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222 lines (194 loc) · 7.76 KB



nc 12421



This is a pwn challenge. We are given a binary and a shared library; the binary does not work out of the box:

./secure: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The server asks for a blob and closes the connection:

 _____ ____ _____ _____   ____   ___ ____   ___  
|_   _/ ___|_   _|  ___| |___ \ / _ \___ \ / _ \ 
  | || |     | | | |_      __) | | | |__) | | | |
  | || |___  | | |  _|    / __/| |_| / __/| |_| |
  |_| \____| |_| |_|     |_____|\___/_____|\___/ 
/ ___|  ___  ___ _   _ _ __ ___ 
\___ \ / _ \/ __| | | | '__/ _ \
 ___) |  __/ (__| |_| | | |  __/
|____/ \___|\___|\__,_|_|  \___|
 _____            _                                      _   
| ____|_ ____   _(_)_ __ ___  _ __  _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ 
|  _| | '_ \ \ / / | '__/ _ \| '_ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __|
| |___| | | \ V /| | | | (_) | | | | | | | | |  __/ | | | |_ 
|_____|_| |_|\_/ |_|_|  \___/|_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|

Please input size: 1
Please input secret: A

Not much else to see here, let's dive right in.


  • Exploit
  • Intel SGX
  • Install the driver and SDK in order to run the binary.
  • Build gdb-sgx in order to debug the enclave.
  • Step through library layers in order to reach the challenge logic.
  • The blob is a shellcode that runs inside the enclave.
  • The SGX memory protection is asymmetric, so overwrite main() return address with one-gadget.
  • The shell appears:
$ ./getflag


The missing is not part of any Ubuntu or Fedora package, it can be found only in intel/linux-sgx repo. So what is Intel SGX? It's a processor feature, that allows running code in an isolated enclave, so that the system (this includes kernel and hypervisors) has very limited capabilities of observing and interfering with its execution.

The workflow is as follows. First, the launcher process creates the enclave and loads the code into it using sgx_create_enclave(). The enclave defines so-called ecalls, which allow triggering code execution within it using sgx_ecall(). It's convenient to think of ecalls as syscalls, because they also define a security boundary. Finally, sgx_destroy_enclave() can be used to destroy the enclave.

The enclave is mapped into its launcher's address space. SGX's tamper protection works in a single direction: the launcher cannot mess with the enclave, but the enclave can mess with the launcher. In particular, it can dereference pointers passed to its ecalls.

In order to run the program, I installed all the prebuilt Fedora RPMs from the SDK. There is also a driver which one has to build and insmod. Unfortunately SDK does not include the gdb wrapper, which I also had to build manually:

linux-sgx$ cd sdk/debugger_interface/linux
linux$ make
linux$ cd ../../../build/linux/gdb-sgx-plugin
gdb-sgx-plugin$ sed -i -e "s!@SDK_LIB_PATH@!$PWD/..!g" sgx-gdb
gdb-sgx-plugin$ sudo ./sgx-gdb


The binary secure is a simple launcher: it creates the enclave, passes the user's blob to its ecall, and destroys the enclave.

  setbuf(stdout, 0LL);
  setbuf(stdin, 0LL);
  if (sgx_create_enclave(
    /* file_name            */ "",
    /* debug                */ 1,
    /* launch_token         */ NULL,
    /* launch_token_updated */ NULL,
    /* enclave_id           */ &g_enclave,
    /* misc_attr            */ NULL)) {
    puts("SGX initialization failed!");
    return -1;
  memset(secret, 0xc3, sizeof(secret));
  memset(size_buf, 0, sizeof(size_buf));
  printf("Please input size: ");
  readln(size_buf, sizeof(size_buf));
  size = strtol(size_buf, 0, 10);
  if (size > 0x1000) {
    puts("Size too large!");
    return 1;
  printf("Please input secret: ");
  readn(secret, size);
  secret_ptr = secret;
    /* eid         */ g_enclave,
    /* index       */ 0,
    /* ocall_table */ &g_ocall_table,
    /* ms          */ &secret_ptr)
  return 0;

So the shared library - - must be the enclave. It links statically with SGX runtime, for which we have the sources, so pigaios should be great to recover function names. Unfortunately, it did not work for me this time - it built the database, but then could not find any matches. Therefore I had to spend some time correlating asm with sources in order to find the ecall logic.

The call chain is as follows:

  • enclave_entry() - this is a public symbol.
  • enter_enclave() @ 0x6720
  • do_ecall() @ 0x1ca0
  • trts_ecall() @ 0x18c0. This one references g_ecall_table @ 0x208dd0, which has the addresses of ecall handlers (just one in this case).
  • challenge_ecall() @ 0x5a0
  • jump to shellcode @ 0x594

Note that &secret_ptr is passed unchanged through all the layers - there is no complicated marshalling. challenge_ecall does the following:

  if (!mr)
  if (!sgx_is_outside_enclave(mr, sizeof(void *)))
  secret_ptr = *mr;
  if (!secret_ptr) {
    memcpy(secret, NULL, sizeof(secret));
    ((void *(*)(void))secret)();
    return 0;
  if (!sgx_is_outside_enclave(secret_ptr, 0x1000))
  p = malloc(0x1000);
  if (!p)
  if (!memcpy_s(p, 0x1000, secret_ptr, 0x1000)) {
    memcpy(secret, p, sizeof(secret));
    ((void *(*)(void))secret)();
    return 0;
  return 1;

So we just jump to the shellcode. In the debugger we can see that on entry to shellcode &secret_ptr is stored in %r13.


With all that knowledge writing shellcode is easy: figure out the distance between &secret_ptr and main() return address, read the latter, compute the libc base, compute one-gadget address, overwrite main() return address with it, store a bunch of zeroes below it in order to satisfy one-gadget constraints, done.


This is a nice SGX intro challenge - even though the exploitation part is trivial, the main difficulties are to understand the technology, configure the development setup and reverse engineer the enclave.