0.8.0 (2025-02-23)
- annoying spelling (5d0c096)
0.7.0 (2025-02-20)
0.6.0 (2025-01-28)
- azureai: Add support for azure open Ai (#377) (989c26a)
- use picocolors and tinyglobby and biome check fix (#375) (760e830)
- release-package workflow (e7cb470)
0.5.0 (2025-01-14)
0.4.0 (2025-01-12)
- use bun for bundling (159e2db)
0.3.0 (2025-01-12)
- comment with no feedback (c8b639a)
- lock file (d900fef)
0.2.0 (2025-01-12)
0.1.0 (2023-08-16)
- add demo prompt for code snippet (3bf76bf)
- docs on how to set up gitlab access token (a9643f2)
- make review function return feedback (c58fcee)
- pass OpenAIApiKey as a parameter in lambdas instead of taking from process.env (ba47456)
0.0.34 (2023-08-07)
- add back filter files in review (3aee4f7)
- Added PHP to languageMap (#110) (0de1790)
- authjs following nextjs 13 structure (2893313)
- authjs github login (7f02c16)
- automated release pipeline (#102) (1475c7d)
- bump package (4ec97a1)
- bump package (793ffa6)
- bump package (1925493)
- bump package (2e8b916)
- bump package (7b5d77a)
- bump version (f656a83)
- ci commenting (#2) (056b0f6)
- ci test (#41) (4734ef1)
- configure option (#14) (937fcd0)
- create some abstraction in llms (0a64bc4)
- debug logging and logging logic in ci, local and debug mode (#77) (a154cab)
- esbuild (026e134)
- feedback: limit the number of feedbacks to 5 feedbacks at most (b52441d)
- gh action (0be4bf1)
- gh action (6458144)
- header styling and linking to the repo (e8a1085)
- init (98990cb)
- keywords (47e804b)
- mask apiKey in prompt and add async functions (cc95720)
- move git commands in common folder out of review (b4bd034)
- new version (554f02a)
- nextjs app with sst (44d8f57)
- package bump (fce63cd)
- package push (b1b8703)
- published to npm (614e3c6)
- remove dead cod and refactor (506ced5)
- remove errors for no supported files (347821e)
- signoff (#6) (37c5daf)
- split up prompts (4e26f23)
- test: add test command and implement code snippet generation (1669305)
- update comments (#9) (c13c3fc)
- update readme (21bee1b)
- use tslog for logging (4d287ff)
- add id to release please ci step (29345e7)
- brackets in json (58e4b6a)
- bump package (db101e0)
- do not send changedLines in prompt (96475b3)
- exit when there is no file to review (81097f1)
- explicit exit code and return in review index (9bb8140)
- gitlab git command (4f19728)
- gitlab support improvements (#97) (a5c7d6b)
- log type (2a18fa6)
- max prompt length per model (#33) (fc45818)
- openai_api_key (915f806)
- permissions (91979c9)
- releases_created (#106) (4d18dbe)
- remove console.log (e28d1e5)
- remove debug workflows (c0a5c4b)
- remove unnecessary async in function (fa9db17)
- separate flags for review and configure (5cb8b69)
- use same format for all command and options formats (3971793)
- version number (41a723d)