An drop-in modern alternative to sp_help.
Changes from the original include:
- Preferring printed messages over empty result sets for non-applicable data
- Including extended properties wherever possible
- Including create, modify, and more metadata about objects
- Referenced views are returned in two-part naming convention
Parameter | Type | Output | Description |
@ObjectName | SYSNAME(256) | no | Target object. Default is all objects. |
@ExtendedPropertyName | SYSNAME(256) | no | Key for extended properties on objects. Default is 'Description'. |
@SqlMajorVersion | TINYINT | no | Used for unit testing purposes only. |
@SqlMinorVersion | SMALLINT | no | Used for unit testing purposes only. |
Basic example:
EXEC sp_helpme 'Sales.Invoices';
For [Sales].[Invoices]
in WideWorldImporters:
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