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Enes Okullu edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 9 revisions

HighDense methods are used for high precision. frequency can be fed with Stopwatch.Frequency IsHighResolution determines if frequency is high due to the system. Microsoft/IsHighResolution

// First iteration of the loop.
// Nine iterations to finish.
// 2.000 milliseconds passed.
// Each iteration takes two seconds.
// 85 left iterations will take 85 * 1.000 ms.
CalcETAHighDense(totalIndex: 10, elapsedTick: 2);


CalcETAHighDense(int? index, int? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDenseUnsafe(int? index, int? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDense(uint? index, uint? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDenseUnsafe(uint? index, uint? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);

Returns null if any of parameter is null or returns estimated left time in milliseconds (long?)

  • int?/uint? index: Current index of loop. Index must not be zero.
  • int?/uint? totalIndex: Total index of loop.
  • long? elapsedTicks: Passed ticks of loop.
  • long? frequency: Tick of frequency. Frequency must not be zero.


CalcETAHighDense(int? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDenseUnsafe(int? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDense(uint? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);
CalcETAHighDenseUnsafe(uint? totalIndex, long? elapsedTicks, long? frequency);

Returns null if any of parameter is null or returns estimated left time in milliseconds (long?)

  • int?/uint? totalIndex: Total index of loop.
  • long? elapsedTicks: Passed ticks of loop.
  • long? frequency: Tick of frequency. Frequency must not be zero.
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