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Workflow Reporter

A GitHub app to report failed workflow job actions and notify PR creator with custom report messages for failed task
34 installs


Free Reporting plan available.

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A GitHub app to report failed workflow job actions and notify the pull request creator with custom report message from the configuration file located at .github/workflow-reporter.yml.


  1. Install the bot in the intended repositories. The plugin requires the following permissions and events:
  • Pull requests: Read & Write
    [x] check the box for Pull Request events
  • Issues: Read & Write
    [x] check the box for Issue events
  • Content: Read
    [x] check the box for Content events
  1. Add a .github/workflow-reporter.yml file that contains custom report message for each workflow's job steps:
    Visit divshekhar/workflow-reporter and get the template of the configuration file.

  2. Now when the app has been installed with the proper configuration file added in the .github directory, the bot will start reporting whenever the workflow job step fails. The bot will also tag the pull request creator and notify with all the necessary details about the job failure.


Plans and pricing

Free version of workflow reporter
  • Supports GitHub workflows

Next: Confirm your installation location

Workflow Reporter is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation


A GitHub app to report failed workflow job actions and notify PR creator with custom report messages for failed task
34 installs


Free Reporting plan available.