An extra script is provided to start with a given pretrained (federated) sparsechem model and integrate and fix the trunk of this model inside a new model. This new model will provide an extra local trunk and on top a new head. The local trunk and new head will be trained using local data while the given pretrained trunk will not be altered.
The same parameters as the train script should be provided. These parameters are explained in detail here. Two extra parameters should be provided:
--conf CONF Model conf file (.json or .npy)
--model MODEL Pytorch model file (.pt)
The output of this script is similar as the regular train script.
In the federated run these folds were used:
after hyperparameter tuning, the federated model was trained in phase 2 also including the FOLD_VALIDATION=1
only leaving out FOLD_TEST=0
. So for local retraining using local trunk the suggestion is to split up this FOLD_TEST=0
. However the way how to do it is not defined yet and still under discussion. So for the first 'sanity tests' the only fold available to evaluate the trained model (including HP tuning which is a problem for overfitting) is FOLD=0
For running the retrain script this example could be used:
python \
--x ./chembl_23_x.npy \
--y ./chembl_23_y.npy \
--folding ./folding_hier_0.6.npy \
--fold_va 0 \
--batch_ratio 0.02 \
--hidden_sizes 400 \
--last_dropout 0.2 \
--middle_dropout 0.2 \
--weight_decay 0.0 \
--epochs 20 \
--lr 1e-3 \
--lr_steps 10 \
--lr_alpha 0.3
--conf hyperparameters.json
The conf file is only used to be able to read out correctly the federated model. It is not taken into account for the hyperparameters. The hyperparameters for training of the local trunk (and new head) should be set using the cli.
There is also the possibility to disable dropout of the shared trunk while retraining by setting the option --disable_fed_dropout 1
Add hidden layers to head
By setting this parameter last_hidden_sizes 200 200
, layers can be added to the head .
In order to evaluate the newly trained model, a separate predict script is also provided: Together with the newly trained model now two config files need to be provided:
- The config file from the federated model. (--fedconf)
- The config file saved together with the newly trained model. (--conf)
python --x chembl_23mini_x.npy --y chembl_23mini_y.npy \
--folding chembl_23mini_folds.npy --fedconf models/hyperparameters.json \
--conf models/sc_run_h700.700_ldo0.2_wd0.0_lr0.001_lrsteps10_ep20_fva0_fteNone.json \
--model models/ \
--predict_fold 0 --dev cpu --outprefix testing