This folder has scripts to export data using AWS Batch. To run these scripts you'll need access to AWS and aws-cli setup on your local machine.
- This is the main script which exports country data to a .csv.gz file.
- Script that does the full export in various formats by making a tarball from country_export output.
- This is used to setup AWS Batch job definitions for country export. It only needs to be run once and takes no parameters.
- Sets up AWS Batch job definitions for full export. It only needs to be run once and takes no parameters.
- Used to submit an export job to AWS Batch. This takes one
parameter, the job name, which is of the form
is the name of the country in lowercase, with spaces replaced by underscores, and after removing periods, commas and apostrophes. - The data from mongoexport needs some transformations before writing to CSV. This script takes in CSV data from mongoexport and outputs CSV to standard output. The output from this program is valid export data and can be piped to compress and/or be uploaded to a server.
- fields.txt: List of fields that is passed to mongoexport.
The Dockerfile is deployed as an Amazon ECR image using GitHub Actions.
The script can be run locally, it requires Python >= 3.9.
The country export docker image can be built locally. If you are not using a localhost MongoDB, you must specify CONN as a MongoDB connection string during the build phase:
docker build -t country-export
You will need write access to S3. Alternatively, you can setup localstack to have a mock S3 environment. To run a hypothetical export for Antarctica:
docker run -e 'COUNTRY=Antarctica' -e 'CONN=xx' -e 'BUCKET=yyy' country-export
There are two steps: initial creation of S3 buckets, and setting up job definitions.
Create two S3 buckets with the following structure. The exact bucket names will vary according to the environment (prod/dev/qa).
country-export This is a versioned S3 bucket with the following structure:
├── csv
├── json
└── tsv
data-export This is a unversioned S3 bucket with the following structure:
├── archive
└── latest
Currently the corresponding S3 buckets according to environment are:
- prod: covid-19-country-export, covid-19-data-export
- dev: covid-19-country-export-dev, covid-19-data-export-dev
- Sets up country-export job definitions (set ENV to environment, such as prod | dev | qa)
CONN=<MongoDB connection URI> ENV=<env> BUCKET=<bucket> bash
Job definitions are named env-exporter_slug where slug is the lowercase form of the country with punctuation removed and spaces replaced by underscores. The compressed exports are copied to bucket.
- Sets up full export job definitions
Job definitions are named env-full-exporter-format where format is one of tsv,json,csv. Files are downloaded from the country export bucket, added to a tarball, and uploaded to the full export bucket.