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Releases: marklogic/ml-app-deployer


28 Feb 17:57
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All issues -


  • #237 and #238 Triggers and CPF resources can now be exported
  • #246 The RestTemplate used to connect to the Manage API can now be fully customized
  • #242 A warning is logged when a REST server is deployed with a custom url-rewriter that does not have "rest-api" in its URI
  • #239 The deployment of roles is optimized so that roles without any references to other roles are only created/updated once
  • Includes changes in the 3.5.0 release of ml-javaclient-util


09 Feb 02:14
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This is a bugfix release that addresses 2 bugs:

  • #236 Added property to control which databases Entity Services models are loaded into
  • #240 Two app servers with the same name but in different groups can now be created


26 Jan 23:38
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  • #232 mlAdminUsername/mlAdminPassword have been deprecated in favor of mlSecurityUsername/mlSecurityPassword, which more accurately conveys the meaning of the user - it doesn't have to be an admin user, it just needs to be a manage-admin user that also has the security role that is used for creating security resources via the Manage API
  • #224 Can now set a custom SSLContext and HostnameVerifier on the connections to ports 8001 and 8002
  • #228 New properties for defining resource properties to exclude and include in resource payloads
  • #225 Fix for deploying databases in the correct order
  • Improvements in 3.4.0 of ml-javaclient-util


10 Jan 03:05
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This release includes:

  • A bugfix in ml-javaclient-util
  • #223 mlModuleTimestampsPath can now be set to an empty string to disable the module timestamps file feature


02 Jan 01:09
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  • Multiple configuration directories are now supported - #219
  • Can now specify groups of hosts when configuring the location of forests - #217
  • Replica forests are now created on the hosts that primary forests are created on by default - #216
  • New property for specifying a pattern of modules to load - #220
  • Commands now log each directory that they look for but doesn't exist - #222
  • Improvements from ml-javaclient-util 3.3.0


03 Dec 18:43
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16 Nov 16:01
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Full list of issues at:


  • Now using the MarkLogic Client API version 4.0.2, which uses OkHttp instead of Jersey for HTTP connections
  • Comments in JSON payloads are now supported
  • Sub-database are properly supported
  • App servers can now be deployed to different groups
  • The number of threads used for loading modules can be customized via a property
  • The default triggers database can have its name altered via a property
  • Includes changes in ml-javaclient-util 3.1.0


03 Sep 23:36
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This is a major release with some breaking changes from the 2.x baseline.

Full list of issues:


  1. The 3.0.0 release of ml-javaclient-util has a few breaking changes in it; please read those release notes carefully.
  2. It's mentioned in the ml-javaclient-util notes, but it bears repeating - Java 8 is now required.
  3. The classes under "com.marklogic.mgmt.(resource name)" were repackaged to com.marklogic.mgmt.resource.(resource name)".
  4. Every DatabaseClient is now constructed with a SecurityContext, as the 4.x baseline of marklogic-client-api deprecated the Authentication object. One benefit from this is Kerberos and Certificate authentication are now fully supported.
  5. New properties for specifying resource filenames to exclude/include - mlResourceFilenamesToExcludeRegex, mlResourceFilenamesToIncludeRegex
  6. New App-Services connection properties - mlAppServicesAuthentication, mlAppServicesCertFile, mlAppServicesCertPassword, mlAppServicesExternalName, mlAppServicesSimpleSsl
  7. New Admin connection property - mlAdminSimpleSsl
  8. New Manage connection property - mlManageSimpleSsl
  9. New REST API connection properties - mlRestCertFile, mlRestCertPassword, mlRestExternalName
  10. Can now specify forests per host via mlForestsPerHost


07 Aug 21:23
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All issues:


  • A triggers database is no longer created by default. The initial assumption was an application would almost always need a triggers database, but since this isn't always the case and it's so simple to set one up, this property is now false by default.
  • Alerts, CPF, temporal config, and view schemas can now be deployed easily to any database, not just the content database.
  • Roles are now automatically sorted during deployment based on dependencies; role files don't need to be ordered based on their filename now.
  • Roles that refer to themselves can now be deployed.
  • New command for deleting modules to support Roxy's concept of not deploying test modules to certain environments
  • Amps can be exported
  • The app services user - for talking to port 8000 - can be customized


21 Jun 17:59
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