Stage-1 Registered Report is available here:
Mazor, M., Moran, R., & Fleming, S. M. (2021). Metacognitive asymmetries in visual perception. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021(1), niab005
Stage-2 Registered Report is available here:
Mazor, M., Moran, R., & Fleming, S. M. (2021). Metacognitive asymmetries in visual perception. Neuroscience of Consciousness, 2021(1), niab005
Experiment 3a (line tilt, stimulus overlay mask).
Experiment 3b (line tilt, dollar signs mask).
Experiment 4 (line curvature).
Experiment 5 (cube orientation).
Experiment 6 (letter inversion).
exploratory Experiment 7 (detection of gratings in noise).
All raw data is available in the experiments subdirectory. For example, raw data from Experiment 1 is available in experiments/Experiment1/data/jatos_results_batch1.csv in csv format.
Data from discrimination trials is saved in the Confidence Database format (Rahnev et al., 2020) in the data subdirectory.
Our full analysis script, including the data used to generate the figures and the final report, is available in docs/asymmetry_RR2.rmd.
To run the analysis from your browser, . Once Rmarkdown opens, open the file binder/asymmetry_RR.rmd.
Then, clicking
would run the entire analysis pipeline and produce a report in html form. To see the report, make sure to enable pop-ups. By default, figures are loaded from memory instead of being generated by the code (for formatting reasons, e.g. including significance stars). However, the code that was used to generate the figures is all in the rmd file and can be uncommented.
A gitbook version of the final report is available here.