This page discusses building and installing HTCondor from source code. There are many options for installing pre-compiled binaries, which are generally easier and faster, those are documented in the manual
Building using a container with dependencies and compilers preinstalled:
There are many dependencies that must be installed before compiling the HTCondor source code. These change from time to time, so any document is likely to be out of date. The official binaries are built inside containers which are kept up to date. So, the easiest way to build HTCondor from source is using one of these containers. The list of these containers is located in the source code
Picking one for example, docker://htcondor/nmi-build:x86_64_Ubuntu22-23000100
which is surely out of date by the time you are reading this:
Launch the build container (without the docker:// prefix):
docker run --rm=true --user condor -t -i htcondor/nmi-build:x86_64_Ubuntu22-23000100 /bin/bash
Inside the container, cd into your home directory, and git clone the source code:
cd /tmp
git clone
Note that we don't support building inside the source tree, HTCondor can only
be built with an out-of-tree build directory. So, After the code is
downloaded, make a __build directory (note that the source code already has a
directory named build
, so that can't be used). Then use that directory to
configure cmake and launch the build:
cd htcondor
mkdir __build
cd __build
cmake ..
make -j 8 install
OR, if you want to build an RPM or .deb file, run the following inside the container:
cd /tmp
git clone
mkdir __build
cd __build
OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 ../htcondor/ ../htcondor
And that's it! Enjoy!
If you'd like to build outside of a container, on raw hardware, then several dependencies will need to be installed. HTCondor often requires a newer version of the system compiler than ships with older distributions, so the devtoolset compiler may need to be installed. For a complete list of these dependencies, we recommand looking at the dockerfile we use to build the container above, this script generates those.
Install your tools (make sure to have their paths added to system path)
- a) Visual Studio
- b) Perl
- c) Python (if python bindings are desired) (3.4+ version is fine)
- d) CMake
- e) Git
- f) Wix (if you wish to craft installer msi file)
- g) 7-zip
Configure your environment
- a) You can invoke any shell you wish but make sure that the paths
to the tools are available. Additionally you should add an additional
path (b) for building in Windows. These can be added after the source
code is on the system since the paths are relative to the condor source.
- I use the command prompt shell provided with Visual Studio installation. This sets up the paths to the Visual Studio toolsets automatically. e.g.
"C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Visual Studio 2012\Visual Studio Tools\Developer Command Prompt for VS2012.lnk"
- b)Add <PATH_TO_CONDOR_SRC>\condor\msconfig to path
- a) You can invoke any shell you wish but make sure that the paths
to the tools are available. Additionally you should add an additional
path (b) for building in Windows. These can be added after the source
code is on the system since the paths are relative to the condor source.
Get the source code.
- a) in an environment shell change directories to where you would like the condor folder created by the git clone command.
- b) clone the condor repository
git clone
This will take a while and once done you will have the condor source tree in the current working directory.
- remember to add the condor\msconfig to your path
build condor HTCondor only supports out of source builds
- a) Out of source builds preserves the source tree and creates all files out side of the source tree
- cd to within the condor folder and set _condor_sources environment variable
cd condor set _condor_sources=%CD%
- Make a directory somewhere else you would like to build and cd there
md c:\src\build_dest cd /d c:\src\build_dest
- Generate the Visual Studio solution files with CMake
cmake CMakeLists.txt -G "Visual Studio 11 2012" %_condor_sources%
- b) Build condor
- within the IDE
- a) Launch Visual Studio editor and open the CONDOR.sln
- b) Select the build type Debug or RelWithDebInfo (Release is being deprecated)
- c) Choose the All_BUILD project
- d) build
- with the command line
- a) With devenv
devenv CONDOR.sln /Build RelWithDebInfo or devenv CONDOR.sln /Build Debug
- b) With msbuild
msbuild CONDOR.sln /t:ALL_BUILD /p:Configuration:RelWithDebugInfo or msbuild CONDOR.sln /t:ALL_BUILD /p:Configuration:Debug
- a) Out of source builds preserves the source tree and creates all files out side of the source tree
Creating installer An msi style installer can be created with included scripts and with the aid of the Wix tools.
- a) Copy the build sources to an installer staging area with cmake. (this will create a directory
cmake -DBUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=c:\src\installer\release_dir -P cmake_install.cmake
- b) Change directory to the copied location and run the do_wix.bat batch file
cd c:\src\installer\release_dir etc\WiX\do_wix.bat %CD% c:\src\installer\Condor_installer.msi
- a) Copy the build sources to an installer staging area with cmake. (this will create a directory