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188 lines (142 loc) · 5.62 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (142 loc) · 5.62 KB


Block for Volto to display events from an iCal/ics file in a FullCalendar.


Listing block variation for Event-ish content-types

  • Display content-types with behavior plone.eventbasic within a listing block as calendar (for customization see below)
  • In order to display recurrent events, you need to add a catalog index and metadata column:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="portal_catalog">
    <index name="recurrence" meta_type="FieldIndex">
        <indexed_attr value="recurrence"/>
    <column value="recurrence"/>

More details checkout the following link:

Calendar block for remote events

  • Specifiy an URL to an .ics/.iCal file -> Contained events are displayed in the calendar using FullCalendars iCalendar plugin

Configure FullCalendar toolbar via block settings


Customize FullCalendar options

If you want to add props to the FullCalendar component (see:, you can specify them in this config entry:

config.settings.fullcalendar = {
  additionalOptions: {

Example: Custom event renderer to display descriptions as popups


import { Popup } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import '@plone/volto/config';

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.settings.fullcalendar = {
    additionalOptions: {
      eventContent: (eventInfo) => {
        const MAX_LEN = 500;
        const description =
          (eventInfo.event.extendedProps?.description || '').length > MAX_LEN
            ? eventInfo.event.extendedProps.description.slice(0, MAX_LEN) +
              ' ...'
            : eventInfo.event.extendedProps.description;
        return (
            <div className="fc-event-time">{eventInfo.timeText}</div>
            {description ? (
                  <div className="fc-event-title">{eventInfo.event.title}</div>
            ) : (
              <div className="fc-event-title">{eventInfo.event.title}</div>
  return config;

Customize listing block variation

Only items which have an attribute start will translate into calendar entries. (You can enable the behavior plone.eventbasic if you want this for your custom content-type.)

If you need to perform some data transformation before passing the listing items into the FullCalendar, you can build a wrapper around the listing component of this addon, like that:

  1. Adapt tsconfig.js:
  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "@mbarde/volto-fullcalendar-block-original": [
  1. Create src/customizations/@mbarde/volto-fullcalendar-block/components/manage/Blocks/Listing/FullCalendar.jsx (see
/* EXAMPLE Wrapper around the original component to transform offers into events.
   (One offer can have multiple dates.)   
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-unresolved
import FullCalendarListingOrig from '@mbarde/volto-fullcalendar-block-original/components/manage/Blocks/Listing/FullCalendar';

const FullCalendarListing = ({ items, ...props }) => {
  const allEvents = items.flatMap((item) => {
    if (item['@type'] !== 'Offer') return item;
    let itemEvents = item.offer_dates.items
      .filter((od) => od.start && od.end)
      .map((od) => {
        return {
          '@id': item['@id'],
          title: item.title,
          description: item.description,
          start: od.start,
          end: od.end,
    return itemEvents;
  return <FullCalendarListingOrig items={allEvents} {...props} />;

export default FullCalendarListing;

(Wrapper imports the original component and passes the transformed items array as property to it.)


Add volto-fullcalendar-block to your Volto project

  1. Make sure you have a Plone backend up-and-running at http://localhost:8080/Plone

    For example Docker container via command:

    docker run --name plone -p 8080:8080 -e SITE=Plone -e PROFILES="profile-plone.restapi:blocks" plone
  2. Start Volto frontend

  • If you already have a volto project, just update package.json:

    "addons": [
    "dependencies": {
        "@mbarde/volto-fullcalendar-block": "*"
  • If not, create one:

    npm install -g yo @plone/generator-volto
    yo @plone/volto my-volto-project --addon @mbarde/volto-fullcalendar-block
    cd my-volto-project
  1. Install new add-ons and restart Volto:

    yarn start
  2. Go to http://localhost:3000


Expects Volto to run on http://localhost:3000 by default (see cypress.json).

Run tests: yarn cypres:run