ADW Modula-2 Examples ↩
Directory adw-examples\ contains Modula-2 code examples coming from the ADW Modula-2 distribution.
This project has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | | Makefile \---src \---main \---mod Clock.mod
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generated and executes :
> build -verbose clean run Delete directory "target" Compile "F:\adw-examples\Clock\target\mod\Clock.MOD" into directory "target\mod" Modula-2, AMD64. Build ADW 1.6.879 Copyright (c) 2009 by ADW Software Tokenizing Reading (.SYM) files Parsing imported (.SYM) files Procedure MAKEINTATOM Procedure GlobalDiscard Procedure LocalDiscard Procedure MAKELANGID Procedure PRIMARYLANGID Procedure SUBLANGID Procedure MAKELCID Procedure LANGIDFROMLCID Procedure SORTIDFROMLCID Procedure ProcThreadAttributeValue Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_AFFINITY Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_NODE Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_IDEAL_PROCESSOR Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_UMS_THREAD Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_MITIGATION_POLICY Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_SECURITY_CAPABILITIES Procedure PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PROTECTION_LEVEL [...] Procedure WM_ACTIVATE_STATE Procedure WM_ACTIVATE_FMINIMIZED Procedure WM_ACTIVATE_HWND Procedure WM_CHARTOITEM_CHAR Procedure WM_CHARTOITEM_CHARW Procedure WM_CHARTOITEM_POS Procedure WM_CHARTOITEM_HWND Procedure WM_COMMAND_ID Procedure WM_COMMAND_HWND Procedure WM_COMMAND_CMD [...]] Procedure GetTime Procedure HourHandPos Procedure VertEquiv Procedure HorzEquiv Procedure CreateTools Procedure DeleteTools Procedure ClockCreate Procedure CircleClock Procedure ClockSize Procedure DrawFace Procedure DrawHand Procedure DrawFatHand Procedure ClockPaint Procedure ClockTimer Procedure AboutProc Procedure ClockWndProc Procedure ClockInit Main body Compile memory: 3840 Compile time: 139 Execute ADW linker Linker. Build ADW 1.6.879 Copyright (C) 2009, by ADW Software Time = 12 Memory = 1616k
> tree /a /f target | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | Clock.exe | | linker_opts.txt +---mod | Clock.MOD | Clock.obj \---sym AES.sym [...] WIN32.sym WINUSER.sym WINVER.sym WINX.sym
Example ▴
This project has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | | Makefile \---src \---main +---def | Rand.def \---mod EstimatePi.mod Rand.mod
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generates and executes the Modula-2 program target\EstimatePi.exe
> build -verbose clean run Compile "P:\adw-examples\EstimatePi\target\def\Rand.def" into directory "target\def" Compile "P:\adw-examples\EstimatePi\target\mod\Rand.mod" into directory "target\mod" Compile "P:\adw-examples\EstimatePi\target\mod\EstimatePi.mod" into directory "target\mod" Execute ADW linker Execute program "target\EstimatePi.exe" PI by Monte Carlo simulation = 3.14332 PI true value = 3.14159
Example ▴
This project has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | | Makefile \---src \---main \---mod RealSpeedTest.mod
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generates and executes the Modula-2 program target\RealSpeedTest.exe
> build -verbose clean run Delete directory "target" Compile "P:\adw-examples\RealSpeedTest\target\mod\RealSpeedTest.mod" into directory "target\mod" Execute ADW linker Execute program "target\RealSpeedTest.exe" REAL : 156 LONGREAL : 141
Example ▴
This project has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | build.bat | | Makefile \---src \---main \---mod Whetstone.mod
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generates and executes the Modula-2 program target\Whetstone.exe
> build -verbose clean run Delete directory "target" Compile "P:\adw-examples\Whetstone_benchmark\target\mod\Whetstone.mod" into directory "target\mod" Execute ADW linker Execute program "target\Whetstone.exe" LOOP TIME ITER # 1 0.000 20 0 0 -0.067 -0.466 -0.733 -1.132 # 2 0.017 120 0 0 -0.068 -0.463 -0.730 -1.124 # 3 0.048 140 0 0 -0.055 -0.447 -0.711 -1.103 # 4 0.006 3450 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 # 6 0.044 2100 1 2 6.000 6.000 -0.711 -1.103 # 7 0.387 320 0 0 0.490 0.490 0.490 0.490 # 8 0.000 8990 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 # 9 0.025 6160 1 2 3.000 2.000 3.000 -1.103 #10 0.000 0 2 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 #11 0.266 930 0 0 0.835 0.835 0.835 0.835 0.854 Whetstone KIPS 0 Whetstone MIPS Infinite Press any key to exit