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'./adaptiveCards/createAdaptiveCardMiddleware'; - import renderMarkdown from './renderMarkdown'; // Add additional props to , so it support additional features -export default class extends React.Component { +class FullReactWebChat extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); @@ -33,3 +32,13 @@ export default class extends React.Component { ); } } + +FullReactWebChat.defaultProps = { + attachmentMiddleware: undefined +}; + +FullReactWebChat.propTypes = { + attachmentMiddleware: PropTypes.func +}; + +export default FullReactWebChat diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardAttachment.js index 343cdd7e2a..84468fc510 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardAttachment.js @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; -import { AdaptiveCard } from 'adaptivecards'; - function stripSubmitAction(card) { if (!card.actions) { return card; @@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ export default class AdaptiveCardAttachment extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); - this.createAdaptiveCard = memoize((adaptiveCards, content, renderMarkdown) => { + this.createAdaptiveCard = memoize((adaptiveCards, content) => { const card = new adaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard(); const errors = []; @@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ export default class AdaptiveCardAttachment extends React.Component { ...content })); - AdaptiveCard.onParseError = null; + adaptiveCards.AdaptiveCard.onParseError = null; return { card, @@ -49,11 +48,19 @@ export default class AdaptiveCardAttachment extends React.Component { } render() { - const { props: { adaptiveCards, attachment, renderMarkdown } } = this; - const { card } = this.createAdaptiveCard(adaptiveCards, attachment.content, renderMarkdown); + const { props: { adaptiveCards, attachment: { content } } } = this; + const { card } = this.createAdaptiveCard(adaptiveCards, content); return ( ); } } + +AdaptiveCardAttachment.propTypes = { + // TODO: [P2] We should rename adaptiveCards to adaptiveCardsPolyfill + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardBuilder.ts b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardBuilder.ts index b4ae2bc418..d95ccd8b64 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardBuilder.ts +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardBuilder.ts @@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ export interface BotFrameworkCardAction { function addCardAction(cardAction: CardAction, includesOAuthButtons?: boolean) { const { type } = cardAction; + let action; + if ( type === 'imBack' || type === 'messageBack' || type === 'postBack' - || (type === 'signin' && includesOAuthButtons) + || type === 'signin' && includesOAuthButtons ) { - const action = new SubmitAction(); + action = new SubmitAction(); action.data = { __isBotFrameworkCardAction: true, @@ -37,16 +39,14 @@ function addCardAction(cardAction: CardAction, includesOAuthButtons?: boolean) { }; action.title = cardAction.title; - - return action; } else { - const action = new OpenUrlAction(); + action = new OpenUrlAction(); action.title = cardAction.title; - action.url = cardAction.type === 'call' ? 'tel:' + cardAction.value : cardAction.value; - - return action; + action.url = cardAction.type === 'call' ? `tel:${ cardAction.value }` : cardAction.value; } + + return action; } export default class AdaptiveCardBuilder { @@ -86,11 +86,12 @@ export default class AdaptiveCardBuilder { // tslint:disable-next-line:forin for (const prop in template) { - (textblock as any)[prop] = (template as any)[prop]; + textblock[prop] = template[prop]; } textblock.speak = text; textblock.text = text; + container.addItem(textblock); } } diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardRenderer.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardRenderer.js index d6f3c2310b..fb0b4ff4e2 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardRenderer.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AdaptiveCardRenderer.js @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ +/* eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [0, 2] }] */ + import { HostConfig } from 'adaptivecards'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { Components, connectToWebChat, getTabIndex, localize } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; @@ -6,7 +9,7 @@ import { Components, connectToWebChat, getTabIndex, localize } from 'botframewor const { ErrorBox } = Components; function isPlainObject(obj) { - return obj.__proto__ === Object.prototype; + return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype; } class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { @@ -27,37 +30,37 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { this.renderCard(); } - componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { - if (prevProps.adaptiveCard !== this.props.adaptiveCard) { - this.renderCard(); - } + componentDidUpdate({ adaptiveCard: prevAdaptiveCard }) { + const { adaptiveCard } = this.props; + + prevAdaptiveCard !== adaptiveCard && this.renderCard(); } handleClick({ target }) { - // Some items, e.g. tappable text, cannot be disabled thru DOM attributes - if (this.props.disabled) { return; } + const { disabled, onCardAction, tapAction } = this.props; - const tabIndex = getTabIndex(target); - - // If the user is clicking on something that is already clickable, do not allow them to click the card. - // E.g. a hero card can be tappable, and image and buttons inside the hero card can also be tappable. - if (typeof tabIndex !== 'number' || tabIndex < 0) { - const { props: { onCardAction, tapAction } } = this; + // Some items, e.g. tappable text, cannot be disabled thru DOM attributes + if (!disabled) { + const tabIndex = getTabIndex(target); - tapAction && onCardAction(tapAction); + // If the user is clicking on something that is already clickable, do not allow them to click the card. + // E.g. a hero card can be tappable, and image and buttons inside the hero card can also be tappable. + if (typeof tabIndex !== 'number' || tabIndex < 0) { + tapAction && onCardAction(tapAction); + } } } handleExecuteAction(action) { - const { props } = this; + const { disabled, onCardAction } = this.props; // Some items, e.g. tappable image, cannot be disabled thru DOM attributes - if (props.disabled) { return; } + if (disabled) { return; } const actionTypeName = action.getJsonTypeName(); if (actionTypeName === 'Action.OpenUrl') { - props.onCardAction({ + onCardAction({ type: 'openUrl', value: action.url }); @@ -69,9 +72,9 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { const { cardAction } = actionData; const { displayText, type, value } = cardAction; - props.onCardAction({ displayText, type, value }); + onCardAction({ displayText, type, value }); } else { - props.onCardAction({ + onCardAction({ type: typeof action.data === 'string' ? 'imBack' : 'postBack', value: action.data }); @@ -84,8 +87,20 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { } renderCard() { - const { current } = this.contentRef; - const { props: { adaptiveCard, adaptiveCardHostConfig, renderMarkdown } } = this; + const { + contentRef: { + current + }, + props: { + adaptiveCard, + adaptiveCardHostConfig, + disabled, + renderMarkdown + }, + state: { + error + } + } = this; if (current && adaptiveCard) { // Currently, the only way to set the Markdown engine is to set it thru static member of AdaptiveCard class @@ -110,6 +125,8 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { const errors = adaptiveCard.validate(); if (errors.length) { + // TODO: [P3] Since this can be called from `componentDidUpdate` and potentially error, we should fix a better way to propagate the error. + return this.setState(() => ({ error: errors })); } @@ -117,19 +134,17 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { try { element = adaptiveCard.render(); - } catch (err) { - return this.setState(() => ({ errors: err })); + } catch (error) { + return this.setState(() => ({ error })); } if (!element) { return this.setState(() => ({ error: 'Adaptive Card rendered as empty element' })); } - if (this.state.error) { - this.setState(() => ({ error: null })); - } + error && this.setState(() => ({ error: null })); - if (this.props.disabled) { + if (disabled) { const hyperlinks = element.querySelectorAll('a'); const inputs = element.querySelectorAll('button, input, select, textarea'); @@ -146,7 +161,7 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { }); } - const firstChild = current.children[0]; + const [firstChild] = current.children; if (firstChild) { current.replaceChild(element, firstChild); @@ -165,7 +180,9 @@ class AdaptiveCardRenderer extends React.PureComponent { return ( error ? -
{ JSON.stringify(error, null, 2) }
+            { JSON.stringify(error, null, 2) }
    { - content.media.map((media, index) => + media.map(({ profile = '', url }, index) =>
  • { - /\.gif$/i.test(media.url) ? + /\.gif$/iu.test(url) ? : }
  • @@ -57,6 +68,23 @@ class AnimationCardAttachment extends React.Component { } } +AnimationCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + media: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + profile: PropTypes.string, + url: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }) + ).isRequired + }).isRequired + }).isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + animationCardAttachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) )(AnimationCardAttachment) diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AudioCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AudioCardAttachment.js index 91289fc2bd..fbaa38a616 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AudioCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/AudioCardAttachment.js @@ -1,37 +1,70 @@ -import React from 'react'; +/* eslint react/no-array-index-key: "off" */ import { Components, connectToWebChat } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; +import React from 'react'; + import CommonCard from './CommonCard'; const { AudioContent } = Components; +const AudioCardAttachment = ({ + adaptiveCards, + attachment, + attachment: { + content: { + autostart = false, + autoloop = false, + image: { + url: imageURL = '' + }, + media = [] + } = {} + } = {}, + styleSet +}) => +
      + { + media.map(({ url }, index) => +
    • + +
    • + ) + } +
    + +
    ; + +AudioCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + autostart: PropTypes.bool, + autoloop: PropTypes.bool, + image: PropTypes.shape({ + url: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }), + media: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + url: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired + ).isRequired + }) + }).isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + audioCardAttachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - adaptiveCards, - attachment, - attachment: { content = {} } = {}, - styleSet - }) => -
      - { - content.media.map((media, index) => -
    • - -
    • - ) - } -
    - -
    -) +)(AudioCardAttachment) diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/CommonCard.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/CommonCard.js index ff9bd3d357..758d3736e7 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/CommonCard.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/CommonCard.js @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AdaptiveCardBuilder from './AdaptiveCardBuilder'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; -export default class extends React.Component { +export default class CommonCard extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); @@ -21,15 +22,27 @@ export default class extends React.Component { const { props: { adaptiveCards, - attachment: { content } = {} + attachment: { + content, + content: { tap } = {} + } = {} } } = this; return ( ); } } + +CommonCard.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + tap: PropTypes.any + }).isRequired + }).isRequired +}; diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/HeroCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/HeroCardAttachment.js index e09b2891c7..4f677abe0c 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/HeroCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/HeroCardAttachment.js @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AdaptiveCardBuilder from './AdaptiveCardBuilder'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; -export default class extends React.Component { +export default class HeroCardAttachment extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); @@ -23,15 +24,27 @@ export default class extends React.Component { const { props: { adaptiveCards, - attachment: { content } = {} + attachment: { + content, + content: { tap } = {} + } = {} } } = this; return ( ); } } + +HeroCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + tap: PropTypes.any + }).isRequired + }).isRequired +}; diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/OAuthCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/OAuthCardAttachment.js index 787a3d35da..71963a1cb3 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/OAuthCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/OAuthCardAttachment.js @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AdaptiveCardBuilder from './AdaptiveCardBuilder'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; -export default class extends React.Component { +export default class OAuthCardAttachment extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); @@ -12,7 +13,7 @@ export default class extends React.Component { const builder = new AdaptiveCardBuilder(adaptiveCards); builder.addCommonHeaders(content); - builder.addButtons(content.buttons, true); + builder.addButtons((content || {}).buttons, true); return builder.card; }); @@ -22,7 +23,9 @@ export default class extends React.Component { const { props: { adaptiveCards, - attachment: { content } = {} + attachment: { + content + } = {} } } = this; @@ -31,3 +34,12 @@ export default class extends React.Component { ); } } + +OAuthCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + buttons: PropTypes.array + }).isRequired + }).isRequired +}; diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ReceiptCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ReceiptCardAttachment.js index 673f86e799..334327b8b6 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ReceiptCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ReceiptCardAttachment.js @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ +/* eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [0, 1, 10, 15, 25, 75] }] */ + +import { connectToWebChat, localize } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -import { connectToWebChat, localize } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; import AdaptiveCardBuilder from './AdaptiveCardBuilder'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; @@ -13,60 +16,84 @@ class ReceiptCardAttachment extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); - this.buildCard = memoize((adaptiveCards, content, language) => { + this.buildCard = memoize(( + adaptiveCards, + { + buttons, + facts, + items, + tax, + title, + total, + vat + }, + language + ) => { const builder = new AdaptiveCardBuilder(adaptiveCards); const { HorizontalAlignment, TextSize, TextWeight } = adaptiveCards; - builder.addTextBlock(content.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }); + builder.addTextBlock(title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }); - const columns = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); + if (facts) { + const [firstFactColumn, lastFactColumn] = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); - // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression - content.facts && content.facts.map(fact => { - builder.addTextBlock(fact.key, { size: TextSize.Medium }, columns[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(fact.value, { size: TextSize.Medium, horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, columns[1]); - }); + // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression + facts.map(({ key, value }) => { + builder.addTextBlock(key, { size: TextSize.Medium }, firstFactColumn); + builder.addTextBlock(value, { size: TextSize.Medium, horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, lastFactColumn); + }); + } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression - content.items && content.items.map(item => { - if (item.image) { - const columns = builder.addColumnSet([15, 75, 10]); - - builder.addImage(item.image.url, columns[0], item.image.tap); - builder.addTextBlock(item.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder, wrap: true }, columns[1]); - builder.addTextBlock(item.subtitle, { size: TextSize.Medium, wrap: true }, columns[1]); - builder.addTextBlock(item.price, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, columns[2]); + items && items.map(({ + image: { + tap, + url + } = {}, + price, + subtitle, + title + }) => { + let itemColumns; + + if (url) { + const [itemImageColumn, ...columns] = builder.addColumnSet([15, 75, 10]); + + itemColumns = columns; + builder.addImage(url, itemImageColumn, tap); } else { - const columns = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); - - builder.addTextBlock(item.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder, wrap: true }, columns[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(item.subtitle, { size: TextSize.Medium, wrap: true }, columns[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(item.price, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, columns[1]); + itemColumns = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); } + + const [itemTitleColumn, itemPriceColumn] = itemColumns; + + builder.addTextBlock(title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder, wrap: true }, itemTitleColumn); + builder.addTextBlock(subtitle, { size: TextSize.Medium, wrap: true }, itemTitleColumn); + builder.addTextBlock(price, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, itemPriceColumn); }); - if (!nullOrUndefined(content.vat)) { + if (!nullOrUndefined(vat)) { const vatCol = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); builder.addTextBlock(localize('VAT', language), { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, vatCol[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(content.vat, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, vatCol[1]); + builder.addTextBlock(vat, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, vatCol[1]); } - if (!nullOrUndefined(content.tax)) { + if (!nullOrUndefined(tax)) { const taxCol = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); builder.addTextBlock(localize('Tax', language), { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, taxCol[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(content.tax, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, taxCol[1]); + builder.addTextBlock(tax, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, taxCol[1]); } - if (!nullOrUndefined(content.total)) { + if (!nullOrUndefined(total)) { const totalCol = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); builder.addTextBlock(localize('Total', language), { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, totalCol[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(content.total, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right, size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, totalCol[1]); + builder.addTextBlock(total, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right, size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, totalCol[1]); } - builder.addButtons(content.buttons); + builder.addButtons(buttons); return builder.card; }); @@ -75,7 +102,9 @@ class ReceiptCardAttachment extends React.Component { render() { const { adaptiveCards, - attachment: { content } = {}, + attachment: { + content + } = {}, language } = this.props; @@ -88,6 +117,37 @@ class ReceiptCardAttachment extends React.Component { } } +ReceiptCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + buttons: PropTypes.array, + fact: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + key: PropTypes.string, + value: PropTypes.string + }) + ), + items: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + image: PropTypes.shape({ + tap: PropTypes.any, + url: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }), + price: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + subtitle: PropTypes.string, + title: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }) + ), + tax: PropTypes.string, + title: PropTypes.string, + total: PropTypes.string, + vat: PropTypes.string + }).isRequired + }).isRequired, + language: PropTypes.string.isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ language }) => ({ language }) )(ReceiptCardAttachment) diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/SignInCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/SignInCardAttachment.js index 45f1801a64..c5d0b8a2c9 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/SignInCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/SignInCardAttachment.js @@ -1,20 +1,29 @@ +import { connectToWebChat } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import CommonCard from './CommonCard'; -import { connectToWebChat } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; + +const SignInCardAttachment = ({ + adaptiveCards, + attachment, + styleSet +}) => +
    + +
    ; + +SignInCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + animationCardAttachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - adaptiveCards, - attachment, - styleSet - }) => -
    - -
    -) +)(SignInCardAttachment) diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ThumbnailCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ThumbnailCardAttachment.js index b740db268e..ef63092e57 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ThumbnailCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/ThumbnailCardAttachment.js @@ -1,25 +1,39 @@ +/* eslint no-magic-numbers: ["error", { "ignore": [25, 75] }] */ + import memoize from 'memoize-one'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AdaptiveCardBuilder from './AdaptiveCardBuilder'; import AdaptiveCardRenderer from './AdaptiveCardRenderer'; -export default class extends React.Component { +export default class ThumbnailCardAttachment extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); - this.buildCard = memoize((adaptiveCards, content) => { + this.buildCard = memoize(( + adaptiveCards, + content + ) => { const builder = new AdaptiveCardBuilder(adaptiveCards); const { TextSize, TextWeight } = adaptiveCards; + const { + buttons, + images, + subtitle, + text, + title + } = content; - if (content.images && content.images.length) { - const columns = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); + if (images && images.length) { + const [firstColumn, lastColumn] = builder.addColumnSet([75, 25]); + const [{ tap, url }] = images; - builder.addTextBlock(content.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, columns[0]); - builder.addTextBlock(content.subtitle, { isSubtle: true, wrap: true }, columns[0]); - builder.addImage(content.images[0].url, columns[1], content.images[0].tap); - builder.addTextBlock(content.text, { wrap: true }); - builder.addButtons(content.buttons); + builder.addTextBlock(title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, firstColumn); + builder.addTextBlock(subtitle, { isSubtle: true, wrap: true }, firstColumn); + builder.addImage(url, lastColumn, tap); + builder.addTextBlock(text, { wrap: true }); + builder.addButtons(buttons); } else { builder.addCommon(content); } @@ -30,17 +44,37 @@ export default class extends React.Component { render() { const { - props: { - adaptiveCards, - attachment: { content } = {} - } - } = this; + adaptiveCards, + attachment: { + content, + content: { tap } = {} + } = {} + } = this.props; return ( ); } } + +ThumbnailCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + buttons: PropTypes.array, + images: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + tap: PropTypes.any, + url: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }) + ), + subtitle: PropTypes.string, + tap: PropTypes.any, + text: PropTypes.string, + title: PropTypes.string, + }).isRequired + }).isRequired +}; diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/VideoCardAttachment.js b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/VideoCardAttachment.js index 3c5e52e4e5..8624a41624 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/VideoCardAttachment.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/adaptiveCards/Attachment/VideoCardAttachment.js @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +/* eslint react/no-array-index-key: "off" */ + +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { Components, connectToWebChat } from 'botframework-webchat-component'; @@ -5,33 +8,63 @@ import CommonCard from './CommonCard'; const { VideoContent } = Components; +const VideoCardAttachment = ({ + adaptiveCards, + attachment, + attachment: { + content: { + media, + autostart, + autoloop, + image: { + url: imageURL + } = {}, + } = {} + } = {}, + styleSet +}) => +
      + { + media.map(({ url }, index) => +
    • + +
    • + ) + } +
    + +
    ; + +VideoCardAttachment.propTypes = { + adaptiveCards: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + content: PropTypes.shape({ + autoloop: PropTypes.bool, + autostart: PropTypes.bool, + image: PropTypes.shape({ + url: PropTypes.string + }), + media: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + url: PropTypes.string + }) + ) + }) + }).isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + audioCardAttachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - adaptiveCards, - attachment, - attachment: { content = {} } = {}, - styleSet - }) => -
      - { - content.media.map((media, index) => -
    • - -
    • - ) - } -
    - -
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'application/vnd.microsoft.card.animation' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.audio' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.oauth' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.receipt' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.signin' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.thumbnail' ? - - : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.video' ? - - : - next({ activity, attachment }); + return () => next => { + function AdaptiveCardMiddleware({ activity, attachment }) { + return ( + attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.hero' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.animation' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.audio' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.oauth' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.receipt' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.signin' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.thumbnail' ? + + : attachment.contentType === 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.video' ? + + : + next({ activity, attachment }) + ); + } + + AdaptiveCardMiddleware.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + contentType: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired + }; + + return AdaptiveCardMiddleware; + }; } diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/addVersion.js b/packages/bundle/src/addVersion.js index 59ba88407e..05f86b7369 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/addVersion.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/addVersion.js @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +/* global global:readonly, VERSION:readonly */ +/* eslint no-empty: ["error", { "allowEmptyCatch": true }] */ + import { version as componentVersion } from 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const { @@ -15,14 +26,3 @@ export default async function ({ authorizationToken, subscriptionKey }) { SpeechSynthesisUtterance }); } - -function injectReferenceGrammarID({ SpeechGrammarList, SpeechRecognition }, referenceGrammarID) { - return class extends SpeechRecognition { - start() { - this.grammars = new SpeechGrammarList(); - this.grammars.referenceGrammar = referenceGrammarID || ''; - - return super.start(); - } - }; -} diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory.js b/packages/bundle/src/createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory.js index 5eaa35b20a..6ffd736faa 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory.js +++ b/packages/bundle/src/createCognitiveServicesSpeechServicesPonyfillFactory.js @@ -1,5 +1,16 @@ import createPonyfill from 'web-speech-cognitive-services/lib/SpeechServices'; +function injectReferenceGrammarID({ SpeechGrammarList, SpeechRecognition }, referenceGrammarID) { + return class extends SpeechRecognition { + start() { + this.grammars = new SpeechGrammarList(); + this.grammars.referenceGrammar = referenceGrammarID || ''; + + return super.start(); + } + }; +} + export default async function ({ authorizationToken, region, @@ -28,14 +39,3 @@ export default async function ({ SpeechSynthesisUtterance }); } - -function injectReferenceGrammarID({ SpeechGrammarList, SpeechRecognition }, referenceGrammarID) { - return class extends SpeechRecognition { - start() { - this.grammars = new SpeechGrammarList(); - this.grammars.referenceGrammar = referenceGrammarID || ''; - - return super.start(); - } - }; -} diff --git a/packages/bundle/src/index-minimal.ts b/packages/bundle/src/index-minimal.ts index 603084f750..89be0a73a3 100644 --- a/packages/bundle/src/index-minimal.ts +++ b/packages/bundle/src/index-minimal.ts @@ -1,3 +1,6 @@ +/* eslint dot-notation: ["error", { "allowPattern": "^WebChat$" }] */ +// window['WebChat'] is required for TypeScript + import { Constants, 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+Avatar.defaultProps = { + 'aria-hidden': false, + avatarImage: '', + avatarInitials: '', + className: '', + fromUser: false +}; + +Avatar.propTypes = { + 'aria-hidden': PropTypes.bool, + avatarImage: PropTypes.string, + avatarInitials: PropTypes.string, + className: PropTypes.string, + fromUser: PropTypes.bool, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + avatar: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectAvatar( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) )(Avatar) diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/Bubble.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/Bubble.js index 01c9c155c6..d57cfeca96 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/Bubble.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/Bubble.js @@ -1,26 +1,44 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; +const Bubble = ({ + 'aria-label': ariaLabel, + children, + className, + fromUser, + styleSet +}) => +
+ { children } +
; + +Bubble.defaultProps = { + 'aria-label': '', + children: undefined, + className: '', + fromUser: false +}; + +Bubble.propTypes = { + 'aria-label': PropTypes.string, + children: PropTypes.any, + className: PropTypes.string, + fromUser: PropTypes.bool, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + bubble: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - 'aria-label': ariaLabel, - children, - className, - fromUser, - styleSet - }) => -
- { children } -
-) +)(Bubble) diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselFilmStrip.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselFilmStrip.js index 0d8bad2f77..d920a5b605 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselFilmStrip.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselFilmStrip.js @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ +/* eslint react/no-array-index-key: "off" */ + import { css } from 'glamor'; import { Context as FilmContext } from 'react-film'; import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { Constants } from 'botframework-webchat-core'; @@ -70,118 +73,165 @@ const connectCarouselFilmStrip = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( userAvatarInitials } } - }, { activity }) => ({ - avatarInitials: activity.from && activity.from.role === 'user' ? userAvatarInitials : botAvatarInitials, + }, { + activity: { + from: { + role + } = {} + } = {} + }) => ({ + avatarInitials: role === 'user' ? userAvatarInitials : botAvatarInitials, language }), ...selectors ) -const ConnectedCarouselFilmStrip = connectCarouselFilmStrip( - ({ - avatarInitials, - language, - styleSet - }) => ({ - avatarInitials, - language, - styleSet - }) -)( - ({ - activity, - avatarInitials, - children, - language, - className, - itemContainerRef, - scrollableRef, - styleSet, - timestampClassName - }) => { - const fromUser = activity.from.role === 'user'; - const ariaLabel = localize('Bot said something', language, avatarInitials, activity.text, activity.timestamp) - const activityDisplayText = - ( - activity.channelData - && activity.channelData.messageBack - && activity.channelData.messageBack.displayText - ) || activity.text; - - return ( -
- -
+const WebChatCarouselFilmStrip = ({ + activity, + avatarInitials, + children, + className, + itemContainerRef, + language, + scrollableRef, + styleSet, + timestampClassName +}) => { + const { + attachments = [], + channelData: { + messageBack: { + displayText: messageBackDisplayText + } = {}, + state + } = {}, + from: { + role + } = {}, + text, + textFormat, + timestamp + } = activity; + + const fromUser = role === 'user'; + const ariaLabel = localize('Bot said something', language, avatarInitials, text, timestamp) + const activityDisplayText = messageBackDisplayText || text; + + return ( +
+ +
+ { + !!activityDisplayText && +
+ + { children({ + activity, + attachment: { + content: activityDisplayText, + contentType: textFormatToContentType(textFormat) + } + }) } + +
+ } +
    { - !!activityDisplayText && -
    + attachments.map((attachment, index) => +
  • - { children({ - activity, - attachment: { - contentType: textFormatToContentType(activity.textFormat), - content: activityDisplayText - } - }) } + { children({ attachment }) } -
  • + ) } -
      - { - activity.attachments.map((attachment, index) => -
    • - - { children({ attachment }) } - -
    • - ) - } -
    - {( - activity.channelData - && ( - activity.channelData.state === SENDING - || activity.channelData.state === SEND_FAILED - ) - ) ? +
+ { + state === SENDING || state === SEND_FAILED ? : - } -
+ }
- ); - } -) +
+ ); +}; + +WebChatCarouselFilmStrip.defaultProps = { + avatarInitials: '', + children: undefined, + className: '', + timestampClassName: '' +}; + +WebChatCarouselFilmStrip.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.shape({ + attachments: PropTypes.array, + channelData: PropTypes.shape({ + messageBack: PropTypes.shape({ + displayText: PropTypes.string + }), + state: PropTypes.string + }), + from: PropTypes.shape({ + role: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired, + text: PropTypes.string, + textFormat: PropTypes.string, + timestamp: PropTypes.string + }).isRequired, + avatarInitials: PropTypes.string, + children: PropTypes.any, + className: PropTypes.string, + itemContainerRef: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + language: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + scrollableRef: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + carouselFilmStrip: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired, + timestampClassName: PropTypes.string +}; -export default props => +const ConnectedCarouselFilmStrip = connectCarouselFilmStrip( + ({ + avatarInitials, + language, + styleSet + }) => ({ + avatarInitials, + language, + styleSet + }) +)(WebChatCarouselFilmStrip) + +const CarouselFilmStrip = props => { ({ itemContainerRef, scrollableRef }) => } +export default CarouselFilmStrip + export { connectCarouselFilmStrip } diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselLayout.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselLayout.js index 5954183706..addc25b660 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselLayout.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/CarouselLayout.js @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ import { Composer, Context as FilmContext, createBasicStyleSet, Flipper } from 'react-film'; import { css } from 'glamor'; import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import { localize } from '../Localization/Localize'; @@ -12,17 +13,29 @@ const ROOT_CSS = css({ position: 'relative' }); -export default connectToWebChat( - ({ language, styleSet }) => ({ language, styleSet }) -)(({ activity, children, language, styleSet, timestampClassName }) => { +const CarouselLayout = ({ + activity, + children, + language, + styleSet, + timestampClassName +}) => { const filmStyleSet = createBasicStyleSet({ cursor: null }); return ( { ({ scrollBarWidth }) => -
- +
+ { children } { scrollBarWidth !== '100%' && @@ -35,7 +48,9 @@ export default connectToWebChat( ) } mode="left" > -
+ { '<' } +
+ { '>' } +
} @@ -54,4 +71,23 @@ export default connectToWebChat( ); -}) +}; + +CarouselLayout.defaultProps = { + children: undefined, + timestampClassName: '' +}; + +CarouselLayout.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.any.isRequired, + children: PropTypes.any, + language: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + carouselFlipper: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired, + timestampClassName: PropTypes.string +}; + +export default connectToWebChat( + ({ language, styleSet }) => ({ language, styleSet }) +)(CarouselLayout) diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/SayAlt.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/SayAlt.js index d59b740ac8..5fdb5523d5 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/SayAlt.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/SayAlt.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import { css } from 'glamor'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; // TODO: [P3] Although this is for development purpose, prettify it @@ -7,5 +8,18 @@ const ROOT_CSS = css({ margin: 0 }); -export default ({ speak }) => - !!speak &&
{ speak }
+const SayAlt = ({ speak }) => + !!speak && +
+      { speak }
+ +SayAlt.defaultProps = { + speak: '' +}; + +SayAlt.propTypes = { + speak: PropTypes.string +}; + +export default SayAlt diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/ScrollToEndButton.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/ScrollToEndButton.js index fab00556b7..d3a3e77692 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/ScrollToEndButton.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/ScrollToEndButton.js @@ -3,27 +3,43 @@ import { } from 'react-scroll-to-bottom'; import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; import Localize from '../Localization/Localize'; -const ScrollToEndButton = connectToWebChat( - ({ scrollToEnd, styleSet }) => ({ scrollToEnd, styleSet }) -)(({ className, scrollToEnd, styleSet }) => +const ScrollToEndButton = ({ className, scrollToEnd, styleSet }) => -) + ; + +ScrollToEndButton.defaultProps = { + className: '' +}; + +ScrollToEndButton.propTypes = { + className: PropTypes.string, + scrollToEnd: PropTypes.func.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + scrollToEndButton: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; -export default props => +const WebChatConnectedScrollToEndButton = connectToWebChat( + ({ scrollToEnd, styleSet }) => ({ scrollToEnd, styleSet }) +)(ScrollToEndButton) + +const ConnectedScrollToEndButton = props => - { ({ sticky }) => !sticky && } + { ({ sticky }) => !sticky && } + +export default ConnectedScrollToEndButton diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/SendStatus.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/SendStatus.js index 3a10a401fa..328ffc9efa 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/SendStatus.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/SendStatus.js @@ -1,32 +1,12 @@ -import React from 'react'; - import { Constants } from 'botframework-webchat-core'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; +import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; import Localize, { localize } from '../Localization/Localize'; const { ActivityClientState: { SEND_FAILED, SENDING } } = Constants; -// TODO: [P4] Currently, this is the only place which use a templated string -// We could refactor this into a general component if there are more templated strings -function sendFailed(language, replace) { - const text = localize('SEND_FAILED_KEY', language); - const retry = localize('Retry', language); - const match = /\{Retry\}/.exec(text); - - if (match) { - return ( - - { text.substr(0, match.index) } - { replace(retry) } - { text.substr(match.index + match[0].length) } - - ); - } else { - return text; - } -} - const connectSendStatus = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( ({ focusSendBox, @@ -49,34 +29,67 @@ const connectSendStatus = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( ...selectors ) -export default connectSendStatus( - ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - activity: { channelData: { state } = {} }, - language, - retrySend, - styleSet - }) => +const SendStatus = ({ + activity: { + channelData: { + state + } = {} + }, + language, + retrySend, + styleSet +}) => { + // TODO: [P4] Currently, this is the only place which use a templated string + // We could refactor this into a general component if there are more templated strings + const sendFailedText = localize('SEND_FAILED_KEY', language); + const sendFailedRetryMatch = /\{Retry\}/u.exec(sendFailedText); + + return ( { state === SENDING ? : state === SEND_FAILED ? - sendFailed( - language, - retry => + sendFailedRetryMatch ? + + { sendFailedText.substr(0, sendFailedRetryMatch.index) } - ) + { sendFailedText.substr(sendFailedRetryMatch.index + sendFailedRetryMatch[0].length) } + + : + : false } -) + ); +} + +SendStatus.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.shape({ + channelData: PropTypes.shape({ + state: PropTypes.string + }) + }).isRequired, + language: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + retrySend: PropTypes.func.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + sendStatus: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + +export default connectSendStatus( + ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) +)(SendStatus) export { connectSendStatus } diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/Speak.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/Speak.js index 2a527eb7e5..e2661c9461 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/Speak.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/Speak.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -import SayAlt from './SayAlt'; import Say from 'react-say'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; +import SayAlt from './SayAlt'; // TODO: [P4] Consider moving this feature into BasicActivity // And it has better DOM position for showing visual spoken text @@ -16,15 +17,15 @@ const connectSpeakActivity = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( activity }) => ({ language, - markAsSpoken: () => { - markActivity(activity, 'speak', false) - }, + markAsSpoken: () => markActivity(activity, 'speak', false), selectVoice: voices => { + voices = [].slice.call(voices); + return ( - [].find.call(voices, voice => voice.lang === activity.locale) - || [].find.call(voices, voice => voice.lang === language) - || [].find.call(voices, voice => voice.lang === window.navigator.language) - || [].find.call(voices, voice => voice.lang === 'en-US') + voices.find(({ lang }) => lang === activity.locale) + || voices.find(({ lang }) => lang === language) + || voices.find(({ lang }) => lang === window.navigator.language) + || voices.find(({ lang }) => lang === 'en-US') || voices[0] ); } @@ -32,60 +33,100 @@ const connectSpeakActivity = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( ...selectors ); -export default connectSpeakActivity( - ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - activity, - markAsSpoken, - selectVoice, - styleSet +const Speak = ({ + activity, + markAsSpoken, + selectVoice, + styleSet +}) => { + if (!activity) { + return false; + } + + const { + attachments = [], + speak, + text + } = activity; + + const lines = [speak || text]; + + attachments.forEach(({ + content: { + speak, + subtitle, + text, + title + } = {}, + contentType }) => { - if (!activity) { - return false; + switch (contentType) { + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive': + lines.push(speak); + break; + + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.animation': + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.audio': + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.video': + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.hero': + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.thumbnail': + lines.push(title); + lines.push(subtitle); + lines.push(text); + break; + + case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.receipt': + lines.push(title); + break; + + default: break; } + }); - const lines = [activity.speak || activity.text]; - - (activity.attachments || []).forEach(({ content, contentType }) => { - switch (contentType) { - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.adaptive': - lines.push(content.speak); - break; - - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.animation': - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.audio': - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.video': - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.hero': - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.thumbnail': - lines.push(content.title); - lines.push(content.subtitle); - lines.push(content.text); - break; - - case 'application/vnd.microsoft.card.receipt': - lines.push(content.title); - break; + const singleLine = lines.filter(line => line).join('\r\n'); + + return ( + + + { + !!styleSet.options.showSpokenText && + } - }); - - return ( - - line).join('\r\n') } - voice={ selectVoice } - /> - { - !!styleSet.options.showSpokenText && - line).join('\r\n') } - voice={ selectVoice } - /> - } - - ); - } -) + + ); +}; + +Speak.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.shape({ + attachments: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + speak: PropTypes.string, + subtitle: PropTypes.string, + text: PropTypes.string, + title: PropTypes.string + }) + ), + speak: PropTypes.string, + text: PropTypes.string + }).isRequired, + markAsSpoken: PropTypes.func.isRequired, + selectVoice: PropTypes.func.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + options: PropTypes.shape({ + showSpokenText: PropTypes.bool.isRequired + }).isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + +export default connectSpeakActivity( + ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) +)(Speak) export { connectSpeakActivity } diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/StackedLayout.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/StackedLayout.js index b5c45e823a..4afd60752e 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/StackedLayout.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/StackedLayout.js @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ +/* eslint react/no-array-index-key: "off" */ + +import { Constants } from 'botframework-webchat-core'; import { css } from 'glamor'; import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -import { Constants } from 'botframework-webchat-core'; - import { localize } from '../Localization/Localize'; import Avatar from './Avatar'; import Bubble from './Bubble'; @@ -62,8 +64,14 @@ const connectStackedLayout = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( userAvatarInitials } } - }, { activity }) => ({ - avatarInitials: activity.from && activity.from.role === 'user' ? userAvatarInitials : botAvatarInitials, + }, { + activity: { + from: { + role + } = {} + } = {} + }) => ({ + avatarInitials: role === 'user' ? userAvatarInitials : botAvatarInitials, language, // TODO: [P4] We want to deprecate botAvatarInitials/userAvatarInitials because they are not as helpful as avatarInitials @@ -73,6 +81,142 @@ const connectStackedLayout = (...selectors) => connectToWebChat( ...selectors ); +const StackedLayout = ({ + activity, + avatarInitials, + children, + language, + styleSet, + timestampClassName +}) => { + const { + attachments = [], + channelData: { + messageBack: { + displayText: messageBackDisplayText + } = {}, + state + } = {}, + from: { + role + } = {}, + text, + textFormat, + timestamp, + type + } = activity; + + const fromUser = role === 'user'; + const showSendStatus = state === SENDING || state === SEND_FAILED; + const ariaLabel = localize(fromUser ? 'User said something' : 'Bot said something', language, avatarInitials, text, timestamp); + const activityDisplayText = messageBackDisplayText || text; + + return ( +
+ +
+ { + type === 'typing' ? +
+ { + children({ + activity, + attachment: { contentType: 'typing' } + }) + } +
+ : !!activityDisplayText && +
+ + { + children({ + activity, + attachment: { + content: activityDisplayText, + contentType: textFormatToContentType(textFormat) + } + }) + } + +
+ } + { + attachments.map((attachment, index) => +
+ + { children({ attachment }) } + +
+ ) + } +
+ { + showSendStatus ? + + : + + } +
+ ); +}; + +StackedLayout.defaultProps = { + children: undefined, + timestampClassName: '' +}; + +StackedLayout.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.shape({ + attachments: PropTypes.array, + channelData: PropTypes.shape({ + messageBack: PropTypes.shape({ + displayText: PropTypes.string + }) + }), + from: PropTypes.shape({ + role: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired, + text: PropTypes.string, + textFormat: PropTypes.string, + timestamp: PropTypes.string, + type: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired, + avatarInitials: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + children: PropTypes.any, + language: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + stackedLayout: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired, + timestampClassName: PropTypes.string +}; + export default connectStackedLayout( ({ avatarInitials, @@ -83,100 +227,6 @@ export default connectStackedLayout( language, styleSet }) -)( - ({ - activity, - avatarInitials, - children, - language, - styleSet, - timestampClassName - }) => { - const fromUser = activity.from.role === 'user'; - const { state } = activity.channelData || {}; - const showSendStatus = state === SENDING || state === SEND_FAILED; - const ariaLabel = localize(fromUser ? 'User said something' : 'Bot said something', language, avatarInitials, activity.text, activity.timestamp); - const activityDisplayText = - ( - activity.channelData - && activity.channelData.messageBack - && activity.channelData.messageBack.displayText - ) || activity.text; - - return ( -
- -
- { - activity.type === 'typing' ? -
- { - children({ - activity, - attachment: { contentType: 'typing' } - }) - } -
- : !!activityDisplayText && -
- - { - children({ - activity, - attachment: { - contentType: textFormatToContentType(activity.textFormat), - content: activityDisplayText - } - }) - } - -
- } - { - (activity.attachments || []).map((attachment, index) => -
- - { children({ attachment }) } - -
- ) - } -
- { showSendStatus ? - - : - - } -
- ); - } -) +)(StackedLayout) export { connectStackedLayout } diff --git a/packages/component/src/Activity/Timestamp.js b/packages/component/src/Activity/Timestamp.js index 9aa6d3f6cd..32518edc29 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Activity/Timestamp.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Activity/Timestamp.js @@ -1,21 +1,38 @@ import classNames from 'classnames'; +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; import TimeAgo from '../Utils/TimeAgo'; +const Timestamp = ({ + activity: { timestamp }, + className, + styleSet +}) => + + + ; + +Timestamp.defaultProps = { + className: '' +}; + +Timestamp.propTypes = { + activity: PropTypes.shape({ + timestamp: PropTypes.string.isRequired + }).isRequired, + className: PropTypes.string, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + timestamp: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ - activity: { timestamp }, - className, - styleSet - }) => - - - -) +)(Timestamp) diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/DownloadIcon.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/DownloadIcon.js index cc0d8bc8b8..f15afb8f11 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/DownloadIcon.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/DownloadIcon.js @@ -1,12 +1,29 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -export default ({ className, label, size = 1 }) => - - - +const ICON_SIZE_FACTOR = 22; + +const DownloadIcon = ({ className, label, size }) => + + + + +DownloadIcon.defaultProps = { + className: '', + label: '', + size: 1 +}; + +DownloadIcon.propTypes = { + className: PropTypes.string, + label: PropTypes.string, + size: PropTypes.number +}; + +export default DownloadIcon diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorIcon.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorIcon.js index 85ff7f90c6..62c731d9ad 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorIcon.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorIcon.js @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ import React from 'react'; -export default props => +const ErrorIcon = () => + +export default ErrorIcon diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorNotificationIcon.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorNotificationIcon.js index 3924aa9fa4..647b86f9a6 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorNotificationIcon.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/ErrorNotificationIcon.js @@ -1,13 +1,30 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -export default ({ className, size = 1 }) => - - - +const ICON_SIZE_FACTOR = 16; + +const ErrorNotificationIcon = ({ className, size }) => + + + + +ErrorNotificationIcon.defaultProps = { + className: '', + size: 1 +}; + +ErrorNotificationIcon.propTypes = { + className: PropTypes.string, + size: PropTypes.number +}; + +export default ErrorNotificationIcon diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/SpinnerAnimation.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/SpinnerAnimation.js index 982587901d..49b6e25c3b 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/SpinnerAnimation.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/SpinnerAnimation.js @@ -1,11 +1,18 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../../connectToWebChat'; -const ConnectSpinnerAnimation = connectToWebChat( +const SpinnerAnimation = ({ styleSet }) =>
; + +SpinnerAnimation.propTypes = { + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + spinnerAnimation: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + +const ConnectedSpinnerAnimation = connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)(({ styleSet }) => -
-) +)(SpinnerAnimation); -export default () => +export default ConnectedSpinnerAnimation diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/TypingAnimation.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/TypingAnimation.js index 0434574361..2367ca481b 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/TypingAnimation.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/TypingAnimation.js @@ -1,11 +1,18 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../../connectToWebChat'; -const ConnectTypingAnimation = connectToWebChat( +const TypingAnimation = ({ styleSet }) =>
; + +TypingAnimation.propTypes = { + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + typingAnimation: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + +const ConnectedTypingAnimation = connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)(({ styleSet }) => -
-) +)(TypingAnimation) -export default () => +export default ConnectedTypingAnimation diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/WarningNotificationIcon.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/WarningNotificationIcon.js index 458935e780..7b8dfe45e6 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/WarningNotificationIcon.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/Assets/WarningNotificationIcon.js @@ -1,12 +1,30 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; -export default ({ className, size = 1 }) => - - - +const ICON_SIZE_FACTOR = 16; + +const WarningNotificationIcon = ({ className, size }) => + + + + +WarningNotificationIcon.defaultProps = { + className: '', + size: 1 +}; + +WarningNotificationIcon.propTypes = { + className: PropTypes.string, + size: PropTypes.number +}; + +export default WarningNotificationIcon diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioAttachment.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioAttachment.js index ab30861eeb..62bd64c48d 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioAttachment.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioAttachment.js @@ -1,16 +1,27 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import AudioContent from './AudioContent'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; +const AudioAttachment = ({ attachment, styleSet }) => +
+ +
; + +AudioAttachment.propTypes = { + attachment: PropTypes.shape({ + contentUrl: PropTypes.string.isRequired, + name: PropTypes.string + }).isRequired, + styleSet: PropTypes.shape({ + audioAttachment: PropTypes.any.isRequired + }).isRequired +}; + export default connectToWebChat( ({ styleSet }) => ({ styleSet }) -)( - ({ attachment, styleSet }) => -
- -
-) +)(AudioAttachment) diff --git a/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioContent.js b/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioContent.js index 87ba1fbd37..010c70fd02 100644 --- a/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioContent.js +++ b/packages/component/src/Attachment/AudioContent.js @@ -1,23 +1,40 @@ +import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import connectToWebChat from '../connectToWebChat'; +const AudioContent = ({ + autoPlay, + loop, + poster, + src, + styleSet +}) => +