extprot protocols define messages which are specified using an abstract syntax. Each message is composed of a number of fields of different types.
Messages are defined as follows:
message message_name = {
field1 : some_type;
field2 : some_other_type;
Types are named with
type typename = <<type>>
The primitive types are:
- bool
- byte: 8 bit integer
- int: signed integer of at least 31 bits
- long: signed 64-bit integer
- float: 64-bit double
- string: byte array
These are therefore valid type definitions:
type finished = bool
type id = int
type name = string
type date = float (* comments are surrounded by (* and *), which can be
nested *)
Recursive types are deliberately not supported. This restriction might be lifted in the future once the implications for target languages with limited type systems are understood.
N elements of arbitrary types can be combined into a tuple:
(* silly types *)
type id_and_name = (id * name)
type id_and_name_and_date = (id * name * date)
type two_tuples = (id_and_name * id_and_name)
Homogeneous list and array types can be built from the type of its elements as follows:
type list_of_ints = [ int ]
type array_of_ints = [| int |]
type list_of_list_of_ints = [ [int] ]
type list_of_arrays_of_ints = [ array_of_ints ] (* also [ [| int |] ] *)
type list_of_int_pairs = [ (int * int) ]
Note that there is no difference between lists and arrays in the low-level encoding: they only serve as hints for the mapping to the target language.
These types are a tagged union of different types. Consider a shape type, which can be either a triangle with three vertices, or a circle with a center and a radius:
type vertex = float * float (* 2D coordinates *)
type shape =
(* a triangle has got 3 vertices *)
Triangle vertex vertex vertex
(* a circle has got a center and a radius *)
| Circle vertex float
In this example, "Triangle" and "Circle" are called non-constant constructors. Constant constructors represent good-old enumerations:
type color = Red | Blue
type active = Yes | No
type status = Unregistered | Registered date (* registration date *)
Type definitions can have type variables which must be instantiated later; the names of the type variables are prefixed by a single quote:
type pair 'a = ('a * 'a)
type one_or_many 'a = ('a * [ 'a ])
(* a tuple with one element and a list which might be empty *)
type pair_of_ints = pair<int>;
type one_or_many_pairs 'a = one_or_many< pair<'a> >
type one_or_many_int_pairs = one_or_many_pairs<int>
Messages are also a valid type:
message contact_info = {
email : string;
phone : string
message person = {
id : int;
name : string;
contact_info : contact_info;
Messages are always monomorphic: they don't accept type parameters. This restriction might be lifted in the future.
Message fields can be declared mutable: message person = { id : int; username : string; mutable name : string }
This doesn't affect the protocol, only the mapping to the target language: the mutable keyword will control whether attribute writers (or an equivalent mechanism) are created in the generated code.
The disjoint union of messages can be expressed with a syntax similar to that of sum types:
message shape =
Triangle { a : vertex; b : vertex; c : vertex }
| Circle { center : vertex; radius : float }
| Polygon { vertices : [vertex] }
extprot only (de)serializes messages, not directly types, but the above could also be done in a roundabout way with
type shape =
Triangle vertex vertex vertex
| Circle vertex float
| Polygon [vertex]
message element = { shape : shape }
Messages don't differ much from non-constant constructors.
When only a subset of the fields of a message is needed, it is possible to use customized deserialization for the specific subset instead of full deserialization followed by projection. This can be expressed with the following syntaxes:
message foo = { a : int; b : bool; c : string }
message subset1 = {| foo | b; c |}
message subset2 = {| foo | not b |}
Message subsets can be defined either by enumerating the fields of interest
syntax) or by listing those to be excluded (| not
In this example, the deserialization functions generated for subset1
deserialize only fields b
and c
in foo
messages, and subset2
contain a
and c
Message subsets are only defined for simple messages defined either directly or as the application of a record type, e.g.:
type rec1 = { a : int; b : bool; c : int } type rec2 'a = { a : int; b : 'a; c : 'a } message m1 = rec1 message m2 = rec2 message m1_c = {| m1 | c |} message m2_a_c = {| m2 | not b |}
The custom deserializers can skip directly over unwanted fields, which can save a lot of work when these correspond to complex or large values.
The type for individual fields in a subset can be specified. This is useful for example when the field itself is to become a subset of the original message:
type r 'a 'b 'c = { a : 'a; b : 'b; c : 'c }
message t = r<int, int, int>
message m = r<int, t, int>
message t_sub = {| t | b; c |}
(* { b : int; c : int } *)
message m_sub = {| m | a; b : t_sub; |}
(* { a : int; b : { b : int; c : int } } *)