This protocol is based on the LoRa radio standard and the transmission is currently encrypted with boseji/xxtea-iot-crypt. The goal will be an asymmetric protocol like GPG. Attention has always been paid to low overhead, transmission security and energy saving. The three protocols in this section are for LoRa receive and transmit (non-application level).
Currently the frequency 868 MHz and 915 MHz are used, but in the future the frequency 433 MHz will also be usable. The frequencies are currently designed for the German area, but can be freely selected. Possible legal restrictions, such as the specified duty cycle and transmit power, can be taken into account, for example, using the Send quota and Send gain settings.
and [to]
in this section are realated to hardware-IDs, not application IDs.
[P1] and [P3] are not suitable for background processing on actors. Please also visit escape rules.
Send message with hashcode-check: Default protocol for e.g. Application messages.
, [current_packet]
, and [hashcode_msg]
are int-values.
Send short message without hashcode-check: Default protocol for e.g. Who is in my area? or Is available?
Setting [to]
to *
addresses all devices in the environment.
Send single message without hashcode-check: Default protocol for e.g. Respond to Who is in my area? and Is available?.