> azure-devops-node-api@11.2.0 samples D:\dev\azure-devops-node-api
> node make.js samples
> tsc --outDir D:\dev\azure-devops-node-api\_build
> npm install ../_build
+ azure-devops-node-api@11.2.0
added 12 packages from 15 contributors and audited 12 packages in 3.389s
6 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
> tsc -p samples
> node run.js
Hello Kirill Ivlev
> Creating example project
Cleaning up from last run
Nothing to clean up
Waiting for project to spin up
Project created
Sample build
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Build Samples
project maven
> Build Definitions for maven
You have 1 build definition(s)
maven (3) repo TfsGit
> top 10 successfully completed builds for mavenproject
3 builds returned
20220519.30 Succeeded on Thu May 19 2022
20220519.29 Succeeded on Thu May 19 2022
20220519.28 Succeeded on Thu May 19 2022
Sample buildArtifact
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Build Artifact Samples
project maven
> Get latest successful build for maven project
build 161
> Artifacts for build 161, maven project
Artifact: 'Code Coverage Report_161'. Type: Container. Id: 15. Downloadable: true.
> Download zip of artifact 'Code Coverage Report_161' for build 161, maven project
Sample creation
Artifact 'Code Coverage Report_161' downloaded to Code Coverage Report_161.zip
Hello Kirill Ivlev
********** Build **********
found 4 builds
********** Core **********
found 10 teams
********** Dashboard **********
found 2 widget types
********** Extension Management **********
found 0 requests
********** Feature Management **********
found 88 features
********** File Container **********
found 172 containers
********** Gallery - Deployment Level **********
Sample dashboard
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Dashboard Samples
> Create a Dashboard
Created dashboard dash
> Create a widget
Creating widget with metadata: { widgetMetadata:
{ typeId: 'Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.OtherLinksWidget',
publisherName: 'ms',
targets: [ 'ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget-catalog' ],
name: 'Other Links',
tags: [ 'general', 'links' ],
keywords: [ '' ],
'Adds a quick link to Feedback Client. Admins can configure iterations and work areas.',
isVisibleFromCatalog: true,
isEnabled: true,
contentUri: null,
allowedSizes: [ [Object] ],
configurationContributionId: null,
configurationContributionRelativeId: null,
configurationRequired: false,
defaultSettings: null,
supportedScopes: [ 1 ],
isNameConfigurable: false,
catalogInfoUrl: 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=760420',
lightboxOptions: null,
analyticsServiceRequired: false },
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/_apis/Dashboard/WidgetTypes/ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.OtherLinksWidget' }
Created widget widge
> Update a widget
Widget name updated to new name
> Get Widget data
First widget type: { typeId:
publisherName: 'ms',
[ 'ms.vss-dashboards-web.widget-catalog',
'ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.AnalyticsSprintBurndownWidget.Configuration' ],
name: 'Sprint Burndown',
tags: [ 'boards', 'scrum', 'chart' ],
keywords: [ 'graph', 'trend', 'sprint' ],
'Displays a burndown chart for the work of a team in a single iteration.',
isVisibleFromCatalog: true,
isEnabled: true,
contentUri: null,
[ { rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 1, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 2, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 3, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 4, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 5, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 6, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 7, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 8, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 9, columnSpan: 10 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 2 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 3 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 4 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 5 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 6 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 7 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 8 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 9 },
{ rowSpan: 10, columnSpan: 10 } ],
configurationRequired: false,
defaultSettings: null,
supportedScopes: [ 1 ],
isNameConfigurable: true,
catalogInfoUrl: 'https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2096311',
lightboxOptions: { width: 900, height: 700, resizable: true },
analyticsServiceRequired: true }
> Delete a widget
Widget deleted, trying to get it returns: null
> Delete dashboard
Dashboard deleted, trying to get it returns: null
Sample extensionManagement
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Extension Management Samples
> Get state information
States: [ { publisherName: 'kirillivlev',
extensionName: 'ki-test-extension',
version: '1.0.0',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-05-06T06:53:04.717Z,
flags: 0,
lastUpdated: 2022-05-06T06:53:04.720Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'azure-artifacts',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T20:56:47.433Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T20:56:47.437Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'feed',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T20:56:47.433Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T20:56:47.437Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'pipeline-artifacts',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-aex-code-mapper',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-aex-platform',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-aex-user-management',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-aex-user-management-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.717Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.727Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-bill-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-14T09:28:49.060Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-14T09:28:49.060Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-continuous-delivery-gallery',
version: '0.1.5',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.717Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.727Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-distributed-task',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-endpoint',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-extmgmt-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-13T23:41:05.630Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-13T23:41:05.630Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-favorites',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T23:41:06.260Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T23:41:06.257Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-org-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-package-search',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-pipelines',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-release',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-releaseartifact',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-releaseManagement-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-servicehooks',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-servicehooks-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-services-docker',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-services-jenkins',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-storage-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-23T08:28:23.440Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-23T08:28:23.440Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-tfs',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.720Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-wiki-search',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.253Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T11:37:09.267Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-work-web',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-06-28T23:41:06.260Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T23:41:06.257Z },
{ publisherName: 'ms',
extensionName: 'vss-workitem-search',
version: '',
lastVersionCheck: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.717Z,
flags: 38,
lastUpdated: 2022-04-13T10:34:56.727Z } ]
Extension has already been installed
The following extension was installed { extensionId: 'vss-releaseartifact',
extensionName: 'Release Artifacts',
publisherId: 'ms',
publisherName: 'Microsoft',
version: '',
flags: 3,
manifestVersion: 1,
{ versionCheck:
{ uri:
'{{DeploymentUrl "0000000D-0000-8888-8000-000000000000"}}_apis/public/extensions/vdisc' } },
scopes: [],
[ { id: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.artifact-types',
'Artifacts catalog which will be the target for all artifacts.',
type: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.release-artifact-types',
properties: [Object],
constraints: [Array],
restrictedTo: [Array] },
{ id: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.acr-release-artifact-type',
description: 'Azure Container Registry Artifact',
type: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.release-artifact-type',
targets: [Array],
properties: [Object],
constraints: [Array],
restrictedTo: [Array] } ],
installState: { flags: 38, lastUpdated: 2022-06-28T07:42:22.713Z },
[ { id: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.release-artifact-types',
name: 'Release Artifacts',
description: 'A collection of different release artifacts' },
{ id: 'ms.vss-releaseartifact.release-artifact-type',
name: 'Release artifact schema',
description: 'A contribution type for release artifact.',
properties: [Object] } ],
lastPublished: 2022-06-28T06:05:42.367Z,
files: [] }
> Get a token
Token: { count: 186,
Sample filecontainer
Hello Kirill Ivlev
found container BuiltInTemplates
found 6 items
downloading BuildProcessTemplates/GitTemplate/GitContinuousDeploymentTemplate.12.xaml
downloaded BuildProcessTemplates/GitTemplate/GitContinuousDeploymentTemplate.12.xaml

[{ New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildParameter("
""AssemblyFileSpec"": ""**\\*test*.dll;**\\*test*.appx"",
""RunSettingsFileName"": null,
""TestCaseFilter"": """",
""ServerRunSettingsFile"": """",
""TypeRunSettings"": ""Default"",
""HasRunSettingsFile"": false
""HasRunSettingsFile"": false,
""HasTestCaseFilter"": false,
""ExecutionPlatform"": ""X86"",
""FailBuildOnFailure"": false,
""RunName"": """"
[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildParameter("
""MaxExecutionTime"": ""00:00:00"",
""MaxWaitTime"": ""04:00:00"",
""Name"": ""*"",
""Tags"": [],
""TagComparison"": ""MatchExactly""
[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildParameter("
""MSBuildArguments"": """",
""MSBuildPlatform"": ""Auto"",
""PreActionScriptPath"": """",
""PreActionScriptArguments"": """",
""PostActionScriptPath"": """",
""PostActionScriptArguments"": """",
""RunCodeAnalysis"": ""AsConfigured""
[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildParameter("
""DisableTests"": false,
""PreActionScriptPath"": """",
""PreActionScriptArguments"": """",
""PostActionScriptPath"": """",
""PostActionScriptArguments"": """"
[New Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Common.BuildParameter("
""SharePointDeploymentEnvironmentName"": """",
""ProviderHostedDeploymentEnvironmentName"": """",
""PublishProfile"": """",
""AllowUntrustedCertificates"": true,
""DoNotDelete"": true,
""AllowUpgrade"": true
Manual, IndividualCI, BatchedCI, Schedule, ScheduleForced, UserCreated
Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces
Sample git
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Git Samples
Project: maven
> Get Repositories
There are 1 repositories in this project
> Create a repository
New repo: new repo
> Delete repository
Repo deleted
> Get commits for a repository
The first repository in this project is named maven
Top 10 commits in this repo: [ 'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines',
'Update azure-pipelines.yml for Azure Pipelines' ]
> Get pull requests for a repository
Pull requests on this repo: []
> Create comment on a pull request
Must have an active pull request in repo with an active comment thread maven for this part of the sample
Sample policy
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Policy Samples
> Create Policy Configuration for this Project
> Get Policy Configurations for this Project
Configuration created by Kirill Ivlev
> Get revisions for this configuration
Revisions: [ { createdBy:
{ displayName: 'Kirill Ivlev',
_links: [Object],
id: '0f12ddb5-7098-47bc-becc-86ae5076dfda',
uniqueName: 'ivlev.kirill@hotmail.com',
descriptor: 'msa.MjE4NWUzOTgtMmE0NC03ZWJhLWIxYzItNDZmMDAxZjhkMjhj' },
createdDate: 2022-06-29T05:53:03.989Z,
isEnabled: true,
isBlocking: false,
isDeleted: false,
{ minimumApproverCount: 1,
creatorVoteCounts: false,
allowDownvotes: false,
resetOnSourcePush: false,
requireVoteOnLastIteration: false,
resetRejectionsOnSourcePush: false,
blockLastPusherVote: false,
scope: [Array] },
isEnterpriseManaged: false,
_links: { self: [Object], policyType: [Object] },
revision: 1,
id: 7,
{ id: 'fa4e907d-c16b-4a4c-9dfa-4906e5d171dd',
displayName: 'Minimum number of reviewers' } } ]
> Get Policy Types for this Project
Policy Types: [ { description:
'This policy will reject pushes to a repository for paths which exceed the specified length.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '001a79cf-fda1-4c4e-9e7c-bac40ee5ead8',
displayName: 'Path Length restriction' },
{ description:
'This policy will reject pushes to a repository for names which aren\'t valid on all supported client OSes.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'db2b9b4c-180d-4529-9701-01541d19f36b',
displayName: 'Reserved names restriction' },
{ description:
'This policy ensures that pull requests use a consistent merge strategy.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'fa4e907d-c16b-4a4c-9dfa-4916e5d171ab',
displayName: 'Require a merge strategy' },
{ description: 'Check if the pull request has any active comments',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'c6a1889d-b943-4856-b76f-9e46bb6b0df2',
displayName: 'Comment requirements' },
{ description:
'This policy will require a successfull status to be posted before updating protected refs.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'cbdc66da-9728-4af8-aada-9a5a32e4a226',
displayName: 'Status' },
{ description: 'Git repository settings',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '7ed39669-655c-494e-b4a0-a08b4da0fcce',
displayName: 'Git repository settings' },
{ description:
'This policy will require a successful build has been performed before updating protected refs.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '0609b952-1397-4640-95ec-e00a01b2c241',
displayName: 'Build' },
{ description:
'This policy will reject pushes to a repository for files which exceed the specified size.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '2e26e725-8201-4edd-8bf5-978563c34a80',
displayName: 'File size restriction' },
{ description:
'This policy will reject pushes to a repository which add file paths that match the specified patterns.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '51c78909-e838-41a2-9496-c647091e3c61',
displayName: 'File name restriction' },
{ description:
'This policy will block pushes from including commits where the author email does not match the specified patterns.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '77ed4bd3-b063-4689-934a-175e4d0a78d7',
displayName: 'Commit author email validation' },
{ description:
'This policy will ensure that required reviewers are added for modified files matching specified patterns.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'fd2167ab-b0be-447a-8ec8-39368250530e',
displayName: 'Required reviewers' },
{ description:
'This policy will ensure that a minimum number of reviewers have approved a pull request before completion.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: 'fa4e907d-c16b-4a4c-9dfa-4906e5d171dd',
displayName: 'Minimum number of reviewers' },
{ description:
'This policy encourages developers to link commits to work items.',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '40e92b44-2fe1-4dd6-b3d8-74a9c21d0c6e',
displayName: 'Work item linking' },
{ description: 'GitRepositorySettingsPolicyName',
_links: { self: [Object] },
id: '0517f88d-4ec5-4343-9d26-9930ebd53069',
displayName: 'GitRepositorySettingsPolicyName' } ]
> Delete Policy Configuration
Policy configuration successfully deleted
Sample profile
serverUrl https://vssps.dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Profile Samples
> Create a profile
Profile created for Kirill Ivlev
Sample projectAnalysis
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Project Analytics Samples
> Get Language Analytics
{ url:
resultPhase: 1,
[ { name: 'Java',
files: 5,
filesPercentage: 83.33,
bytes: 2269,
languagePercentage: 100 },
{ name: 'Unknown', files: 1, filesPercentage: 16.67, bytes: 1074 } ],
[ { name: 'maven',
resultPhase: 1,
updatedTime: 2022-05-24T08:08:47.920Z,
languageBreakdown: [Array],
id: 'ac74f1ca-44a0-4142-a40a-0547736aa629' } ],
id: 'ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4' }
> Get Activity Metrics since the start of 2018
{ pullRequestsCreatedCount: 0,
pullRequestsCompletedCount: 0,
authorsCount: 0,
codeChangesCount: 0,
codeChangesTrend: [ { time: 2022-06-29T00:00:00.000Z, value: 0 } ],
projectId: 'ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4' }
> Get Git Repositories Activity Metrics since the start of 2018
[ { repositoryId: 'ac74f1ca-44a0-4142-a40a-0547736aa629',
codeChangesCount: 0,
codeChangesTrend: [ [Object] ] } ]
> Get Repository Activity Metrics since the start of 2018 for a single repo
{ repositoryId: 'ac74f1ca-44a0-4142-a40a-0547736aa629',
codeChangesCount: 0,
codeChangesTrend: [ { time: 2022-06-29T00:00:00.000Z, value: 0 } ] }
Sample release
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Release Samples
> Get releases
There are 0 releases for this project
Must have at least 1 release to do samples with releases
> Get metadata
Release settings: { retentionSettings:
{ defaultEnvironmentRetentionPolicy: { daysToKeep: 30, releasesToKeep: 3, retainBuild: true },
maximumEnvironmentRetentionPolicy: { daysToKeep: 365, releasesToKeep: 25, retainBuild: true },
daysToKeepDeletedReleases: 14 },
complianceSettings: { checkForCredentialsAndOtherSecrets: false } }
Tags: []
> Get Approval information
There are 0 approvals for this project
Sample task
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Task Samples
project maven
> Task Definitions
You have 234 task definition(s)
Downloaded task PowerShell
uploading file
uploaded secure file vstsnodeapitest1656482001200
deleted secure file vstsnodeapitest1656482001200
Sample test
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Testing Samples
> Get test suite runs
Current Runs: [ { id: 48,
name: 'JUnit_TestResults_159',
url: 'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_apis/test/Runs/48',
isAutomated: true,
state: 'Completed',
totalTests: 2,
incompleteTests: 0,
notApplicableTests: 0,
passedTests: 2,
unanalyzedTests: 0,
revision: 0,
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_TestManagement/Runs?runId=48&_a=runCharts' },
{ id: 50,
name: 'JUnit_TestResults_160',
url: 'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_apis/test/Runs/50',
isAutomated: true,
state: 'Completed',
totalTests: 2,
incompleteTests: 0,
notApplicableTests: 0,
passedTests: 2,
unanalyzedTests: 0,
revision: 0,
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_TestManagement/Runs?runId=50&_a=runCharts' },
{ id: 52,
name: 'JUnit_TestResults_161',
url: 'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_apis/test/Runs/52',
isAutomated: true,
state: 'Completed',
totalTests: 2,
incompleteTests: 0,
notApplicableTests: 0,
passedTests: 2,
unanalyzedTests: 0,
revision: 0,
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/_TestManagement/Runs?runId=52&_a=runCharts' } ]
> Get code coverage
Code coverage for build3: { deltaBuild: null }
Sample wiki
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Wiki Samples
Project: maven
> Get all wikis
Wikis [ 'Hello-Wiki' ]
> Get the text from a wiki
Wiki text {"path":"/","order":0,"isParentPage":true,"gitItemPath":"/","subPages":[],"url":"https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wiki/wikis/87a910bb-b11b-4328-b024-10c3681bc8d0/pages/%2F","remoteUrl":"https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_wiki/wikis/87a910bb-b11b-4328-b024-10c3681bc8d0?pagePath=%2F","content":""}
Sample work
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Work Samples
> Get Backlog info
Backlog configuration { taskBacklog:
{ id: 'Microsoft.TaskCategory',
name: 'Tasks',
rank: 1,
workItemCountLimit: 1000,
addPanelFields: [ [Object] ],
columnFields: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
workItemTypes: [ [Object] ],
{ name: 'Task',
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/workItemTypes/Task' },
color: 'FFA4880A',
isHidden: false,
type: 2 },
{ id: 'Microsoft.RequirementCategory',
name: 'Backlog items',
rank: 2,
workItemCountLimit: 1000,
addPanelFields: [ [Object] ],
[ [Object],
[Object] ],
workItemTypes: [ [Object] ],
{ name: 'Product Backlog Item',
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/workItemTypes/Product%20Backlog%20Item' },
color: 'FF0098C7',
isHidden: false,
type: 1 },
[ { id: 'Microsoft.FeatureCategory',
name: 'Features',
rank: 3,
workItemCountLimit: 1000,
addPanelFields: [Array],
columnFields: [Array],
workItemTypes: [Array],
defaultWorkItemType: [Object],
color: 'FF773B93',
isHidden: false,
type: 0 },
{ id: 'Microsoft.EpicCategory',
name: 'Epics',
rank: 4,
workItemCountLimit: 1000,
addPanelFields: [Array],
columnFields: [Array],
workItemTypes: [Array],
defaultWorkItemType: [Object],
color: 'FFE06C00',
isHidden: true,
type: 0 } ],
[ { workItemTypeName: 'Epic', states: [Object] },
{ workItemTypeName: 'Feature', states: [Object] },
{ workItemTypeName: 'Product Backlog Item', states: [Object] },
{ workItemTypeName: 'Task', states: [Object] },
{ workItemTypeName: 'Bug', states: [Object] } ],
{ typeFields:
{ Activity: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity',
Order: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Common.BacklogPriority',
ApplicationLaunchInstructions: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationLaunchInstructions',
ApplicationStartInformation: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationStartInformation',
ApplicationType: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Feedback.ApplicationType',
Effort: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.Effort',
RemainingWork: 'Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork',
Team: 'System.AreaPath' } },
bugsBehavior: 0,
hiddenBacklogs: [ 'Microsoft.EpicCategory' ],
isBugsBehaviorConfigured: true }
> Board info
This project has 3 boards
> Info for board: Backlog items
Board user settings: { autoRefreshState: true }
Board card settings: { cards:
{ 'Product Backlog Item':
[ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ] } }
Board has 1 rows
Sample row from board: { id: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', name: null }
> Iteration info
Project has 1 iterations
> Info for iteration: Sprint 1
Days off during iteration { daysOff: [],
{ self:
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations/5b2eaa2a-451b-4735-9b78-644f5cc29e07/teamdaysoff' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/_apis/projects/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/_apis/projects/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/teams/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/work/teamsettings' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations/5b2eaa2a-451b-4735-9b78-644f5cc29e07' } } }
Sample workItemTracking
Hello Kirill Ivlev
Work Item Tracking Samples
> Overview of recent activity
Work data in progress { workItemDetails: [], querySizeLimitExceeded: false }
Recent Activity: []
Recent Mentions: []
> Get work item info
There are 2 queries
Sample query: { id: 'c8557d1d-f964-49c1-8437-2cc60e15d0cd',
name: 'Shared Queries',
path: 'Shared Queries',
createdDate: 2022-06-28T07:47:39.150Z,
{ id: '0f12ddb5-7098-47bc-becc-86ae5076dfda',
name: 'Kirill Ivlev ',
displayName: 'Kirill Ivlev',
_links: { avatar: [Object] },
uniqueName: 'ivlev.kirill@hotmail.com',
descriptor: 'msa.MjE4NWUzOTgtMmE0NC03ZWJhLWIxYzItNDZmMDAxZjhkMjhj' },
lastModifiedDate: 2022-06-28T07:47:39.150Z,
isFolder: true,
hasChildren: false,
isPublic: true,
{ self:
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/queries/c8557d1d-f964-49c1-8437-2cc60e15d0cd' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/web/qr.aspx?pguid=ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4&qid=c8557d1d-f964-49c1-8437-2cc60e15d0cd' } },
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/queries/c8557d1d-f964-49c1-8437-2cc60e15d0cd' }
Area classification node: { count: 2,
[ { id: 12,
identifier: '50bb35ff-7dc3-4075-b081-e8c50b1ddf54',
name: 'maven',
structureType: 'area',
hasChildren: false,
path: '\\maven\\Area',
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Areas' },
{ id: 9,
identifier: '357d54af-cee0-4fff-b9e7-2673f66e5cf8',
name: 'maven',
structureType: 'iteration',
hasChildren: true,
path: '\\maven\\Iteration',
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/classificationNodes/Iterations' } ] }
There are 88 fields
Example field
> Create Template
Created template { fields: {},
id: 'a2071859-57c7-4c23-9dda-3180c519ad09',
name: 'myTemplate',
description: 'a template',
workItemTypeName: 'Bug',
{ workItemType:
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/ea02ca5a-0ebb-49f5-b509-04451abac7a4/_apis/wit/workItemTypes/Bug' },
{ href:
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/wit/templates/a2071859-57c7-4c23-9dda-3180c519ad09' } },
'https://dev.azure.com/ivlevkirill/maven/5d4c2959-dc90-47cd-be57-531e9d89cc3a/_apis/wit/templates/a2071859-57c7-4c23-9dda-3180c519ad09' }
> Get templates
There are 1 templates in this project
> Delete Template
Template could no longer be found, was successfully deleted
> Get work item info
Work item types: [ 'Task',
'Code Review Request',
'Code Review Response',
'Feedback Request',
'Feedback Response',
'Product Backlog Item',
'Shared Steps',
'Shared Parameter',
'Test Case',
'Test Plan',
'Test Suite' ]
> Info for typeTask
Task has 1 colors
> Cleaning up project
Waiting for project to be deleted