- Projects done during my Full Stack Software Engineering studies at ALX Africa, a course offered by Holberton School.
- Files written in
, andemacs
editors. - Files tested on
Ubuntu 20.04
. Python3.4
files .- Files Checked using betty-style.pl and betty-doc.pl.
Files | Description/Question |
0-add.py | Write a program that imports the function def add(a, b): from the file add_0.py and prints the result of the addition 1 + 2 = 3 |
1-calculation.py | Write a program that imports functions from the file calculator_1.py , does some Maths, and prints the result. |
2-args.py | Write a program that prints the number of and the list of its arguments. |
3-infinite_add.py | Write a program that prints the result of the addition of all arguments: The output should be the result of the addition of all arguments, followed by a new line. You can cast arguments into integers by using int() (you can assume that all arguments can be casted into integers). Your code should not be executed when imported. |
4-hidden_discovery.py | Write a program that prints all the names defined by the compiled module hidden_4.pyc (please download it locally). |
5-variable_load.py | Write a program that imports the variable a from the file variable_load_5.py and prints its value. |
100-my_calculator.py | Write a program that imports all functions from the file calculator_1.py and handles basic operations. |
101-easy_print.py | Write a program that prints #pythoniscool , followed by a new line, in the standard output. |
102-magic_calculation.py | Write the Python function def magic_calculation(a, b) . |
103-fast_alphabet.py | Write a program that prints the alphabet in uppercase, followed by a new line. Your program should be maximum 3 lines long. You are not allowed to use: any loops, any conditional statements, str.join() , any string literal |
add_0.py | A module prototype for add function. |
calculator_1.py | A module prototype for calculation function. |
easy_print_101.py | A module prototype for easy_print function. |
fast_alphabet_103.py | A module prototype for fast_alphabet function |
variable_load_5.py | A module prototype for variable_load function |