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File metadata and controls

322 lines (225 loc) · 9.85 KB


Understand how the app actually works.

Addressing a Specific Service

  • Every laptop has an IP address. 127001 is reserved for the device
  • Port number: Different process or program can be run on different ports.
    • Review Port number conventions. Registered port numbers.
    • SSH: Secure Shell run on port 22. Can block port 22
  • IP Address: Building to be sent to. Port is part of the building.

Domain Name Service (DNS): Protocol that ID's what IP address connects to a specific server.

AWS Explained

  • Data centers are meant to serve websites in a way that's publicly addressable via websites. Elastic Compute (EC2)
    • Instance: CPU will be used.
    • All code will eventually be run on that server
  • Internal IP Address within router is received
    • Whatever is controlling the router will address each individual device.
    • Private networks can be created that physically sit in office. Intranet - Internal internet.
  • Private IP address is required to spin up server.

Virtual private cloud

  • Allowing devices to take to one another.

CIDR: Classless Interdomain Routing -

  • 4 decimal numbers: IPV4
  • 4 Different bytes of 8-bit each. 4 numbers are a address.
  • CIDR: 255 x 255 x 255 x 255 available addresses. Devices are all supposed to be within a range, I want them included in my range. Include them in my router.

Subnet: Explained

Route table Explained

  • Rules for how to route traffic.

VPC: Subnets are created that route things differently.

Identity and Access Management (IAM):

Load Balancer: Created in VPC that has IP Address. Special server that's setup by AWS.

  • Configured in network. When this port is accessed, bring them to another network.

T2.micro (AWS Free Tier)

  • Spin up instance using free tier.
  • Get a flask response over the internet.
  • Curl it over the internet.
  • Key Pair creation and SSH login: Physical SSH key that has a private and public key.

6/9/2023 to 6/12/2023

Task: Create UUID type in postgresql database

  • While in your database run the following code:
    • Where IF NOT EXISTS avoids the re-installing of the module.
  • Run the following code to create your table with UUID4
    • CREATE TABLE videogames( videogame_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, videogame_title VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, videogame_platform VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL, videogame_releasedate DATE, videogame_publisher VARCHAR(60) );
  • Alter table to drop default of UUID.
    • ALTER TABLE public.videogames ALTER COLUMN videogame_id DROP DEFAULT;

Generate new file with flask-sqlacodegen

  • Run the following script
    • sqlacodegen postgresql:///media_backlog_api --table TABLENAME --outfile /Users/MT/Desktop/Dev-Ops Work/media-backlog-api-1/


Close branch Update

git branch -D video-game-database-creation (Branch Deletion) git pull upstream main git push origin main

Start new branch

git checkout -b video-game-flask-sql-sql (New branch) git cherry-pick

Commit to database

Long Term Roadmap

  1. Implement VideoGame POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE
  • Update DB with UUID type
  • Build JSON after db.session.commit()
  • Implement release date and publisher for POST
  1. Refactor Flask App for PRD.
  2. Create AWS Cloud resources for app.
  3. Get app running in PRD.


SQLAlchemy: Library that's used to interact with different db packets.

  • ORM: Object relational mapper. Has ability to create multiple different backends that translates to the right SQL format.

Flask-sqlcodegen Uniform Resource Location: Location to find a website. Uniform Resource Identifier (URI):

  • mysql can be the protocol

Create one entry Create with flask-sqlacodegen file


Constructor Builds object and store them into a variable. Line 35: Dictonary

Make a Class jsonified.

What's the best way to represent data to the client after they post information.

Create a separate dictionary

Database Creation and SQLAlchemy Setup

  • Install postgres (using web download page) and flask-sqlalchemy (pip install)
  • Once Postgres is installed and running, create postgres database by running the following in the terminal:
    • psql -U postgres
    • CREATE DATABASE database_name; (e.g. media_backlog_api)
    • Expected entry output: CREATE DATABASE. Explanation: Confirms successful database creation
  • Install alembic, Flask-Script and Flask-Migrate using "pip install" to manage database migrations and update database's schema.


Own Time Research

  1. What does it mean to serialize data?

How to kill active port

ps aux | grep -i flask | awk '{print $2}' | while read line do pkill -9 $line done

git diff HEAD HEAD~1 Show me the difference. HEAD and HEAD-1 are different commit hashes.


  • Server responds in JSON

201 Success and creation

Build JSON out and return fields. Flask return http status code

  • return Response("{'a':'b'}", status=201, mimetype='applcation)
  • Mimetype/Content-Type: The type of data being sent.

Return 201 success output Return 400 error request Return 500 internal server error

Be as specific as possible to make sure that


Things to Review

  1. Walk through how HTTP protocols work with headers and body messages. Provide us with examples of how it's used and how to use curl to interact with the terminal while using it. Why do we use the terminal to interact with the client? How is that easier?
  2. How would I use the from_json function to load json data?

Response and Requesrt Router are the inputs.

  • What is a response writer? Address HTTP handler

Header (Meta data about request)

GET: Verb being called | Path Host: HTTP version being used. Accept: / Content-Length: Characters for body of message Content-Type: application/json User-Agent: What sent the request? (Ex: curl/7.82.0) Body: Content that's being sent to the server. (Please do something about this)

HTTP Response Codes (mdn web docs): Request API Return code conventions

evaluating dictionary key

  • Key value store: Method: Function that's specific to a type
  • Example: if __ in ___ dict.keys() or value()
  • Update: If the person adds data that wasn't supposed to be added


Feature branch: New branch off main would be called videogame branch.

Moving through branches

git checkout -b git checkout master

.gitignore very literal

  • Wildcard selector: *.___
  • Regex (to learn)
  • Configuring a local gitignore.

git branch: Provides user with name of current branch

Git pull

git pull

  • Combination: git fetch and git merge
  • git fetch downloads content from the specified remote repository.
  • git merge, merges the remote content refs and heads into a new local merge commit.
  • Event Summary: A branch is created to add or fix a feature that's disconnected from the main branch. When creating a new pull request, a new commit is created that merges the commits from the branch with those of the master.

git pull --rebase

  • Event summary: When a remote commit is behind the local commits, the rebase copies the remote commits to the local origin/main commit history.

Storing in database (UUID)

  • Need unique ID for any new entries.


  • Tool: Goes into DB and generates python equivalent to generate database.


Higher type that encapsulates multiple types. Meta object to hold other things. class Car: int horsepower string color string engine

def whatsmycolor(): # Only works if you have an instance of a car. return self.color sf.horsepower = 10000 sf.color = "red" sf.engine = " v8"


python constructor:

member is part of a class member function (method) on a class specifically.

def getReleaseData(self) # Requires you to pass on "self" print self.releaseDate()

def init(self, name, platform): self.gameName = name self.gamePlatform = platform

def getName(self): print(self.gameName)

requestJson = request.get_json() tetris = VideoGame('Hatris', "NES") tetris.getName()


  1. Create video game class
  2. Make sure local main is connected to main
  3. Create video game class. Whenever POST w/ JSON that has the videogame data. Create an instance of the video game class and print to terminal. [Tip: UUID will not be provided. Use server to generate UUID and put it in class. If the person doesn't return all info, return an error. If return everything, return success.]


Compiler that takes GO code that changes the code

package main

func main() {


python has an interpreter that reads your code.

for int i = 0; i < 10; i = i +5 {


Notes on HTTP requests

Wire transmits light from one point to the other. Receivers and senders communicate what the signals mean. Letter contents need to be legible between the sendor and reader.

HTTP request, address systems. Send this letter to this recipient. Structure: Verb, URL, headers, meta-data. Returner will send something that's a similar structure as well. Anything that's wrong about it, you'll get an error.

  • Section for Data: Send or receive. GET will send the request. There's no letter. There's just an envelope being sent for more data. When server sees that they send an HTML page. HTML is sent in body of response. Data section.

POST request: Accepted communication, POST request send file to do something with the data.

  • Request is sent to server with data. Filling out data that you want to send to the server. HTTP request from client to server.

FLASK request Top of file, from flask import request. Data type that takes HTTP request wrap and puts it into a Python type to be used with Python. Can be used to get header, and other components.

Frames are data packets.

return is the return to the client

attributes are not functions. They're a class. methods are functions that are specific to requests.

curl -X POST URL -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{foo:bar}' man curl mime types: application/json tells that the type of data is json. - attribute of request.