You will need Poetry to start contributing on the SciKeras codebase. Refer to the documentation to start using Poetry.
You will first need to clone the repository using git
and place yourself in its directory:
git clone
cd scikeras
Now, you will need to install the required dependency for Poetry and be sure that the current tests are passing on your machine:
poetry install
poetry run pytest tests/
SciKeras uses the black and isort for coding style and you must ensure that your code follows it. If not, the CI will fail and your Pull Request will not be merged.
To make sure that you don't accidentally commit code that does not follow the coding style, you can install a pre-commit hook that will check that everything is in order:
poetry run pre-commit install
You can also run it anytime using:
poetry run pre-commit run --all-files
Your code must always be accompanied by corresponding tests, if tests are not present your code will not be merged.
Deployment to PyPi is done automatically by GitHub Actions for tagged commits.
See the docs guide