- [FEATURE] Update to Python 3.11.9
v3.2.0 (unreleased)
- [FEATURE] If the file BOOL_DISABLE_IMG exists, disable the replicator
- [FEATURE] If the file BOOL_DISABLE_IMG exists, we do not remove the img_agent folder.
- [FEATURE] If the file BOOL_DISABLE_RESCUE exists, the Rescue agent is disabled
- [FEATURE] Improve the installation of relayservers public ssh keys onto the clients
- [FEATURE] Set a password to VNC connections
- [FEATURE] Allow disabling geolocalisation when generating the agent installer
- [FEATURE] Improve urbackup support
- [BUGFIX] Fix the config file when missing by using the tpl one
- [BUGFIX] Fix agent detail QA
- [BUGFIX] Fix adding relay public keys
- [BUGFIX] Fix displayed error message when Glpi failed to import a machine
- [BUGFIX] Windows installer removes previous packages folder to avoid installation errors
- [BUGFIX] Fix reconnection of the agent when the ARS or ejabberd goes down
- [BUGFIX] Add the Medulla icon to the list of applications under Windows
- [BUGFIX] Only use if.siveo.net by default for the geolocalisation
v3.1.1 (unreleased)
- [FEATURE] Improve installer
- [FEATURE] Rename install folder on windows from c:\program Files\Pulse to Medulla
- [FEATURE] Improve security of pulseuser account by removing it from administrators group
- [BUGFIX] Fix Network Notify service start
- [BUGFIX] Fix the way plugins are called
- [BUGFIX] Fix replicator ( update tool of the agent ).
- [BUGFIX] Set slixmpp log level to FATAL and improve a few logs
- [BUGFIX] Fix reconnection of the agent after network hiccup
- [BUGFIX] Fix creation of pulseuser account
- [BUGFIX] Fix remote desktop for VNC where the reversessh was not created
- [BUGFIX] Make sure permissions on packages folder is granted to Users group on all Windows independent of the OS language
- [BUGFIX] Remove use of reverssh for the VNC. Fixes the use of VNC in Guacamole.
v3.1.0 (2024-04-22)
- [FEATURE] Create agentconfig.ini.tpl ( to fix broken agent )
- [FEATURE] Create kiosk profiles based on AD groups
- [FEATURE] Update to Python 3.11.8
- [BUGFIX] Fix creation of the img_agent (#397)
- [BUGFIX] Fix the inventory Quick Action
v3.0.1 (2024-03-22)
- [FEATURE] Install python in c:\Program Files\Python3
- [FEATURE] Install Kiok interface by default now
- [BUGFIX] Fix the exclusion of plugins from the installer
- [BUGFIX] Fix displaying Agent details QA
- [BUGFIX] Fix detection the arch in order to use the good OCS Agent
- [BUGFIX] Fix the update notification windows, make the text fit the window
- [BUGFIX] Fix the generation of the Kiosk package for python3 version of Medulla
v3.0.0 (2023-12-13)
- [FEATURE] Python stack is now version 3.11
- [FEATURE] Migrate from sleexmpp to slixmpp
- [FEATURE] Add support for OpenSSH 9.4
- [FEATURE] Add support for Tightvnc 2.8.81
- [FEATURE] Add support for vim on Windows
- [FEATURE] Add support for paexec
- [FEATURE] Add support for Glpi Agent 1.5
- [FEATURE] Remove the inventory agent, but handle it in the inventory substitute agent
- [FEATURE] Add support for Glpi 10+
- [FEATURE] Add certificate to use TLS connexion between server and client
- [BUGFIX] Fix QA supports with new slixmpp lib
v2.1.9 (2023-04-14)
- [FEATURE] Rename start.ini into start_machine.ini or start_relay.ini to handle coexistence
- [FEATURE] Add monitoring feature to start to allow monitoring of medulla installation
- [FEATURE] Add CDN support: Support for integrity
- [FEATURE] Add kiosk plugin
- [FEATURE] Add rescue agent, to help when something broken active/running agent
- [FEATURE] Add Glpi 10.0 support
- [FEATURE] Add GLPI-Agent support
- [BUGFIX] Fix GLPI 9.5 Support
- [BUGFIX] Fix the way we configure OpenSSH in the plugin
- [BUGFIX] Fix display of the Windows version in the computer page.
- [BUGFIX] Fix backtraces in the packagewatching
- [BUGFIX] Fix retrieving the SSH Key of the ARS.
- [BUGFIX] Fix restarting stalled deployements.
- [BUGFIX] Do not hide real errors into debugs but use error logger instead.
- [BUGFIX] Fix issue where machines are wrongly reported as offline
v2.1.7 (2021-09-21)
- [BUGFIX] Fix detecting IP address of the XMPP server when the agent starts.
- [BUGFIX] Fix backtrace in the substitute registration when there is more than on location.
- [BUGFIX] Fix handling some accounts creation
v2.1.6 (2021-08-06)
- [FEATURE] Change some infos messages into debug
- [FEATURE] Document more functions
- [FEATURE] Convergences are now identified by their name + date
- [FEATURE] Add more error messages to help to find where are the problems. ( when we cannot contact a database ).
- [BUGFIX] Fix backtrace during deployment
- [BUGFIX] Fix detection of online/offline machine in the Glpi view
- [BUGFIX] Fix escaping symbols to fix backtraces
- [BUGFIX] Fix support of older SQLAlchey
- [BUGFIX] Fix registry when there is no uuidsetup defined
- [BUGFIX] Grant Rights for Admin on the ARS Cluster.
- [BUGFIX] Only show setupuuid info message if showinfobool is enable
- [BUGFIX] Fix a backtrace when we have a machine with an inventory but no uuid_serial_machine.
- [BUGFIX] Fix glpi 9.2 support (add back missing functions)
- [BUGFIX] Fix support of accentuated letters glpi <-> pulse
- [BUGFIX] Fix glpi 9.5 support
- [BUGFIX] Initialise listmodulemmc before use
- [BUGFIX] Fix registering ARS
- [BUGFIX] Uninstall python and reinstall it if we failed the python pip step
- [BUGFIX] Change cluster_resources sql column size to 255
v2.1.5 (2021-04-19)
- [FEATURE] Add the support of OCS
- [BUGFIX] Add robustness for pulseuser profile checking
v2.1.4 (2021-01-20)
- [FEATURE] Add of a parameter to force configuration in case of network change
- [BUGFIX] Fix replicator.py for relay automatic updates
- [BUGFIX] Fix a segfault in guacamoleconf
v2.1.3 (2020-12-01)
- [FEATURE] Add plugin to install fileviewer
- [FEATURE] Add Glpi 9.5 support
- [FEATURE] Add Openssh update plugin
- [FEATURE] Add Syncthing update plugin
- [FEATURE] Add FusionInventory update plugin
- [FEATURE] Add Pulse Network Notify update plugin
- [FEATURE] Add Tighvnc update plugin
- [FEATURE] Clean installer to install only pulse + python (and deps)
- [FEATURE] Fix creation of reverse ssh tunnel
- [FEATURE] Add monitoring support
- [FEATURE] Add updateuseraccount plugin to create windows pulseuser account
- [FEATURE] Fix restarting Agentxmpp if a processus die
- [FEATURE] Add log compression support on windows
- [FEATURE] Fix finding hostname where domain is written in the /etc/hostname file
- [BUGFIX] Fix systemd support
- [BUGFIX] Change pulseuser home folder from /var/lib/pulse2 to /home/pulseuser
- [BUGFIX] Fix syncthing support
- [BUGFIX] Fix debugs to be more understandable
- [BUGFIX] Fix GLPI 0.84 support
v2.1.2 (2020-09-07)
- [FEATURE] Use FusionInventory 2.5.2
v2.1.1 (2020-07-27)
- [FEATURE] Agents now use ifconfig.co webservice to find location
- [FEATURE] Automatic inventories are now sent only if they have changed
- [FEATURE] Guacamole operations are now linked to XMPP inventory instead of GLPI
- [FEATURE] Update synthing version used to 1.6.1
- [FEATURE] Add support for regular expressions for blacklisted mac addresses
- [FEATURE] Agents autoupdate by relay servers is now the default method
- [FEATURE] P2P deployment now uses separate syncthing instance
- [BUGFIX] Fix running of fusion inventory
- [BUGFIX] Fix reconfiguration of machines
- [BUGFIX] Fix transfer rate limitation for deployments
- [BUGFIX] Eliminate mac addresses that are blacklisted as soon as they are received
- [BUGFIX] Fix deletion of pulse user profile in agent installer
- [BUGFIX] Fix deletion of OpenSSH in agent installer
- [BUGFIX] Fix macOS installer
v2.1.0 (2020-05-19)
- [FEATURE] Quick deployment: new mode for small packages
- [FEATURE] New reconf substitute to allow mass-reconfiguration of machine agents
- [FEATURE] New user for transferring files from client machine to pulse main server
- [BUGFIX] Improve installer when run in restricted powershell policies
- [BUGFIX] Fix linux installer
- [BUGFIX] Fix and improve configuration of remote desktop protocols
v2.0.8 (2020-04-28)
v2.0.7 (2020-04-09)
- [BUGFIX] Improve the handling of errors in the installer
- [BUGFIX] Auto-correct deployment errors that can be corrected
- [BUGFIX] Fix agent errors linked to internal servers and named pipes
- [FEATURE] Optimize the size of the installers
- [FEATURE] Pulldirect is now default method if push fails
v2.0.6 (2020-03-25)
- [BUGFIX] Review messages sent to the logger
- [BUGFIX] Fix Agent Details quick action where the image is not generated
- [BUGFIX] Fix Agent Details quick action where the image is not generated
- [FEATURE] Allow autoupdate by relay servers instead of main pulse in multisite setups
- [FEATURE] Define additional statuses for deployments
- [FEATURE] Allow to have more debug information for specific machines only
- [FEATURE] Define intervals for calculating fingerprints and reloading plugins
v2.0.5 (2020-02-27)
- [FEATURE] Integration of logger and deployment substitutes
- [BUGFIX] Fix sockets that are stuck in TIME_WAIT state
- [BUGFIX] Force configuration of guacamole if no connection present
v2.0.4 (2020-02-17)
- [FEATURE] Integration of assessor and registration substitutes
v2.0.3 (2019-12-19)
- [BUGFIX] Fix problem where agent stops after cycling through the alternate connections if no server is available
- [BUGFIX] Fix agent configuration when Pulse server is not available when configurator runs
- [BUGFIX] Fixe error search last name user on windows
v2.0.2 (2019-12-03)
- Improve use of pulse/pulseuser for file transfert
v2.0.1 (2019-06-28)
- [Feature] Enable substitute agents by default
- [Feature] Allow to limite transfert rate when using syncthing
- [Feature] Add Glpi substitute support
- [Feature] Allow to use pullrsync without package server
- [BUGFIX] Improve syncthing support and API
- [BUGFIX] Fix default creation of syncthing config.xml file
v2.0.0 (2019-03-12)
- [FEATURE] Allow scp and rsync transfers in Pull mode
- [FEATURE] Peer deployment
- [FEATURE] Allow install of plugin if a specific version of client is met
- [FEATURE] Remove all deployments on restart of relay agent
- [BUGFIX] Reconnect to XMPP server on lost connection
- [BUGFIX] Check if all necessary python modules are installed before loading agent image
- [BUGFIX] Use database connections pool to reduce load on database
- [BUGFIX] Fix the release of resources after a deployment
- [BUGFIX] Fix generation of random deployment session names
- [FEATURE] Push method (scp or rsync) can be configured in relay server
- [BUGFIX] Fix cleaning of deployments which have been aborted
- [BUGFIX] Fix detection of VNC configuration
- [BUGFIX] Fix management of default directory in file transfer
- [BUGFIX] Fix decoding of command string
- [BUGFIX] Fix management of sessions
- [BUGFIX] Fix alternative connection when a server of the cluster goes down
- [BUGFIX] Make use of an external program for generating the filetree
- [FEATURE] Allow a deployment to be spooled in priority
- [FEATURE] Allow the use of a .local config file
- [BUGFIX] Fix time in logs
- [BUGFIX] Fix advanced deployment on groups
- [BUGFIX] Fix VNC permissions via quick action
- [FEATURE] Autoupdate of agent
- [FEATURE] Force reconfiguration of agent
- [BUGFIX] Fix editing configuration files in client machine
- [BUGFIX] Fix detection of network changes
- [FEATURE] Addition of an inventory step after deployment
- [BUGFIX] Fix edition of config files
- [BUGFIX] Fix encoding for remote console
- [BUGFIX] Fix encoding for commands run on Windows
- [Bugfix] Fix backslash management for bat and ps1 scripts on Windows
- [Bugfix] Fix encoding of adorgbyuser
- [Bugfix] Fix encoding in remote shell
- [Bugfix] Fix detection of remote protocols in Linux
- [Bugfix] Add relayconf.ini.in in pulse-xmpp-agent package
- [Feature] Possibility to set options in agent config file from Pulse
- [Feature] Possibility to edit config file from Pulse
- [Bugfix] Fix detection of remote protocols using psutil
- [Bugfix] Check that AD is compliant before using it
- [Bugfix] Make sure the proper version of python is used on macOS
- [Bugfix] Fix shutdown command on macOS
- [Bugfix] Fix unzipping of files in grafcetdeploy
- [Bugfix] Fix detection of netmask for MacOS
- [Feature] Update scheduler plugins automatically
- Action for changing VNC parameters to toggle user approval request before connecting
- Fix reading of registry keys on Windows machines
- Improve scheduling of automatic inventories
- New actions for packaging
- Option to shutdown or reboot machine after deployment