Arduinopinic is a front-end which will allow you to manage all your Aquaponic system.
This front-end is based on Django server and designed with Bootstrap 4.
The front-end is communicating with the various sensors through the Arduinopinic daemon which is developed in python. This repository only includes installation script which will clone the various Arduinopinic repositories.
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo raspi-config
sudo apt-get install git -y
git clone
cd install_Arduinopinic/
chmod 777
The installation package will set up two systemd services. To get information about these services, use the following commands:
systemctl status APC_daemon.service
systemctl status APC_django.service
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.