- numeric
- currency
- decimal
- integer
- percentage
The defaults are those defined in the base numeric alias. The currency alias and others are derived from the numeric alias and can have other defaults. Have a look in the inputmask.numeric.extensions.js for more details about which defaults are used. (At the end of the file)
Number of fractionalDigits Default: "*"
The value can be a number, *, or a quantifier syntax like 2,4 When the quantifier syntax is used, the digitsOptional option is ignored
Specify wheter the digits are optional. Default: true
Enforces the decimal part when leaving the input field. Default: false
default: "."
Default: "radixFocus"
Default: ""
Allow to enter -.
Default: true
Define your negationSymbol.
Default: {
front: "-", //"("
back: "" //")"
Define a prefix.
Default: ""
Define a suffix.
Default: ""
Minimum value
Default: undefined
Maximum value
Default: undefined
Define the step the ctrl-up & ctrl-down must take.
Default: 1
Make unmasking returning a number instead of a string.
Default: false
Be warned that using the unmaskAsNumber option together with jQuery.serialize will fail as serialize expects a string. (See issue #1288)
Set the fn for rounding the values when set.
Default: Math.round
Other examples:
- Math.floor
- fn(x) { /* do your own rounding logic */ return x; }
Default: {k: "000", m: "000000"}
Define shortcuts. This will allow typing 1k => 1000, 2m => 2000000
To disable just pass shortcuts: null as option
Indicates whether the value passed for initialization is text or a number
Default: "text"
When initializing the mask with a value, you need to take some rules into account. Depending of the option inputType the value will be interpreted as text or as a number.
When inputType is text, the symbol of the radixPoint must be correct. When using number the . (dot) is used as radixpoint.
Setting a number will always work when using vanilla javascript setters.
Example with komma (,) as radixpoint
<input name="npt" value="123456,789"/>
Inputmask("decimal", {
radixPoint: ',',
inputtype: "text"
$("input").val(123456.789); //this doesn't work because jQuery converts the number to a string
before passing it along to the Inputmask.
document.getElementsByName("npt")[0].value = "123456,789";
document.getElementsByName("npt")[0].value = 123456.789; //type number