- 个人翻译如有不妥欢迎提交修改
- 新模型
- 增加禁止使用无车道模式( lanelines)的按钮
- NEOS 升级: 升级支持新用户界面(new UI)
- 新的用户界面基于Qt设计
- 默认 SSH 秘钥仅在安装阶段使用
- 增加对起亚Kia Ceed 2019 车型支持 ,感谢 ZanZaD13的贡献!
- 增加对起亚Kia Seltos 2021 车型支持 ,感谢 speedking456的贡献!
- 增加对众多的 Volkswagen 和Škoda 车型支持,感谢 jyoung8607的贡献!
- 直接在MPC中使用模型的(不再使用多点拟合),使得横向规划更精准
- 使用模型方向预测获得更平滑的横向控制
- 智能执行器延迟补偿
- 调整交互最大速度,以更好的适应模型的训练分布
- 新的驾驶员监测模型,使用超过以往3倍的多样化数据进行训练
- 优化了佩戴面具时候的人脸监测
- 当可视性较差时候,预先进行驾驶员警示提醒
- 重写了openpilot进程之间的视频流
- 优化了 TSS2的 卡罗拉 和 Rav4车型的纵向调节 ,感谢 briskspirit的贡献
- 增加对奥迪A3 2015款车型的支持,感谢 keeleysam的贡献
- 增加对日产 天籁(Altima) 2020款 车型的支持 ,感谢avolmensky的贡献
- 增加对雷克萨斯es混动 2018款车型的支持 ,感谢TheInventorMan的贡献
- 增加对丰田凯美瑞混动 2021款 车型的支持 ,感谢 alancyau的贡献
- 原始EON设备(Original EON,应特指comma售出的EON)将不再支持, 请升级到 comma two
- 在暴雨场景中更好的模型性能
- 在转向中更好的车道定位
- 修复了夜间空旷道路场景中模型会中断转向的错误
- 修复了丰田系列车型不能完全停车的问题,感谢briskspirit的贡献
- 增加对丰田凯美瑞2021包含TSS2.5车型的支持
- 增加对现代Ioniq Electric 2020车型的支持, 感谢baldwalker的贡献
- 新的驾驶模式:全3d效果和改进车辆切入检测
- UI绘制3D效果包含2条道路边缘线,4条车道线和路径指引线
- 主要修正为openpilot纵向切入检测
- 灰熊(Grey panda)是不再支持,请升级到comma2或黑熊(black panda)
- 增加2018年雷克萨斯NX支持,感谢matt12eagles !
- 增加起亚Niro EV 2020支持,感谢nickn17 !
- 增加2021年丰田普锐斯的支持,感谢rav4kumar !
- 改善车道定位在不确定的车道线,宽车道和出口处效果
- 改善普锐斯和斯巴鲁的横向控制
- 硬件灰熊(Grey panda) 不再支持,请升级到 逗号2代(comma two) 或者 黑熊(black panda)
- NEOS升级:更新到Python3.8.2并降低CPU使用频率
- 由于CPU使用频率降低,热性能得到了改善
- 更新SNPE至1.41.0
- 降低设备待机状态下的功耗
- 各种系统稳定性改进
- Acura RDX 2020支持,感谢csouers
- 优化电源管理
- 改善updater程序的鲁棒性
- 提升了实时性能
- 减少了用户界面和模型延迟
- 新的驾驶员监控模式:改进面部识别,带太阳镜也能更好的兼容
- 在后台下载和更新NEOS操作系统
- 改进了更新程序的可靠性和响应能力
- 支持现代 Kona 2020, Veloster 2019, and Genesis G70 2018(感谢 xps-genesis)
- 不再支持白熊猫,请升级为comma2或者黑熊猫
- 使用高精度定位提升车辆模型识别判断
- 改进了comma2的热管理
- 改进了道路摄像头的自动对焦功能
- 改进了面向驾驶员的摄像头的噪点性能
- 在某些丰田,现代和斯巴鲁上,通过使用盲区监测更改车道
- 大量的代码精简重构
- 修复GM点火检测
- 代码清理和较小的发布大小
- 现代索纳塔2020款升级为官方支持的汽车
- 支持现代Ioniq Electric Limited 2019和Ioniq SE 2020(感谢baldwalker)
- 支持斯巴鲁森林人2019和Ascent 2019(感谢martinl)
- 修补程序:在一comma 2上更新内核(顺序为#8570-#8680)
- 白熊猫即将被废弃,请升级为 comma 2 或者 黑熊猫
- 支持日产奇骏 2017, 聆风 2018-19 和 Rogue 2019(感谢 avolmensky)
- 支持马自达 CX-5 2017(仅录像模式,感谢 Jafaral)
- 通过使用 thneed 在模型中节约了大量 CPU 计算
- 大量的代码精简重构
- 支持右舵车型的驾驶员监控
- 更新驾驶模型: 改进急转弯路况驾驶和前车速度检测
- 更新驾驶员监控模型:Comma 2 上的整体改进
- 在设置中新增前置摄像头预览开关,方便调整设备安装位置
- 新增一些现代、起亚、Genesis 车型支持(感谢 xx979xx)
- 支持日产奇骏 2019、日产聆风 2018(感谢 avolmensky)
- 改进丰田 Rav4 2020 车型的横向控制
- 更新驾驶模型: 改进切换车道和前车检测
- 更新驾驶员监控模型: 改进眨眼检测
- 提高车辆校准稳定性
- 改进丰田普锐斯 2019、2020 车型上的横向控制
- 改进大众高尔夫车型上的横向控制:增加 20% 转向扭矩
- 修复丰田 CHR 2017、2018 车型上误用转向角传感器的问题
- 支持本田 Insight (感谢 theantihero)
- 精简代码(车辆抽象 和 UI 部分)
改进后置摄像头的自动对焦- 支持丰田汉兰达 2020(感谢 che220)
- 支持雷克萨斯 NX 300h 2018 (感谢 kengggg)
- 提升 ECU 固件查询速度
- 修复停车熄火后,设备进程管理会挂掉的问题
- 基于ECU固件版本的指纹识别(丰田、本田车型)
- 更新驾驶模型: 改善弯道和车道变换期间的路径预测并更好地追踪前车车速
- 改善极端光线条件下的驾驶员监控,添加无法准确监控的警告
- 支持丰田 Rav4 2019 混动(感谢 illumiN8i)
- 支持雷克萨斯 RX 2016, 2017, 2020(感谢 illumiN8i)
- 支持克莱斯勒 Pacifica 2020 混动(感谢 adhintz)
- 支持 comma two 硬件
- 支持自动变道辅助(需车速大于 70km/h)
- 使用自定义的 msgq 代替 zmq
- Supercombo model: 校准和驾驶模型合并以后,可以更好的检测前车
- 更健壮的升级程序,需要升级 NEOS (感谢 jyoung8607)
- 改进低速 ACC 调教
- 开始使用 SCons 构建系统
- 为所有支持的车型添加车道偏离预警(LDW)功能
- NEOS 更新:提高 WiFi 速度(感谢 jyoung8607)
- 基于场景的自适应驾驶员监控
- 基于端到端模式训练的新驾驶模型:改善车道线检测 和 前车检测
- 更加智能的转向扭矩限制警告
- 改进通用车型的纵向控制: 使用正确的计算方法处理 15Hz 雷达数据
- 把通用车型的适配、丰田断开 DSU 模块模式、comma 电子油门踏板 加入到社区功能(需要启用开关)
- 移除 "通过 SIM 卡流量上传" 的开关:非 WiFi 环境下,只上传 qlog 和 qcamera 文件
- 重构 Panda 代码,符合 ISO26262 和 SIL2 标准
- 支持本田 Nidec 系列车型前方碰撞预警系统(FCW)信号的转发
- 大众汽车适配成为标准:comma Harness 可以拦截原厂摄像头数据
- 支持大众车型(感谢 jyoung8607)
- 支持丰田卡罗拉混动(TSS 2.0)(感谢 u8511049)
- 支持雷克萨斯 ES(TSS 2.0)(感谢 energee)
- 修复了通用车型的点火检测问题,不再需要锁定安全模式
- 记录并显示 Panda 固件版本和 Panda Dongle ID(感谢 martinl)
- 使用新的驾驶模型: 改进路径预测和前车检测
- 新的驾驶员监控模型,体积缩小了 4 倍,可以运行在 DSP 上
- 如果 Panda 的固件错误,则显示警告并不启动 openpilot
- 修复了 EON 在驾驶结束后终止进程的问题
- 不再支持没有 120 欧姆电阻的丰田 giraffe
- NEOS 更新:升级到 Python3 并且 更新了安装程序
- 支持新版本硬件(comma Harness)
- 使用新的驾驶模型: 横向控制对车道线的依赖性降低
- 使用新的驾驶员监控模型: 更准确的面部识别和眼部检测
- 重新设计 EON 停车模式的显示界面,可以用来显示更新和警告
- 提高允许的最大加速度上限
- 3天没有启动车辆,切断EON 供电,防止汽车电池电量耗尽
- 支持雷克萨斯 CT 混动车系(感谢 thomaspich)
- 紧急警告时使用更大报警音量
- 添加切换到行车记录仪模式的开关
- 修复在没有 DSU 的丰田车型上“无效的车辆参数”的报错问题
- 支持本田 Nidec 系列车型自动刹车辅助系统(AEB)信号的转发
- 改进在倾斜路面工况下的车道保持
- 不间断防撞预警系统
- 不间断驾驶状态监控(除了在右舵驾驶的国家)
- 驾驶状态监控学习用户的正常驾驶姿势
- 支持本田飞度车系(感谢 energee)
- 支持雷克萨斯IS车系
- 通过 EON 发出声音警告(需要更新 NEOS 系统)
- 改进驾驶状态监控:眼动追踪和改进的意识逻辑
- 使用新的驾驶模型改进路径预测
- 改进在宽车道和道路出口工况下的车道定位
- 改进 RAV4 的横向控制
- 通过数据模型进行减速过弯
- 使用开源回归测试以验证输出与参考日志
- 使用开源回归测试合理检查所有车型
- 新的自动驾驶模型!
- 使用双实线改善车道跟踪
- 极大改进了静止车辆检测
- 极大减少了因为错误识别导致的制动
- 弯道工况下更好的引导线跟踪
- 利用神经网络改进车辆变道加塞预测
- 改进丰田凯美瑞和C-HR的横向控制(感谢 zorrobyte)
- 修复吉普车型上Openpilot异常断开控制的情况(感谢 adhintz)
- 修复汽车熄火时延时过度到停车状态的问题
- comma 会员可以通过ssh.comma.ai进行远程 SSH 访问
- panda 代码 Misra-c2012 符合规定,针对覆盖率进行了测试
- 驾驶员注意力不集中或没有响应,在 3 次警告后,openpilot 锁定
- 支持丰田 Sienna(感谢 wocsor)
- 新的模型,2倍像素、相同时间下十倍效率
- 在正确的车道线上时,车辆不应该驶出
- openpilot 的CPU使用率从 75% 降到大约 65%
- 0.2% 的数据(qlogs)上传后,即可在浏览器中看到行驶路线图
- loggerd 和 sensord 模块也开源了,现在 openpilot 的所有代码都是开源的
- panda 安全代码符合MISRA标准,并在发布版本中有已签名版本
- 新的 NEOS 系统比以前小了 500MB,并且 usr/pipenv 可以复用
- 支持雷克萨斯 ES 混动车型(感谢 wocsor)
- 改进对已支持的丰田 TSS2 车型的调教
- 其他一些稳定性改进
- 当汽车关闭时(不适用于GM),熊猫耗电量降低70%,降至80mW
- 汽车关闭时,EON功耗降低40%,降至1100mW
- 将CPU利用率降低20%并提高稳定性
- 暂时删除已映射的功能以提高稳定性
- 为不支持的汽车添加 openpilot 行车记录模式
- 将 controlsd 同步到 boardd 以减少延迟
- 删除斯巴鲁长颈鹿的熊猫支持
- 改善普锐斯和普锐斯Prime的横向控制
- 在写入磁盘之前压缩日志
- 当存储空间达到 90% 时,删除旧的驾驶数据
- 修复跟随距离的小偏移
- 各种小型 CPU 优化
- 改善停车模式的功耗(需要 NEOS 更新)
- 为爱沙尼亚添加默认速度限制(感谢 martinl)
- 支持斯巴鲁 Crosstrek (感谢martinl)
- 支持丰田亚洲龙(Avalon)(感谢njbrown09)
- 支持丰田 Rav4 TSS 2.0(感谢 wocsor)
- 支持丰田卡罗拉 TSS 2.0(感谢 wocsor)
- Add support for Subaru
- Reduce panda power consumption by 60% when car is off
- Fix controlsd lag every 6 minutes. This would sometimes cause disengagements
- Fix bug in controls with new angle-offset learner in MPC
- Reduce cpu consumption of ubloxd by rewriting it in C++
- Improve driver monitoring model and face detection
- Improve performance of visiond and ui
- Honda Passport 2019 support
- Lexus RX Hybrid 2019 support thanks to schomems!
- Improve road selection heuristic in mapd
- Add Lane Departure Warning to dashboard for Toyota thanks to arne182
- Self-tuning vehicle parameters: steering offset, tire stiffness and steering ratio
- Improve longitudinal control at low speed when lead vehicle harshly decelerates
- Fix panda bug going unexpectedly in DCP mode when EON is connected
- Reduce white panda power consumption by 500mW when EON is disconnected by turning off WIFI
- New Driver Monitoring Model
- Support QR codes for login using comma connect
- Refactor comma pedal FW and use CRC-8 checksum algorithm for safety. Reflashing pedal is required.
Please see
on discord for assistance updating comma pedal. - Additional speed limit rules for Germany thanks to arne182
- Allow negative speed limit offsets
- Improve calibration using a dedicated neural network
- Abstract planner in its own process to remove lags in controls process
- Improve speed limits with country/region defaults by road type
- Reduce mapd data usage with gzip thanks to eFiniLan
- Zip log files in the background to reduce disk usage
- Kia Optima support thanks to emmertex!
- Buick Regal 2018 support thanks to HOYS!
- Comma pedal support for Toyota thanks to wocsor! Note: tuning needed and not maintained by comma
- Chrysler Pacifica and Jeep Grand Cherokee support thanks to adhintz!
- Open sourced visiond
- Auto-slowdown for upcoming turns
- Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat support thanks to adhintz!
- Honda Civic 2019 support thanks to csouers!
- Improve use of car display in Toyota thanks to arne182!
- No data upload when connected to Android or iOS hotspots and "Enable Upload Over Cellular" setting is off
- EON stops charging when 12V battery drops below 11.8V
- Speed limit from OpenStreetMap added to UI
- Highlight speed limit when speed exceeds road speed limit plus a delta
- Option to limit openpilot max speed to road speed limit plus a delta
- Cadillac ATS support thanks to vntarasov!
- GMC Acadia support thanks to CryptoKylan!
- Decrease GPU power consumption
- NEOSv8 autoupdate
- Refresh settings layout and add feature descriptions
- In Honda, keep stock camera on for logging and extra stock features; new openpilot giraffe setting is 0111!
- In Toyota, option to keep stock camera on for logging and extra stock features (e.g. AHB); 120Ohm resistor required on giraffe.
- Improve camera calibration stability
- More tuning to Honda positive accelerations
- Reduce brake pump use on Hondas
- Chevrolet Malibu support thanks to tylergets!
- Holden Astra support thanks to AlexHill!
- Increase allowed Honda positive accelerations
- Fix sporadic unexpected braking when passing semi-trucks in Toyota
- Fix gear reading bug in Hyundai Elantra thanks to emmertex!
- New Driving Model
- New Driver Monitoring Model
- Improve longitudinal mpc in mid-low speed braking
- Honda Accord hybrid support thanks to energee!
- Ship mpc binaries and sensibly reduce build time
- Calibration more stable
- More Hyundai and Kia cars supported thanks to emmertex!
- Various GM Volt improvements thanks to vntarasov!
- Hyundai Santa Fe support!
- Honda Pilot 2019 support thanks to energee!
- Toyota Highlander support thanks to daehahn!
- Improve steering tuning for Honda Odyssey
- New calibration: more accurate, a lot faster, open source!
- Enable orbd
- Add little endian support to CAN packer
- Fix fingerprint for Honda Accord 1.5T
- Improve driver monitoring model
- Fix radar error on Civic sedan 2018
- Improve thermal management logic
- Alpha Toyota C-HR and Camry support!
- Auto-switch Driver Monitoring to 3 min counter when inaccurate
- Driver Monitoring (beta) option in settings!
- Make visiond, loggerd and UI use less resources
- 60 FPS UI
- Better car parameters for most cars
- New sidebar with stats
- Remove Waze and Spotify to free up system resources
- Remove rear view mirror option
- Calibration 3x faster
- Fix loggerd lag issue
- No longer prompt for updates
- Mitigate right lane hugging for properly mounted EON (procedure on wiki)
- Fix Acura ILX steer faults
- Fix bug in mock car
- New model!
- GM Volt (and CT6 lateral) support!
- Honda Bosch lateral support!
- Improve actuator modeling to reduce lateral wobble
- Minor refactor of car abstraction layer
- Hack around orbd startup issue
- NEOSv6 required! Will autoupdate
- Stability improvements
- Fix all memory leaks
- Update C++ compiler to clang6
- Improve front camera exposure
- Release notes added to the update popup
- Improve auto shut-off logic to disallow empty battery
- Added onboarding instructions
- Include orbd, the first piece of new calibration algorithm
- Show remaining upload data instead of file numbers
- Fix UI bugs
- Fix memory leaks
- EON are flipped! Flip your EON's mount!
- Alpha Honda Ridgeline support thanks to energee!
- Support optional front camera recording
- Upload over cellular toggle now applies to all files, not just video
- Increase acceleration when closing lead gap
- User now prompted for future updates
- NEO no longer supported :(
- Improve autofocus
- Improve driving when only one lane line is detected
- Added fingerprint for Toyota Corolla LE
- Fixed Toyota Corolla steer error
- Full-screen driving UI
- Improved path drawing
- Improve autofocus
- Add check for MPC solution error
- Make first distracted warning visual only
- Add HDR and autofocus
- Update UI aesthetic
- Grey panda works in Waze
- Add alpha support for 2017 Honda Pilot
- Slight increase in acceleration response from stop
- Switch CAN sending to use CANPacker
- Fix pulsing acceleration regression on Honda
- Fix openpilot bugs when stock system is in use
- Change starting logic for chffrplus to use battery voltage
- Add alpha support for 2017 Lexus RX Hybrid
- Add alpha support for 2018 ACURA RDX
- Updated fingerprint to include Toyota Rav4 SE and Prius Prime
- Bugfixes for Acura ILX and Honda Odyssey
- Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Corolla
- Add alpha support for 2018 Honda Odyssey with Honda Sensing
- Add alpha support for Grey Panda
- Refactored car abstraction layer to make car ports easier
- Increased steering torque limit on Honda CR-V by 30%
- Add focus adjustment slider
- Minor bugfixes
- New UI to match chffrplus
- Improved lateral control tuning to fix oscillations on Civic
- Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Rav4 Hybrid
- Reduced CPU usage
- Removed unnecessary utilization of fan at max speed
- Minor bug fixes
- Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota Prius
- Improved longitudinal control using model predictive control
- Enable Forward Collision Warning
- Acura ILX now maintains openpilot engaged at standstill when brakes are applied
- Add alpha support for 2017 Toyota RAV4
- Smoother lateral control
- Stay silent if stock system is connected through giraffe
- Minor bug fixes
- Improved lateral control using model predictive control
- Improved lane centering
- Improved GPS
- Reduced tendency of path deviation near right side exits
- Enable engagement while the accelerator pedal is pressed
- Enable engagement while the brake pedal is pressed, when stationary and with lead vehicle within 5m
- Disable engagement when park brake or brake hold are active
- Fixed sporadic longitudinal pulsing in Civic
- Cleanups to vehicle interface
- Mitigate low speed steering oscillations on some vehicles
- Include board steering check for CR-V
- Fix alpha CR-V support
- Improved GPS
- Fix display of target speed not always matching HUD
- Increased acceleration after stop
- Mitigated some vehicles driving too close to the right line
- Fix bug where new devices would not begin calibration
- Minor robustness improvements
- Improved model trained on more data
- Much improved controls tuning
- Performance improvements
- Bugfixes and improvements to calibration
- Driving log can play back video
- Acura only: system now stays engaged below 25mph as long as brakes are applied
- Improved model trained on more data
- Alpha CR-V support thanks to energee and johnnwvs!
- Using the opendbc project for DBC files
- Minor performance improvements
- UI update thanks to pjlao307
- Power off button
- 6% more torque on the Civic
- Minor stability bugfixes
- Added metrics and rear view mirror disable to settings
- Update model with more crowdsourced data
- visiond stability bugfix
- Add logging for angle and flashing
- Add CarParams struct to improve the abstraction layer
- Refactor visiond IPC to support multiple clients
- Add raw GPS and beginning support for navigation
- Improve model in visiond using crowdsourced data
- Add improved system logging to diagnose instability
- Rewrite baseui in React Native
- Moved calibration to the cloud
- Retain compatibility with NEOS v1
- Fix bug where frames were being dropped in minute 71
- Better performance and pictures at night
- Fix ptr alignment issue in boardd
- Fix brake error light, fix crash if too cold
- Fix bug in visiond model execution
- Fix race condition in manager
- OnePlus 3T support
- Enable installation as NEOS app
- Various minor bugfixes
- Reduce space usage by 80%
- Add better logging
- Add Travis CI
- Board triggers started signal on CAN messages
- Improved autoexposure
- Handle out of space, improve upload status
- Performance improvements, removal of more numpy
- Fix boardd process priority
- Make counter timer reset on use of steering wheel
- Car/Radar abstraction layers have shipped, see cereal/car.capnp
- controlsd has been refactored
- Shipped plant model and testing maneuvers
- visiond exits more gracefully now
- Hardware encoder in visiond should always init
- ui now turns off the screen after 30 seconds
- Switch to openpilot release branch for future releases
- Added preliminary Docker container to run tests on PC
- Initial release of openpilot
- Adaptive cruise control is working
- Lane keep assist is working
- Support for Acura ILX 2016 with AcuraWatch Plus
- Support for Honda Civic 2016 Touring Edition