- Fix
units inNoteModel
class (Pull request #128)
- Bump lxml from 4.4.2 to 4.6.2 (Pull request #127)
- Fix flake8 path
- Added docker support (Pull request #107)
- Improved
setup (Pull request #118) - Dropped Python 2 support; users must to switch to Python 3.5 to 3.7 (Pull request #110)
- Stopped active Mac OSX support; users are encouraged to switch to
docker (Pull request #108) - Introduced code linting (Pull request #117)
- Introduced
(Pull request #121) - Created end-to-end tests for completeanalyzer and scoreconverter classes, running on docker environment (Pull request #120)
- Moved package to
and data tosample-data/
(Pull request #122) - Added Github issue templates (Pull request #101)
- Refactored the code (in particular metadata and score processing), which was previously ported from different makam analysis libraries in v0.11.0 (Pull requests #84 and #94)
- Introduced
to local automation and travis-ci (Pull request #94)
- Solved the problem with loading the makam/tonic estimation model from pickle (removed
dependency) (Pull request #91)
- Solved the pool error occurring in Essentia version 2.1-beta5-dev (Pull request #86 by Miguel García Casado)
- Added missing makam & tonic estimation model (Pull request #86)
- Made the package Python 3 compatible (Pull request #78)
- Ported all makam analysis libraries into tomato (Pull request #77)
- Updated SymbTr-extras to the latest version (v0.4.0)
- Corrected a bug when
input is not passed toScoreConversion.mu2_to_musicxml
- Integrated mu2 to MusicXML conversion (courtesy of Mogens Lundholm)
- Updated seyiranalyzer to the latest version (v1.2.0)
- Updated predominantmelodymakam to the latest version (v1.2.1)
- Added DOI
- Added Contributors
- Moved package version to tomato init file
- Minor changes in setup to fetch the version automatically from
- Integrated makam recognition
- Added training models precomputed from otmm_makam_recognition_dataset for tonicidentification and makam recognition
- Fizes a bug where method parameters setters of pitch distribution and makamrecognizer (stored in tow dictionaries) are failed to be set
- Incremented the version of morty in requirements
- Input and output filepaths are forced to UTF-8
- Plotter._plot_stable_pitches skips uncalculated stable pitches
- Carried get_lilypond_bin_path from scoreconverter to bin_caller
- Added licence info to the README
- Updated required packages to the latest releases
- Set system-wide installed LilyPond to default Linux configuration
- Added support for eyed3>=0.7.5
- Partial caller now handles MATLAB runtime errors
- Change on svg regex to match only notes
- Added stacklevel to the warnings
- The language is forced to en_US.utf8 in bincaller
- Changed the mappings in the svg files from ly to SymbTr-txt indices
- Refactored module and object names according to PEP8 conventions
- Fixed the broken imports from refactored packages
- Added CompleteAnalyzer class
- Refactored ParamSetter class to the abstract Analyzer class. It is inherited by all "Analyzer" classes.
- Improved partial processing when calling the main "analyze" method of each analysis class.
- "analyze" methods now have a (variable length) **kwargs input as the input features. These features are not computed and used in the subsequent analysis steps.
- Added
class - Added input parsing to
- Makam ,tonic, transposition and tempo information is annotated in
- Improved code quality
- All note indices in the outputs are fixed to 1-indexing according to the Symbtr-txt convention (not the pythonic 0-indexing).
- Updated requirements
- Improved verbosity and warnings
- Execution time of each step is printed if the verbose is True.
- Added audio metadata fetching from MusicBrainz using makammusicbrainz.
- Makam can be now obtained from the fetched audio metadata
- Updated the versions of ahenkidentifier and symbtrdataextractor
- Analysis can be run with partial success when some inputs are not available or some methods fails (Issue #24)
- Created IO, Plotter and ParamSetter classes
- Refactored the code to use the methods from above classes for shared processes
- All output variables are now in snake_case
- Better saving and loading
- Improved code quality
- Added joint audio-score analysis
- Minor improvement and bug fixes in SymbTrAnalyzer and AudioAnalyzer classes
- Added SymbTr-score analysis
- Simplified and improved the installation process
- Added audio analysis