diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 5677df787842..eb0487c21bd4 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Geben Sie die Optionen an, die an die Ant-Befehlszeile übergeben werden sollen. Sie können Ihre eigenen Eigenschaften angeben (z. B. \"***-DmyProperty=meinEigenschaftenWert***\") und auch integrierte Variablen verwenden (z. B. \"***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***\"). Alternativ werden die integrierten Variablen bereits als Umgebungsvariablen während des Builds festgelegt und können direkt übergeben werden (z. B. \"***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***\").",
"loc.input.label.targets": "Ziel(e)",
"loc.input.help.targets": "Eine optionale, durch Leerzeichen getrennte Liste der zu erstellenden Ziele. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, wird das \"Standardziel\" verwendet. Wenn kein \"Standardziel\" definiert ist, wird Ant 1.6.0 verwendet, und alle Tasks auf oberster Ebene werden später erstellt.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlichen",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Ant-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines/TFS zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines/TFS veröffentlicht.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "In Azure Pipelines veröffentlichen",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um vom Ant-Build generierte JUnit-Testergebnisse in Azure Pipelines zu veröffentlichen. Jede Testergebnisdatei, die mit \"Testergebnisdateien\" übereinstimmt, wird als Testlauf in Azure Pipelines veröffentlicht.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Testergebnisdateien",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Pfad der Testergebnisdateien. Platzhalter können verwendet werden ([weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Beispiel: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" für alle XML-Dateien, deren Name mit \"TEST-\" beginnt.",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Testlauftitel",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK-Architektur",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Geben Sie optional die JDK-Architektur an (x86, x64).",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "JAVA_HOME für Java %s %s finden",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 und JDK 10 werden nicht unterstützt. Wechseln Sie in Ihrem Projekt und Ihrer Pipeline zu einer neueren Version. Es wird versucht, die Erstellung mit JDK 11 durchzuführen...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Die angegebene JDK-Version wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die angegebene JDK-Version auf dem Agent installiert und die Umgebungsvariable \"%s\" vorhanden und auf den Speicherort eines entsprechenden JDK festgelegt ist. Sie können auch die Aufgabe [Installer für Java-Tools](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) verwenden, um das gewünschte JDK zu installieren.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Die Unterstützung der automatisierten Code Coverage-Berichterstellung für Ant-Projekte wird eingestellt. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Keine Code Coverage-Ergebnisse zum Veröffentlichen gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Es wurden keine Testergebnisdateien gefunden, die mit %s übereinstimmen. Das Veröffentlichen von JUnit-Testergebnissen wird daher übersprungen."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 5f5a3d3d2fae..146fed7fa581 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Proporcione las opciones que se van a pasar a la línea de comandos de Ant. Puede proporcionar sus propiedades (por ejemplo, ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) y también usar variables integradas (por ejemplo, ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Puede que las variables integradas ya se hayan establecido como variables de entorno durante la compilación y se puedan pasar directamente (por ejemplo, ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).",
"loc.input.label.targets": "Destinos",
"loc.input.help.targets": "Una lista opcional y separada por espacios de los destinos que se van a compilar. Si no se especifica, se usará el destino \"predeterminado\". Si no se define ningún destino \"predeterminado\", Ant 1.6.0 y las versiones posteriores compilarán todas las tareas de nivel superior.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Ant en Azure Pipelines/TFS. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines/TFS.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publicar en Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Seleccione esta opción para publicar los resultados de pruebas JUnit generados por la compilación de Ant en Azure Pipelines. Cada archivo de resultados de pruebas que coincida con \"Archivos de resultados de pruebas\" se publicará como una serie de pruebas en Azure Pipelines.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Archivos de resultados de pruebas",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Ruta de acceso de los archivos de resultados de pruebas. Puede usar caracteres comodín ([más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Por ejemplo, \"**\\*TEST-*.xml\" para todos los archivos XML cuyos nombres empiecen por TEST-.",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Título de la serie de pruebas",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Arquitectura JDK",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indique opcionalmente la arquitectura (x86, x64) del JDK.",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Buscar JAVA_HOME para Java %s %s",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 y JDK 10 no tienen soporte técnico. Cambie a una versión posterior del proyecto y la canalización. Intentando compilar con JDK 11...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "No se encontró la versión de JDK especificada. Asegúrese de que dicha versión está instalada en el agente y de que la variable de entorno \"%s\" existe y está establecida en la ubicación de un JDK correspondiente. En caso contrario, use la tarea de [Instalador de herramientas de Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) para instalar el JDK deseado.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Se va a interrumpir la compatibilidad con la generación automatizada de informes de cobertura de código para proyectos de Ant. Consulte https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306 para más información.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "No se encontraron resultados de cobertura de código para publicar.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "No se encontraron archivos de resultados de pruebas que coincidan con %s, por lo que se omite la publicación de los resultados de las pruebas JUnit."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index cf4aca582ad4..5a8e2384f3a0 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Indiquez les options à passer à la ligne de commande Ant. Vous pouvez fournir vos propres propriétés (par exemple ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***), et utiliser les variables intégrées (par exemple ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Sinon, les variables intégrées sont déjà définies comme variables d'environnement durant la génération et peuvent être passées directement (par exemple ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).",
"loc.input.label.targets": "Cible(s)",
"loc.input.help.targets": "Liste facultative de cibles à générer, séparées par des espaces. Si rien n'est spécifié, la cible 'default' est utilisée. Si aucune cible 'default' n'est définie, Ant 1.6.0 ou ultérieur génère des tâches qui sont toutes de niveau supérieur.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Ant sur Azure Pipelines/TFS. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines/TFS.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Publier sur Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Sélectionnez cette option pour publier les résultats des tests JUnit produits par la build Ant sur Azure Pipelines. Chaque fichier de résultats des tests correspondant à 'Fichiers de résultats des tests' est publié en tant que série de tests dans Azure Pipelines.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Fichiers de résultats des tests",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Chemin des fichiers de résultats des tests. Les caractères génériques sont autorisés. ([Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Par exemple, '**/TEST-*.xml' pour tous les fichiers XML dont le nom commence par TEST-.",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titre de la série de tests",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architecture du kit JDK",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Indiquez éventuellement l'architecture (x86, x64) du JDK.",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Localiser JAVA_HOME pour Java %s %s",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 et JDK 10 ne sont plus pris en charge. Passez à une version plus récente de votre projet et de votre pipeline. Tentative de génération avec JDK 11...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Échec de la localisation de la version spécifiée du kit JDK. Vérifiez que la version spécifiée du kit JDK est installée sur l'agent, que la variable d'environnement '%s' existe et que sa valeur correspond à l'emplacement d'un kit JDK correspondant. Sinon, utilisez la tâche [Programme d'installation de l'outil Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) pour installer le kit JDK souhaité.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Nous mettons fin au support de la génération automatisée de rapports de couverture du code pour les projets Ant. Pour plus d'informations, consultez https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Il n'existe aucun résultat de couverture du code à publier.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Les fichiers de résultats des tests correspondant à %s sont introuvables. La publication des résultats des tests JUnit est ignorée."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index edc7db1773b2..f19648b15485 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Consente di specificare tutte le opzioni da passare alla riga di comando di Ant. È possibile specificare proprietà personalizzate (ad esempio ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) e usare variabili predefinite (ad esempio ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). In alternativa, le variabili predefinite vengono già impostate come variabili di ambiente durante la compilazione e possono essere passate direttamente (ad esempio ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).",
"loc.input.label.targets": "Destinazione/i",
"loc.input.help.targets": "Elenco facoltativo di destinazioni per la compilazione separate da virgole. Se non viene specificato, verrà usata la destinazione `default`. Se non è definita alcuna destinazione `default`, Ant 1.6.0 o versioni successiva compilerà tutte le attività di primo livello.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Ant in Azure Pipelines/TFS. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines/TFS.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Pubblica in Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Selezionare questa opzione per pubblicare i risultati del test JUnit prodotti dalla compilazione Ant in Azure Pipelines. Ogni file dei risultati del test corrispondente al valore di `File dei risultati del test` verrà pubblicato come esecuzione dei test in Azure Pipelines.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "File dei risultati del test",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Percorso dei file dei risultati del test. È possibile usare i caratteri jolly, ad esempio `**/TEST-*.xml` per individuare tutti i file XML il cui nome inizia con TEST-. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Titolo dell'esecuzione dei test",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Architettura del JDK",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Consente facoltativamente di specificare l'architettura (x86, x64) di JDK.",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Individuare JAVA_HOME per Java %s %s",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 e JDK 10 non sono supportati. Passare a una versione più recente nel progetto e nella pipeline. Verrà effettuato un tentativo di compilazione con JDK 11...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "La versione del JDK specificata non è stata trovata. Assicurarsi che sia installata nell'agente e che la variabile di ambiente '%s' sia presente e impostata sul percorso di un JDK corrispondente oppure usare l'attività [Programma di installazione strumenti Java](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) per installare il JDK desiderato.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Il supporto della generazione automatizzata di report di code coverage per progetti Ant a breve verrà sospeso. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Non sono stati trovati risultati del code coverage da pubblicare.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Non sono stati trovati file dei risultati del test corrispondenti a %s, di conseguenza la pubblicazione dei risultati del test JUnit verrà ignorata."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 98149001b0b3..7a408b1c8a97 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Ant コマンド ラインに渡すオプションを指定します。独自のプロパティ (たとえば、***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) を指定することも、ビルトイン変数 (たとえば、***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***) を使用することもできます。あるいは、ビルトイン変数はビルド中は既に環境変数として設定されているため、直接渡すことができます (たとえば、***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。",
"loc.input.label.targets": "ターゲット",
"loc.input.help.targets": "作成するターゲットのオプションのスペース区切り一覧。指定しない場合、`既定` のターゲットが使用されます。`既定` のターゲットが定義されていない場合は、Ant 1.6.0 以降で最上位レベルのすべてのタスクが作成されます。",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS に発行する",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant のビルドによって Azure Pipelines/TFS に対して生成された JUnit のテスト結果を発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines/TFS でのテストの実行として発行されます。",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines に発行する",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant のビルドによって生成された JUnit のテスト結果を Azure Pipelines に発行するには、このオプションを選びます。'テスト結果ファイル' と一致する各テスト結果ファイルが、Azure Pipelines でテストの実行として発行されます。",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイル",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "テスト結果ファイルのパス。ワイルドカードを使用できます ([詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。たとえば、名前が TEST- で始まるすべての XML ファイルの場合は '**/TEST-*.xml' です。",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "テストの実行のタイトル",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK アーキテクチャ",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "(省略可能) JDK のアーキテクチャ (x86、x64) を指定します。",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s の JAVA_HOME を検索する",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 および JDK 10 はサポートされていません。プロジェクトとパイプラインで新しいバージョンに切り替えてください。JDK 11 でのビルドを試行しています...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "指定された JDK バージョンが見つかりませんでした。指定された JDK バージョンがエージェントにインストールされており、環境変数 '%s' が存在し、対応する JDK の場所に設定されていることを確認するか、[Java ツール インストーラー](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) タスクを使用して目的の JDK をインストールしてください。",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Ant プロジェクト向けの自動コード カバレッジ レポート生成のサポートを中止します。詳細については、https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306 をご覧ください。",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。"
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "発行するコード カバレッジの結果が見つかりませんでした。",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s と一致するテスト結果ファイルが見つからないため、JUnit テスト結果の発行をスキップします。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 7bfbbdb6ac67..382367d4b11a 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Ant 명령줄에 전달할 옵션을 지정하세요. 고유한 속성을 지정할 수도 있고(예: ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***) 기본 제공 변수를 사용할 수도 있습니다(예: ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). 또는 기본 제공 변수가 빌드 중 이미 환경 변수로 설정되어 직접 전달될 수도 있습니다(예: ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).",
"loc.input.label.targets": "대상",
"loc.input.help.targets": "빌드할 대상의 공백으로 구분된 목록입니다(선택 사항). 지정되지 않은 경우 `기본` 대상이 사용됩니다. `기본` 대상이 정의되지 않은 경우 Ant 1.6.0 이상에서 모든 최상위 작업을 빌드합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines/TFS에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines/TFS에서 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Azure Pipelines/에 게시",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Ant 빌드에서 생성된 JUnit 테스트 결과를 Azure Pipelines에 게시하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. '테스트 결과 파일'과 일치하는 각 테스트 결과 파일이 Azure Pipelines에 테스트 실행으로 게시됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "테스트 결과 파일 경로입니다. 와일드카드를 사용할 수 있습니다([자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). 예를 들어 이름이 TEST-로 시작하는 모든 XML 파일을 표시하려면 '**/TEST-*.xml'을 지정합니다.",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "테스트 실행 제목",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 아키텍처",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "선택적으로 JDK의 아키텍처(x86, x64)를 제공하세요.",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Java %s %s에 대해 JAVA_HOME 찾기",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 및 JDK 10은 지원되지 않습니다. 프로젝트 및 파이프라인에서 최신 버전으로 전환하세요. JDK 11을 사용하여 빌드를 시도하는 중...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "지정한 JDK 버전을 찾지 못했습니다. 지정한 JDK 버전이 에이전트에 설치되어 있으며 환경 변수 '%s'이(가) 있고 해당 JDK의 위치로 설정되었는지 확인하거나, [Java 도구 설치 관리자](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 작업을 사용하여 원하는 JDK를 설치하세요.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Ant 프로젝트에 대한 자동 코드 검사 보고서 생성을 더 이상 지원하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306을 참조하세요.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "게시할 코드 검사 결과가 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "%s과(와) 일치하는 테스트 결과 파일을 찾을 수 없으므로 JUnit 테스트 결과 게시를 건너뜁니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 2d4c11220313..a53c1a6ac0fc 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "Укажите параметры для передачи в командную строку Ant. Вы можете указать собственные свойства (например, ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***), а также использовать встроенные переменные (например, ***-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***). Кроме того, встроенные переменные уже заданы в качестве переменных среды во время сборки и могут быть переданы напрямую (например, ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***).",
"loc.input.label.targets": "Платформы",
"loc.input.help.targets": "Необязательный список целевых объектов сборки с разделителями-пробелами. Если он не задан, будет использоваться целевой объект по умолчанию. Если целевой объект по умолчанию не определен, в Ant 1.6.0 и более поздних версиях будет выполнена сборка всех задач верхнего уровня.",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines или TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Ant, в Azure Pipelines или TFS. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines или TFS.",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "Опубликовать в Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "Выберите этот параметр, чтобы опубликовать результаты теста JUnit, созданные сборкой Ant, в Azure Pipelines. Каждый файл результатов теста, соответствующий запросу \"Файлы результатов тестов\", будет опубликован как тестовый запуск в Azure Pipelines.",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "Файлы результатов теста",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "Путь к файлам результатов тестов. Можно использовать подстановочные знаки ([дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077)). Пример: \"**/TEST-*.xml\" для всех XML-файлов, имена которых начинаются с \"TEST-\".",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "Название тестового запуска",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "Архитектура JDK",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "Дополнительно укажите архитектуру JDK (x86, x64).",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "Найдите JAVA_HOME для Java %s %s",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "Поддержка JDK 9 и JDK 10 прекращена. Переключитесь на более позднюю версию в проекте и конвейере. Выполняется попытка сборки с помощью JDK 11...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "Не удалось найти указанную версию JDK. Убедитесь в том, что указанная версия JDK установлена в агенте и что переменная среды \"%s\" существует и ее значением является расположение соответствующего пакета JDK, или используйте [установщик средств Java] (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287), чтобы установить требуемую версию JDK.",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "Мы прекращаем поддержку автоматического создания отчетов об объемах протестированного кода для проектов Ant. Подробности см. на странице https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306.",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены."
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "Результаты по объему протестированного кода для публикации не найдены.",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "Не найдены файлы результатов теста, соответствующие \"%s\". Публикация результатов теста JUnit пропускается."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 16c24cecfff0..1ce0ae39b457 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "提供要传递到 Ant 命令行的任意选项。可以提供自己的属性(例如,***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***),也可使用内置变量(例如,**-DcollectionId=$(system.collectionId)***)。或者,已在生成过程中将内置变量设置为环境变量,且可直接传递(例如,***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。",
"loc.input.label.targets": "对象",
"loc.input.help.targets": "要生成的可选目标列表,以空格分隔。如果未指定,将使用“默认”目标。如果未定义“默认”目标,则 Ant 1.6.0 和更高版本将生成所有顶级任务。",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Ant 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每个与“测试结果文件”匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中发布为测试运行。",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "发布到 Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "选择此选项可将 Ant 生成产生的 JUnit 测试结果发布到 Azure Pipelines。每个与 `Test Results Files` 匹配的测试结果文件都会在 Azure Pipelines 中发布为测试运行。",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "测试结果文件路径。可以使用通配符([详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如,\"**/TEST-*.xml\" 表示名称以 TEST- 开头的所有 xml 文件。",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "测试运行标题",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 体系结构",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "可以选择提供 JDK 的体系结构(x86、x64)。",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "为 Java %s %s 查找 JAVA_HOME",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 和 JDK 10 不受支持。请切换到项目和管道中的更高版本。正在尝试使用 JDK 11 进行生成...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "未能找到指定的 JDK 版本。请确保代理上安装了指定的 JDK 版本,环境变量“%s”存在并设置为对应 JDK 的位置或使用[Java 工具安装程序](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287)任务安装所需 JDK。",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "我们将不再支持为 Ant 项目自动生成代码覆盖率报告。有关详细信息,请参阅 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306。",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。"
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "未找到可发布的代码覆盖率结果。",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "未找到匹配 %s 的测试结果文件,因此将跳过发布 JUnit 测试结果。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 6cfb458318f7..8310d98065a3 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"loc.input.help.options": "提供傳遞給 Ant 命令列的任何選項。您可以提供您自己的屬性 (例如 ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***),並同時使用內建變數 (例如 ***-DmyProperty=myPropertyValue***)。或者,如果內建變數已在建置期間設為環境變數,則也可以直接傳遞 (例如 ***-DcollectionIdAsEnvVar=%SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID%***)。",
"loc.input.label.targets": "目標",
"loc.input.help.targets": "以空格分隔的選用清單,內含要建置的目標。若未指定,將使用 `default` 目標。如果未定義 `default` 目標,則 Ant 1.6.0 和更新版本將建置所有最上層工作。",
- "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發行至 Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Ant 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines/TFS。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines/TFS 中發佈。",
+ "loc.input.label.publishJUnitResults": "發佈至 Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.publishJUnitResults": "選取此選項會將 Ant 組建所產生的 JUnit 測試結果發佈至 Azure Pipelines。每個與 `Test Results Files` 相符的測試結果檔案都將作為測試回合於 Azure Pipelines 中發佈。",
"loc.input.label.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案",
"loc.input.help.testResultsFiles": "測試結果檔案路徑。可使用萬用字元 ([詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=856077))。例如 `**/TEST-*.xml` 表示名稱開頭為 TEST- 的所有 XML 檔案。",
"loc.input.label.testRunTitle": "測試回合標題",
@@ -39,8 +39,9 @@
"loc.input.label.jdkArchitecture": "JDK 架構",
"loc.input.help.jdkArchitecture": "選擇性地提供 JDK 的架構 (x86、x64)。",
"loc.messages.LocateJVMBasedOnVersionAndArch": "為 Java %s %s 找出 JAVA_HOME 的位置",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 and JDK 10 are out of support. Please switch to a later version in your project and pipeline. Attempting to build with JDK 11...",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedJdkWarning": "JDK 9 與 JDK 10 已失去支援。請在您的專案和管線中切換至較新版本。正在嘗試以 JDK 11 進行建置...",
"loc.messages.FailedToLocateSpecifiedJVM": "找不到指定的 JDK 版本。請確認指定的 JDK 版本已安裝在代理程式上,且環境變數 '%s' 存在並已設定為對應 JDK 的位置,或者使用 [Java 工具安裝程式](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875287) 工作安裝所需的 JDK。",
"loc.messages.DiscontinueAntCodeCoverage": "我們即將中止對自動產生 Ant 專案程式碼涵蓋範圍報告的支援。如需更多詳細資料,請參閱 https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=875306。",
- "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。"
+ "loc.messages.NoCodeCoverage": "找不到要發行的程式碼涵蓋範圍結果。",
+ "loc.messages.NoTestResults": "找不到任何符合 %s 的測試結果,因此跳過發行 JUnit 測試結果。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json
index 7b3d0344f4e7..8302df216ae9 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json
index 95d1d32226af..8107bafe400e 100644
--- a/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/ANTV1/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 088891f65660..a2014646b64d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"loc.input.label.zipalign": "Zipalign",
"loc.input.help.zipalign": "패키지를 zipalign하려면 선택합니다. 이렇게 하면 앱에 사용되는 RAM 양이 줄어듭니다.",
"loc.input.label.zipalignLocation": "Zipalign 위치",
- "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.",
"loc.messages.AndroidHomeNotSet": "실행 중인 사용자에 대해 ANDROID_HOME 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFindZipalign": "Zipalign 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFindZipalignInAndroidHome": "ANDROID_HOME 내에서 Zipalign 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다. %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json
index e9d95752b569..e0bdc727e62f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json
index 8489bd179a7f..75140f619892 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV2/task.loc.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 0ecb5aa0b844..18caeaa09fe1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
"loc.input.label.apksignerArguments": "apksigner 인수",
"loc.input.help.apksignerArguments": "apksigner 명령줄에 전달할 옵션을 지정합니다. 기본값: -verbose -sigalg MD5withRSA -digestalg SHA1",
"loc.input.label.apksignerLocation": "apksigner 위치",
- "loc.input.help.apksignerLocation": "서명할 때 사용되는 apksigner 실행 파일의 위치를 선택적으로 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 apksigner를 사용합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.apksignerLocation": "서명할 때 사용되는 apksigner 실행 파일의 위치를 선택적으로 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 apksigner를 사용합니다.",
"loc.input.label.zipalign": "Zipalign",
"loc.input.help.zipalign": "패키지를 zipalign하려면 선택합니다. 이렇게 하면 앱에 사용되는 RAM 양이 줄어듭니다.",
"loc.input.label.zipalignLocation": "Zipalign 위치",
- "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 응용 프로그램이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.zipalignLocation": "원하는 경우 서명할 때 사용되는 zipalign 실행 파일의 위치를 지정합니다. 기본적으로 애플리케이션이 빌드되는 Android SDK 버전 폴더에 있는 zipalign을 사용합니다.",
"loc.messages.AndroidHomeNotSet": "실행 중인 사용자에 대해 ANDROID_HOME 환경 변수가 설정되어 있지 않습니다.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFindToolInAndroidHome": "ANDROID_HOME 내에서 %s 도구를 찾을 수 없습니다. %s",
"loc.messages.NoMatchingFiles": "다음 검색 패턴과 일치하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json
index b0126f82af73..bf3aa1093cab 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"releaseNotes": "This version of the task uses apksigner instead of jarsigner to sign APKs.",
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json
index 37dd571ada6e..611ce03d3631 100644
--- a/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AndroidSigningV3/task.loc.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 7ea6e83d9d3c..220a15bf65f7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Beheben Sie Fehler, bei denen Featurebranches abgeschnitten wurden.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "Ziel-ID",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 63dea4c177ae..03bae7234399 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Corrija el error en el que se truncan las ramas de características.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "Id. de destino",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "El identificador del grupo de distribución o almacén en el que se implementará la aplicación. Si lo deja en blanco, se usará el grupo predeterminado.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 3d3173e62dbc..97ba15467fe3 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Correction d'un bogue relatif aux branches de fonctionnalités tronquées.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "ID de destination",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "ID du groupe de distribution ou du Store sur lequel l'application est déployée. Pour utiliser le groupe par défaut, laissez ce champ vide.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 194eea6dec60..946e7491eb87 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato corretto il bug per cui i rami delle funzionalità risultavano troncati.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "ID destinazione",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "ID del gruppo di distribuzione o dello store in cui verrà distribuita l'app. Lasciarlo vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 2d75ed33cd8f..40fa8da36b19 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。",
"loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "feature ブランチが切り捨てられていたバグが修正されます。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "同期先 ID",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "アプリが配置する配布グループまたはストアの ID。既定のグループを使用するには、空のままにします。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 21f22a352652..e06a700095b6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.",
"loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "기능 분기가 잘리는 버그를 수정합니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "대상 ID",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "앱이 배포될 배포 목록 또는 저장소의 ID입니다. 기본 그룹을 사용하려면 비워 두세요.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 1e7b4069dfee..feaf4b41af7d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.",
"loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Исправьте ошибку, из-за которой были усечены ветви компонентов.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "Идентификатор назначения",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "Идентификатор группы рассылки или хранилища, где будет развернуто приложение. Оставьте значение пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 231a165b423f..7f819c99e455 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "修复正在截断功能分支的 bug。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "目标 ID",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "要将应用部署到的通讯组或商店 ID。若留空,则使用默认组。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index af36c57a76ca..b6b4d98909a7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "修正功能分支受到截斷的 bug。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。",
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新",
"loc.input.label.destinationId": "目的地識別碼",
"loc.input.help.destinationId": "應用程式要部署的目標通訊群組或市集識別碼。保留空白則會使用預設群組。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json
index ff1dc9a8e0ee..0161a1335199 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "Fix bug where feature branches were being truncated.",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json
index df3809dfe3c5..02ec1dc2e160 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV1/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 1535dc15200e..3c06f3b912a0 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für mehrere Ziele hinzugefügt.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-ID",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-IDs",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs der Verteilungsgruppen oder -speicher, in denen die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden, und verwenden Sie Kommas oder Semikolons, um mehrere IDs zu trennen.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Keine Antwort vom Server.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Abschließen des Dateiuploads.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "In der Visual Studio App Center-Dienstverbindung wurde kein API-Token gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Die angegebene Zieleingabe war ungültig.",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Die Aufgabe zur App Center-Verteilung wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Es kann keine auf \"%s\" basierende Datei gefunden werden.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Es wurden mehrere Dateien gefunden, die \"%s\" entsprechen.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 246044ba3622..4c7a054134d8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con varios destinos.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Identificadores de destino",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Identificadores de los almacenes o grupos de distribución en los que se implementará la aplicación. Déjelo en blanco para usar el grupo predeterminado y use comas o punto y coma para separar varios identificadores.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "No hay respuesta desde el servidor.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Error al completar la carga de archivo.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "No se encontró ningún token de API en la conexión de servicio de Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "La entrada de destino proporcionada no era válida.",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "La tarea de distribución de App Center se realizó correctamente.",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "No se puede encontrar ningún archivo basado en %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Se encontraron varios archivos que coinciden con %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index d0e5c98ffe4a..ca89f7b3c316 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout effectué de la prise en charge de plusieurs destinations.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ID de destination",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "ID des groupes ou magasins de distribution sur lesquels l'application va être déployée. Pour utiliser la valeur par défaut, n'indiquez rien. Utilisez des virgules ou des points-virgules pour séparer plusieurs ID.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Aucune réponse du serveur.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Impossible de terminer le téléchargement du fichier.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Jeton d'API introuvable dans la connexion de service Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'entrée de destination fournie est non valide",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Tâche de distribution via App Center réussie",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Impossible de trouver un fichier basé sur %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Plusieurs fichiers correspondant à %s ont été trouvés.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 5f829b987bea..d750f89fae43 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per più destinazioni.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ID destinazione",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "ID dei gruppi di distribuzione o degli archivi in cui verrà distribuita l'app. Lasciare vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito e usare virgole o punti e virgola per separare più ID.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Non è stata ricevuta alcuna risposta dal server.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile completare il caricamento dei file.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun token API per la connessione al servizio Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'input di destinazione specificato non è valido",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Attività Distribuzione App Center completata",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Non è stato trovato alcun file basato su %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Sono stati trovati più file corrispondenti a %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 8a1e7acb7970..dd215027b268 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。",
"loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "複数の宛先のサポートが追加されました。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "ターゲット ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "アプリの配置先となる配布グループまたはストアの ID。既定のグループを使用するには空のままにし、複数の ID を区切るにはコンマまたはセミコロンを使用します。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "サーバーから応答がありません。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "ファイルの完全アップロードに失敗しました。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center サービス接続上に API トークンが見つかりませんでした。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "指定された宛先の入力が無効でした",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 配布タスクが正常に実行されました",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s に基づくファイルが見つかりません。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s と一致しているファイルが複数見つかりました。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 2f58f9643e54..83d43d529017 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.",
"loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "여러 대상에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "대상 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "앱을 배포할 대상 배포 목록 또는 배포 저장소의 ID입니다. 기본 목록을 사용하려면 비워 두고, ID가 여러 개이면 쉼표 또는 세미콜론을 사용하여 구분합니다.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "서버의 응답이 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "파일 업로드를 완료하지 못했습니다.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 서비스 연결에서 API 토큰을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "지정한 대상 입력이 잘못되었습니다.",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 배포 작업 성공",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s을(를) 기반으로 하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s과(와) 일치하는 파일을 여러 개 찾았습니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index ed4f0642ecd9..28daa921f786 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.",
"loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка нескольких назначений.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Идентификаторы назначения",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Идентификаторы групп рассылки или хранилищ, где будет развернуто приложение. Оставьте поле пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию, и используйте запятые или точки с запятой для разделения нескольких идентификаторов.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Нет ответа от сервера.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось завершить отправку файла.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "У подключения к службе Центра приложений Visual Studio не найден токен API.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Указаны недопустимые входные данные назначения",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Задача распространения через Центр приложений выполнена успешно",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Не удается найти файл на основе %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Найдено несколько файлов, соответствующих %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 8ec1b33a4f65..66618e57c247 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对多个目标的支持。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "目标 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "应用将部署到的分发组或存储区的 ID。将其留空以使用默认组,并使用逗号或分号分隔多个 ID。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "服务器无响应。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能完成文件上传。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 服务连接上找不到 API 令牌。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目标输入无效",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 分布任务已完成",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "找不到基于 %s 的任何文件。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到与 %s 匹配的多个文件。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 7dabbd12df63..42e48621929e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "新增多重目的地的支援。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。",
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "目的地識別碼",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "應用程式要部署之目標通訊群組或存放區的識別碼。保留空白可使用預設群組,使用逗號或分號可分隔多個識別碼。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "伺服器沒有任何回應。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法完成檔案上傳。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "在 Visual Studio App Center 服務連線上找不到任何 API 權杖。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目的地輸入無效",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 散發工作已成功",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "無法依據 %s 找到任何檔案。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到多個符合 %s 的檔案。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json
index 597209330015..488f786fd817 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "Added support for multiple destinations.",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json
index e6f08d4c5c91..f0e3fcc51a9a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV2/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 1535dc15200e..8cfde39f573f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Hiermit verteilen Sie App-Builds über App Center an Tester und Benutzer.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "\"$(app)\" in Visual Studio App Center bereitstellen",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Fügen Sie Unterstützung für die Verteilung auf Speicher hinzu.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für mehrere Ziele hinzugefügt.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symbole",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center-Dienstverbindung",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Wählen Sie die Dienstverbindung für Visual Studio App Center aus. Um eine Dienstverbindung zu erstellen, klicken Sie auf den Link \"Verwalten\", und erstellen Sie eine neue Dienstverbindung.",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Anmerkungen zu dieser Version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Datei mit Anmerkungen zu dieser Version",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Wählen Sie eine UTF-8-codierte Textdatei aus, die die Anmerkungen zu dieser Version enthält.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Ziel-ID",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "Die ID der Verteilergruppe oder des Speichers, in der bzw. dem die App bereitgestellt wird. Lassen Sie den Eintrag leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Benutzer müssen auf dieses Release aktualisieren",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Releaseziel",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Ziel-IDs",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "IDs der Verteilungsgruppen für das Release. Lassen Sie das Feld leer, um die Standardgruppe zu verwenden, und verwenden Sie Kommas oder Semikolons, um mehrere IDs zu trennen.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Ziel-ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID des Verteilungsspeichers, in dem die Bereitstellung erfolgen soll.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Tester werden nicht benachrichtigt. Das Release steht weiterhin für die Installation zur Verfügung.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Der Endpunkt konnte nicht decodiert werden.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Keine Antwort vom Server.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Abschließen des Dateiuploads.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "In der Visual Studio App Center-Dienstverbindung wurde kein API-Token gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Die angegebene Zieleingabe war ungültig.",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Verteilung auf mehrere Speicher nicht möglich",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Die Aufgabe zur App Center-Verteilung wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Es kann keine auf \"%s\" basierende Datei gefunden werden.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Es wurden mehrere Dateien gefunden, die \"%s\" entsprechen.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 246044ba3622..15ac5fa26f81 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) de Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Distribuye compilaciones de la aplicación a los evaluadores y los usuarios a través de App Center.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementar $(app) en Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Agregue compatibilidad para la distribución a almacenes.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con varios destinos.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Símbolos",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Seleccione la conexión de servicio para Visual Studio App Center. Para crear una, haga clic en el vínculo Administrar y cree un nuevo servicio.",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notas de esta versión.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Archivo de notas de la versión",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Seleccione un archivo de texto con codificación UTF-8 que contenga las notas de esta versión.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Requerir a los usuarios que actualicen a esta versión",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destino de la versión",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Identificadores de destino",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "Identificadores de los grupos de distribución en los que se implementará la versión. Déjelo en blanco para usar el grupo predeterminado y use comas o punto y coma para separar varios identificadores.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Id. de destino",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "Identificador del almacén de distribución en el que se va a implementar.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "No notifique a los evaluadores. La versión seguirá disponible para instalarse.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "No se pudo descodificar el punto de conexión.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "No hay respuesta desde el servidor.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Error al completar la carga de archivo.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "No se encontró ningún token de API en la conexión de servicio de Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "La entrada de destino proporcionada no era válida.",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "No se puede distribuir a varios almacenes.",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "La tarea de distribución de App Center se realizó correctamente.",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "No se puede encontrar ningún archivo basado en %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Se encontraron varios archivos que coinciden con %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index d0e5c98ffe4a..562fd9134cf8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/).",
"loc.description": "Distribuer les builds d'applications aux testeurs et aux utilisateurs via App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déployer $(app) sur Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajoutez une prise en charge de la distribution aux Stores.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout effectué de la prise en charge de plusieurs destinations.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Symboles",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connexion de service App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Sélectionnez la connexion de service pour Visual Studio App Center. Pour en créer une, cliquez sur le lien Gérer, puis créez une connexion de service.",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Notes de publication de cette version.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Fichier de notes de publication",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Sélectionnez un fichier texte UTF-8 contenant les notes de publication de cette version.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Obliger les utilisateurs à effectuer une mise à jour vers cette version release",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destination de la mise en production",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ID de destination",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "ID des groupes de distribution vers lesquels effectuer la mise en production. Pour utiliser la valeur par défaut, n'indiquez rien. Utilisez des virgules ou des points-virgules pour séparer plusieurs ID.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "ID de destination",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID du magasin de distribution sur lequel effectuer le déploiement.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Ne pas notifier les testeurs. La mise en production est toujours disponible pour être installée.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Impossible de décoder le point de terminaison.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Aucune réponse du serveur.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Impossible de terminer le téléchargement du fichier.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Jeton d'API introuvable dans la connexion de service Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'entrée de destination fournie est non valide",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Impossible d'effectuer la distribution vers plusieurs magasins",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Tâche de distribution via App Center réussie",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Impossible de trouver un fichier basé sur %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Plusieurs fichiers correspondant à %s ont été trouvés.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 5f829b987bea..ddf79ee6c848 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) di Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.description": "Consente di distribuire build di app a tester e utenti tramite App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuisci $(app) in Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiungere il supporto per la distribuzione negli store.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per più destinazioni.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Simboli",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio App Center",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare la connessione al servizio per Visual Studio App Center. Per crearne una, fare clic sul collegamento Gestisci e creare una nuova connessione al servizio.",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Note sulla versione per questa versione.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "File delle note sulla versione",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Consente di selezionare un file di testo con codifica UTF-8 che contiene le note sulla versione per questa versione.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Richiedi agli utenti di eseguire l'aggiornamento a questa versione",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Destinazione della versione",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ID destinazione",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "ID dei gruppi di distribuzione in cui verrà creata la versione. Lasciare vuoto per usare il gruppo predefinito e usare virgole o punti e virgola per separare più ID.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "ID destinazione",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "ID dell'archivio di distribuzione in cui eseguire la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Non inviare notifiche ai tester. La versione sarà comunque disponibile per l'installazione.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Non è stato possibile decodificare l'endpoint.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Non è stata ricevuta alcuna risposta dal server.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile completare il caricamento dei file.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Non è stato trovato alcun token API per la connessione al servizio Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "L'input di destinazione specificato non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Non è possibile eseguire la distribuzione in più archivi",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Attività Distribuzione App Center completata",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Non è stato trovato alcun file basato su %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Sono stati trovati più file corrispondenti a %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 8a1e7acb7970..a2375624eecc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) をご覧ください。",
"loc.description": "App Center 経由でテスト担当者とユーザーにアプリのビルドを配布します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(app) を Visual Studio App Center に配置する",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "ストアへの配布のサポートを追加します。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "複数の宛先のサポートが追加されました。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "シンボル",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center サービス接続",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center のサービス接続を選択します。作成するには、[管理] リンクをクリックして、新しいサービス接続を作成します。",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "このバージョンのリリース ノート。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "リリース ノート ファイル",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "このバージョンのリリース ノートが含まれる、UTF-8 でエンコードされたテキスト ファイルを選択します。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "ユーザーがこのリリースに更新することを要求する",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "リリース先",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "ターゲット ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "リリース先となる配布グループの ID。既定のグループを使用するには空のままにし、複数の ID を区切るにはコンマまたはセミコロンを使用します。",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "同期先 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "配置する配布ストアの ID。",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "テスト担当者に通知しないでください。リリースは引き続きインストールできるようになります。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "エンドポイントをデコードできませんでした。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "サーバーから応答がありません。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "ファイルの完全アップロードに失敗しました。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center サービス接続上に API トークンが見つかりませんでした。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "指定された宛先の入力が無効でした",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "複数のストアに分散できません",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 配布タスクが正常に実行されました",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s に基づくファイルが見つかりません。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s と一致しているファイルが複数見つかりました。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 2f58f9643e54..9570245c1e73 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "이 작업에 대한 도움말이 필요하면 Visual Studio App Center [지원 사이트](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)를 방문하세요.",
"loc.description": "App Center를 통해 테스트와 사용자에게 앱 빌드를 배포합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center에 $(app) 배포",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "저장소로 배포에 대한 지원을 추가합니다.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "여러 대상에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "기호",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 서비스 연결",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Visual Studio App Center에 대한 서비스 연결을 선택합니다. 서비스 연결을 만들려면 [관리] 링크를 클릭하고 새 서비스 연결을 만듭니다.",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보입니다.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "릴리스 정보 파일",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "이 버전의 릴리스 정보를 포함하는 UTF-8로 인코드된 텍스트 파일을 선택합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "사용자가 이 릴리스로 업데이트하도록 요구",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "릴리스 대상",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "대상 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "릴리스할 대상 배포 목록의 ID입니다. 기본 목록을 사용하려면 비워 두고, ID가 여러 개이면 쉼표 또는 세미콜론을 사용하여 구분합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "대상 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "배포할 대상 배포 저장소의 ID입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "테스터에게 알리지 않습니다. 계속 릴리스를 설치할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "엔드포인트를 디코드할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "서버의 응답이 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "파일 업로드를 완료하지 못했습니다.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 서비스 연결에서 API 토큰을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "지정한 대상 입력이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "여러 저장소에 배포할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 배포 작업 성공",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "%s을(를) 기반으로 하는 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "%s과(와) 일치하는 파일을 여러 개 찾았습니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index ed4f0642ecd9..7b862f46c465 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/) Центра приложений Visual Studio.",
"loc.description": "Распространять сборки приложений среди тест-инженеров и пользователей через Центр приложений",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание $(app) в Центре приложений Visual Studio",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавьте поддержку распространения в хранилищах.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка нескольких назначений.",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "Символы",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Центра приложений",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "Выберите подключение службы для Центра приложений Visual Studio. Чтобы создать подключение, щелкните ссылку \"Управление\".",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "Заметки о выпуске для этой версии.",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "Файл заметок о выпуске",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "Выберите текстовый файл в кодировке UTF-8, содержащий заметки о выпуске этой версии.",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "Потребовать от пользователей обновиться до этого выпуска",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "Назначение выпуска",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "Идентификаторы назначения",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "Идентификаторы групп рассылки для выпуска. Оставьте поле пустым, чтобы использовать группу по умолчанию, и используйте запятые или точки с запятой для разделения нескольких идентификаторов.",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "Идентификатор назначения",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "Идентификатор хранилища распределения, куда нужно выполнить развертывание.",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "Не уведомлять тест-инженеров. Выпуск по-прежнему будет доступен для установки.",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "Не удалось декодировать конечную точку.",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "Нет ответа от сервера.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось завершить отправку файла.",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "У подключения к службе Центра приложений Visual Studio не найден токен API.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "Указаны недопустимые входные данные назначения",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "Невозможно распределить по нескольким хранилищам",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "Задача распространения через Центр приложений выполнена успешно",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "Не удается найти файл на основе %s.",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "Найдено несколько файлов, соответствующих %s.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 8ec1b33a4f65..7884d387083e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "通过 App Center 向测试人员和用户分布应用生成",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "将 $(app)部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "添加商店分发支持。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对多个目标的支持。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符号",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服务连接",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "选择 Visual Studio App Center 的服务连接。若要创建一个连接,请单击“管理”链接并创建新的服务连接。",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的发行说明。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "发行说明文件",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "选择包含此版本的发行说明的 UTF-8 编码文本文件。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "要求用户更新到此版本",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "发布目标",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "目标 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "要发布到的分发组的 ID。将其留空以使用默认组,并使用逗号或分号分隔多个 ID。",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "目标 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "要部署到的分发存储区的 ID。",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "不通知测试人员。发布仍可供安装。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "无法解码终结点。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "服务器无响应。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能完成文件上传。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "Visual Studio App Center 服务连接上找不到 API 令牌。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目标输入无效",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "无法分发到多个存储区",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 分布任务已完成",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "找不到基于 %s 的任何文件。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到与 %s 匹配的多个文件。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 7dabbd12df63..27caa812017d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport/)。",
"loc.description": "透過 App Center 將應用程式組建散發給測試人員及使用者",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "將 $(app) 部署到 Visual Studio App Center",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "新增散發到市集的支援。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "新增多重目的地的支援。",
"loc.group.displayName.symbols": "符號",
"loc.input.label.serverEndpoint": "App Center 服務連線",
"loc.input.help.serverEndpoint": "選取 Visual Studio App Center 的服務連線。若要建立服務連線,請按一下 [管理] 連結,然後建立新的服務連線。",
@@ -27,12 +27,19 @@
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesInput": "此版本的版本資訊。",
"loc.input.label.releaseNotesFile": "版本資訊檔案",
"loc.input.help.releaseNotesFile": "選取包含此版本版本資訊的 UTF-8 編碼文字檔。",
- "loc.input.label.destinationIds": "Destination IDs",
- "loc.input.help.destinationIds": "IDs of the distribution groups or stores the app will deploy to. Leave it empty to use the default group and use commas or semicolons to separate multiple IDs.",
+ "loc.input.label.isMandatory": "需要使用者對此版本進行更新",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationType": "發行目的地",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationGroupIds": "目的地識別碼",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationGroupIds": "要發行之目標通訊群組的識別碼。保留空白可使用預設群組,使用逗號或分號可分隔多個識別碼。",
+ "loc.input.label.destinationStoreId": "目的地識別碼",
+ "loc.input.help.destinationStoreId": "要部署之目標通訊存放區的識別碼。",
+ "loc.input.label.isSilent": "不要通知測試人員。版本依然可安裝。",
"loc.messages.CannotDecodeEndpoint": "無法將端點解碼。",
"loc.messages.NoResponseFromServer": "伺服器沒有任何回應。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法完成檔案上傳。",
"loc.messages.NoApiTokenFound": "在 Visual Studio App Center 服務連線上找不到任何 API 權杖。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDestinationInput": "提供的目的地輸入無效",
+ "loc.messages.CanNotDistributeToMultipleStores": "無法散發到多個存放區",
"loc.messages.Succeeded": "App Center 散發工作已成功",
"loc.messages.CannotFindAnyFile": "無法依據 %s 找到任何檔案。",
"loc.messages.FoundMultipleFiles": "找到多個符合 %s 的檔案。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json
index ec1c394e608c..307734b4074b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "Added support for multiple destinations.",
"groups": [
@@ -224,4 +224,4 @@
"FailedToCreateFile": "Failed to create %s with error: %s.",
"FailedToFindFile": "Failed to find %s at %s."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json
index f4c0565a4f6d..5d5b401f593a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterDistributeV3/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 7fb637a72f4b..bc7264cad1bd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "App Center-Test",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe zu dieser Aufgabe finden Sie auf der Visual Studio App Center-[Supportwebsite](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport).",
- "loc.description": "App-Pakete mit Visual Studio App Center testen.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden App-Pakete mit Visual Studio App Center getestet.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Mit Visual Studio App Center testen",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Tests vorbereiten",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "Tests ausführen",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index dd40b6286d8a..2fe5a51944f7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Prueba de App Center",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Para obtener ayuda con esta tarea, visite el [sitio de soporte técnico](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) de Visual Studio App Center.",
- "loc.description": "Prueba paquetes de aplicaciones con Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.description": "Prueba paquetes de aplicaciones con Visual Studio App Center.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Probar con Visual Studio App Center",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Preparar pruebas",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "Ejecutar pruebas",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index f840e082e032..37290d83f242 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Test App Center",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide sur cette tâche, visitez Visual Studio App Center [site de support](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport).",
- "loc.description": "Testez les packages d'applications avec Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.description": "Tester les packages d'applications avec Visual Studio App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Tester avec Visual Studio App Center",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Préparer les tests",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "Exécuter les tests",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 8ad7201f09ae..79be704425ff 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Test App Center",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni su questa attività, visitare il [sito del supporto](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) di Visual Studio App Center.",
- "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire il test di pacchetti dell'app con Visual Studio App Center.",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire il test di pacchetti dell'app con Visual Studio App Center",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui test con Visual Studio App Center",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Prepara test",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "Esegui test",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index b5f94955f74f..179131e187d6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "App Center テスト",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "このタスクに関するヘルプは、Visual Studio App Center [サポート サイト](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) をご覧ください。",
- "loc.description": "Visual Studio App Center でアプリ パッケージをテストします。",
+ "loc.description": "Visual Studio App Center でアプリ パッケージをテストします",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Visual Studio App Center でテスト",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "テストの準備",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "テストの実行",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 3f991e46fbf6..9a8d389d1654 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "테스트 준비",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "테스트 실행",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급",
- "loc.input.label.app": "이진 응용 프로그램 파일 경로",
+ "loc.input.label.app": "이진 애플리케이션 파일 경로",
"loc.input.help.app": "테스트할 APK 또는 IPA 파일에 대한 리포 루트에서의 상대 경로입니다.",
"loc.input.label.artifactsDir": "아티팩트 디렉터리",
"loc.input.help.artifactsDir": "준비 단계에서 생성되어 실행 단계에서 사용되는 아티팩트를 배치할 위치입니다. 이 디렉터리가 없으면 자동으로 만들어집니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 66c2457e2e31..443ae3b2e05b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Тестирование в Центре приложений",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "Чтобы получить помощь в выполнении этой задачи, посетите [сайт службы поддержки](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport) Центра приложений Visual Studio.",
- "loc.description": "Тестирование пакетов приложений в Центре приложений Visual Studio.",
+ "loc.description": "Тестирование пакетов приложений в Центре приложений Visual Studio",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Тестировать в Центре приложений Visual Studio",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "Подготовить тесты",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "Запуск тестов",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index f87855f121b4..b295f1c8a9d2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "App Center 测试",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "有关此任务的帮助信息,请访问 Visual Studio App Center [支持站点](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport)。",
- "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试应用包。",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试应用包",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 测试 ",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "准备测试",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "运行测试",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index ca0d5dcc3ecf..bdd19ad72dcc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "App Center 測試",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "如需此工作的說明,請瀏覽 Visual Studio App Center [支援網站](https://aka.ms/appcentersupport)。",
- "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試應用程式套件。",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試應用程式套件",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "使用 Visual Studio App Center 測試",
"loc.group.displayName.prepare": "準備測試",
"loc.group.displayName.run": "執行測試",
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json
index b1526ed053f3..30c984138cb1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.json
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"groups": [
@@ -497,4 +497,4 @@
"CannotFindAnyFile": "Cannot find any file based on %s.",
"FoundMultipleFiles": "Found multiple files matching %s."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json
index 02eaeabe019b..c66b6c3d78a8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AppCenterTestV1/task.loc.json
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"author": "Microsoft Corporation",
"version": {
"Major": 1,
- "Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Minor": 152,
+ "Patch": 1
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index c1922ca75e5c..4f56cfad6f9f 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Archivdateien",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Dateien archivieren",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "Archivieren Sie Dateien mithilfe verschiedener Komprimierungsformate, wie z. B. 7z, RAR, TAR.GZ und ZIP.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archive $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archiv",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Stammordner oder Datei für Archivierung",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Geben Sie den Namen der zu erstellenden Archivdatei an. Wenn Sie z. B. \"foo.tgz\" erstellen möchten, wählen Sie den Archivtyp \"tar\" sowie \"gz\" für TAR-Komprimierung aus.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Vorhandenes Archiv ersetzen",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Wenn bereits ein Archiv vorhanden ist, geben Sie an, ob es überschrieben werden soll. Andernfalls werden ihm Dateien hinzugefügt.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "Ausführliche Ausgabe erzwingen",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird der ausführliche Ausgabemodus für Tools erzwungen. Diese Einstellung setzt \"quiet\" außer Kraft.",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "Stille Ausgabe erzwingen",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "Bei Festlegung auf TRUE wird der stille Ausgabemodus für Tools erzwungen. Diese Einstellung kann mit \"verbose\" außer Kraft gesetzt werden.",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "Die temporäre TAR-Datei \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden. Es wird versucht, ihr Dateien hinzuzufügen.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Die vorhandene Archivdatei wird vor dem Erstellen entfernt: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 17296628308d..0cd012fb6b9d 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Archivos de almacenamiento",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "Archivos de almacenamiento que usan formatos de compresión, como .7z, .rar, .tar.gz y .zip.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archivo $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archivo",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Archivo o carpeta raíz que se va a archivar",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Especifique el nombre del archivo de almacenamiento que se va a crear. Por ejemplo, para crear \"foo.tgz\", seleccione el tipo de archivo \"tar\" y \"gz\" para la compresión tar.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Reemplazar el archivo de almacenamiento existente",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Si ya existe un archivo de almacenamiento, especifique si quiere sobrescribirlo. De lo contrario, se le agregarán los archivos.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forzar salida detallada",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "Si se establece en true, fuerza a las herramientas a usar una salida detallada. Invalida a \"quiet\".",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forzar salida silenciosa",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "Si se establece en true, fuerza a las herramientas a usar una salida silenciosa. Se puede invalidar con \"verbose\".",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "El archivo tar intermedio %s ya existe. Intentando agregar archivos.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Quitando el archivo de almacenamiento existente antes de la creación: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 23cd0e425b0d..edb2bf960e5f 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Fichiers d'archives",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Archiver les fichiers",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "Archivez les fichiers à l'aide de formats de compression tels que .7z, .rar, .tar.gz et .zip.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archive $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archiver",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Dossier ou fichier racine à archiver",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Spécifiez le nom du fichier d'archive à créer. Par exemple, pour créer 'foo.tgz', sélectionnez le type d'archive 'tar', puis 'gz' pour la compression tar.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Remplacer l'archive existante",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "S'il existe déjà une archive, indiquez si elle doit être remplacée. Sinon, les fichiers sont ajoutés à cette archive.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forcer la sortie détaillée",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "Si la valeur est true, force les outils à utiliser une sortie détaillée. Remplace 'quiet'",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forcer la sortie sans assistance",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "Si la valeur est true, force les outils à utiliser une sortie sans assistance. Vous pouvez utiliser 'verbose' à la place",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "Le fichier tar intermédiaire %s existe déjà. Tentative d'ajout de fichiers à celui-ci.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Suppression du fichier d'archive existant avant la création : %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 0af22c11aae4..df75e157194c 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Archivia file",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di archiviare i file usando formati di compressione quali .7z, .rar, .tar.gz e .zip.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Archivia $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "Archivia",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Cartella radice o file da archiviare",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Specificare il nome del file di archivio da creare. Ad esempio, per creare `foo.tgz`, selezionare il tipo di archivio `tar` e `gz` per la compressione del file TAR.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Sostituisci l'archivio esistente",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Se è presente un archivio esistente, specifica se sovrascriverlo. In caso contrario, i file verranno aggiunti all'archivio.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "Forza output dettagliato",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "Se è impostato su true, impone agli strumenti di usare l'output dettagliato. Esegue l'override di 'quiet'",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "Forza output non interattivo",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "Se è impostato su true, impone agli strumenti di usare l'output non interattivo. È possibile eseguirne l'override con 'verbose'",
"loc.messages.Filename": "file=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "Il file TAR intermedio %s esiste già. Verrà effettuato il tentativo di aggiungervi file.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Rimozione del file di archivio esistente prima della creazione: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index bac9090e6d79..2819195b14ae 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "ファイルのアーカイブ",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": ".7z、.rar、.tar.gz、.zip などの圧縮形式を使用してファイルをアーカイブします。",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "アーカイブ $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "アーカイブ",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "アーカイブするルート フォルダーまたはファイル",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "作成するアーカイブ ファイルの名前を指定します。たとえば、`foo.tgz` を作成する場合、`tar` アーカイブ型と `gz` を tar 圧縮のために選択します。",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "既存のアーカイブを置換",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "既存のアーカイブが存在する場合、上書きするかどうかを指定します。上書きしない場合には、ファイルは追加されます。",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "詳細出力を強制する",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "True に設定すると、ツールが詳細出力を使用するよう強制します。'quiet' をオーバーライドします",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "非表示出力を強制する",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "True に設定すると、ツールが非表示出力を使用するよう強制します。'verbose' でオーバーライドできます",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "中間 tar %s は既に存在しています。ファイルの追加を試行しています。",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "作成する前に既存のアーカイブ ファイルを削除しています: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 29230ab7a3af..8f77a607852c 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "보관 파일",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": ".7z, .rar, .tar.gz 및 .zip 등의 압축 형식을 사용하는 보관 파일입니다.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(rootFolderOrFile) 보관",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "보관",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "보관할 루트 폴더 또는 파일",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "만들려는 보관 파일의 이름을 지정합니다. 예를 들어 `foo.tgz`를 만들려면 `tar` 보관 파일 형식을 선택하고 tar 압축의 경우 `gz`를 선택합니다.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "기존 보관 파일 바꾸기",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "기존 보관 파일이 있는 경우 해당 파일을 덮어쓸지 지정합니다. 그러지 않으면 파일이 기존 보관 파일에 추가됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "자세한 정보 출력 강제 적용",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "true로 설정하면, 도구에서 강제로 자세한 정보 출력을 사용합니다. 'quiet'를 재정의합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "자동 출력 강제 적용",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "true로 설정하면, 도구에서 강제로 자동 출력을 사용합니다. 'verbose'를 통해 재정의할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "중간 tar %s이(가) 이미 있습니다. 여기에 파일을 추가하려고 시도하고 있습니다.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "만들기 전에 기존 보관 파일을 제거하는 중입니다. %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index ef615e7063a2..65d562ae7434 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Файлы архива",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Архивировать файлы",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "Архивация файлов с помощью таких форматов сжатия, как 7Z, RAR, TAR.GZ и ZIP.",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Архив $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "Архив",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "Корневая папка или файл для архивации",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "Укажите имя файла архива. Например, чтобы создать файл foo.tgz, выберите тип архива tar и gz для сжатия TAR.",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "Заменить существующий архив",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "Если имеется существующий архив, укажите, следует ли перезаписать его. В противном случае файлы будут добавлены в него.",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "Принудительный подробный вывод",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "Если задано значение true, средства принудительно используют подробный вывод. Переопределяет \"тихий\" режим",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "Принудительный тихий вывод",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "Если задано значение true, средства принудительно используют тихий вывод. Может быть переопределен \"подробным\" режимом",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "Промежуточный TAR-файл уже существует: %s. Идет попытка добавления файлов в него.",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "Удаление существующего архивного файла перед созданием: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index d3ad6c0155e3..7a958aee3816 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "存档文件",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "存档文件使用各种压缩格式,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 和 .zip。",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "存档 $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "存档",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "要存档的根文件夹或文件",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "指定要创建的存档文件的名称。例如,若要创建 \"foo.tgz\",请选择 \"tar\" 存档类型,并用 \"gz\" 指定 tar 压缩。",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "替换现有存档",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "如果存在现有存档,请指定是否将其覆盖。如果不覆盖,将向其添加文件。",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "强制使用详细输出",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "如果设置为 true,则会强制工具使用详细输出。重写 \"quiet\"",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "强制使用安静输出",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "如果设置为 true,则会强制工具使用安静输出。可由“详细”重写",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "中级 tar %s 已存在。正在尝试将文件添加到其中。",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "在创建前删除现有存档文件: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 03b9594b4dd5..538d943aa4f1 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "封存檔",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=809083)",
- "loc.description": "使用壓縮格式封存檔案,例如 .7z、.rar、.tar.gz 及 .zip。",
+ "loc.description": "Compress files into .7z, .tar.gz, or .zip",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "封存 $(rootFolderOrFile)",
"loc.group.displayName.archive": "封存",
"loc.input.label.rootFolderOrFile": "要封存的根資料夾或檔案",
@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@
"loc.input.help.archiveFile": "請指定要建立的封存檔案名稱。例如,若要建立 `foo.tgz`,請選取封存類型 [tar],對於 tar 壓縮則選取 [gz]。",
"loc.input.label.replaceExistingArchive": "取代現有的封存檔",
"loc.input.help.replaceExistingArchive": "若已有同名的封存檔,請指定是否要加以覆寫,否則只會將檔案新增至其中。",
+ "loc.input.label.verbose": "強制詳細資訊輸出",
+ "loc.input.help.verbose": "若設定為 true,會強制工具使用詳細資訊輸出。覆寫 'quiet'",
+ "loc.input.label.quiet": "強制無對話輸出",
+ "loc.input.help.quiet": "若設為 true,即強制工具使用無對話輸出。可由 'verbose' 覆寫",
"loc.messages.Filename": "files=%s",
"loc.messages.TarExists": "中繼 tar %s 已存在。正在嘗試將檔案新增至其中。",
"loc.messages.RemoveBeforeCreation": "在建立前移除現有的封存檔案: %s",
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json
index fa8581045abe..810a108a7317 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"groups": [
@@ -129,4 +129,4 @@
"ArchiveFileExistsButNotAFile": "Specified archive file: %s already exists and is not a file.",
"FailedArchiveFile": "Specified archive file: %s cannot be created because it cannot be accessed: %s"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json
index 72b006f1c740..6d360e379ffa 100644
--- a/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/ArchiveFilesV2/task.loc.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index ea221c1a454a..bbd40df7a873 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service verwalten",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)",
- "loc.description": "Hiermit können Sie einen Azure App Service starten, beenden oder neu starten, einen Slottausch durchführen, Websiteerweiterungen installieren oder die kontinuierliche Überwachung für den App Service aktivieren.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit können Sie eine Azure App Service-Instanz starten, beenden oder neu starten, einen Slottausch durchführen, Websiteerweiterungen installieren oder die kontinuierliche Überwachung für eine Azure App Service-Instanz aktivieren.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement",
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um solche Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um solche Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 8dde911ec7fd..b637bac25d36 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Manage",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Administración de Azure App Service",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)",
- "loc.description": "Iniciar, detener, reiniciar, intercambiar espacio, instalar extensiones de sitio o habilitar la supervisión continua para una instancia de Azure App Service",
+ "loc.description": "Inicia, detiene, reinicia, intercambia espacio, instala extensiones de sitio o habilita la supervisión continua para una instancia de Azure App Service.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Configuración avanzada",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure",
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlos, debe establecer una variable denominada \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" como \"true\" en la canalización de compilación o de versión."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlos, debe establecer una variable denominada \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" como \"true\" en la canalización de compilación o de versión.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 9ea2c435df0a..08cf07b1064e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur 'true' à une variable nommée 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur 'true' à une variable nommée 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 8b9f211eccea..ad13d593a483 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere tali errori, è necessario impostare una variabile denominata `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` sul valore `true` nella pipeline di compilazione o versione."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere tali errori, è necessario impostare una variabile denominata `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` sul valore `true` nella pipeline di compilazione o versione.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index d2e1313daa88..ddb621fd496c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。そのようなエラーを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' という名前の変数の値を 'true' に設定する必要があります。"
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。そのようなエラーを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS' という名前の変数の値を 'true' に設定する必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 88f8f5fdd684..64615fbbc0de 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Manage",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)",
- "loc.description": "Azure App Service에 대해 사이트 확장 시작, 중지, 다시 시작, 슬롯 전환, 설치 또는 연속 모니터링 사용",
+ "loc.description": "Azure App Service에 대해 사이트 확장을 시작, 중지, 다시 시작, 슬롯 전환, 설치하거나 연속 모니터링을 사용합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "고급 설정",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfigurationSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfigurationSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettingsSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.KuduSCMDetailsAreEmpty": "KUDU SCM 정보가 비어 있음",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetContinuousWebJobs": "연속 WebJob을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToStartContinuousWebJob": "연속 WebJob '%s'을(를) 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관이 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같습니다. 이러한 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS'인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 'true' 값으로 설정해야 합니다."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관이 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같습니다. 이러한 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 'VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS'인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 'true' 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 8bc6e702036d..81c28d484917 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Управление службой приложений Azure",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Управление Службой приложений Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=831573)",
- "loc.description": "Запуск, остановка, перезапуск, переключение слотов, установка расширений сайтов или включение непрерывного мониторинга для службы приложений Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Запуск, остановка, перезапуск, переключение слотов, установка расширений сайтов или включение непрерывного мониторинга для Службы приложений Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedSettings": "Дополнительные параметры",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure",
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска."
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index aee0f4e4f773..06e5c4a37a57 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" 的变量设置为 \"true\" 值。"
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 \"VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS\" 的变量设置为 \"true\" 值。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index d7169227c3be..325ca57bab41 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -170,5 +170,6 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` 的變數值設為 `true`。"
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 `VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS` 的變數值設為 `true`。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json
index 2308204122d3..10db5daa4ae7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 2,
- "Patch": 52
+ "Patch": 53
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "$(Action): $(WebAppName)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json
index 447bc5a50274..0122e3359275 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureAppServiceManageV0/task.loc.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 2,
- "Patch": 52
+ "Patch": 53
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.102.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 7254117743e9..381ee972aaf0 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Führt eine Shell oder ein Batchskript mit Azure CLI-Befehlen für ein Azure-Abonnement aus.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Azure CLI-Befehle für ein Azure-Abonnement in einem Shell-Skript (bei Ausführung für einen Linux-Agent) oder einem Batchskript (bei Ausführung für einen Windows-Agent) ausgeführt.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 1.0:\n– Unterstützung der neuen Python-basierten Azure CLI 2.0\n– Funktioniert mit plattformübergreifenden Agents (Linux, macOS oder Windows)\n– Die Verwendung mit Azure CLI 1.0 (node.js-basiert) erfordert einen Wechsel zu Aufgabenversion 0.0\n– Einschränkungen:\n– Keine Unterstützung für klassische Azure-Abonnements. Azure CLI 2.0 unterstützt nur Azure Resource Manager-Abonnements (ARM).",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Skriptspeicherort",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Skripttyp: Dateipfad oder Inlineskript",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Skriptpfad",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Vollqualifizierter Pfad des Skripts oder ein Pfad relativ zum Standardarbeitsverzeichnis",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Vollqualifizierter Pfad des Skripts (BAT oder CMD bei Verwendung des Windows-basierten Agents, SH bei Verwendung eines Linux-basierten Agents) oder ein Pfad relativ zum Standardarbeitsverzeichnis",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Inlineskript",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Sie können hier Ihre Skripts inline einfügen. Verwenden Sie für Batchdateien das Präfix \"call\" vor jedem azure-Befehl. Sie können auch mithilfe von Argumenten vordefinierte und benutzerdefinierte Variablen an das Skript übergeben. \n\n Beispiel für Shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Beispiel für Batch: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Sie können Ihre Skripts hier inline einfügen. Bei Verwendung eines Windows-Agents verwenden Sie ein Batchskript, bei Verwendung eines Linux-basierten Agents ein Shell-Skript. Verwenden Sie für Batchdateien das Präfix \"call\" vor jedem azure-Befehl. Sie können auch mithilfe von Argumenten vordefinierte und benutzerdefinierte Variablen an das Skript übergeben. \n\n Beispiel für Shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Beispiel für Batch: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "Argumente",
"loc.input.help.args": "An das Skript übergebenen Argumente",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Auf Dienstprinzipaldetails im Skript zugreifen",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Hiermit werden Dienstprinzipal-ID und -schlüssel des ausgewählten Azure-Endpunkts zur Ausführungsumgebung des Skripts hinzugefügt. Sie können diese Variablen in Ihrem Skript verwenden: \"$servicePrincipalId\" und \"$servicePrincipalKey\".\n\nEine Berücksichtigung erfolgt nur, wenn der Azure-Endpunkt das Dienstprinzipal-Authentifizierungsschema aufweist.",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Globale Azure CLI-Konfiguration verwenden",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Bei Festlegung auf FALSE verwendet diese Aufgabe ein eigenes, separates [Azure CLI-Konfigurationsverzeichnis](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Dieses Verzeichnis kann zum Ausführen von Azure CLI-Aufgaben in *parallelen* Releases verwendet werden.",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "Arbeitsverzeichnis",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "Das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis, in dem das Skript ausgeführt wird. Wenn keine Angabe erfolgt, wird der Stamm des Repositorys (Build) oder der Artefakte (Release) verwendet, das \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\" lautet.",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Fehler bei Standardfehler.",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x ist nicht auf diesem Computer installiert.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Beim Abmelden ist der folgende Fehler aufgetreten: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Fehler bei der Azure-Anmeldung.",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Abonnements."
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Fehler bei der Azure-Anmeldung mit einer verwalteten Dienstidentität.",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Das Authentifizierungsschema \"%s\" wird nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Fehler beim Festlegen des Abonnements.",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR-Umgebungsvariable wird festgelegt auf: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Aktive Cloud wird festgelegt auf: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Für Agent-Versionen vor 2.115.0 kann nur die globale Azure CLI-Konfiguration verwendet werden."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 8733609f55b7..6a80babee9af 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "CLI de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Ejecuta un shell o un script por lotes con comandos de la CLI de Azure en una suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Ejecute los comandos de la CLI de Azure de una suscripción de Azure en un script de Shell cuando se ejecuten en un agente de Linux o en un script por lotes cuando se ejecuten en un agente de Windows.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "CLI de Azure $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 1.0:\n- Admite la nueva CLI de Azure 2.0 basada en Python\n- Funciona con agentes multiplataforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Para trabajar con la CLI de Azure 1.0 (basada en node.js), cambie a la versión de tarea 0.0\n- Limitaciones:\n - No admite suscripciones de Azure clásico. La CLI de Azure 2.0 solo admite suscripciones de Azure Resource Manager (ARM).",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Ubicación del script",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Tipo de script: ruta de acceso del archivo o script insertado",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso del script",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso completa del script o una ruta de acceso relativa al directorio de trabajo predeterminado",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Ruta de acceso completa del script (.bat o .cmd cuando se usa el agente basado en Windows y .sh cuando se usa el agente basado en Linux) o ruta de acceso relativa al directorio de trabajo predeterminado",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script en línea",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Puede escribir aquí sus scripts insertados. Para los archivos por lotes, use el prefijo \"call\" delante de cada comando de Azure. También puede pasar variables predefinidas y personalizadas a este script mediante argumentos. \n\n Ejemplo para shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Ejemplo para archivos por lotes: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Puede escribir aquí sus scripts insertados. Utilice el scripting por lotes cuando use un agente de Windows o bien use el scripting del shell con los agentes basados en Linux. Para los archivos por lotes, use el prefijo \"call\" delante de cada comando de Azure. También puede pasar variables predefinidas y personalizadas a este script mediante argumentos. \n\n Ejemplo para shell: az --version || az account show \n\n Ejemplo para archivos por lotes: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "Argumentos",
"loc.input.help.args": "Argumentos pasados al script",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Acceder a los detalles de la entidad de servicio en el script",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Agregue el identificador de entidad de servicio y la clave del punto de conexión de Azure que ha seleccionado al entorno de ejecución del script. Puede usar las variables \"$servicePrincipalId\" y \"$servicePrincipalKey\" en el script.\n\nEsto solo se sigue cuando el punto de conexión de Azure tiene un esquema de autenticación de la entidad de servicio.",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Usar la configuración global de la CLI de Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Si es false, esta tarea usará su propio [directorio de configuración de la CLI de Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Se puede usar para ejecutar tareas de la CLI de Azure en versiones en *paralelo*.",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "Directorio de trabajo actual en el que se ejecuta el script. Si se deja vacío, es la raíz del repositorio (compilación) o artefactos (versión), que es $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Error si se produce un error estándar",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "La CLI de Azure 2.x no está instalada en esta máquina.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Error al cerrar sesión: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Error del inicio de sesión de Azure",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Error en la configuración de la suscripción"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Error de inicio de sesión de Azure con Managed Service Identity",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "No se admite el esquema de autenticación %s.",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Error en la configuración de la suscripción",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Estableciendo la variable de entorno AZURE_CONFIG_DIR en %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Estableciendo la nube activa en %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Para la versión del agente < 2.115.0, solo se puede usar la configuración global de la CLI de Azure."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 6eb5e17458ea..0df2f83548b3 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Exécuter un script d'interpréteur de commandes ou un script de commandes par lot avec des commandes Azure CLI pour un abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Exécutez des commandes Azure CLI sur un abonnement Azure via un script d'interpréteur de commandes sur un agent Linux, ou un script de commandes par lot sur un agent Windows.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 1.0 :\n- Prend en charge la nouvelle interface Azure CLI 2.0 basée sur Python\n- Fonctionne avec les agents multiplateformes (Linux, macOS ou Windows)\n- Pour utiliser l'interface Azure CLI 1.0 (basée sur node.js), passez à la tâche version 0.0\n- Limitations :\n - Aucune prise en charge pour les abonnements Azure Classic. Azure CLI 2.0 prend en charge uniquement les abonnements ARM (Azure Resource Manager).",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Emplacement du script",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Type de script : chemin de fichier ou script inline",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Chemin d'accès du script",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Chemin complet du script ou chemin relatif au répertoire de travail par défaut",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Chemin complet du script (.bat ou .cmd pour un agent Windows et .sh pour un agent Linux) ou chemin relatif au répertoire de travail par défaut",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script Inline",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Vous pouvez écrire vos scripts inline ici. Pour les fichiers de commandes, utilisez le préfixe \"call\" avant chaque commande Azure. Vous pouvez également passer des variables prédéfinies et personnalisées à ce script à l'aide d'arguments \n\n exemple pour l'interpréteur de commandes : az --version || az account show \n\n exemple pour les fichiers de commandes : call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Vous pouvez écrire vos scripts inline ici. Pour les agents Windows, utilisez un script de commandes par lot. Pour les agents Linux, utilisez un script d'interpréteur de commandes. Pour les fichiers de commandes, utilisez le préfixe \"call\" avant chaque commande Azure. Vous pouvez également passer des variables prédéfinies et personnalisées à ce script à l'aide d'arguments \n\n exemple pour l'interpréteur de commandes : az --version || az account show \n\n exemple pour les fichiers de commandes : call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "Arguments",
"loc.input.help.args": "Arguments passés au script",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accéder aux détails du principal de service dans le script",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Ajoute l'ID et la clé de principal de service du point de terminaison Azure choisi à l'environnement d'exécution du script. Vous pouvez utiliser les variables suivantes : '$servicePrincipalId' et '$servicePrincipalKey' dans votre script.\n\nCeci est valable uniquement quand le point de terminaison Azure a un schéma d'authentification du principal de service.",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Utiliser la configuration Azure CLI globale",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Si la valeur est false, cette tâche utilise son propre [répertoire de configuration Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file) distinct. Permet d'exécuter des tâches Azure CLI dans des mises en production *parallèles*",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "Répertoire de travail",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "Répertoire de travail actif dans lequel le script est exécuté. Une valeur vide représente la racine du dépôt (build) ou des artefacts (mise en production), à savoir $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Échec sur une erreur standard",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x n'est pas installé sur cette machine.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "L'erreur suivante s'est produite durant la déconnexion : %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Échec de la connexion Azure",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Erreur durant la configuration de l'abonnement"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Échec de la connexion Azure via Managed Service Identity",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Le schéma d'authentification %s n'est pas pris en charge",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Erreur durant la configuration de l'abonnement",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Affectation de %s à la variable d'environnement AZURE_CONFIG_DIR",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Affectation de %s au cloud actif",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Pour une version d'agent < 2.115.0, seule la configuration Azure CLI globale peut être utilisée"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 8b90c0213707..223f06bc6120 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Esegue uno script shell o batch con comandi dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure su una sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire i comandi dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure su una sottoscrizione di Azure in uno script della shell quando viene eseguito in un agente Linux oppure in uno script batch quando viene eseguito in un agente Windows.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:\n- Supporta la nuova interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 2.0 che è basata su Python\n- È compatibile con agenti multipiattaforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Per l'uso con l'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 1.0 (basata su node.js), passare alla versione 0.0 dell'attività\n- Limitazioni:\n - Non prevede il supporto per le sottoscrizioni di Azure classico. L'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure 2.0 supporta solo le sottoscrizioni Azure Resource Manager (ARM)",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Percorso script",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Tipo dello script: Percorso file o Script inline",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Percorso script",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso completo dello script oppure percorso relativo alla directory di lavoro predefinita",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Percorso completo dello script (con estensione .bat o .cmd quando si usa l'agente basato su Windows ed estensione .sh quando si usa l'agente basato su Linux) oppure un percorso relativo alla directory di lavoro predefinita",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Script inline",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "È possibile scrivere qui gli script inline. Per i file batch usare il prefisso \"call\" prima di ogni comando di Azure. È anche possibile passare a questo script variabili predefinite e personalizzate usando gli argomenti \n\n Esempio per shell: azure --version || azure account show \n\n Esempio per batch: call azure --version || call azure account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "È possibile scrivere qui gli script inline. Con l'agente Windows, usare script batch, mentre con gli agenti basati su Linux, usare script della shell. Per i file batch usare il prefisso \"call\" prima di ogni comando di Azure. È anche possibile passare a questo script variabili predefinite e personalizzate usando gli argomenti \n\n Esempio per shell: azure --version || azure account show \n\n Esempio per batch: call azure --version || call azure account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "Argomenti",
"loc.input.help.args": "Argomenti passati allo script",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accedi ai dettagli dell'entità servizio nello script",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Aggiunge l'ID entità servizio e la chiave dell'endpoint di Azure scelto all'ambiente di esecuzione dello script. Nello script è possibile usare le variabili `$servicePrincipalId` e `$servicePrincipalKey`.\n\nQuesta opzione è consentita solo quando nell'endpoint di Azure è presente lo schema di autenticazione dell'entità servizio.",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Usa la configurazione globale dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Se è false, questa attività userà una [directory di configurazione dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file) separata. Può essere usato per eseguire attività dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure in versioni *parallele*",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "Directory di lavoro",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "Directory di lavoro corrente in cui viene eseguito lo script. Se non si specifica un valore, corrisponde alla radice del repository (compilazione) o degli artefatti (versione), ovvero $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Interrompi in caso di errore standard",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "In questo computer non è installata la versione 2.x dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Durante la disconnessione si è verificato l'errore seguente: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "L'accesso ad Azure non è riuscito",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione della sottoscrizione"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "L'accesso di Azure con l'identità del servizio gestita non è riuscito",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Lo schema di autenticazione %s non è supportato",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Si è verificato un errore durante la configurazione della sottoscrizione",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Impostazione della variabile di ambiente AZURE_CONFIG_DIR su: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Impostazione del cloud attivo su: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Se la versione dell'agente è inferiore a quella 2.115.0, è possibile usare solo la configurazione globale dell'interfaccia della riga di comando di Azure"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index b8cf66564e44..219715c66b56 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[追加情報](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Azure サブスクリプションに対して Azure CLI コマンドを使用してシェル スクリプトまたはバッチ スクリプトを実行します",
+ "loc.description": "Linux エージェントで実行している場合はシェル スクリプト、Windows エージェントで実行している場合はバッチ スクリプトで、Azure サブスクリプションに対して Azure CLI コマンドを実行します。",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 1.0 の新機能:\n- Python ベースの新しい Azure CLI 2.0 をサポート\n- クロスプラットフォーム エージェント対応 (Linux、macOS、Windows)\n- Azure CLI 1.0 (node.js ベース) に対応するためのタスク バージョン 0.0 への切り替え\n- 制限事項:\n - Azure クラシック サブスクリプションはサポートされていません。Azure CLI 2.0 では Azure Resource Manager (ARM) サブスクリプションのみがサポートされています。",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "スクリプトの場所",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "スクリプトの種類: ファイル パスまたはインライン スクリプト",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "スクリプト パス",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "スクリプトの完全修飾パス、または既定の作業ディレクトリに対する相対パス",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "スクリプト (Windows ベースのエージェントを使用している場合は .bat または .cmd、Linux ベースのエージェントを使用している場合は .sh) の完全修飾パスまたは既定の作業ディレクトリからの相対パス",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "インライン スクリプト",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "インラインのスクリプトをここに記述できます。バッチ ファイルについては、すべての azure コマンドの前にプレフィックス \"call\" を使用します。また、引数を使用して定義済み変数やカスタム変数をこのスクリプトに渡すこともできます\n\n シェルの例: az --version || az account show \n\n バッチの例: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "こちらにスクリプトをインラインで記述できます。Windows エージェントを使用する場合はバッチ スクリプトを使用し、Linux ベースのエージェントを使用する場合はシェル スクリプトを使用します。バッチ ファイルの場合、それぞれの azure コマンドの前にプレフィックス \"call\" を使用します。また、引数を使用して、事前定義された変数とカスタム変数をこのスクリプトに渡すこともできます。\n\n シェルの例: az --version || az account show \n\n バッチの例: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "引数",
"loc.input.help.args": "スクリプトに渡される引数",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "スクリプト内のサービス プリンシパルの詳細にアクセスする",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "選択した Azure エンドポイントのサービス プリンシパル ID とキーを、スクリプトの実行環境に追加します。スクリプトでは、`$servicePrincipalId` と `$servicePrincipalKey` の変数を使用できます。\n\nこれは、Azure エンドポイントにサービス プリンシパルの認証スキームがある場合にのみ受け入れられます。",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "グローバルの Azure CLI 構成を使用する",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "この値が false の場合、このタスクでは別個の [Azure CLI 構成ディレクトリ](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)が使用されます。これは、*並列*リリースで Azure CLI タスクを実行するために使用できます",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "作業ディレクトリ",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "スクリプトを実行する現行の作業ディレクトリ。空白はリポジトリ (ビルド) または成果物 (リリース) のルートであり、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) となります",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "標準エラーで失敗",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "Azure CLI 2.x はこのマシンにインストールされていません。",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "ログアウト中に次のエラーが発生しました: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure のログインに失敗しました",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "サブスクリプションの設定のエラー"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "マネージド サービス ID を使用する Azure ログインが失敗しました",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "認証スキーム %s はサポートされていません",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "サブスクリプションの設定のエラー",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 環境変数を %s に設定しています",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "アクティブ クラウドを %s に設定しています",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "エージェント バージョンが 2.115.0 より前の場合、グローバルの Azure CLI 構成のみ使用できます"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 62c27c082393..65c8a36c86f5 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Azure 구독에 대해 Azure CLI 명령으로 셸 또는 배치 스크립트를 실행합니다.",
+ "loc.description": "Linux 에이전트에서 실행하는 경우 셸 스크립트에서, Windows 에이전트에서 실행하는 경우 배치 스크립트에서 Azure 구독에 대해 Azure CLI 명령을 실행합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "버전 1.0의 새로운 기능:\n- Python 기반인 새 Azure CLI 2.0 지원\n- 플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동\n- Azure CLI 1.0(node.js 기반)에서 작동하려면 작업 버전 0.0으로 전환\n- 제한 사항:\n - Azure 클래식 구독 지원 안 함. Azure CLI 2.0은 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 구독만 지원합니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "스크립트 위치",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "스크립트 유형: 파일 경로 또는 인라인 스크립트",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "스크립트 경로",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "스크립트의 정규화된 경로 또는 기본 작업 디렉터리를 기준으로 한 경로",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "스크립트의 정규화된 경로(Windows 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 .bat 또는 .cmd, Linux 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 .sh) 또는 기본 작업 디렉터리의 상대 경로입니다.",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "인라인 스크립트",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "여기서 인라인으로 스크립트를 작성할 수 있습니다. 배치 파일의 경우 모든 Azure 명령 앞에 접두사 \"call\"을 사용합니다. 또한 인수를 사용하여 이 스크립트에 미리 정의된 사용자 지정 변수를 전달할 수도 있습니다. \n\n 셸에 대한 예: az --version || az account show \n\n 일괄 처리에 대한 예: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "여기서 스크립트를 인라인으로 작성할 수 있습니다. Windows 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 배치 스크립트를 사용하고, Linux 기반 에이전트를 사용하는 경우 셸 스크립트를 사용합니다. 배치 파일의 경우 모든 Azure 명령 앞에 \"call\" 접두사를 사용합니다. 인수를 사용하여 미리 정의된 변수와 사용자 지정 변수를 이 스크립트에 전달할 수도 있습니다. \n\n셸 예제: az --version || az account show \n\n 배치 예제: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "인수",
"loc.input.help.args": "스크립트에 전달되는 인수",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "스크립트의 서비스 주체 정보 액세스",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "선택한 Azure 엔드포인트의 서비스 주체 ID 및 키를 스크립트의 실행 환경에 추가합니다. 스크립트에 '$servicePrincipalId' 및 '$servicePrincipalKey' 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.\n\nAzure 엔드포인트에 서비스 주체 인증 체계가 있는 경우에만 적용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "전역 Azure CLI 구성 사용",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "false이면, 이 작업은 고유한 별도 [Azure CLI 구성 디렉터리](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)를 사용합니다. *병렬* 릴리스에서 Azure CLI 작업을 실행하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "작업 디렉터리",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "스크립트가 실행되는 현재 작업 디렉터리입니다. 비어 있으면 리포(빌드) 또는 아티팩트(릴리스)의 루트이며 이 값은 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)입니다.",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "표준 오류 시 실패",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "이 컴퓨터에 Azure CLI 2.x가 설치되어 있지 않습니다.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "로그아웃하는 동안 다음 오류가 발생했습니다. %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure에 로그인하지 못했습니다.",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "구독을 설정하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다."
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "관리 서비스 ID를 사용한 Azure 로그인에 실패했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "인증 체계 %s은(는) 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "구독을 설정하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 환경 변수를 %s(으)로 설정하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "활성 클라우드를 %s(으)로 설정하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "2.115.0 이전의 에이전트 버전에서는 전역 Azure CLI 구성만 사용할 수 있습니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index ea069ac0416b..a2c1ae63194d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "Запустить сценарий оболочки или пакетный сценарий с командами Azure CLI для подписки Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Выполнение команд Azure CLI для подписки Azure в скрипте оболочки при использовании агента Linux или пакетном скрипте при использовании агента Windows.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 1.0:\n- поддержка нового Azure CLI 2.0 на основе Python;\n- поддержка кроссплатформенных агентов (Linux, macOS или Windows);\n- для работы с Azure CLI 1.0 (на основе Node.js) вернитесь к версии задачи 0.0.\n- Ограничения:\n- классические подписки Azure не поддерживаются. Azure CLI 2.0 поддерживает только подписки Azure Resource Manager (ARM).",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "Расположение сценария",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "Тип сценария: путь к файлу или встроенный сценарий",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "Путь к скрипту",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Полный путь к сценарию или путь относительно рабочего каталога по умолчанию",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "Полный путь для скрипта (BAT или CMD при использовании агента на основе Windows и SH при использовании агента на основе Linux) или путь относительно рабочего каталога по умолчанию",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "Встроенный скрипт",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Здесь вы можете писать собственные встроенные сценарии. Для пакетных файлов используйте префикс \"call\" перед каждой командой Azure. Вы также можете передать в сценарий определенные заранее и пользовательские переменные с помощью аргументов. \n\n Пример для оболочки: az --version || az account show \n\n Пример для пакетных файлов: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "Здесь можно создать встроенные скрипты. При работе с агентом Windows используйте пакетные скрипты, а при работе с агентами на основе Linux — скрипты оболочки. Для пакетных файлов используйте префикс \"call\" перед каждой командой Azure. Вы также можете передать в этот скрипт предопределенные и пользовательские переменные с помощью аргументов \n\n Пример для скриптов оболочки: az --version || az account show \n\n Пример для пакетных скриптов: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "Аргументы",
"loc.input.help.args": "Аргументы, переданные в сценарий",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Доступ к сведениям о субъекте-службе в скрипте",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Добавляет идентификатор субъекта-службы и ключ выбранной конечной точки Azure в среду выполнения скрипта. В скрипте можно использовать следующие переменные: \"$servicePrincipalId\" и \"$servicePrincipalKey\".\n\nЭто учитывается, только если конечная точка Azure имеет схему проверки подлинности \"Субъект-служба\".",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "Использовать глобальную конфигурацию Azure CLI",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "Если задано значение false, задача будет использовать собственный отдельный [каталог конфигурации Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file). Это можно использовать для выполнения задач Azure CLI в *параллельных* выпусках",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "Рабочий каталог",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "Текущий рабочий каталог, в котором выполняется сценарий. Если значение пустое, используется корень репозитория (сборки) или артефакты (выпуска): $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "Сбой со стандартной ошибкой",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "На этом компьютере не установлен Azure CLI 2.x.",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "Во время выхода из системы произошла следующая ошибка: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Не удалось войти в Azure",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Ошибка при настройке подписки"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "Сбой входа Azure с использованием Управляемого удостоверения службы",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "Схема проверки подлинности %s не поддерживается",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "Ошибка при настройке подписки",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "Задание переменной среды AZURE_CONFIG_DIR: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "Задание активного облака: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "Для агента версии ниже 2.115.0 можно использовать только глобальную конфигурацию Azure CLI"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 39b0ef931524..e6d089a00722 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "通过 Azure CLI 命令对Azure 订阅运行 Shell 或批处理脚本",
+ "loc.description": "在 Linux 代理上运行时,在 Shell 脚本中针对 Azure 订阅运行 Azure CLI 命令;在 Windows 代理上运行时,则在 Batch 脚本中针对 Azure 订阅运行 Azure CLI 命令。",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "版本 1.0 中的新增功能:\n- 支持基于 Python 的新 Azure CLI 2.0\n- 适用于跨平台代理(Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 若要使用 Azure CLI 1.0 (基于 node.js),请切换到任务版本 0.0\n- 局限:\n - 不支持 Azure 经典订阅。Azure CLI 2.0 仅支持 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)订阅。",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "脚本位置",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "脚本类型: 文件路径或内联脚本",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "脚本路径",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "完全限定的脚本路径或与默认工作目录有关的路径",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "脚本(在使用基于 Windows 的代理时为 .bat 或 .cmd,在使用基于 linux 的代理时为 .sh)的完全限定的路径,或相对于默认工作目录的路径",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "内联脚本",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "在此处可以编写内联脚本。对于批处理文件,请在每条 Azure 命令前使用前缀 \"call\"。还可使用参数将预定义和自定义变量传递到此脚本\n\n shell 示例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批处理示例: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "可在此处编写内联脚本。使用 Windows 代理时,请使用批处理脚本,而在使用基于 Linux 的代理时,请使用 shell 脚本。对于批处理文件,请在每条 Azure 命令前使用前缀 \"call\"。还可使用参数将预定义和自定义变量传递到此脚本\n\n shell 示例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批处理示例: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "参数",
"loc.input.help.args": "传递给脚本的参数",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "在脚本中访问服务主体详细信息",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "将选择的 Azure 终结点的服务主体 ID 和密钥添加到脚本的执行环境中。可以在脚本中使用这些变量: \"$servicePrincipalId\" 和 \"$servicePrincipalKey\"。\n\n这仅当 Azure 终结点具有服务主体身份验证方案时才有效。",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "使用全局 Azure CLI 配置",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "如果为 false,此任务将使用其自己的独立 [Azure CLI 配置目录](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)。这可用于在*并行*发布中运行 Azure CLI 任务",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目录",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "脚本运行于的当前工作目录。存储库(内部版本)或项目(发行版本)的根路径 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) 为空",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "因标准错误失败",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "此计算机上未安装 Azure CLI 2.x。",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "注销时出现以下错误: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure 登录失败",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "设置订阅时出错"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "使用托管服务标识进行 Azure 登录失败",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "不支持身份验证方案 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "设置订阅时出错",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "将 AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 环境变量设置为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "将活动云设置为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "对于低于 2.115.0 的代理版本,只能使用全局 Azure CLI 配置"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 9491c5696cc3..8568a20efb60 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure CLI",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=827160)",
- "loc.description": "對 Azure 訂閱執行使用 Azure CLI 命令的 Shell 或 Batch 指令碼",
+ "loc.description": "當於 Linux 代理程式上執行,在 Shell 指令碼內對 Azure 訂用帳戶執行 Azure CLI 命令 (若在 Windows 代理程式上執行,則為 Batch 指令碼)。",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "1.0 版的新功能:\n- 支援以 Python 為基礎的新版 Azure CLI 2.0\n- 適用於跨平台代理程式 (Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 為搭配 Azure CLI 1.0 (以 node.js 為基礎) 運作,會切換為工作版本 0.0\n- 限制:\n - 不支援 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶。Azure CLI 2.0 只支援 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 訂用帳戶。",
"loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階",
@@ -10,11 +10,15 @@
"loc.input.label.scriptLocation": "指令碼位置",
"loc.input.help.scriptLocation": "指令碼類型: 檔案路徑或內嵌指令碼",
"loc.input.label.scriptPath": "指令碼路徑",
- "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "指令碼的完整路徑,或相對於預設工作目錄的路徑",
+ "loc.input.help.scriptPath": "指令碼的完整路徑 (使用 Windows 式代理程式時為 .bat 或 .cmd,使用 Linux 式代理程式時為 .sh),或預設工作目錄的相對路徑",
"loc.input.label.inlineScript": "內嵌指令碼",
- "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "您可在此寫下您要內嵌的指令碼。若為批次檔,請在每個 Azure 命令前加上前置詞 \"call\"。您也可以使用引數,將預先定義及自訂的變數傳遞給此指令碼\n\n殼層範例: az --version || az account show\n\n批次範例: call az --version || call az account show",
+ "loc.input.help.inlineScript": "您可於此處寫入您的指令碼內嵌。使用 Windows 代理程式時請使用批次指令碼,若為使用 Linux 式代理程式,請使用殼層指令碼,若為批次檔,請在每個 Azure 命令前面使用前置詞 \"call\"。您也可以使用引數,將預先定義及自訂的變數傳遞至此指令碼\n\n 殼層範例: az --version || az account show \n\n 批次範例: call az --version || call az account show",
"loc.input.label.args": "引數",
"loc.input.help.args": "傳遞給指令碼的引數",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "存取指令碼中的服務主體詳細資料",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "將服務主體識別碼和您所選 Azure 端點的金鑰新增至指令碼的執行環境。您可以在指令碼中使用以下變數: `$servicePrincipalId` 和 `$servicePrincipalKey`。\n\n僅在 Azure 端點具有服務主體驗證配置時才接受此項目。",
+ "loc.input.label.useGlobalConfig": "使用全域 Azure CLI 設定",
+ "loc.input.help.useGlobalConfig": "如果此項目為 false,則此工作會使用其獨立的 [Azure CLI 設定目錄](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-tw/cli/azure/azure-cli-configuration?view=azure-cli-latest#cli-configuration-file)。這個項目可在 *平行* 版本中用於執行 Azure CLI 工作",
"loc.input.label.cwd": "工作目錄",
"loc.input.help.cwd": "指令碼執行所在的現行工作目錄。Empty 是存放庫 (組建) 或成品 (發行) 的根目錄,即 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"loc.input.label.failOnStandardError": "發生標準錯誤的失敗",
@@ -25,5 +29,10 @@
"loc.messages.AzureSDKNotFound": "此電腦上未安裝 Azure CLI 2.x。",
"loc.messages.FailedToLogout": "登出時發生下列錯誤: %s",
"loc.messages.LoginFailed": "Azure 登入失敗",
- "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "設定訂用帳戶時發生錯誤"
+ "loc.messages.MSILoginFailed": "使用受控服務識別登入 Azure 失敗",
+ "loc.messages.AuthSchemeNotSupported": "不支援驗證結構描述 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorInSettingUpSubscription": "設定訂用帳戶時發生錯誤",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureConfigDir": "正在將 AZURE_CONFIG_DIR 環境變數設定為: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SettingAzureCloud": "正在將作用中雲端設定為: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GlobalCliConfigAgentVersionWarning": "2.115.0 以下的代理程式版本只能使用全域 Azure CLI 設定"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json
index dc82e3c0adca..30ad22b95a1f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "Azure CLI $(scriptPath)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json
index 96d0c100ffdc..453a6f09c27f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCLIV1/task.loc.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index ae137e880765..5c7005df81d7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Bereitstellung des Azure-Clouddiensts",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Clouddienstbereitstellung",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613748)",
"loc.description": "Azure-Clouddienst bereitstellen",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Bereitstellung: $(CsPkg)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index aa4fafd07eaa..8e29d12aeddc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de servicios en la nube de Azure",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de servicio en la nube de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613748)",
"loc.description": "Implemente un servicio en la nube de Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure: $(CsPkg)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 3031e6aac283..60858dbab76d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
"loc.group.displayName.newServiceAdvancedOptions": "새 서비스 만들기에 대한 고급 옵션",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독(클래식)",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "배포하려면 먼저 저장소 계정이 있어야 합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "스토리지 계정",
+ "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "배포하려면 먼저 스토리지 계정이 있어야 합니다.",
"loc.input.label.ServiceName": "서비스 이름",
"loc.input.help.ServiceName": "기존 클라우드 서비스 이름을 선택하거나 입력합니다.",
"loc.input.label.ServiceLocation": "서비스 위치",
@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@
"loc.input.help.ForceUpgrade": "선택할 경우 강제 업그레이드로 업그레이드가 설정되어 잠재적으로 로컬 데이터 손실이 발생할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.VerifyRoleInstanceStatus": "역할 인스턴스 상태 확인",
"loc.input.help.VerifyRoleInstanceStatus": "선택하면, 역할 인스턴스가 준비 상태가 될 때까지 작업이 대기합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 저장소 계정 키",
- "loc.input.help.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 저장소 계정에 대한 저장소 키를 Role:Storagekey 형식으로 입력합니다. 각 역할의 진단 저장소 계정 이름은 진단 구성 파일(.wadcfgx)에서 가져옵니다. 역할의 .wadcfgx 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 역할에 대한 진단 확장이 설정되지 않습니다. .wadcfgx 파일에 저장소 계정 이름이 없으면 기본 저장소 계정을 사용하여 진단 결과를 저장하고 배포 작업의 저장소 키 매개 변수는 무시됩니다. 환경의 진단 결과에 중요한 정보가 없는 경우를 제외하고는 <저장소_계정_키>를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.
예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
WebRole: <WebRole_저장소_계정_키>
WorkerRole: <WorkerRole_저장소_계정_키>",
+ "loc.input.label.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 스토리지 계정 키",
+ "loc.input.help.DiagnosticStorageAccountKeys": "진단 스토리지 계정에 대한 스토리지 키를 Role:Storagekey 형식으로 입력합니다. 각 역할의 진단 스토리지 계정 이름은 진단 구성 파일(.wadcfgx)에서 가져옵니다. 역할의 .wadcfgx 파일을 찾을 수 없는 경우 역할에 대한 진단 확장이 설정되지 않습니다. .wadcfgx 파일에 스토리지 계정 이름이 없으면 기본 스토리지 계정을 사용하여 진단 결과를 저장하고 배포 작업의 스토리지 키 매개 변수는 무시됩니다. 환경의 진단 결과에 중요한 정보가 없는 경우를 제외하고는 <스토리지_계정_키>를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.
예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
WebRole: <WebRole_스토리지_계정_키>
WorkerRole: <WorkerRole_스토리지_계정_키>",
"loc.input.label.NewServiceCustomCertificates": "가져올 사용자 지정 인증서",
"loc.input.help.NewServiceCustomCertificates": "CertificatePfxBase64:CertificatePassword 형식으로 사용자 지정 인증서를 제공합니다. 를 비밀 변수로 저장하는 것이 좋습니다.
Certificate1: <Certificate1_password>
Certificate2: <Certificate2_password>",
"loc.input.label.NewServiceAdditionalArguments": "추가 인수",
"loc.input.help.NewServiceAdditionalArguments": "새 서비스를 만드는 동안 추가 인수에서 전달합니다. 이러한 인수는 `New-AzureService` cmdlet에 전달됩니다. 예: `-Label 'MyTestService'`",
"loc.input.label.NewServiceAffinityGroup": "선호도 그룹",
"loc.input.help.NewServiceAffinityGroup": "새 서비스를 만드는 동안 서비스 위치를 사용하는 대신 이 선호도 그룹이 고려됩니다.",
- "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "저장소 계정 '{0}'의 기본 저장소 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.",
- "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforthepublicconfigstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "공용 구성 저장소 계정 '{0}'의 기본 저장소 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "스토리지 계정 '{0}'의 기본 스토리지 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Couldnotgettheprimarystoragekeyforthepublicconfigstorageaccount0Unabletoapplyanydiagnosticsextensions": "공용 구성 스토리지 계정 '{0}'의 기본 스토리지 키를 가져올 수 없습니다. 진단 확장을 적용할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Applyinganyconfigureddiagnosticsextensions": "구성된 모든 진단 확장을 적용하는 중입니다.",
"loc.messages._0couldnotbeparsedintopartsforregisteringdiagnosticsextensions": "진단 확장을 등록하기 위해 '{0}'을(를) 파트로 구문 분석할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Nofileswerefoundtodeploywithsearchpattern0": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Foundmorethanonefiletodeploywithsearchpattern0Therecanbeonlyone": "검색 패턴 {0}(으)로 배포할 파일을 두 개 이상 찾았습니다. 하나만 있을 수 있습니다.",
- "loc.messages.Storagekeysaredefinedininvalidformat": "저장소 키가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되어 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Storagekeysaredefinedininvalidformat": "스토리지 키가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되어 있습니다.",
"loc.messages.Unabletofind0usingprovidedsubscription": "제공한 구독을 사용하여 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.",
- "loc.messages.Currentversionofazurepowershelldontsupportexternalstorageaccountforconfiguringdiagnostics": "현재 버전의 Azure PowerShell에서는 외부 저장소 계정을 사용하여 진단을 구성할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Currentversionofazurepowershelldontsupportexternalstorageaccountforconfiguringdiagnostics": "현재 버전의 Azure PowerShell에서는 외부 스토리지 계정을 사용하여 진단을 구성할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Customcertificatesaredefinedininvalidformat": "사용자 지정 인증서가 잘못된 형식으로 정의되었습니다.",
"loc.messages.Addinganyconfiguredcustomcertificates": "구성된 사용자 지정 인증서를 추가하는 중입니다.",
"loc.messages.ValidateAzureCloudServiceStatus": "Azure Cloud Service '{0}'의 상태를 확인하는 중",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 85e4b4ff7380..46b2a0070aa6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@
"loc.messages.RetryAzureCloudServiceStatusCheck": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 驗證失敗。將於 '{1}' 秒後重試。",
"loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceIsReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 已就緒。",
"loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceIsNotReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 尚未就緒。這可能是一或多個 RoleInstances 未處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態所致。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄檔。",
- "loc.messages.AllRoleInstancesAreReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 的所有角色執行個體 (計數: '{1}') 處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態。",
+ "loc.messages.AllRoleInstancesAreReady": "Azure 雲端服務 '{0}' 的所有角色執行個體 (計數: '{1}') 均處於 'ReadyRole' 狀態。",
"loc.messages.AzureCloudServiceNotFound": "找不到 Azure 雲端服務: '{0}'。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json
index b4a11cee9a0e..26463e93d833 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
- "Patch": 15
+ "Patch": 16
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
index efaf99b16937..beb9eb9e8fe2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureCloudPowerShellDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 3,
- "Patch": 15
+ "Patch": 16
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index c5cf0a68c905..bfbe73247ebd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "Die Option \"/S\" gilt nicht für \"$root\"-Container.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Der HTTP-Antwortcode \"{0}\" ist kein gültiger Umleitungsstatuscode.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 40c3adb7572a..d4e92ef8c582 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_ParallelCopyFailed": "Error en la copia a uno o varios equipos.",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopySuccessful": "Archivos copiados correctamente desde la ruta de origen: '{0}' a las máquinas virtuales de Azure de destino en el grupo de recursos: '{1}'",
"loc.messages.AFC_SetCustomScriptExtensionFailed": "Error al establecer la extensión de script personalizada '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}' de tipo: {2}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "Error al agregar la red de seguridad de red: {0}",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "No se pudo agregar la regla de seguridad de red: {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "No se puede establecer el script personalizado '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}': {2}",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "Error al habilitar los requisitos previos de copia. {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento: {0}. Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento existente",
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "La opción \"/S\" no es válida para contenedores $root.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "El código de respuesta HTTP \"{0}\" no es un código de estado de redireccionamiento válido.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index e0b954516dce..3d35f2177c11 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les balises des machines virtuelles. Les [balises](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les étiquettes des machines virtuelles. Les [étiquettes](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.",
"loc.input.label.MachineNames": "Critères de filtre",
"loc.input.help.MachineNames": "Indiquez une liste de noms d'hôtes de machines virtuelles, par exemple ffweb, ffdb, ou utilisez des balises telles que Role:DB, Web; OS:Win8.1. Notez que les délimiteurs employés pour les balises sont ,(virgule), :(deux-points) et ;(point-virgule). Si plusieurs balises sont indiquées, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles correspondant aux balises spécifiées. Par défaut, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles.",
"loc.input.label.vmsAdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur",
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, le client ignore la validation permettant de vérifier que le certificat du serveur est signé par une autorité de certification approuvée lors de la connexion via HTTP ou Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "URI du conteneur de stockage",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'",
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "L'option '/S' est non valide pour les conteneurs $root.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Le code de réponse HTTP '{0}' n'est pas un code d'état de redirection valide",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 18e892b47b39..498965108e77 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "L'opzione '/S' non è valida per i contenitori $root.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Il codice di risposta HTTP '{0}' non è un codice di stato di reindirizzamento valido",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 82cd4c1ff7b2..1e9ac1003a18 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
"loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました",
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root コンテナーには、'/S' オプションは無効です。",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 応答コード: '{0}' は無効なリダイレクト状態コードです",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 58d0c3543b27..223fe293a06d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 스토리지 계정",
+ "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 스토리지 계정",
+ "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름",
- "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스",
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@
"loc.input.help.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "true로 설정하면 파일을 복사하기 전에 대상 폴더가 정리됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.skipCACheck": "테스트 인증서",
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "이 옵션을 선택하면 클라이언트에서 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)를 통해 연결할 때 서버 인증서에 신뢰할 수 있는 CA(인증 기관)의 서명이 있는지 확인하는 단계를 건너뜁니다.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "저장소 컨테이너 URI",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "스토리지 컨테이너 URI",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 스토리지 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.",
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_IncorrectTags": "태그가 잘못 지정되었습니다. 태그는 Role:Web,DB;Location:East US;Dept.:Finance,HR 형식이어야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineDoesNotExist": "다음 컴퓨터는 리소스 그룹에 없거나 해당 이름이 올바르게 지정되지 않았습니다. {0}. 리소스 그룹에 있는 그대로 정확하게 같은 컴퓨터 이름을 제공하세요. 여러 컴퓨터 이름을 구분하려면 쉼표를 사용하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}'에서 모든 리소스에 대한 {0}을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.",
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "네트워크 보안 규칙을 추가하지 못했습니다. {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "가상 머신 '{1}'의 사용자 지정 스크립트 확장 '{0}'을(를) 설정할 수 없습니다. {2}",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "복사 필수 구성 요소를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. {0}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root 컨테이너에 대해 '/S' 옵션이 잘못되었습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 89d8254aaaed..2cbd761548c3 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Если выбрать этот параметр, клиент пропускает проверку того, подписан ли сертификат сервера доверенным центром сертификации при подключении по протоколу HTTP через SSL (HTTPS).",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "Код URI контейнера хранилища",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Маркер SAS контейнера хранилища",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для маркера SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"",
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "Параметр \"/S\" является недопустимым для контейнеров $root.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "Код ответа HTTP \"{0}\" не является допустимым кодом состояния перенаправления.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 114f8fd077fe..510916d485d2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "\"/S\" 选项对 $root 容器无效。",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 响应代码:“{0}”不是有效的重定向状态代码",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 80cb11d93e26..7d9667b45abc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "'/S' 選項對 $root 容器而言無效。",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 回應碼: '{0}' 不是有效的重新導向狀態碼",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 3a8a0186be5a..894636a29b10 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Dateikopiervorgang",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Dateien in Azure-Blobs oder VMs kopieren",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien in Azure Blob Storage oder VMs kopiert.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination)-Dateikopiervorgang",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 2.0:
Eine neuere Version von AzCopy wird verwendet.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Ausgabe",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "\"AzCopy.exe\" wurde mit einem Exitcode ungleich null beendet, während Dateien in den Blobspeicher hochgeladen wurden.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Der Speicherkontoschlüssel konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Fehler: {0}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 153486ed63ca..21bd128f8528 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copiar archivos a las VM o al blob de Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en Azure Blob Storage o en máquinas virtuales",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) File Copy",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
nbsp; Uso de una versión más reciente de AzCopy.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Salida",
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_ParallelCopyFailed": "No se pudo copiar en una o varias máquinas. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopySuccessful": "Archivos copiados correctamente desde la ruta de origen: '{0}' a las máquinas virtuales de Azure de destino en el grupo de recursos: '{1}'",
"loc.messages.AFC_SetCustomScriptExtensionFailed": "Error al establecer la extensión de script personalizada '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}' de tipo: {2}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "Error al agregar la red de seguridad de red: {0}",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "No se pudo agregar la regla de seguridad de red: {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "No se puede establecer el script personalizado '{0}' para la máquina virtual '{1}': {2}",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "Error al habilitar los requisitos previos de copia. {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento: {0}. Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento existente",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe terminó con el código de salida distinto de cero al cargar archivos en el almacenamiento de blobs.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "No se puede recuperar la clave de la cuenta de almacenamiento. Error: \"{0}\"",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 8e77fa4a2156..0a2b3eca168a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers vers un objet blob ou des machines virtuelles Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur le Stockage Blob Azure ou des machines virtuelles",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) Copie de fichiers",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 2.0 :
Utilisation d'une version plus récente d'AzCopy.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Sortie",
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les balises des machines virtuelles. Les [balises](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Vous pouvez également sélectionner un sous-ensemble de machines virtuelles dans le groupe de ressources, en indiquant les noms d'hôtes ou les étiquettes des machines virtuelles. Les [étiquettes](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-tagging-arm/) sont prises en charge pour les ressources créées via Azure Resource Manager uniquement.",
"loc.input.label.MachineNames": "Critères de filtre",
"loc.input.help.MachineNames": "Indiquez une liste de noms d'hôtes de machines virtuelles, par exemple ffweb, ffdb, ou utilisez des balises telles que Role:DB, Web; OS:Win8.1. Notez que les délimiteurs employés pour les balises sont ,(virgule), :(deux-points) et ;(point-virgule). Si plusieurs balises sont indiquées, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles correspondant aux balises spécifiées. Par défaut, la tâche s'exécute sur toutes les machines virtuelles.",
"loc.input.label.vmsAdminUserName": "Informations de connexion d'administrateur",
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Si cette option est sélectionnée, le client ignore la validation permettant de vérifier que le certificat du serveur est signé par une autorité de certification approuvée lors de la connexion via HTTP ou Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS).",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "URI du conteneur de stockage",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAS du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe s'est arrêté avec un code de sortie différent de zéro durant le chargement des fichiers vers le Stockage Blob.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) la clé du compte de stockage. Erreur : '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index c5338d7e4e7a..366e84d40b34 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copia file nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copia i file in Archiviazione BLOB di Azure nelle macchine virtuali",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia dei file $(Destination)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 2.0:
Uso della versione più recente di AzCopy.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Output",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe è stato terminato con il codice di uscita diverso da zero durante il caricamento dei file nell'archivio BLOB.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Non è possibile recuperare la chiave dell'account di archiviazione. Errore: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 0502711ed892..8e917f15e38b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure ファイル コピー",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Azure BLOB または VM へのファイルのコピー",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage または仮想マシンにファイルをコピーします",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) ファイル コピー",
"loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 2.0 での変更点:
AzCopy の新しいバージョンが使用されています。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "出力",
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
"loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe が Blob Storage にファイルをアップロードしている間に、ゼロ以外の終了コードで終了しました。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "ストレージ アカウント キーをフェッチできません。エラー: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 2e633892a590..0c309f7a7f56 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 파일 복사",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Azure Blob 또는 VM에 파일 복사",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage 또는 가상 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 파일 복사",
"loc.releaseNotes": "버전 2.0의 새로운 기능:
AzCopy의 최신 버전을 사용 중입니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "출력",
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 스토리지 계정",
+ "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 스토리지 계정",
+ "loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 스토리지 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름",
- "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"loc.input.label.TargetPath": "대상 폴더",
"loc.input.help.TargetPath": "소스에서 파일을 복사하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 로컬 경로입니다. $env:windir\\BudgetIT\\Web과 같은 환경 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "선택적 인수(Blob에 파일을 업로드하는 경우)",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 저장소 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 스토리지 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "선택적 인수(VM에 파일을 다운로드하는 경우)",
"loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "VM에 다운로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /S, /Z, /V",
"loc.input.label.enableCopyPrerequisites": "복사 필수 구성 요소 사용",
@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@
"loc.input.help.CleanTargetBeforeCopy": "true로 설정하면 파일을 복사하기 전에 대상 폴더가 정리됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.skipCACheck": "테스트 인증서",
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "이 옵션을 선택하면 클라이언트에서 HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)를 통해 연결할 때 서버 인증서에 신뢰할 수 있는 CA(인증 기관)의 서명이 있는지 확인하는 단계를 건너뜁니다.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "저장소 컨테이너 URI",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "스토리지 컨테이너 URI",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 스토리지 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 스토리지 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.",
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadContainerStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{2}'(으)로 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 '{0}' 컨테이너를 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: '{3}'",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UploadFileSuccessful": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 스토리지 계정 '{1}'에 업로드했습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_IncorrectTags": "태그가 잘못 지정되었습니다. 태그는 Role:Web,DB;Location:East US;Dept.:Finance,HR 형식이어야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineDoesNotExist": "다음 컴퓨터는 리소스 그룹에 없거나 해당 이름이 올바르게 지정되지 않았습니다. {0}. 리소스 그룹에 있는 그대로 정확하게 같은 컴퓨터 이름을 제공하세요. 여러 컴퓨터 이름을 구분하려면 쉼표를 사용하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}'에서 모든 리소스에 대한 {0}을(를) 가져올 수 없습니다.",
@@ -90,11 +90,12 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_AddNetworkSecurityRuleFailed": "네트워크 보안 규칙을 추가하지 못했습니다. {0}",
"loc.messages.AFC_UnableToSetCustomScriptExtension": "가상 머신 '{1}'의 사용자 지정 스크립트 확장 '{0}'을(를) 설정할 수 없습니다. {2}",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyPrereqsFailed": "복사 필수 구성 요소를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. {0}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_BlobStorageNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 스토리지 계정을 지정하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RootContainerAndDirectory": "$root 컨테이너에 대해 '/S' 옵션이 잘못되었습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Blob Storage에 파일을 업로드하는 중 AzCopy.exe가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 종료되었습니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "저장소 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "스토리지 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index daf8ffeb8201..6d5c4aa0a17e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Копирование файлов в BLOB-объект или виртуальные машины Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Копировать файлы в хранилище BLOB-объектов Azure или виртуальные машины",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копирование файлов $(Destination)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 2.0:
Используется более новая версия AzCopy.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход",
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
"loc.input.help.skipCACheck": "Если выбрать этот параметр, клиент пропускает проверку того, подписан ли сертификат сервера доверенным центром сертификации при подключении по протоколу HTTP через SSL (HTTPS).",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageUri": "Код URI контейнера хранилища",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища",
- "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Маркер SAS контейнера хранилища",
+ "loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для маркера SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Программа AzCopy.exe завершила работу с ненулевым кодом выхода при отправке файлов в хранилище BLOB-объектов.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Не удалось получить ключ учетной записи хранения. Ошибка: \"{0}\"",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 235f65af8625..6c81d08fbad9 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 文件复制",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure blob 或 VM",
+ "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure Blob 存储或虚拟机",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 文件复制",
"loc.releaseNotes": "版本 2.0 中的新增功能:
使用较新版本的 AzCopy。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "输出",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "将文件上传到 blob 存储时,AzCopy.exe 以非零退出代码退出。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "无法提取存储帐户密钥。错误: “{0}”",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 4e1b6228dff6..b35294b9167a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 檔案複製",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 或 VM",
+ "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 儲存體或虛擬機器",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 檔案複製",
"loc.releaseNotes": "2.0 版的新功能:
使用更新版本的 AzCopy。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "輸出",
@@ -96,5 +96,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "將檔案上傳至 Blob 儲存體時 AzCopy.exe 已結束,結束代碼不為零。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "無法擷取儲存體帳戶金鑰。錯誤: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json
index 81b5287277ff..df948badcabd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 8
+ "Patch": 9
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json
index b11445761ae2..f8c566f72ad0 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV2/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 8
+ "Patch": 9
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 3a8a0186be5a..5c3c0b30b1fd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Dateikopiervorgang",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Dateien in Azure-Blobs oder VMs kopieren",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Dateien in Azure Blob Storage oder auf virtuelle Computer kopiert.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination)-Dateikopiervorgang",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 2.0:
Eine neuere Version von AzCopy wird verwendet.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 3.0:
Unterstützung für das Az-Modul und Einstellung der Unterstützung für klassische Azure-Dienstendpunkte.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Ausgabe",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Quelle",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Absoluter Pfad des Quellordners bzw. der Datei auf dem lokalen Computer oder eine UNC-Freigabe. Der Ausdruck muss einen einzigen Ordner bzw. eine einzige Datei zurückgeben.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure-Verbindungstyp",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement, das als Ziel für den Kopiervorgang von Dateien dient.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement, das als Ziel für den Kopiervorgang von Dateien dient.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "Zieltyp",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Wählen Sie als Ziel entweder Azure-Blob oder Azure-VMs aus.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Klassisches Speicherkonto",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Geben Sie ein bereits vorhandenes klassisches Speicherkonto an. Es wird auch als Zwischenspeicher zum Kopieren von Dateien in virtuelle Azure-Maschinen verwendet.",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM-Speicherkonto",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Geben Sie ein bereits vorhandenes ARM-Speicherkonto an. Es wird auch als Zwischenspeicher zum Kopieren von Dateien in virtuelle Azure-Maschinen verwendet.",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Containername",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Der Name des Containers zum Hochladen der Dateien. Wenn im angegebenen Speicherkonto kein Container mit dem angegebenen Namen vorhanden ist, wird er automatisch erstellt.
Wenn Sie ein virtuelles Verzeichnis innerhalb des Containers erstellen möchten, verwenden Sie die unten aufgeführte Blobpräfixeingabe.
Beispiel: Wenn der Zielort https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/ lautet, geben Sie mycontainer als Containername und vd1/vd2 als Blobpräfix an.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blobpräfix",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Nützlich zum Filtern von Dateien. Fügen Sie zum Beispiel allen Blobs die Buildnummer an, um nur Dateien aus diesem Build herunterzuladen. Beispiel: Wenn Sie das Blobpräfix myvd1 angeben, wird innerhalb des Containers ein virtuelles Verzeichnis mit diesem Namen erstellt. Die Quelldateien werden in https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/ kopiert.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Clouddienst",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Der Name des Zielclouddiensts, in die Dateien kopiert werden sollen.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Ressourcengruppe",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Der Name der Zielressourcengruppe, in die Dateien kopiert werden sollen.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Computer auswählen nach",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für den URI des Speichercontainers an, in den die Dateien mit diesem Task kopiert wurden. Nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "SAS-Token des Speichercontainers",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für das SAS-Token des Speichercontainers an, das für den Zugriff auf die Dateien verwendet wird, in die mit diesem Task kopiert wird. Nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Gültigkeitsdauer des SAS-Tokens in Minuten",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Geben Sie die Zeit in Minuten an, nach der das SAS-Token abläuft. Diese Einstellung ist nur gültig, wenn das ausgewählte Ziel ein Azure-Blob ist.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Das Speicherkonto \"{0}\" wurde nicht gefunden. Die ausgewählte Dienstverbindung \"Dienstprinzipal\" unterstützt nur Speicherkonten des Azure Resource Manager-Typs.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Die angegebene Ressourcengruppe \"{0}\" ist nicht vorhanden.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure-Aufruf]Der Status für den virtuellen Computer \"{0}\" wird abgerufen.",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Der Adressheader der Umleitungsantwort ist NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "\"AzCopy.exe\" wurde mit einem Exitcode ungleich null beendet, während Dateien in den Blobspeicher hochgeladen wurden.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Der Speicherkontoschlüssel konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Fehler: {0}",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Deinstallieren Sie das benutzerdefinierte WinRM-Skript manuell, und wiederholen Sie die Bereitstellung.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 153486ed63ca..4115851baedc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copia de archivos de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copiar archivos a las VM o al blob de Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copiar archivos en Azure Blob Storage o en máquinas virtuales",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) File Copy",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 2.0:
nbsp; Uso de una versión más reciente de AzCopy.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 3.0:
Ofrece compatibilidad con el módulo Az y deja de ser compatible con el punto de conexión de servicio de Azure clásico.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Salida",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origen",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "La ruta de acceso absoluta de la carpeta de origen, un archivo de la máquina local o un recurso compartido UNC. La expresión debería devolver una única carpeta o un archivo.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo de conexión de Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico de destino para la copia de los archivos.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción a Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure Resource Manager de destino para la copia de los archivos.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "Tipo de destino",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Seleccione un destino, ya sea el blob de Azure o las VM de Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Cuenta de almacenamiento clásica",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento clásica preexistente. Se utiliza también como agente intermedio para copiar archivos a máquinas virtuales de Azure",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Cuenta de almacenamiento del Administrador de recursos",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Especifique una cuenta de almacenamiento del Administrador de recursos de Azure preexistente. Se utiliza también como agente intermedio para copiar archivos a máquinas virtuales de Azure",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nombre del contenedor",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nombre del contenedor para cargar los archivos. Si no existe un contenedor con el nombre especificado en la cuenta de almacenamiento, se creará automáticamente.
Si se debe crear un directorio virtual dentro del contenedor, utilice la entrada de prefijo de blob a continuación.
Ejemplo: si la ubicación de destino es https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, especifique mycontainer como nombre del contenedor y vd1/vd2 como prefijo de blob.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Prefijo de blob",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Es útil para filtrar archivos, por ejemplo, anexar el número de compilación a todos los blobs para descargar archivos solo desde esa compilación. Ejemplo: si especifica el prefijo de blob myvd1, se creará un directorio virtual con este nombre dentro del contenedor. Los archivos de origen se copiarán en https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Servicio en la nube",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nombre del Servicio en la nube de destino en el que copiar los archivos.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Grupo de recursos",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nombre del Grupo de recursos de destino en el que copiar los archivos.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Seleccionar máquinas por",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Asigne un nombre a la variable del URI del contenedor de almacenamiento al que se copiaron los archivos con esta tarea. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es el blob de Azure.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Token de SAS del contenedor de almacenamiento",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Asigne un nombre a la variable del token de SAS del contenedor de almacenamiento que se usa para acceder a los archivos copiados con esta tarea. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es el blob de Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Período de expiración del token de SAS en minutos",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Proporcione el tiempo en minutos que debe transcurrir para que expire el token de SAS. Solo es válido cuando el destino seleccionado es Azure Blob.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "No se encontró la cuenta de almacenamiento {0}. La conexión de servicio seleccionada \"Entidad de servicio\" admite solo cuentas de almacenamiento del tipo Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "El grupo de recursos proporcionado '{0}' no existe.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Llamada de Azure]Obteniendo el estado de la máquina virtual '{0}'\t",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "El encabezado de ubicación de la respuesta de redireccionamiento es NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe terminó con el código de salida distinto de cero al cargar archivos en el almacenamiento de blobs.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "No se puede recuperar la clave de la cuenta de almacenamiento. Error: \"{0}\"",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Desinstale el script personalizado de WinRM de forma manual y reintente la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 8e77fa4a2156..28adf89a9862 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copie de fichiers Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copier les fichiers vers un objet blob ou des machines virtuelles Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copier des fichiers sur le Stockage Blob Azure ou des machines virtuelles",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) Copie de fichiers",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 2.0 :
Utilisation d'une version plus récente d'AzCopy.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 3.0 :
Prise en charge du module Azure et fin de la prise en charge du point de terminaison de service Azure Classic.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Sortie",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Source",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Chemin d'accès absolu du dossier source, d'un fichier sur la machine locale ou d'un partage UNC. L'expression doit retourner un seul dossier ou fichier.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Type de connexion Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic à cibler pour la copie des fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure Resource Manager à cibler pour la copie des fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "Type de destination",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Sélectionnez la destination, objet blob ou machines virtuelles Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Compte de stockage classique",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Spécifiez un compte de stockage classique préexistant. Il sert également d'intermédiaire pour la copie de fichiers vers des machines virtuelles Azure",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Compte de stockage RM",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Spécifiez un compte de stockage ARM préexistant. Il sert également d'intermédiaire pour la copie de fichiers vers des machines virtuelles Azure",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nom du conteneur",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nom du conteneur pour le chargement des fichiers. Si un conteneur portant le nom indiqué n'existe pas dans le compte de stockage spécifié, il est automatiquement créé.
Si vous devez créer un répertoire virtuel dans le conteneur, utilisez l'entrée de préfixe d'objet blob ci-dessous.
Exemple : Si votre emplacement cible est https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, spécifiez le nom de conteneur mycontainer et le préfixe d'objet blob vd1/vd2.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Préfixe Blob",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Utile pour filtrer les fichiers, par exemple, ajouter un numéro de build à tous les objets blob pour télécharger uniquement les fichiers de cette build. Exemple : Si vous spécifiez le préfixe d'objet blob myvd1, un répertoire virtuel portant ce nom est créé dans le conteneur. Les fichiers sources sont copiés dans https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Service cloud",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nom du service cloud cible où copier les fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Groupe de ressources",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nom du groupe de ressources cible où copier les fichiers.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Sélectionner les machines par",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Attribuez un nom à la variable de l'URI du conteneur de stockage dans lequel les fichiers ont été copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Attribuez un nom à la variable du jeton SAP du conteneur de stockage utilisé pour accéder aux fichiers copiés avec cette tâche. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est Azure Blob.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Délai d'expiration du jeton SAP en minutes",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Indiquez la durée en minutes à partir de laquelle le jeton SAP doit expirer. Valide uniquement quand la destination sélectionnée est le blob Azure.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Le compte de stockage {0} est introuvable. La connexion de service sélectionnée, 'Principal du service', prend uniquement en charge les comptes de stockage de type Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Le groupe de ressources indiqué '{0}' n'existe pas.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Appel Azure]Obtention de l'état de la machine virtuelle '{0}'",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "L'en-tête d'emplacement pour la réponse de redirection a une valeur null.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe s'est arrêté avec un code de sortie différent de zéro durant le chargement des fichiers vers le Stockage Blob.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) la clé du compte de stockage. Erreur : '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Désinstallez manuellement le script personnalisé WinRM, puis réessayez d'effectuer le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index c5338d7e4e7a..b1eb1b195072 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Copia dei file di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Copia file nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Copia i file in Archiviazione BLOB di Azure nelle macchine virtuali",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Copia dei file $(Destination)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 2.0:
Uso della versione più recente di AzCopy.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 3.0:
Supporto del modulo AZ e rimozione del supporto per l'endpoint servizio classico di Azure.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Output",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Origine",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Percorso assoluto della cartella o del file di origine nel computer locale oppure condivisione UNC. L'espressione deve restituire una sola cartella o file.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo di connessione ad Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico usata come destinazione per la copia dei file.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager usata come destinazione per la copia dei file.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "Tipo di destinazione",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Consente di selezionare la destinazione, nel BLOB o nelle macchine virtuali di Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Account di archiviazione classico",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Consente di specificare un account di archiviazione classico preesistente. Viene usato anche come intermediario per la copia dei file nelle macchine virtuali di Azure",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Account di archiviazione di Gestione risorse",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Consente di specificare un account di archiviazione di Gestione risorse di Azure preesistente. Viene usato anche come intermediario per la copia dei file nelle macchine virtuali di Azure",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Nome contenitore",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Nome del contenitore per il caricamento dei file. Se nell'account di archiviazione non esiste un contenitore con il nome specificato, verrà creato automaticamente.
Se è necessario creare una directory virtuale all'interno del contenitore, usare il valore di input seguente come prefisso BLOB.
Esempio: se il percorso di destinazione è https://account.blob.core.windows.net/contenitore/vd1/vd2/, specificare contenitore come nome del contenitore e vd1/vd2 come prefisso BLOB.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Prefisso BLOB",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Utile per filtrare i file. Ad esempio, accodare un numero di build a tutti i BLOB per scaricare i file solo per una specifica build. Esempio: se si specifica myvd1 come prefisso BLOB, all'interno del contenitore verrà creata una directory virtuale con questo nome. I file di origine verranno copiati in https://account.blob.core.windows.net/contenitore/myvd1/.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Servizio cloud",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Nome del servizio cloud di destinazione in cui copiare i file.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Gruppo di risorse",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Nome del gruppo di risorse di destinazione in cui copiare i file.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Seleziona computer per",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile dell'URI del contenitore di archiviazione in cui sono stati copiati i file con questa attività. Valido solo quando la destinazione è BLOB di Azure.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Token di firma di accesso condiviso del contenitore di archiviazione",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile del token di firma di accesso condiviso del contenitore di archiviazione usato per accedere ai file di cui viene eseguita la copia con questa attività. Valido solo quando la destinazione è BLOB di Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Periodo di scadenza del token di firma di accesso condiviso in minuti",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Specificare il tempo in minuti dopo il quale il token di firma di accesso condiviso scadrà. È valido solo quando la destinazione selezionata è BLOB di Azure.",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "L'account di archiviazione {0} non è stato trovato. La connessione al servizio selezionata 'Entità servizio' supporta solo account di archiviazione di tipo Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Il gruppo di risorse specificato '{0}' non esiste.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Chiamata di Azure]Recupero dello stato per la macchina virtuale '{0}'",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Intestazione del percorso della risposta di reindirizzamento è Null.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe è stato terminato con il codice di uscita diverso da zero durante il caricamento dei file nell'archivio BLOB.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Non è possibile recuperare la chiave dell'account di archiviazione. Errore: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Disinstallare manualmente lo script personalizzato di WinRM e ripetere la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 0502711ed892..e0c0208c7dea 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure ファイル コピー",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細] (https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Azure BLOB または VM へのファイルのコピー",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage または仮想マシンにファイルをコピーします",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) ファイル コピー",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 2.0 での変更点:
AzCopy の新しいバージョンが使用されています。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 3.0 の新機能:
Az モジュールをサポートし、Azure クラシック サービス エンドポイントのサポートを停止します。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "出力",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "ソース",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "ローカル コンピューターまたは UNC 共有にあるソース フォルダーまたはファイルの絶対パス。式は1つのフォルダーまたは1つのファイルを返さなければなりません。",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 接続の種類",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure クラシック サブスクリプション",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "ファイルをコピーする対象の Azure クラシック サブスクリプション。",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "ファイルをコピーする対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプション。",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "宛先の種類",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Azure BLOB または Azure VM のいずれかをコピー先として選択します。",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "従来のストレージ アカウント",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "既存の従来のストレージ アカウントを指定します。Azure VM にファイルをコピーするための仲介役としても使用されます",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM ストレージ アカウント",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "既存の ARM ストレージ アカウントを指定します。Azure VM にファイルをコピーするための仲介役としても使用されます",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "コンテナー名 ",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "ファイルをアップロードするためのコンテナーの名前です。指定した名前のコンテナーが指定したストレージ アカウントに存在しない場合、自動的に作成されます。
そのコンテナー内に仮想ディレクトリを作成する必要がある場合は、BLOB プレフィックスの入力を以下のように使用します。
例: 対象の場所が https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/ であれば、コンテナー名を mycontainer と指定し、BLOB プレフィックスを vd1/vd2 と指定します。",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "BLOB プレフィックス ",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "ファイルをフィルタリングするときに便利です。たとえば、すべての BLOB にビルド番号を追加しておくと、特定のビルドのファイルのみをダウンロードできます。例: BLOB のプレフィックスとして myvd1 を指定した場合、この名前の仮想ディレクトリがコンテナー内に作成されます。ソース ファイルは、https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/ にコピーされます。",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "クラウド サービス",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "ファイルのコピー先のターゲット クラウド サービスの名前。",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "リソース グループ",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "ファイルのコピー先のターゲット リソース グループの名前。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "以下の条件でコンピューターを選択",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "このタスクでファイルがコピーされたストレージ コンテナーの URI の変数名を指定します。選んだコピー先が Azure BLOB である場合にのみ有効です。",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "ストレージ コンテナーの SAS トークン",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "このタスクでコピーされたファイルにアクセスするために使用されるストレージ コンテナーの SAS トークンの変数名を指定します。選んだコピー先が Azure BLOB である場合にのみ有効です。",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS トークンの有効期間 (分)",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS トークンの有効期限が切れるまでの時間を分単位で指定します。選択した接続先が Azure Blob の場合にのみ有効です。",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "ストレージ アカウント: {0} は見つかりません。選択されたサービス接続 'Service Principal' は、種類が Azure Resource Manager のストレージ アカウントのみをサポートします。",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "指定されたリソース グループ '{0}' が存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure の呼び出し]VM '{0}' の状態を取得しています",
@@ -76,8 +71,8 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdErrorAllResources": "ResourceGroup '{1}' のすべてのリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_MachineNameFromIdError": "ResourceGroup '{2}' の '{1}' 個のリソースに対して {0} を取得できません",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFoundForSelectedConnection": "選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' を使用して、リソース '{1}' を見つけることができません。選択されたサービス接続 '{0}' は、従来のリソース (Service Management モデル) のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
- "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの Virtual Machines のみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoClassicVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure クラシック タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_NoARMVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のマシンは存在しません。選択したサービス接続 '{1}' は Azure Resource Manager タイプの仮想マシンのみをサポートします。",
"loc.messages.AFC_NoGenericVMResources": "リソース グループ '{0}' の下にコピー対象のコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_FilteringNoVMResources": "次の {1} '{2}' を持つリソース グループ '{0}' の下にコンピューターは存在しません。",
"loc.messages.AFC_CopyStarted": "コンピューター '{0}' について、コピーを開始しました",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "リダイレクト応答の場所ヘッダーが null です。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "AzCopy.exe が Blob Storage にファイルをアップロードしている間に、ゼロ以外の終了コードで終了しました。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "ストレージ アカウント キーをフェッチできません。エラー: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM カスタム スクリプトを手動でアンインストールしてから、配置を再試行してください。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 2e633892a590..9eec86cf4917 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 파일 복사",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Azure Blob 또는 VM에 파일 복사",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Blob Storage 또는 가상 머신에 파일을 복사합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 파일 복사",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 2.0의 새로운 기능:
AzCopy의 최신 버전을 사용 중입니다.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 3.0의 새로운 기능:
AZ 모듈을 지원하고, Azure 클래식 서비스 엔드포인트 지원을 중지합니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "출력",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "소스",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "소스 폴더, 로컬 컴퓨터의 파일 또는 UNC 공유의 절대 경로입니다. 식은 단일 폴더 또는 파일을 반환해야 합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 연결 형식",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 클래식 구독",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "파일 복사를 위한 대상으로 지정할 Azure Resource Manager 구독입니다.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "대상 형식",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "대상으로 Azure Blob 또는 Azure VM 중 하나를 선택합니다.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "클래식 저장소 계정",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "기존 클래식 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 저장소 계정",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "기존 ARM 저장소 계정을 지정합니다. 파일을 Azure VM에 복사하기 위한 중간자로도 사용됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "컨테이너 이름",
- "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 저장소 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.help.ContainerName": "파일을 업로드하기 위한 컨테이너의 이름입니다. 지정한 스토리지 계정에 지정된 이름을 가진 컨테이너가 없을 경우 자동으로 만들어집니다.
컨테이너 안에 가상 디렉터리를 만들어야 하는 경우 아래 Blob 접두사 입력을 사용하세요.
예: 대상 위치가 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/인 경우 mycontainer를 컨테이너 이름으로, vd1/vd2를 blob 접두사로 지정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 접두사",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "파일을 필터링하는 데 유용합니다. 예를 들어 모든 Blob의 뒤에 빌드 번호를 추가하여 해당 빌드의 파일만 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 예: Blob 접두사를 myvd1로 지정하는 경우 이 이름을 가진 가상 디렉터리가 컨테이너 안에 만들어집니다. 소스 파일은 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/에 복사됩니다.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "클라우드 서비스",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "파일을 복사할 대상 클라우드 서비스의 이름입니다.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "리소스 그룹",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "파일을 복사할 대상 리소스 그룹의 이름입니다.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "컴퓨터 선택 기준",
@@ -37,7 +30,7 @@
"loc.input.label.TargetPath": "대상 폴더",
"loc.input.help.TargetPath": "소스에서 파일을 복사하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 로컬 경로입니다. $env:windir\\BudgetIT\\Web과 같은 환경 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "선택적 인수(Blob에 파일을 업로드하는 경우)",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 저장소 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForBlobCopy": "Blob에 업로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /SetContentType, /Z, /V,
/S(컨테이너 이름이 $root가 아닌 경우에만 해당),
/BlobType:page(지정한 스토리지 계정이 프리미엄 계정인 경우에만 해당).
소스 경로가 파일인 경우에는 선택적 인수를 지정했는지 여부에 관계없이 /Pattern이 항상 추가됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "선택적 인수(VM에 파일을 다운로드하는 경우)",
"loc.input.help.AdditionalArgumentsForVMCopy": "VM에 다운로드할 때 적용되는 선택적 AzCopy.exe 인수입니다(예: /NC:10). 여기서 선택적 인수를 지정하지 않으면 다음 선택적 인수가 기본적으로 추가됩니다.
/Y, /S, /Z, /V",
"loc.input.label.enableCopyPrerequisites": "복사 필수 구성 요소 사용",
@@ -52,7 +45,9 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "이 작업에서 파일을 복사하는 데 사용된 저장소 컨테이너 URI의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "이 작업에서 복사된 파일에 액세스하는 데 사용되는 저장소 컨테이너 SAS 토큰의 변수 이름을 지정하세요. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 토큰 만료 기간(분)",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 토큰이 만료되는 시간(분)을 지정합니다. 선택한 대상이 Azure Blob인 경우에만 유효합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Service Principal'은 Azure Resource Manager 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "제공된 리소스 그룹 '{0}'이(가) 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져오는 중",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatusComplete": "[Azure 호출]VM '{0}'의 상태를 가져왔습니다.",
@@ -65,7 +60,7 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_NoNetworkInterface": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 {1}에 가상 머신 ID가 {0}인 네트워크 인터페이스가 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_NullOrEmptyResourceGroup": "[Azure 호출]리소스 그룹 이름 및 가상 머신 ID는 null이거나 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzurePSNotInstalled": "필요한 Azure PowerShell Cmdlet의 최소 버전 {0}이(가) 설치되어 있지 않습니다. https://azure.microsoft.com/ko-kr/documentation/articles/powershell-install-configure/의 지침에 따라 최신 Azure PowerShell을 다운로드할 수 있습니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 저장소 계정만 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_ClassicStorageAccountNotFound": "스토리지 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 선택한 서비스 연결 'Certificate'는 Azure 클래식 유형의 스토리지 계정만 지원합니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GenericStorageAccountNotFound": "저장소 계정 {0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 기존 저장소 계정을 지정하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzureFileCopyMoreHelp": "자세한 내용은 {0}을(를) 참조하세요.",
"loc.messages.AFC_UploadFilesStorageAccount": "Blob 접두사 '{3}'(으)로 소스 경로 '{0}'의 파일을 '{2}' 컨테이너의 저장소 계정 '{1}'에 업로드하는 중",
@@ -95,6 +90,7 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseInvalidStatusCode": "HTTP 응답 코드: '{0}'은(는) 유효한 리디렉션 상태 코드가 아닙니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "리디렉션 응답 위치 헤더가 null입니다.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Blob Storage에 파일을 업로드하는 중 AzCopy.exe가 0이 아닌 종료 코드로 종료되었습니다.",
- "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "저장소 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "스토리지 계정 키를 페치할 수 없습니다. 오류: '{0}'",
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "WinRM 사용자 지정 스크립트를 수동으로 제거하고 배포를 다시 시도하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index daf8ffeb8201..7aa483be63f5 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Копирование файлов Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Копирование файлов в BLOB-объект или виртуальные машины Azure",
+ "loc.description": "Копировать файлы в хранилище BLOB-объектов Azure или виртуальные машины",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Копирование файлов $(Destination)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 2.0:
Используется более новая версия AzCopy.",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности версии 3.0:
Поддержки модуля Az и прекращение поддержки конечной точки классической службы Azure.",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Выход",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "Источник",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "Абсолютный путь к исходной папке, файлу на локальном компьютере либо сетевому ресурсу UNC. Выражение должно вернуть одну папку или один файл.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Тип подключения Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure, предназначенная для копирования файлов.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка на Azure Resource Manager, предназначенная для копирования файлов.",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "Целевой тип",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "Выберите назначение: BLOB-объект Azure или виртуальные машины Azure.",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "Классическая учетная запись хранения",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "Укажите существующую классическую учетную запись хранения. Она также используется в качестве промежуточной для копирования файлов на виртуальные машины Azure",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "Учетная запись хранения Диспетчера ресурсов",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "Укажите существующую учетную запись хранения ARM. Она также используется в качестве промежуточной для копирования файлов на виртуальные машины Azure",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "Имя контейнера",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "Имя контейнера для отправки файлов. Если контейнер с данным именем не существует в указанной учетной записи хранения, он будет создан автоматически.
Для создания виртуального каталога внутри контейнера используйте приведенный ниже входной префикс большого двоичного объекта.
Пример. Если конечным расположением является https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/, укажите mycontainer в качестве имени контейнера и vd1/vd2 в качестве префикса большого двоичного объекта.",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Префикс BLOB-объекта",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "Может использоваться для фильтрации файлов. Например, чтобы скачать файлы только из определенной сборки, можно добавить ее номер в начало всех больших двоичных объектов. Пример: если указать префикс большого двоичного объекта myvd1, в контейнере будет создан виртуальный каталог с этим именем. Исходные файлы будут скопированы по адресу https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/.",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "Облачная служба",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "Название целевой облачной службы, в которую копируются файлы.",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "Группа ресурсов",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "Название целевой группы ресурсов, в которую копируются файлы.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "Выбор компьютеров по",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "Укажите имя переменной для универсального кода ресурса (URI) контейнера хранилища, в который файлы были скопированы с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Токен SAS контейнера хранилища",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "Укажите имя переменной для токена SAS контейнера хранилища, используемого для доступа к файлам, в которые было выполнено копирование с помощью этой задачи. Допустимо только в том случае, если в качестве назначения выбран BLOB-объект Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Период истечения срока действия маркера SAS в минутах",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "Укажите время в минутах, по истечении которого маркер SAS будет просрочен. Допустимо, только если выбрано назначение \"BLOB-объект Azure\".",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "Учетная запись хранения \"{0}\" не найдена. Выбранное подключение к службе \"Субъект-служба\" поддерживает учетные записи хранения только типа Azure Resource Manager.",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "Указанная группа ресурсов (\"{0}\") не существует.",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Вызов Azure] Идет получение состояния виртуальной машины \"{0}\"",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "Заголовок расположения ответа перенаправления равен NULL.",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "Программа AzCopy.exe завершила работу с ненулевым кодом выхода при отправке файлов в хранилище BLOB-объектов.",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "Не удалось получить ключ учетной записи хранения. Ошибка: \"{0}\"",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Удалите пользовательский скрипт WinRM вручную и повторите попытку развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 235f65af8625..fae89e71bb0a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 文件复制",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure blob 或 VM",
+ "loc.description": "将文件复制到 Azure Blob 存储或虚拟机",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 文件复制",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 2.0 中的新增功能:
使用较新版本的 AzCopy。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 3.0 中的新增功能:
支持 Azure 模块并停止支持 Azure 经典服务终结点。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "输出",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "源",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "本地计算机上源文件夹或文件的绝对路径,或是 UNC 共享。表达式应返回一个文件夹或文件。",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 连接类型",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 经典订阅",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "用于复制文件的目标帐户的 Azure 经典订阅。",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "用于复制文件的目标帐户的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "目标类型",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "选择目标,即 Azure Blob 或 Azure VM。",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "经典存储帐户",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "指定预先存在的经典存储帐户。它还用作将文件复制到 Azure VM 的中间帐户",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 存储帐户",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "指定预先存在的 ARM 存储帐户。它还用作将文件复制到 Azure VM 的中间帐户",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "容器名",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "用于上载文件的容器的名称。如果指定存储帐户中不存在具有给定名称的容器,将自动创建该容器。
如果需要在容器中创建虚拟目录,请使用下面的 blob 前缀输入。
示例: 如果目标位置是 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/,则指定 mycontainer 作为容器名称,vd1/vd2 作为 blob 前缀。",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 前缀",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "用于筛选文件,例如,将生成号追加到所有 blob 以便仅从该生成下载文件。示例: 如果将 blob 前缀指定为 myvd1,则将在容器内创建具有此名称的虚拟目录。源文件将被复制到 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/。",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "云服务",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "要将文件复制到的目标云服务的名称。",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "资源组",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "要将文件复制到的目标资源组的名称。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "计算机选择依据",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "为在此任务中作为文件复制目标位置的存储容器 URI 提供变量名称。只有在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时才有效。",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "存储容器 SAS 令牌",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "向存储容器 SAS 令牌的变量提供一个名称,该令牌用于访问通过此任务复制到的文件。只有在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时才有效。",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 令牌有效期(分钟)",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "提供 SAS 令牌过期前的时间(分钟)。仅在所选目标为 Azure Blob 时有效。",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "未找到存储帐户 {0}。选定的服务连接“服务主体”仅支持 Azure 资源管理器类型的存储帐户。",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "提供的资源组“{0}”不存在。",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure Call]正在获取 VM“{0}”的状态",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重定向响应位置标头为 null。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "将文件上传到 blob 存储时,AzCopy.exe 以非零退出代码退出。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "无法提取存储帐户密钥。错误: “{0}”",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "请手动卸载 WinRM 自定义脚本,然后重试部署。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 4e1b6228dff6..4c891e00591f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,29 +1,22 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 檔案複製",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme)",
- "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 或 VM",
+ "loc.description": "將檔案複製到 Azure Blob 儲存體或虛擬機器",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(Destination) 檔案複製",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "2.0 版的新功能:
使用更新版本的 AzCopy。",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "3.0 版中的新功能:
支援 Az 模組並停止支援 Azure 傳統服務端點。",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "輸出",
"loc.input.label.SourcePath": "來源",
"loc.input.help.SourcePath": "來源資料夾的絕對路徑、本機電腦上的檔案,或通用命名慣例 (UNC) 共用。運算式應傳回單一資料夾或檔案。",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 連接類型",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 傳統訂用帳戶",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "要作為複製檔案目標的 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶。",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "要作為複製檔案目標的傳統 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
"loc.input.label.Destination": "目的地類型",
"loc.input.help.Destination": "選取目的地,可以是 Azure Blob 或 Azure VM。",
- "loc.input.label.StorageAccount": "傳統儲存體帳戶",
- "loc.input.help.StorageAccount": "指定預先存在的傳統儲存體帳戶。其也作為將檔案複製到 Azure VM 的中繼項目",
"loc.input.label.StorageAccountRM": "RM 儲存體帳戶",
"loc.input.help.StorageAccountRM": "指定預先存在的 ARM 儲存體帳戶。其也作為將檔案複製到 Azure VM 的中繼項目",
"loc.input.label.ContainerName": "容器名稱",
"loc.input.help.ContainerName": "用於上傳檔案的容器名稱。如果具有指定名稱的容器不存在於指定的儲存體帳戶中,會自動予以建立。
如需在容器內建立虛擬目錄,請使用以下 Blob 前置詞輸入。
範例: 如果您的目標位置是 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/vd1/vd2/,則指定 mycontainer 作為容器名稱及指定 vd1//vd2 作為 blob 前置詞。",
"loc.input.label.BlobPrefix": "Blob 前置詞",
"loc.input.help.BlobPrefix": "適用於篩選檔案,例如將組建編號附加到所有 blob,以只從該組建下載檔案。範例: 如果您將 Blob 前置詞指定為 myvd1,會在容器內建立具有此名稱的虛擬目錄。來源檔案會複製到 https://myaccount.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myvd1/。",
- "loc.input.label.EnvironmentName": "雲端服務",
- "loc.input.help.EnvironmentName": "要將檔案複製到其中的目標雲端服務名稱。",
"loc.input.label.EnvironmentNameRM": "資源群組",
"loc.input.help.EnvironmentNameRM": "要將檔案複製到其中的目標資源群組名稱。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceFilteringMethod": "選取電腦依據 ",
@@ -52,6 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.outputStorageUri": "提供儲存體容器 URI 的變數名稱,其中已使用此工作將檔案複製到該 URI。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。",
"loc.input.label.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "儲存體容器 SAS 權杖",
"loc.input.help.outputStorageContainerSasToken": "提供儲存體容器 SAS 權杖的變數名稱,其中該權杖用來存取使用此工作所複製的檔案。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。",
+ "loc.input.label.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "SAS 權杖到期期限 (分鐘)",
+ "loc.input.help.sasTokenTimeOutInMinutes": "提供 SAS 權杖到期前要經過的分鐘數。只有在選取的目的地為 Azure Blob 時才有效。",
"loc.messages.AFC_StorageAccountNotFound": "找不到儲存體帳戶: {0}。選取的服務連線 'Service Principal' 僅支援 Azure Resource Manager 類型的儲存體帳戶。",
"loc.messages.AFC_ResourceGroupNotFound": "提供的資源群組 '{0}' 不存在。",
"loc.messages.AFC_GetVMStatus": "[Azure 呼叫]正在取得 VM '{0}' 的狀態",
@@ -96,5 +91,6 @@
"loc.messages.AFC_RedirectResponseLocationHeaderIsNull": "重新導向回應位置標頭為 null。",
"loc.messages.AFC_AzCopyBlobUploadNonZeroExitCode": "將檔案上傳至 Blob 儲存體時 AzCopy.exe 已結束,結束代碼不為零。",
"loc.messages.AFC_PreexecutionJob_UnableToGetStorageKey": "無法擷取儲存體帳戶金鑰。錯誤: '{0}'",
- "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "Uninstall WinRM custom script manually and retry deployment."
+ "loc.messages.AFC_UninstallWinRMCustomScriptExtension": "請手動將 WinRM 自訂指令碼解除安裝,並重試部署。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json
index 45916ccf84a3..4633ad509afc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 10
+ "Patch": 11
"preview": true,
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json
index 8c6021c09f05..5565192a3852 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFileCopyV3/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 10
+ "Patch": 11
"preview": true,
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..c8efc071ca7d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion für Container",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Funktions-Apps mit Docker-Containern aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Funktionen-App für Container bereitstellen: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "Imagename",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "Eine global eindeutiger Name einer Domäne der obersten Ebene für Ihre spezifische Registrierung oder den Namespace.
Hinweis: Vollqualifizierte Imagenamen haben das folgende Format: \"`/`:`\". Beispiel: \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Startbefehl ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP Deploy\" oder \"RunFromZip\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über RunFromZip werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service wird neu gestartet: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service \"%s-%s\" wurde erfolgreich neu gestartet.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Fehler beim Neustart von App Service \"%s-%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..2bfc3f49f28f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Functions para contenedor",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Actualiza las aplicaciones de función con contenedores de Docker.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Function App en Container: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nombre de la imagen",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nombre de dominio de nivel superior único global para su espacio de nombres o Registro específico.
Nota: El nombre de imagen completo tiene el formato: \"/:\". Por ejemplo, \"miRegistro.azurecr.io/nginx:última\".",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando de inicio ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromZip o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromZip podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Datos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Reiniciando App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Reiniciando la instancia de App Service: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "La instancia de App Service \"%s\" se reinició correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "La instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\" se reinició correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "No se pudo reiniciar la instancia de App Service \"%s-%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..7a00f1206fb3 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Fonction Azure pour conteneur",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Mettre à jour les applications de fonction avec des conteneurs Docker",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'application de fonction Azure sur un conteneur : $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nom d'image",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nom de domaine de premier niveau de type identificateur global unique pour votre registre ou espace de noms spécifique.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Commande de démarrage ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromZip ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromZip risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Données : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Redémarrage d'App Service : %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Redémarrage de l'App Service : %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "L'App Service '%s' a correctement redémarré.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "L'App Service '%s-%s' a correctement redémarré.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Échec du redémarrage de l'App Service '%s-%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..252a2e0a0ff6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Funzione di Azure per contenitore",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Aggiorna le app per le funzioni con i contenitori Docker",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "App per le funzioni di Azure nella distribuzione del contenitore: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "Nome dell'immagine",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "Nome di dominio di primo livello univoco a livello globale per il registro o lo spazio dei nomi specifico.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Comando di avvio ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromZip, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromZip, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Dati: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Riavvio del servizio app: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Il servizio app '%s' è stato riavviato.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Il servizio app '%s-%s' è stato riavviato.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Non è stato possibile riavviare il servizio app '%s-%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..a3f9898ab02a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "コンテナー用の Azure Function",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Docker コンテナーを使用した関数アプリの更新",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "コンテナー上の Azure Function App のデプロイ: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "イメージ名",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "特定のレジストリまたは名前空間をグローバルに識別する一意の最上位ドメイン名です。
メモ: 完全修飾イメージ名の形式は '`<レジストリまたは名前空間`>/`<リポジトリ`>:`<タグ`>' です。例: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromZip オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromZip による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。データ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます",
"loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service を再起動しています: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service %s-%s を再起動しています",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' が正常に再起動されました。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' が正常に再起動されました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' を再起動できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..514d20fdfedd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "컨테이너에 대한 Azure 함수",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Docker 컨테이너를 사용하여 함수 앱을 업데이트합니다.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "컨테이너 배포의 Azure 함수 앱: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "이미지 이름",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "특정 레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스의 전역적으로 고유한 최상위 도메인 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "시작 명령 ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromZip 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromZip을 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중입니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "App Service를 다시 시작하는 중: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'이(가) 다시 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "App Service '%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s'을(를) 다시 시작하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..88dd7bbc0fc8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Функция Azure для контейнера",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Обновление приложений-функций с помощью контейнеров Docker",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Приложение-функция Azure в развертывании контейнера: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "Имя образа",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "Глобально уникальное доменное имя верхнего уровня для реестра или пространства имен.
Примечание. Полное доменное имя имеет следующий формат: \"`<реестр или пространство имен`>/`<репозиторий`>:`\". Например, \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "Команда запуска ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromZip не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromZip скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновляются параметры приложений службы приложений. Данные: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "Перезапуск службы приложений: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "Служба приложений \"%s\" успешно перезапущена.",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "Служба приложений \"%s-%s\" успешно перезапущена.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "Не удалось перезапустить службу приложений \"%s-%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..537f9abfa996 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "容器的 Azure Function",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Docker 容器更新 Function App",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器部署上的 Azure Function App: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "特定注册表或命名空间的全局唯一顶级域名。
注意: 完全限定的映像名称格式应为:“`<注册表或命名空间`>/`<存储库`>:`<标记`>”。例如,\"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\"。",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "启动命令",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromZip 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromZip 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。数据: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重启应用服务: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重启应用服务: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "应用服务“%s”已成功重启。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "应用服务“%s-%s”已成功重启。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "未能重启应用服务“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "未能重启应用服务“%s-%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..a204a6f807ac 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,180 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "適用於容器的 Azure 函式",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiononcontainerdeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Docker 容器更新函數應用程式",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "容器上的 Azure 函數應用程式部署: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。",
+ "loc.input.label.imageName": "映像名稱",
+ "loc.input.help.imageName": "您的特定登錄或命名空間的全域唯一頂層網域名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄或命名空間`>/`<存放庫`>:`<標記`>。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。",
+ "loc.input.label.containerCommand": "啟動命令 ",
+ "loc.input.help.containerCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromZip 發行的選項不支援 war 檔案部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromZip 發行會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是唯讀的,而不支援部署後指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。資料: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppService": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartingAppServiceSlot": "正在重新啟動 App Service: %s-%s",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppService": "App Service '%s' 已成功重新啟動。",
+ "loc.messages.RestartedAppServiceSlot": "App Service '%s-%s' 已成功重新啟動。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppService": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRestartAppServiceSlot": "無法重新啟動 App Service '%s-%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json
index 957458863008..9ed6a36437e6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 16
+ "Patch": 17
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1",
"groups": [
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
"helpMarkDown": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed."
"name": "deployToSlotOrASE",
"type": "boolean",
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@
"required": true,
"properties": {
"EditableOptions": "True"
- },
+ },
"helpMarkDown": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
"visibleRule": "deployToSlotOrASE = true"
@@ -136,7 +135,7 @@
"parameters": {
"WebAppKind": "functionAppContainer"
- },
+ },
"target": "resourceGroupName",
"endpointId": "$(azureSubscription)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json
index 32478c546738..86104a07bd78 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppContainerV1/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 16
+ "Patch": 17
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..da81ce608e83 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Azure-Funktion für Linux oder Windows bereitgestellt.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Funktionen-App bereitstellen: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Zusätzliche Bereitstellungsoptionen",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Anwendungs- und Konfigurationseinstellungen",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure-Abonnement",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "App-Typ",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "App-Name",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Geben Sie den Namen eines vorhandenen Azure App Service ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus. Es werden nur App-Dienste für den ausgewählten App-Typ angezeigt.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "In Slot oder App Service-Umgebung bereitstellen",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Wählen Sie die Option für die Bereitstellung in einem vorhandenen Bereitstellungsslot oder in der Azure App Service-Umgebung.
Für beide Ziele benötigt die Aufgabe den Ressourcengruppennamen.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel ein Slot verwendet wird, erfolgt die Bereitstellung standardmäßig im Produktionsslot. Auch jeder andere vorhandene Slotname kann angegeben werden.
Falls als Bereitstellungsziel eine Azure App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird, behalten Sie den Slotnamen \"production\" bei, und geben Sie nur den Namen der Ressourcengruppe an.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Der Ressourcengruppenname ist erforderlich, wenn als Bereitstellungsziel ein Bereitstellungsslot oder eine App Service-Umgebung verwendet wird.
Geben Sie die Azure-Ressourcengruppe mit der oben angegebenen Azure App Service-Instanz ein, oder wählen Sie sie aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Platz",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "Paket oder Ordner",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "Dateipfad zum Paket oder zu einem Ordner mit den durch MSBuild generierten App Service-Inhalten oder zu einer komprimierten ZIP-oder WAR-Datei.
Variablen ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), Platzhalter werden unterstützt.
Beispiel: \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip\" oder \"$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war\".",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Runtimestapel",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Startbefehl ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Geben Sie den Startbefehl ein. Beispiel:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Parameter der Datei \"web.config\" für Python-, Node.js-, Go- und Java-Apps generieren",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Ein Standarddatei \"web.config\" wird generiert und in Azure App Service bereitgestellt, wenn diese Datei nicht in der Anwendung vorhanden ist. Die Werte in \"web.config\" können bearbeitet werden und variieren je nach Anwendungsframework. Zum Beispiel enthält \"web.config\" für node.js-Anwendungen Werte für eine Startdatei und ein iis_node-Modul. Dieses Bearbeitungsfeature gilt nur für die generierte Datei \"web.config\". [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "App-Einstellungen",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Anwendungseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Konfigurationseinstellungen",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Bearbeiten Sie Web-App-Konfigurationseinstellungen entsprechend der Syntax \"-Schlüssel Wert\". Ein Wert mit Leerzeichen muss in doppelte Anführungszeichen eingeschlossen werden.
Beispiel: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Bereitstellungsmethode",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Wählen Sie die Bereitstellungsmethode für die App aus.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Ungültiges App Service-Paket oder ungültiger App Service-Ordnerpfad angegeben: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Datei zum Festlegen der Parameter nicht gefunden: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Die XML-Transformationen wurden erfolgreich angewendet.",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service wurden abgerufen: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Fehler: Keine solche Bereitstellungsmethode vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für Azure App Service können nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Die Dienstverbindungsdetails für die Azure-Ressource \"%s\" konnten nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Der Bereitstellungsverlauf unter \"%s\" wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Bereitstellungsverlaufs. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNUNG: Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Der SCM-Endpunkt ist für diese Website nicht aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails können nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s, Fehlermeldung: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen können nicht aktualisiert werden. Statuscode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Der Bereitstellungsstatus kann nicht aktualisiert werden: Die eindeutige Bereitstellungs-ID kann nicht abgerufen werden.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web-Paket für den App Service erfolgreich bereitgestellt.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des Web-Pakets für den App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Befehl wird ausgeführt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Webpaket \"%s\" wird im virtuellen Pfad (physischen Pfad) bereitgestellt: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Das Paket \"%s\" wurde unter Verwendung des Kudu-Diensts erfolgreich unter \"%s\" bereitgestellt.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Fehler beim Bereitstellen des App Service-Pakets mithilfe des Kudu-Diensts: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Der App Service kann nicht bereitgestellt werden. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Mit MSDeploy generierte Pakete werden nur für Windows-Plattformen unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Nicht unterstützte installierte Version %s für MSDeploy gefunden. Version 3 oder höher muss installiert sein.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Der Speicherort von MS Deploy wurde nicht in der Registrierung auf dem Computer gefunden (Fehler: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Kein Paket mit dem angegebenen Muster gefunden: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Mindestens zwei Pakete stimmten mit dem angegebenen Suchmuster überein: %s. Schränken Sie das Suchmuster ein.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Anwendung offline schalten\" erneut bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Versuchen Sie, den App Service mit ausgewählter Option \"Gesperrte Dateien umbenennen\" erneut bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Keine JSON-Datei stimmte mit dem angegebenen Muster überein: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Fehler beim Schreiben in die Konfigurationsdatei \"%s\". Fehler: %s ",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Fehler beim Aktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Der App-Offlinemodus wurde deaktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Fehler beim Deaktivieren des App-Offlinemodus. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "XML-Transformationen können auf einer Nicht-Windows-Plattform nicht ausgeführt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML-Transformationsfehler beim Transformieren von \"%s\" unter Verwendung von \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Eine Veröffentlichung unter Verwendung von webdeploy-Optionen wird nur unterstützt, wenn der Windows-Agent verwendet wird. ",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für den msBuild-Pakettyp nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Die Veröffentlichung über die ZIP Deploy-Option wird für virtuelle Anwendungen nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über die Optionen \"ZIP\" oder \"RunFromPackage\" wird die WAR-Dateibereitstellung nicht unterstützt.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Bei der Veröffentlichung über \"RunFromPackage\" werden Skripts nach der Bereitstellung möglicherweise nicht unterstützt, wenn diese Änderungen an wwwroot vornehmen, weil der Ordner schreibgeschützt ist.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Die Ressource \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden. Die Ressource muss vor der Bereitstellung vorhanden sein.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Erkannte Codierung der Datei \"%s\": %s. Eine Variablenersetzung wird für die Dateicodierung \"%s\" nicht unterstützt. Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Die Codierung der Datei \"%s\" wurde nicht erkannt (typeCode: %s). Unterstützte Codierungen sind UTF-8 und UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Der Dateipuffer ist zu klein, um den Codierungstyp zu erkennen: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App Service-Konfigurationsdetails. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Die App Service-Konfigurationsdetails wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Angeforderte URL für physischen Kudu-Pfad: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Der physische Pfad \"%s\" ist bereits vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Der physische Kudu-Pfad wurde erfolgreich erstellt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des physischen Kudu-Pfads. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Die virtuelle Anwendung ist nicht vorhanden: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Die JSON-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden: %s. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Die JSON-Variablenersetzung wurde erfolgreich angewendet.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML-Variablenersetzung erfolgreich angewendet.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Datei \"%s\" kann nicht in Kudu (%s) hochgeladen werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Hochladen der Datei: %s auf Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Das angegebene Skript wird im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Das Skript kann nicht im Kudu-Dienst ausgeführt werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Ausführen des Skripts in Kudu nicht möglich: %s. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Skript in Kudu erfolgreich ausgeführt.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Das ausgeführte Skript hat \"%s\" als Rückgabecode zurückgegeben. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Die Datei \"%s\" kann nicht aus Kudu (%s) gelöscht werden. Statuscode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Löschen der Datei: %s von Kudu (%s) nicht möglich. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Skriptdatei \"%s\" nicht gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Ungültige Skriptdatei \"%s\" angegeben. Gültige Erweiterungen sind \".bat\" und \".cmd\" für Windows und \".sh\" für Linux.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Fehler beim Ausführen des Skripts mit Zeitüberschreitung. Es wird noch mal versucht.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standardausgabe von Skript:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standardfehler von Skript:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config-Datei ist bereits vorhanden. Sie wird nicht erstellt.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config-Datei erfolgreich erstellt.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Fehler beim Erstellen von \"web.config\". %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Statuscode: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Dateiinhalt konnte nicht abgerufen werden: %s. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Der Skriptstatus konnte aufgrund einer Zeitüberschreitung nicht abgerufen werden. Sie können das Zeitlimit erhöhen, indem Sie die erforderliche Minutenzahl für die Variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Ungültige Abrufoption angegeben: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Das Attribut \"-appType\" fehlt in den Parametern \"Web.config\". Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" und \"Go\".
Beispiel: \"-appType python_Bottle\" (ohne Anführungszeichen) im Fall von Python Bottle-Framework.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Der Pfad für die Datei \"settings.py\" von DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' wurde nicht gefunden. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Datei \"settings.py\" existiert, oder geben Sie den korrekten Pfad in der Parametereingabe \"Web.config\" im folgenden Format an: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\".",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Die Transformation für das angegebene Paket kann nicht angewendet werden. Führen Sie die folgenden Schritte aus.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Prüfen Sie, ob die Transformation für das beim Build generierte MSBuild-Paket bereits angewendet wurde. Ist dies der Fall, entfernen Sie das Tag aus allen Konfigurationen in der CSPROJ-Datei, und führen Sie den Build erneut aus. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sich die Konfigurationsdatei und die Transformationsdateien im selben Ordner im Paket befinden.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString-Attribute in Web.config ist standardmäßig parametrisiert. Beachten Sie, dass die Transformation keine Auswirkungen auf connectionString-Attribute hat, da der Wert bei der Bereitstellung durch Dateien vom Typ \"Parameters.xml\" oder \"SetParameters.xml\" überschrieben wird. Sie können die automatische Parametrisierung deaktivieren, indem Sie beim Erstellung des MSBuild-Pakets die Einstellung \"/p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False\" festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App-Typ \"%s\" wird beim Erstellen von \"Web.config\" nicht unterstützt. Gültige Werte für \"-appType\" sind: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" und \"node\".",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Abrufen der Autoritäts-URL nicht möglich.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Abrufen der Active Directory-Ressourcen-ID nicht möglich.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Runtimestapel und Startbefehl erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Runtimestapels und des Startbefehls. Fehler: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "App-Einstellungen erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen von AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten. ErrorCode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM-WebApp-Metadaten können nicht aktualisiert werden. Fehlercode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Die Anmeldeinformationen für Azure Container Registry konnten nicht abgerufen werden. [Statuscode: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Antworttext konnte nicht gelesen werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp-Konfigurationsdetails konnten nicht aktualisiert werden. StatusCode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung für Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\" wird hinzugefügt.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Releaseanmerkung erfolgreich zu Application Insight hinzugefügt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen einer Releaseanmerkung. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien für App Service aktiviert.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Fehler beim Aktivieren der Umbenennung gesperrter Dateien. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Einige WebJobs-Instanzen werden gerade ausgeführt und verhindern, dass die Bereitstellung Dateien entfernt. Sie können die Option \"Zusätzliche Dateien am Ziel entfernen\" deaktivieren oder fortlaufende Aufträge vor der Bereitstellung beenden.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Kudu-App-Einstellungen. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Fehler beim Erstellen des Pfads \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Fehler beim Löschen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Fehler beim Löschen des Ordners \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Dateiinhalts \"%s/%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Fehler beim Auflisten von Pfad \"%s\" aus Kudu. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Es wird erneut versucht, das Paket bereitzustellen.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Fehler beim Abrufen der App Service-Details \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Veröffentlichungsprofils für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Metadaten für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Patchen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der App-Dienstkonfiguration \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Konfiguration für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anmeldeinformationen für die Veröffentlichung für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Anwendungseinstellungen für App Service \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Die App Service-Konfigurationseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen werden aktualisiert. Daten: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen und die Kudu-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Die App Service-Anwendungseinstellungen wurden aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Mehrere Ressourcengruppen für App Service \"%s\" gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Fehler bei der Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in den Protokollen.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über ZIP Deploy wurde eingeleitet.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Die Paketbereitstellung über WAR Deploy wurde eingeleitet.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Fehler beim Abrufen von Bereitstellungsprotokollen. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Der Name der Go-EXE-Datei ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Die Bereitstellung der WAR-Datei wird wiederholt, weil sie zuvor nicht erfolgreich erweitert wurde.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Computer das TLS 1.2-Protokoll oder eine höhere Version verwendet. Weitere Informationen zum Aktivieren von TLS auf Ihrem Computer finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Die publishProfileXML-Datei konnte nicht analysiert werden. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Die [%s]-Eigenschaft ist im Veröffentlichungsprofil nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Ungültiger Dienstverbindungstyp",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Ungültiger Imagequelltyp",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Die Veröffentlichungsprofildatei ist ungültig.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "ZIP Deploy-Protokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Bereitstellungsprotokolle können unter %s angezeigt werden.",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL der App Service-Anwendung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Ressourcen-ID für Ressourcentyp \"%s\" und Ressourcenname \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Der Java-JAR-Pfad ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Ungültiger Docker Hub-Imagename angegeben.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Die Bereitstellung eines mit MSBuild generierten Pakets wird nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie das Paketformat, oder verwenden Sie die Aufgabe für die Azure App Service-Bereitstellung.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Das der Funktions-App zugeordnete Speicherkonto wurde nicht gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Fehler beim Synchronisieren von Triggern für die Funktions-App \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Die Trigger für die Funktions-App werden synchronisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Die Triggersynchronisierung für die Funktions-App wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Die WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE-Anwendungseinstellung wurde auf \"%s\" aktualisiert.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..4a6775678b8f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Función de Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Implementa una función de Azure para Linux o Windows.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure Function App: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación adicionales",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Configuración y opciones de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo de aplicación",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nombre de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Escriba o seleccione el nombre de una instancia existente de Azure App Service. Solo se enumerarán las instancias de App Service basadas en el tipo de aplicación seleccionado.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Implementar en la ranura o en App Service Environment",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Seleccione la opción para implementar en una ranura de implementación o entorno de Azure App Service Environment existente.
Para ambos destinos, la tarea necesita el nombre del grupo de recursos.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea una ranura, la implementación se realiza de forma predeterminada en la ranura de producción. También se puede proporcionar cualquier otro nombre de ranura existente.
En caso de que el destino de implementación sea un entorno de Azure App Service Environment, deje el nombre de la ranura como \"Producción\" y especifique el nombre del grupo de recursos.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "El nombre del grupo de recursos es necesario cuando el destino de implementación es una ranura de implementación o una instancia de App Service Environment.
Escriba o seleccione el grupo de recursos de Azure que contiene el servicio de Azure App Service especificado anteriormente.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Ranura",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Escriba o seleccione un espacio que no sea el de producción.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "Paquete o carpeta",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "Ruta de acceso al paquete o carpeta que contiene el contenido de App Service generado por MSBuild o un archivo zip o war comprimido.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), se admiten caracteres comodín.
Por ejemplo, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pila del entorno en tiempo de ejecución",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando de inicio ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Escriba el comando de inicio. Por ejemplo,
dotnet run
nombre de archivo de dotnet.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Generar parámetros de web.config para aplicaciones de Python, Node.js, Go y Java",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Se generará un archivo web.config estándar y se implementará en Azure App Service si la aplicación no tiene uno. Los valores de web.config se pueden editar y pueden variar en función del marco de trabajo de la aplicación. Por ejemplo, para la aplicación node.js, web.config tendrá los valores de archivo de inicio y del módulo iis_node. La característica de edición es solo para el web.config generado. [Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Configuración de la aplicación",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Edite la configuración de la aplicación web siguiendo la sintaxis -clave valor. Si un valor contiene espacios, debe ponerlo entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Opciones de configuración",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Edite opciones de configuración de aplicación web la sintaxis-valor de clave. Valor que contenga espacios debe incluirse entre comillas dobles.
Ejemplo: - phpVersion 5.6 - linuxFxVersion: nodo|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Método de implementación",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Elija el método de implementación para la aplicación.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Paquete App Service o ruta de acceso de carpeta proporcionados no válidos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "No se ha encontrado el archivo de parámetros establecido: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Las transformaciones XML se aplicaron correctamente",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Se obtuvieron detalles de conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No existe tal método de implementación",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para Azure App Service: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de la conexión de servicio para el recurso de Azure \"%s\". Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "El historial de implementación se actualizó correctamente en %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "No se pudo actualizar el historial de implementación. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ADVERTENCIA : no se puede actualizar el estado de implementación, el punto de conexión de SCM no está habilitado para este sitio web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "No se pueden recuperar los detalles de configuración de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "No se puede recuperar la configuración de aplicación de App Service. [Código de estado: \"%s\", Mensaje de error: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "No se puede actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service. Código de estado: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "No se puede actualizar el estado de implementación : no se puede recuperar el id. de implementación único",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "El paquete web se implementó correctamente en App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "No se pudo implementar el paquete web en App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Ejecutando el comando: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Implementando el paquete web : %s en una ruta de acceso virtual (ruta de acceso física): %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "El paquete %s se implementó correctamente mediante el servicio Kudu en %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "No se pudo implementar el paquete App Service mediante el servicio Kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "No se puede implementar App Service debido al código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Los paquetes generados por MSDeploy solo se admiten para la plataforma Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Versión instalada no admitida: se encontró %s para MSDeploy, pero la versión mínima admitida es 3 o posterior.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "No se puede encontrar la ubicación de MS Deploy del Registro en la máquina (Error : %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No se encontró ningún paquete con el patrón especificado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Más de un paquete coincidió con el patrón especificado: %s. Restrinja el patrón de búsqueda.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Poner la aplicación sin conexión seleccionada.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Intente volver a implementar el servicio de la aplicación con la opción Cambiar de nombre archivos bloqueados seleccionada.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Ningún archivo JSON coincidía con un patrón específico: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "El archivo de configuración %s no existe.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "No se pudo escribir en el archivo de configuración %s con el error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión habilitado.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "No se pudo habilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Modo de aplicación sin conexión deshabilitado.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "No se pudo deshabilitar el modo de aplicación sin conexión. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "No se pueden realizar las transformaciones XML en una plataforma que no es Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Error de transformación XML al transformar %s mediante %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Las opciones de publicación mediante webdeploy solo se admiten cuando se usa el agente de Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para el tipo de paquete de MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publicación mediante la opción de implementación desde un archivo zip no se admite para una aplicación virtual.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publicación mediante las opciones de RunFromPackage o de implementación desde un archivo zip no admiten la implementación de archivos war.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publicación mediante RunFromPackage podría no admitir el script posterior a la implementación si realiza cambios en wwwroot, puesto que la carpeta es de solo lectura.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "El recurso \"%s\" no existe. Este debe existir antes de la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Se detectó una codificación de archivos del archivo %s como %s. No se admite la sustitución de variables con la codificación de archivos %s. Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "No se puede detectar la codificación del archivo %s (typeCode: %s). Las codificaciones admitidas son UTF-8 y UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "El búfer de archivos es demasiado breve para detectar el tipo de codificación : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pudieron actualizar los detalles de configuración de App Service. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Los detalles de configuración de App Service se actualizaron correctamente",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Dirección URL solicitada para la ruta de acceso física a Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "La ruta de acceso física \"%s\" ya existe",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "La ruta de acceso física a Kudu se creó correctamente: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "No se pudo comprobar la ruta de acceso física de Kudu. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "La aplicación virtual no existe: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "No se puede analizar el archivo JSON: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sustitución de variable JSON se aplicó correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Sustitución de variables XML aplicada correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "No se puede cargar el archivo %s en Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Ejecutando el script dado en el servicio Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "No se puede ejecutar el script en el servicio Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "No se puede ejecutar el script en Kudu: %s. Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "El script se ejecutó correctamente en Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "El script ejecutado devolvió \"%s\" como código de retorno. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Código de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "No se puede eliminar el archivo %s de Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de script \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Se proporcionó un archivo de script \"%s\" no válido. Las extensiones válidas son .bat y .cmd para Windows y .sh para Linux.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "No se pudo ejecutar el script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Se reintentará una vez más.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Salida estándar del script: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Error estándar del script: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "El archivo web.config ya existe. No se va a generar.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "El archivo web.config se generó correctamente",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "No se pudo generar el archivo web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Código de estado: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "No se puede obtener el contenido del archivo: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "No se pudo recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "No se puede recuperar el estado del script porque se agotó el tiempo de espera. Puede aumentar el tiempo de espera estableciendo la variable \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" en el número de minutos que sea necesario.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Se ha proporcionado una opción de sondeo no válida: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "El atributo \"-appType\" falta en los parámetros de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" y \"Go\".
Por ejemplo, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (sin comillas) en el caso de la plataforma Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "No se puede detectar la ruta de acceso del archivo \"settings.py\" de DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Asegúrese de que el archivo \"settings.py\" existe o indique la ruta de acceso correcta en la entrada del parámetro de Web.config siguiendo este formato: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\"",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "No se puede aplicar la transformación para el paquete dado. Compruebe lo siguiente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Si la transformación ya se ha aplicado para el paquete generado por MSBuild durante la compilación. Si es así, quite la etiqueta para cada configuración del archivo csproj y compile de nuevo. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Asegúrese de que el archivo de configuración y los archivos de transformación están presentes en la misma carpeta dentro del paquete.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Los atributos de ConnectionString en Web.config están parametrizados de manera predeterminada. Tenga en cuenta que la transformación no tiene efecto en los atributos connectionString porque el valor se invalida durante la implementación por los archivos \"Parameters.xml\" o \"SetParameters.xml\". Puede deshabilitar la parametrización automática estableciendo /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generación del paquete MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "El tipo de aplicación \"'%s\" no se admite en la generación de Web.config. Los valores válidos para \"-appType\" son: \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" y \"'node\"",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "No se puede recuperar la dirección URL de la autoridad.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "No se puede recuperar el id. de recurso de Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "La pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio se actualizaron correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "No se pudieron actualizar la pila en tiempo de ejecución y el comando de inicio. Error: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "La configuración de la aplicación se actualizó correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la aplicación. Error: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pudieron capturar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "No se pueden actualizar los metadatos de WebApp de AzureRM. Código de error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "No se pueden recuperar las credenciales de Azure Container Registry. [Código de estado: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "No se puede leer el cuerpo de la respuesta. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "No se pueden actualizar los detalles de la configuración de WebApp. Código de estado: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Agregar anotación de versión para el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "La anotación de versión se agregó correctamente a la instancia de Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "No se pudo agregar la anotación de versión. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La opción Cambiar nombre de archivos bloqueados está habilitada para la instancia de App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "No se pudo habilitar el cambio de nombre de los archivos bloqueados. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Algunos WebJobs en estado de ejecución impiden que la implementación elimine los archivos. Puede deshabilitar la opción \"Quitar archivos adicionales en el destino\" o detener los trabajos continuos antes de la implementación.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "No se pudo capturar la configuración de la aplicación de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "No se pudo crear la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "No se pudo eliminar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "No se pudo eliminar la carpeta \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "No se pudo cargar el archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "No se pudo obtener el contenido del archivo \"%s/%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "No se pudo enumerar la ruta de acceso \"%s\" de Kudu. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Reintentando la implementación del paquete.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "No se pudieron capturar los detalles de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "No se pudo capturar el perfil de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron actualizar los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "No se pudieron obtener los metadatos de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo aplicar una revisión a la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "No se pudieron capturar las credenciales de publicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo obtener la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "No se pudo actualizar la configuración de aplicación de la instancia de App Service \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Actualizando los valores de configuración de App Service. Datos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Se han actualizado los valores de configuración de App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Actualizando la configuración de aplicación de App Service. Datos: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se han actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service y la configuración de aplicación de Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Se ha actualizado la configuración de aplicación de App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Se encontraron varios grupos de recursos para la instancia de App Service \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Error al implementar el paquete mediante la implementación de ZIP. Consulte los registros para obtener más detalles.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo ZIP.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Se ha iniciado la implementación del paquete mediante la implementación desde un archivo WAR.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "No se pudieron obtener los registros de implementación. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Falta el nombre del archivo ejecutable de Go",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Reintentando la implementación del archivo war, ya que no se expandió correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Asegúrese de que el equipo usa el protocolo TLS 1.2 o posterior. Consulte https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 para obtener más información sobre cómo habilitar TLS en la máquina.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "No se puede analizar el archivo publishProfileXML: %s. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propiedad no existe en el perfil de publicación",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Tipo de conexión de servicio no válido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Tipo de origen de imagen no válido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "El archivo del perfil de publicación no es válido.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación desde un archivo zip pueden verse en %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Los registros de implementación pueden verse en %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "Dirección URL de la aplicación de App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "No se pudo obtener el identificador del tipo de recurso \"%s\" y el nombre de recurso \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "La ruta de acceso de jar de Java no está presente.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Se ha proporcionado un nombre de imagen de Docker Hub no válido.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "No se admite la implementación del paquete generado por msBuild. Cambie el formato del paquete o use la tarea Implementación de Azure App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "No se encuentra la cuenta de almacenamiento asociada a la aplicación de función.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "No se pudieron sincronizar los desencadenadores de la aplicación de función \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Sincronizando los desencadenadores para la aplicación de función",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "La sincronización de los desencadenadores de la aplicación de función se ha completado correctamente.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Se ha actualizado la configuración de aplicación de WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE a %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..aa66e6a8fdc4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Function",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Déployer une fonction Azure pour Linux ou Windows",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'application de fonction Azure : $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement supplémentaires",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Paramètres d'application et de configuration",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "Type d'application",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nom de l'application",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez le nom d'un Azure App Service existant. Seuls les App Services basés sur le type d'application sélectionné sont listés.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Déployer sur l'emplacement ou l'environnement App Service",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Sélectionnez l'option permettant d'effectuer un déploiement sur un emplacement de déploiement existant ou sur Azure App Service Environment.
Pour les deux cibles, la tâche a besoin du nom du groupe de ressources.
Si la cible de déploiement est un emplacement, le déploiement est effectué par défaut sur l'emplacement de production. Vous pouvez également indiquer un autre nom d'emplacement existant.
Si la cible de déploiement est un environnement Azure App Service, gardez le nom d'emplacement 'production', et spécifiez simplement le nom du groupe de ressources.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Le nom du groupe de ressources est obligatoire quand la cible de déploiement est un emplacement de déploiement ou un environnement App Service.
Entrez ou sélectionnez le groupe de ressources Azure qui contient le service Azure App Service spécifié ci-dessus.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Emplacement",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Entrez ou sélectionnez un emplacement existant autre que l'emplacement de production.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "Package ou dossier",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "Chemin de fichier du package ou d'un dossier de contenu App Service généré par MSBuild, ou d'un fichier zip ou war compressé.
Les variables ([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Mise en production](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)) et les caractères génériques sont pris en charge.
Exemple : $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip ou $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Pile de runtime",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Commande de démarrage ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Entrez la commande de démarrage. Exemple :
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Générer les paramètres web.config pour les applications Python, Node.js, Go et Java",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Un fichier web.config standard va être généré et déployé sur Azure App Service, si l'application n'en a pas. Vous pouvez modifier les valeurs du fichier web.config. Celles-ci varient en fonction du framework d'application. Par exemple, pour l'application node.js, web.config a un fichier de démarrage et des valeurs de module iis_node. Cette fonctionnalité d'édition est réservée au fichier web.config généré. [En savoir plus](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Paramètres de l'application",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Modifiez les paramètres d'application Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple :-Port 5000 - RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Paramètres de configuration",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Modifiez les paramètres de configuration Web App qui suivent la valeur -key de la syntaxe. La valeur contenant des espaces doit être comprise entre des guillemets.
Exemple : - phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFXVersion : node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Méthode de déploiement",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Choisissez la méthode de déploiement de l'application.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Chemin de dossier ou package App Service fourni non valide : %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Fichier de définition de paramètres introuvable : %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Transformations XML correctement appliquées",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Obtention effectuée des détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Erreur : Aucune méthode de déploiement de ce type n'existe",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la connexion de service d'Azure App Service : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de connexion de service de la ressource Azure : '%s'. Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Historique de déploiement mis à jour sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Échec de la mise à jour de l'historique de déploiement. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVERTISSEMENT : Impossible de mettre à jour l'état de déploiement : le point de terminaison SCM n'est pas activé pour ce site web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Impossible de récupérer les détails de la configuration d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Impossible de récupérer les paramètres d'application App Service. [Code d'état : '%s', message d'erreur : '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Impossible de mettre à jour les paramètres d'application d'App Service. Code d'état : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Impossible de mettre à jour l'état du déploiement : l'ID de déploiement unique ne peut pas être récupéré",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Déploiement réussi du package web sur App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Échec de déploiement du package web sur App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Exécution de la commande : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Déploiement du package web : %s sur le chemin virtuel (chemin physique) : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Package %s déployé à l'aide du service kudu sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Impossible de déployer le package App Service à l'aide du service kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Impossible de déployer App Service en raison du code d'erreur %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Les packages générés par MSDeploy sont uniquement pris en charge par la plateforme Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Version installée non prise en charge : %s trouvé pour MSDeploy. Il doit s'agir au minimum de la version 3 ou d'une version ultérieure",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Emplacement introuvable de MSDeploy dans le Registre de l'ordinateur (Erreur : %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Package introuvable avec le modèle spécifié : %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Plusieurs packages correspondent au modèle spécifié : %s. Affinez le modèle de recherche.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Mettre l'application hors connexion sélectionnée.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Essayez de redéployer App Service avec l'option Renommer les fichiers verrouillés sélectionnée.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Aucun fichier JSON ne correspond au modèle spécifique : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Le fichier de configuration %s n'existe pas.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Échec d'écriture dans le fichier config %s avec l'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application activé.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Échec de l'activation du mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Mode hors connexion de l'application désactivé.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Impossible de désactiver le mode hors connexion de l'application. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Impossible d'effectuer les transformations XML sur une plateforme non-Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Erreur de transformation XML lors de la transformation de %s à l'aide de %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Les options de publication à l'aide de webdeploy ne sont prises en charge qu'en cas d'utilisation de l'agent Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour le type de package msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La publication à l'aide de l'option zip deploy n'est pas prise en charge pour une application virtuelle.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "La publication à l'aide des options zip deploy ou RunFromPackage ne prend pas en charge le déploiement de fichiers war.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "La publication à l'aide de RunFromPackage risque de ne pas prendre en charge le script de postdéploiement, s'il apporte des changements à wwwroot, car le dossier est ReadOnly.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La ressource '%s' n'existe pas. La ressource doit exister avant le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Encodage du fichier %s en %s détecté. La substitution de variable n'est pas prise en charge avec l'encodage de fichier %s. Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Impossible de détecter l'encodage du fichier %s (typeCode : %s). Les encodages pris en charge sont UTF-8 et UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "La mémoire tampon de fichier est insuffisante pour détecter le type d'encodage : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les informations sur la configuration App Service. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Informations sur la configuration App Service correctement mises à jour",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "URL demandée pour le chemin d'accès physique Kudu : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Le chemin d'accès physique '%s' existe déjà",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Chemin d'accès physique Kudu correctement créé : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Échec de la création du chemin physique de kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Échec de la vérification du chemin physique de kudu. Code d'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'application virtuelle %s n'existe pas",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier JSON : %s. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Substitution de variable JSON correctement appliquée.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La substitution de la variable XML a été appliquée.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Impossible de charger le fichier %s sur Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Exécution du script donné sur le service Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur le service Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Impossible d'exécuter le script sur Kudu : %s. Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Exécution réussie du script sur Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Le script exécuté a généré le code de retour '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Code d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Impossible de supprimer le fichier %s de Kudu (%s). Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Le fichier de script '%s' est introuvable.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Le fichier de script fourni '%s' est non valide. Les extensions valides sont .bat et .cmd pour Windows, et.sh pour Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Échec de l'exécution du script en raison d'un problème de délai d'expiration. Nouvelle tentative.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Sortie standard du script : ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Erreur standard du script : ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Le fichier web.config existe déjà. Aucune génération en cours.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Génération réussie du fichier web.config",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Échec de génération de web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Code d'état : %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Impossible d'obtenir le contenu du fichier : %s. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'état du script en raison du délai d'expiration. Vous pouvez augmenter la limite du délai d'expiration en affectant le nombre de minutes nécessaires à la variable 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout'.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Option d'interrogation non valide fournie : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Il manque l'attribut '-appType' dans les paramètres de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' et 'Go'.
Exemple : '-appType python_Bottle' (sans guillemets) dans le cas d'un framework Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Impossible de détecter le chemin du fichier 'settings.py' pour DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Vérifiez que le fichier 'settings.py' existe, ou indiquez le chemin approprié dans l'entrée de paramètre de Web.config au format suivant : '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Impossible d'appliquer la transformation pour le package donné. Vérifiez ce qui suit.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. La transformation est-elle déjà appliquée pour le package MSBuild généré durant la build ? Si la réponse est oui, supprimez la balise pour chaque configuration dans le fichier csproj, puis effectuez une regénération. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Vérifiez que le fichier config et les fichiers de transformation sont présents dans le même dossier à l'intérieur du package.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Les attributs de ConnectionString dans Web.config sont paramétrables par défaut. Notez que la transformation n'a aucun effet sur les attributs de connectionString, car la valeur est remplacée durant le déploiement par les fichiers 'Parameters.xml' ou 'SetParameters.xml'. Vous pouvez désactiver le paramétrage automatique en définissant /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durant la génération du package MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Le type d'application '%s' n'est pas pris en charge dans la génération de Web.config. Les valeurs valides pour '-appType' sont : 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' et 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'URL d'autorité.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) l'ID de ressource Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Mise à jour réussie de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Échec de la mise à jour de la pile d'exécution et de la commande de démarrage. Erreur : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Mise à jour réussie des paramètres de l'application.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres de l'application. Erreur : %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. ErrorCode : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Impossible de mettre à jour les métadonnées de la WebApp AzureRM. Code d'erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Impossible de récupérer les informations d'identification d'Azure Container Registry.[Code d'état : '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Impossible de lire le corps de la réponse. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Impossible de mettre à jour les détails de configuration de la WebApp. StatusCode : '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout d'une annotation de mise en production pour la ressource Application Insights '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Ajout réussi de l'annotation de mise en production à Application Insight : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Échec de l'ajout de l'annotation de mise en production. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Le renommage des fichiers verrouillés est activé pour App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Échec de l'activation du renommage des fichiers verrouillés. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Un petit nombre de WebJobs à l'état en cours d'exécution empêchent le processus de déploiement de supprimer les fichiers. Désactivez l'option Supprimer les fichiers supplémentaires à l'emplacement de destination, ou arrêtez les travaux continus avant le déploiement.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des paramètres d'application Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Échec de la création du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Échec de la suppression du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Échec de la suppression du dossier '%s' dans Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Échec du chargement du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Échec de l'obtention du contenu du fichier '%s/%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Échec du listage du chemin '%s' à partir de Kudu. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du package.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des détails de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du profil de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de la mise à jour des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Échec de l'obtention des métadonnées de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'application du correctif à la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de la mise à jour de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Échec de l'obtention de la configuration de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) des informations d'identification de publication de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de l'obtention des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Échec de la mise à jour des paramètres d'application de l'App Service '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres de configuration d'App Service. Données : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres de configuration d'App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour des paramètres d'application d'App Service. Données : %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service et des paramètres d'application de Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée des paramètres d'application d'App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Plusieurs groupes de ressources trouvés pour l'App Service '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Échec du déploiement de package à l'aide de ZIP Deploy. Pour plus d'informations, consultez les journaux.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Déploiement de package avec ZIP Deploy lancé.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Lancement effectué du déploiement de package à l'aide de WAR Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Échec de l'obtention des journaux de déploiement. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Nom de l’exe Go absent",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Nouvelle tentative de déploiement du fichier war, car il ne s'est pas décompressé correctement.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assurez-vous que l'ordinateur utilise le protocole TLS 1.2 ou ultérieur. Consultez https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 pour plus d'informations sur l'activation de TLS sur votre ordinateur.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Impossible d'analyser le fichier publishProfileXML. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La propriété n'existe pas dans le profil de publication",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Type de connexion de service non valide",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Type de source d'image non valide",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Le fichier de profil de publication est non valide.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Les journaux Zip Deploy peuvent être consultés sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Les journaux de déploiement peuvent être consultés sur %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL d'application App Service : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Échec de l'obtention de l'ID de ressource pour le type de ressource '%s' et le nom de ressource '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Le chemin du fichier jar Java n'est pas présent",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Le nom fourni pour l'image Docker Hub est non valide.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Le déploiement du package généré par msBuild n'est pas pris en charge. Changez le format du package, ou utilisez la tâche de déploiement Azure App Service.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Le compte de stockage associé à l'application de fonction est introuvable.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Échec de la synchronisation des déclencheurs pour l'application de fonction '%s'. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Synchronisation des déclencheurs pour l'application de fonction",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Synchronisation réussie des déclencheurs de l'application de fonction",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Mise à jour effectuée du paramètre d'application WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE vers %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..9af8b69b1c8d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Funzione di Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Distribuisci una funzione di Azure per Linux o Windows",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione app per le funzioni di Azure: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione aggiuntive",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "Tipo di app",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Nome dell'app",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Consente di immettere o selezionare il nome di un servizio app di Azure. Verranno elencati solo i servizi app basati sul tipo di app selezionato.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Distribuisci nello slot o nell'ambiente del servizio app",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Consente di selezionare l'opzione per la distribuzione in uno slot di distribuzione esistente o in un ambiente del servizio app di Azure.
Per entrambe le destinazioni l'attività richiede il nome del gruppo di risorse.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot, per impostazione predefinita la distribuzione viene eseguita nello slot di produzione. È anche possibile specificare qualsiasi altro nome di slot esistente.
Se la destinazione di distribuzione è un ambiente del servizio app di Azure, lasciare il nome dello slot impostato su 'produzione' e specificare solo il nome del gruppo di risorse.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Il nome del gruppo di risorse è obbligatorio quando la destinazione di distribuzione è uno slot di distribuzione o un ambiente del servizio app.
Immettere o selezionare il gruppo di risorse di Azure che contiene il servizio app di Azure specificato sopra.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Slot",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "Pacchetto o cartella",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "Percorso file del pacchetto o di una cartella che include il contenuto del servizio app generato da MSBuild oppure un file WAR o ZIP compresso.
Variabili ( [Compilazione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Versione](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)). I caratteri jolly sono supportati.
Ad esempio, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip o $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Stack di runtime",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Comando di avvio ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Immettere il comando di avvio, Ad esempio
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Genera i parametri di web.config per app Python, Node.js, Go e Java",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Verrà generato un file Web.config standard che verrà distribuito nel servizio app di Azure, se non è disponibile per l'applicazione. I valori presenti nel file Web.config sono modificabili e possono variare a seconda del framework dell'applicazione. Ad esempio, per l'applicazione node.js il file Web.config includerà i valori per il file di avvio e il modulo iis_node. Questa funzionalità di modifica è utilizzabile solo per il file Web.config generato. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Impostazioni app",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni applicazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Ora solare fuso orientale\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Impostazioni di configurazione",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Consente di modificare le impostazioni di configurazione dell'app Web successive al valore -key della sintassi. Il valore che contiene spazi deve essere racchiuso tra virgolette.
Esempio: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Metodo di distribuzione",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Consente di scegliere il metodo di distribuzione per l'app.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Il percorso specificato per il pacchetto o la cartella del servizio app non è valido: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Il file dei parametri del set non è stato trovato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "Le trasformazioni XML sono state applicate",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "I dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure sono stati recuperati: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Errore: non esiste alcun metodo di distribuzione di questo tipo",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per il servizio app di Azure: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli della connessione al servizio per la risorsa di Azure '%s'. Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "L'aggiornamento della cronologia di distribuzione all'indirizzo %s è stato completato",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la cronologia di distribuzione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "AVVISO: non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'endpoint di Gestione controllo del codice sorgente non è abilitato per questo sito Web",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Non è possibile recuperare i dettagli di configurazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Non è possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. [Codice di stato: '%s'. Messaggio di errore: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Non è possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'applicazione del servizio app. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Non è possibile aggiornare lo stato di distribuzione. L'ID distribuzione univoco non è stato recuperato",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Il pacchetto Web è stato distribuito nel servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto Web nel servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Esecuzione del comando: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Distribuzione del pacchetto Web %s nel percorso virtuale (percorso fisico) %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "La distribuzione del pacchetto %s con il servizio Kudu all'indirizzo %s è riuscita",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Non è stato possibile distribuire il pacchetto del servizio app con il servizio Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Non è possibile distribuire il servizio app a causa del codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "I pacchetti generati da MSDeploy sono supportati solo per la piattaforma Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "La versione installata non è supportata. La versione trovata per MSDeploy è %s, ma deve essere almeno 3 o successiva",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Il percorso di MSDeploy non è stato trovato dal Registro di sistema nel computer (errore: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Non è stato trovato alcun pacchetto con il criterio specificato %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Più pacchetti corrispondono al criterio specificato %s. Restringere i criteri di ricerca.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Porta l'applicazione offline.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Provare a distribuire di nuovo il servizio app dopo aver selezionato l'opzione Rinomina i file bloccati.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Non sono stati trovati file JSON corrispondenti al criterio specificato: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Il file di configurazione %s non esiste.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Non è stato possibile scrivere nel file config %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è abilitata.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "La modalità offline dell'app è disabilitata.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Non è stato possibile disabilitare la modalità offline dell'app. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Non è possibile eseguire trasformazioni XML su una piattaforma non Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Si è verificato un errore di trasformazione XML durante la trasformazione di %s con %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Le opzioni di pubblicazione con Distribuzione Web sono supportate solo quando si usa l'agente Windows",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per il tipo di pacchetto msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "La pubblicazione con l'opzione zipdeploy non è supportata per l'applicazione virtuale.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Se si pubblica usando le opzioni zipdeploy o RunFromPackage, la distribuzione di file war non è supportata.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Se si pubblica usando RunFromPackage, è possibile che lo script post-distribuzione non sia supportato se apporta modifiche a wwwroot perché la cartella è di sola lettura.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "La risorsa '%s' non esiste. La risorsa deve esistere prima della distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "La codifica rilevata del file %s è %s. La sostituzione delle variabili non è supportata con la codifica file %s. Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Non è possibile rilevare la codifica del file %s (typeCode: %s). Le codifiche supportate sono UTF-8 e UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Il buffer di file è troppo piccolo per il rilevamento del tipo di codifica: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i dettagli della configurazione del servizio app. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "I dettagli della configurazione del servizio app sono stati aggiornati",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "È stato richiesto l'URL per il percorso fisico di Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Il percorso fisico '%s' esiste già",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Il percorso fisico di Kudu è stato creato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Non è stato possibile verificare il percorso fisico di Kudu. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "L'applicazione virtuale non esiste: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Non è possibile analizzare il file JSON: %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili JSON è stata applicata.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "La sostituzione di variabili XML è stata applicata.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Non è possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file %s in Kudu (%s). Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Esecuzione dello script specificato nel servizio Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script nel servizio Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Non è possibile eseguire lo script in Kudu: %s. Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Lo script è stato eseguito in Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Il codice restituito dallo script eseguito è '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Codice di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Non è possibile eliminare il file %s da Kudu (%s). Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Il file di script '%s' non è stato trovato.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Il file di script specificato '%s' non è valido. Le estensioni valide sono bat e cmd per Windows e sh per Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "L'esecuzione dello script non è riuscita a causa del timeout. Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Output standard dello script: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Errore standard dello script: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Il file Web.config esiste già e non verrà generato.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Il file Web.config è stato generato",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Non è stato possibile generare il file Web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Codice di stato: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Non è possibile recuperare il contenuto del file: %s. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Non è possibile recuperare lo stato dello script a causa del timeout. È possibile aumentare il limite di timeout impostando la variabile 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' sul numero di minuti necessari.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "L'opzione di polling specificata %s non è valida.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Nei parametri di Web.config manca l'attributo '-appType'. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' e 'Go'.
Esempio: '-appType python_Bottle' (senza virgolette) nel caso del framework Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Il percorso del file 'settings.py' di DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE non è stato rilevato. Assicurarsi che il file 'settings.py' sia esistente oppure specificare il percorso corretto nel campo di input del parametro di Web.config nel formato seguente: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Non è possibile applicare la trasformazione per il pacchetto specificato. Eseguire le verifiche seguenti.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Verificare se la trasformazione è già stata applicata per il pacchetto generato da MSBuild durante la compilazione. In caso affermativo, rimuovere il tag per ogni file config nel file csproj e ricompilare. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Assicurarsi che il file config e i file di trasformazione siano presenti nella stessa cartella all'interno del pacchetto.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Per impostazione predefinita, agli attributi di ConnectionString in Web.config sono associati parametri. Si noti che la trasformazione non ha effetto sugli attributi di ConnectionString perché durante la distribuzione il valore viene sostituito dai file 'Parameters.xml' o 'SetParameters.xml'. Per disabilitare l'aggiunta automatica di parametri, impostare /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False durante la generazione del pacchetto MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Il tipo di app '%s' non è supportato nella generazione di Web.config. I valori validi per '-appType' sono: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' e 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Non è possibile recuperare l'URL dell'autorità.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Non è possibile recuperare l'ID risorsa di Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio sono stati aggiornati.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare lo stack di runtime e il comando di avvio. Errore: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Le impostazioni dell'app sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali di Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "L'annotazione versione è stata aggiunta alla risorsa di Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'annotazione versione. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "La ridenominazione dei file bloccati è abilitata per il servizio app.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Non è stato possibile abilitare la ridenominazione de file bloccati. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Qualche processo Web nello stato in esecuzione impedisce alla distribuzione di rimuovere i file. È possibile disabilitare l'opzione 'Rimuovi file aggiuntivi nella destinazione' oppure arrestare i processi continui prima della distribuzione.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le impostazioni dell'app Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Non è stato possibile creare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Non è stato possibile eliminare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Non è stato possibile eliminare la cartella '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Non è stato possibile caricare il file '%s/%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Non è stato possibile ottenere il contenuto '%s/%s' del file da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Non è stato possibile elencare il percorso '%s' da Kudu. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del pacchetto.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i dettagli del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il profilo di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i metadati del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile correggere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la configurazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Non è stato possibile recuperare le credenziali di pubblicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile ottenere le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app. Dati: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Le impostazioni di configurazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Aggiornamento delle impostazioni applicazione del servizio app. Dati: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app e le impostazioni applicazione di Kudu sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Le impostazioni applicazione del servizio app sono state aggiornate.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Sono stati trovati più gruppi di risorse per il servizio app '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy non è riuscita. Per maggiori dettagli, vedere i log.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con zipdeploy è stata avviata.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "La distribuzione del pacchetto con WAR Deploy è stata avviata.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Non è stato possibile ottenere i log di distribuzione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Il nome dell'eseguibile Go non è presente",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Verrà effettuato un nuovo tentativo di distribuzione del file WAR perché in precedenza non si è espanso correttamente.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Assicurarsi che il computer usi il protocollo TLS 1.2 o superiore. Per altre informazioni su come abilitare TLS nel computer, vedere https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Non è possibile analizzare il file XML del profilo di pubblicazione. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] La proprietà non esiste nel profilo di pubblicazione",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Il tipo di connessione al servizio non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Il tipo di origine immagini non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Il file del profilo di pubblicazione non è valido.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "I log di zipdeploy possono essere visualizzati in %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "I log di distribuzione possono essere visualizzati in %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL dell'applicazione del servizio app: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Non è stato possibile ottenere l'ID risorsa per il tipo di risorsa '%s' e il nome di risorsa '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Il percorso del file jar Java non è presente",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Il nome dell'immagine dell'hub Docker specificato non è valido.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "La distribuzione del pacchetto generato da msBuild non è supportata. Modificare il formato del pacchetto oppure usare l'attività Distribuzione Servizio app di Azure.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Non è possibile trovare l'account di archiviazione associato all'app per le funzioni.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Non è stato possibile sincronizzare i trigger per l'app per le funzioni '%s'. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Sincronizzazione dei trigger per l'app per le funzioni",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "La sincronizzazione dei trigger per l'app per le funzioni è stata completata",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "L'impostazione applicazione WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE è stata aggiornata in %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..e7285fcb5ff8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 関数",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Linux または Windows 用の Azure Function をデプロイします",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function App のデプロイ: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "追加の配置オプション",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "アプリケーションと構成の設定",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure サブスクリプション",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "アプリの種類",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "アプリ名",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "既存の Azure App Service の名前を入力するか、選択します。選択するアプリの種類に基づく App Service のみが一覧表示されます。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "スロットまたは App Service Environment に配置する",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "既存の配置スロットまたは Azure App Service Environment に配置するためのオプションを選択します。
どちらのターゲットでも、タスクにはリソース グループ名が必要です。
配置ターゲットが Azure App Service Environment の場合、スロット名を 'production' のままにして、リソース グループ名だけを指定します。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "リソース グループ",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "配置ターゲットが配置スロットまたは App Service Environment の場合、リソース グループ名が必要です。
上記で指定された Azure App Service を含む Azure リソース グループを入力するか選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "スロット",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "パッケージまたはフォルダー",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "MSBuild で生成されたアプリ サービスのコンテンツが入ったパッケージまたはフォルダー、あるいは圧縮された zip または war ファイルへのファイル パス。
変数 ([ビルド](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) |[リリース](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables))、ワイルドカードを使用できます。
たとえば、$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip または $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "ランタイム スタック",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンド ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "スタートアップ コマンドを入力してください。例:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python、Node.js、Go、Java アプリ向けの web.config パラメーターを生成する",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "アプリケーションに web.config がない場合は、標準の web.config が生成され、Azure App Service に配置されます。web.config 内の値は編集可能で、アプリケーション フレームワークに基づいて変えることができます。たとえば、node.js アプリケーションの場合、スタートアップ ファイルと iis_node モジュールの値を web.config 内に設定します。この編集機能は、生成される web.config のためにのみ使用できます。[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "アプリケーション設定",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App アプリケーションの設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "構成設定",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "構文 -key value の後に続く Web App 構成の設定を編集します。スペースが含まれる値は、二重引用符で囲む必要があります。
例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "配置方法",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "アプリの配置方法を選択します。",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "無効な App Service パッケージまたはフォルダー パスが指定されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set パラメーター ファイルが見つかりません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変換が正常に適用されました",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得しました: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "エラー: そのような配置方法はありません",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure Resource のサービス接続の詳細を取得できません: '%s'。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "配置履歴が %s で正常に更新されました",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "配置履歴を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 配置状態を更新できません: この Web サイトでは SCM エンドポイントが有効になっていません",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service の構成の詳細を取得できません。状態コード: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s'、エラー メッセージ: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service のアプリケーションの設定を更新できません。状態コード: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "配置の状態を更新できません: 一意の配置 ID を取得できません",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Web パッケージを App Service に正常に配置できました。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Web パッケージを App Service に配置できませんでした。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "コマンドを実行しています: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Web パッケージ: %s を仮想パス (物理パス) へ配置しています: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "kudu サービスにより、パッケージ %s が %s に配置されました",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu サービスを使用して App Service パッケージをデプロイできませんでした: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "エラー コードにより、App Service を配置できません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy が生成したパッケージは Windows プラットフォームでのみサポートされます。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy のサポートされていないバージョン: %s がインストールされています。バージョンは 3 以降である必要があります",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "コンピューター上のレジストリから、MS Deploy の場所を特定できません (エラー: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "指定したパターンのパッケージが見つかりませんでした: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定したパターンと一致するパッケージが複数あります: %s。検索パターンを絞り込んでください。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[アプリケーションをオフラインにする] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] オプションを選択して、もう一度 App Service を配置してください。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "指定のパターンと一致する JSON ファイルはありません: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "構成ファイル %s がありません。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "構成ファイル %s への書き込みに失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが有効です。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "アプリのオフライン モードを有効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "アプリのオフライン モードが無効です。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "アプリのオフライン モードを無効にできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "非 Windows プラットフォームでは XML 変換を実行できません。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s の %s による変換中に XML 変換エラーが発生しました。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Web 配置オプションによる公開は、Windows エージェントを使用している場合のみサポートされます",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、msBuild パッケージの種類ではサポートされていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 配置オプションによる発行は、仮想アプリケーションではサポートされていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 配置または RunFromPackage オプションによる発行は、war ファイルの配置をサポートしていません。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "フォルダーが ReadOnly のため、RunFromPackage による発行は、wwwroot に変更を加える場合は配置後スクリプトをサポートしない可能性があります。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "リソース '%s' がありません。リソースは配置前に存在している必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "ファイル %s のファイル エンコードが %s として検出されました。ファイル エンコード %s では変数置換はサポートされていません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 と UTF-16 LE です。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "ファイル %s (typeCode: %s) のエンコードを検出できません。サポートされているエンコードは UTF-8 および UTF-16 LE です。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "ファイル バッファーが短すぎてエンコードの種類を検出できません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 構成の詳細が正常に更新されました",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 物理パスに関して URL が要求されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理パス '%s' は既に存在しています",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理パスが正常に作成されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 物理パスを確認できませんでした。エラー コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "仮想アプリケーションがありません: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON ファイルを解析できません: %s。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 変数置換が正常に適用されました。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 変数の置換が正常に適用されました。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) にアップロードできません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "指定されたスクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "スクリプトを Kudu サービス上で実行できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "スクリプトを Kudu (%s) 上で実行できません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "スクリプトを Kudu 上で正常に実行できました。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "実行したスクリプトからリターン コードとして '%s' が返されました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。状態コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "ファイル %s を Kudu (%s) から削除できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "スクリプト ファイル '%s' が見つかりません。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "無効なスクリプト ファイル '%s' が指定されました。有効な拡張子は、Windows の場合は .bat と .cmd、Linux の場合は .sh です",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "タイムアウトの問題でスクリプトを実行できませんでした。もう一度お試しください。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準出力: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "スクリプトからの標準エラー出力: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config ファイルは既に存在します。生成しません。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config ファイルを正常に生成できました",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config を生成できませんでした。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。状態コード: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "ファイルの内容を取得できません: %s。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "タイムアウトのため、スクリプトの状態をフェッチできません。タイムアウト制限を延長するには、'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 変数を必要な時間 (分) に設定します。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "指定されたポーリング オプションが無効です: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "属性 '-appType' が Web.config パラメーターにありません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node'、'Go' です。
たとえば、Python Bottle フレームワークの場合は、'-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) を指定します。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE の 'settings.py' ファイル パスを検出できません。'settings.py' ファイルが存在することを確認するか、次の形式で Web.config パラメーター入力に正しいパスを指定してください: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "指定されたパッケージに変換を適用することはできません。次の点をご確認ください。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. ビルド中、MSBuild によって生成されたパッケージに対して変換が既に適用されたかどうか。適用された場合は、csproj ファイル内の各構成の タグを削除してから、リビルドします。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 構成ファイルと変換ファイルがパッケージ内の同じフォルダーに存在すること。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config の ConnectionString 属性は既定でパラメーター化されています。'Parameters.xml' ファイルまたは 'SetParameters.xml' ファイルによって値が配置中に上書きされるため、変換が connectionString 属性に影響を与えることはありません。自動パラメーター化は、MSBuild パッケージの生成中に /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False のように設定することによって無効にできます。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "アプリの種類 '%s' が Web.config 生成でサポートされていません。'-appType' に対して有効な値は、'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' です。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "機関の URL をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory リソース ID をフェッチできません。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドが正常に更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "ランタイム スタックとスタートアップ コマンドの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "アプリの設定が正常に更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "アプリ設定の更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータをフェッチできませんでした。ErrorCode: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp メタデータを更新できません。エラー コード: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure コンテナー レジストリの資格情報を取得できません。[状態コード: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "応答本文を読み取ることができません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 構成の詳細を更新できません。StatusCode: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights リソース ’%s’ のリリース コメントを追加しています",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight にリリース コメントが正常に追加されました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "リリース コメントを追加できませんでした。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service で [ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] が有効です。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "[ロックされたファイルの名前を変更する] を有効にできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "実行状態の Web ジョブが少数あるため、配置でファイルを削除できません。[Remove additional files at destination] (同期先で追加のファイルを削除する) オプションを無効にするか、配置の前に継続ジョブを停止することができます。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu アプリ設定をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu からパス '%s' を作成することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' を削除することができませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu からフォルダー '%s' を削除できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu からファイル '%s/%s' をアップロードできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu からファイル コンテンツ '%s/%s' を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu からパス '%s' の一覧を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "パッケージの配置を再試行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' の詳細をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' の発行プロファイルをフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの更新に失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' のメタデータの取得に失敗しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' の構成を修正できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 構成を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' の発行資格情報をフェッチできませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' アプリケーション設定を更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定を更新しています。データ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 構成の設定が更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定を更新しています。データ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定と Kudu アプリケーション設定が更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service アプリケーション設定が更新されました。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s' に複数のリソース グループが見つかりました。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置に失敗しました。詳細についてはログを参照してください。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 配置を使用したパッケージ配置を開始しました。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 配置を使用したパッケージ配置が開始しました。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "配置ログを取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名が存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "war ファイルは前回正常に展開されなかったため、展開を再試行しています。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "マシンで TLS 1.2 プロトコル以上を使用していることを確認します。お使いのマシンで TLS を有効にする方法について詳しくは、https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 をご確認ください。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML ファイルを解析できません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] プロパティが発行プロファイル内に存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "無効なサービス接続の種類",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "無効な画像ソースの種類",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "発行プロファイルのファイルが無効です。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip 配置のログは、%s で確認できます",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "配置ログは %s で確認できます",
"loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "リソースの種類 '%s'、リソース名 '%s' のリソース ID を取得できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar パスが存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "無効な Docker Hub イメージ名が指定されました。",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "MsBuild が生成したパッケージの配置はサポートされていません。パッケージ形式を変更するか、Azure App Service デプロイ タスクを使用してください。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "関数アプリに関連付けられているストレージ アカウントが見つかりません。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "関数アプリ '%s' のトリガーを同期できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "関数アプリのトリガーを同期しています",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "関数アプリの同期トリガーが正常に完了しました",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE アプリケーション設定が %s に更新されました",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..2cdb069f19a1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 함수",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Linux 또는 Windows용 Azure 함수를 배포합니다.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 함수 앱 배포: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 구독",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "앱 유형",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "앱 이름",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "기존 Azure App Service의 이름을 입력하거나 선택합니다. 선택한 앱 유형을 기반으로 하는 앱 서비스만 나열됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "슬롯 또는 App Service Environment에 배포",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "기존 배포 슬롯 또는 Azure App Service Environment에 배포하는 옵션을 선택합니다.
두 대상 모두, 작업에 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
배포 대상이 슬롯인 경우 기본적으로 프로덕션 슬롯에 배포가 수행됩니다. 다른 기존 슬롯 이름을 제공할 수도 있습니다.
배포 대상이 Azure App Service Environment인 경우 슬롯 이름을 '프로덕션'으로 두고 리소스 그룹 이름만 지정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "배포 대상이 배포 슬롯 또는 App Service Environment인 경우 리소스 그룹 이름이 필요합니다.
위에서 지정한 Azure App Service를 포함하는 Azure 리소스 그룹을 입력하거나 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "슬롯",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "패키지 또는 폴더",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "패키지, MSBuild에서 생성된 App Service 콘텐츠를 포함하는 폴더 또는 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "런타임 스택",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "시작 명령 ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "시작 명령을 입력합니다. 예:
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Python, Node.js, Go 및 Java 앱에 대한 web.config 매개 변수 생성",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "애플리케이션에 없는 경우 표준 Web.config가 생성되어 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집 가능하며, 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에 시작 파일 및 iis_node 모듈 값이 포함됩니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용됩니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "구성 설정",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "배포 방법",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "앱의 배포 방법을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "잘못된 App Service 패키지 또는 폴더 경로를 제공했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "매개 변수 설정 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변환을 적용했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Azure App Service '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 가져왔습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "오류: 해당 배포 방법이 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Azure App Service %s에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Azure 리소스 '%s'에 대한 서비스 연결 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "%s에서 배포 기록을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "%s 명령을 실행하고 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "웹 패키지 %s을(를) 가상 경로(실제 경로) %s(%s)에 배포하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 %s 패키지를 %s에 배포했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Kudu 서비스를 사용하여 App Service 패키지를 배포하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "오류 코드로 인해 App Service를 배포할 수 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 생성 패키지는 Windows 플랫폼에만 지원됩니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "MSDeploy에 대해 지원되지 않는 설치된 버전 %s을(를) 찾았습니다. 버전은 3 이상이어야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "구성 파일 %s에 쓰지 못했습니다(오류: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "앱 오프라인 모드를 사용하지 않도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Windows가 아닌 플랫폼에서는 XML 변환을 수행할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "%s을(를) 변환(%s 사용)하는 동안 XML 변환 오류가 발생했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "웹 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 Windows 에이전트를 사용할 경우에만 지원됩니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 msBuild 패키지 형식에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "zip 배포 옵션을 사용한 게시는 가상 애플리케이션에 대해 지원되지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "zip 배포 또는 RunFromPackage 옵션을 사용한 게시에서는 war 파일 배포를 지원하지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "폴더가 읽기 전용이므로 wwwroot를 변경하는 경우 RunFromPackage를 사용한 게시에서 배포 후 스크립트를 지원하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "'%s' 리소스가 없습니다. 배포 전에 리소스가 있어야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "%s 파일에 대한 파일 인코딩이 %s(으)로 검색되었습니다. 파일 인코딩 %s을(를) 사용할 경우 변수 대체가 지원되지 않습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "%s 파일(typeCode: %s)에 대한 인코딩을 검색할 수 없습니다. 지원되는 인코딩은 UTF-8 및 UTF-16 LE입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "파일 버퍼가 너무 짧아서 인코딩 형식을 검색할 수 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 실제 경로의 요청된 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "실제 경로 '%s'이(가) 이미 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에 업로드할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Kudu 서비스에서 지정된 스크립트를 실행하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Kudu 서비스에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행할 수 없음: %s. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Kudu에서 스크립트를 실행했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "실행된 스크립트에서 반환 코드로 '%s'을(를) 반환했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "%s 파일을 Kudu(%s)에서 삭제할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "스크립트 파일 '%s'을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "잘못된 스크립트 파일 '%s'이(가) 제공되었습니다. 유효한 확장명은 Windows의 경우 .bat 및 .cmd이고, Linux의 경우 .sh입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "시간 초과 문제로 스크립트 실행에 실패했습니다. 다시 시도하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 출력: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "스크립트의 표준 오류: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 파일이 이미 있습니다. 생성하지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "web.config 파일을 생성했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "web.config를 생성하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "파일 콘텐츠 %s을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "시간 초과로 인해 스크립트 상태를 페치할 수 없습니다. 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 변수를 필요한 시간(분)으로 설정하여 시간 제한을 늘릴 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "잘못된 폴링 옵션이 제공됨: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수에 '-appType' 특성이 없습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 'node' 및 'Go'입니다.
예를 들어 Python Bottle 프레임워크의 경우 '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes)입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 파일 경로를 검색할 수 없습니다. 'settings.py' 파일이 존재하는지 확인하거나 Web.config 매개 변수 입력에 '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings' 형식으로 올바른 경로를 제공하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "지정된 패키지에 변환을 적용할 수 없습니다. 다음을 확인하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 빌드 중 생성된 MSBuild 패키지에 대해 변환이 이미 적용되었는지 여부를 확인합니다. 그런 경우 csproj 파일에서 각 구성에 대해 태그를 제거하고 다시 빌드합니다. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 구성 파일 및 변환 파일이 패키지 내의 동일한 폴더에 있는지 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Web.config의 ConnectionString 특성은 기본적으로 매개 변수가 있습니다. 'Parameters.xml' 또는 'SetParameters.xml' 파일로 배포 중 값이 재정의되므로 변환은 connectionString 특성에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않습니다. MSBuild 패키지 생성 중 p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False를 설정하여 자동 매개 변수화를 사용하지 않도록 설정할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 생성에서 '%s' 앱 형식이 지원되지 않습니다. '-appType'에 대해 유효한 값은 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' 및 'node'입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "기관 URL을 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Active Directory 리소스 ID를 페치할 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "런타임 스택 및 시작 명령을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "앱 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "앱 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "AzureRM WebApp 메타데이터를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Azure Container Registry 자격 증명을 검색할 수 없습니다.[상태 코드: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "응답 본문을 읽을 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "WebApp 구성 정보를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insights 리소스 '%s'에 대한 릴리스 주석을 추가하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Application Insight에 릴리스 주석 추가함: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "릴리스 주석을 추가하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "App Service에 대해 잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "잠긴 파일 이름 바꾸기를 사용하도록 설정하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "실행 상태의 WebJobs가 거의 없으므로 배포에서 파일을 제거할 수 없습니다. 배포 전에 연속 작업을 중지하거나 '대상에서 추가 파일 제거' 옵션을 사용하지 않을 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Kudu 앱 설정을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Kudu에서 '%s' 폴더를 삭제하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Kudu에서 '%s/%s' 파일을 업로드하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Kudu에서 파일 콘텐츠 '%s/%s'을(를) 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Kudu에서 '%s' 경로를 나열하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "패키지 배포를 다시 시도하는 중입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "App Service '%s' 정보를 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "App Service '%s' 게시 프로필을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "App Service '%s' 메타데이터를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 패치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "WAR 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "배포 로그를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 이름이 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "이전에 war 파일이 확장되지 않았으므로 war 파일 배포를 다시 시도합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "publishProfileXML 파일을 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 속성이 게시 프로필에 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "잘못된 서비스 연결 형식",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "잘못된 이미지 소스 유형",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "게시 프로필 파일이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "zip 배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "배포 로그는 %s에서 볼 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 애플리케이션 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 경로가 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "지정한 Docker 허브 이미지 이름이 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "msBuild에서 생성된 패키지를 배포할 수 없습니다. 패키지 형식을 변경하거나 Azure App Service 배포 작업을 사용하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "함수 앱에 연결된 스토리지 계정을 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "함수 앱 '%s'의 트리거를 동기화하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "함수 앱의 트리거를 동기화하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "함수 앱의 트리거 동기화를 완료했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 애플리케이션 설정을 %s(으)로 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..613f84cc4fc4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Функция Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "Развертывание функции Azure для Linux или Windows",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание приложения-функции Azure: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Параметры приложения и конфигурации",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Подписка Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "Тип приложения",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "Имя приложения",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "Введите или выберите имя существующей службы приложений Azure. Будут перечислены только службы приложений для выбранного типа приложения.",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "Развернуть в слоте или среде службы приложений",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "Выберите вариант развертывания в существующем слоте развертывания или в среде службы приложений Azure.
В обоих случаях задаче требуется имя группы ресурсов.
Если целью развертывания является слот, по умолчанию оно выполняется в рабочем слоте. Можно также указать имя любого другого существующего слота.
Если целью развертывания является среда службы приложений Azure, оставьте имя слота \"рабочий\" и укажите имя группы ресурсов.",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "Имя группы ресурсов является обязательным, если цель развертывания — слот развертывания или среда службы приложений.
Введите или выберите группу ресурсов Azure, которая содержит указанную выше службу приложений Azure.",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "Слот",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "Введите или выберите существующий слот вместо рабочего слота.",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "Пакет или папка",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "Путь к файлу пакета или папке с содержимым службы приложений, созданным MSBuild, или к сжатому ZIP- или WAR-файлу.
Поддерживаются переменные ([сборки](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [выпуска](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), а также подстановочные знаки.
Примеры: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip или $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "Стек времени выполнения",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "Команда запуска ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "Введите команду запуска, например,
dotnet run
dotnet имя_файла.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "Создание параметров файла web.config для приложений Python, Node.js, Go и Java",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "Если в приложении отсутствует стандартный файл web.config, он будет сгенерирован и развернут в Службе приложений Azure. Значения в файле web.config можно изменить. Они могут меняться в зависимости от исполняющей среды. Например, в файле web.config приложения node.js имеются загрузочный файл и модульные значения iis_node. Возможность редактирования доступна только для сгенерированного файла web.config. [Подробнее](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "Параметры приложения",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "Измените параметры веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "Параметры конфигурации",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "Измените параметры настройки веб-приложения после значения -key в синтаксисе. Значение с пробелами должно быть заключено в двойные кавычки.
Пример: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "Метод развертывания",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "Выберите метод развертывания для приложения.",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Указан недопустимый путь к пакету службы приложений или папке: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Заданный файл параметров не найден: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML-преобразования успешно применены.",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Получены сведения о подключении к службе приложений Azure: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Ошибка: такого метода развертывания не существует.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Не удалось получить данные о подключении к Службе приложений Azure: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Не удалось получить сведения о подключении к службе для ресурса Azure: \"%s\". Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Журнал развертывания (%s) успешно обновлен.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Не удалось обновить журнал развертывания. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: невозможно обновить состояние развертывания, конечная точка SCM не включена для этого веб-сайта.",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о конфигурации службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Не удалось извлечь параметры приложения службы приложений. [Код состояния: \"%s\", сообщение об ошибке: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения службы приложений. Код состояния: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Не удается обновить состояние развертывания: не удается получить уникальный идентификатор развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Веб-пакет успешно развернут в службе приложений.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Не удалось развернуть веб-пакет в службе приложений.",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Запуск команды: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Развертывание веб-пакета %s по виртуальному пути (физическому пути): %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Пакет %s успешно развернут при помощи службы Kudu в %s",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Не удалось развернуть пакет службы приложений при помощи службы Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Не удалось развернуть службу приложений из-за ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "Пакеты, созданные при помощи MSDeploy, поддерживаются только для платформы Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Установленная версия MSDeploy (%s) не поддерживается. Должна быть установлена версия 3 или более поздняя.",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Не удалось определить расположение MS Deploy при помощи реестра на компьютере (ошибка: %s).",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "Пакет с указанным шаблоном не найден: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "Указанному шаблону соответствует несколько пакетов: %s. Ограничьте шаблон поиска.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Отключить приложение от сети\".",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Попробуйте снова развернуть службу приложений, используя параметр \"Переименовывать заблокированные файлы\".",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "Не найден файл JSON, соответствующий заданному шаблону: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Файл конфигурации %s не существует.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Сбой записи в файл конфигурации %s. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "Автономный режим для приложения включен.",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Не удалось включить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s).",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "Автономный режим для приложения отключен.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Не удалось отключить автономный режим для приложения. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Невозможно выполнить XML-преобразования на платформе, отличной от Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "Ошибка XML-преобразования при преобразовании %s с помощью %s.",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Публикация при помощи веб-развертывания поддерживается только при использовании агента для Windows.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для типа пакета msBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Публикация путем развертывания из ZIP-файла не поддерживается для виртуального приложения.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "При публикации с помощью развертывания из ZIP-файла или RunFromPackage не поддерживается развертывание WAR-файла.",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "При публикации с помощью RunFromPackage скрипт, выполняемый после развертывания, может не поддерживаться, если он вносит изменения в wwwroot, так как эта папка доступна только для чтения.",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Ресурс \"%s\" не существует. Он должен существовать перед началом развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Обнаруженная кодировка файла %s — %s. Подстановка переменных не поддерживается для кодировки %s. Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Не удается определить кодировку файла %s (typeCode: %s). Поддерживаемые кодировки: UTF-8 и UTF-16 LE.",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "Слишком короткий файловый буфер для обнаружения типа кодировки: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Конфигурация службы приложений успешно изменена.",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Запрошенный URL-адрес для физического пути Kudu: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Физический путь \"%s\" уже существует.",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Физический путь Kudu успешно создан: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Не удалось создать физический путь Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Не удалось проверить физический путь Kudu. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Виртуальное приложение не существует: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Не удалось проанализировать JSON-файл: %s. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных JSON успешно применена.",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "Подстановка переменных XML применена.",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Не удалось отправить файл %s в Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Не удалось передать файл %s в Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Выполнение указанного скрипта в службе Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Не удалось выполнить скрипт в службе Kudu: %s. Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Сценарий успешно выполнен в Kudu.",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Выполненный сценарий вернул код \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Код состояния: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Не удалось удалить файл %s из Kudu (%s). Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Файл сценария \"%s\" не найден.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Указан недопустимый файл скрипта \"%s\". Допустимые расширения: .bat и .cmd в Windows, .sh в Linux",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Сбои выполнения сценария из-за превышения времени ожидания. Выполняется повторная попытка.",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Стандартные выходные данные сценария: ",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Стандартная ошибка сценария: ",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "Файл web.config уже существует. Он не будет сгенерирован.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Файл web.config успешно сгенерирован.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Не удалось сгенерировать файл web.config. %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Код состояния: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла: %s. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания.",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Не удалось получить состояние сценария, так как превышено время ожидания. Чтобы увеличить время ожидания, задайте для переменной \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" требуемое количество минут.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Указан недопустимый параметр опроса: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Атрибут \"-appType\" отсутствует в параметрах Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\", \"node\" и \"Go\".
Например, \"-appType python_Bottle\" (без кавычек), если используется платформа Python Bottle.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Не удалось обнаружить путь к файлу \"settings.py\" DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE. Убедитесь, что файл \"settings.py\" существует, или укажите правильный путь во входных данных параметра Web.config в следующем формате: \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <имя_папки>.settings\".",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Не удается применить преобразование для указанного пакета. Проверьте следующее.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Применено ли преобразование к созданному пакету MSBuild во время сборки. Если это так, удалите тег для каждой конфигурации в CSPROJ-файле и повторите сборку. ",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Убедитесь, что файлы конфигурации и преобразования находятся в одной и той же папке в пакете.",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "Атрибуты ConnectionString в Web.config параметризованы по умолчанию. Обратите внимание, что преобразование не влияет на атрибуты connectionString, так как значение переопределяется во время развертывания файлом \"Parameters.xml\" или \"SetParameters.xml\". Вы можете отключить автоматическую параметризацию, задав /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False во время создания пакета MSBuild.",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Тип приложения \"%s\" не поддерживается при создании Web.config. Допустимые значения для \"-appType\": \"python_Bottle\", \"python_Django\", \"python_Flask\" и \"node\".",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Не удается получить URL-адрес центра.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Не удается получить идентификатор ресурса Active Directory.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Стек времени выполнения и команда запуска успешно обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Не удалось обновить стек времени выполнения и команду запуска. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Параметры приложения успешно обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные AzureRM WebApp. Код ошибки: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные реестра контейнеров Azure. [Код состояния: \"%s\"]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Не удалось прочитать текст ответа. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Не удалось обновить сведения о конфигурации WebApp. StatusCode: \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Добавление примечаний к выпуску для ресурса Application Insights \"%s\"",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Примечания к выпуску успешно добавлены в Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Не удалось добавить примечания к выпуску. %s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Переименование заблокированных файлов для службы приложений включено.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Не удалось включить переименование заблокированных файлов. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Невозможно удалить файлы в развертывании, так как запущено несколько веб-заданий. Отключите параметр \"Удалить дополнительные файлы в месте назначения\" или остановите непрерывные задания перед развертыванием.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Не удалось создать путь \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Не удалось удалить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Не удалось удалить папку \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Не удалось отправить файл \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Не удалось получить содержимое файла \"%s/%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Не удалось получить список элементов для пути \"%s\" из Kudu. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Повторная попытка развертывания пакета.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Не удалось получить сведения о службе приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Не удалось получить профиль публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось обновить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Не удалось получить метаданные службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось изменить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось обновить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Не удалось получить конфигурацию службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Не удалось получить учетные данные публикации для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось получить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Не удалось обновить параметры приложения для службы приложений \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Обновляются параметры конфигурации службы приложений. Данные: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Параметры конфигурации службы приложений обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Обновляются параметры приложений службы приложений. Данные: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложений службы приложений и параметры приложений Kudu обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Параметры приложения Службы приложений обновлены.",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Для службы приложений \"%s\" найдено несколько групп ресурсов.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Не удалось выполнить развертывание пакета с помощью развертывания ZIP-файла. Дополнительные сведения см. в журналах.",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью ZIP Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Запущено развертывание пакета с помощью WAR Deploy.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Не удалось получить журналы развертывания. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Отсутствует имя EXE-файла Go",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Повторяется попытка развертывания WAR-файла, так как он не был развернут раньше.",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Компьютер должен использовать протокол TLS 1.2 или более поздней версии. Дополнительные сведения о том, как включить TLS на вашем компьютере: https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Не удалось проанализировать файл publishProfileXML. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "Свойство [%s] отсутствует в профиле публикации",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Недопустимый тип подключения к службе",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Недопустимый тип источника образа",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Недопустимый файл профиля публикации.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания из ZIP-файла можно просмотреть в %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Журналы развертывания можно просмотреть в %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "URL-адрес приложения службы приложений: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Не удалось получить идентификатор ресурса для ресурса с типом \"%s\" и именем \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Отсутствует путь к jar-файлу Java.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "Указано недопустимое имя образа Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "Развертывание созданного пакета msBuild не поддерживается. Измените формат пакета или используйте задачу развертывания Службы приложений Azure.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "Не удалось найти учетную запись хранения, связанную с этим приложением-функцией.",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "Не удалось синхронизировать триггеры для приложения-функции \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "Идет синхронизация триггеров для приложения-функции",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "Синхронизация триггеров для приложения-функция успешно завершена",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "Параметр приложения WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE изменен на %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..7ddb8fbe25f5 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 函数",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "部署适用于 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure Function",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function App 部署: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署选项",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "应用程序和配置设置",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 订阅",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "应用类型",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "应用名称",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "输入或选择现有 Azure 应用服务的名称。只会列出基于所选应用类型的应用服务。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "部署到槽或应用服务环境",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "选择要部署到现有部署槽或 Azure 应用服务环境的选项。
如果部署目标是 Azure 应用服务环境,则将槽名称保留为“生产”并指定资源组名称即可。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "资源组",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "当部署目标是部署槽或应用服务环境时,需要资源组名称。
输入或选择包含上面指定的 Azure 应用服务的 Azure 资源组。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "槽",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "输入或选择生产槽以外的现有槽。",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "包或文件夹",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "包的文件路径或一个包含由 MSBuild 生成的应用服务内容或压缩的 zip 或 war 文件的文件夹。
变量([生成](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [发布](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支持通配符。
例如,$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 或 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "运行时堆栈",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "启动命令",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "输入启动命令。例如,
dotnet run
dotnet filename.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "生成适用于 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 应用的 web.config 参数",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "如果应用程序中没有标准的 Web.config,系统将生成一个并将其部署到 Azure 应用服务。Web.config 中的值可进行编辑,并且可能因应用程序框架而异。例如,对于 node.js 应用程序,web.config 将包含启动文件和 iis_node module 模块值。此编辑功能仅适用于生成的 web.config。[了解详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "应用设置",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用应用程序设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "配置设置",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "按照语法 -key 值编辑 Web 应用配置设置。包含空格的值应括在双引号中。
示例: -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "选择应用的部署方法。",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供了无效的应用服务包或文件夹路径: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "设置的参数文件未找到: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML 转换已成功应用",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "已获取 Azure 应用服务“%s”的服务连接详细信息",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "错误: 不存在此种部署方法",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "无法检索 Azure 应用服务 %s 的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "无法检索 Azure 资源“%s”的服务连接详细信息。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功在 %s 更新了部署历史记录",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "未能更新部署历史记录。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 无法更新部署状态: SCM 终结点没有为此网站启用",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "无法检索应用配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "无法检索应用服务应用程序设置。[状态代码: %s, 错误消息: %s]",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "无法更新应用服务应用程序设置。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "无法更新部署状态: 无法检索唯一部署 ID",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功将 Web 包部署到应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "未能将 Web 包部署到应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在运行命令: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正在部署 Web 包 %s,部署位置: 虚拟路径 %s (物理路径 %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功部署了包 %s (通过在 %s 使用 kudu 服务)",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "未能使用 kudu 服务 %s 部署应用服务包",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "错误代码 %s 导致无法部署应用服务",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy 生成的包仅受 Windows 平台支持。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "为 MSDeploy 找到了不受支持的已安装版本 %s。版本应至少为 3 或以上",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "无法从计算机的注册表上找到 MS 部署的位置(错误: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "使用指定模式 %s 未找到任何包",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "指定的模式 %s 有多个匹配的包。请限制搜索模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“使应用程序脱机”选项部署应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "再次尝试使用所选“重命名锁定文件”选项部署应用服务。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "没有与特定模式 %s 匹配的 JSON 文件。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "配置文件 %s 不存在。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "未能写入配置文件 %s,错误为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已启用应用脱机模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "未能启用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已禁用应用脱机模式。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "未能禁用应用脱机模式。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "无法在非 Windows 平台上执行 XML 转换。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "转换 %s (通过使用 %s)时出现 XML 转换错误。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "仅当使用 Windows 代理时才支持使用 webdeploy 选项进行发布",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 包类型不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虚拟应用程序不支持使用 zip 部署选项进行发布。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip 部署或 RunFromPackage 选项执行的发布不支持 war 文件部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果对 wwwroot 进行更改,则使用 RunFromPackage 发布可能不支持后期部署脚本,因为该文件夹为只读。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "资源“%s”不存在。资源应在部署前就已存在。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "检测到文件 %s 的文件编码为 %s。不支持使用文件编码 %s 进行变量替换。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "无法检测文件 %s (类型代码: %s)的编码。受支持的编码为 UTF-8 和 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "文件缓冲区太短,无法检测编码类型: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "未能更新应用服务配置详细信息。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新应用服务配置详细信息。",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "kudu 物理路径的请求 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "物理路径 \"%s\" 已存在",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 物理路径已成功创建: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "未能创建 kudu 物理路径。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "未能检查 kudu 物理路径。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "不存在虚拟应用程序: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "无法分析 JSON 文件: %s。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 变量替换已成功应用。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功应用 XML 变量替换。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "无法将文件 %s 上传到 Kudu (%s)。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在 Kudu 服务上执行给定脚本。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "无法在 Kudu 服务上运行该脚本。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "无法在 Kudu 上运行该脚本: %s。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上执行脚本。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "已执行的脚本返回了“%s”作为返回代码。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "无法从 Kudu (%s) 删除文件: %s。状态代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "无法删除文件 %s (位于 Kudu (%s)上)。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到脚本文件“%s”。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的脚本文件“%s”无效。有效的扩展名为 .bat 和 .cmd (对于 Windows)和 .sh (对于 Linux)",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "由于出现超时问题,脚本执行失败。请重试。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "脚本中的标准输出:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "脚本中的标准错误:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config 文件已存在。不再生成。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功生成 web.config 文件",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "未能生成 web.config。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "无法获取文件内容: %s。状态代码: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "无法获取文件内容: %s。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因为超时,无法提取脚本状态。通过将 \"appservicedeploy.retrytimeout\" 变量设置为所需分钟数可以增加超时限制。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的轮询选项无效: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 参数中缺少属性 \"-appType\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\"、\"node\" 和 \"Go\"。
例如,如果是 Python Bottle 框架,则应为 \"-appType python_Bottle\" (不带引号)。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "无法检测 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE \"settings.py\" 文件路径。请确保 \"settings.py\" 文件存在或采用格式 \"-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings\" 在 Web.config 参数输出中提供正确的路径",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "无法对给定的包应用转换。请验证以下各项。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 在生成期间是否已对 MSBuild 生成的包应用转换。如果已应用,请删除 csproj 文件中每个配置的 标记,然后重新生成。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 确保配置文件和转换文件位于包内的同一个文件夹中。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "默认情况下,Web.config 中的 connectionString 属性已参数化。请注意,转换对 connectionString 属性无影响,因为在通过 \"Parameters.xml\" 或 \"SetParameters.xml\" 文件进行部署期间,该值将被重写。可通过在 MSBuild 包生成期间设置 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False 来禁用自动参数化。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "Web.config 生成中不支持应用类型 \"%s\"。\"-appType\" 的有效值为: \"python_Bottle\"、\"python_Django\"、\"python_Flask\" 和 \"node\"",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "无法提取授权 URL。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "无法提取 Active Directory 资源 ID。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "未能更新运行时堆栈和启动命令。错误: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新应用设置。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "未能更新应用设置。错误: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "未能提取 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "无法更新 AzureRM WebApp 元数据。错误代码: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "无法检索 Azure 容器注册表凭据。[状态代码: “%s”]",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "无法读取响应正文。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "无法更新 WebApp 配置详细信息。状态代码:“%s”",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在添加 Application Insights 资源“%s”的发布注释",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功向 Application Insights 添加发布注释: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "未能添加发布注释。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "已对应用服务启用“重命名已锁定文件”。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "未能启用“重命名已锁定文件”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "几个处于运行状态的 Web 作业阻止部署删除这些文件。可禁用“删除目标处的其他文件”选项或在部署前停止连续作业。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "未能提取 Kudu 应用设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "未能从 Kudu 创建路径“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "未能从 Kudu 删除文件夹“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "未能从 Kudu 上传文件“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "未能从 Kudu 获取文件内容“%s/%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "未能从 Kudu 列出路径“%s”。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重新尝试部署包。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "未能提取应用服务“%s”详细信息。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布配置文件。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "未能更新应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "未能获取应用服务“%s”元数据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "未能修补应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "未能更新应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "未能获取应用服务“%s”配置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "未能提取应用服务“%s”发布凭据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能获取应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "未能更新应用服务“%s”应用程序设置。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新应用服务配置设置。数据: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新应用服务配置设置。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新应用服务应用程序设置。数据: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置和 Kudu 应用程序设置。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新应用服务应用程序设置。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到了应用服务“%s”的多个资源组。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP 部署的包部署失败。有关更多详细信息,请参阅日志。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 ZIP 部署的包部署。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已启动使用 WAR 部署的包部署。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "未能获取部署日志。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe 名称不存在",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "正在重试 war 文件部署,因为它之前未成功扩展。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "请确保计算机使用的是 TLS 1.2 协议或更高版本。请访问 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 获取有关如何在计算机中启用 TLS 的详细信息。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "无法分析 publishProfileXML 文件,错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s]发布配置文件中不存在属性",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "无效的服务连接类型",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "无效的映像源类型",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "发布配置文件无效。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可以在 %s 查看 Zip 部署日志",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "可在 %s 查看部署日志",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "应用服务应用程序 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "未能获取资源类型“%s”和资源名称“%s”的资源 ID。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar 路径不存在",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中心映像名称无效。",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支持部署 msBuild 生成的包。请更改包格式或使用 Azure 应用服务部署任务。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "找不到与 Function App 关联的存储帐户。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "未能同步函数应用“%s”的触发器。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "正在同步 Function App 的触发器",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "已成功完成 Function App 的触发器同步",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "已将 WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 应用程序设置更新为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index c301fa20ad68..f75292689c79 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,225 +1,190 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service Deploy",
- "loc.helpMarkDown": "[More information](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Update Azure App Services on Windows, Web App on Linux with built-in images or Docker containers, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python or Node.js based Web applications, Function Apps on Windows or Linux with Docker Containers, Mobile Apps, API applications, Web Jobs using Web Deploy / Kudu REST APIs",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service Deploy: $(WebAppName)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "What's new in version 4.* (preview)
Supports Zip Deploy, Run From Package, War Deploy
Supports App Service Environments
Improved UI for discovering different App service types supported by the task
Run From Package is the preferred deployment method, which makes files in wwwroot folder read-only
Click [here](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) for more information.",
- "loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "File Transforms & Variable Substitution Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "Additional Deployment Options",
- "loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "Post Deployment Action",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Application and Configuration Settings",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectionType": "Connection type",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectionType": "Select the service connection type to use to deploy the Web App.",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure subscription",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription for the deployment.",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePath": "Publish profile path",
- "loc.input.label.PublishProfilePassword": "Publish profile password",
- "loc.input.help.PublishProfilePassword": "It is recommended to store password in a secret variable and use that variable here e.g. $(Password).",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "App Service type",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Choose from Web App On Windows, Web App On Linux, Web App for Containers, Function App, Function App on Linux, Function App for Containers and Mobile App.",
- "loc.input.label.WebAppName": "App Service name",
- "loc.input.help.WebAppName": "Enter or Select the name of an existing Azure App Service. App services based on selected app type will only be listed.",
- "loc.input.label.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Deploy to Slot or App Service Environment",
- "loc.input.help.DeployToSlotOrASEFlag": "Select the option to deploy to an existing deployment slot or Azure App Service Environment.
For both the targets, the task needs Resource group name.
In case the deployment target is a slot, by default the deployment is done to the production slot. Any other existing slot name can also be provided.
In case the deployment target is an Azure App Service environment, leave the slot name as ‘production’ and just specify the Resource group name.",
- "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Resource group",
- "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "The Resource group name is required when the deployment target is either a deployment slot or an App Service Environment.
Enter or Select the Azure Resource group that contains the Azure App Service specified above.",
- "loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
- "loc.input.help.SlotName": "Enter or Select an existing Slot other than the Production slot.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registry or Namespace",
- "loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "A globally unique top-level domain name for your specific registry or namespace.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
- "loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Name of the repository where the container images are stored.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Tag",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Tags are optional, it is the mechanism that registries use to give Docker images a version.
Note: Fully qualified image name will be of the format: '`/`:`'. For example, 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Virtual application",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Specify the name of the Virtual application that has been configured in the Azure portal. The option is not required for deployments to the App Service root.",
- "loc.input.label.Package": "Package or folder",
- "loc.input.help.Package": "File path to the package or a folder containing app service contents generated by MSBuild or a compressed zip or war file.
Variables ( [Build](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [Release](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)), wildcards are supported.
For example, $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStack": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStack": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.RuntimeStackFunction": "Runtime Stack",
- "loc.input.help.RuntimeStackFunction": "Select the framework and version.",
- "loc.input.label.StartupCommand": "Startup command ",
- "loc.input.help.StartupCommand": "Enter the start up command.",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Deployment script type",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "Customize the deployment by providing a script that will run on the Azure App service once the task has completed the deployment successfully . For example restore packages for Node, PHP, Python applications. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
- "loc.input.label.InlineScript": "Inline Script",
- "loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "Deployment script path",
- "loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Generate web.config parameters for Python, Node.js, Go and Java apps",
- "loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "A standard Web.config will be generated and deployed to Azure App Service if the application does not have one. The values in web.config can be edited and vary based on the application framework. For example for node.js application, web.config will have startup file and iis_node module values. This edit feature is only for the generated web.config. [Learn more](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
- "loc.input.label.AppSettings": "App settings",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "Edit web app application settings following the syntax -key value . Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
- "loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "Configuration settings",
- "loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "Edit web app configuration settings following the syntax -key value. Value containing spaces should be enclosed in double quotes.
Example : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
- "loc.input.label.UseWebDeploy": "Select deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.UseWebDeploy": "If unchecked we will auto-detect the best deployment method based on your app type, package format and other parameters.
Select the option to view the supported deployment methods and choose one for deploying your app.",
- "loc.input.label.DeploymentType": "Deployment method",
- "loc.input.help.DeploymentType": "Choose the deployment method for the app.",
- "loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Take App Offline",
- "loc.input.help.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "Select the option to take the Azure App Service offline by placing an app_offline.htm file in the root directory of the App Service before the sync operation begins. The file will be removed after the sync operation completes successfully.",
- "loc.input.label.SetParametersFile": "SetParameters file",
- "loc.input.help.SetParametersFile": "Optional: location of the SetParameters.xml file to use.",
- "loc.input.label.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Remove additional files at destination",
- "loc.input.help.RemoveAdditionalFilesFlag": "Select the option to delete files on the Azure App Service that have no matching files in the App Service package or folder.
Note: This will also remove all files related to any extension installed on this Azure App Service. To prevent this, select 'Exclude files from App_Data folder' checkbox. ",
- "loc.input.label.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Exclude files from the App_Data folder",
- "loc.input.help.ExcludeFilesFromAppDataFlag": "Select the option to prevent files in the App_Data folder from being deployed to/ deleted from the Azure App Service.",
- "loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "Additional arguments",
- "loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "Additional Web Deploy arguments following the syntax -key:value .
These will be applied when deploying the Azure App Service. Example: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
For more examples of Web Deploy operation settings, refer to [this](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471).",
- "loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "Rename locked files",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Select the option to enable msdeploy flag MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1 in Azure App Service application settings. The option if set enables msdeploy to rename locked files that are locked during app deployment",
- "loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML transformation",
- "loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "The config transforms will be run for `*.Release.config` and `*..config` on the `*.config file`.
Config transforms will be run prior to the Variable Substitution.
XML transformations are supported only for Windows platform.",
- "loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.XmlVariableSubstitution": "Variables defined in the build or release pipelines will be matched against the 'key' or 'name' entries in the appSettings, applicationSettings, and connectionStrings sections of any config file and parameters.xml. Variable Substitution is run after config transforms.
Note: If same variables are defined in the release pipeline and in the environment, then the environment variables will supersede the release pipeline variables.
- "loc.input.label.JSONFiles": "JSON variable substitution",
- "loc.input.help.JSONFiles": "Provide new line separated list of JSON files to substitute the variable values. Files names are to be provided relative to the root folder.
To substitute JSON variables that are nested or hierarchical, specify them using JSONPath expressions.
For example, to replace the value of ‘ConnectionString’ in the sample below, you need to define a variable as ‘Data.DefaultConnection.ConnectionString’ in the build or release pipeline (or release pipeline's environment).
\"Data\": {
\"DefaultConnection\": {
\"ConnectionString\": \"Server=(localdb)\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=True\"
Variable Substitution is run after configuration transforms.
Note: pipeline variables are excluded in substitution.",
- "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "Invalid App Service package or folder path provided: %s",
- "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "Set parameters file not found: %s",
- "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "XML Transformations applied successfully",
- "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "Got service connection details for Azure App Service:'%s'",
- "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "Error : No such deploying method exists",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure App Service : %s. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "Unable to retrieve service connection details for Azure Resource:'%s'. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "Successfully updated deployment History at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "Failed to update deployment history. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "WARNING : Cannot update deployment status : SCM endpoint is not enabled for this website",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "Unable to retrieve App Service configuration details. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "Unable to retrieve App Service application settings. [Status Code: '%s', Error Message: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "Unable to update App service application settings. Status Code: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "Cannot update deployment status : Unique Deployment ID cannot be retrieved",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "Successfully deployed web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "Failed to deploy web package to App Service.",
- "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "Running command: %s",
- "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "Deploying web package : %s at virtual path (physical path) : %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "Successfully deployed package %s using kudu service at %s",
- "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "Failed to deploy App Service package using kudu service : %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "Unable to deploy App Service due to error code : %s",
- "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "MSDeploy generated packages are only supported for Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "Unsupported installed version: %s found for MSDeploy. version should be at least 3 or above",
- "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "Unable to find the location of MS Deploy from registry on machine (Error : %s)",
- "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "No package found with specified pattern: %s",
- "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "More than one package matched with specified pattern: %s. Please restrain the search pattern.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Take application offline option selected.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "Try to deploy app service again with Rename locked files option selected.",
- "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "NO JSON file matched with specific pattern: %s.",
- "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "Configuration file %s doesn't exist.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "Failed to write to config file %s with error : %s",
- "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "App offline mode enabled.",
- "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "Failed to enable app offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "App offline mode disabled.",
- "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "Failed to disable App offline mode. Status Code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "Cannot perform XML transformations on a non-Windows platform.",
- "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "XML transformation error while transforming %s using %s.",
- "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "Publish using webdeploy options are supported only when using Windows agent",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for msBuild package type.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "Publish using zip deploy option is not supported for virtual application.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "Publish using zip deploy or RunFromZip options do not support war file deployment.",
- "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "Publish using RunFromZip might not support post deployment script if it makes changes to wwwroot, since the folder is ReadOnly.",
- "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "Resource '%s' doesn't exist. Resource should exist before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "Detected file encoding of the file %s as %s. Variable substitution is not supported with file encoding %s. Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "Unable to detect encoding of the file %s (typeCode: %s). Supported encodings are UTF-8 and UTF-16 LE.",
- "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "File buffer is too short to detect encoding type : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Failed to update App Service configuration details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "Successfully updated App Service configuration details",
- "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Requested URL for kudu physical path : %s",
- "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "Physical path '%s' already exists",
- "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu physical path created successfully : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Failed to create kudu physical path. Error : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Failed to check kudu physical path. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "Virtual application doesn't exists : %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "Unable to parse JSON file: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML variable substitution applied successfully.",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "Unable to upload file: %s to Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "Executing given script on Kudu service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "Unable to run the script on Kudu Service. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "Unable to run the script on Kudu: %s. Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "Successfully executed script on Kudu.",
- "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "Executed script returned '%s' as return code. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Status Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "Unable to delete file: %s from Kudu (%s). Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "Script file '%s' not found.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "Invalid script file '%s' provided. Valid extensions are .bat and .cmd for windows and .sh for linux",
- "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "Script execution failed with timeout issue. Retrying once again.",
- "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "Standard output from script: ",
- "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "Standard error from script: ",
- "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "web.config file already exists. Not generating.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "Successfully generated web.config file",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "Failed to generate web.config. %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "Unable to get file content: %s . Status code: %s (%s)",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "Unable to get file content: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout.",
- "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "Unable to fetch script status due to timeout. You can increase the timeout limit by setting 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' variable to number of minutes required.",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "Invalid polling option provided: %s.",
- "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Attribute '-appType' is missing in the Web.config parameters. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask', 'node' and 'Go'.
For example, '-appType python_Bottle' (sans-quotes) in case of Python Bottle framework..",
- "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "Unable to detect DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' file path. Ensure that the 'settings.py' file exists or provide the correct path in Web.config parameter input in the following format '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE .settings'",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild. ",
- "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.",
- "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "ConnectionString attributes in Web.config is parameterized by default. Note that the transformation has no effect on connectionString attributes as the value is overridden during deployment by 'Parameters.xml or 'SetParameters.xml' files. You can disable the auto-parameterization by setting /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False during MSBuild package generation.",
- "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "App type '%s' not supported in Web.config generation. Valid values for '-appType' are: 'python_Bottle', 'python_Django', 'python_Flask' and 'node'",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "Unable to fetch authority URL.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "Unable to fetch Active Directory resource ID.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Successfully updated the Runtime Stack and Startup Command.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "Failed to update the Runtime Stack and Startup Command. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "Successfully updated the App settings.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Failed to update the App settings. Error: %s.",
- "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Failed to fetch AzureRM WebApp metadata. ErrorCode: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Unable to update AzureRM WebApp metadata. Error Code: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Unable to retrieve Azure Container Registry credentials.[Status Code: '%s']",
- "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Unable to read response body. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Unable to update WebApp config details. StatusCode: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Adding release annotation for the Application Insights resource '%s'",
- "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "Successfully added release annotation to the Application Insight : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "Failed to add release annotation. %s",
- "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "Rename locked files enabled for App Service.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "Failed to enable rename locked files. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "Few WebJobs in running state prevents the deployment from removing the files. You can disable 'Remove additional files at destination' option or Stop continuous Jobs before deployment.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "Failed to fetch Kudu App Settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "Failed to create path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "Failed to delete file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "Failed to delete folder '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "Failed to upload file '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "Failed to get file content '%s/%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "Failed to list path '%s' from Kudu. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "Retrying to deploy the package.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' details. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing profile. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to update App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "Failed to get App service '%s' Meta data. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to patch App Service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to update App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "Failed to get App service '%s' configuration. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "Failed to fetch App Service '%s' publishing credentials. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to get App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Failed to update App service '%s' application settings. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updating App Service Configuration settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "Updated App Service Configuration settings.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updating App Service Application settings. Data: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "Updated App Service Application settings and Kudu Application settings.",
- "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "Multiple resource group found for App Service '%s'.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy failed. Refer logs for more details.",
- "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using ZIP Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "Package deployment using WAR Deploy initiated.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "Failed to get deployment logs. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "Go exe name is not present",
- "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "Retrying war file deployment as it did not expand successfully earlier.",
- "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "Make sure the machine is using TLS 1.2 protocol or higher. Check https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2 for more information on how to enable TLS in your machine.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Status code: %s, status message: %s",
- "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "Unable to parse publishProfileXML file, Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] Property does not exist in publish profile",
- "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "Invalid service connection type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "Invalid Image source Type",
- "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "Publish profile file is invalid.",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to set a variable named VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS to the value true in the build or release pipeline",
- "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "Zip Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "Deploy logs can be viewed at %s",
- "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service Application URL: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "To use a certificate in App Service, the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority. If your web app gives you certificate validation errors, you're probably using a self-signed certificate and to resolve them you need to pass -allowUntrusted in additional arguments of web deploy option.",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "Failed to get resource ID for resource type '%s' and resource name '%s'. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "Java jar path is not present",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Failed to update Application Insights '%s' Resource. Error: %s"
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 函式",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurefunctiondeployreadme)",
+ "loc.description": "部署適用於 Linux 或 Windows 的 Azure 函式",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函數應用程式部署: $(appName)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "其他部署選項",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "應用程式和組態設定",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscription": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscription": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
+ "loc.input.label.appType": "App 類型",
+ "loc.input.label.appName": "App 名稱",
+ "loc.input.help.appName": "輸入或選取現有 Azure App Service 的名稱。僅依選取的應用程式類型列出應用程式服務。",
+ "loc.input.label.deployToSlotOrASE": "將部署到位置或 App Service 環境",
+ "loc.input.help.deployToSlotOrASE": "請選取選項以部署至現有的部署位置或 Azure App Service 環境。
假如部署目標是 Azure App Service 環境,請將位置名稱保留為 ‘production’,並請僅指定資源群組名稱。",
+ "loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "資源群組",
+ "loc.input.help.resourceGroupName": "當部署目標為部署位置或 App Service 環境時,資源群組名稱為必要項。
請輸入或選取包含上方所指定 Azure App Service 的 Azure 資源群組。",
+ "loc.input.label.slotName": "位置",
+ "loc.input.help.slotName": "請輸入或選取現有的位置,而不是生產位置。",
+ "loc.input.label.package": "套件或資料夾",
+ "loc.input.help.package": "包含應用程式服務內容的套件或資料夾路徑,產生該內容的來源為 MSBuild,或壓縮的 zip 或 war 檔案。
變數 ( [組建](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/build/variables) | [發行](https://docs.microsoft.com/vsts/pipelines/release/variables#default-variables)),支援使用萬用字元。
例如 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war。",
+ "loc.input.label.runtimeStack": "執行階段堆疊",
+ "loc.input.label.startUpCommand": "啟動命令 ",
+ "loc.input.help.startUpCommand": "請輸入啟動命令。例如
dotnet run
dotnet 檔名.dll",
+ "loc.input.label.customWebConfig": "產生 Python、Node.js、Go 和 Java 應用程式的 web.config 參數",
+ "loc.input.help.customWebConfig": "若應用程式沒有標準 Web.config,會予以產生並部署至 Azure App Service。Web.config 中的值可編輯,並會因應用程式架構而有所不同。例如若是 node.js 應用程式,web.config 會具有啟動檔案和 iis_node 模組值。此編輯功能僅適用於所產生的 web.config。[深入了解](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469)。",
+ "loc.input.label.appSettings": "應用程式設定",
+ "loc.input.help.appSettings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例: -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.label.configurationStrings": "組態設定",
+ "loc.input.help.configurationStrings": "請使用語法「-索引鍵 值」編輯 Web 應用程式設定。若值包含空格,應將其括以雙引號。
範例 -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentMethod": "部署方法",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMethod": "選擇應用程式的部署方法。",
+ "loc.messages.Invalidwebapppackageorfolderpathprovided": "提供的 App Service 套件或資料夾路徑無效: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SetParamFilenotfound0": "找不到設定參數檔案: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XDTTransformationsappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 XML 轉換",
+ "loc.messages.GotconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp0": "取得 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.ErrorNoSuchDeployingMethodExists": "錯誤: 此類部署方法不存在",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveconnectiondetailsforazureRMWebApp": "無法擷取 Azure App Service 的服務連線詳細資料 : %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletoretrieveResourceID": "無法擷取 Azure 資源的服務連線詳細資料:'%s'。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullyupdateddeploymenthistory": "已成功於 %s 更新部署歷程記錄",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "無法更新部署歷程記錄。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "警告: 無法更新部署狀態: 此網站未啟用 SCM 端點",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "無法擷取 App Service 組態詳細資料。狀態碼: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "無法擷取 App Service 應用程式設定。[狀態碼: '%s',錯誤訊息: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "無法更新 App Service 應用程式設定。狀態碼: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "無法更新部署狀態: 無法擷取唯一部署識別碼",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "已成功將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "無法將 Web 套件部署到 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.Runningcommand": "正在執行命令: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Deployingwebapplicationatvirtualpathandphysicalpath": "正於虛擬路徑 (實體路徑) 部署網頁套件 %s: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.Successfullydeployedpackageusingkuduserviceat": "已成功使用 Kudu 服務部署套件 %s 於 %s ",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtodeploywebapppackageusingkuduservice": "無法部署使用 Kudu 服務的 App Service 套件: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletodeploywebappresponsecode": "因以下錯誤碼而無法部署 App Service: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MSDeploygeneratedpackageareonlysupportedforWindowsplatform": "僅 Windows 平台支援 MSDeploy 產生的套件。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedinstalledversionfoundforMSDeployversionshouldbeatleast3orabove": "發現對 MSDeploy 安裝了不受支援的版本: %s。版本至少應為 3 (含) 以上",
+ "loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "電腦上的登錄找不到 MS 部署的位置 (錯誤: %s)",
+ "loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "找不到具指定模式的套件: %s",
+ "loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "有多個套件與指定模式相符: %s。請縮小搜尋模式範圍。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "請先選取 [讓應用程式成為離線狀態] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "請先選取 [重新命名鎖定的檔案] 選項,然後嘗試再次部署 App Service。",
+ "loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "沒有符合特定模式 %s 的 JSON 檔案。",
+ "loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "組態檔 %s 不存在。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtowritetoconfigfilewitherror": "無法寫入組態檔 %s,錯誤為: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AppOfflineModeenabled": "已啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。",
+ "loc.messages.Failedtoenableappofflinemode": "無法啟用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.AppOflineModedisabled": "已停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtodisableAppOfflineMode": "無法停用 [應用程式離線] 模式。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.CannotPerformXdtTransformationOnNonWindowsPlatform": "無法在非 Windows 平台執行 XML 轉換。",
+ "loc.messages.XdtTransformationErrorWhileTransforming": "轉換 %s (使用 %s) 時發生 XML 轉換錯誤。",
+ "loc.messages.PublishusingwebdeployoptionsaresupportedonlywhenusingWindowsagent": "僅限使用 Windows 代理程式時才可使用 webdeploy 選項發佈",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedformsbuildpackage": "msBuild 套件類型不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploynotsupportedforvirtualapplication": "虛擬應用程式不支援使用 zip deploy 發行的選項。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingzipdeploydoesnotsupportwarfile": "使用 zip deploy 或 RunFromPackage 選項發佈不支援 war 檔案部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Publishusingrunfromzipwithpostdeploymentscript": "如果使用 RunFromPackage 發佈會對 wwwroot 進行變更,就可能會因為資料夾是 ReadOnly,而不支援部署後指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.ResourceDoesntExist": "資源 '%s' 不存在。應具備資源才可部署。",
+ "loc.messages.EncodeNotSupported": "偵測到檔案 %s 的檔案編碼為 %s。檔案編碼 %s 不支援變數替代。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.UnknownFileEncodeError": "無法偵測檔案 %s 的編碼 (typeCode: %s)。支援的編碼為 UTF-8 及 UTF-16 LE。",
+ "loc.messages.ShortFileBufferError": "檔案緩衝區太短而無法偵測編碼類型: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 App Service 組態詳細資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedAzureRMWebAppConfigDetails": "已成功更新 App Service 組態詳細資料",
+ "loc.messages.RequestedURLforkuduphysicalpath": "Kudu 實體路徑的要求 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Physicalpathalreadyexists": "實體路徑 '%s' 已存在",
+ "loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "已成功建立 Kudu 實體路徑: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "無法建立 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤 : %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "無法檢查 Kudu 實體路徑。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "虛擬應用程式不存在: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONParseError": "無法剖析 JSON 檔案: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用 JSON 變數替代。",
+ "loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "已成功套用替代的 XML 變數。",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKudu": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.failedtoUploadFileToKuduError": "無法將檔案 %s 上傳到 Kudu (%s)。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExecuteScriptOnKudu": "正在於 Kudu 服務上執行指定的指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKuduError": "無法在 Kudu 服務上執行指令碼。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToRunScriptOnKudu": "無法在 Kudu 上執行指令碼: %s。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduSuccess": "已成功在 Kudu 上執行指令碼。",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptExecutionOnKuduFailed": "執行的指令碼傳回了下列傳回碼: '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKudu": "無法從 Kudu (%s) 刪除檔案 %s。狀態碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedtoDeleteFileFromKuduError": "無法從下列 Kudu 刪除檔案 %s: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptFileNotFound": "找不到指令碼檔案 '%s'。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidScriptFile": "提供的指令檔 '%s' 無效。有效的副檔名為 .bat 與 .cmd (Windows),以及 .sh (Linux)",
+ "loc.messages.RetryForTimeoutIssue": "因為逾時,導致指令碼執行失敗。請重試。",
+ "loc.messages.stdoutFromScript": "指令碼的標準輸出:",
+ "loc.messages.stderrFromScript": "指令碼的標準錯誤:",
+ "loc.messages.WebConfigAlreadyExists": "已有 web.config 檔案。未產生任何檔案。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyGeneratedWebConfig": "已成功產生 web.config 檔案",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGenerateWebConfig": "無法產生 web.config。%s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContent": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。狀態碼: %s (%s)",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetKuduFileContentError": "無法取得檔案內容: %s。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ScriptStatusTimeout": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。",
+ "loc.messages.PollingForFileTimeOut": "因為逾時,所以無法擷取指令碼狀態。您可以將 'appservicedeploy.retrytimeout' 變數設定為所需的分鐘數來提高逾時限制。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPollOption": "提供的輪詢選項無效: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.MissingAppTypeWebConfigParameters": "Web.config 參數中缺少屬性 '-appType'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask'、'node' 和 'Go'。
假如是 Python Bottle 架構,即為 '-appType python_Bottle' (不含括號)。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoDetectDjangoSettingsFailed": "偵測不到 DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE 'settings.py' 檔案路徑。請確定 'settings.py' 檔案存在,或依下列格式在 Web.config 參數輸入中提供正確的路徑: '-DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE <資料夾名稱>.settings'",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformation": "無法對指定的套件套用轉換。請確認下列事項。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason1": "1. 是否已對建置期間由 MSBuild 產生的套件套用轉換。若已套用,請移除 csproj 檔案中每項設定的 標記,然後重建。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToApplyTransformationReason2": "2. 確認組態檔與轉換檔皆位於套件內的同一個資料夾中。",
+ "loc.messages.AutoParameterizationMessage": "根據預設,Web.config 中的 ConnectionString 屬性已經過參數化。請注意,轉換對 connectionString 屬性無效,因為 'Parameters.xml' 或 'SetParameters.xml' 檔案已於部署期間覆寫該值。您可在產生 MSBuild 套件期間設定 /p:AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings=False,停用自動參數化。",
+ "loc.messages.UnsupportedAppType": "產生 Web.config 時不支援應用程式類型 '%s'。'-appType' 的有效值為: 'python_Bottle'、'python_Django'、'python_Flask' 與 'node'",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchAuthorityURL": "無法擷取授權單位 URL。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToFetchActiveDirectory": "無法擷取 Active Directory 資源識別碼。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "已成功更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateRuntimeStackAndStartupCommand": "無法更新執行階段堆疊與啟動命令。錯誤: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyUpdatedWebAppSettings": "已成功更新應用程式設定。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "無法更新應用程式設定。錯誤: %s。",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法擷取 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "無法更新 AzureRM WebApp 中繼資料。錯誤碼: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "無法擷取 Azure Container Registry 認證。[狀態碼: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "無法讀取回應主體。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "無法更新 WebApp 組態詳細資料。StatusCode: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "正在新增 Application Insights 資源 '%s' 的版本註釋",
+ "loc.messages.SuccessfullyAddedReleaseAnnotation": "已成功將版本註釋新增至 Application Insights: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingReleaseAnnotation": "無法新增版本註釋。%s",
+ "loc.messages.RenameLockedFilesEnabled": "將為 App Service 啟用的已鎖定檔案重新命名。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToEnableRenameLockedFiles": "無法允許已鎖定重新命名的檔案。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.WebJobsInProgressIssue": "有幾個處於執行狀態的 WebJob 導致部署無法移除檔案。您可以在部署前停用 [移除目的地的其他檔案] 選項或停止連續的作業。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToFetchKuduAppSettings": "無法擷取 Kudu 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToCreatePath": "無法從 Kudu 建立路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFile": "無法從 Kudu 刪除檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToDeleteFolder": "無法從 Kudu 刪除資料夾 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUploadFile": "無法從 Kudu 上傳檔案 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetFileContent": "無法從 Kudu 取得檔案內容 '%s/%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToListPath": "無法從 Kudu 列出路徑 '%s'。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryToDeploy": "正在重試部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceDetails": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 詳細資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingProfile": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行設定檔。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceMetadata": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceMetadata": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 中繼資料。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToPatchAppServiceConfiguration": "無法修補 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 組態。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "無法擷取 App Service '%s' 發行認證。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法取得 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "無法更新 App Service '%s' 應用程式設定。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 組態設定。資料: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "已更新 App Service 組態設定。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "正在更新 App Service 應用程式設定。資料: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新 App Service 應用程式設定與 Kudu 應用程式設定。",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedOnlyAppServiceApplicationSettings": "已更新應用程式服務應用程式設定。",
+ "loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "找到 App Service '%s' 的多個資源群組。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "使用 ZIP Deploy 的套件部署失敗。如需詳細資料,請查看記錄。",
+ "loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "已起始使用 ZIP Deploy 部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.WarPackageDeploymentInitiated": "已開始使用 WAR Deploy 部署套件。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetDeploymentLogs": "無法取得部署記錄。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.GoExeNameNotPresent": "沒有 Go 可執行檔的名稱",
+ "loc.messages.WarDeploymentRetry": "因為 war 檔案稍早未成功展開,所以正在重試其部署。",
+ "loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "請確定電腦目前使用 TLS 1.2 通訊協定或更高的版本。請查看 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2,以取得如何於您的電腦上啟用 TLS 的詳細資訊。",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.XmlParsingFailed": "無法剖析 publishProfileXML 檔案,錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.PropertyDoesntExistPublishProfile": "[%s] 屬性不存在於發行設定檔中",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidConnectionType": "服務連線類型無效",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidImageSourceType": "映像來源類型無效",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidPublishProfile": "發行設定檔的檔案無效。",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數設為 true 值",
+ "loc.messages.ZipDeployLogsURL": "可於 %s 檢視 Zip 部署記錄",
+ "loc.messages.DeployLogsURL": "在 %s 可檢視部署記錄檔",
+ "loc.messages.AppServiceApplicationURL": "App Service 應用程式 URL: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "若要在 App Service 中使用憑證,該憑證必須經過信任的憑證授權單位所簽署。若您的 Web 應用程式顯示憑證驗證錯誤,可能是您使用了自我簽署憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在 Web 部署選項的其他引數中傳遞 -allowUntrusted。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "無法取得資源類型 '%s' 和資源名稱 '%s' 的資源識別碼。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.JarPathNotPresent": "沒有 Java 的 jar 路徑",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "無法更新 Application Insights '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidDockerImageName": "提供的 Docker 中樞映像名稱無效。",
+ "loc.messages.MsBuildPackageNotSupported": "不支援部署 msBuild 產生的套件。請變更套件格式或使用 Azure App Service 部署工作。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetStorageAccountDetails": "找不到與此函數應用程式建立關聯的儲存體帳戶。",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToSyncTriggers": "無法同步函數應用程式 '%s' 的觸發程序。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.SyncingFunctionTriggers": "正在同步函數應用程式的觸發程序",
+ "loc.messages.SyncFunctionTriggersSuccess": "已成功完成函數應用程式觸發程序的同步",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedRunFromPackageSettings": "已將 WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE 應用程式設定更新為 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json
index a76b5ad1ec8f..9029da0e4333 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 19
+ "Patch": 20
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json
index 7e7b393e223e..f2b34eb2d018 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionAppV1/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 19
+ "Patch": 20
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.104.1",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 9dceadf9de47..75fc9a75e660 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Funktion aufrufen",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "Rufen Sie eine Azure-Funktion als Teil Ihrer Pipeline auf.",
+ "loc.description": "Azure-Funktion aufrufen",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Funktion: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Erweitert",
"loc.input.label.function": "URL der Azure-Funktion",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 873a40eb1bbf..487bfd23ecf1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Invocar función de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "Invoca una función de Azure como parte de la canalización.",
+ "loc.description": "Invoca una función de Azure.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Función de Azure: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avanzado",
"loc.input.label.function": "Dirección URL de la función de Azure",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 749d652bac07..b1ef52a09bf8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Appeler la fonction Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "Appelez une fonction Azure dans le cadre de votre pipeline.",
+ "loc.description": "Appeler une fonction Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Fonction Azure : $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avancé",
"loc.input.label.function": "URL de fonction Azure",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 0206883c8efc..f46f153d6a7d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Richiama funzione di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "Richiama una funzione di Azure come parte della pipeline.",
+ "loc.description": "Richiama una funzione di Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Funzione di Azure: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Avanzate",
"loc.input.label.function": "URL della funzione di Azure",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index be0088bfdaae..db0f419b4abd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 関数の呼び出し",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "パイプラインの一部として Azure 関数を呼び出します。",
+ "loc.description": "Azure 関数を呼び出します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 関数: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "詳細設定",
"loc.input.label.function": "Azure 関数 URL",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 06a3860eb98b..d8f1de46d406 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 함수 호출",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "파이프라인의 일부로 Azure 함수를 호출합니다.",
+ "loc.description": "Azure 함수를 호출합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 함수: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "고급",
"loc.input.label.function": "Azure 함수 URL",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 6570384b42ae..bf9d56dbe3b2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Вызов функции Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "Вызовите функцию Azure в рамках конвейера.",
+ "loc.description": "Вызов функции Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Функция Azure: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "Дополнительно",
"loc.input.label.function": "URL-адрес функции Azure",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index a6954844f95f..fd1106eff6c8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "调用 Azure 函数",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "调用 Azure 函数作为管道的一部分。",
+ "loc.description": "调用 Azure Function",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函数: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "高级",
"loc.input.label.function": "Azure 函数 URL",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 087b641f16f9..d8780519275e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "叫用 Azure 函式",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870235)",
- "loc.description": "在管線之中叫用 Azure 函式。",
+ "loc.description": "叫用 Azure 函式",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 函式: $(function)",
"loc.group.displayName.completionOptions": "進階",
"loc.input.label.function": "Azure 函式 URL",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json
index c2f7d60f6325..e2212b8628eb 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 9
+ "Patch": 10
"instanceNameFormat": "Azure Function: $(function)",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json
index afb0d95f2930..ca83230a0760 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureFunctionV1/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 9
+ "Patch": 10
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebdc80785c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Hilfe erhalten Sie in der [Dokumentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs).",
+ "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge-Image erstellen und bereitstellen",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge – $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Erweitert",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Erweitert",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "Aktion",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Wählen Sie eine Azure IoT Edge-Aktion aus.\n Über **Modulimages erstellen** werden nur Module erstellt (Sie können diese Option zum Überprüfen auf Kompilierungsfehler verwenden).\n Mit **Modulimages mithilfe von Push übertragen** werden Module mithilfe von Push in die Containerregistrierung übertragen.\n Über **Auf IoT Edge-Geräten bereitstellen** wird die generierte Bereitstellungsdatei in IoT Hub bereitgestellt. (Es wird empfohlen, die Aufgabe **Bereitstellen** in der Releasepipeline zu platzieren.)",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Bereitstellungsdatei",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Wählen Sie die JSON-Bereitstellungsdatei aus.\n Wenn diese Aufgabe in **Releasepipeline** enthalten ist, müssen Sie den Speicherort der Bereitstellungsdatei im Artefakt festlegen. (Der Standardwert funktioniert für die meisten Bedingungen).\n Wenn diese Aufgabe in **Buildpipeline** vorhanden ist, müssen Sie sie auf den Pfad in **Pfad der Ausgabebereitstellungsdatei** festlegen.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement enthält IoT-Hub",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein **Azure-Abonnement** aus, das einen IoT-Hub enthält.",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Name des IoT-Hubs",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Wählen Sie den **IoT-Hub** aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID der IoT Edge-Bereitstellung",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Geben Sie die **ID der IoT Edge-Bereitstellung** ein. Ist eine ID vorhanden, wird sie überschrieben.\n Bis zu 128 Kleinbuchstaben, Ziffern und die folgenden Zeichen sind zulässig: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorität für IoT Edge-Bereitstellung",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "Legen Sie die **Priorität** auf eine positive Ganzzahl fest, um Bereitstellungskonflikte zu lösen: Wenn für mehrere Bereitstellungen dasselbe Gerät als Ziel konfiguriert ist, verwendet das Gerät die Bereitstellung mit der höchsten Priorität oder (im Falle von zwei Bereitstellungen mit derselben Priorität) dem späteren Erstellungszeitpunkt.\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Einzelgerät/mehrere Geräte auswählen",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Wählen Sie diese Option aus, um eine Bereitstellung (nach Tags) auf einem oder mehreren Geräten durchzuführen.",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID des IoT Edge-Geräts",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Geben Sie die **Geräte-ID** für IoT Edge ein.",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Zielbedingung für IoT Edge-Gerät",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Geben Sie die **Zielbedingung** für Geräte ein, die Sie bereitstellen möchten. Verwenden Sie keine doppelten Anführungszeichen. Beispiel: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Erfahren Sie mehr über die [Azure IoT Edge-Bereitstellung](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment).",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Containerregistrierungstyp",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Wählen Sie einen **Containerregistrierungstyp** aus.\n **Azure Container Registry** für ACR und **Generische Containerregistrierung** für generische Registrierungen einschließlich Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker-Registrierungsverbindung",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Wählen Sie eine generische **Verbindung mit Docker-Registrierung** aus. Erforderlich für **Erstellen und mithilfe von Push übertragen**.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure-Abonnement",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Wählen Sie ein Azure-Abonnement aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Wählen Sie eine Azure Container Registry-Instanz aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json-Datei",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Der Pfad der Azure IoT Edge-Projektmappe **.template.json**. Diese Datei definiert die Module und Routen in der Azure IoT Edge-Projektmappe, der Dateiname muss auf **.template.json** enden.",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Standardplattform",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "In Ihrer **.template.json** müssen Sie keine Modulplattform angeben. Für diese Module wird die **Standardplattform** verwendet.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen zum Bereitstellungsmanifest hinzufügen",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Fügen Sie Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen hinzu, um mithilfe von Push Docker-Images in das Bereitstellungsmanifest zu übertragen.",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Module für Umgehung",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Wählen Sie die Module aus, die Sie **NICHT** zum Erstellen (oder zur Übertragung mithilfe von Push) in der .template.json-Datei benötigen, geben Sie Modulnamen an, und trennen Sie diese durch Kommas.\n Beispiel: Wenn Sie über 2 Module **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in Ihrer .template.json-Datei verfügen und nur **SampleModule1\" erstellen oder mithilfe von Push übertragen möchten, dann legen Sie die zu umgehenden Module auf **SampleModule2** fest. Lassen Sie diese Einstellung leer, wenn Sie alle Module in der .template.json-Datei erstellen möchten.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Modulimages werden erstellt...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Die Erstellung der Modulimages wurde abgeschlossen.",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Modulimages werden mithilfe von Push übertragen...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Der Vorgang zum Übertragen der Modulimages mithilfe von Push wurde abgeschlossen.",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Bereitstellung starten...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Bereitstellung abgeschlossen",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Die generierte Bereitstellungsdatei befindet sich im Pfad \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Die Registrierungsanmeldeinformationen in der Bereitstellungsdatei werden erweitert...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Anmeldeinformationen ersetzen: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Wird die Bereitstellungsaufgabe in der Buildpipeline ausgeführt? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Es wird überprüft, ob die folgende Datei eine gültige JSON-Datei ist: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "Ungültig",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "Gültig",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "ID der normalisierten Bereitstellung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s ist bereits mit Version %s installiert.",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s wurde mit folgender Version erstellt: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Fehler bei der %s-Installation, siehe ausführliche Fehlerinformationen im Debugmodus.",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Der Pfad der Vorlagendatei ist ungültig: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Fehler beim Abrufen des Authentifizierungstokens für die Containerregistrierung. Überprüfen Sie die Einstellung für die Containerregistrierung in der Buildaufgabe. Das Token lautet \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Die Bereitstellungsdatei wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad der Bereitstellungsdatei ordnungsgemäß in der Aufgabe festgelegt ist.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Es wurde keine gültige Bereitstellungsdatei gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Pfad der Bereitstellungsdatei ordnungsgemäß in der Aufgabe festgelegt ist.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK nicht gefunden.",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Der Stammpfad \"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden.",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION ist auf TRUE festgelegt, die Überprüfung des Modulimages wird übersprungen.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Fehler bei der Anmeldung von \"%s\" mit den angegebenen Anmeldeinformationen. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "\"%s\" ist nicht vorhanden, oder die Anmeldeinformationen sind nicht ordnungsgemäß festgelegt. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Generieren des Bereitstellungsmanifests starten...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Der Generierungsvorgang für das Bereitstellungsmanifest wurde abgeschlossen."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec9514ec11d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Visite la [documentación](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) para obtener ayuda",
+ "loc.description": "Compila e implementa una imagen de Azure IoT Edge.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge: $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avanzado",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avanzado",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "Acción",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Seleccione una acción de Azure IoT Edge.\n **Build module images** solo compilará los módulos (puede usar esta opción para comprobar un error de compilación).\n **Push module images** insertará los módulos en el registro del contenedor.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** aplicará el archivo de implementación generado en IoT Hub. (Se recomienda incluir la tarea **Implementar** en la canalización de versión).",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Archivo de implementación",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Seleccione el archivo JSON de implementación.\n Si esta tarea está en la **canalización de versión**, debe establecer la ubicación del archivo de implementación en el artefacto (el valor predeterminado funciona en la mayoría de los casos).\n Si la tarea está en la **canalización de compilación**, debe establecerla en la **ruta de acceso del archivo de implementación de salida**.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "La suscripción de Azure incluye IoT Hub",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccionar una **Suscripción de Azure** que contenga IoT Hub",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nombre de IoT Hub",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Seleccionar **IoT Hub**",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "Identificador de implementación de IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Especifique el **Identificador de implementación de IoT Edge**; si existe un identificador, este se sobrescribirá.\n Se permiten hasta 128 letras minúsculas, números y los caracteres siguientes: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "Prioridad de implementación de IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "Establezca la **prioridad** en un número entero positivo para resolver conflictos de implementación: cuando varias implementaciones sean el destino de un dispositivo, se usará la que tenga la prioridad más alta o, en caso de haber dos implementaciones con la misma prioridad, la que tenga la hora de creación más reciente.\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Elegir uno o varios dispositivos",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Elegir la implementación en uno o varios dispositivos (por etiquetas)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "Identificador de dispositivo IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Escribir el **identificador de dispositivo** IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condición de destino del dispositivo IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Especifique la **condición de destino** de los dispositivos que quiere implementar. No use comillas dobles; por ejemplo, **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Consulte aquí más información sobre la [implementación de Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo de registro de contenedor",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Seleccione un **Tipo de Container Registry**.\n **Azure Container Registry** para ACR y **Generic Container Registry** para registros genéricos que incluyen Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Conexión de registro de Docker",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Seleccione una **Conexión de registro de Docker** genérica. Requerido para **Build and Push**.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Seleccionar una instancia de **Azure Container Registry**",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Archivo .template.json",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Ruta de acceso de la solución Azure IoT Edge **.template.json**. Este archivo define los módulos y las rutas de la solución Azure IoT Edge; el nombre del archivo debe terminar con **.template.json**",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Plataforma predeterminada",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "En el archivo **.template.json**, puede dejar sin especificar la plataforma de módulos. Para estos módulos se usará la **plataforma predeterminada**.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Agregar credenciales del registro al manifiesto de implementación",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Agregar credenciales del registro para insertar imágenes de Docker al manifiesto de implementación",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Omitir módulos",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Seleccione los módulos que **NO** es necesario compilar o insertar en .template.json, especifique los nombres de módulo y sepárelos con comas.\n Ejemplo: Si tiene dos módulos (**MóduloEjemplo1,MóduloEjemplo2**) en .template.json pero solo quiere compilar o insertar **MóduloEjemplo1**, establezca **MóduloEjemplo2** en la opción para omitir módulos. Déjelo en blanco si quiere compilar todos los módulos de .template.json.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Compilando imágenes del módulo...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "La compilación de las imágenes del módulo ha finalizado.",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Insertando las imágenes del módulo...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "La inserción de las imágenes del módulo ha finalizado.",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Comenzar la implementación...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "La implementación ha finalizado.",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "El archivo de implementación generado se encuentra en la ruta de acceso %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expandiendo las credenciales del registro en el archivo de implementación...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Reemplazar las credenciales: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "¿Se está ejecutando la tarea de implementación en la canalización de compilación? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Comprobando si el siguiente es un archivo JSON válido: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "No válido",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "Válido",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "El identificador de implementación normalizado es %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s ya se ha instalado con la versión %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s se instaló con la versión %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Error en la instalación de %s. Consulte el error detallado en el modo de depuración.",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "La ruta de acceso del archivo de plantilla no es válida: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "No se pudo capturar el token de autenticación del registro de contenedor. Compruebe la configuración del registro del contenedor en la tarea de compilación. El token es %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "No se encuentra el archivo de implementación. Asegúrese de que la ruta de acceso de dicho archivo se ha establecido correctamente en la tarea.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "No se encuentra un archivo de implementación válido. Asegúrese de que la ruta de acceso del archivo de implementación se ha establecido correctamente en la tarea.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "No se ha encontrado ninguna instancia de Azure SDK.",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "La ruta de acceso raíz %s no existe.",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION se ha establecido en true; se omite la validación de la imagen del módulo.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "No se pudo iniciar sesión en %s con las credenciales proporcionadas. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s no existe o la credencial no se ha establecido correctamente. Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Comenzar a generar el manifiesto de implementación...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "La generación del manifiesto de implementación ha finalizado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..708368721960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Pour obtenir de l'aide, consultez la [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)",
+ "loc.description": "Générer et déployer une image Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avancé",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avancé",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "Action",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Sélectionnez une action Azure IoT Edge.\n **Générer des images de module** permet uniquement de générer des modules (vous pouvez l'utiliser pour vérifier une erreur de compilation).\n **Envoyer (push) des images de module** permet d'envoyer des modules vers un registre de conteneurs.\n **Déployer sur des appareils IoT Edge** permet de déployer le fichier de déploiement généré sur IoT Hub. (Nous recommandons de placer la tâche **Déployer** dans le pipeline de mise en production).",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Fichier de déploiement",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Sélectionnez le fichier JSON de déploiement.\n Si cette tâche se trouve dans le **pipeline de mise en production**, vous devez définir l'emplacement du fichier de déploiement dans l'artefact. (La valeur par défaut convient pour la plupart des situations).\n Si cette tâche se trouve dans le **pipeline de build**, vous devez lui affecter le **chemin du fichier de déploiement de sortie**.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "L'abonnement Azure contient IoT Hub",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un **abonnement Azure** qui contient IoT Hub",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nom du hub IoT",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Sélectionnez le **hub IoT**",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID de déploiement IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Entrez l'**ID de déploiement IoT Edge**. Si un ID existe déjà, il est substitué.\n Vous pouvez entrer jusqu'à 128 caractères, notamment des lettres minuscules, des chiffres ainsi que les caractères [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorité de déploiement IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "Définissez la **priorité** à l'aide d'un entier positif pour résoudre les conflits de déploiement : quand un appareil est ciblé par plusieurs déploiements, il utilise celui qui a la priorité la plus élevée ou (si deux déploiements ont la même priorité) celui dont l'heure de création est la plus récente.\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Choisir un ou plusieurs appareils",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Choisir d'effectuer le déploiement sur un ou plusieurs (par étiquettes) appareils",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID d'appareil IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Entrez l'**ID d'appareil** IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condition cible de l'appareil IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Entrez la **condition cible** des appareils à déployer. N'utilisez pas de guillemets. Exemple : **tags.building=9 et tags.environment='test'**.\n Consultez les informations supplémentaires relatives au [déploiement Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Type de registre de conteneurs",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Sélectionnez un **type de registre de conteneurs**.\n **Azure Container Registry** pour ACR et **Registre de conteneurs générique** pour les registres génériques, notamment Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connexion au registre Docker",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Sélectionnez une **connexion au registre Docker** générique. Obligatoire pour **Générer et envoyer (push)**.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Sélectionnez un **registre de conteneurs Azure**",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Fichier .template.json",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Chemin du fichier **.template.json** de la solution Azure IoT Edge. Ce fichier définit les modules et les routes de la solution Azure IoT Edge. Le nom de fichier doit finir par **.template.json**",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Plateforme par défaut",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "Dans le fichier **.template.json**, vous pouvez laisser la plateforme de modules non spécifiée. Pour ces modules, la plateforme **par défaut** est utilisée.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Ajouter les informations d'identification du registre au manifeste de déploiement",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Ajouter les informations d'identification de registre pour l'envoi (push) d'images Docker au manifeste de déploiement",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Ignorer le ou les modules",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Sélectionnez le ou les modules que vous **N'AVEZ PAS** besoin de générer (ou d'envoyer) dans le fichier .template.json. Spécifiez les noms de modules en les séparant par des virgules.\n Exemple : Si vous avez 2 modules **ExempleModule1,ExempleModule2** dans votre fichier .template.json, et si vous souhaitez simplement générer ou envoyer (push) **ExempleModule1**, définissez **ExempleModule2** en tant que module à ignorer. N'indiquez rien si vous souhaitez générer tous les modules dans le fichier .template.json.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Génération des images de module...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Fin de la génération des images de module",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Envoi (push) des images de module...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Fin de l'envoi (push) des images de module",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Début du déploiement...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Fin du déploiement",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Le fichier de déploiement généré est situé dans le chemin : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Développement des informations d'identification de registre dans le fichier de déploiement...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Remplacer les informations d'identification : %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "La tâche de déploiement est en cours d'exécution dans le pipeline de build %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Vérification de la validité du fichier JSON suivant : %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "Non valide",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "Valide",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "ID de déploiement normalisé : %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s déjà installé avec la version %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installé avec la version %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Échec de l'installation de %s. Consultez l'erreur détaillée en mode débogage",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Le chemin du fichier de modèle est non valide : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Échec de la récupération (fetch) du jeton d'authentification du registre de conteneurs. Vérifiez le paramètre du registre de conteneurs dans la tâche de build. Le jeton est %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Le fichier de déploiement est introuvable. Vérifiez que le chemin du fichier de déploiement est correctement défini dans la tâche.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Impossible de localiser un fichier de déploiement valide. Vérifiez que le chemin du fichier de déploiement est correctement défini dans la tâche.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Kit Azure SDK introuvable",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Le chemin racine %s n'existe pas",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION a la valeur true. Validation de l'image de module ignorée.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Échec de la connexion %s avec les informations d'identification fournies. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s n'existe pas, ou les informations d'identification ne sont pas définies correctement. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Début de la génération du manifeste de déploiement...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Fin de la génération du manifeste de déploiement."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a78041c853c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Per informazioni, vedere la [documentazione](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)",
+ "loc.description": "Compila e distribuisce un'immagine Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Avanzate",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Avanzate",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "Azione",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Selezionare un'azione di Azure IoT Edge.\n L'opzione **Compila immagini del modulo** consente solo di compilare moduli. È possibile usarla per verificare gli errori di compilazione.\n L'opzione **Esegui push delle immagini del modulo** consente di eseguire il push dei moduli nel registro contenitori.\n L'opzione **Distribuisci in dispositivi IoT Edge** consente di distribuire il file di distribuzione generato nell'hub IoT. È consigliabile inserire l'attività **Compilazione** nella pipeline di versione.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "File di distribuzione",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Selezionare il file JSON di distribuzione.\n Se questa attività è inclusa nella **pipeline di versione**, è necessario impostare il percorso del file di distribuzione nell'artefatto. Nella maggior parte dei casi è sufficiente il valore predefinito.\n Se questa attività è inclusa nella **pipeline di compilazione**, è necessario impostarla sul percorso indicato in **Percorso del file di distribuzione di output**.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "La sottoscrizione di Azure contiene l'hub IoT",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Selezionare una **sottoscrizione di Azure** che contiene l'hub IoT",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Nome dell'hub IoT",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Selezionare l'**hub IoT**",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "ID distribuzione di IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Inserire l'**ID distribuzione di IoT Edge**. L'eventuale ID esistente verrà sovrascritto.\n Sono consentiti fino a 128 caratteri, tra lettere minuscole, numeri e i caratteri seguenti: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "Priorità di distribuzione di IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "Impostare la **priorità** su un numero intero positivo per risolvere i conflitti di destinazione: se incluso in più distribuzioni, un dispositivo di destinazione userà quella con priorità superiore oppure, in caso di due distribuzioni con la stessa priorità, l'ora di creazione più recente.\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Scegli un dispositivo singolo/multiplo",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Scegliere se eseguire la distribuzione in dispositivi singoli o multipli (in base ai tag)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "ID dispositivo di IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Inserire l'**ID dispositivo** di IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Condizione di destinazione del dispositivo di IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Inserire la **condizione di destinazione** dei dispositivi che si vogliono distribuire. Non usare le virgolette doppie. Esempio: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Altre informazioni sulla [distribuzione di Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Tipo di registro contenitori",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Selezionare un **tipo di Registro Container**.\n **Registro Azure Container** per Registro Azure Container e **Registro Container generico** per i registri generici che includono l'hub Docker.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Connessione a registro Docker",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Selezionare una **connessione al registro Docker** generica. È obbligatorio per **Compila ed esegui push**.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Registro contenitori di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Selezionare un'istanza di **Registro Azure Container**",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "File .template.json",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Percorso del file **.template.json** della soluzione Azure IoT Edge. Questo file definisce i moduli e le route nella soluzione Azure IoT Edge. Il nome file deve terminare con **.template.json**",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Piattaforma predefinita",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "Nel file **.template.json** è possibile non specificare la piattaforma dei moduli. Per questi moduli verrà usata la **piattaforma predefinita**.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Aggiungi credenziali del registro al manifesto della distribuzione",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Consente di aggiungere le credenziali del registro per il push delle immagini Docker al manifesto della distribuzione",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Modulo/i di bypass",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Selezionare i moduli che **NON** è necessario compilare o di cui non eseguire il push nel file .template.json. Specificare i nomi di modulo e separarli con la virgola.\n Esempio: se sono presenti due moduli **ModuloEsempio1,ModuloEsempio2** nel file .template.json e si vuole solo compilare o eseguire il push di **ModuloEsempio1**, è necessario impostare i moduli di bypass come **ModuloEsempio2**. Lasciare vuoto se si vogliono compilare tutti i moduli nel file .template.json.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Compilazione delle immagini del modulo...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "La compilazione delle immagini del modulo è stata completata",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Push delle immagini del modulo...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Il push delle immagini del modulo è stato completato",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Avvia distribuzione...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Distribuzione completata",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Il file di distribuzione generato è disponibile nel percorso: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Espansione delle credenziali del registro nel file di distribuzione...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Sostituire le credenziali: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "L'attività di distribuzione è in esecuzione nella pipeline di compilazione? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Verifica della validità del file JSON seguente: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "Non valido",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "Valido",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "L'ID distribuzione normalizzato è: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s è già installato con la versione: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s è stato installato con la versione: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "L'installazione di %s non è riuscita. Vedere l'errore dettagliato nella modalità di debug",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Il percorso del file modello non è valido: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di autenticazione del registro contenitori. Verificare l'impostazione del registro contenitori nell'attività di compilazione. Il token è %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare il file di distribuzione. Verificare che il percorso del file di distribuzione sia impostato correttamente nell'attività.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Non è possibile trovare un file di distribuzione valido. Verificare che il percorso del file di distribuzione sia impostato correttamente nell'attività.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK non trovato",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Il percorso radice %s non esiste",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION è impostato su true. La convalida delle immagini del modulo verrà ignorata.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Non è stato possibile accedere a %s con le credenziali specificate. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s non esiste oppure le credenziali non sono impostate correttamente. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Avvia generazione del manifesto della distribuzione...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "La generazione del manifesto della distribuzione è stata completata."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..199edc19ad86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "ヘルプについては、[ドキュメント](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)を参照してください",
+ "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge イメージのビルドとデプロイ",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "詳細設定",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "詳細設定",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "アクション",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Azure IoT Edge アクションを選択します。\n **[モジュール イメージのビルド]** を選択すると、モジュールのみがビルドされます (これは、コンパイル エラーのチェックに使用できます)。\n **[モジュール イメージのプッシュ]** を選択すると、モジュールがコンテナー レジストリにプッシュされます。\n **[IoT Edge デバイスにデプロイする]** を選択すると、生成されたデプロイ ファイルが IoT Hub にデプロイされます (**デプロイ** タスクをリリース パイプラインに入れることをお勧めします)。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "配置ファイル",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "配置 json ファイルを選択します。\n このタスクが **リリース パイプライン** にある場合、成果物の配置ファイルの場所を設定する必要があります。(既定値はほとんどの条件で機能します)。\n このタスクが **ビルド パイプライン** にある場合は、**出力配置ファイルのパス** のパスに設定する必要があります。",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプションに IoT Hub が含まれています",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "IoT Hub を含む **Azure サブスクリプション** を選択します",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT ハブ名",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "**IoT Hub** を選択します",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge デプロイ ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "**IoT Edge デプロイ ID** を入力してください。ID が存在する場合はオーバーライドされます。\n最大 128 の小文字、数字、および次の文字を使用できます [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n詳細については、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください。",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge デプロイの優先順位",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "デプロイの競合を解決するには、**優先度** を正の整数に設定します。複数のデプロイをターゲットにしている場合、デバイスは最も優先度の高いもの、または (同じ優先度を持つ 2 つのデプロイの場合は) 作成時間が最も新しいものを使用します。\n詳しくは、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "1 つまたは複数のデバイスを選択する",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "1 つまたは複数 (タグ別) のデバイスへの配置を選択する",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge デバイス ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "IoT Edge **デバイス ID** の入力",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge デバイス ターゲットの条件",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "デプロイするデバイスの **ターゲット条件** を入力します。二重引用符は使用しないでください。例: **tags.building=9 および tags.environment='test'**。\n詳細については、[Azure IoT Edge のデプロイ](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)に関するページをご確認ください。",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "コンテナー レジストリの種類",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "**コンテナー レジストリの種類** を選択します。\n ACR の場合は **[Azure Container Registry]**、Docker ハブを含むジェネリック レジストリの場合は **[ジェネリック コンテナー レジストリ]**。",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker レジストリ接続",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "汎用の **Docker レジストリ接続** を選択します。**ビルドおよびプッシュ** するのに必要です。",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure サブスクリプション",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure サブスクリプションを選択します",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "**[Azure Container Registry]** を選択します",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json ファイル",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge ソリューション **.template.json** のパス。このファイルは Azure IoT Edge ソリューションのモジュールとルートを定義します。このファイル名は **.template.json** で終わる必要があります。",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "既定のプラットフォーム",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "**.template.json** では、モジュール プラットフォームを未指定のままにすることができます。これらのモジュールでは、**既定のプラットフォーム** が使用されます。",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "レジストリ資格情報を配置マニフェストに追加します",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "配置マニフェストに Docker イメージをプッシュするためのレジストリ資格情報を追加します",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "バイパス モジュール",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": ".template.json でビルド (またはプッシュ) する必要が **ない** モジュールを選択し、モジュール名を指定して、コンマで区切ります。\n 例: .template.json に 2 つのモジュール **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** があり、**SampleModule1** のみをビルドまたはプッシュする場合、バイパス モジュールを **SampleModule2** として設定します。すべてのモジュールを .template.json にビルドする場合は、空のままにします。",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "モジュール イメージをビルドしています...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "モジュール イメージの構築が完了しました",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "モジュール イメージをプッシュしています...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "モジュール イメージのプッシュが完了しました",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "配置を開始します...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "配置が完了しました",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "生成された配置ファイルは次のパスにあります: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "配置ファイルのレジストリ資格情報を展開しています...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "資格情報の置換: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "ビルド パイプラインで配置タスクが実行されていますか? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "次のファイルが有効な json であるかどうかを確認しています: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "無効",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "有効",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "正規化された配置 ID: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s は既に次のバージョンでインストールされています: %s ",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s は次のバージョンでインストールされました: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s のインストールに失敗しました。デバッグ モードでエラーの詳細を確認してください",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "テンプレート ファイルのパスが無効です: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "コンテナー レジストリ認証トークンをフェッチできませんでした。ビルド タスクのコンテナー レジストリ設定を確認してください。トークンは %s です",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "配置ファイルが見つかりません。タスクで配置ファイルのパスが正しく設定されていることを確認してください。",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "有効な配置ファイルが見つかりません。タスクで配置ファイルのパスが正しく設定されていることを確認してください。",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK が見つかりません",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "ルート パス %s が存在しません",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION が true に設定されています。モジュール イメージの検証をスキップしています。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "指定された資格情報で %s にログインできませんでした。%s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s が存在しないか、資格情報が正しく設定されていません。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "配置マニフェストの生成を開始します...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "配置マニフェストの生成が完了しました。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9dc448349dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "도움말을 보려면 [문서](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)를 참조하세요.",
+ "loc.description": "Azure IoT Edge 이미지를 빌드 및 배포합니다.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "고급",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "고급",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "작업",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Azure IoT Edge 작업을 선택합니다.\n **모듈 빌드 이미지**는 모듈만 빌드합니다(컴파일 오류를 확인하는 데 사용할 수 있음).\n **모듈 푸시 이미지**는 모듈을 컨테이너 레지스트리에 푸시합니다.\n **IoT Edge 디바이스에 배포**는 생성된 배포 파일을 IoT Hub에 배포합니다. **배포** 작업을 릴리스 파이프라인에 배치하는 것이 좋습니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "배포 파일",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "배포 json 파일을 선택합니다.\n 이 작업이 **릴리스 파이프라인**에 있는 경우, 아티팩트에서 배포 파일의 위치를 설정해야 합니다. 대부분의 조건에서 기본값을 사용해도 됩니다.\n 이 작업이 **빌드 파이프라인**에 있는 경우, **출력 배포 파일 경로**의 경로로 설정해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독에 IoT Hub가 포함되어 있음",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "IoT Hub가 포함된 **Azure 구독**을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT Hub 이름",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "**IoT Hub**를 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 배포 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "**IoT Edge 배포 ID**를 입력합니다. ID가 있으면 재정의됩니다.\n 소문자, 숫자 및 [-:+%_#*?!(),=@;'] 문자를 최대 128자까지 사용할 수 있습니다.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 배포 우선 순위",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "배포 충돌을 해결하려면 **우선 순위**를 양의 정수로 설정: 여러 배포에서 대상으로 지정된 경우, 디바이스는 우선 순위가 가장 높은 배포를 사용하거나 두 배포의 우선 순위가 같으면 만든 시간이 가장 최근인 배포를 사용합니다.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "단일/여러 디바이스 선택",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "단일 디바이스나 태그로 지정된 여러 디바이스에 배포하도록 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 디바이스 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "IoT Edge **디바이스 ID**를 입력합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 디바이스 대상 조건",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "배포할 디바이스의 **대상 조건**을 입력합니다. 큰따옴표를 사용하지 않습니다. 예: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n [Azure IoT Edge 배포](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)에 대한 자세한 정보를 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "컨테이너 레지스트리 유형",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "**컨테이너 레지스트리 유형**을 선택합니다.\n ACR은 **Azure Container Registry**, Docker 허브를 포함한 일반 레지스트리는 **일반 컨테이너 레지스트리**입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 레지스트리 연결",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "일반 **Docker 레지스트리 연결**을 선택합니다. **빌드 및 푸시**에 필요합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 구독",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 구독 선택",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "**Azure Container Registry**를 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 파일",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 솔루션 **.template.json**의 경로입니다. 이 파일은 Azure IoT Edge 솔루션의 모듈과 경로를 정의하며, 파일 이름이 **.template.json**으로 끝나야 합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "기본 플랫폼",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "**.template.json**에서 모듈 플랫폼을 지정되지 않은 상태로 유지할 수 있습니다. 해당 모듈에는 **기본 플랫폼**이 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "배포 매니페스트에 레지스트리 자격 증명 추가",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Docker 이미지를 배포 매니페스트에 푸시하는 데 사용할 레지스트리 자격 증명을 추가합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "무시 모듈",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": ".template.json에서 빌드(또는 푸시)할 필요가 **없는** 모듈을 선택하거나 모듈 이름을 쉼표로 구분하여 지정합니다.\n 예: .template.json에 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**라는 2개의 모듈이 있고 **SampleModule1**만 빌드 또는 푸시하려는 경우, 무시 모듈을 **SampleModule2**로 설정합니다. template. json에 있는 모든 모듈을 빌드하려면 비워 둡니다.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "모듈 이미지를 빌드하는 중...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "모듈 이미지 빌드를 완료했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "모듈 이미지를 푸시하는 중...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "모듈 이미지 푸시를 완료했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "배포를 시작하는 중...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "배포를 완료했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "생성된 배포 파일은 %s 경로에 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "배포 파일의 레지스트리 자격 증명을 확장하는 중...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "자격 증명 바꾸기: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "빌드 파이프라인에서 배포 작업을 실행하고 있습니까? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "%s 파일이 유효한 json인지 확인하는 중",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "잘못됨",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "유효함",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "정규화된 배포 ID: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s이(가) %s 버전과 함께 이미 설치되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s이(가) %s 버전과 함께 설치되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 설치에 실패했습니다. 디버그 모드에서 자세한 오류를 확인하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "템플릿 파일의 경로 %s이(가) 잘못되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "컨테이너 레지스트리 인증 토큰을 페치하지 못했습니다. 빌드 작업의 컨테이너 레지스트리 설정을 확인하세요. 토큰이 %s입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "배포 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 배포 파일의 경로가 작업에 올바르게 설정되었는지 확인하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "유효한 배포 파일을 찾을 수 없습니다. 배포 파일의 경로가 작업에 올바르게 설정되었는지 확인하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK를 찾을 수 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "루트 경로 %s이(가) 없습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION이 true로 설정되었습니다. 모듈 이미지 유효성 검사를 건너뜁니다.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "지정된 자격 증명으로 %s을(를) 로그인하지 못했습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s이(가) 없거나 자격 증명이 제대로 설정되지 않았습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "배포 매니페스트 생성을 시작하는 중...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "배포 매니페스트 생성을 완료했습니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..692c81fe8e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "Для получения справки обратитесь к [документации](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)",
+ "loc.description": "Сборка и развертывание образа Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge — $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "Дополнительно",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "Дополнительно",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "Действие",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "Выберите действие Azure IoT Edge.\n Параметр **Создать образы модулей** только создаст модули (вы можете использовать его для проверки ошибки компиляции).\n Параметр **Отправить образы модулей** отправит модули в реестр контейнеров.\n Параметр **Развернуть на устройствах IoT Edge** развернут созданный файл развертывания в Центре Интернета вещей. (Мы рекомендуем поместить задачу **Развернуть** в конвейер выпуска.)",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "Файл развертывания",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "Выберите JSON-файл развертывания.\n Если задача находится в **конвейере выпуска**, нужно задать расположение файла развертывания в артефакте. (Для большинства случаев подходит значение по умолчанию).\n Если задача находится в **конвейере сборки**, нужно значение параметра **Путь выходного файла развертывания**.",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure содержит Центр Интернета вещей",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите **подписку Azure**, содержащую Центр Интернета вещей",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "Имя центра Интернета вещей",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "Выберите **Центр Интернета вещей**",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "Идентификатор развертывания IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "Введите **Идентификатор развертывания IoT Edge**; если он существует, то будет перезаписан.\n Разрешено использовать до 128 строчных букв, цифр и следующих символов: [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "Приоритет развертывания IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "Для разрешения конфликтов развертывания установите в качестве **приоритета** положительное целое число: в этом случае при наличии нескольких развертываний для одного устройства будет использовано развертывание с наивысшим приоритетом или (при наличии двух развертываний с одинаковым приоритетом) развертывание с более поздним временем создания.\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "Выбрать одно или несколько устройств",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "Выберите для развертывания на одном или нескольких (по тегам) устройствах",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "Идентификатор устройства IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "Введите **идентификатор устройства** IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "Состояние целевого устройства IoT Edge",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "Введите **целевое условие** для устройств, которые нужно развернуть. Не используйте двойные кавычки. Пример: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Вы можете ознакомиться с дополнительными сведениями о [развертывании Azure IoT Edge](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "Тип реестра контейнеров",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "Выберите **Тип реестра контейнеров**.\n **Реестр контейнеров Azure** для записи контроля доступа и **Универсальный реестр контейнеров** для универсальных реестров, включая Docker Hub.",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Подключение к реестру Docker",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Выберите универсальное **Подключение реестра Docker**. Требуется для операции **Сборка и отправка**.",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Подписка Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Выберите подписку Azure",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Реестр контейнеров Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "Выберите **Реестр контейнеров Azure**",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": "Файл .template.json",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Путь для решения Azure IoT Edge **.template.json**. Этот файл определяет модули и маршруты в решении Azure IoT Edge, при этом имя файла должно заканчиваться на **.template.json**",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "Платформа по умолчанию",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "В файле **.template.json** можно оставить платформу модулей неуказанной. Для этих модулей будет использоваться **платформа по умолчанию**.",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "Добавить учетные данные реестра в манифест развертывания",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "Добавление учетных данных реестра для отправки образов Docker в манифест развертывания",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "Обходные модули",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "Выберите модули, которые вам **не нужно** создавать в .template.json (или отправлять туда), укажите имена модулей и разделите их запятыми.\n Пример: если у вас есть 2 модуля **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** в .template.json и вы хотите создать или отправить только **SampleModule1**, задайте обходные модули как **SampleModule2**. Оставьте поле пустым, если хотите создать все модули в .template.json.",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "Создание образов модулей...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "Создание образов модулей завершено",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "Отправка образов модулей...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "Отправка образов модулей завершена",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "Начать развертывание...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "Развертывание завершено",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "Созданный файл развертывания, расположенный по пути: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Расширение учетных данных реестра в файле развертывания...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "Замена учетных данных: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Задача развертывания выполняется в конвейере сборки? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "Проверка того, является ли следующий файл допустимой JSON: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "Недопустимый",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "Допустимый",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "Нормализованный идентификатор развертывания: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s уже установлен с версией: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s установлен с версией: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "Не удалось установить %s, дополнительные сведения см. в режиме отладки",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "Недопустимый путь к файлу шаблона: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Не удалось получить токен проверки подлинности реестра контейнеров, проверьте параметр реестра контейнера в задаче сборки. Токен: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "Не удается найти файл развертывания. Убедитесь, что путь к файлу развертывания задан в задаче правильно.",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Не удается найти допустимый файл развертывания. Убедитесь, что путь к файлу развертывания задан в задаче правильно.",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "Пакет Azure SDK не найден",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "Корневой путь %s не существует",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "Для SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION задано значение true, пропуск проверки образа модуля.",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Не удалось войти в %s с использованием указанных учетных данных. %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s не существует, или учетные данные заданы неправильно. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Запуск создания манифеста развертывания...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Создание манифеста развертывания завершено."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5f8cd69e5047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "请访问[文档](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)获取帮助",
+ "loc.description": "生成并部署 Azure IoT Edge 映像",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "高级",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "高级",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "操作",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "选择 Azure IoT Edge 操作。\n **生成模块映像**将仅生成模块(可使用它检查编译错误)。\n **推送模块映像**会将模块推送到容器注册表。\n **部署到 IoT Edge 设备**会将生成的部署文件部署到 IoT 中心。(建议将**部署**任务置于发布管道)。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "部署文件",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "选择部署 json 文件。\n 如果此任务位于**发布管道**,则需要在项目中设置部署文件的位置。(默认值适用于大多数情况)。\n 如果此任务位于**生成管道**,则需要将其设置到**输出部署文件的路径**路径。",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅包含 IoT 中心",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择包含 IoT 中心的 **Azure 订阅**",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT 中心名称",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "选择 **IoT 中心**",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 部署 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "输入 **IoT Edge 部署 ID**,如果存在 ID,则将重写此 ID。\n 最多允许 128 个小写字母、数字和以下字符[ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)的详细信息",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 部署优先级",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "将**优先级**设置为正整数以解决部署冲突: 当作为多个部署的目标时,设备将使用具有最高优先级或(如果两个部署具有相同优先级)最新创建时间的部署。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署]的详细信息(https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "选择单个/多个设备",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "选择部署到单个或多个(按标记)设备",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 设备 ID",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "输入 IoT Edge **设备 ID**",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 设备目标条件",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "输入要部署的设备的**目标条件**。不要使用双引号。示例: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**。\n 查看有关 [Azure IoT Edge 部署]的详细信息(https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器注册表类型",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "选择**容器注册表类型**。\n **Azure 容器注册表**表示 ACR,**泛型容器注册表**表示包括 Docker 中心在内的泛型注册表。",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 注册表连接",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "选择泛型 **Docker 注册表连接**。对于**生成并推送**是必需的。",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 订阅",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "选择 Azure 订阅",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure 容器注册表",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "选择 **Azure 容器注册表**",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 文件",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 解决方案 **.template.json** 的路径。此文件定义 Azure IoT Edge 解决方案中的模块和路由,文件名必须以 **.template.json** 结尾",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "默认平台",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "在 **.template.json** 中,可将模块平台保留为未指定。对于这些模块,将使用**默认平台**。",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "向部署清单添加注册表凭据",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "添加用于将 Docker 映像推送到部署清单的注册表凭据",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "绕过模块",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "选择**无**需在 .template.json 中生成(或推送)的模块,指定模块名称并以逗号分隔。\n 示例: 如果你的 .template.json 中有 2 个模块 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**,你只想生成或推送 **SampleModule1**,则将绕过模块设置为 **SampleModule2**。如果想在 .template.json 中生成所有模块,则留空。",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "正在生成模块映像...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "已完成生成模块映像",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "正在推送模块映像...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "已完成推送模块映像",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "开始部署...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "已完成部署",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "生成的部署文件位于路径: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "正在扩展部署文件中的注册表凭据...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "替换凭据: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "部署任务正在生成管道中运行? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "检查以下文件是否为有效的 json: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "无效",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "有效",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "规范化的部署 ID 为: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "已使用以下版本安装 %s: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "已使用以下版本安装 %s: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 安装失败,请参阅调试模式下的详细错误",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "模板文件的路径无效: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "未能提取容器注册表身份验证令牌,请检查生成任务中的容器注册表设置。令牌为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到部署文件。请确保在任务中正确设置了部署文件的路径。",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到有效的部署文件。请确保在任务中正确设置了部署文件的路径。",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "未找到 Azure SDK",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "根路径 %s 不存在",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION 设置为 true,将跳过模块映像验证。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "未能使用给定凭据登录 %s。%s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s 不存在,或者未正确设置凭据。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "开始生成部署清单...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "已完成生成部署清单。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0ce0bda3ba6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "如需說明,請瀏覽 [文件](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs)",
+ "loc.description": "建置並部署 Azure IoT Edge 映像",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_push": "進階",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced_deploy": "進階",
+ "loc.input.label.action": "動作",
+ "loc.input.help.action": "選取 Azure IoT Edge 動作。\n [建置模組映像]**** 只會建置模組 (您可以用它來檢查編譯錯誤)。\n [推送模組映像]**** 會將模組推送到容器登錄。\n [部署 IoT Edge 裝置]**** 會將產生的部署檔案部署到 IoT 中樞。(建議將 [部署]**** 工作放置在發行管線中)。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentFilePath": "部署檔案",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentFilePath": "選取部署 json 檔案。\n 如果此工作在 [發行管線]**** 中,您必須將部署檔案的位置設定在成品中 (預設值適用於大部分的情狀)。\n 如果此工作在 [建置管線]**** 中,您必須將其設定在 [輸出部署檔案的路徑]**** 的路徑中。",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶包含 IoT 中樞",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取包含 IoT 中樞的 [Azure 訂用帳戶]****",
+ "loc.input.label.iothubname": "IoT 中樞名稱",
+ "loc.input.help.iothubname": "選取 [IoT 中樞]****",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentid": "IoT Edge 部署識別碼",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentid": "輸入 [IoT Edge 部署識別碼]****,如果有識別碼,將會予以覆寫。\n 最多可含有 128 個小寫字母、數字和下列字元 [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ]。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊",
+ "loc.input.label.priority": "IoT Edge 部署優先順序",
+ "loc.input.help.priority": "將 [優先權]**** 設為正整數,以解決部署衝突: 當一部裝置為多個部署的目標時,該裝置會取其中優先順序最高者,或建立時間最近者 (當兩個部署的優先順序相同時)。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceOption": "選擇一/多部裝置",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceOption": "選擇要部署到一或多部 (依標籤) 裝置",
+ "loc.input.label.deviceId": "IoT Edge 裝置識別碼",
+ "loc.input.help.deviceId": "輸入 IoT Edge [裝置識別碼]****",
+ "loc.input.label.targetcondition": "IoT Edge 裝置目標條件",
+ "loc.input.help.targetcondition": "輸入您要部署之裝置的 [目標條件]****。請勿使用雙引號。例如: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**。\n 請參閱 [Azure IoT Edge 部署](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment) 的詳細資訊",
+ "loc.input.label.containerregistrytype": "容器登錄類型",
+ "loc.input.help.containerregistrytype": "選取 [容器登錄類型]****。\n 針對 ACR,請選取 [Azure Container Registry]****,針對一般登錄,請選取 [一般容器登錄]****,包括 Docker Hub。",
+ "loc.input.label.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "Docker 登錄連線",
+ "loc.input.help.dockerRegistryEndpoint": "選取一般 [Docker 登錄連線]****。針對 [建置並推送]****,此為必要項。",
+ "loc.input.label.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
+ "loc.input.help.azureSubscriptionEndpoint": "選取 Azure 訂閱",
+ "loc.input.label.azureContainerRegistry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "loc.input.help.azureContainerRegistry": "選取 [Azure Container Registry]****",
+ "loc.input.label.templateFilePath": ".template.json 檔案",
+ "loc.input.help.templateFilePath": "Azure IoT Edge 解決方案 [.template.json]**** 的路徑。此檔案會定義 Azure IoT Edge 解決方案中的模組與路徑,檔案名稱必須以 [.template.json]**** 結尾",
+ "loc.input.label.defaultPlatform": "預設平台",
+ "loc.input.help.defaultPlatform": "在 [.template.json]**** 中,您可以將模組平台保留為未指定。針對這些模組,將會使用 [預設平台]****。",
+ "loc.input.label.fillRegistryCredential": "將登錄認證新增到部署資訊清單",
+ "loc.input.help.fillRegistryCredential": "新增用來將 docker 映像推送到部署資訊清單的登錄認證",
+ "loc.input.label.bypassModules": "略過模組",
+ "loc.input.help.bypassModules": "選取的您**不**需要在 .template.json 中建置 (或推送) 的模組,請指定模組名稱,並使用逗號分隔。\n 例如: 如果您在 .template.json 中有 2 個模組 **SampleModule1,SampleModule2**,並且只想要建置或推送 **SampleModule1**,則請將略過模組設定為 **SampleModule2**。若要在 .template.json 中建置所有模組,請保留空白。",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModules": "正在建置模組映像...",
+ "loc.messages.BuildingModulesFinished": "已完成模組映像的建置",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModules": "正在推送模組映像...",
+ "loc.messages.PushingModulesFinished": "已完成模組映像的推送",
+ "loc.messages.StartDeploy": "開始部署...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishDeploy": "已完成部署",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFilePath": "產生的部署檔案位於路徑 %s 中",
+ "loc.messages.ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "正在展開部署檔案中的登錄認證...",
+ "loc.messages.ReplaceCredential": "取代認證: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "部署工作正於建置管線中執行嗎? %s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckValidJson": "正在檢查下列檔案是否為有效的 json: %s",
+ "loc.messages.Invalid": "無效",
+ "loc.messages.Valid": "有效",
+ "loc.messages.NomralizedDeployementId": "正常化的部署識別碼是: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s 已安裝。版本: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s 已安裝。版本: %s",
+ "loc.messages.DependencyInstallFail": "%s 安裝失敗,請在偵錯模式中查看詳細錯誤",
+ "loc.messages.TemplateFileInvalid": "範本檔案的路徑無效: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ContainerRegistryInvalid": "無法擷取容器登錄驗證權杖,請檢查您建置工作中的容器登錄設定。權杖為 %s",
+ "loc.messages.DeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到部署檔案。請確定已在工作中正確設定部署檔案的路徑。",
+ "loc.messages.ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "找不到有效的部署檔案。請確定已在工作中正確設定部署檔案的路徑。",
+ "loc.messages.AzureSdkNotFound": "找不到 Azure SDK",
+ "loc.messages.RootPathNotExist": "根路徑 %s 不存在",
+ "loc.messages.SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION 已設為 true,正在跳過模組映像驗證。",
+ "loc.messages.InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "無法使用指定認證登入 %s。%s",
+ "loc.messages.CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s 不存在,或是未正確設定認證。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "開始產生部署資訊清單...",
+ "loc.messages.FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "已完成部署資訊清單的產生。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json
index c7dc767b6f6f..1265e19bc775 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.json
@@ -1,266 +1,268 @@
- "id": "80F3F6A0-82A6-4A22-BA7A-E5B8C541B9B8",
- "name": "AzureIoTEdge",
- "friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
- "description": "Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image",
- "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/azure-iot-edge",
- "helpMarkDown": "Visit the [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) for help",
- "category": "Build",
- "visibility": [
- "Build",
- "Release"
- ],
- "author": "Microsoft Corporation",
- "version": {
- "Major": 2,
- "Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 2
- },
- "preview": true,
- "instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
- "groups": [
- {
- "name": "advanced_push",
- "displayName": "Advanced",
- "isExpanded": false,
- "visibleRule": "action = Push module images"
+ "id": "80F3F6A0-82A6-4A22-BA7A-E5B8C541B9B8",
+ "name": "AzureIoTEdge",
+ "friendlyName": "Azure IoT Edge",
+ "description": "Build and deploy an Azure IoT Edge image",
+ "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/build/azure-iot-edge",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Visit the [documentation](https://aka.ms/azure-iot-edge-ci-cd-docs) for help",
+ "category": "Build",
+ "visibility": [
+ "Build",
+ "Release"
+ ],
+ "author": "Microsoft Corporation",
+ "version": {
+ "Major": 2,
+ "Minor": 1,
+ "Patch": 3
- {
- "name": "advanced_deploy",
- "displayName": "Advanced",
- "isExpanded": false,
- "visibleRule": "action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
- }
- ],
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "action",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Action",
- "defaultValue": "Build module images",
- "required": true,
- "options": {
- "Build module images": "Build module images",
- "Push module images": "Push module images",
- "Generate deployment manifest": "Generate deployment manifest",
- "Deploy to IoT Edge devices": "Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
- },
- "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure IoT Edge action.\n **Build module images** will only build modules (You can use it to check compilation error).\n **Push module images** will push modules to container registry.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** will deploy the generated deployment file to IoT Hub. (We recommend to put **Deploy** task in release pipeline)."
+ "preview": true,
+ "instanceNameFormat": "Azure IoT Edge - $(action)",
+ "groups": [
+ {
+ "name": "advanced_push",
+ "displayName": "Advanced",
+ "isExpanded": false,
+ "visibleRule": "action = Push module images"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "advanced_deploy",
+ "displayName": "Advanced",
+ "isExpanded": false,
+ "visibleRule": "action = Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
+ }
+ ],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "action",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Action",
+ "defaultValue": "Build module images",
+ "required": true,
+ "options": {
+ "Build module images": "Build module images",
+ "Push module images": "Push module images",
+ "Generate deployment manifest": "Generate deployment manifest",
+ "Deploy to IoT Edge devices": "Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
+ },
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure IoT Edge action.\n **Build module images** will only build modules (You can use it to check compilation error).\n **Push module images** will push modules to container registry.\n **Deploy to IoT Edge devices** will deploy the generated deployment file to IoT Hub. (We recommend to put **Deploy** task in release pipeline)."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "deploymentFilePath",
+ "type": "filePath",
+ "label": "Deployment file",
+ "defaultValue": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.json",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select the deployment json file.\n If this task is in **release pipeline**, you need to set the location of deployment file in artifact.(The default value works for most conditions).\n If this task is in **build pipeline**, you need to set it to the path of **Path of output deployment file**."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "connectedServiceNameARM",
+ "aliases": [
+ "azureSubscription"
+ ],
+ "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
+ "label": "Azure subscription contains IoT Hub",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure subscription** that contains IoT Hub"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "iothubname",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "IoT Hub name",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select the **IoT Hub**"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "deploymentid",
+ "type": "string",
+ "label": "IoT Edge deployment ID",
+ "required": true,
+ "defaultValue": "$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Input the **IoT Edge Deployment ID**, if ID exists, it will be overridden.\n Up to 128 lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters are allowed [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "groupName": "advanced_deploy"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "priority",
+ "type": "string",
+ "label": "IoT Edge deployment priority",
+ "required": true,
+ "defaultValue": "0",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Set the **priority** to a positive integer to resolve deployment conflicts: when targeted by multiple deployments a device will use the one with highest priority or (in case of two deployments with the same priority) latest creation time.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
+ "groupName": "advanced_deploy"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "deviceOption",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Choose single/multiple device",
+ "required": true,
+ "options": {
+ "Single Device": "Single Device",
+ "Multiple Devices": "Multiple Devices"
+ },
+ "helpMarkDown": "Choose to deploy to single or multiple(by tags) devices",
+ "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "deviceId",
+ "type": "string",
+ "label": "IoT Edge device ID",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Single Device",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Input the IoT Edge **device ID**"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "targetcondition",
+ "type": "string",
+ "label": "IoT Edge device target condition",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Multiple Devices",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Input the **target condition** of devices you would like to deploy. Do not use double quote. Example: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "containerregistrytype",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Container registry type",
+ "defaultValue": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action = Push module images",
+ "options": {
+ "Azure Container Registry": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "Generic Container Registry": "Generic Container Registry"
+ },
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select a **Container Registry Type**.\n **Azure Container Registry** for ACR and **Generic Container Registry** for generic registries including docker hub."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "dockerRegistryEndpoint",
+ "aliases": [
+ "dockerRegistryConnection"
+ ],
+ "type": "connectedService:dockerregistry",
+ "required": true,
+ "label": "Docker Registry Connection",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select a generic **Docker registry connection**. Required for **Build and Push**.",
+ "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "azureSubscriptionEndpoint",
+ "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
+ "label": "Azure subscription",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure subscription",
+ "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "azureContainerRegistry",
+ "label": "Azure Container Registry",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "required": true,
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure Container Registry**",
+ "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry",
+ "defaultValue": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "templateFilePath",
+ "type": "filePath",
+ "label": ".template.json file",
+ "defaultValue": "deployment.template.json",
+ "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest",
+ "required": true,
+ "helpMarkDown": "The path of Azure IoT Edge solution **.template.json**. This file defines the modules and routes in Azure IoT Edge solution, file name must end with **.template.json**"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "defaultPlatform",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Default platform",
+ "defaultValue": "amd64",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest",
+ "options": {
+ "amd64": "amd64",
+ "windows-amd64": "windows-amd64",
+ "arm32v7": "arm32v7"
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "EditableOptions": "True"
+ },
+ "helpMarkDown": "In your **.template.json**, you can leave the modules platform unspecified. For these modules, the **default platform** will be used."
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fillRegistryCredential",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Add registry credential to deployment manifest",
+ "defaultValue": "true",
+ "required": true,
+ "visibleRule": "action = Push module images",
+ "options": {
+ "true": "true",
+ "false": "false"
+ },
+ "helpMarkDown": "Add registry credential for pushing docker images to deployment manifest"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "bypassModules",
+ "type": "string",
+ "label": "Bypass module(s)",
+ "defaultValue": "",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select the module(s) that you **DO NOT** need to build(or push) in the .template.json, specify module names and separate with comma.\n Example: if you have 2 modules **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in your .template.json, you want to just build or push **SampleModule1**, then you set the bypass modules as **SampleModule2**. Leave empty if you would like to build all the modules in .template.json.",
+ "groupName": "advanced_push"
+ }
+ ],
+ "dataSourceBindings": [
+ {
+ "target": "azureContainerRegistry",
+ "endpointId": "$(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)",
+ "dataSourceName": "AzureRMContainerRegistries",
+ "resultTemplate": "{\"Value\":\"{\\\"loginServer\\\":\\\"{{{properties.loginServer}}}\\\", \\\"id\\\" : \\\"{{{id}}}\\\"}\",\"DisplayValue\":\"{{{name}}}\"}"
+ },
+ {
+ "target": "iothubname",
+ "endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)",
+ "endpointUrl": "{{{endpoint.url}}}/subscriptions/{{{endpoint.subscriptionId}}}/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs?api-version=2018-04-01",
+ "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*].name"
+ }
+ ],
+ "execution": {
+ "Node": {
+ "target": "index.js"
+ }
- {
- "name": "deploymentFilePath",
- "type": "filePath",
- "label": "Deployment file",
- "defaultValue": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/**/*.json",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select the deployment json file.\n If this task is in **release pipeline**, you need to set the location of deployment file in artifact.(The default value works for most conditions).\n If this task is in **build pipeline**, you need to set it to the path of **Path of output deployment file**."
+ "messages": {
+ "BuildingModules": "Building module images...",
+ "BuildingModulesFinished": "Finished building module images",
+ "PushingModules": "Pushing module images...",
+ "PushingModulesFinished": "Finished pushing module images",
+ "StartDeploy": "Start deploying...",
+ "FinishDeploy": "Finished Deploying",
+ "DeploymentFilePath": "The generated deployment file located in the path: %s",
+ "ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expanding registry credentials in deployment file...",
+ "ReplaceCredential": "Replace credential: %s",
+ "DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Deployment task is running in build pipeline? %s",
+ "CheckValidJson": "Checking if the following file is a valid json: %s",
+ "Invalid": "Invalid",
+ "Valid": "Valid",
+ "NomralizedDeployementId": "Normalized deployment id is: %s",
+ "DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s already installed with version: %s",
+ "DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installed with version: %s",
+ "DependencyInstallFail": "%s installation failed, see detailed error in debug mode",
+ "TemplateFileInvalid": "The path of template file is not valid: %s",
+ "ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Failed to fetch container registry authentication token, please check you container registry setting in build task. The token is %s",
+ "DeploymentFileNotFound": "Deployment file can't be found. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.",
+ "ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Cannot find a valid deployment file. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.",
+ "AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK not found",
+ "RootPathNotExist": "The Root path %s does not exist",
+ "SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION set to true, skipping module image validation.",
+ "InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Failed to login %s with given credential. %s",
+ "CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s does not exist or the credential is not set correctly. Error: %s",
+ "StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Start generating deployment manifest...",
+ "FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Finished generating deployment manifest."
- {
- "name": "connectedServiceNameARM",
- "aliases": [
- "azureSubscription"
- ],
- "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
- "label": "Azure subscription contains IoT Hub",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure subscription** that contains IoT Hub"
- },
- {
- "name": "iothubname",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "IoT Hub name",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select the **IoT Hub**"
- },
- {
- "name": "deploymentid",
- "type": "string",
- "label": "IoT Edge deployment ID",
- "required": true,
- "defaultValue": "$(System.TeamProject)-devops-deployment",
- "helpMarkDown": "Input the **IoT Edge Deployment ID**, if ID exists, it will be overridden.\n Up to 128 lowercase letters, numbers and the following characters are allowed [ -:+%_#*?!(),=@;' ].\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
- "groupName": "advanced_deploy"
- },
- {
- "name": "priority",
- "type": "string",
- "label": "IoT Edge deployment priority",
- "required": true,
- "defaultValue": "0",
- "helpMarkDown": "Set the **priority** to a positive integer to resolve deployment conflicts: when targeted by multiple deployments a device will use the one with highest priority or (in case of two deployments with the same priority) latest creation time.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)",
- "groupName": "advanced_deploy"
- },
- {
- "name": "deviceOption",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Choose single/multiple device",
- "required": true,
- "options": {
- "Single Device": "Single Device",
- "Multiple Devices": "Multiple Devices"
- },
- "helpMarkDown": "Choose to deploy to single or multiple(by tags) devices",
- "visibleRule": "action == Deploy to IoT Edge devices"
- },
- {
- "name": "deviceId",
- "type": "string",
- "label": "IoT Edge device ID",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Single Device",
- "helpMarkDown": "Input the IoT Edge **device ID**"
- },
- {
- "name": "targetcondition",
- "type": "string",
- "label": "IoT Edge device target condition",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "deviceOption == Multiple Devices",
- "helpMarkDown": "Input the **target condition** of devices you would like to deploy. Do not use double quote. Example: **tags.building=9 and tags.environment='test'**.\n Check more information for [Azure IoT Edge deployment](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-edge/how-to-deploy-monitor#monitor-a-deployment)"
- },
- {
- "name": "containerregistrytype",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Container registry type",
- "defaultValue": "Azure Container Registry",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action = Push module images",
- "options": {
- "Azure Container Registry": "Azure Container Registry",
- "Generic Container Registry": "Generic Container Registry"
- },
- "helpMarkDown": "Select a **Container Registry Type**.\n **Azure Container Registry** for ACR and **Generic Container Registry** for generic registries including docker hub."
- },
- {
- "name": "dockerRegistryEndpoint",
- "aliases": [
- "dockerRegistryConnection"
- ],
- "type": "connectedService:dockerregistry",
- "required": true,
- "label": "Docker Registry Connection",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select a generic **Docker registry connection**. Required for **Build and Push**.",
- "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Generic Container Registry"
- },
- {
- "name": "azureSubscriptionEndpoint",
- "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
- "label": "Azure subscription",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select an Azure subscription",
- "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry"
- },
- {
- "name": "azureContainerRegistry",
- "label": "Azure Container Registry",
- "type": "pickList",
- "required": true,
- "helpMarkDown": "Select an **Azure Container Registry**",
- "visibleRule": "containerregistrytype = Azure Container Registry",
- "defaultValue": ""
- },
- {
- "name": "templateFilePath",
- "type": "filePath",
- "label": ".template.json file",
- "defaultValue": "deployment.template.json",
- "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest",
- "required": true,
- "helpMarkDown": "The path of Azure IoT Edge solution **.template.json**. This file defines the modules and routes in Azure IoT Edge solution, file name must end with **.template.json**"
- },
- {
- "name": "defaultPlatform",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Default platform",
- "defaultValue": "amd64",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action = Build module images || action = Push module images || action = Generate deployment manifest",
- "options": {
- "amd64": "amd64",
- "windows-amd64": "windows-amd64",
- "arm32v7": "arm32v7"
- },
- "properties": {
- "EditableOptions": "True"
- },
- "helpMarkDown": "In your **.template.json**, you can leave the modules platform unspecified. For these modules, the **default platform** will be used."
- },
- {
- "name": "fillRegistryCredential",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Add registry credential to deployment manifest",
- "defaultValue": "true",
- "required": true,
- "visibleRule": "action = Push module images",
- "options": {
- "true": "true",
- "false": "false"
- },
- "helpMarkDown": "Add registry credential for pushing docker images to deployment manifest"
- },
- {
- "name": "bypassModules",
- "type": "string",
- "label": "Bypass module(s)",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select the module(s) that you **DO NOT** need to build(or push) in the .template.json, specify module names and separate with comma.\n Example: if you have 2 modules **SampleModule1,SampleModule2** in your .template.json, you want to just build or push **SampleModule1**, then you set the bypass modules as **SampleModule2**. Leave empty if you would like to build all the modules in .template.json.",
- "groupName": "advanced_push"
- }
- ],
- "dataSourceBindings": [
- {
- "target": "azureContainerRegistry",
- "endpointId": "$(azureSubscriptionEndpoint)",
- "dataSourceName": "AzureRMContainerRegistries",
- "resultTemplate": "{\"Value\":\"{\\\"loginServer\\\":\\\"{{{properties.loginServer}}}\\\", \\\"id\\\" : \\\"{{{id}}}\\\"}\",\"DisplayValue\":\"{{{name}}}\"}"
- },
- {
- "target": "iothubname",
- "endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)",
- "endpointUrl": "{{{endpoint.url}}}/subscriptions/{{{endpoint.subscriptionId}}}/providers/Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs?api-version=2018-04-01",
- "resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*].name"
- }
- ],
- "execution": {
- "Node": {
- "target": "index.js"
- }
- },
- "messages": {
- "BuildingModules": "Building module images...",
- "BuildingModulesFinished": "Finished building module images",
- "PushingModules": "Pushing module images...",
- "PushingModulesFinished": "Finished pushing module images",
- "StartDeploy": "Start deploying...",
- "FinishDeploy": "Finished Deploying",
- "DeploymentFilePath": "The generated deployment file located in the path: %s",
- "ExpandingRegistryCredentials": "Expanding registry credentials in deployment file...",
- "ReplaceCredential": "Replace credential: %s",
- "DeployTaskRunningInBuild": "Deployment task is running in build pipeline? %s",
- "CheckValidJson": "Checking if the following file is a valid json: %s",
- "Invalid": "Invalid",
- "Valid": "Valid",
- "NomralizedDeployementId": "Normalized deployment id is: %s",
- "DependencyAlreadyInstalled": "%s already installed with version: %s",
- "DependencyInstallSuccess": "%s installed with version: %s",
- "DependencyInstallFail": "%s installation failed, see detailed error in debug mode",
- "TemplateFileInvalid": "The path of template file is not valid: %s",
- "ContainerRegistryInvalid": "Failed to fetch container registry authentication token, please check you container registry setting in build task. The token is %s",
- "DeploymentFileNotFound": "Deployment file can't be found. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.",
- "ValidDeploymentFileNotFound": "Cannot find a valid deployment file. Please ensure Path of deployment file is correctly set in the task.",
- "AzureSdkNotFound": "Azure SDK not found",
- "RootPathNotExist": "The Root path %s does not exist",
- "SkipModuleImageValidation": "SKIP_MODULE_IMAGE_VALIDATION set to true, skipping module image validation.",
- "InvalidRegistryCredentialWarning": "Failed to login %s with given credential. %s",
- "CheckModuleImageExistenceError": "%s does not exist or the credential is not set correctly. Error: %s",
- "StartGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Start generating deployment manifest...",
- "FinishGenerateDeploymentManifest": "Finished generating deployment manifest."
- },
- "OutputVariables": [{
- "description" : "This is the path of generated deployment file.",
- "visibleRule": "action = Build module images"
- }]
+ "OutputVariables": [
+ {
+ "description": "This is the path of generated deployment file.",
+ "visibleRule": "action = Build module images"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json
index 651083748f7b..919ae14813fd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureIoTEdgeV2/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 2
+ "Patch": 3
"preview": true,
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 164e58e370c8..2a70d83847af 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Der Wert \"%s\" umfasst reguläre Ausdrücke und konnte deshalb nicht vollständig maskiert werden.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs). Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s, Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Wiederholungsversuch mit der aus der Antwort abgerufenen Tresorressourcen-ID: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 4ac3fd922d72..39674d1fef3c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "El valor %s tiene expresiones regulares, de ahí que no se haya podido enmascarar completamente",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrada. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Reintentando con el identificador de recurso de almacén recuperado de la respuesta: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 6661c75c2914..b1fceb5b5bfd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "La valeur %s comporte des expressions régulières, donc elle n'a pas pu être totalement masquée",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour le principal du service managé. Code d'état : %s, message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Nouvelle tentative avec l'ID de ressource de coffre récupéré à partir de la réponse : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 42480c51587d..aec69b3cedd4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Il valore %s contiene espressioni regolari, di conseguenza non è stato possibile mascherarlo completamente",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Nuovo tentativo con l'ID risorsa dell'insieme di credenziali recuperato dalla risposta: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 701c4d716d6a..e649f46ef0d2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 値は正規表現を含むため、完全にマスクすることはできません",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、状態メッセージ: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。仮想マシンのマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s、ステータス メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "応答から取得したコンテナー リソース ID で再試行しています: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 99212965f736..92fa6815a772 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure Key Vault",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=848891)",
- "loc.description": "Azure Key Vault 비밀 다운로드",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Key Vault 비밀을 다운로드합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Key Vault: $(KeyVaultName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 값에 정규식이 있으므로 완전하게 마스크 처리할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "응답에서 검색된 자격 증명 모음 리소스 ID를 사용하여 다시 시도하는 중: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 0588e1b324aa..a24382992e0b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "Значение %s содержит регулярные выражения, поэтому полная маска невозможна",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Код состояния: %s; сообщения о состоянии: %s.",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s."
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s, сообщение о состоянии: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Повторная попытка с идентификатором ресурса хранилища, полученным из ответа: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index adf2ab02484e..ab3e57887565 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "%s 值具有正则表达式,因此可能不会完全遮蔽",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)(https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法提取托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s,状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "使用从响应中检索到的保管库资源 ID 进行重试: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 79c9fb1a0904..761c3e69a79c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -42,5 +42,7 @@
"loc.messages.CouldNotMaskSecret": "因而無法完全遮罩 %s 值的規則運算式",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI) (https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs)。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s,狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "正在以從回應擷取的保存庫資源識別碼重試 : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json
index de054a55214f..f361b66045bc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 35
+ "Patch": 36
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0",
@@ -104,4 +104,4 @@
"RetryingWithVaultResourceIdFromResponse": "Retrying with vault resource Id reterieved from response : %s",
"ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Could not fetch access token for Azure. Verify if the Service Principal used is valid and not expired."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json
index 894183f9088a..cc2ea0611fb7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureKeyVaultV1/task.loc.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 35
+ "Patch": 36
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.0.0",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 061686ff3f9a..5fee6720e753 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s (%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Überprüfen Sie, ob der SPN gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Abrufen der Application Insights-Warnungsregel: %s. Fehler: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Ressource \"%s\" der Azure-Metrikwarnungsregel. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 2aab5d69a803..5d561b39d622 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s (%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Compruebe que el SPN es válido y que no ha expirado.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo obtener la regla de alertas de Application Insights: %s. Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de regla de alerta de métrica de Azure \"%s\". Error: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index d6306fda6ea3..0836f617a9fd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s (%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Vérifiez si le SPN (nom de principal du service) est valide, et s'il n'est pas arrivé à expiration.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de l'obtention de la règle d'alerte Application Insights : %s. Erreur : %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource '%s' de la règle d'alerte de métrique Azure. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index af07ee7c635d..a25286d4601a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s (%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Verificare che l'SPN sia valido e non scaduto.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile ottenere la regola di avviso di Application Insights: %s. Errore: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' della regola di avviso delle metriche di Azure. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 84091b3a273a..83dd126b8cdd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。状態コード: %s (%s) %s。",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "SPN が有効で期限が切れていないかどうかを確認します。",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "次の Application Insights アラート ルールを取得できませんでした。%s。エラー: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure のメトリック アラート ルール '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index ade3a81394e2..6ef3407928cc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Azure에 대한 액세스 토큰을 가져올 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s(%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "SPN이 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Application Insights 경고 규칙을 가져오지 못했습니다. %s. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Azure 메트릭 경고 규칙 '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 3c839b619129..9107cc751cc8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "Не удалось извлечь токен доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s (%s) %s.",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "Проверьте, является ли имя субъекта-службы допустимым и не истек ли его срок действия.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось получить правило генерации оповещений Application Insights: %s. Ошибка: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s."
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "Не удалось обновить правило генерации оповещений метрики Azure для ресурса \"%s\". Ошибка: %s.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 09dbb70081b2..9d3c333143e2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure 监视器警报",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 警报",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=859947)",
"loc.description": "在 Azure 资源的可用指标上配置警报",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "配置 Azure 警报: $(ResourceName)",
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s (%s) %s。",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "检查 SPN 是否有效且未过期。",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "无法获取 Application Insights 预警规则: %s。错误: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "未能更新 Azure 指标预警规则“%s”资源。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index eebf66153ace..0c1180537a52 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -28,5 +28,6 @@
"loc.messages.Couldnotfetchaccesstoken": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s (%s) %s。",
"loc.messages.SPNExpiredCheck": "請檢查 SPN 是否有效且未過期。",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAzureMetricAlerts": "無法取得 Application Insights 警示規則: %s。錯誤: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s"
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAzureMetricAlerts": "無法更新 Azure 度量警示規則 '%s' 資源。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json
index 46f4e8a740ee..5398c6064c02 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 2,
- "Patch": 9
+ "Patch": 10
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "Configure Azure Alerts : $(ResourceName)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json
index aade557fd04e..ab390cb09edf 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorAlertsV0/task.loc.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 2,
- "Patch": 9
+ "Patch": 10
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.111.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 3241a3a9d286..f5c25ead6080 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Klassische Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "Hiermit überwachen Sie die konfigurierten Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden die konfigurierten klassischen Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen abgefragt.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Überwachung aus.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index dfa2dae168cd..93448be056ae 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Alertas de Azure Monitor clásico para consultas",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor configuradas para las alertas activas.",
+ "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor clásico configuradas para las alertas activas.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para supervisarla.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 9b71c4291472..0101e6c5b4ad 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor classiques",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "Examinez les règles Azure Monitor configurées pour les alertes actives.",
+ "loc.description": "Examiner les règles Azure Monitor classiques configurées pour les alertes actives",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure Resource Manager à surveiller.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 30c57f63d9bd..68a05863a50d 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure classico",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure configurate per gli avvisi attivi.",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure classico configurate per gli avvisi attivi",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index bb9a5f2f98f1..e71a2e26d51e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "クラシック Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "アクティブなアラートに関して構成済みの Azure Monitor ルールを確認します。",
+ "loc.description": "構成されているクラシック Azure Monitor ルールでアクティブなアラートを監視します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "監視対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 1e26bef21550..36e004463560 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "클래식 Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 Azure Monitor 규칙을 확인합니다.",
+ "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 클래식 Azure Monitor 규칙을 살펴봅니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "모니터링할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 09b32a61a99f..cbe01462dc62 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений классического Azure Monitor",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила монитора Azure для активных оповещений.",
+ "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила классического Azure Monitor для активных оповещений",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите отслеживаемую подписку на Azure Resource Manager.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index b27d0e1c4a19..3651b338c79e 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "查询 Azure 监视器警报",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "查询经典 Azure Monitor 警报",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "观察配置的 Azure 监视器是否出现活动警报。",
+ "loc.description": "观察配置的经典 Azure Monitor 规则是否出现活动警报",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "查询 Azure 监视器警报",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index e1972aae870e..e9aae49adc41 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "查詢傳統 Azure 監視器警示",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
- "loc.description": "觀察已設定的 Azure 監視器規則是否有使用中警示。",
+ "loc.description": "觀察作用中警示的已設定傳統 Azure 監視器規則",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示",
"loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取要監視的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json
index 4e96d5696058..7e27e72195ad 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 13
+ "Patch": 14
"instanceNameFormat": "Query Azure Monitor alerts",
"groups": [],
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json
index 9a9945e15318..ffb31bc0dfba 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV0/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 13
+ "Patch": 14
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
"groups": [],
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cf0df847ce21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden die konfigurierten Azure Monitor-Regeln auf aktive Warnungen überwacht.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor-Warnungen abfragen",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Neuigkeiten in Version 1.0:
Unterstützung zur Abfrage von einheitlichen Azure Monitor-Warnungen hinzugefügt.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Erweitert",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Wählen Sie ein Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Überwachung aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Geben Sie den Namen einer Ressourcengruppe für die Überwachung an.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "Filtertyp",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtern Sie nach einer bestimmten Ressource oder Warnungsregel. Der Standardwert lautet \"Keine\".",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "Ressource",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "Wählen Sie die Azure-Ressource für die Überwachung aus.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Warnungsregel",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtern Sie nach einer bestimmten Warnungsregel. Standardmäßig werden alle Regeln ausgewählt.",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "Schweregrad",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtern Sie nach Schweregrad. Standardmäßig sind alle Schweregrade ausgewählt.",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Zeitraum",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtern Sie nach Zeitbereich. Der Standardwert lautet \"1 Stunde\".",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "Warnungszustand",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtern Sie nach dem Status der Warnungsinstanz. Standardmäßig werden alle Instanzen ausgewählt.",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Monitorzustand",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "Die Monitorbedingung gibt an, ob die zugrunde liegenden Bedingungen die definierten Schwellenwerte für Warnungsregeln überschritten haben."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5065807cb56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "Sigue las reglas de Azure Monitor configuradas para las alertas activas.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Consultar las alertas de Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 1.0:
Se ha agregado compatibilidad con las alertas de Azure Monitor unificadas para las consultas.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzado",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Seleccione una suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para supervisarla.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Proporcione el nombre de un grupo de recursos que se va a supervisar.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "Tipo de filtro",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtrar por recurso o regla de alerta específicos. El valor predeterminado es Ninguno.",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "Recurso",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "Seleccione el recurso de Azure que se va a supervisar.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Regla de alertas",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtrar por regla de alerta específica. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravedad",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtrar por gravedad. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervalo de tiempo",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtrar por intervalo de tiempo. El valor predeterminado es 1 hora.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "Estado de alerta",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtrar por estado de la instancia de alerta. El valor predeterminado consiste en seleccionar todo.",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condición de supervisión",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condición de supervisión representa si las condiciones subyacentes han traspasado los umbrales de las reglas de alerta que se han definido."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac842043d1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "Examiner les règles Azure Monitor configurées pour les alertes actives",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Interroger les alertes Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 1.0 :
Ajout de la prise en charge de l'interrogation unifiée des alertes Azure Monitor.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avancé",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sélectionnez un abonnement Azure Resource Manager à surveiller.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Indiquez le nom d'un groupe de ressources à surveiller.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "Type de filtre",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction d'une règle de ressource ou d'alerte spécifique. La valeur par défaut est Aucun.",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "Ressource",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "Sélectionnez la ressource Azure à superviser.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Règle d'alerte",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction d'une règle d'alerte spécifique. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravité ",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de la gravité. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervalle de temps",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de l'intervalle de temps. La valeur par défaut est 1 heure.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "État de l’alerte",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "Effectuez un filtrage en fonction de l'état de l'instance d'alerte. La valeur par défaut consiste à tout sélectionner.",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condition de l’analyse",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condition de supervision indique si les conditions sous-jacentes ont franchi les seuils de règle d'alerte définis."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8a108e30b9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di osservare le regole di Monitoraggio di Azure configurate per gli avvisi attivi",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui query su avvisi di Monitoraggio di Azure",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 1.0:
È stato aggiunto il supporto per gli avvisi unificati di Monitoraggio di Azure per le query.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Avanzate",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Consente di selezionare una sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Consente di specificare il nome di un gruppo di risorse di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "Tipo filtro",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "Filtra in base a una risorsa o a una regola di avviso specifica. Il valore predefinito è Nessuna.",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "Risorsa",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "Selezionare la risorsa di Azure di cui eseguire il monitoraggio.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Regola di avviso",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Filtra in base alla regola di avviso specifica. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "Gravità",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "Filtra in base alla gravità. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Intervallo di tempo",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Filtra in base all'intervallo di tempo. Il valore predefinito è 1 ora.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "Stato avviso",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "Filtra in base allo stato dell'istanza dell'avviso. Il valore predefinito è Seleziona tutto.",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Condizione del monitoraggio",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "La condizione di monitoraggio indica se le condizioni sottostanti hanno superato le soglie definite della regola di avviso."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbb8fa3cabf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "アクティブなアラートに関して構成済みの Azure Monitor ルールを確認します",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor アラートのクエリ",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 1.0 の新機能:
クエリ統合 Azure モニターの警告のサポートを追加しました。",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "詳細設定",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "監視対象の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "リソース グループ",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "監視対象のリソース グループの名前を指定します。",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "フィルターの種類",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "特定のリソースまたは警告ルールでフィルター処理します。既定値は [なし] です。",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "リソース",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "監視する Azure リソースを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "アラート ルール",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "特定の警告ルールでフィルター処理します。既定値では、すべてを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "重要度",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "重要度でフィルター処理します。既定値ではすべてを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "時間の範囲",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "時間の範囲でフィルター処理します。既定値は 1 時間です。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "アラートの状態",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "警告インスタンスの状態でフィルター処理します。既定値では、すべてを選択します。",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "モニターの状態",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "監視条件は、定義済みの警告ルールのしきい値を、基になる条件が超えているかどうかを表します。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c1fd9420cd60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "활성 경고에 대해 구성된 Azure Monitor 규칙을 살펴봅니다.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Monitor 경고 쿼리",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "버전 1.0의 새로운 기능:
쿼리 통합 Azure Monitor 경고에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "고급",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "모니터링할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "모니터링할 리소스 그룹의 이름을 제공합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "필터 형식",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "특정 리소스 또는 경고 규칙으로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 없음입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "리소스",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "모니터링할 Azure 리소스를 선택합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "경고 규칙",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "특정 경고 규칙으로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "심각도",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "심각도로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "시간 범위",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "시간 범위로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 1시간입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "경고 상태",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "경고 인스턴스의 상태로 필터링합니다. 기본값은 모두 선택입니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "모니터 조건",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "모니터 조건은 기본 조건이 정의된 경고 규칙 임계값을 초과했는지 여부를 나타냅니다."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e475f75819cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "Соблюдать настроенные правила Azure Monitor для активных оповещений",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Запрос оповещений Azure Monitor",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности версии 1.0:
Добавлена поддержка предупреждений единого монитора Azure для запросов.",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "Дополнительно",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "Выберите отслеживаемую подписку на Azure Resource Manager.",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Укажите имя отслеживаемой группы ресурсов.",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "Тип фильтра",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "Фильтровать по конкретному ресурсу или правилу генерации оповещений. Значение по умолчанию — \"Нет\".",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "Ресурс",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "Выберите ресурс Azure для отслеживания.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "Правило генерации оповещ.",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "Фильтровать по конкретному правилу генерации оповещений. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "Важность",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "Фильтровать по серьезности. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "Диапазон времени",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "Фильтровать по диапазону времени. Значение по умолчанию — 1 час.",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "Состояние оповещения",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "Фильтровать по состоянию экземпляра оповещения. Значение по умолчанию — \"выбрать все\".",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "Состояние монитора",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "Состояние мониторинга определяет, были ли пересечены пороговые значения правил генерации оповещений для базовых условий."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..25966d8d7cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "查询 Azure 监视器警报",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "观察配置的 Azure Monitor 规则是否出现活动警报",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查询 Azure 监视器警报",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "版本 1.0 中的新增功能:
添加了对查询统一的 Azure Monitor 警报的支持。",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "高级",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "资源组",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "提供资源组的名称进行监视。",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "筛选类型",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "按特定资源或预警规则进行筛选。默认值为“无”。",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "资源",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "选择要监视的 Azure 资源。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "警报规则",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "按特定预警规则进行筛选。默认值为全选。",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "严重性",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "按严重性筛选。默认值为全选。",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "时间范围",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "按时间范围筛选。默认值为 1 小时。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "警报状态",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "按警报实例的状态进行筛选。默认值为全选。",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "监视器条件",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "监视器条件表示基础条件是否已超过定义的预警规则阈值。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e13ba63437e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ "loc.friendlyName": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=870240)",
+ "loc.description": "遵守針對作用中警示設定的 Azure 監視器規則",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "查詢 Azure 監視器警示",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "1.0 版中的新功能:
新增了查詢統一 Azure 監視警示的支援。",
+ "loc.group.displayName.advanced": "進階",
+ "loc.input.label.connectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
+ "loc.input.help.connectedServiceNameARM": "選取要監視的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
+ "loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "資源群組",
+ "loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "提供要監視的資源群組名稱。",
+ "loc.input.label.filterType": "篩選類型",
+ "loc.input.help.filterType": "依據特定的資源或警示規則篩選。預設值是無。",
+ "loc.input.label.resource": "資源",
+ "loc.input.help.resource": "選取要監視的 Azure 資源。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertRule": "警示規則",
+ "loc.input.help.alertRule": "依據特定的警示規則篩選。預設值是全選。",
+ "loc.input.label.severity": "嚴重性",
+ "loc.input.help.severity": "依據嚴重性篩選。預設值是全選。",
+ "loc.input.label.timeRange": "時間範圍",
+ "loc.input.help.timeRange": "依據時間範圍篩選。預設值是 1 小時。",
+ "loc.input.label.alertState": "警示狀態",
+ "loc.input.help.alertState": "依據警示執行個體的狀態篩選。預設值是全選。",
+ "loc.input.label.monitorCondition": "監視器條件",
+ "loc.input.help.monitorCondition": "監視條件代表基礎條件是否超過定義的警示規則閾值。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json
index d9298143aa16..feead09734f2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.json
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"instanceNameFormat": "Query Azure Monitor alerts",
"groups": [
"name": "advanced",
"displayName": "Advanced",
- "isExpanded": false
+ "isExpanded": false
"inputs": [
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
"helpMarkDown": "Filter by specific resource or alert rule. Default value is None.",
"groupName": "advanced"
- },
+ },
"name": "resource",
"type": "pickList",
"label": "Resource",
"required": true,
- "properties": {
+ "properties": {
"EditableOptions": "True"
"visibleRule": "filterType = resource",
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"type": "pickList",
"label": "Alert rule",
"required": true,
- "properties": {
+ "properties": {
"EditableOptions": "True"
"visibleRule": "filterType = alertrule",
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
"properties": {
"MultiSelectFlatList": "True",
"EditableOptions": "True"
- },
+ },
"helpMarkDown": "Filter by state of the alert instance. Default value is to select all.",
"groupName": "advanced"
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
"properties": {
"MultiSelectFlatList": "True",
"EditableOptions": "True"
- },
+ },
"helpMarkDown": "Monitor condition represents whether the underlying conditions have crossed the defined alert rule thresholds.",
"groupName": "advanced"
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
"endpointId": "$(connectedServiceNameARM)",
"dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG",
"parameters": {
- "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)"
- },
+ "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)"
+ },
"resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{type}}}/{{{name}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}} [{{{type}}}]\" }"
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json
index 1010e9aa7192..515724749037 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMonitorV1/task.loc.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 151,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
"groups": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 527541749a06..7c16c5ec6323 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL-Bereitstellung",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Führen Sie Skripts aus, und nehmen Sie Änderungen an Ihrer Azure Database for MySQL-Instanz vor.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit werden Skripts ausgeführt und Änderungen an Ihrer Azure Database for MySQL-Instanz vorgenommen.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL ausführen: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "DB-Details",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Bereitstellungspaket",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Der MySQL-Client ist auf dem Windows-Agent-Computer nicht vorhanden. Installieren Sie ihn durch Ausführen der Skriptdatei \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" des MySQL-Clientinstallers auf dem Agent-Computer.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Der MySQL-Client fehlt auf dem Linux-Agent-Computer. Installieren Sie ihn durch Ausführen von \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\".",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für den virtuellen Computer. Informationen finden Sie unter https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte kein Zugriffstoken abgerufen werden. Konfigurieren Sie die verwaltete Dienstidentität (MSI) für die VM, siehe https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Weisen Sie der erstellten MSI-Identität eine Rolle zu, siehe https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Ein Zugriffstoken für den verwalteten Dienstprinzipal konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Statuscode: %s. Statusmeldung: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Firewallregel zum Azure MySQL-Server. Fehler: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 8a4a2269924d..f3b51790bce4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Falta el cliente de MySQL en el equipo del agente de Windows. Instálelo ejecutando el archivo de script \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" del instalador del cliente MySQL en la máquina del agente.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Falta el cliente de MySQL en el equipo del agente de Linux. Instálelo ejecutando \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\".",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para Azure. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Configure la identidad de servicio administrado (MSI) para la máquina virtual. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) para la máquina virtual. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\". Asigne un rol a la identidad MSI que se ha creado. Consulte \"https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi\". Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "No se pudo recuperar un token de acceso para la entidad de servicio administrado. Código de estado: %s. Mensaje de estado: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Error al agregar la regla de firewall al servidor MySQL de Azure: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 3cc8f79e99ec..0118de71868c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement d'Azure Database pour MySQL",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Exécutez vos scripts et apportez des changements au service Azure Database pour MySQL.",
+ "loc.description": "Exécuter des scripts et apporter des changements au service Azure Database pour MySQL",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Exécuter Azure MySQL : $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "Détails de DB",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Package de déploiement",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Le client MySQL est manquant sur la machine de l'agent Windows. Installez-le en exécutant le fichier de script 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' du programme d'installation du client MySQL sur la machine d'agent.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Le client MySQL est manquant sur la machine de l'agent Linux. Installez-le en exécutant 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour Azure. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Configurez MSI (Managed Service Identity) pour la machine virtuelle. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Attribuez un rôle à l'identité MSI créée. Consultez 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Impossible de récupérer un jeton d'accès pour le principal de service managé. Code d'état : %s. Message d'état : %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Obtention d'une erreur durant l'ajout d'une règle de pare-feu au serveur Azure MySQL. Erreur : %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 85d9b1e8931e..c020cc39970f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione di Database di Azure per MySQL",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire gli script e di apportare modifiche all'istanza di Database di Azure per MySQL.",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di eseguire gli script e di apportare modifiche all'istanza di Database di Azure per MySQL",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Esegui attività MySQL di Azure: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "Dettagli del database",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Pacchetto di distribuzione",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Il client MySQL non è presente nel computer agente Windows. Per installarlo, eseguire il file di script 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' del programma di installazione del client MySQL nel computer agente.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Il client MySQL non è presente nel computer agente Linux. Per installarlo, eseguire 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per Azure. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Configurare l'identità del servizio gestita per la macchina virtuale. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Assegnare il ruolo all'identità del servizio gestita creata. Vedere 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Non è stato possibile recuperare un token di accesso per l'entità servizio gestita. Codice di stato: %s. Messaggio di stato: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Si è verificato un errore durante l'aggiunta della regola del firewall al server MySQL di Azure. Errore: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index a22c1238333e..bb56eea35fe9 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL の配置",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL のデプロイ",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "スクリプトを実行し、Azure Database for MySQL に変更を加えます。",
+ "loc.description": "スクリプトを実行し、Azure Database for MySQL に変更を加えます",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL を実行します : $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "DB の詳細",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "配置パッケージ",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL クライアントが Windows エージェント マシンにありません。エージェント マシンで MySQL クライアント インストーラー 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' スクリプト ファイルを実行して、そのクライアントをインストールしてください。",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL クライアントが Linux エージェント マシンにありません。'sudo apt-get install mysql-client' を実行して、そのクライアントをインストールしてください。",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure 用のアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのためのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。仮想マシンに対してマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください。'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs' をご覧ください。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのためのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。仮想マシンに対してマネージド サービス ID (MSI) を構成してください。'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs' をご覧ください。作成された MSI ID にロールを割り当ててください。'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi' をご覧ください。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "マネージド サービス プリンシパルのアクセス トークンを取得できませんでした。状態コード: %s。状態メッセージ: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "ファイアウォール規則を Azure MySql サーバーに追加する際にエラーが発生しました。エラー: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 2abe986cddcd..a6eafdcae8be 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL 배포",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "스크립트를 실행하고 Azure Database for MySQL를 변경합니다.",
+ "loc.description": "스크립트를 실행하고 Azure Database for MySQL을 변경합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure MySQL 실행: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 정보",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "배포 패키지",
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"loc.input.label.SqlInline": "인라인 MySQL 스크립트",
"loc.input.help.SqlInline": "위에서 선택한 데이터베이스에 대해 실행할 MySQL 스크립트를 입력합니다.",
"loc.input.label.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 추가 인수",
- "loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 단순 SQL 셸에서 지원하는 추가 옵션입니다. 이러한 옵션은 Azure Database for MySQL에서 지정된 파일을 실행할 때 적용됩니다.
예: 탭으로 구분된 기본 출력 형식을 HTML 또는 XML 형식으로 변경할 수 있습니다. 또는 큰 결과 집합에 사용할 메모리가 부족하여 문제가 발생하는 경우 --quick 옵션을 사용합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 단순 SQL 셸에서 지원하는 추가 옵션입니다. 이러한 옵션은 Azure Database for MySQL에서 지정된 파일을 실행할 때 적용됩니다.
예: 탭으로 구분된 기본 출력 형식을 HTML 또는 XML 형식으로 변경할 수 있습니다. 또는 대량의 결과 집합에 사용할 메모리가 부족하여 문제가 발생하는 경우 --quick 옵션을 사용합니다.",
"loc.input.label.IpDetectionMethod": "방화벽 규칙 지정 방법",
"loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "작업을 성공적으로 실행하려면 관리자가 자동화 에이전트의 IP 주소에서 Azure Database for MySQL 서버에 액세스할 수 있도록 설정해야 합니다.
자동 검색을 선택하면 자동화 에이전트의 가능한 IP 주소 범위에 적용할 방화벽 예외를 자동으로 추가할 수 있으며, 선택하지 않을 경우 범위를 명시적으로 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.StartIpAddress": "시작 IP 주소",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL 클라이언트가 Windows 에이전트 머신에 없습니다. 에이전트 머신에서 MySQL 클라이언트 설치 관리자 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' 스크립트 파일을 실행하여 설치하세요.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "MySQL 클라이언트가 Linux 에이전트 머신에 없습니다. 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client'를 실행하여 설치하세요.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신의 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요. 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'를 참조하세요. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신의 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요. 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'를 참조하세요. 만든 MSI ID에 역할을 할당하세요. 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'를 참조하세요. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체의 액세스 토큰을 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: %s. 상태 메시지: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Azure MySQL 서버에 방화벽 규칙을 추가하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index b85061f71fe1..182e771a2f66 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Базы данных Azure для MySQL",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание базы данных Azure для MySQL",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты и вносите изменения в Базу данных Azure для MySQL.",
+ "loc.description": "Выполняйте скрипты и вносите изменения в базу данных Azure для MySQL",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Выполнить Azure MySQL: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "Сведения о базе данных",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "Пакет развертывания",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Клиент MySQL отсутствует на компьютере агента Windows. Установите его, запустив файл скрипта https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer установщика клиента MySQL на компьютере агента.",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Клиент MySQL отсутствует на компьютере агента Linux. Установите его, выполнив команду sudo apt-get install mysql-client.",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте Управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины. См. страницу https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Настройте Управляемое удостоверение службы (MSI) для виртуальной машины. См. страницу https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs. Назначьте роль созданному удостоверению MSI. См. страницу https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для управляемого субъекта-службы. Код состояния: %s. Сообщение о состоянии: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "Сбой при добавлении правила брандмауэра на сервере MySQL Azure. Ошибка: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index e8773aa1f6f5..c4e3fdbb9269 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure Database for MySQL 部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "运行脚本并对 Azure Database for MySQL 进行更改。",
+ "loc.description": "运行脚本并对 Azure Database for MySQL 进行更改",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "执行 Azure SQL: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 详细信息",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署程序包",
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@
"loc.input.label.SqlAdditionalArguments": "其他 MySQL 参数",
"loc.input.help.SqlAdditionalArguments": "MySQL 简单 SQL shell 支持的其他选项。在 Azure Database for MySQL 上执行给定文件时,将应用这些选项。
示例: 可以将默认选项卡分隔的输出格式更改为 HTML 甚至 XML 格式。或者,如果由于大型结果集的内存不足而出现问题,请使用 --快速选项。",
"loc.input.label.IpDetectionMethod": "使用以下方法指定防火墙规则",
- "loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "为了成功执行任务,管理员需能够从自动化代理的 IP 地址访问 Azure Database for MySQL 服务器。
通过选择自动检测,可以自动为可能的自动化代理 IP 地址范围添加防火墙异常,或者可以显式指定范围。",
+ "loc.input.help.IpDetectionMethod": "为了成功执行任务,管理员需能够从自动化代理的 IP 地址访问 Azure Database for MySQL 服务器。
通过选择自动检测,可以自动为可能的自动化代理 IP 地址范围添加防火墙例外,或者可以显式指定范围。",
"loc.input.label.StartIpAddress": "起始 IP 地址",
"loc.input.help.StartIpAddress": "自动化代理计算机池的起始 IP 地址,如。",
"loc.input.label.EndIpAddress": "结束 IP 地址",
"loc.input.help.EndIpAddress": "自动化代理计算机池的结束 IP 地址,如。",
"loc.input.label.DeleteFirewallRule": "在任务结束后删除规则",
- "loc.input.help.DeleteFirewallRule": "如果选中,将为相应的 Azure Database for MySQL 删除自动化代理 IP 地址的添加的异常。",
+ "loc.input.help.DeleteFirewallRule": "如果选中,将为相应的 Azure Database for MySQL 删除添加的自动化代理 IP 地址例外。",
"loc.messages.ARGD_ConstructorFailed": "初始化时任务失败。错误: %s。",
"loc.messages.FirewallRuleNameCannotBeEmpty": "防火墙规则名称不能为 null。",
"loc.messages.FirewallAddressRangeCannotBeEmpty": "防火墙地址不能为 null。",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Windows 代理计算机上缺少 MySQL 客户端。请通过运行代理计算机上的 MySQL 客户端安装程序 \"https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer\" 脚本文件来安装它。",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Linux 代理计算机上缺少 MySQL 客户端。请通过运行 \"sudo apt-get install mysql-client\" 来安装它。",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "无法检索 Azure 的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识 (MSI)。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\"。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。请为虚拟机配置托管服务标识(MSI)。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs\"。向创建的 MSI 标识分配角色。请参阅 \"https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi\"。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "无法检索托管服务主体的访问令牌。状态代码: %s。状态消息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "将防火墙规则添加到 Azure MySQL 服务器时出现错误。错误: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index d56cbb2028b6..bf4b33e51c34 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/mysqlazuredeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "執行您的指令碼,並對適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫進行變更。",
+ "loc.description": "執行您的指令碼,並對適用於 MySQL 的 Azure 資料庫進行變更",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "執行 Azure MySQL: $(TaskNameSelector)",
"loc.group.displayName.target": "DB 詳細資料",
"loc.group.displayName.taskDetails": "部署套件",
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
"loc.messages.WindowMysqlClientMissingError": "Windows 代理程式機器上缺少 MySQL 用戶端。請在代理程式機器上執行 MySQL 用戶端安裝程式 'https://aka.ms/window-mysqlcli-installer' 指令檔來加以安裝。",
"loc.messages.LinuxMysqlClientMissingError": "Linux 代理程式機器上缺少 MySQL 用戶端。請執行 'sudo apt-get install mysql-client' 加以安裝。",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI)。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s",
- "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s"
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。請設定虛擬機器的受控服務識別 (MSI)。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'。將角色指派至建立的 MSI 身分識別。請參閱 'https://aka.ms/assign-role-msi'。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIStatusCode": "無法擷取受控服務主體的存取權杖。狀態碼: %s。狀態訊息: %s",
+ "loc.messages.NotAbleToCreateFirewallRule": "將防火牆規則新增至 Azure mysql 伺服器時得到錯誤。錯誤: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json
index 3ec260ab3e6d..ec5b9853a95c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 24
+ "Patch": 25
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
index fe72f20fca32..3ad603469598 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureMysqlDeploymentV1/task.loc.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 24
+ "Patch": 25
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.100.0",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 006ead844fc1..96d94f197be5 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure-Netzwerklastenausgleich",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Stellen Sie eine Verbindung her/trennen Sie die Verbindung zwischen der Netzwerkschnittstelle des virtuellen Azure-Computers und dem Back-End-Adresspool des Lastenausgleichs.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit wird die Netzwerkschnittstelle einer Azure-VM mit einem Load Balancer-Back-End-Adresspool verbunden oder von diesem getrennt.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Netzwerklastenausgleich: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 3dfa099d6fdf..13a03182b540 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure Network Load Balancer",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Conectar/Desconectar la interfaz de red de una máquina virtual de Azure para un grupo de direcciones de back-end de Load Balancer",
+ "loc.description": "Conecta o desconecta la interfaz de red de una máquina virtual de Azure para un grupo de direcciones de back-end de Load Balancer.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Network Load Balancer: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index ce3d1828332a..9eb3edca44d8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Équilibreur de charge réseau Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Connecter/déconnecter l'interface réseau d'une machine virtuelle Azure à un pool d'adresses principal d'un équilibreur de charge",
+ "loc.description": "Connecter ou déconnecter l'interface réseau d'une machine virtuelle Azure du pool d'adresses back-end d'un équilibreur de charge",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Équilibreur de charge réseau Azure : $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 08c746c3024f..a4e6cc10d1b2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Bilanciamento del carico di rete di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di connettere/disconnettere l'interfaccia di rete di una macchina virtuale di Azure al/dal pool di indirizzi back-end di un servizio di bilanciamento del carico",
+ "loc.description": "Consente di connettere o disconnettere l'interfaccia di rete di una macchina virtuale di Azure al/dal pool di indirizzi back-end di un servizio di bilanciamento del carico",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Bilanciamento del carico di rete di Azure: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
"loc.input.help.ResourceGroupName": "Consente di selezionare il nome del gruppo di risorse.",
"loc.input.label.LoadBalancer": "Nome del servizio di bilanciamento del carico",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 0353973ee083..16f709e30923 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure ネットワーク ロード バランサー",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Azure 仮想マシンのネットワーク インターフェイスのロード バランサーのバックエンド アドレス プールへの接続/切断",
+ "loc.description": "Azure 仮想マシンのネットワーク インターフェイスを Load Balancer のバックエンド アドレス プールに接続するか、接続を切断します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure ネットワーク ロード バランサー: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 29ce61e1fe87..c54e1afe9bd4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 네트워크 부하 분산 장치",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Azure 가상 머신의 네트워크 인터페이스를 부하 분산 장치 백 엔드 주소 풀에 연결/연결 끊기",
+ "loc.description": "Azure 가상 머신의 네트워크 인터페이스를 Load Balancer의 백 엔드 주소 풀에 연결하거나 연결을 끊습니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 네트워크 부하 분산 장치: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 1c425d56dfc7..da69b50e26c4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Балансировщик сетевой нагрузки Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительная информация](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "Подключение сетевого интерфейса виртуальной машины Azure к серверному пулу адресов балансировщика нагрузки или отключение от него",
+ "loc.description": "Подключение или отключение сетевого интерфейса виртуальной машины Azure для серверного пула адресов Load Balancer",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Балансировщик сетевой нагрузки Azure: $(LoadBalancer) — $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index eb007b08c87a..0a7a75f4570c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 网络负载均衡器",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "建立/断开 Azure 虚拟机的网络接口与负载均衡器的后端地址池的连接",
+ "loc.description": "将 Azure 虚拟机的网络接口连接到负载均衡器的后端地址池,或者断开与该地址池的连接",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 网络负载均衡器: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index df139810b7fa..0f6a250bd1ef 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 網路負載平衡器",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=837723)",
- "loc.description": "將 Azure 虛擬機器的網路介面連線到負載平衡器的後端位址集區,或中斷兩者之間的連線",
+ "loc.description": "將 Azure 虛擬機器的網路介面連線至負載平衡器的後端位址集區,或將其中斷連線。",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 網路負載平衡器: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json
index 05607777c42b..03bdeacca2fe 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 5
+ "Patch": 6
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "Azure Network Load Balancer: $(LoadBalancer) - $(Action)",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json
index a62895c3ee1a..658d63e2ca3a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureNLBManagementV1/task.loc.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 5
+ "Patch": 6
"minimumAgentVersion": "1.95.0",
"instanceNameFormat": "ms-resource:loc.instanceNameFormat",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 55b06971eaeb..932f275bc4d5 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung",
- "loc.description": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung mit Azure-Richtlinien für Ressourcen, die der Ressourcengruppe und dem Azure-Abonnement angehören",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure Policy-Konformitätsbewertung für $(ResourceGroupName)",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy-Konformität überprüfen",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Sicherheits- und Konformitätsbewertung für Azure Policy",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Richtlinienkonformität überprüfen",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement zum Erzwingen der Richtlinien aus.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Ressourcengruppe",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 3b0bf6733f9b..c7a592fb3502 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento",
- "loc.description": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento con las directivas de Azure en recursos que pertenecen al grupo de recursos y la suscripción de Azure",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Evaluación del cumplimiento de Azure Policy para $(ResourceGroupName)",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Comprobar el cumplimiento de Azure Policy",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Evaluación de seguridad y cumplimiento para Azure Policy",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Comprobar cumplimiento de directivas",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para aplicar las directivas.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Grupo de recursos",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index c9074f649993..9e925320d045 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Évaluation de la sécurité et de la conformité",
- "loc.description": "Évaluation de la sécurité et de la conformité par rapport aux stratégies Azure sur les ressources qui font partie du groupe de ressources et de l'abonnement Azure",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Évaluation de la conformité à Azure Policy pour $(ResourceGroupName)",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Vérifier la conformité à Azure Policy",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Évaluation de sécurité et de conformité pour Azure Policy",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Vérifier la conformité de la stratégie",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager approprié pour appliquer les stratégies.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Groupe de ressources",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 86adb40daa61..a122522da232 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità",
- "loc.description": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità con criteri di Azure su risorse che appartengono al gruppo di risorse e alla sottoscrizione di Azure",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Valutazione della conformità ai criteri di Azure per $(ResourceGroupName)",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Verifica conformità Criteri di Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Valutazione di sicurezza e conformità per Criteri di Azure",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Controlla conformità criteri",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per l'applicazione dei criteri.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 275accd89b25..a0e4d6f5defb 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "セキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価",
- "loc.description": "リソース グループと Azure サブスクリプションに属するリソースでの、Azure ポリシーによるセキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価です",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) の Azure Policy コンプライアンス評価",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy コンプライアンスの確認",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Policy のセキュリティとコンプライアンスの評価",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "ポリシー コンプライアンスの確認",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "ポリシーを適用する Azure Resource Manager のサブスクリプションを選択します。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "リソース グループ",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index a684124f1b50..36844f800e88 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "보안 및 준수 평가",
- "loc.description": "리소스 그룹 및 Azure 구독에 속해 있는 리소스에 대한 Azure 정책을 사용한 보안 및 준수 평가",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName)에 대한 Azure Policy 준수 평가",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure Policy 규정 준수 확인",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Policy의 보안 및 규정 준수 평가입니다.",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "정책 준수 확인",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "정책을 적용할 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "리소스 그룹",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index e896ef855d88..cb5e445107a1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия требованиям",
- "loc.description": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия политикам Azure для ресурсов, относящихся к группе ресурсов и подписке Azure",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Оценка соответствия политикам Azure для $(ResourceGroupName)",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Проверить соответствие Политики Azure",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Оценка безопасности и соответствия для Политики Azure",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "Проверить соответствие политикам",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку Azure Resource Manager, к которой необходимо применить политики.",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "Группа ресурсов",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 0263222dc348..69c76e8ce9be 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "安全性和符合性评估",
- "loc.description": "使用 Azure 策略对属于资源组和 Azure 订阅的资源执行的安全性和符合性评估",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) 的 Azure 策略符合性评估",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "检查 Azure Policy 符合性",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Policy 的安全性与符合性评估",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "检查策略符合性",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "选择要强制实施策略的 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "资源组",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index bcbaa74a5c16..4dc1611b0ba2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "安全性及合規性評定",
- "loc.description": "依據 Azure 原則對屬於資源群組與 Azure 訂用帳戶的資源進行的安全性與合規性評定",
- "loc.instanceNameFormat": "$(ResourceGroupName) 的 Azure 原則合規性評估",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "檢查 Azure 原則合規性",
+ "loc.helpMarkDown": "",
+ "loc.description": "Azure 原則的安全性與合規性評定",
+ "loc.instanceNameFormat": "檢查原則合規性",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "請選取您要強制執行原則的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
"loc.input.label.ResourceGroupName": "資源群組",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json
index a9c17e107ca2..c3e0ebd7ac84 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.json
@@ -1,112 +1,114 @@
- "id": "8BA74703-E94F-4A35-814E-FC21F44578A2",
- "name": "AzurePolicyCheckGate",
- "friendlyName": "Check Azure Policy compliance",
- "description": "Security and compliance assessment for Azure Policy",
- "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-policy-check-gate",
- "helpMarkDown": "",
- "category": "Deploy",
- "visibility": [
- "Release"
- ],
- "runsOn": [
- "ServerGate"
- ],
- "author": "Microsoft Corporation",
- "version": {
- "Major": 0,
- "Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 0
- },
- "preview": "true",
- "inputs": [
- {
- "name": "ConnectedServiceName",
- "aliases": [
- "azureSubscription"
- ],
- "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
- "label": "Azure subscription",
- "required": true,
- "helpMarkDown": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription to enforce the policies."
+ "id": "8BA74703-E94F-4A35-814E-FC21F44578A2",
+ "name": "AzurePolicyCheckGate",
+ "friendlyName": "Check Azure Policy compliance",
+ "description": "Security and compliance assessment for Azure Policy",
+ "helpUrl": "https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-policy-check-gate",
+ "helpMarkDown": "",
+ "category": "Deploy",
+ "visibility": [
+ "Release"
+ ],
+ "runsOn": [
+ "ServerGate"
+ ],
+ "author": "Microsoft Corporation",
+ "version": {
+ "Major": 0,
+ "Minor": 152,
+ "Patch": 1
- {
- "name": "ResourceGroupName",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Resource group",
- "helpMarkDown": "Provide name of a resource group.",
- "properties": {
- "EditableOptions": "True"
- }
- },
- {
- "name": "Resources",
- "type": "pickList",
- "label": "Resource name",
- "helpMarkDown": "Select name of Azure resources for which you want to check the policy compliance.",
- "defaultValue": "",
- "properties": {
- "MultiSelectFlatList": "True",
- "DisableManageLink": "True",
- "EditableOptions": "False"
- }
- }
- ],
- "dataSourceBindings": [
- {
- "target": "ResourceGroupName",
- "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
- "dataSourceName": "AzureResourceGroups"
- },
- {
- "target": "Resources",
- "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
- "dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG",
- "parameters": {
- "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)"
- },
- "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }"
- }
- ],
- "instanceNameFormat": "Check Policy Compliance",
- "execution": {
- "HttpRequestChain": {
- "Execute": [
+ "preview": "true",
+ "inputs": [
- "RequestInputs": {
- "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
- "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{/if}}",
- "Method": "POST"
- },
- "ExecutionOptions": {
- "OutputVariables": {"locationUrl" : "response['headers']['location']"},
- "SkipSectionExpression": "isUrl(variables['locationUrl'])"
- }
+ "name": "ConnectedServiceName",
+ "aliases": [
+ "azureSubscription"
+ ],
+ "type": "connectedService:AzureRM",
+ "label": "Azure subscription",
+ "required": true,
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select the Azure Resource Manager subscription to enforce the policies."
- "RequestInputs": {
- "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
- "EndpointUrl": "$(locationUrl)",
- "Method": "GET",
- "Expression": "and(eq(response['statuscode'], 'OK'), eq(response['content']['status'], 'Succeeded'))"
- }
+ "name": "ResourceGroupName",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Resource group",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Provide name of a resource group.",
+ "properties": {
+ "EditableOptions": "True"
+ }
- "RequestInputs": {
- "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
- "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{/if}}",
- "Method": "POST"
- }
+ "name": "Resources",
+ "type": "pickList",
+ "label": "Resource name",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Select name of Azure resources for which you want to check the policy compliance.",
+ "defaultValue": "",
+ "properties": {
+ "MultiSelectFlatList": "True",
+ "DisableManageLink": "True",
+ "EditableOptions": "False"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "dataSourceBindings": [
+ {
+ "target": "ResourceGroupName",
+ "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
+ "dataSourceName": "AzureResourceGroups"
- "RequestInputs": {
- "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
- "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{/if}}",
- "Method": "POST",
- "Expression": "or(and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), true), eq(count(jsonpath('value[*].resourceId')), 0)), and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), false), eq(count(intersect(split(taskInputs['resources'], ','), jsonpath('value[*].resourceId'))) ,0)))"
- }
+ "target": "Resources",
+ "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
+ "dataSourceName": "AzureRMResourcesInRG",
+ "parameters": {
+ "ResourceGroupName": "$(ResourceGroupName)"
+ },
+ "resultTemplate": "{ \"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{name}}}\" }"
+ }
+ ],
+ "instanceNameFormat": "Check Policy Compliance",
+ "execution": {
+ "HttpRequestChain": {
+ "Execute": [
+ {
+ "RequestInputs": {
+ "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
+ "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/triggerEvaluation?api-version=2018-07-01-preview{{/if}}",
+ "Method": "POST"
+ },
+ "ExecutionOptions": {
+ "OutputVariables": {
+ "locationUrl": "response['headers']['location']"
+ },
+ "SkipSectionExpression": "isUrl(variables['locationUrl'])"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "RequestInputs": {
+ "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
+ "EndpointUrl": "$(locationUrl)",
+ "Method": "GET",
+ "Expression": "and(eq(response['statuscode'], 'OK'), eq(response['content']['status'], 'Succeeded'))"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "RequestInputs": {
+ "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
+ "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/summarize?api-version=2018-04-04{{/if}}",
+ "Method": "POST"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "RequestInputs": {
+ "EndpointId": "$(connectedServiceName)",
+ "EndpointUrl": "{{#if ResourceGroupName}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{else}}$(endpoint.url)subscriptions/$(endpoint.subscriptionId)/providers/Microsoft.PolicyInsights/policyStates/latest/queryResults?api-version=2018-04-04&$filter=IsCompliant eq false{{/if}}",
+ "Method": "POST",
+ "Expression": "or(and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), true), eq(count(jsonpath('value[*].resourceId')), 0)), and(eq(isNullOrEmpty(taskInputs['resources']), false), eq(count(intersect(split(taskInputs['resources'], ','), jsonpath('value[*].resourceId'))) ,0)))"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
- ]
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json
index 5ceb09c6eed6..c31c1389c803 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePolicyV0/task.loc.json
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 0,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 0
+ "Patch": 1
"preview": "true",
"inputs": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 6f25ec68a780..90511b921e0b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -23,5 +23,5 @@
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "スクリプトの引数 '{0}' が無効です。改行は使用できません。",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "スクリプト パス '{0}' が無効です。無効なパス文字が指定されました。",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定した Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' は、形式が正しくありません。形式をご確認ください。正しい形式の例は、1.0.1 です",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' で上書きされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。"
+ "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' でオーバーライドされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json
index 99ffd55dcf4c..c34aa573d999 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 11
+ "Patch": 12
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json
index 9ca2c5c3b9a9..82f569b14858 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV2/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 11
+ "Patch": 12
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json
index ed315bf45268..d7f924de94ea 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 27
+ "Patch": 28
"releaseNotes": "Added support for Fail on standard error and ErrorActionPreference",
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json
index d994bcaf0814..5bd397ff8a14 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV3/task.loc.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 3,
"Minor": 1,
- "Patch": 27
+ "Patch": 28
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
"demands": [
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 89cab5b4ddf5..860e77fb0ff7 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "PowerShell-Skript innerhalb einer Azure-Umgebung ausführen",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell-Skript: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für \"Fehler bei Standardfehler\" und ErrorActionPreference hinzugefügt",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Unterstützung für Az-Modul und plattformübergreifende Agents hinzugefügt.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell-Versionsoptionen",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure-Verbindungstyp",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Klassisches Azure-Abonnement, das vor dem Ausführen von PowerShell konfiguriert wird.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement, das vor dem Ausführen von PowerShell konfiguriert wird.",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Skripttyp",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Fehler bei Standardfehler.",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Wenn dieser Wert TRUE ist, tritt ein Aufgabenfehler auf, wenn Fehler in die Fehlerpipeline oder Daten in den Standard-Fehlerdatenstrom geschrieben werden.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell-Version",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Im Falle gehosteter Agents werden die folgenden Azure PowerShell-Versionen unterstützt: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 und 6.7.0 (gehostete VS2017-Warteschlange), 3.6.0 (gehostete Warteschlange).\nWenn Sie die neueste für den Agent verfügbare Version auswählen möchten, wählen Sie \"Neueste installierte Version\".\n\nBei privaten Agents können Sie mithilfe von \"Version angeben\" die bevorzugte Version von Azure PowerShell festlegen.",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Im Falle gehosteter Agents wird die folgende Azure PowerShell-Version unterstützt: 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nWenn Sie die neueste für den Agent verfügbare Version auswählen möchten, wählen Sie \"Neueste installierte Version\".\n\nBei privaten Agents können Sie mithilfe von \"Version angeben\" die bevorzugte Version von Azure PowerShell festlegen.",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Die bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version muss eine ordnungsgemäße semantische Version sein, z. B. \"1.2.3\". Reguläre Ausdrücke wie \"2.\\*,2.3.\\*\" werden nicht unterstützt. Der gehostete VS2017-Pool unterstützt derzeit die Azure-Modulversionen 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 und die AzureRM-Modulversionen 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0.",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Die bevorzugte Azure PowerShell-Version muss eine ordnungsgemäße semantische Version sein, z. B. \"1.2.3\". Reguläre Ausdrücke wie 2.\\*,2.3.\\* werden nicht unterstützt. Der gehostete VS2017-Pool unterstützt aktuell die Az-Modulversion 1.0.0.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Ungültige Skriptargumente \"{0}\". Zeilenumbrüche sind unzulässig.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ungültiger Skriptpfad \"{0}\". Es wurden ungültige Pfadzeichen angegeben.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Die angegebene Azure PowerShell-Version \"{0}\" weist nicht das richtige Format auf. Überprüfen Sie das Format. Ein Beispiel für das richtige Format ist etwa 1.0.1.",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Die Azure PowerShell-Version {0} wird für den gehosteten Agent nicht unterstützt. Überschreiben Sie die Version mit Version {1}. Erwägen Sie eine Änderung der ausgewählten Version."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell wurde beendet mit dem Code \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell hat mindestens eine Zeile in den Standardfehlerstream geschrieben.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index b12f9692ace4..a5f15c666cb0 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Ejecutar un script de PowerShell en un entorno de Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script de Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Compatibilidad agregada para el error estándar y ErrorActionPreference",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Se ha agregado compatibilidad con el módulo Az y los agentes multiplataforma.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Opciones de versión de Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo de conexión de Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción de Azure clásico para configurar antes de ejecutar PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción a Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para configurar antes de ejecutar PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo de script",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Error si se produce un error estándar",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Si es true, se producirá un error en la tarea si se escriben errores en la canalización de errores o si se escriben datos en el flujo de error estándar.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Versión de Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "En el caso de agentes hospedados, las versiones de Azure PowerShell admitidas son 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 y 6.7.0 (Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue).\nPara elegir la última versión disponible en el agente, seleccione \"Latest installed version\".\n\nPara agentes privados, puede especificar la versión de Azure PowerShell que prefiera con la opción \"Specify version\".",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "En el caso de agentes hospedados, la versión de Azure PowerShell admitida es 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nPara elegir la última versión disponible en el agente, seleccione \"Latest installed version\".\n\nPara agentes privados, puede especificar la versión de Azure PowerShell que prefiera con la opción \"Specify version\".",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Versión de Azure PowerShell preferida",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versión preferida de Azure PowerShell debe ser una versión de semántica adecuada; por ejemplo,1.2.3. No se admite Regex como 2.\\*,2.3.\\*. El grupo Hosted VS2017 Pool actualmente es compatible con las versiones del módulo de Azure 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1 y 5.1.1, así como las versiones del módulo AzureRM 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versión preferida de Azure PowerShell debe ser una versión de semántica adecuada, por ejemplo, 1.2.3. No se admite una expresión regular como 2.\\*,2.3.\\*. El grupo Hosted VS2017 Pool es compatible con la versión del módulo Az 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Argumentos de script '{0}' no válidos. No se permiten los saltos de línea.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Ruta del script '{0}' no válida. Los caracteres de ruta de acceso especificados no son válidos.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "La versión de Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" especificada no tiene el formato correcto. Compruebe el formato. Ejemplo de formato correcto: 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "La versión \"{0}\" de Azure PowerShell no se admite para el agente hospedado. Reemplácela por la versión \"{1}\". Considere la posibilidad de cambiar la versión seleccionada."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell se cerró con el código \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell escribió una o varias líneas en la secuencia de error estándar.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 32ac08382915..dc1ab94ee66b 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Exécuter un script PowerShell dans un environnement Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script Azure PowerShell : $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout de la prise en charge de Fail en cas d'erreur standard et d'ErrorActionPreference",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Ajout de la prise en charge du module Azure et des agents multiplateformes.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Options de version Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Type de connexion Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure Classic à configurer avant d'exécuter PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Abonnement Azure Resource Manager à configurer avant d'exécuter PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Type de script",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Échec sur une erreur standard",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Si la valeur est true, et si des erreurs sont écrites dans le pipeline d'erreurs ou si des données sont écrites dans le flux d'erreurs standard, cette tâche se solde par un échec.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Version d'Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Dans le cas d'agents hébergés, les versions d'Azure PowerShell prises en charge sont les suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 et 6.7.0 (file d'attente VS2017 hébergée), 3.6.0 (file d'attente hébergée).\nPour choisir la dernière version disponible sur l'agent, sélectionnez \"Dernière version installée\".\n\nPour les agents privés, vous pouvez spécifier la version préférée d'Azure PowerShell à l'aide de l'option \"Spécifier la version\"",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Dans le cas d'agents hébergés, la version d'Azure PowerShell prise en charge est la suivante : 1.0.0 (file d'attente VS2017 hébergée).\nPour choisir la dernière version disponible sur l'agent, sélectionnez \"Dernière version installée\".\n\nPour les agents privés, vous pouvez spécifier la version préférée d'Azure PowerShell à l'aide de l'option \"Spécifier la version\"",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Version préférée d'Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La version préférée d'Azure PowerShell doit être une version sémantique appropriée. Par exemple, 1.2.3. La notation regex telle que 2.\\*,2.3.\\* n'est pas prise en charge. Le pool VS2017 hébergé prend en charge les versions de module Azure suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 et les versions de module AzureRM suivantes : 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La version préférée d'Azure PowerShell doit être une version sémantique appropriée. Par exemple, 1.2.3. La notation regex telle que 2.\\*,2.3.\\* n'est pas prise en charge. Le pool VS2017 hébergé prend en charge la version de module Azure suivante : 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Arguments de script '{0}' non valides. Les sauts de ligne ne sont pas autorisés.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Chemin de script '{0}' non valide. Caractères non valides spécifiés dans le chemin.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "La version '{0}' spécifiée pour Azure PowerShell n'est pas au format approprié. Vérifiez le format. Exemple de format correct : 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell '{0}' n'est pas une version prise en charge pour l'agent hébergé. Remplacement par la version '{1}'. Changez la version sélectionnée."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Arrêt de PowerShell. Code de sortie : '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell a écrit une ou plusieurs lignes dans le flux d'erreurs standard.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index b9343ab1544e..45c3b09424a9 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Consente di eseguire uno script PowerShell in un ambiente Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Script Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Aggiunta del supporto per Interrompi in caso di STDERR e ErrorActionPreference",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "È stato aggiunto il supporto per il modulo AZ e gli agenti multipiattaforma.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Opzioni della versione di Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Tipo di connessione ad Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure classico da configurare prima di eseguire PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager da configurare prima di eseguire PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Tipo di script",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Interrompi in caso di errore standard",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Se il valore è true, questa attività non riuscirà nel caso in cui vengano scritti errori nella pipeline degli errori oppure se vengono scritti dati nel flusso STDERR.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Versione di Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "In caso di agenti ospitati le versioni supportate di Azure PowerShell sono: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 e 6.7.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue).\nPer selezionare l'ultima versione disponibile per l'agente ospitato, selezionare \"Ultima versione installata\".\n\nPer gli agenti privati è possibile specificare la versione preferita di Azure PowerShell usando \"Specifica versione\"",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Nel caso degli agenti ospitati la versione supportata di Azure PowerShell è la 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue).\nPer selezionare l'ultima versione disponibile per l'agente ospitato, selezionare \"Ultima versione installata\".\n\nPer gli agenti privati è possibile specificare la versione preferita di Azure PowerShell usando \"Specifica versione\"",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Versione preferita di Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versione preferita di Azure PowerShell deve essere una versione semantica valida, ad esempio 1.2.3. Espressioni regolari come 2.\\*,2.3.\\* non sono supportate. Il pool Hosted VS2017 supporta attualmente le versioni 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1 e 5.1.1 del modulo di Azure e le versioni 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0 del modulo AzureRM",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "La versione preferita di Azure PowerShell deve essere una versione semantica valida, ad esempio 1.2.3. Espressioni regolari come 2.\\*,2.3.\\* non sono supportate. Il pool Hosted VS2017 supporta attualmente la versione 1.0.0 del modulo Az",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Gli argomenti '{0}' dello script non sono validi. Le interruzioni di riga non sono consentite.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Il percorso '{0}' dello script non è valido. Sono stati specificati caratteri non validi.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Il formato della versione di Azure PowerShell '{0}' specificata non è corretto. Controllare il formato. Un esempio di formato corretto è 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "La versione '{0}' di Azure PowerShell non è supportata per l'agente ospitato e verrà sostituita con la versione '{1}'. Provare a cambiare la versione selezionata."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell terminato con codice '%s'.",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell ha scritto una o più righe nel flusso di errore standard.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index a2189635fd48..d573c1c33fe2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Azure 環境内で PowerShell スクリプトを実行します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell スクリプト: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "標準エラーが書き込まれた場合の失敗と、ErrorActionPreference のサポートが追加されました",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Az モジュールとクロス プラットフォームのエージェントのサポートが追加されました。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell バージョンのオプション",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 接続の種類",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure クラシック サブスクリプション",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "PowerShell を実行する前に構成する Azure クラシック サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "PowerShell を実行する前に構成する Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "スクリプトの種類",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "標準エラーで失敗",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "これが true の場合、何らかのエラーがエラー パイプラインに書き込まれるか、何らかのデータが標準エラー ストリームに書き込まれる場合、このタスクは失敗します。",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell バージョン",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "ホステッド エージェントの場合、サポートされている Azure PowerShell のバージョンは、2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0 (ホステッド VS2017 キュー)、3.6.0 (ホステッド キュー) です。\nエージェントで利用可能な最新バージョンを選ぶには、[Latest installed version] (インストールされた最新バージョン) を選択します。\n\nプライベート エージェントには、[Specify version] (バージョンを指定する) を使用して好みのバージョンの Azure PowerShell を指定できます。",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "ホステッド エージェントの場合、サポートされている Azure PowerShell のバージョンは、1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 キュー) です。\nエージェントで利用可能な最新バージョンを選ぶには、[Latest installed version] (インストールされた最新バージョン) を選択します。\n\nプライベート エージェントには、[Specify version] (バージョンを指定する) を使用して好みのバージョンの Azure PowerShell を指定できます。",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "優先される Azure PowerShell バージョン",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "推奨の Azure PowerShell バージョンは、1.2.3 などの適切なセマンティック バージョンである必要があります。2.\\*、2.3.\\* などの RegEx はサポートされていません。Hosted VS2017 プールは、現在次のバージョンをサポートしています。Azure モジュール バージョン: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 および AzureRM モジュール バージョン: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "推奨の Azure PowerShell バージョンは、1.2.3 などの適切なセマンティック バージョンである必要があります。2.\\*、2.3.\\* などの RegEx はサポートされていません。Hosted VS2017 プールは、現在次の Az モジュール バージョンをサポートしています: 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "スクリプトの引数 '{0}' が無効です。改行は使用できません。",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "スクリプト パス '{0}' が無効です。無効なパス文字が指定されました。",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定した Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' は、形式が正しくありません。形式をご確認ください。正しい形式の例は、1.0.1 です",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell バージョン '{0}' はホストされたエージェントではサポートされていません。バージョン '{1}' でオーバーライドされます。選択したバージョンを変更することをご検討ください。"
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell がコード '%s' で終了しました。",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell が標準エラー ストリームに 1 行以上を書き込みました。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことを確認してください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index c3afe09bf0a8..9aa8925d44d8 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Azure 환경에서 PowerShell 스크립트 실행",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 스크립트: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "표준 오류 시 실패 및 ErrorActionPreference에 대한 지원이 추가됨",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Az 모듈 및 플랫폼 간 에이전트에 대한 지원이 추가되었습니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 버전 옵션",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 연결 형식",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 클래식 구독",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "PowerShell을 실행하기 전에 구성할 Azure 클래식 구독입니다.",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "PowerShell을 실행하기 전에 구성할 Azure Resource Manager 구독",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "스크립트 유형",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "표준 오류 시 실패",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "이 값이 true이면 오류 파이프라인에 오류가 작성되거나 표준 오류 스트림에 데이터가 작성될 경우 이 작업은 실패하게 됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 버전",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "호스트된 에이전트의 경우 지원되는 Azure PowerShell 버전은 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 및 6.7.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue), 3.6.0(Hosted Queue)입니다.\n에이전트에서 사용 가능한 최신 버전을 선택하려면 \"설치된 최신 버전\"을 선택합니다.\n\n사용자 에이전트의 경우 \"버전 지정\"을 사용하여 기본 Azure PowerShell 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "호스트된 에이전트의 경우 지원되는 Azure PowerShell 버전은 1.0.0(Hosted VS2017 Queue)입니다.\n에이전트에서 사용 가능한 최신 버전을 선택하려면 \"설치된 최신 버전\"을 선택합니다.\n\n프라이빗 에이전트의 경우 \"버전 지정\"을 사용하여 기본 Azure PowerShell 버전을 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전은 올바른 의미 체계 버전(예: 1.2.3)이어야 합니다. 2.\\*,2.3.\\*와 같은 Regex는 지원되지 않습니다. 호스트된 VS2017 풀은 현재, Azure 모듈 버전 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 및 AzureRM 모듈 버전 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0을 지원합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "기본 Azure PowerShell 버전이 올바른 의미 체계 버전(예: 1.2.3)이어야 합니다. 2.\\*,2.3.\\*와 같은 Regex는 지원되지 않습니다. 호스트된 VS2017 풀은 현재 Az 모듈 버전 1.0.0을 지원합니다.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "스크립트 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 줄 바꿈은 허용되지 않습니다.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "스크립트 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 잘못된 경로 문자를 지정했습니다.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "지정한 Azure PowerShell 버전 '{0}'의 형식이 잘못되었습니다. 형식을 확인하세요. 올바른 형식의 예는 1.0.1입니다.",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell 버전 '{0}'은(는) 호스트된 에이전트에 사용할 수 없습니다. '{1}' 버전으로 재정의하세요. 선택한 버전을 변경하는 것이 좋습니다."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell이 코드 '%s'(으)로 종료되었습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell이 표준 오류 스트림에 하나 이상의 줄을 썼습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 9a7eaee21ee2..7e508f3826e6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее...](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "Выполнение скрипта PowerShell в среде Azure",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Сценарий Azure PowerShell: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка сбоя в случае стандартной ошибки и переменной ErrorActionPreference",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "Добавлена поддержка модуля Az и кроссплатформенных агентов.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Параметры версии Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Тип подключения Azure",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Классическая подписка Azure для настройки перед запуском PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Подписка на Azure Resource Manager для настройки перед запуском PowerShell",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "Тип сценария",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "Сбой со стандартной ошибкой",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "Если задано значение True, задача будет завершаться сбоем при записи любых ошибок в конвейер ошибок или записи любых данных в стандартный поток ошибок.",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Версия Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Для размещенных агентов поддерживаются следующие версии Azure PowerShell: 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 и 6.7.0 (размещенная очередь VS2017), 3.6.0 (размещенная очередь).\nЧтобы выбрать последнюю версию, доступную в агенте, выберите пункт \"Последняя установленная версия\".\n\nДля частных агентов можно указать предпочтительную версию Azure PowerShell с помощью элемента \"Указать версию\"",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "Для размещенных агентов поддерживается следующая версия Azure PowerShell: 1.0.0 (размещенная очередь VS2017).\nЧтобы выбрать последнюю версию, доступную в агенте, выберите пункт \"Последняя установленная версия\".\n\nДля частных агентов можно указать предпочтительную версию Azure PowerShell с помощью элемента \"Указать версию\"",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell должна быть надлежащей семантической версией, например 1.2.3. Регулярные выражения, например 2.\\*,2.3.\\*, не поддерживаются. Размещенный пул Visual Studio 2017 в настоящее время поддерживает версии модуля Azure 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1 и версии модуля AzureRM 2.1.0, 3.8.0, 4.2.1, 5.1.1, 6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "Предпочтительная версия Azure PowerShell должна быть надлежащей семантической версией, например 1.2.3. Регулярные выражения, например 2.\\*,2.3.\\*, не поддерживаются. Размещенный пул Visual Studio 2017 сейчас поддерживает версию модуля Az: 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "Недопустимые аргументы скрипта \"{0}\". Разрывы строк запрещены.",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "Недопустимый путь к скрипту \"{0}\". Указаны символы, недопустимые в пути.",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "Указанная версия Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" имеет неправильный формат. Проверьте формат. Пример правильного формата: 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Версия Azure PowerShell \"{0}\" не поддерживается для размещенного агента. Она будет заменена на версию \"{1}\". Попробуйте изменить выбранную версию."
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "Завершение работы PowerShell с кодом \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "Оболочка PowerShell записала одну или несколько строк в стандартный поток ошибок.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index 294496364cf1..e0327f82aafb 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "在 Azure 环境中运行 PowerShell 脚本",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 脚本: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "已添加对标准错误失败和 ErrorActionPreference 的支持",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "添加了对 Azure 模块和跨平台代理的支持。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 版本选项",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 连接类型",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 经典订阅",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "在运行 PowerShell 之前配置的 Azure 经典订阅",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "在运行 PowerShell 之前配置的 Azure 资源管理器订阅",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "脚本类型",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "因标准错误失败",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "如果为 true,当有错误被写入错误管道或有数据被写入标准错误流时,此任务将失败。",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 版本",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "对于托管代理,受支持的 Azure PowerShell 版本为: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 和 6.7.0(托管的 VS2017 队列)、3.6.0(托管队列)。\n若要在代理上选择最新的可用版本,选择“最新安装的版本”。\n\n对于专用代理,可以使用“指定版本”指定 Azure PowerShell 的首选版本",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "对于托管代理,受支持的 Azure PowerShell 版本为: 1.0.0(托管的 VS2017 队列)。\n若要在代理上选择最新的可用版本,选择“最新安装的版本”。\n\n对于专用代理,可以使用“指定版本”指定 Azure PowerShell 的首选版本",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本需为正确的语义版本,例如 1.2.3。不支持 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 等正则表达式。托管 VS2017 池当前支持 Azure 模块版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 和 AzureRM 模块版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "首选 Azure PowerShell 版本需为正确的语义版本,例如 1.2.3。不支持 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 等正则表达式。托管 VS2017 池当前支持 Azure 模块版本: 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "脚本参数“{0}”无效。不允许换行。",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "脚本路径“{0}”无效。指定的路径字符无效。",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定的 Azure PowerShell 版本“{0}”格式不正确。请检查格式。正确格式的示例为 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "Azure PowerShell 版本“{0}”不受托管代理支持。将其替代为版本“{1}”。请考虑更改选定的版本。"
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell 已退出,代码为“%s”。",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell 向标准错误流写入一个或多个行。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index c69a791577e1..8e78c3522555 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -3,11 +3,8 @@
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613749)",
"loc.description": "在 Azure 環境中執行 PowerShell 指令碼",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure PowerShell 指令碼: $(ScriptType)",
- "loc.releaseNotes": "新增了 [發生標準錯誤時失敗] 和 ErrorActionPreference 的支援",
+ "loc.releaseNotes": "新增了 Az 模組和跨平台代理程式的支援。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzurePowerShellVersionOptions": "Azure PowerShell 版本選項",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameSelector": "Azure 連接類型",
- "loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 傳統訂用帳戶",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "執行 PowerShell 之前要設定的 Azure 傳統訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceNameARM": "執行 PowerShell 之前要設定的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "指令碼類型",
@@ -23,11 +20,13 @@
"loc.input.label.FailOnStandardError": "發生標準錯誤的失敗",
"loc.input.help.FailOnStandardError": "若此項為 true,如果在錯誤管線中寫入任何錯誤,或在標準錯誤資料流中寫入任何資料,此工作就會失敗。",
"loc.input.label.TargetAzurePs": "Azure PowerShell 版本",
- "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "若為裝載的代理程式,支援的 Azure PowerShell 版本會是: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 及 6.7.0 (裝載的 VS2017 佇列)、3.6.0 (裝載的佇列)。\n若要挑選代理程式上可用的最新版本,請選取 [最新的安裝版本]。\n\n若為私人代理程式,您可以使用 [指定版本] 指定慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本",
+ "loc.input.help.TargetAzurePs": "若為裝載的代理程式,支援的 Azure PowerShell 版本是: 1.0.0 (裝載的 VS2017 佇列)。\n若要挑選代理程式上可用的最新版本,請選取 [最新的安裝版本]。\n\n若為私人代理程式,您可以使用 [指定版本] 指定慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本",
"loc.input.label.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本",
- "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本必須是適當的語意版本,例如 1.2.3。不支援 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 這樣的 Regex。裝載的 VS2017 集區目前支援 Azure 模組版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1 及 AzureRM 模組版本: 2.1.0、3.8.0、4.2.1、5.1.1、6.7.0",
+ "loc.input.help.CustomTargetAzurePs": "慣用的 Azure PowerShell 版本必須是適當的語意版本,例如 1.2.3。不支援 2.\\*、2.3.\\* 這類 Regex。裝載的 VS2017 集區目前支援 Az 模組版本: 1.0.0",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptArguments0": "指令碼引數 '{0}' 無效。不允許分行符號。",
"loc.messages.InvalidScriptPath0": "指令碼路徑 '{0}' 無效。指定的路徑字元無效。",
"loc.messages.InvalidAzurePsVersion": "指定的 Azure PowerShell 版本 '{0}' 格式不正確。請檢查格式。正確格式的範例為 1.0.1",
- "loc.messages.OverrideAzurePowerShellVersion": "裝載的代理程式不支援 Azure PowerShell '{0}' 版。正在以 '{1}' 版予以覆寫。請考慮變更選取的版本。"
+ "loc.messages.JS_ExitCode": "PowerShell 已結束,代碼為 '%s'。",
+ "loc.messages.JS_Stderr": "PowerShell 已將一或多行寫入標準錯誤資料流。",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json
index 092a995144aa..12da7e688dfd 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 4,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 11
+ "Patch": 12
"preview": true,
"releaseNotes": "Added support for Az Module and cross platform agents.",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json
index 22eb7f5f2d61..92bb69259a7f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzurePowerShellV4/task.loc.json
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 4,
"Minor": 0,
- "Patch": 11
+ "Patch": 12
"preview": true,
"releaseNotes": "ms-resource:loc.releaseNotes",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 0b3ceb4650dc..a58fe450686a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Bereitstellung einer Azure-Ressourcengruppe",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Stellen Sie eine ARM-Vorlage (Azure Resource Manager) für eine Ressourcengruppe bereit. Sie können auch alle virtuellen Computer in einer Ressourcengruppe starten, beenden, löschen oder deren Zuordnung aufheben.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit stellen Sie eine Azure Resource Manager-Vorlage (ARM) für eine Ressourcengruppe bereit und verwalten virtuelle Computer.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure-Bereitstellung: $(action) Aktion für $(resourceGroupName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "– Funktioniert mit plattformübergreifenden Agents (Linux, macOS oder Windows)\n– Unterstützt Vorlagen-JSONs unter allen öffentlich zugänglichen http/https-URLs.\n– Optimierte Benutzeroberfläche für Außerkraftsetzungsparameter, die jetzt in einem Raster angezeigt/bearbeitet werden können.\n– NAT-Regelzuordnung für virtuelle Computer, die von einem Load Balancer unterstützt werden.\n– Das Feld \"Ressourcengruppe\" wurde in \"VM-Details für WinRM\" umbenannt und ist nun im Bereich \"Erweiterte Bereitstellungsoptionen für virtuelle Computer\" enthalten.\n– Einschränkungen: \n– Keine Unterstützung für klassische Abonnements. Nur ARM-Abonnements werden unterstützt.\n– Keine Unterstützung für die PowerShell-Syntax, da die Aufgabe jetzt node.js-basiert ist. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Groß-/Kleinschreibung der Parameternamen übereinstimmt, wenn Sie die Vorlagenparameter außer Kraft setzen. Entfernen Sie außerdem PowerShell-Cmdlets wie \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", wenn Sie eine Migration von Version 1.0 zu Version 2.0 durchführen.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure-Details",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "Vorlage",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Erweiterte Bereitstellungsoptionen für virtuelle Computer",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Ausgaben",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Erweitert",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure-Abonnement",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Wählen Sie das Azure Resource Manager-Abonnement für die Bereitstellung aus.",
"loc.input.label.action": "Aktion",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Vorlagenparameter überschreiben",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Wenn Sie die Vorlagenparameter in einem Raster anzeigen möchten, klicken Sie neben dem Textfeld \"Parameter außer Kraft setzen\" auf \"...\". Für dieses Feature müssen CORS-Regeln an der Quelle aktiviert sein. Wenn sich Vorlagen im Azure Storage Blob befinden, finden Sie [hier](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) Informationen zum Aktivieren von CORS. Sie können alternativ auch die zu überschreibenden Vorlagenparameter in das Textfeld eingeben. Beispiel:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Wenn der verwendete Parameterwert mehrere Wörter umfasst, schließen Sie ihn in Anführungszeichen ein – selbst dann, wenn Sie der Wert mithilfe von Variablen übergeben wird. Beispiel: -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Verwenden Sie zum Außerkraftsetzen von Objekttypparametern als Zeichenfolgen dargestellte JSON-Objekte. Beispiel: -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Bereitstellungsmodus",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Im Modus \"Inkrementell\" werden Bereitstellungen als inkrementelle Updates der Ressourcengruppe verarbeitet. Ressourcen, die in der Ressourcengruppe vorhanden sind, aber in der Vorlage nicht angegeben werden, bleiben unverändert. \n\nIm Modus \"Vollständig\" werden Ressourcen gelöscht, die nicht in Ihrer Vorlage vorhanden sind. \n\nDer Modus \"Überprüfen\" ermöglicht Ihnen das Ermitteln von Problemen mit der Vorlage, bevor Sie tatsächlich Ressourcen erstellen. \n\n Standardmäßig wird der Modus \"Inkrementell\" verwendet.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Weitere Informationen finden Sie [hier](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\nDer Modus \"Inkrementell\" verarbeitet Bereitstellungen als inkrementelle Updates für die Ressourcengruppe. Ressourcen, die in der Ressourcengruppe vorhanden, aber nicht in der Vorlage angegeben sind, bleiben unverändert. \n\n Im Modus \"Vollständig\" werden Ressourcen gelöscht, die nicht in Ihrer Vorlage enthalten sind. Der Modus \"Vollständig\" nimmt mehr Zeit in Anspruch als der inkrementelle Modus. Wenn es bei der Aufgabe zu einem Timeout kommt, erwägen Sie eine Änderung des Modus in \"Inkrementell\". \n [Warnung] Durch diese Aktion werden alle vorhandenen Ressourcen in der Ressourcengruppe gelöscht, die nicht in der Vorlage angegeben sind. \n\n Im Modus \"Überprüfen\" können Sie Probleme mit der Vorlage ermitteln, bevor tatsächliche Ressourcen erstellt werden. \n\n Standardmäßig wird der Modus \"Inkrementell\" verwendet.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Erforderliche Komponenten aktivieren",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Diese Optionen gelten nur, wenn die Ressourcengruppe virtuelle Computer enthält.
Wenn Sie die Option \"Bereitstellungsgruppe\" auswählen, wird der Bereitstellungsgruppenagent auf jedem virtuellen Computer konfiguriert.
Wenn Sie die Option \"WinRM\" auswählen, wird der Listener der Windows-Remoteverwaltung (WinRM) über das HTTPS-Protokoll auf Port 5986 mithilfe eines selbstsignierten Zertifikats konfiguriert. Diese Konfiguration ist erforderlich, um einen Bereitstellungsvorgang auf Azure-Computern auszuführen. Wenn die virtuellen Zielcomputer durch einen Lastenausgleich unterstützt werden, müssen die NAT-Eingangsregeln für den Zielport (5986) konfiguriert sein.",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines-/TFS-Dienstverbindung",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Geben Sie die Dienstverbindung zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit einer Azure DevOps-Organisation oder TFS-Sammlung für die Agent-Registrierung an.
Sie können eine Dienstverbindung durch Auswahl von \"+Neu\" und \"Tokenbasierte Authentifizierung\" erstellen. Zum Einrichten einer Dienstverbindung benötigen Sie ein [persönliches Zugriffstoken (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Klicken Sie auf \"Verwalten\", um die Details der Dienstverbindung zu aktualisieren.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines-Dienstverbindung",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Geben Sie die Dienstverbindung zum Herstellen einer Verbindung mit einer Azure DevOps-Organisation oder -Sammlung für die Agentregistrierung an.
Sie können eine Dienstverbindung durch Auswahl von \"+Neu\" > \"Tokenbasierte Authentifizierung\" erstellen. Zum Einrichten einer Dienstverbindung benötigen Sie ein [persönliches Zugriffstoken (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Klicken Sie auf \"Verwalten\", um die Details der Dienstverbindung zu aktualisieren.",
"loc.input.label.project": "Teamprojekt",
"loc.input.help.project": "Geben Sie das Teamprojekt an, in dem die Bereitstellungsgruppe definiert ist.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Bereitstellungsgruppe",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "Das Benutzerkennwort zur Ausführung des Agent-Diensts auf den Windows-VMs.
Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass das Kennwort für den angegebenen Benutzer auf allen VMs gleich ist.
Die in den Build- oder Releasepipelines als \"$(passwordVariable)\" festgelegte Variable werden akzeptiert. Sie können die Variable als \"secret\" markieren, um sie abzusichern.
Für Linux-VMs ist ein Kennwort nicht erforderlich und wird ignoriert.",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "VM-Details für WinRM",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable für die Ressourcengruppe an. Die Variable kann als \"$(variableName)\" verwendet werden, um in nachfolgenden Tasks (z. B. im Task \"PowerShell auf Zielcomputern\") für die Bereitstellung von Anwendungen auf die Ressourcengruppe zu verweisen.
Nur gültig, wenn die ausgewählte Aktion \"Create\", \"Update\" oder \"Select\" ist. Erforderlich, wenn eine vorhandene Ressourcengruppe ausgewählt wird.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Bereitstellungsname",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Gibt den Namen der zu erstellenden Ressourcengruppenbereitstellung an.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Bereitstellungsausgaben",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Geben Sie einen Namen für die Variable der Ausgabevariablen an, die den Ausgabeabschnitt des aktuellen Bereitstellungsobjekts im Zeichenfolgenformat enthält. Sie können das JSON-Objekt mit dem PowerShell-Cmdlet \"ConvertFrom-Json\" analysieren und auf die einzelnen Ausgabewerte zugreifen.",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Auf Dienstprinzipaldetails in Außerkraftsetzungsparametern zugreifen",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Hiermit werden Dienstprinzipal-ID und -schlüssel des ausgewählten Azure-Endpunkts zur Ausführungsumgebung des Skripts hinzugefügt. Sie können diese Variablen in Ihrem Außerkraftsetzungsparametern wie z. B. \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\" verwenden: \"$servicePrincipalId\" und \"$servicePrincipalKey\".",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Überprüfen, ob die folgende Ressourcengruppe vorhanden ist: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Fehler beim Überprüfen des Ressourcengruppenstatus. Fehler: %s",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Die Ressourcengruppe ist vorhanden: %s.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Wenn die Eingabe \"Agent-Dienst als Benutzer ausführen\" ausgewählt ist, darf \"Benutzername\" nicht NULL sein.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Wenn Sie Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler erhalten, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Weitere Informationen zum Azure-Portal",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig."
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Das Format der Antwort ist ungültig.",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Der Bereitstellungsname lautet \"%s\".",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 0bf9f8ac31bb..b0b4bbe3b25a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de un grupo de recursos de Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Implemente una plantilla de Azure Resource Manager (ARM) en un grupo de recursos. También puede iniciar, detener y eliminar todas las máquinas virtuales (VM) de un grupo de recursos, así como eliminar su asignación",
+ "loc.description": "Implementa una plantilla de Azure Resource Manager (ARM) en un grupo de recursos y administra las máquinas virtuales.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación en Azure: acción $(action) en $(resourceGroupName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- Funciona con agentes multiplataforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Admite archivos JSON de plantilla ubicados en cualquier dirección URL http/https de acceso público.\n- Experiencia de usuario mejorada para los parámetros de reemplazo, que ahora pueden verse o editarse en una cuadrícula.\n- Asignación de reglas NAT para máquinas virtuales que están respaldadas por un equilibrador de carga.\n- El campo \"Grupo de recursos\" se llama ahora \"Detalles de VM para WinRM\" y se incluye en la sección \"Opciones de implementación avanzadas para máquinas virtuales\".\n- Limitaciones: \n - No admite suscripciones del modelo clásico, solo suscripciones a ARM.\n - No admite la sintaxis de PowerShell, ya que la tarea se basa ahora en node.js. Cuando reemplace los parámetros de plantilla, asegúrese de que la distinción entre mayúsculas y minúsculas de los nombres de parámetros coincida. Además, quite los cmdlets de PowerShell, como \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", cuando migre de la versión 1.0 a la versión 2.0.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Detalles de Azure",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "Plantilla",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Opciones de implementación avanzadas para máquinas virtuales",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Salidas",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avanzado",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Suscripción a Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Seleccione la suscripción de Azure Resource Manager para la implementación.",
"loc.input.label.action": "Acción",
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
"loc.input.help.location": "Ubicación para implementar el grupo de recursos. Si el grupo de recursos ya existe en la suscripción, este valor se ignorará.",
"loc.input.label.templateLocation": "Ubicación de la plantilla",
"loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "Vínculo de plantilla",
- "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de plantilla. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPara implementar una plantilla almacenada en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de plantilla (o una plantilla vinculada) a una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, puede usar la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o seguir los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de plantilla. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPara implementar una plantilla almacenada en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token de SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de plantilla (o una plantilla vinculada) a una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, puede usar la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o seguir los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "Vínculo de parámetros de la plantilla",
- "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de parámetros. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json). \n\nPara usar un archivo almacenado en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de parámetros en una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token SAS, utilice la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o siga los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Especifique la dirección URL del archivo de parámetros. Ejemplo: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json). \n\nPara usar un archivo almacenado en una cuenta de almacenamiento privada, recupere e incluya el token de SAS (firma de acceso compartido) en la dirección URL de la plantilla. Ejemplo: \"/template.json?\". Para cargar un archivo de parámetros en una cuenta de almacenamiento y generar un token de SAS, utilice la tarea [Copia de archivos de Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) o siga los pasos usando [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) o [la CLI de Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPara ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Storage Blob, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS.",
"loc.input.label.csmFile": "Plantilla",
"loc.input.help.csmFile": "Especifique la ruta de acceso o un patrón que apunten a la plantilla de Azure Resource Manager. Para obtener más información sobre las plantillas, consulte: https://aka.ms/azuretemplates. Para comenzar a usar una plantilla de inmediato, consulte https://aka.ms/sampletemplate.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "Parámetros de la plantilla",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Reemplazar parámetros de plantilla",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Para ver los parámetros de plantilla en una cuadrícula, haga clic en “…” junto al cuadro de texto Parámetros de reemplazo. Esta característica requiere que estén habilitadas las reglas CORS en el origen. Si las plantillas están en Azure Blob Storage, consulte [este artículo](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) para habilitar CORS. También puede escribir los parámetros de plantilla para reemplazar en el cuadro de texto. Ejemplo,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Si el valor de parámetro que usa tiene varias palabras, escríbalas entre comillas, aunque se estén pasando con variables. Por ejemplo, -name \"valor parámetro\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Para reemplazar los parámetros de tipo de objeto, use objetos JSON con formato de cadena. Por ejemplo, -options [\"opción1\"] -map {\"clave1\": \"valor1\" }. ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Modo de implementación",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "El modo incremental trata las implementaciones como actualizaciones incrementales al grupo de recursos. Deja como están los recursos que existen en el grupo de recursos, pero no se especifican en la plantilla. \n\n El modo completo elimina los recursos que no están en la plantilla. \n\n El modo de validación le permite encontrar problemas con la plantilla antes de crear recursos reales. \n\n De forma predeterminada, se usa el modo incremental.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Consulte [aquí](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes) para obtener más detalles. \n\n El modo incremental trata las implementaciones como actualizaciones incrementales al grupo de recursos. Deja como están los recursos que existen en el grupo de recursos, pero que no se especifican en la plantilla. \n\n El modo completo elimina los recursos que no están en la plantilla. Dicho modo tarda relativamente más que el modo incremental. Si se agota el tiempo de espera de la tarea, considere la posibilidad de incrementarlo o de cambiar al modo \"Incremental\". \n [Advertencia] Esta acción eliminará todos los recursos existentes del grupo de recursos que no se hayan especificado en la plantilla. \n\n El modo de validación le permite encontrar problemas con la plantilla antes de crear recursos reales. \n\n De forma predeterminada, se usa el modo incremental.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Habilitar requisitos previos",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Estas opciones solo son aplicables cuando el grupo de recursos contiene máquinas virtuales.
Si elige la opción Grupo de implementación, se configura el agente de grupo de implementación en cada una de las máquinas virtuales.
Si selecciona la opción WinRM, se configura el agente de escucha de Administración remota de Windows (WinRM) con el protocolo HTTPS en el puerto 5986, usando un certificado autofirmado. Esta configuración es necesaria para operaciones de implementación en máquinas de Azure. Si las máquinas virtuales de destino cuentan con un equilibrador de carga, asegúrese de que se han configurado reglas NAT de entrada para el puerto de destino (5986).",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Conexión de Azure Pipelines/servicio TFS",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Especifique la conexión de servicio para conectarse a una organización de Azure DevOps o una colección de TFS para el registro de agente.
Puede crear una conexión de servicio seleccionando \"+ Nuevo\" y \"Autenticación basada en token\". Necesita un [token de acceso personal (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) para configurar una conexión de servicio.
Haga clic en \"Administrar\" para actualizar los detalles de conexión de servicio.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Conexión de servicio de Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Especifique la conexión de servicio para conectarse a una organización de Azure DevOps o una colección para el registro de agente.
Para crear una conexión de servicio, seleccione \"+ Nuevo\" y \"Autenticación basada en token\". Necesita un [token de acceso personal (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) para configurar una conexión de servicio.
Haga clic en \"Administrar\" para actualizar los detalles de la conexión de servicio.",
"loc.input.label.project": "Proyecto de equipo",
"loc.input.help.project": "Especifique el proyecto de equipo que tiene definido el grupo de implementación",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Grupo de implementación",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "La contraseña del usuario para ejecutar el servicio del agente en las VM de Windows.
Se supone que la contraseña es la misma para el usuario especificado en todas las VM.
Puede aceptar la variable definida en las canalizaciones de compilación o versión como \"$(passwordVariable)\". Marque el tipo de variable como \"secret\" para protegerlo.
En el caso de las VM de Linux, no se requiere una variable, así que se ignorará. ",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Detalles de VM para WinRM",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Proporcione un nombre para a la variable del grupo de recursos. La variable se puede usar como $(variableName) para hacer referencia al grupo de recursos en tareas posteriores, como en PowerShell en la tarea de las máquinas de destino para implementar aplicaciones.
Solo es válido cuando la acción seleccionada es Create, Update o Select y se requiere cuando se selecciona un grupo de recursos existente.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nombre de implementación",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Especifica el nombre de la implementación del grupo de recursos que se va a crear.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Salidas de implementación",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Proporcione un nombre para la variable de salida que contenga la sección de salida del objeto de implementación actual con formato de cadena. Puede usar el cmdlet de PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\" para analizar el objeto JSON y acceder a los valores de salida individuales.",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Acceder a los detalles de la entidad de servicio en los parámetros de invalidación",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Agregue el identificador de entidad de servicio y la clave del punto de conexión de Azure que ha seleccionado al entorno de ejecución del script. Puede usar las variables \"$servicePrincipalId\" y \"$servicePrincipalKey\" en los parámetros de reemplazo, como \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\".",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Comprobando si existe el siguiente grupo de recursos: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "No se pudo comprobar el estado del grupo de recursos. Error: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "El grupo de recursos existe: %s.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Si se selecciona la entrada \"Run agent service as a user\", \"Nombre de usuario\" no puede ser un valor null.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si se generan errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Más información sobre Azure Portal",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido."
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "El formato de la respuesta no es válido.",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "El nombre de la implementación es %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 244459d7727d..3e865e795f68 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement d'Azure Resource Group",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement de groupe de ressources Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Déployez un modèle ARM (Azure Resource Manager) sur un groupe de ressources. Vous pouvez également démarrer, arrêter, supprimer et libérer toutes les machines virtuelles d'un groupe de ressources.",
+ "loc.description": "Déployer un modèle ARM (Azure Resource Manager) sur un groupe de ressources et gérer des machines virtuelles",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement Azure : action $(action) sur $(resourceGroupName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- Fonctionne avec les agents multiplateformes (Linux, macOS ou Windows)\n- Prend en charge les fichiers JSON de modèle situés sur les URL http/https accessibles publiquement.\n- Expérience utilisateur améliorée qui vous permet désormais d'afficher/de modifier les paramètres de substitution dans une grille.\n- Mappage des règles NAT pour les machines virtuelles qui sont prises en charge par un équilibreur de charge.\n- Le champ \"Groupe de ressources\" s'appelle désormais \"Détails de la machine virtuelle pour WinRM\" et est inclus dans la section \"Options de déploiement avancées pour les machines virtuelles\".\n- Limitations : \n - Aucune prise en charge pour les abonnements Classic. Seuls les abonnements ARM sont pris en charge.\n - Aucune prise en charge de la syntaxe PowerShell, car la tâche est désormais basée sur node.js. Vérifiez le respect de la casse des noms de paramètres quand vous remplacez les paramètres de modèle. Supprimez également les cmdlets PowerShell telles que \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" quand vous effectuez une migration de la version 1.0 à la version 2.0.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Détails relatifs à Azure",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "Modèle",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Options de déploiement avancées pour les machines virtuelles",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Sorties",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avancé",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Abonnement Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Sélectionnez l'abonnement Azure Resource Manager pour le déploiement.",
"loc.input.label.action": "Action",
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
"loc.input.help.location": "Emplacement pour le déploiement du groupe de ressources. Si le groupe de ressources existe déjà dans l'abonnement, cette valeur est ignorée.",
"loc.input.label.templateLocation": "Emplacement du modèle",
"loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "Lien du modèle",
- "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de modèle. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPour déployer un modèle stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAP (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de modèle (ou un modèle lié) vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAP, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de modèle. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json) \n\nPour déployer un modèle stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAS (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de modèle (ou un modèle lié) vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAS, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911).\n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "Lien des paramètres de modèle",
- "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de paramètres. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json) \n\nPour utiliser un fichier stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAP (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de paramètres vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAP, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "Spécifiez l'URL du fichier de paramètres. Exemple : [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json) \n\nPour utiliser un fichier stocké dans un compte de stockage privé, récupérez et incluez le jeton SAS (signature d'accès partagé) dans l'URL du modèle. Exemple : '/template.json?' Pour charger un fichier de paramètres vers un compte de stockage et générer un jeton SAS, vous pouvez utiliser la tâche [Copie de fichiers Azure](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) ou suivre les étapes liées à [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) ou [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911). \n\nPour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres du modèle. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS.",
"loc.input.label.csmFile": "Modèle",
"loc.input.help.csmFile": "Spécifiez le chemin ou un modèle pointant vers le modèle Azure Resource Manager. Pour plus d'informations sur les modèles, consultez https://aka.ms/azuretemplates. Pour être immédiatement opérationnel, utilisez le modèle https://aka.ms/sampletemplate.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "Paramètres du modèle",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Remplacer les paramètres du modèle",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Pour afficher les paramètres du modèle dans une grille, cliquez sur \"…\" en regard de la zone de texte Remplacer les paramètres. Cette fonctionnalité nécessite l'activation des règles CORS à la source. Si les modèles se trouvent dans Azure Storage Blob, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) pour activer CORS. Sinon, tapez les paramètres de modèle à remplacer dans la zone de texte. Exemple :
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Si la valeur de paramètre que vous utilisez contient plusieurs mots, placez-les entre des guillemets, même si vous les passez à l'aide de variables. Exemple : -name \"valeur de paramètre\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Pour remplacer les paramètres de type d'objet, utilisez des objets JSON convertis en chaîne. Exemple : -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"clé1\": \"valeur1\" }. ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Mode de déploiement",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Le mode incrémentiel gère les déploiements comme des mises à jour incrémentielles du groupe de ressources. Il ne modifie pas les ressources qui existent dans le groupe de ressources, mais qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode complet supprime les ressources qui ne sont pas dans votre modèle. \n\n Le mode de validation vous permet de rechercher les problèmes avec le modèle avant de créer des ressources réelles. \n\n Par défaut, le mode incrémentiel est utilisé.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Pour plus d'informations, consultez [ceci](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n Le mode incrémentiel prend en charge les déploiements en tant que mises à jour incrémentielles du groupe de ressources. Il laisse intactes les ressources qui existent dans le groupe de ressources mais qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode complet supprime les ressources qui ne figurent pas dans votre modèle. Le mode complet dure relativement plus longtemps que le mode incrémentiel. Si la tâche expire, augmentez le délai d'expiration, ou passez au mode 'Incrémentiel'. \n [Avertissement] Cette action va supprimer toutes les ressources existantes du groupe de ressources qui ne sont pas spécifiées dans le modèle. \n\n Le mode de validation vous permet de trouver les problèmes liés au modèle avant de créer les ressources réelles. \n\n Par défaut, le mode incrémentiel est utilisé.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Activer les prérequis",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Ces options s'appliquent uniquement quand le groupe de ressources contient des machines virtuelles.
Si vous choisissez l'option Groupe de déploiement, vous pouvez configurer l'agent du groupe de déploiement sur chacune des machines virtuelles.
Si vous sélectionnez l'option WinRM, vous pouvez configurer l'écouteur WinRM (Windows Remote Management) via le protocole HTTPS sur le port 5986, à l'aide d'un certificat auto-signé. Cette configuration est obligatoire pour effectuer une opération de déploiement sur des machines Azure. Si les machines virtuelles cibles sont associées à un équilibreur de charge, vérifiez que des règles NAT entrantes sont configurées pour le port cible (5986).",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connexion de service Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Spécifiez la connexion de service qui permet de se connecter à une organisation Azure DevOps ou à une collection TFS pour l'inscription d'un agent.
Pour créer une connexion de service, utilisez +Nouveau, puis sélectionnez Authentification basée sur un jeton. Vous avez besoin d'un [jeton PAT (jeton d'accès personnel)](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) pour configurer une connexion de service.
Cliquez sur Gérer pour mettre à jour les détails de la connexion de service.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connexion de service Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Spécifiez la connexion de service qui permet de se connecter à une organisation Azure DevOps ou à une collection pour l'inscription d'un agent.
Pour créer une connexion de service, utilisez +Nouveau, puis sélectionnez Authentification basée sur un jeton. Vous avez besoin d'un [jeton PAT (jeton d'accès personnel)](https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) pour configurer une connexion de service.
Cliquez sur Gérer pour mettre à jour les détails de la connexion de service.",
"loc.input.label.project": "Projet d'équipe",
"loc.input.help.project": "Spécifiez le projet d'équipe dans lequel le groupe de déploiement est défini",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Groupe de déploiement",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "Mot de passe de l'utilisateur pour permettre l'exécution du service d'agent sur les machines virtuelles Windows.
Il est supposé que le mot de passe de l'utilisateur spécifié est le même sur toutes les machines virtuelles.
Il peut accepter une variable définie dans les pipelines de build ou de mise en production sous la forme '$(passwordVariable)'. Vous pouvez marquer la variable comme étant de type 'secret' pour la sécuriser.
Pour les machines virtuelles Linux, le mot de passe n'est pas obligatoire et est ignoré. ",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Détails de la machine virtuelle pour WinRM",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Indiquez un nom pour la variable du groupe de ressources. Elle peut être utilisée sous la forme $(variableName) pour faire référence au groupe de ressources dans des tâches futures, par exemple la tâche PowerShell de déploiement d'applications sur des machines cibles.
Valide uniquement quand l'action sélectionnée est Create, Update ou Select, et obligatoire quand un groupe de ressources existant est sélectionné.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nom du déploiement",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Spécifie le nom du déploiement de groupe de ressources à créer.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Sorties de déploiement",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Donnez un nom à la variable de sortie qui contient la section outputs de l'objet de déploiement actuel au format chaîne. Vous pouvez utiliser la cmdlet PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\" pour analyser l'objet JSON et accéder aux valeurs de sortie individuelles.",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accéder aux détails du principal de service dans les paramètres de substitution",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Ajoute l'ID et la clé de principal de service du point de terminaison Azure choisi à l'environnement d'exécution du script. Vous pouvez utiliser les variables '$servicePrincipalId' et '$servicePrincipalKey' dans vos paramètres de substitution, par exemple '-key $servicePrincipalKey'",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Vérification de l'existence du groupe de ressources suivant : %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Échec de la vérification de l'état du groupe de ressources. Erreur : %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Le groupe de ressources existe : %s.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Si l'entrée Exécuter le service d'agent en tant qu'utilisateur est sélectionnée, Nom d'utilisateur ne doit pas avoir une valeur null.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si des erreurs de validation de certificat se produisent, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Plus d'informations sur le Portail Azure",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide"
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "La réponse n'est pas dans un format valide",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Le nom du déploiement est %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 51ae16bcede4..31fd84e52dfc 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione gruppo di risorse di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di distribuire un modello ARM (Azure Resource Manager) in un gruppo di risorse. È anche possibile avviare, arrestare, eliminare e deallocare tutte le macchine virtuali di un gruppo di risorse",
+ "loc.description": "Distribuisce un modello Azure Resource Manager (ARM) in un gruppo di risorse e gestisce le macchine virtuali",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione Azure: azione $(action) su $(resourceGroupName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- È compatibile con agenti multipiattaforma (Linux, macOS o Windows)\n- Supporta i JSON di modello disponibili a qualsiasi URL http/https accessibile.\n- Interfaccia utente migliorata per i parametri di override che è ora possibile visualizzare/modificare in una griglia.\n- Supporta il mapping delle regole NAT per le macchine virtuali supportate da un servizio di bilanciamento del carico.\n- Il campo \"Gruppo di risorse\" è stato rinominato in \"Dettagli della macchina virtuale per WinRM\" ed è incluso nella sezione \"Opzioni di distribuzione avanzate per le macchine virtuali\".\n- Limitazioni: \n - Non include alcun supporto per le sottoscrizioni di Azure classico. Sono supportate solo le sottoscrizioni ARM.\n - Non include alcun supporto per la sintassi di PowerShell perché l'attività è ora basata su node.js. Assicurarsi che la distinzione tra maiuscole e minuscole dei nomi di parametro corrisponda quando si esegue l'override dei parametri del modello. Rimuovere inoltre i cmdlet di PowerShell, come \"ConvertTo-SecureString\", quando si esegue la migrazione dalla versione 1.0 alla versione 2.0.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Dettagli su Azure",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "Modello",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Opzioni di distribuzione avanzate per le macchine virtuali",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Output",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Avanzate",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
"loc.input.label.action": "Azione",
"loc.input.help.action": "Azione da eseguire sulle risorse o sul gruppo di risorse di Azure.",
"loc.input.label.resourceGroupName": "Gruppo di risorse",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Esegui override dei parametri del modello",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Per visualizzare i parametri del modello in una griglia, fare clic su \"…\" accanto alla casella di testo Parametri di sostituzione. Con questa funzionalità è richiesta l'abilitazione delle regole CORS nell'origine. Se i modelli si trovano nel BLOB del servizio di archiviazione di Azure, vedere [qui](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) per abilitare CORS. In alternativa, digitare nella casella di testo i parametri del modello di cui eseguire l'override. Esempio:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Se il valore del parametro usato include più parole, racchiuderle tra virgolette anche se verranno passate con le variabili. Ad esempio, -name \"valore parametro\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Per eseguire l'override di parametri di tipo oggetto, usare oggetti JSON sotto forma di stringa. Ad esempio, -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }. ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Modalità di distribuzione",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "La modalità Incrementale consente di gestire le distribuzioni come aggiornamenti incrementali del gruppo di risorse. Le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse ma non specificate nel modello rimangono invariate. \n\n La modalità Completa consente di eliminare le risorse non presenti nel modello. \n\n La modalità Convalida consente di trovare i problemi presenti nel modello prima di creare le risorse effettive. \n\n Per impostazione predefinita, viene usata la modalità Incrementale.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Per altri dettagli, vedere [questo articolo](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n La modalità incrementale gestisce le distribuzioni come aggiornamenti incrementali del gruppo di risorse. Lascia invariate le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse, ma non specificate nel modello. \n\n La modalità completa elimina le risorse non presenti nel modello. La modalità completa richiede un tempo relativamente maggiore rispetto alla modalità incrementale. In caso di timeout dell'attività, provare ad aumentare il timeout o a passare alla modalità incrementale. \n [Avviso] Con questa azione verranno eliminate tutte le risorse esistenti nel gruppo di risorse non specificate nel modello. \n\n La modalità di convalida consente di individuare eventuali problemi relativi al modello prima di creare le risorse effettive. \n\n Per impostazione predefinita, viene usata la modalità incrementale.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Abilita i prerequisiti",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Queste opzioni sono applicabili solo quando il gruppo di risorse contiene macchine virtuali.
Se si sceglie l'opzione Gruppo di distribuzione, l'agente del gruppo di distribuzione verrà configurato in ognuna delle macchine virtuali.
Se si seleziona l'opzione WinRM, il listener di Gestione remota Windows (WinRM) verrà configurato con il protocollo HTTPS sulla porta 5986 usando un certificato autofirmato. Questa configurazione è necessaria per eseguire l'operazione di distribuzione su macchine virtuali di Azure. Se le macchine virtuali di destinazione sono supportate da un servizio di bilanciamento del carico, assicurarsi che le regole NAT in ingresso siano configurate per la porta di destinazione (5986).",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Azure Pipelines/TFS",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Consente di specificare la connessione al servizio per connettersi a un'organizzazione di Azure DevOps o a una raccolta TFS per la registrazione degli agenti.
Per creare una connessione al servizio, è possibile usare \"+Nuovo\" e selezionare \"Autenticazione basata su token\". Per configurare una connessione al servizio, è necessario un [token di accesso personale](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Fare clic su \"Gestisci\" per aggiornare i dettagli della connessione al servizio.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Connessione al servizio Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Specificare la connessione al servizio per connettersi a una raccolta o a un'organizzazione di Azure DevOps per la registrazione degli agenti.
Per creare una connessione al servizio, è possibile usare \"+Nuovo\" e selezionare \"Autenticazione basata su token\". Per configurare una connessione al servizio, è necessario un [token di accesso personale](https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Fare clic su \"Gestisci\" per aggiornare i dettagli della connessione al servizio.",
"loc.input.label.project": "Progetto team",
"loc.input.help.project": "Consente di specificare il progetto team in cui è definito il gruppo di distribuzione",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Gruppo di distribuzione",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "Password dell'utente per eseguire il servizio agente nelle macchine virtuali Windows.
Si presuppone che la password sia la stessa per l'utente specificato in tutte le macchine virtuali.
Può accettare la variabile definita nelle pipeline di compilazione o versione come '$(passwordVariable)'. Per proteggere la variabile, è possibile contrassegnarla come 'secret'.
Per le macchine virtuali Linux la password non è richiesta e verrà ignorata. ",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Dettagli della macchina virtuale per WinRM",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Consente di specificare un nome per la variabile relativa al gruppo di risorse. È possibile usare la variabile come $(variableName) per fare riferimento al gruppo di risorse nelle attività successive, ad esempio nell'attività PowerShell in computer di destinazione per la distribuzione di applicazioni.
Valido solo quando l'azione selezionata è Create, Update o Select e obbligatorio quando è selezionato un gruppo di risorse esistente.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Nome distribuzione",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Specifica il nome della distribuzione del gruppo di risorse da creare.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Output di distribuzione",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Specificare un nome per la variabile di output che conterrà la sezione degli output dell'oggetto distribuzione corrente in formato stringa. È possibile usare il cmdlet \"ConvertFrom-Json\" di PowerShell per analizzare l'oggetto JSON e accedere ai singoli valori di output.",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Accedi ai dettagli dell'entità servizio nei parametri di override",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Aggiunge l'ID entità servizio e la chiave dell'endpoint di Azure scelto all'ambiente di esecuzione dello script. Nei parametri di override è possibile usare le variabili `$servicePrincipalId` e `$servicePrincipalKey`, ad esempio `-key $servicePrincipalKey`",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Verifica dell'esistenza del gruppo di risorse seguente: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Non è stato possibile verificare lo stato del gruppo di risorse: Errore: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Il gruppo di risorse %s esiste già.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Se l'opzione 'Esegui il servizio agente come utente' è selezionata, il campo 'Nome utente' non può essere Null.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se vengono restituiti errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Altre informazioni sul portale di Azure",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido"
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Il formato della risposta non è valido",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Il nome della distribuzione è %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index ff4a38bd9289..b2b3c5bd0775 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure リソース グループの配置",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure リソース グループのデプロイ",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Azure Resource Manager (ARM) テンプレートをリソース グループに配置します。また、リソース グループのすべての仮想マシン (VM) を、開始、停止、削除し、割り当てを解除することもできます",
+ "loc.description": "Azure Resource Manager (ARM) テンプレートをリソース グループにデプロイし、仮想マシンを管理します",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure の配置: $(resourceGroupName) 上の $(action) アクション",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- クロスプラットフォーム エージェント対応 (Linux、macOS、Windows)\n- 公開されている http/https URL でテンプレートの JSON をサポート。\n- グリッド内で表示/編集が可能になったオーバーライドパラメーターの拡張 UX。\n- ロード バランサーの対象となる VM への NAT 規則のマッピング。\n- [リソース グループ] フィールドの名前が [WinRM についての VM の詳細] に変更され、[仮想マシン用の詳細展開オプション] セクションに含まれています。\n- 制限事項: \n - クラシック サブスクリプションはサポートされていません。ARM サブスクリプションのみサポートされています。\n - タスクが node.js ベースになったため、PowerShell 構文はサポートされていません。テンプレート パラメーターをオーバーライドする場合は、パラメーター名の大文字と小文字の区別をご確認ください。また、バージョン 1.0 からバージョン 2.0 に移行する場合は、\"ConvertTo-SecureString\" などの PowerShell コマンドレットを削除してください。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure の詳細",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "テンプレート",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "仮想マシン用の詳細展開オプション",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "出力",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "詳細設定",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure サブスクリプション",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "デプロイ用の Azure Resource Manager サブスクリプションを選択します。",
"loc.input.label.action": "アクション",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "テンプレート パラメーターのオーバーライド",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "グリッドでテンプレートのパラメーターを表示するには、[パラメーターのオーバーライド] のテキストボックスの横にある [...] をクリックします。この機能は、ソースで CORS ルールが有効になっている必要があります。テンプレートが Azure Storage BLOB にある場合は、[こちら](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests) を参照して CORS を有効にします。または、テキストボックスにテンプレート パラメーターを入力してオーバーライドします。たとえば、
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre) です。
使用しているパラメーターの値に複数の単語が含まれる場合、変数を使用してそれらの単語を渡すとしても、引用符で囲みます。たとえば、-name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\" です
オブジェクトの種類のパラメーターを上書きするには、文字列化した JSON オブジェクトを使用します。たとえば、-options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" } です。",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "配置モード",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "増分モードでは、配置をリソース グループへの増分更新として処理します。リソース グループ内にあり、テンプレートで指定されていないリソースは変更されずに残されます。\n\n 完全モードではテンプレート内にないリソースが削除されます。\n\n 検証モードでは、実際のリソースを作成する前に、テンプレートの問題を検出することができます。\n\n 既定では増分モードが使用されます。",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "詳細については、[こちら](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)を参照してください。\n\n インクリメンタル モードでは、リソース グループへのインクリメンタル更新としてデプロイ処理されます。このモードでは、リソース グループには存在していてもテンプレートでは指定されていない、変更されていないリソースが残されます。\n\n完全モードでは、テンプレートにないリソースが削除されます。完全モードは、インクリメンタル モードよりも時間がかかります。タスクがタイムアウトになる場合、タイムアウト時間を増やすか、モードを 'インクリメンタル' に変更することをご検討ください。\n [警告] このアクションを実行すると、リソース グループの既存リソースのうち、テンプレートで指定されていないものがすべて削除されます。\n\n 検証モードを使用すると、実際のリソースを作成する前にテンプレートの問題を見つけることができます。\n\n 既定ではインクリメンタル モードが使用されます。",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "前提条件を有効にする",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "これらのオプションは、リソース グループに仮想マシンが含まれている場合にのみ適用可能です。
配置グループ オプションを選択すると、それぞれの仮想マシンに配置グループ エージェントが構成されます。
WinRM オプションを選択すると、自己署名証明書を使用して、ポート 5986 上に HTTPS プロトコルを介した Windows リモート管理 (WinRM) リスナーが構成されます。この構成は、Azure マシン上で配置操作を実行するために必要です。ターゲットの仮想マシンがロード バランサーに支援されている場合には、ターゲット ポート (5986) に受信 NAT 規則が構成されていることをご確認ください。",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS サービス接続",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "エージェント登録のために Azure DevOps 組織または TFS コレクションに接続するサービス接続を指定します。
[+新規] を使用してサービス接続を作成し、[トークン ベースの認証] を選択します。サービス接続を設定するには、[個人用アクセス トークン (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) が必要です。
[管理] をクリックしてサービス接続の詳細を更新します。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines サービス接続",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "エージェント登録のために Azure DevOps 組織またはコレクションに接続するサービス接続を指定します。
[+新規] を使用してサービス接続を作成し、[トークン ベースの認証] を選択します。サービス接続を設定するには、[個人用アクセス トークン (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)が必要です。
[管理] をクリックしてサービス接続の詳細を更新します。",
"loc.input.label.project": "チーム プロジェクト",
"loc.input.help.project": "配置グループが定義されているチーム プロジェクトを指定する",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "配置グループ",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "Windows VM 上でエージェント サービスを実行するユーザーのパスワード。
指定されたユーザーのパスワードは、すべての VM 上で同じである必要があります。
ビルド パイプラインまたはリリース パイプラインで定義された変数を '$(passwordVariable)' として受け入れます。セキュリティで保護するには、変数を 'シークレット' としてマークします。
Linux VM ではパスワードは必要ではなく、無視されます。",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM についての VM の詳細",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "リソース グループの変数の名前を指定します。変数を $(variableName) として使用して、後続のタスクでリソース グループを参照できます (アプリケーションの展開の「ターゲット コンピューターでの PowerShell」タスクなど)。
選んだアクションが Create、Update、または Select のいずれかである場合のみ使用でき、既存のリソース グループが選ばれた場合は必須です。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "デプロイ名",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "作成するリソース グループ配置の名前を指定します。",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "配置出力",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "出力変数のために変数の名前を指定します。この変数には、現在の配置オブジェクトの出力セクションが文字列形式で格納されます。“ConvertFrom-Json” PowerShell コマンドレットを使って JSON オブジェクトを解析し、個々の出力値にアクセスすることができます。",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "オーバーライド パラメーターでサービス プリンシパルの詳細にアクセスする",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "選択した Azure エンドポイントのサービス プリンシパル ID とキーを、スクリプトの実行環境に追加します。オーバーライド パラメーターで `-key $servicePrincipalKey` のように、`$servicePrincipalId` と `$servicePrincipalKey` の変数を使用できます",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "次のリソース グループが存在するかどうか確認しています: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "リソース グループの状態を確認できませんでした。エラー: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "リソース グループが存在しています: %s。",
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@
"loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "拡張機能 %s を仮想マシン %s から削除しようとしています",
"loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "次の例外により、ネットワーク セキュリティ規則を追加できませんでした: %s",
"loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "次のネットワーク セキュリティ グループに対するセキュリティ規則を追加しています: %s",
- "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "受信ネットワーク セキュリティ ルールの構成 %s が追加されました。優先度は %s、ポートは %s、セキュリティ グループは %s、結果は次のとおり: %s",
+ "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "受信ネットワーク セキュリティ規則の構成 %s が追加されました。優先度は %s、ポートは %s、セキュリティ グループは %s、結果は次のとおり: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "3 回試行しましたが、ネットワーク セキュリティ規則をセキュリティ グループ %s に追加できませんでした",
"loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "拡張機能を削除できませんでした",
"loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "'credentials' を null にすることはできません。",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "[Run agent service as a user] (ユーザーとしてエージェント サービスを実行) 入力が選択されている場合、[ユーザー名] を null 値にすることはできません。",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、ビルドまたはリリース パイプラインで VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値を true に設定する必要があります。",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "詳細は Azure portal にあります",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です"
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "応答が無効な形式です",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "配置名は %s です",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index a89178138088..ced0cd72a963 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 리소스 그룹 배포",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "리소스 그룹에 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 템플릿을 배포합니다. 리소스 그룹의 모든 VM(가상 머신)을 시작, 중지, 삭제, 할당 취소할 수도 있습니다.",
+ "loc.description": "리소스 그룹에 ARM(Azure Resource Manager) 템플릿을 배포하고 가상 머신을 관리합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 배포:$(resourceGroupName)에 대한 $(action) 작업",
"loc.releaseNotes": "-플랫폼 간 에이전트(Linux, macOS 또는 Windows)에서 작동\n- 공개적으로 액세스 가능한 http/https URL에 있는 템플릿 JSON 지원\n- 재정의 매개 변수의 UX가 향상되어 이제 표 형태로 보거나 편집할 수 있음\n- 부하 분산 장치가 지원하는 VM에 대한 NAT 규칙 매핑\n- \"리소스 그룹\" 필드가 이제 \"WinRM에 대한 VM 세부 정보\"로 이름이 바뀌고 \"가상 머신에 대한 고급 배포 옵션\" 섹션에 포함됨\n- 제한 사항: \n - 클래식 구독 지원 안 함. ARM 구독만 지원됩니다.\n - 작업이 이제 node.js 기반이므로 PowerShell 구문 지원 안 함. 템플릿 매개 변수를 재정의하는 경우 매개 변수 이름의 대/소문자가 일치하는지 확인합니다. 또한, 버전 1.0에서 버전 2.0으로 마이그레이션하는 경우에는 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 등의 PowerShell cmdlet을 제거합니다.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 세부 정보",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "템플릿",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "가상 머신에 대한 고급 배포 옵션",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "출력",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "고급",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
"loc.input.label.action": "작업",
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
"loc.input.help.location": "리소스 그룹을 배포할 위치입니다. 리소스 그룹이 구독에 이미 있는 경우 이 값은 무시됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.templateLocation": "템플릿 위치",
"loc.input.label.csmFileLink": "템플릿 링크",
- "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "템플릿 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json)입니다. \n\n개인 저장소 계정에 저장된 템플릿을 배포하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 /template.json?`입니다. 템플릿 파일 또는 연결된 템플릿을 저장소 계정으로 업로드하고 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080)이나 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 확인하려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmFileLink": "템플릿 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.json)입니다. \n\n개인 스토리지 계정에 저장된 템플릿을 배포하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 /template.json?`입니다. 템플릿 파일 또는 연결된 템플릿을 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하고 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080)이나 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 확인하려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFileLink": "템플릿 매개 변수 링크",
- "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "매개 변수 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json)입니다. \n\n매개 변수 파일을 개인 저장소 계정으로 업로드하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 `/template.json?`입니다. 매개 변수 파일을 저장소 계정으로 업로드하여 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) 또는 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 보려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.",
+ "loc.input.help.csmParametersFileLink": "매개 변수 파일의 URL을 지정합니다. 예를 들면 [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/...](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/101-vm-simple-windows/azuredeploy.parameters.json)입니다. \n\n매개 변수 파일을 개인 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하려면 템플릿의 URL에 SAS(공유 액세스 서명)를 검색하여 포함하세요. 예를 들면 `/template.json?`입니다. 매개 변수 파일을 스토리지 계정으로 업로드하여 SAS 토큰을 생성하려면 [Azure 파일 복사](https://aka.ms/azurefilecopyreadme) 작업을 사용하거나 [PowerShell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838080) 또는 [Azure CLI](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=836911)를 사용하여 단계를 수행합니다.\n\n표에서 템플릿 매개 변수를 보려면 [템플릿 매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 “…”을 클릭하세요. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙이 사용하도록 설정되어 있어야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우에는 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.csmFile": "템플릿",
"loc.input.help.csmFile": "Azure Resource Manager 템플릿을 가리키는 경로 또는 패턴을 지정합니다. 템플릿에 대한 자세한 내용은 https://aka.ms/azuretemplates를 참조하세요. 바로 시작하려면 https://aka.ms/sampletemplate 템플릿을 사용하세요.",
"loc.input.label.csmParametersFile": "템플릿 매개 변수",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "템플릿 매개 변수 재정의",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "템플릿 매개 변수를 표 형태로 보려면 [매개 변수 재정의] 텍스트 상자 옆에 있는 \"...\"을 클릭합니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 소스에서 CORS 규칙을 사용하도록 설정해야 합니다. 템플릿이 Azure Storage Blob에 있는 경우 [이 문서](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)를 참조하여 CORS를 사용하도록 설정하세요. 또는 텍스트 상자에 재정의할 템플릿 매개 변수를 입력합니다. 예:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
사용 중인 매개 변수 값이 여러 단어로 이루어진 경우에는 변수를 사용해서 전달하더라도 따옴표로 묶으세요. 예: -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
개체 형식 매개 변수를 재정의하려면 묶은 JSON 개체를 사용합니다. 예: -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }. ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "배포 모드",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "증분 모드에서는 배포를 리소스 그룹에 대한 증분 업데이트로 처리합니다. 리소스 그룹에 있지만 템플릿에 지정되지 않은 리소스는 변경하지 않고 그대로 유지합니다. \n\n 전체 모드에서는 템플릿에 없는 리소스를 삭제합니다. \n\n 유효성 검사 모드에서는 실제 리소스를 만들기 전에 템플릿 관련 문제를 찾을 수 있습니다. \n\n 기본적으로 증분 모드가 사용됩니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "자세한 내용은 [여기](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)를 참조하세요. \n\n증분 모드는 배포를 리소스 그룹에 대한 증분 업데이트로 처리합니다. 리소스 그룹에는 있지만 템플릿에 지정되지 않은, 변경되지 않은 리소스를 그대로 둡니다. \n\n전체 모드에서는 템플릿에 없는 리소스를 삭제합니다. 증분 모드에 비해 전체 모드의 처리 시간이 더 오래 걸립니다. 작업 시간이 초과되는 경우 시간 제한을 늘리거나 모드를 '증분'으로 변경합니다. \n [경고] 이 작업은 템플릿에 지정되지 않은 리소스 그룹의 기존 리소스를 모두 삭제합니다. \n\n 유효성 검사 모드를 사용하면 실제 리소스를 만들기 전에 템플릿 문제를 찾을 수 있습니다. \n\n기본적으로 증분 모드가 사용됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "필수 구성 요소 사용",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "이러한 옵션은 리소스 그룹에 가상 머신이 있는 경우에만 적용될 수 있습니다.
배포 그룹 옵션을 선택하면 각 가상 머신에 배포 그룹 에이전트가 구성됩니다.
WinRM 옵션을 선택하면 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하여 포트 5986에서 HTTPS 프로토콜을 통해 WinRM(Windows 원격 관리) 수신기가 구성됩니다. 이 구성은 Azure 컴퓨터에서 배포 작업을 수행하는 데 필요합니다. 대상 가상 머신이 부하 분산 장치에서 지원되는 경우에는 대상 포트(5986)에 대해 인바운드 NAT 규칙이 구성되어 있는지 확인하세요.",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 서비스 연결",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "에이전트 등록을 위해 Azure DevOps 조직 또는 TFS 컬렉션에 연결할 서비스 연결을 지정합니다.
\"+새로 만들기\"를 사용하여 서비스 연결을 만들고 \"토큰 기반 인증\"을 선택할 수 있습니다. 서비스 연결을 설정하려면 [PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)이 필요합니다.
서비스 연결 정보를 업데이트하려면 \"관리\"를 클릭하세요.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 서비스 연결",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "에이전트 등록을 위해 Azure DevOps 조직 또는 컬렉션에 연결할 서비스 연결을 지정합니다.
\"+새로 만들기\"를 사용하여 서비스 연결을 만들고 \"토큰 기반 인증\"을 선택할 수 있습니다. 서비스 연결을 설정하려면 [PAT(개인용 액세스 토큰)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)이 필요합니다.
서비스 연결 정보를 업데이트하려면 \"관리\"를 클릭합니다.",
"loc.input.label.project": "팀 프로젝트",
"loc.input.help.project": "배포 그룹을 정의할 팀 프로젝트를 지정하세요.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "배포 그룹",
@@ -46,9 +46,13 @@
"loc.input.label.password": "암호",
"loc.input.help.password": "Windows VM에서 에이전트 서비스를 실행할 사용자의 암호입니다.
암호는 모든 VM에서 지정된 사용자에 대해 동일한 것으로 가정합니다.
빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 '$(passwordVariable)'(으)로 정의된 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다. 변수를 'secret'으로 표시하여 보호할 수도 있습니다.
Linux VM의 경우에는 암호가 필요하지 않으며 무시됩니다. ",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM에 대한 VM 세부 정보",
- "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "리소스 그룹에 대한 변수 이름을 제공합니다. 변수는 응용 프로그램을 배포하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 PowerShell 작업에서와 같은 후속 작업에서 리소스 그룹을 참조하는 $(variableName)(으)로 사용될 수 있습니다.
선택한 작업이 Create, Update 또는 Select인 경우에만 유효하며 기존 리소스 그룹이 선택된 경우 필요합니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.outputVariable": "리소스 그룹에 대한 변수 이름을 제공합니다. 변수는 애플리케이션을 배포하기 위한 대상 컴퓨터의 PowerShell 작업에서와 같은 후속 작업에서 리소스 그룹을 참조하는 $(variableName)(으)로 사용될 수 있습니다.
선택한 작업이 Create, Update 또는 Select인 경우에만 유효하며 기존 리소스 그룹이 선택된 경우 필요합니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "배포 이름",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "만들 리소스 그룹 배포의 이름을 지정합니다.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "배포 출력",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "현재 배포 개체의 출력 섹션을 문자열 형식으로 포함할 출력 변수의 변수 이름을 제공합니다. \"ConvertFrom-Json\" PowerShell cmdlet을 사용하여 JSON 개체를 구문 분석하고 개별 출력 값에 액세스할 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "재정의 매개 변수의 서비스 주체 정보 액세스",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "선택한 Azure 엔드포인트의 서비스 주체 ID 및 키를 스크립트의 실행 환경에 추가합니다. 재정의 매개 변수에 '$servicePrincipalId' 및 '$servicePrincipalKey' 변수를 사용할 수 있습니다(예: '-key $servicePrincipalKey').",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "리소스 그룹 %s이(가) 있는지 확인하는 중입니다.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "리소스 그룹 상태를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "리소스 그룹이 있음: %s.",
@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@
"loc.messages.DetectedFileEncoding": "검색된 '%s' 파일의 인코딩은 '%s'입니다.",
"loc.messages.HostUrlCannotBeEmpty": "호스트 URL은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.PatTokenCannotBeEmpty": "개인용 액세스 토큰은 비어 있지 않은 문자열이어야 합니다.",
- "loc.messages.OnlyTokenAuthAllowed": "서비스 연결은 토큰 인증 형식만 될 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.OnlyTokenAuthAllowed": "서비스 연결에는 토큰 인증 형식만 사용 가능합니다.",
"loc.messages.DeploymentGroupEndpointUrlCannotBeEmpty": "배포 그룹 서비스 연결 URL은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.DeploymentGroupEndpointPatTokenCannotBeEmpty": "배포 그룹 서비스 연결의 개인용 액세스 토큰은 비워 둘 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.ErrorWhileParsingParameter": "'%s' 매개 변수를 재정의하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다(원인: '%s'). JSON(JavaScript Object Notation)을 따르는지 확인하세요.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "'사용자 권한으로 에이전트 서비스 실행' 입력을 선택한 경우 '사용자 이름'은 null일 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 서명한 인증서만 사용할 수 있습니다. 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 경우 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생할 수 있습니다. 오류를 해결하려면 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure Portal에 대한 자세한 정보",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다."
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "응답의 형식이 유효하지지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "배포 이름은 %s입니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index e538108dd2c1..23be82622823 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание группы ресурсов Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Подробнее](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Разверните шаблон Azure Resource Manager (ARM) в группе ресурсов. Вы также можете запустить, остановить, удалить все виртуальные машины в группе ресурсов или отменить их распределение",
+ "loc.description": "Развертывание шаблона Azure Resource Manager (ARM) в группе ресурсов и управление виртуальными машинами",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание Azure: действие $(action) с $(resourceGroupName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- Поддержка кроссплатформенных агентов (Linux, macOS и Windows).\n- Поддержка шаблонов JSON, размещенных по любому общедоступному URL-адресу с префиксом http или https.\n- Расширенный пользовательский интерфейс для переопределения параметров, которые теперь можно просматривать и редактировать в таблице.\n- Сопоставление правил NAT для виртуальных машин, поддерживаемых подсистемой балансировки нагрузки.\n- Поле \"Группа ресурсов\" теперь называется \"Сведения о виртуальной машине для WinRM\" и включено в раздел \"Дополнительные параметры развертывания виртуальных машин\".\n Ограничения: \n- Классические подписки не поддерживаются. Поддерживаются только подписки ARM.\n- Синтаксис PowerShell не поддерживается, так как задача теперь основана на node.js. При переопределении параметров шаблона необходимо проверить соответствие регистра в именах параметров. Кроме того, при переходе с версии 1.0 на версию 2.0 удалите такие командлеты PowerShell, как ConvertTo-SecureString.",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Сведения об Azure",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "Шаблон",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "Дополнительные параметры развертывания виртуальных машин",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "Выходные данные",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "Дополнительно",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Подписка Azure",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Выберите подписку на Azure Resource Manager для развертывания.",
"loc.input.label.action": "Действие",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "Переопределить параметры шаблона",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "Чтобы просмотреть параметры шаблона в сетке, щелкните \"…\" рядом с текстовым полем \"Переопределить параметры\". Для использования этой функции на источнике должны быть включены правила CORS. Если шаблоны находятся в BLOB-объекте службы хранилища Azure, обратитесь к [этой статье](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests), чтобы включить CORS, или укажите переопределяемые параметры шаблона в текстовом поле. Например:
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre).
Если значение используемого параметра состоит из нескольких слов, заключите их в кавычки, даже если они передаются с помощью переменных. Например: -name \"значение параметра\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
Чтобы переопределить параметры типов объектов, используйте объекты JSON, преобразованные в строку. Например: -options [\"параметр1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"значение1\" }. ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "Режим развертывания",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "В добавочном режиме развертывания обрабатываются как добавочные обновления для группы ресурсов. В этом режиме ресурсы, которые существуют в группе ресурсов, но не указаны в шаблоне, не изменяются. \n\n В полном режиме ресурсы, не указанные в шаблоне, удаляются. \n\n Режим проверки позволяет выявить проблемы в шаблоне перед созданием самих ресурсов. \n\n По умолчанию используется добавочный режим.",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "Дополнительные сведения см. [здесь](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes). \n\n Добавочный режим обрабатывает такие развертывания, как добавочные обновления в группе ресурсов. Он не изменяет ресурсы, которые существуют в группе ресурсов, но не указаны в шаблоне. \n\n Полный режим удаляет ресурсы, которых нет в шаблоне. Для него требуется больше времени, чем для добавочного режима. Если время ожидания задачи истекло, увеличьте время ожидания или измените режим на добавочный. \n [Предупреждение] Это действие удалит все существующие ресурсы в группе ресурсов, которые не указаны в шаблоне. \n\n Режим проверки позволяет обнаружить проблемы с шаблоном до создания реальных ресурсов. \n\n По умолчанию используется добавочный режим.",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Включить необходимые компоненты",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "Данные варианты применяются только в случае, если в группе ресурсов имеются виртуальные машины.
При выборе варианта \"Группа развертывания\" на каждой виртуальной машине будет настроен агент группы развертывания.
При выборе варианта \"WinRM\" настраивается прослушиватель службы удаленного управления Windows (WinRM) по протоколу HTTPS на порте 5986 с использованием самозаверяющего сертификата. Эта конфигурация требуется для выполнения развертывания на виртуальных машинах Azure. Если целевые виртуальные машины поддерживаются средствами Load Balancer, убедитесь, что правила NAT для входящего трафика настроены для целевого порта (5986).",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Azure Pipelines или TFS",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Укажите подключение к службе для подключения к организации Azure DevOps или коллекции TFS с целью регистрации агента.
Подключение к службе можно создать, щелкнув \"+Создать\" и выбрав пункт \"Проверка подлинности на основе токена\". Для настройки подключения к службе требуется [личный маркер доступа (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Чтобы обновить сведения о подключении к службе, щелкните \"Управление\".",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Подключение к службе Azure Pipelines",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Укажите подключение к службе для подключения к организации Azure DevOps или коллекции TFS с целью регистрации агента.
Подключение к службе можно создать, щелкнув \"+Создать\" и выбрав пункт \"Проверка подлинности на основе токена\". Для настройки подключения к службе требуется [личный маркер доступа (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts).
Чтобы обновить сведения о подключении к службе, щелкните \"Управление\".",
"loc.input.label.project": "Командный проект",
"loc.input.help.project": "Укажите командный проект, в котором определена группа развертывания",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "Группа развертывания",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "Пароль пользователя для запуска службы агента в виртуальных машинах Windows.
Предполагается, что для указанного пользователя пароль одинаков во всех виртуальных машинах.
Допустимы переменные, заданные в конвейерах сборки или выпуска как \"$(passwordVariable)\". Чтобы защитить переменную, пометьте ее как secret.
Для виртуальных машин Linux пароль не требуется и игнорируется.",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "Сведения о виртуальной машине для WinRM",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "Укажите имя переменной для группы ресурсов. Переменную можно использовать как $(variableName) для ссылки на группу ресурсов в последующих задачах, например в задаче PowerShell на целевых компьютерах для развертывания приложения.
Применимо только в том случае, если выбраны действия Create, Update или Select, и требуется, когда выбрана существующая группа ресурсов.",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "Имя развертывания",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "Указывает имя создаваемого развертывания группы ресурсов.",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "Выходные данные развертывания",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "Укажите имя выходной переменной, в которой будут находиться выходные данные текущего объекта развертывания в строковом формате. Для синтаксического анализа объекта JSON и получения отдельных значений можно использовать командлет PowerShell \"ConvertFrom-Json\".",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "Доступ к сведениям о субъекте-службе в параметрах переопределения",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "Добавляет идентификатор субъекта-службы и ключ выбранной конечной точки Azure в среду выполнения скрипта. Переменные \"$servicePrincipalId\" и \"$servicePrincipalKey\" можно использовать в таких параметрах переопределения, как \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\"",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "Проверка наличия следующей группы ресурсов: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "Не удалось проверить состояние группы ресурсов. Ошибка: %s.",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "Такая группа ресурсов существует: %s.",
@@ -95,10 +99,10 @@
"loc.messages.RuleExistsAlready": "Правило %s уже существует в группе безопасности \"%s\"",
"loc.messages.AddExtension": "Добавление расширения \"%s\" на виртуальную машину \"%s\"",
"loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "Выполняется попытка удалить расширение %s с виртуальной машины %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "Не удалось добавить правило сетевой безопасности. Возникло исключение: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "Не удалось добавить правило безопасности сети. Возникло исключение: %s",
"loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавление правила безопасности для группы безопасности сети: %s",
- "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавлена конфигурация правила безопасности входящего сетевого трафика %s с приоритетом %s для порта %s в группе безопасности %s. Результат: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "Не удалось добавить правило сетевой безопасности в группу безопасности %s после трех попыток.",
+ "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "Добавлена конфигурация правила безопасности сети для входящего сетевого %s с приоритетом %s для порта %s в группе безопасности %s. Результат: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "Не удалось добавить правило безопасности сети в группу безопасности %s после трех попыток",
"loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "Не удалось удалить расширение",
"loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "Параметр credentials не может иметь значение NULL.",
"loc.messages.SubscriptionIdCannotBeNull": "Параметр \"subscriptionId\" не может иметь значение NULL.",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "Если выбран вариант \"Запустить службу агента от имени пользователя\", поле \"Имя пользователя\" не может иметь значение NULL.",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Для использования сертификата он должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат. Для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска.",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Дополнительные сведения о портале Azure",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат."
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "Ответ имеет недопустимый формат.",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "Имя развертывания: %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index da39dc2ff265..950b4677b7a4 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 资源组部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "将 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)模板部署到资源组。还可以启动、停止、删除、取消分配资源组中的所有虚拟机(VM)",
+ "loc.description": "将 Azure 资源管理器(ARM)模板部署到资源组并管理虚拟机",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "对 $(resourceGroupName) 的 Azure Deployment:$(action) 操作",
"loc.releaseNotes": "- 适用于跨平台代理(Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支持位于任何公开可访问 http/https URL 的模板 JSON。\n- 对于现可在网格中查看/编辑的 Override 参数增强了 UX。\n- 提供了对由负载均衡器支持的 VM 的 NAT 规则映射。\n-“资源组”字段现重命名为“WinRM 的 VM 详细信息”,且包含在节“虚拟机高级部署选项”中。\n- 局限: \n - 不支持经典订阅。只支持 ARM 订阅。\n - 不支持 PowerShell 语法,因任务现基于 node.js。替代模板参数时,请确保参数名的大小写匹配。另外,从版本 1.0 迁移到版本 2.0 时,请删除诸如 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 的 PowerShell cmdlet。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 详细信息",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "模板",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "虚拟机的高级部署选项",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "输出",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "高级",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 订阅",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "为部署选择 Azure 资源管理器订阅。",
"loc.input.label.action": "操作",
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "替代模板参数",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "若要查看网格中的模板参数,请单击“替代参数”文本框旁的 \"…\"。此功能需要在源启用 CORS 规则。如果模板位于 Azure 存储 blob 中,请参阅 [此文章](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)以启用 CORS。或键入文本框中重写的模板参数。例如,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre)。
如果正在使用的参数值具有多个词,请将它们括在引号中,即使将使用变量传递它们。例如 -name \"parameter value\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
若要替代对象类型参数,请使用 stringified JSON 对象。例如 -options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }。",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "部署模式",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "增量模式以资源组增量更新的形式处理部署。它留下资源组中存在的但模板中未指定的未更改资源。\n\n完成模式删除不属于模板的资源。\n\n验证模式让你能在创建实际资源前发现问题。\n\n默认情况下,使用增量模式。",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "有关详细信息,请参阅[此处](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)。\n\n增量模式将部署作为资源组的增量更新进行处理。它会保留存在于资源组中但未在模板中指定的未更改资源。\n\n完成模式会删除不在模板中的资源。完成模式比增量模式的用时相对较长。如果任务超时,请考虑增加超时时间,或将模式更改为“增量”。\n [警告]此操作将删除未在模板中指定的资源组中的所有现有资源。\n\n使用验证模式,可以在创建实际资源之前查找模板的问题。\n\n默认情况下使用增量模式。",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "启用必备组件",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "仅在资源组包含虚拟机时可应用这些选项。
选择 WinRM 选项将通过 HTTPS 协议在端口 5986 上使用自签名证书配置 Windows 远程管理(WinRM)侦听器。对 Azure 计算机执行部署操作需要此选项。如果负载均衡器支持目标虚拟机,请确保为目标端口(5986)配置了入站 NAT 规则。",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 服务连接",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "指定服务连接,用于连接到 Azure DevOps 组织或 TFS 集合以进行代理注册。
可以使用“+新建”创建服务连接,并选择“基于令牌的身份验证”。需要[个人访问令牌(PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts) 来设置服务连接。
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 服务连接",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "指定用于连接到 Azure DevOps 组织或集合的服务连接,以便进行代理注册。
"loc.input.label.project": "团队项目",
"loc.input.help.project": "指定其中定义了部署组的团队项目",
"loc.input.label.deploymentGroupName": "部署组",
@@ -40,15 +40,19 @@
"loc.input.label.copyAzureVMTags": "将 Azure VM 标记复制到代理",
"loc.input.help.copyAzureVMTags": "选择是否需要将在 Azure VM 上配置的标记复制到相应的部署组代理。
默认情况下,所有 Azure 标记都将按照“密钥: 值”的格式进行复制。例如: Azure 标记“角色: Web”将按原样复制到代理计算机。
有关如何标记 Azure 资源的详细信息,请参阅[连接](https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-using-tags)",
"loc.input.label.runAgentServiceAsUser": "以用户身份运行代理服务",
- "loc.input.help.runAgentServiceAsUser": "决定是否以非默认用户身份运行代理服务。
默认用户是 Windows 中的 \"NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM\" 和 Linux 中的“根”。",
+ "loc.input.help.runAgentServiceAsUser": "决定是否以非默认用户身份运行代理服务。
默认用户是 Windows 中的 \"NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM\" 和 Linux 中的 \"root\"。",
"loc.input.label.userName": "用户名",
"loc.input.help.userName": "用于在虚拟机上运行代理服务的用户名。
对于域用户,请输入值 \"domain\\username\" 或 \"username@domain.com\"。 对于本地用户,请输入用户名。
"loc.input.label.password": "密码",
"loc.input.help.password": "用户用于在 Windows VM 上运行代理服务的密码。
已假设所有 VM 上指定用户的密码相同。
它可以接受在生成或释放管道中定义为 \"$(passwordVariable)\" 的变量。可以将变量标记为“机密”以保护它。
对于 Linux VM,不需要密码,将被忽略。",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM 的 VM 详细信息",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "为资源组的变量提供一个名称。该变量可用作 $(variableName),以在后续任务中指示该资源组,例如在目标计算机上 PowerShell 中部署应用程序的任务。
仅当选定的操作为 Create、Update 或 Select 时该变量才有效,并且在选择现有资源组时才为必需。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "部署名称",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "指定要创建的资源组部署的名称。",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "部署输出",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "提供输出变量的变量名称,该输出变量中将包含字符串格式的当前部署对象的输出部分。可使用 \"ConvertFrom Json\" PowerShell cmdlet 分析 JSON 对象并访问单个输出值。",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "在替代参数中访问服务主体详细信息",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "将选择的 Azure 终结点的服务主体 ID 和密钥添加到脚本的执行环境中。可以在 \"-key $servicePrincipalKey\" 等替代参数中使用以下变量: \"$servicePrincipalId\" 和 \"$servicePrincipalKey\"",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "正在检查是否存在以下资源组: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "未能检查资源组状态。错误: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "资源组已存在: %s。",
@@ -97,7 +101,7 @@
"loc.messages.DeleteExtension": "正在尝试删除扩展 %s(从虚拟机 %s 中)",
"loc.messages.FailedToAddExtension": "未能添加网络安全规则,异常: %s",
"loc.messages.AddingSecurityRuleNSG": "正在为网络安全组 %s 添加安全规则",
- "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "已添加入站网络安全性规则配置 %s ,其中优先级为 %s、面向的端口为 %s (位于安全组 %s 下),结果为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.AddedSecurityRuleNSG": "已添加入站网络安全规则配置 %s ,其中优先级为 %s、面向的端口为 %s (位于安全组 %s 下),结果为 %s",
"loc.messages.FailedAddingNSGRule3Times": "已尝试 3 次,但未能将网络安全规则添加到安全组 %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToDeleteExtension": "未能删除扩展",
"loc.messages.CredentialsCannotBeNull": "\"credentials\" 不能为 null。",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "如果选择“以用户身份运行代理服务”输入,则“用户名”不能为 null。",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值。",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure 门户的详细信息",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。"
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "响应的格式无效。",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "部署名称为 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index 226a1019ddf9..225b0b82f165 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 資源群組部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[更多資訊](https://aka.ms/argtaskreadme)",
- "loc.description": "將 Azure 資源管理員 (ARM) 範本部署到資源群組。您也可以在資源群組中啟動、停止、刪除、解除配置所有虛擬機器 (VM)",
+ "loc.description": "將 Azure Resource Manager (ARM) 範本部署至資源群組,以及管理虛擬機器",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "在 $(resourceGroupName) 上的 Azure 部署:$(action) 動作",
"loc.releaseNotes": "-適用於跨平台代理程式 (Linux、macOS 或 Windows)\n- 支援位於任何可供公開存取 http/https URL 的範本 JSON。\n- 增強 Override 參數的 UX,現在能夠在格線中對其進行檢視/編輯。\n- 受負載平衡器支援的 VM 可進行 NAT 規則對應。\n- [資源群組] 欄位現已重新命名為 [WinRM 的 VM 詳細資料],並且包含在 [虛擬機器的進階部署選項] 區段中。\n- 限制: \n - 不支援傳統訂用帳戶。只支援 ARM 訂用帳戶。\n - 因為現在工作改以 node.js 為基礎,所以不支援 PowerShell 語法。當您覆寫範本參數時,請確認參數名稱的區分大小寫符合。此外,當您從 1.0 版移轉為 2.0 版時,會移除 \"ConvertTo-SecureString\" 等 PowerShell Cmdlet。",
"loc.group.displayName.AzureDetails": "Azure 詳細資料",
"loc.group.displayName.Template": "範本",
"loc.group.displayName.AdvancedDeploymentOptions": "虛擬機器的進階部署選項",
- "loc.group.displayName.Outputs": "輸出",
+ "loc.group.displayName.Advanced": "進階",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 訂用帳戶",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "選取部署的 Azure Resource Manager 訂用帳戶。",
"loc.input.label.action": "動作",
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@
"loc.input.label.overrideParameters": "覆寫範本參數",
"loc.input.help.overrideParameters": "若要以網格模式檢視範本參數,請按一下 [Override Parameters] 文字方塊旁的 [...]。必須在來源啟用 CORS 規則才能使用此功能。若範本在 Azure 儲存體 Blob 中,請參閱[本篇](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/fileservices/Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing--CORS--Support-for-the-Azure-Storage-Services?redirectedfrom=MSDN#understanding-cors-requests)來啟用 CORS,或是在文字方塊中鍵入要覆寫的範本參數。例如,
–storageName fabrikam –adminUsername $(vmusername) -adminPassword $(password) –azureKeyVaultName $(fabrikamFibre)。
若您使用的參數有多個文字,請以引號括住文字,即使您使用變數來傳遞文字亦同。例如,-name \"參數值\" -name2 \"$(var)\"
若要覆寫物件類型參數,請使用已轉換為字串的 JSON 物件。例如,-options [\"option1\"] -map {\"key1\": \"value1\" }。 ",
"loc.input.label.deploymentMode": "部署模式",
- "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "累加模式會以資源群組的累加式更新方式處理部署,不變更存在於資源群組但未在範本中指定的資源。\n\n 完整模式會刪除不在範本中的資源。\n\n 驗證模式能讓您在建立實際資源前,找出範本的問題。\n\n 根據預設會使用累加模式。",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentMode": "如需更多詳細資料,請參閱[此文件](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/deployment-modes)。\n\n 累加模式會將部署作為資源群組的累加更新進行處理。該模式會將存在於資源群組但未指定的未變更資源留在範本中。\n\n 完成模式會刪除不在您範本中的資源。相對於累加模式,完成模式會花費更多時間。如果工作逾時,請考慮增加逾時或將模式變更為「累加」。\n [警告] 這項動作會刪除資源群組中未於範本內指定的所有現有資源。\n\n 驗證模式可讓您在建立實際資源前,透過範本找出問題。\n\n 預設會使用累加模式。",
"loc.input.label.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "啟用必要條件",
"loc.input.help.enableDeploymentPrerequisites": "僅當資源群組包含虛擬機器時,才可使用這些選項。
選取 WinRM 選項會使用自我簽署憑證,設定在連接埠 5986 上使用 HTTPS 通訊協定的 Windows 遠端管理 (WinRM) 接聽程式。這是在 Azure 電腦上執行部署作業的必要設定。若目標虛擬機器設有負載平衡器支援,請務必為目標連接埠 (5986) 設定輸入 NAT 規則。",
- "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines/TFS 服務連線",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "Azure Pipelines 服務連線",
"loc.input.help.deploymentGroupEndpoint": "請指定服務連線以連線至 Azure DevOps 組織或 TFS 集合來註冊代理程式。
您可以使用 [+新增] > [權杖型驗證] 來建立服務連線。您需要[個人存取權杖 (PAT)](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/vsts/accounts/use-personal-access-tokens-to-authenticate?view=vsts)才能設定服務連線。
按一下 [管理] 即可更新服務連線詳細資料。",
"loc.input.label.project": "Team 專案",
"loc.input.help.project": "指定定義有部署群組的 Team 專案",
@@ -47,8 +47,12 @@
"loc.input.help.password": "使用者用來在 Windows VM 上執行代理程式服務的密碼。
會假設指定使用者在所有 VM 上的密碼均相同。
其可接受組建或發行管線中定義的變數為 '$(passwordVariable)'。您可將變數標記為 'secret' 來加以保護。
若為 Linux VM,則密碼並非必要項且會略過。",
"loc.input.label.outputVariable": "WinRM 的 VM 詳細資料",
"loc.input.help.outputVariable": "提供資源群組之變數的名稱。您可將變數作為 $(variableName) 使用,以參考後續工作中的資源群組,例如在 PowerShell 中部署應用程式時,參考目標電腦工作。
僅當選取的動作為 Create、Update 或 Select 時,此選項才有效,而此選項在選取現有的資源群組時為必要選項。",
+ "loc.input.label.deploymentName": "部署名稱",
+ "loc.input.help.deploymentName": "指定欲建立資源群組部署的名稱。",
"loc.input.label.deploymentOutputs": "部署輸出",
"loc.input.help.deploymentOutputs": "提供輸出變數的變數名稱,該變數將以字串格式包含目前部署物件的輸出區段。您可以使用 “ConvertFrom-Json” PowerShell cmdlet 來剖析 JSON 物件及存取個別輸出值。",
+ "loc.input.label.addSpnToEnvironment": "存取覆寫參數中的服務主體詳細資料",
+ "loc.input.help.addSpnToEnvironment": "將服務主體識別碼和您所選 Azure 端點的金鑰新增至指令碼的執行環境。您可以在 `-key $servicePrincipalKey` 等覆寫參數中使用以下變數: `$servicePrincipalId` 和 `$servicePrincipalKey`。",
"loc.messages.CheckResourceGroupExistence": "正在檢查下列資源群組是否存在: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatusFetchFailed": "無法查看資源群組狀態。錯誤: %s。",
"loc.messages.ResourceGroupStatus": "已有資源群組: %s。",
@@ -184,5 +188,7 @@
"loc.messages.UserNameCannotBeNull": "如果選取了 [以使用者身分執行代理程式服務] 輸入,[使用者名稱] 就不得為 null。",
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "若要使用憑證,則憑證必須是由信任憑證授權單位簽署的憑證。若您得到憑證驗證錯誤,有可能您是使用自我簽署的憑證。若要解決這些錯誤,您必須在建置或發行管線中將名為 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的變數值設為 `true`。",
"loc.messages.MoreInformationOnAzurePortal": "Azure 入口網站的詳細資訊",
- "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效"
+ "loc.messages.ResponseNotValid": "回應的格式無效",
+ "loc.messages.LogDeploymentName": "部署名稱為 %s",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "無法擷取 Azure 的存取權杖。請驗證使用的服務主體是否有效且未過期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json
index c68fd9f6c614..4df438b411c9 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.119.1",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json
index 0e037cf15876..853d8c4974e2 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2/task.loc.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"version": {
"Major": 2,
"Minor": 152,
- "Patch": 1
+ "Patch": 2
"demands": [],
"minimumAgentVersion": "2.119.1",
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
index 6f91cdd99877..51d4e1193e4c 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/de-de/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service-Bereitstellung",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Weitere Informationen](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Aktualisieren Sie Azure App Services unter Windows, Web-App unter Linux durch integrierte Images oder Docker-Container, ASP.NET-, .NET Core-, PHP-, Python- oder Node.js-basierte Webanwendungen, Funktions-Apps, mobile Apps, API-Anwendungen oder Webaufträge über Web Deploy/Kudu-REST-APIs.",
+ "loc.description": "Hiermit wird eine Web-, Mobil- oder API-App mithilfe von Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python oder Ruby für Azure App Service bereitgestellt.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service bereitstellen: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Neues in Version 3.0:
Unterstützt Dateiumwandlungen (XDT)
Unterstützt Variablenersetzungen (XML, JSON)
Klicken Sie [hier](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme), um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Optionen für Dateitransformationen und Variablenersetzungen",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"loc.input.label.SlotName": "Platz",
"loc.input.help.SlotName": "Geben Sie einen anderen vorhandenen Slot als den Produktionsslot ein, oder wählen Sie ihn aus.",
"loc.input.label.ImageSource": "Imagequelle",
- "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service unter Linux bietet zwei verschiedene Optionen, um Ihre Anwendung zu veröffentlichen.
Sie können benutzerdefinierte Images bereitstellen oder eine App-Bereitstellung mithilfe eines integrierten Plattformimages durchführen. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
+ "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service für Linux bietet zwei verschiedene Optionen, um Ihre Anwendung zu veröffentlichen.
Sie können benutzerdefinierte Images bereitstellen oder eine App-Bereitstellung mithilfe eines integrierten Plattformimages durchführen. [Weitere Informationen](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "Registrierung",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "Ein global eindeutiger Name einer Domäne der obersten Ebene für Ihre spezifische Registrierung.
Hinweis: Vollqualifizierte Imagenamen erhalten das folgende Format: \"'`/`:`'\". Beispiel: \"myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest\".",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Name des Anmeldeservers für die Registrierung",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie in der Build- oder Releasepipeline eine Variable mit dem Namen VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS auf den Wert TRUE festlegen.",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Um ein Zertifikat in App Service zu verwenden, muss das Zertifikat von einer vertrauenswürdigen Zertifizierungsstelle signiert sein. Werden von Ihrer Web-App Zertifikatüberprüfungsfehler zurückgegeben, verwenden Sie wahrscheinlich ein selbstsigniertes Zertifikat. Um den Fehler zu beheben, müssen Sie \"-allowUntrusted\" in zusätzlichen Argumenten der Web Deploy-Option übergeben.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Application Insights-Ressource \"%s\". Fehler: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Die JAR-Bereitstellung wird in dieser Version nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie die Aufgabenversion in \"4.*\", d. h. in den Vorschaumodus."
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Die JAR-Bereitstellung wird in dieser Version nicht unterstützt. Ändern Sie die Aufgabenversion in \"4.*\", d. h. in den Vorschaumodus.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Das Zugriffstoken für Azure konnte nicht abgerufen werden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der verwendete Dienstprinzipal gültig und nicht abgelaufen ist."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
index 237fffaaed60..07aa3cc042b1 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/es-es/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Implementación de Azure App Service",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Más información](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Actualice Azure App Services en Windows, Web App en Linux con imágenes integradas o contenedores de Docker, aplicaciones web basadas en ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node.js, Function Apps, Mobile Apps, aplicaciones API, WebJobs mediante las API REST de Web Deploy/Kudu",
+ "loc.description": "Implementar en Azure App Service una aplicación de API, móvil o web con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Implementación de Azure App Service: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novedades de la versión 3.0:
Admite las transformaciones de archivos (XDT)
Admite la sustitución de variables (XML, JSON)
Haga clic [aquí](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) para más información.",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformaciones de archivos y opciones de sustitución de variables",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe establecer una variable denominada VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS como true en la canalización de compilación o de versión",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Para usar un certificado en App Service, debe haberlo firmado una entidad de certificación de confianza. Si la aplicación web genera errores de validación del certificado, es posible que esté usando un certificado autofirmado. Para resolverlo, debe pasar -allowUntrusted en argumentos adicionales de la opción de implementación web.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "No se pudo actualizar el recurso de Application Insights \"%s\". Error: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La implementación de jar no se admite en esta versión. Cambie la versión de la tarea a \"4.*\", que se encuentra en modo de versión preliminar"
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La implementación de jar no se admite en esta versión. Cambie la versión de la tarea a \"4.*\", que se encuentra en modo de versión preliminar",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "No se pudo capturar el token de acceso de Azure. Compruebe que la entidad de servicio usada es válida y no ha expirado."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
index 9768f6992e54..e50a2bc2f2aa 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/fr-fr/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Déploiement Azure App Service",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Plus d'informations](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Mettre à jour Azure App Services sur Windows, Web App sur Linux avec des conteneurs Docker ou des images intégrées, des applications web ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python ou Node.js, Function Apps, Mobile Apps, API Apps, des WebJobs à l'aide des API REST Web Deploy / Kudu",
+ "loc.description": "Déployer sur Azure App Service une application web, mobile ou API via Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python ou Ruby",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Déploiement d'Azure App Service : $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Nouveautés de la version 3.0 :
Prise en charge des transformations de fichiers (XDT)
Prise en charge des substitutions de variables (XML, JSON)
Cliquez [ici](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) pour plus d'informations.",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Transformations de fichiers et options de substitution de variable",
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Image",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Étiquette",
- "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
+ "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.DockerRepositoryAccess": "Accès au dépôt",
"loc.input.help.DockerRepositoryAccess": "Sélectionnez l'accès au dépôt Docker.",
"loc.input.label.RegistryConnectedServiceName": "Connexion au registre",
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
"loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryImage": "Image",
"loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryImage": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.PrivateRegistryTag": "Étiquette",
- "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
+ "loc.input.help.PrivateRegistryTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.DockerNamespace": "Registre ou espace de noms",
"loc.input.help.DockerNamespace": "Nom de domaine de premier niveau de type identificateur global unique pour votre registre ou espace de noms spécifique.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.DockerRepository": "Image",
"loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "Nom du dépôt où sont stockés les images conteneurs.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format : '/:<étiquette>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "Étiquette",
- "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
+ "loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "Les étiquettes sont facultatives. Il s'agit du mécanisme utilisé par les registres pour donner une version aux images Docker.
Remarque : Le nom d'image complet est au format suivant : '`/`:`<étiquette`>'. Exemple : 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "Application virtuelle",
"loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Spécifiez le nom de l'application virtuelle configurée dans le portail Azure. L'option n'est pas nécessaire pour les déploiements sur la racine App Service.",
"loc.input.label.Package": "Package ou dossier",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez affecter la valeur true à une variable nommée VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS dans le pipeline de build ou le pipeline de mise en production",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Pour utiliser un certificat dans App Service, celui-ci doit être signé par une autorité de certification de confiance. Si votre application web génère des erreurs de validation de certificat, cela signifie probablement que vous utilisez un certificat auto-signé. Pour résoudre ces erreurs, vous devez passer -allowUntrusted dans des arguments supplémentaires de l'option Web Deploy.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Échec de la mise à jour de la ressource Application Insights '%s'. Erreur : %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Le déploiement de jar n'est pas pris en charge dans cette version. Remplacez la version de la tâche par la version '4.*', qui est en préversion"
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Le déploiement de jar n'est pas pris en charge dans cette version. Remplacez la version de la tâche par la version '4.*', qui est en préversion",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Impossible de récupérer (fetch) le jeton d'accès pour Azure. Vérifiez si le principal de service utilisé est valide et s'il n'a pas expiré."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
index 9e3a98a80dde..4c67d708ec8f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/it-IT/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Distribuzione di Servizio app di Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Altre informazioni](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Consente di aggiornare servizi app Web di Azure in Windows, app Web in Linux con immagini o contenitori Docker predefiniti, applicazioni Web basate su ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python o Node, app per le funzioni, app per dispositivi mobili, applicazioni API, processi Web che usano API REST Distribuzione Web/Kudu",
+ "loc.description": "Esegue la distribuzione in Servizio app di Azure di un'app Web, per dispositivi mobili o API con Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python o Ruby",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Distribuzione servizio app di Azure: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Novità della versione 3.0:
Supporta le trasformazioni di file (XDT)
Supporta le sostituzioni di variabili (XML, JSON)
Per altre informazioni, fare clic [qui](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Opzioni di trasformazioni di file e sostituzioni di variabili",
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
"loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "Impostazioni applicazione e configurazione",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "Output",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Sottoscrizione di Azure",
- "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
+ "loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "Consente di selezionare la sottoscrizione di Azure Resource Manager per la distribuzione.",
"loc.input.label.WebAppKind": "Tipo di app",
"loc.input.help.WebAppKind": "Consente di selezionare il tipo di app Web da distribuire.
Nota: selezionare App Web Linux per le immagine della piattaforma predefinita o per distribuzioni di immagini del contenitore personalizzate.",
"loc.input.label.WebAppName": "Nome del servizio app",
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
"loc.input.label.SlotName": "Slot",
"loc.input.help.SlotName": "Immettere o selezionare uno slot esistente diverso da quello di produzione.",
"loc.input.label.ImageSource": "Origine immagine",
- "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Il servizio app in Linux offre due diverse opzioni per pubblicare l'applicazione:
Distribuzione di un'immagine personalizzata oppure distribuzione dell'app con un'immagine della piattaforma predefinita. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
+ "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Il Servizio app in Linux offre due diverse opzioni per pubblicare l'applicazione:
Distribuzione di un'immagine personalizzata oppure distribuzione dell'app con un'immagine della piattaforma predefinita. [Altre informazioni](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "Registro di sistema",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "Nome di dominio di primo livello univoco a livello globale per il registro specifico.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Nome del server di accesso del registro",
- "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Consente di immettere o selezionare un nome del server di accesso del Registro contenitori di Azure.",
+ "loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "Consente di immettere o selezionare un nome del server di accesso del Registro Azure Container.",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Immagine",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "Nome del repository in cui vengono archiviate le immagini del contenitore.
Nota: il formato del nome completo dell'immagine è: '`/`:`'. Esempio: 'registropersonale.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "Tag",
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppSettingsInConfigDetails": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare le impostazioni dell'app. Errore: %s.",
"loc.messages.UnableToGetAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è stato possibile recuperare i metadati dell'app Web AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
"loc.messages.UnableToUpdateAzureRMWebAppMetadata": "Non è possibile aggiornare i metadati dell'app Web di AzureRM. Codice errore: %s",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali del Registro contenitori di Azure. [Codice di stato: '%s']",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrieveazureregistrycredentials": "Non è possibile recuperare le credenziali del Registro Azure Container. [Codice di stato: '%s']",
"loc.messages.UnableToReadResponseBody": "Non è possibile leggere il corpo della risposta. Errore: %s",
"loc.messages.UnableToUpdateWebAppConfigDetails": "Non è possibile aggiornare i dettagli di configurazione dell'app Web. Codice di stato: '%s'",
"loc.messages.AddingReleaseAnnotation": "Aggiunta dell'annotazione versione per la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario impostare su true una variabile denominata VSTS_ARM_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS nella pipeline di compilazione o versione",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Per usare un certificato nel servizio app, il certificato deve essere firmato da un'autorità di certificazione attendibile. Se l'app Web restituisce errori di convalida del certificato, è possibile che si stia usando un certificato autofirmato. Per risolvere gli errori, è necessario passare -allowUntrusted negli argomenti aggiuntivi dell'opzione di distribuzione Web.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Non è stato possibile aggiornare la risorsa '%s' di Application Insights. Errore: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La distribuzione di file jar non è supportata in questa versione. Impostare la versione dell'attività su '4.*' che corrisponde alla modalità anteprima"
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "La distribuzione di file jar non è supportata in questa versione. Impostare la versione dell'attività su '4.*' che corrisponde alla modalità anteprima",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Non è stato possibile recuperare il token di accesso per Azure. Verificare che l'entità servizio usata sia valida e non sia scaduta."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
index 75ede4d34197..5d8980ffc19f 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ja-jp/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 配置",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service デプロイ",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細情報](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Windows 上の Azure App Services、組み込みのイメージや Docker コンテナーを伴う Linux 上の Web アプリ、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python、または Node.js ベースの Web アプリケーション、Function App、モバイル アプリ、API アプリケーション、Web Deploy/ Kudu REST API を使用した Web ジョブを更新します",
+ "loc.description": "Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python、Ruby を使用して、Web、モバイル、API アプリを Azure App Service にデプロイします",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service の配置: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "バージョン 3.0 の新機能:
ファイル変換 (XDT) をサポート
変数置換 (XML、JSON) をサポート
詳細については、[ここ](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme) をクリックしてください。",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "ファイルの変換と変数の置換のオプション",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"loc.input.label.SlotName": "スロット",
"loc.input.help.SlotName": "運用スロット以外の既存のスロットを入力または選択してください。",
"loc.input.label.ImageSource": "イメージ ソース",
- "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Linux 上の App Service には、アプリケーションを発行するための 2 つの異なるオプションが備わっています。
カスタム イメージの配置と、組み込みのプラットフォーム イメージを使ったアプリの配置です。[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
+ "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service on Linux には、アプリケーションを発行するための 2 つの異なるオプションが備わっています。
カスタム イメージの配置と、組み込みのプラットフォーム イメージを使ったアプリの配置です。[詳細](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "レジストリ",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "特定のレジストリをグローバルに識別する一意の最上位ドメイン名です。
メモ: 完全修飾イメージ名の形式は '`<レジストリ`>/`<リポジトリ`>:`<タグ`>' です。例: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "レジストリ ログイン サーバー名",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があり、それを解決するには、VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS という名前の変数の値をビルド定義またはリリース パイプラインで true に設定する必要があります。",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service で証明書を使用するには、証明書が信頼された証明機関によって署名されている必要があります。Web アプリで証明書の検証エラーが出る場合は、自己署名証明書を使用している可能性があります。これを解決するには、Web 配置オプションの追加引数に -allowUntrusted を渡す必要があります。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' リソースを更新できませんでした。エラー: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 配置はこのバージョンではサポートされていません。タスク バージョンをプレビュー モードの '4.*' に変更します"
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 配置はこのバージョンではサポートされていません。タスク バージョンをプレビュー モードの '4.*' に変更します",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure のアクセス トークンをフェッチできませんでした。使用されているサービス プリンシパルが有効であり、有効期限が切れていないことをご確認ください。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
index 247a02b30daa..b10a0e2ba5ea 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ko-KR/resources.resjson
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 배포",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[자세한 정보](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "웹 배포/Kudu REST API를 사용하여 Windows의 Azure App Services, 기본 제공 이미지 또는 Docker 컨테이너를 포함하는 Web App on Linux, ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python 또는 Node.js 기반 웹 응용 프로그램, 함수 앱, Mobile Apps, API 응용 프로그램, 웹 작업을 업데이트합니다.",
+ "loc.description": "Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python 또는 Ruby를 사용하는 웹, 모바일 또는 API 앱을 Azure App Service에 배포합니다.",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 배포: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "버전 3.0의 새로운 기능:
파일 변환 지원(XDT)
변수 대체 지원(XML, JSON)
자세한 내용을 보려면 [여기](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)를 클릭하세요.",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "파일 변환 및 변수 대체 옵션",
"loc.group.displayName.AdditionalDeploymentOptions": "추가 배포 옵션",
"loc.group.displayName.PostDeploymentAction": "배포 후 작업",
- "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "응용 프로그램 및 구성 설정",
+ "loc.group.displayName.ApplicationAndConfigurationSettings": "애플리케이션 및 구성 설정",
"loc.group.displayName.output": "출력",
"loc.input.label.ConnectedServiceName": "Azure 구독",
"loc.input.help.ConnectedServiceName": "배포에 대한 Azure Resource Manager 구독을 선택합니다.",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"loc.input.label.SlotName": "슬롯",
"loc.input.help.SlotName": "프로덕션 슬롯이 아닌 기존 슬롯을 입력하거나 선택합니다.",
"loc.input.label.ImageSource": "이미지 소스",
- "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "Linux의 App Service는 응용 프로그램을 게시하는 두 가지 옵션을 제공합니다.
해당 옵션은 사용자 지정 이미지 배포 또는 기본 제공 플랫폼 이미지를 사용하는 앱 배포입니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
+ "loc.input.help.ImageSource": "App Service on Linux는 애플리케이션을 게시하는 두 가지 옵션을 제공합니다.
해당 옵션은 사용자 지정 이미지 배포 또는 기본 제공 플랫폼 이미지를 사용하는 앱 배포입니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=862490)",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistry": "레지스트리",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistry": "특정 레지스트리의 전역적으로 고유한 최상위 도메인 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'.",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "레지스트리 로그인 서버 이름",
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
"loc.input.help.DockerRepository": "컨테이너 이미지가 저장된 리포지토리의 이름입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`<레지스트리 또는 네임스페이스`>/`<리포지토리`>:`<태그`>' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'",
"loc.input.label.DockerImageTag": "태그",
"loc.input.help.DockerImageTag": "태그는 선택 사항입니다. 태그는 레지스트리에서 Docker 이미지에 버전을 지정하는 데 사용하는 메커니즘입니다.
참고: 정규화된 이미지 이름은 '`/`:`' 형식입니다. 예: 'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'",
- "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 응용 프로그램",
- "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 응용 프로그램의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.",
+ "loc.input.label.VirtualApplication": "가상 애플리케이션",
+ "loc.input.help.VirtualApplication": "Azure Portal에서 구성된 가상 애플리케이션의 이름을 지정합니다. App Service 루트에 배포할 경우 이 옵션은 필요하지 않습니다.",
"loc.input.label.Package": "패키지 또는 폴더",
"loc.input.help.Package": "MSBuild에서 생성된 앱 서비스 콘텐츠를 포함하는 패키지 또는 폴더나 압축된 zip 또는 war 파일의 파일 경로입니다.
변수([빌드](https://www.visualstudio.com/docs/build/define/variables) | [릴리스](https://www.visualstudio.com/docs/release/author-release-definition/understanding-tasks#predefvariables)), 와일드카드가 지원됩니다.
예: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.zip 또는 $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/\\*\\*/\\*.war.",
"loc.input.label.BuiltinLinuxPackage": "패키지 또는 폴더",
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
"loc.input.label.WebAppUri": "App Service URL",
"loc.input.help.WebAppUri": "Azure App Service의 URL에 대해 생성되는 출력 변수의 이름을 지정합니다. 이 변수는 후속 작업에서 사용될 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.ScriptType": "배포 스크립트 형식",
- "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 응용 프로그램용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
+ "loc.input.help.ScriptType": "작업이 배포를 완료한 후 Azure App Service에서 실행할 스크립트를 제공하여 배포를 사용자 지정합니다. 예를 들어 Node, PHP, Python 애플리케이션용 패키지를 복원합니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843471).",
"loc.input.label.InlineScript": "인라인 스크립트",
"loc.input.label.ScriptPath": "배포 스크립트 경로",
"loc.input.label.GenerateWebConfig": "Web.config 생성",
- "loc.input.help.GenerateWebConfig": "응용 프로그램에 표준 Web.config가 없는 경우 생성되고 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집할 수 있으며 응용 프로그램 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 응용 프로그램의 경우 web.config에는 시작 파일과 iis_node 모듈 값이 있습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
+ "loc.input.help.GenerateWebConfig": "애플리케이션에 표준 Web.config가 없는 경우 생성되고 Azure App Service에 배포됩니다. web.config의 값은 편집할 수 있으며 애플리케이션 프레임워크에 따라 달라집니다. 예를 들어 node.js 애플리케이션의 경우 web.config에는 시작 파일과 iis_node 모듈 값이 있습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
"loc.input.label.WebConfigParameters": "Web.config 매개 변수",
"loc.input.help.WebConfigParameters": "생성된 web.config 파일에서 시작 파일과 같은 값을 편집합니다. 이 편집 기능은 생성된 web.config에만 사용하도록 설계되었습니다. [자세한 정보](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=843469).",
"loc.input.label.AppSettings": "응용 프로그램 설정",
- "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 응용 프로그램 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
+ "loc.input.help.AppSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 애플리케이션 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -Port 5000 -RequestTimeout 5000
-WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE \"Eastern Standard Time\"",
"loc.input.label.ConfigurationSettings": "구성 설정",
"loc.input.help.ConfigurationSettings": "구문 -key 값 다음에 오는 웹앱 구성 설정을 편집합니다. 공백이 포함되는 값은 큰따옴표로 묶어야 합니다.
예 : -phpVersion 5.6 -linuxFxVersion: node|6.11",
"loc.input.label.TakeAppOfflineFlag": "앱을 오프라인으로 전환",
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"loc.input.label.AdditionalArguments": "추가 인수",
"loc.input.help.AdditionalArguments": "구문 -key:value 다음에 오는 추가 웹 배포 인수입니다.
이 인수는 Azure App Service를 배포할 때 적용됩니다. 예: -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension.
웹 배포 작업 설정의 추가 예제는 [여기](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=838471)를 참조하세요.",
"loc.input.label.RenameFilesFlag": "잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기",
- "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 응용 프로그램 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.",
+ "loc.input.help.RenameFilesFlag": "Azure App Service 애플리케이션 설정에서 msdeploy 플래그 MSDEPLOY_RENAME_LOCKED_FILES=1을 사용하도록 설정하려면 이 옵션을 선택합니다. 이 옵션을 설정하면 msdeploy에서 앱 배포 중 잠겨 있는 파일의 이름을 바꿀 수 있습니다.",
"loc.input.label.XmlTransformation": "XML 변환",
"loc.input.help.XmlTransformation": "`*.config 파일`에서 `*.Release.config` 및 `*..config`에 대한 구성 변환이 실행됩니다.
구성 변환은 변수 대체 전에 실행됩니다.
XML 변환은 Windows 플랫폼에서만 지원됩니다.",
"loc.input.label.XmlVariableSubstitution": "XML 변수 대체",
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
"loc.messages.Failedtoupdatedeploymenthistory": "배포 기록을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.WARNINGCannotupdatedeploymentstatusSCMendpointisnotenabledforthiswebsite": "경고: 배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 이 웹 사이트에는 SCM 엔드포인트를 사용할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebconfigdetails": "App Service 구성 정보를 검색할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].",
- "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoretrievewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 검색할 수 없습니다[상태 코드: '%s', 오류 메시지: '%s'].",
+ "loc.messages.Unabletoupdatewebappsettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 상태 코드: '%s'",
"loc.messages.CannotupdatedeploymentstatusuniquedeploymentIdCannotBeRetrieved": "배포 상태를 업데이트할 수 없습니다. 고유한 배포 ID를 검색할 수 없습니다.",
"loc.messages.PackageDeploymentSuccess": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포했습니다.",
"loc.messages.PackageDeploymentFailed": "웹 패키지를 App Service에 배포하지 못했습니다.",
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"loc.messages.UnabletofindthelocationofMSDeployfromregistryonmachineError": "컴퓨터의 레지스트리에서 MS 배포의 위치를 찾을 수 없습니다(오류: %s).",
"loc.messages.Nopackagefoundwithspecifiedpattern": "다음의 지정한 패턴을 가진 패키지가 없습니다. %s",
"loc.messages.MorethanonepackagematchedwithspecifiedpatternPleaserestrainthesearchpattern": "지정한 패턴 %s과(와) 일치하는 패키지가 두 개 이상 있습니다. 검색 패턴을 제한하세요.",
- "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[응용 프로그램을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
+ "loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithappofflineoptionselected": "[애플리케이션을 오프라인으로 만들기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
"loc.messages.Trytodeploywebappagainwithrenamefileoptionselected": "[잠겨 있는 파일 이름 바꾸기] 옵션을 선택하고 App Service를 다시 배포해 보세요.",
"loc.messages.NOJSONfilematchedwithspecificpattern": "특정 패턴과 일치하는 JSON 파일이 없음: %s",
"loc.messages.Configfiledoesntexists": "구성 파일 %s이(가) 없습니다.",
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"loc.messages.KuduPhysicalpathCreatedSuccessfully": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들었습니다. %s",
"loc.messages.FailedtocreateKuduPhysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 만들지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedtocheckphysicalPath": "Kudu 실제 경로를 확인하지 못했습니다. 오류 코드: %s",
- "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 응용 프로그램이 없습니다. %s",
+ "loc.messages.VirtualApplicationDoesNotExist": "가상 애플리케이션이 없습니다. %s",
"loc.messages.JSONParseError": "JSON 파일 %s을(를) 구문 분석할 수 없습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.JSONvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "JSON 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
"loc.messages.XMLvariablesubstitutionappliedsuccessfully": "XML 변수 대체를 적용했습니다.",
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceConfiguration": "App Service '%s' 구성을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServicePublishingCredentials": "App Service '%s' 게시 자격 증명을 페치하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToGetAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
+ "loc.messages.FailedToUpdateAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service '%s' 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
"loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceConfigurationSettings": "App Service 구성 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
- "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
- "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 응용 프로그램 설정 및 Kudu 응용 프로그램 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatingAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트하는 중입니다. 데이터: %s",
+ "loc.messages.UpdatedAppServiceApplicationSettings": "App Service 애플리케이션 설정 및 Kudu 애플리케이션 설정을 업데이트했습니다.",
"loc.messages.MultipleResourceGroupFoundForAppService": "App Service '%s'에 대한 리소스 그룹이 여러 개 있습니다.",
"loc.messages.PackageDeploymentUsingZipDeployFailed": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포에 실패했습니다. 자세한 내용은 로그를 참조하세요.",
"loc.messages.PackageDeploymentInitiated": "ZIP 배포를 사용한 패키지 배포가 시작되었습니다.",
@@ -219,8 +219,9 @@
"loc.messages.Updatemachinetoenablesecuretlsprotocol": "머신에서 TLS 1.2 프로토콜 이상을 사용 중인지 확인하세요. 머신에서 TLS를 사용하도록 설정하는 방법에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 https://aka.ms/enableTlsv2를 참조하세요.",
"loc.messages.FailedToGetResourceID": "리소스 종류 '%s' 및 리소스 이름 '%s'의 리소스 ID를 가져오지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
"loc.messages.CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforMSIDueToMSINotConfiguredProperlyStatusCode": "관리 서비스 주체에 대한 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 가상 머신에 대한 MSI(관리 서비스 ID)를 구성하세요('https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'). 상태 코드: %s, 상태 메시지: %s",
- "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
+ "loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우, 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 중일 수 있으며 오류를 해결하려면 이름이 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS인 변수를 빌드 또는 릴리스 파이프라인에서 true 값으로 설정해야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "App Service에서 인증서를 사용하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 인증 기관에서 인증서에 서명해야 합니다. 웹앱에서 인증서 유효성 검사 오류가 발생하는 경우 자체 서명된 인증서를 사용하는 것 같으며, 오류를 해결하려면 웹 배포 옵션의 추가 인수에 -allowUntrusted를 전달해야 합니다.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Application Insights '%s' 리소스를 업데이트하지 못했습니다. 오류: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 배포는 이 버전에서 지원되지 않습니다. 작업 버전을 미리 보기 모드인 '4.*'로 변경하세요."
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Jar 배포는 이 버전에서 지원되지 않습니다. 작업 버전을 미리 보기 모드인 '4.*'로 변경하세요.",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Azure의 액세스 토큰을 페치할 수 없습니다. 사용한 서비스 주체가 유효하고 만료되지 않았는지 확인하세요."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
index 1ceb6ee8fab9..d58c5aee633a 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/ru-RU/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure",
+ "loc.friendlyName": "Развертывание Службы приложений Azure",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[Дополнительные сведения](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "Обновление служб приложений Azure в Windows, веб-приложений со встроенными образами или контейнерами Docker в Linux, веб-приложений на основе ASP.NET, .NET Core, PHP, Python или Node.js, приложений-функций, мобильных приложений, приложений API и веб-заданий с помощью интерфейсов REST API веб-развертывания и Kudu",
+ "loc.description": "Развертывание веб-приложения, мобильного приложения или приложения API в Службе приложений Azure с помощью Docker, Java, .NET, .NET Core, Node.js, PHP, Python или Ruby",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Развертывание службы приложений Azure: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "Новые возможности в версии 3.0:
Поддерживаются преобразования файлов (XDT)
Поддерживается подстановка переменных (XML, JSON)
Чтобы получить дополнительные сведения, щелкните [здесь](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme).",
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "Параметры преобразования файлов и подстановки переменных",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо установить значение true для переменной VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS в конвейере сборки или выпуска",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "Чтобы использовать сертификат в службе приложений, сертификат должен быть подписан доверенным центром сертификации. Если в веб-приложении появляются ошибки проверки сертификата, возможно, вы используете самозаверяющий сертификат и для устранения этих ошибок необходимо передать -allowUntrusted в дополнительных аргументах параметра веб-развертывания.",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "Не удалось обновить ресурс Application Insights \"%s\". Ошибка: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Развертывание JAR не поддерживается в этой версии. Измените версию задачи на \"4.*\", которая является предварительной"
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "Развертывание JAR не поддерживается в этой версии. Измените версию задачи на \"4.*\", которая является предварительной",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "Не удалось получить маркер доступа для Azure. Убедитесь, что используемый субъект-служба является допустимым, а срок его действия не истек."
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
index bdf9d50203ab..0c46d8e744d6 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-CN/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure 应用服务部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[详细信息](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "更新 Windows 上的 Azure 应用服务、Linux 上带内置映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 应用、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或基于 Node.js 的 Web 应用程序、Function App、移动应用、API 应用程序、使用 Web 部署/ Kudu REST API 的 Web 作业",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 向 Azure 应用服务部署 Web、移动或 API 应用",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure 应用服务部署: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "版本 3.0 中的新增功能:
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "文件转换和变量替换选项",
@@ -222,5 +222,6 @@
"loc.messages.ASE_SSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在生成或发布管道中,将名为 VSTS_ARM_REST_IGNORE_SSL_ERRORS 的变量设置为 true 值",
"loc.messages.ASE_WebDeploySSLIssueRecommendation": "要在应用服务中使用某个证书,该证书必须由受信任的证书颁发机构签名。如果 Web 应用显示证书验证错误,则使用的可能是自签名证书,要解决验证问题,需要在 Web 部署选项的其他参数中传递 -allowUntrusted。",
"loc.messages.FailedToUpdateApplicationInsightsResource": "未能更新 Application Insights“%s”资源。错误: %s",
- "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支持 Jar 部署。将任务版本更改为处于预览模式的 \"4.*\""
+ "loc.messages.JarNotSupported": "此版本不支持 Jar 部署。将任务版本更改为处于预览模式的 \"4.*\"",
+ "loc.messages.ExpiredServicePrincipal": "无法提取 Azure 的访问令牌。请确保使用的服务主体有效且未过期。"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
index d2275788070c..86cadd30bc93 100644
--- a/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV3/Strings/resources.resjson/zh-TW/resources.resjson
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"loc.friendlyName": "Azure App Service 部署",
"loc.helpMarkDown": "[詳細資訊](https://aka.ms/azurermwebdeployreadme)",
- "loc.description": "使用 Web Deploy/Kudu REST API,來更新 Windows 上的 Azure 應用程式服務、Linux 上具內建映像或 Docker 容器的 Web 應用程式、ASP.NET、.NET Core、PHP、Python 或 Node.js 型 Web 應用程式、函數應用程式、行動應用程式、API 應用程式、WebJob",
+ "loc.description": "使用 Docker、Java、.NET、.NET Core、Node.js、PHP、Python 或 Ruby 對 Azure App Service 部署 Web、行動或 API 應用程式",
"loc.instanceNameFormat": "Azure App Service 部署: $(WebAppName)",
"loc.releaseNotes": "3.0 版的新功能:
支援檔案轉換 (XDT)
支援變數替代 (XML、JSON)
"loc.group.displayName.FileTransformsAndVariableSubstitution": "檔案轉換及變數替代選項",
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryLoginServer": "輸入或選取 Azure Container Registry 登入伺服器名稱。",
"loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "映像",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryImage": "容器映像儲存所在的存放庫名稱。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`<登錄>/`<存放庫`>:`<標籤`>'。例如,'myregistry.azurecr.io/nginx:latest'。",
- "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標記",
+ "loc.input.label.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標籤",
"loc.input.help.AzureContainerRegistryTag": "標籤為選擇性項目,這是登錄提供版本給 Docker 映像時使用的機制。
注意: 完整映像名稱的格式為: '`/`: