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Fast Iterative C AVL Binary Search Tree

The avl functions (released "as is", into the public domain, without any warranty, express or implied) guarantees worst-case O(log n) time complexity for all operations (search, insert, delete).


Ready for deployment to a production environment.

A 100% iterative BST implementation in C99

This ~300 lines C software :

  • uses a height field and a parent pointer for each tree node
  • can be used to manage one or more SET (keys) or MAP (key-value pairs)
  • organize quick lookup, insertion, or deletion of a key in such a way that your tree always remains balanced

Every binary search tree guarantee O(height) worst-case complexity for lookup, insertion, and deletion.
Thanks to the rotations, the heights of your BSTs are always lesser than 1.44 * log2(number of keys).

Real use of AVL

There is a GitHub project that use this AVL Trees implementation, it's a Factorization software using Quadratic Sieve that is in production state.


The 4 provided functions are :


The 3 provided structures :


#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "bst.c"

int main() {

// Let say you are reading some text before exiting.
char input[] = "The problem of a rapid search is well illustrated "
"in terms of looking up a word in an ordinary dictionary containing "
"n words. Finding a given word in such a dictionary requires "
"at most C log n operations. How to organize a quick lookup "
"in a dictionary whose content is constantly changing ?"
"This problem was solved by Adelson-Velsky and Landis."
"It turns out that words in a constantly growing dictionary should "
"not be ordered linearly, but rather should be organized as a "
"binary tree with a natural ordering: the right subtree goes up "
"and the left subtree goes down. The tree should be balanced,"
"that is, the heights of the left and right child subtrees "
"of any node should differ by at most one. Lookup of a word in "
"such a tree with n nodes also requires C log n operations."
"But what is most important is that both deletion and insertion "
"in such a tree require the same number of operations. However,"
"when a new word is inserted and takes its place in the naturally "
"ordered tree (which requires C log n operations), the tree may "
"become unbalanced: the height of the right subtree rooted at "
"some 'unbalanced' node may differ from the height of the left "
"subtree by more than one."

"The AVL algorithm in this case performs a rebalancing of the tree "
"in a neighbourhood of the 'unbalanced' node with a finite"
"(independent of n) number of operations in such a way that "
"the tree becomes balanced again.";

// You configured bst.h like that :

	struct bst_entry {
		char * key;
		union {
			int occurences ;
		} value;

// You create a bst_manager.
struct bst_manager m = {0};

for (char *word = input, *curr = word ; *word ; word = curr, curr = word) {
	while (isalpha(*curr)) ++curr;
	*curr = 0;
	// You basically count the number of occurences of words.
	++bst_at(&m, word)->value.occurences;
	while (*++curr && !isalpha(*curr));

// And print some results.
printf("Found %d words.\n", (int)m.count);

const char *words[] = {"tree", "should", "be", "balanced", 0};
for (int i = 0 ; words[i] ; ++i) {
	const struct bst_entry *word = bst_at(&m, words[i]);
	printf("'%s' has %d occurences.\n", words[i], word->value.occurences);

// Found 123 words.
// 'tree'     has 8 occurences.
// 'should'   has 4 occurences.
// 'be'       has 3 occurences.
// 'balanced' has 2 occurences.

// Then destroy your bst_manager.

return 0 ;



parameter 1: struct bst_manager * manager
parameter 2: char * key OR int key OR custom key
return value: struct bst_entry *

Perform a regular key lookup into the manager's binary search tree.
The duplicates are not allowed, a key requested multiple times result to the same bst_entry *.

The key is found :

  • bst_at return the bst_entry * corresponding to the key
  • bst_at will have set the manager->affected field to to 0


The manager->search_only field is false (the default) :

  • bst_at insert the key into the bst_manager tree (using malloc)
  • bst_at works in such a way that your tree always remains balanced
  • bst_at return the bst_entry * corresponding to the key
  • bst_at will have set the manager->affected field to to 1
  • bst_at will have incremented the manager->count counter of entries

The manager->search_only field is true (you configured it) :

  • bst_at return 0
  • bst_at will have set the manager->affected field to to 0
bst_at(&m, str); // reading or inserting the key str to the manager's binary search tree.


parameter 1: struct bst_manager * manager
parameter 2: char * key OR int key OR custom key
return value: void

Perform a deletion of a key into the manager's binary search tree.

The key is found :

  • bst_rm delete the key from the tree, and release the memory (using free)
  • bst_rm works in such a way that your tree always remains balanced
  • bst_rm will have set the manager->affected field to to 1
  • bst_at will have decremented the manager->count counter of entries

The key is not found :

  • bst_rm will have set the manager->affected field to to 0
bst_rm(&m, str); // removing the key str from the manager's binary search tree.


parameter 1: struct bst_manager * manager
parameter 2: *void(*fn)(struct bst_entry *, void *args)
parameter 3: *void *args
parameter 4: *enum bst_direction direction
return value: void

Perform a Morris tree traversal to execute your callback over each entry.
The space complexity of this operation is O(1).

Your callback will receive :

  • a struct bst_entry * as first argument
  • the void *args parameter 3 as second argument

The execution will be done from BST_LOW_TO_HIGH or from BST_HIGH_TO_LOW, accordingly to the last parameter.

// assuming your_function have to print all keys from low to high.
void your_function(struct bst_entry *entry, const void *separator) { 
  printf("%s%s", entry->key, (char *) separator);

// executing your function on each node with your given separator.
bst_each(&m, &your_function, &" - ", BST_LOW_TO_HIGH);


parameter 1: struct bst_manager *manager
return value: void

Clear the manager's binary search tree, free all the memory using a stack.

bst_destroy(&m); // terminate the work.


The bst_manager is a simple C99 struct, which must be zeroed to start the job properly, it holds :

  • The (bst_node *) root of the tree (software set, user read)
  • A (size_t) counter of entries (software set, user read)
  • A (boolean) search_only field (user set, software read)
  • A (boolean) affected field (software set, user read)
struct bst_manager m = {0}; // zeroing a manager, it's now ready to start.

The counter of entries is updated upon insertion or deletion.

The manager->search_only field :

  • you can set it to 1, so no insertion will be done if the key is absent.
  • you can set it to 0, so the insertion will be done if the key is absent.

The manager->afffected field is set to 1 if the insertion or the deletion happened just now, 0 otherwise.
You can use multiple bst_manager to handle multiple trees.


This C struct holding a key and a value represent your data, every bst_node contains a bst_entry.

The demo is showing some examples with string key and integer key.
You can easily use a custom type of key, by executing minor changes in the source (update the signature of functions and the comparator).

// Configured like a basic SET manager (keys only).
struct bst_entry {
		char * key;
// Configured like a basic MAP manager (key-value pairs).
struct bst_entry {
		char * key;
		union {
			int occurences ;
			// add to the union all types you will use as value.
		} value;

You can safely remove the value field if not needed, it's provided by default for convenience.


The bst_direction is an enum that contains two values :


It can be used with bst_each to indicate which direction it should perform its traversal.

// executing your function on each node with your given separator.
bst_each(&m, &your_callback, 0, BST_HIGH_TO_LOW);


The bst_node is a simple C99 struct always used internally and never shown holding :

  • struct bst_entry entry (the data)
  • struct bst_node * rel[3] (the 3 relations, left child, right child and parent)
  • int height (always equal to 1 + Max(height left child, height right child))

Get started

The provided tests are using both string and integer keys, you can copy some code.
The provided tests are testing all functions, excepted bst_destroy (ask valgrind --leak-check=full for it).
If you want to associate a value with a key, the struct holds a value field.

struct bst_manager m = {0}; // zeroing a manager.
bst_at(&m, "key")->value.my_val = 25; // insert a new entry and set its value on the fly.
bst_at(&m, "key")->value.my_val == 25; // read the value from the manager's tree.
bst_rm(&m, "key"); // remove the entry holding that key.
bst_destroy(&m); // clear the manager.

The compilation

The following parameters i used.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
project(bst C)

set (CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -O2 -std=c99")

#add_executable(bst integer_keys/main.c)
add_executable(bst strings_keys/main.c)

Other / Technical

If you use this software into a multithreaded program, you should remove the 6 static keywords in the source code.
Every node in the tree know its parent, only the root node has 0 for parent, the bst_manager hold this particular node.

To explain rotations : "when imbalance is encountered, you send the middle value (it involves 3 nodes) to the root."
This software know when imbalance is encountered because it keep updated a height field for each node.
There is a verifier in the tests that asserts the formula of height for each node.
This C implementation assumes that the height of 0 (no node) is 0.

  • When inserting an element, at most one rotation is done
  • When deleting an element, zero, one or more than one rotation may be done

When bst_at and bst_rm functions are performing standard rotation 3 nodes are involved :

  • nodes[2] is on the top (parent)
  • nodes[1] is on the path (child of 2)
  • nodes[0] is on the bottom (child of 1)

During the rotation the op variable holds the rotation name (RR, RL, LL or LR).
This software will break the retracing loop as soon as possible, i think it will not unnecessarily verify that 1 = 1.

My tests

I always use C++ and 10k managers per test, then insert between 0 and 5k entries.
You can see a lite version of my verifier in the tests, the original :
- verifies the whole tree after each operation
- expects using a recursive function to find the right heights
- expects (by opposing an unordered set) to retrieve all values previously inserted
- expects (by opposing a shuffled vector) to retrieve all values previously inserted
- expects (by opposing a sorted vector) to retrieve all values previously inserted
- all of it and more when inserting and/or deleting

Using string keys with compiler options -g -O2 -std=c99.
Insertion of [ 1M, 10M, 100M ] sorted keys in [ 0.4s, 4s, 40s ].
Rotations counter was [ 919k, 9M, 91M ]. <!-- YzSJBowPECY -->


AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, AVL stands for Adelson-Velskii and Landis :

  • Georgy Maximovich Adelson-Velsky (1922-2014) was a Soviet and Israeli mathematician and computer scientist
  • Yevgeny Mikhaylovich Landis (1921-1997) was a Soviet mathematician