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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 17, 2021. It is now read-only.
megamaz edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

PNEE (Python Noodle Extensions Editor) allows you to make a Noodle Extensions level using a simple python library. This Wiki is still a WIP!! Do not contact me saying "I can't access this page"!! I'll keep adding pages and try and make it as clear as possible how to use the script. All pages that are ready for reading can be found on the sidebar on the right!
You're expected to have some background Python knowledge to use this script.


What can it do?

  • If NE can do it, so can the script!
  • As often as people are confused, this is NOT A COPY OF THE JS VERSION IN PYTHON!! If you'd rather use JS, I suggest you check out the Demo Map on the NE GitHub.

Is the JS version or the Python version better?

It's 100% up to your own choice and comfortability. If you'd rather go JS, do JS. Otherwise, do python. Just don't manually edit the json file :)

Is this just a copy of the JS version in python?

No. This script is VERY different from the way the JS version works.

If it doesn't link, it's a WIP. If you want to read it anywyas, Check the pages above.



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