- First release on PyPI.
- Multiple bug fixes
- Accepts Numpy arrays
- State factor for easy creation of material states
- State can now be set when initializing
- Expanded the base material properties
- Added support for Jupyter Markdown, LaTeX and HTML representation
- Removed the need for a metaclass
- Observer pattern implemented as Chainable class
- Guarded descriptor added
- Modular materials, allows for mix and match of different models
- Two-domain-Tait-pvt added
- Cross-Arrhenius model added
- property models, functions and values are cited by source
- Couple of bug-fixes
- dir shows only user variables
- Interpolated function added (measurement data, can now be used)
- Serialization using dill is now possible
- repr string simplified
- Cross-WLF model added
- Some example materials added: PLA, PLA-TPU, PLA-TPS
- Added multiple thermal properties
- Bug fix citations