how to make a good swf:
align every symbol to the top left (you can convert layers to symbol and then align to top left by stage and then break apart but the special version)
go to the properties of a movieclip (if it isnt a movieclip then make it one) and then click on advanced
then in the actionscript linkage section click Export for ActionScript
you can call the class whatever you want, it wont have any special characters. whatever you put as the class name will be the symbol name you use when adding an animation
you can also select multiple symbols at once and export for actionscript and they will all get a default name (the symbol name without spaces and special characters) you can still input the unformatted name and the library will automatically format it (also idk if export in frame 1 makes a difference but check that just in case UPDATE: IT MATTERS.. CHECK IT AS.. YES.. PLEASE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)