diff --git a/dev/run-tests-jenkins b/dev/run-tests-jenkins
index 3076eb847b420..721f09be5be6d 100755
--- a/dev/run-tests-jenkins
+++ b/dev/run-tests-jenkins
@@ -19,67 +19,156 @@
# Wrapper script that runs the Spark tests then reports QA results
# to github via its API.
+# Environment variables are populated by the code here:
+#+ https://github.com/jenkinsci/ghprb-plugin/blob/master/src/main/java/org/jenkinsci/plugins/ghprb/GhprbTrigger.java#L139
# Go to the Spark project root directory
FWDIR="$(cd `dirname $0`/..; pwd)"
cd "$FWDIR"
+function get_jq () {
+ # Get jq so we can parse some JSON, man.
+ # Essential if we want to do anything with the GitHub API responses.
+ local JQ_EXECUTABLE_URL="http://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/linux64/jq"
+ echo "Fetching jq from ${JQ_EXECUTABLE_URL}"
+ curl --silent --output "$FWDIR/dev/jq" "$JQ_EXECUTABLE_URL"
+ local curl_status=$?
+ if [ $curl_status -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to get jq." >&2
+ return $curl_status
+ fi
+ chmod u+x "$FWDIR/dev/jq"
+function post_message () {
+ local message=$1
+ local data="{\"body\": \"$message\"}"
+ local HTTP_CODE_HEADER="HTTP Response Code: "
+ echo "Attempting to post to Github..."
+ local curl_output=$(
+ curl `#--dump-header -` \
+ --silent \
+ --user x-oauth-basic:$GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY \
+ --request POST \
+ --data "$data" \
+ --write-out "${HTTP_CODE_HEADER}%{http_code}\n" \
+ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
+ "$COMMENTS_URL" #> /dev/null #| "$FWDIR/dev/jq" .id #| head -n 8
+ )
+ local curl_status=${PIPESTATUS[0]}
+ if [ "$curl_status" -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Failed to post message to GitHub." >&2
+ echo " > curl_status: ${curl_status}" >&2
+ echo " > curl_output: ${curl_output}" >&2
+ echo " > data: ${data}" >&2
+ # exit $curl_status
+ fi
+ local api_response=$(
+ echo "${curl_output}" \
+ | grep -v -e "^${HTTP_CODE_HEADER}"
+ )
+ local http_code=$(
+ echo "${curl_output}" \
+ | grep -e "^${HTTP_CODE_HEADER}" \
+ | sed -r -e "s/^${HTTP_CODE_HEADER}//g"
+ )
+ if [ -n "$http_code" ] && [ "$http_code" -ne "201" ]; then
+ echo " > http_code: ${http_code}." >&2
+ echo " > api_response: ${api_response}" >&2
+ echo " > data: ${data}" >&2
+ fi
+ if [ "$curl_status" -eq 0 ] && [ "$http_code" -eq "201" ]; then
+ echo " > Post successful."
+ fi
+# GitHub doesn't auto-link short hashes when submitted via the API, unfortunately. :(
+# check PR merge-ability and check for new public classes
+ if [ "$sha1" == "$ghprbActualCommit" ]; then
+ merge_note=" * This patch **does not** merge cleanly!"
+ else
+ merge_note=" * This patch merges cleanly."
+ non_test_files=$(git diff master --name-only | grep -v "\/test" | tr "\n" " ")
+ new_public_classes=$(
+ git diff master ${non_test_files} `# diff this patch against master and...` \
+ | grep "^\+" `# filter in only added lines` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/^\+//g" `# remove the leading +` \
+ | grep -e "trait " -e "class " `# filter in lines with these key words` \
+ | grep -e "{" -e "(" `# filter in lines with these key words, too` \
+ | grep -v -e "\@\@" -e "private" `# exclude lines with these words` \
+ | grep -v -e "^// " -e "^/\*" -e "^ \* " `# exclude comment lines` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/\{.*//g" `# remove from the { onwards` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/\}//g" `# just in case, remove }; they mess the JSON` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/\"/\\\\\"/g" `# escape double quotes; they mess the JSON` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/^(.*)$/\`\1\`/g" `# surround with backticks for style` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/^/ \* /g" `# prepend ' *' to start of line` \
+ | sed -r -e "s/$/\\\n/g" `# append newline to end of line` \
+ | tr -d "\n" `# remove actual LF characters`
+ )
-function post_message {
- message=$1
- data="{\"body\": \"$message\"}"
- echo "Attempting to post to Github:"
- echo "$data"
+ if [ "$new_public_classes" == "" ]; then
+ public_classes_note=" * This patch adds no public classes."
+ else
+ public_classes_note=" * This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_:"
+ public_classes_note="${public_classes_note}\n${new_public_classes}"
+ fi
+ fi
- curl -D- -u x-oauth-basic:$GITHUB_OAUTH_KEY -X POST --data "$data" -H \
- "Content-Type: application/json" \
- $COMMENTS_URL | head -n 8
+# post start message
+ start_message="\
+ [QA tests have started](${BUILD_URL}consoleFull) for \
+ PR $ghprbPullId at commit [\`${short_commit_hash}\`](${COMMIT_URL})."
+ start_message="${start_message}\n${merge_note}"
+ # start_message="${start_message}\n${public_classes_note}"
+ post_message "$start_message"
-start_message="QA tests have started for PR $ghprbPullId."
-if [ "$sha1" == "$ghprbActualCommit" ]; then
- start_message="$start_message This patch DID NOT merge cleanly! "
- start_message="$start_message This patch merges cleanly. "
View progress: "
-post_message "$start_message"
-result_message="QA results for PR $ghprbPullId:
-if [ "$test_result" -eq "0" ]; then
- result_message="$result_message- This patch PASSES unit tests.
- result_message="$result_message- This patch FAILED unit tests.
-if [ "$sha1" != "$ghprbActualCommit" ]; then
- result_message="$result_message- This patch merges cleanly
- non_test_files=$(git diff master --name-only | grep -v "\/test" | tr "\n" " ")
- new_public_classes=$(git diff master $non_test_files \
- | grep -e "trait " -e "class " \
- | grep -e "{" -e "(" \
- | grep -v -e \@\@ -e private \
- | grep \+ \
- | sed "s/\+ *//" \
- | tr "\n" "~" \
- | sed "s/~/
- if [ "$new_public_classes" == "" ]; then
- result_message="$result_message- This patch adds no public classes
+# run tests
+ ./dev/run-tests
+ test_result="$?"
+ if [ "$test_result" -eq "0" ]; then
+ test_result_note=" * This patch **passes** unit tests."
- result_message="$result_message- This patch adds the following public classes (experimental):
- result_message="$result_message$new_public_classes"
+ test_result_note=" * This patch **fails** unit tests."
For more information see test ouptut:"
-post_message "$result_message"
+# post end message
+ result_message="\
+ [QA tests have finished](${BUILD_URL}consoleFull) for \
+ PR $ghprbPullId at commit [\`${short_commit_hash}\`](${COMMIT_URL})."
+ result_message="${result_message}\n${test_result_note}"
+ result_message="${result_message}\n${merge_note}"
+ result_message="${result_message}\n${public_classes_note}"
+ post_message "$result_message"
exit $test_result