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What a nice challenge !

In this docs2 challenge, you get 1337 doc files. Once again, you're asked to enable macro.

1 Macro per day is okay ...

So, let's look to some macroses in some random files, they all look like :

Private Sub Document_Open()
If ActiveDocument.Variables("zJTxqS").Value <> "wadoz" Then
ActiveDocument.Variables("zJTxqS").Value = "wadoz"
If ActiveDocument.ReadOnly = False Then
End If
End If
End Sub

in file: pkg/lab_1_file.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/FfwMwxA'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Private Function sUPofBHPpg(BJcRgNedRY As Variant, SSUsYPSWRa As Integer)
Dim PkQzVmeRsW, vNyQDXSsCa As String, hrBvomJTpj, bbSHicjpnn
vNyQDXSsCa = ActiveDocument.Variables("zJTxqS").Value()
PkQzVmeRsW = ""
hrBvomJTpj = 1
While hrBvomJTpj < UBound(BJcRgNedRY) + 2
bbSHicjpnn = hrBvomJTpj Mod Len(vNyQDXSsCa): If bbSHicjpnn = 0 Then bbSHicjpnn = Len(vNyQDXSsCa)
PkQzVmeRsW = PkQzVmeRsW + Chr(Asc(Mid(vNyQDXSsCa, bbSHicjpnn + SSUsYPSWRa, 1)) Xor CInt(BJcRgNedRY(hrBvomJTpj - 1)))
hrBvomJTpj = hrBvomJTpj + 1
sUPofBHPpg = PkQzVmeRsW
End Function
Public Function GJmLhJxtSqFSSGx()
mXHYDYcv = sUPofBHPpg(Array(27, 30, 5, 1, 8, 11, 13, 92, 10, 29, 25, 85, 34, 17, 32, 16, 12, 46, 6, 15, 22, _
34, 73, 124, 45, 1, 23, 35, 13, 21, 40, 0, 7, 17, 72, 42, 45, 16, 18), 561)
BEChyIOD = sUPofBHPpg(Array(33, 27, 59, 57, 23, 123, 57, 36, 40, 53, 21, 72, 32, 25, 38, 35, 25, 26, 119, 20, 41, _
118, 15, 23, 49, 16, 119, 114, 114, 122, 36, 15, 18, 9, 22, 66, 117, 120, 0, 14, 57, _
0, 56, 41, 22, 54, 77, 24, 109, 36, 112, 43, 51, 35, 43, 37, 15, 37, 27, 22, 117, _
1, 56, 27, 37, 119, 112, 36, 9, 26, 42, 117, 27, 8, 1, 28, 57, 11, 7, 6, 48, _
59, 15, 20, 121, 48, 76, 34, 25, 84, 32, 15, 14, 4, 10, 54, 12, 54, 2, 52, 14, _
4, 37, 45, 43, 53, 37, 16, 13, 33, 14, 119, 18, 27, 56, 0, 4, 14, 42, 4, 38, _
47, 22, 55, 36, 23, 98, 0, 54, 62, 5, 22, 23, 21, 36, 13, 48, 114, 40, 2, 36, _
5, 119, 50, 16, 22, 112, 10, 49, 117, 51, 45, 59, 23, 3, 48, 24, 41, 22, 18, 58, _
44, 56, 85, 46, 112, 11, 3, 28, 48, 21, 0, 46, 113, 119, 43, 40, 100, 16, 46, 39, _
36, 124, 47, 29, 37, 15, 15, 40, 0, 15, 47, 16, 39, 118, 87, 8, 43, 97, 55, 49, _
48, 27, 49, 19, 112, 34, 19, 63, 56, 47, 52, 12, 2, 13, 115, 44, 53, 55, 31, 8, _
15, 114, 41, 43, 42, 38, 3, 39, 16), 13)
vXdDrhSV = sUPofBHPpg(Array(42, 23, 113, 4, 15, 2, 2, 34, 10, 11, 13, 30, 14, 9, 56, 0, 32, 119, 36, 120, 45, _
15, 57, 44, 3, 121, 33, 57, 40, 94, 39, 15, 42, 20, 124, 114, 46, 51, 114, 50, 61, _
52, 33, 20, 19, 47, 39, 2, 57, 53, 34, 52, 44, 38, 23, 49, 11, 116, 120, 45, 116, _
87, 51, 115, 49, 46, 3, 45, 113, 53, 50, 33, 9, 47, 34, 45, 51, 16, 46, 112, 113, _
46, 11, 37, 4, 51, 35, 12, 59, 6, 25, 121, 21, 107, 48, 10, 36, 34, 21, 27, 50, _
13, 22, 122, 73, 37, 122, 6, 41, 2, 53, 53, 120, 23, 44, 50, 52, 124, 121, 15, 57, _
23, 60, 6, 14, 62, 7, 119, 0, 50, 120, 41, 112, 86, 116, 51, 50, 20, 28, 22, 113, _
51, 114, 115, 49, 51, 19, 116, 0, 49, 2, 48, 8, 44, 58, 19, 112, 16, 32, 119, 42, _
47, 17, 15, 3, 119, 50, 19, 52, 55, 124, 53, 118, 23, 49, 117, 9, 3, 39, 15, 37, _
15, 27, 123, 2, 119, 57, 8, 116, 12, 34, 15, 37, 23, 47, 55, 26, 1, 51, 116, 57, _
27, 11, 18, 15, 116, 56, 32, 28, 49, 120, 49, 45, 14, 19, 49, 60, 5, 30, 42, 18, _
127, 39, 32, 39, 120, 33, 0, 10, 76), 331)
KWYNkLDy = sUPofBHPpg(Array(117, 117, 24, 40, 31, 117, 9, 17, 6, 24, 29, 117, 9, 51, 27, 105, 49, 38, 12, 120, 26, _
15, 34, 7, 44, 20, 124, 20, 15, 4, 12, 29, 25, 118, 3, 43, 117, 50, 119, 125, 114, _
60, 23, 50, 90, 40, 9, 22, 36, 57, 7, 46, 98, 11, 53, 21, 22, 60, 8, 11, 10, _
22, 46, 18, 56, 46, 18, 46, 59, 32, 115, 26, 51, 30, 105, 27, 37, 11, 123, 96, 22, _
46, 41, 2, 49, 34, 50, 121), 243)
VgafpjZU = mXHYDYcv + BEChyIOD + vXdDrhSV + KWYNkLDy
VBodWvPv = sUPofBHPpg(Array(99, 61, 107, 29, 44, 3, 60, 127), 600)
Dim Obj As Object
Set Obj = CreateObject(sUPofBHPpg(Array(5, 101, 47, 34, 28, 69, 76, 66, 106, 39, 49, 11, 59), 0))
Obj.Run VgafpjZU, 1
End Function

What we have here :

  • a variable with random name (zJTxqS here) which is used in the macro itself
  • a private function which does some xor stuff
  • a public function which call the private "crypto" func many times and, at the end, does a "CreateObject" and run it

This is basically the same kind of macro than docs1, easy enough to understand. The only issue ... you have 1337 of them.

... but three macroses brings problem

No way, I won't parse the 1337 ones by hand. What I decided to do is write some script to:

  • extract the macro
  • find variable name and extract the var
  • store the macro with it's variable in some file.

for each document !

Uno to the rescue

Uno is the name of LibreOffice API. Yes, there is an api, and yes, your LibreOffice can listen on some socket !

So first thing first , run libreoffice so that it listens on some socket:

$ soffice --headless --invisible --accept="socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"

Then, start python code. The code to contact the API is not really ... straightforward to understand, and is taken from various websites. Here it is :

def main():
    retVal = 0
    doc = None
    stdout = False

        stdout = True

        ctxLocal = uno.getComponentContext()
        smgrLocal = ctxLocal.ServiceManager

        resolver = smgrLocal.createInstanceWithContext(
                 "", ctxLocal )
        url = "uno:socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext"
        ctx = resolver.resolve( url )
        smgr = ctx.ServiceManager
        msp = ctx.getValueByName("/singletons/")
        sp = msp.createScriptProvider("")

        desktop = smgr.createInstanceWithContext("", ctx )

        cwd = systemPathToFileUrl( getcwd() )

        inProps = PropertyValue( "Hidden" , 0 , True, 0 ),

I'm not sure if these in/outProps are really needed, but it worked that way.

At this point, we have only opened a connection to our soffice instance. Then we open each document :

        wrong = []
        for index in range(1,1338):
            path = "lab_%s_file.doc" % index
                fileUrl = absolutize( cwd, systemPathToFileUrl(path) )
                doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL( fileUrl , "_blank", 0, inProps )

Nothing too magic here, just create full file path, and ask my instance to open it.

Parse document

So, now the document is opened, we need to:

  • Get the macro name. For this we get all macroses and remove the default ones
                # Find macro name
               	macro_name = list(doc.BasicLibraries.getByName('Project').getElementNames())
                if 'Module1' in macro_name:
                assert(len(macro_name) == 1)
                macro_name = macro_name[0]
                # print("Doc[%s] : Found macro name %s, fetch it" % (index, macro_name))

                # Get macro
                macro_code = doc.BasicLibraries.getByName('Project').getByName(macro_name)
                assert("ActiveDocument.Variables" in macro_code)
  • Get the variable with random name used in macro
                # Get User defined variable
                property_name = [ l for l in macro_code.split('\n') if "ActiveDocument.Variables" in l ][0].split('"')[1]
                assert(property_name != '')
                property_value = doc.getDocumentProperties().getUserDefinedProperties().getPropertyValue(property_name)
  • replace the macro variable with its value in vba
                macro_code = re.sub(re.compile("Active.*$", re.MULTILINE), '"%s"' % property_value, macro_code)
  • and save the macro in some file:
                with open('/tmp/%s.macro.vba' % index,'w') as output:

Nice. Now we have 1337 vba, but no idea how to exec it :/ I can't find a way to push and exec a macro in soffice through Uno.

So, once again, python to the rescue !

And now it goes insane

So, in docs1, I converted the vba macro to python ... by hand. No, I won't do it by hand for 1337 files, so let's script it. This is basically a find & replace function so that this dirty vba becomes some nice python :

def vba2py(payload):
    """ Convert the VBA macro to py
    res = []
    indent = 0
    inArray = False
    cur_func = None
    first_func = None
    first_func_count = 0
    last_func = None

    for l in payload.split('\n'):
        if not l:

        # Line without interest
        if 'Option' in l or 'Rem Attribute' in l:

        # Variable definition
        if 'Dim ' in l:
            l = l.replace('Dim ','')
            for sub_l in l.split(','):
                sub_l = re.sub(' As [^ ]+','',sub_l)
                res.append('%s%s = None' % ('    ' * indent, sub_l.lstrip()))

        if "CInt" in l:
            l = re.sub('CInt\(([^\)]+)\(([^\)]+)\)',r'int(\1[\2]',l)

        if 'Obj.Run' in l:
            l = "print(%s)" % l.split(' ')[1].replace(',','')
            res.append('%s%s' % ('    ' * indent, l.lstrip()))

        # if Ubound, replace by len(x) - 1
        if 'UBound' in l:
            l = re.sub(r'UBound\(([^\)]+)\)',r'len(\1) - 1 ', l)

        # Function definition
        if 'Private Function' in l or 'Public Function' in l:
            indent += 1
            l = re.sub('(Private|Public) Function ', 'def ',l)
            l = re.sub(' As [a-zA-Z]+','',l)
            cur_func = l.split(' ')[1].split('(')[0]
            if first_func is None:
                first_func = cur_func
            last_func = cur_func
            res.append(l.lstrip() + ':')

        # End of function / Loop, just de-indent of 1 level
        if 'End Function' in l:
            cur_func = None
            indent -= 1

        if 'Wend' == l:
            indent -= 1

        if cur_func is not None and cur_func in l:
            l = l.replace("%s = " % cur_func, "return ")

        # Ensure we don't indent more than once
        toIndent = False

		# Simple replace
        l = l.replace('Set Obj = ','')
        l = l.replace('CreateObject','print')
        l = l.replace('Mod','%')
        l = l.replace(' Xor ',' ^ ')
        l = l.replace('Chr','chr')
        l = l.replace('Asc','ord')
        l = l.replace('Len','len')

		# Manage single line if
        if ': If ' in l:
            lleft,lright = l.split(' If ')
            res.append('%s%s' % ('    ' * indent, lleft.lstrip().replace(':','')))
            res.append(re.sub(r' *([a-zA-Z]+).*Then ([^ ]+) = len\((.+)\)',r'%sif \1 == 0:\n%s\2 = len(\3)' % ('    ' * indent, '    ' * (indent +1)),lright))

        # match multiline stuff
        if l[-1] == '_':
            l = l[:-1] # Remove leading '_'

        if 'Mid(' in l:
            l = re.sub(r'Mid\(([^,]+), *([^,]+), *([0-9]+)\)', r'\1[\2-1:\2+\3-1]', l)

        if 'Array(' in l:
            l = l.replace('Array(','[')
            inArray = True

        # Close array if in Array
        if inArray and ')' in l:
            inArray = False
            l = l.replace(')',']',1)  # Change first parenthesis to array close

        # We need to get the 5th call to first_func to print it
        if first_func is not None and first_func in l:
            first_func_count += 1
            if first_func_count == 5:
                res.append("%s%s" % ('    ' * indent, l.lstrip()))
                position = l.split(' ')[0]
                res.append(('    ' * indent ) + 'print("POS:"+' + position + ')')

        # While loop
        if 'While' in l:
            l = l.replace('While','while')
            l += ':'
            toIndent = True

        res.append("%s%s" % ('    ' * indent, l.lstrip()))

        if toIndent:
            toIndent = False
            indent += 1

    res.append('%s()' % last_func)

Once we have this, we can also save our 1337 python files :

                with open('/tmp/' % index,'w') as output:

Run the pycros

So, then, we just run our 1337 macro files, and we see that most of the time we get a "POSITION" string printed, and sometimes a string like 'ONE', 'TWO' up to 'SEVENTEEN'. We just ignore the results with POSITION, and sort the others :

interesting = {}
for i in range(1,1338):
    out = str(subprocess.check_output("python3 /tmp/" % i, shell=True))
    if 'POSITION' in out:
        pos = out.split('\\n')[0].split(':')[-1]
        b64data = out.split('\n')[-1].split(' ')[-1].replace("'",'').replace('\\n','')
        data = base64.b64decode(b64data)
        interesting[pos] = data

print("## Step 3 : Print FLAG")

And here you get the flag, in ASCII art :)

For thoses who are interested, I put the full python script ;)