramètres d'exécution. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la lecture du fichier de paramètres de test. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "L'exécution en parallèle n'est pas prise en charge avec le fichier testsettings.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Échec de la définition de l'exécution en parallèle. Le fichier de paramètres d'exécution n'est pas valide.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Installez Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 ou ultérieur sur la machine de votre agent de build pour exécuter les tests en parallèle.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la définition de la clé de Registre. Erreur : %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la définition du Collecteur d'impact de test dans le fichier de paramètres de test.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la définition du Collecteur d'impact de test dans le fichier de paramètres d'exécution.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la création du fichier réponse. Tous les tests de cette série vont être exécutés.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la mise à jour du fichier réponse '%s'. Tous les tests de cette série vont être exécutés.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Une erreur s'est produite durant la publication des modifications du code. Tous les tests vont être exécutés pour cette série.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Une erreur s'est produite pendant la découverte des tests. Tous les tests seront exécutés dans cette série.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Temps total de publication des modifications du code : %d millisecondes.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Temps total d'obtention du fichier réponse : %d millisecondes.", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Durée totale du chargement des résultats des tests : %d millisecondes.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Erreur à la lecture de la version de vstest.console.exe.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Chaîne de version inattendue détectée pour vstest.console.exe : %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Numéro de version inattendu détecté pour vstest.console.exe : %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "La version de vstest.console.exe ne prend pas en charge l'indicateur /diag. Activer les diagnostics via les fichiers exe.config" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..3a8c46c84fc1 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Test con Visual Studio", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire test con Visual Studio Test Runner", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Assembly di test $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Opzioni di esecuzione", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Opzioni di esecuzione avanzate", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Opzioni di creazione report", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Assembly di test", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "File binari di test su cui eseguire i test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` per individuare tutte le DLL il cui nome contiene la parola test, escludendo i file in tutte le sottodirectory denominate obj.", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Criteri di filtro test", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Criteri aggiuntivi per filtrare i test negli assembly di test, ad esempio `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "File di impostazioni esecuzione test", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Percorso del file runsettings da usare con i test. Usare `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` per accedere alla cartella del progetto.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Esegui override parametri di esecuzione test", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Consente di eseguire l'override dei parametri definiti nella sezione TestRunParameters del file runsettings, ad esempio `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code coverage abilitato", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Consente di raccogliere le informazioni sul code coverage dall'esecuzione dei test.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Esegui in parallelo", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Abilita l'esecuzione parallela dei test.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "Versione di VSTest", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "Versione di VSTest da usare.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Percorso di vstest.console.exe", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Consente, facoltativamente, di specificare il percorso di VSTest.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Percorso degli adattatori di test personalizzati", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Percorso della directory degli adattatori di test personalizzati. La ricerca viene estesa automaticamente agli adattatori NuGet ripristinati.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Altre opzioni della console", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Altre opzioni della console che è possibile passare a vstest.console.exe. Per altri dettagli, fare clic sul collegamento della Guida sotto.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo esecuzione dei test", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Consente di specificare un nome per l'esecuzione dei test.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Piattaforma", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Piattaforma da usare per i test. Usare qui l'eventuale variabile definita per la piattaforma nell'attività di compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configurazione", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configurazione da usare per i test. Usare qui l'eventuale variabile definita per la configurazione nell'attività di compilazione.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Carica allegati del test", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Consente di acconsentire o rifiutare esplicitamente la pubblicazione degli allegati a livello di esecuzione dei test.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "Il percorso %s non esiste.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest terminato. Codice restituito: %d.", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "Non sono stati trovati assembly di test corrispondenti al criterio %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "La versione %d di Vstest non è stata trovata. Riprovare con una versione di Visual Studio esistente nel computer dell'agente di compilazione.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest non è riuscito e sono stati restituiti errori. Per gli errori, vedere i log. Potrebbero esserci anche test non superati.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Per eseguire Analisi di impatto test, installare Visual Studio 15.0.25807 o versione successiva.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "Non sono stati trovati risultati da pubblicare.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del file delle impostazioni esecuzione test. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura del file delle impostazioni test. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "L'esecuzione in parallelo non è supportata con il file di impostazioni test.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Non è stato possibile impostare l'esecuzione in parallelo. Il file delle impostazioni esecuzione test non è valido.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Per eseguire i test in parallelo, installare Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 o versione successiva nel computer dell'agente di compilazione.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione della chiave del Registro di sistema. Errore: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione di Agente di raccolta impatto test nel file delle impostazioni test.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'impostazione di Agente di raccolta impatto test nel file delle impostazioni esecuzione test.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione del file di risposta. Verranno eseguiti tutti i test per questa esecuzione.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiornamento del file di risposta '%s'. Verranno eseguiti tutti i test per questa esecuzione.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Si è verificato un errore durante la pubblicazione delle modifiche apportate al codice. Verranno eseguiti tutti i test per questa esecuzione.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'individuazione dei test. Verranno eseguiti tutti i test per questa esecuzione.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Tempo totale necessario per pubblicare le modifiche apportate al codice: %d millisecondi.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Tempo totale necessario per ottenere il file di risposta: %d millisecondi.", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Tempo totale necessario per caricare i risultati dei test: %d millisecondi.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Si è verificato un errore durante la lettura della versione di vstest.console.exe.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "È stata rilevata una stringa di versione imprevista per vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "È stato rilevato un numero di versione imprevisto per vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "La versione di vstest.console.exe non supporta il flag /diag. Abilitare la diagnostica tramite i file exe.config" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..a8ca7a90c02e 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio テスト", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Visual Studio テスト ランナーを使用してテストを実行します", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "テスト アセンブリ $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "実行オプション", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "実行の詳細設定のオプション", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "レポートのオプション", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "テスト アセンブリ", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "テストを実行する対象のテスト バイナリ。ワイルドカードを使用できます。たとえば、名前に \"test\" という文字が含まれる dll を選ぶと同時に、\"obj\" という名前のサブディレクトリ内のファイルを除外する場合は、`**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` となります。", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "テストのフィルター条件", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "テスト アセンブリからテストをフィルターする追加の基準。例: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "実行設定ファイル", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "テストで使用される runsettings ファイルへのパス。`$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` を使用してプロジェクト フォルダーにアクセスします。", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "TestRun パラメーターのオーバーライド", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "runsettings ファイルの TestRunParameters セクションで定義されたパラメーターをオーバーライドします。例: 'AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080'", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "コード カバレッジ有効", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "実行テストでコード カバレッジ情報を収集します。", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "並列実行する", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "テストで並列実行を有効にします。", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest のバージョン", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "使用する VSTest のバージョン。", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "vstest.console.exe へのパス", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "必要に応じて、VSTest へのパスを指定します。", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "カスタム テスト アダプターへのパス", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "カスタム テスト アダプターへのディレクトリ パス。Nuget 復元アダプターが自動的に検索されます。", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "その他のコンソールのオプション", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "vstest.console.exe に渡される可能性があるその他のコンソールのオプション。詳細については下記のヘルプ リンクをクリックしてください。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テスト実行のタイトル", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "テスト実行の名前を指定します。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "プラットフォーム", + "loc.input.help.platform": "テストを報告する対象となるプラットフォーム。ビルド タスク内にプラットフォームの変数を定義した場合には、ここで使用します。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "構成", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "テストを報告する対象となる構成。ビルド タスク内に構成の変数を定義した場合、ここでそれを使用します。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "テストの添付ファイルのアップロード", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "テスト実行レベルの添付ファイルの発行に関するオプトイン/オプトアウト。", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "パス %s が存在しません。", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest は、リターン コード %d を伴って終了しました。", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "パターン %s に一致するテスト アセンブリが見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "バージョン %d の Vstest が見つかりません。ビルド エージェント マシンにある Visual Studio のバージョンでもう一度お試しください。", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest でエラーが発生しました。ログでエラーをご確認ください。失敗したテストがある可能性があります。", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "テスト インパクト 分析を実行するには、Visual Studio バージョン 15.0.25807 以降をインストールします。", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "発行する結果が見つかりませんでした。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "実行設定ファイルの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "テスト設定ファイルの読み取り中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "testsettings ファイルでは、並列実行はサポートされていません。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "並列実行の設定に失敗しました。実行設定ファイルが無効です。", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "並列でテストを実行するには、ビルド エージェント マシンに Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 以降をインストールしてください。", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "レジストリ キーの設定中にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "テスト設定ファイルでテスト インパクト コレクターの設定中にエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "実行設定ファイルでテスト インパクト コレクターの設定中にエラーが発生しました。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "応答ファイルの作成中にエラーが発生しました。この実行に対してすべてのテストが実行されます。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "応答ファイル '%s' の更新中にエラーが発生しました。この実行に対してすべてのテストが実行されます。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "コード変更の発行中にエラーが発生しました。この実行についてはすべてのテストが実行されます。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "テストの検出中にエラーが発生しました。この実行では、すべてのテストが実行されます。", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "コード変更の発行にかかった合計時間: %d ミリ秒。", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "応答ファイルの取得にかかった合計時間: %d ミリ秒。", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "テスト結果をアップロードするのにかかった合計時間: %d ミリ秒。", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "vstest.console.exe のバージョンの読み取りエラーです。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "vstest.console.exe で予期しないバージョン文字列が検出されました: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "vstest.console.exe で予期しないバージョン番号が検出されました: %s。", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe バージョンは /diag フラグをサポートしていません。exe.config ファイルから診断を有効にします" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..340a781e0e8e 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 테스트", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Visual Studio Test Runner로 테스트 실행", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "테스트 어셈블리 $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "실행 옵션", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "고급 실행 옵션", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "보고 옵션", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "테스트 어셈블리", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "테스트를 실행할 테스트 이진 파일입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, obj라는 임의의 하위 디렉터리에 있는 파일을 제외하면서 이름에 test가 있는 모든 dll을 표시하려면 `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**`를 사용할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "테스트 필터 조건", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "테스트 어셈블리에서 테스트를 필터링할 추가 조건입니다. 예: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "실행 설정 파일", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "테스트에서 사용할 runsettings 파일의 경로입니다. `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)`을(를) 사용하여 프로젝트 폴더에 액세스합니다.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "TestRun 매개 변수 재정의", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "runsettings 파일의 TestRunParameters 섹션에 정의된 매개 변수를 재정의하세요. 예: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "코드 검사 사용", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "테스트 실행에서 코드 검사 정보를 수집합니다.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "병렬로 실행", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "테스트의 병렬 실행을 사용하도록 설정하세요.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest 버전", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "사용할 VSTest의 버전입니다.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "vstest.console.exe 경로", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "선택적으로 VSTest 경로를 제공합니다.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "사용자 지정 테스트 어댑터 경로", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "사용자 지정 테스트 어댑터의 디렉터리 경로입니다. Nuget 복원 어댑터가 자동으로 검색됩니다.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "기타 콘솔 옵션", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "vstest.console.exe에 전달될 수 있는 기타 콘솔 옵션입니다. 자세한 내용을 보려면 아래의 도움말 링크를 클릭하세요.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행의 이름을 제공하세요.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "플랫폼", + "loc.input.help.platform": "테스트를 보고해야 하는 플랫폼입니다. 빌드 작업에서 플랫폼에 사용할 변수를 정의한 경우, 여기에서 해당 변수를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "구성", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "테스트를 보고해야 하는 구성입니다. 빌드 작업에서 구성에 사용할 변수를 정의한 경우, 여기에서 해당 변수를 사용하세요.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "테스트 첨부 파일 업로드", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "게시 테스트 실행 수준 첨부 파일의 옵트인(opt in)/옵트아웃(opt out)입니다.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s 경로가 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "반환 코드 %d과(와) 함께 Vstest가 종료되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "%s 패턴과 일치하는 테스트 어셈블리를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "버전 %d의 Vstest를 찾을 수 없습니다. 빌드 에이전트 컴퓨터에 있는 Visual Studio 버전을 사용하여 다시 시도하세요.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "오류가 발생하여 Vstest가 실패했습니다. 오류는 로그를 확인하세요. 실패한 테스트가 있을 수 있습니다.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "테스트 영향 분석을 실행하려면 Visual Studio 버전 15.0.25807 이상을 설치하세요.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "게시할 결과를 찾을 수 없습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "실행 설정 파일을 읽는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "테스트 설정 파일을 읽는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "testsettings 파일에서는 병렬로 실행이 지원되지 않습니다.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "병렬로 실행을 설정하지 못했습니다. 실행 설정 파일이 잘못되었습니다.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "테스트를 병렬로 실행하려면 빌드 에이전트 컴퓨터에 Visual Studio 2015 업데이트 1 이상을 설치하세요.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "레지스트리 키를 설정하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "테스트 설정 파일에서 테스트 영향 수집기를 설정하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "실행 설정 파일에서 테스트 영향 수집기를 설정하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "지시 파일을 만드는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 모든 테스트는 이 실행에 대해 실행됩니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "지시 파일 '%s'을(를) 업데이트하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 모든 테스트는 이 실행에 대해 실행됩니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "코드 변경 내용을 게시하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 모든 테스트는 이 실행에 대해 실행됩니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "테스트를 검색하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 모든 테스트는 이 실행에 대해 실행됩니다.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "코드 변경 내용을 게시하는 데 걸린 총 시간은 %d밀리초입니다.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "지시 파일을 가져오는 데 걸린 총 시간은 %d밀리초입니다.", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "테스트 결과를 업로드하는 데 걸린 총 시간은 %d밀리초입니다.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "vstest.console.exe의 버전을 읽는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "vstest.console.exe에 대해 예기치 않은 버전 문자열이 검색되었습니다. %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "vstest.console.exe에 대해 예기치 않은 버전 번호가 검색되었습니다. %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe 버전에서 /diag 플래그를 지원하지 않습니다. exe.config 파일을 통해 진단을 사용하도록 설정하세요." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..93ee4bd7409b 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Тест Visual Studio", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "Запуск тестов с помощью средства запуска тестов Visual Studio", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Тестовые сборки $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Параметры выполнения", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Дополнительные параметры выполнения", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Параметры отчетов", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Тестовая сборка", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Тестовые двоичные файлы, на основе которых выполняются тесты. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. Пример: \"**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**\" для всех файлов DLL, в именах которых есть слово \"test\", за исключением файлов в подкаталоге obj.", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Критерии фильтрации тестов", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Дополнительные критерии фильтрации тестов из тестовых сборок. Например, Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Файл параметров запуска", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Путь к файлу runsettings для использования в тестах. Используйте $(Build.SourcesDirectory) для доступа к папке проекта.", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Переопределить параметры тестового запуска", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Переопределите параметры, заданные в разделе TestRunParameters файла runsettings. Пример: \"AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080\"", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Оценка объемов протестированного кода включена", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Сбор сведений об объемах протестированного кода из тестового запуска.", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Запустить параллельно", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Включите параллельное выполнение тестов.", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "Версия VSTest", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "Используемая версия VSTest.", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Путь к vstest.console.exe", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "При необходимости укажите путь к VSTest.", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Путь к пользовательским адаптерам теста", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Путь к пользовательским тестовым адаптерам. Автоматически выполняется поиск адаптеров, восстановленных с помощью Nuget.", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Другие параметры консоли", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Другие параметры консоли, которые можно передать в vstest.console.exe. Щелкните ссылку справки, расположенную ниже, для получения дополнительных сведений.", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Заголовок тестового запуска", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Укажите имя для тестового запуска.", + "loc.input.label.platform": "Платформа", + "loc.input.help.platform": "Платформа, на основе которой создаются отчеты о тестировании. Если вы определили переменную для платформы в задаче сборки, используйте ее здесь.", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "Конфигурация", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "Конфигурация, на основе которой создаются отчеты о тестировании. Если вы определили переменную для конфигурации в задаче сборки, используйте ее здесь.", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Отправить тестовые вложения", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Участвовать или отказаться от участия в публикации вложений уровня тестового запуска.", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "Путь %s не существует.", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Работа Vstest завершилась с кодом возврата: %d.", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "Не найдены тестовые сборки, соответствующие шаблону: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Не удалось найти Vstest версии %d. Повторите попытку, используя версию Visual Studio, установленную на компьютере с агентом сборки.", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Произошел сбой Vstest. Сведения об ошибках см. в журналах. Возможно, некоторые тесты не были пройдены.", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Для запуска анализа влияния на тесты установите Visual Studio 15.0.25807 или более поздней версии.", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "Не найдено результатов для публикации.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "При чтении файла параметров запуска произошла ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "При чтении файла параметров теста произошла ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Параллельное выполнение не поддерживается с файлом параметров теста.", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Не удалось настроить параллельное выполнение. Недопустимый файл параметров запуска.", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Чтобы запускать тесты параллельно, установите Visual Studio 2015 с обновлением 1 или более позднюю версию на компьютере с агентом сборки.", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "При задании раздела реестра произошла ошибка: %s.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "При задании сборщика данных влияния на тесты в файле параметров теста произошла ошибка.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "При задании сборщика данных влияния на тесты в файле параметров запуска произошла ошибка.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "При создании файла ответов произошла ошибка. Для этого запуска будут выполнены все тесты.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "При обновлении файла ответов \"%s\" произошла ошибка. Для этого запуска будут выполнены все тесты.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Произошла ошибка при публикации изменений кода. Все тесты будут выполнены для этого запуска.", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Ошибка при обнаружении тестов. Для данного запуска будут выполнены все тесты.", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Общее время, затраченное на публикацию изменений в коде: %d мс.", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Общее время, затраченное на получение файла ответов: %d мс.", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Общее время, затраченное на отправку результатов тестирования: %d мс.", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Ошибка при считывании версии vstest.console.exe.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Обнаружена неожиданная строка версии для файла vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Обнаружена неожиданная версия файла vstest.console.exe: %s.", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "Эта версия vstest.console.exe не поддерживает флаг /diag. Включите диагностику в файлах конфигурации exe.config." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..4da390814e01 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 测试", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio 测试运行器运行测试", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "测试程序集 $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "执行选项", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "高级执行选项", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "报告选项", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "测试程序集", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "要对其运行测试的测试二进制文件。可以使用通配符。例如,\"**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**\" 表示名称中包含 test 的所有 dll,同时排除任何名为 obj 的子文件夹中的文件。", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "测试筛选器标准", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "用于从测试程序集中筛选测试的其他条件。例如: \"Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod\"", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "运行设置文件", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "要用于测试的 runsettings 文件的路径。使用 \"$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\" 可访问项目文件夹。", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "替代 TestRun 参数", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "替代 runsettings 文件的 TestRunParameters 部分中定义的参数。例如: \"AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080\"", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "代码覆盖率已启用", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "通过测试运行收集代码覆盖率信息。", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "并行运行", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "可并行执行你的测试。", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest 版本", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "要使用的 VSTest 的版本。", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "vstest.console.exe 的路径", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "可以提供 VSTest 的路径。", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "自定义测试适配器的路径", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "自定义测试适配器的目录路径。将自动搜索 Nuget 还原的适配器。", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "其他控制台选项", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可传递给 vstest.console.exe 的其他控制台选项。有关详细信息,请单击下面的帮助链接。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供测试运行的名称。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "平台", + "loc.input.help.platform": "应对其报告测试的平台。如果在生成任务中为平台定义了变量,请在此处使用该变量。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "配置", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "应对其报告测试的配置。如果在生成任务中为配置定义了变量,请在此处使用该变量。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上传测试附件", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "选择加入/退出发布测试运行级别附件。", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s 路径不存在。", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest 已退出,产生返回代码: %d。", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "找不到与模式 %s 匹配的程序集。", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "找不到版本为 %d 的 Vstest。请使用你的生成代理计算机上的 Visual Studio 版本重试。", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest 失败,出现错误。请检查日志是否具有失败信息。其中可能具有失败的测试。", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "安装 Visual Studio 版本 15.0.25807 或更高版本以运行测试影响分析。", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "找不到要发布的结果。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "在读取运行设置文件时发生错误。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "在读取测试设置文件时发生错误。错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "测试设置文件不支持并行运行。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "未能设置并行运行。运行设置文件无效。", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "在生成代理计算机上安装 Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 或更高版本以并行运行测试。", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "在设置注册表项时发生错误,错误: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "在测试设置文件中设置测试影响收集器时发生错误。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "在运行设置文件中设置测试影响收集器时发生错误。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "在创建响应文件时发生错误。将对此运行执行所有的测试。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "在更新响应文件 \"%s\" 时发生错误。将对此运行执行所有的测试。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "发布代码更改时出错。将对此运行执行所有的测试。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "查找测试时发生错误。将为此运行执行所有测试。", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "发布代码更改所用的总时间: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "获取响应文件所用的总时间: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "上传测试结果所花的总时间: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "读取 vstest.console.exe 的版本时出错。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "检测到 vstest.console.exe 的意外版本字符串: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "检测到 vstest.console.exe 的意外版本号: %s。", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe 版本不支持 /diag 标记。请通过 exe.config 文件启用诊断" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 3a1f4278580e..1a2e96476dae 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,64 +1,64 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio Test", - "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", - "loc.description": "Run tests with Visual Studio test runner", - "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Test Assemblies $(testAssembly)", - "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "Advanced Execution Options", - "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "Reporting Options", - "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "Test Assembly", - "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "Test binaries to run tests on. Wildcards can be used. For example, `**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` for all dlls with test in name while excluding files in any sub-directory named obj.", - "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "Test Filter criteria", - "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "Additional criteria to filter tests from Test assemblies. For example: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", - "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "Run Settings File", - "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "Path to runsettings file to use with the tests. Use `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` to access the Project folder.", - "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override TestRun Parameters", - "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "Override parameters defined in the TestRunParameters section of runsettings file. For example: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", - "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage Enabled", - "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collect code coverage information from the Test run.", - "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "Run In Parallel", - "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "Enable parallel execution of your tests.", + "loc.friendlyName": "Visual Studio 測試", + "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=624539)", + "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio 測試執行器執行測試", + "loc.instanceNameFormat": "測試組件 $(testAssembly)", + "loc.group.displayName.executionOptions": "執行選項", + "loc.group.displayName.advancedExecutionOptions": "進階執行選項", + "loc.group.displayName.reportingOptions": "報告選項", + "loc.input.label.testAssembly": "測試組件", + "loc.input.help.testAssembly": "測試二進位檔以執行測試。可使用萬用字元。例如,`**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**` 即適用於所有名稱含有測試的 dlls,但排除任何名為 obj 子目錄中的檔案 。", + "loc.input.label.testFiltercriteria": "測試篩選準則", + "loc.input.help.testFiltercriteria": "可用來從測試組件篩選測試的其他準則。例如: `Priority=1|Name=MyTestMethod`", + "loc.input.label.runSettingsFile": "回合設定檔案", + "loc.input.help.runSettingsFile": "要搭配測試使用之 runsettings 檔案的路徑。請使用 `$(Build.SourcesDirectory)` 存取專案資料夾。", + "loc.input.label.overrideTestrunParameters": "覆寫 TestRun 參數", + "loc.input.help.overrideTestrunParameters": "覆寫在 runsettings 檔案 TestRunParameters 區段中定義的參數。例如: `AppURL=$(DeployURL);Port=8080`", + "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "已啟用程式碼涵蓋範圍", + "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "從測試執行收集程式碼涵蓋範圍資訊。", + "loc.input.label.runInParallel": "平行執行", + "loc.input.help.runInParallel": "啟用平行執行您的測試。", "loc.input.label.vstestLocationMethod": "VSTest", - "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest version", - "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "The version of VSTest to use.", - "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "Path to vstest.console.exe", - "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "Optionally supply the path to VSTest.", - "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Path to Custom Test Adapters", - "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "Directory path to custom test adapters. Nuget restored adapters are automatically searched for.", - "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Other console options", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Other Console options that can be passed to vstest.console.exe. Click on the help link below for more details.", - "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Test Run Title", - "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Provide a name for the Test Run.", - "loc.input.label.platform": "Platform", - "loc.input.help.platform": "Platform against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for platform in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", - "loc.input.help.configuration": "Configuration against which the tests should be reported. If you have defined a variable for configuration in your build task, use that here.", - "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "Upload Test Attachments", - "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "Opt in/out of publishing test run level attachments.", - "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s path does not exist.", - "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest exited with return code: %d.", - "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "No test assemblies found matching the pattern: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "Vstest of version %d is not found. Try again with a visual studio version that exists on your build agent machine.", - "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest failed with error. Check logs for failures. There might be failed tests.", - "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "Install Visual Studio version 15.0.25807 or higher to run Test Impact Analysis.", - "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "No results found to publish.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "Error occured while reading run settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "Error occured while reading test settings file. Error : %s.", - "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "Run in Parallel is not supported with testsettings file.", - "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "Failed to set run in parallel. Invalid run settings file.", - "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "Install Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 or higher on your build agent machine to run the tests in parallel.", - "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "Error occured while setting registry key, Error: %s.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in test settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "Error occurred while setting Test Impact Collector in run settings file.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while creating the response file. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "Error occurred while updating the response file '%s'. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "Error occurred while publishing the code changes. All the tests will be executed for this run.", - "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "Error occured while discovering the tests. All the tests will be exexuted for this run.", - "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "Total time taken to publish code changes: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "Total time taken to get response file: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "Total time taken to upload test results: %d milliseconds.", - "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "Error reading the version of vstest.console.exe.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "Unexpected version string detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "Unexpected version number detected for vstest.console.exe: %s.", - "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe version does not support the /diag flag. Enable diagnositics via the exe.config files" + "loc.input.label.vsTestVersion": "VSTest 版本", + "loc.input.help.vsTestVersion": "要使用的 VSTest 版本。", + "loc.input.label.vstestLocation": "vstest.console.exe 的路徑", + "loc.input.help.vstestLocation": "選擇性地提供 VSTest 的路徑。", + "loc.input.label.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "自訂測試配接器的路徑", + "loc.input.help.pathtoCustomTestAdapters": "通往自訂測試配接器的目錄路徑。會自動搜尋 Nuget 已還原配接器。", + "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "其他主控台選項", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可傳遞至 vstest.console.exe 的其他主控台選項。如需詳細資料,請按下方說明連結。", + "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", + "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供測試回合的名稱。", + "loc.input.label.platform": "平台", + "loc.input.help.platform": "測試所要回報的目標平台。若您已在建置工作為平台定義了變數,此處也請使用該變數。", + "loc.input.label.configuration": "組態", + "loc.input.help.configuration": "測試應該針對此組態而進行回報。若您已為建置工作定義組態變數,請將其使用於此。", + "loc.input.label.publishRunAttachments": "上傳測試附件", + "loc.input.help.publishRunAttachments": "選擇加入/退出發行測試回合層級附件。", + "loc.messages.PathDoesNotExist": "%s 路徑不存在。", + "loc.messages.VstestReturnCode": "Vstest 結束,傳回碼為: %d。", + "loc.messages.NoMatchingTestAssemblies": "找不到符合模式的測試組件: %s。", + "loc.messages.VstestNotFound": "找不到版本 %d 的 Vstest。請使用組建代理程式電腦上的現有 Visual Studio 版本,再試一次。", + "loc.messages.VstestFailed": "Vstest 失敗,並發生錯誤。請檢查記錄檔中是否發生失敗。可能有失敗的測試。", + "loc.messages.VstestTIANotSupported": "請安裝 Visual Studio 15.0.25807 或更高版本以執行測試影響分析。", + "loc.messages.NoResultsToPublish": "找不到要發行的結果。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingRunSettings": "讀取回合設定檔時發生錯誤。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileReadingTestSettings": "讀取測試設定檔時發生錯誤。錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.RunInParallelNotSupported": "testsettings 檔案不支援平行執行。", + "loc.messages.FailedToSetRunInParallel": "無法平行設定回合。回合設定檔無效。", + "loc.messages.UpdateOneOrHigherRequired": "在組建代理程式電腦上安裝 Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 或更新版本,以平行執行測試。", + "loc.messages.ErrorOccuredWhileSettingRegistry": "設定登錄機碼時發生錯誤,錯誤: %s。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorTestSettings": "在測試設定檔中設定測試影響收集器時發生錯誤。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileSettingTestImpactCollectorRunSettings": "在回合設定檔中設定測試影響收集器時發生錯誤。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileCreatingResponseFile": "建立回應檔時發生錯誤。將會執行此回合的所有測試。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileUpdatingResponseFile": "更新回應檔 '%s' 時發生錯誤。將會執行此回合的所有測試。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhilePublishingCodeChanges": "發行程式碼變更時發生錯誤。將執行此回合的所有測試。", + "loc.messages.ErrorWhileListingDiscoveredTests": "探索測試時發生錯誤。此回合會執行所有測試。", + "loc.messages.PublishCodeChangesPerfTime": "發佈程式碼變更所花費的時間總計: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.GenerateResponseFilePerfTime": "取得回應檔所花費的時間總計: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.UploadTestResultsPerfTime": "上傳測試結果所花費的時間總計: %d 毫秒。", + "loc.messages.ErrorReadingVstestVersion": "讀取 vstest.console.exe 的版本時發生錯誤。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionString": "偵測到未預期的 vstest.console.exe 版本字串: %s。", + "loc.messages.UnexpectedVersionNumber": "偵測到未預期的 vstest.console.exe 版本號碼: %s。", + "loc.messages.VstestDiagNotSupported": "vstest.console.exe 版本不支援 /diag 旗標。請透過 exe.config 檔案啟用診斷" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.json index c01c236655cc..fa62e97d9212 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 91 + "Patch": 92 }, "demands": [ "vstest" diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.loc.json index c7fe54a80cc6..1ff186d09b5d 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV1/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 91 + "Patch": 92 }, "demands": [ "vstest" diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 83e4ac3efe9d..bf316d97128b 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ "loc.input.label.testPlan": "Testplan", "loc.input.help.testPlan": "Wählen Sie einen Testplan aus, der Testsuiten mit automatisierten Testfällen enthält.", "loc.input.label.testSuite": "Testsammlung", - "loc.input.help.testSuite": "Wählen Sie mindestens eine Testsuite aus, die automatisierte Testfälle enthält. Arbeitsaufgaben von Testfällen müssen einer automatisierten Testmethode zugeordnet sein. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=847773)", + "loc.input.help.testSuite": "Wählen Sie mindestens eine Testsuite aus, die automatisierte Testfälle enthält. Arbeitselemente von Testfällen müssen einer automatisierten Testmethode zugeordnet sein. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=847773)", "loc.input.label.testConfiguration": "Testkonfiguration", "loc.input.help.testConfiguration": "Wählen Sie die Testkonfiguration aus.", "loc.input.label.tcmTestRun": "Testlauf", @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code Coverage aktiviert", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Erfassen Sie Code Coverage-Informationen aus dem Testlauf.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Andere Konsolenoptionen", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Weitere Konsolenoptionen, die an \"vstest.console.exe\" übergeben werden können, wie es hier dokumentiert ist.

    Diese Optionen werden nicht unterstützt und werden beim Ausführen von Tests mithilfe der parallelen Multi-Agent-Einstellung eines Agent-Auftrags oder beim Ausführen von Tests mithilfe der Option \"Testplan\" ignoriert. Diese Optionen können stattdessen mit einer Einstellungsdatei festgelegt werden.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Weitere Konsolenoptionen, die an \"vstest.console.exe\" übergeben werden können, wie hier dokumentiert.

    Diese Optionen werden nicht unterstützt und werden beim Ausführen von Tests mithilfe der parallelen Multi-Agent-Einstellung eines Agent-Auftrags oder beim Ausführen von Tests mithilfe der Option \"Testplan\" oder \"Testausführung\" oder bei Auswahl einer Option für eine benutzerdefinierte Batchverarbeitung ignoriert. Diese Optionen können stattdessen mit einer Einstellungsdatei festgelegt werden.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "Batchtests", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "Ein Batch ist eine Gruppe von Tests. Für einen Batch von Tests werden die Tests gleichzeitig ausgeführt, und die Ergebnisse werden für den Batch veröffentlicht. Wenn der Auftrag, in dem die Aufgabe ausgeführt wird, für die Verwendung mehrerer Agents konfiguriert ist, wählt jeder Agent alle verfügbaren Testbatches aus, die parallel ausgeführt werden sollen.

    Basierend auf der Anzahl von Tests und Agents: Einfache Batchverarbeitung basierend auf der Anzahl von Tests und Agents, die am Testlauf beteiligt sind.

    Basierend auf der Laufzeit vergangener Tests: Diese Batchverarbeitung berücksichtigt die Laufzeit vergangener Tests, um Testbatches so zu erstellen, dass jeder Batch in etwa die gleiche Laufzeit aufweist.

    Basierend auf Testassemblys: Tests aus einer Assembly werden in einem Batch zusammengefasst.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "Batchoptionen", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "Auf Eigenschaften in der Datei mit den Testeinstellungen kann über TestContext unter Verwendung von Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 oder höher zugegriffen werden.", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "Die angegebene Plattform \"%s\" wird nicht unterstützt.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "Fehler beim Konfigurieren des Test-Agents mit dem Server auch nach %d Versuchen: %s.", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Andere Konsolenoptionen werden nicht unterstützt, wenn die Multi-Agent-Auftragseinstellung verwendet wird. Diese Option wird ignoriert.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Andere Konsolenoptionen werden für diese Aufgabenkonfiguration nicht unterstützt. Diese Option wird ignoriert.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "In verteiltem Testflow", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "Tests werden mit dem Runner \"vstest.console.exe\" ausgeführt.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "Verteilte Testausführung, Anzahl von Agents im Auftrag: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "Quellfilter: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "Featureflag kann nicht abgerufen werden: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "Diagnose aktiviert: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Der Pfad zum Testquellen-Suchordner darf kein UNC-Pfad sein. Geben Sie einen Stammpfad oder einen Pfad relativ zu \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" an." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Der Pfad zum Testquellen-Suchordner darf kein UNC-Pfad sein. Geben Sie einen Stammpfad oder einen Pfad relativ zu \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" an.", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Es wird versucht, \"vstest.console\" in einer Installation der Visual Studio-Buildtools zu ermitteln.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Es wird versucht, \"vstest.console\" in einer Visual Studio-Installation zu ermitteln." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index e9a11f9df22f..0e0b863de349 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Cobertura de código habilitada", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Recopilar información de cobertura de código de la serie de pruebas.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Otras opciones de la consola", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Otras opciones de consola que se pueden pasar a vstest.console.exe, tal y como se documenta aquí.

    Estas opciones no se admiten y se ignorarán al ejecutar pruebas con la configuración paralela \"Multiagente\" de un trabajo de agente o al ejecutarlas con la opción \"Plan de pruebas\". Para especificar las opciones, se puede usar un archivo de configuración en su lugar.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Otras opciones de consola que se pueden pasar a vstest.console.exe, tal y como se documenta aquí.

    Estas opciones no se admiten y se ignorarán al ejecutar pruebas con la configuración paralela \"Multiagente\" de un trabajo de agente o al ejecutarlas con la opción \"Plan de pruebas\" o \"Serie de pruebas\" cuando se seleccione una opción de procesamiento por lotes personalizado. Para especificar las opciones, se puede usar un archivo de configuración en su lugar.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "Pruebas en lote", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "Un lote es un grupo de pruebas. Un lote de pruebas se ejecuta de una vez y los resultados se publican para ese lote. Si el trabajo en el que se ejecuta la tarea está establecido para usar varios agentes, cada agente selecciona los lotes de pruebas que haya disponibles para ejecutarlos en paralelo.

    En función del número de pruebas y de agentes: procesamiento por lotes sencillo basado en el número de pruebas y de agentes que participan en la serie de pruebas.

    En función del tiempo de ejecución transcurrido de las pruebas: este procesamiento por lotes considera el tiempo de ejecución transcurrido para crear lotes de pruebas de modo que cada lote tenga, aproximadamente, el mismo tiempo de ejecución.

    En función de los ensamblados de prueba: las pruebas de un ensamblado se procesan juntas en un lote.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "Opciones de lote", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "Este procesamiento por lotes considera el tiempo de ejecución transcurrido para crear lotes de pruebas de modo que cada lote tenga, aproximadamente, el mismo tiempo de ejecución. Las pruebas de ejecución rápida se procesarán juntas en un lote, mientras que las de ejecución prolongada pueden pertenecer a lotes diferentes. Cuando esta opción se usa en un trabajo multiagente, el tiempo total de las pruebas se reduce al mínimo.", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Tiempo de ejecución por lote (en segundos)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Especifique el tiempo de ejecución por lote (en segundos)", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "No distribuir pruebas, sino replicarlas, cuando se usen varios agentes en el trabajo", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Replicar pruebas en lugar de distribuirlas cuando se usen varios agentes en el trabajo", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "Si elige esta opción, no se distribuirán pruebas entre agentes cuando la tarea se ejecute en un trabajo multiagente.
    Cada una de las pruebas seleccionadas se repetirá en cada agente.
    La opción no es aplicable cuando el trabajo de agente está configurado para ejecutarse sin paralelismo o con la opción de varias configuraciones.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Asigne un nombre a la serie de pruebas.", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "Se puede acceder a las propiedades especificadas en el archivo testsettings a través de TestContext mdiante Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 o superior", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "La versión de la plataforma de prueba determinada %s no existe.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "No se pudo configurar el agente de pruebas con el servidor, incluso después de %d reintentos. Error: %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "No se admiten otras opciones de la consola al usar la configuración del trabajo multiagente. Esta opción se ignorará.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "No se admiten otras opciones de la consola para esta configuración de tarea. Esta opción se ignorará.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "En flujo de pruebas distribuido", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "Ejecutando pruebas con el ejecutor de vstest.console.exe.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "Ejecución de pruebas distribuidas, número de agentes en el trabajo: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "Filtro de origen: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "No se puede obtener la marca de característica: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "Diagnósticos habilitados: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "La ruta de acceso a la carpeta de búsqueda de orígenes de prueba no puede ser una ruta UNC. Proporcione una ruta de acceso raíz o una ruta de acceso relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "La ruta de acceso a la carpeta de búsqueda de orígenes de prueba no puede ser una ruta UNC. Proporcione una ruta de acceso raíz o una ruta de acceso relativa a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Se está intentando encontrar vstest.console desde una instalación de herramientas de compilación de Visual Studio.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Se está intentando encontrar vstest.console desde una instalación de Visual Studio." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 427597f3e620..0a3eb37e9519 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Couverture du code activée", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Collectez les informations de couverture du code fournies par la série de tests.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Autres options de console", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Autres options de console pouvant être passées à vstest.console.exe, comme indiqué ici.

    Ces options ne sont pas prises en charge et sont ignorées durant l'exécution des tests à l'aide du paramètre parallèle 'Multiagent' d'un travail d'agent, ou durant l'exécution des tests à l'aide de l'option 'Plan de test'. À la place, vous pouvez spécifier les options à l'aide d'un fichier de paramètres.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Autres options de console pouvant être passées à vstest.console.exe, comme indiqué ici.

    Ces options ne sont pas prises en charge et sont ignorées quand vous exécutez des tests à l'aide du paramètre parallèle 'Multiagent' d'un travail d'agent, quand vous exécutez des tests à l'aide de l'option 'Plan de test' ou 'Série de tests', ou quand vous sélectionnez une option de traitement par lot personnalisé. À la place, vous pouvez spécifier les options à l'aide d'un fichier de paramètres.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "Tests par lot", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "Un lot est un groupe de tests. Dans un lot de tests, tous les tests s'exécutent en même temps. Les résultats du lot sont ensuite publiés. Si le travail au cours duquel la tâche s'exécute est configurée pour utiliser plusieurs agents, chaque agent choisit les lots de tests disponibles pour s'exécuter en parallèle.

    En fonction du nombre de tests et d'agents : traitement par lot simple basé sur le nombre de tests et d'agents impliqués dans la série de tests.

    En fonction du temps d'exécution des tests : ce traitement par lot prend en compte le temps d'exécution pour créer des lots de tests où chaque lot a environ le même temps d'exécution.

    En fonction des assemblys de tests : les tests d'un assembly sont regroupés.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "Options de lot", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "Ce traitement par lot prend en compte le temps d'exécution pour créer des lots de tests où chaque lot a environ le même temps d'exécution. Les tests rapides sont regroupés, alors que les tests plus longs font éventuellement partie d'un autre lot. Quand cette option est utilisée avec le paramètre de travail multiagent, la durée totale des tests est réduite au minimum.", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Temps d'exécution (en secondes) par lot", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Spécifier le temps d'exécution (en secondes) par lot", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Ne pas distribuer les tests et effectuer plutôt une réplication quand plusieurs agents sont utilisés durant le travail", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Répliquer les tests au lieu de les distribuer quand plusieurs agents sont utilisés dans le travail", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "Si vous choisissez cette option, les tests ne sont pas distribués entre les agents quand la tâche s'exécute dans le cadre d'un travail multiagent.
    Chacun des tests sélectionnés est répété sur chaque agent.
    L'option est non applicable quand le travail d'agent est configuré pour s'exécuter sans parallélisme ou avec l'option de multiconfiguration.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Indiquez le nom de la série de tests.", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "Les propriétés spécifiées dans le fichier testsettings sont accessibles via TestContext à l'aide de Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 ou une version ultérieure.", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "La version %s de la plateforme de test spécifiée n'est pas prise en charge.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "La configuration de l'agent de test et du serveur a échoué même après %d nouvelles tentatives. Erreur %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Les autres options de console ne sont pas prises en charge avec le paramètre de travail multiagent. Cette option va être ignorée.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Les autres options de console ne sont pas prises en charge pour cette configuration de tâche. Cette option va être ignorée.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "Dans le flux de test distribué", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "Exécution des tests à l'aide de l'exécuteur vstest.console.exe.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "Exécution du test distribué. Nombre d'agents dans le travail : %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "Filtre source : %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "Impossible d'obtenir l'indicateur de fonctionnalité : %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "Diagnostics activés : %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Le chemin du dossier de recherche des sources de test ne doit pas être un chemin UNC. Indiquez un chemin associé à une racine ou un chemin relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Le chemin du dossier de recherche des sources de test ne doit pas être un chemin UNC. Indiquez un chemin associé à une racine ou un chemin relatif à $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Tentative de localisation de vstest.console à partir d'une installation Visual Studio Build Tools.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Tentative de localisation de vstest.console à partir d'une installation Visual Studio." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index fe61022118f3..9da77c02ca53 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Code coverage abilitato", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Consente di raccogliere le informazioni sul code coverage dall'esecuzione dei test.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Altre opzioni della console", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Altre opzioni della console che è possibile passare a vstest.console.exe, come documentato qui.

    Queste opzioni non sono supportate e verranno ignorate durante l'esecuzione di test con l'impostazione 'Più agenti' in parallelo di un processo agente o durante l'esecuzione di test con l'opzione 'Piano di test'. In alternativa, è possibile specificare le opzioni con un file di impostazioni.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Altre opzioni della console che è possibile passare a vstest.console.exe, come documentato qui.

    Queste opzioni non sono supportate e verranno ignorate durante l'esecuzione di test con l'impostazione 'Più agenti' in parallelo di un processo agente o durante l'esecuzione di test con l'opzione 'Piano di test' oppure l'opzione 'Esecuzione dei test' o quando è selezionata un'opzione batch personalizzata. In alternativa, è possibile specificare le opzioni con un file di impostazioni.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "Test in batch", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "Un batch è un gruppo di test che vengono eseguiti contemporaneamente e i cui risultati vengono pubblicati. Se il processo in cui viene eseguita l'attività è impostata per l'uso di più agenti, ogni agente seleziona tutti i batch di test disponibili da eseguire in parallelo.

    In base al numero di test e agenti: batch semplice basato sul numero di test e agenti che partecipano all'esecuzione dei test.

    In base al tempo di esecuzione passato dei test: questo batch considera il tempo di esecuzione passato per creare batch di test in modo tale che il tempo di esecuzione sia all'incirca identico per ogni batch.

    In base agli assembly di test: viene creato un batch con tutti i test di un assembly.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "Opzioni per batch", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "Questo batch considera il tempo di esecuzione passato per creare batch di test in modo tale che il tempo di esecuzione sia all'incirca identico per ogni batch. I test a esecuzione rapida verranno inviati in batch insieme, mentre quelli a esecuzione prolungata appartengono a batch separati. Quando si usa questa opzione con l'impostazione del processo con più agenti, il tempo di test totale viene ridotto al minimo.", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Tempo di esecuzione per batch (sec)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Consente di specificare il tempo di esecuzione in secondi per singolo batch", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Non distribuire test ed esegui la replica quando nel processo vengono usati più agenti", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Replica i test invece di distribuire quando nel processo vengono usati più agenti", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "Se si sceglie questa opzione, i test non verranno distribuiti tra gli agenti quando l'attività viene eseguita in un processo con più agenti.
    Ognuno dei test selezionati verrà ripetuto in ogni agente.
    L'opzione non è applicabile quando il processo agente è configurato per l'esecuzione senza parallelismo o con l'opzione per più configurazioni.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Consente di specificare un nome per l'esecuzione dei test.", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "È possibile accedere alle proprietà specificate nel file testsettings tramite l'elemento TestContext usando Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 o versione successiva", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "La versione specificata %s della piattaforma di test non è supportata.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "La configurazione dell'agente di test con il server non è riuscita anche dopo %d tentativi. Errore: %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "L'opzione Altre opzioni della console non è supportata quando si usa l'impostazione del processo con più agenti. Questa opzione verrà ignorata.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Le altre opzioni della console non sono supportate per questa configurazione di attività. Questa opzione verrà ignorata.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "Nel flusso di test distribuito", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "Esecuzione dei test con lo strumento di esecuzione attività vstest.console.exe.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "Esecuzione dei test distribuiti. Numero di agenti nel processo: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "Filtro di origine: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "Non è possibile ottenere il flag di funzionalità: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "Diagnostica abilitata: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Il percorso della cartella di ricerca delle origini di test non può essere un percorso UNC. Specificare un percorso completo o un percorso relativo a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Il percorso della cartella di ricerca delle origini di test non può essere un percorso UNC. Specificare un percorso completo o un percorso relativo a $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Verrà effettuato un tentativo per trovare il file vstest.console di un'installazione di Visual Studio Build Tools.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Verrà effettuato un tentativo per trovare il file vstest.console di un'installazione di Visual Studio." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 159009c0e1fc..14f4dd1e5366 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "コード カバレッジ有効", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "テストの実行でコード カバレッジ情報を収集します。", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "その他のコンソールのオプション", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "vstest.console.exe に渡すことのできるその他のコンソール オプションの説明については、こちらをご覧ください。

    エージェント ジョブの '複数エージェント' 並列設定を使ってテストを実行している場合、または [テスト計画] オプションを使ってテストを実行している場合は、これらのオプションはサポートされず、無視されます。代わりに、これらのオプションは設定ファイルを使って指定することができます。

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "vstest.console.exe に渡すことのできるその他のコンソール オプションの説明については、こちらをご覧ください。

    エージェント ジョブの '複数エージェント' 並列設定を使ってテストを実行している場合、[テスト計画] または [テストの実行] オプションを使ってテストを実行している場合、カスタム バッチ処理オプションが選択されている場合は、これらのオプションはサポートされず、無視されます。代わりに、これらのオプションは設定ファイルを使って指定することができます。

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "バッチ テスト", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "バッチはテストのグループです。テストのバッチによってそのテストが同時に実行され、バッチの結果が発行されます。タスクを実行するジョブが複数のエージェントを使用するように設定されている場合、各エージェントにより、並列で実行される利用可能なテストのバッチが選択されます。

    テストとエージェントの数に基づく: テストの実行に参加するテストとエージェントの数に基づき、単純にバッチにまとめます。

    テストの過去の実行時間に基づく: このバッチ処理では、テストのバッチを作成するために要した過去の実行時間を考慮に入れて、各バッチの実行時間がほぼ等しくなるようにします。

    テスト アセンブリに基づく: 1 つのアセンブリからのテストが一緒にバッチにまとめられます。", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "バッチ オプション", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "testsettings ファイルに指定されたプロパティには、Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 以降で TestContext を使用してアクセスできます", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "指定されたテスト プラットフォームのバージョン %s はサポートされていません。", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "サーバーでのテスト エージェントの構成を %d 回試行しましたが、エラー %s で失敗しました", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "複数エージェントのジョブ設定を使う場合、その他のコンソール オプションはサポートされません。このオプションは無視されます。", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "このタスク構成では、他のコンソール オプションはサポートされていません。このオプションは無視されます。", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "配布されたテスト フローで", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "vstest.console.exe ランナーを使用してテストを実行しています。", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "配布されたテスト実行で、ジョブ内のエージェントの数: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "ソース フィルター: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "次のフィーチャー フラグを取得できません。 %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "診断が有効: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "テスト ソースの検索フォルダーへのパスを UNC パスにすることはできません。ルートからのパスまたは $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) からの相対パスを指定してください。" + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "テスト ソースの検索フォルダーへのパスを UNC パスにすることはできません。ルートからのパスまたは $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) からの相対パスを指定してください。", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Visual Studio Build Tools のインストールからの vstest.console の検索を試行しています。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Visual Studio のインストールからの vstest.console の検索を試行しています。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index d383803d4847..28b09a0af3dc 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "코드 검사 사용", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "테스트 실행에서 코드 검사 정보를 수집합니다.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "기타 콘솔 옵션", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "여기에 문서화된 대로, vstest.console.exe에 전달될 수 있는 기타 콘솔 옵션입니다.

    이러한 옵션은 지원되지 않으며, 에이전트 작업의 '다중 에이전트' 병렬 설정을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하거나 '테스트 계획' 옵션을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하는 경우 무시됩니다. 대신 설정 파일을 사용하여 옵션을 지정할 수 있습니다.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "여기에 문서화된 대로, vstest.console.exe에 전달할 수 있는 기타 콘솔 옵션입니다.

    이러한 옵션은 지원되지 않으며, 에이전트 작업의 '다중 에이전트' 병렬 설정을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하거나, '테스트 계획' 또는 '테스트 실행' 옵션을 사용하여 테스트를 실행하거나, 사용자 지정 일괄 처리 옵션을 선택한 경우 무시됩니다. 대신 설정 파일을 사용하여 옵션을 지정할 수 있습니다.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "테스트 일괄 처리", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "일괄 처리는 테스트 그룹입니다. 테스트 일괄 처리는 동시에 해당 테스트를 실행하며, 일괄 처리에 대한 결과가 게시됩니다. 작업이 실행되는 작업이 여러 에이전트를 사용하도록 설정된 경우 각 에이전트가 사용 가능한 테스트 일괄 처리를 선택하여 병렬로 실행합니다.

    테스트 및 에이전트 수 기반: 테스트 실행에 참여하는 테스트 및 에이전트 수를 기반으로 하는 간단한 일괄 처리입니다.

    테스트의 이전 실행 시간 기반: 이 일괄 처리에서는 이전 실행 시간을 고려하여 각 일괄 처리의 실행 시간이 대략 동일하도록 테스트 일괄 처리를 만듭니다.

    테스트 어셈블리 기반: 어셈블리의 테스트가 일괄 처리됩니다.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "일괄 처리 옵션", @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ "loc.input.label.customBatchSizeValue": "일괄 처리당 테스트 수", "loc.input.help.customBatchSizeValue": "일괄 처리 크기 지정", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "일괄 처리 옵션", - "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "이 일괄 처리에서는 이전 실행 시간을 고려하여 각 일괄 처리의 실행 시간이 대략 동일하도록 테스트 일괄 처리를 만듭니다. 빠른 실행 테스트는 함께 일괄 처리되는 반면, 장기 실행 테스트는 별도의 일괄 처리에 속할 수 있습니다. 이 옵션을 다중 에이전트 작업 설정과 함께 사용할 경우 총 테스트 시간이 최소로 감소됩니다.", + "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "이 일괄 처리에서는 이전 실행 시간을 고려하여 각 일괄 처리의 실행 시간이 대략 동일하도록 테스트 일괄 처리를 만듭니다. 빠른 실행 테스트는 함께 일괄 처리되는 반면, 장기 실행 테스트는 별도의 일괄 처리에 속할 수 있습니다. 이 옵션을 다중 에이전트 작업 설정과 함께 사용할 경우 총 테스트 시간을 최소화할 수 있습니다.", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "일괄 처리당 실행 시간(초)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "일괄 처리당 실행 시간(초) 지정", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "여러 에이전트가 작업에서 사용되는 경우 테스트를 분산하는 대신 복제", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "작업에서 여러 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 테스트를 분산하는 대신 복제", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "이 옵션을 선택하면 다중 에이전트 작업에서 작업을 실행할 때 테스트가 여러 에이전트에 분산되지 않습니다.
    선택한 각 테스트는 각 에이전트에서 반복됩니다.
    에이전트 작업이 병렬 처리 없이 또는 다중 구성 옵션을 사용하여 실행되도록 구성된 경우에는 이 옵션을 적용할 수 없습니다.", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행의 이름을 지정하세요.", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "testsettings 파일에 지정된 속성은 Visual Studio 2017 업데이트 4 이상을 사용하여 TestContext를 통해 액세스할 수 있습니다.", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "지정한 테스트 플랫폼 버전 %s은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "서버에 테스트 에이전트를 구성하는 작업이 %d번의 재시도 후 실패했습니다(오류 %s).", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "다중 에이전트 작업 설정을 사용하는 경우에는 기타 콘솔 옵션이 지원되지 않습니다. 이 옵션은 무시됩니다.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "기타 콘솔 옵션은 이 작업 구성에서 지원되지 않습니다. 이 옵션은 무시됩니다.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "분산된 테스트 흐름에서", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "vstest.console.exe runner를 사용하여 테스트를 실행 중입니다.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "분산 테스트 실행, 작업의 에이전트 수: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "소스 필터: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "기능 플래그를 가져올 수 없습니다. %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "진단 사용: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "테스트 소스 검색 폴더의 경로는 UNC 경로일 수 없습니다. 루트 경로 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)의 상대 경로를 입력하세요." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "테스트 소스 검색 폴더의 경로는 UNC 경로일 수 없습니다. 루트 경로 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)의 상대 경로를 입력하세요.", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Visual Studio Build Tools 설치에서 vstest.console을 찾는 중입니다.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Visual Studio 설치에서 vstest.console을 찾는 중입니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index aa968b83e539..56cf7a548201 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "Оценка объемов протестированного кода включена.", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "Сбор сведений об объемах протестированного кода из тестового запуска.", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "Другие параметры консоли", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Другие параметры консоли, которые можно передать в vstest.console.exe, как описано здесь.

    Эти параметры не поддерживаются и будут пропущены при параллельном запуске тестов для нескольких агентов или при запуске тестов с помощью параметра \"План тестирования\". Эти параметры также можно указать в файле параметров.

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "Другие параметры консоли, которые можно передать в vstest.console.exe, как описано здесь.

    Эти параметры не поддерживаются и будут пропущены при параллельном запуске тестов для нескольких агентов, при запуске тестов с помощью параметра \"План тестирования\" или \"Тестовый запуск\" либо при выборе параметра настраиваемой пакетной обработки. Эти параметры также можно указать в файле параметров.

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "Тесты пакета", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "Пакет — это группа тестов. Тесты из пакета выполняются одновременно, а результаты публикуются для всего пакета. Если для задания, в рамках которого выполняется задача, настроено использование нескольких агентов, каждый агент выбирает доступные пакеты тестов для параллельного выполнения.

    В зависимости от количества тестов и агентов: простая пакетная обработка в зависимости от количества тестов и агентов, участвующих в тестовом запуске.

    В зависимости от времени выполнения тестов в прошлом: при такой пакетной обработке учитывается время выполнения в прошлом, в соответствии с которым формируются пакеты тестов с приблизительно равным временем выполнения.

    В соответствии со сборками тестов: в пакет объединяются тесты, относящиеся к одной и той же сборке.", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "Параметры пакета", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "В этой пакетной обработке учитывается предыдущее время выполнения тестов. Это позволяет создавать пакеты тестов так, чтобы время выполнения пакетов было близким. Короткие тесты будут объединены в один пакет, а для длинных могут быть выделены отдельные пакеты. При использовании этого параметра с заданием с несколькими агентами общее время выполнения теста сводится к минимуму.", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Время выполнения пакета (с)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "Укажите время выполнения на пакет (с)", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Не распределять тесты для задания с несколькими агентами, вместо этого выполнить репликацию", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "Репликация тестов вместо распространения для задания с несколькими агентами", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "Если этот параметр выбран, то тесты не будут распределяться по различным агентам при выполнении задачи в рамках задания с несколькими агентами.
    Каждый из выбранных тестов будет выполнен в каждом агенте.
    Этот параметр не применяется, если для задания агента указан параметр выполнения \"Без параллелизма\" или \"Множественная конфигурация\".", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "Укажите имя для тестового запуска.", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "К свойствам, указанным в файле testsettings, можно обратиться через TestContext, используя Visual Studio 2017 с обновлением 4 или более поздней версии.", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "Указанная версия платформы тестирования %s не поддерживается.", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "Настройка агента тестирования на сервере завершилась сбоем даже после нескольких повторных попыток (%d) с ошибкой %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Другие параметры консоли не поддерживаются при использовании настройки, подразумевающей задание с несколькими агентами. Этот параметр будет пропущен.", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "Другие параметры консоли не поддерживаются для этой конфигурации задачи. Этот параметр будет проигнорирован.", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "В потоке распределенного тестирования", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "Выполнение тестов с помощью средства выполнения vstest.console.exe.", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "Распределенное выполнение теста, число агентов в задании: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "Фильтр источника: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "Не удалось получить флаг компонента: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "Диагностика включена: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Путь к папке поиска источников тестов не может быть UNC-путем. Укажите корневой путь или путь относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)." + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "Путь к папке поиска источников тестов не может быть UNC-путем. Укажите корневой путь или путь относительно $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Выполняется попытка найти vstest.console из установки средств сборки Visual Studio.", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "Выполняется попытка найти vstest.console из установки Visual Studio." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 315b40d6b95d..f062a0846eb8 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "代码覆盖率已启用", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "通过测试运行收集代码覆盖率信息。", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "其他控制台选项", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可传递给 vstest.console.exe 的其他控制台选项,如此处所述。


    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可传递给 vstest.console.exe 的其他控制台选项,如此处所述。


    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "批处理测试", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "批处理是一组测试。测试的批处理同时运行其测试,并且会发布该批处理的结果。如果将运行任务的作业设置为使用多个代理,那么每个代理可选取任意可用的测试批处理来并行运行。

    基于测试和代理的数量: 基于参与测试运行的测试数和代理数的简单批处理。

    基于以前的测试运行时间: 此类批处理会参考以前的运行时间来创建测试的批处理,以便每个批处理的运行时间大致相同。

    基于测试程序集: 同一程序集中的测试将一同进行批处理。", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "批处理选项", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "此类批处理会参考以前的运行时间来创建测试的批处理,以便每个批处理的运行时间大致相同。快速运行的测试将同时进行批处理,而长时间运行的测试可能单独进行批处理。将此选项与多代理作业设置结合使用时,可最大限度缩短总测试时间。", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "每个批处理的运行时间(秒)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "指定每个批处理的运行时间(秒)", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "如果作业中使用多个代理,则不要分发测试,改为复制测试", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "如果作业中使用多个代理,请复制测试而不是分发测试", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "在多代理作业中运行任务时,选择此选项将不会向所有代理分发测试。
    将代理作业配置为不可并行运行或使用多配置选项运行时,此选项不适用。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "为测试运行提供一个名称。", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "testsettings 文件中指定的属性可以通过使用 Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 或更高版本经由 TestContext 进行访问", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "不支持给定的测试平台版本 %s。", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "使用服务器配置测试代理在重试 %d 次后失败,错误: %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "使用多代理作业设置时不支持其他控制台选项。将忽略此选项。", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "此任务配置不支持其他控制台选项。此选项将被忽略。", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "在已发布测试流中", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "使用 vstest.console.exe 运行程序运行测试。", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "已发布测试执行,作业中的代理数: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "源筛选器: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "无法获取功能标志: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "已启用诊断: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "测试资源搜索文件夹的路径不能是 UNC 路径。请提供根路径或相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)的路径。" + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "测试资源搜索文件夹的路径不能是 UNC 路径。请提供根路径或相对于 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)的路径。", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "尝试从 Visual Studio 生成工具安装中查找 vstest.console。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "尝试从 Visual Studio 安装中查找 vstest.console。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 0b5cb159d3bf..227c337c2be0 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ "loc.input.label.codeCoverageEnabled": "程式碼涵蓋範圍已啟用", "loc.input.help.codeCoverageEnabled": "從測試回合收集程式碼涵蓋範圍資訊。", "loc.input.label.otherConsoleOptions": "其他主控台選項", - "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可傳遞至 vstest.console.exe 的其他主控台選項,如這裡所述。

    這些選項不受支援,而且會在使用代理程式作業的 [多重代理程式] 平行設定執行測試時,或使用 [測試計劃] 選項執行測試時予以忽略。可改用設定檔案指定這些選項。

    ", + "loc.input.help.otherConsoleOptions": "可傳遞至 vstest.console.exe 的其他主控台選項,如這裡所述。

    這些選項不受支援,而且會在使用代理程式作業的 [多重代理程式] 平行設定執行測試時,或於自訂批次選項受到選取時使用 [測試計劃]/[測試回合] 選項執行測試時予以忽略。可改用設定檔案指定這些選項。

    ", "loc.input.label.distributionBatchType": "批次測試", "loc.input.help.distributionBatchType": "批次是一組測試。測試批次會同時執行其測試,然後為該批次發行結果。若工作執行所在的作業設定為使用多個代理程式,每個代理程式會挑選任何可用測試批次來平行執行。

    依測試和代理程式的數目分批: 簡易批次,依參與測試回合的測試和代理程式數目分批。

    依過去的測試執行時間分批: 這會考量過去的執行時間來建立測試批次,使每個批次的執行時間都大概相等。

    依測試組件分批: 來自同一個組件的測試分在同一批。", "loc.input.label.batchingBasedOnAgentsOption": "批次選項", @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "loc.input.help.batchingBasedOnExecutionTimeOption": "此批次會考量過去的執行時間來建立測試批次,如此一來,每個批次就會有幾乎相等的執行時間。快速執行的測試會放在同一批次,而執行時間較長的測試可能另屬不同批次。搭配多重代理程式作業設定使用此選項時,會將測試時間總計降到最低。", "loc.input.label.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "各批次的執行時間 (秒)", "loc.input.help.customRunTimePerBatchValue": "指定各批次執行時間 (秒)", - "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "在作業中使用多代理程式時不散發測試,而改為複寫", + "loc.input.label.dontDistribute": "在作業中使用多代理程式時複寫測試,而不散發", "loc.input.help.dontDistribute": "選擇此選項不會在工作正於多代理程式作業中執行時,在代理程式間散發測試。
    當代理程式作業已設定為不使用平行處理或多組態選項執行時,不適用此選項。", "loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題", "loc.input.help.testRunTitle": "提供測試回合的名稱。", @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ "loc.messages.testSettingPropertiesNotSupported": "在 testsettings 檔案中指定的屬性可以透過使用 Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 更高版本的 TestContext 存取", "loc.messages.vstestVersionInvalid": "不支援指定的測試平台版本 %s。", "loc.messages.configureDtaAgentFailed": "嘗試了 %d 次之後,為伺服器設定測試代理程式仍然失敗。錯誤: %s", - "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "使用多重代理程式作業設定時,不支援其他主控台選項。系統會忽略此選項。", + "loc.messages.otherConsoleOptionsNotSupported": "這項工作設定不支援其他主控台選項。將會忽略此選項。", "loc.messages.distributedTestWorkflow": "在分散式測試流程中", "loc.messages.nonDistributedTestWorkflow": "正在使用 vstest.console.exe 執行器執行測試。", "loc.messages.dtaNumberOfAgents": "分散式測試執行,作業中的代理程式數目: %s", @@ -178,5 +178,7 @@ "loc.messages.UserProvidedSourceFilter": "來源篩選: %s", "loc.messages.UnableToGetFeatureFlag": "無法取得功能旗標: %s", "loc.messages.diagnosticsInput": "已啟用診斷: %s", - "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "測試來源搜尋資料夾的路徑不能是 UNC 路徑。請提供根路徑或 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的相對路徑。" + "loc.messages.UncPathNotSupported": "測試來源搜尋資料夾的路徑不能是 UNC 路徑。請提供根路徑或 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 的相對路徑。", + "loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "正在嘗試從 Visual Studio 建置工具安裝尋找 vstest.console。", + "loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion": "正在嘗試從 Visual Studio 安裝尋找 vstest.console。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.json b/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.json index 26856fb6ae2e..304997b786d6 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "demands": [ "vstest" @@ -622,4 +622,4 @@ "LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "Attempting to find vstest.console from a visual studio build tools installation.", "LookingForVsInstalltion": "Attempting to find vstest.console from a visual studio installation." } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.loc.json index 379484d761fe..1b55f7e57fd0 100644 --- a/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/VsTestV2/task.loc.json @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 153, - "Patch": 3 + "Patch": 4 }, "demands": [ "vstest" @@ -622,4 +622,4 @@ "LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion": "ms-resource:loc.messages.LookingForBuildToolsInstalltion", "LookingForVsInstalltion": "ms-resource:loc.messages.LookingForVsInstalltion" } -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 797480ec4266..9e7667a07132 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Dateikopiervorgang auf Windows-Computer", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Dateien auf Remotecomputer kopieren", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien auf Windows-Remotecomputer kopiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateien kopieren aus $(SourcePath)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweiterte Optionen", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Quelle", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "Administratoranmeldung", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "Die Administratoranmeldung für die Zielcomputer.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "Kennwort", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Das Kennwort für die Administratoranmeldung für die Zielcomputer.
    Es kann die Variable annehmen, die in Build-/Releasedefinitionen als\"$(passwordVariable)\" definiert wird.
    Sie können den Variablentyp als \"secret\" markieren, um die Variable zu sichern. ", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Das Kennwort für die Administratoranmeldung für die Zielcomputer.
    Es kann eine Variable verwendet werden, die in den Build- oder Releasepipelines als \"$(passwordVariable)\" definiert ist.
    Sie können die Variable als \"secret\" markieren, um sie abzusichern.", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Zielordner", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Der lokale Pfad auf den Zielcomputern oder ein UNC-Pfad, auf den zum Kopieren der Dateien aus der Quelle zugegriffen werden kann. Beispiel: \"d:\\fabrikam\" oder \"\\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web\".", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "Ziel bereinigen", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 4442b171323e..9e736726d82d 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivo en equipo Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos en máquina de Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en máquinas remotas", + "loc.description": "Copia archivos en máquinas remotas de Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copiar archivos desde $(SourcePath)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opciones avanzadas", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origen", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "Inicio de sesión del administrador", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "Inicio de sesión del administrador para los equipos de destino.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "Contraseña", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Contraseña de inicio de sesión del administrador para las máquinas de destino.
    Admite la variable declarada en las definiciones de compilación o versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Para proteger la variable, puede marcar el tipo como \"secret\". ", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Contraseña de inicio de sesión del administrador para las máquinas de destino.
    Admite la variable definida en las canalizaciones de compilación o de versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Para proteger la variable, puede marcarla como \"secret\". ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Carpeta de destino", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Ruta de acceso local en los equipos de destino o una ruta de acceso UNC accesible donde copiar los archivos desde el origen, como d:\\fabrikam o \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web.", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "Limpiar destino", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 3f05ba29f8ac..b908304505ba 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copie des fichiers de l'ordinateur Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers de machines Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers sur les ordinateurs distants", + "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur des machines Windows distantes", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copier les fichiers à partir de $(Source Path)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Options avancées", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Source", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur pour les ordinateurs cibles.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "Mot de passe", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Mot de passe de la connexion de l'administrateur pour les machines cibles.
    Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les définitions de build/mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Vous pouvez marquer le type de variable en tant que 'secret' pour renforcer sa sécurité. ", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Mot de passe de connexion de l'administrateur pour les machines cibles.
    Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Vous pouvez marquer la variable comme étant de type 'secret' pour la sécuriser. ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Dossier de destination", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Chemin d'accès local sur les ordinateurs cibles ou chemin d'accès UNC accessible pour la copie des fichiers à partir de la source, par ex., d:\\fabrikam ou \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web.", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "Nettoyer la cible", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index cfb722eecc25..6708dc100f0b 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file del computer Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copia file in computer Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Consente di copiare file nei computer remoti", + "loc.description": "Copia i file in computer Windows remoti", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia file da $(SourcePath)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opzioni avanzate", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origine", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "Account di accesso amministratore", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "Account di accesso dell'amministratore per i computer di destinazione.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "Password", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Password dell'account di accesso dell'amministratore per i computer di destinazione.
    Accetta la variabile definita nelle definizioni di compilazione/versione come '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Per proteggerla, è possibile contrassegnare il tipo di variabile come 'secret'. ", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Password dell'account di accesso dell'amministratore per i computer di destinazione.
    Può accettare una variabile definita nelle pipeline di compilazione o versione come '$(passwordVariable)'.
    Per proteggere la variabile, è possibile contrassegnarla come 'secret'. ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Cartella di destinazione", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Percorso locale nei computer di destinazione oppure percorso UNC accessibile per la copia dei file dall'origine, ad esempio u:\\fabrikam o \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web.", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "Pulisci destinazione", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 50740e3c0a67..4d0621bbaa88 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Windows コンピューターのファイル コピー", + "loc.friendlyName": "Windows マシンのファイル コピー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "ファイルをリモート コンピューター (複数可) にコピーします", + "loc.description": "リモートの Windows マシンにファイルをコピーする", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイルを $(SourcePath) からコピーする", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定のオプション", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "ソース", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "管理者ログイン", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "ターゲット コンピューターの管理者ログイン。", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "パスワード", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "対象のコンピューターでの管理者ログインのパスワード。
    ビルド/リリース定義で '$(passwordVariable)' として定義された変数を受け入れることができます。
    変数タイプを 'シークレット' とマークして保護することもできます。", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "ターゲット マシンの管理者ログインのパスワード。
    ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで '$(passwordVariable)' として定義された変数を入力することができます。
    変数を 'secret' とマークしてセキュリティで保護することができます。 ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "宛先フォルダー ", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "ソースからのファイルのコピー先となるターゲット コンピューター上のローカル パスまたはアクセス可能な UNC パス。たとえば、d:\\fabrikam または \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web など。", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "ターゲットの内容消去 ", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 2a7e94742546..4c0ccd56e730 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 컴퓨터 파일 복사", + "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 머신 파일 복사", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "파일을 원격 컴퓨터에 복사", + "loc.description": "원격 Windows 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(SourcePath)에서 파일 복사", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 옵션", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "소스", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "관리자 로그인", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "대상 컴퓨터의 관리자 암호입니다.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "암호", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "대상 컴퓨터에 대한 관리자 로그인의 암호입니다.
    빌드/릴리스 정의에 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.
    보호하기 위해 변수 형식을 'secret'으로 표시할 수 있습니다.", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "대상 머신의 관리자 로그인 암호입니다.
    빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 허용할 수 있습니다.
    변수를 '비밀'로 표시하여 보호할 수도 있습니다. ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "대상 폴더", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "소스에서 파일을 복사하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터 상의 로컬 경로 또는 액세스 가능한 UNC 경로입니다(예: d:\\fabrikam 또는 \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web).", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "클린 대상", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index e5915773c48d..ef2abe074475 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов на компьютер Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Копировать файлы на удаленные компьютеры", + "loc.description": "Копировать файлы на удаленные компьютеры с Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копировать файлы из $(SourcePath)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительные параметры", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Источник", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "Имя для входа администратора", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "Имя для входа администратора для целевых компьютеров.", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "Пароль", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Пароль учетной записи администратора для целевых компьютеров.
    Он может принять переменную, заданную в определениях сборки или выпуска, такую как \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Вы можете пометить тип переменной как \"secret\", чтобы защитить ее. ", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "Пароль для входа администратора на конечные компьютеры.
    Допустимы переменные, заданные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска как \"$(passwordVariable)\".
    Чтобы защитить переменную, пометьте ее как \"secret\".", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "Папка назначения", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "Локальный путь на целевых компьютерах или доступный UNC-путь, куда копируются файлы из источника, например d:\\fabrikam или \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web.", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "Очистить целевую папку", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index e243f5123ea4..ec09ddb6aae8 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 计算机文件复制", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "将文件复制到远程计算机", + "loc.description": "将文件复制到远程 Windows 计算机", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "从 $(SourcePath)复制文件", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级选项", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "源", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "管理员登录名", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "目标计算机的管理员登录名。", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "密码", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "目标计算机的管理员登录密码。
    可接受”生成/发布\"定义中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。
    你可将变量类型标记为“机密”来进行保护。", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "目标计算机的管理员登录密码。
    可接受在生成或发布管道中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。
    可将变量标记为“机密”来进行保护。", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "目标文件夹", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "用于从源复制文件的目标计算机上的本地路径或可访问的 UNC 路径,如 d:\\fabrikam 或 \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web。", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "清理目标", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 0d919e159e84..9b121dee4439 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 電腦檔案複製", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "將檔案複製到遠端電腦", + "loc.description": "將檔案複製到遠端 Windows 機器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "複製 $(SourcePath) 中的檔案", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階選項", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "來源", @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ "loc.input.label.AdminUserName": "系統管理員登入", "loc.input.help.AdminUserName": "目標電腦的系統管理員登入。", "loc.input.label.AdminPassword": "密碼", - "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "目標電腦的系統管理員登入密碼。
    其可接受組建/發行定義中 '$(passwordVariable)' 這類形式的變數。
    您可以將變數類型標示為 'secret' 加以保護。", + "loc.input.help.AdminPassword": "目標電腦的系統管理員登入密碼。
    其可接受組建/發行管線中定義的 '$(passwordVariable)' 這類變數。
    您可以將變數標示為 'secret' 加以保護。 ", "loc.input.label.TargetPath": "目的資料夾", "loc.input.help.TargetPath": "可用於從來源複製檔案之目標電腦上的本機路徑或可存取的 UNC 路徑,例如: d:\\fabrikam 或 \\\\\\\\fabrikam\\Web。", "loc.input.label.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "清除目標", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.json b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.json index c6700e08eea6..4a7b41a78555 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 45 + "Patch": 46 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.104.0", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.loc.json index 67dfb032dfe5..91e47f3d57b2 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, - "Patch": 45 + "Patch": 46 }, "minimumAgentVersion": "1.104.0", "groups": [ diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index f996f7ecf667..b09b105a774e 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Dateikopiervorgang auf Windows-Computer", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Dateien auf Remotecomputer kopieren", + "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien auf Windows-Remotecomputer kopiert.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Dateien kopieren aus $(SourcePath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 2.0:
    Proxys werden ab sofort unterstützt.
    Die Unterstützung von Legacy-DTL-Computern wurde eingestellt.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweiterte Optionen", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index fd24a2954515..8aa6e1859ed0 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivo en equipo Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos en máquina de Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en máquinas remotas", + "loc.description": "Copia archivos en máquinas remotas de Windows.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copiar archivos desde $(SourcePath)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
      Se está agregando compatibilidad con el proxy.
       Se ha quitado la compatibilidad con las máquinas DTL heredadas.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
      Se ha agregado compatibilidad con servidores proxy.
       Se ha quitado la compatibilidad con máquinas DTL heredadas.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opciones avanzadas", "loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origen", "loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Ruta de acceso absoluta del archivo o carpeta de origen en el equipo local, o un recurso compartido UNC, como c:\\fabrikamfiber o \\\\\\\\fabrikamshare\\fabrikamfiber.", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index c8e399625cf8..08624a6c0db4 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copie des fichiers de l'ordinateur Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers de machines Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers sur les ordinateurs distants", + "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur des machines Windows distantes", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copier les fichiers à partir de $(Source Path)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 2.0 :
      Ajout de la prise en charge des proxies.
       Suppression de la prise en charge des machines DTL héritées.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Options avancées", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index f05d1e1f700a..fe48e6bef761 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file del computer Windows", + "loc.friendlyName": "Copia file in computer Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Consente di copiare file nei computer remoti", + "loc.description": "Copia i file in computer Windows remoti", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia file da $(SourcePath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 2.0:
      Aggiunta del supporto proxy.
       Rimozione del supporto per computer DTL legacy.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Opzioni avanzate", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 4104b0d514cb..953886459745 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Windows コンピューターのファイル コピー", + "loc.friendlyName": "Windows マシンのファイル コピー", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "ファイルをリモート コンピューター (複数可) にコピーします", + "loc.description": "リモートの Windows マシンにファイルをコピーする", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ファイルを $(SourcePath) からコピーする", "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 2.0 の新機能:
      プロキシ サポートが追加中です。
       レガシ DTL マシンのサポートが削除されました。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定のオプション", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 0a451ab2013f..fd073ed6d7f8 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { - "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 컴퓨터 파일 복사", + "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 머신 파일 복사", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "파일을 원격 컴퓨터에 복사", + "loc.description": "원격 Windows 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(SourcePath)에서 파일 복사", "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 2.0의 새로운 기능:
      프록시 지원을 추가 중입니다.
       레거시 DTL 컴퓨터 지원이 제거되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급 옵션", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 4824f888f0ec..acedbd4d5129 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов на компьютер Windows", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "Копировать файлы на удаленные компьютеры", + "loc.description": "Копировать файлы на удаленные компьютеры с Windows", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копировать файлы из $(SourcePath)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 2.0:
    Добавлена поддержка прокси-сервера.
    Удалена поддержка устаревших компьютеров DTL.", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительные параметры", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 8d62c0610755..913826d47beb 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 计算机文件复制", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "将文件复制到远程计算机", + "loc.description": "将文件复制到远程 Windows 计算机", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "从 $(SourcePath)复制文件", "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 2.0 中的新增功能:
      已删除对旧 DTL 计算机的支持。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级选项", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 8a6c25a968a4..bc3bd10588f1 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Windows 電腦檔案複製", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=627415)", - "loc.description": "將檔案複製到遠端電腦", + "loc.description": "將檔案複製到遠端 Windows 機器", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "複製 $(SourcePath) 中的檔案", "loc.releaseNotes": "2.0 版的新功能:
      新增 Proxy 支援。
       移除舊版 DTL 機器的支援。", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階選項", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.json b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.json index 298e38b4af4f..d0fb3f5ce23f 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 10 + "Patch": 11 }, "releaseNotes": "What's new in Version 2.0:
      Proxy support is being added.
       Removed support of legacy DTL machines.", "minimumAgentVersion": "1.104.0", diff --git a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.loc.json index 15175f842b27..d0d61e37042f 100644 --- a/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/WindowsMachineFileCopyV2/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 1, - "Patch": 10 + "Patch": 11 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "minimumAgentVersion": "1.104.0", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 7f235eb4195f..9919886dbaab 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "Verwendet die JDK-Version im angegebenen Pfad beim Buildvorgang.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK-Architektur", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Geben Sie optional die JDK-Architektur an (x86, x64).", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "Es wurden keine Dateien gefunden, die %s entsprechen.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nWeitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie unter https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Xamarin.Android-Aufgabenausführung ohne Fehler abgeschlossen.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 858ca691b528..0e32a0ab8736 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "Use la versión del JDK en la ruta de acceso especificada durante la compilación.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Arquitectura JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indique opcionalmente la arquitectura (x86, x64) de JDK.", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "No se han encontrado archivos que coincidan con %s.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nVea https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "La ejecución de la tarea de Xamarin.Android ha finalizado sin errores.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1b846fab9d5b..d0af9bcce7cb 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "Utilisez la version JDK à l'emplacement du chemin spécifié pendant la génération.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architecture du kit JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indiquez éventuellement l'architecture (x86, x64) du JDK.", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "Il n'existe aucun fichier correspondant à %s.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nConsultez https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "L'exécution de la tâche Xamarin.Android s'est effectuée sans erreurs.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index aaf050bb4e88..8f588a3ac4bb 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "Consente di usare la versione di JDK nel percorso specificato durante la compilazione.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architettura del JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Consente, facoltativamente, di specificare l'architettura (x86, x64) di JDK.", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "Non sono stati trovati file corrispondenti a %s.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nVedere https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "L'esecuzione dell'attività Xamarin.Android è stata completata senza errori.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index d555a3228db7..bef909e23396 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "ビルド中に指定したパスにある JDK のバージョンを使用します。", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK アーキテクチャ", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "必要に応じて、JDK のアーキテクチャ (x86、x64) を指定します。", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "%s と一致するファイルが見つかりませんでした。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847 をご覧ください。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Xamarin.Android タスク実行はエラーなしで完了しました。", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 97813f716a9a..51796f00c594 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "빌드하는 동안 지정된 경로에 JDK 버전을 사용합니다.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 아키텍처", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "원하는 경우 JDK의 아키텍처(x86, x64)를 제공하세요.", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없음: %s.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nhttps://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847을 참조하세요.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Xamarin.Android 작업 실행이 오류 없이 완료되었습니다.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 8bc085538a54..1d3cdf5b314e 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "Использовать при сборке версию JDK по указанному пути.", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Архитектура JDK", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Дополнительно укажите архитектуру JDK (x86, x64).", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "Не найдены файлы, соответствующие %s.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\nСм. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847.", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Задача Xamarin.Android выполнена без ошибок.", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index f210c0a197d2..0aaf1c11c034 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "在生成期间使用指定路径的 JDK 版本。", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 体系结构", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "可以选择提供 JDK 的体系结构(x86、x64)。", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "找不到与 %s 匹配的文件。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\n请参阅 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Xamarin.Android 任务执行完成,没有发生错误。", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index 1934fea7375f..efe8f9db8902 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ "loc.input.help.jdkUserInputPath": "在建置期間,使用所指定路徑中的 JDK 版本。", "loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 架構", "loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "選擇性地提供 JDK 的架構 (x86、x64)。", - "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Locate JAVA_HOME for Java %s %s", - "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...", - "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Failed to find the specified JDK version. Please ensure the specified JDK version is installed on the agent and the environment variable '%s' exists and is set to the location of a corresponding JDK or use the [Java Tool Installer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) task to install the desired JDK.", + "loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置", + "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...", + "loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。", "loc.messages.NoMatchingProjects": "找不到任何檔案符合 %s。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidBuildFailed": "%s\n請參閱 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=760847。", "loc.messages.XamarinAndroidSucceeded": "Xamarin.Android 工作執行完成且沒有錯誤。", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.json b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.json index a1dd755a050a..e4e5a88320d8 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "MSBuild", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.loc.json index e8d108e7f4a9..f16fef9eb1a0 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/XamarinAndroidV1/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "demands": [ "MSBuild", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 016203afe460..f9cc43e2b778 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[Veraltet] Testen mobiler Apps mit Xamarin Test Cloud über Xamarin.UITest. Als Aufgabe wird jetzt AppCenterTest empfohlen.", + "loc.description": "[Veraltet] Hiermit werden mobile Apps mit Xamarin Test Cloud unter Verwendung von Xamarin.UITest getestet. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Aufgabe \"App Center-Test\".", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) mit \"Xamarin.UITest\" in Xamarin-Testcloud testen", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.app": "App-Datei", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "Der Pfad zu \"test-cloud.exe\". Platzhalter können verwendet werden, in diesem Fall wird das erste Vorkommen von \"test-cloud.exe\" verwendet ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "Optionale Argumente", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "Zusätzliche Argumente, die an test-cloud.exe übergeben werden.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Ergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Sofern ausgewählt, wird die Option \"--nunit-xml\" an \"test-cloud.exe\" übergeben. Ergebnisse aus der NUnit-XML-Datei werden in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Ergebnisse in Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Sofern ausgewählt, wird die Option \"--nunit-xml\" an \"test-cloud.exe\" übergeben. Ergebnisse aus der NUnit-XML-Datei werden in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 5ef29dd116a3..2641699a4391 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[Depreciado] Prueba de aplicaciones móviles con Xamarin Test Cloud mediante Xamarin.UITest. La tarea recomendada actualmente es AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[En desuso] Uso de Xamarin.UITest para probar las aplicaciones móviles con Xamarin Test Cloud. En su lugar, use la tarea \"Prueba de App Center\".", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Probar $(app) con Xamarin.UITest en Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.app": "Archivo de la aplicación", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "Ruta de acceso a test-cloud.exe. Se pueden usar caracteres comodín, en cuyo caso se utiliza la primera aparición de test-cloud.exe ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "Argumentos opcionales", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "Argumentos adicionales pasados a test-cloud.exe.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Publicar resultados en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Si se selecciona, la opción --nunit-xml se pasará a test-cloud.exe. Los resultados del archivo XML NUnit se publicarán en Azure Pipelines/TFS." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Publicar resultados en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Si se selecciona, la opción --nunit-xml se pasará a test-cloud.exe. Los resultados del archivo XML NUnit se publicarán en Azure Pipelines." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 1d5cfe3c3eb6..0bfae5b1ae0a 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[Déprécié] Test des applications mobiles avec Xamarin Test Cloud à l'aide de Xamarin.UITest - Tâche recommandée : AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[Déprécié] Les tests d'applications mobiles avec Xamarin Test Cloud via Xamarin.UITest sont dépréciés. Utilisez la tâche 'Test App Center' à la place.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Tester $(app) avec Xamarin.UITest dans Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.app": "Fichier d'application", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "Chemin de test-cloud.exe. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. Dans ce cas, la première occurrence de test-cloud.exe est utilisée ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "Arguments facultatifs", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "Arguments supplémentaires passés à test-cloud.exe.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Publier les résultats sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Quand elle est sélectionnée, l'option --nunit-xml est passée à test-cloud.exe. Les résultats du fichier xml NUnit sont publiés dans Azure Pipelines/TFS." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Publier les résultats sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Quand elle est sélectionnée, l'option --nunit-xml est passée à test-cloud.exe. Les résultats du fichier xml NUnit sont publiés dans Azure Pipelines." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 5ec6ad1f6271..93f74255a2df 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[Deprecato] Test di app per dispositivi mobili con Xamarin Test Cloud tramite Xamarin.UITest. L'attività consigliata è ora AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[Deprecato] Esegue il test di app per dispositivi mobili con Xamarin Test Cloud usando Xamarin.UITest. Usare invece l'attività 'Test App Center'.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui test di $(app) con Xamarin.UITest in Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.app": "File dell'app", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "Percorso di test-cloud.exe. È possibile usare caratteri jolly. In tal caso verrà usata la prima occorrenza di test-cloud.exe. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "Argomenti facoltativi", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "Argomenti aggiuntivi passati a test-cloud.exe.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Pubblica i risultati in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Quando è selezionato, l'opzione --nunit-xml verrà passata a test-cloud.exe. I risultati del file XML NUnit verranno pubblicati in Azure Pipelines/TFS." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Pubblica i risultati in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Quando è selezionato, l'opzione --nunit-xml verrà passata a test-cloud.exe. I risultati del file XML NUnit verranno pubblicati in Azure Pipelines." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 49df9833f8e4..fbd72342158d 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[非推奨] Xamarin.UITest を使用した Xamarin Test Cloud によるモバイル アプリのテスト - 現在推奨されているタスクは AppCenterTest です", + "loc.description": "[非推奨] Xamarin.UITest を使用して Xamarin Test Cloud でモバイル アプリをテストします。代わりに、'App Center テスト' タスクをご使用ください。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xamarin Test Cloud の Xamarin.UITest でのテスト $(app)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.app": "アプリ ファイル", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "test-cloud.exe へのパスです。ワイルドカードを使用でき、その場合は最初に出現する test-cloud.exe が使用されます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "オプションの引数", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "test-cloud.exe に渡す追加の引数。", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "結果を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "選択された場合、--nunit-xml オプションが test-cloud.exe に渡されます。NUnit xml ファイルからの結果は、Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行されます。" + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "結果を Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "選択された場合、--nunit-xml オプションが test-cloud.exe に渡されます。NUnit xml ファイルからの結果は、Azure Pipelines に発行されます。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index e8df37aaa679..6f89d7a435bd 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin 테스트 클라우드", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[사용 중지됨] Xamarin Test Cloud에서 Xamarin.UITest를 사용한 모바일 앱 테스트 중 - 권장 작업은 이제 AppCenterTest임", + "loc.description": "[사용되지 않음] Xamarin Test Cloud에서 Xamarin.UITest를 사용하여 모바일 앱을 테스트합니다. 대신 'App Center 테스트' 작업을 사용합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xamarin 테스트 클라우드에서 Xamarin.UITest로 $(app) 테스트", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.app": "앱 파일", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "test-cloud.exe의 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 경우 첫 번째 표시되는 test-cloud.exe가 사용됩니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "선택적 인수", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "추가 인수를 test-cloud.exe에 전달했습니다.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 결과 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "선택하면, --nunit-xml 옵션이 test-cloud.exe에 전달됩니다. NUnit xml 파일의 결과는 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시됩니다." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines에 결과 게시", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "선택하면, --nunit-xml 옵션이 test-cloud.exe에 전달됩니다. NUnit xml 파일의 결과가 Azure Pipelines에 게시됩니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 1d206dca3969..e1d629d5b411 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[Не рекомендуется] Тестирование мобильных приложений с помощью Xamarin Test Cloud с использованием Xamarin.UITest — рекомендованной задачей теперь является AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[Не рекомендуется] Тестирование мобильных приложений с Xamarin Test Cloud с помощью Xamarin.UITest. Вместо этого используйте задачу \"Тестирование в Центре приложений\".", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Протестировать $(app) с помощью Xamarin.UITest в Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.app": "Файл приложения", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "Путь к test-cloud.exe. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки. В этом случае используется первый экземпляр test-cloud.exe ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "Дополнительные аргументы", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "Дополнительные аргументы, передаваемые в test-cloud.exe.", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Публиковать результаты в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Если этот параметр выбран, параметр --nunit-xml будет передан в test-cloud.exe. Результаты из XML-файла NUnit будут опубликованы в Azure Pipelines или TFS." + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "Опубликовать результаты в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "Если этот параметр выбран, параметр --nunit-xml будет передан в test-cloud.exe. Результаты из XML-файла NUnit будут опубликованы в Azure Pipelines." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 2d429b8b56a6..da0d99cbd95e 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin 测试云", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[已弃用]正在通过 Xamarin Test Cloud 使用 Xamarin.UITest 测试移动应用 - 现在建议的任务是 AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[已弃用]通过 Xamarin Test Cloud 使用 Xamarin.UITest 测试移动应用。请改为使用“App Center 测试”任务。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 Xamarin 测试云中使用 Xamarin.UITest 测试 $(app)", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.app": "应用文件", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "test-cloud.exe 的路径。可以使用通配符,届时将使用 test-cloud.exe 的第一个匹配项([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "可选参数", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "传递给 test-cloud.exe 还原的其他参数。", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "将结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "选择时,--nunit-xml 选项会传递给 test-cloud.exe。来自 NUnit xml 文件的结果会发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。" + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "将结果发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "选择时,--nunit-xml 选项会传递给 test-cloud.exe。来自 NUnit xml 文件的结果会发布到 Azure Pipelines。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index edff372b5215..fe85663bbfe3 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin Test Cloud", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613744)", - "loc.description": "[即將淘汰] 透過 Xamarin Test Cloud 使用 Xamarin.UITest 測試行動應用程式 - 現在建議的工作為 AppCenterTest", + "loc.description": "[已淘汰] 使用 Xamarin.UITest 透過 Xamarin Test Cloud 測試行動應用程式。反之,使用 'App Center test' 工作。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 Xamarin Test Cloud 中使用 Xamarin.UITest 測試 $(app) ", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.app": "應用程式檔案", @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ "loc.input.help.testCloudLocation": "test-cloud.exe 的路徑。可使用萬用字元,若使用萬用字元,則會使用第一個出現的 test-cloud.exe ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。", "loc.input.label.optionalArgs": "選擇性引數", "loc.input.help.optionalArgs": "傳遞至 test-cloud.exe 的其他引數。", - "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "將結果發行到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "選取時,--nunit-xml 選項將傳遞到 test-cloud.exe。NUnit xml 檔案的結果將發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。" + "loc.input.label.publishNUnitResults": "將結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishNUnitResults": "選取時,--nunit-xml 選項將傳遞到 test-cloud.exe。NUnit xml 檔案的結果將發佈至 Azure Pipelines。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.json b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.json index be60f5447783..5b9f469534e9 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.json +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.83.0", diff --git a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.loc.json index 5bf95bdaa1a5..0972d4e5800d 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/XamarinTestCloudV1/task.loc.json @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "demands": [], "minimumAgentVersion": "1.83.0", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index daa64d308652..61b2bb9ea671 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine iOS-App mit Xamarin auf macOS erstellt.", + "loc.description": "iOS-App mit Xamarin auf macOS erstellen", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xamarin.iOS-Projektmappe $(solution) erstellen", "loc.releaseNotes": "Die Einrichtung der iOS-Signatur wurde aus der Aufgabe entfernt. Verwenden Sie \"Sichere Dateien\" mit den unterstützenden Aufgaben \"Apple-Zertifikat installieren\" und \"Apple-Bereitstellungsprofil installieren\", um die Signatur einzurichten. Die Optionen wurden für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit mit \"Visual Studio für Mac\" aktualisiert.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Signierung und Bereitstellung", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 1ed39e786621..0a2db48af35c 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Compila una aplicación iOS con Xamarin en macOS.", + "loc.description": "Compilar una aplicación iOS con Xamarin en macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compilar solución Xamarin.iOS $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuración de firma de iOS se ha eliminado de la tarea. Use \"Archivos seguros\" con las tareas complementarias \"Instalar certificado de Apple\" e \"Instalar perfil de aprovisionamiento de Apple\" para configurar la firma. Las opciones se han actualizado para funcionar mejor con \"Visual Studio para Mac\".", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Firma y aprovisionamiento", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 8a50ce250eab..86783c313a7f 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Générez une application iOS avec Xamarin sur macOS.", + "loc.description": "Générer une application iOS avec Xamarin sur macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Générer la solution Xamarin.iOS $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configuration de la signature iOS a été supprimée de la tâche. Utilisez Fichiers sécurisés avec les tâches de prise en charge Installer le certificat Apple et Installer le profil d'approvisionnement Apple pour configurer la signature. Mise à jour des options pour une meilleure utilisation avec Visual Studio pour Mac.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Signature et configuration", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index f56f42d7e091..2188b71d6ee8 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Consente di compilare un'app iOS con Xamarin in macOS.", + "loc.description": "Consente di compilare un'app iOS con Xamarin in macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Compila la soluzione Xamarin.iOS $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "La configurazione della firma di iOS è stata rimossa dall'attività. Per configurare la firma, usare `File protetti` con le attività di supporto `Installa certificato Apple` e `Installa profilo di provisioning Apple`. Opzioni aggiornate per una maggiore compatibilità con `Visual Studio per Mac`.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Firma e provisioning", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index 890c48c1c52d..463cee553573 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Xamarin を使用して macOS 上で iOS アプリをビルドします。", + "loc.description": "Xamarin を使用して macOS 上で iOS アプリをビルドします", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xamarin.iOS ソリューションのビルド $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "設定済みの iOS の署名がタスクから削除されました。サポート タスク `Install Apple Certificate` と `Install Apple Provisioning Profile` とともに `Secure Files` を使用して署名を設定します。`Visual Studio for Mac` とのより良い連携のため、オプションが更新されました。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "署名およびプロビジョニング", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 3f937fd6c3f8..376b5ad65701 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "macOS에서 Xamarin으로 iOS 앱을 빌드합니다.", + "loc.description": "MacOS에서 Xamarin으로 iOS 앱 빌드", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xamarin.iOS 솔루션 $(solution) 빌드", "loc.releaseNotes": "설정된 iOS 서명이 작업에서 제거되었습니다. 서명을 설정하려면 지원 작업 'Apple 인증서 설치' 및 'Apple 권한 설정 프로파일 설치'와 함께 '보안 파일'을 사용하세요. 'Mac용 Visual Studio'에서 보다 원활하게 작업할 수 있도록 옵션이 업데이트되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "서명 및 프로비전", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 4f5f181fcd6b..a3964ac45b33 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "Создание приложения для iOS с помощью Xamarin в macOS.", + "loc.description": "Создание приложения для iOS с помощью Xamarin в macOS", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сборка решения Xamarin.iOS $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "Настройка подписи iOS была удалена из задачи. Чтобы настроить подпись, используйте задачу \"Защита файлов\" со вспомогательными задачами \"Установка сертификата Apple\" и \"Установка профиля подготовки Apple\". Параметры обновлены для более эффективной работы с Visual Studio для Mac.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Подписывание и подготовка", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 89354f28e059..782a05ea78bc 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "在 macOS 上使用 Xamarin 生成 iOS 应用。", + "loc.description": "在 macOS 上使用 Xamarin 生成 iOS 应用", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "生成 Xamarin.iOS 解决方案 $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "iOS 签名设置已从任务中删除。使用带有“安装 Apple 证书”和“安装 Apple 预配配置文件”支持任务的“安全文件”。更新的选项更适合 \"Visual Studio for Mac\"。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "签名和预配", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index b833acdb7b35..6d346cef7161 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "loc.friendlyName": "Xamarin.iOS", "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613729)", - "loc.description": "在 macOS 上使用 Xamarin 建置 iOS 應用程式。", + "loc.description": "在 macOS 上使用 Xamarin 建置 iOS 應用程式", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "建置 Xamarin.iOS 方案 $(solution)", "loc.releaseNotes": "iOS 簽署設定已從工作中移除。請使用 [安全檔案] 搭配支援的工作 [安裝 Apple Certificate] 與 [安裝 Apple 佈建設定檔] 來設定簽署。已更新選項,以搭配 `Visual Studio for Mac` 運作得更順暢。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "簽署與佈建", diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.json b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.json index def3ae5f7fc8..6b517da5e140 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.json +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "iOS signing set up has been removed from the task. Use `Secure Files` with supporting tasks `Install Apple Certificate` and `Install Apple Provisioning Profile` to setup signing. Updated options to work better with `Visual Studio for Mac`.", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.loc.json index 560b42694378..5eaef22a524b 100644 --- a/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/XamariniOSV2/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 2, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 1 + "Patch": 2 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson index 52bc4a146630..9d065ca6ee4b 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "Hiermit wird ein Xcode-Arbeitsbereich unter macOS erstellt, getestet oder archiviert. Optional kann eine App paketiert werden.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Diese Version der Aufgabe ist mit Xcode 8, Xcode 9 und Xcode 10 kompatibel. Features, die ausschließlich der Kompatibilität mit Xcode 7 dienten, wurden entfernt. Die Aufgabe umfasst verbesserte Optionen für die Arbeit mit dem gehosteten macOS-Pool.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Diese Version der Aufgabe ist mit Xcode 8, Xcode 9 und Xcode 10 kompatibel. Features, die ausschließlich der Kompatibilität mit Xcode 7 dienten, wurden entfernt. Die Aufgabe umfasst verbesserte Optionen zur Verwendung von macOS-Agents, die von Microsoft gehostet werden.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Signierung und Bereitstellung", "loc.group.displayName.package": "Paketoptionen", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "Geräte und Simulatoren", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert", "loc.input.label.actions": "Aktionen", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "Geben Sie eine durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste mit Aktionen ein. Gültige Optionen sind beispielsweise \"build\", \"clean\", \"test\", \"analyze\" und \"archive\". Über \"clean build\" wird beispielsweise ein bereinigter Build ausgeführt.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Konfiguration", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Geben Sie das Xcode-Projekt oder die Arbeitsbereichskonfiguration ein, das bzw. die erstellt werden soll. Als Standardwert für dieses Feld wird die Variable \"$(Configuration)\" verwendet. Bei Verwendung einer Variablen müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass ein Wert (z. B. \"Release\") auf der Registerkarte **Variablen** angegeben wird.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "Gerät", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "Geben Sie den Namen des Geräts für die UI-Tests ein, z. B. \"iPad von Raisa\".", "loc.input.label.args": "Argumente", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Geben Sie zusätzliche Befehlszeilenargumente für den Build ein. Dies ist nützlich, um anstelle eines Arbeitsbereichs/Projekts und Schemas Argumente wie \"-target\" oder \"-project\" anzugeben.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(Optional) Geben Sie das Arbeitsverzeichnis ein, in dem der Build ausgeführt werden soll. Wenn kein Wert eingegeben wird, wird der Stamm des Repositorys verwendet.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "xcpretty verwenden", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "Geben Sie an, ob xcpretty zum Formatieren der xcodebuild-Ausgabe verwendet werden soll. Bei Aktivierung dieser Einstellung muss xcpretty auf dem Agent-Computer installiert sein. Wenn xcpretty nicht installiert ist, wird die unformatierte xcodebuild-Ausgabe angezeigt. Auf Build-Agents, die mit Azure Pipelines gehostet werden, ist xcpretty vorinstalliert. Siehe [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) auf GitHub.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Testergebnissen in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Geben Sie an, ob JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht werden sollen. Dies erfordert, dass xcpretty zum Generieren von JUnit-Testergebnissen aktiviert ist.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Geben Sie an, ob JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht werden sollen. Dies erfordert, dass xcpretty zum Generieren von JUnit-Testergebnissen aktiviert ist.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "Fehler bei der Suche nach der iOS-Signaturidentität. Überprüfen Sie, ob Signatur- und Bereitstellungsinformationen angegeben wurden.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der temporären Keychain zum Keychainssuchpfad.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "Fehler bei der Suche nach Details für das Bereitstellungsprofil: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "Fehler beim Ermitteln eines Schemas im Arbeitsbereich. Verwenden Sie \"Schema\", um ein Zielschema anzugeben.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "Das Ausgabeverzeichnis für die Buildausgabe (Binärdateien) wurde ignoriert. Die Angabe eines Ausgabeverzeichnisses ist nicht mit der Aktion \"%s\" kompatibel.", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "UI-Tests müssen über einen Simulator oder ein verbundenes Gerät ausgeführt werden. Legen Sie \"Zielplattform\" in der Xcode-Aufgabe auf einen anderen Wert als \"Standard\" fest.", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty ist nicht auf dem Buildserver installiert. Es wird die unformatierte xcodebuild-Ausgabe angezeigt. Testergebnisse können nicht veröffentlicht werden, wenn xcpretty nicht installiert ist." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty ist nicht auf dem Buildserver installiert. Es wird die unformatierte xcodebuild-Ausgabe angezeigt. Testergebnisse können nicht veröffentlicht werden, wenn xcpretty nicht installiert ist.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "Für die Verwendung von Xcode ist ein macOS-Agent erforderlich. Die Builderstellung mit Xcode unter Linux oder Windows wird von Apple nicht unterstützt." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson index 676001421d1f..0c2a50968d33 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "Compile, pruebe o archive un área de trabajo de Xcode en macOS. Opcionalmente, puede empaquetar una aplicación.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Esta versión de la tarea es compatible con Xcode 8, Xcode 9 y Xcode 10. Las características que servían exclusivamente para mantener la compatibilidad con Xcode 7 se han eliminado. La tarea cuenta con opciones mejoradas para funcionar con el grupo de macOS hospedado.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Esta versión de la tarea es compatible con Xcode 8, Xcode 9 y Xcode 10. Las características que servían exclusivamente para mantener la compatibilidad con Xcode 7 se han eliminado. Esta tarea cuenta con opciones mejoradas para usar agentes de macOS hospedados por Microsoft.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Firma y aprovisionamiento", "loc.group.displayName.package": "Opciones del paquete", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "Dispositivos y simuladores", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado", "loc.input.label.actions": "Acciones", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "Especifique una lista de acciones delimitada por espacios. Algunas de las opciones válidas son \"build\", \"clean\", \"test\", \"analyze\" y \"archive\". Por ejemplo, \"clean build\" ejecutará una compilación limpia.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuración", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Especifique la configuración del proyecto o área de trabajo de Xcode que se va a compilar. El valor predeterminado de este campo es la variable \"$(Configuration)\". Al usar una variable, asegúrese de especificar un valor (por ejemplo, \"Versión\") en la pestaña **Variables**.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "Dispositivo", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "Especifique el nombre del dispositivo que se va a usar para las pruebas de IU, por ejemplo, \"iPad de Ana\".", "loc.input.label.args": "Argumentos", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(Opcional) Especifique argumentos adicionales de la línea de comandos para compilar. Esto es útil para especificar los argumentos \"-target\" o \"-project\" en lugar de especificar un esquema y un área de trabajo o proyecto.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(Opcional) Especifique el directorio de trabajo en el que se va a ejecutar la compilación. Si no se especifica ningún valor, se usará la raíz del repositorio.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "Usar xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "Especifique si se va a usar xcpretty para formatear la salida de xcodebuild. Para habilitar esta opción, xcpretty debe estar instalado en la máquina del agente. Si no lo está, se muestra la salida de xcodebuild sin formato. xcpretty está preinstalado en los agentes de compilación hospedados de Azure Pipelines. Consulte [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) en GitHub.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar resultados de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Especifique si los resultados de pruebas JUnit se van a publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS. Para generar estos resultados de pruebas, es necesario que xcpretty esté habilitado.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar resultados de pruebas en Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Especifique si los resultados de pruebas JUnit se van a publicar en Azure Pipelines. Para generar estos resultados de pruebas, es necesario que xcpretty esté habilitado.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "No se encuentra la identidad de firma de iOS. Compruebe que la información de firma y aprovisionamiento se ha proporcionado.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "No se pudo agregar la cadena de claves temporal a la ruta de acceso de búsqueda de cadenas de claves.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "No se encuentran los detalles del perfil de aprovisionamiento: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "No se encontró ningún esquema en el área de trabajo. Use \"Esquema\" para especificar un esquema de destino.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "El directorio de salida para la salida de compilación (binarios) se ha omitido. La especificación de un directorio de salida es incompatible con la acción \"%s\".", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "Las pruebas de IU deben ejecutarse en un simulador o un dispositivo conectado. En la tarea de Xcode, establezca \"Plataforma de destino\" en un valor distinto de \"Predeterminado\".", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty no está instalado en el servidor de compilación. Se mostrará la salida sin formato de xcodebuild. Si xcpretty no está instalado, los resultados de pruebas no se podrán publicar." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty no está instalado en el servidor de compilación. Se mostrará la salida sin formato de xcodebuild. Si xcpretty no está instalado, los resultados de pruebas no se podrán publicar.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "El uso de Xcode requiere un agente de macOS. Apple no admite la compilación con Xcode en Linux o Windows." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson index 628dd3679a08..26e761664386 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "Générez, testez ou archivez un espace de travail Xcode sur macOS. Créez éventuellement un package d'application.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Cette version de la tâche est compatible avec Xcode 8, Xcode 9 et Xcode 10. Les fonctionnalités qui étaient présentes uniquement pour préserver la compatibilité avec Xcode 7 ont été supprimées. La tâche offre de meilleures options pour utiliser le pool macOS hébergé.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Cette version de la tâche est compatible avec Xcode 8, Xcode 9 et Xcode 10. Les fonctionnalités qui étaient présentes uniquement pour préserver la compatibilité avec Xcode 7 ont été supprimées. Cette tâche offre de meilleures options pour l'utilisation d'agents macOS hébergés par Microsoft.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Signature et provisionnement", "loc.group.displayName.package": "Options de package", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "Appareils et simulateurs", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé", "loc.input.label.actions": "Actions", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "Entrez une liste d'actions délimitées par des espaces. Options valides : 'build', 'clean', 'test', 'analyze' et 'archive'. Par exemple, 'clean build' permet d'exécuter un nettoyage de build.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configuration", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Entrez la configuration du projet ou de l'espace de travail Xcode à générer. La valeur par défaut de ce champ est la variable '$(Configuration)'. Quand vous utilisez une variable, veillez à spécifier une valeur (par exemple 'Mise en production') sous l'onglet **Variables**.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "Appareil", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "Entrez le nom de l'appareil à utiliser pour les tests d'IU, par exemple 'iPad de Laurent'.", "loc.input.label.args": "Arguments", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(Facultatif) Entrez des arguments de ligne de commande supplémentaires à utiliser pour la build. Cela permet de spécifier les arguments '-target' ou '-project' au lieu de spécifier un espace de travail/projet et un schéma.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(Facultatif) Entrez le répertoire de travail dans lequel exécuter la build. Si vous n'entrez aucune valeur, la racine du dépôt est utilisée.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "Utiliser xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "Indiquez si vous souhaitez utiliser xcpretty pour mettre en forme la sortie de xcodebuild. Au préalable, xcpretty doit être installé sur la machine d'agent. Si xcpretty n'est pas installé, la sortie brute de xcodebuild est affichée. Le formateur xcpretty est préinstallé sur les agents de build hébergés Azure Pipelines. Consultez [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) sur GitHub.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier les résultats des tests sur Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Indiquez si les résultats des tests JUnit doivent être publiés sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Vous devez activer xcpretty pour permettre la génération des résultats des tests JUnit.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier les résultats des tests sur Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Indiquez si les résultats des tests JUnit doivent être publiés sur Azure Pipelines. Vous devez activer xcpretty pour permettre la génération des résultats des tests JUnit.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "Échec de la localisation de l'identité de signature iOS. Vérifiez que les informations de signature et de provisionnement sont fournies.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "Échec de l'ajout du trousseau de clés temporaire au chemin de recherche des trousseaux de clés.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "Échec de la localisation des détails du profil de provisionnement : %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "Schéma introuvable dans l'espace de travail. Utilisez 'Schéma' pour spécifier un schéma cible.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "Le répertoire de sortie de build (fichiers binaires) est ignoré. La spécification d'un répertoire de sortie est incompatible avec l'action '%s'.", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "Les tests d'IU doivent être exécutés sur un simulateur ou un appareil connecté. Dans la tâche Xcode, affectez à Plateforme de destination une autre valeur que 'Par défaut'.", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty n'est pas installé sur le serveur de builds. La sortie brute de xcodebuild va être affichée. La publication des résultats des tests sera un échec, si xcpretty n'est pas installé." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty n'est pas installé sur le serveur de builds. La sortie brute de xcodebuild va être affichée. La publication des résultats des tests sera un échec, si xcpretty n'est pas installé.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "L'utilisation de Xcode nécessite un agent macOS. La génération avec Xcode sur Linux ou Windows n'est pas prise en charge par Apple." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson index 02cc6fe7fbea..cdf7d0bce73d 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "Consente di compilare, testare o archiviare un'area di lavoro Xcode in macOS. Facoltativamente crea il pacchetto di un'app.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Questa versione dell'attività è compatibile con Xcode 8, Xcode 9 e Xcode 10. Sono state rimosse le funzionalità presenti solo per garantire la compatibilità con Xcode 7. L'attività include opzioni ottimizzate per l'uso del pool macOS ospitato.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Questa versione dell'attività è compatibile con Xcode 8, Xcode 9 e Xcode 10. Le funzionalità presenti solo per garantire la compatibilità con Xcode 7 sono state rimosse. L'attività include opzioni ottimizzate per l'uso di agenti macOS ospitati da Microsoft.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Firma e provisioning", "loc.group.displayName.package": "Opzioni pacchetto", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "Dispositivi e simulatori", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate", "loc.input.label.actions": "Azioni", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "Consente di immettere un elenco di azioni delimitate da spazi. Alcune opzioni valide sono `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze` e `archive`. Con `clean build`, ad esempio, verrà eseguita una compilazione pulita.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Configurazione", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Consente di immettere la configurazione del progetto o dell'area di lavoro Xcode da compilare. Il valore predefinito di questo campo è la variabile `$(Configuration)`. Quando si usa una variabile, assicurarsi di specificare una variabile, ad esempio `Release` nella scheda **Variabili**.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "Dispositivo", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "Consente di immettere il nome del dispositivo da usare per il test dell'interfaccia utente, ad esempio `iPad di Maria`.", "loc.input.label.args": "Argomenti", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(Facoltativo) Consente di immettere argomenti aggiuntivi della riga di comando con cui eseguire la compilazione. È utile per specificare gli argomenti `-target` o `-project` invece di specificare un'area di lavoro/un progetto e uno schema.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(Facoltativo) Consente di immettere la directory di lavoro in cui eseguire la compilazione. Se non si specifica alcun valore, verrà usata la radice del repository.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "Usa xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "Consente di specificare se usare xcpretty per formattare l'output di xcodebuild. Se si abilita questa opzione, xcpretty deve essere installato nel computer agente. Se xcpretty non è installato, viene visualizzato output xcodebuild non elaborato. xcpretty è preinstallato in agenti di compilazione ospitati di Azure Pipelines. Vedere [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) in GitHub.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica i risultati dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Consente di specificare se pubblicare i risultati dei test di JUnit in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Per generare i risultati dei test di JUnit, è necessario abilitare xcpretty.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica i risultati dei test in Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Specificare se pubblicare i risultati dei test di JUnit in Azure Pipelines. Per generare i risultati dei test di JUnit, è necessario abilitare xcpretty.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare l'identità di firma iOS. Verificare che siano state specificate le informazioni su firma e provisioning.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere la keychain temporanea al percorso di ricerca delle keychain.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "Non è stato possibile trovare i dettagli per il profilo di provisioning: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "Non è stato possibile trovare uno schema nell'area di lavoro. Usare `Schema` per specificare uno schema di destinazione.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "La directory di output per l'output di compilazione (file binari) è stata ignorata. La specifica di una directory di output è incompatibile con l'azione '%s'.", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "I test dell'interfaccia utente devono essere eseguiti su un simulatore o un dispositivo connesso. Nell'attività Xcode impostare `Piattaforma di destinazione` su un valore diverso da `Predefinita`.", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty non è installato nel server di compilazione. Verrà visualizzato l'output non elaborato di xcodebuild. La pubblicazione dei risultati dei test non riuscirà se xcpretty non è installato." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty non è installato nel server di compilazione. Verrà visualizzato l'output non elaborato di xcodebuild. La pubblicazione dei risultati dei test non riuscirà se xcpretty non è installato.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "Per usare Xcode, è richiesto un agente macOS. La compilazione con Xcode in Linux o Windows non è supportata da Apple." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson index e730da7a5439..13e77fe3007d 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "macOS で Xcode ワークスペースをビルド、テスト、アーカイブします。オプションでアプリをパッケージ化します。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "タスクのこのバージョンは Xcode 8、Xcode 9、Xcode 10 と互換性があります。Xcode 7 との互換性を維持するためだけの機能は削除されています。タスクには、Hosted macOS プールで動作するより良いオプションがあります。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "タスクのこのバージョンは Xcode 8、Xcode 9、Xcode 10 と互換性があります。Xcode 7 との互換性を維持するためだけの機能は削除されています。このタスクには、Microsoft によってホストされている macOS エージェントを使用するためのより良いオプションがあります。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "署名およびプロビジョニング", "loc.group.displayName.package": "パッケージのオプション", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "デバイスとシミュレーター", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定", "loc.input.label.actions": "アクション", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "アクションのスペース区切りリストを入力してください。有効なオプションには、`build`、`clean`、`test`、`analyze`、`archive` があります。たとえば、`clean build` でクリーン ビルドが実行されます。", "loc.input.label.configuration": "構成", "loc.input.help.configuration": "ビルドする Xcode プロジェクトまたはワークスペース構成を入力します。このフィールドの既定値は変数 '$(Configuration)' です。変数を使用するときには、[変数] タブに値 (`Release` など) を必ず指定します。", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "デバイス", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "UI テストに使用するデバイスの名前を入力します。例: 「Raisa の iPad」など。", "loc.input.label.args": "引数", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(オプション) ビルドに使用する追加のコマンド ライン引数を入力します。これは、ワークスペース/プロジェクトとスキームを指定するのではなく、`-target` または `-project` 引数を指定するのに役立ちます。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(省略可能) ビルドを実行する作業ディレクトリを入力します。値を入力しない場合は、リポジトリのルートが使用されます。", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "xcpretty の使用", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "xcpretty を使用して、xcodebuild 出力を書式設定するかどうかを指定します。これを有効にするには、xcpretty がエージェント マシンにインストールされている必要があります。xcpretty がインストールされていない場合は、未処理の xcodebuild 出力が表示されます。Azure Pipelines でホストされているビルド エージェントでは xcpretty はプレインストールされています。GitHub の [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) を参照してください。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "テスト結果を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "JUnit テスト結果を Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行するかどうかを指定します。これには、JUnit テスト結果を生成するために xcpretty が有効になっていることが必要です。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "テスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行する", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "JUnit テスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するかどうかを指定します。これには、JUnit テスト結果を生成するために xcpretty が有効になっていることが必要です。", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "iOS 署名 ID が見つかりませんでした。指定された署名とプロビジョニングの情報をご確認ください。", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "一時キーチェーンをキーチェーン検索パスに追加できませんでした。", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "プロビジョニング プロファイルの詳細が見つかりませんでした: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "ワークスペースでスキームが見つかりませんでした。[スキーム] を使用して、ターゲット スキームを指定します。", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "ビルド出力 (バイナリ) の出力ディレクトリは無視されます。出力ディレクトリを指定することは、'%s' アクションと矛盾します。", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "UI テストをシミュレーターまたは接続されているデバイスに対して実行する必要があります。Xcode タスクでは、`Destination platform` を `Default` 以外の値に設定します。", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty はビルド サーバーにインストールされていません。xcodebuild の未加工の出力が表示されます。xcpretty がインストールされていない場合、テスト結果の発行は失敗します。" + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty はビルド サーバーにインストールされていません。xcodebuild の未加工の出力が表示されます。xcpretty がインストールされていない場合、テスト結果の発行は失敗します。", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "Xcode を使用するには、macOS エージェントが必要です。Apple は Linux または Windows 上で Xcode を使用するビルドをサポートしていません。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson index 993889c02b64..8cd73637882d 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson @@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "macOS에서 Xcode 작업 영역을 빌드, 테스트 또는 보관합니다. 필요에 따라 앱을 패키지합니다.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "이 버전의 작업은 Xcode 8, 9 Xcode 및 Xcode 10과 호환됩니다. Xcode 7과 호환성을 유지하는 용도로만 사용되는 기능이 제거되었습니다. 호스트된 macOS 풀 작업과 관련된 옵션이 작업에서 향상되었습니다.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "이 버전의 작업은 Xcode 8, Xcode 9, Xcode 10과 호환됩니다. Xcode 7과 호환성을 유지하는 용도로만 사용되었던 기능은 제거되었습니다. 이 작업에서 Microsoft 호스팅 macOS 에이전트 사용 옵션이 향상되었습니다.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "서명 및 프로비전", "loc.group.displayName.package": "패키지 옵션", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "장치 및 시뮬레이터", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급", "loc.input.label.actions": "작업", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "공백으로 구분된 작업 목록을 입력합니다. 유효한 몇 가지 옵션은 'build', 'clean', 'test', 'analyze', 'archive'입니다. 예를 들어 'clean build'는 클린 빌드를 실행합니다.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "구성", "loc.input.help.configuration": "빌드할 Xcode 프로젝트 또는 작업 영역 구성을 입력합니다. 이 필드의 기본값은 '$(Configuration)' 변수입니다. 변수를 사용하는 경우 **변수** 탭에서 값(예: '릴리스')을 지정해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", - "loc.input.help.sdk": "Xcode 프로젝트 또는 작업 영역을 빌드할 때 사용할 SDK를 지정합니다. macOS 터미널 응용 프로그램에서 'xcodebuild -showsdks'를 실행하여 유효한 SDK 목록을 표시합니다. 이 필드의 기본값은 '$(SDK)' 변수입니다. 변수를 사용하는 경우 **변수** 탭에서 값(예: 'iphonesimulator')을 지정해야 합니다.", + "loc.input.help.sdk": "Xcode 프로젝트 또는 작업 영역을 빌드할 때 사용할 SDK를 지정합니다. macOS 터미널 애플리케이션에서 'xcodebuild -showsdks'를 실행하여 유효한 SDK 목록을 표시합니다. 이 필드의 기본값은 '$(SDK)' 변수입니다. 변수를 사용하는 경우 **변수** 탭에서 값(예: 'iphonesimulator')을 지정해야 합니다.", "loc.input.label.xcWorkspacePath": "작업 영역 또는 프로젝트 경로", "loc.input.help.xcWorkspacePath": "(선택 사항) 리포지토리의 루트에서 Xcode 작업 영역 또는 프로젝트로의 상대 경로를 입력합니다. 예를 들어 'MyApp/MyApp.xcworkspace' 또는 'MyApp/MyApp.xcodeproj'입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)).", "loc.input.label.scheme": "구성표", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "장치", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "UI 테스트에 사용할 장치의 이름을 입력합니다(예: 'Raisa's iPad').", "loc.input.label.args": "인수", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(선택 사항) 빌드에 사용할 추가 명령줄 인수를 입력합니다. 작업 영역/프로젝트와 체계를 지정하는 대신 '-target' 또는 '-project' 인수를 지정하는 데 유용합니다.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(선택 사항) 빌드를 실행할 작업 디렉터리를 입력합니다. 값을 입력하지 않으면 리포지토리의 루트가 사용됩니다.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "xcpretty 사용", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "xcpretty를 사용하여 xcodebuild 출력의 서식을 지정할지 여부를 지정합니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 에이전트 머신에 xcpretty가 설치되어 있어야 합니다. xcpretty가 설치되지 않은 경우 원시 xcodebuild 출력이 표시됩니다. xcpretty는 Azure Pipelines에 호스트된 빌드 에이전트에 미리 설치되어 있습니다. GitHub에서 [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty)를 참조하세요.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시할지 여부를 지정합니다. 이 경우 JUnit 테스트 결과를 생성하려면 xcpretty를 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시합니다.", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시할지 여부를 지정합니다. JUnit 테스트 결과를 생성하려면 xcpretty를 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "iOS 서명 ID를 찾지 못했습니다. 서명 및 프로비전 정보를 제공했는지 확인하세요.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "키 집합 검색 경로에 임시 키 집합을 추가하지 못했습니다.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "프로비전 프로필의 세부 정보를 찾지 못함: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "작업 영역에서 스키마를 찾지 못했습니다. '스키마'를 사용하여 대상 스키마를 지정하세요.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "빌드 출력(이진)의 출력 디렉터리가 무시됩니다. 출력 디렉터리 지정은 '%s' 작업과 호환되지 않습니다.", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "시뮬레이터 또는 연결된 장치에 대해 UI 테스트를 실행해야 합니다. Xcode 작업에서 '대상 플랫폼'을 '기본값' 이외의 값으로 설정합니다.", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty가 빌드 서버에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. xcodebuild 원시 출력이 표시됩니다. xcpretty가 설치되지 않은 경우 테스트 결과를 게시하면 실패합니다." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "xcpretty가 빌드 서버에 설치되어 있지 않습니다. xcodebuild 원시 출력이 표시됩니다. xcpretty가 설치되지 않은 경우 테스트 결과를 게시하면 실패합니다.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "Xcode를 사용하려면 macOS 에이전트가 필요합니다. Apple에서는 Linux 또는 Windows에서 Xcode를 사용한 빌드를 지원하지 않습니다." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson index 136848699d4b..53b4682eec82 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "Вы можете собирать, тестировать и архивировать рабочие области Xcode в macOS. При необходимости создавайте пакеты приложений.", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "Эта версия задачи совместима с Xcode 8, Xcode 9 и Xcode 10. Функции, которые были предназначены исключительно для обеспечения совместимости с Xcode 7, были удалены. Задача имеет более удобные параметры для работы с размещенным пулом macOS.", + "loc.releaseNotes": "Эта версия задачи совместима с Xcode 8, Xcode 9 и Xcode 10. Функции, которые были предназначены исключительно для обеспечения совместимости с Xcode 7, были удалены. Задача имеет более удобные параметры для использования агентов macOS, размещенных на серверах Майкрософт.", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "Подписывание и подготовка", "loc.group.displayName.package": "Параметры пакета", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "Устройства и симуляторы", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно", "loc.input.label.actions": "Действия", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "Введите список действий, разделенных пробелами. Некоторые допустимые параметры: \"build\", \"clean\", \"test\", \"analyze\" и \"archive\". Например, \"clean build\" запускает чистую сборку.", "loc.input.label.configuration": "Конфигурация", "loc.input.help.configuration": "Введите конфигурацию проекта или рабочей области Xcode для сборки. По умолчанию здесь используется содержимое переменной \"$(Configuration)\". При использовании переменной не забудьте указать ее значение (например, \"Release\") на вкладке **Переменные**.", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "Устройство", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "Введите имя устройства для тестирования пользовательского интерфейса, например \"iPad Раисы\".", "loc.input.label.args": "Аргументы", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(Необязательно) Введите дополнительные аргументы командной строки для сборки. Это удобно для указания аргументов \"-target\" или \"-project\" вместо указания рабочей области/проекта и схемы.", "loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(Необязательно) Укажите рабочий каталог, в котором будет вестись сборка. Если значение не указано, будет использоваться корневой каталог хранилища.", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "Использовать xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "Укажите, следует ли использовать xcpretty для форматирования выходных данных xcodebuild. Для этого средство xcpretty должно быть установлено на компьютере агента. Если средство xcpretty не установлено, выводятся необработанные выходные данные xcodebuild. Средство xcpretty предустановлено в размещенных агентах сборки Azure Pipelines. См. страницу [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty) в GitHub.", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Публиковать результаты тестов в Azure Pipelines или TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Укажите, следует ли публиковать результаты теста JUnit в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Для создания результатов теста JUnit требуется включить xcpretty.", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать результаты тестов в Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Укажите, следует ли публиковать результаты теста JUnit в Azure Pipelines. Для создания результатов теста JUnit требуется включить xcpretty.", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "Не удалось найти удостоверение подписывания для iOS. Убедитесь, что указаны необходимые данные для подписывания и подготовки.", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "Не удалось добавить временную цепочку ключей в путь поиска цепочек ключей.", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "Не удалось найти сведения о профиле подготовки: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "Не удалось найти схему в рабочей области. Используйте \"Scheme\", чтобы указать целевую схему.", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "Выходной каталог для выходных данных сборки (двоичных файлов) игнорируется. Выходной каталог не может быть указан для действия \"%s\".", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "Тесты пользовательского интерфейса должны запускаться в симуляторе или на подключенном устройстве. В задаче Xcode присвойте параметру \"Платформа назначения\" значение, отличное от \"По умолчанию\".", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "Средство xcpretty не установлено на сервере сборки. Будут выведены необработанные выходные данные xcodebuild. Если средство xcpretty не установлено, опубликовать результаты тестов не удастся." + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "Средство xcpretty не установлено на сервере сборки. Будут выведены необработанные выходные данные xcodebuild. Если средство xcpretty не установлено, опубликовать результаты тестов не удастся.", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "Для использования Xcode требуется агент macOS. Сборка с Xcode в Linux или Windows не поддерживается Apple." } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson index 08f2b34ccb3a..29847db5d306 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "在 macOS 上生成、测试或存档 Xcode 工作区。可选择性地打包应用。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "此任务版本与 Xcode 8、Xcode 9 和 Xcode 10 兼容。已删除仅与 Xcode 7 保持兼容的功能。此任务可通过更好地选项来使用 Hosted macOS 池。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "此任务版本与 Xcode 8、Xcode 9 和 Xcode 10 兼容。已删除仅与 Xcode 7 保持兼容的功能。此任务可通过更好的选项来使用 Microsoft 托管的 macOS 代理。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "签名和预配", "loc.group.displayName.package": "包选项", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "设备和模拟器", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级", "loc.input.label.actions": "操作", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "输入以空格分隔的操作列表。一些有效选项包括 `build`、`clean`、`test`、`analyze` 和 `archive`。例如,`clean build` 将运行清理生成。", "loc.input.label.configuration": "配置", "loc.input.help.configuration": "输入要生成的 Xcode 项目或工作区配置。此字段的默认值为变量 \"$(Configuration)\"。在使用变量时,请确保在“变量”选项卡指定一个值(例如“发布”)。", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "设备", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "输入要用于 UI 测试的设备名称,例如 \"Raisa's iPad\"。", "loc.input.label.args": "参数", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(可选)输入要通过其进行生成的其他命令行参数。这对于指定 \"-target\" 或 \"-project\" 参数(而不是指定工作区/项目和方案)来说非常有用。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(可选)输入要在其中运行生成的工作目录。如果未输入任何值,将使用存储库的根。", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "使用 xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "指定是否使用 xcpretty 来设置 xcodebuild 输出的格式。启用此选项需要在代理计算机上安装 xcpretty。如果未安装 xcpretty,将显示原始 xcodebuild 输出。xcpretty 预安装在 Azure Pipelines 托管的生成代理上。请参阅 GitHub 上的 [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty)。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "将测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "指定是否将 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。这要求启用 xcpretty 以生成 JUnit 测试结果。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "将测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "指定是否将 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。这要求启用 xcpretty 以生成 JUnit 测试结果。", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "未能找到 iOS 签名标识。请确认已提供了签名和预配信息。", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "未能将临时密钥链添加到密钥链搜索路径。", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "未能找到预配配置文件 %s 的详细信息", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "未能在工作区中找到方案。请使用“方案”指定一个目标方案。", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "已忽略生成输出(二进制文件)的输出目录。指定输出目录与“%s”操作不兼容。", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "必须对模拟器或连接的设备运行 UI 测试。在 Xcode 任务中。将“目标平台”设置为不同于“默认值”的值。", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "生成服务器上未安装 xcpretty。将显示 xcodebuild 原始输出。如果未安装 xcpretty,发布测试结果将失败。" + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "生成服务器上未安装 xcpretty。将显示 xcodebuild 原始输出。如果未安装 xcpretty,发布测试结果将失败。", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "使用 Xcode 需要 macOS 代理。Apple 不支持在 Linux 或 Windows 上通过 Xcode 进行生成。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson index a97e8cce82eb..98d197f7ddcf 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613730)", "loc.description": "在 macOS 上建置、測試或封存 Xcode 工作區。選擇性地封裝應用程式。", "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Xcode $(actions)", - "loc.releaseNotes": "此版本的工作與 Xcode 8、Xcode 9 和 Xcode 10 相容。僅為維持與 Xcode 7 相容的功能已移除。此工作在與託管的 macOS 集區搭配使用方面具有較佳的選項。", + "loc.releaseNotes": "此版本的工作與 Xcode 8、Xcode 9 和 Xcode 10 相容。僅為維持與 Xcode 7 相容的功能已移除。此工作在與 Microsoft 託管的 macOS 代理程式搭配使用方面具有較佳的選項。", "loc.group.displayName.sign": "簽署與佈建", "loc.group.displayName.package": "套件選項", "loc.group.displayName.devices": "裝置和模擬器", "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階", "loc.input.label.actions": "動作", - "loc.input.help.actions": "Enter a space-delimited list of actions. Some valid options are `build`, `clean`, `test`, `analyze`, and `archive`. For example,`clean build` will run a clean build.", + "loc.input.help.actions": "請輸入以空格分隔的動作清單。部分有效選項包含: `build`、`clean`、`test`、`analyze` 和 `archive`。舉例來說,`clean build` 會執行清除組建。", "loc.input.label.configuration": "組態", "loc.input.help.configuration": "輸入要建置的 Xcode 專案或工作區組態。此欄位的預設值是變數 `$(Configuration)`。當您使用變數時,請確定在 **變數** 索引標籤上指定值 (例如 `Release`)。", "loc.input.label.sdk": "SDK", @@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ "loc.input.label.destinationDevices": "裝置", "loc.input.help.destinationDevices": "輸入要用於測試 UI 的裝置名稱,例如 `Raisa's iPad`。", "loc.input.label.args": "引數", - "loc.input.help.args": "(Optional) Enter additional command line arguments with which to build. This is useful for specifying `-target` or `-project` arguments instead of specifying a workspace/project and scheme.", + "loc.input.help.args": "(選擇性) 輸入其他命令列引數與要建置的項目。相對於指定工作空間/專案及配置,這對於指定 `-target` 或 `-project` 引數較為實用。", "loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄", "loc.input.help.cwd": "(選擇性) 輸入要在其中執行組建的工作目錄。如果未輸入值,將會使用存放庫的根路徑。", "loc.input.label.useXcpretty": "使用 xcpretty", "loc.input.help.useXcpretty": "指定是否要使用 xcpretty 將 xcodebuild 輸出格式化。代理程式電腦上需要安裝 xcpretty 才能啟用此選項。若未安裝 xcpretty,則會顯示未經處理的 xcodebuild 輸出。xcpretty 會預先安裝在 Azure Pipelines 裝載的組建代理程式上。請參閱 GitHub 上的 [xcpretty](https://github.com/supermarin/xcpretty)。", - "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "將測試結果發行到 Azure Pipelines/TFS", - "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "請指定是否要將 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。需要啟用 xcpretty 才能產生 JUnit 測試結果。", + "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "將測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines", + "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "請指定是否要將 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。需要啟用 xcpretty 才能產生 JUnit 測試結果。", "loc.messages.SignIdNotFound": "找不到 iOS 簽署身分識別。請驗證已提供簽署與佈建資訊。", "loc.messages.TempKeychainSetupFailed": "無法將暫存的 Keychain 新增至 Keychain 搜尋路徑。", "loc.messages.ProvProfileDetailsNotFound": "找不到發佈設定檔的詳細資料: %s", @@ -91,5 +91,6 @@ "loc.messages.FailedToFindScheme": "在工作區中找不到配置。請使用 `Scheme` 來指定目標配置。", "loc.messages.OutputDirectoryIgnored": "已忽略建置輸出 (二進位檔案) 的輸出目錄。指定的輸出目錄與 '%s' 動作不相容。", "loc.messages.NoDestinationPlatformWarning": "UI 測試的執行對象必須為模擬器或已連線的裝置。在 Xcode 工作中,請將 `Destination platform` 設為 `Default` 以外的值。", - "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "組建伺服器上未安裝 xcpretty。會顯示 xcodebuild 未經處理的輸出。若未安裝 xcpretty,就無法發佈測試結果。" + "loc.messages.XcprettyNotInstalled": "組建伺服器上未安裝 xcpretty。會顯示 xcodebuild 未經處理的輸出。若未安裝 xcpretty,就無法發佈測試結果。", + "loc.messages.XcodeRequiresMac": "需要 macOS 代理程式才能使用 Xcode。Apple 不支援以 Xcode 在 Linux 或 Windows 上建置。" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.json b/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.json index 5917b73219e7..19c3513ea493 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.json +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 5, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "This version of the task is compatible with Xcode 8, Xcode 9 and Xcode 10. Features that were solely to maintain compatibility with Xcode 7 have been removed. This task has better options for using Microsoft-hosted macOS agents.", "demands": [ diff --git a/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.loc.json b/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.loc.json index 7e5939af8b4e..f695177834cc 100644 --- a/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.loc.json +++ b/Tasks/XcodeV5/task.loc.json @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ "version": { "Major": 5, "Minor": 151, - "Patch": 0 + "Patch": 1 }, "releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes", "demands": [ diff --git a/make.js b/make.js index f74ab82bdf72..96b605742f56 100644 --- a/make.js +++ b/make.js @@ -547,9 +547,13 @@ var agentPluginTasks = ['DownloadPipelineArtifact', 'PublishPipelineArtifact']; // used to bump the patch version in task.json files target.bump = function() { taskList.forEach(function (taskName) { + // load files var taskJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Tasks', taskName, 'task.json'); var taskJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(taskJsonPath)); + var taskLocJsonPath = path.join(__dirname, 'Tasks', taskName, 'task.loc.json'); + var taskLocJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(taskLocJsonPath)); + // skip agent plugin tasks if(agentPluginTasks.indexOf(taskJson.name) > -1) { return; @@ -560,6 +564,16 @@ target.bump = function() { } taskJson.version.Patch = taskJson.version.Patch + 1; + taskLocJson.version.Patch = taskLocJson.version.Patch + 1; + fs.writeFileSync(taskJsonPath, JSON.stringify(taskJson, null, 4)); + fs.writeFileSync(taskLocJsonPath, JSON.stringify(taskLocJson, null, 2)); + + // Check that task.loc and task.loc.json versions match + if ((taskJson.version.Major !== taskLocJson.version.Major) || + (taskJson.version.Minor !== taskLocJson.version.Minor) || + (taskJson.version.Patch !== taskLocJson.version.Patch)) { + console.log(`versions dont match for task '${taskName}', task json: ${JSON.stringify(taskJson.version)} task loc json: ${JSON.stringify(taskLocJson.version)}`); + } }); } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index ed0ff0d91021..e4595b87052c 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ "build": "node make.js build", "test": "node make.js test", "testLegacy": "node make.js testLegacy", - "package": "node make.js package" + "package": "node make.js package", + "bump": "node make.js bump" }, "repository": { "type": "git",