{ "type": "AdaptiveCard", "body": [ { "size": "large", "id": "txt1", "weight": "bolder", "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Just a little context please..." }, { "text": "1.How will you best describe the objective of your meeting? ", "id": "txt2", "weight": "bolder", "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true }, { "id": "mapping_1", "style": "expanded", "type": "Input.ChoiceSet", "choices": [ { "title": "Introduce Teams as an app platform to stakeholders", "value": "Introduce Teams as an app platform to stakeholders" }, { "title": "Discover opportunities suited for Teams platform play with BDMs", "value": "Discover opportunities suited for Teams platform play with BDMs" }, { "title": "Discuss how ITDMs can manage, facilitate & deploy apps on Teams", "value": "Discuss how ITDMs can manage, facilitate & deploy apps on Teams" }, { "title": "App scenario discovery with BDMs & showcase the “art of the possible”", "value": "App scenario discovery with BDMs & showcase the “art of the possible”" }, { "title": "Share how Microsoft can help a customer start their platform journey", "value": "Share how Microsoft can help a customer start their platform journey" }, { "title": "Adoption of ready-to-use or custom apps on Teams platform", "value": "Adoption of ready-to-use or custom apps on Teams platform" } ], "wrap": true }, { "text": "2.Which among the following best describes your audience?", "id": "newtxtId2", "weight": "bolder", "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true }, { "value": "Any", "id": "searching_2", "type": "Input.ChoiceSet", "choices": [ { "title": "Any", "value": "Any" }, { "title": "CXO", "value": "CXO" }, { "title": "BDM", "value": "BDM" }, { "title": "ITDM", "value": "ITDM" }, { "title": "Developer", "value": "Developer" }, { "title": "MSFT Employee", "value": "MSFT Employee" } ] }, { "text": "3.Which Industry does the customer belong to?", "id": "newtxtId3", "weight": "bolder", "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true }, { "value": "Any", "id": "searching_3", "type": "Input.ChoiceSet", "choices": [ { "title": "Any", "value": "Any" }, { "title": "Automotive", "value": "Automotive" }, { "title": "Banking & Capital Markets", "value": "Banking & Capital Markets" }, { "title": "Chemicals & Agrochemicals", "value": "Chemicals & Agrochemicals" }, { "title": "Civilian Government", "value": "Civilian Government" }, { "title": "Consumer Goods", "value": "Consumer Goods" }, { "title": "Defense & Intelligence", "value": "Defense & Intelligence" }, { "title": "Discrete Manufacturing", "value": "Discrete Manufacturing" }, { "title": "Energy", "value": "Energy" }, { "title": "Gaming", "value": "Gaming" }, { "title": "Health Payor", "value": "Health Payor" }, { "title": "Health Provider", "value": "Health Provider" }, { "title": "Higher Education", "value": "Higher Education" }, { "title": "Insurance", "value": "Insurance" }, { "title": "Libraries & Museums", "value": "Libraries & Museums" }, { "title": "Media & Entertainment", "value": "Media & Entertainment" }, { "title": "National Government", "value": "National Government" }, { "title": "Nonprofit", "value": "Nonprofit" }, { "title": "Partner Professional Services", "value": "Partner Professional Services" }, { "title": "Pharmaceuticals", "value": "Pharmaceuticals" }, { "title": "Primary & Secondary Edu/K-12", "value": "Primary & Secondary Edu/K-12" }, { "title": "Professional Services", "value": "Professional Services" }, { "title": "Public Safety & Justice", "value": "Public Safety & Justice" }, { "title": "Retailers", "value": "Retailers" }, { "title": "Smart Spaces", "value": "Smart Spaces" }, { "title": "Telecommunications", "value": "Telecommunications" }, { "title": "Travel, Transport & Hospitality", "value": "Travel, Transport & Hospitality" }, { "title": "Unsegmented", "value": "Unsegmented" } ] }, { "text": "4.Which department does the audience belong to?", "id": "newtxtId4", "weight": "bolder", "type": "TextBlock", "wrap": true }, { "value": "Generic", "id": "searching_4", "type": "Input.ChoiceSet", "choices": [ { "title": "Generic", "value": "Generic" }, { "title": "Leadership", "value": "Leadership" }, { "title": "HR", "value": "HR" }, { "title": "Sales & Marketing", "value": "Sales & Marketing" }, { "title": "IT/DevOps", "value": "IT/DevOps" }, { "title": "Finance", "value": "Finance" }, { "title": "Customer Support", "value": "Customer Support" }, { "title": "Firstline", "value": "Firstline" } ] } ], "actions": [ { "title": "🔎 Get me resources", "data": { "type": "Get me resources" }, "type": "Action.Submit" }, { "title": "◀️ Back", "data": { "CardName": "GetStarted", "type": "Navigate" }, "type": "Action.Submit" } ], "version": "1.0", "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json" }