At the end of each milestone, there should be a new or updated demo linked from the README.
- Ability to register an event sources and specify which events may be generated from that source Proposal
- kubectl command to set up a trigger where a specific event will cause a specific action
- Example source generating an event
- Example action
- Events conform to CloudEvents 0.1 specification
- Easy installation issue#51
- We have clear guidelines for how we use Prow
- All the contributing info is tested and someone new to the repo has made a PR by following the directions
- An event can trigger Knative function issue#52
- A local event can trigger a Google Cloud Function
- A Google source can trigger an action local within the Knative cluster. Likely this will use some scaffolding on the Google side to validate the interaction between systems, such as deploying a Cloud Function that forwards the Google Event to the Knative cluster.
- Events can be stored in a buffer / queue
- Failed event handling can be retried
- An Event Source can be added to a cluster without recompile
- There is a well-defined interface that allows the use of popular event brokers for persistence, such as Kafka and Rabbit Mq
- Pipeline the output of one action into the input of another
- Pipelines can be a series of Functions
- an action may accept a stream interface to process many events at once
- Events are delivered in order