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Modula-2 examples

Modula-2 Directory examples\ contains Modula-2 code examples taken from the XDS Modula-2 distribution.

Modula-2 examples presented below share two characteristics :

  • they can be built/run with 3 different command line tools.
  • their source code can be compiled with 2 Modula-2 compilers.
Build tool Build script Build option Parent file
cmd.exe build.bat -adw, -xds
make.exe Makefile TOOLSET=adw|xds
sh.exe -adw, -xds

Factorial Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile
        |       Factorial.mod

Note: We maintain two source versions of Factorial.mod as the import clauses differ between ADW Modula-2 and XDS Modula-2 (options -adw and -xds – the default – allow us to switch between both versions).

Batch file build.bat-verbose clean run generates and executes the Modula-2 program target\Factorial.exe :

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\Factorial.prj"
Compile 1 Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Factorial\target\Factorial.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\Factorial.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   33, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\Factorial.exe"
  0           1
  1           1
  2           2
  3           6
  4          24
  5         120
  6         720
  7        5040
  8       40320

Note: The other two build scripts and Makefile work in the same way.

The output directory target\ looks as follows when using build option -xds (default) :

> tree /a /f target | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   Factorial.exe
|   Factorial.obj
|   Factorial.prj
|   tmp.lnk

We first create the project file target\Factorial.prj and then invoke the XDS compiler with option =p<project file> :

> type target\Factorial.prj
-cpu = 486
-lookup = *.sym = sym;C:\opt\XDS-Modula-2\sym
-lookup = *.dll|*.lib = bin;C:\opt\XDS-Modula-2\bin
% -m2addtypes
% disable warning 301 (parameter "xxx" is never used)
% disable warning 303 (procedure "xxx" declared but never used)
!module mod\Factorial.mod

The output directory target\ looks as follows when using build option -adw :

> tree /f /a target | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   Factorial.exe
|   linker_opts.txt
|       Factorial.mod
|       Factorial.obj
|       Terminal2.obj

We create the response file linker_opts.txt and give it as parameter to the ADW linker :

> type target\linker_opts.txt

Hello Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile
        |       Hello.mod

Command build.bat-verbose clean run generates and executes the Modula-2 program target\Hello.exe :

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\Hello.prj"
Compile  Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Hello\target\Hello.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\hello.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   13, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\Hello.exe"
Hello world!

Note: The other two build scripts and in the same way and the generated files in output directory target\ are similar to the ones in example Factorial.

Liste Example

The Liste example is about creating a Modula-2 library; it contains the 3 source files Liste.def, Liste.mod and ListeTest.mod.

Batch file build.bat-verbose clean run generates both the library target\Liste.lib and the test program target\ListeTest.exe :

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Compile Modula-2 definition module "target\def\Liste.def"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "J:\examples\Liste\target\def\Liste.def"
no errors, no warnings, lines   10, time  0.00, new symfile
Create XDS project file "target\Liste.prj"
Compile 1 Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Liste\target\Liste.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\Liste.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines  136, time  0.00
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Create library file into directory "target"
Compile 1 Modula-2 test module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\Liste\target\ListeTest.prj"
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "test\ListeTest.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   21, time  0.00
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
    0     1     2     3     4     5
    0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12
    6     7     8     8     9    10    11    12

The output directory target\ looks as follows :

> tree /a /f target | findstr /v /b [A-Z]
|   Liste.dll
|   Liste.lib
|   Liste.obj
|   Liste.prj
|   ListeTest.exe
|   ListeTest.obj
|   ListeTest.prj
|   tmp.lnk
|       Liste.def
|       Liste.mod
|       Liste.sym

The generated project file target\Liste.prj contains the XDS compiler options and the source files (mod\Liste.mod in this case) :

> type target\Liste.prj
% debug ON
% write -gendll- to generate an .exe
-cpu = 486
-lookup = *.sym = sym;C:\opt\XDS-Modula-2\sym
% -m2addtypes
% disable warning 301 (parameter "xxx" is never used)
% disable warning 303 (procedure "xxx" declared but never used)
!module mod\Liste.mod

PascalTriangle Example

This project has the following directory structure :

> tree /a /f . | findstr /b /v [A-Z]
|   build.bat
|   Makefile

We generate the application using one of the build scripts build.bat, or Makefile.

> build -verbose clean run
Delete directory "target"
Create XDS project file "target\PascalTriangle.prj"
Compile  Modula-2 implementation module into directory "target"
O2/M2 development system v2.60 TS  (c) 1991-2011 Excelsior, LLC. (build 07.06.2012)
Make project "J:\examples\PascalTriangle\target\PascalTriangle.prj"
#file "J:\examples\PascalTriangle\target\PascalTriangle.prj" (line 1): syntax error
XDS Modula-2 v2.40 [x86, v1.50] - build 07.06.2012
Compiling "mod\PascalTriangle.mod"
no errors, no warnings, lines   42, time  0.01
New "tmp.lnk" is generated using template "C:/opt/XDS-Modula-2/bin/xc.tem"

XDS Link Version 2.13.3 Copyright (c) Excelsior 1995-2009.
No errors, no warnings
Execute program "target\PascalTriangle.exe"
Triangle height=3
      1   1
    1   2   1

Triangle height=4
        1   1
      1   2   1
    1   3   3   1

Triangle height=5
          1   1
        1   2   1
      1   3   3   1
    1   4   6   4   1

Triangle height=6
            1   1
          1   2   1
        1   3   3   1
      1   4   6   4   1
    1   5  10  10   5   1

Triangle height=7
              1   1
            1   2   1
          1   3   3   1
        1   4   6   4   1
      1   5  10  10   5   1
    1   6  15  20  15   6   1

Note: The generated files in output directory target\ are similar to the ones in example Factorial.

mics/January 2025