- Merge pull request #15 from arjangeertsema/master
- pin deps and get node test suite working
- Fix for CVE-2024-21541
- no "postinstall", use "component-*" prefix on deps (#7, @TooTallNate)
- component, package: update deps
- add .jshintrc file
- index: s/iterator/Iterator/
- peak => peek
- index: do not throw an Error when given a falsey DOM node, and a root element
- test: remove
- BREAKING peak no longer chains.
- added it.next([expr], [n])
- add iterator context to select, reject
- tests passing in node
- added: it#select(expr) and it#reject(expr).
- BREAKING removed: it#filter(nodeType)
- added: iterator#revisit(revisit)
- BREAKING traverses closing tags by default
- added: root node
- added: it#closing(), it#opening(), it#atOpening(), it#atClosing()
- BREAKING removed: it#watch(expr, fn)
- added it#closing(visit)
- add: iterator#use(fn)
- added iterator#watch(expr, fn)
- added it#peak([n])
- Initial release