- fix: support nested virtuals #43 rdougan
- fix: skip non-existent virtuals when passing a list of virtual names to
- fix: make
tracking support case where array of subdocs contains primitives #41
- fix: avoid WeakMap error when using arrays with
elements #41
- feat: add top-level
function that lets you get the subdocument's parent even though the subdoc is lean #40
- fix: avoid TypeError when there are multiple discriminators #39
- fix: apply virtuals in doubly nested document arrays #38
- fix build for node v6 and v4
- fix: discriminators when the query result is an array #37 #36 FERNman
- fix: avoid infinite recursion on recursive schemas with virtuals #33
- fix: allow explicitly selecting subdocument virtuals #35 #34 ChrisLahaye
- fix: skip checking discriminators if result is null #32
- fix: correctly pass existing field value to applyGetters #31 makinde
- fix: get virtuals from discriminator schema if discriminator key set #30 makinde
- feat: attach lean virtuals to result of
#29 isaacdecoded
- fix: use post order traversal so child schema virtuals are set before parent schema #28
- fix: check for empty path #26 thoglen
- fix: avoid trying to virtualize undefined doc #24 AlexandreGymlib
- fix: handle virtuals in nested schemas with find() #22
- fix: support Mongoose 5.x cursors #21
- feat: support virtuals in nested schemas #20
- fix: support
in virtual options #19 linusbrolin
- fix: attach all virtuals as opposed to just one #14 artemkobets
- fix: fix one more issue with
#12 nico29
- fix: support Mongoose cursor's
- docs: link to new docs site on plugins.mongoosejs.io
- fix: delay checking virtuals until the middleware for 5.0 support #6