A PHP package to make the Chronopost API easier to use.
- PHP 7.3, 8.0 or 9.0
composer require kozennnn/chronopost-api
The following code return all the available Chronopost Pickup points.
use Kozennnn\ChronopostAPI\ChronopostAPI;
$chronopost = new ChronopostAPI();
print_r($chronopost->getPickupPointsFromZipCode('44000')); // will print array with all the pickup points
The following code return the package tracking informations.
use Kozennnn\ChronopostAPI\ChronopostAPI;
$chronopost = new ChronopostAPI();
print_r($chronopost->trackPackage('FD633119313NZ')); // will print array with the package tracking informations.
php tests/ChronopostAPITest.php