With React Native, you have 2 options of integrating Maestro SDK:
- via React Native library (explained in this page)
- via native Android and iOS libraries (explained separately for Android and iOS)
To integrate SDK into your React Native app using a React Native library, follow these simple steps:
To add a Maestro SDK dependency, first run:
npm install maestro-rn-sdk
Afterwards, if your app supports iOS, make sure that iOS CocoaPods are updated by navigating to the iOS folder and installing them:
cd ios
pod install
We would need a project ID in the next step. To get a project id, you would need to sign-in into your Maestro cloud account (or create a free acount if you don't have one already) by running the following commands:
maestro login
Once you are logged in, run this command to get a project id:
maestro mockserver projectid
Initialize the SDK as soon as your application is created. Simply add the following to your root App
import { setup } from 'maestro-rn-sdk';
export default function App() {
React.useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
await setup('projectId')
}, []);
// ... rest of your app component, as usual
The SDK is ready to be used! Check out some of the common use cases that SDK supports:
{% content-ref url="../maestro-mock-server/" %} maestro-mock-server {% endcontent-ref %}