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Chebpy: Implementation Notes

The internals of Chebpy have been designed to resemble the design structure of Matlab Chebfun. The Chebfun v5 class diagram thus provides a useful map for understanding how the various pieces of Chebpy fit together (diagram courtesy of the Chebfun team, via


At this stage, only a relatively small subset of Matlab Chebfun has been implemented in Chebpy. In the class diagram above, this consists of all the classes traced by the path going up from from Chebtech2 (green box in the bottom right), to Chebfun (blue box near the top-left). More explicitly, the following classes currently exist in Chebpy:

  • Chebfun (core/
  • Fun (core/
  • Classicfun (core/
  • Bndfun (core/
  • Onefun (core/
  • Smoothfun (core/
  • Chebtech (core/
  • Chebtech2 (core/

Chebpy additionally provides the following classes which do not appear in their present form in Matlab Chebfun:

  • Interval (core/
  • Domain (core/
  • DefaultPrefs (core/

The general rule is that each Chebpy class lives in its own python file.

One can explore the organisation of the library in practice as follows. We describe the three core components with reference to the colours in the above class diagram.

Chebfun (blue)

from numpy import *
from chebpy import chebfun

We'll start by creating an identity chebfun on an arbitrary non-unit interval:

x = chebfun('x', [-2, 3])
chebfun column (1 smooth piece)
       interval       length     endpoint values
[      -2,       3]        2        -2        3
vertical scale =   3

This variable is an object of class Chebfun:


Fun (yellow)

Conceptually, Chebfun objects are defined as a collection (numpy array) of Fun objects. One can access these via the .funs attribute, and in this example, since our function is globally smooth, our chebfun is composed of single Fun:

array([Bndfun([-2.0, 3.0], 2)], dtype=object)

Fun is an abstract class, so we don't actually see Fun objects per-se, but rather objects further down the inheritance tree. Specifically, we see objects of type BndFun, denoting a function defined on a bounded interval.

Here's a more interesting function, this time composed of two Fun objects and created by inducing a discontinuity via use of the maximum operator:

f = sin(3*x).maximum(-sin(x))
chebfun column (2 smooth pieces)
       interval       length     endpoint values
[      -2,-2.2e-16]       20      0.91 -5.6e-17
[-2.2e-16,       3]       31  -4.4e-16     0.41
vertical scale =   1    total length = 51
array([Bndfun([-2.0, -2.22044604925e-16], 20),
       Bndfun([-2.22044604925e-16, 3.0], 31)], dtype=object)

The core Chebfun class constructor accepts iterable collections of Fun objects, and the above chebfun can be recreated as follows:

from chebpy.core.chebfun import Chebfun
chebfun column (2 smooth pieces)
       interval       length     endpoint values
[      -2,-2.2e-16]       20      0.91 -5.6e-17
[-2.2e-16,       3]       31  -4.4e-16     0.41
vertical scale =   1    total length = 51

The Fun objects defining a chebfun must provide a non-overlapping and complete partition of the global approximation interval. Chebpy-specific exceptions will be raised if the user/developer does not properly account for this.

To see this, let's break the second Fun into two sub-pieces (using fun.restrict) and attempt various reconstruction permutations.

from chebpy.core.utilities import Interval
_, a, c = f.breakpoints
b = 1
fun0 = f.funs[0]
fun1 = f.funs[1].restrict(Interval(a,b))
fun2 = f.funs[1].restrict(Interval(b,c))
fun0.plot(linewidth=3); fun1.plot(linewidth=3); fun2.plot(linewidth=3);


So, the following works:

chebfun column (3 smooth pieces)
       interval       length     endpoint values
[      -2,-2.2e-16]       20      0.91 -5.6e-17
[-2.2e-16,       1]       31  -1.7e-16     0.14
[       1,       3]       31      0.14     0.41
vertical scale =   1    total length = 82

But on the other other hand, the following raises an exception:

/chebpy/chebpy/core/utilities.pyc in _sortindex(intervals)
    198         raise IntervalOverlap
    199     if (d>0).any():
--> 200         raise IntervalGap
    202     return idx

IntervalGap: The supplied Interval objects do not form a complete partition of the approximation interval

So also does this:

/chebpy/chebpy/core/utilities.pyc in _sortindex(intervals)
    196     d = x[1::2] - x[::2]
    197     if (d<0).any():
--> 198         raise IntervalOverlap
    199     if (d>0).any():
    200         raise IntervalGap

IntervalOverlap: The supplied Interval objects overlap

Onefun (green)

A Fun object is defined by the composition of Onefun object and an Interval object. A Onefun object in Chebpy, as with Matlab Chebfun, define a set of core approximation behaviour on the unit interval [-1,1]. The computational mechanics of mapping these operations to arbitrary intervals [a,b] is managed, in part, by the a corresponding Interval object.

To illustrate, let's take the first component Fun from earlier (which was specifically a Bndfun):

Bndfun([-2.0, -2.22044604925e-16], 20)

The Onefun and Interval object components are accessed as follows:

print f.funs[0].onefun
print f.funs[0].interval
[ -2.00000000e+00  -2.22044605e-16]

Onefun is an abstract class, so what we actually see instantiated is an object of type Chebtech2. To see that the Onefun object is what is claims to be (a representation defined on the unit-interval), we can plot it (users will rarely do this in practice, but this can nevertheless be a useful feature for developers):



So while the Onefun attribute determines approximation behaviour, the interval attribute manages the mapping to and from the approximation interval to [-1,1]. So for instance, one can evaluate the interval object at some set of points in [-1,1] and obtain these values mapped to [a,b]:

array([ -2.00000000e+00,  -1.80000000e+00,  -1.60000000e+00,
        -1.40000000e+00,  -1.20000000e+00,  -1.00000000e+00,
        -8.00000000e-01,  -6.00000000e-01,  -4.00000000e-01,
        -2.00000000e-01,  -2.22044605e-16])