As a first option you can use rake build
which will produce all the steps described before
After you build package locally and happy with result - commit changes to IBS instance.
Install the needed libraries:
sudo bundle install
At first you need to build the gem:
> gem build suse-connect.gemspec
This gem can already be installed and used. To create a RPM from this gem you need to create the .spec file:
> cp suse-connect-*.gem package/
> cd package
> gem2rpm -l -o SUSEConnect.spec -t SUSEConnect.spec.erb suse-connect-*.gem
To create the man page do:
> ronn --roff --manual 'SUSEConnect' --pipe ../ > SUSEConnect.1 && gzip SUSEConnect.1
To build the package:
> osc -A build SLE_12 x86_64 --no-verify