v1.3.0 (2018-10-10)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- feat(release): 1.3.0 #58 (mfrachet)
- fix(leak): fixing shine animation to avoid leak #57 (mfrachet)
- fix(dependencies): update dependencies #54 (mfrachet)
- docs(chore): fixing chore documentation #53 (mfrachet)
- fix(docs): removing docs #52 (mfrachet)
- fix(docs): fix capitalization #51 (mfrachet)
- fix(doc): fixing documentation #50 (mfrachet)
- docs(update): moving to vuepress #49 (mfrachet)
- refacor(views): flatten some view layers #48 (mfrachet)
- feat(deps): updgrade rn and react deps #47 (mfrachet)
- feat(style): capabilities to style on components #45 (mfrachet)
- License #42 (mfrachet)
- Update API.md #40 (nonotest)
- Changelog v1.2.0 #37 (mfrachet)
v1.2.0 (2017-12-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adding primitives #17
Closed issues:
- Add useNativeDriver to improve performance #32
Merged pull requests:
- Release v1.2.0 #36 (mfrachet)
- fix(documentation-summary): Documentation summary doesn't contain Box component #35 (mfrachet)
- Support placeholders with arbitrary width, height and borderRadius #34 (kadikraman)
- perf(use-native-driver): useNativeDriver for fade animation #33 (mfrachet)
- feature(precommit-hook): Adding precommit hook #31 (mfrachet)
v1.1.0 (2017-10-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Adding MultiWords placeholder #22
- Upgrading React Native and React to 0.47.x #19
- Adding prettier #18
- Introduction new animation : Shine animation #4
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- doc(gitbook): Adding a gitbook to detail the use of the module #29 (mfrachet)
- refacto(prettier): Prettier format on root project & Example #28 (mfrachet)
- upgrade(react-native): Upgrade React Native, React and Enzyme #27 (mfrachet)
- refacto(examples): Using only one folder example #26 (mfrachet)
- feat(MultiWords): Adding MultiWords support #25 (mfrachet)
- Adding prettier support #20 (mfrachet)
- Improve/documentation for web #15 (mfrachet)
- Removing unecessary files #14 (mfrachet)
- Improve/documentation examples package #13 (mfrachet)
v1.0.0 (2017-07-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Unable to resolve module
Closed issues:
- jest-haste-map: @providesModule naming collision: #10
Merged pull requests:
- Refacto/animations api #12 (mfrachet)
- Fix/moving rn dependency #11 (mfrachet)
- Improving code quality and removing yarn.lock files because it causes… #8 (mfrachet)
- Adding documentation and providing a better formated example #7 (mfrachet)
- Feature/animation custom #6 (mfrachet)
- Refacto and adding example on readme #3 (mfrachet)
- Adding Example folder with examples #2 (mfrachet)
- Adding tests on lines / media #1 (mfrachet)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator